Drilling Operations


Drilling Operations
Drilling Engineering
DE134 -Drilling Operations
(26 – 30 April 2015, Dubai)
DE134 -Drilling Operations
(26 – 30 April 2015, Dubai)
Course Description
Course Outline
This course will update the participants with both fundamentals
and up-to date technology of drilling operations. It presents upto-date information on drilling rig types and personnel. Rig systems, preparing for drilling and drilling operations different types
of casing and their design, cementing practices hole problems,
and horizontal and directional drilling are covered in this course.
Possible problems and hazards associated with drilling will be
reviewed. Practical cases that both the instructor and the attendees have come across will be analyzed and discussed.
n Rig Types and Personnel
Course Objectives
n Rolling Cutter Bit
Types of rigs, Land rigs, Rig components, Offshore rigs:
jack-up rigs, submersible rigs, platform rigs, semi-submersible rigs, drill ships, Rig personnel: Land rig and Offshore rig
n Rig Systems
Hoisting system, Rotating system, Circulating system, Control system, Power system
n Preparing for Drilling and Drilling Operations
Well design, Constructing rig location: location preparation,
leveling, cellar, access roads and Pits, Rig move, Drilling
hole, Running casing and cementing, Completing the well
Bit types, Specification, Grading worn bit, Bit performance
n Drag Bits
Upon completion of this course the participant will be able to:
n Understand the fundamentals of different types of drilling
n Understand the different rig types and personnel types
n Prepare for drilling operations
n Identify rolling cutter bit and drag bits
n Identify drilling fluids, casting design and cementing
n Understand well control and completion
n Understand hole completion
Specifications, Grading worn bit, Bit performance
n Drilling Fluids
Types and components, Properties, Testing equipment, Selection
n Casing Design
Casing types and grades, Casing loads, Casing design
n Cementing
Cement types, Cement properties and additives, Cementing
n Hole Problems
Lost circulation, Stuck pipe, Kick
n Directional, Horizontal and Multilateral Drilling
Who Should Attend?
Causes of drilling, Well profiles, Tools used for drilling, Trajectory monitoring
n Well Control
BOP\s, Chock manifold, Accumulators, Inside BOP’s
Operators, technicians, engineers, managers, and maintenance
personnel who are involved in drilling an completion technology.
n Well Completion:
Completion configuration, Completion equipment, Perforation
DE134 -Drilling Operations
(26 – 30 April 2015, Dubai)
Terms & Conditions
n TÜV Middle East Certificate will be issued to all attendees.
n Course Fee mentioned is per delegate.
n Avail an attractive10% discount on course fee if you
register 30 days before course start date.
n Courses will be conducted during the designated
dates at a 4 star or 5 star hotel in the designated city.
n Payments to be made in advance. Exact venue of the
training will be notified two weeks prior to course start
n This rate includes course notes, buffet lunch, coffee/
tea on arrival, morning and afternoon of each day.
n Accomodation is not included in course fees. However, any accomodation required can be arranged by
TÜV Middle East at time of booking.
For further details and up to date terms and conditions,
visit www.tuvakademie.net\tac1.pdf
5 days - 08:00am until 03:30pm daily
Location & Date
Dubai, 26 – 30 April 2015
Participation Fee
US$ 4,075 per participant
Your Contact
Ms. Humbeline Hilado
Tel: +971 2 4411148
Email: humbelineh@tuv-nord.me
About the Instructor
Eng.Mostafa Awad Elsayed, holding a Bachelor degree
in petroleum engineering, Faculty of petroleum and mining engineering Suez Canal University.
From June, 2008 -present working as Senior Drilling &
Work over Engineer & Supervisor at Khalda Petroleum
Company (KPC) – Joint Venture of APACHE Corporation.
Supervisor Responsibilities:
n Supervise Rig inspection & commissioning.
n Supervise all drilling and work-over operations. (Shallow, deep & super deep wells (gas wells).
n Dealing with unstable hole problems due to (caving,
swelling shale, loss of circ., gas & water kicks, etc.).
n Run different types of casings, Liner casings & cementing operations.
n Supervise and follow-up all direction operation (survey, trajectory, DLS, projection a head to target).
n Supervising all Side track operations & re-entry wells.
n Follow-up Drilling torque and drag & BHA vibrations.
n Supervise Drilling fluid testing & using the different
types of mud (spud-mud, KCL Poly. Mud & OBM).
n Supervise all killing operation of Oil & Gas wells.
n Supervise all fishing operation on drilling, work-over Rigs.
n Supervise coiled tubing operations.
n Supervise open hole & cased hole logs & Evaluate
qualitative CMT Bond Log (CBL/VDL/USIT).
Training & certificates:
n IWCF certificate (valid till 30 Jan. 2015).
n Stuck Pipe Prevention: at OGS.
n PDC & Rock bits courses at (SMITH INTERNATIONAL & SECURITY DBS).
n Coring equipment course at (SECURITY DBS).
n Drilling fluids basics & testing courses in (BAROID &
n Liner Hanger installation & testing course at (SMITH
n SPE continuous learning hours through “deep well
drilling challenges” work shop (2009, 2010 & 2012).
n University Training (2005) : Gulf of Suez Petroleum
Company (offshore drilling operations).
Please visit www.tuvakademie.net for details on courses we offer and more updated information. You can also
register online.
For applications by mail / fax, please fill the form below and send to address below :
TÜV Middle East
P. O. Box 46030
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Fax Number : +971 2 4411149
DE134 - Drilling Operations
Yes, register me for the training.
Company Information
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Participant Information
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I agree that TÜV Middle East can send me periodic emails about news and latest course offerings to my email.
I / we acknowledge to the terms and conditions of the organizer
Location & Date
TÜV Middle East
P. O. Box 46030
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Tel : +971 2 4411148
Fax : +971 2 4411149
www.tuvakademie.net | www.tuv-nord.com
TÜV Middle East • All rights reserved