dauphin county bar association july, 2015 - Dcba
dauphin county bar association july, 2015 - Dcba
DAUPHIN COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION JULY, 2015 Pamela C. Polacek President 213 North Front Street Harrisburg, PA (717) 232-7536 Fax: (717) 234-4582 www.dcba-pa.org Board of Directors Pamela C. Polacek President J. Michael Sheldon PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE President-Elect Edward F. Spreha, Jr. The 2015 Bench/Bar Conference is coming very, very soon. Our room block (with a highly discounted rate) will be released after July 10th. Liz and the Bench/Bar Committee have worked hard on a great program, including: The Young Lawyers & Judges Meet and Greet Our Welcoming Reception on Friday evening (followed by dinner on your own) Three fabulous CLE programs on Saturday morning A buffet dinner on Saturday, with entertainment provided by the "Not Ready for Front Street Players" There will also be plenty of free time on Saturday afternoon to enjoy the amenities at the Omni Bedford Springs Resort. Please feel free to bring your children, or leave them at home so you can enjoy a weekend away! Bedford Springs is one of the hidden jewels of Pennsylvania. The location, service, amenities and food are excellent. If you have been there before, then I'm sure you will agree with me. If you haven't been there, then this is a great opportunity to see the resort and spend some time with your bar association colleagues. DCBA BENCH BAR SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES I f yo u w ou ld like t o h a ve yo u r b us ines s ad ve rt is e d in th e 2 015 DC BA B enc h B a r P ro gr a m, p le as e em a il a ca m e ra r ea d y jpe g f ile o f th e ad t o b r id get te @d c b a - pa. o r g NO L ATE R TH AN M OND AY, J U LY 2 7, 2 015 . B E L OW A R E THE A DV E R TIS I NG P R IC E S. A n in vo ic e w ill be s en t af te r r ece ivin g t he ha r d c o p y a d. B us ines s c a r d a d: Ha lf P age a d: F u ll p a ge a d: JULY, 2015 Vice-President Matthew M. Haar Secretary Thomas P. Gacki Treasurer John. D. Sheridan Past-President Nicole R. Antos Young Lawyers Chair Amanda A. Batz YL Chair-Elect Directors: William L. Adler Charles O. Beckley II Robert E. Chernicoff Devin J. Chwastyk Salvatore A. Darigo, Jr. Peter M. Good Joshua A. Gray Paula J. McDermott Jeffrey T. McGuire Tina L. Orndorff Richard L. Placey Kimberly A. Selemba Margaret M. Simok Leonard Tintner Bradley A. Winnick $1 00. 00 (3 1/2 ” x 2 ”) $2 5 0. 00 (4” x 4 ”) $5 00. 00 (4. 5 ” x 6 . 5 ”) 1 YOUNG LAWYERS SECTION NEWS G reet in gs fr o m t h e Yo u n g L a w yers S ectio n! Th e DC BA YLS vo lle yb a ll le a g ue is in f u ll s w ing, a nd it has be e n g re at s ee in g s o m an y of yo u o n t he c o u rts. M an y t ha n ks to o u r s p o ns o r s fo r t he m o nt hs of M ay a n d J u ne – M ette, E va ns & W oo ds id e, L ex is N ex is , A nap o l S chw artz , M et r o B an k, an d C onr a d S ie ge l A c tu a r ies. B y t he t im e th is is p u b lis h e d, Tea m DC BA w ill h a ve p a rt ic ip at ed in t he D au p h in C o u n t y V ict im/ W it ness S ur vivo r 5 K o n J u ne 2 0. Tha n k yo u t o a ll o f t he r u nn e rs an d w alkers fo r s u p p o rt in g t h is g re at c aus e. As you know, the joint DCBA/CCBA picnic is coming up on July 16 th. This year, the CCBA YLD has challenged us to a lawn games tournament. We will be competing in games such as corn hole, ladder golf, horseshoes, can jam, and bocce ball. We won the trophy last year after a convincing kickball victory. Let’s keep the trophy in Dauphin County! Please stay tuned for sign up information. In the meantime, you should register for the picnic here: https://www.dcba-pa.org/Calendar/Signup.aspx? EventNo=414 I would also like to encourage all young lawyers to consider attending our Bench Bar Conference at the Omni Bedford Springs Resort on July 31 – August 2. This is a great time to network with both the judges and our fellow DCBA members, relax at a beautiful resort, and earn some CLE. We will be hosting a special “pre-game with the judges” social on Friday night you will not want to miss. You can check out the brochure and register here: https://www.dcba-pa.org/pdfs/ eventAds/2015BenchBarRegistrationupdated5.pdf Whether at volleyball, the DCBA/CCBA picnic, or Bench Bar, I look forward to seeing everyone soon, and making this a great summer! Nicole R. Antos, YLS Chair BAR BRIEFS J ona t ha n W. Ku n ke l is n ow w it h t h e Of f ic e of C h ie f C o u n s e l at t h e P e n ns y lv a n ia D e p a rt me n t o f E d u c a t io n. J ul iet M or in g ie l lo , P rof es s o r of L aw at W id e n e r C o m m o nw e a lt h S c h o o l o f L aw p re s e n t e d a t t h e S ec o n d A n n u a l F o r d h a m I n t e rn a t io n a l a n d C o mp a ra t iv e U rb a n L aw C o n f e re n c e, s p o ns o re d b y t h e F o rd h a m L aw C e nt e r a n d t h e S o rb o n n e C e nt e r f o r S t u d y a n d R es e a rc h o n E n v iro n me n t a l, D e v e lo p m e n t , U rb a n a n d To u ris m L aw in P a ris , F ra n c e o n J u n e 2 9 t h. J u l ie t’ s t o p ic w as e n t it le d “ Th e L a n g u a g e o f M u n ic ip a l B a n k ru p t c y a n d I ns o lv e n c y. ” ( N o P h o t o A v a ila b le ) C as e y L. S ipe w it h C a ldw e ll & K e a rns , P C h as b e e n n a me d t o t h e b o a rd o f t h e C u mb e rla n d A re a E c o n o mic D e v e lo p me n t C o r p. Ke vi n M . S kod ja l w as n a m e d a m e m b e r o f E c ke rt S e a ma n s C h e ri & M e l lo t t L L C . H e p ra c t ic e s in t h e a re a o la b o r a n d e mp l o y me n t law a n d c o m m e rc ia l lit ig at io n m a t t e rs . E li za beth R os e Tr is c a r i h as b e e n a p p o i n t e d t o t h e B o a rd o f D ire ct o rs of t h e P e n ns y lv a n ia B a r I ns t it ut e ( P B I) . ( N o P h o t o A v a ila b le ) JULY, 2015 2 Calling all DCBA Members! 230th ANNIVERSARY OF DAUPHIN COUNTY COURTS This year is the 230th Anniversary of the Dauphin County Court and in partnership with the Dauphin County Historical Society, we will be planning some unique events. We want to involve as many members as possible in this historic occasion. Below is a listing of all judges in our county since the court’s inception. Please look at this and if you have any information, connection or personal relationship to any of these judges with stories to share, please contact me at liz@dcba-pa.org. Keep a lookout for upcoming information on the events to come! You can find more information regarding each judge listed at: https://www.dcba-pa.org/UserFiles/File/courthistory.pdf Timothy Green 1785-1791 John H. Weiss 1899-1905 J. Douglas M. Royal 1957-1958 Richard A. Lewis 1994 - Present William Augustus Atlee 1791-1793 Michael William Jacobs 1903-1904 R. Dixon Herman 1958-1970 Scott Arthur Evans 1994 - Present John Joseph Henry 1793-1810 George Kunkel 1904-1920 Carl B. Shelley 1960-1970 Todd A. Hoover 1994 - Present Walter Franklin 1811-1815 Thomas H. Capp 1905-1907 Lee F. Swope 1961-1991 Lawrence F. Clark, Jr. 1996 - Present Amos Ellmaker 1815-1816 Samuel J. M. McCarrell 1907-1920 G. Thomas Miller 1962-1964 John F. Cherry 2000 - Present David Scott 1816-18181 William M. Hargest 1920-1948 James S. Bowman 1964-1970 Bruce F. Bratton 2001 - Present Samuel D. Franks 1818-1830 Frank B. Wickersham 1920-1942 William W. Lipsitt 1965-1986 Deborah Curcillo 2010 - Present Calvin Blythe 1830-1839 & 1842-1843 John E. Fox 1921-1942 William W. Caldwell 1970-1982 Bernard L. Coates, Jr. 2010 - Present J. Dress Pannell 1937-1937 Warren G. Morgan 1970-1993 Andrew H. Dowling 2010 - Present Karl E. Richards 1938-1961 John C. Dowling 1970-1993 William T. Tully 2014 - Present J. Paul Rupp 1942-1952 Richard B. Wickersham 1972-1980 Robert E. Woodside 1942-1951 Clarence C. Morrison 1980-2000 Paul G. Smith 1949-1960 Herbert A. Shaffner 1984-1992 William H. Neely 1949-1962 Sebastian D. Natale 1986-1994 Walter S. Sohn 1951-1965 Jeannine Turgeon 1992 - Present Homer L. Kreider 1952-1972 Joseph H. Kleinfelter 1992-2009 James M. Porter 1839-1840 Anson V. Parson 1840-1841 Nathaniel B. Eldred 1843-1849 John J. Pearson 1849-1882 Robert M. Henderson 1874-1882 John W. Simonton 1881-1903 John B. McPherson 1882-1899 JULY, 2015 3 YOUNG LAWYERS VOLLEYBALL SPONSORS Th e D a up h in C o u nt y B ar A ss oc iat io n Yo u n g L aw yers w ou ld like t o t ha n k t h e fo llow ing V o lle yb a ll s po ns o rs fo r t he m o nt h of M ay 2 015 . THURSDAY, JUNE 4 & 25, 2015 - METRO BANK Enjoy the convenience of banking your way, on your time with Metro Bank. We offer personalized attention and service at our network of stores throughout Berks, Cumberland, Dauphin, Lancaster, Lebanon and York counties. Metro Bank is open 7 days a week, 361 days a year with extended lobby and drive-thru hours! Stop by any one of our convenient locations, visit mymetrobank.com or call our LIVE Customer Service at 888.937.0004 for more information. You can also find Metro Bank on Facebook and Twitter. Follow us to learn more about our products, upcoming events and more! THURSDAY, JUNE 11, 2015 - CONRAD SIEGEL W e b s i te : C o n r a d s i e g e l . c o m C o n r a d S i e g e l Ac t u a r i e s 5 0 1 C o r p o r a te C i r c l e PO Box 5900 Harrisburg, P A 17110 P : 717-652 -5633 F: 717-540-9106 E: info@conradsiegel.com To get the most return on their investment in their employee benefits, your clients need a partner who will represent their best interests. Whether it is in providing consulting and administrative services for all types of retirement plans or helping an employer navigate the complexities of health care reform, our work is based on independent advice and the expertise of one of the nation’s largest actuarial firms. Our clients look to us to help them with cost control, risk management, investment advice, their fiduciary responsibilities, funding and more. In addition, Conrad Siegel Actuaries has the expertise to help you with the complicated pension and retirement benefit issues they often face in divorce cases. We have processed thousands of these pension valuations covering a wide range of plans, from the simplest defined contribution accumulations to the most intricate government defined benefit structures. Of course, if the case you are working on goes to trial before a divorce master or judge, we will be there for you to support our work in the courtroom. If you have questions about how we can help you or your clients, please contact Jonathan Cramer, FSA, at 717-6525633 or jonathancramer@conradsiegel.com. We would be pleased to help guide you and your clients through these complicated issues. JULY, 2015 4 EASTER SEALS GRILLATHON CELEBRITY CHEF Renee Mattei Myers of Eckert Seamans volunteered her time as a “Celebrity Chef” for a great cause several weeks ago on the Hilton Plaza. Renee flipped burgers for the Easter Seals Grillathon which is a great event held each year. Bon appétit! Official Supreme Court DCBA Photo of the recent SCOTUS trip in May. JULY, 2015 5 HOMELESS OUTREACH AS A PRO BONO OPTION by Lauren Starlings, Assistant Counsel Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency It’s no secret that, as lawyers, we are stretched for time. Because of this, we are always prioritizing our time and not everything makes the cut. Unfortunately, and understandably, our job to give back to the community through pro bono work sometimes goes undone. However, the DCBA Homeless Outreach Project makes pro bono work convenient. The Project offers attorneys the chance to volunteer at locations throughout the city of Harrisburg, such as the Downtown Daily Bread. It is as quick and easy as donating your lunch hour. Attorneys volunteering for this DCBA program do not provide legal advice. Rather, two or three volunteers work together to triage legal issues and direct individuals to the proper organizations that can help. Pro bono issues generally deal with criminal law, debt collection, family law, housing and landlord tenant issues, public benefits, and utility issues Knowing where to start is a daunting task -- but providing this information to people in need makes for a very helpful and highly rewarding lunch hour. Currently, more attorneys are needed for the following dates and times: 1. Downtown Daily Bread – usually the Third Thursday of the month from 12:30 to 1:30 PM -- Boyd Memorial Building of the Pine Street Presbyterian Church 310 N. Third Street (corner of Third & South Streets), Hbg. Entrance is on the North Side of South Street across the alley from the Church. August 20 September 17 November 19 2. The Cathedral Parish of Saint Patrick – usually the Last Sunday of the month (except for dates marked with *) from 5 to 6 PM -- 212 State Street, Hbg. Entrance through glass enclosure on west side of church July 26 November 29 December 20 3. Bethesda Mission at 611 Reilly Street in Harrisburg from 6 to 8 pm on the first Thursday of each month (except for dates marked with *): August 6 September 3 October 1 November 5 December 3 Please contact Sandy Ballard at 232-7536 ext. 7 or Sandy@DCBA-PA.org if you would like to give it a try! NON-DCBA EVENTS FRIDAY, JULY 10, 2015: Pennsylvania Bar Institute is offering a six-hour CLE entitled “Legal Concerns for People and Entities of Faith” on Friday, July 10, 2015. The full-day course runs from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and includes lunch. To register, please call PBI customer service at 1-800-932-4637. - Peg Fallon AUGUST NEWSLETTER DEADLINE If you would like an event or member update advertised in our next newsletter, please submit it NO LATER THAN MONDAY, JULY 27, 2015 to bridgette@dcba-pa.org. Newsletter set up and designed by Bridgette. Thank you. JULY, 2015 6 CAN YOU HELP A VETERAN IN NEED? Through the Pa Bar Association (PBA) Lawyers Saluting Veterans (LSV) Program, you can find your own pro bono niche and fill it by choosing what service you are able to provide for a veteran. It might be as simple as writing a letter or looking over a lease or other legal document that is confusing to him or her. Or, you might help a struggling Veteran avoid a foreclosure. You can pick from: Family Law, Debtor-Creditor Law, Wills and Estate Planning, Landlord/Tenant, Employment/Labor Law, Immigration Law, or Any other area you prefer. For more information, go to http://www.pabar.org/public/lsv.asp. Registration will require certification of malpractice insurance. After you register, you will receive electronic documents such as a representation agreement, a useful checklist and a termination letter for use with your veteran pro bono clients. You will receive a certificate to publicize your involvement in the program and encourage colleagues to participate. Both the DCBA and the PBA will recognize you in our publications with a list of all who participate. As you many know, Dauphin County Court of Common Pleas Judge Bruce F. Bratton served in the U.S. Army in Vietnam as both an infantryman and as a target acquisition specialist for artillery units from October of 1969 to December 1970. Judge Bratton adds his words of support for this useful pro bono option: “Thanks for thinking of the needs of our veterans and their families. I encourage every lawyer who can do so to help a vet through this pro bono program. I know the veterans who receive assistance will be forever grateful.” We encourage all of our very generous Dauphin County lawyers to answer this call to help a veteran in need. For more information, please contact David Trevaskis at (717) 238-6715 ext. 2236 or david.trevaskis@pabar.org. DCBA HAS PARTNERED WITH DATAMOTION TO BRING MEMBERS SECUREMAIL ENCRYPTED EMAIL The DCBA has negotiated a special rate on our members’ behalf for DataMotion SecureMail. If you are like most professional practices then you handle clients’ sensitive personal information every day. Due to industry regulations and privacy reasons this information cannot be sent through regular email. The American Bar Association published an article in September that stated, “…attorneys have duties to take competent and reasonable measures to safeguard information relating to clients…” [read more]. To help conform to ABA rules, DataMotion SecureMail provides you with an easy to use tool that automatically encrypts your sensitive information to help keep you in compliance. It can also help you reduce costs associated with couriers, faxes, etc. as it provides proof of delivery. Click to learn best practice tips you can use to protect your outbound communications and your Firm’s reputation. For pricing and more information about DataMotion SecureMail click here Andrea Raglione - DataMotion JULY, 2015 7 July 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed 1 Thu 2 Fri 3 4 NO VOLLEYBALL 5 6 7 8 8:00am. Public Services Committee Meeting McNees Wallace 12 13 14 Lunch & Learn 11:30am Lunch 12 Noon program 12:00p.m. ADR Committee Meeting 9 Sat DCBA CLOSED JULY 4TH WEEKEND 10 11 17 18 24 25 2:00p.m. Custody Clinic Volleyball 15 12:00p.m. Family Law Subcommittee “Practical Technology Considerations for Lawyers” 16 2:00p.m. DCBA/CCBA Joint Picnic Allenberry https://www.dcbapa.org/Calendar/ Signup.aspx? EventNo=414 https://www.dcbapa.org/Calendar/ Signup.aspx? EventNo=416 2:00p.m. Custody Clinic NO VOLLEYBALL 19 20 21 22 23 11:30a.m. CAMP Closing Luncheon Lancaster County Bar Last Day for CAMP Volleyball 26 27 28 Lunch & Learn 11:30am Lunch 12 Noon program “The Dos and Don’ts of Social Security Disability Cases - A Judges Perspective” https://www.dcbapa.org/Calendar/ Signup.aspx? EventNo=412 JULY, 2015 29 30 31 Volleyball 2015 Bench Bar Conference Bedford Springs https://www.dcbapa.org/Calendar/ Signup.aspx? EventNo=387 8 August 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2015 Bench Bar Conference Bedford Springs https://www.dcbapa.org/Calendar/ Signup.aspx? EventNo=387 2 3 4 5 2015 Bench Bar Conference Bedford Springs 6 2:00pm - 4:00pm Divorce Clinic 7 8 14 15 Volleyball https://www.dcbapa.org/Calendar/ Signup.aspx? EventNo=387 9 10 11 12 Lunch & Learn 11:30am Lunch 12 Noon program 13 9:00am - 11:00am Custody Clinic 9:00am - 5:00pm 6 Hour Compliance Session Crowne Plaza Hotel Performance on Trial "Courtroom Magic "Lite" https://www.dcbapa.org/Calendar/ Signup.aspx? EventNo=417 https://www.dcbapa.org/Calendar/ Signup.aspx? EventNo=347 16 17 23 24 18 25 Lunch & Learn 11:30am Lunch 12 Noon program 19 20 9:00am - 11:00am Custody Clinic 5:30pm– 7:30pm WIP Social 12:00pm Family Law Subcommittee More Information to follow 26 27 21 22 28 29 12:00pm EPOC Meeting An Overview of Environmental Enforcement Actions https://www.dcbapa.org/Calendar/ Signup.aspx? EventNo=418 31 30 JULY, 2015 9 PRO BONO RECOGINITION Th e f o llow in g p a rt ic ipa nts p r o vide d p r o bo n o s e r vic e d u r in g t he m o nt h of J u ne b y a ccep t in g n ew clie nts , ma kin g a f ina nc ia l c o nt r ib u t io n to M idP enn L eg a l S er vic es, p a rt ic ip at in g in one of o u r p r o b o n o p ro g r a ms, o r co n d uct in g o n e of o u r fa m ily law c lin ic s: Attorneys Alexandra M. Ableitner Nora F. Blair Paula Knudsen Burke Katherene E. Conner Patrick J. Daniels Brian P. Downey Anthony M. Hoover Kandice Kerwin Hull Kristy L. Kirk Arnold B. Kogan Stephen R. Krone Karen Wetzler Miller Stephanie Erin Murphy Patricia J. Romano Lisa A. Rynard Stuart S. Sacks D. Troy Sellars Mark T. Silliker Lauren Starlings John W. Sweet James A. Tinnyo Steven V. Turner Paul F. Wessell Michael W. Winfield General LeRoy S. Zimmerman Patricia Carey Zucker Paralegals Dillon Epler Amber Fye Will Hershey Melissa Miller Students Jeanne Dumas Grant Wicklem PRO BONO PERFORMANCE In 2015, our Pro Bono Program has: Assisted 257 clients (based on new cases) Donated 998 hours of legal services Valued at $149,670 Conducted 11 Pro Se Clinics Additionally, our Lawyer Referral Program has fielded 610 calls and referred 580 clients, including 30 clients who qualified for Modest Means Panel. Thanks to all those who helped maintain this tradition of community service. JULY, 2015 10 New York City DCBA Day on Your own S p o n s o r e d b y t h e D CB A S o c i a l Co m m i t t e e SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5, 2015 6:30 A.M. - MEET AT WIDENER SCHOOL OF LAW (VARTAN WAY, HARRISBURG) 7:00 A.M. - BUS DEPARTS FOR NEW YORK CITY (DROP OFF IS AT BRYANT PARK - 41 W. 40TH STREET) ENJOY SPENDING THE DAY IN NEW YORK CITY WITH FAMILY & FRIENDS! 7:00 P.M. - DEPART NEW YORK CITY 10:00 P.M. - ARRIVE BACK AT WIDENER SCHOOL OF LAW COST IS $50 PER PERSON JULY, 2015 REGISTER ONLINE AT: https://www.dcba-pa.org/ Calendar/Signup.aspx? EventNo=415 IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO REGISTER ONLINE, PLEASE MAIL, FAX OR EMAIL THIS FORM TO: DCBA 213 NORTH FRONT STREET HARRISBURG, PA 17101 FAX: (717) 234-4582 EMAIL: Bridgette@dcba-pa.org 11 “The purposes of the Dauphin County Bar Association are to advance the science of jurisprudence, to promote the administration of justice, to encourage a thorough legal education, to promote continuing legal education, to uphold the honor and dignity of the Bar, to encourage the fulfillment of the obligations of the profession among its members to the courts and to society, to promote programs to provide effective, affordable legal services to all segments of society, to cultivate cordial intercourse among the members of the Association and to perpetuate the history of the profession and the memory of its members and such kindred purposes as the Association may from time to time determine.” DAUPHIN COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION 213 North Front Street Harrisburg, PA 17101 Phone: 717-232-7536 Fax: 717-234-4582 www.dcba-pa.org DAUPHIN COUNTY BAR ASSOCIATION STAFF Elizabeth G. Simcox Joyce A. Tambolas Bridgette L. Hilbish Sandra A. Ballard Michael P. Furjanic JULY, 2015 Executive Director Administrative Assistant Receptionist/CLE Coordinator Public Services Coordinator Accountant Liz@dcba-pa.org Joyce@dcba-pa.org Bridgette@dcba-pa.org Sandy@dcba-pa.org Mike@dcba-pa.org 12
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