Supporting Graphics - Levon Resources Ltd.


Supporting Graphics - Levon Resources Ltd.
Cordero Discovery Progress
Moving to Phase 3
Cordero JV Project
Chihuahua, Mexico
September 30, 2010
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The information contained in this presentation is confidential and for internal use only. The contents are not to be
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is an early stage mineral resource exploration company with no mineral projects that have been proven to be economic.
Many references to resources and other geological and technical information contained herein have not been verified by
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Forward-looking Statements
This presentation includes certain forward-looking statements about future events and/or financial results which are
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Forward-looking statements include without limitation, statements regarding the company’s plans, goal or objectives
and future completion of mine feasibility studies, mine development programs, capital and operating costs, production,
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results to differ materially from expectations include risks associated with mining generally and pre-development stage
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securities of Levon Resources Ltd.
Cordero Project Location - Mexico
• 35 km NE of
Hildalgo del
Parral, mining
center in
Chihuahua State
• 10 km E of State
• Secure surface
and mineral
rights title
behind locked
gates of private
cattle ranches
Landmark Technical Results from Feb 2009
Phase 1 and 2 - JV total cost $4.5M, 17 months to
June 1, 2010:
• Defined Cordero Porphyry Belt and geology
• Recognized Penasquito deposit type analogy
and upside potential by recognizing
mineralized diatremes and bulk tonnage
porphyry controls
• Doubled land to 20,000 hectares and surface
rights agreements
• Expanded the Cordero Porphyry Belt to 15 km
strike (+60%) by finding:
– Pozo de Plata Diatreme, Dike Complex
– Dos Mil Diez Diatreme Complex
– Molina de Viento Caldera, Diatreme
• Discovery and grid drilling in Pozo de Plata
Diatreme and Cordero Porphyry Target (both
open to expansion)
• Phase 1 (8 holes, ---m);
• Phase 2 (52 holes ---);
• Total 60 holes, ---m)
• Defined six other mine scale, bulk tonnage Ag,
Au, Zn, Pb exploration drill targets
• Identified more grassroots hunting ground
(Molina de Viento)
Phase 3 follow up program beginning
Map Scales: Cordero-Penasquito & Others
District Geologic Setting: NE Longitudinal Section
Cordero Porphyry Belt
| More recon planned
Ag Vein Mining
| Past Porphyry Expl
• Dos Mil Diez and Molina de Viento Diatreme Complexes found in 2010
• Porphyry Belt exploration of District scale: 15 km strike length 3-5 km width
• Now 6 mineralized intrusive centers with 3 diatreme complexes
• Exploration guided by geologic domains related to depth of igneous intrusion
Phase 1 & 2 Discovery Drill Grids
Phase 1 & 2 Pozo de Plata Diatreme Drilling
Phase 1 & 2 Pozo de Plata Diatreme Drilling
3D Composite Section
Pozo de Plata Diatreme
discovery, open in all
Phase 1 &2 Pozo de Plata Diatreme Drilling
3D Composite Section
Josefina Mine
Zone possible
E extension of
Pozo de Plata
Phase 1 & 2 Cordero Porphyry
Discovery Drill Fence
Phase 1 & 2 Cordero Porphyry Discovery Drill Fence
Cordero Phase 3 Exploration
$14M and 59,000 m core drilling, 148 holes
Oct 1, 2010, 12 months or less, 3+ core drills
Define resources (50-100 m offset drilling)
Delineate discoveries (100-200 m step-out
• Explore 6 outlying mine-scale targets (isolated
holes with grid follow up possible)
• Define additional mine scale targets
Cordero Phase 3 Exploration: Mine-ScaleTargets
• 6 mine-scale targets
• Percent K radiometrics
contoured as base
• Targets defined by
– Geology
– Rock Chips
– Soils
– Electromagnetics
– Radiometrics
– Gravity
– Air mag
Cordero Outlying Mine-scale Drill Targets
Beginning of Phase 3
Target Name
Target Type
Criteria and Characteristics
Dimensions (m)
El Oeste Pozo de
Correlative Ag, Au, Zn, Pb soils anomalies above NW, NE intersecting gravity
low troughs and mapped, iron stained ring dike, diatreme rocks along the SW
contact zone of the Pozo de Plata Diatreme Complex.
800m NS, X1000m NE
Dos Mil Diez
Diatreme and
feeder pipe
Pipe shaped gravity low through the entire gravity inversion to 500m (model
depth) at intersecting NS, NE gravity low troughs in the SW Diez Diatreme
Complex; gravity low is directly beneath mapped altered diatreme breccia
centered along area of contact zone of the Dos Mil strongly altered diatreme
breccias and rhyolite dike swarms and a small felsic dome/dike with Au
anomalies; K radiometric high and rock chip and soils Ag, Au, Zn, Pb anomalies
(located 300 m W of Au Trench 2010-1 (News Release of February, 16, 2010).
1000 x 1000 m with 500
m projected interior
Al Sur Dos Mil
NE trending gravity lows along the S contact zone of the Dos Mil Diez Diatreme
Complex beneath mapped diatreme breccias and rhyolite dike swarms, rare
historical prospects with smelter slag, weak Ag, Au, Pb and Zn amonalies in
soils and rock chips.
1400m NE X 400-700
m NW
Cordro Porphyry
Porphyry Ag,
Au, Zn, Pb with
possible Mo
NS zone of nested, mineralized rhyolite stocks hosting prospects and current
shallow underground workings on high grade Ag vein showings; beneath Ag,
Au, Zn, Pb soils and rock chip anomalies. First fence of drill holes shows 500
m + of mineralization at depth (hole C10-41) and moly veining in the lower
intervals of drill holes to the S.
1700m NS; 1500m NE
in northern part of
Al Sur Ciegos
(Blind South)
Diatreme or
blind porphyry
Isolated IP chargeability anomaly beneath diatreme float, weak magnetic high
annulous around margins of target; mostly covered with thick soils and an
agricultural field. Within the sourthern contact zone of the Cordero Dome and
similar to the IP anomaly that lead to the Pozo de Plata discovery.
1200m in diameter
La Ceniza
hosted high
Past NE trending open stopes and massive sulfides on dumps show
replacement mineralization in roof rocks of the stock. Additional IP will
completely define Phase 2 IP chargeability anomalies to define target limits and
spot final drill holes.
1000 X 1000
Cordero Phase 3 Exploration Drilling
• Phase 3 Drilling
– Offset definition
– Deposit
– Outlying
• Exploration drilling
goal is early discovery
for follow up offset
grid drilling
• Percent K
contoured as base
Cordero Phase 3 Exploration Schedule
Core drilling to start October 1, 2010
Ramping up to 3 drills 24/7 by end of October
Geologic mapping, sampling in progress
Crew expansion in progress
IP being contracted for October/November
Suite 400, 455 Granville Street
Vancouver, BC V6C 1T1
(604) 682-3701