Case Study - Precision Drilling


Case Study - Precision Drilling
Precision Drilling
Recruitment Communica3ons Support
In June 2008, Precision Drilling Ltd. asked NATIONAL for communica3on support to help aFract, recruit and retain the top-­‐quality drilling, well servicing, camp and catering employees it needed to accomplish its growth objec3ves. Specifically, the company wanted to hire 2,500 new employees to fully crew 200 drilling rigs, 200 service rigs, 90 camps and 30 U.S. and interna3onal drilling rigs by January 15, 2009. (Addendum: Due to the change in the economy, Precision Drilling did not require the full complement of 2,500 new employees as originally planned.)
We started with a survey of senior Precision staff to determine the essence of the company’s corporate culture and the barriers to recrui3ng and retaining employees. Using these research findings, plus the insights gained through several planning mee3ngs with HR, opera3ons and execu3ve team members, our strategy was to create a dis3nc3ve concept that epitomized the culture on the rigs. Working with “Roughneck” as a conceptual founda3on, NATIONAL created a new term – Toughneck – that Precision employees could define and prove through both ac3on and words and create a unique and memorable impression of the company and its culture.
NATIONAL then developed tac3cs to create awareness of Precision Drilling’s employment opportuni3es and gain new recruits. In addi3on to re-­‐branding exis3ng recrui3ng material, we built a micro site to host all of the Toughneck informa3on including the “Are you Tough Enough?” quiz, designed to help visitors self-­‐screen ( To drive applicants to the web, print, online and outdoor ads were used in smaller centres throughout Atlan3c Canada and Ontario. We also engaged exis3ng Precision employees in the campaign by developing a toolkit, including (talking points, sample materials and Q&As) to help rig managers communicate with their crews. (Toughnecks hard hat s3ckers and bumper s3ckers).
The Toughnecks campaign was successful for Precision Drilling both internally – as a means of showcasing employee pride – and externally, by helping the company communicate its corporate culture and career opportuni3es to poten3al employees. In total, the company received more than 16,000 applicantsand more than 20,000 unique visits to the website and hired 850 people. The campaign was recognized externally with a CPRS Award of Excellence in Communica3on Management and an IABC Silver Leaf Award of Excellence.
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Precision Drilling
Recruitment Communica3ons Support
Below: User interface design, pla1orm and applica4on development, tracking and measurement, mul4-­‐country (Canada, U.S.A.) Print: adver4sing campaign, posters, applica4on forms, billboards, s4ckers, informa4on booklets.
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