2015 National Show at the Missouri State Fair


2015 National Show at the Missouri State Fair
Introducing “Starburst” National Champion
Bull and “Apollo” Both Working in our Herd
“Woodhaven Starburst”
2013 and 2014 National Champion Bull
Sired by “Sir AJPR “O” Mega”
“CPP Apollo”
American Fullblood
Sired by “CPP Hercules” and out of
“Diamond G-F’s Paulette”
Semen from both of these bulls will be available later this
spring/summer. Contact me for more information.
B-Bar Stock Farm
Bob Bartholomew
174 Dales Bridge Rd.
Germantown, NY 12526
Phone: 518-755-1701
Email: BBARFARM@aol.com
April 2015
Volume 1 Number 1
American Pinzgauer Association
2015 National Show
The Missouri State Fair will be hosting
the 2015 National Show.
APA Scholarship Winner-5
Cody Hooks of Tennessee was the 2014
Scholarship winner.
Updated Registration
Before you begin registering your 2015
bulls and heifers, please review these
updated rules.
Calving Guidelines-9
Spring is here and so is calving. Take a
look at these guidelines before trouble
Pinzgauer Palette-11
Try this Beef Breakfast Sausage recipe
for your next meal and learn how to send
in your own recipe.
On The Cover: “I awoke to see
twice as many cattle,”
according to Alain Bellhumeur
of Southern Florida Farms. The
photo was taken the first
morning after the arrival of
cattle from the Polzin Pinzgauer
Byre herd of WI.
Photo by Alain Bellhumeur.
To the April issue of THE PINZGAUER
JOURNAL. The Pinzgauer Journal is a
quarterly publication for the Pinzgauer
cattle breeder. If you would like to
contribute articles or advertise in the
quarterly newsletter, we ask that you
contact our editor, Dale Huhnke. If you
submit a photo for the front cover and we
use it, you will get a $25.00 Visa gift
card courtesy of the Pinzgauer Journal.
Dale Huhnke
Dale Huhnke
Email: theregistrymagazine@gmail.com
2015 National Show at the Missouri State Fair
All roads are leading to the “Show Me
State” as plans are underway for the
2015 National Pinzgauer Show at the
Missouri State Fair. Not only the
National Open Show will be at the
Missouri State Fair but the Junior show
also will be in Sedalia.
Entry deadline for the state fair is July
1. Entries can be made online at
www.mostatefair.com. Hotel rooms do
fill quickly because of the few hotels
in the area of Sedalia. A block of
rooms have been reserved at the Best
Western State Fair Inn. When making
the reservations please ask for the APA
To help raise money for activities,
there will be a silent auction. If you
would like to donate an item, please
contact either Lisa Wamsley at
gertngauers@yahoo.com or Diana
Beckius at
bovineandequine@dishmail.net. There
is a banquet planned at the National
Show and it will cost $10.00 per
person to attend the banquet.
Printed Design
1 pm APA Board Meeting
August 22
8 am National Open Show
6 pm Membership Meeting
7 pm Banquet
August 23 6 pm Release of Cattle
2015 National Show Merchandise Ordering
Front 10.2” x 8.7”
Back 11” x 5.5”
Yellow is for visual only. Color of shirt will show thru.
Here is the tentative schedule for the
National Show:
July 1 Entry Deadline
August 19 Barns and Tie Outs Open
August 20 8 am Cattle must be in place
August 21
8 am National Junior Show
Hooks Wins 2014 APA Scholarship Award
The APA Scholarship committee is
pleased to announce the 2014 recipient
is Cody Hooks. Cody lives in Ashland
City, TN. He and his family have
raised and shown Pinzgauer Cattle for
a number of years. Cody has been a
Junior Pinzgauer member for 11 years.
He has also been active in 4-H and
FFA. Cody is President of his local
FFA Chapter at Sycamore High
School. Cody and his family have
shown Pinzgauer Cattle both locally
and nationally. He is especially proud
By Kathy Haskell
of winning Grand Champion with his
first heifer, Vision and more recently
winning National Junior Champion in
2010 with his heifer Fancy Pants. Cody
received the Senior Herdsman award at
the 2014 Junior National Pinzgauer
Show. Cody graduated with Honors
from Sycamore High School in May
2014. He will be attending Austin Peay
State University in Clarksville TN
studying Agriculture and then he plans
to attend veterinary school. ◄
Cody Hooks
Hall of Fame Award is Coming Back in 2015
By Diana Beckius
The APA is pleased to announce the
awarding of the Hall of Fame Award
during the National Show at the
Missouri State Fair in August. The
committee encourages all APA members
to work together and nominate a
deserving member. Please either mail or
email to Todd Andreshak with your
nominee information by July 1, 2015.
The rules/guidelines for the Hall of
Fame Award is that the nominee must be
a breeder for 15 years or longer; can be
active or retired; decision will be made
by the committee for three nominees;
final decision will be made by APA
Board; nominees will be notified by July
15; the award will given at the National
Show. Any questions please contact:
Todd Andreshak; 4177 Cardinal Lane;
Edgar, WI 54426; Phone: 715-846-3713;
Email: todd.andreshak@linetec.com. ◄
Update Rules on Registration Form
Below are the updated
registration rules that had the
typos corrected on February
ARTICLE I - American
Pinzgauer Association
A. The American Pinzgauer
Association (APA) will
maintain a system for
registering qualified pedigree
Pinzgauer cattle. This will
include receiving applications
for registry and raw data
pertaining to each animal;
processing such data so the
eligible applicant can have
certification of such
information; recording all
data to enable storage and
retrieval so animals may be
transferred and data analyzed
and summarized for the
improvement of the breed.
B. An efficient recordation
system ensuring accuracy and
integrity will be the APA’s
primary aim to enable growth
toward higher beef production
ARTICLE II - Pedigree and
Performance Registry Options
A. A breeder may elect to
register his cattle with or
without performance data.
ARTICLE III - Registry
A. Eligibility-Any animals
with Pinzgauer blood may be
registered with the APA.
B. Up-Breeding
1. Any breed of cattle either
purebred or grade may be
bred up to Pinzgauer purebred
2. Percentage of Offspring:
Percentage will be assigned
and printed on the certificate.
Percentage of Bull
Percentage of Cow
Austrian Fullblood
Austrian Fullblood
Austrian Fullblood
Austrian Fullblood
Austrian Fullblood
Austrian Fullblood
Austrian Fullblood
Austrian Fullblood
Austrian Fullblood
Austrian Fullblood
American Fullblood 95%+ American Fullblood 95%+
Austrian Fullblood
American Fullblood
Austrian Fullblood
American Fullblood95%+
American Fullblood 95%+
American Fullblood 95%+
American Fullblood
American Fullblood
Austrian Fullblood
American Fullblood 95%+
American Fullblood 95%+
Austrian Fullblood
American Fullblood 95%
Austrian Fullblood
American Fullblood 95%
American Purebred
American Fullblood 95%+
American Fullblood 95%+
American Fullblood 95%+
American Fullblood 95%+
American Fullblood 95%+
American Fullblood 95%+
American Fullblood 95%+
American Fullblood 95%+
Austrian Fullblood = 100%
Purebred = 87.5% - 94.9%
Percentage of Calf
American Fullblood = 95% - 99.999…%
Crossbred / Percentage = 87.4% and below
% of dam + % of sire / 2 = % of calf
Twin Brooks Farm
Barry or Charlotte Page • S 4429 CTY H • Hillsboro, WI 54634 • Phone: 608-528-4671 • twinbrooksfarm@yahoo.com
Guidelines to Intervene During Calving
By Dr. Bill Croushore
As spring approaches, we anticipate the
beginning of beef calving season. Calving
season is always a busy time for both farmers
and veterinarians as the calves have to be
delivered and processed. Fortunately, the
Good Lord has given the cow the instinct to
deliver her calf unassisted most of the time.
There are instances, however, when assistance
is required.
Many farmers have asked me how I was able
to get the experience of delivering calves as
part of my formal training in veterinary
school. Well, there weren’t many
opportunities for hands on training but instead
some very useful guidelines on the right and
wrong things to do when delivering a calf. It
all starts with knowing when to intervene.
Rule #1: Give cows 2 hours to proceed and
heifers 4 hours to proceed after the water
breaks. They really do need this time to dilate
properly to prevent unnecessary trauma to
both the cow and calf during delivery. There
are exceptions to this rule, for example when
the cow is in obvious distress, but in general,
she needs time to dilate.
Rule #2: Cleanliness is crucial. So, you’ve
made the decision to intervene. Before you
stick your arm in her, you’d better consider a
couple of things. First, you don’t want to drag
any infection into her uterus that will give her
problems later. Always wash her back end
clean from any manure before reaching in.
Also, since you don’t want to get any
infection from her, wear an OB sleeve over
your arm. Now would be a good time to
make sure you have a bag of them in the barn.
And always use lots of OB lube.
Rule #3: Know how the calf presents. Before
taking any action, you have to diagnose the
problem. How does the calf present itself? Is
it head first, maybe it’s back feet first or
maybe even a tail first? The calf should
present to the birth canal with front feet and
head first. Rear feet first is OK, but the calf
has to be delivered quickly to prevent
suffocation. If its position is different,
correction must be made before delivery is
attempted. For example, if you are presented
Photo sent in by Dan Hunsberger
with front feet and no head, delivery will be
impossible until the position of the head is
corrected. Many times I’ve been called to
deliver a calf that’s upside down and
backwards that actually turns out to be front
feet with the head back. Know for sure what
you are dealing with before attempting to pull.
If you can’t figure it out, call a veterinarian.
Rule #4: Correct the abnormal position.
Space prevents me from going into too much
detail about this rule, but since experience is
the best teacher, don’t be afraid to try. Just
make sure that your initial diagnosis is
correct. The rule of thumb I use to decide if
I’m making adequate progress is the 20
minute rule. If you don’t improve the
situation after 20 minutes, try something else.
Rule #5: Never use machinery to pull the
calf. If a calf can’t be delivered by chains,
handles and a rope, it shouldn’t be delivered
vaginally. I don’t even carry a mechanical
calf jack in my vet truck. Even a come a long,
while convenient, could allow for the cow to
lurch forward causing a fatal uterine tear. If
the cow tries to lie down while using a calf
jack, it becomes a weapon capable of
breaking your knees. And, of course, tractors
don’t even need to be mentioned in the same
sentence as pulling a calf.
Continued on Page 10—Calving Guidelines
Calving GuidelinesContinued from Page 9
Rule #6: Check for twins and
tears. After delivering the calf,
ALWAYS check for a tear in the
uterus and a twin, even in a heifer.
You’ll feel better knowing that she
won’t be down and toxic in 3 days
trying to deliver a rotten breech
calf. Oh, and if you find a twin,
deliver it and then check for a
Rule #7: Tend the calf. Many
seasoned farmers have grabbed the
calf from me as soon as it’s out and
tried to give it a centrifuge ride to
remove the fluid from its lungs.
This really isn’t necessary since the
fluid that is expelled from the calf’s
mouth in fact comes from its
stomach. There is no fluid in the
calf’s lungs after being delivered,
although there may be some in its
throat. It may be beneficial to hang
the calf upside down for 5 seconds
to stimulate a breath, but don’t
concern yourself with the fluid in
its lungs. If the calf is slow to
breathe, stick a piece of straw deep
inside its nostril or jab it between
the nostrils with a needle. These
will most certainly stimulate a
The Fall 2014 and Spring 2015
calves are on the ground! We have
heifers and young bulls for sale.
Call or email for more
Craig, Rhonda, Cheyenne, and Cody Hooks
and Nathan Denney
Phone: 615-852-1186
Email: 3cpinzgauer@charter.net
breath in a viable calf.
With the current feeder calf prices,
it is even more important to
minimize stillbirth and DOA’s.
Attention to these thumb rules will
hopefully get you more live calves
and fewer problems for the cow. ◄
(Dr. Bill Croushore is a
veterinarian with White Oak
Veterinary Clinic, PC in Berlin,
PA. He can be reached at
Basic Country Beef
Breakfast Sausage
By Lisa Wamsley
Stock Photo
Send in your own Recipe
Lisa Wamsley sent in her Sausage recipe for this issue.
Thank you Lisa and your $5.00 is on the way. We are
interested in your Pinzgauer recipe to share with the
world. Send it in with a photo of the finished product and
we’ll send you $5.00. Bon appetite! ◄
1 lb. Ground Pinzgauer Beef
2 Teaspoons Chopped Fresh sage or 1/2 Teaspoon
Rubbed Sage
1 Teaspoon Garlic Powder
1/2 Teaspoon Salt
1 Teaspoon Onion Powder
1/4 to 1/2 Teaspoon Crushed Red Pepper
Combine 1 lb. ground beef, 2 teaspoons chopped fresh sage
or 1/2 teaspoon rubbed sage, 1 teaspoon garlic powder, 1/2
teaspoon salt, 1 teaspoon onion powder, 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon
crushed red pepper in a large bowl, mixing lightly but
thoroughly. May be cooked upon mixing or frozen for
future use. ◄
for the
Several of you
sent in your
photos and we
like to thank you
for letting us use
them. Here’s just
a sample of
what’s happening
in your herd. ◄
Thank You!
Marlene & Alain Belhumeur’s Southern Florida Farms
Janet & Darryl Polzin would like to say
thanks to Marlene & Alain Belhumeur,
Southern Florida Farms for their recent
purchase of 100% Registered Austrian full
blood Pinzgauers.
Polzin Pinzgauer Byre
Janet & Darryl Polzin
355 Skyline Blvd.
Green Bay, WI 54302
Phone: 920-468-7915
We wish them the greatest of success in their
endeavors to build an awesome Austrian
Pinzgauer herd.
Special Appreciation to our past & present
Check-Out "Our Story" on our web-site.
Website: www.PolzinPinzgauerBeef.com
Email: Polzinpinzgauers@sbcglobal.net
Minutes from December 13, 2014 APA Board of Director’s Meeting
Present: Diana Beckius, President;
Todd Andreshek, VP; Kim Paul,
Treasurer; Kathy Haskell,
Secretary; Kathy Dombrowski,
Ruth Adams, Dixie Berg, Bob
Kesler, Kyle Hyder, Lisa Wamsley,
Board Members; Harriet Thoms,
APA Office Secretary. Absent Jack
Fairchild, Dan Hunsberger
The meeting was called to order by
Diana at 12:07 PM CST.
Harriet brought us up to date on the
status of our LLC. The association
has had a LLC since we were an
association. The association was
formed in Montana and the office
was in Montana at the start.
Lawrence Gibbs, a lifetime
member, has been acting as the
agent and has been paying the fees
out of his own pocket. He has
agreed to continue as the
‘registered agent’ as that person
has to reside in MT. We have tried
to move the LLC out of MT,
however, they won’t let us. We
also have an LLC in Oklahoma and
the association office was in that
state at one time. That LLC is all
set; It is a ‘foreign, not for profit’.
OK has sent the office the records
they have on file. MT will not send
the records. We are a 501c(5). The
office committee and Harriet will
continue to work on this.
Harriet reported that there have
been some new inquires and that
she has found some members and
lifetime members that have ‘fallen
through the cracks’ meaning they
haven’t been receiving mailings.
The Genomics continues to be a
work in progress. Harriet went over
Lisa’s membership list and gave
some updates – some as listed as
‘uncollectable’ meaning they owe
money, some have ‘bad address’.
Send Lisa the list of ‘owe money’.
The International Pinzgauer
Association has requested a copy
of the newsletters. They also sent
information on the upcoming
meeting in Italy. Do we pay dues
to them? How much are they?
Thought to be $500. What is the
benefit from belonging? Our
bylaws say we are an affiliate.
Harriet left them meeting at this
Secretary’s Report: resent by
email. Kathy D motioned, Todd
2nd. To accept.
Treasurer’s Report: Kim had no
update to the Financials sent out by
Harriet. There were concerns of
the cost of the newsletter. The
Year –To-Date report shows a loss.
Committee Reports:
Breed Field Rep: Ken, nothing to
Youth: Kathy H, nothing to report
Scholarship: Lisa, current balance
$3566.00. We awarded a $1000.00
scholarship to Cody Hooks. He
will be sending the information in
to receive the money.
Grievance: Kathy reported that
Clayton has nothing to report,
Quiet is good.
Import: Todd, nothing to report
National Show Committee: Lisa,
Fryeburg ME would like to host
the show. We are committed to
MO in 2015. The committee polled
the past 2 year’s participants on
their feelings on staying in one
place or moving about as in the
past. The Juniors like a summer
show. The committee voted to
leave it in MO. The question was
raised about the committee making
the decision as shouldn’t it be a
Board decision? There was
discussion on saying in one place
or moving. If it moves in 2016, the
rotation should be the Northwest.
Dixie said they have had no show
activity and have lost the show in
Puyallup. She will take it back to
their board to see if there is interest
in hosting in 2016.
is $500. The committee is
recommendation changing the
award to a Pinzgauer Statue as the
cost would be $400 and some feel
that the bells are not well received.
There was discussion on changing
the award. Is there an entry fee
paid to the APA? Not at this time.
The bells have been our tradition
and they are special with the
history. They give us promotion
and exposure. The auction helps
cover some of the cost. The
committee submitted a motion ‘to
discontinue the bells as the grand
and reserve award’. There was
more discussion and confusion on
how to vote with the current
wording of the motion. The motion
was revised ‘to continue the bells
as the grand and reserve award for
2015’. There was still some
confusion as to how to vote. It was
decided to simply state ‘bell’ or
‘model’ in the roll call vote.
Todd – model; Kathy D – model;
Kathy H – bell; Kim – model; Lisa
– model; Ruth – bell; Dixie – bell;
Kyle – bell; Bob – bell. Model – 4;
Bell – 5. There will be bells for
2015. Lisa is looking for help with
the National Show.
Performance: Kathy D, Zoetis
public results page is not in place at
the current time. Her contact is
working on that. The MVP test can
test for the polled gene and black
gene. Zoetis does not do EPDs.
Bylaws: Todd, there is a potential
change for the wording of the
International Pinzgauer affiliate.
We need to find out more
information. Kathy D will work on
Show Rules: Lisa, nothing to report
Website: Diana, EDJE wants one
contact, that will be Harriet. They
are a little slow at getting things
Continued on Page 14—Board Minutes
Board MinutesContinued from Page 13
Promotion: Kathy H, will be working
on a display for the Nationals. Lisa
requested the template for the
business card for the APA. Kathy
will send it out.
Office Committee: Lisa, still working
on cleaning up the registry, past,
lifetime members. Lisa went through
the old Breeder Directories back to
2000. They used to list the herd
prefix in the listings. We need to
work on membership retention and
keeping the members informed. We
should be in touch with a person that
we sell cattle to three times within 90
days of selling the cattle. Lisa has
divided up the phone list. We will not
be calling people in our own region.
We will be making these calls in
January. Send the results to Harriet.
Dixie – Alabama, Arkansas,
Kathy D – Colorado, Florida,
Kim- Vermont, Virginia, Washington
Ruth – Iowa, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana,
Diana – Maine, Mississippi, Kansas,
New York, Missouri
Kathy H – Nebraska, Youth
Todd – New Hampshire, New
Mexico, North Dakota, North
Kyle – Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon
Bob – Pennsylvania, South Carolina,
South Dakota, Canada
Lisa – Kentucky, Tennessee,
Jack – Texas, Montana
Dan- Wisconsin, Wyoming
There are 13 states with no members.
Old Business
EPDs: Update –Lisa, Harriet got the
‘key’ for the 2007 EPDs. Lisa talked
with Jerry, the contact for our
registry program and he wants
$180.00 to attach the EPD
information to our program. She
feels that this is a ’have to’. We have
300 bits of information – this is not
enough to run the EPDs. We do not
have the information from 2008 –
2012. We need to recover this
information – Birth weight, Yearling
weight, hip height, etc. on the calves
born during this time. We need to
send this to Harriet. We need 1000
bits to do the EPD run. Comment
Yearling weight is hard if the calf is
sold. The new owner should send it
in, but will they?
Gene Star: no more updates.
Journal: Diana emailed the latest
offer yesterday; from The RegistryDale Huhnke. She had comments on
the latest newsletter – not in color,
the cost, and mailing cost. Suggested
sending it by email, but some can’t
open large attachments, email a link
on the website to the newsletter.
Some like a paper copy. Biggest
complaints – want it in color and
want the Journal back. Questions on
this latest offer – who puts it
together? If not enough ad money
would the APA have to pay? Bob
motioned ‘to accept this gentleman’s
offer of 4 issues for one year’. Lisa
seconded. There was further
discussion. Diana has a commitment
from Bob Bartholomew for a $200
ad in each issue. There was a roll call
vote: Todd – yes; Kathy D- yes;
Kathy H – abstained, not enough info
to vote; Lisa – yes; Kim – yes; Ruth
– yes; Dixie – yes; Bob - yes; Kyle –
yes. The vote passes. Diana will do
the ‘extra for the first year. New
Diana reported that Mike Foshee had
a massive stroke. He is currently
home recovering.
The APA office needs past APA
meeting minutes.
No other new business.
Next meeting – February 28, 2015
Noon CST.
Meeting adjourned at 2:00 CST
Respectively submitted,
Kathy Haskell, Secretary
American Pinzgauer Association Officers
Term ends in 2015
(360) 864-6661
1 Missouri State Fair Entry Deadline
August 2015
19-23 National Pinzgauer Show Sedalia, MO
330 Rogers Rd
Toledo WA 98591
(916) 652-5204
4040 Ridge Dr
Loomis CA 95650
(260) 609-0240
2030 N Johnson Rd
jfairchild57@hotmail.com Columbia City IN 46725
(920) 739-0871
W 6265 Old Highway Rd
Menasha WI 54952
Term ends in 2016
(360) 687-3885
25307 NE 212 Ave
Battleground WA 98604
(207) 892-5396
(423) 725-3736
July 2015
Vice President
Term ends in 2017
(715) 846-3713
4177 Cardinal Lane
Edgar WI 54426
(608) 587-2234
W5702 Grouse Dr
bovineandequine@dishmail.net Endeavor WI 53930
(814) 248-3649
224 Gilbert Hollow Rd
Hollsopple PA 15935
(936) 443-9205
1411 Hobo Lane
Madisonville TX 77864
The Pinzgauer Journal
9 Harriet Ave
Windham ME 04062
150 Escape Mountain Rd
Hampton TN 37658
Issue and Close Dates
Spring Issue—April 15
Preview National Show
Ad space and Article close date April 1
Fall Issue—September 10
(512) 446-4141
2586 County Rd 232
Rockdale TX 76567
Your Classified Ad
could be right here.
Contact Dale Huhnke.
Cows/Heifers For Sale
Your Classified Ad
could be right here.
Contact Dale Huhnke.
Winter Issue—January 15
Gearing Up for Winter
Ad space and Article close date Jan. 1
Bulls For Sale
National Show Results
Ad space and Article close date Sept. 1
Guard Animals For Sale
Your Classified Ad
could be right here.
Contact Dale Huhnke.
Misc. For Sale
Your Classified Ad
could be right here.
Contact Dale Huhnke.
Spring Issue—April 15
Breeder Directory
Ad space and Article close date April 1
Advertising Rates
Page B&W
1/2 Page B&W
Business Card B&W
4 Color Charge
Cover Ads 4/Color
Classified Ads B&W only
If run in all 4 issues a 20%
American Pinzgauer Association
681 Maple Ridge Rd.
Harrison, ME 04040
207-595-4565 (P)
207-583-4293 (F)
Membership Form
Member Number: ____________________________ Herd Prefix: _____________________________
Name: _____________________________________________________________________________
Farm Name: ________________________________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________________________
Town: _______________________________ State: _______________ Zip: _____________________
Phone: (_____) ______________________________ Cell: (_______)__________________________
Email: ____________________________________________________________________________
Website: ___________________________________________________________________________
Junior Member Age: ___________ Birth date: _________________________
Check a committee you would like to serve on:
_____ Finance
_____ Performance
_____ Rules/By-Laws
_____ Grievance
_____ Promotion
_____ Show Rules
_____ Export/Import
_____ Jr Show Rules
_____ National Show
_____ Youth
_____ Web Site
_____ International
Type of Membership:
_____ Adult $75.00
_____ Lifetime
_____ Junior Membership $10.00
Please make checks payable to the American Pinzgauer Association▬ please note that credit card payments have a $5.00 fee to be processed.