Page-06 - WorldWide Drilling Resource


Page-06 - WorldWide Drilling Resource
What’s NEW at
So, you want to know what your WWDR Team is up to this year?
We’ve got some really exciting changes for you.
We Built This in the
United States of
Beginning with this issue, we’ve changed up our Editorial Focus
each month. Yes, this month it’s RIGS. All those wonderful, beautiful,
shiny new rigs are there waiting for you to explore. Next month it’s
BITS - can’t hardly wait to see what our bit manufacturers have to
offer to make your job easier.
Want to know what else is in store for you editorialwise? Merely
go to and click on the marketing
link, then marketing guide, where you will see our WorldWide
Editorial Focus Schedule, and plan your future.
And as this New Year is upon us, we begin that whirlwind of travel to make sure we take each advertiser’s important message around
the world, and bring you back all the highlights and innovative new
inventions and manufacturers’ new products and services. It’s not an
easy task by any means, and some say “Why do you do that? You
don’t have to. That’s a great deal of expense.”
Our reply is, “Yes we do.” That is part of our So l i d G o l d
We are proud of it.
Service ~ with a Smile! ™
Ronnie, Managing Publisher
With pen (computer) in hand...
As we say here at WWDR,
See you on the trail!
Ronnie, for the WWDR Team
V B Wh a t ab o u t a si lk p u r s e?
V B V B V B F o u r t h t i m e ’s a c h a r m ?
V BV B V BV B S y s t em c l ea n l in e s s?
V BV B V BV BV B O ld - f a sh i o n e d q u a l it y - s t il l #1 !
VBVB VBV BVB VB H o w c a n p ic k le ja rs h e lp ?
V B V B V B V B Living the American dream!
How about
You got ‘em - they need ‘em!
Proudly Made in the United States of America - delivered WorldWide !
WorldWide Drilling Resource
The complete magazine for the drilling industry worldwide, owned by drilling industry
associates dedicated to bringing the most up-to-date technology and information to
subscribers. Covering construction-geotechnical, directional, environmental, explorationblasthole, shallow gas & oil, geothermal, mining, water, international, and stateside
drilling; from bits, to pumps, to rigs, to tanks, through wire and more.
Managing Publisher/CEO/President:
Office Administrator:
Associate Editor:
Classified Sales Manager:
Marketing Assistant/Support:
Veronica I. “Ronnie” Jones
Michele Stevens
Bonnie Love
Amy White
Kathy Heinrich
Jan K. Allen
Marcel Schimpf
Editorial Contributors for this month:
Mark Battersby
Tim Connor
Bill Corey
Scott Cosby
Eric Freimuth
Tracy Keck
Jim Kuebelbeck
Thomas Kwader
Ray McLarty
Tim Rasmussen
Ray Roerick
Harry Short
“Billy Bob Smith”
Britt Storkson
Peter Tavino
Harold White
Robert Evans Wilson, Jr.
Translator: Hector Leos
Hyd/Eng Consultant: Thomas Kwader, Ph.D.,P.G.
Consultant: Mary Ann Pelletier
WorldWide Drilling Resource ® is published monthly by
WorldWide Drilling Resource, Inc., a Florida Corporation
PO Box 660 (3089 Northride Lane) Bonifay FL 32425-0660.
Telephone: 850-547-0102
Fax: 850-547-0329
Web site:
Copyright 2014, WorldWide Drilling Resource, Inc. Seen by
countless WorldWide. Publication Agreement No. 40892520.
Back issues may be requested. Cost per issue $10.00 USD. No
part of this publication may be reproduced in any manner without the strict written consent of the publishers. Advertising
rates furnished upon request. Editorial contributions are welcome
orldW idee Drilling
subject to editorial review.* W
Dri lli ng Re
reserves the right to refuse any advertisement.
*Editorial contributions & advertisements include statements of fact and opinions that are the sole responsibility of the author and/or companies and
do not necessarily imply any opinion of the owners, management, or staff
of WorldWide Drilling Resource ®. Images may have been altered
for clarity. Complete advertising information may be found at:
or by calling 850-547-0102. WorldWide Drilling Resource ® makes
every effort not to place advertisements for “like” products on the same page
in our publication; this may occur however, due to size and space within the
publication. We regret any inconvenience this may cause our advertisers.
WorldWide Drilling Resource ®