Exhibit - Lewisboro Ledger
Exhibit - Lewisboro Ledger
Peter D. Hoffman, Esq. Attorney for Plaintiff 200 Katonah Ave Katonah, NY 10526 (914) 232-2242 SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW YORK WESTCHESTER COUNTY Kristin M. Peterson, NDEX NO.: Plaintiffs, SUMMONS -againstKatonah Lewisboro School District; Katonah Lewisboro School District Board of Education, Paul Kreutzer, Superintendent of Schools, Katonah Lewisboro School District, in his individual and corporate capacity; Connie Hayes, Director of Special Services, Katonah Lewisboro School District, in her individual and corporate capacity; Jessica Godin, a Principal of Katonah Elementary School, in her individual and corporate capacity; unknown agents and assigns of Katonah Lewisboro School District, Defendant To: Katonah Lewisboro School District, Katonah Lewisboro School District Board of Education, Paul Kreutzer, Connie Hayes, Jessica Godin, YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to answer the Complaint in this action and to serve a copy of your Answer, or, jf the Complaint is not served with this Summons, to serve a Notice of Appearaoca, on the undersigned Attomeys for Plaintiffs within 20 days after tbe service of this Summons, exclusive of the day of service (or within 30 days after the service is complete if this Summons is not personally delivered to you within the State of New York); and in case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded herein. The basis of the venue designated is based upon CPLR § 503 (a), the residence of Plaintiff Kristin Peterson. ADDRESS OF DEFENDANT: Katonah Lewisboro School District P.O. Box 387 Katonah, NY 10536 Dated: November 29, 2012 Katonah, NY Law Office of Peter D. Hoffman, P.C. By: $,,-1.) cj'-AU/lA .< Giulia Frasca, Esq. Law Office of Peter D. Hoffman, PC Attorneys for Plaintiff 200 Katonah Avenue Katonah, NY 10536 (914) 232-2242 ----~.-- Peter D. Hoffman, Esq. Giulia Frasca, Esq. law Office of Peter D. Hoffman, P.C. Attorneys for Plaintiffs 200 Katonah Ave. Katonah, NY 10536 (914) 232-2242 SUPREME COURT OF NEW YORK WESTCHESTER COUNTY Kristin M. Peterson, Plaintiffs, INDEX NO.: COMPLAINT -againstKatonah Lewisboro School District; Katonah Lewisboro School District Board of Education, Paul Kreutzer, Superintendent of Schools, Katonah Lewisboro School DistriCt, in his individual and corporate capacity; Connie Hayes, Director of Special Services, Katonah Lewisboro Schoo District, in her individual and corporate capacity; Jessica Godin, as Principal of Katonah Elementary School, in her individual and corporate capacity; unknown agents and assigns of Katonah Lewisboro School District, Defendants COMPLAINT INTRODUCTION AND NATURE OF ACTION 1. Plaintiff Kristin Peterson's (hereinafter "Peterson" or "Plaintiff") claims arise out of a most egregious form of discriminatory conduct perpetrated on Plaintiff by Defendants Katonah LewisbOr<l School District (hereinafter "KLSD"), KlSD Board of Page I of 46 Education (hereinafter 'KLSDBOE"), Paul Kreutzer, Superintendent of Schools, KLSD (hereinafter "Kreutzer"), in his individual and corporate capacity, Connie Hayes, Director of Special Services, KLSD (hereinafter "Hayes"), in her individual and corporate capacity, unknown agents and assigns of KLSD. Plaintiff was subjected to unlawful discrimination in her employment as based on her age, gender, disability and in retaliation for Peterson's advocacy on behalf of special needs students in her charge. Plaintiff's claims include but are not limited to prima facie tort, intentional infliction of emotional distress, defamation, negligent supervision, negligent hiring, retaliation, hostile work environment, discrimination based on disability, discrimination based on gender, violations of civil rights under both the state and federal law, violation of her civil rights as pursuant to New York Executive Law § 296, et seq., violation of her civil rights as pursuant to New York Labor Law § 215, New York Labor Law § 740, violation of her civil rights as pursuant to Americans With Disabilities Act, 42 USCS § 12203, violation of her civil rights as pursuant to False Claims Act, 31 USCA § 3729, et. seq., New York False Claims Act § 187, et. seq. and Constructive Discharge. Plaintiff, by her attomeys, Law Office of Peter D. Hoffman, P.C., complaining of Defendants, alleges as follows: PARTIES 2. Plaintiff Peterson is a resident of North Whtte Plains, NY with a place of residence at 51} McDougal Drive, North White Plains, NY 10603. Peterson is a female over the age of forty with a disabitity who was hired as a social worker by Defendant KLSD in 1997. See Exhibit "A, "Resume' of Kristin Peterson. FHlm 1997 to the present, Peterson worked at KLSD as an elemental)' and middle school social worker. In Fall Page 2 of 46 2011, she was falsely accused of mishandling a special needs child in her charge and was reassigned to the District Office and then to her home. See Exhibit, "B," Letter from Carol Ann Lee to Peterson Reassigning Her to Home Duty dated October 21, 2011. On January 26, 2012, she returned to work under the threat that a false, retaliatory and injurious Holt letter would be placed in her file. See Exhibit "C," Letter from Carol Ann Lee to Peterson Instructing Her to Return to Work Dated January 25,2012. 3. Defendant KLSD is a local school district situated in a suburban community of 21,000 people located in Westchester County, NY. The school district serves students living within the towns of Cross River, Goldens Bridge, Katonah, Lewisboro, North Salem, Pound Ridge, Purdys, South Salem, Waccabuc and Vista. Its administrative offices are located at P.O. Box 387, Katonah, NY 10536. 4. Defendant KLSD BOE is the board of education for the above mentioned KLSD, located at P.O. Box 387, Katonah, NY 10536. The KLSD BOE members include: Mark Lipton, Charles Day, Peter Breslin, Janet Harckham, Marjorie Schiff, Stephanie Tobin and Peter Treyz. 5. Dr. Paul Kreutzer is the Superintendent of Schools for KLSD. 6. Connie Hayes is the Director of Special Services at KLSD. 7. Unknown and unnamed agents and assigns of KLSD were also involved in this matter. AI all relevant times Unknown Defendant agents and assigns were acting under color of state law and within the scope of their capacity as employees of KLSD. Page 3-of 46 JURISDICTION 7. Jurisdiction of this court is invoked pursuant to Plaintiffs' place of residence being 50 McDougal Drive, North Whtte Plains, NY 10603. FACTS PERSONAL HISTORY AND EXPERIENCE 8. Plaintiff Peterson currently is employed as a social worker by Defendant KLSD. Her claims stem from a pattern and practice of discriminatory behavior perpetrated upon her by Defendants, their agents and assigns. 9. With regard to academic experience, Peterson attended the College of New Rochelle where she received a B.S.W. in 1988. 10. She then attended the New York University (NYU) Ehrenkranz School of Social Work where she obtained an M.S.W. in 1989. 11. She also is a Ph.D. candidate in Clinical Social Work from the Ehrenkranz School of Social Work at New York University. 12. From 1994-1997 she was a field work instructor at NYU. 13. From 1993-2004, she was adjunct faculty in the Social Work Department at the College of New Rochelle. 14. From 1997-2005, she served as adjunct faculty at the Fordham University Graduate School of Social Work. See Exhibit "A, " Resume' of Kristin Peterson. 15. With regard to professional experience, she worked at Jewish Child Care Association as a primary therapist for latent and adolescent boys and their families frorrr1989-1991. Page 4 of 46 16. From 1991-1997, she worked at the Julia Dyckman Andrus Memorial in Yonkers, NY, first as a primary therapist for emotionally disturbed adolescent males from 1991-1993 and then as the Program Director for day treatment services from July 1993-June 1997. 17. She was hired by KLSD commencing with the 1997 school year as a social worker. See Exhibit "A, " Resume" of Kristin Peterson. 18. From 1997 to the present, she worked at KLSD as an elementary and middle school social worker. 19. In 1998, Peterson was diagnosed with an anaplastic astrocytoma grade 3 brain tumor, which was invasive and advanced. She was given little chance of survival at Sloan Kettering where she received treatment. Subsequently, she developed Hodgkin's Disease. From the illnesses and treatment (surgery, chemotherapy and radiation), Peterson was left with several disabilities. Peterson's disabilities are not readily apparent. She is visually impaired. She lacks peripheral vision and has chronic blunry vision in her right eye as a result of the tumor growing into the optic nerve and radiation damage. 20. Due to her visual impainments, Peterson finds it stressful and challenging to drive at night, particularly with inclement weather or when she is fatigued. Peterson is very careful with planning night time tlriving and win not drive on unfamiliar roads, or for more than a half an hour. 21. Peterson suffers from compromised equilibrium. Page 5 of 46 22. Peterson's body's ability to regulate its temperature has been compromised and she must dress in such a way as to prevent overheating. She easily becomes dehydrated and can experience severe heat exhaustion. 23. KLSD, at all times, was aware of Peterson's disabilities as she was an employee when she became ill and through her recovery. PATTERN AND PRACTICE OF DISCRIMINATORY AND TORTIOUS CONDUCT BY KLSD AGAINST PETERSON RELEVANT TO ALL CAUSES OF ACTION 24. KLSD has engaged in a pattern and practice of discriminatory, tortious and wrongful conduct against Peterson. 25. On August 26,2011, Peterson received an email asking her to meet with Defendant Connie Hayes, Director of Special Services, at 10:00am, a half hour before a scheduled CSE meeting, on September 1, 2011. Peterson arrived at the appointed hour, but Defendant Hayes never met with the team or staff. 26. During her attendance at the September 1, 2011 CSE meeting, Peterson was a strong advocate for the student. However, Ms. Emily Lucas, district counsel, insulted staff who are familiar with the students. Peterson confronted Ms. Lucas regarding her behavior. Both Ms. Lucas and Defendant Hayes took retaliatory steps against Peterson at this meeting and following this meeting. Peterson met Defendant Hayes for the first time at this meeting. 27. On September 14, 2011, Peterson initiated a meeting with Oefendant Hayes 10 discuss the tension fett at the CSE meeting on September 1, 2011. Page 6 of 46 28. On September 15, 2011, Peterson met with Defendant Hayes alone because both Defendant Hayes and Ms. Sandra Grebinar, Peterson's union representative, decided it was not necessary to have union representation present. 29. Peterson tried to explain both her position concerning the CSE meeting to Defendant Hayes and her absence from an earlier social worker and psychologist meeting because of a personal emergency. Within moments, Defendant Hayes accused Peterson of lying, called her a liar and then informed her that "this meeting is over." 30. Immediately thereafter, the fire alarm rang and everyone evacuated the building. Afterwards, Peterson stopped by Defendant Hayes' office to continue the meeting, but Defendant Hayes refused to answer Peterson so she left. 31. On September 16, 2011, Defendant Hayes sent out an email saying she will meet with the principals and determine if the after school hours can be used to add 2 hours of staff development time or the 5 hour independent work time. 32. At this time, Peterson already had a proposal for her 5-hour plan to create a curriculum utilizing Aesop's Fables to teach social skills and had already met with Carolann Castellano, Principal of Meadow Pond Elementary School, and lara Monasch, Psychologist at Meadow Pond, to establish the plan. 33. On September 19, 2(}11, Peterson emailed Ms. Grebinar and Defendant Hayes at 8:45am explaining that she had already met with Ms_ CasteHano, Page 7 of 46 Ms. Monasch and Dawn Pomeroy, Teacher on Special Assignment, at Meadow Pond, to develop the Aesop's Fable curriculum. The plan included five hours of after-school contract hour time. 34. Later on September 19, 2011, Defendant Hayes sent an email at 5:44pm confirming that the after school time could be used for 2 hours of professional development, but a written proposal was required explaining how the time would be used. 35. On September 20, 2011, Peterson had to leave a meeting early because she had a prior commitment. This meeting was established less than one week ahead of schedule and was not scheduled on a regular meeting day, Monday afternoons. In fact, most recipients did not see the email until the morning of September 20, 2011 and two other colleagues left soon after Peterson did. Furthermore, it was not sanctioned until well after the workday on Monday September 19, 2011 at 5:44PM, when Defendant Hayes informed Peterson that she was approved for the exchange of time. 36. On September 22, 2011, Defendant Hayes sent out an email confirming another meeting scheduled for September 27,2011 from 2:30 - 4:30. Atthough several colleagues emailed that they had prior commitments and might be late or leave a bit early from the meeting, no one but Peterson was chastised. 37. During the first 2 weeks of school, staff was instructed to come to work on time, sign in and out, and to be cognizant of proper attire. Page 80f 4.6 38. On September 22, 2011, Peterson scheduled a meeting with Carol Ann Lee to discuss the dynamic with Defendant Hayes and to present a docto~s note regarding her "accommodations." These accommodations were in place since 1999. Previously, no one ever questioned Peterson's attire, or her keeping early hours and carefully scheduling and attending evening programs. In fact, Peterson endured her cancer treatment during her three years awaiting tenure and was granted tenure with no reservations. 39. On September 23, 2011 Ms. Lee's office e-mailed Peterson to cancel the meeting. 40. On the same date, Peterson was accused of inappropriate conduct toward a KLSD student in her charge, FA 41. Peterson knew and worked with Student FA for approximately five (5) years. Student FA presents on the autistic spectrum, but he is functional. Student FA has a fear of automatic flushing toilets. On September 23, 2011, Student FA showed visible signs of needing to use the bathroom, and Peterson was asked to assist him in the Health Center after he became anxious. Peterson placed her left hand on top of his right shoulder and held his right hand with her free hand in order to guide him to the stall. 42. Peterson then released FA and poured a cup of water into the toilet to show Student FA that the toilet would not flush. With each demonstration Student FA got closeruntil he stepped toward the stall on his own. Student FA then returned to class. Page 9 of 46 43. Defendant Hayes then appeared and escorted Peterson into the Principal's office. When they were in the office Defendant Hayes falsely and maliciously accused Peterson of "manhandling" and "dragging" the child, and telephoned KLSD. 44. Ms. Karen Greenwood, the school nurse, witnessed Peterson's entire interaction with Student FA Upon information and belief, both Ms. Greenwood and Peterson drafted similar statements regarding the incident. believe our statements are similar. 45. Defendant Hayes did not draft a statement and FA was never assessed or evaluated by the school nurse. 46. When Peterson left the building at 3:45pm, Defendant Hayes had not yet wrillen her statement. Peterson was told to report to the District Office on Monday September 26 and she did so. 47. On September 28,2011, Peterson received a leller to report to the District Office. See Exhibit, "8," Leller from Carol Ann Lee to Peterson Reassigning Her to Home Duty dated October 21,2011. She asked Ms. Lee if this re-assignment only pertained to the intervention on Friday September 23, 2011 and she said ''yes'' as was witnessed by Ms. Sandra Grebinar,local union representative and former President. Late that afternoon, on or about 2:30pm, after sitting in the District Office for the entire day and notdoing much else, Peterson rested her head in her arms and closed her eyes. She did not fall asleep, but had nothing to do, was alone and began to feel the effects of emotional distress caused by the Defendants' actions. Ms. lee Page 10 of 46 approached Peterson to speak to her. Peterson stated that she was feeling physically fine, but that she was overtired and grieving from having had to put her pet cat to sleep and having to support her grieving son. 48. On October 7,2011, Peterson received a letter from Defendants to report for a psychiatric evaluation by Dr. Allen Reichman on October 13, 2011 at 11 :OOam. At the evaluation, Dr. Reichman appeared surprised that Peterson did not know why she was there. The reasons he gave were: (1) refused to leave a meeting with Ms. Hayes, which is untrue; (2) wearing shorts (besides there being no dress code, Defendant has a letter from Peterson's doctor explaining her need for accommodations related to clothing); (3) fell asleep at the district office, which is untrue; and (3) the intervention with FA on September 23,2011. Peterson was shocked to learn of these false and malicious accusations. 49. Dr. Reichman administered a standardized instrument that was a Xerox copy of the protocol. Upon information and belief, this is not in accordance with standard practice. Thus, upon information and belief, the results of Peterson's evaluation by Dr. Reichman are invalid. 50. On October 21, 2011, Peterson received a hand delivered letter that, as of that day, she was re-assigned to home with full-pay and beneflls: Also on October 21, she was directed to attend a meeting on October 26, 2Dl1 at the District Office with Christopher Powers, counsel for Defendant KLSD, and Carol Ann Lee, Director of Human Resources for KLSD. Page II of 46 51. On October 26,2011, Peterson attended a meeting at the District Office. Ms. Grebinar, NYSUT local president and Christopher Powers, counsel for Defendants, were also present. Peterson was given a letter to read that threatened her with a "30-20A" hearing, unless Peterson agreed to sign the letter and follow several stipulations, which included (1) attend counseling, (2) pay a $5,000.00 fine, (3) stay away from Student FA, and (4) if she was ever "in trouble again," she would be terminated. Tne same letter falsely and maliciously accused Peterson of "grabb[ing] a special needs student and draggling] him across the floor to the bathroom". 52. Peterson asked for a copy of the letter, but this simple request was refused. Mr. Powers did not allow her to take a copy of the letter, containing false, malicious accusations. Peterson was told to provide a response to this letter by November 2, 2011 or it would be presented to the Board of Education ("BOE") on November 3, 2011. Peterson did not provide said response. Peterson had no knowledge of whether this letter was presented to the BOE. 53. On November 16 and 17, 2011, Ms. Grebinar made contact with Ms. Lee regarding Peterson's attendance at the Crisis Intervention Training scheduled for November 18, 2011. Peterson was already signed up and approved. Ms. Lee replied that she could not attend and that "Alice Cronin said that the training was primarily for teaching assistants." However, Peterson had an email of the invitees to this training and sixteen (16) out of the twenty-two (22) individuals were professionar staff: general education teachers, special education teachers, speech teachers, social workers, ,psychologists, and Page 1-2 of 46 nurses. See Exhibit "D," Crisis Intervention Training E-mail with Scheduling Information dated 110911. 54. On November 16, 2011, Peterson viewed her file at the district office. She numbered each page on the bottom right hand corner and wrote a detailed log of each page/item. Mrs. Sy Lynch, Secretary, Human Resources, signed Peterson's log as she was witness to the review. Peterson asked her if there was a second file and she said, "no this is complete". 55. During Peterson's time at the District Office, Peterson was given nothing to do and had no responsibilities despite her many qualifications, skills and experience. Peterson did choose to compile Aesop's Fable curriculum, work with Lara Monasch, School Psychologist, to finalize the 5-hour proposal (through the computer). 56. Also, on the morning after a tragic murder-suicide of a local family, Peterson was asked by numerous District Office staff "why" she was not helping in the crisis response. It was clearly upsetting to several individuals, who are also local taxpayers, that she was not allowed to engage in the crisis intervention. Mr. Michael Jumper, Assistant Superintendent for Business then asked Peterson to research crisis intervention. 57. Since her employment by KLSD in 1997 through receiving her tenure in 2000 and unt~ she spoke out against Defendant KLSD staff and its attorney, Emily Lucas, Peterson had never been disciplined and no grievance was ever filed against her. She also JlelIer had a negative or punitive letter placed in her personal file. As a direct result of speaking out at the September 1, l{)11 PageD of 46 ------- CSE meeting, in the appropriate educational and social needs of the student, Peterson was punished and hum~iated by Defendants. 58. On November 30, 2011, after submission of her Notice of Claim submitted on November 23, 2011, Peterson was made aware that Defendant Kreutzer made threatening statements that if she did not withdraw her Notice of Claim, he would initiate a 3020a hearing. Although he could have initiated such a hearing weeks before, such threats were made as a direct resuU of and in utter retaliation for serving the Notice of Claim. 59. Peterson was allowed to return to work in January of 2012 and she finished the 2011-12 school year in her position as Social Worker for Defendant KLSD after she was given a damaging Holt letter. 60. Once she returned to work, Peterson had no supervision. 61. Defendant Hayes met with the Social Workers at KLSD three times during the entire year although she was supposed to meet with the Department on a monthly basis. Defendant Hayes neglected her duties and did not follow her job description. 62. Peterson was routinely singled out for things that were not a violation of the code of conduct or any other regulation at KLSD. In fact, her peers routinely did such things and were not penalized or reprimanded. Peterson, on the other hand was singled out for leaving meetings well after the end of the work day, not being able to accommodate a meeting because Defendant Hayes sent out the meeting noliceemail weH after 5:00 PM). Page 14 of 46 63. Furthermore, Peterson never received any training upon her retum nor did any Defendant representative speak to her about how to function when she retumed. 64. On February 7,2012, Peterson received a letter of oounsel, or Holt letter, from Jessica Godin, the principal at Katonah Elementary School. This letter included numerous malicious lies and distortions of fact. The letter was hand delivered moments before Peterson was leaving to attend her mother's funeral. Jessica Godin knew she was attending her mother's funeral and chose to deliver this hostile malicious, fabricated statement nonetheless. 65. In a letter dated February 15, 2012 Peterson provided a response to said letter that included 19 points of fact. 66. In early Spring of 2012, Peterson applied to attend a five (5) day Therapeuic Crisis Intervention ('TCI") training in Rhode Island, but was denied the training by Defendant KLSD. Then in April of 2012, Peterson was authorized by Defendant KLSD to attend the five (5) day TCI training held in Ithaca, NY in August 2012. Peterson coordinated her summer plans around the dates, but two weeks prior to the TCI training, Defendant KLSD denied her the attendance. 67. On May 31,2012, Peterson met with Defendant Hayes, Carolann Castellano, Principal of Meadow Pond Elementary School and Ms. Grebinar. Ms. Hayes scheduled this meetin,g to discussed Peterson's tentative social work assignment for 2012-13. At this meeting, Ms. Hayes was highly complimentary of Peterson both professionally and personally. Ms. Hayes Page 15 of 46 also informed Peterson that she would assume district-wide Case History responsibilities. 68. On or about June I, 2012, Peterson received a memorandum dated June I, 2012 from Ms. Lee informing her that the Office of Human Resources and Building Principals had determined that her 'tentative assignment" for the 2012-13 school year would be: "Social Worker Case Histories K-12. 69. In a letter dated June 21,2012, Ms. Grebinar informed Ms. Carol Ann Lee that Peterson was pleased to assume the district-wide Case History assignment. In this letter, Ms. Grebinar also addressed a number of concerns Peterson had: a Board of Education resolution appointing her to this role, flexible work hours to meet the requirements of the new assignment, a written understanding that she would need to interface with parents, students and faculty at all six (6) district schools and remuneration, at her salaried, hourly rate of pay for work and training sessions scheduled above and beyond her contracted hours. 70. In the June 21, 2012 letter, Ms. Grebinar stated that Respondent Hayes' praise was juxtaposed with the events of September 23, 2011, described above, wherein Ms. Hayes falsely and maliciously accused Peterson of child abuse. As such, Peterson requested that all documentary references to the events of September 23, 2011 and thereafter be expunged from her personnel file, that she be compensated for all legal fees incurred and paid because it was necessary to hire an attorney to represent herself inihe face of these false and maficious accusations, and that she receive financial Page 16 of 46 compensation for all damages as a result of Ms. Hayes' vengeful, false and malicious accusations and confabulations. 71. In a letter dated June 26, 2012, Respondent Kreutzer informed Peterson that they had decided that my assignment would remain as "social worke~' at Katonah and Meadow Pond Elementary Schools. 72. In a letter to Ms. Grebinar dated July 6,2012, in response to her June 21, 2012 letter, Respondent Kreutzer informed Ms. Grebinar that Peterson's change of assignment had been revoked and the demands of Ms. Grebinar's June 21,2012 letter were denied. 73. Furthermore, Respondent Kreutzer falsely and maliciously stated that Peterson's behavior at a June 21,2012 meeting was disruptive and unprofessional, and that Peterson made an insulting statement. In a letter dated July 8, 2012, Peterson responded to his distortions of the truth as to what transpired at the June 21,2012 meeting. Peterson was not, in fact, disruptive or unprofessional, and Peterson never made the insulting comments he accused her of making. Peterson's change in assignment was directly related to the September 23, 2011 incident. Since Respondent Kreutzer never communicated with Peterson about the intervention, she took the opportunity to discuss it with him. However, he continually interrupted her and talked over her, all in an effort to silence her. 74. In a memorandum dated August 1, 2012, Peterson was informed by Scott Persampieri thatthe social work assignments had been iinalized and that her assignment would be a Social Workers Case Histories K-12 at Katonah Page 17 of 46 ---------- ------------ --------- Elementary and Meadow Pond Elementary Schools. This is the job assignment that was discussed althe May 31,2012 meeting with Respondent Hayes and Ms. CasteHano and then confirmed with my assignment letter dated June 1,2012. These repeated assignment changes are hostile actions and interfere with Peterson's ability to plan and be goal oriented with regard to her job assignment and to provide appropriate services to disabled students as required by federal and state law. 75. During the second week in August, Peterson contacted Respondent Hayes regarding her expenses for the TCI training. She informed Peterson, via email, that since they had not figured out how to train the staff, they were not training anyone else at this time. Hence, Peterson was denied training. Furthermore, it was hostile and abusive to not let Peterson know sooner that such a decision had been made. 76. Peterson received an email from Ms. Castellano dated August 28,2012 that states her Tentative Schedule for 2012-2013. Peterson's schedule stated as follows: Monday, Wednesday and Friday at Meadow Pond, Tuesday and Thursday at Katonah Elementary School. Peterson spoke with Ms. Castellano and explained that this was not appropriate given the numbers of IEP students with counseling services. Ms. Carolann Castellano responded that Defendant Hayes had provided her with inaccurate information. 77. Peterson sent an email, dated August 28, 2012 to Ms. Castellano, Defendant Godin and Defendant Hayes identitying the specific number of counseling sessions and the correct TUlrnber of students. Peterson suggested the Page 18 of 46 following schedule: Monday, Wednesday and Thursday at Katonah Elementary School and Tuesday and Friday at Meadow Pond Elementary School. The schedule Peterson suggested also made her available for "Response To Intervention" meetings that are held in the respective buildings. Denial of this schedule is further evidence of a hostile work environment and an administration trying to deny Peterson access to performing her job. 78. Despite the resulting disabilities from her cancer treatments, Peterson has functioned extremely well with few, but significant accommodations. Defendants are well aware of Peterson's cancer history, treatment, disabilities and accommodations. KLSD's failure to be aware of Peterson's disabilities constttutes negligence and willful indifference. Peterson does not function as a disabled person because, with said few accommodations and careful heatth care, she functions typically. 79. Defendants have discriminated against Peterson based on her visual and physical disabilities as a result of cancer treatments. An example of this would be Defendants' ignorance regarding her documented, medical need to wear loose-fitting clothing, of which they complained despite the fact that there was no dress code. Another example is Defendants' inflexibility regarding ~er inability ta attend evening programs, unless IT was carefully planned, due to her documented nighttime visual impairments. 80. Ultimately, Peterson was sick since 1998 and never had problems with KLSD -before Defendants Hayes and Kreutzer were hired. Page 19 of 46 81. In addition to Defendants' retaliation against her for speaking out on behalf of a student at the September 1, 2011 CSE meeting, Defendants continued to retaliate against her for filing a Notice of Claim, and for filing an EEOC charge. As further described herein, Defendant KLSDBOE was negligent in the hiring of Defendants Kreutzer and Hayes. Furthermore, the BOE was neg~gent in their supervision of Defendant Kreutzer. Lastly, Defendants KLSDBOE and Kreutzer were negligent in their supervision of Defendant Hayes and Defendant Godin. 82. Since January 2012, Peterson has sent numerous leiters to the Human Resources Department at KLSD documenting the chronic retaliation, harassment, avoidance tactics, and hostile sITuation that Defendant Hayes and Jessica Godin created. Peterson sent extremely specific and timely leiters regarding each incident to KLSD administrators. See ExhibIT "E," Continued Harassment of Kristin Peterson, by Jessica Godin leiter dtd 060412; Exhibit "F," Leiter to Ms. Schluter from Ms. Peterson dtd 041011; Exhibit "G," Leiter to Mr. Kreutzer from Ms. Peterson dtd 070812 in response to his leiter of 070612; Exhibit "H," Leiter to Ms. Hayes from Ms. Peterson dtd 080112 re TCltraining; Exhibit "I," Leiter from K. Peterson to Mr. Persampieri re teaching aSSignments for 201212013 dtd 20120827; ExhibIT "J," Leiter from K. Peterson to S. {>rebinar re filing a grievance against the District dtd 20120905; Exhibit "K," .Lelter from KP to District did 20120929; Exhibit "L," Leiter from KP 10 Godin dtd 20120921; Exhibit "M," Letler from K. Peterson to J. Godin 20121011; Exhibit "N," Letters from K. Peterson to-J. Page 20 of 46 Godin re retaliation 20121021; Exhibit "0" Leiter from Godin to Peterson re services for "Paul" dated 101912 and Leiter from Peterson to Godin re services provided to "Paul" dated 101912; Exhibit "P," leiter from Peterson to Grebinar re Godin Harassment dated 051212; Exhibit "Q," Leiter from K. Peterson to S. Persampieri re Harrassment 20121115; Exhibit "R," Peterson notes on Interaction with Godin dated 111412; Exhibit "S," Leiter from K. Peterson to S. Persampieri re C. Scaglione call 20121120; Exhibit "T," letter from Peterson to S. Persampieri re Crisis Training dated 112712. 83. Principal Godin, in particular, since September2012 has been repeatedly hostile to Peterson. She avoids communications with her and she has retaliated on numerous occasions, routinely and purposefully making a paint to circumvent Peterson's professional influence (calling her late to a meeting, not inviting her to meetings at all, and failing to consutt with her). 84. Defendant Godin isolated Peterson from team decision making and makes arbitrary decisions that involve the children that Peterson services without consutting with her. 85. Plaintiff Peterson repeatedly complained to KLSD Human Resources person, Scolt Persampieri. Nonetheless, Peterson's complaints were never investigated by Defendant KLSD. 86. KLSD, its agents and assigns have failed to investigate Peterson's reports of abusive, hostile events whereby Jessica Godin and Defendant Hayes have sabotaged her professional role, failed to communicate with her, denigrated her good work, and thIealened her with hostile behavior. KLSDnegatively Page 21 of 46 affected Plaintiff Peterson's ability to provide appropriate services to disabled students. 87. In addition, the harassing and retaliatory conduct prevented Peterson from providing state and federally mandated services to students with IEP's and 504 Plans. Peterson repeatedly raised these concerns with KLSD because its retaliatory behavior caused service disturbances for the children with special needs. KLSD did nothing; thus, it is not in compliance with several IEPs and 504 Plans. 88. Most recently, on Wednesday, November 14, 2012, Jessica Godin went to Peterson's office and hand delivered a letter to her. She did not knock before entering and did not greet her. She pushed the office door open, shoved the letter onto her desk in front of her, violated her workspace and disturbed what Peterson was working on. She then turned around and exited. 89. Jessica Godin's demeanor was volatile and hostile. 90. Peterson read Defendant Godin's letter and headed to the Nurse's office to gather the information requested by Defendant Godin. 91. Peterson encountered Defendant Godin on her way to the Nurse's office. Defendant Godin stepped physically in Peterson's way in a threatening and hostile manner and demanded a written report without specifying the method of delivery atthough she already possessed 92. t~e pertinent information. Peterson continued on her way to the Nurse's office, gathered the necessary information and returned to her office to complete the assignmentgivento her by Defendant Godin. Page 22 of 46 93. Peterson then printed the statement and delivered it to Defendant Godin. 94. Defendant Godin repeatedly stated in public that she has an open door policy and that facutty and staff should feel free to walk into her office anytime. 95. When Peterson delivered the letter to Defendant Godin, Godin's door was open. Defendant Godin grabbed it, Peterson released it and Godin held it firmly in her hands. She then screamed at Peterson that she had to deliver the letter to Ms. Wmler. She continued to scream at Peterson. Her voice was significantly elevated, screaming, hostile and abusive. Her tone was threatening and angry. 96. Peterson fett threatened by Defendant Godin's actions and screaming so she left the office. The volatile nature of Defendant Godin's tone, her words, and her posture were threatening, abusive, and unprofessional. 97. Peterson was placed on administrative leave as a resutt of the encounter with Defendant Godin on November 14, 2012. Defendant Godin continues to work in her posnion as Principal. 98. Upon information and belief, KLSD did not investigate Defendant Godin's actions. 99. Peterson remains reassigned to her home indefinitely. 100. Recently, Defendants Kreutzer stated to union representative, Sandra Grebinar that hewould "get Kristin Peterson". He also stated to Sandra Grebinar that Plaintiff Peterson is "crazy" and referred to the report of Dr. Reichman, which slates no such thing. Page 23 of 46 -- - --- -------- 101. -------------- As a result of Defendants' action, Plaintiff Peterson currently requires counseling and therapy for her severe emotional distress. FIRST COUNT - PRIMA FACIE TORT 102. Plaintiff repeats, reiterates and re-alleges each and every allegation in the preceding paragraphs of the within Complaint, with the same force and effect as though each were more fully set forth at length herein, and further alleges as follows. 103. Defendants, their agents and assigns intended to inflict harm on Plaintiff Peterson as explained above in the preceding paragraphs. In summary, Defendants, their agents and assigns, intended to inflict harm on Plaintiff by creating a hostile work environment that prevented her from completing her daily tasks, discriminating against her due to her disability despite their knowledge of her disability, engaging in a pattern and practice of discriminatory conduct that created a hostile work environment, imposing disparate treatment on Plaintiff and by causing Plaintiff severe emotional distress. 104. As a resutt, Plaintiff suffered special damages. Plaintiff was forced to seek therapy for her severe emotional distress, which resutted in Significant medical bills. 105. Defendants were not justified in their treatment of Plaintiff Peterson. Defendants cannot provide any excuse for their treatment of Plaintiff Peterson as they were aware of her disabilities for several years. 106. Defendants' conduct would have been lawful had Peterson not been a person with a disability and ~ad they had a justification or excuse for their conduct. Page24 of 46 107. Defendants had no other motive for their conduct other than to injure the Plaintiff. 108. By reason of the foregoing, Plaintiff was and continues to be damaged as against each of the Defendants for a sum in excess of all jurisdictional limits. Defendants are jointly and severally liable in damages and other relief as set forth herein. SECOND COUNT - INTENTIONAL INFLICTION OF EMOTIONAL DISTRESS 109. Plaintiff repeats, reiterates and re-alleges each and every allegation in the preceding paragraphs of the within Complaint, with the same force and effect as though each were more fully set forth at length herein, and further alleges as follows. 110. Defendants, their agents and assigns Intended to inflict emotional distress on Plaintiff Peterson through their pattern and practice of hostile and discriminatory conduct and disparate treatment, for which they had no justification or excuse, that caused Plaintiff severe emotional harm. Defendants, their agents and assigns, created a hostile work environment that prevented Plaintiff from completing her daily tasks, discriminated against her due to her disability despite their knowledge of her disability, engaged in a pattern and practice of discriminatory conduct that created a hostile work environment and caused Plaintiff severe emotional distress. 111. Defendants' conduct was extreme and outrageous. Defendants' conduct is considered to be extreme and outrageous because their conduct has been so outrageous in character, and so extreme in degree, that it goes beyond all possible bounds of decency, is atrocious, and utterly intolerable. Plaintiff Peterson is a woman ewer the age of forty with several disabiHties of which the Page 25-of 46 Defendants is aware. Nonetheless, Defendants created a hostile work environment for Plaintiff by preventing her from completing her tasks, treating her in a threatening manner and treating her differently from other employees where she was punished for engaging in the same conduct as other employees and being disciplined for it while others were not. Principal Jessica Godin continuously treats Plaintiff in a hostile manner, precludes her from performing her job, invades Plaintiffs work space and approaches her in a threatening and violent manner. Such conduct toward a person with a known disability is extreme and outrageous. 112. Defendants' actions caused Plaintiff severe emotional distress. 113. By reason of the foregoing, Plaintiff was and continues to be damaged as against each of the Defendants for a sum in excess of all jurisdictional limits. Defendants are jointly and severally liable in damages and other relief as set forth herein. THIRD COUNT - DEFAMATION 114. Plaintiff repeats, reiterates and re-alleges each and every allegation in the preceding paragraphs of the within Complaint, with the same force and effect as though each were more fully set forth at length herein, and further allege as follows. 115. Defendants made defamatory statements about Plaintiff. Specifically, Defendants accused Plaintiff of inappropriately treating a special needs child in her charge. Plaintiff was accused of "manhandling" and "dragging" a special needs child to the bathroom. In fact, Peterson had worked with this child for over fIVe years and was aware that he feared automatic flushing toilets. Peterson Page 26 of 46 carefully brought the child in question to the bathroom and demonstrated that the toilet did not flush automatically. The child obseNed the demonstration and then returned to his classroom unscathed. 116. Plaintiff Peterson was labeled as a child abuser by KLSD and was removed from her position because of this incident. Plaintiff was wrongfully accused and defamed by Defendants. 117. However, Defendants never communicated the incident of child abuse and never reported it according to law to the local police. This indicates that the Defendants' accusations of child abuse against Peterson were false and defamatory. 118. Defendants communicated their accusations that Peterson was a child abuser and unfit to work with children to faculty and staff. 119. Labeling Plaintiff Peterson as a child abuser is of public concern because Peterson is a school district employee and she works with special needs children. Disseminating these untruths about Plaintiff Peterson could cause her to be blacklisted in her industry. 120. Defendants' dissemination of the statement that Plaintiff Peterson is a child abuser and unfit to work with children, with knowledge that this statement is untrue, constitutes negligence in light of the consequences such a statement could have. 121. Defendant Kreutzer also called Plaintiff Peterson "crazy." 122. He madelhis statement to Sandra Grebinar. Page 27 of 46 ------ 123. Defendant Kreutzer made the statement that Plaintiff Peterson is crazy to Sandra Grebinar with knowledge that this statement is untrue because he was provided with an evaluation by psychologist, Dr. Reichman. Dr. Reichman's report proves that Plaintiff Peterson is not crazy. 124. Plaintiff Peterson was placed on administrative leave due to Defendants' statements. She was precluded from accessing the grounds of KLSD and was prevented from perrorming her job. 125. Peterson suffered severe emotional damage from Defendants' conduct toward her. 126. By reason of the foregoing, Plaintiff was and continues to be damaged as against each of the Defendants for a sum in excess of all jurisdictional limits. Defendants are jointly and severally liable in damages and other relief as set forth herein. FOURTH COUNT - DEFAMATION PER SE 127. Defendant Kreutzer called Plaintiff Peterson "crazy." 128. He made this statement to union representative, Sandra Grebinar. 129. A statement that Plaintiff Peterson, a social worker, is crazy, is defamatory on its face. 130. It was communicated in a fixed medium. 131. Such a statement is so harmful on its face that Plaintiff Peterson need not prove special damages because it indicates that Plaintiff Peterson is unfrt to pelform her profeSSional duties. Page2S of 46 - - - - - - - - - - ~--. FIFTH COUNT - NEGLIGENT SUPERVISION 132. Plaintiff repeats, reiterates and re-alleges each and every allegation in the preceding paragraphs of the within Complaint, with the same force and effect as though each were more fully set forth at length herein', and further allege as follows. 133. KLSD had a duty to train and supervise its employees in order to prevent other employees from becoming subject to bullying, discrimination and violence. 134. KLSD breached that duty by allowing Principal Jessica Godin to repeatedly and continuously harass, intimidate, threaten and approach Plaintiff Peterson violently. 135. KLSD breached its duty by failing to prepare Defendant Hayes for her position. 136. Defendant breached its duty by hiring Dr. Kreutzer and failing to train him on preventing harassment and bullying of faculty and staff. 137. This breach of duty was a direct and proximate cause of Plaintiffs being harmed and damaged. Plaintiff was subjected to discrimination and violence, that had Defendant administrators properly trained and supervised their employees would have been prevented. 138. KLSD failed in its duty to act as a reasonable and prudent employer would have ~ done under the same or similar circumstances. 139. KLSD failed in its duty to adequately supervise Defendants Godin, Hayes and Kreutzer. 140. KLSD had prior knowledge and repeated notice of the bullying, harassment and violence directed at PlaintiffPeterson, thus Defendant Godin's, Defendant Hayes' Page 29 of 46- and Defendant Kreutzer's continuing acts should reasonably have been anticipated. 141. Plaintiffs injuries were foreseeable and proximately related to the absence of adequate supervision on behalf of KLSD. 142. By reason of the foregoing, Plaintiff was and continues to be damaged as against each of the Defendants for a sum in excess of all jurisdictional limits. Defendants are jointly and severally ~able in damages and other relief as set forth herein. SIXTH COUNT - NEGLIGENT HIRING 143. Plaintiff repeats, reiterates and re-alleges each and every allegation in the preceding paragraphs of the within Complaint, with the same force and effect as though each were more fully set forth at length herein, and further allege as follows. 144. KLSD had a duty to exercise reasonable care in hiring the Principal of the Katonah Elementary School because said Principal would have significant responsibility for children in her charge and for employees she would supervise. Such a position requires Significant contact with the public. An unstable or incompetent person in the position of elementary school principal poses a threat of injury to the students at the elementary school and the employees whom she supervises. 145. KLSD was aware that Principal Jessica Godin exhibited a pattern and practice of abusive, hostile, threatening and violent conduct toward Plaintiff Peterson. Such conduct .caused severe emotiooaf distress to Plaintiff Peterson and prevented her from performing her duties for the special needs children in her charge. Page 30 of 46 -- - - - ---- 146. ------ Nonetheless, KLSD kept Plaintiff Peterson in a position where Defendant Godin would be her supervisor. 147. It was foreseeable that if Plaintiff Peterson remained in her current position as a social worker at Katonah Elementary School wnh Principal Godin as her supervisor, Principal Godin would continue her constant abuse, threatening conduct, discrimination and hostility toward Plaintiff Peterson. 148. Defendant KLSD had a duty 10 investigate the complaints made by Plaintiff Peterson regarding Principal Godin that was triggered when Peterson made several complaints regarding Principal Godin's conduct. 149. KLSD had a duty to exercise reasonable care in hiring the Superintendent of Schools because said Superintendent would have significant responsibility for children in his charge and for employees he would supervise. Such a position requires significant contact with the public and faculty and staff. An unstable or incompetent person in the position of Superintendent of Schools poses a threat of injury to the students at KLSD and the employees whom he supervises. 150. KLSD was aware that Defendant Kreutzer exhibited a pattem and practice of abusive, hostile and threatening conduct toward Plaintiff Peterson. Such conduct caused severe emotional distress to Plaintiff Peterson and prevented her from performing her duties for the special needs children in her charge. 151. Nonetheless, KLSD kept Plaintiff Peterson in a position where Defendant Kreutzer would be her supervisor. 152. It was foreseeable that if Plainliff Peterson remained in her current position as a social worker at Katonah Elementary School wtth Defendant Kreutzer as her Page 31 of 46_ supervisor, he would continue to cause her severe emotional distress and prevent her from fulfilling her duties as a social worker. 153. Defendant KLSD had a duty to investigate the complaints made by Plaintiff Peterson regarding Superintendent Kreutzer that was triggered when Peterson made several complaints regarding his conducL 154. KLSD had a duty to exercise reasonable care in hiring the Director of Special Education at KLSD because said Director would have significant responsibility for children in her charge and for employees she would supervise. Such a position requires significant contact with the public. An unstable or incompetent person in the position of elementary school principal poses a threat of injury to the students at the elementary school and the employees whom she supervises. 155. KLSD was aware that Defendant Connie Hayes exhibited a pattern and practice of incompetent, hostile conduct and disparate treatment toward Plaintiff Peterson. Such conduct caused severe emotional distress to Plaintiff Peterson and prevented her from performing her duties for the special needs children in her charge. 156. Nonetheless, KLSD kept Plaintiff Peterson in a position where Defendant Hayes would be her supervisor. 157. It was foreseeable that if Plaintiff Peterson remained in her current position as a social worker at Katonah Elementary School w~h Defendant Hayes as her supervisor, Defendant Hayes would continue to single out Plaintiff Peterson and treat her differenllythan other faculty and staff who were similarly sihJaled. Page 32 of 46 158. Defendant KLSD had a duty to investigate the complaints made by Plaintiff Peterson regarding Defendant Hayes that was triggered when Peterson made several complaints regarding her conduct. 159. Defendant KLSD failed to investigate Plaintiff Peterson's complaints. 160. KLSD's negligent hiring was the proximate cause of Peterson's injuries. 161. By reason of the foregoing, Plaintiff was and continues to be damaged as against each of the Defendants for a sum in excess of all jurisdictional limits. Defendants are jOintly and severally liable in damages and other relief as set forth herein. SEVENTH COUNT - RETALIATION 162. Plaintiff repeats, reiterates and re-alleges each and every allegation in the preceding paragraphs of the within Complaint, with the same force and effect as though each were more fully set forth at length herein, and further alleges as follows. 163. Plaintiff Peterson made statements to KLSD, its agents and assigns regarding abusive, threatening, hostile and violent conduct of Principal Jessica Godin toward her. Peterson also had spoken out regarding providing appropriate services for the students in her charge and confronted a KLSD attorney on the issue. 164. Plaintiff Peterson complained about the disparate treatment and hostile conduct exhibited toward her by Defendants Hayes and Kreutzer as well as their inability to execute their duties. Page 33 of 46 165. Peterson made statements regarding special needs children and her own disabilities of which KLSD was aware and had made accommodations for in the past. 166. As a result of Peterson's statements regarding the above, KLSD, its agents and assigns retaliated against her. 167. In fact, Defendant Kreutzer specifically stated to Sandra Grebinar that he would. "gef' Plaintiff Peterson and that she was "crazy." 168. As a social worker, Plaintiff was uniquely situated to know the particular needs of the children in her charge as well as information regarding certain events that occurred between herself, Principal Jessica Godin and Defendant Hayes. 169. Plaintiff in her capacity as social worker is most likely to be informed and have· definite opinions on matters involving the education of students, and in this case, disabled students as well as interactions wtth KLSD administrators. 170. The students in Plaintiff Peterson's charge are members of a protected class, special needs students. 171. Peterson is a member of a protected class as a woman over the age of forty wtth disabilities. 172. Accordingly, Peterson was the only guardian of the rights and interests of the special needs children in her charge, as well as her own rights as a person with a disabiltty. 173. The subject matter of Plaintiffs complaints to KLSD.are of public importance because they concern the rights of special needs students and the rights of employees with disabilities who are being discriminated against. Page 34 of 46 174. Plaintiffs speech may be fairly characterized as constituting speech on a matter of public concern because her speech dealt with the issue of creating a safe educational environment for the special needs children who attended Katonah Elementary School as well as a work environment free from discrimination and hostility due to gender or disability. 175. As a result of her statements, Plaintiff was ultimately placed on administrative leave in retaliation for making such statements. 176. A causal connection exists between the protected speech and the adverse employment action suffered because Defendants singled out Plaintiff for her statements. Plaintiff was treated differently from other employees who acted in a similar manner. 177. Plaintiffs allegations support the inference that her protected speech played a substantial part in the adverse action by Defendants. 178. By reason of the foregoing, Plaintiff was and continues to be damaged as against each of the Defendants for a sum in excess of all jurisdictional limits. Defendants are jOintly and severally liable in damages and other relief as set forth herein. EIGHTH COUNT - HOSTILE WORK ENVIRONMENT PURSUANT TO NY LAW 179. Plaintiff repeats, reiterates and re-alleges each and every allegation in the preceding paragraphs of the within Complaint, with the same force and effect as though each were more fully setforth at length herein, and further alleges as follows. 180, Under New Yark State law an employer is strictly Hable for acts by a senior manager creating a hostile work-environment, because acquiescence in the Page 35 of 46 ------ harassment is imputed to the employer by virtue of the harasser's seniority. Father Belle Community Center v. New York State Div. of Human Rights, 221 A.D.2cf 44,54,642 N'y.S.2d 739, 747 (4th Dep't. 1996}("no logical reason why the harassing conduct of a top manager cannot be imputed to the employer as well"). 181. An employer is liable for the conduct of co-workers, supervisors and low level managers which create a hostile work environment if the employer acquiesced in the harassment, or condoned the harassment after the fact. 182. Acquiescence can be shown by the same proof which is often used to show negligence, in federal co-worker cases. Greene v. SI. Elizabeth's Hosp., 66 N.Y.2d 684, 687, 496 N.Y.S.2d 411 (1985)("An employer's calculated inaction in response to discriminatory conduct"). 183. Defendant Hayes and Principal Jessica Godin are senior managers at KLSD. 184. KLSD is strictly liable for their acts that created a hostile work environment. Acquiescence in the harassment is imputed to the employer by virtue of their seniority. 185. Defendants Hayes failed to inform Peterson of meetings and other work-related events that she should have been a part of and discriminated against Peterson because of her disability. Defendants Hayes was aware of Peterson's disabilities and the necessary accommodations, yet she reprimanded Peterson for wearing clothing that would allow her to better regulate her body temperature and for adjusting her .work time so that she did not have to drive at night. Page 36 of 46 --------- 186. Principal Godin's conduct was downright abusive, threatening, hostile and discriminatory. Principal Godin treated Peterson differently than other staff who acted in a similar manner. 187. For the above reasons, KLSD and the individually named Defendants are strictly liable for the hostile work environment Plaintiff Peterson was forced to work in due to the conduct of Defendant Hayes and Principal Godin. 188. In the alternative, in the event that Defendant Hayes and Principal Hayes are not considered senior managers, KLSD is liable for creating a hostile work environment by its condonation of the actions of Defendant Hayes and Principal Godin. 189. KLSD failed to investigate Peterson's complaints, it failed to apologize to her as the victim of harassment and discrimination, it failed to punish the harassers and actually punished Peterson by placing her on administrative leave. Defendants' actions show that it condoned the conduct of Defendant Hayes and Principal Godin. 190. Furthermore, upon information and belief, KLSD does not have an antiharassment policy. Absence of such a policy constitutes condonation of the harassment. 191. A causal connection exists between the hostile work environment created by Defendants and theharm suffered by Plaintiff. 192. Plaintiff suffered severe emotional distress as a result cl the hostile work environment created by Defendants. Pag-e 37 of 46 193. By reason of the foregoing, Plaintiff was and continues to be damaged as against each of the Defendants for a sum in excess of all jurisdictional limits. Defendants are jointly and severally liable in damages and other relief as set forth herein. NINTH COUNT - DISCRIMINATION BASED ON DISABILITY PURSUANT T0 NEW YORK EXECUTIVE LAW § 296, ET SEQ. 194. Plaintiff repeats, reiterates and realleges each and every allegation in the preceding paragraphs of the within Complaint, with the same force and effect as though each were more fully set forth at length herein, and further allege as follows. 195. Peterson is in need of accommodations at work secondary to several medical issues that affect her ability to function optimally at work without these accommodations. 196. In 1998, Peterson was diagnosed and treated for brain cancer and Hodgkin's Disease. Peterson had an anaplastic astrocytoma, grade III and had a very poor prognosis. She was left with several disabilities as a consequence of both the illness and the treatment (surgery, chemotherapy and radiation.) 197. Peterson has compromised equilibrium and impaired vision. She is visually impaired in her right eye and has no peripheral vision. Additionally her body's ability to regulate temperature is impaired, which can lead to dehydration and severe heat exhaustion. It is both dangerous and difficult for Peterson to<lrive at night secondary to her visual problems. 198. Peterson is able to function very well by following numerous medical recommendations.• Peterson continued to function well {!flul Defendant Hayes Page~8 of 46 --------- and Defendant Kreutzer, the Superintendent, were hired during Summer 2011 summer. 199. Defendants have taken issue with Peterson's accommodations and have discriminated against her because of her disability. Peterson's treating doctor, Dr. Mary Salke recommended the following accommodations, which have worked in keeping Peterson hea~hy and stable for the past fourteen years: a. Wear sneakers/athletic shoes to provide stability; b. Drink fluidslwater throughout the day and must be allowed to have water during meetings/conferences; c. Wear loose fitting/comfortable clothing that allow Peterson to manage body temperature (e.g. short pants); d. Have movement breaks during long meetings; e. Work between the hours of 7 AM and 4 PM because this is when Peterson is best able to concentrate. Additionally, working during this time period allows Peterson to drive to work during daylight hours. 200. Because Dr. Kreutzer and Ms. Hayes had issues with Peterson's disability and her requirements, they sought to remove Peterson from her position. 201. As a result, Peterson suffered adverse employment actions at their hands. Peterson was consigned to the District Office and then to her home and had a damaging Holt letter placed in her file. Peterson was never given a hearing prior to having a damaging Holt letter placed in her file. Peterson suffered retaliation and discrimination at the hands of KLSD due to her disability. Page 39 of 46 --- - - - - - - - - - - - - 202. By reason of the foregoing, Plaintiff was and continues to be damaged as against each of the Defendants for a sum in excess of all jurisdictional limits. Defendants are jointly and severally liable in damages and other relief as set forth herein. TENTH COUNT - DISCRIMINATION BASED ON GENDER PURSUANT TO NEW YORK EXECUTIVE LAW § 296. ET SEQ. 203. Plaintiff repeats, reiterates and realleges each and every allegation in the preceding paragraphs of the within Complaint, with the same force and effect as though each were more fully set forth at length herein, and further allege as follows. 204. Plaintiff Peterson is female. 205. Plaintiff Peterson was discriminated against, in part, because she is female. 206. Male employees in the same or similar circumstance were treated betler than Peterson. 207. Peterson was discriminated against and punished because she is female and thus suffered harm. 208. By reason of the foregoing, Plaintiff was and continues to be damaged as against each of the Defendants for a sum in excess of all jurisdictional limits. Defendants are jointly and severally liable in damages and other relief as set forth herein. ELEVENTH COUNT - VIOLATION OF PLAINTIFF'S CIVIL RIGHTS PURSUANT TO NEW YORK LABOR LAW § 215 209. Plaintiff repeats, reiterates and reaUeges each and every allegation in the preceding paragraphs of the within Complaint, with the same force and effect as though each were more funy set forth at length herein, and further allege as follows. Page 40 of 46 210. NY. Labor Law § 215 bars an employer from firing, penalizing, or otherwise discriminating or retaliating against an employee because the employee has instituted a proceeding aUeging New York Labor Law violations, or because the employee has otherwise exercised rights protected under the Labor Law. N.Y. Labor Law § 215 authorizes a worker to sue an employer who retaliates against him for bringing claims under the New York Labor Law. 211. Peterson advocated for the righ1s of special needs children in her charge and thus was discriminated against. 212. Peterson filed an E.E.O.C. complaint against KLSD because of its discriminatory conduct against her. 213. For this reason, KLSD penalized and discriminated against Peterson in retaliation for filing such a complaint. Peterson was subjected to a hostile work environment and then placed on administrative leave from her position as a social worker. 214. By reason of the foregoing, Plaintiff was and continues to be damaged as against each of the Defendants for a sum in excess of all jurisdictional limits. Defendants are jointly and severally liable in damages and other relief as set forth herein. TWELFTH COUNT - VIOLATION OF PLAINTIFF'S CIVIL RIGHTS PURSUANT TO NEW YORK LABOR LAW § 740 215. Plaintiff repeats, reiterates and realleges each and every allegation in the preceding paragraphs ofthe within Complaint, with the same force and effect as though each were more fully set forth allength herein, and further allege as follows. Page 41 of 46_ 216. New York Labor Law §740 proscribes, inter alia, an employer from instituting retaliatory personnel action against an employee because the latter either "discloses, or threatens to disclose to a supervisor or to a public body an activity, policy or practice of the employer that is in violation of law, rule or regulation, which violation creates and presents a substantial and specific danger to the public health, or safety. 217. Peterson first advocated for the rights of a special needs chnd in her charge to KLSD and its attorney. 218. Failure to comply with a child's Individualized Education Program or 504 Plan is a violation of law and can be harmful to the child in question. 219. This issue presents a substantial and specific danger to public health and safety. 220. For this reason, KLSD discriminated against Peterson. 221. Peterson then disclosed violations of law including discrimination against her by Defendant Hayes and Principal Godin. 222. Such statements indicate that KLSD is violating its employee's civil rights, which presents a substantial and specific danger to public health and safety when the special needs children whom Peterson works with cannot receive appropriate services because she has been precluded from completing her duties. 223. For these reasons, KLSD is in violation of New York Labor Law §740. 224. By reason of the foregoing, Plaintiff was and continues to be damaged as against each of the Defendants for a sum in excess of all jurisdictional limits. Defendants are jointly-and severally r",ble in damages and mher reUef as set forth herein. P-age 42 of 46 THIRTEENTH COUNT - FREEDOM OF SPEECH FIRST AMENDMENT (42 U.S.C. § 1983 PURSUANT TO THE NY CONSTITUTION 225. Plaintiff repeats, reiterates and realleges each and every allegation in the preceding paragraphs of the within Complaint, with the same force and effect as though each were more fuHy set forth at length herein, and further allege as follows. 226. By reason of the aforementioned retaliation against Plaintiff Peterson for advocating for the rights of the special needs children in her charge and her confrontation of KLSD's attorney, Emily Lucas, Defendants have deprived Plaintiff of her right to engage in protected speech in a public forum in violation of the Free Speech Clause of the First Amendment as applied to the states and their political subdivisions under the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution and 42 U.S.C. § 1983. 227. Defendants' retaliation against Plaintiff Peterson for her speech is content- and viewpoint-based in violation of the Free Speech Clause of the First Amendment. 228. Defendants' retaliation against Peterson for her speech advocating for the rights of the special needs children in her charge is unreasonable, arbitrary, and capricious in violation of the Free Speech Clause of the First Amendment. 229. As a direct and proximate resutt of Defendants' violation of the Free Speech Clause of the First Amendment, Plaintiff has suffered irreparable harm, including the' loss of their constitutional rights, entitling them to declaratory and injunctive relietand nominal damages. JURY DEMAND 111. Plaintiffs' demand trial by jury. Page 43 of 46 ------- -- PRAYER FOR RELIEF WHEREFORE, Plaintiffs pray for judgment against Defendants, and each of them as follows: 1. Declare that Defendants' actions and inactions, including Defendants' perpetuation of the hostile work environment based on harassment and bullying within KLSD, Defendants' discriminatory disciplinary practices and procedures, Defendants' policies for investigating and disciplining employees, and Defendants' policy and practice of ignoring or retaliating against employees who assert their rights, violate rights guaranteed by the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution as applied to the states and their political subdivisions under 42 U.S.C. § 1983 and the New York Constitution. 2. Declare that Defendants' actions and inactions, including Defendants' perpetuation of a discriminatory work environment, violate rights guaranteed by the New York Executive Law, New York Labor Law, the Civil Rights Law and the Americans with Disabilities Act. 3. For an order of the Court for supervised employee training and anti-bullying programs for all employees and students within the KLSD on a periodic basis at least four times during each school year. 4. For an order of the Court for supervised oversight of the above-mentioned training and programs to ensure that the training and programs are realistically and truly implemented and enforced. 5. For an order of the Court for supervised oversight of the implementation of programs aimed at preventing bullying, harassment, intimidation and discrimination. Page 44 of 46- 6. For an order of the Court for supervised oversight of the seeking and obtaining of federal grant monies for necessary programs aimed at preventing bullying, harassment, intimidation and discrimination. 7. For an order of the Court for appropriate continuing training including crisis intervention training and training that previously was denied to Peterson at KLSD. 8. For compensatory damages sustained by Plaintiff against all Defendants, jointly and severally, in an amount to be determined at trial. 9. For an order granting Plaintiff monetary damages for tuition and all fees, costs and expenses, direct and indirect, for continuing private education. 10. For punitive and exemplary damages according to proof against all Defendants, jOintly and severally, in an amount to be determined at trial. 11. For an award of prejudgment interest, costs, disbursements, attorney fees and expert fees. 12. For injunctive relief in the form of an order requiring Defendants to preserve all relevant documents, and an order preventing Defendants from discussing this action with each other or their employees, agents, representatives, servants and assigns, except with their respective counselor as otherwise necessary to comply with document and discovery requests. 13.For an Order of the Court for expungement other personnel file. 14. For such other and further relief as the Court deems equitable or appropriate under the circumstances. Page 45 of 46 WHEREFORE, Plaintiff Kristin Peterson demands judgment against Defendants, in an amount permitted by this jurisdiction plus interest, the costs, attorney fees and disbursements of this action, and such other and further relief this court deems just and proper. Dated: Katonah, NY November 29,2012 LAW OFFICE OF PETER D. HOFFMAN, P.C. By: r!:J.~k;('lI!dAh.! Giulia Frasca, Esq. Attorney for Plaintiff 200 Katonah Ave Katonah, NY 10536 (914) 232-2242 phone (914) 232-2245 facsimile Page 46ef 46 VERIFICATION STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF WESTCHESTER ) ):ss: ) Kristin Peterson being duly swom says that she is the Plaintiff in above entitled proceeding and that foregoing Complaint is true to her own knowledge, except as to matters herein staled to be alleged on information and belief and as to those matters she believes is to be true. Plaintiff Kristin Peterson On the 28" day of November 2012, before me the undersigned, personally appeared, Kristin Peterson, personally known to me, or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence, to be the individual whose name is subscribed in the within instrument, and acknowledged that she executed the same in his capacity, and that by his signature on the instrument the individual or the person on behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. GrULlA FRASCA Notary Public, Stale of New York No. 02FR6200967 Qualified in Bronx County Commission Expires February 9,2013 EXIDBIT "A" -----~,- KRISTIN M. PETERSON, LCSW-R 351-F Heritage Hills Drive Somers, New York 10589 (914)-669-9518 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE - Katonah-LeWisboro School District Katonah, New York 1997- Elementary and Middle School Social Worker (September 1997- present) Responsibilities include: Child Study Team evaluations, Pupil Personnel j Committee on Special Education assessments and intervention, collaboration with instructional personnel. counseling, parent support, group work, case management for out-of-district students and community liaison. Julia Dyckman Andrus Memorial Yonkers, New York 1991-1997 Program Director Day Treatment Services (July 1993-June 1997) The Day Treatment Service is a multi-modality, psychiatric and Special Education program servicing 45 latent and adolescent students. Responsibilities included: maintenance of relationships with over thirty referring public school districts, development of the annual fiscal budget, supervision of clinical personne~ implementation of treatment strategies and behavior modification techniques, collaboration with special education faculty and parents, provider of psychotherapy, twenty-four hour administrative emergency coverage, public relations, statistical analysis, research outcome measurements and utilization review. Residential Treatment Center (1991-1993) Primary therapist for 14 emotionally disturbed adolescent males. Provided individual, family and group psychotherapy. Coordinated the multi-disciplinary treatment team. Assessed each client's strengths and weaknesses then designed -individual treatment plans. Recorded all infonnation used for diagnostic assessments, treatment strategies and psychosocial referrals. Jewish Child Care Association - Pleasantville, New York. 1989-1991 Pleasantville Diagnostic Center Primary therapist for latent and adolescent boys and their families. Provided short-term therapeutic -treatment and created diagnostic evaluations. Advocated clients~ needswithin the residential setting, Probation Department and New York City Child Welfare to secure long term services. Collaborated with multi-disciplinary coIk:agues at academic and clinical-conferences. PeteJsonOOO125 Kristin M Peterson ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE .Fordham University - New Yark, New York 1997-2005 Graduate School of Social Work ,Adjunct Faculty Provided instruction to graduate M.S.W, students at the Marymount satel1ite campus in Tarrytown, New York, CoU(SOsinc\uded Social Welfare Policy and Child Welfare. College of New Rochelle New Rochelle, New York 1993-2004 Social Wod< Department Adjunct Faculty Created curriculum and provided instruction to undergraduate students in Social Welf<,U'e Policy. Designed and implemented a unique course regarding the Treatment of Children and Child Welfare, provided didactic and experientialleaming opportunities. New York University - New York, New York 1994-1997 Ehrenkranz School of Social Work Adjunct Faculty Field Work Instructor, supervising graduate M.s.w. interns. Completed Seminar in Field Instruction at N.Y.U. in 1996. EDUCATION: New York University, Ehrenkranz School of Social Work Ph.D. Candidate- currently - ABD M.S.W.- 1989 - Advanced Standing Student College o(New Rochelle B.S.W. LICENSE: 1988 - Dean's List Student New Yod< State licensed C.S.W. (1989) R039915 - License Number State Education department - Pennanent Certification 790408971- Control Number AFFILIATIONS: Natiooal Association of Social Workers National Association ofClinical Social Work Psychotherapists PetetsOOOOO126 - - - -------- EXHIBIT "B" FEB-24-2012 9142322245 05:02 P.070 KATONAH~BOROSCHOOLS p.o. BOX 387 KATONAR.NEWYORJ:: 10$36-0387 . . .t_ (914) 163-1000 Il\X (914)W-705S ., 0e1olJcr21.2011 Ms.KrisIa_ SO MdloagoI DriYo Wbile Plains, NY 10603 Douloh."Y..... hesoby_ to.ttend .[;;j;.g ... W...n:;;;"., 0c10.... 26.201l .. 1I:30un.j!iIfr.j a........... Po...... Esq. ' - Smith, lJ.C and .... atlbc 1lisIrict000000c.otaaoCO j I omp!O)DOi- ill Ibc Dmrid. y"" ... _ I b c ~to briog AooociIIioa oqnotIII&Iioa to Ibc ......... If,.. ......... to attend .... 1IIOdin& it will be __""-' an ... of .................. P..... call Sy Lyndo .. 91-4-76).7045 to...mn.you "iII .......... ..,...;.g. Cc: Dr. Paul KmII2!:r M;ss Alicecroo.. . i i i, ,I i, , .. ........ MiIJer- . y S<:boo~ 116 W _ Road, OoIdco,I!ridae. NY 10S26.1<JIIdia&,.... Ms. c...;. Hayes Ms. Jessica Godin Ms. Carobonc........., J4r.~Powea.Esq. JtasooIicl File , ·._1_ ._ EXHIBIT "C" • KATONAH-LEWISBORO SCHOOLS CAROL ANN LEE P.O. BOX 387 KAIDNAH. NEW YORK 10536-0387 (914)763-7000 FAX (914) 763-7055 www.klschools.o.:g AmslallT Superintendem for ffimUUl Resources Jan1laI)' 25, 2012 The J_ Ja~ SelrooIs Ms. Kristin Peterson 50 McDougal Drive White Plains, NY 10603 Dear Kristin: As per our meeting today, Wednesday, Jan1laI)' 25, 2012, with Jessica Godin, Principal, Katonah EiementaIy School and Sandy Grebinar, KLDTA President, this letter is to confinn that you are to return to work in your assignment as Social Worker for Meadow Pooo Elementary School and Katonah ElementaIy School on Thursday, Jan1laI)' 26, 2012. Please report to Meadow Pond Elementary School on Thursday, January 26, 2012 to assmne your regular schedule. Please be assured ilia! you will have ilie full support of your respective building principals, ilie Office of Special Services and ilie Office of Human Resources, should you need any assistance in your transition back to work. My best wishes to you for a successful school year. Sincerely, Carol Ann Lee Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources Cc: Jessica Godin Carolann Castellano Connie Hayes Alice Cronin File Kalonah ElementoT), School Meadmv Pond ElementOlJ' &hool Lewisboro Elementary School John Jay Aruidle School Jncrease Mi/~~ool John Joy High Schoel • EXHIBIT "D" Begin forwarded message: 1. Resent-From: kpeterson@k1schools.ore From: "Katie MONTILLI" <KMONTILLI@KLSD.LHRIC.ORG> Date; November 9, 2011 11:39:45 AM EST Resent-To: jayIeiehsa@@aoLcom To: "Beth Crossland" <bcrossland@klschools.or:>, "Barbara Ehrlich" <behrIich@k1schools.oW, "Elizabeth Fisher" <efisher@klschools.oq:>, "Elizabeth Marcoux" <emarcoux@klschools.org>, "Elissa Rekow" <erekow@klschools.or&>, "Heather Koles" <hkoIes@kIschooIs.oJl:>, "Jeannie Paquette" <jpaquette@Jdschools.oW, "Karen Basdekis" <kbasdekis@klschools.oU>, "Kristin Peterson" <kpeterson@klschooIs.oJ"&>, "Kiri Ryan" <kIyan@klschools.or&>, "Linda Devine" <ldevine@klschooIs.org>, "Lara Monasch" <lmonasch@klschools.or:>, "Michael Weschler" <mweschler@klschools.oJ'&>, "Patrick Chiappetta" <pchiaDpetta@klschools.on:>, "Patricia McGinn" <pmcginn@klschooIs.on:>, "Patricia Rappaport" <prappaport@klschools.ore>, "Ray DiStephan" <rdistephan@kIscbooIs.or:>, "Sean Murphy" <smurphy@kIschools.ore:>, "Terrilynn Wuensch" <twuensch@k1schools.ore:>, "Wendy Bucaj" <wbucaj@klschooIs.ore>, "Gilbert Cass" <GCASS@KLSD.LHRIC.ORG>, "Monica Benniss" <MBERMISS@KLSD.LHRIC.ORG> Ce: "Cindy GREENBERG" <CGREENBERG@KLSD.LHRIC.ORG>, "CONNIE HAYES" <CHA YES@KLSD.LHRIC.ORG> Subject: Crisis Intervention Training Just a reminder that you are scheduled to attend the crisis refresher training on November 18 from 12:30 to 3:45. Please register with Cindy Greenberg on Leaming Plan as soon as possible. Tbankyou. EXHIBIT "E" - - _. . - Continued Harassment of Kristin Peterson, by Jessica Godin DATE: 6/4/2012 Location: Library at KES Jess Godin came to the faculty meeting a few moments late. She stood in front of the whole faculty and she was crying. "I am going to cry. I came here to set up a new life. I am divorced and a single parent All the decisions that were made as far as transfers and teacher grade changes were made by the administrative team and are educationally sound"". No one responded. Jessica stopped crying and she reverted back to her typical voice and explained that she wanted faculty to spread out in grade level groups and review the propnsed class lists. Instructional staff broke out into groups. The specialists had no assignment. The individuals with no assignment included: Jeff Rainer Christine Scaglione Kristin Peterson Carly Spaeth Kristin Harding - Daniell. Cappelli Janice Zygmont Isabel DiMarco Christine Eclder Michael Gelfer Chuck Scozzafava Denise Friedly - - ' - '--,-- These aforementioned staff may not know aD the students and there is no past practice that they would participate in the design of class lists. Faculty were walking about the library and Sandy Grebin.. had presented herself in the doorway of the library and computer room. Many staff approached and spoke with Sandy Grebinar. Here is a list - but it is not exhaustive: Kim Buckley jeff Rainer Danielle Cappeli Michael Gelfer Carly Spaeth Denise Friedly Genieve Patterson Enid Unden Susan Hirsch Kristin Peterson Lorrie Egan Chuck Scozzafava jessica Godin approached me, only me (Kristin Peterson), and she asked me why I had spoken with Sandy. I said 1 had already looked at the student lists. JeSSica Godin responded by saying) "if you are going to speak with Sandy then you can leave the meeting'. I asked her if sbe had told or intended on letting anyone else wbo had spoken to Sandy that they too could leave the meeting. I stayed present for the entire staff meeting. jessica Godin walked in and out of the Library a few times. jessica Godin did not speak to any other staff person (who had spoken with Sandy) to let them know that they could leave the meeting. This is an additional example wbereby jessica Godin has singled me out and treated me differently than my peers. Kristin M. Peterson, LCSW PetersonOOO61Q EXHIBIT "F" - -- -- ------.-- .--- _. -_. - " • Kristin M. Peterson 351 F Heritage Hills Somers, NY 10589 kpeterson@kJschQQls.Qrg linda Schluter Director of Special Education K-LSchools April 10, 2011 Dear Linda, I have been dOing a bit of thinking about the Social Worker role at the K-L schools and the convergence of the fiscal crisis with the desire for pro-active services and the need for mandated services. Sadly, you will be leaving us but I was hoping to discuss these ideas with you and perhaps you could relay them to our new director. I have been here at K-L for 14 years. In that time, we have seen numerous changes in leadership and few changes in the delivery of services. Sometimes we need to think out of the box and try something different. For the 11-12 school year, I am proposing a change. Not that I was asked, but that has never stopped me...•.. I am proposing that one full-time social worker assume the following tasks across the district (K-12): 1. initiate and compile all initial Social History reports a.' contact parents and review reason for referral b. compile-Soclal History c. explain the CSE process and their legal rigbts --- ". d. provide outline data for the psychologist to better understand testing requirements and the family's concerns e. report data to building social worker and/or psychologist f. input data into the IEP draft g. provide families with referrals for community support services (reflective of their child's disability or problems) and/or coordinate private practitioners with school instructional staff and specialists h. use judgment and discretion to determine which initial CSE meetings to attend, attend complicated initial meetings and or litigious meetings 2. compile all the triennial SOCial History updates a. connect with parents b. invite them in or conduct a phone interview c. report data to building social worker and/or psychologist d. input data into the IEP 3. become the case manager for all out of district students a. understand their needs b. communicate with families c. visit students twice a year d. attend formal planning meetings at the school venues or via teleconference e. attend CSE meetings when it appears that the district will be initiating a search for an alternative setting f. become the case manager when we are searching for an out of district alternative g. be the responsible party to navigate sending packets to alternative school sites, to follow-up with personnel, schedule visits, accompany the family and student on visits, and to assist in managing and filing the STAC forms It is my understanding that K-L currently has over 600 classified students. Throughout an academic year of 185 days,the aforementioned work-load appears manageable. Pet"""""""07 '. r believe this type of social work intervention would allow for: - consistency in the structure of and presentation of reports - all parents getting the same introduction to Special Services and the opportunity to darify questions with a "point of entry" specialist - the opportunity, from the start, for educational personnel to work collaboratively with private practitioners and to refer families to important community resources - consistency with the entry of data into rEP Direct, hence the creation of increasingly defensible rEPs by a specialist who completely understands the expectations and nuances of the rEP Direct system - a significant reduction in the amount of service interruption, allow for time in which the other social work clinicians could implement pro-active, preventative services and unify the dissemination of information with a K-12 system How this Structure Could be Feasible: - we could keep the same staff (6 full-time social workers) without the need to hire additional staff, it would simply involve re-allocating staff This plan would seem reasonable and effectively allow for more intensive intervention Without the additional responsibility of paperwork and rEP management. I have spent time elaborating on this proposal because I truly care about the children and families here in Katonah-Lewisboro and I think this plan would alleviate tremendous stress on our practitioners. Every indostry expects to "do more with less", It PetersonOOO7-08 - " " seems reasonable to consider that with focused intent and fewer diverse responsibilities the social workers could establisn more preventative programs, be available to assist a larger number of building students and the clinical service hours would be more streamlined, In clOSing, have it be known that if this structure were implemented I would like to be the District-wide Social Worker, In 22 years of practice, I have grown a lot - but nothing has prepared me better for this job than being a parent, And nothing has taught me more about people than navigating this journey as a 'visible family", as a family that exudes differences, and as a family that embraces many challenges. In many ways, I can relate to our parents and I have found that our parents take comfort interfacing with a provider who has faced and embraced our differences. Thank you for reading this proposal and giving pause to the ideas. Most Sincerely, ,..-(1,. ~ .._ 1) .'{..:.r~ Kristin Peterson cc A.Cronln C.Lee EXHIBIT ." Cir II KRISTIN M. PETERSON, LCSW 50 McDougal Drive North White Plains, NY 10601 914-227-4303 Paul Kreutzer Katonah Lewisboro Schools Route 138 Increase Miller School Goldens Bridge, NY Quaua~ JUl 11 2012 LAW OFFICE OF PETER D. HOFFMAN p.c. July 8, 2012 Mr. Kreutzer, . I am writing In response to your letter of July 6,2012. Your letter is filled with distortions and confabulations; hence I want to comment on your perceptual differences. At no time did I yell, raise my voice or speak In an aggressive manner. Right from the outset, you spoke over me and derailed my communication. - The Intervention in September had everything to do with my transfer to a position that removed me from direct contact with students. Therefore, a discussion about that event and the ensuing months was perfectly valiel. Especially, considering at no point over the last 10 months have you communicated with me about the intervention or my removal from contact with students and my subsequent re-entry In January 2012. - I was provided-a 20-mlnute window of time to discuss my transfer. Since you and I have never communicated, I felt it very Important to discuss my work history and the accolades and accomplishments I have received and achieved. You continually and repeatedly interrupted me. Peterson000786 - I did not call Connie Hayes "incompetent" nor did I use that word. I merely was stating the facts that I have an inch thick record of emaits that document her routine blunders, inability to communicate and breeches of confidentiality. You introduced the ~rd "incompetent". Perhaps it is you, who feels she is incompetent? - My conduct was neither disruptive nor inappropriate. My frustration grew when you interrupted me. If you had not interrupted me our conversation could have progressed. - I do not feel that Connie Hayes is "out to get me". Again, that is your wording. I have never stated that. Connie Hayes retaliated against me as.a result of the prior CSE meeting held just before the start of school. - I never accused you of Child Abuse. Again, this is your distortion of fact. I am the one who was maliciously and falsely accused of Child Abuse by Connie Hayes. I merely was reflecting and asked you if you could understand the pain of being falsely accused. Falsely accused of anything. I never said Wisconsin. Your writing that I said "oh that's right, I think you were accused of that in Wisconsin" is a total confabulation. I never said that. - I did not accuse you of Child Abuse nor made any reference that you were accused of Child abuse. To have you report that and contrive this allegation is reprehensible. - At no point was I "sobbing". Yes, I was teary and upset. I am not a Child Abuser nor did I inappropriately intervene with that student. This accusation has ripped at my soul. You and Connie Hayes have perpetuated this falsehood and slandered my character, and caused immeasurable stress. These 20 minutes were to discuss my transfer. The reason I wanted the meeting was to discuss why I was being removed from direct contact with students. Seems that the intervention in September.had adirectbearing and result on my being removedfrom student1XM1tact So it was pertinent to discuss and review. PetersonOO0787 - It was you who would not or could not tolerate the discussion and you repeatedly, bullied me and tried to silence me. This letter (716112) is contrived, exaggerated and filled with misinformation. You continue to slander my good reputation and abuse my character. Your July 6, 2012,Ietter, is further evidence of your and the district's campaign to discriminate against me, create a hostile work environment and to take my job. I demand that your July 6, 2012,Ietter, be removed from my personnel file; Please make certain that this letter is placed in my personnel file. ristin M. Peterson, LCSW c. Peter Hoffman .Jamie MattIce SandyGrebinar- PetersonOO0788 Exhibit "H" -0 I~-t·~·U '1..ft ~rn\1 -I !I I AUG L KRISTIN M. PETERSON, LCSW 50 McDougal Drive North White Plains, NY 10601 914-227-4303 '~2012 t!J) LAW Ut-t"k...i:....it'" PETER 0_ HOFFMAN Connie Hayes Katonah lewisboro Schools Route 138 Increase Miller School Goldens Bridge, NY August 1, 2012 Ms. Hayes, I am in receipt of your email dated July 18, 2012. In this email you state, "I would prefer at this point not to train additional 'trainers' until we have agreed upon how the TCI training can be delivered". This is far from a new problem. The scheduling problems that exist now existed months ago when a group of my coleagues attended the TCI training in Rhode Island. When my colleagues returned, from the training in April, they debriefed with you about the program and the logistical issues. Then again in June there was emaH chatter about the problems that would prevent the TCI training from being implemented during the half days the last week of school. It appears that you sent a group of colleagues to the training and bad neither been pian-fuR nor responsive to the Inherent scheduling glitches. This is a waste of vital and severely Um.'ted PetersonOOO789 ..J ~C_ resources and hinders the appropriate training that is needed to serve students, especially children with special needs. Since April, I was authorized to attend the August TCI training in Ithaca, NY. I have been looking forward to the training. I have made arrangements to attend the training and scheduled personal trips around these August dates. By not allowing me to go, this is one more example of hostile retaliation and treating me differently than my peers. This is further evidence of your and the district's campaign to discriminate against me, create a hostile work environment and to take my job. SincerelY, stin M. Peterson, LCSW c. Paul Kreutzer Peter Hoffman Jaime Mattice Sandy Greblnar PetersonOOO790 ~--- Exhibit "I" KRISTIN M. PETERSON, LCSW 50 McDougal Drive North White Plains, NY 10603 914-227-4303 Scott Persampieri Katonah Lewisboro Schools Route 138 Increase Miller School Goldens Bridge, NY August27,2012 Mr. Persampieri, I am asking for clarification regarding my Teacher Assignment for 2012-2013. I am in receipt of one letter dated June 1, 2012 that tentatively has me placed at John Jay High School and the assignment is "Social Worker case Histories K_12D. The letter you sent, dated August 1, 2012, has my finalized teaching assignment located at MPESIKES and the assignment is "Social Worker case Histories K-12D. Can you please clarify my Teaching Assignmentfor 2012-20131 ~ 'n r e Iy, :re-r-- 'n M. Peterson, LCSW c. Peter Hoffman Paul Kreutzer Sandy Grebinar PetersonOOO797 EXHIBIT "J" , ·i ;~ i : SEP 07 2012 White Plains" New York 10603 (914)-227-4303 jayleighsage@ao].com Sandra Grebinar KLSDTA Katonah, NY 10536 91512012 Dear Ms. Grebinar: You and I have been in communication for several days regarding my schedule for 20122013. I have also had numerous email exchanges between: Scott Persampien; Jessica Godin, Carolann Castellano, Connie Hayes, you and myself. In these emails, I have tried to document why a split week schedule between Meadow Pond and Katonah ElementaIy School is unreasonable and does not make any sense, The administration has negated my request for a three day and two day schedule. I have elaborated on these points: KES has double the numbers ofIEP mandated counseling service sessions in addition to 7 parent sessions (60 minutes long) each month The schedule administration has proposed makes me physically unavailable for the RTI meetings that are held in each building Having a split day (Monday), in effect wastes an hour on the road. To get to the car, drive over, park the car and settle in takes almost an hour. My colleague, at 1M and LES, does not have this same schedule; hence I am being singled out. The proposed schedule conflicts with the Conunittee on Special Education meeting dates This schedule interferes with and prohibits me from doing the work I am expected to accomplish, due to the deficit of time and the caseload requirements at KES The parent sessions at KES were designed to guide the families through the SSI application process that is cumbersome and time consuming, and the district has been negligent with this initiative in the past. Sandy, due to these points, I am asking that the Association fiJe a grievance on my behaJf. The district is clearly undermining my work, they are interfering with best practice. aod their schedule does not afford me the time to meet the IEP service needs for the identified children and their parents. PetersonOOO799 ... _ - - - - EXHIBIT "K" KRISTIN M. PETERSON,lCSW 50 t.t:Dougai Drive North White Plains, NY 10603 914-227-4303 Scott Petsampieri Katon~ Lewisboro Schools Increase Miller District Office Route 138 o~ ~ ~ u-Wl-,'R)i 1 OCT'O 3 2012 /IWI LAW OFFICE OF PErEA D. HOFFMAN P.C. Goldens Bridge, NY 10526 September 29,2012 Mr. Persampieri: I am writing to provide afonnal response 10 Connie Hayes' email1iom yesterday (9128112) that discussed ·professionalism". May the record be set correcUy: No, I cfld not "hang-iJp' on Katie Montilli. I will take a moment to describe what occurred. The back-story is significanUy important I have three recent emails from Katie MontiIIi. These emails are regarding professional observations and evaluations. The lint email is dated (9125 at 11 :4OAM), Hwas sent to myself, Specia Education colleagues from Meadow Pond, Special Education staIf 1iom Increase Miller, the bJr eIementlIy principals, and Connie Hayes. This emaH says that Cindy Greenberg will be doing the Fa! observation and the principal of the buDding will be doing the second observation. Then there are steps of the directions to ~Iow. The second IlfTISIl is dated (9127 at 3:36PM). This emailwassentto myseI[and Special Education staff only at Katonah Elemenay School, the bJr elementary principals and Connie Hayes. The bOOy of this email is-identical to the first Thetbinl emai wassentonly \0 me !lid it is daIed (9128 at 8:19AM). This email is an apology for the confusion of gelling two tonIIicIing emaiIs. Peterson000802 I called Katie soon after receiving the third email. I asked for clarification about 'wbich principal would be doing the Spring observation, since I was sbll scheduled the same week as my colleague at Meadow Pond and Cildy would be conducting the first observation. Katie responded, 'Jess Godin at Katonlti'. I said, "that is interesting·.....(there was a pause), Katie aid not respond aid I said "thank you' and hung up the phone. I was breathless (when Katie said 'Jess Godin1- I was literally breathless, blindsided and battered by yet one more hostie, retatalory, work related action orchestrated by Connie Hayes. Just one more instance of Connie Hayes making mistakes, not being organized and unable to communicate clearly. I am victimized (by Connie Hayes) once again, just like that fateful day last September 2011. I have several questions: 1. Why was there a ·mistake· made in the first place? It seems that Connie Hayes makes repeated mistakes. _ 2. Did Connie Hayes give any attention to her pla1ning of Special Education staff evaluations? And why are the dates, of a private malter, public .HIformatio n.? 3. Why, if Connie Hayes aid plan evaluations. would she have Jess Godin be observing me? (There seems to be little rational for this except to further contribute to the hostile work environment and to iltimidate me). 4. It appears this 'mistake· was caught 48 hours after the first email was sent and ironically the moming following my letter about Jess Godin's harassment. The timing is interesting, don't you think? Ms. Hayes' negligence, with this matter, is further evidence of ongoing reta6ation and retribution that contributes to the hostile work environment . Peterson, lCSW PetefSOnOOOS03 EXHIBIT "L" KRISTIN M. PETERSON, LCSW 50 McDougal Drive North White Plains, NY 10601 914-227-4303 Jessica Godin Katonah Lewisboro Schools Katonah elementary School Huntsville Road Katonah, NY 10536 September 21, 2012 Ms. Godin: WIth this Ietter,l am documenting your repeated and continued harassment. The events of today (9121112), once again, singled me out and targeted me. At 8:30 AM you sent me an email that directed me to attend a meeting at KES on Monday 9/24. As you know, this Is my day to be at Meadow Pond in the morning. Without any regard for my schedule, without any regard for the children I service, and without any regard for the parents I work with, yoU assumed that I could drop everything to attend a meeting. It would have been respectful to ask me or to Inquire about school related commitments I may have alreadY scheduled at that time. This meeting for student (OJ) is not an emergency. Instead of communicating with me directly, as I have repeatedly asked you to do, you sent a hostile email that undermines my Important work with other parents and children. What Is all the more absurd is that you had the wrong date in youremail. The meetingfor(CJ) was schedu1edforTuesday. And you were privy to this Infoulialion beceuse you have been included on the emaiIs sentfromllr. Terry CostIn. Peterson000804 It is noteworthy that Chris Ekler also is unable to attend the meeting on Tuesday, 9125. Did you send her an email and . <I4lmand that she report to KES? Did you also send an email to Janet Duffy demanding that she abandon KES Uve and attend the meeting? Clearly, from Mr. Costin's emails you knew that these individuals were unable to attend because Chris is not at KES at that time and Janet is busy with other responsibilities. But rather than communicate with me, you sent a hostile email that absolutely negated the importance of my responsibilities at Meadow Pond, you singled me out and treated me differently than my colleagues, and you denied any opportunity for discussion whereby you would have learned that Jessica Nappi and I had alreadY made a plan to communicate, I have alreadY begun working with (CJ), and I have had several years of experience working with Children who have his disability. You are fully apprised of the concerns (about my schedule) that I raised, before school even began. Your email seems to imply that somehow I was skirting my responsibilities. But what is especially distressing Is your knee jerk response that dismisses my work with children and families. To assume that I can drop everything (when it is far from an emergency), deny the children with IEP's services, and cancel parent appointments leaves me wondering If you have a resl commitment to children and their families? You were so quick to harass me that you even had the date wrong. Once again, I will . .iterate. that going forward please ~~ate with me directly. Kristin M. Peterson PetersollOO0805 EXHIBIT "M" KRISTIN M. PETERSON, lCSW 50 McDougal Drive North White Plains, NY 10603 914-227-4303 Jessica Godin . Katonah lewisboro Schools . Katonah elementary School Huntsville Road Katonah, NY 10536 October11,2012 Ms. Godin: I believe you are _II aware that I am the clinician attached to Maria Mellon's special class and with this responsibility I am the clinician who provides both IEP counseling services and IEP parent training services for these children and families. Ukewise, Christine Scaglione is the clinician attached to Brian Dillane's class. Ms. Scaglione and I meet formally on a weekly basis to update each other, in addition _ have almost daily communications. It has been brought to my attention that you have asked Christine Scaglione to "check in" and provide clinical services to the students in Marla Mellon's special class. You have not asked me to ·check in" or provide clinical services to the students in Brian DiRane's class. Certainly, there win be days when Ms. Scaglione is unavailable just as there are.days when I am. unavailable. Why have you implemented different arrangements? Whyam I being treated adferently? Why didn'tyou comnnmfc:ate your expectations4/rec~ to me? PetersonOO0895- Your arrangement (having Ms. Scaglione "check in" and not requesting the same of me) effectively shuts me out, limits my ability to advocate for children, impedes collegial problem solving capabilities, and ultimately harms the children. Your lack of communication with me undermines my ability to serve children. This conduct is further evidence of retaliation as a result of the incidents at the beginning of the 2011-2012 school year. k~ Kristin M. Peterson 0. . ----............ Paul KNUtziIr .,.... Huft'iIiWII Peterson0Q0896 - -- EXHIBIT "N" - - - - - - - - \--;'f · '~'; . ,'~; :-.c..-""~ ~ i 'ii OCT 22 2012 -I. U' KRISTIN M. PETERSON, LCSW.R:,:~;-"~.:_ 50 McDougal Drive White Plains" New York 10603 (914}2274303 jayleighsa&@aotcom Jessica Godin Katonah Elementary School Huotsville Road, NY 10538 October 21, 2012 Dear Ms. Godin, I am writing to inform you that your letter dated October 19, 2012 is further evidence of your retaliatory practices and it substantiates the existence of the hostile work environment that you have created. Ooce again, you failed to approach me and bave a conversation. As stated previously you avoid communication at all cost, even when your lack. of communication impedes effective help or interventions for children. In this case, you could have exerted professional courtesy and encouraged the parent to speak with me directly about her concerns. Instead you write me a memo that seems to imply that I have not provided service to the particular student Perhaps if you had come and spoken with me the situation could have been cleared up? But instead, you chose to write a memo that is filled with distortions and inaccurate information. In addition your date on the letter and the date you requested a response "'" the same. But in the body of the letter you explain that I had until "the close of business tomorrow, Friday, October 19""'. -so in addition to faetually inaccurate information you also confused matters- with the inaceurate dales. n is Itue that I bave seen this student 3 out of 6 weeks, As stated, he is 1lOI.an RTI student oora CSE student. The missed sessions bave been due.to bolidays. my1>eing aDsent for a dep<>siti01l and attending CSE meetings at Meadow Yond. All "fwhich are legitimate excuses. PelersonOO08!)7 " ! 1believe you would give other colleagues some professional courtesy. Why are you treating me differently than my peers? Why don't you communicate with me? Your lack of conununication undermines my ability to serve children and build alliances with parents. Your collusion with this parent negatively impacts my ability to create a rapport. This conduct is further evidence of retaliation as a result of the ineidents at the beginning of the 2011-2012 academic school year. Most Sincerely, c. Paul Kreutzer BOE Scott Persampieri Sandy Grebinar Peter Hoffinan PetersooOOO898 EXHIBIT "0" ---~--- .,.t;~ KATONAH ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ::~.i·l(ft·~(1-06 Huntvillc Road. Katonah NY 10536 ....1" Pll"nl" ')1":1- -j,,- --Oil Lv;: 'll-i-· -6 ~- --:1') . Jessica Godin. Principal Terry Costin, Assistant PriTlcipaf Katnnah-ll:wishuro Schf\ol District October 19, 2012 Dear Kristin: Yesterday morning I was visited by a parent of one of the students to whom you are assigned to provide services. The parent indicated that you were to have provided services to her son, Paul_, once a week for one half hour. Other than the first week of school, the mother informed me that you have not seen the child since. The mother has reported some impact on the child as a result of her indication of your failure to meet with the child. Indeed, I have reviewed the weekJy schedule you submitted to me on September 8 th, and I find that it does indicate t~e provision of services to Paul from 11:15 to 11:45 on Wednesdays. Please provide me with a response respecting Ms._daim that Paul has not received the scheduled selVices from you by the dose of business tomorrow, Friday, October 19 th• Please be advised that in the event I determine that Paul has not received the subject services, you are to begin the same next week on Wednesday at the apPointed time. Very truly yours, Jessica Godin Pelerson000900 ---- TO: Jess Godin RE: letter dated 10/19/2012 ----- Jess, I in fact have seen Paul for three sessions. Keep in mind this student is neither RTt nor a classified student. His mother had called and asked for some sodal skills mtervention to assist witb pervasive anxiety she feels he experiences. The dates: 9/12 - began service 9/19- out of building for deposition 9/26- holiday 10/3- service 10/10- service 10/17- at MP forCSE W~"-r-Kristin Peterson PelersonOOO899 EXHIBIT "P" From: Kristin Peterson <jayleighsage@aol.com> To: Sandra Grebinar <sgrebinar@yahoo.com>; Dgpatterson@klschools.org n <gpatterson@klschools.org> Sent: Wednesday, May 2, 2012 9:15 PM Subject: Jess Godin - harassment Jess Godin - harassment Today 5/2/12, Jess Godin responded to an email that Christine Scaglione wrote regarding the pre-school observations. Jess responded ¢nly to Christine despite the email also including Sue Hirsch and myself. Christine forwarded the emails to me and to Sue. The statement that I wrote has merit and veracity. Jess seems to engage in splitting and pitting people against each other At 3:15 there was an all call, Debbie Winter calling me to the office. I go to the office and Debbie points to Jess' office. I walk in and Jess, Mrs. Patterson and Terry Costin are there. Jess asks me about the schedule of the pre-schoolers. I say she had volunteered to do them as also recalled by Sue and Christine. I asked why Mrs. Patterson was there. Jess does not provide an answer. Jess asked who was available to do the observations. I told her again she had volunteered and it was not my place to schedule or assign my colleagues as I am their peer. I asked why I was called in and not Christine when Christine sent the original email. Jess said she likes to speak with people individually. I ask if she intends on speaking to both Sue and Christine and she says she is. I ask again why I was called first. She will not answer but to say again she like to speak individually. Terry Costin has a good suggestion to go over the schedule at RTI on Monday. That is a good idea. Again, Jess tries to draw me into making assignments. I reiterate that it is not my place and everyone is busy. Mrs. Patterson tries to settle the issue by acknowledging Mr. Costin's suggestion. Harassment: why did she call me, walked into an ambush, why was Mrs. Patterson there, Jess forgot her job that she said she would do, she just needed to say n oops I forgot and move on, she only called in Christine and not Sue, Christine told her the same thing as I did (that Jess said she would do observations), Jess was happy to do the observations because she has a 14 month old son and she is new to the area- and hence she could see lots of programs, Jess did some visits and she tried to imply that I was setting up the visits, I did not set up the ones she did do so why is she pointing the finger of blame, what was the purpose of this ambush, she tried to set blame on me, was this a union issue, was this a disciplinary conference, what was the purpose? When she said she likes to speak with people individually, that was just a lie, she likes to be efficient and to speak with people individually is not time efficient. Terry Costin was not present when Jess met with Christine. ft Sent fram my iPhone PetersonOO0910 ·EXHIBIT "Q" KRISTIN M. PETERSON, LCSW 50 McDougal Drive North White Plains, NY 10603 jayleighsage@aol.com . 914-227-4303 Scott Persampieri Katonah Lewisboro Schools District Office Increase Miller School PO Box 387 Katonah, New York 10536 November 15, 2012 Dear Mr. Persampleri: With this letter, I want to officially document the fact that since January 20121 have sent numerous letters to the Human Resources Department. These numerous letters document the chronic retaliation, harassment, avoidance tactics, and hostile situation that Connie Hayes and Jess Godin have created. My letters have been extremely specific and timely. Jess Godin. in particular. since September 2012 has been repeatedly hostile. she avoids communications with me, and she has retaliated on numerous occasions. She routinely and purposefuJly makes a point to circumvent my professional influence {calUng me tate loa meeting. not lnvitingme to meetings. and not consulting with me). she has Isolated me PetersonOOO911 ---.---- from team decision-making, and she makes arbitrary decisions that involve the children that I service without consulting me. This type of behavior is denigrating to my character and .abusive. In addition, it is hurtful to our students and families. I have sent you a significant number of letters documenting very specific incidents. I would like to call to your attention to the fact that neither Carol Ann Lee (your predecessor) nor yourself has ever "investigated" any of my numerous complaints. It seems that you have been derelict in your duties. In addition, on Friday 11/9/121 both called your office, spoke with your secretary - told her it was urgent, and sent you an email requesting a meeting with yourself and Sandy Grebinar. You failed to get in contact with me. I might add that the email was sent after your connection was restored. I believe that the Katonah-Lewisboro School District is an employer that subscribes to the beliefs and the Federal Laws that protect employees from work place abuse, harassment, and a hostile work environment In my case, the District has been negligent and has not followed the letter of the law nor followed our own district protocols to investigate such matters. This district, and yourself, as the Director of Human Resources have allowed me to be subjected to work place abuses for over 14 months. You have done nothing. This untenable situation, created by Connie Hayes and Jess Godin, has been allowed to fester and your office has failed to investigate any of the numerous issues and complaints. You have failed to investigate my reports of abusive, hostile events whereby Jess Godin and Connie Hayes have sabotaged my professional role, failed to communicate with me, denigrated my good work, and threatened me with hostile behavior. In addition. this harassing and retaliatory conduct prevents me from providing state and federally mandated services to students with IEP's and 504 Plans. t have repeatedly raised this concern-that the district's retaliatory behavior()auses service Peterson000912 disturbance, hence IEP's and 504 Plans that are out of compliance. Regarding Jess Godin's threatening behavior on Wednesday, November 14, 2012-1 have attached a narrative to this letter. You removed me from my position. It is disparate treatment to have me removed from my job role and not have Jess Godin removed from her job role while you "investigate" the interaction. The disparate treatment is an act of retaliation and an effort on behalf of the district to take my job. Given Jess Godin's volatile unprofessional behavior, 1might suggest that you insist that she have a psychiatric evaluation to assess If she is stable, a danger or risk to others and up to the rigor of her position. ~~Jb~ 26 1<---c. Katonah-Lewisboro Board of Education Paul Kreutzer Sandy Grebinar Peter Hoffman PetersonOOO913 EXHIBIT "R" ~-----~-----~- Interaction with Jessica Godin - 11/14/12 Jess Godin came to my office and hand delivered a response Tetter to me. She did not knock and she did not greet me. She pushed my office door open, shoved the letter onto my desk, right into my view and she disturbed what I waS working on. She did not say a word and she turned around and left She did not hand me the letter appropriately or gently. She was highly aggressive. She violated my workspace and her demeanor was volatile and hostile. I opened the letter and read the contents. Moments later, I was headed to the nurse's office to gather any additional information that was requested and Jess Godin was at the landing of the steps right outside my door. Sh«: stepped physically into my way and then backed up, I felt threatened by her posture and wanted to go past her quickly. She spoke to me and demanded, "J want the information in a written report". I responded, "J think you already have the information". She said again, "I want the information in a written report". (At no time did she say how I should deliver the written narrative). This request, in itself was a hostile act as Jess Godin was fully apprised of the information she was requesting as she had secured the facts last week on Wednesday 11/7/12. I went down the stairs ahead of her and went to the nurse's office. J spoke briefly with the nurse, gathered the information and returned to my office. I wrote the brief statement as Jess Godin requested. I printed out the statement and went down stairs to deliver the information to Jess Godin. Jess Godin has repeatedly said, (in public}"! have an openll00r policy. if the door is open come on inDo To date. she has not PetersonOO0914 communicated with me any special directions as to "how" to communicate with her and she had demanded the letter so I was delivering it to her as requested. To treat me any differently than her "open door policy" Is harassment Jess Godin was in her office, behind her desk She did not stop me from coming in. I handed her the report and she took it firmly in her grasp. I released the letter and turned to leave. She screamed at me, ''You need to give this to Mrs. Winter". I did not approach her. She continued to scream at me several times over, ''You need to take this and deliver it to Mrs. Winter". Her voice was significantly elevated, screaming, hostile and abusive. Her tone was threatening and angry. I felt threatened by her tone and her physical presence, thrusting the letter toward me and I was not at all comfortable to approach her and take the letter back I told her, ·you have the letter in your hand and you never gave me directions on how to deliver the letter". I did not approach her to take the letter back because I was frightened by her loss of voice control, her loss of professionalism and her body language was aggressive when she shoved the letter toward me. At no time did she tell me to leave her office because she was screaming at me to take the letter from her hand. I turned and left her office. The volatile nature of her tone,her words, and her posture was threatening, abusive, and unprofessional . .J;'bt'\....-r-~Ivy l~<-- !stin M. Peterson. LCSW 11/14/2012 Peterson000915 EXHmIT "'5 I. NOV 20 2012 lAW OfFICE OF PETER O. HOFFMAN p.o. KRISTIN M. PETERSON, lCSW 50 McDougal Drive North White Plains, NY 10603 jayleighsage@aol.com 914-227-4303 Scott Persampieri Katonah Lewisboro Schools District Office Increase Miller School PO Box 387 Katonah, New York 10536 November 20, 2012 Dear Mr. Persampieri: Yesterday (11/19/12) at4:06PM,1 received a phone call to my private cell phone number from Christine Scaglione (the school psychologist at KES). She left a voice mail message of 30 seconds In length. ltis unclear, to me, why she would be . caIHng me about work related matters when I have been Administratively reassigned tobome?Ms. Scaglione told me that "Jessica Gocfm -asked Christine to caltme anctthatJess GodIn had cleared it with Scott Persampieri". Tbis ISJlotan unusual communication pattern. Jess Godin has I"IIFeIy spoken with me aU year. And when she did speak to me on Wednesday Peterson000916 - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - (11114112) she was screaming at me. In fact, I have written to you (numerous times) about Jess Godin's chronic avoidance and her "fishing" for information from others rather than speaking with me or communicating directly to me. It is unfortunate that you have ignored all my complaints. This is yet one more example of the hostile work environment, Jess Godin's retaliation and Jess Godin's inability to lead or function as principal. It Is also reflective of her lack of professionalism and her behavior that interferes with or (In this instance) impedes my ability to help coordinate services for those less fortunate In our community. I question "why" a colleague would be asked to call me about school related business when I am not to have contact with staff during this time of Administrative Reassignment? It also is clear that there is a double standard. A colleague may call me but I cannot call or have contact with a colleague. Again, this is an example of the double standards In the district, an example of me being singled out and treated differently than my peers, an example of the retaliation that has been chronic since last September 2011, and an example of the hostile work environment created by and perpetuated by Jess Godin, Connie Hayes, and Paul Kreutzer. I was prepared to have the requested information by Friday, November 16, 2012 and the PTA chair was pleased with that date, the word used was "awesome". It afforded everyone involved enough time to proceed as planned - given the fact that we were aU struggling with miSSing 5 days of work; phones and email being incapacitated; families without power, phones or internet; language communication barriers; and a 2 hour delay all thrown into the mix of the recent three weeks. I might recommend that Jess Godin take responsibility for sabotaging my ability to provide the Information they requested when she fabricated the allegations and her chronic hostility impairs her ability to communicate with me. Mr. Persampieri, the letter you handdeUvered to me on Wednesday, 11/14112 specificany says, -Duringthe pendency PetersonOOO917 of this administrative reassignment, you will be relieved of your professional responsibilities". So I am sorry, and it is with deep regret, that I cannot give you the information requested. May I remind you that I am relieved of my duties, I cannot work or interface with colleagues, I cannot be on campus. and I cannot provide you information that is only available at school. It was Dr. Paul Kreutzer who established these parameters on November 14, 2012. ~rrely, ~eterson c. . Katonah-Lewisboro Board of Education Paul Kreutzer Sandy Grebinar Peter Hoffman Pelerson000918 EXHIBIT', It KRISTIN M. PETERSON, LCSW 50 McDougal Drive North White Plains, NY 10603 jayleighsage@aol.com 914-227-4303 Scott Persampieri Katonah Lewisboro Schools District Office Increase Miller School PO Box 387 Katonah, New York 10536 November 27,2012 Dear Mr. Persampieri: I am writing to ask for your permission to attend the Crisis Training sessions that are scheduled for 11/29 and 1217. I have been signed up for these sessions since they were made available and it was my intent to attend. Will you allow me to attend the scheduled training? In the past, I have been denied training on two occasions: one Jast fall (in the district) and then the August training {in Ithaca) when Connie Hayes withdrew/rescinded my prior approval to attend. The district's conduct and purposeful exclusion from being trained causes failure to provide the Federally and State mandated services under IEP's for the students I serve. The district's conduct and purposeful exclusion from being trained is further evidence of the hostile work place environment and retaliatory behavior I have endured. I hope to hear from you today so that I can make arrangements. Sincerely, ~ Kristin M. Peterson c. Katonah-Lewisboro Board of Education Paul Kreutzer Sandy Grebinar Peter Hoffman