energy - Kuwait Oil Company


energy - Kuwait Oil Company
29 th Year - No. 690
9 th
The KOC Newsletter
Energy is a fortnightly newsletter published by the KOC Information Team for KOC employees • Editor-in-Chief: Saad Rashed Al-Azmi • E-mail: • Website:
Honoring KOC Tenders
KOC CEO Receives Staff Accepted in
the Missions System
Higher education program for employees
Fire Team in International
KOC CEO Hashem Hashem recently
welcomed staff that have been accepted
into the Missions System for 2015/16.
The system oversees the obtainment of
higher educational degrees by KOC
Blood Donation in Ahmadi
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congratulated the staff on their acceptance
into the Missions System and reiterated
the support that is being provided by
Senior Management to the program.
The KOC CEO also encouraged the
staff to put their best efforts into their
educational undertakings and bring back
the important knowledge they obtain for
the benefit of KOC and Kuwait.
The meeting was attended by TL Career
Development & Planning Bader AlHadiah, who is also serving as Acting
Training & Career Development Group
Manager. In a statement he made at the
event, Al-Hadiah thanked the CEO for his
continued support and wished the staff
success in their educational journey.
Training Officer Jassim Al-Nasser and
Training Controllers Dhahi Al-Hashash
and Omar Al-Mushwat also participated
in the meeting.
KPC accepted 14 KOC employees from
various disciplines and qualifications
in the BA, MA and PhD programs this
year. The employees include Athari AlOtaibi, Hamed Jaragh, Dalal Al-Sadoun,
Anwar Al-Fadhli, Jassim Shmais, Khaled
Al-Murshed, Zaid Al-Owaid, Munzir AlShatti, Yousef Al-Mutairi, Salim Al-Badi,
Mohammad Al-Rashidi, Bodoor Baroon,
Hamad Al-Mebayedh and Mohammed
Award Ceremony for KOC Tenders Committee
CEO upholds its important role for the Company
Under the auspices of KOC CEO Hashem Hashem, the
Commercial Support Group’s Contract & Purchasing
Services Team recently organized an Award Ceremony for
the KOC Tenders Committee.
During the event, Hashem praised the vital role the
Committee and its members play in the important task of
revising and supervising tenders. He noted that the work
the Tenders Committee engages in is fully sanctioned and
supported by the Company’s Higher Management.
At the ceremony, Hashem presented the Committee’s
members with certificated of recognition. DCEO Exploration
and Gas Menahi Al-Enezi was also recognized for his
The KOC Tenders Committee meets weekly throughout
the year and includes among its members representatives
from the Kuwait National Petroleum Company (KNPC) and
Kuwait Gulf Oil Company (KGOC).
KOC Receives Delegation from Gas Processors Association
CEO invited to attend the Association’s 23rd conference in Bahrain
KOC CEO Hashem Hashem recently received a
delegation from the Gas Processors Association (GCC
Chapter), headed by its Chairman Ahmed Al-Ghamdi.
KOC Gas Operations Manager Mohammad Al-Zuabi
and Team Leader Gas Operations (S&EK) Hamad AlZuwayer also attended.
During the visit, a brief introduction about the
association and its activities was presented by AlGhamdi, who also invited the KOC CEO to attend the
association’s 23rd conference, which will be held next
November in Manama, Bahrain.
The Gas Processors Association was founded in 1993
in Bahrain and aims to provide an interactive forum
where the exchange of knowledge and ideas and best
practices can be shared among companies operating
in the gas industry in the GCC. The chapter includes 30
major oil and gas companies from the Gulf.
KOC Fire Team Comes 5th in International Challenge
More than 50 internationals teams competed
KOC recently registered an international accomplishment
by obtaining the fifth place position in the Doubles category
at the Firefighter Combat Challenge that took place in the
US state of Virginia. More than 50 teams from around the
world participated in the challenge.
The Fire Team, which represented KOC through
Abdulrahman Al-Failakawi and Mohammed Al-Qallaf,
faced off against experienced teams during the challenge.
However, the pair was able to achieve one of the top
positions at the competition despite the strong competition.
Al-Failakawi finished eighth in the final standings of the
tournament while Al-Qallaf came 17th among 100 of some
of the best firefighters from around the world. Extremely
challenging qualifying games had to be won before the
two could compete in the final rounds.
KOC’s Fire Team is one of the most outstanding teams in
its field. The Fire Team enjoys worldwide recognition for its
efforts and experience, and it has recorded many local,
regional and global achievements that deal with fire safety
and prevention.
KOC Holds Coordination Meeting with ACK
Meeting touched on Human Resources and new graduates
KOC’s South & East Kuwait Directorate recently hosted a
meeting with the Australian College of Kuwait (ACK) that
was aimed at coordinating and discussing best practices
in the field of Human Resources. In addition, discussions
were held that touched on the best ways to prepare recent
graduates for possible positions in the oil and gas industry.
The meeting was attended by KOC DCEO (S&E Kuwait)
Abdulla Al-Sumaiti and S&E East Kuwait Support Services
Group Manager Ameena Rajab.
In a statement he made during the event, Al-Sumaiti
underlined the challenges KOC faces with respect to the
increase of oil production and the need to stay current
with the latest technologies, which require competent and
skilled employees. Al-Sumaiti also praised the ongoing
cooperation between KOC and ACK, adding that he
believed this cooperation would only become stronger as
time progressed.
HSE Group Organizes Safety Workshop for D&T Directorate
Under theme of “Lessons Learned and Recommendations”
The Health, Safety and Environment Group recently
organized a Workshop on Safety Procedures for the
Drilling and Technology Directorate under the theme of
“Lessons Learned and Recommendations.”
In an address he made on the occasion, HSE Group
Manager Ahmad Abbas underlined the need to remain
current with developments in the field of work safety for
the oil and gas industry.
Development Drilling II Group Manager Ali Al-Saleh and
Technical Support Group Manager Nayef Al-Anzi also
attended the workshop and maintained that the increase
in the number of rigs requires an additional focus on
Health and Safety procedures.
During the workshop, Senior Engineer Mohiuddeen
Mohammad from the HSE Systems Team said the
workshop was an occasion for employees to exchange
expertise, discuss lessons learned and review a host of
recommendations by participants.
Study on Unconventional Hydrocarbons in WK
Mohammed Dasma completes OJT at Baker Hughes
Within the framework of the study carried out by the
New Fields Development Team (WK) on “Unconventional
Hydrocarbon Potential Evaluation of the Najmah and
Dhruma Formations in WK Fields,” and in collaboration
with the Research and Technology Group and Baker
Hughes, Senior Petrophysicist Mohammed Dasma recently
completed his on-the-job training in the petrophysical
aspects of his study at BKI - Abu Dhabi. His training took
place over a period of three months and was followed by
a presentation given by Dasma to his colleagues in Abu
Dhabi on the latest findings of the study.
The study aims to carry out an initial evaluation of the
shale oil/gas potential of the basal Najmah and Dhruma
formations in select wells at WK fields by evaluating the
lithologic/mineralogic, petrophysical, organic enrichment
and geomechanical properties. It also estimates Original
Hydrocarbon in Place, Original Gas in Place and Original
Oil in Place.
The results of the study will be used to define further
appraisal requirements and possible locations of sweet
spots for the drilling of pilot wells for unconventional
exploration and production and delineate zones of interest
for detailed investigation.
Finally, the findings of the study will open avenues for
unconventional oil and gas exploration in the Najmah
and Dhruma Formations in West Kuwait.
Presentation on Fire Risk Assessment Study Delivered
Proposals for North and South Tank Farms discussed
In cooperation with the Safety Team, Fire Team (Support
Services) and Export Operations Team, FPC Middle
East recently delivered its final presentation on the study
it conducted to assess the condition and adequacy of
the fire water supply and distribution system. FPC also
presented proposals for the system’s modification or
replacement for North and South Farm Tanks.
Officials maintained the study was conducted as part of
KOC efforts to provide facilities and staff with the best
safety and security measures through a review of existing
systems and providing recommendations to refurbish and
upgrade facilities. This, they said, will be successfully
implemented by setting higher standards based on sound
fire engineering practices and applicable codes and
The presentation was attended by a number of concerned
Team Leaders and employees from KOC who took part
in the study.
R&D Planning & Support Team Organizes Workshop
Workshop details Intellectual Property in the region
The Planning & Support Team from the Research and
Development Group recently conducted a workshop
titled: “Intellectual Property – A Key to Understanding
Technology Trends.” The workshop was held in
coordination with the National Technology Enterprises
Company (NTEC), a company that serves major
stakeholders in Kuwait with their technology needs.
Held under the supervision of R&D Planning and Support
Team Leader Mohammad Al-Qenaie, the workshop began
with an introduction from NTEC’s CEO Anas Mirza that
outlined the company’s objectives and activities, followed
by a presentation from Richard Chidester of EnerTech (an
NTEC subsidiary), on types of Intellectual Property (IP)
and their value. He also provided an in-depth overview
on valuing Intellectual Property, differences between an
IP portfolio and a patent portfolio, as well as analyzing
patents to understand technology trends.
In a statement he made on the occasion, Al-Qenaie said
the workshop was one of the many forms of cooperation
between KOC and specialized companies that is aimed
at consolidating knowledge within the framework of
the Group’s interest in staying abreast of the latest
developments in this field.
Compassionate Leaves & Bail Bonds for August 2015
Name Omar Al-Zanki Abdal Aziz Al-Mutairi
Mobile No.
UDs Attend Subsurface Reservoirs Course
More than 200 UDs attend
The Training Competency Team from the Training & Career
Development Group recently organized a specialized course
for UDs in the field of subsurface reservoirs.
The course, provided in the second year of their employment,
follows the basic and introductory first session and includes
a specialized three-week program that focuses on subsurface
reservoirs. Approximately 200 UDs took part in the course that
was held at the Hubara Club in Ahmadi.
Course lectures were delivered by 14 specialists, with the
majority of the lecturers coming from KOC. Officials from the
Company noted that this training course for UDs is part of an
integrated process framework that includes participation in
joint programs with KPC and its subsidiaries at the Petroleum
Training Center. The training is then followed by an e-learning
course before certificates are distributed to the participants.
Strategic Planning Team Organizes Workshop
Mid-Term Plan Update for 2nd Quarter
The Strategic Planning Team from the Planning Group
recently organized a workshop for a number of
departments in S&WK in order to keep them informed
of the Mid-Term Plan Update for the second quarter. The
workshop is part of the Integrated Asset Plan (IAP), a
24-month plan that aims to ensure the implementation of
KOC strategy in an optimal way by filling in the gaps
between planning and actual application on the ground
in order to ensure safe operations and achieve defined
The workshop is a quarterly activity hosted by the Strategic
Planning Team that brings together all departments
involved in Planning, Fields Development, Operations,
Drilling, Well Surveillance and Technical Support.
During the workshop, specialists worked on updating the
integrated plan and discussed what has been achieved in
the framework of strategic goals.
Specialists Fayez Al-Mezel, Fatima Arikat and Danah
Al-Selahi from the Strategic Planning Team conducted
the workshop, which was divided in two shifts. The first
dealt with Deep Drilling while the second touched on
Developmental Drilling.
KOC Hosts First Ramadan Competition
Organized by the Public Relations and Information Group
The Public Relations and Information Group recently held
the final draw of its first Ramadan Competition for KOC
employees under the supervision of Acting Manager and
Public Relations Team Leader Hasan Al-Shammari.
Out of 133 participants, a total of 25 employees won
the competition’s valuable prizes, with 42 providing
correct answers.
In a statement he made on the occasion, Al-Shammari
underlined KOC’s interest in continuing this type of
interaction with employees on national and religious
occasions, noting that this year’s Ramadan Competition
was the first of a series of activities held during Ramadan
and the first competition that focused solely on religion.
ACK Petroleum Engineering Students Visit WK Fields
Students learned about technical aspects of production process
A group of Petroleum Engineering students from the
Australian College of Kuwait (ACK) was recently
provided with a tour of KOC’s West Kuwait fields,
where they visited Minagish laboratories and water
treatment stations.
The visit, supervised by WK Water Handling Team
Leader Salman Al-Qabandi and Process Engineer
Fatma Al-Kandari, provided the students with the
unique opportunity of learning about the material they
study in the classroom at actual sites in the field.
During the visit, students learned about the technical
aspects of the production process and engaged in an
informative dialogue with the Team that provided them
with the tour.
Ahmadi Hospital Organizes Blood Donation Campaign
Al-Abbasi: Blood donation is an expression of love to your country
In collaboration with the Central Blood Bank, the Clinical Pathology
Laboratory at Ahmadi Hospital recently organized the “These Are
My Children” Blood Donation Campaign at the main entrance of
Ahmadi Hospital. Employees and their family members were invited
to participate in the blood donation drive, which took place over the
course of five days.
In a statement he made, Acting Medical Group Manager Dr. Aref AlAbbasi highlighted the important role KOC plays in the humanitarian
cause of blood donation. He maintained that KOC consistently stands
as one of the top blood donors in Kuwait because of its long history
of advocating the importance of donating blood.
Dr. Al-Abassi then praised the efforts of the Central Blood Bank and
the staff of Ahmadi Hospital. He also commended the participation of
all employees who donated blood, adding that giving blood was an
expression of one’s love to their country.
Meanwhile, Medical Technologist Muneera Al-Suabaie spoke
about the national theme that the campaign utilized
based on the recent turbulent events that have
affected Kuwait, adding that part of
the campaign was meant to
replenish a shortage of
blood in Kuwait.

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