KOC Brochure_Final


KOC Brochure_Final
The KOC takes pride in its knowledgeable and experi-
The KOC is a 243-hectare semi-wilderness site located
enced staff. Our ASD programs are facilitated by out-
along the sandy shores of a private lake in Haliburton
standing individuals trained in understanding
County. Nestled in the heart of cottage country, the
behaviours and in developing and implementing
KOC is a short drive from the town of Minden, Ontario
programming and supports for children and youth with
in the Haliburton Highlands. For a map and directions,
ASD.All care staff possess certification in Therapeutic
please visit our website at www.koc.on.ca.
Crisis Intervention, First Aid and Lifesaving.
The Kinark Outdoor Centre (KOC) operates year-round
Accommodation~ ~
to provide a rich variety of outdoor education programs
KOC cabins are equipped with heat, hydro and toilets.
and autism support programs tailored to a wide range of
Adjacent shower facilities as well as nearby activity areas
needs and interests. From skill development, family
support the comfort and enjoyment of all campers.
enrichment and social recreation to ecologically-focused,
adventure-based experiences, the KOC offers high-quality
programming and once-in-a-lifetime experiences in a safe,
well-supported and beautiful environment. We offer a
variety of programs directly to groups and individuals, and
also develop programs upon request, which are tailored to
meet the specific needs of community groups, school
food Se(Z.vice
Snacks and meal service are provided by the KOC. Our
onsite, nut-free facility can accommodate most dietary
restrictions upon advance request.
boards, corporate groups, faith communities, and other
A recognized leader in providing strength-based social
growth experiences in an environmentally rich and
ecologically responsible setting, the KOC prides itself on
the depth and talent of our staff team. Our reputation,
program diversity and philosophy have enabled us to
attract a group of highly-skilled practitioners, and support
Kinark Outdoor Centre
Phone: 705-286-3555 Toll Free:
1-800-805-8252 Fax: 705-286-6184 E-mail:
info@koc.on.ca Mailing address: Box 730,
Minden,ON,KOM 2KO
our commitment to exceptional programming.
The KOC operates in compliance with regulations of
the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Children's
Services and is an accredited member of the Ontario
twitter com/
Camping Association and Children's Mental Health
Ontario.The KOC is a part ofKinark Child and Family
Services, a not-for-profit agency that provides a full range
WWW. '4lc. on. ca
of children's mental health programs and services in
Central East Ontario.
Ki nark
Ki nark