dauphin county bar association may, 2015 - Dcba
dauphin county bar association may, 2015 - Dcba
DAUPHIN COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION MAY, 2015 Pamela C. Polacek President PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE 213 North Front Street Harrisburg, PA (717) 232-7536 Fax: (717) 234-4582 www.dcba-pa.org Board of Directors Pamela C. Polacek President J. Michael Sheldon President-Elect The Dauphin County Bar Foundation recently kicked-off its We Care About Children campaign to fund a dedicated Custody Attorney for an additional five years. The Custody Attorney Campaign started in 2010 with strong monetary support from local attorneys, law firms and businesses, as well as a Dauphin County Gaming Grant. The innovative program funds an attorney to assist lower -income residents with custody issues. This benefits both the recipients of the services and the local legal community. Edward F. Spreha, Jr. Without the Custody Attorney initiative, Mid-Penn Legal Services would not be able to handle all of the custody cases that come before it. In fact, other legal aid offices around the Commonwealth no longer accept custody cases due to the resources that are needed to address other civil matters for their clients. Although the generous pro bono attorneys in Dauphin County could assist with some of the custody cases, the existence of the Custody Attorney ensures that many more are helped. John. D. Sheridan Vice-President Matthew M. Haar Secretary Thomas P. Gacki Treasurer Past-President Nicole R. Antos Young Lawyers Chair Amanda A. Batz YL Chair-Elect Here are a few facts about the success of the Custody Attorney initiative: Since the initiative began in December 2010, Shana Walter has handled over 750 cases; The average cost to handle each case was $370; and 90% of the cases were handled without a hearing. Providing parents and caregivers with a professional advocate also reduces the stress and emotions for the clients on both sides of the custody issue. The fact that 90% of the cases were handled without a hearing is a huge testament to the success of the initiative. In many instances, the parties seeking custody have been able to work out an amicable resolution, which can only ease the adverse impact on the children involved. It also helps to increase the participants' confidence in the justice system. The Dauphin County Bar Foundation's goal is to raise $375,000 to fund the Custody Attorney for five additional years. Donations can be paid in a single payment, or in installments over the five years of the campaign. If you would like additional information, please contact the DCBA. MAY, 2015 Directors: William L. Adler Charles O. Beckley II Robert E. Chernicoff Devin J. Chwastyk Salvatore A. Darigo, Jr. Peter M. Good Joshua A. Gray Paula J. McDermott Jeffrey T. McGuire Tina L. Orndorff Richard L. Placey Kimberly A. Selemba Margaret M. Simok Leonard Tintner Bradley A. Winnick 1 YOUNG LAWYERS SECTION 5/K RUN WALK E ve r y ye a r t he Yo u n g L aw yer s S ectio n s u p po r ts a loc a l c ha r it y 5 K as Tea m DC BA . Th is ye a r, w e ar e h a pp y t o a n n ou nc e w e a re s e nd in g Te a m DC BA to t h e V ict im W it nes s S ur vivo r 5 K o n S at u rd a y, J u ne 2 0, 2 015 at t h e Ha r r is b u r g M all. Th is is a p ro g r a m ne a r an d de a r to o u r h ea r ts, a n d has be e n e ve r s inc e it g rew out of a Yo u n g L aw yers S ectio n s er vice p r o jec t in 19 83. Yo u c an re g is te r at t he lin k be low . U nde r “ Tea m I nf o r m at io n” , p leas e o pt t o “J o in a Te a m” a nd a d d yo u rs elf t o Te a m DC BA . ht t p://w w w . ac tive. c o m/ h a r r is bu r g - p a/ r u n n ing/ rac es/ vw ap - s u r vivo r-5 k- r un-w a lk-2 015 F or a n yo ne in te r es te d in b e in g in vo lve d w ith o u t ru n n in g 3 m iles, th e p ro g r a m is s t ill ac cep t in g vo lu nte e rs to h e lp on th e d a y o f th e r ace. P leas e co n tac t N ic o le A ntos at n ic o le. an tos @pa b a r. or g o r A ma n da B atz at ab a t z @d au p h inc. or g f o r m o re inf o r ma t io n. You may purchase your Team DCBA shirt by either purchasing it ahead of time by stopping by the DCBA and picking one up, or you may contact Amanda Batz at abatz@dauphinc.org with the size and she will bring it to you the day of the race. Shirts are $10. YOUNG LAWYERS SENATORS BASEBALL GAME PHOTOS MAY, 2015 2 Calling all DCBA Members! 230th ANNIVERSARY OF DAUPHIN COUNTY COURTS This year is the 230th Anniversary of the Dauphin County Court and in partnership with the Dauphin County Historical Society, we will be planning some unique events. We want to involve as many members as possible in this historic occasion. Below is a listing of all judges in our county since the court’s inception. Please look at this and if you have any information, connection or personal relationship to any of these judges with stories to share, please contact me at liz@dcba-pa.org. Keep a lookout for upcoming information on the events to come! You can find more information regarding each judge listed at: https://www.dcba-pa.org/UserFiles/File/courthistory.pdf Timothy Green 1785-1791 John H. Weiss 1899-1905 J. Douglas M. Royal 1957-1958 Richard A. Lewis 1994 - Present William Augustus Atlee 1791-1793 Michael William Jacobs 1903-1904 R. Dixon Herman 1958-1970 Scott Arthur Evans 1994 - Present John Joseph Henry 1793-1810 George Kunkel 1904-1920 Carl B. Shelley 1960-1970 Todd A. Hoover 1994 - Present Walter Franklin 1811-1815 Thomas H. Capp 1905-1907 Lee F. Swope 1961-1991 Lawrence F. Clark, Jr. 1996 - Present Amos Ellmaker 1815-1816 Samuel J. M. McCarrell 1907-1920 G. Thomas Miller 1962-1964 John F. Cherry 2000 - Present David Scott 1816-18181 William M. Hargest 1920-1948 James S. Bowman 1964-1970 Bruce F. Bratton 2001 - Present Samuel D. Franks 1818-1830 Frank B. Wickersham 1920-1942 William W. Lipsitt 1965-1986 Deborah Curcillo 2009 - Present Calvin Blythe 1830-1839 & 1842-1843 John E. Fox 1921-1942 William W. Caldwell 1970-1982 Bernard L. Coates, Jr. 2009 - Present J. Dress Pannell 1937-1937 Warren G. Morgan 1970-1993 Andrew H. Dowling 2009 - Present Karl E. Richards 1938-1961 John C. Dowling 1970-1993 William T. Tully 2014 - Present J. Paul Rupp 1942-1952 Richard B. Wickersham 1972-1980 Robert E. Woodside 1942-1951 Clarence C. Morrison 1980-2000 Paul G. Smith 1949-1960 Herbert A. Shaffner 1984-1992 William H. Neely 1949-1962 Sebastian D. Natale 1986-1994 Walter S. Sohn 1951-1965 Jeannine Turgeon 1992 - Present Homer L. Kreider 1952-1972 Joseph H. Kleinfelter 1992-2009 James M. Porter 1839-1840 Anson V. Parson 1840-1841 Nathaniel B. Eldred 1843-1849 John J. Pearson 1849-1882 Robert M. Henderson 1874-1882 John W. Simonton 1881-1903 John B. McPherson 1882-1899 MAY, 2015 3 Magna Carta: Symbol of Freedom under the Law To All Members of the Dauphin County Bar Association: Each year during the month of May, our nation celebrates Law Day. The purpose of Law Day is to educate people of all ages about the American legal system. In its annual Law Day celebration, the American Bar Association hopes to accomplish this goal by encouraging lawyers and judges to visit their local schools and teach students about this year’s theme: AMagna Carta: Symbol of Freedom under the Law.” The Dauphin County Bar Association and the American Bar Association are working together to ensure that lawyers and judges visit each school district in Dauphin County during this year=s celebration. Last year we had 82 volunteers visited 93 local classrooms in order to educate our youth about the great freedoms that we, as a nation, are afforded. The Honorable John F. Cherry, Nicole R. Antos, Chair, Young Lawyers Section, and I would like to encourage your participation in this year=s program so that we can ensure that an attorney or judge will be available to visit each and every classroom that wishes to participate. If you would like to volunteer, visit the ABA website by copying and pasting the following link: http://www.americanbar.org/groups/public_education/initiatives_awards/law_day_2015.html At this website, you can download a lesson plan. There are links to lesson plans appropriate for students from elementary through high school. Once it is available, DCBA members will be sent a list of schools and grades. We ask that you make two selections in order of preference and send an email to Joyce at joyce@dcba-pa.org to request your preferred classes. She will respond with the appropriate contact information and you will need to contact the teacher directly to set up a mutually convenient date and time for your visit. While Law Day is officially observed on May 1, 2015 the classroom visits can be held at any time in May. We hope that we can count on your cooperation and involvement in making Law Day 2015 a success! If you would like to acquire more information, visit the Pennsylvania Bar Association website at: http://www.pabar.org/public/education/lawday/15ldinformation.asp Jessica E. Lowe, Esquire Chair, Young Lawyers Law Day Committee MAY, 2015 4 LAW DAY MEMBERSHIP PHOTOS W illiam L. A dle r, Vice P res ide nt, Ne ighborhood Dis pute Se ttle ment acce pts the 2 0 1 5 D C B A L i b e r t y B e l l A wa r d f r o m D C B A L a w D a y C h a i r , F r a n c i s T. C h a r d o , I I I. C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s B i l l a n d N e i g h b o r h o o d D i s p u t e S e t t l e m e n t o n a j o b we l l d o n e ! T h a n k y o u t o C h i e f J u s t i c e T h o m a s G . S a yl o r f o r s p e a k i n g a t o u r 2 0 1 5 L a w D a y B re a k f a s t m e e ti ng. H is re m a r ks c a n be fo un d he re : h ttps : // w w w . d c b a - p a . o r g / p d f s / e v e n t A d s / F i n a l % 2 0 c o m m e n ts . p d f C a t h l e e n A . K o h r , P a . , C . P . p r e s e n t s J e n i S m o k e r wi t h t h e 2 0 1 5 C e n t r a l P A P a r a l e g a l A s s o c i a t i o n S c h o l a r s h i p A wa r d . C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s J e n i ! DCBA Secretary, Matthew M. Haar introduces new member Lindsay A. Berkstresser with Post & Schell, PC to the membership. Welcome Lindsay! MAY, 2015 5 LAW DAY MEMBERSHIP PHOTOS MAY, 2015 6 PRO BONO RECEPTION PHOTOS MAY, 2015 7 PRO BONO RECEPTION PHOTOS MAY, 2015 8 CAN YOU HELP A CHILD? Pro bono family law attorneys are needed in Central PA to address a growing need among immigrant children throughout the state. HIAS PA (Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society of Pennsylvania) seeks pro bono attorneys to assist adult caretakers of immigrant children (many from Central America) with custody petitions. The adult caregivers may or may not be legal residents and many speak only Spanish. HIAS PA is located in Philadelphia and has an excellent track record of providing legal representation to children and other vulnerable populations in immigration matters. HIAS PA provides legal malpractice insurance for all its pro bono attorneys. HIAS does not expect the pro bono attorney to speak Spanish and would help the clients find interpreters for meetings. HIAS PA will assist these children in applying for Special Immigrant Juvenile Status (SIJS). SIJS is a form of humanitarian immigration relief available to children who have been abandoned, neglected or abused by one or both parents. However, for a child to qualify, a family court must first have Made a custody or dependency determination and Found that it is in the child's best interest to remain in the United States and Found that parental reunification is not viable. Therefore, HIAS PA seeks pro bono family law attorneys who are able to assist the adult caretakers of immigrant children here in Central PA with custody petitions. Once the local court has made the findings, the Central PA attorney would close the case. Then, HIAS PA would assist the child in requesting SIJS from the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service. If you are interested in assisting these children, please contact Elizabeth Yaeger, HIAS Pennsylvania Staff Attorney, 2100 Arch St., Phila., PA 19103 (215)-832-0910 (direct) or email at eyaeger@hiaspa.org. BAR BRIEFS Am a n da A. Ba t z is now an A ss oc ia te w it h B r ya n M cQ u illa n. Car a A. B o ya now s ki is n ow a P art ne r w ith O be r m a ye r R eb m an n M axw ell & H ipp e l LLP , Ha rr is b u rg off ic e. 2015 WIDENER LAW MINORITY ALUMNI HONOREE RECEPTION The 2015 Widener Law Minority Alumni Honoree Reception was held Tuesday, March 31, 2015. The event, co-sponsored by the Black Law Students Association and the Latin American Law Student Association, recognized two outstanding alumni. DCBA Members Monica R. Cliatt, Esq. ’99 and Julia P. Coelho, Esq. ’09 were honored for their notable efforts in diversifying the legal community. Congratulations to both! MAY, 2015 9 PRO BONO RECOGINITION Th e f o llow in g p a rt ic ipa n ts p r o vide d p r o b on o s e r vice d u r in g th e m on t h of A pr il b y ac c ep t in g n ew c lie nts , ma kin g a financial contribution to M idP enn Legal Services, pa r t ic ip at in g in o ne of o u r p r o b o n o p r o g ra ms , o r c o nd uc t in g o ne of o u r f a m ily law c lin ic s : Attorneys Attorneys Bernadette Barattini Eric L. J. Brossman Paralegals Paula Knudsen Burke Fredrick Cabell, Jr. Mark R. Calore Interns Karen L. Cummings Patrick J. Daniels Stephen J. Dzuranin Jonathan C. Edmunds Donna L. Fisher John W. Frommer III Meghann L. Garrett Stephen R. Krone Gina Lynne Lauffer Shelby A. Linton-Keddie Doreen A. McCall Brian E. McDonough Benjamin A. Ried Mark T. Silliker Lauren Starlings Richard B. Swartz John Sweet John J. Talaber Senator Robert F. Teplitz Sunshine J. Thomas Steven R. Tregea Forrest Neal Troutman II Carol L. Verish Jonathan Vipond III Isaac Paul Wakefield PRO BONO PERFORMANCE In 2015, our Pro Bono Program has: Assisted 151 clients (based on new cases) Donated 363 hours of legal services Valued at $54,420 Conducted 9 Pro Se Clinics Additionally, our Lawyer Referral Program has fielded 380 calls and referred 361 clients, including 19 clients who qualified for Modest Means Panel. Thanks to all those who helped maintain this tradition of community service. Paralegals Dillon Epler Amber Fye Rose Merrick Melissa Miller Jonette Taylor Students Jeanne Dumas Erika McLain Grant Wicklem MAY, 2015 10 May 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 Sat 2 Law Week 11:30am - 1:30pm Ask a Lawyer Strawberry Square 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 11:00am Naturalization Ceremony Dauphin County Courthouse Mother’s Day 5:00pm Lipsitt Inn of Court Lunch & Learn 11:30am Lunch 12 Noon program “Criminal Law Smackdown” 9:00am Custody Clinic 5:00pm Bowman Inn of Court Senior Lawyers Social 19 Armed Forces Day 11:30am Family Law Meeting https://www.dcbapa.org/pdfs/ eventAds/051215charsseniorl aywes%20social.pdf 18 12:00pm Bar Foundation Meeting https://www.dcbapa.org/Calendar/ Signup.aspx? EventNo=407 https://www.dcbapa.org/Calendar/ Signup.aspx? EventNo=398 17 “Breakfast with the Registers” 8:00a.m. - Breakfast 8:30a.m. - 9:30am. Program Radisson Hotel Volleyball begins 20 Supreme Court Trip 21 9:00am Custody Clinic 22 23 29 30 4:30pm Board of Directors Meeting Volleyball 24 25 26 DCBA Closed Memorial Day Lunch & Learn 11:30am Lunch 12 Noon program 27 12:00pm CLE Committee Meeting 28 Volleyball “Critical IOLTA Changes for Smaller and Solo Practices” https://www.dcbapa.org/Calendar/ Signup.aspx? EventNo=406 31 MAY, 2015 11 June 2015 Sun Mon 1 Tue 2 Wed 3 5:30p.m.-7:30pm CAMP Reception Thu Fri Sat 4 5 6 11 12 13 18 19 20 11:30a.m.-1:00p.m. Government Law Section Lunch & Learn “FOIA Practice Tips and trends in Federal and State Access” https://www.dcbapa.org/Calendar/ Signup.aspx? EventNo=401 8 7 9 10 Lunch & Learn 11:30am Lunch 12 Noon program 9:00am Custody Clinic “Knowing Enough (not) to be Dangerous, Basic Intellectual Property Law for the Non-IP Attorney?? https://www.dcbapa.org/Calendar/ Signup.aspx? EventNo=409 15 14 17 16 9:00am Custody Clinic Young Lawyers Race with Victim/ Witness (Harrisburg East Mall) 4:30pm Board of Directors Meeting 22 21 24 23 25 26 27 Lunch & Learn 11:30am Lunch 12 Noon program TBD 29 28 MAY, 2015 30 12 2015 BENCH BAR Frida y, July 31, 2 015 through Sunda y, Augus t 2 , 2015 at Omni Bedford Springs Resort http://www. omnihotels.com/Find AHotel/BedfordSprings.aspx Click here to register: https://www.dcba-pa.org/Calendar/Signup.aspx?EventNo=387 MAY, 2015 13 “The purposes of the Dauphin County Bar Association are to advance the science of jurisprudence, to promote the administration of justice, to encourage a thorough legal education, to promote continuing legal education, to uphold the honor and dignity of the Bar, to encourage the fulfillment of the obligations of the profession among its members to the courts and to society, to promote programs to provide effective, affordable legal services to all segments of society, to cultivate cordial intercourse among the members of the Association and to perpetuate the history of the profession and the memory of its members and such kindred purposes as the Association may from time to time determine.” DAUPHIN COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION 213 North Front Street Harrisburg, PA 17101 Phone: 717-232-7536 Fax: 717-234-4582 www.dcba-pa.org DCBA HAS PARTNERED WITH DATAMOTION TO BRING MEMBERS SECUREMAIL ENCRYPTED EMAIL The DCBA has negotiated a special rate on our members’ behalf for DataMotion SecureMail. If you are like most professional practices then you handle clients’ sensitive personal information every day. Due to industry regulations and privacy reasons this information cannot be sent through regular email. The American Bar Association published an article in September that stated, “…attorneys have duties to take competent and reasonable measures to safeguard information relating to clients…” [read more]. To help conform to ABA rules, DataMotion SecureMail provides you with an easy to use tool that automatically encrypts your sensitive information to help keep you in compliance. It can also help you reduce costs associated with couriers, faxes, etc. as it provides proof of delivery. Click to learn best practice tips you can use to protect your outbound communications and your Firm’s reputation. For pricing and more information about DataMotion SecureMail click here Andrea Raglione - DataMotion JUNE NEWSLETTER DEADLINE If you would like an event or member update advertised in our next newsletter, please submit it NO LATER THAN MONDAY, MAY 18, 2015 to bridgette@dcba-pa.org. Newsletter set up and designed by Bridgette. Thank you. DAUPHIN COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION STAFF Elizabeth G. Simcox Joyce A. Tambolas Bridgette L. Hilbish Sandra A. Ballard Michael P. Furjanic MAY, 2015 Executive Director Administrative Assistant Receptionist/CLE Coordinator Public Services Coordinator Accountant Liz@dcba-pa.org Joyce@dcba-pa.org Bridgette@dcba-pa.org Sandy@dcba-pa.org Mike@dcba-pa.org 14
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