Zion August Zion Life


Zion August Zion Life
iL fe
The # it’s all the rage, much like the global craze of Pokémon Go. By the way
did you know that Zion has had more visitors on campus playing the game than
in entering worship? Not an indictment just a fact!
I look out my office window and there is a car buzzing through the parking lot.
I listen to our youth and it has been the focus of many conversations. Did you
find any Pikachu at the National Youth Gathering? One afternoon, I was out
back surveying some campus items and a car filled with 5 people my age get
out mesmerized into cyberspace as they seek out Zion’s Community garden
looking for a Venusaur, Charmander or Pikachu. Whatever……
September 2016
School News
Zion Youth
Women’s Ministry
New Adult Ed Classes
At first I thought the game to be foolish and a waste of time and then I thought
maybe there is something for me to learn. What I found was that the attraction
is not so much the game itself but the challenge of engagement in something
new and exciting. #Whatever…….
In the early Christian church it was all the rage too. Not a Pikachu challenge
that went global. But the message of a guy named Jesus who walked out of a
dead man’s tomb….alive.
Older Adult Ministry Insert
Dead and done now alive and triumphant! The message could not be delivered
by an app or email. It was shared person to person, household to household,
village to village….to ends of the earth. The message once predicted was now
a reality. And the reality went global. Because this message delivered hope
and grace, mercy and love, compassion and praise, community and commitment…..purpose and promise.
Music Ministry 11
# whatever
Colossians 3:17
When God made me His son by baptism, the old Adam that left me for dead was destroyed and the new life I received in
Christ defined me in a whole new way living in this exciting new reality.
In Colossians 3:17, Paul reminds the church on the go of who they are in Christ. And as member of God’s family that they
too bear the beauty and privilege of living like an heir of God’s kingdom. Not lording it over others in our midst, but being the
hands and feet Jesus now alive and reigning for eternity.
The challenge for those writers is the same for us, for we bear the excitement as we engage the world….everywhere and in
everything with the message of hope and promise in Christ our Lord.
“And whatever you do, in word or deed, do it in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.”
Col. 3:17
In Everything to the Glory of God,
*Check out page 9 for more on “#whatever”
Pastor Brian
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Zion Lutheran School News
Staff Members Leaving Zion:
Important Dates for
Zion Lutheran School
Darby Jameson from resource
Cathy Berry (now Frazier) from kindergarten
Gayle Klitzing from 5th grade
Mae Scott from technology coordinator
Thursday, Aug. 11 Tell the Teacher More Day
Sunday, Aug. 14 Backpack Blessing & Get the Scoop
Ice Cream Social/New Family
Staff Members Changing Assignments:
Jamie Lewis from preschool to resource
Rachel Kintz from 1st grade to preschool 4s
Kate Holle from 3rd grade to 5th grade
Janel Mueller from 4th grade to technology coordinator
Wednesday, Aug. 17 First Day of School
Newest Members to our teaching staff:
Liz Cleveland - preschool 3s
Dan Griffith - kindergarten
Jenny Barradas - 3rd grade
Tabitha Bennett - 4th grade
Allison Sehr - 4th grade
Wednesday, Aug. 31 Back to School Night
Do you like kids?
Do you like to read?
Please consider being an OASIS
tutor for one of our Zion students!
This is a one hour, once a week
commitment. Join a great group
of OASIS volunteers at Zion as you
give a child that little bit of one on
one attention that helps so much.
Training is provided. If you would
like more information on this fun,
effective program please call Dee
Olsen (234-0564).
Want a Piano?
A piano on the Zion campus is
available to a good home! Due to an
abundance, this piano is free for the
taking. Call the church office (2332299) if you are interested.
Playground Project
Thanks to all of you for your support of our Fund-A-Need for 201516 - The Playground Project. The
demolition of the old playground
began the last week of July and
the installation of the brand-new
playground took place July 29 &
30th. A huge thank you to all the
volunteers who helped with the
“community build”. We couldn’t
have done it without you!
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Jr. High News
God Squad
7th & 8th Graders
5th &6th Graders
Confirmation (7th and 8th grades)
God Squad is a fun group designed especially for 5th and 6th
graders. Our times together are a great opportunity for kids to
connect to God and each other, grow in faith and knowledge
of the Bible and to serve those
in need. Participation in God
Squad also lays the groundwork for continued youth group
participation in Junior High
and High School. Watch for
a letter in the mail with this
year’s schedule of events!
Orientation - Sunday, August 21 from 9:30-10:30AM in Mr.
Ledebuhr’s classroom in the school basement. All 7th and 8th
graders who plan to participate in Zion’s Confirmation program should attend with a parent. We are making some significant changes this year so it’s important everyone attend.
Worship Reports and Servant Hours
Everyone may begin completing reports and turning in hours
after attending orientation.
Sr. High News
Connect. Grow. Serve.
Vacation Bible School
A big
to all the VBS Volunters who shared God’s amazing
love with children all week!!
Over 200 children attended
and heard the
Good News
about Jesus
Christ, their
Savior and
Thank you for all of your support and prayers over
the past year as we raised money and prepared for
this special event! In July, 41 youth and 8 adults attended the NYG in New Orleans, LA. We would love
to share our experience with you, please join us in
Adult Ed on Sunday, Aug. 14.
National Youth Gathering 2016
Front Row: Annie Knipp, Robert Radden, Michael Papka, Sarah Aukamp, Summer Schmidt, Brianna Spear, Melody Holcomb, Caitlyn Taylor, Hayden Gittner. 2nd Row: Shannon Schmidt, KerriAnn Schmid, Emma Butcher, Brittney Nitz, Suzi Talley, Eva Weber, Hayley Fizer, Kaity
Mueller, Lydia Aukamp, Libby Buckman. 3rd Row: Nathan Byers, Josh Tinney, Allie Sehr, Alexis Radden, Maddie Knipp, Matthew Papka,
Katrina Polansky, Sydney Steed, Bernadette Silva, Megan Tinney. 4th Row: Justin Goerger, Michael Bergt, Caleb Harsin, Drew Wilkerson,
Grace Bergt, Stephen Korte, Marc Rodriguez, Trevor Sanchez, Trenton Rust, Christian Brown, Ryan Leadley, Andrew Combs, Zach Landry,
Nick Yeager, Michael Silva. Back Row: Christian Hayward, Josh Butcher, Alex Keel, Peter Bergt. Not Pictured: Mackenzie Koester
Camp Lonestar
Back Row: Christian Brown, Ryan Leadley, Jacob Marino, Jacob Muckensturm, Elijah Robinson, Marc Rodriguez, Peter Bergt, Alex Keel,
Caleb Atwood, Trevor Sanchez, Christian Hayward, Nick Hayes, Luke Mandeville. Middle Row: KerriAnn Schmid, Dylan Taylor, Camden
Batchelder, Haley Harlan, Maddy Buescher, Zack Buescher, Elise Rodriguez, Kate Peters, Caitlyn Taylor, Annie Guerrettaz, Robin Mandeville. Front Row: Bob Schmidt, Shannon Schmidt, Carter Baldus, Suzi Talley, Aaron Denbow, Summer Schmidt, Brianna Spear, Macey
Marino, Stephen Korte, Dawson Guerrettaz, Taylor Schmidt, Bo Schmidt
“A Year of Blessing”
Begins Thursday, September 5
1st & 3rd Thursdays from 6:30-8:30pm
Register online Beginning August 14
Cost- $20
(offsets babysitting and printed materials)
Hi Moms!
When was the last time you were able to take a moment away from the busy life of a mom and breathe in some encouragement? It’s true, we all have these hectic and stressful times in this life where we are raising up our kids, and yet there
are these moments of joy and amazement woven throughout. Wouldn’t it be great to find regular encouragement so that
the little moments become a life abounding in joy?
We meet the 1st and 3rd Thursdays, from 6:30-8:30pm (Alongside Commons).
Online registration opens Sunday, August 14.
Childcare for single moms, those with a deployed spouse, or others who might not otherwise be able to particpate.
First Night is September 5 - “A Life of Blessing”
For all moms with kids of all ages
Each of us needs another friend who “gets it” and a group of people to lean on to share the ups and downs. Please consider joining us starting this fall as we jump into the theme “A Year of Blessing”. There is encouragement and friendship
waiting for you there no matter what age your kids are.
We hope you join us!
WMC Steering Committee: Cindi Pickering, Jillian Hayden, Sarah Mudd, Sarah Smith, Amy Jung, Jamalyn Moeller
Mentor Moms: Cindy Keel, Pam Kniepkamp, Luanne Szopa
Tuesday Morning Women’s Bible Study
Join us on Tuesday, September 6 at 8:30am for a taste of
our upcoming fall study
and time to meet and
get to know one another.
This is a great time to
try us out without any
commitment. Regular
teaching will begin September 13. Childcare will
be available as needed.
Women’s Early Morning Bible Study
First and Third Wednesday Mornings
6:30-7:30am in the Church Library
KEEP IT SHUT: What to say, how to say it, and when to say
nothing at all by Karen Ehman. Your mouth ever gotten you in
a tangle-up mess? Maybe it’s time you adopted a new rule
of tongue. This study is intented to equip us to know what
to say, how best to say, and when to just Keep It Shut! A Six
Session Bible study September through November. Contact
Dawn Tayon, dtayon@zionbelleville if interested.
New Classes Coming to Zion’s Adult Ed
9:30am in Zion’s Lower Level Fellowship Hall
Sneak Peek Potluck - Join us on Sunday, August 21 for a fabulous feast of
food and a sneak preview of upcoming classes on Sunday mornings and at
other times too. You can sign up for a class or not. No pressure. Plan to bring
an egg casserole, fresh fruit, something home baked or store bought, OJ,
milk, and cereal are welcome too! It’s a great way to meet people! We bring
extra so folks who forget can still be invited at the last minute! That’s just how
we roll! (This is also the first day of Sunday School!)
New Classes - Sunday, August 28, 9:30-10:30am in Zion’s Fellowship Hall
Please note: Not all adult classes will start and stop at the same time.
• Family Vocation, God’s Calling in Marriage, Parenting, and Childhood, Taught Pastor Chris Spelbring Our culture today is in a state of confusion when it comes to issues of
marriage, family, and human sexuality. Even within the Church and within
Christian homes, there is much confusion and dysfunction. Questions
abound. What is marriage? What does it mean to be a husband, a wife,
a single person, a parent, a child? How does the grace of the gospel
impact how we carry out these particular callings? How does God’s
presence address the struggles that our own families face? In this study,
we will look at the perennial problems and joys of family life and see how
a biblical understanding of these vocations can equip us to move away
from common confusions and dysfunctions to persevere in love.
• Courageous Men of the Bible – Starts September 25
Designed for men, the Bible is full of stories of men who faced both challenges and victories as they relied on God’s grace. Men will be challenged
and inspired by these biblical examples. Led by Pastor Downs.
• Entry into Sunday School – Class - August 21, Ceremony - August 28
This class for parents with children starting Sunday School on their own for
the first time. In the Alongside Commons area at the school.
• Prayer –
Join us for this indepth Bible study on the Practice of Prayer as part of
Christian Living. What does the Bible say about this gift God has given us
to speak with Him directly? Is there a right way? A wrong way? How bad is
it really if we simply don’t pray. Could prayerlessness be causing our lives
to be marked with joylessness, fear, anxiety, or spiritual lethargy? This is a
great class for anyone interested in knowing the joy and power of a vibrant
prayer life. Whether you never pray or pray daily, this class will be encouraging to you. Jill Hasstedt,
Wednesday Evening - Starting August 31, 6:30-8:30pm
• Discovery Class –
Perfect for those who would like a refresher course in what Lutherans
believe, just want to know more about our faith or for people would like to
join the Zion faith family. Covers faith, sin, baptism, the Lord’s Supper as
well as other subjects from a Christian perspective. Questions and discussion are encouraged. Team taught by Pastor Brian and Pastor Chris.
Please contact Pastor Brian (bdowns@zionbelleville.org or 920-6657) for
additional details.
Fall back into
Steppin’ Up Sunday School!
August 21 from 9:30-10:30am
Zion School
3 Year Olds through 6th Grade
Dig into the Old Testament, learn
about great servants of the Lord.
“Ps & 2s”
Parents and 2 year olds are invited
to particpate in this great Sunday
mornign class. It is a great way to learn
and grow in faith with your child. The
leaders prepare hands on lessons
and activities to help the child retain
the Bible lesson. This a a great way to
bond in Christ together
Entry Into Sunday School
Stepping Stone
Children just beginning Sunday School
and their parents are invited to join us
during the Sudnay School hour (9:3010:30am) on August 21 for a special
class. As part of the Stepping Stone
Ministry, a blessing presentation will
be on August 28 during worship.
Fall Recruitment for S.S.
We are looking for adults and mature
high schoolers who love children and
have a desire to share Jesus with them.
We are seeking story tellers, teachers,
greeters and activity leaders for Zion’s
Steppin’ Up Sunday School program.
Look for a table in the narthex. Team
Training for Sunday School volunteers
is August 14 at noon. If you are interested please call Jill Batchelder (2571942). Our child safety policy requires
a 1 to 9 ratio of adults to students
resulting in a greater need for adult
a. At the June 20, 2016 Voters’ Meeting, Voters unanimously approved the
2016-2017 budget, which covers the period August 1, 2016 through July 31,
2017. There was little discussion and few questions as Treasurer Pat Mandeville presented details. This is the first full-year/12 month budget under
Zion’s new August to July fiscal year.
b. The balanced budget projects total revenue and expenses of $2,553,150.
Revenues are divided close to 50/50 between church offerings and school
tuition. There are no significant differences between most individual line
items in the 2015 and 2016/2017 budgets. Budgeted Care Ministry support
was decreased approximately $7,000, and this item will rely more heavily on
dedicated donations.
c. Personnel costs (salaries and benefits) continue to be about 80% of the
budget. This is not surprising, since we conduct most of our church and
school ministries through people.
iL fe
Stewardship is not about what we do,
about what we decide to give, or even
how we decide to give. As the LCMS
defines it, Christian stewardship is
the free and joyous activity of God’s
family --- the church --- in managing
life’s resources for His purposes. This
stewardship is free and joyous because
everything we have been created to
steward comes to us from God.
a. Also at the June Voters’ Meeting, Endowment Fund Committee Chairman
Wayne Price reported an Endowment Fund balance of $795,770. 60% of the
funds are invested through the LCMS Foundation and 40% through Thrivent
Financial. The largest recent addition came from the Myra Jane Bonn estate.
b. Recent Endowment Fund expenditures include “seed” money for the new
school Admissions Director’s salary, Youth Room addition, and National
Youth Gathering participant support. The “seed” money provides 100% of the
Director’s salary for the first year, 50% for the second year, and 25% for the
third year. The Endowment Fund has been similarly used successfully in the
past for other Zion staff additions.
c. The Endowment Fund Committee continues to meet regularly to insure the
Fund is well-managed for the Glory of God. Individual donations to the Fund
may be made at any time.
Zion continues to be blessed by the ongoing giving of a number of Zion members to this Fund. They help Zion come very close to paying our mortgage every
month – and sometimes even exceed the required amount! Praise the Lord! We
need to remember the mortgage must be refinanced in September 2017. We
hope interest rates remain low, but who knows? Our best course of action is to
pay down the balance as quickly as possible, and then be able to move on to
other building challenges.
The “Transfer The Blessings” theme
encourages Christians to plan for
their lifetime and beyond, and provide gifts to their family and ministries as salt and light to the world.
Contact Scott Radden, Gift Planning
Counselor, LCMS Foundation at (618)
977-4049 for more information.
Dick Meyer, 277-8728
2016-17 Church and School Theme:
# whatever
Theme verse: “And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the
name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”
Colossians 3:17 Colossians 3:17
Launch Date: August 21, 2016
Join us in this spiritual journey!
Begins with a 6 week sermon series entitled “In Everything…..Jesus!”
Overview: The book of Colossians is rich in statements of the Gospel and of our new identity in Christ (1:13, 19-
23, 27; 2:11-15, 3:1-4). Through our baptism into Christ and our faith in God’s power, we are God’s chosen people,
holy and loved. As His people, we cloth ourselves with His compassion, His kindness, His humility, His gentleness, His
patience, His forgiveness, and His love. As the peace of Christ and the word of Christ dwell in us, God works through us
in whatever we do and whatever we say to serve our neighbor (3:12-17). Our life in Christ is comprehensive – there is no
part of us that has not been joined to Christ’s death and resurrection! And so there is no part of our lives that Jesus does
not touch. We don’t do our “Jesus thing” simply for a few hours on Sunday morning, or only when we are reading the Bible or praying. No! In every vocation, every calling – in our families, in our communities, in our schools, in our churches
and in our places of work (3:18-4:7), we do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus. And we do it with – one of Paul’s favorite
words in this letter – THANKS to God the Father through Jesus our Savior!
Sowers Garden is Growing!
The Sowers Garden is really blooming this year! Flowers
planted by the school and Girl Scout Troop 88 are looking
great. More families have adopted garden beds this year
and are growing all sorts of great plants: corn, beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, watermelon, herbs, and even bug repelling plants, like marigolds. The cucumbers, tomatoes, and
peppers are steadily coming in from the team beds to share
with the food pantry and some of our seniors. We’ve had
some issues with a rabbit, who proceeded to have bunnies
in one of the beds, but we are learning what works and what
doesn’t to deter them. All are welcome to visit the garden,
but permission is needed for picking, since each bed has a
designated use.
On August 4th at 6:30pm the Sowers Garden Team will be
meeting in the church library (by the choir loft) to discuss
this growing season and make plans for the fall. We’ll be
using some of the
grant money from
the Get Up and
Grow grant for
wood to make new
beds next year.
Please feel free to
join us or just stop
by the garden to
take a peek.
Clean Out Your Closets and
Help Zion’s Youth!
Did you know your unwanted clothing and linens can support
Zion’s youth group? Here’s how it works…
• From Aug. 21-Sept. 24 Zion youth will be collecting
clothing, shoes, bedding and linens.
• There will be bins set up near the church and school
entrances. Just put your donations in a trash bag and
drop it off in the bin! There will be bags by the bins, take
some home and bring them back full!
• The youth group will get .20 per pound for the items
collected. So please grab a bag for your friends and
neighbors too! Please help us reach our goal of 400
Thanks for your support!
Like Zion Belleville
on Facebook
Pastor Kim’s
Dear Friends,
Below is an update from Pastor Kim concerning his mission start in Korea. This
note contains information that was not
included in the June Zion Life.
The Lutheran Church of Korea still does
not offer Pastor Kim any regular financial support as he begins this new work.
The building is fully funded through the
equity the Kim’s had from the sale of their
home in Belleville. This was a former
LCK church that stood abandoned after
the former congregation moved. It was in
major disarray due to a leaking roof and
mold issues but Kim and Miran along with
a neighboring pastor, worked for weeks to
resolve some of the major problems. Having owned an older home here, Kim put to
work the skills he learned as a homeowner
and repaired the building.The building
belongs to the LCK and they did give him
some funding for the repair but not what
they should have given.
As you will read in the newsletter, Kim
is receiving a very minimal income from
the small congregation that is gathering
plus the gifts from God’s people in the
US. Please continue to pray for the Kim’s
and any financial giift ,as you are led by
the Lord, would be appreciated. Your gift
can be given through Zion by marking an
offering envelope “Pastor Kim Mission”
and write the same on the check memo.
Joni forwards our gifts at the end of each
month to a stateside checking account
which the Kim’s still use.
Thank you again for your faithful support.
In Christ,
Pastor Emeritus Gary Byers
Honduras Mission Needs
October 2016
Defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy.
Psalm 82:3
Thank you to all who took photos of a child and contributed to building the
new home at the Open Doors Orphanage in Honduras. Many of you have told
us that you are praying for your child. The goal of this fund raiser was met
and we will be able to work on the first floor of the home when we are at the
In order to further the construction of the building and feed malnourished
children in the Tacoa community we will be launching a second fundraiser
online. It is a crowd funding program through the Wheatridge Foundation
(WeRaise.us) and will enable us to reach friends, relatives and neighbors
with our mission. Unlike other crowd funding sponsors, Wheatridge will not
charge us for their services. This program launched at the end of June and run
through early August. You will be able to find it on Zion’s facebook page and
website. We hope you will forward it onto your friends if you are so moved.
We will also be gathering items for mothers and infants in the public hospital in Tacoa. The gathering will be in the narthex from July 10 to August 28 .
In third world countries, patients must bring everything they need to the hospital. Often these mothers do not even have a sheet to bring to cover the bed.
Please scout garage sales, etc. to help us make 100 kits for these women.
Each kit will contain one single sheet, one mother’s nightgown (front opening preferred), three diapers (Gerbers on line seems to be the best source),
two onsies: sizes newborn to 6 months, two receiving blankets, a wash cloth
and one small bar of soap.
Our Bible lessons at the feeding station in the squatter’s village will have a
super hero theme. We are asking for super hero t-shirts of sizes two to small
adult. These can be donated in the narthex as well.
Your prayers are important as the team gathers supplies and contributions
and prepares to go to Honduras with a message of grace and hope in Jesus.
One prayer has been answered as we now have two Spanish speakers.
Please pray for Pastor Brian, Jill Batchelder, Randy Geiser, Cari Rensing,
Wendy and Trevor Sanchez, LuAnne Szopa, Kathy and Gary Byers as well as
the orphans and staff at Open Doors.
The Honduras Mission Team
Zion Music Ministry Begins a New Season!
It’s time to kick-off another season of praising God with our musical gifts here at Zion! If you are interested in Handbells or
Orchestra, please let me know as soon as possible so that I have music for you or a place in handbells for you.
All groups are open to 7th graders and up.
Below is the list of first rehearsals.
Senior Handbell Choir Wednesday, Sept. 7, 9:30am
Living Praise Singers Wednesday, Sept. 7, 7pm
Handbell Choir
Thursday, Sept. 8, 6:30pm
Adult Choir
Thursday, Sept. 8, 7:30pm
Sunday, Sept. 11, 12 noon-1pm
Men’s Vocal Ensemble First Saturday of month 9 -10am
(lower voices – women as well)
Starting September 3 meeting in balcony
(sing the following day, Sunday, at one or both services)
Looking forward to seeing you!
Blessed to serve,
Dawn Tayon
Email: dtayon@zionbelleville.org
Phone: 222-7428 (home) 314-239-8240 (cell)
233-2299 Ext. 18 (work)
Portugal, The Douro River
River Cruise: Fall 2017
Reclaim is a group for all young adults - 20’s & 30’s, whether you’re in college,
single, or married with kids - who are looking for community and a deeper understanding of God’s love and purpose for our lives. Please join us on Wednesday nights from 7-9pm at Brandon & Brianna Nitz’s home: 111 Lakeland Hills
Drive, Fairview Heights. Contact Brian & Lacie Loose for more info at 789-3244.
We hope to see you there!
College Addresses Requested
Please let the church office (churchoffice @zionbelleville.org or 233-2299) know
your child’s address if they are away at college or in the military. This will ensure
they will stay connected to their church family.
It’s Time to Read a Good Book!
• Does the church have a library? Yes! Where is it? Church lower level outside
of the Fellowship Hall.
• Who can use it? EVERYONE!
• Can I donate books? YES (Christian books only)!
• Where do I put the new books? On the botton shelf of the bookcases.
Please take advantage of this ministry! You are encouraged to check out the
Karen Kingsberry books - we have a great selection!
Stroll through the picture-perfect
medieval town of Castelo Rodrigo,
participate in a wine harvest, tour the
city of Lisbon, visit a Port wine cellar,
walk in the University city of Salamanca, Spain,enjoy a dinner with Fado
music (folk music of Portugal), wander
through a perfectly preserved walled
town, experience a country less developed than most of western Europe,
learn the culture and meet the people
in the relaxed atmosphere that only a
river cruise can provide..
Join the 14 travelers already booked
on this tour. For a more complete
itinerary visit Vantagetravel.com. or
see the poster by the east door of the
Contact Pastor Gary Byers at sail97@
aol.com with any questions.
Couples (& Singles) Club
The August Supper Meeting will be at
Eckert’s Farm Restaurant (951 S. Green
Mount Rd, Belleville) on Saturday,
August 13 at 5pm. Please call Alvin and
LuIna McKerracher at 234-5529 (home).
Church Fax
E-Mail churchoffice@zionbelleville.org
School Fax
E-Mail schooloffice@zionbelleville.org
Brian Downs
Senior Pastor
Zion Lutheran Church
1810 McClintock Ave.
Belleville, Illinois 62221
U.S. Postage
Permit No. 101
Belleville, IL 62221
Christopher Spelbring
Associate Pastor250-9578
Jin O Jeong
Korean Pastor920-9311
Jill Hasstedt, D.C.E.
Family Ministry920-6278
KerriAnn Schmid, D.C.E.
Youth Ministry920-5603
Ananda Baron
Fall Zion Life Articles due September 13
Erica Stelling
Admissions/Marketing Dir.
Dawn Tayon
Music Minister 222-7428
Joni Schnitzler
Finance Admin. 233-2299
Where Families Connect
Last one is August 7 - Snack and Play Gathering!
We’ll furnish Nachos and drinks- You bring completer items (salad, “nacho”sides, dessert)!
Depending on the weather we’ll gather either in the Fellowship Hall or around tables by the
playground for an informal eat, greet and play time. Whether you are on your own or have
multiple family members in tow – all households are welcome! We’ll provide a main course,
ice water, and tea. You bring the rest plus maybe a little extra since we plan to invite friends
and visitors each Sunday up to the last minute. We hope you’ll have fun with our themes.
Older Adult Ministry
Bonnie J. Griffith, Coordinator
Older Adult Ministry
Special Thanks
I want to say a huge “Thank you” to the
very special “invisible servants”. You
are the ones who are mostly nameless
who visit and help take care of some of
Zion’s seniors. I know some of you by
name, but I know there are many I don’t
know about. You are greatly appreciated by me and those you serve. Thank
you so much.
Spotlight Thank you
I would like to thank the older adults
who have participated in the Senior
Spotlight articles. People tell me how
much they enjoy them. However, I only
write them. They are your stories and
there would not be a Spotlight article
without you. Thank you so much for your
willingness to share your story. You
are an important part of this congregation and I think people should get to
know you. I have been very blessed to
have gotten to know you through our
discussions. I look forward to spotlighting many more seniors. You are such
a blessing to Zion and to me. Please
prayerfully consider participating in a
future spotlight article.
Bonnie Griffith
Older Adult Ministry Associate
Zion’s Seniors in Ministry May spotlight shared the life story of Florence Moeller
who celebrated her 100th birthday. In order to honor Florence we displayed an
article with an attached picture. Unfortunately, the black and white picture did
not appear as we hoped. Therefore to express our love and care to Florence Zion
edited the article with a color photo with our sincerest regret to our sister in Christ
who is dearly loved by Zion and most of all our Lord Jesus Christ.
Florence Moeller, who just celebrated her 100th birthday, was born on March 25,
1916 in Clinton County. She was baptized and confirmed at Zion Lutheran Church
in Mascoutah, where her family were members.
Forence is on the shut-in list and lives on the nursing home floor of St. Paul’s
Senior Community in Belleville. She is visited regularly by Rev. Schrader and me.
Florence had two sisters, Martina and Pearl. Both are deceased. Pearl and Florence
lived together for many years. They moved from their home to St. Paul’s apartments
and lived there 11 years. When Pearl got ill, they moved to the nursing home where
Florence stayed even after Pearl passed away. She has lived there 4 years.
Florence worked as a telephone operator for most of her life. She worked 5 1/2
years for Looking Glass Telephone Company in Mascoutah that existed many years
ago and 37 1/2 years as a telelphone operator at Boatman’s Bank in St. Louis.
Florence celebrated her 100th birthday on March 24th in the Chapel at St. Paul’s
Senior Community. She was honored with birthday greetings of notes, cards, letters and photographs. A beautiful birthday cake, cookies and many sweet treats
were served at the reception.
Florence has lots of cousins. Her cousin, Mabel, also lives at St. Paul’s and another cousin, Harris, drove all the way from Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Friends came who
had worked with Florence and many residents and employees of St. Paul’s came.
Two ladies brought their dog to visit. One lady who had lived in Florence’s neighborhood came and brought her dog, Fergie, a golden doodle. Also, Rev. Schrader
stopped by. Nancy Larson and her husband came. He played the ukulele and we
sang Happy Birthday. Nancy and Karen Neff planned the whole party and did a
great job.
Florence really enjoyed seeing everyone. She was so surprised to see so many
people. Se seemed to have a wonderful time. Florence, may the Lord bless you
and keep you in His loving care.
Older Adult Ministry
Bonnie J. Griffith, Coordinator
August Event: Seniors in Ministry will
meet Friday August 26 at 10am. Program is guest speaker, Martha Mitkos.
She is LCMS Director of Campaigns
and Special Initiatives. The subject is
“Now Is The Time To Stand”: When it
seems like society’s morals and Christian values are crumbling around us,
what can we as Christians do to stand
firm on the Gospel of Jesus Christ? How
does our understanding of Luther’s Two
Kingdoms theology provide Lutherans
with the knowledge needed to live
boldly in the face of persecution? Learn
about the Lutheran Center for Religious
Liberty and how we can stand firm
regarding the sanctity of human life,
the biblical definition of marriage and
religious liberty.
Fried Chicken will be provided. Please
bring a side dish, salad or dessert. RSVP
the church office 233-2299 by Aug. 23.
September Event: Seniors in Minis-
try will meet Friday September 25, at
10am. The program being planned has
not been finalized and will be a surprise. Hopefully we will be able to announce it in the postcard. The luncheon
will be a Potluck.
Reminder: If you wish to contribute
to Christ Community International
(CCI) (cash or check), bring it and give
it to Bill Keel. It will be credited to your
church giving.
This month’s spotlight is on Ray Bopp. He was born in St. Louis and lived his
first 4 years in Kirkwood, MO. Then his family moved to Valley Park, MO for 4
years. In 1950, the family moved to Belleville to live on the old homestead on Old
Collinsville Road. Ray liked to hunt rabbits and plow the fields. The family joined
Zion the same year and he and his sister attended Zion School. Ray pointed out
that his mother, Helen Nollau, had attended Zion school and one of her teachers
was Mr. Brauer. When Ray was a teenager he worked summers for his uncle and
family who owned Nollau Nurseries. Arlene Stegman is a Nollau and his first
cousin. Ray enjoyed singing in the choir and attended the Lutheran Reformation
Rally where Zion and many other church choirs sang together.
Ray graduated from Belleville Township High School (the old BTHS) in 1960. He then
attended Rankin Technical College for 2 years and received a degree in electronics.
His first job was a bench technician at Clint Voland TV. Ray said, “I worked there
long enough to get to my next job, which was for Southwestern Bell Telephone Co”.
Ray met Jane at the Belleville swimming pool. She was swimming and he spotted
her through the fence. He asked his friend her name and when he went swimming,
he said, “Hi! Jane” and she didn’t know how he knew her name. They started
dating, but the romance was kind of off and on until Ray asked Jane to marry him in
the spring of 1966 and they were married Oct. 29 1966 at Zion. They have 2 sons
and 4 grandchildren. This year they will celebrate their 50th Anniversary.
The day after they were married they moved to Kansas City, MO for Ray’s job at
Victor Comptometer and Adding Machine Co for 2 1/2 years. Ray then worked
for lots of different companies in many different places, because the companies
were bought out by other companies and he went where the job was. They have
lived in Los Angeles CA, Brookfield CT, Austin TX, Jackson, MS. There he retired in
2008 as manager of Xerox. They moved back to Belleville in April 2009 in to their
new home in O’Fallon IL.
As their sons grew up, Ray was involved in many things. He was in band boosters
and Belleville Khoury League. He played on the Zion Softball Team, was President
of All Sports Booster Club in Brookfield CT and President of Base Ball Association
in CT. He was also very involved in the Lion’s Club raising funds to support blindness. Ray likes to golf, is a member of the YMCA and worked part-time at Ace Hardware from 2009 to 2013. Ray may the Lord continue to bless you and your family