June - Bernese Mountain Dog Club of Nashoba Valley
June - Bernese Mountain Dog Club of Nashoba Valley
l t t a B r e n r e B The June 2014 the newsletter of the Bernese Mountain Dog Club of Nashoba Valley the club for new england berners & their families DOG MountaiN Heidi Henderson’s, Shasta and Emma with Paul Rowland’s, Kieaira enjoy the sites at Dog Mountain - Saint Johnsbury, VT. Our Summer Picnic II will be held there July 26th. See page 3 for details. inside this issue... Calendar of Events..............................2 Summer Picnics I and II.....................3 Retreat Weekend..............................4, 5 Concurrent Specialty Results.........6, 7 Concurrent Specialty results pages 6 & 7 Rescue Notebook.............................8, 9 Birthdays, Congrats, Brags..............10 Health Tip, Paws ‘N’ Shop...............11 In Memorium....................................12 Welcome! New Members Sue Moser Newfane, VT 05345 Katmai.sue@gmail.com BMDCNV Calendar of Events Charles Radville Mattapoisett, MA 02739 Charlie@radville.com ~ 2014 ~ Brian & Nadine Thomas Centerville, MA 02632 Tisbury@ymail.com July 12: Supported Entry Tunbridge, VT Julianne Zapatka Naugatuck, CT 06770 Jmonaco1228@yahoo.com July 26: Summer Picnic II St. Johnsbury, VT September 13: Supported Entry Falmouth, MA Robert & Joan Gabriel Bayport, NY 11705 Montana171@aol.com October 18 & 19: BMDCA Draft Tests Westford, MA Karen M Ross Pittsfield, MA 01201 maibockbmd@aol.com October 19: BMDCNV Fall Fun Day Westford, MA November 7-10: BMDCNV Retreat Weekend Ocean Park, ME Jameson & Jessica Haslam Belmont, MA 02478 Jameson.Haslam@gmail.com Jessica.Haslam@gmail.com Nancy Maloney Acton, ME 04001 nemaloney@verizon.net Francine & Phillip LaFlamme Salem, CT 06420 franlaflamme@att.net Lynn & Adam Meyers Southbury, CT 06488 bernerloft@gmail.com Cindy Chapman Oneco, CT 06373 Woodgypsy1978@yahoo.com BMDCNV Supported Entry Tunbridge, VT FMI: www.bmdcnv.org/events.html Vermont Cluster Dog Shows July 10, 11, 12 & 13, 2014 BMDCNV will support the Bernese Mountain Dog entry on Saturday with breed conformation and obedience. Judge: Col Joe B. Purkhiser the BMDCNV President Marge Bumen 207-351-5988 president@bmdcnv.org Vice President Alise Burbridge 781-749-5253 vicepresident@bmdcnv.org board of directors Secretary Directors: Pat Buickerood 978-433-5267 secretary@bmdcnv.org Karen Fox • 860-436-4292 • director_fox@bmdcnv.org Treasurer Martha McCormick • 860-456-8881 • director_mccormick@bmdcnv.org Bruce Hallden 860-613-2646 treasurer@bmdcnv.org Sue Mahan • 978-386-7292 • director_mahan@bmdcnv.org Jean Michael • 508-947-6503 • director_michael@bmdcnv.org Anya Wittenborg • 781-316-2364 • director_wittenborg@bmdcnv.org 2 Summer Picnic I Sunday, June 29th • 11am-3pm Fort Foster in Kittery, Maine Come to picnic with friends and romp in the Ocean! Large Pavillion- (Easy parking & plenty of shade this year) ~ Entrance fee $10 per car ~ Bring your dogs, chairs, towels and picnics. All paper plates, utensils, cups, etc. will be supplied. Directions for Route 95 north take exit 2 north From South, exit onto Route 236 south to Route 1 to Kittery Traffic Circle and take right @ Dairy Queen and follow signs to Kittery Point-236 south. Route 236 merges onto Route 103: go over bridge and pass Ft. McClary. After you pass the gas station on your right you will see a sign for Fort Foster cross bridge Turn left & proceed approximately ½ mile to Fort Foster Gate. Parking at the large pavilion or general parking. Fort Foster, Pocahontas Road, Kittery Pt., Maine. Any weather cancellations will appear on club Facebook page. Summer Picnic II Dog Day Afternoon Picnic Dog Mountain • 143 Parks Rd • Saint Johnsbury, VT July 26, 2014 at 10am- 3pm Come & join us for a fun-filled day with your Bernese Mountain Dog at Dog Mountain! Relax; take in the sights; visit the gallery; enjoy a walk…all on 150 acres of dog friendly property. There are hiking trails, dog ponds and of course – the world famous Dog Chapel! It’s an off leash haven for all! Dogs are welcome in the Chapel and in the Gallery. TENTATIVE ITINERARY 10:00-12:00 12:00-1:30 1:30-3:00 2:30 3:00 Arrivals – get acquainted with the grounds and take a nice short walk to upper area Barbeque, you bring it and I will have a grill master standing by the grill to help Please bring a side dish for the table and your own drinks. We will have paper products Group Photo is planned. I will offer Individual Photos at the most scenic spot in Vermont! Photos will be done for a nominal donation of your choosing, to either B.E.R.N.E.R. Inc., or to the AKC Health Fund. Photos will be emailed to you after the event. Blessing of the Berners in Dog Chapel Wrap it up and say good bye! Please check out the website www.dogmt.com for hotels and campgrounds in the area. A personal recommendation from Dog Mt. is the Fairbanks Inn located in St. Johnsbury, Vermont. Outdoor cover is limited to the chapel and the gallery so shade tents are a good idea. Also bring a chair for yourself or a picnic blanket to lounge on. There is access to water for dogs to drink, but bringing it is a good idea as well. Please RSVP to Heidi Henderson at snowpawpass@yahoo.com or call 802-422-3084 3 3rd Annual BMDCNV Retreat Weekend At Oceanwood November 7 - 10, 2014 Oceanwood Camp and Conference Center • Ocean Park, Maine http://www.oceanwood.org/facilities/ EARLY RESERVE $199 per person if paid in full by August 1st. After August 1st - $250 per person $80 deposit will hold your reservation. REGISTER ONLINE: REGISTER BY MAIL: Send your Reservation Form and check made out to BMDCNV to Melissa George • 237 Rand Hill Road Alton Bay, NH 03810 http://bmdcnv.org/retreat.html Payment must be received before you can be listed for preferred housing. Reservation Form is on Yahoo Group site https://groups. yahoo.com/neo/groups/BMDCNVmembers/files Select: 2014 BMDCNV Retreat Weekend Registration Form.docx LODGING: We will house retreaters in Mitchell & Holt halls as well as the cabins. There are small & large cabins (large ones must be shared). Large cabins have a common space and a refrigerator. All cabins have electricity & heat. THINGS TO DO: Last year we offered: rally, obedience, carting, conformation, grooming, and a talk on therapy dogs. You are able to do as much or as little as you want. The schedule also allows time to enjoy the beach and the walking trails. ~All Meals and Events are included ~ the BMDCNV Berner Blatt Editor Linda Botti bernerblatt@bmdcnv.org Breeder Referral Program Megan McTavish norarose2@sbcglobal.net Historian Vacant historian@bmdcnv.org chairpeople These dedicated chairpeople provide essential services to you, our membership. Please feel free to contact them with your questions, concerns, suggestions, requests for help or offers of help. Our mission is to provide the best for Berners and their families. Membership Jim Todhunter PO Box 5213 Framingham, MA 01701 memberchair@bmdcnv.org Public Education Martha Phelps, Diane Smith & Karen Allen education@bmdcnv.org Rescue Linda DeCelles Gib Otten 1-877-4BMDCNV (toll free) rescue@bmdcnv.org Volunteer Coordinator Martha Phelps 802-368-7656 volunteer@bmdcnv.org Membership List Admin. Jim Todhunter Jeff Nowak elisthelp@bmdcnv.org Puppy Referral Laurel Crowley puppychair@bmdcnv.org Training Resources Paul Emerson 508-243-3922 training@bmdcnv.org Ways & Means Judy HartmanWeb Page Retail Lynne BaileyBlatt Custom Orders shop@bmdcnv.org Members List Moderator Sharon Brady moderator@bmdcnv.org Regional Club Rep (RCR) Karen Fox rcr@bmdcnv.org 4 Trophy Chair Donna Bennett trophychair@bmdcnv.org Web Master Mimi Englander web@bmdcnv.org BMDCNV Veteran’s Day Weekend Berner Retreat Registration/Payment Form EVENT DATES: 11/7/14 - 11/10/14 Rates: $250 pp ($199 pp before 8/1/14) $80 pp deposit will hold your reservation. Includes all meals, lodging & events! Name: ________________________________________________ Cell: _________________________________ Name: ________________________________________________ Cell: _________________________________ Mailing Address: _______________________________________Home Ph: _____________________________ City: ________________________ State: ___________ Zip: _____________ # of Dogs Attending: ___________ Name(s) of Dog(s): ___________________________________________________________________________ Email Address: ______________________________________________________________________________ Special Dietary or Housing Needs: (handicapped/vegetarian, etc.)______________________________________ Housing Preference: (first come, first serve basis) Rustic Cabin______ Double Room in Main Lodge _______ If you are willing to share a cabin or room, please list the name of the person(s) with whom you wish to share (larger cabins (3 bedrooms) must be shared): ________________________________________________________________ Events you wish to participate in: ________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Housekeeping & Notes about Oceanwood: to that specific location – regardless of who else may have been there with you. Any property damage, such as stains that require excessive cleaning, will be charged to the BMDCNV and we will in turn, charge you. *Oceanwood is a summer camp and conference center, with facilities that are dog friendly. Oceanwood is a dry campus. There are miles of trails, and it’s just 2 blocks to the ocean. The community is very dog friendly, and is a seasonal community. Dogs should be leashed on the main area of camp and throughout the neighborhood. There are trails that reach to the Goosefare Marsh and the Rachel Carson Wildlife Preserve. These are protected lands. Dogs are allowed offleash, but be respectful of our neighbors and the wildlife. Maintain verbal control, or leash your dogs. Dogs are allowed at the beach anytime, and may also be off-leash there. Be mindful of other dogs, and make sure your dog is safe at all times. Keep off the dunes at the beach (these areas are protected by law). *Crates in rooms and x-pens outside may be set up for the comfort of your dogs and management of multiple dogs. Dogs may be in your room, but must be crated when unattended. Any barking issues that require us to contact you will require your immediate attention. Please do not leave a “barker” unattended – you know who you are! *Park in designated areas only. Vehicles may not be driven on the lawn areas. Areas closer to doors may be used for loading/unloading zones. *Mail completed form with deposit of $80/person, payable to BMDCNV: Melissa George, 237 Rand Hill Road, Alton Bay, NH 03810. Please mark your envelope with the word “RETREAT” on the outside. Any questions about the event may be directed to Matthew and Melissa at mnmgeorge@metrocast.net. *While they welcome our canine companions, they have basic expectations for owners. They expect that you will *always* clean up your dog’s waste (even in the woods!) and properly dispose of it. There are groups of people that utilize Oceanwood’s property on a year-round basis. There will be trash cans around the property, as well as a dumpster behind the dining hall. Please – honor this very basic sanitation request. *Final payment is due October 1st. Your deposit will be refunded if you need to cancel prior to October 1st. The club will retain deposit if you must cancel anytime thereafter. Anyone who does not pay their balance by October 15th will forfeit their reservation and deposit. After October 1st you will need to pay entire balance at time of reservation. *Any area identified as “no dogs allowed” means just that. Please respect these minimal limitations. Whoever was housed in a particular building will be held directly responsible for any damage Signature: _________________________________________ Date: _____________ Deposit: $80 enclosed YES ______ Signature: _________________________________________ Date: _____________ Deposit: $80 enclosed YES ______ 5 Ladies’ Dog Club, Inc. Saturday 05/31/14 Show Results Judge: Miss Virginia L. Lyne Best Of Winners #7 Winners Bitch #30 PEACEFIELD’S ABNAKI AFFAIR MARBEN’S BELGIUM TRUFFLES Owner: Sherri P Starbird, Dover Foxcroft, ME Breeder: Sherri P Starbird. Owner: Tiggie Gerli, Sharon, CT Breeder: Tiggie Gerli. Best Of Opposite Sex #34 GCH MARBEN’S RUFFIAN Owner: Tiggie Gerli, Sharon, CT Breeder: Tiggie Gerli. Select Dog #15 GCH HONEOYE ARUNDEL’S ARM CANDY Owner: Joan G LaMendola & Susan Brightman, Stafford, NY Breeder: Nancy Coleman & Don Coleman & Susan A Brightman. Above: Celeste and Shanti Veterans Select Bitch #26 Left: Lisa Freed’s Maine’s Edge of the Sea (Murray) meeting his sister Mie Kingsley’s Maine’s Elf Confidence (Elfi) CH URSA MINOR’S TO INFINITY AND BEYOND Owner: Debra Metcalf-Morris, Lunenburg, MA Breeder: Debra Metcalf-Morris & Clifford Morris. Winners Dog #7 PEACEFIELD’S ABNAKI AFFAIR Owner: Sherri P Starbird, Dover Foxcroft, ME Breeder: Sherri P Starbird. BMDCNV Concurrent Specialty Saturday 05/31/14 BMDCNV Specialty - Show Results Sweepstakes Judge: Fara Bushnell • Conformation Judge: Andrew Ritter Best Of Breed #15 Select Bitch #20 Best Puppy in Show #36 Owner: Joan G LaMendola & Susan Brightman, Stafford, NY Breeder: Nancy Coleman & Don Coleman & Susan A Brightman. Owner: Debra Metcalf-Morris, Lunenburg, MA Breeder: Debra Metcalf-Morris & Clifford Morris. Owner: Tiggie Gently, Sharon, CT Breeder: Tiggie Gerli. Award of Merit #33 Best Veteran in Show #42 ARUNDEL’S STROKE OF LUCK V NASHEM Owner: Celeste O’Malley, Brattleboro, VT Breeder: Martha Phelps. Owner: Alise Burbridge, Hingham, MA Breeder: Alise Burbridge. Owner: Susan A & Alan Brightman, Le Roy, NY Breeder: Sara & Helen Karl & Jeni West. Winners Dog #17 Best in Sweepstakes #27 GCH MARBEN’S RUFFIAN Owner: Susan A & Alan Brightman, Le Roy, NY Breeder: Sara & Helen Karl & Jeni West. Owner: Sherri P Starbird, Dover Foxcroft, ME Breeder: Sherri P Starbird. Owner: Tiggie Gerli, Sharon, CT Breeder: Tiggie Gerli. Winners Bitch #24 Best Junior Handler #6 Owner: Sherri Starbird, Dover Foxcroft, ME Breeder: Sherri P Starbird. Ch Cedrik von Romanshof GCH HONEOYE ARUNDEL’S ARM CANDY Best Of Winners #17 Best Of Opposite Sex #34 Select Dog #25 GCH TRULLI’S LITTLE LION MAN Owner: Michael Lella, Hamburg, PA Breeder: Michael Lella. CH URSA MINOR’S TO INFINITY AND BEYOND CH MAD MAPLE SUGAR’S SHANTI BEAR MARBEN’S BELGIUM TRUFFLES SEAWIND FARM’S CAN’T TOUCH THIS ARUNDEL’S STROKE OF LUCK V NASHEM PEACEFIELD’S ABNAKI AFFAIR PEACEFIELD’S STARGAZER SONNET DANIELLE MEYERS 6 Best of Opposite Sex in Sweepstakes #14 ARUNDEL XXENA AT LAKE’S EDGE Owner: Susan A & Alan Brightman, Le Roy, NY Breeder: Christopher Collins & Susan A Brightman. Best Veteran in Sweepstakes #33 CH MAD MAPLE SUGAR’S SHANTI BEAR Owner: Celeste O’Malley, Brattleboro, VT Breeder: Martha Phelps. Best of Opposite Sex Veteran in Sweepstakes #44SEAWIND FARM’S SPRING BRIDE Owner: Alise Burbridge, Hingham, MA Breeder: Alise M Burbridge. Ladies’ Dog Club, Inc. Sunday 06/01/14 Show Results Judge: Mr. Marc R. Cohen Best Of Breed #15 Select Bitch #26 Owner: Joan G LaMendola & Susan Brightman, Stafford, NY Breeder: Nancy Coleman & Don Coleman & Susan A Brightman. Owner: Debra Metcalf-Morris, Lunenburg, MA Breeder: Debra Metcalf-Morris & Clifford Morris. GCH HONEOYE ARUNDEL’S ARM CANDY Best Of Winners #7 PEACEFIELD’S ABNAKI AFFAIR Owner: Sherri P Starbird, Dover Foxcroft, ME Breeder: Sherri P Starbird. Best Of Opposite Sex #34 GCH MARBEN’S RUFFIAN CH URSA MINOR’S TO INFINITY AND BEYOND Winners Dog #7 PEACEFIELD’S ABNAKI AFFAIR Owner: Sherri P Starbird, Dover Foxcroft, ME Breeder: Sherri P Starbird. Winners Bitch #16 DIAMOND CREEKS MY STEADFAST MAXINE RN Owner: Dorri Poppe, Saugus, MA Breeder: Amy Christensen. Owner: Tiggie Gerli, Sharon, CT Breeder: Tiggie Gerli. Select Dog #25 GCH TRULLI’S LITTLE LION MAN Owner: Michael Lella, Hamburg, PA Breeder: Michael Lella. Many thanks to Lisa Freed of Bedford, MA for letting us use her great shots! Kathy Elders and Mable Cheryl Brickach and Ajax - 11 years Heidi Henderson with Brace Brigitte (mom) and Chilly (daughter) 7 Rescue Notebook Often the owner just needs training advice or help and encouragement in solving a problem with the dog’s behavior. Then we are happy to have helped keep a Berner with his or her original owner. If you would like to be on call as a Berner, Inc. home visit volunteer or rescue Berner evaluator, please contact Linda Home is Where the Volunteers Are by Linda DeCelles, Berner Inc. Rescue Chair A critical part of a Berner, Inc. adoption is the home visit to the prospective adopters. Volunteers check to make sure that the home and property are secure and “Berner-ready.” We ask that every family member and every companion animal be present to meet with the volunteer. If the potential adopters are new to the Berner breed, the volunteer discusses with them what is involved in living with a Berner. Volunteers often bring their own Berners to the home visit. After the visit the volunteer reports to the Rescue Chair or State Coordinator about his or her impressions of the prospective adopters. The volunteer’s input is essential to placing our rescue Berners in the best homes for them. Not only do home visit volunteers assist us by making visits to potential adopters. Before Berner, Inc. accepts a Berner into our rescue program, an evaluation is made of the dog to determine if he or she is adoptable. Sometimes we ask a volunteer to evaluate a Berner in a shelter or in a veterinary clinic. We rely on the experience and expertise of volunteers to assess if a Berner can be fostered and rehomed. In some cases, we need to determine if a Berner with physical or behavioral issues can be fostered and ultimately adopted. Input from our volunteers is essential to making that decision. Home visit volunteers are not exclusively Berner, Inc. Board members and coordinators. BMDCNV members are an integral part of our adoption process with the home visit and the Berner evaluation. BMDCNV members are good ambassadors for the Berner breed when they make home visits. Sometimes a home visit volunteer senses that an owner doesn’t really want to surrender the Berner. EDUCATION & RESCUE WE ARE THE RESCUE ARM OF THE NASHOBA CLUB Max DeCelles, Rescue Chair (ldecelles@verizon.net). Berner, Inc. gives a big thanks to BMDCNV members who have made home visits and Berner evaluations for us so far this year: Sherri Starbird, Barb Gibson, and Julianne Zapatka. iGive.com ® $684 earned to date! Change online shopping for good. In 2008, the BMDCNV membership established a 501(c) (3) charitable organization to address the needs of the everincreasing number of Berners being relinquished by their owners and to educate the public in the responsible care of this wonderful breed. The work of BERNER, Inc. is supported by the generous donations of people like YOU! Please consider honoring the achievements or the life of your dog (or of a friend or family member) with a tax-deductible donation either by Paypal on the web site, or by mail to: BERNER INC NEEDS YOU...to Get Donations from retailers you shop with on-line! When you register with igive.com and designate Berner, Inc as the cause you’d like to support, ALL your on-line purchases will automatically generate a donation from the retailer to Berner, Inc.... at NO cost to you! It’s quick... It’s easy... and FREE! BERNER, Inc. P.O. Box 1221 Arlington, MA 02474 Learn more at http://igive.com//Q6w2UJmt 8 e s a c Show New Members Sophie Shen sophie_shen@ hotmail.com Braintree, MA How Many: 2 Loves: play ball and flying Nani was our first beloved Berner. Now, we have our super puppy Mozzie. Our Berners are indeed family! Siri Banach siri_banach@hotmail. com Newton Centre, MA How Many:1 Loves: Going on trail hikes and meeting other dogs Pamela Eldredge peldredge39@comcast.net Waterbury, VT How Many: two Loves: chasing frisbee (but not retrieving!) I got my first bernese, Sadie, in 2002, and immediately fell in love. Sadie and I became a Therapy Dog of Vermont team in 2006, and for the next 5 years we did pet therapy groups at the then Vermont State Hospital, and with me at Central Vermont Rehabilitation at my job as a physical therapist. I lost Sadie to cancer in the fall of 2011 but immediately started looking for a good caring breeder. I found one in Martha Phelps from southern VT, and picked up Mad Maple Cara Mia on New Years Day 2012. Cara is in the process of training to be a TDV dog as well. We just brought home a little brother for Cara from Veronique Matte-Paquet’s Belnois kennel. Belnois Romeo Ruba Cuori really is a “heart stealer”. I’m not sure if Cara has totally forgiven me for providing her with a pesky little brother but I catch the two of them snuggling so I think she is falling under his spell as much as I am. Shelby just turned one in May. She is a beautiful, super sweet, and lovable girl. She absolutely adores other dogs from the moment she meets them. She likes to snuggle, has such a goofy personality, and makes us laugh all of time. She is a wonderful girl and we love her very much! CALLING NEW MEMBERS! We’d like to get to know you! One of the fastest ways to meet other members is by volunteering... for anything! The other is the New Member Showcase... and it’s fast and easy! Complete the quick summary, hit submit, email your pic and you’re done! http://bmdcnv.org/newmember.html Please complete your submission by the 20th to be included in the next Issue of the Berner Blatt. I live in central VT 12 miles from Stowe, so it is a perfect place to take walks, run and play. I am looking forward to meeting other people who are owned by Bernese Mountain Dogs! the BERNER INC board of directors President & Director - Alise Burbridge Treasurer & Director – Tom McKinney Clerk & Director – Anya Wittenborg Director – Dawn Flaherty Director – Linda DeCelles Director – Beth Atkinson 9 Birthdays, Congratulations and Brags... Girls! Happy Birthday to Seawind on 6/15 Brie (10) on 5/3 • Cadence (9) e girls... It is so special sharing our lives with thes y”. We love you “B” and “Cadie Ma Happy 8th Birthday to Hudson! Glenmegan’s Flash Of Fate Lots of love, — The Burbridge Family; Hingham, MA — Mari & Rob Higgins; Concord, NH (with Mavis and Lily-kat) Harvey and Pippi Happy 11th Birthday Paddy!! Copyright Ruth B. McDowell 2014 35” x 44.5”, machine pieced, machine quilted, cottons. My daughter and son-in-law, Leah and Joe Lofgren, former members of BMDCNV, now living in Minneapolis, have a 3-year-old daughter Pippi. This is an art quilt I recently made of Pippi and her wonderful Harvey, one of Abby Patrizio’s Berners, a magnificent brother-dog for Pip, but a giant in size. The wagon is by Wilczek Woodworks of New Hampshire. I made another quilt of Harvey when he was just a teenager, called Baron von Ruffhausen. You can find it on my web site www.ruthbmcdowell.com, look in Other Recent Quilts, and scroll down until you see it. — Ruth McDowell, Colrain MA Rosa-n-Skylyn’s Pandora CGC, RA, BN, ANDD May 27, 2003 We love you more than the moon, the sun and the stars in the sky…Thank you for proving that OLD CHICS REALLY DO RULE!!! Mom Michelle, Niece Karma, Great Grandbaby Cricket and Grandbaby Tessa — Michelle Keck; Jim Thorpe, PA 10 photo credit: Eileen Blass, Veterans Parade at Hampton Roads Specialty. It’s a good Thing! Monthly Health Tip for keeping our Berners in tip-top shape! Always c onsult with your veterinarian regarding any significant change in weight and before beginning a diet and exercise pl an for your berner. S wimming is a great source of fun and exercise for most of our berners. With the warmer months here, these safety tips can ensure an enjoyable and memorable time with your berner and family members. The keys to water safety for dogs are prevention, preparedness and awareness. Prevention Supervise Your Dog - No dog should be given unsupervised access to a backyard pool, neighborhood pond or creek. Swimming pools are best fenced off for safety. If that’s not possible, they should be equipped with alarms that sound when the surface of the water is broken by a child or pet falling in and a ramp to help them find their way out. Teach Your Dog - Prevention also means teaching your pet what to do when he’s in the pool. Dogs don’t always understand that the steps are on a certain side, and they may tire while trying to crawl their way out. If your pet likes to swim, work with him in the pool to help him learn where the steps are so he can get out easily. “Come” is the same... land and sea - Obedience training is extremely important. Your dog should come when called, even when swimming. Emergency shortcut: Always carry extra retrieving toys. A dog who’s heading into a dangerous area after a ball or stick can often be lured back to shore with a second item. It’s no substitute for training, but it could save your dog’s life. Swimming for Fun or Therapy, it’s always safety first! Martha Collette’s Tallulah enjoys her regular therapy swim. so bring fresh water and offer it at every opportunity. When your dog is tiring, call it a day. A tired dog is a good dog, but an exhausted dog is in danger of drowning. Keep it Close and Short - Be particularly careful with young and old dogs. Young dogs can panic in the water, and old dogs may not realize they aren’t as strong as they used to be. Keep them close to shore, and keep swimming sessions short. Reference: By Gina Spadafori | June 28, 2010 - VetStreet.com Paws ‘N’ Shop Preparedness BERNER Inc. Baseball Cap by BIG Survey Surroundings - Before letting your dog swim in natural surroundings, survey the area for safety. Rivers and oceans can change frequently, and an area that was once safe for swimming can become treacherous. Consider currents, tides, underwater hazards and even the condition of the water. In the late summer, algae scum on the top of standing water can be toxic, producing substances that can kill a pet who swallows the water. When in doubt, treat it like you would a child: better safe than sorry. Know Canine First Aid - One of the best things you can do is to take courses in pet first aid and CPR. Many local Red Cross chapters offer these classes, and some veterinarians in your community may teach them. A neardeath dog rescued from the water may be saved by your prompt actions — if you know what to do. Use A PFD - If your dog isn’t much of a swimmer or is older or debilitated, get him a personal floatation device. These are especially great for family boating trips, because most have sturdy handles for rescue when a pet goes overboard. 100% - 6 panel cotton unstructured low profile Twill cap. Self-fabric closure with D-ring slider and tuck in strap. Embroidery BERNER INC emblem on front and back insignia. 20.00 $ Item #R-105 Awareness Order on-line at: http://shop.bmdcnv.org/ Gauge Condition - Be aware of your dog’s condition as he plays. Remember that even swimming dogs can get hot, Available in Smokey Ivy (left) or Black (right) 11 In Memorium photo by: rg Matthew Fienbe “Jago” Our beloved Jago joins those who are treasured beyond measure in memory, after 10 years, 8 1/2 months of life. So much to miss, especially her powerful sweetness. UCD Ledgewood’s Bernoulli CD, DD, Can. CD — The Malcolmsons; Rockport, MA “Orca” CH UCH Bostwick’s Two Ps In A Pod CD BN RN CGC TDI Dec 13, 2005 - May 16, 2014 • BG# 28933 The “greeter” puppy at the 2006 Nationals and the entertaining veteran at 2014, Orca always had a warm expression and a Berner bump for everyone. Group placer in Canada, multiple UKC BIS, and low scoring Novice B dog for 2011. Thank you BMDCNV P.O. Box 5213 Framingham, MA 01701 Elwood and Gracie for this tremendous boy. (COD: Lymphocytic leukemia and suspected Stage V lymphoma, necropsy pending, tissue and additional blood donated to MSU.) — Adam & Amy Conn; Maynard, MA Join Us for Summer Fun! Summer Picnic in Kittery, ME on the waterfront at Fort Foster See Page 3 for Details Don’t Miss It! Contact Memberchair@bmdcnv.org to receive an electronic color issue of the Berner-Blatt Join us on BMDCNV BERNER Inc.
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March - Bernese Mountain Dog Club of Nashoba Valley
38 Thompson St
Milford, CT 06460-6323
Bernese Mountain Dog Club of Nashoba Valley
Check ~ Mail Reservation Form and Check Payable to: BMDCNV • Marge Bumen • PO Box 40 • Cape Neddick, Maine 03902
Credit Card ~ Click here to pay on-line at Paws ‘N’ Shop: http://bmdcnv.bigcartel.com/
inside this issue... - Bernese Mountain Dog Club of Nashoba Valley
Check ~ Mail Reservation Form and Check Payable to: BMDCNV • Marge Bumen • PO Box 40 • Cape Neddick, Maine 03902
Credit Card ~ Click here to pay on-line at Paws ‘N’ Shop: http://bmdcnv.bigcartel.com/