Catalogue - Gerakbudaya
Catalogue - Gerakbudaya
GB Gerakbudaya Enterprise Sdn Bhd SIRD Catalogue 2011 Book Distributing · Printing · Publishing GB Gerakbudaya Enterprise Sdn Bhd 11, Lorong 11/4E, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia. Tel: 03 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: 03 - 7954 9202 Email: / / Malaysia Asian Studies Global Politics SIRD Zed Books ISEAS Islam Environment and more... Our Location GB Gerakbudaya/SIRD di N J Section 12 vers iti 0/3 lan Ja 19 5/ 1 10/ an /4 Jal n 10 Jala Amcorp Mall Section 5 7 5/3 lan /35 a 5 J lan /33 Ja 1 n5 a l 5/3 Ja n a l Ja Section 10 LRT Taman Jaya Contents SIRD/Gerakbudaya Politics & International Relations Economics Ecology & Environment Asian Studies Malaysia Islam ISEAS Publishing Zed Books Arts & Fiction Book Lists Order Form 1-4 5-8 9 - 11 12 - 13 14 - 16 17 - 19 20 - 22 23 - 25 26 - 28 29 - 30 31 - 77 Published by Gerakbudaya Enterprise © April 2011 All rights reserved. Printed by Vinlin Press Sdn Bhd 15, Jalan Puchong, 47100 Puchong, Selangor, Malaysia. y wa igh lH n1 la Ja KL Fr ra de Fe lan Ja /39 5 Uni From Shah Alam n la Ja /10 10 Ever wished that you could locate books on your favourite interest areas with just a few clicks? Or buy books and have them sent to your doorstep, without leaving the comfort of your home? Now you can have all of that and more at Our new online bookshop allows you to browse through our wide selection of titles and search for books according to your favourite author, publisher, or even interest area. Place your orders and pay for them with confidence through our secure payment gateways. Visit us online today! n1 lan Ja 14 11/ /6 11 1/8 lan lan 1 a J Ja om Universiti Malaya Medical Centre (UMMC) lan Ja /13 11 Buy Online to Da an 11/4 l a J ud hm Ma Jala Bu n Jala 2 1/1 Visit Us Online On GB Gerakbudaya’s website,, we post relevant news items, announce new titles, present book reviews, and post our downloadable catalogues and booklists. We also inform you regarding interesting forthcoming events such as book launches, discussions, forums, seminars, exhibitions, and book sales. LK n a al an Jal 19 11/ GB Gerakbudaya/Strategic Information and Research Development Centre (SIRD) provides all your publishing and distributing needs under one roof. We have partnerships with a wide variety of local and international research institutions, organizations, individuals and bookstores. The range of services offered in the areas of editorial consultancy, graphic design and book distribution is flexible, and tailored to your publication and distribution needs. We offer unrivalled experience and expertise and very competitive rates for discerning clients. We publish and distribute a wide range of books on subjects such as Malaysian studies, Southeast Asian studies, politics, economics, sociology, history, philosophy, culture, gender, environment, Islam, indigenous peoples and much more. M LRT Universiti Catalogue 2011 SIRD / Gerakbudaya New New Minda Tertawan Siti Norkiah Mahmud Raja Ahmad Aminullah Mohammed Salleh Lamry Minda Tertawan mengemukakan pandangan-pandangan kritikal Raja Ahmad tentang keadaan intelektual dan juga academia di negara ini, yang disifatkannya tertawan oleh penguasaan politik. Apa yang menjadikan pandangan ini menarik untuk dinilai ialah ia datang daripada seorang yang hingga hampir 10 tahun lalu, satu tempoh panjang dalam hidupnya, terlibat dalam politik secara langsung, di kedua-dua belah garisan yang memisahkan dua kumpulan politik terbesar di negara kita. Satu pandangan yang perlu diberi perhatian ialah bagaimana politik kepartian menguasai segenap ruang aktiviti manusia di negara ini, sehingga hampir tidak ada lagi yang bebas daripada takrif dan penguasaan politik kepartian. – Haris Zalkapli, Penulis, Editor Akhbar Siasah 2006-2010 Berbanding dengan adiknya Zainab Mahmud, Siti Norkiah Mahmud mungkin kurang dikenali. Akan tetapi, perjuangan Siti Norkiah tidak kurang hebatnya. Bermula sebagai Ketua AWAS Pahang, Siti Norkiah menghabiskan hampir separuh daripada umurnya di medan perjuangan, dan hanya berhenti berjuang setelah termeterainya Perjanjian Perdamaian antara PKM dengan kerajaan Malaysia dan kerajaan Thailand pada tahun 1989. Kisah hidup dan perjuangan Siti Norkiah, dari muda hingga ke tua, dibentangkan dalam buku ini, dengan harapan perjuangan dan jasanya akan difahami, dihargai dan diberi pengiktirafan. Intelektual, Rausyanfikir dan Kuasa Srikandi dari Pahang Utara Publisher: SIRD 2011: 127 pp ISBN: 9789675832116 (Softcover): RM23.00 / S$15.00 ISBN: 9789675832154 (Hardcover): RM45.00 / S$29.30 Publisher: SIRD 2011: 177 pp ISBN: 9789675832109: RM20.00 / S$13.00 New How To Hypnotize Your Husband before someone else does New Liku-Liku Reformasi Pakatan Rakyat di Selangor Alvin Teoh Edited by Tricia Yeoh (Translated by Amin Ahmad) As a woman, you may have many needs you want your partner to satisfy, like your need for a sense of connection and your desire for warmth and affection. This book is intended for women who want their partner to be even more attracted to them. It is meant for women who want to reignite the spark in their relationship. It is written for those who know there is something more that they can do to connect even more deeply with their partner. This book offers you an alternative approach to relationshipbuilding, in view of the many threats to your relationship nowadays, including busy schedules, workplace temptations and high-tech distractions. Using hypnosis as a tool, you can protect your marriage and be empowered in your relationship. Selangor adalah satu daripada lima buah negeri di bawah pentadbiran kerjasama baru Pakatan Rakyat – yang komited kepada politik baru dan agenda mereformasi dasar. Liku-Liku Reformasi adalah satu pengenalan menyeluruh berkaitan pengalaman reformasi Selangor dalam tempoh 2 tahun pertama. Disusun dalam empat aspek teras perubahan – politik, ekonomi, masyarakat dan budaya – para penulis memberi fokus kepada pencapaian dan kesukaran yang dihadapi dalam menterjemahkan cita-cita Pakatan Rakyat. Buku yang lengkap dan mudah difahami ini harus menjadi bacaan wajib kepada mereka yang prihatin terhadap dasar dan politik perubahan serta kedudukan negara Malaysia yang kini berada di persimpangan penting. Publisher: SIRD 2011: 325 pp ISBN: 9789675832093 (Softcover): RM30.00 / S$19.50 ISBN: 9789675832086 (Hardcover): RM60.00 / S$39.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Publisher: Gerakbudaya Enterprise 2011: 350 pp ISBN: 9789834479381: RM32.00 / S$20.80 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: & SIRD / Gerakbudaya New Catalogue 2011 New Sengsara Kem Kamunting Tertangkapnya Sa-ekor Toyo Saari Sungib Hishamuddin Rais Kisah Hidup dalam Penjara ISA Saya namakan penulisan saya sebagai siri “Sengsara Kem Kamunting” dan untuk itu saya menulis menurut getaran hati dan denyutan perasaan saya sebagai seorang yang telah dibebaskan daripada penahanan kejam ISA. Buku yang berada di tangan pembaca ini merakamkan imbauan pengalaman saya dan rakan-rakan bagi tahun pertama ditahan ISA, iaitu dari April 2001 hingga April 2002. Ia bermula dengan mengkisahkan pengalaman malam pertama saya dan rakan-rakan dihantar ke Kem Kamunting dan seterusnya mengimbau ke belakang beberapa peristiwa dan pengalaman yang belum saya catatkan dalam “Suara Dari Kamunting”. Untuk itu penulisan ini juga kembali mengenang apa yang saya lalui semasa berada di bawah tahanan SB selama dua bulan sebelum saya dihantar ke Kem Kamunting. Publisher: SIRD 2011: 362 pp ISBN: 9789675832123: RM38.00 / S$24.70 Once a Jolly Hangman Singapore Justice in the Dock Alan Shadrake Over the past few decades, investigative journalism has come to mean the kind of brave reporting that exposes injustice, wrongdoing and, above all, the abuse of power. Alan Shadrake’s hard-hitting new book cuts through the façade of official silence to reveal disturbing truths about Singapore’s use of the death penalty. From in-depth interviews with Darshan Singh, Singapore’s chief executioner for nearly fifty years, to meticulously researched accounts of numerous high profile cases, Once a Jolly Hangman reveals the cruelty and imprudence of an entire judicial system. At the same time he displays a touching empathy with the anguish of the victims and their families. This important book should be required reading for human rights activists everywhere. Publisher: SIRD 2010: 219 pp ISBN: 9789675832000: RM38.00 / S$24.70 surat dari teoh beng hock gebu Rosmah..pandai Najib bela..ahah.. ahhah -- Labizzwkshop 31 Ogos 2008 Hadiah tahun baru kerajaan Malaysia. 1 Malaysia kena kelentong. Melayu masih diperbodohkan lagi tak sedar2...kasihan nasib bangsa ku -- Ibnusulaiman 31 Disember 2009 hahahahaha..........semangat aku baca...terbaik la bro TT -- Marhaen Kacak 30 Disember 2010 Isyam, Wa betol betol caya sama lu. cheers -- NeoNodeGuy 5 Januari 2011 Gerombolan dah makin berani sebab dalam beberapa siri pilihan raya kecil lepas, harga minyak telah dinaikan beberapa kali. Tapi Gerombolan tetap menang. Gerombolan dah makin berani, sebab Gerombolan fikir kalau minyak naik pun rakyat tetap sokong Gerombolan... silaplah media Gerombolan! -Non-Governmental Individual 2 April 2011 11:37 AM bukan aje petrol naik!!!!!! lain-lain barang semuanya dah naik dalam 50-60% dalam tempoh 5-6 bulan ni! Apa lagi rakyat marhaen.... berubahlah! Samasama kita berubah!!! - Siti harapan 2 April 2011 Publisher: SIRD 2011: 192 pp ISBN: 9789675832192: RM23.00 / S$15.00 The Man From Borneo An Autobiography Brother Michael Jacques Starting with fond memories of a fascinating childhood in Sarawak, this long-awaited autobiography of Brother Michael Jacques offers a very personal and engaging account of the long and distinguished career of one of Malaysia’s most prominent educators. Drawn from his voluminous personal diaries, The Man from Borneo focuses on a lifelong commitment to the work of the De La Salle Brothers institutes of education. It is a remarkable journey that took him from Kuching to Penang, Ipoh, Singapore, Malacca, London and Rome where he rose to head the brotherhood’s Asian region. The Man from Borneo is a landmark book from an extraordinary man. Publisher: SIRD 2010: 390 pp ISBN: 9789675832048 (Softcover): RM50.00 / S$32.50 ISBN: 9789675832055 (Hardcover): RM100.00 / S$65.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: & Catalogue 2011 SIRD / Gerakbudaya Islamization and Activism in Malaysia New Law, Jurisprudence and Human Rights in Asia Julian C.H. Lee Edited Jefferson R. Plantilla & Salbiah Ahmad Asian States report to the United Nations human rights treaty monitoring bodies on the existence of laws, policies, programs and even local legislations that support human rights. They also report on court decisions upholding human rights. To what extent are these laws, policies, and programs faithful to the provisions of the international human rights instruments? Do they have impact on government systems in addressing human rights-related issues? Malaysia’s Foreign Policy, The First Fifty Years Alignment, Neutralism, Islamism Johan Saravanamuttu This book captures Malaysia’s foreign policy over the first fifty years and beyond since the date of the country’s formal independence in 1957. The author provides “macro-historical” narratives of foreign policy practices and outcomes over distinct time periods under the tenures of the five prime ministers. One chapter delves into relations with immediate neighbouring states and another chapter analyses the political economy of foreign policy. A postscript deals with the transition of foreign policy beyond the fifth decade. The concluding chapter suggests that Malaysian middlepowermanship has been in the making in foreign policy practice being particularly evident since the Mahathir years. Employing a critical-constructivist approach throughout the study, the author posits that foreign policy should be appreciated as outcomes of socio-political-economic processes embedded within a Malaysian political culture. Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Islamization and Activism in Malaysia examines aspects of the increasing political and social profile of Islam in Malaysia and describes how different kinds of activists in Malaysia have sought to protect fundamental liberties and to improve the state of democracy in Malaysia. In particular, focus is paid to activists who engage with electoral process, the law and the public sphere, and in particular, to movements that cut across or combine these realms of action. Spanning the period of the Prime Ministership of Abdullah Badawi, Julian C.H. Lee’s grounded analysis examines the most important issues of that period including the freedom of religion case of Lina Joy, the Islamic state debate, and events surrounding the 8 March 2008 general elections. Publisher: SIRD & ISEAS 2010: 163 pp ISBN: 9789833782963: RM38.00 / S$22.50 Publisher: SIRD & HURIGHTS Osaka 2011: 358 pp ISBN: 9789835832130: RM50.00 / S$32.50 Publisher: SIRD & ISEAS 2010: 388 pp ISBN: 9789833782987 (Softcover): RM69.00 / S$45.90 ISBN: 9789814279796 (Hardcover): RM144.00 / S$59.90 Missing Malaysia Dean Johns Some comments on this and previous books of Dean Johns’ weekly columns for “…a style of writing that – trust us – will make you smile, laugh, sigh, curse or roll your eyes up as you go along. This is a book to be read once and taken out again at regular intervals by all those who wish to reminiscence, regret, rejoice and celebrate together with that curious species known as Malaysians” – S. Vicknesan, Opinions/Features Editor, “In years to come, scholars researching the tumultuous cultural, social and political transformations distinguishing the period leading up to and immediately after Malaysia’s 12th general election will discover within these pages a rich lode of scintillating insights, along with a treasure trove of belly laughs.” – Antares, “…a great value-for-money package of excellent sociopolitical commentaries written in a witty fashion for the enjoyment of readers, with the funny yet useful bonus of an object lesson in lexical facility and verbal gymnastics for students of the English language.” – Ktemoc, Ktemoc. Publisher: SIRD 2010: 171 pp ISBN: 9789833782956: RM22.00 / S$14.30 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: & SIRD / Gerakbudaya Catalogue 2011 The Road to Reform Malaysia-lah; Himpunan Analisa Terpilih Kaki Lepak Edited by Tricia Yeoh Disusun oleh Haris Zuan The general election of March 2008 marked an unprecedented moment in modern Malaysian political history. Voters turned away in significant numbers from the Barisan Nasional government that had exercised almost absolute authority at both federal and state levels since independence. Selangor was one of five state governments to come under the control of the newly-formed Pakatan Rakyat coalition – explicitly committed to a new politics and a reformist policy agenda. The Road to Reform is the first comprehensive introduction to the reform experience in Selangor. Organised around four core aspects of change – politics, economics, society and culture – the authors focus on both the achievements and the enduring difficulties in delivering on Pakatan Rakyat’s ambitions. This concise and accessible book should be compulsory reading for anyone concerned with the policies and politics of change and the state of Malaysia at a critically important crossroads. Koleksi tulisan Blog Warung Idea Diskopi adalah hasil dari sembang-sembang selonggok kaki lepak yang diadakan secara konsisten (awalnya je) setiap Rabu malam di warung sekitar Bangi. Isunya sering berpindah dan berjangkit dari politik, budaya, falsafah hingga ke gosip panas artis hiburan! Bauran antara identiti kaum - Melayu, Cina, dan India - ditambah lagi dengan kerencaman displin ilmu politik, undang-undang, sosiologi, ekonomi dan fisik - menerbitkan wacana yang tetap lumayan meski hanya dengan secawan kopi - bayar sendiri - kerana di sinilah keberagaman idea bertemu dan diraikan! Pakatan Rakyat in Selangor Publisher: SIRD 2010: 297 pp ISBN: 9789675832031 (Softcover): RM40.00 / S$26.00 ISBN: 9789675832079 (Hardcover): RM80.00 / S$52.00 No Cowardly Past James Puthucheary: Writings, Poems, Commentaries (Second Edition) Edited by Dominic Puthucheary and Jomo K. S. ‘Time past and time future are both contained in time present’, wrote James Puthucheary in an honest and provocative letter from prison more than fifty years ago. Informed by a profound understanding of history and convinced by the need to construct a sustainable future for his country, Puthucheary spent a lifetime engaged with the most pressing problems of the day. The new edition of No Cowardly Past brings together some of his most important essays on political economy, the struggle for a progressive politics and the character of university education, as well as his lyrical and pungent poetry. Publisher: SIRD 2010: 265 pp ISBN: 9789833782901: RM45.00 / S$29.25 Publisher: Gerakbudaya Enterprise 2010: 243 pp ISBN: 9789834479367: RM22.00 / S$14.30 The Fajar Generation The University Socialist Club and the Politics of Postwar Malaya and Singapore Edited by Poh Soo Kai, Tan Jing Quee and Koh Kay Yew The Fajar Generation tells the hitherto neglected story of a remarkable group of men and women who advanced a radical agenda of anti-colonialism, democracy, multiculturalism and social justice through the agency of the University of Malaya Socialist Club. Through personal memoirs and analytical essays the contributors to this collection illuminate their own roles in that struggle – the hopes and despairs, the triumphs and defeats. At the same time they remind us of just how much of that progressive political agenda is still to be won in contemporary Malaysia and Singapore. Publisher: SIRD 2010: 361 pp ISBN: 9789833782864 (Softcover): RM50.00 / S$32.50 ISBN: 9789833782871 (Hardcover): RM100.00 / S$65.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: & Catalogue 2011 Politics & International Relations New New Taking Aim at the Arms Trade Iran’s Influence Anna Stavrianakis Elaheh Rostami–Povey Taking Aim at the Arms Trade: NGOs, Global Civil Society and the World Military Order takes a critical look at the ways in which NGOs portray the arms trade as a problem of international politics and the strategies they use to effect change. NGOs have been pivotal in bringing the suffering caused by the arms trade to public attention, documenting its negative impact on human rights, conflict, security and development around the world, and pushing for measures to control or eradicate the trade. Anna Stavrianakis exposes the tensions inherent in NGOs’ engagement with the arms trade and argues for a reexamination of dominant assumptions about NGOs as global civil society actors. Iran’s Influence is the first comprehensive analysis of the role that Iran plays in Middle Eastern and global politics. Expert Iranian author Elaheh Rostami-Povey provides a fascinating introduction to one of the Middle East’s most controversial and misunderstood countries. Based on several years of original research carried out both in Iran and across the region, this insightful guide presents essential new ideas to help the reader understand the Middle East. NGOs, Global Civil Society and the World Military Order A Religious-Political State and Society in Its Region Publisher: Zed Books 2010: 214 pp ISBN: 9781848132696: RM100.00 / S$43.50 New Oil on Water New Tankers, Pirates and the Rise of China Decentering International Relations Paul French and Sam Chambers Meghana Nayak and Eric Selbin Decentering International Relations seeks to actively confront, resist and rewrite IR, a discipline which is deeply centered in the North/ West and which privileges certain perspectives, pedagogies and practices. Through engagement with a variety of theories and in conversation with scholars, activists and students, Meghana Nayak and Eric Selbin invite the reader to participate in an accessible yet provocative experiment to decenter the North/West when we learn, study and do IR. Decentering International Relations is a remarkable and provocative re-envisioning of a globally important subject. Publisher: Zed Books 2010: 216 pp ISBN: 9781848132399: RM100.00 / S$43.50 Publisher: Zed Books 2010: 264 pp ISBN: 9781848132207: RM95.00 / S$41.30 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 The movement of oil around the world’s oceans is constantly under enormous pressure, from conflicts between national states, piracy and climate change. Yet, while the uninterrupted flow of oil is essential to globalization, increasingly so as manufacturing and markets move eastwards to Asia, this threat is largely unreported. From reporting aboard giant tankers to examining the geopolitical shift in oil consumption, Oil on Water is an engrossing, all-encompassing look at the security of this vital supply chain. Publisher: Zed Books 2010: 208 pp ISBN: 9781848134690: RM85.00 / S$37.00 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: & Politics & International Relations New The Politics of Genocide Edward S. Herman and David Peterson In this impressive book, Edward S. Herman and David Peterson examine the uses and abuses of the word “genocide.” They argue persuasively that the label is highly politicized and that in the United States it is used by the government, journalists, and academics to brand as evil those nations and political movements that in one way or another interfere with the imperial interests of U.S. capitalism. With its careful and voluminous documentation, close reading of the U.S. media and political and scholarly writing on the subject, and clear and incisive charts, The Politics of Genocide is both a damning condemnation and stunning exposé of a deeply rooted and effective system of propaganda aimed at deceiving the population while promoting the expansion of a cruel and heartless imperial system. Publisher: Monthly Review Press 2010: 159 pp ISBN: 9781583672129: RM45.00 / S$19.60 New International Relations in Southeast Asia Between Bilateralism and Multilateralism Edited by N. Ganesan and Ramses Amer Catalogue 2011 New International Relations in Southeast Asia The Struggle for Autonomy (2nd Edition) Donald E. Weatherbee This fully revised and updated edition of Donald Weatherbee’s widely praised text offers a clear and comprehensive introduction to the international relations of contemporary Southeast Asia. The author analyzes the Southeast Asian states’ efforts to adapt to a regional international environment that is characterized by the security demands of the war on terrorism; the economic demands of globalism; and the political demands of nontraditional issues such as democracy, human rights, the environment, and gender. An invaluable guide to the region, this balanced and lucid work will be an essential text for courses on Southeast Asia and on the international relations of the Asia-Pacific. Publisher: ISEAS & Rowman & Littlefield 2010: 323 pp ISBN: 9789814311137: RM117.00 / S$48.90 New Oceans of Crime “For observers outside of Southeast Asia, this book opens up a world of conflicts, rivalries, and reconciliations that is terra incognita. It is easy to assume that all is well under the consensual Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) umbrella. These expert authors detail the sometimes stormy and often tense bilateral relationships in the region. In doing so they delineate the profound contribution that ASEAN has made to regional security and cooperation, but at the same time they show the limits of multilateralism as a mode of conflict resolution. Etel Solingen’s introductory essay provides an extensive analytical vocabulary for regional politics, and the other authors have fascinating stories to tell about the interrelationships of Southeast Asia’s states since 1975.” -- Brantly Womack, Hugh S. & Winifred B. Cumming Memorial Professor of International Affairs University of Virginia Maritime Piracy and Transnational Security in Southeast Asia and Bangladesh Publisher: ISEAS 2010: 350 pp ISBN: 9789814279574: RM108.00 / S$44.90 Publisher: ISEAS & IIAS 2011: 425 pp ISBN: 9789814279468: RM144.00 / S$59.90 Carolin Liss Southeast Asia and Bangladesh are at present global hot-spots of pirate attacks on merchant vessels and fishing boats. This book explains why, and in what form, piracy still exists. It offers an integrated analysis of the root causes of piracy, linking declining fish stocks, organized crime networks, radical politicallymotivated groups, the use of flags of convenience, the lack of state control over national territory and the activities of private security companies to piracy and identifies their wider security implications. Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: & Catalogue 2011 Politics & International Relations New New Asian Maritime Power in the 21st Century War Crimes in Gaza and the Zionist Fifth Column in America Strategic Transactions - China, India and Southeast Asia James Petras Vijay Sakhuja Maritime power has been a key defining parameter of economic vitality and geostrategic power of nations. Dr Vijay Sakhuja, a former Indian Navy officer, in this pioneering study has splendidly elucidated and examined the resurgence of Asian naval power and its political-diplomatic, economiccommercial, science-technologicalindustrial, grand-strategic and the operational-doctrinal dimensions. Using a neorealist framework, the author provides robust and insightful analysis of how China and India as great powers, using their maritime military capabilities, would evolve and act in global affairs -- Professor Sanjay Chaturvedi, Centre for the Study of Geopolities Punjab University Chandigard, India Publisher: ISEAS 2011: 363 pp ISBN: 9789814311090: RM120.00 / S$49.90 The texts and illustrations in this book provide graphic accounts and visual evidence of why Israel has provoked a worldwide ‘Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions’ campaign by human rights activists, trade unions and a multitude of other groups, including individuals in Israel and Jewish organizations in Europe and North America. What the Goldstone Report described with regard to Israel’s savaging of Gaza has a long and ignoble history, which needs to be addressed. Publisher: Clear Day Books 2010: 132 pp ISBN: 9780984525508: RM50.00 / S$21.80 The Armies of God A Study in Militant Christianity Iain Buchanan New Intense political polarization, confrontation and violence have rocked Thailand recently, much of it a divisive legacy of the 2006 coup. Conflicts centre on the legitimacy of institutions and the uses and abuses of power alongside the parallel crisis of state legitimacy posed by the ongoing violence in the country’s Deep South. This collection of essays explores themes and issues arising from the continuing confrontations that have dominated Thailand’s domestic affairs and impacted on its international relations in the years 2008 to early 2010. Based on extensive research and documentation, this volume offers an important review and analysis of key events and trends in Thailand’s volatile public affairs during this period. Over the past 30 years, US foreign policy has relied increasingly on the presence of evangelical Christians in policymaking, administration, funding, and work in the field. It is a presence that is little advertised, and systematically obscured from public view. But it is a crucial and extremely influential presence – politically, militarily, culturally and economically. And it is a presence which has had far-reaching (and often disastrous) effect on the relationship between the Christian West and non-Christian cultures, religious communities and nations. This book looks at the ways that Western politics incorporate, and exploit, religion. In particular, it examines the rise of US evangelicalism as a force in world affairs. It looks in detail at some of the most powerful of the agencies involved, and at the way they operate – often as US government proxies – in such countries as Iraq, Indonesia, Thailand and India. Publisher: Silkworm Books 2010: 328 pp ISBN: 9789749511978: RM70.00 / S$49.00 Publisher: CI 2010: 400 pp ISBN: 9789833046096: RM45.00 / S$31.50 Legitimacy Crisis in Thailand Edited by Marc Askew Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: & Economics New Sustainability of Thailand’s Competitiveness The Policy Challenges Edited by Patarapong Intrakumnerd and Yveline Lecler Competitiveness of a country requires continuous upgrading and sometimes, major transformation. Thailand is at the crossroad. It can no longer pursue strategy based on low-cost advantages, but its capability achievements are still too low to become an advanced economy. This book points out weaknesses of Thailand’s national innovation system or education and suggests how the country should develop new capabilities to survive and prosper in the globalized and fiercely competitive world. It will be useful to researchers and students who want to learn more about Thailand and emerging countries and also to policy-makers and executives involved in economic and industrial development. Publisher: ISEAS & IRASEC 2010: 331 pp ISBN: 9789814279475: RM151.00 / S$62.90 New Managing Economic Crisis in Southeast Asia Edited by Saw Swee-Hock This book incorporates a selection of eight revised papers presented at the Conference on “Managing Economic Crisis in Southeast Asia”, organized jointly by the Saw Centre for Quantitative Finance, NUS Business School and the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, in January 2010. The chapters deal with the management of the 2008-09 economic crisis in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, the Philippines, Indonesia and the region as a whole. They represent an analysis of the impact of the economic crisis and the stimulus packages that were swiftly put in place by the governments to mitigate the economic recession and to pave the way for a quick recovery. The success of the monetary and fiscal policy measures in engendering a strong economic recovery in these countries is also discussed in considerable depth. Publisher: ISEAS & Saw Centre 2011: 340 pp ISBN: 9789814311236: RM96.00 / S$39.90 Catalogue 2011 New How Asia can Shape the World From the Era of Plenty to the Era of Scarcities Jorgen Orstrom Moller Asia will redraw the map of economic progress over the next twenty-five years. Growth is necessary to solve economic and social problems, but harder to achieve as the age of plenty gives way to the age of scarcities. The challenge opens the doors for an Asian economic model based on shifting of productivity for the individual to groups, ecological productivity instead of economic productivity, and a reversal to traditional Asian values - less materialistic than Western values. A new paradigm for economic thinking emerges to replace the one launched in the West 200 years ago. Publisher: ISEAS 2011: 540 pp ISBN: 9789814311335: RM144.00 / S$59.90 New Managing Economic Crisis in East Asia Edited by Saw Swee-Hock and John Wong This book incorporates a selection of eight revised papers presented to the Conference on Managing Economic Crisis in East Asia, organized jointly by the Saw Centre for Financial Studies, NUS Business School, and the East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore, in November 2009. The chapters present a detailed analysis of the impact of the 2008-09 economic crisis in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea and Japan, and the stimulus packages that were swiftly put in place by the governments to mitigate the economic recession and to pave the way for a quick recovery. The success of the monetary and fiscal policy measures in engendering a strong economic recovery in these countries is also discussed in considerable depth. Publisher: ISEAS & EAI 2010: 220 pp ISBN: 9789812309723: RM96.00 / S$39.90 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: & Catalogue 2011 Economics New New The Economics Anti-Textbook The Rise and Fall of Neo-Liberalism The Collapse of an Economic Order? A Critical Thinker’s Guide to MicroEconomics Edited by Kean Birch and Vlad Mykhnenko Rod Hill & Tony Myatt Mainstream textbooks present economics as an objective science that is free from value judgements, settles disputes by testing hypotheses and contains policy prescriptions supported by a consensus of professional opinion. The Economics Anti-Textbook argues that this is a myth. In this essential guide to decoding the textbooks, it reveals the hidden value judgements, ignored evidence and unmentioned alternative theories. It argues that mainstream textbooks implicitly contain a free market message. Putting controversy and excitement back into this vibrant discipline, The Economics Anti-Textbook shows how real economics is much more interesting than the textbooks let on. Publisher: Zed Books 2010: 305 pp ISBN: 9781842779392: RM100.00 / S$43.50 The recent, devastating and ongoing economic crisis has exposed the faultlines in the dominant neoliberal economic order, opening debate for the first time in years on alternative visions that do not subscribe to a ‘free’ market ethic. Bringing together the work of distinguished scholars and dedicated activists, The Rise and Fall of Neoliberalism presents critical perspectives of neoliberal policies, questions the ideas underpinning neoliberalism and explores diverse responses to it from around the world. Publisher: Zed Books 2010: 280 pp ISBN: 9781848133495: RM95.00 / S$41.30 New Beyond the Profits System New Possibilities for a Post-Capitalist Era The Making of a Transnational Capitalist Class Harry Shutt Throughout the world, there has been a growing wave of interest in global corporate power and the rise of a transnational capitalist class, triggered by economic and political transformations that have blurred national borders and disembedded corporate business from national domiciles. With an in-depth analysis that spans three decades, The Making of a Transnational Capitalist Class maps the changing field of power generated by elite relations among the world’s largest corporations and related political organizations. Using social network analysis, William Carroll charts the making of a capitalist class which reaches beyond national forms of organization into a global field, but which faces spirited opposition from below in an ongoing struggle over alternative global futures. Since 2008, we have found ourselves confronted by an historic financial holocaust that world leaders have struggled to come to terms with. As explained by Harry Shutt – who was almost alone in foreseeing such a disaster a decade before it happened – their continued denial stems from a vested interest in maintaining a capitalist profits system which is by now as outmoded as feudalism was two hundred years ago. Beyond the Profits System makes clear why the desperate resort of Western governments to ‘extraordinary measures’ to try to avert economic collapse is bound to fail. It also forcefully demonstrates why we must abandon the traditional economic logic of endlessly expanding production in pursuit of maximum private profit. Rather, our only hope of salvation lies in cooperatively responding to the aspirations of different communities while assuring the basic security of all. Publisher: Zed Books 2010: 273 pp ISBN: 9781848134430: RM125.00 / S$54.30 Publisher: Zed Books 2010: 182 pp ISBN: 9781848134171: RM65.00 / S$28.30 Corporate Power in the 21st Century William K. Carroll Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: & 10 Economics New Catalogue 2011 New Debt, the IMF and the World Bank The ABCs of the Economic Crisis Eric Toussant & Damien Millet Fred Magdoff & Michael D Yates The present book shows that cancellation of the debt is a necessary but not a sufficient condition, that it must go handin-hand with other measures such as the recovery of ill-acquired goods, fair distribution of wealth on a global level, and alternative financing approaches. Six years after the publication of Who Owes Who? 50 Questions about World Debt, Damien Millet and Eric Toussaint have produced an updated version that decodes the official discourse on the debt and considers possible alternatives for getting out of the present impasse. They develop the moral, political, economic, legal and environmental arguments that underpin the demand for cancellation of the public debt in developing countries. This short book aims to describe and explain the “The Great Recession” the most severe economic crisis since the Great Depression, in straightforward and easy to understand language. It is written for workers, students, and activists who are trying to grasp what is happening and who want to organize and do something about it. It is hoped that readers will pass this book on and use the analysis to spread the word that this is no ordinary recession but a potentially deep and long-lasting downturn that could change our lives and those of our children. If we understand its magnitude and causes, we can position ourselves - politically and ideologically - to begin building a better world. Sixty Questions, Sixty Answers Publisher: Monthly Review Press 2010: 361 pp ISBN: 9781583672228: RM65.00 / S$28.30 New The Crisis This Time (Socialist Register 2011) Edited by Leo Panitch, Greg Albo & Vivek Chibber Are we entering a new age of austerity - with further assaults on trade unions and the social entitlements of working people? Sober assessment and analysis of the crisis, in its political and economic dimensions, is needed if the Left is to revive. This volume - the first of two - offers critical perspectives on ‘exit strategies’ geared towards revitalizing neoliberal capitalism and considers the social and political impact of the crisis on the working class. Next year’s volume will extend the geographical focus to China, the Middle East, Eastern Europe and Latin America, and deepen the analysis of the epicentre of the crisis in the USA. Publisher: Monthly Review Press 2010: 323 pp ISBN: 9781583672280: RM88.00 / S$38.30 What Working People Need to Know Publisher: Monthly Review Press 2010: 144 pp ISBN: 9781583671955: RM40.00 / S$17.40 New Debt Sustainability in Emerging Markets A Critical Appraisal Yilmaz Akyuz This paper critically assesses the standard International Monetary Fund (IMF) analytical framework for debt sustainability in emerging markets. It focuses on complementarities and trade-offs between fiscal and external sustainability, and interactions and feedbacks among policy and endogenous variables affecting debt ratios. It examines current fragilities in emerging markets and notes that domestic debt is of concern. Despite favourable conditions, many governments are unable to generate a large enough primary budget surplus to stabilize public debt ratios. Worsening global financial conditions may create difficulties for budgetary transfers, posing greater challenges to government debt management since restructuring often is more difficult for domestic than external debt. Publisher: TWN 2010: 44 pp ISBN: 9789675412356: RM7.00 / S$4.90 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: & Catalogue 2011 Economics The Truth About Trade 11 Nowhere to Hide The Great Financial Crisis and Challenges for Asia The Real Impact of Liberalisation Clive George Michael Lim Mah-Hui and Lim Chin Is it really true that international trade is vital for eliminating world poverty and achieving a sustainable future? Or is economic globalisation the villain of the piece? Clive George’s provocative book examines the evidence, exposes the myths, and presents challenging new proposals for comprehensive reform of the global trading system. Based on ten years of in-depth research into the impacts of the trade agreements that are forged in the World Trade Organisation and through regional negotiations it reveals that few of the claims made by the major players stand up to scrutiny, while many of the counter-claims lack rigour in their analysis of key issues. Publisher: Zed Books 2010: 178 pp ISBN: 9781848132986: RM93.00 / S$40.50 This book takes a multi-disciplinary approach to the great financial crisis of 2007-09. It combines the disciplines of economics, finance, sociology and politics to analyse the causes, consequences and challenges of the crisis. The authors propose that the causes of the crisis should be understood at three inter-related levels - the level of theory and ideology; the level of financial industry practices and malpractices; and finally the level of structural imbalances in the international economy. Above all, the book is historical and holistic in perspective. Publisher: ISEAS 2010: 174 pp ISBN: 9789814279734: RM72.00 / S$29.90 The Global Economic Crisis Implications for ASEAN Inclusive, Balanced, Sustained Growth in the Asia Pacific The recovery of the Asia-Pacific region from the global economic crisis of 2008-2009 is underway but incomplete. Risks range from slow growth and persistent unemployment to re-emerging international imbalances and financial volatility. While early policy responses to the crisis were successful in avoiding a larger calamity, new policy strategies are now needed to resolve imbalances among the United States, China, and other economies, and to build robust demand in the medium term. This report, drafted by an international team of experts for the Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC), provides a policy framework for completing the recovery and achieving sustained growth beyond it. In June 2009, the ASEAN Studies Centre of the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies and the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung organized ISEAS annual roundtable, this time on the subject of “The Global Economic Crisis: Implications for ASEAN”. The roundtable concluded that the crisis had a significant impact on the region, and ASEAN needed to have a better co-ordinated approach if it was to weather the storm. The region had taken into account the fact that the developed countries like the US and the EU would take a longer time to come out of the crisis. Hence, while export-led growth policies had served the region well in the past, governments now had to adopt policies that were oriented more to the domestic or regional markets. Another conclusion of the roundtable had to do with the notion of security. The current economic crisis was considered as a new kind of insecurity. Publisher: ISEAS & PECC 2010: 133 pp ISBN: 9789812309662: RM62.00 / S$25.90 Publisher: ISEAS 2010: 155 pp ISBN: 9789814279413: RM60.00 / S$25.00 Edited by Peter A. Petri Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: & 12 Ecology & Environment New Catalogue 2011 New Rethinking Macroeconomics for Sustainability The Energy Glut Alejandro Nadal Ian Roberts with Phil Edwards Rethinking Macroeconomics for Sustainability analyses the deep-seated relationship between macroeconomic policy models and their impact on growth, people’s livelihoods and the environment. Examining key thematic problem areas and setting out recommendations for national and international policy, Alejandro Nadal argues that monetary, financial and fiscal policies, as important for environmental stewardship as they are for growth and prosperity, must be redesigned if we are to achieve long-term sustainability. The Energy Glut shows how the heating of our planet and the bulging of our waistlines are manifestations of the same global malaise. Ian Roberts presents a frightening vision of humanity besieged by a food industry pushing a surfeit of energydense food, while the rise of the car means we have fewer opportunities to move our bodies than ever before. This insightful, exciting new work explains why getting fatter is a political rather than a personal problem, and why tackling climate change could be the next great public health advance. Publisher: Zed Books 2011: 235 pp ISBN: 9781848135062: RM110.00 / S$47.80 New Food versus Fuel An Informed Introduction to Biofuels Edited by Frank Rosillo-Calle and Francis X. Johnson Food versus Fuel presents a high-level introduction to a well-worn debate. Compiled by an internationally renowned scientist and authority, and including perspectives from both ‘pro’ and ‘anti’ biofuels experts and activists, from the North and South, this volume aims to bring a balanced approach to the major issues affecting the development of biofuels. Publisher: Zed Books 2010: 217 pp ISBN: 9781848133839: RM85.00 / S$37.00 Forthcoming The Mighty Wave He Jin (Translated by Tan Jing Quee, Loh Miaw Gong, Hong Lysa) Publisher: SIRD ISBN: 9789835832178 The May 13 Generation The Chinese Middle Schools Student Movement and Singapore Politics in the 1950s Edited by Tan Jing Quee, Tan Kok Chiang, Hong Lysa Publisher: SIRD ISBN: 9789835832161 (Softcover) ISBN: 9789835832185 (Hardcover) Climate Change and the Politics of Fatness Publisher: Zed Books 2010: 182 pp ISBN: 9781848135185: RM75.00 / S$32.60 New Biofuels and the Globalisation of Risk The Biggest Change in North-South Relationships since Colonialism? James Smith Biofuels and the Globalisation of Risk offers the reader a fresh and compelling analysis of the politics and policies behind the biofuel story, critically examining the technological optimism and often-idealised promises it makes for the future. This essential new critique argues that the support for investment in biofuels may reconfigure risk and responsibility, whereby the global South is encouraged to invest its future in growing biofuel crops, often at the expense of food, in order that the global North may continue its unsustainable energy consumption unabated and guilt-free. Thus, Smith argues, biofuels may constitute the biggest change in North-South relationships since colonialism. Publisher: Zed Books 2010: 151 pp ISBN: 9781848135727: RM90.00 / S$39.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: & Catalogue 2011 Ecology & Environment New New Cancun News Updates and Climate Briefings (November/December 2010) This is a collection of 20 News Updates, three articles and two Briefing Papers prepared by the Third World Network for and during the recent United Nations Climate Change Talks in Cancun, Mexico from 29 November to 10 December 2010. Publisher: TWN 2011: 90 pp ISBN: 9789675412479: RM12.00 / S$8.40 New Agriculture and Food in Crisis Conflict, Resistance and Renewal Fred Magdoff & Brian Tokar This essential collection explores frightening long-term trends in food production and investigates the implications of an agricultural system that is oriented around the creation of profit above all else, with food as nothing but an afterthought. It will serve as an indispensable guide to the years ahead, in which world politics will no doubt come to be increasingly understood as food politics. Publisher: Monthly Review Press 2010: 348 pp ISBN: 9781583672266: RM65.00 / S$28.30 New Potential Health Effects of Foods Derived from Genetically Modified Plants What Are the Issues? Arpad Pusztai and Susan Bardocz This paper examines the potential health effects of foods derived from genetically modified (GM) plants. The lack of evidence that GM food is unsafe cannot be interpreted as proof that it is safe. The complexity of GM foods makes their biological testing difficult. The authors propose a suggested protocol for GM crop/food health risk assessment, which uses comprehensive toxicological/nutritional methods that will equally be applicable to scientifically examine the veracity of the claimed benefits of genetic manipulation, and screen for its unintended and potentially harmful consequences for human/animal health. Publisher: TWN 2011: 39 pp ISBN: 9789675412424: RM7.00 / S$4.90 New Mitigating and Adapting to Climate Change through Ecological Agriculture Lim Li Ching The Ecological Rift Capitalism’s War on the Earth John Bellamy Foster, Brett Clark & Richard York The ecological rift referred to in the title of this book is the rift between humanity and nature. The world is really one indivisible whole. The rift that threatens today to tear apart and destroy that whole is a product of artificial divisions within humanity alienating us from the material-natural conditions of our existence and from succeeding generations. The source of this unparalleled crisis is the capitalist society in which we live. Publisher: Monthly Review Press 2010: 544 pp ISBN: 9781583672181: RM80.00 / S$34.80 13 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 While agricultural productivity is adversely affected by climate change, agriculture is itself a significant contributor to global warming. Agricultural activities have been identified as a major source of the greenhouse gas emissions responsible for climate change. However, agriculture also has considerable potential for climate change mitigation. This paper looks at the various ways in which ecological agriculture integrates mitigation and adaptation capacities, and calls for more investment and policy support to be devoted to this productive and sustainable form of farming. Publisher: TWN 2011: 17 pp ISBN: 9789675412462: RM7.00 / S$4.90 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: & 14 Asian Studies New Catalogue 2011 New Regional Outlook Pirates, Ports, and Coasts in Asia Edited by Michael J. Montesano and Lee Poh Onn Edited by John Kleinen and Manon Osseweijer Regional Outlook’s coverage includes both insight-rich sections on the political and economic outlooks for each of the ten Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) member states and a number of specially commissioned thematic sections. Topics treated in those thematic sections include ongoing regional initiatives on the South China Sea, the increasing integration of the Greater Mekong Sub-region with China, the implications of the inclusion of the United States in the East Asia Summit, levels of trust in state institutions among Southeast Asians, food security in Timor-Leste, the significance of second tier cities in Southeast Asia, APEC’s prospects during this year and the years ahead, “smart cities” in Southeast Asia, challenges for the Malaysian economy and the New Economic Model, and the contribution of integrated resorts to the Singapore economy. Pirates, Ports and Coasts in Asia aims to fill in some of the historical gaps in the coverage of maritime piracy and armed robbery in Asia. The authors highlight a variety of activities ranging from raiding, destroying and pillaging coastal villages and capturing inhabitants to attacking and taking over vessels, robbing and then trading the cargo and its people. Generally speaking, what connects these activities is the fact that they are carried out at sea, often in the coastal inshore waters, by vessels attacking other vessels or raiding coastal settlements. Acts of maritime piracy cannot be regarded as being located outside the relevant framework of the coastal zone. Coastal zones have therefore become highly desirable places, a circumstance which has transformed them into places subject to great social and ecological pressures. Piracy being the most dramatic of marginal(ized) maritime livelihood, this book brings the relationship between pirates, ports, and coastal hinterlands into focus. Southeast Asia 2011-2012 Publisher: ISEAS 2011: 183 pp ISBN: 9789814311007: RM72.00 / S$29.90 New Ruling Myanmar From Cyclone Nargis to National Elections Edited by Nick Cheesman, Monique Skidmore & Trevor Wilson November 2010 saw the first elections in Myanmar/Burma since 1990, to be held as the culmination of the military regime’s “Road Map for Democracy”. The conditions under which the elections were finally held were far from favourable, although the laws and procedures under which they were conducted have been in place for seven months and quite widely publicized. Political controls remain repressive, freedom of expression and assembly does not exist and international access is restricted by government controls as well as sanctions. While the elections represent a turning point for Myanmar/Burma, the lead-up period has not been marked by many notable improvements in the way the country is governed or in the reforming impact of international assistance programmes. Publisher: ISEAS 2010: 353 pp ISBN: 9789814311465 (Softcover): RM96.00 / S$39.90 ISBN: 9789814311472 (Hardcover): RM120.00 / S$49.90 Historical and Contemporary Perspectives Publisher: ISEAS & IIAS 2010: 299 pp ISBN: 9789814279079: RM144.00 / S$59.90 New China in Transition Social Change in the Age of Reform Edited by Emile Kok-Kheng Yeoh China is a country in great transformation. Over the last three decades the highly remarkable economic performance of the once low-income and inward-looking state of China has attracted increasing interest from academics and policymakers. China’s astounding transformation is reflected not only in her economy, but also in her social changes in the past few decades, and this inevitably is also going to have implications for the country’s domestic sociopolitical development. This issue looks at the modern timeline of sociopolitical and socioeconomic development and transformation of China, focusing on a number of critical junctures where different critical decisions were made that have determined the subsequent course of socioeconomic and political development of the country. Also examined are the State responses at times of crisis. Publisher: ICS, UM 2010: 665 pp ISBN: 9772180325006: RM50.00 / S$35.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: & Catalogue 2011 Asian Studies New 15 New Sharing a Future in Asia Saying the Unsayable Abdul Rahman Embong Edited by Soren Ivarsson and Lotte Isager The discourse of “sharing a future” has been driven by a number of factors that can be summed up under the rubric of “Asian triumphalism”. While Asians can be proud of Asia’s success and Asia is a continent of the future, Asian triumphalism needs to be evaluated critically and objectively. To share a future in Asia, one has to be more sober and all-sided, and should not be carried away by exuberant triumphalism. We must also examine the other side of Asia, identify the forces that can hold back Asia’s progress, and enhance the capacity for social learning. The Thai monarchy today is usually presented as both guardian of tradition and the institution to bring modernity and progress to the Thai people. It is moreover seen as protector of the nation. Scrutinizing that image, this volume reviews the fascinating history of the modern monarchy. It also analyses important cultural, historical, political, religious, and legal forces shaping the popular image of the monarchy and in particular of King Bhumibol Adulyadej. Thus, the book offers valuable insights into the relationships between monarchy, religion and democracy in Thailand – topics that after the September 2006 coup d’état, gained renewed national and international interest. Illusion or Reality? Monarchy and Democracy in Thailand Publisher: IKMAS, UKM 2010: 32 pp ISBN: 9789834344344: RM10.00 / S$7.00 Publisher: NIAS Press 2010: 271 pp ISBN: 9788776940720: RM108.00 / S$44.90 New Heritage Tourism in Southeast Asia New Edited by Michael Hitchcock, Victor T King and Michael Parnwell This is the first book to examine heritage tourism across the Southeast Asian region and from different disciplinary perspectives. With material that is new and topical, it makes an important contribution to the fields of tourism studies, cultural studies, development and planning studies, and beyond. Among the questions touched upon are the ownership of heritage, its appropriate use, access to it versus conservation needs, heritage as a commodity, as entertainment and as an educational medium, and the interpretation and representation of heritage forms. This volume also provides ample data about the various governmental institutions and international agencies, on how their decisions are made, and provides clear evidence about the ramifications of such decisions. Publisher: NIAS Press 2010: 322 pp ISBN: 9788776940607: RM120.00 / S$49.90 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Where in the World is the Philippines? Debating Its National Territory Rodolfo C. Severino “’Where in the world is the Philippines?’ is a question that has been deftly and consistently dodged by our politicians at the expense of clearly defining the Philippines’ territorial and maritime jurisdictions. Severino’s scholarly work lays out what has happened in the past and what must be done in the future - and does so just as newly elected President Benigno S. Aquino begins his term in office. With the help of this timely and comprehensive study, it is imperative that Aquino and the Congress confront and resolve territorial issues once and for all.” -- Roberto R. Romulo, former Secretary of Foreign Affairs of the Philippines Publisher: ISEAS 2011: 131 pp ISBN: 9789814311700: RM72.00 / S$29.90 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: & 16 Asian Studies New Papua Road Map Negotiating the Past, Improving the Present and Securing the Future Catalogue 2011 New Contested Waterscapes in the Mekong Region Hydropower, Livelihoods and Governance Edited by Muridan S Widjojo Edited by Francois Molle, Tira Foran and Mira Kakonen The sources of the Papua conflict are grouped into four sets of issues – the marginalization of indigenous Papuans, and the discriminatory impacts on them resulting from the economic development of, political conflicts in, and mass migrations to Papua since 1970; the failure of development, particularly in the fields of education, health, and economic empowerment; the issue of contradictions between Papuan and Jakartan constructions of political identity and history; and the issue of accountability for past state violence toward Indonesian citizens in Papua. These four issues and their respective agendas can be woven together to form a mutually interrelated policy strategy for comprehensive long-term resolution of the Papuan conflict. The water resources of the Mekong region – from the Irrawaddy and Nu-Salween in the west, across the Chao Phraya to the Lancang-Mekong and Red River in the east – are increasingly contested. Contested Waterscapes in the Mekong Region examines how large-scale projects are being proposed, justified, and built. This book shows how diverse, and often antagonistic, ideologies and interests are contesting for legitimacy. It argues that the distribution of decision-making, political, and discursive power influences how the waterscapes of the region will ultimately look and how benefits, costs and risks will be distributed. Also highlighted are the emergence of new actors, rights and trade-off debates, and the social and environmental consequences of ‘water resources development’. These issues are crucial for the transformation of waterscapes and the prospects for democratizing water governance in the Mekong region. Publisher: ISEAS & Yayasan Pustaka Obor Indonesia 2010: 211 pp ISBN: 9789814279000: RM87.00 / S$35.90 New Mapping Thai Muslims Community Dynamics and Change on the Andaman Coast Wanni W. Anderson This longitudinal, anthropological study challenges the single, dominant narrative of Muslim discourse in Thailand. It focuses on Thai Muslims in the Nipa Island (pseudo.) community on the Andaman coast, whose economic and education aspirations, social relationships and ethnic identity have been significantly altered through globalization and the religio-political unrest on the southeastern coast of Thailand. Mapping Thai Muslims also traces Muslim socioreligious changes from two centuries ago to the 1980s, and through to the present. Publisher: Silkworm Books 2010: 185 pp ISBN: 9789749511923: RM52.00 / S$36.40 Publisher: ISEAS & EARTHSCAN 2010: 426 pp ISBN: 9789814311427: RM192.00 / S$79.90 New Tokoh Tionghoa & Identitas Indonesia Dari Tjoe Bou San sampai Yap Thiam Hien Leo Suryadinata Biografi delapan tokoh Tionghoa paling histories dalam bidang hokum, jurnalistik, sastera dan keagamaan yang besar artikulasinya dalam menyuarakan nasionalisme Indonesia. Melalui berbagai cara, lembaga dan keahlian mereka berkutat mencari jalan untuk menemukan orientasi identitas antara berkiblat atau kembali ke Tiongkok, namun akhirnya mereka justru menyuarakan agar orang Tionghoa menjadi Indonesia. Publisher: Komunitas Bambu 2010: 177 pp ISBN: 9789793731759: RM20.00 / S$14.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: & Catalogue 2011 Malaysia New 17 New From Inderapura to Darul Makmur Reformasi Pembiayaan Politik di Malaysia Farish A Noor Buku ini membicarakan soal pembiayaan aktiviti politik, parti-parti politik, caloncalon dan pilihanraya di Malaysia yang mencakupi landskap lampau dan masa kini. Buku ini bertujuan memberikan wawasan mengenai kekuatan dan kelemahan sistem pilihanraya dalam pilihanraya parlimen dan negeri dan juga kempen-kempen di dalam parti-parti politik. Adalah penting untuk mengakui hakikat bahawa pengewengan politik merupakan fenomena yang sudah merebak di Malaysia dan bahawa ia menyumbang kepada barah rasuah. Untuk menangani cabaran ini, adalah penting untuk melakukan reformasi yang mendalam terhadap sistem politik mencakupi semua aspek hal ehwal negara yang ada kaitannya dengan pembiayaan politik. A Deconstructive History of Pahang Our contention is that Pahang’s story resulted from a host of variable factors that worked with, and sometimes against each other, pushing along with it a tide of humanity whose collective burdens shifted from one generation to the next. We need to begin at the origins, in the hazy times when identities were not as fixed as they are today, and when the word ‘Pahang’ had yet to be uttered. We shall begin with a look at the landmass that would one day be eyed as a prize by colonialist and nationalists, a vast expanse of dirt, the interior of which was the home to many communities, and a coastline exposed to the tradewinds of the world. – From the Introduction Publisher: Silverfish Books 2011: 273 pp ISBN: 9789833221301: RM40.00 / S$26.00 New New Menerjang Badai The Right to Differ 60 Tahun Mempersada Perjuangan A Biographical Sketch of Lim Kit Siang Riduan Mohamad Nor Ooi Kee Beng Lim Kit Siang has been on the forefront of Malaysian politics ever since the Democratic Action Party was registered in 1966. Despite being incarcerated without trial on two occasions – in 1969 and 1987 – for a total of three years, he remains a major political figure standing in opposition to the path of race-based politics taken by the country’s long-term ruling coalition. The courage and persistence of this former journalist in championing parliamentary democracy and liberal values in the face of authoritarianism have shaped Malaysia’s political landscape in more profound ways than normally assumed. Lim Kit Siang could not – and cannot – be ignored. But be that as it may, little has been written about this inexhaustible politician. This book – based on a long interview with him – is an attempt at rectifying this knowledge gap and at narrating the biography of this inspiring figure. Publisher: REFSA 2011: 180 pp ISBN: 9789675942068 (Softcover): RM30.00 / S$21.00 ISBN: 9789675942075 (Hardcover): RM50.00 / S$35.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Publisher: TI-Malaysia 2011: 247 pp ISBN: 9789834290436: RM30.00 / S$21.00 Buku ini akan menjernihkan tanggapan generasi ‘Y’ terhadap gerakan Islam yang telah 60 tahun mempersada perjuangan Islam di negara ini, menerjang amukan badai yang berlapis-lapis di sepanjang keberadaannya di pentas dakwah dan siasah. PAS mempunyai sejarahnya yang tersendiri, tersembul keluar dari rahim ibunya saat perlawanan menentang penjajah, Hizbul Muslimin sebagai gerakan Islam temporary yang pertama di Tanah Melayu telah diharamkan oleh British pada tahun 1948 yang menyaksikan 300 orang aktivisnya digiring ke penjara British. Buku ini juga diluncurkan untuk merancakkan medan perbincangan yang sihat, menyegarkan budaya intelektual, berdebat dengan sumur akal yang jernih yang jauh dari sentiment melulu dan emosi yang meledak. Saya percayai alaf baru ini adalah milenium baru yang maklumat tidak lagi boleh disembunyikan di dalam ‘tempayan emas’, langit terbuka telah memuntahkan jutaan maklumat di hujung jari. Publisher: Jundi Resources 2011: 201 pp ISBN: 9789675968068: RM20.00 / S$14.00 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: & 18 Malaysia New Catalogue 2011 New Malaysian Studies Questioning Arms Spending in Malaysia Abdul Rahman Embong Kua Kia Soong This book is a useful collection that provides an important window to the history of Malaysian social science and the Association representing the social science community. Although social science has a recent history in this country, it is a highly important body of knowledge providing theories, conceptual tools and methodologies to advance Malaysian Studies and to inform public policy. As social science is an emancipatory project which promotes critical analysis of society, the Malaysian social science community should pay serious attention to the quality of their teaching, research, publication and discourses and that they should be a speech community that educates and informs the public as well as speaks truth to power. This latest book by Dr Kua Kia Soong is a bombshell! It is about bombs and shells, jet fighters, helicopters, submarines and other weapons of war, all bought with Malaysian tax payers’ money, and it is a lot of money! The 10th Malaysian Plan has allocated RM23 billion for defence & security. This is the first full expose of Malaysia’s military since Independence. It contains the A to Z of Malaysia’s arms industry and spending, from the unanswered questions surrounding the murder of Altantuya… to the high incidence of accidents involving the Sikorsky Nuri helicopters. Kua has been monitoring the arms trade since the Seventies and what is significant about this book is that it brings together in one volume, the key issues and events connected with defence spending in Malaysia. Publisher: PSSM 2010: 210 pp ISBN: 9789839731019 (Softcover): RM30.00 / S$21.00 ISBN: 9789839731019 (Hardcover): RM60.00 / S$42.00 Publisher: SUARAM 2010: 180 pp ISBN: 9789834407070: RM30.00 / S$21.00 Looking Back, Moving Forward New Perak A State of Crisis Audrey Quay This book is a record of a crucial point in our nation’s history: the 2009 Perak crisis. It contains several commentaries and critical analyses, some penned during the times when events were still unfolding and the final outcome unknown. That crisis had all the hallmarks of a Hollywood movie: intrigues, unpredictable twists, temptations, betrayals, courtroom dramas, violence and even sex. Despite the significant legal, political and societal repercussions, that crisis was only one battle lost in an on-going political war. More worrying is that the success of such strategies would undoubtedly tempt repetition. If Malaysia and Malaysians are to learn anything and emerge from that dark and deplorable episode, it is important for every Malaysian to gain a better understanding of what really transpired and the reasons why they happened. – Yeo Yang Poh, former President of the Malaysian Bar Publisher: LoyarBurok Publications 2010: 170 pp ISBN: 9789670102009: RM45.00 / S$31.50 New Bajet Bagaimana Kerajaan Membelanjakan Wang KITA Teh Chi-Chang “Bajet: Bagaimana kerajaan membelanjakan wang KITA” adalah panduan kepada bagaimana kerajaan anda mengumpul dana dan bagaimana ia membelanjakan semua wang tersebut. Kerajaan persekutuan sahaja membelanjakan kira-kira RM200 bn setahun. Di samping itu, terdapat juga perbelanjaan oleh kerajaan negeri dan tempatan. Anda rasa anda mendapat pulangan nilai wang anda? Satu-satunya buku yang terdapat di Malaysia, buku ini menerangkan dalam bahasa yang mudah dari mana kerajaan memperoleh pendapatnya dan atas apa wang tersebut dibelanjakan. Rakyat dan pembayar cukai yang berminat akan mendapati ini adalah bahan bacaan yang mudah sementara golongan professional, untuk pertama kalinya mendapati angka-angka tersebut disusun dalam format yang jelas dan padat. Publisher: REFSA 2010: 110 pp ISBN: 9789675942051: RM20.00 / S$14.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: & Catalogue 2011 Malaysia New 19 New The Orang Asli and the UNDRIP Between UMNO and a Hard Place Colin Nicholas, Jenita Engi and Teh Yen Ping Ooi Kee Beng This book looks at the application of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) on the First Peoples of Peninsular Malaysia. The UNDRIP ascribes many rights to the Orang Asli as an indigenous people. However, despite Malaysia adopting this declaration, there is an enormous gap between what the UNDRIP aspires for indigenous peoples and what the reality is for the Orang Asli. This book traces the fate of the Orang Asli in history and explains how they came to be in their present situation. The topics include: (1) The Orang Asli as a people; (2) Orang Asli rights in the Constitution and the courts; (3) The Government of Malaysia and the UNDRIP; (4) The issue of non-recognition as indigenous peoples; and (5) Gaps in the application of the UNDRIP. Enough time has passed, and enough key events have taken place for the contours of the administration of Malaysian Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak to be apparent. While it has flirted openly with reforms, and has used phrases otherwise used by the opposition, its sincerity - and its capability - is still in doubt. More than that, it is not as yet clear how convinced the government actually is about the need for institutional reforms, especially when the institutions in need of reform include the police, the anti-corruption agency, the judiciary and the dominant party, UMNO. With a new coalition opposing him in parliament, Najib comes to power wedged between his own coalition’s aged traditions and the restive spirit of the times. Whether he can squeeze his way into a comfortable spot and stay in power is the question the coming years will answer. Publisher: COAC & Jaringan Orang Asal SeMalaysia 2010: 163 pp ISBN: 9789834324865: RM20.00 / S$14.00 Publisher: REFSA & ISEAS 2010: 144 pp ISBN: 9789675942006: RM25.00 / S$25.90 from Rhetoric to Recognition The Najib Razak Era Begins New New Islam in Malaysia Menuju PAS Baru Perceptions & Facts Krisis, Peluang dan Dinamisme (Edisi Kedua) Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin Mujahid Yusof While still in his 30s, Dr. Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin, former Mufti of Perlis, earned a reputation as a popular, and sometimes controversial, public intellectual on the subject of Islam in Malaysia. This collection of his articles seeks to identify and celebrate the true Islamic essence of simplicity, rationality and justice; and to separate it from superstition, prejudice and taklid (blind adherence) to self-serving ‘religious’ leaders. Told in a forthright style, but spiced with wit and humour, it takes many examples from the Quran and the hadith to show that it is up to Muslims to rescue their faith from being dominated merely by reactionary and conservative forces. Menuju PAS baru: Krisis, Peluang dan Dinamisme memfokuskan kepada fenomena konflik yang berlaku dalam sebuah parti politik Islam yang dikenali dengan nama PAS. Bukan mudah untuk saya mencatatkan isu-isu dan peristiwa konflik dalam PAS sepanjang kehadirannya di persada politik tanah air. Namun demikian perlu difahamkan di sini bahawa krisis yang digambarkan bukanlah bertujuan untuk dijadikan topic utama. Topic utama ialah tentang wajah baru PAS yang cuba dibayangkan oleh saya pada masa-masa mendatang. Krisis yang berlaku hanyalah sebagai sebab yang ‘menekan’ sesuatu perubahan itu berlaku. Buku ini juga cuba melihat krisis atau konflik sebagai salah satu unsur dinamik sesebuah organisasi dan ia bertujuan melihat krisis sebagai peluang melonjak ke hadapan. – Mujahid Yusof Publisher: Matahari Books 2010: 343 pp ISBN: 9789834484576: RM40.00 / S$28.00 Publisher: The Malaysian Insider 2010: 194 pp ISBN: 9789834452469: RM20.00 / S$14.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: & 20 Islam New The History of the Qur’anic Text, From Revelation to Compilation A Comparative Study with the Old and New Testaments (Second Edition) M M Al-Azami This expansive book provides unique insights into the holy text’s immaculate preservation, as well as exploring many of the accusations leveled against it. The reception of divine revelations, Prophet Muhammad’s role in disseminating and compiling these verses and the setting of the text’s final external shape, are scientifically examined alongside such topics as the origins of Arabic, the socalled Mushaf of Ibn Mas’ud, and the strict methodology employed in assembling textual fragments. By way of comparison the author investigates the histories of the Old and New Testaments, relying entirely on JudeoChristian sources and uncovers a startling range of alterations in the biblical Scriptures. This monumental effort, a scholarly work composed in an impassioned tone, provides a welcome foundation for sincere study at a time when assailing the Qur’an has become all too common. Publisher: IBT 2011: 424 pp ISBN: 9789675062636: RM69.00 / S$36.00 New At Tibyan Dalam Mentafsirkan AlQuran Surah As Saff Tuan Guru Dato’ Seri Hj. Abdul Hadi Awang Kitab tafsir ini mengandungi mutiara yang berharga sebagai bekalan di jalan dakwah, menjelaskan kepada kita tentang kewajipan amal jamaie sebagai jalan untuk meninggi dan memperkasakan agama Islam. Kitab ini juga menjelaskan tentang generasi AlQuran dan para Rasul yang dihadapkan dengan pertembungan iman dan kufur, hak dan batil. Islam yang diserukan mendapat hambatan dan kekangan namun perjuangan ini terus mendapat dokongan pencinta kebenaran. Islam tidak mampu disirnakan oleh musuh Allah SWT walaupun pelbagai modus operandi yang mereka lakukan, cahaya Islam terus menerangi buana ini, menerjah kuping telinga manusia. Publisher: Jundi Resources 2011: 78 pp ISBN: - : RM10.00 / S$7.00 Catalogue 2011 New Islamic Life and Thought Seyyed Hossein Nasr One of the best known contemporary Muslim scholars has brought together studies dealing with practical as well as intellectual aspects of Islam in both their historical and contemporary reality. Although concerned with the scholarly dimension of the subjects with which he deals, the author devotes himself especially to the contemporary significance of such themes as religion and secularism, the meaning of freedom and the tradition of Islamic science and philosophy. The traditional perspective of the author runs throughout all of these studies and provides a unified framework for the work despite the diversity of the subjects treated. Publisher: IBT 2010: 232 pp ISBN: 9789675062490: RM39.00 / S$22.00 New Qur’anic Exegesis in Classical Literature With Particular Reference to Abu al-Qasim al-Qushayri Rashid Ahmad Jullundhry Abu al-Qasim al-Qushayri complete commentary of the Qur’an is regarded as the first original mystical commentary written by a man who was both a theologian and a sufi. It is also considered a fusion of both the Shari’ah and Tariqah, bridging the gap between the ‘ulama’ and the sufis, during a time when the friction between sufis and traditional ‘ulama’ was at its peak with both sides accusing each other of deviating from Islam. In studying this historic tafsir, the author first discusses the science of Qur’anic exegesis and its development from the earliest days. He discusses briefly the history of early tafsir works, the various kinds of tafsirs and their historical and political backgrounds. He also aims to show how sufi scholars have given a new life to the interpretation of the Qur’an. Publisher: IBT 2010: 166 pp ISBN: 9789675062551: RM29.00 / S$16.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: & Catalogue 2011 Islam New 21 New Towards Realization of the Higher Intents of Islamic Law Maqasid al-Shari’ah as Philosophy of Islamic Law Gamal Eldin Attia Jasser Auda This book takes an important step “towards the realization of the higher intents of the Islamic law”. First, it opens the door towards the integration of contemporary values and worldview into the maqasid terminology. This is carried out via the sections on “the role of reason and experience in identifying maqasid.” Secondly, the book gives answers to the complex theoretical questions on the role of maqasid in ijtihad, juristic theorization (usul) and the islamization of the human, social and physical sciences. Last, but not least, the book highlights the role and the necessity of a ‘maqasid-informed’ mindset on the intellectual and communal levels, and takes a pioneering futuristic look into this very important branch of Islamic knowledge. The original Arabic version of this book has enjoyed wide success and acceptance in the juridical and intellectual circles of the Islamic world. In this path breaking study, Jasser Auda presents a systems approach to the philosophy and juridical theory of Islamic law based on its purposes, intents and higher objectives (maqasid). For Islamic rulings to fulfil their original purposes of justice, freedom, rights, common good and tolerance in today’s context, Auda presents maqasid as the heart and the very philosophy of Islamic law. He also introduces a novel method for analysis and critique, one that utilizes relevant features from systems theory, such as, wholeness, multidimensionality, openness and especially, purposefulness of systems. This book will benefit all those interested in the relationship between Islam and a wide variety of subjects, such as philosophy of law, morality, human rights, interfaith commonality, civil society, integration, development, feminism, modernism, postmodernism, systems theory and culture. Maqasid al-Shari’ah – A Functional Approach Publisher: IBT 2010: 293 pp ISBN: 9789675062575: RM45.00 / S$25.00 Publisher: IBT 2010: 347 pp ISBN: 9789675062582: RM50.00 / S$30.00 New New Islam and Modernism Islam Between East and West A Study of the Modern Reform Movement Inaugurated by Muhammad ‘Abduh Alija Ali Izetbegovic Charles C. Adams Journalist, agitator, lecturer, teacher, reformer — Muhammad ‘Abduh’s many contributions to modern Muslim history as the leading reformist of the al-Azhar circle sometimes earned him the title of the father of ‘Islamic Modernism’. This intellectual biography by Charles Adams, a sympathetic American academic, examines Islamic reformism in Egypt through the work of ‘Abduh (1849–1905), revealing the influences that moulded his thought and tracing his transformation from someone who was “buried in mystic visions” to a leading champion of Islamic reform. Publisher: IBT 2010: 283 pp ISBN: 9789675062452: RM45.00 / S$25.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 A Systems Approach This work by Alija Izetbegovic, the late first president of Bosnia and Herzegovina, following its tragic birth from the ashes of Yugoslavia, was first published in 1984 when he was imprisoned by the Communists. It analyses the West’s denial of Islam and the contributions made by Muslims in comparing the offerings of secular and Islamic civilization. It shows where the two meet and part, investigating along the way art, morality, culture and law. Banned in France, this book was a bestseller throughout the rest of Europe in the 1980s, and is now for the first time being re-issued in a new and improved format. Publisher: IBT 2010: 317 pp ISBN: 9789675062414: RM45.00 / S$25.00 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: & 22 Islam New Islamic Awakening between Rejection and Extremism Catalogue 2011 The Eternal Message of Muhammad ‘Abd al-Rahman ‘Azzam (Translated from the Arabic by Caesar E Farah) Drawing upon years of unparalleled experience in diplomacy and government, ‘Azzam, the first secretarygeneral of the Arab League in 1945-1952, examines the social and economic ramifications of the Muslim state. He explains that nationalism and war are repugnant to the spirit of Islam, which is based on the human ideals of law and justice expressed in the Qur’an. He demonstrates how Yusuf Al-Qaradawi Looking for answers in a world marked by enormous volatility, pressure and political and economic corruption, Muslim youth are an easy target for extremist movements. Shaykh Qaradawi traces the complex roots of these views, and examines in-depth the many causes of the path to intolerance, offering a variety of remedies and cures. Perhaps more relevant today, given our troubled climate, than at any time in the past, the work introduces readers to a subject of great significance and wide ramifications. Publisher: IBT 2010: 177 pp ISBN: 9789675062537: RM33.00 / S$20.00 New Within the Boundaries of Islam A Study on Bid’ah Shaykh Muhammad Al-Ghazali (Translated and introduced by Aslam Farouk-Alli) This modern study of bid’ah, or heretical innovation, critically explores the boundaries of normative Islam and outlines the legal debate surrounding the subject. It also examines the influence of foreign elements in Islamic thought, focusing on corrupt religious practices, as well as distorted beliefs, acts of worship and customary practices pertaining to religious expression. Muhammad alGhazali argues for a ‘Sufi core’ in the reformist tradition, but one that has been stripped of the foreign accretions that have corrupted many Sufi movements. Like Ibn Taymiyyah, he advocates at-Tassawuf as-Sunni, a regime of Islamic spirituality and aesthetics based on the teachings of the Qur’an and Sunnah. Publisher: IBT 2010: 269 pp ISBN: 9789675062650: RM45.00 / S$28.00 these laws can provide the foundation for a just society in the present century. This Islamic classic is one of the late African-American activist Malcolm X’s readings when he turned towards mainstream Islam, and whose meeting with the author, ‘Azzam, was vividly described in his famous autobiography. Publisher: IBT 2010: 250 pp ISBN: 9789675062339: RM39.00 / S$22.00 Islam An Introduction (Revised Edition) Yusuf Al-Qaradawi This work by one of the most influential Muslim scholars of this century comes at a time when a host of Islamic terminology has been thrust into the current media coverage about Islam and Muslims. In his inimitable style, Shaykh Yusuf Qaradawi’s Madkhal li-Ma’rifah al-Islam attempts to explain Islamic concepts and decipher their meaning in the context of contemporary debates. Divided into five chapters, his explanation of Islamic concepts is not an attempt to preach to the reader but aims to fill the gaps in one’s understanding of the Islamic worldview. Publisher: IBT 2010: 392 pp ISBN: 9789675062353: RM50.00 / S$30.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: & Catalogue 2011 ISEAS Books New 23 New Education in Vietnam Know Your ASEAN (2nd Edition) Jonathan D. London Know Your ASEAN sets down, in clear and simple language, the basic facts about the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. It does so in the form of 40 questions and their answers. The booklet provides facts on ASEAN’s establishment, membership, financing and decision-making. It recalls the association’s contributions to regional security. It explains what ASEAN is doing to integrate the regional economy and promote regional cooperation on the environment, infectious diseases, counter-terrorism, poverty reduction and natural disasters. It clarifies such issues as non-interference and human rights. It touches on ASEAN’s relations with other countries and international institutions. Since the first edition was published in 2007, many developments have taken place in ASEAN and Southeast Asia, including the adoption of the ASEAN Charter. Hence, the need for this second edition. Vietnam is a country on the move. Yet, contemporary Vietnam’s education system is at the crossroads. Rapid economic growth has permitted rapid increases in the scale and scope of formal schooling, but there is a prevailing sense that the current education system is inadequate to the country’s needs. What is occurring in Vietnam’s education system today has broad implications for the country’s social, political, economic and cultural development. Education in Vietnam addresses key issues pertaining to the political economy of education, the provision and payment for primary and secondary education, and the development of vocational and tertiary education. The book marks an important contribution to existing understandings of Vietnam’s education system and contributes to broader understanding of social conditions and changes in contemporary Vietnam. Publisher: ISEAS 2010: 52 pp ISBN: 9789814311342: RM24.00 / S$10.00 Publisher: ISEAS 2011: 341 pp ISBN: 9789814279055: RM120.00 / S$49.90 New New The Singapore Women’s Charter 50 Questions Leong Wai Kum Prof Leong Wai Kum not only demystifies the provisions of the Women’s Charter, she also situates the Charter in Singapore’s political context at the time. The author gives a balanced view of the Charter by highlighting the progressive provisions as well as its shortcomings. Outstanding is her personal view that the Charter provides a moral view of marriage as being “an equal cooperative partnership of different efforts”. She also holds the view that the Charter elevates the status of women as it gives equal importance to women’s unpaid work and men’s paid work. The Charter enshrines and elevates the institution of marriage. At the same time it also gives the reader an impression of the state’s approach to familial relationships. This is a must read book for those who are interested in gender issues. -- Cheng U Wen Lena, Founder Member and 1st President of AWARE Publisher: ISEAS 2011: 150 pp ISBN: 9789814311076 (Softcover): RM48.00 / S$19.90 ISBN: 9789814311069 (Hardcover): RM72.00 / S$29.90 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Australia New Zealand Closer Economic Relations Trade Agreement (ANZCERTA) and Regional Integration Robert Scolly, Christopher Findly and Uwe Kaufmann The origins, evolution and impact of the Australia New Zealand Closer Economic Relations Trade Agreement (ANZCERTA) are examined in this book. ANZCERTA is often referred to as a benchmark for trade agreements. Not only does the book examine the agreement and how it evolved, but it also provides lessons for others, particularly in ASEAN, as they work on regional bilateral economic relations. The special features of the Agreement are identified and its evolution is charted. Current debates are reviewed and assessments of its impact are discussed. Ten lessons for the designers of other agreements are presented. Publisher: ISEAS 2011: 115 pp ISBN: 9789814279970: RM72.00 / S$29.90 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: & 24 ISEAS Books New Catalogue 2011 New The Gulf Cooperation Council Aceh Linda Low & Lorraine Carlos Salazar Edited by Arndt Graf, Susanne Schroter and Edwin Wieringa The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) is comprised of Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. Possessing a significant share of the world’s oil and gas reserves and including some of the world’s fastest growing economies, the GCC is a significant regional grouping. As with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the council has made significant progress towards economic integration. Seeking to draw out lessons applicable to ASEAN, this report looks at the structure and evolution of the GCC. This includes the context within which the Council was established, its rationale and economic importance. It then follows the organization’s development over time, paying particular importance to its progress from Customs Union and Common Market towards Monetary Union. The report then sets out the key challenges ahead for the Council and concludes by highlighting the structural, organizational and political lessons that resonate with ASEAN and its membership. The process of post-tsunami recovery and reconstruction in Aceh will take considerable time and is not easy. This book is an attempt at providing helpful background information on Acehnese history, politics and culture, which would benefit expatriate aid workers as well as foreign and domestic scholars in their dealings with the people of Aceh. As the region was not accessible for decades, this book represents in many aspects a new, pioneering endeavour in Acehnese studies. The chapters cover many important aspects of history, such as the female Sultanahs of Aceh, Acehs Turkish connection and the Dutch Colonial War in Aceh. The main emphasis of the book is on relevant contemporary developments in the economy, politics, Islam, and the media, as well as painting, music, and literature. A Rising Power and Lessons for ASEAN Publisher: ISEAS 2011: 60 pp ISBN: 9789814311403: RM55.00 / S$22.90 New Environmental Dispute Resolution in Indonesia David Nicholson This book is the first attempt to analyse in detail the implementation of the framework created by the Environmental Management Act of 1997 and to assess the effectiveness of litigation and mediation in resolving environmental disputes in Indonesia. It includes a detailed overview of the environmental legal framework and its interpretation by Indonesian courts in landmark court cases. The book features a number of detailed case studies of both environmental litigation and mediation and considers the legal and non-legal factors that have influenced the success of these approaches to resolving environmental disputes. Publisher: ISEAS & KITLV Press 2010: 334 pp ISBN: 9789814279932: RM144.00 / S$59.90 History, Politics and Culture Publisher: ISEAS 2010: 386 pp ISBN: 9789814279123: RM168.00 / S$69.90 New Wang Gungwu Junzi: Scholar-Gentleman in Conversation with Asad-ul Iqbal Latif Wang Gungwu This book of interviews with Professor Wang Gungwu, published to felicitate him on his 80th birthday in 2010, seeks to convey to a general audience something of the life, times and thoughts of a leading historian, Southeast Asianist, Sinologist and public intellectual. The interviews flesh out Professor Wang’s views on being Chinese in Malaya; his experience of living and working in Malaysia, Singapore and Australia; the Vietnam War; Hong Kong and its return to China; the rise of China; Taiwan’s, Japan’s and India’s place in the emerging scheme of things; and on the United States in an age of terrorism and war. What comes across in this book is how Professor Wang was buffeted by feral times and hostile worlds but responded to them as a left-liberal humanist who refused to cut ideological corners. This book records his response to tumultuous times on hindsight, but with a keen sense of having lived through the times of which he speaks. Publisher: ISEAS 2010: 261 pp ISBN: 9789814311526 (Softcover): RM96.00 / S$39.90 ISBN: 9789814311526 (Hardcover): RM144.00 / S$59.90 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: & Catalogue 2011 ISEAS Books New Preserving Cultural Identity through Education The Schools of the Chinese Community in Calcutta, India To address the educational needs of the children - both immigrant and locallyborn - several Chinese-medium primary and middle schools were established in Calcutta by the immigrant community in the 1920s and 1930s. Using many hitherto unexplored textual sources and interviews in India, China, and Canada, this detailed and unprecedented study examines the history and significance of these Chinesemedium schools. It focuses on the role they played in preserving Chinese cultural identity not only through the use of educational curricula and textbooks imported from China, but also with the emphasis on the need to return to the ancestral homeland for higher education. Publisher: ISEAS 2010: 88 pp ISBN: 9789814279871: RM48.00 / S$19.90 New An Intellectual Biography of Goh Keng Swee Ooi Kee Beng Born in Malacca in 1918, Dr Goh Keng Swee reached maturity at a time when European colonialism was breathing its last. By the time this keen-eyed Malayan became self-governing Singapore’s first Minister of Finance in 1959, he had made a name for himself as the colony’s foremost social scientist, having carried out groundbreaking surveys on urban poverty and housing. He immediately initiated pioneering projects that laid the ground for the island’s economic success. When Singapore separated from Malaysia in 1965, Dr Goh took charge of building an army from scratch. His contributions to the infrastructure of Singapore in the fields of Finance, Defence and Education are well recorded. What is less understood was the man’s legendary practical sense. This work avoids reliance on secondary accounts and concentrates strongly on Dr Goh’s own words to comprehend his potent and proactive powers of reasoning, and in the process captures the history of Singapore as well. Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 India, China and Globalization The Emerging Superpowers and the Future of Economic Development Economic growth does not always add up to development. In a world riddled with asymmetries and disparity, the economic achievement of India and China shows a path that, despite all its inherent imperfections, can take poorer nations towards development. The two countries are recent reminders of an invaluable lesson of our times: development does not need perfect systems, but it is the outcome of strategic thinking, smart implementation and efficient governance. As we stand on the threshold of the next wave of globalization it could bring in its wake the next frontier of development. However, there is a fundamental challenge, perhaps the foremost concern of our time. Publisher: ISEAS 2010: 323 pp ISBN: 9789814279499: RM144.00 / S$59.90 In Lieu of Ideology New Piya Mahtaney Zhang Xing Publisher: ISEAS 2010: 307 pp ISBN: 9789814311304: RM96.00 / S$39.90 25 New Torn Between America and China Elite Perceptions and Indonesian Foreign Policy Daniel Novotny How can a developing, democratic and predominantly Muslim country like Indonesia manage its foreign relations, while facing a myriad of security concerns and dilemmas in the increasingly complex post-Cold War international politics, without compromising its national interests and sacrificing its independence? Approaching this problem from the vantage point of the Indonesian foreign policy elite, this book explores the elite’s perceptions about other states and the manner in which these shape the decision-making process and determine policy outcomes. Among all state actors, Indonesian relations with the United States and China are the highest concern of the elite. The leaders believe that, in the future, Indonesia will increasingly have to manoeuvre between the two rival powers. Publisher: ISEAS 2010: 400 pp ISBN: 9789814279598: RM110.00 / S$45.90 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: & 26 Zed Books New The New Cultural Climate in Turkey Living in a Shop Window Nurdan Gurbilek The New Cultural Climate in Turkey is a beautifully written collection of essays by a leading Turkish intellectual. It presents a compelling analysis of cultural politics in Turkey, arguing that the dominant clichéd dualities of East/West and secular/sacred mask a reality of silence, repression and return. Gurbilek’s keen analysis of radical changes following the 1980 coup demonstrates how two apparently contrary cultural strategies – one repressive and censoring, forcing abnegation, the other liberal and provocative, inviting assimilation – were roused to join in silent solidarity. Offering a sophisticated review of the culture, politics and literature in Turkey, this is the sole book in English that analyses the cultural aspects of modern Turkey in order to explore its place within global politics – a groundbreaking work. Publisher: Zed Books 2011: 218 pp ISBN: 9781848134874: RM85.00 / S$37.00 New Undoing Privilege Unearned Advantage in a Divided World Bob Pease For every group that is oppressed, another group is privileged. In Undoing Privilege, Bob Pease argues that privilege, as the other side of oppression, has received insufficient attention in both critical theories and in the practices of social change. As a result, dominant groups have been allowed to reinforce their dominance. Undoing Privilege explores the main sites of privilege, from Western dominance, class elitism, and white and patriarchal privilege to the less-examined sites of heterosexual and able-bodied privilege. Pease points out that while the vast majority of people may be oppressed on one level, many are also privileged on another. He also demonstrates how members of privileged groups can engage critically with their own dominant position, and explores the potential and limitations of them becoming allies against oppression and their own unearned privilege. This is an essential book for all who are concerned about developing theories and practices for a socially just world. Publisher: Zed Books 2010: 226 pp ISBN: 9781848130296: RM90.00 / S$39.20 Catalogue 2011 New The Business of Human Rights An Evolving Agenda for Corporate Responsibility Edited by Aurora Voiculescu and Helen Yanacopulos In a time when multinational corporations have become truly globalised, demands for global standards on their behaviour are increasingly difficult to dismiss. Work conditions in sweatshops, widespread destruction of the environment and pharmaceutical trials in third world countries are only the tip of the iceberg. This timely collection of essays addresses the interface between the calls for corporate social responsibility (CSR) and the demands for an extension of international human rights standards. Scholars from a vast variety of backgrounds provide expert yet accessible accounts of questions of law, politics, economics and international relations and how they relate to one another, while also encouraging nonlegal perspectives on how businesses operate within and around human rights. The result is an essential incursion for a wide range of scholars, practitioners and students in law, development, business studies and international studies, in this emerging area of human rights. Publisher: Zed Books 2011: 245 pp ISBN: 9781848138629: RM105.00 / S$45.70 New The Politics of Equality An Introduction Jason C. Myers In The Politics of Equality, Jason C. Myers provides a readable, contemporary introduction to egalitarian political philosophy. Concentrating on ideas and values rather than on the rise and fall of parties and movements, the book offers crucial insights into a vital tradition of political thought and how it is key to our understanding of contemporary debates, from national healthcare and retirement pensions to the role of government in responding to economic crisis. This is essential reading for anyone interested in constructing a more just society. Publisher: Zed Books 2010: 159 pp ISBN: 9781848138438: RM85.00 / S$37.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: & Catalogue 2011 Zed Books New 27 New Feminism is Queer The Intimate Connection between Queer and Feminist Theory Mimi Marinucci Feminism is Queer is an introduction to the intimately related disciplines of gender and queer theory. Guiding the reader through complex theory, Mimi Marinucci develops the original position of queer feminism, which presents queer theory as continuous with feminist theory. While there have been significant conceptual tensions between second-wave feminism and traditional lesbian and gay studies, queer theory offers a paradigm for understanding gender, sex, and sexuality that develops solidarity between those interested in feminism theory and those pursuing lesbian and gay rights. Publisher: Zed Books 2010: 140 pp ISBN: 9781848134751: RM95.00 / S$41.30 Sex Slaves and Discourse Masters The Construction of Trafficking Jo Doezema In this pioneering work, Jo Doezema argues that the current concern with trafficking in women is a modern manifestation of the myth of white slavery. Combining historical analysis with contemporary investigation, Sex Slaves and Discourse Masters examines in detail sex worker reactions to the myth of trafficking, questions the current feminist preoccupation with the ‘suffering female body’ and argues that feminism needs to move towards the creation of new myths. The analysis in this book is controversial but crucial, an alternative to the current panic discourses around trafficking in women. Publisher: Zed Books 2010: 216 pp ISBN: 9781848134140: RM90.00 / S$39.00 New New Citizen Action and National Policy Reform Moving People Edited by John Gaventa and Rosemary McGee Peter Cox Aid agencies have invested heavily in supporting civil society organizations as change agents which configure power relations and transform governance structures. In the rush to go global or stay local, however, the national policy sphere was recently neglected. Today, there is growing recognition of the key role of champions of change inside national governments and the potential of their engagement with citizen activists outside. Citizen Action and National Policy Reform brings together eight studies of successful cases of citizen activism in South Africa, Morocco, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Turkey, India and the Philippines. Drawing on influential social science theory about how political and social change occurs, the authors bring new empirical insights to bear on it, both challenging and enriching current understanding. The local and global environmental impact of people’s everyday travel is more apparent than ever before. Moving People provides an attention-grabbing introduction to the problem of transport and the development of sustainable alternatives, focusing on the often misunderstood issues of personal mobility. Reassessing the value and importance of non-motorised transport, Peter Cox raises questions about mobility in the face of climate change and energy security, particularly for the developing world. Featuring original case studies from across the globe, this book is essential for anyone studying or working in the area of environmental sustainability and transport policy. Publisher: Zed Books 2010: 226 pp ISBN: 9781848133860: RM100.00 / S$43.50 Publisher: Zed Books 2010: 259 pp ISBN: 9781848130036: RM95.00 / S$41.30 Sustainable Transport Development Making Change Happen Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: & 28 Zed Books New Mobilizing for Democracy Citizen Action and the Politics of Public Participation Edited by Vera Schattan P. Coelho and Bettina Von Lieres Catalogue 2011 New Zapatistas Rebellion from the Grassroots to the Global Alex Khasnabish Mobilizing for Democracy is an in-depth study into how ordinary citizens and their organizations mobilize to deepen democracy. Featuring a collection of new empirical case studies, this important new book illustrates how forms of political mobilization, such as protests, social participation, activism, litigation and lobbying, engage with the formal institutions of representative democracy in ways that are core to the development of democratic politics. The cases illuminate the crucial contribution that citizen mobilization makes to democratization and the building of state institutions, and reflect the uneasy relationship between citizens and the institutions that are designed to foster their political participation. In the early hours of 1 January 1994 a guerrilla army of indigenous Mayan peasants, the Ejercito Zapatista de Liberacion Nacional, emerged from the jungles of south eastern Mexico and declared ‘Ya Basta!’ – ‘Enough!’ – to five hundred years of colonialism, racism, exploitation, oppression and genocide. The Zapatista uprising was to have a profound impact upon the socio-political fabric of Mexico, and around the world. Through an exploration of the movement’s history, aims, political philosophy and practice and future directions, Zapatistas provides a critical, comprehensive and accessible overview of one of the most important rebel groups in recent history. Publisher: Zed Books 2010: 287 pp ISBN: 9781848134461: RM110.00 / S$47.80 Publisher: Zed Books 2010: 223 pp ISBN: 9781848132085: RM85.00 / S$37.00 New New Globalizing Citizens Gender and Migration Edited by John Gaventa and Rajesh Tandon Edited by Ingrid Palmary, Erica Burman, Khatidja Chantler and Peace Kiguwa New Dynamics of Inclusion and Exclusion Feminist Interventions Globalization has given rise to new meanings of citizenship. Just as they are tied together by global production, trade and finance, citizens in every nation are linked by the institutions of global governance, bringing new dynamics of inclusion and exclusion. Globalizing Citizens presents expert analysis from cities and villages in India, South Africa, Nigeria, the Philippines, Kenya, the Gambia and Brazil to explore how forms of global authority shape and build new meanings and practices of citizenship, across local, national and global arenas. Publisher: Zed Books 2010: 266 pp ISBN: 9781848134720: RM100.00 / S$43.50 Provocative and intellectually challenging, Gender and Migration critically analyses how gender has been taken up in studies of migration and its theories, practices and effects. Each essay uses feminist frameworks to highlight how more traditional tropes of gender eschew the complexities of gender and migration. In tackling this problem, this collection offers students and researchers of migration a more nuanced understanding of the topic. Publisher: Zed Books 2010: 245 pp ISBN: 9781848134119: RM95.00 / S$41.30 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: & Catalogue 2011 Arts & Fiction New 29 New A Gay Anthology of Singapore Poetry and Prose Baldatun Thoiyyibatun Edited by Ng Yi-Sheng, Dominic Chua, Irene Oh and Jasmine Seah Novel ini membawa pembaca mengalami sendiri hawa kehidupan dalam keindahan dan kesyumulan Islam, melalui pengalaman lawatan satu minggu Dr Lleyton Hewitt ke Malaysia/Tanah Melayu bermula pada 13 Ogos 2020 hasil jemputan dari seorang pembesar Melayu untuk memahami Konsep Cahaya Ilahi; menelusuri ke dalam liku-liku kehidupan nyata masyarakat majmuk di Tanah Melayu pada semua kesempurnaan Islam yang selama ini terpendam oleh hagemoni Barat dan Yahudi. Pelita Di Dalam Kaca GASPP is Singapore’s first anthology of writers who identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and otherwise queer. It’s the combined work of 35 authors, translators and editors, who’ve contributed poetry, short fiction, memoirs, essays and experimental writing in English, Mandarin and Malay. Between these covers, you’ll meet a loving couple struck by HIV, a lesbian lawyer confronted by her past, a voyeur in a bomoh with a magic formula that keeps gay men faithful. Romantic, sensual, funny and bizarre, these works are a testament to the range of voices that constitute queer literature in Singapore today. Publisher: The Literary Centre 2010: 223 pp ISBN: 9789810868086: RM40.00 / S$25.00 The Female Cell Rumaizah Abu Bakar Rumaizah’s stories are unpretentious and delightful. These short vignettes of human emotions and interactions are perfect for that rainy afternoon, accompanied by tea and biscuits. These stories have light in them. – Dina Zaman, author of I am Muslim Whether she is describing the kaleidoscopic panorama of Kuala Lumpur, or the prickly solitude of a traveller in Turkey, Rumaizah demonstrates a generous capacity for observation. A quietly assured debut collection. – Alfian Sa’at, writer, poet and playwright Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 21 Immortals Inspector Mislan and the Yee Sang Murders Rozlan Mohd Noor New Publisher: Silverfish 2011: 166 pp ISBN: 9789833221318: RM30.00 / S$19.50 Publisher: Pustaka Kanzun Mahfiyyan 2011: 403 pp ISBN: 9789671029404: RM30.00 / S$21.00 21 Immortals: Inspector Mislan and the Yee Sang Murders is an explosive debut from the quietly talented Rozlan Mohd Noor, an ex-police officer, which explains why he knows so much about police work and inside stories. This is a true Malaysian hightech crime thriller with good cops, bad cops (and badder cops) and triad members, with insights into the workings of the local CSI, and forays into the world of hackers and their viruses, sleeper programs, trojans, ulat, spybots, hound dogs and their link to crime, including murder. Publisher: Silverfish 2010: 302 pp ISBN: 9789833221288: RM35.00 / S$22.75 Nyaman Si Puding Roti Cikha Sidinaali Sebuah buku koleksi fiksyen yang memuatkan pelbagai koleksi cerpen pendek untuk tatapan pembaca. Publisher: Sang Freud Press 2010: 85 pp ISBN: 9789834386856: RM15.00 / S$10.50 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: & 30 Arts & Fiction New Orang Macam Kita Edited by Azwan Ismail and Diana Dirani Orang Macam Kita ialah sebuah antologi cerpen dan esei mengenai seksualiti alternatif di Malaysia. Seksualiti alternatif boleh di ertikan sebagai homoseksual, biseksual, transeksual, transgender dan dwikelamin. Ini termasuklah gay, lesbian, tomboy, mak nyah dan khunsa. Label-label sebegini mungkin tampak sensasi atau klinikal. Namun cerita-cerita dan kajian-kajian di dalam buku ini mungkin mendedahkan sisi lain, yakni sisi alternatif, daripada tanggapan yang sedia ada. Orang Macam Kita memuatkan 25 karya dengan gaya dan pendekatan yang berbeza-beza: kisah cinta dan penerimaan yang mencuit, cerita pendedahan yang dramatik, kajian mengenai media, sastera dan filem; dan ada yang melayang jauh ke alam surreal. Kepelbagaian ini turut diraikan; tepuk dada tanyalah selera! Publisher: Matahari Books 2010: 226 pp ISBN: 9789834484569: RM20.00 / S$14.00 28 Hari Jurnal Rock N Roll Mohd Jayzuan Buku 28 hari: Jurnal Rock N Roll menceritakan mengenai seorang lelaki yang memperjuangkan musik rock n roll. Selama 28 hari beliau mengembara iaitu bermula dari Kota Bharu ke Kuala Terengganu, dari Segamat ke Jasin dan sehinggalah ke destinasi terakhirnya iaitu ke Simpang Pulai. Selama 28 hari beliau mengembara tanpa henti semata-mata untuk berkongsi musik serta berkarya dan pada masa yang sama untuk mencari satu kehidupan yang menyeronokkan. Publisher: Sang Freud Press 2010: 86 pp ISBN: 9789834386849: RM15.00 / S$10.50 Catalogue 2011 New Collected Plays Two The Asian Boys Trilogy - Dreamplay, Landmarks, Happy Endings Alfian Sa’at Alfian Sa’at’s The Asian Boys Trilogy is a fascinating, insightful tour through the lives and loves of the gay community in Singapore. Publisher: Ethos Books 2010: 289 pp ISBN: 9789810870416: RM35.00 / S$25.00 Collected Plays One Alfian Sa’at This collection of four plays by Alfian Sa’at explores the themes that have become a hallmark of the playwright’s work: national identity, racial relations, and the resistance of individuals against authoritarian systems. Publisher: Ethos Books 2010: 329 pp ISBN: 9789810860653: RM35.00 / S$25.00 New Walk Along The Tracks L.A. Vincent Just when you thought that railways were all about trains, along comes a book that opens up a whole new vista into a railway. This is that book, and it’s a story of the Malayan Railway. Daily coal trains to Batu Arang, monthly pay trains escorted by the Railways’ own police force and a train that ran just 3 miles but came to be called an express, are just some of the gems unearthed from our Railways’ forgotten past. The Railways managed ports and even operated an airline at one time. And it wasn’t just people; even cows and horses took the trains! Spiced with interesting bits of history and anecdotes, this is a railway story seen through the eyes of people who lived, and worked in it. A must-read book if you are a railway buff. Publisher: Louis Anthony Vincent 2010: 641 pp ISBN: 9789675766008: RM46.90 / S$32.80 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: & Strategic Information & Research Development Centre (SIRD) TITLE ISBN Book List Author/Editor Year PP 31 RM S$ A Different Chinese 978983378222 Fu Ce Qin 2007 225 30.00 19.50 A Guide for the English Language Teacher: A Malaysian Perspective 9789833782093 Maya Khemiani David 2007 143 18.00 11.70 A Pioneering Step: Sexual Harassment & The Code of Practice in Malaysia 9834067615 Cecelia Ng & Others 2003 213 20.00 13.00 Abu Samah Mohd Kassim: Pejuang Kiri Kemerdekaan Zuriat Datuk Bahaman 9789833782413 Mohamed Salleh Lamry 2008 244 30.00 19.50 An Education System Worthy of Malaysia 9789832535065 M. Bakri Musa 2003 307 50.00 32.50 Beyond Suspicion? The Singapore Judiciary 9789833782482 Francis T. Seow 2008 405 50.00 32.50 Blogging and Democratization in Malaysia: A New Civil Society in the Making 9789833782536 Jun-E Tan & Zawawi Ibrahim 2008 155 25.00 16.25 Body That Bleeds: Menstrual Politics in Malaysia 9789833782178 Popho E.S. Bark-Yi 2007 179 25.00 16.25 Bukan Kerana Pangkat: Tun Dr. Ismail & Masanya 9789833782185 9789833782192 H/b Ooi Kee Beng 2007 300 40.00 80.00 26.00 52.00 Changing Pathways: Forest Degradation & the Batek of Pahang, Malaysia 9789832535683 Lye Tuck-Po 2005 227 28.00 18.20 Critical States: Environmental Challenges to Development in Monsoon Southeast Asia 9789833782628 L. Lebel, A. Snidvongs, C-T Arthur Chen & R. Daniel 2009 473 65.00 42.25 Critical Thoughts on Islam, Rights & Freedom in Malaysia 9789833782079 Salbiah Ahmad 2007 405 40.00 26.00 Dari Kuliah ke Jalan Raya: Kisah Sekumpulan Pelajar UKM 9789833782147 S. Arutchelvan 2007 224 20.00 13.00 Di Mana Bumi Dipijak: Sejarah Rakyat Malaya (edisi kedua) 9789833782376 Musimgrafik 2007 172 18.00 11.70 Dua Wajah : Tahanan Tanpa Bicara 9789833782581 Syed Husin Ali 2008 176 20.00 13.00 Ethnic Futures: The State & Identity Politics in Asia 9789832535218 Joanna Pfaff & Others 2004 209 30.00 19.50 Ethnic Relations and Nation Building: The Way Forward 9789833782932 Maya K. David, James McLellan, Ngeow Yeok Meng, Lean Mei Li & Wendy Yee 2010 263 28.00 18.20 Ethnic Relations in Malaysia Harmony & Conflict 9789833782598 9789833782604 H/b Syed Husin Ali 2008 169 30.00 60.00 19.50 39.00 Even Madder About Malaysia 9789833782659 Dean Johns 2009 152 20.00 13.00 Failed Nation? Concerns of A Malaysian Nationalist 9789833782451 Rustam A. Sani 2008 180 25.00 16.25 Fong Chong Pik: The Memoirs of a Malayan Communist Revolutionary 9789833782475 Fong Chong Pik 2008 286 38.00 24.70 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: & 32 Book List Strategic Information & Research Development Centre (SIRD) From Pacific War to Merdeka: Reminiscences of Abdullah CD, Rashid Maidin, Suriani Abdullah & Abu Samah 9832535662 James Wong Wing On 2005 80 12.00 7.80 Gerakan & Tokoh Kiri: Kamarulzaman The dalam Kancah Perjuangan Kemerdekaan 9833782043 Mohamed Salleh Lamry 2006 185 25.00 16.25 Hidup Bagaikan Sungai Mengalir: Kisah 16 Orang Wanita dalam Gerakan AntiJepun, Anti-penjajah dan Kemerdekaan di Malaysia-Singapura (1938-1989) 9789833782314 Agnes Khoo 2007 383 30.00 19.50 Indigenising Social Work: Research & Practice in Sarawak 9789833782260 Ling How Kee 2007 205 25.00 16.25 In Pursuit of Fair Play 9789833782635 K George 2008 197 28.00 18.20 Islam Melayu Komunis: Wawancara dengan Abdullah C.D., Rashid Maidin & Abu Samah 9832535743 SIRD 2005 112 12.00 7.80 Islamization and Activism in Malaysia 9789833782963 Julian C.H. Lee 2010 163 38.00 22.50 Keganasan, Penipuan & Internet: Hagemoni Media daulah Pecah 9789833782420 Hishamuddin Rais 2008 292 30.00 19.50 Ke Mana Malaysia? Tampil ke Reformasi Anwar atau Kekalkan Mahathirisme? 9833782086 Kim Quek 2006 464 30.00 19.50 Language Choices & Discourse of Malaysian Families 9832535980 Maya Khemlani David 2006 194 25.00 16.25 Language & Nation Building: A Study of the Language Medium Policy in Malaysia 9833782019 Alis Puteh 2006 239 23.00 14.95 Law, Jurisprudence and Human Rights in Asia 9789675832130 Jefferson R. Plantilla & Salbiah Ahmad 2011 358 50.00 32.50 Life as the River Flows: Women in the Malayan Anti-Colonial Struggle 9832535344 9832535352 H/b Agnes Khoo 2004 312 50.00 100.00 32.50 65.00 Liku-Liku Reformasi: Pakatan Rakyat di Selangor 9789675832093 9789675832086 H/b Tricia Yeoh (Trans by Amin Ahmad) 2011 325 30.00 60.00 19.50 39.00 Lost in Transition: Malaysia under Abdullah 9789833782390 Ooi Kee Beng 2008 196 30.00 19.50 Mad about Malaysia 9789833782291 Dean Johns 2007 233 25.00 16.25 Making and Unmaking the Asylum: Leprosy and Modernity in Singapore and Malaysia 9789833782765 Loh Kah Seng 2009 189 28.00 18.20 Malaysia: 45 Years under the Internal Security Act 9832535468 H/b Koh Swe Yong 2004 330 100.00 65.00 Malaysia: State & Civil Society in Transition 9832535247 Vidhu Verma 2004 253 40.00 26.00 Malaysian Critical Issues 9832535034 Kua Kia Soong 2002 158 18.00 11.70 Malaysian Indians: Looking Forward 9789833782567 Jayanath Appudurai & G.A. David Dass 2008 51 8.00 5.20 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: & Strategic Information & Research Development Centre (SIRD) Book List 33 Malaysia’s Foreign Policy, The First Fifty Years: Alignment, Neutralism, Islamism 9789833782987 Johan Savaranamuttu 2010 388 69.00 45.90 Membina & Meruntuh Malaysia: Sebuah Imbasan Orang Dalam Tentang Umno, Razak dan Mahathir 9789833782529 Ahmad Mustapha Hassan 2008 293 35.00 22.75 Memoir Abdullah C.D.: Zaman Pergerakan Sehingga 1948 (bhg. pertama) 9832535719 Abdullah C.D. 2005 283 35.00 22.75 Memoir Abdullah C.D.: Penaja & Pemimpin Rejimen Ke-10 (bhg. kedua) 9833782239 Abdullah C.D. 2007 337 35.00 22.75 Memoir Abdullah C.D. ( Bhg. Ketiga ) : Perjuangan di Sempadan & Penamatan Terhormat 9789833782802 Abdullah C.D. 2009 408 38.00 24.70 Memoir Ibrahim Chik: Dari API Ke Rejimen Ke-10 (edisi baru) 9789833782918 Ibrahim Chik 2010 215 30.00 19.50 Memoir Rashid Maidin: Daripada Perjuangan Bersenjata Kepada Perdamaian 9832535700 Rashid Maidin 2005 104 18.00 11.70 Memoir Shamsiah Fakeh: Dari AWAS ke Rejimen Ke-10 (edisi baru) 9789833782321 Shamsiah Fakeh 2007 142 30.00 19.50 Memoir Suriani Abdullah: Setengah Abad Dalam Perjuangan 9832535875 Suriani Abdullah 2006 243 30.00 19.50 Merdeka! British Rule & the Struggle for Independence in Malaya 1945-1957 9832535182 Khong Kim Hoong 2003 333 40.00 26.00 Merdeka Rakyat & Keadilan 9832535328 S. Husin Ali 2004 383 40.00 26.00 Minda Tertawan: Intelektual, Rausyanfikir dan Kuasa 9789675832116 9789675832154 H/b raja ahmad aminullah 2011 130 23.00 45.00 14.95 29.25 Missing Malaysia 9789833782956 Dean Johns 2010 171 22.00 14.30 Multiethnic Malaysia : Past, Present and Future 9789833782789 9789833782819 H/b Lim Tech Ghee, Alberto Gomes, Azly Rahman 2009 530 60.00 100.00 39.00 65.00 New Era Education 9789833527038 Kua Kia Soong 2005 199 18.00 11.70 No Cowardly Past: James J. Puthucheary Writings, Poems, Commetaries 2nd Edition 9789833782901 Dominic J. Puthucheary, Jomo K.S. 2010 265 45.00 29.25 Old vs New Politics in Malaysia 9789833782680 Francis Loh K.W 2009 294 38.00 24.70 Once a Jolly Hangman: Singapore Justice in the Dock 9789675832000 Alan Shadrake 2010 219 38.00 24.70 Overwhelming Terror: Love, Fear, Peace and Violence Among Semai of Malaysia 9789833782703 Robert Knox Dentan 2009 276 38.00 24.70 Patah Balek: Catatan Terpenting Reformasi 9832535557 Fathi Aris Omar 2005 263 28.00 18.20 Pekerja Malaysia: Terpinggir di Bumi Kaya 9832535972 Syed Shahir Mohamud 2006 118 12.00 7.80 People Before Profits 9834032277 Kua Kia Soong 2001 201 25.00 16.25 Point of No Return 9833782215 Andre Vltchek 2007 236 40.00 26.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: & 34 Book List Strategic Information & Research Development Centre (SIRD) Political Islam in Southeast Asia 9789834372697 Gordon P. Means 2009 444 78.00 50.70 Politik Malaysia di Persimpangan : Praktik Politik dalam PRU 2008 & Kontemporari 9789833782826 Muhamad Nadzri Mohamed Noor 2009 134 20.00 13.00 Re-imagining Marriage and Family in Asia 9789833782611 Sharon A Bong & Pushpa Joseph 2008 161 20.00 13.00 Rethinking Islamic Architecture 9789833782895 Mohamad Tajuddin Mohamad Rasdi 2010 191 30.00 19.50 Rethinking Solidarity in Global Society: The Challenge of Globalisation for Social & Solidarity Movements 9833782132 Darwis Khudori 2007 202 25.00 16.25 Sejarah Sebagai Hakim Muktamad 9832535336 Lee Ban Chen 2004 269 25.00 16.25 Serikandi Suriani Abdullah 9789832535735 SIRD 2005 57 6.00 3.90 Sharing The Nation: Faith, Difference, Power and the State 50 Years After Merdeka 9789833782437 Norani Othman, Mavis C. Puthucheary & Clive S. Kessler 2008 99 20.00 13.00 Siti Norkiah Mahmud: Srikandi dari Pahang Utara 9789675832109 Mohamed Salleh Lamry 2011 177 20.00 13.00 Social Roots of the Malay Left 9789833782444 Rustam A. Sani 2008 80 18.00 11.70 Taking Southeast Asia to Market 9789833782673 Joseph Nevins & Nancy Lee Peluso 2009 329 45.00 29.25 Tertangkapnya Sa-ekor Toyo: surat dari teoh beng hock 9789675832192 Hishamuddin Rais 2011 169 23.00 15.00 The Crocodile Fury 9832535042 Beth Yahp 2003 329 30.00 19.50 The Education of Ethnic Minorities: The Case of the Malaysian Chinese 9789675832062 Tan Yao Sua & R. Santhiram 2010 187 25.00 16.25 The Fajar Generation: The University Socialist Club and the Politics of Postwar Malaya and Singapore 9789833782864 9789833782871 H/b Poh Soo Kai, Tan Jing Quee, Koh Kay Yew 2010 361 50.00 100.00 32.50 65.00 The Finest Hour: The Malaysian-MCP Peace Accord in Perspective 9833782108 Collin Abraham 2006 245 40.00 26.00 The Malaysian Civil Rights Movement 9832535522 Kua Kia Soong 2005 195 20.00 13.00 The Malaysian Indians: History, Problems & Future 9789833782543 9789833782550 H/b Muzafar Desmond Tate 2008 241 40.00 120.00 26.00 78.00 The Man from Borneo: An Autobiography 9789675832048 9789675832055 H/b Brother Michael Jacques 2010 390 50.00 100.00 32.50 65.00 The Memoirs of Abdullah C.D. (Part One) The Movement until 1948 9789833782642 Abdullah C.D. 2009 207 35.00 22.75 The Memoirs of Rashid Maidin: From Armed Struggle to Peace 9789834372727 Rashid Maidin 2009 121 25.00 16.25 The Memoirs of Shamsiah Fakeh: From AWAS to 10th Regiment 9789839048772 Shamsiah Fakeh 2009 189 30.00 19.50 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: & Strategic Information & Research Development Centre (SIRD) Book List The Road to Reform: Pakatan Rakyat in Selangor 9789675832031 9789675832079 H/b Tricia Yeoh 2010 279 40.00 80.00 26.00 52.00 The Unmaking of Malaysia: Insider’s Reminiscences of UMNO, Razak & Mahathir 9833782253 9833782246 H/b Ahmad Mustapha Hassan 2007 282 38.00 65.00 24.70 42.25 Towards a Competitive Malaysia: Development Challenges in the 21st Century 9789833782208 M. Bakri Musa 2007 465 30.00 19.50 Two Faces: Detention Without Trial 9789833782574 Syed Husin Ali 2008 169 20.00 13.00 Voices from Moro Land: Perspectives from Stakeholders & Observers on the Conflict in the Southern Philippines 9789833782338 9789833782369 H/b Peter Kreuzer & Rainer Werning 2007 219 38.00 65.00 24.70 42.25 War on Terrorism: The Untold Truths 9832535964 Latheef Farook 2006 446 55.00 35.75 What the Market Does to People: Privatisation, Globalisation & Poverty 983253528X David Macarov 2004 183 30.00 19.50 Where Monsoons Meet 9789833782284 Musimgrafik 2007 174 18.00 11.70 Where to, Malaysia: A Future with Anwar’s Reformasi or back to Mahathirism? 9832535751 Kim Quek 2005 381 30.00 19.50 For more titles and backlist, please see 35 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: & 36 Book List TITLE Gerakbudaya ISBN Author/Editor Year PP RM S$ Anwar On Trial: In the Face of Injustice 9789834479329 9789834479312 H/b Pawancheek Marican 2009 387 50.00 100.00 32.50 65.00 How to Hypnotize Your Husband: before someone else does 9789834479381 Alvin Teoh 2011 350 32.00 20.80 Malaysia-lah; Himpunan Analisa Terpilih Kaki Lepak 9789834479367 Haris Zuan 2010 243 22.00 14.30 Najib’s First 100 Days: No Honeymoon 9789834244026 Oon Yeoh 2009 165 20.00 13.00 Pentaksiran Berasaskan Sekolah (PBS) di Malaysia: Kesediaan Guru, Isu dan Panduan Pelaksanaan 9789834479650 Tan Ai Mei 2010 189 25.00 16.25 Speaking Out Loud For National Unity: Social Change and Nation-Building in Contemporary Malaysia 97898342440240 Collin Abraham 2008 174 25.00 16.25 The Chempaka Tree: Selected Stories 9789834479305 Tan Jing Quee 2009 150 20.00 13.00 For more titles and backlist, please see Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: & Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS) TITLE ISBN Book List 37 Author/Editor Year PP RM Aceh: History, Politics and Culture 9789814279123 A. Graf, S. Schroter & Ed. Wieringa 2010 386 168.00 APEC at 20: Recall, Reflect, Remake 9789814279260 K. Kesavapany and Hank Lim 2009 120 96.00 ASEAN Economic Community Blueprint (ASEAN Studies Centre Report No. 4) 9789812309327 ASEAN Studies Centre 2009 103 67.00 A Plastic Nation: The Curse of Thainess in Thai-Burmese Relations 9789814279161 Pavin Chachavalpongpun 2010 189 120.00 Asean-Canada Forum 2008 - ASEAN Studies Centre Report No. 9 9789814279147 ISEAS 2010 266 96.00 ASEAN: Life After the Charter 9789814279567 H/b S. Tiwari 2010 166 96.00 ASEAN’s Myanmar Crisis: Challenges to the Pursuit of a Security Community 9789814279369 H/b 9789814279246 Christopher Roberts 2010 268 144.00 110.00 Asian Maritime Power in the 21st Century: Strategic Transactions - China, India and Southeast Asia 9789814311090 Vijay Sakhuja 2011 363 120.00 Australia New Zealand Closer Economic Relations Trade Agreement (ANZCERTA) and Regional Integration 9789814279970 Robert Scolly, Christopher Findly and Uwe Kaufmann 2011 115 72.00 ASEAN-India-Australia: Towards Closer Engagement in a New Asia 9789812309631 H/b William T. Tow and Chin Kin Wah 2009 417 168.00 Australia’s Foreign Economic Policy and ASEAN 9789812309747 H/b Jiro Okamoto 2010 313 144.00 Building the Tatmadaw : Myanmar Armed Forces Since 1948 9789812308481 H/b Maung Aung Myoe 2009 255 120.00 By Design or Accident: Reflections on Asian Security 9789814279710 H/b Daljit Singh 2010 171 78.00 Cheng Ho & Islam in Southeast Asia 9789812308375 Tan Ta Sen 2009 292 144.00 Competition among Financial Centres in AsiaPacific : Prospects, Benefits, Risks & Policy Challenges 9789812309303 H/b 9789812308559 Soogil Young, Dosoung Choi, Jesus Seade & Zlatko Skrbis 2009 399 216.00 168.00 Connecting & Distancing: Southeast Asia and China 9789812308566 H/b Ho Khai Leong 2009 265 135.00 Contested Waterscapes in the Mekong Region: Hydropower, Livelihoods and Governance 9789814311427 Farncois Molle, Tira Foran & Mira Kakonen 2010 426 192.00 Curbing the Global Economic Downturn: Southeast Asian Macroeconomic Policy 9789814279673 Aekapol Chongvilaivan 2010 182 72.00 Decentralization and Regional Autonomy in Indonesia: Implementation and Challenges 9789812308207 H/b Coen J G Holtzappel and Martin Ramstedt 2009 433 216.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: & 38 Book List Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS) Deepening Democracy in Indonesia ? : Direct Elections for Local Leaders ( Pilkada ) 9789812308412 H/b 9789812308450 Maribeth Erb & Priyambudi Sulistiyanto 2009 391 168.00 103.00 Different Voices: The Singaporean/Malaysia Novel 9789812309112 H/b 9789812309105 Rosaly Puthucheary 2009 318 145.00 87.00 Divided Over Thaksin : Thailand’s Coup & Problematic Transition 9789812309617 H/b John Funston 2009 203 120.00 Economic Integration and The Investment Climates in ASEAN Countries: Perspectives from Taiwan Investors (ASEAN Studies Centre Report No. 7) 9789812307743 ISEAS 2009 95 72.00 Education in Vietnam 9789814279055 Jonathan D London 2011 341 120.00 Energy and Geopolitics in the South China Sea: Implications for ASEAN and its Dialogue Partners (ASEAN Studies Centre Report No. 8) 9789814279239 ISEAS 2009 78 55.00 Environmental Dispute Resolution in Indonesia 9789814279932 David Nicholson 2010 334 144.00 Fisheries Exploitation in the Indian Ocean: Threats and Opportunities 9789812309860 Dennis Rumley, Sanjay Chaturvedi and Vijay Sakhuja 2009 364 144.00 Gender and Natural Resource Management: Livelihood, Mobility & Interventions 9789812309761 Bernadette P.Resurreccion & Rebecca Elmhirst 2009 268 147.00 Gender Trends in Southeast Asia: Women Now, Women in the Future 9789812309556 H/b Theresa W. Devasahayam 2009 115 96.00 Global Financial Crisis : Implications for 9789812309181 ASEAN (ASEAN Studies Centre ISEAS Report No. 6 ) ISEAS 2009 52 38.00 Hard Choices: Security, Democracy & Regionalism in Southeast Asia 9789812309143 Donald K. Emmerson 2009 400 108.00 How Asia can Shape the World: From the Era of Plenty to the Era of Scarcities 9789814311335 Jorgen Orstrom Moller 2011 540 144.00 Inclusive, Balanced, Sustained Growth in The Asia Pacific 9789812309662 Peter A. Petri 2010 133 62.00 India, China and Globalization: The Emerging Superpowers and the Future of Economic Development 9789814279499 Piya Mahtaney 2010 323 144.00 Indonesia beyond the Water’s Edge : Managing an Archipelagic State 9789812309846 9789812309853 H/b Robert Cribb & Michele Ford 2009 248 72.00 120.00 Indonesia Towards Democracy 9789812303653 9789812303660 H/b Taufik Abdullah 2009 640 120.00 168.00 In Lieu of Ideology: An Intellectual Biography of Goh Keng Swee 9789814311304 Ooi Kee Beng 2010 207 96.00 International Relations in Southeast Asia: Between Bilaterialism and Multilateralism 9789814279574 N. Ganesan & Ramses Amer 2010 350 108.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: & Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS) Book List 39 International Relations in Southeast Asia: The Struggle for Autonomy 9789814311137 Donald E. Weatherbee 2010 323 117.00 Islamism and Democracy in Indonesia: Piety and Pragmatism 9789812309716 Masdar Hilmy 2010 319 144.00 Islamism in Indonesia: Politics in the Emerging Democracy 9789814279086 9789814279093 H/b Bernhard Platzdasch 2009 412 120.00 168.00 Islamization and Activism in Malaysia 9789812308382 9789814279029 H/b Julian C.H. Lee 2010 163 38.00 78.00 Islam & the Secular State in Indonesia 9789812308894 H/b Luthfi Assyaukanie 2009 262 144.00 Islam, Education & Reform in Southern Thailand : Tradition & Transformation 9789812309549 H/b Joseph Chinyong Liow 2009 218 103.00 Islamic Connections : Muslim Societies in South & Southeast Asia 9789812309235 H/b R. Michael Feener & Terenjit Sevea 2009 245 120.00 Know Your Asean (2nd Edition) 9789814311342 Institute of Southeast Asian Studies 2010 52 24.00 Korea’s Changing Roles in Southeast Asia: Expanding Influence and Relations 9789812309693 H/b David I Steinberg 2010 380 168.00 Lim Kim San: A Builder of Singapore 9789812309273 9789812309280 H/b Asad-ul Iqbal Latif 2009 243 96.00 120.00 Living the Information Society in Asia 9789812308733 Erwin Alampay 2009 253 96.00 Looking East to Look West: Lee Kuan Yew’s Mission India 9789814279048 Sunanda K DattaRay 2009 384 72.00 Malaysia’s Foreign Policy, The First Fifty Years: Alignment, Neutralism, Islamism 9789814279789 9789814279796 H/b Johan Savaranamuttu 2010 388 69.00 144.00 Management of Success: Singapore Revisited 9789814279840 9789814279857 H/b Terence Chong 2010 638 145.00 192.00 Managing Economic Crisis in East Asia 9789812309723 Saw Swee-Hock & John Wong 2010 220 96.00 Managing Economic Crisis in Southeast Asia 9789814311236 9789814311793 H/b Saw Swee-Hock 2011 340 96.00 120.00 Mercosur Economic Integration : Lessons for ASEAN (ASEAN Studies Centre ISEAS Report No. 5 ) 9789812309167 ISEAS 2009 132 84.00 Military Politics, Islam & the State in Indonesia: From Turbulent Transition to Democratic Consolidation 9789812307873 Marcus Mietzner 2009 426 120.00 Moving Forward: Southeast Asian Perspectives on Climate Change and Biodiversity 9789812309778 Percy E Sajise, Mariliza V Ticsay & Gil C Saguiguit, Jr 2010 259 48.00 Muslim-Non-Muslim Marriage : Political & Cultural Contestations in Southeast Asia 9789812308740 H/b Gavin W. Jones, Chee Heng Leng & Maznah Mohamad 2009 322 122.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: & 40 Book List Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS) Nagapattinam to Suvarnadwipa: Reflections on the Chola Naval Expeditions to Southeast Asia 9789812309365 9789812309372 H/b Hermann Kulke, K Kesavapany & Vijay Sakhuja 2009 337 120.00 168.00 Nahdlatul Ulama & the Struggle for Power within Islam & Politics in Indonesia 9789812308757 9789812308764 H/b Robin Bush 2009 235 96.00 144.00 Nowhere to Hide: The Great Financial Crisis & Challenges for Asia 9789814279734 Michael Lim Mah Hui & Lim Chin 2010 174 72.00 Oceans of Crime: Maritime Piracy and Transnational Security in Southeast Asia and Bangladesh 9789814279468 Carolin Liss 2011 425 144.00 Older Persons in Southeast Asia : An Emerging Asset 9789812309440 H/b 9789812309433 Evi Nurvidya Arifin & Aris Ananta 2009 425 192.00 144.00 Pacific Food System Outlook 2009-2010: Market Volatility and the Food System 9789814279321 Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC) 2009 30 36.00 Papua Road Map: Negotiating the Past, Improving the Present and Securing the Future 9789814279000 Muridan S. Widjojo 2010 211 87.00 Pirates, Ports and Coasts in Asia: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives 9789814279079 John Kleinen & Manon Osseweijer 2010 299 144.00 Plugging Into Production Networks: Industrialization Strategy in Less Developed Southeast Asian Countries 9789812309341 H/b Ikuo Kuroiwa 2009 313 168.00 Political Reform in Indonesia after Soeharto 9789812309204 Harold Crouch 2010 390 120.00 Poverty and Social Protection in Indonesia 9789812309396 Joan Hardjono, Nuning Akhmadi and Sudarno S. 2010 272 120.00 Preserving Cultural Identity Through Education: The Schools of the Chinese Community in Calcutta, India 9789814279871 Zhang Xing 2010 88 48.00 Problems of Democratisation in Indonesia: Elections, Institutions and Society 9789814279901 Edward Aspinall & Marcus Mietzner 2010 359 72.00 Real Estate Investment Trusts 9789810861087 H/b Ong Seow Eng 2010 81 48.00 Realizing the ASEAN Economic Community: A Comprehensive Assessment 9789814279345 Michael G Plummer and Chia Siow Yue 2009 215 144.00 Regional Economic Development in China 9789812309419 H/b Saw Swee-Hock & John Wong 2009 332 168.00 Regional Outlook: Southeast Asia 2009–2010 9789812309068 Ian J. Storey & Lee Poh Onn 2009 155 72.00 Regional Outlook: Southeast Asia 2010-2011 9789814279536 Michael J Montesano & Lee Poh Onn 2010 173 72.00 Regional Outlook: Southeast Asia 2011-2012 9789814311007 M. J Montesano & Lee P. O. 2011 183 72.00 Reinventing Thailand: Thaksin and His Foreign Policy 9789814279192 Pavin Chachavalpongpun 2010 354 145.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: & Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS) Book List 41 Road to Recovery: Singapore’s Journey through the Global Crisis 9789814311052 Sanchita Basu Das 2010 227 84.00 Ruling Myanmar: From Cyclone Nargis to National Elections 9789814311465 9789814311472 H/b Nick Cheesman, Monique Skidmore & Trevor Wilson 2010 353 96.00 120.00 Rural Investment Climate in Indonesia 9789812308535 Neil McCulloch 2009 337 144.00 Rural Livelihoods, Resources and Coping With Crisis in Indonesia: A Comparative Study 9789812309013 Milan J. Titus & Paul P.M. Burgers 2009 307 216.00 State, Society and Religious Engineering: Towards a Refirnust Buddhism in Singapore 9789812308658 Kuah-Pearce Khun Eng 2009 337 135.00 South and Southeast Asia: Responding to Changing Geo-Political and Security Challenges 9789380502250 H/b K V Kesavan and Daljit Singh 2010 166 84.00 Southeast Asian Affairs 2009 9789812309464 9789812309488 H/b Daljit Singh 2009 436 98.00 144.00 Southeast Asian Affairs 2010 9789814279819 9789814279826 H/b Daljit Singh 2010 409 96.00 144.00 Southeast Asia in The Global Economy : Securing Competitiveness & Social Protectio 9789812308238 H/b Helen E.S. Nesadurai & J. Soedradjad Djiwandono 2009 259 144.00 Strategic Currents : Emerging Trends in Southeast Asia 9789810818227 Yang Razali Kassim 2009 184 72.00 Sustainability of Thailand’s Competitiveness: The Policy Challenges 9789814279475 Patarapong Intarakumnerd & Yveline Lecler 2010 331 151.00 Sustainability Science for Watershed Landscapes 9789814279963 9789814279604 H/b James A.R., Kimberly M.B & Arsenio M.B 2010 346 48.00 96.00 The ASEAN Regional Forum 9789812309907 H/b Rodolfo C. Severino 2009 186 96.00 The Geopolitics of Energy in South Asia 9789812308276 H/b Marie Lall 2009 255 144.00 The Global Economic Crisis: Implications for ASEAN 9789814279413 ISEAS 2010 155 60.00 The Gulf Cooperation Council: A Rising Power and Lessons for ASEAN 9789814311403 Linda Low & Lorraine Carlos Salazar 2011 60 55.00 The Politics of Knowledge 9789812309259 H/b Saw Swee-Hock & Danny Quah 2009 208 144.00 The Shan of Burma: Memoirs of a Shan Exile 9789812303967 Chao Tzang Yawnghwe 2010 277 120.00 The Singapore Lion: A Biography of S. Rajaratnam 9789814279505 9789814279512 H/b Irene Ng 2010 575 108.00 132.00 The Singapore Women’s Charter: 50 Questions 9789814311076 9789914311069 H/b Leong Wai Kum 2011 150 48.00 72.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: & 42 Book List Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS) The Vietnamese City in Transition 9789812308252 Patrick G., Franck C., Jean-M.C., Nguyen T.T and Pham T.H. 2010 321 192.00 Through the Eyes of the King: The Travels of King Chulalongkorn to Malaya 9789812307736 H/b P. Lim Pui Huen 2009 179 207.00 Torn between America and China: Elite Perceptions and Indonesian Foreign Policy 9789814279598 Daniel Novotny 2010 400 110.00 Varieties of Religious Authority: Changes and Challenges in 20th Century Indonesia Islam 9789812309402 H/b Azyumardi Azra, Kees Van Dijk and Nico J.G.Kaptein 2010 211 120.00 Wang Gungwu: Junzi, Scholar-Gentleman in Conversation with Asad-ul Iqbal Latif 9789814311526 9789814311533 H/b Wang Gungwu 2010 261 96.00 144.00 Where in the World is the Philippines? Debating Its National Territory 9789814311700 9789814311717 H/b Rodolfo C Severino 2011 131 72.00 96.00 Whose Ideas Matter?: Agency and Power in Asian Regionalism 9789814279154 Amitav Acharya 2010 189 72.00 For more ISEAS titles and backlist, please see Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: & ZED Books Book List TITLE ISBN Author/Editor Year PP 43 RM Beyond the Profits System: Possibilities for a Post-Capitalist Era 9781848134171 Harry Shutt 2010 182 65.00 Biofuels and the Globalisation of Risk: The Biggest Change in North-South Relationships since Colonialism? 9781848135727 James Smith 2010 151 90.00 Body Politics in Development: Critical debates in gender and development 9781842779354 Wendy Harcourt 2009 226 93.00 Celebrity & The Environment : Fame, Wealth & Power in Conservation 9781842779743 Dan Brockington 2009 193 80.00 Citizen Action and National Policy Reform: Making Change Happen 9781848133860 John Gaventa & Rosemary McGee 2010 226 100.00 Communication for Another Development: Listening before Telling 9781848130098 Wendy Quarry and Ricardo Ramirez 2009 157 95.00 Conscientious Objection: Resisting Militarized Society 9781848132788 Ozgur Heval Cinar and Coskun Usterci 2009 268 109.00 Decentering International Relations 9781848132399 Meghana Nayak & Eric Selbin 2010 216 100.00 dowry : Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice 9781848132948 Tamsin Bradley, Emma Tomalin & Mangala Subramaniam 2009 245 114.00 European Multi-Culturalism Revisited 9781848135604 Alessandro Silj 2010 264 100.00 Feminism is Queer: The Intimate Connection between Queer and Feminist Theory 9781848134751 Mimi Marinucci 2010 140 95.00 Food versus Fuel: An Informed Introduction to Biofuels 9781848133839 Frank Rosillo-Calle & Fancis X Johnson 2010 217 85.00 Gender and Migration: Feminist Interventions 9781848134119 Ingrid Palmary, Erica Burman, Khatidja Chantler & Peace Kiguwa 2010 245 95.00 Glamour: Women, History, Feminism 9781848134072 H/b Carol Dyhouse 2010 230 110.00 Global Governance and Biopolitics: Regulating Human Security 9781848132177 David Roberts 2010 195 93.00 Globalizing Citizens: New Dynamics of Inclusion and Exclusion 9781848134720 John Gaventa & Rajesh Tandon 2010 266 100.00 Iran’s Influence: A Religious-Political State and Society in Its Region 9781848132207 Elaheh RostamiPovey 2010 264 95.00 Learning for Development 9781848131989 Hazel Johnson & Gordon Wilson 2009 160 82.00 Living Silence in Burma: Surviving Under Military Rule (Second Edition) 9781848132726 Christina Fink 2009 300 93.00 Mega-Cities: The Politics of Urban Exclusion and Violence in the Global South 9781848132962 Kees Koonings & Dirk Kruijt 2009 200 109.00 Tel: +603 - 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Ghapa Harun 2011 413 150.00 China in Transition: Social Change in the Age of Reform ICS, UM 9772180325006 Emile Kok-Kheng Yeoh 2010 665 50.00 China-ASEAN Relations : Economic Engagement & Policy Reform ICS, UM 9789675148446 Emile Kok, Chan Sok Gee, Wendy Chen& Joanne Hoi 2009 217 30.00 Clinical Atlas of Nasal Endoscopy UKM 9789679429077 Balwant Singh Gendeh 2009 138 90.00 Contemporary Issues of Education, Development and Security UKM 9789679429411 K. Abdullah, S. Selvadurai, M. Maros and Er Ah Choy 2010 243 30.00 Dinamik Ruang Siber dalam Gerakan Reformasi di Malaysia UKM 9789679429039 Tan Lee Ooi 2010 213 35.00 Education & Work : The World of Work FEA, UM 9789839662269 Shyamala Nagaraj, Chew Sing Buan, Lee Kiong Hock & Rahimah Hj, Ahmad 2009 330 40.00 Efficiency Measurement of Malaysia’s Maritime Enforcement Agencies UKM 9789679428582 Sutarji Kasmin 2009 258 35.00 Ekonomi Malaysia ke Arah Pembangunan Seimbang UKM 9789679429145 Nor Aini Hj. 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Leman 2010 510 80.00 Governance for Sustainability: Views From The Asia Pacific LESTARI, UKM 9789675227103 Abdul Samad Hadi & Others 2009 552 100.00 Hubungan Empayar Melaka Dinasti Ming Abad Ke-15 UKM 9789679423352 Liang Liji 2009 146 30.00 Idea-Idea Pendidikan Berkesan AlGhazali & Konfusius UKM 9789679429121 Abdul Salam Yussof 2010 227 35.00 Implementing Sustainable Development : Long Term Policy & Institutional Challenges (LESTARI Public Lecture No. 6) LESTARI, UKM 9789675227110 Stephen R. Dovers 2009 63 20.00 Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) Research Direction Towards Sustainable River Basin Development and Mangement in Malaysia LESTARI, UKM 9789675227318 Mazlin bin Mokhtar, Salmijah Surif, Tan Kok Weng & Lee Jing 2009 53 25.00 Jawatankuasa Audit Di Malaysia: Peranan dan Cabara UKM 9789679429244 Takiah Mohd Iskandar, Norman Mohd Saleh & Mohd Mohid Rahmat 2010 232 35.00 Kaedah Pengajaran & Pembelajaran Bahasa Melayu UKM 9789679428995 Juriah Long 2010 291 45.00 Kaedah Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Pendidikan Islam UKM 9789679429114 Ab. Halim Tamuri & Nik Mohd Rahimi Nik Yusoff 2010 238 30.00 Kejuruteraan: Seni atau Sains? UKM 9789679429336 Wan Ramli Wan Daud 2010 100 20.00 Kelopak Pemikiran Sastera Melayu UKM 9789679428254 Siti Hawa Haji Salleh 2009 865 100.00 Kepelbagaian Dimensi Linguistik UKM 9789679429213 Nor Hashimah Jalaluddin 2009 294 40.00 Kimia Sekitaran untuk Bumi: Setitis Ilmu dalam Lautan Kelestarian UKM 9789679428940 Mazlin Mokhtar 2009 73 20.00 Komuniti Pembangunan & Transformasi UKM 9789679428926 Yahya Ibrahim 2009 320 35.00 Konfrontasi Malaysia - Indonesia UKM 9789679424537 Nik Anuar Nik Mahmud 2009 254 40.00 Krisis Wacana : Identiti Seni Bina Malaysia UKM 9789679428810 Kamarul Afizi Kosman 2009 179 35.00 Malaysia’s Dominant Societal Paradigm: Invented, Embedded, Contested UKM 9789679429619 Anthony Milner 2011 32 20.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: & 48 Book List Malaysian University Presses Matematik dalam Budaya Melayu UKM 9789679429084 Abdul Razak Salleh 2009 77 20.00 Matematik Suatu Budaya UKM 9789679429107 R L Wilder 2009 235 30.00 Membina Momentum Menatar Keunggulan : Ekosistem Ilmu UKM sebagai Wahana UKM 9789679429138 Sharifah Hapsah Syed Hasan Shahabuddin 2010 37 20.00 Memoir Johari Salleh : Tegar Meladeni Industri Muzik UKM 9789679428452 Johari Salleh 2009 465 45.00 Memoir Mohamed Salleh Lamry: Guru Melayu Terakhir UKM 9789679428889 Mohamed Salleh Lamry 2009 228 35.00 Memoir Rashidah Ismail: Pendeta Za’ba dan Kisah Silam UKM 9789679429022 Rashidah Ismail 2009 333 50.00 Menjana Keilmuan Kelestarian: Siri Pembangunan Penyelidikan Kelestarian Lestari 9789675227066 Saiful Arif Abdullah & Adnan A Hezri 2009 192 25.00 Multi-stakeholder Collaboration for Implementation of a Sound Chemical Management System (MyNICHE-4) - Round Table Dialogues No. 20 Lestari 9789675227127 Mazlin bin Mokhtar & Goh Choo Ta 2009 75 25.00 Muslims As Minorities: History & Social Realities of Muslims in Singapore UKM 9789679428599 Kamaludeen Mohamed Nasir & Syed Muhd Khairudin Aljunied 2009 129 25.00 Novel Interteksual Melayu UKM 9789679429206 Mawar Shafei 2010 493 60.00 Pengurusan Pengangkutan Pintar UKM 9789679428957 Riza Atiq Abdullah O.K. Rahmat 2009 78 20.00 Perangkaan Kesihatan Ekosistem: Ke arah Perancangan Pembangunan Terintegratif LESTARI, UKM 9789675227073 Mazlin bin Mokhtar, Shaharudin Idrus dan Ahmad Fariz Mohamed 2009 98 30.00 Perjuangan Warisan Orang Asli : Suara Dari Dalam LESTARI, UKM 9789675227196 Akiya 2009 37 18.00 Pertumbuhan dengan Kesetaraan Realiti & Harapan UKM 9789679429060 Ragayah Haji Mat Zin 2009 91 20.00 Psikologi Kehibaan UKM 9789679429053 Ponnusamy Subramaniam & Shazli Ezzat Ghazali 2010 154 30.00 Psikologi Sosial UKM 9789679429510 Rosmi Ismail 2011 336 49.00 Qualitative Research in Accounting: Malaysian Cases UKM 9789679428797 Zakiah M. M., Ainun H. Ab Majid & Borsiah Ahmad 2010 233 30.00 Raja Muhammad Alias: Arkitek Felda UKM 9789679428971 Rokiah Talib 2010 163 35.00 Rawatan Lupus Eritematosus: Bagai Menjinak Serigala UKM 9789679428988 Norella Kong Chiew-Tong 2009 65 20.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: & Malaysian University Presses Book List 49 Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation: The Perspective of Malaysia LESTARI, UKM 9789675227332 Shaharuddin Mohd Ismail, Joy Jacqueline Pereira & Tan C. T. 2010 53 25.00 Regional Political Economy of China Ascendant : Pivotal Issues & Critical Perspectives ICS, UM 9789675148323 Emile Kok-Kheng Yeoh 2009 308 35.00 Religion and the Environmental Challenge: Voices From Malaysia (LESTARI, UKM Occasional Publication) LESTARI, UKM 9789675227134 Sharifah Zaleha Syed Hassan & Adnan A. Hezri 2009 85 20.00 Research in the Social Sciences & Humanities in Malaysia IKMAS 9789834344382 Abdul Rahman Embong 2010 40 10.00 Rumpun Melayu dan Bangsa Malaysia Menjelang Tahun 2020 UKM 9789679423266 Ghazalie Shafie 2009 45 20.00 Sebatian Oleokimia : Kimia & Industri UKM 9789679428766 Mamot Said 2009 288 40.00 Sharing a Future in Asia: Illusion or Reality? IKMAS 9789834344344 Abdul Rahman Embong 2010 32 10.00 Sihir : Suatu Amalan Kebatinan UKM 9789679428865 Amran Kasimin 2009 346 60.00 Simbiosis Seni, Sains dan Teknologi Berasingan ke Multimedia-Fusion UKM 9789679428964 Halimah Badioze Zaman 2009 93 20.00 Soft Skills: The What, The Why & The How UKM 9789679429312 Nik Safiah Nik Ismail 2010 371 55.00 Sosiolinguistik dan Bahasa Melayu UKM 9789679429503 Abdul Rashid Daing Melebek & Amat Juhari Moain 2010 206 35.00 Tenaga untuk Manusia UKM 9789679428414 Mohd. Yusof Hj. Othman 2009 158 25.00 The Politics of Climate Change: International Responses and Malaysia LESTARI, UKM 9789675227042 Sham Sani 2009 92 20.00 The Spatiality of Urbanization, The Policy Challenges of Mega-Urban and Desakota Regions of Southeast Asia (Lestari Public Lecture No. 8) LESTARI, UKM 9789675227233 Terry Mc Gee 2009 66 20.00 The UNESCO Global Network of National Geoparks, Geological Heritage and Sustainability (Lestari Public Lecture No. 7) LESTARI, UKM 9789675227172 Patrick James McKeever 2009 30 20.00 Tokoh & Akhbar Melayu : Penebus Peminggiran Melayu UKM 9789679429152 Mazlan Nordin 2009 106 20.00 Towards a Malaysian System for Managing Chemicals: In the Eye of the Stakeholder LESTARI, UKM 9789675227271 Mazlin bin Mokhtar & Goh Choo Ta 2009 94 30.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: & 50 Book List Malaysian University Presses Towards Pax Sinica? China’s Rise and Transformation: Impacts and Implications ICS, UM 9789675148507 Emile Kok-Kheng Yeoh 2009 312 35.00 Transformasi Masyarakat: Cabaran Keluarga, Gender & Sosiobudaya UKM 9789679428773 Rahimah Abdul Aziz 2009 222 35.00 Tuntutan Filipina ke atas Borneo Utara UKM 9789679425339 Nik Anuar Nik Mahmud 2009 123 25.00 Unsur Alam dalam Puisi Melayu Moden UKM 9789679429268 Zurinah Hassan 2010 265 40.00 Warga Emas di Malaysia: Ke Arah Kesejahteraan Ekonomi dan Sosial UKM 9789679429473 Doris Padmini Selvaratnam, Nor Aini Hj Idris & Norlaila Abu Bakar 2010 179 30.00 Warisan Geologi Malaysia No. 8: Ke arah Memartabatkan LESTARI, UKM 9789675227219 Che Aziz Ali 2009 256 50.00 For more titles and backlist, please see Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: & Malaysian Publishers TITLE Book List Publisher ISBN Author/Editor Year PP 51 RM 1 Black Malaysia ( with DVD ) DAP 9789839820317 Medeline Chang, Faizal Mustaffa & Raymond Chong 2009 97 15.00 10 Dodoi Agama Tinta 9789675123030 Ahmad Abdul Aziz 2009 24 15.00 120 Malay Movies Matahari 9789834484545 H/b Amir Muhammad 2010 432 60.00 20 years Defending Human Rights SUARAM 9789834407032 Kua Kia Soong 2009 140 20.00 21 Immortals Silverfish 9789833221288 Roslan Mohd Noor 2010 302 35.00 28 Hari: Jurnal Rock n Roll Sang Freud 9789834386849 Mohd Jayzuan 2010 86 15.00 445 Days under the ISA: Operation Lalang 1987-89 SUARAM 9789834407049 Kua Kia Soong 2010 213 25.00 60 Tahun Ekonomi Pasaran Sosial: Pembentukan, Pembangunan dan Perspektif Formula Keamanan Institut Kajian Dasar 9789838840941 Christian L Glossner 2010 282 32.00 60 Tahun Islam dibawah UmnoBN: Terbelakah Islam? Ininnawa 9789675915000 Ahmad Henry 2010 160 16.50 A Doctor in the House: The memoirs of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad MPH 9789675997228 H/b Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad 2011 843 100.00 A Geographical History of the Qur’an IBT 9789675062186 Syed Muzaffaruddin Nadwi 2009 158 32.00 A Year in the Life of a Country Malaysian Insider 9789824452414 Leslie Lau 2009 181 20.00 Abdul Hadi Awang: Murabbi, Ideologue, Pemimpin Jundi 9789834460655 Riduan Mohamad Nor 2009 411 30.00 Academic Writing for Beginners (2nd Edition) The Beacon Press 9789834024727 Elaine Morais 2010 143 25.00 Adat dan Pantun Perkahwinan Melayu: Penyeri Impian Teruna dan Dara Tinta 9789675123283 Karafi Salleh 2010 112 25.00 Advancing the Understanding of Biosafety - Scientific Findings: Programme & Extended Abstracts TWN 9789675412387 Third World Network 2010 69 10.00 Akulah Perempuan Muda Itu : Himpunan Puisi Pop untuk Paripari Terbuang Sang Freud 9789834386825 Shaira Amira 2009 84 15.00 Analysis of the New WTO Agriculture & NAMA Texts of 6 December 2008 ( TWN Trade & Development Series No. 37 ) TWN 9789832729709 Martin Khor 2009 20 7.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: & 52 Book List Malaysian Publishers Apa ada dengan Liberalisme? Orange Dove 9789671012611 Faisal Mustaffa 2011 46 5.00 Arrested Reform: The Undoing of Abdullah Badawi REFSA 9789834372255 P/b 9789834372262 H/b Ooi Kee Beng 2009 230 30.00 50.00 At Tibyan Dalam Mentafsir AlQur’an: Surah As Saff Jundi - Tuan Guru Dato’ Seri Hj Abdul Hadi Awang 2011 78 10.00 Avicenna : His Life & Works TOP 9789839541670 Soheil M. Afnan 2009 260 43.00 Bajet: Bagaimana Kerajaan Membelanjakan Wang Kita REFSA 9789675942051 Teh Chi-Chang 2010 110 20.00 Baldatun Thoiyyibatun Pustaka Kanzun Mahfiyyan 9789671029404 Pelita di dalam Kaca 2011 403 30.00 Bangkok News Updates and Climate Briefings (September/October 2009) TWN 9789675412097 Third World Network 2009 76 12.00 Bantuan Cemas: Panduan Menyelamatkan Nyawa Tinta 9789675123108 Khairul Nizam Shariff & Yusri Samsuri 2009 106 18.00 Barcelona News Updates and Climate Briefings (November 2009) TWN 9789675412110 Third World Network 2009 60 12.00 Basel 2 at a Time of Financial Peril (TWN Global Economy Series No. 18) TWN 9789832729877 Andrew Cornford 2009 55 9.00 Belas Kasihku Meliputi Segala: Ajaran Quran Tentang Belas Kasih, Keamanan & Cinta MEGC 9789833912162 Reza Shah-Kazemi 2009 120 10.00 Between UMNO and A Hard Place: The Najib Razak Era Begins REFSA 9789675942006 Ooi Kee Beng 2010 144 25.00 Bintang-Bintang Berkerlipan Media Icon 9789834468941 Ismail Hashim 2009 150 15.00 Biodiversity, Ecosystem Services and Genetically Modified Organisms TWN 9789675412134 Gabor L Lovei, Thomas Bohn & Angelika Hilbeck 2010 34 7.00 Biosafety First: Holistic Approaches to Risk & Uncertainty in Genetic Engineering & Genetically Modified Organisms TWN 9789832729983 Terje Traavik & Lim Li Ching 2009 612 60.00 Body 2 Body: A Malaysian Queen Anthology Matahari 9789834359690 Jerome Kugan & Pang Khee Teik 2009 239 34.00 Bonn Climate News Updates (April 2010) TWN 9789675412226 Third World Network 2010 20 8.00 Bonn Climate News Updates (May/ June 2010) TWN 9789675412318 Third World Network 2010 79 12.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: & Malaysian Publishers Book List 53 Bonn News Updates and Climate Briefings (March/April 2009) TWN 9789832729891 Third World Network 2009 96 12.00 Bonn News Updates & Climate Briefings (August 2009) TWN 9789675412059 Third World Network 2009 38 9.00 Bonn News Updates and Climate Briefings (August 2010) TWN 9789675412363 Third World Network 2010 44 8.00 Bonn News Updates & Climate Briefings ( June 2009 ) TWN 9789675412028 Third World Network 2009 105 14.00 Books for Critical Consciousness: 40 Reviews CI 9789833046089 J Progler 2010 309 40.00 Borneo Tom: In Story and Sketch - Love, Travel and Jungle Family in Tropical Asia Borneo Tom 9789838082112 Tom McLaughlin 2010 131 50.00 Borneo Yang Mistik - Kadayan Borneo Books 9789834176815 Amde Sidik 2010 218 20.00 Building Bridges, Crossing Boundaries: Everyday Forms of Inter-Ethnic Peace Building in Malaysia FORD/ PSSM 9789834364793 H/b 9789834364786 P/b Francis Loh Kok Wah 2009 296 80.00 40.00 Buku untuk Filem Estet Matahari 9789834484507 Mamat Khalid & Ajami Hashim 2009 121 25.00 Buku untuk Filem Pisau Cukur Matahari 9789834484521 Amir Muhammad 2009 171 25.00 Cabaran Politik Baharu Malaysia Media Icon 9789834468903 Haris Zalkapli 2009 152 15.00 Cabinet deciusion on ETeMS (PPSMI): A Raw Deal DAP 9789839820324 Lim Kit Siang 2009 178 15.00 Cancun News Updates and Climate Brief (November/ December 2010) TWN 9789675412479 Third World Network 2011 90 12.00 Change Tourism, Not Climate! Third World Network 9789675412103 Anita Pleumarom 2009 34 7.00 Chindia: From Political Interface to Spiritual Dialogue New Era College 9789833527281 Tee Boon Chuan 2009 86 25.00 Cinta di langit Gaza Jundi 9789834460679 Riduan Mohd Nor 2010 291 20.00 Copenhagen News Updates and Climate Briefings (December 2009) TWN 9789675412158 Third World Network 2010 82 12.00 Daftar Media Edisi 2011 Media Global Matrix 9789670170008 Ahmad Zaki Chamil 2011 219 30.00 Dasar Modal Insan: 60:40 Sains & Teknologi Tinta 9789675123115 Sufean Hussin 2009 350 40.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: & 54 Book List Malaysian Publishers Debt Sustainability in Emerging Markets: A Critica TWN 9789675412356 Yilmaz Akyuz 2010 44 7.00 Democratising Malaysia’s Economy: Budget Strategies DAP 9789839820348 DAP Malaysia 2009 156 30.00 Designing Intellectual Property Policies in Developing Countries TWN 9789675412325 Carlos M Correa 2010 60 10.00 Di Bawah Langit Ramadhan Jundi 9839999451 R. Mohamad Nor, Mohd Nazri Chik & N. Yaacub 2010 77 10.00 Dirgahayu Tuanku: Sejarah Kesultanan Terengganu 1708-2008 YDSM 9789834428600 H/b Mohamed Anwar Omar Din dan Nik Anuar Nik Mahmud 2009 426 250.00 Dominance of the West over the Rest CI 9789833046102 Citizen’s International 2010 211 30.00 Dua Lauk: Fiksi Popkon dari Zon Imaginasi Terlarang Sang Freud 9789834386818 Taf The & D’Ianadi 2009 90 20.00 Dunia Tanpa Tirai Pustaka Nusa 9789839456486 S. M. Zakir 2010 289 35.00 Eating for Good Health Samarata 9789834231347 Lim Hin Fui 2009 230 25.00 Fenomena Riddah & Penghinaan Terhadap Nabi SAW: Menelusuri Sejarah dan Implikasi Hukum Jundi 9789834460624 Riduan Mohamad Nor & Mohd Asri Mat Daud 2009 204 20.00 Filem dan Pemikiran Nusabuku 9789675521065 S. M. Zakir 2010 135 22.00 Financial Liberalization and the Impact of the Financial Crisis on Singapore TWN 9789832729938 Michael Lim Mah-Hui & Jaya Maru 2010 51 7.00 Financial Liberalization & the New Dynamics of Growth in India TWN 9789832729679 CP Chandrasekhar 2009 55 9.00 Financial Policy and Management of Capital Flows: The Case of Malaysia (TWN Global Economy Series) TWN 9789832729822 Martin Khor 2009 94 10.00 From Inderapura to Darul Makmur: A Deconstructive History of Pahang Silverfish 9789833221301 Yilmaz Akyuz 2010 44 7.00 Fruits of the Crisis: Leveraging the Economic Cris to Secure Development Resources and Reserve Reform (Global Economy Series No. 29) TWN 9789675412431 Soren Ambrose & Bhumika Muchhala 2010 40 7.00 Gaharu: Wang Tumbuh di Atas Pokok Jundi 9789834363086 Rosli bin Yaakop 2009 130 30.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: & Malaysian Publishers Book List 55 Gaza Menangis: Menelusuri Sejarah Perjuangan Palestin & Pembantaian di Gaza Jundi 9789834363079 Aris Hazlan Ismail & Riduan Mohamad Nor 2009 199 20.00 Genetically Engineered Backslide: The Impact of GlyphosateResistant Palmer Pigweed on Agriculture in the United States TWN 9789675412271 Edward Hammond 2010 27 7.00 Giving Our Best: The Story of St George’s Girls’ School, Penang, 1885-2010 Areca 9789675719042 Khoo Salma Nasution, Alison Hayes & Sehra Yeap Zimbulis 2010 231 100.00 Green Energies: 100% Renewables by 2050 ISIS/TWN 0954492358 Mae-Wan Ho, Brett Cherry, Sam Burcher & Peter Saunders 2009 181 50.00 Heritage Houses of Penang Marshall Cavendish 9789812328069 Khoo Salma Nasution 2009 128 86.00 Home Truths: A Global Report on Equality in the Muslim Family Musawah - Musawah 2009 62 10.00 Hope Not Hype: The Future of agriculture guided by the International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development TWN 9789832729815 Jack A. Heinemann 2009 160 25.00 Hot Money and Capital Controls in Thailand TWN 9789832729792 Thawatchai Jittrapanun & Suthy Prasartset 2009 62 9.00 I, Too, Am Malay ZI 9789675266058 Zaid Ibrahim 2009 305 35.00 Ibnu Rushd dan Mazhabnya IKD 9789838840866 Ernest Renan 350 30.00 Imam Khomeini: Life, Thought and Legacy: Essays from an Islamic movement perspective IBT 9789675062254 Abdar Rahman Koya 2009 203 44.00 Imam Khomeini: The Greatest Jihad IBT 9789675062322 Imam Khomeini (Translated by Muhammad Legenhausen & Azim Sarvdalit) 2009 122 17.00 Implementation-Related Issues in the WTO: A Possible Way Forward TWN 9789675412035 Third World Network 2009 60 10.00 iMuslims: Rewiring the House of Islam TOP 9789839541694 Gary R. Bunt 2009 358 50.00 Integriti dan Islam: Aplikasi Berkesan Membangun Ummah IIM 9789675091131 Institut Integriti Malaysia 2009 238 70.00 Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer Issues in the Context of Climate Change (Intellectual Property Rights Series 14) TWN 9789675412370 Sangeeta Shashikan & Martin Khor 2010 73 9.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: & 56 Book List Malaysian Publishers Islam and Modernism: A Study of the Modern Reform Movement Inaugurated by Muhammad ‘Abduh IBT 9789675062452 Charles C Adams 2010 283 45.00 Islam at the Crossroads TOP 9789839541045 Muhammad Asad 2009 221 17.00 Islam Between East and West IBT 9789675062414 Alija Izetbegovic 2010 317 45.00 Islam in Malaysia: Perceptions & Facts Matahari 9789834484576 Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin 2010 343 40.00 Islam: An Introduction IBT 9789675062353 Yusuf alQaradawi 2010 392 50.00 Islam Liberal & Pluralisme Agama ( Edisi Kedua ) Jundi 9789834460617 Riduan Mohamad Nor & Ahmad Adnan Fadhil 2009 123 13.00 Islamic Awakening between Rejection and Extremism IBT 9789675062537 Yusuf Al-Qardawi 2010 177 33.00 Islamic Life and Thought IBT 9789675062490 Seyyed Hossein 2010 232 39.00 Istihsan: The Doctrine of Juristic Preference in Islamic Law IBT 9789675062476 Saim Kayadibi 2010 347 55.00 Istimewa Terkenang Media Icon 9789834468927 Subky Latif 2009 168 15.00 Jati Diri dan Psikik Melayu: Lintasan Sejarah Bangsa Kolej Dar Al-Hikmah 9789834187279 Ahmad Mohamad Said 2009 212 20.00 Kanser Payudara Ku: Perjuangan & Kesedaran Tinta 9789675123153 Dalila Tamrin 2009 150 25.00 Karpal Singh: True Malaysian REFSA 9789675942013 Melissa Loovi 2010 85 20.00 Kata-Kata Pengubah Dunia: Kumpulan Pidato Tokoh-Tokoh Besar Institut Kajian Dasar 9789838840934 Al-Mustaqeem Mahmod Radhi 2010 171 26.00 Kathakali: Kumpulan Cerpen Bahasa Malaysia UTHAYA 9789834056254 Uthaya Sankar SB 2009 176 20.00 Kemuliaan Al-Quran & Sejarah Pemalsuannya Jundi 9789834460600 Riduan Mohamad Nor & Mohd Asri Mat Daud 2009 103 10.00 Ketemu di Alur Zaman Media Icon 9789834468934 Rustam A. Sani 2009 86 10.00 Khazanah Burung Bukit Fraser: Panduan Bergambar Tinta 9789675123306 Mike H N Chong & Sutari Supari 2010 222 65.00 Kitab Al-Iman / Book of Faith IBT 9789675062292 9789675062285 H/b Ibn Taymiyyah 2010 483 70.00 88.00 Kita kan Orang Malaysia: Kisah Perjuangan Menyatukan Masyarakat Pelbagai Kaum di Malaysia Media Icon 9789834468958 Mujahid Yusof 2010 200 18.00 Kontroversi: Kerajaan Perpaduan & 16 September Media Icon 9789834468910 Hafiz Baqi 2009 152 15.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: & Malaysian Publishers Book List 57 Lagu Dodoi Bergambar Tinta 9789675123016 Rosidah Ajis & Rosli Sha’ri 2009 36 15.00 Liberalisme: Esei-esei Terpilih F.A. Hayek Oxygen Media 9789834483906 Friedrick August von Hayek 2010 180 25.00 Liberalisme: Pengenalan Ringkas dalam Lakaran & Gambar Genta Solutions 9789670128009 Al-Mustaqeem M Radhi & Sri Murniati 2010 71 15.00 Lim Guan Eng: Dari Penjara Ke Tampuk Kuasa REFSA 9789834372248 Wan Hamidi Hamid 2009 102 20.00 Lim Lian Geok: Soul of the Malaysian Chinese LLG 9789834144135 Kua Kia Soong 2010 192 25.00 Living On The Periphery: Development and Islamization among the Orang Asli in Malaysia COAC 9789834324841 Nobuta Toshihiro 2009 370 40.00 Mad(e) In Malaysia : Amir Zainorin Solo Exhibition @ The Brick Lane Gallery London RA Fine Arts 9789675277023 Amir Zainorin 2009 42 35.00 Makalah Tentang Kerajaan: Suatu Karangan Berkenan Bidang Asal & Sebenar Serta Matlamat Kerajaan Madani IKD & KAS 9789838840880 John Locke 2010 206 35.00 Makanan Sihat Sebagai Ubat (Edisi Ke-3) Samarata 9789834231323 Lim Hin Fui 2010 220 19.00 Malaysia at the Crossroads: a socialist perspectiv PARSOSMA 9789834454708 Jeyakumar Devaraj 2009 123 15.00 Malaysia Human Rights Report 2008 : Civil & Political Rights SUARAM 9789834407025 SUARAM 2009 215 22.00 Malaysia Human Rights Report 2009: Civil & Political Rights SUARAM 9789834407063 SUARAM 2010 228 25.00 Malaysia: Asas Pembinaan Negara Bangsa Institusi Pemerintahan Lambang Kebangsaan Media Global Matrix 9789834425647 Chamil Wariya 2010 364 65.00 Malaysian Studies: Looking Back, Moving Forward PSSM 9789839731019 9789839731019 H/b Abdul Rahman Embong 2010 210 30.00 60.00 Maqasid Al-Shariah as Philosophy of Islamic Law: A Systems Approach IBT 9789675062582 Jasser Auda 2010 347 50.00 Memapar Realiti: Prinsip-Prinsip Utama dan Asas Kewartawanan Siaran MPI 9789834425661 H/b Chamil Wariya 2010 232 65.00 Managing Universities for The Future INPUMA 9789834429324 Khadijah Md. Khalid, Shakila Yacob, Sharifah Mariam Alhabshi 2009 69 15.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: & 58 Book List Malaysian Publishers Memoir Tragedi Memali Jundi 9789834460693 Riduan Mohamad Nor & C.N. Afghani 2010 298 20.00 Mencarik Ilusi Menggapai Realiti Kolej Dar Al-Hikmah 9789834153083 Mohd Nasir Mohd Tap 2009 498 60.00 Menerjang Badai: 60 Tahun Mempersada Perjuangan Jundi 9789675968068 Riduan Mohamad Nor 2011 201 20.00 Mengatasi Korupsi: Asas-asas REFSA 9789675942020 Bertrand de Speville 2010 143 30.00 Meniti Zaman RA Fine Arts 9789675277139 9789675277139 H/b Ramli bin Ngah Talib 2010 320 69.00 99.00 Menjadi Pemimpin (Cetakan Kedua) Qarya 9789834087470 Azizan Bahari 2009 51 15.00 Menjadi Sukarelawan (Cetakan Kedua) Qarya 9789834087446 Azizan Bahari 2009 59 15.00 Menuju PAS Baru: Krisis, Peluang dan Dinamisme (Edisi Kedua) Malaysian Insider 9789834452469 Mujahid Yusof 2011 194 20.00 Metafizik & Kosmopolitanisme IKD 9789838840897 Khalid Jaafar 2009 91 25.00 Mitigating and Adapting to Climate Change through Ecological Agriculture TWN 9789675412462 Lim Li Ching 2011 17 7.00 Mohammad Natsir : Berdakwah Di Jalur Politik, Berpolitik Di Jalur Dakwah WADAH & KUIS 9789834442903 WADAH & KUIS 2009 147 35.00 Mother of All Scandals : The RM12.5 billion PKFZ Rip-off DAP 9789839820294 Lim Kit Siang 2009 171 15.00 Motivation in Motion Logos on Wheels 9789834120146 Samuel Goh 2009 68 10.00 Multilateral Disciplines and the Question of Policy Space TWN 9789832729884 Yilmaz Akyuz 2009 - 10.00 Musawah Framework for Action/ Plateforme d’action de Musawah/ Kerangka Kerja Tindakan Musawah Musawah 978983443207 Musawah 2009 - 6.00 Music and Singing IBT 9789675062230 Al-Ghazali, translated by Duncan Black MacDonald 2009 155 26.00 Musuh Rahsia: Menyingkap Kisah dari Al-Quran, Taurat dan Injil Tinta 9789675123139 Rosli Husin 2010 199 25.00 Najib Razak: Pendakian Ke Puncak Kuasa Media Global Matrix 9789834425630 Chamil Wariya 2010 - 100.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: & Malaysian Publishers Book List 59 Najib’s Challenge : Glory or Oblivion REFSA 9789834372293 Barry Wain 2009 34 10.00 Negotiating a ‘Development Agenda’ for the World Intellectual Property Organisation ( WIPO ) TWN 9789832729716 Martin Khor & Sangeeta Shashikant 2009 366 40.00 New Era College Controversy : The Betrayal of Dong Jiao Zong Oriengroup 9789839048711 Kua Kia Soong 2009 100 20.00 New Malaysian Essays 2 Matahari 9789834359683 Amir Muhammad 2009 288 36.00 Nyaman Si Puding Roti Sang Freud 9789834386856 Cikha Sidinaali 2010 85 15.00 Orang Asli Animal Tales COAC 9789834324858 Lim Boo Liat 2009 204 20.00 Orang Macam Kita Matahari 9789834484569 Azwan Ismail & Diana Dirani 2010 226 20.00 Our Philosophy IBT 9789675062155 Muhammad Baqir as-Sadr, translated by Shams C Inati 2009 314 55.00 Overcoming Corruption: The Essentials REFSA 9789675942037 Bertrand de Speville 2010 123 30.00 Pakistan: Causes and Management of the 2008 Economic Crisis - Financial Crisis and Asian Developing Countries (TWN Global Economy Series No. 22) TWN 9789675412189 Irfan Ul Haque 2010 36 7.00 Palestin daripada Perampas Jalanan kepada Peta Jalanan Jundi - Abdul Hadi Awang 2010 129 15.00 Parlimen Malaysia: Perjalanan Badan Perundangan Persekutuan Media Global Matrix 9789834425623 H/b Chamil Wariya 2010 239 85.00 Pandemic Preparedness: Creating a Fair and Equitable Influenza Virus and Benefit Sharing System TWN 9789675412202 Sangeeta Shashikant 2010 226 20.00 Pascamoden Kutukan Terhadap Falsafah & Agama NusaBuku 9789675521010 S.M. Zakir 2009 180 25.00 Pemanasan Global & Perubahan Iklim: Tinjauan Isu-Isu Dasar IKD 9789838840927 Noor Amin Ahmad 2010 84 18.00 Pembudayaan Ilmu : Membina Jati Diri Ketamadunan Kolej Dar Al-Hikmah 9789834187255 Ahmad Mohamad Said & Mohd Nasir Mohd Tap 2009 252 25.00 Penang Under the East India Company Areca 9789834337223 Andrew Barber 2009 159 110.00 Pendidikan al-Hikmah dan Misi Pencerahan: Himpunan Pidato Kependidikan Kolej Dar Al-Hikmah 9789834187262 Siddiq Fadzil 2009 2009 109 15.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: & 60 Book List Malaysian Publishers Perak Postcards 1890s-1940s Areca 9789675719011 Abdur-Razzaq Lubis, Malcolm Wade & Khoo Salma Nasution 2010 336 120.00 Perak: A State of Crisis LoyarBurok 9789670102009 Audrey Quay 2010 170 45.00 Pilot Studies for a New Penang SERI/ISEAS 9789814279697 Ooi Kee Beng & Goh Ban Lee 2010 288 50.00 Politik Abad ke-21: Perubahan Ataupun Harapan Palsu Malaysian Insider 9789834452407 Zulkifli Sulong 2009 177 20.00 Potential Health Effects of Foods Derived from Genetically Modified Plants: What Are the Issues? TWN 9789675412424 Arpad Pusztai & Susan Bardocz 2011 39 7.00 Poznan News Updates TWN 9789832729686 Third World Network 2009 68 12.00 Putting Food First: Towards a Community-Based Food Security System in Indonesia TWN 9789675412066 Hira Jhamtani 2009 67 10.00 Questioning Arms Spending In Malaysia SUARAM 9789834407070 Kua Kia Soong 2010 180 30.00 Qur’an and Cricket; Travels through the madarasahs of Asia and other stories (2nd edition) Silverfish 9789833221264 Farish A Noor 2009 288 40.00 Qur’anic Exegesis in Classical Literature: With Particular Reference to Abu al-Qasim al-Qushayri IBT 9789675062551 Rashid Ahmad Jullundhry 2010 166 29.00 Reclaiming the Conversation: Islamic Intellectual Tradition in the Malay Archipelago TOP 9789839541748 Rosnani Hashim 2010 288 45.00 Reformasi Pembiayaan Politik di Malaysia TI-M 9789834290436 Transparency International 2011 247 30.00 Reformasi Pendidikan Di Malaysia: Merentas Jalan Baru Institut Kajian Dasar 9789838840910 Sri Murniati 2010 130 22.00 Reforming Political Financing in Malaysia TI-M 9789834290429 Transparency International 2010 234 30.00 Rojak: Bite-Sized Stories ZI 9789675266102 H/b Amir Muhammad 2010 143 35.00 Rojak: Hidangan Certot (Ceritacerita kontot) ZI 9789675266171 Amir Muhammad 2011 143 22.00 Sahabatku: Puisi-puisi 5 Bahasa Usman Awang 9789833742066 Usman Awang 2009 118 28.00 Sajak-sajak Petualang: Manusia Mimpi Pustaka Nusa 9789839456462 S.M. Zakir 2009 60 15.00 Sapu Malaysia Orange Dove 9789671012604 Faisal Mustaffa 2010 45 15.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: & Malaysian Publishers Book List 61 Saya Pun Melayu ZI 9789675266034 Zaid Ibrahim 2009 320 35.00 Seeking Justice for Victims of Sexual Crime WCC 9789834478407 James Lochhead & Tan Pek Leng 2009 145 25.00 Sejarah & Perkembangan Gerakan Islam Abad Moden Jundi 9789834363093 Riduan Mohammad Nor 2009 114 18.00 Sejarawan dan Persejarahan Melayu: Warisan dan Kesinambungan Tinta 9789675123276 Muhd. Yusof Ibrahim 2010 230 25.00 Selectivity & Neutrality of Trade Policy Incentives : Implications for Industrialization & the NAMA Negotiations ( TWN Trade & Development Series No. 39 ) TWN 9789832729969 Mehdi Shafaeddin 2009 68 9.00 Seni Kraf Pilihan Terengganu YDSM 9789834428617 H/b Noraini A Shariff 2010 164 199.00 Sepahit Jadam Jundi 9789834460662 Nik Mohamad Abduh 2010 210 20.00 Shi’ite Islam IBT 9789675062438 Sayyid Muhammad Husayn 2010 239 43.00 Sinema Nusabuku 9789675521058 S. M. Zakir 2010 161 22.00 Some Intellectual Property Issues Related to H5N1 Influenza Viruses, Research & Vaccines (Intellectual Property Rights Series No. 12) TWN 9789832729839 Edward Hammond 2009 36 7.00 Speaking for the Reformasi Generation REFSA 9789834462925 Liew Chin Tong 2009 225 35.00 Straight Talk REFSA 9789834462949 Tunku Abdul Aziz 2009 216 40.00 Suara Orang Buangan: Renunganrenungan tentang Islam MEGC 9789833912155 Nasr Hamid Abu Zaid 2009 326 25.00 Syair Tun Abdul Razak Hussein: Perdana Menteri Malaysia Kedua Tinta 9789675123238 Muhd. Yusof Ibrahim 2009 138 22.00 Tales of Inspiration Empire 9789670150000 Eric Chong 2010 138 109.90 Tangerin & Nikotin Sang Fued 9789834386832 Mimi Morticia 2009 84 15.00 Tapai: Travels & Guilty Pleasures of a Fermented Malaysian ZIP 9789675266119 Hishamuddin Rais 2010 266 45.00 Taxi Tales on A Crooked Bridge Matahari 9789834359676 Charlene Rajendran 2010 236 28.00 Teohlogy: The Word according to Patrick Teoh ZI 9789675266157 Patrick Teoh 2011 303 38.00 Teori Domino: PRU 13 BN Tumbang Jundi 9789675968006 Riduan Mohamad Nor 2010 253 20.00 The Armies of God: A Study in Militant Christianity CI 9789833046096 Iain Buchanan 2010 400 45.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: & 62 Book List Malaysian Publishers The Book of Aphorisms: Being a Translation of Kitab alHikam IBT 9789675062612 Ibn ‘Ata’illah 2010 154 28.00 The Budget: How the Government is Spending OUR Money REFSA 9789834462963 Teh Chi-Chang 2009 106 20.00 The Case for Sustainable Agriculture: Meeting Productivity and Climate Challenges TWN 9789832729945 Lim Li Ching 2009 24 7.00 The Chinese Encounter with Opium: Dreams fo Colored Clouds and Orchid Fragrance (*Library Only) SMC 9789576387135 H/b K Flow 2009 426 395.00 The Colour of My Mind: The Story of Albert Wang Oak 9789833735532 Albert Wang 2009 66 25.00 The Cost of Compliance with Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures in Low-Income Countries TWN 9789832729464 Mehdi Shafaeddin 2009 66 12.00 The Eternal Message of Muhammad IBT 9789675062339 ‘Abd alRahman ‘Azzam (Translated from the Arabic by Caesar E. Farah) 2010 250 39.00 The Female Cell Silverfish 9789833221318 Rumaizah Abu Bakar 2011 166 30.00 The Food Crisis, Climate Change and the Importance of Sustainable Agriculture TWN 9789832729907 Martin Khor 2009 - 7.00 The Global Crisis and the Turkish Economy - Financial Crisis and Asian Developing Countries (TWN Global Economy Series No. 21) TWN 9789675412141 Ercan Uygur 2010 66 9.00 The Global Economic Crisis and Asian Developing Countries: Impact, Policy Response and the Medium-Term Prospects TWN 9789675412332 Yilmaz Akyuz 2010 53 7.00 The History of the Qur’anic Text: From Revelation to Compilation (2nd Edition) IBT 9789675062636 M M Al-Azami 2011 424 69.00 The IMPACT Counterfeit Taskforce, Intellectual Property Rights Enforcement and Seizure of Medicines (TWN Intellectual Property Rights Series No. 13) TWN 9789675412219 Sangeeta Shashikant 2010 68 9.00 The Impact of the Global Financial and Economic Turmoil on the Philippines: National Responses and Recommendations to Address the Crisis TWN 9789675412165 Joseph Anthony Lim 2010 55 7.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: & Malaysian Publishers Book List 63 The Impact of the Global Financial Crisis on the Chinese Economy and China’s Policy Responses TWN 9789675412257 Yu Yongding 2010 42 7.00 The Impact of the Global Financial Crisis: The Case of Malaysia TWN 9789675412288 Goh Soo Khoon & Michael Lim Mah-Hui 2010 38 7.00 The International Financial Architecture and Free Trade Agreements: Roadblocks on the Path to MDG Achievement TWN 9789675412455 Third World Network 2011 44 9.00 The Making of Islamic Science IBT 9789675062315 Muzaffar Iqbal 2009 290 50.00 The Management of Capital Flows and Financial Vulnerability in Asia TWN 9789832729808 Yilmaz Akyuz 2009 35 7.00 The Management of Cross-Border Capital Flows and Macroeconomic Stability in China TWN 9789832729693 Yu Yongding 2009 48 7.00 The Meaning of the Holy Qur’an IBT 9789675062162 H/b Abdullah Yusuf Ali 2009 1520 110.00 The Message From On High IBT 9789675062605 Al-Ghazali (Translated by Margaret Smith) 2010 69 17.00 The Mystery of The Historical Jesus : The Messiah in the Qur’an, the Bible & Historical Sources IBT 9789675062124 P/b 9789675062117 H/b Louay Fatoohi 2010 802 88.00 120.00 The Orang Asli and the UNDRIP: from Rethoric to Reform COAC 9789834324865 Colin Nicholas, Jenita Engi and Teh Yen Ping 2010 163 20.00 The Organic Farming Sourcebook OIP/TWN 8185569304 Claude Alvares 2009 458 50.00 The Patriot Game: Writings on the Malaysian Wall Oriengroup 9839048724 Kua Kia Soong 2010 158 22.00 The Post-Crisis Changes in the Financial System in Korea: Problems of Neoliberal Restructuring and Financial Opening after 1997 TWN 9789675412080 Kang-Kook Lee 2010 62 9.00 The Qur’an, Orientalism and the Encyclopaedia of the Qur’an IBT 9789675062346 Muzaffar Iqbal 2009 58 9.00 The Removal of Confusion: Concerning the Flood of the Saintly Seal Ahmad al Tijani Fons Vitae 9781891785191 Shayk al-Islam al-Hajj Ibrahim b ‘Abd-Allah Niasse 2010 284 60.00 The Right to Differ: A Biographical Sketch of Lim Kit Siang (includes the New Documentary DVD ‘Life and Times of Lim Kit Siang’) REFSA 9789675942068 P/b 9789675942075 H/b Ooi Kee Beng 2011 180 30.00 50.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: & 64 Book List Malaysian Publishers The Secrets of Pilgrimage IBT 9789675062384 Al-Ghazali (Trans) Ibrahim Umar 2009 164 17.00 The Substantive Patent Law Treaty : The Dangers of Global Patent Policy Harmonization ( Intellectual Property Rights Series No. 11 ) TWN 9789675412011 Sangeeta Shashikant 2009 32 7.00 The Unromantic Orient IBT/ QALAM 9789839154610 Muhammad Asad (Translated from German by Elma Ruth Harder) 2009 142 32.00 Tiada Paksaan Dalam Agama IKD 9838440875 Taha Jabir AlAlwani 2010 192 25.00 Tianjin Climate News Updates (October 2010) TWN 9789675412417 Third World Network 2010 56 8.00 Time Bombs in Malaysia: 30th Anniversary Edition REFSA 9789834462918 Lim Kit Siang 2009 413 50.00 Tok Mat Pejuang Sejati Malaysian Insider 9789834452452 Shamsudin Abu Bakar 2010 135 29.90 Tokoh-Tokoh Gerakan Islam Abad Moden Jundi 9789834363062 Zainudin Hashim & Riduan Mohamad Nor 2009 230 25.00 Tokoh-tokoh Gerakan Islam Abad Moden Siri 2 Jundi 9789834460686 Zainudin Hashim & Riduan Mohamad Nor 2010 230 25.00 Toni Kasim: Many Shades of Good, A Tribute Suaram 9781565924796 Kua Kia Soong 2009 132 20.00 Towards Realization of the Higher Intents of Islamic Law: Maqasid alShari’ah – A Functional Approach IBT 9789675062575 Gamal Eldin Attia 2010 293 45.00 Trade Liberalization, Industrialization and Development: The Experience of Recent Decades TWN 9789675412493 Mehdi Shafaeddin 2011 42 7.00 Tribut Buat Sang Murabbi: Ustaz Hassan Shukri Jundi 9789675968020 Riduan Mohamad Nor 2010 112 10.00 Tun Perak: Pencetus Wawasan Empayar Melaka Tinta 9789675123054 Muhd. Yusof Ibrahim 2009 233 28.00 TWN Submissions to the United Nations Climate Talks - Ideas and Proposals on the Elements Contained in Paragraph 1 of the Bali Action Plan TWN 9789675412004 Third World Network 2009 84 11.00 Understanding The Dewan Rakyat ZIP 9789675266188 Deborah Loh and Jacqueline Ann Surin 2011 564 95.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: & Malaysian Publishers Book List Unintended Horizontal Transfer of Recombinant DNA (TWN Biotechnology & Biosafety Series 13) TWN 9789675412349 Kaare M Nielsen 2010 33 7.00 Universiti Kedua: Kisah tahanan di Bawah ISA ZI 9789675266140 Kassim Ahmad 2010 149 30.00 Unmasking Najib REFSA 9789834462901 Lim Kit Siang 2009 160 20.00 Unpacking the Issue of Counterfeit Medicines TWN 9789675412233 K M Gopakumar & Sangeeta Shanshikant 2010 68 10.00 ‘Us Versus Them’ and Beyond: An Oriental-Islamic Rejoinder to the Clash of Civilizations Theory TOP 9789839541717 Maryam Sakeenah 2010 207 33.00 Vertical (Trans)gene Flow: Implications for Crop Diversity and Wild Relatives (Biotechnology & Biosafety Series No. 11) TWN 9789675412264 David Quist 2010 32 7.00 Walk Along the Tracks L A Vincent 9789675766008 L A Vincent 2010 641 46.90 Wanted: Equality & Justice in the Muslim Family SIS 9789832622260 Zainah Anwar 2009 264 28.00 What Your Teacher Didn’t Tell You (Vol. 1) Matahari 9789834484538 Farish A Noor 2009 287 40.00 Where is Justice? Death and Brutality in Custody KiniBooks 9789834092269 John Lee & Nathaniel Tan 2009 206 29.00 Where There are No Pharmacists: A Guide to Managing Medicines for All Health Workers TWN 9789675412172 Sarah Andersson & Beverley Snell 2010 154 25.00 Why an Islamic State: The Life Projects of Two Great European Muslims IBT 9789675062391 M A Sherif 2009 49 9.00 Within the Boundaries of Islam: A study on Bid’ah IBT 9789675062650 Shaykh Muhammad Al-Ghazali (translated and introduced by Aslam FaroukAlli) 2010 269 45.00 Without Anchovies Silverfish 9789833221271 Chua Kok Yee 2010 172 30.00 Women as Judges SIS 9789832622062 Dr. Nik Noriani Nik Badlishah & Yasmin Masidi 2009 41 5.00 Yasmin Ahmad’s Films Matahari 9789834484514 Amir Muhammad 2009 224 30.00 For more titles and backlist, please see 65 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: & 66 Book List Foreign Publishers – Clarity Press TITLE ISBN Author/Editor Year PP RM Confronting Global Neoliberalism: Third World Resistance and Development Strategies 9780932863614 Richard Westra 2010 - 75.00 Global Depression and Regional Wars 9780932863683 James Petras 2009 234 58.00 Human Rights, Human Plights in a Global Village 9780932863553 Rob Buitenweg 2007 - 68.00 International Justice and Impunity: The Case of the United States 9780932863577 Nils Andersson, Daniel Iagolnitzer, Dianer G Collier 2008 - 75.00 Islamophobia: The Ideological Campaign Against Muslims 9780932863676 Stephen Sheehi 2011 - 58.00 The Neo-Catholics: Implementing Christian Nationalism in America 9780932863638 Betty Clermont 2009 - 68.00 The Palestinian Right of Return under International Law 9780932863935 Francis A Boyle 2011 123 50.00 Societal Development & Minority Rights 9780932863232 Y N Kly 1997 - 100.00 Tackling America’s Toughest Questions: Alternative Media Interviews 9780932863621 Francis A Boyle 2009 - 50.00 War Crimes in Gaza and the Zionist Fifth Column in America 9780984525508 James Petras 2010 132 50.00 Zionism, Militarism, and the Decline of US Power 9780932863607 James Petras 2008 192 58.00 Zionism, The Real Enemy of the Jews: The False Messiah (Vol 1) 9780932863645 Alan Hart 2009 345 75.00 Zionism, The Real Enemy of the Jews: David Becomes Goliath (Vol 2) 9780932863669 Alan Hart 2009 345 75.00 Zionism, The Real Enemy of the Jews: Conflict without End (Vol 3) 9780932863690 Alan Hart 2010 392 75.00 For more titles and backlist, please see Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: & Foreign Publishers – Komunitas Bambu TITLE Book List ISBN Author/Editor Year PP RM Gajah Mada: Biografi Politik 9789793731728 Agus Aris Munandar 2010 160 18.00 Gejolak Ekonomi, Kebangkitan Islam, dan Gerakan Padri: Minangkabau 1784-1847 9789793731261 Christine Dobbin 2008 416 35.00 Kemunculan Komunisme Indonesia 9789793731643 H/b Ruth T McVey 2010 647 89.00 Ibukota Majapahit: Masa Jaya dan Pencapaian 9789793731391 Agus Aris Munandar 2008 161 18.00 Kenang-kenangan Orang Bandel 9789793731438 H Misbach Yusa Biran 2008 324 28.00 Kepulauan Nusantara: Sebuah Kisah Perjalanan, Kajian Manusia dan Alam 9789793731568 H/b Alfred Russel Wallace 2009 482 100.00 Nyai dan Pergundikan di Hindia Belanda 9789793731780 Reggie Baay 2010 297 35.00 Orang Arab di Nusantara 9789793731797 L W C van den Berg 2010 214 26.00 Orang Laut, Bajak Laut, Raja Laut: Sejarah Kawasan Laut Sulawesi Abad XIX 9789793731599 Adrian B Lapian 2009 282 34.00 Percintaan Bung Karno dengan Anak SMA: Biografi Cinta Presiden Sukarno dengan Yurike Sanger 9789793731742 Soheil M Afnan 2010 426 33.00 Politik Film di Hindia Belanda 9789793731680 M Sarief Arief 2010 101 18.00 Pram dan Cina 9793731427 Hong Liu 2008 139 14.00 Raden Saleh: Anak Belanda, Mooi Indie & Nasionalisme 9789793731384 Harsja W Bachtiar, Peter B R Carey & Onghokham 2009 194 22.00 Sejarah Film 1900-1950: Bikin Film di Jawa 9789793731582 H Misbach Yusa Biran 2009 443 32.00 Sukarno Muda: Biografi Pemikiran 1926-1933 9789793731773 Peter Kasenda 2010 154 18.00 Sukarno: Orang Kiri, Revolusi & G30S 1965 9789793731520 Onghokham 2009 219 20.00 Sumbangan Islam Kepada Ilmu dan Peradaban Modern 9789793731490 S I Poeradisastra 2008 193 22.00 Tionghoa di Batavia dan Huru Hara 1740 9789793731674 Johannes Theodorus Vermeulen 2010 142 18.00 Tokoh Tionghoa dan Identitas Indonesia: Dari Tjoe Bou San sampai Yap Thiam Hien 9789793731753 Leo Suryadinata 2010 177 20.00 Ziarah dan Wali di Dunia Islam 9789793731827 Henri ChambertLoir & Claude Guillot 2010 407 35.00 For more titles and backlist, please see 67 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: & 68 Book List Foreign Publishers – Monthly Review Press TITLE ISBN Author/Editor Year PP RM Agriculture and Food in Crisis: Conflict, Resistance and Renewal 9781583672266 Fred Magdoff & Brian Tokar 2010 348 65.00 Antonio Gramsci 9781583672105 A. A Santucci 2010 207 55.00 Biology under the Influence: Dialectical Essays on Ecology, Agriculture and Health 9781583671573 Richard Lewontin 2007 & Richard Levins 400 80.00 Build it Now: Socialism for the Twenty-First Century 9781583671450 Michael A Lebowitz 2006 127 48.00 Che Guevara: His Revolutionary Legacy 9781583671771 O. Besancenot & Michael Lowy 2009 144 59.00 Critique of Intelligent Design: Materialism versus Creationism from Antiquity to the Present 9781583671733 J. B. Foster, Brett Clark & R. York 2008 240 56.00 Debt, the IMF and the World Bank: Sixty Questions, Sixty Answers 9781583672228 Eric Toussant & Damien Millet 2010 361 65.00 Dependent Accumulation and Underdevelopment 9780853454922 Andre Gunder Frank 2009 226 70.00 Embedded with Organized Labor: Journalistic Reflections on the Class War at Home 9781583671887 Steve Early 2009 288 63.00 Eurocentrism: Twentieth Anniversary Edition Revise 9781583672075 Samir Amin 2009 288 63.00 Global Flashpoints: Reactions to Imperialism and Neoliberalism (Socialist Register 2008) 9781583671672 Leo Panitch & Colin Leys 2007 362 88.00 Humanitarian Imperialism: Using Human Rights to Sell War 9781583671474 Jean Bricmont 2006 192 60.00 Marx, Freud and the Critique of Everyday Life: Toward a Permanent Cultural Revolution 9780853452805 R Bruce Brown 2009 202 70.00 Morbid Symptoms: Health under Capitalism 9781583672037 Leo Panitch & Colin Leys 2009 325 87.00 Nationalism and Socialism: Marxist and Labor Theories of Nationalism to 1917 9780853452935 Horace B Davis 2009 258 52.00 Nobody Called Me Charlie: The Story of a Radical White Journalist Writing for a Black Newspaper in the Civil Rights Era 9781583672020 H/b Charles Preston 2010 379 77.00 Railroading Economics: The Creation of the Free Market Mythology 9781583671351 Michael Perelman 2006 238 70.00 Religion and the Human Prospect 9781583671337 Alexander Saxton 2006 240 70.00 Social Structures and Forms of Consciousness: The Social Determination of Method (Vol 1) 9781583672044 István Mészáros 2010 463 100.00 Telling the Truth (Socialist Register 2006) 9781583671375 Leo Panitch & Colin Leys 2005 185 88.00 The ABCs of the Economic Crisis: What Working People Need to Know 9781583671955 Fred Magdoff & Michael D Yates 2010 144 40.00 The Challenge and Burden of Historical Time: Socialism in the Twenty First Century 9781583671696 István Mészáros 2008 479 95.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: & Foreign Publishers – Monthly Review Press Book List The Cold War and the New Imperialsm: A Global History, 1945-2005 9781583671399 Henry Heller 2006 366 80.00 The Crisis This Time (Socialist Register 2011) 9781583672289 L. Panitch, Greg Albo & Vivek Chibber 2010 323 88.00 The Ecological Revolution: Making Peace with the Planet 9781583671795 John Bellamy Foster 2009 328 63.00 The Ecological Rift: Capitalism’s War on the Earth 9781583672181 J. Bellamy Foster, Brett Clark & Richard York 2010 544 80.00 The Empire Reloaded (Socialist Register 2005) 9781583671184 Leo Panitch & Colin Leys 2004 333 88.00 The Faltering Economy: The Problem of Accumulation under Monopoly Capitalism 9780853456049 J. Bellamy Foster & Henryk Szlaife 2009 357 70.00 The Great Financial Crisis: Causes and Consequence 9781583671849 John Bellamy Foster & Fred Magdoff 2009 160 45.00 The Last Phase in the Transformation of Capitalism 9780853452119 Michael Kalecki 2009 124 52.00 The Law of Worldwide Value 9781583672334 Samir Amin 2010 144 50.00 The Mythology of Imperialims: A Revolutionary Critique of British Literature and Society in the Modern Age 9781583671863 Jonah Raskin 2009 320 70.00 The Political Economy of Media: Enduring Issues, Emerging Dilemmas 9781583671610 Robert W McChesney 2008 589 75.00 The Politics of Genocide 9781583672129 E. S Herman & David Peterson 2010 159 45.00 The Poverty of Theory and other Essays 9780853454915 E P Thompson 2008 404 70.00 The Rise of China and the Demise of the Capitalist World Economy 9781583671825 Minqi Li 2008 208 56.00 The Socialist Alternative: Real Human Development 9781583672143 Michael Lebowitz 2010 191 55.00 The Structural Crisis of Capital 9781583672082 S M Zakir 2010 218 94.00 The Taming of the American Crown: From Stamp Riots to Shopping Sprees 9781583671979 Al Sandine 2009 272 66.00 The Theory of Monopoly Capitalism: An Elaboration of Marxian Political Economy 9780853456896 John Bellamy Foster 2009 280 52.00 The World We Wish to See: Revolutionary Objectives in the Twenty First Century 9781583671719 S M Zakir 2008 144 56.00 Violence Today: Actually Existing Barbarism? (Socialist Register 2009) 9781583671818 Leo Panitch & Colin Leys 2008 277 88.00 When Media Goes to War: Hegemonic Discourse, Public Opinion and The Limits of Dissent 9781583671993 CP Chandrasekhar 2009 384 70.00 For more titles and backlist, please see 69 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: & 70 Book List Foreign Publishers – NIAS Press TITLE ISBN Author/Editor Year PP RM Beyond Democracy in Cambodia: Political Reconstruction in a Post-Conflict Society 9788776940430 Joakim Öjendal & Mona Lilja 2009 320 120.00 Cambodians and Their Doctors: A Medical Anthropology of Colonial and Post-Colonial Cambodia 9788776940584 Jan Ovesen & Ing-Britt Trankell 2010 301 120.00 Digital Atlas of Indonesian History (with CD) 9788791114663 Robert Cribb 2010 80 120.00 Fiery Dragons: Banks, Moneylenders and Microfinance in Burma 9788776940409 Sean Turnell 2009 388 120.00 Gendered Inequalities in Asia: Configuring, Contesting and Recognizing Women and Men 9788776940478 Helle Rydstrom 2010 303 120.00 Getting Published: A Companion for the Humanities & Social Sciences 9788791114779 Gerald Jackson & Marie Lenstrup 2009 278 84.00 Heritage Tourism in Southest Asia 9788776940607 Michael Hitchcock, Victor T King & Michael Parnwell 2010 322 120.00 I Will Send My Song: Kammu Vocal Genres in the Singing of Kam Raw (with CD) 9788791114328 Jack A Heinemann 2010 237 96.00 iChina: The Rise of the Individual in Modern Chinese Society 9788776940539 Mette Halskov Hansen & Rune Svarverud 2010 275 120.00 Lifestyle and Entertainment in Yangzhou 9788776940355 H/b Lucie Olivova 2009 488 360.00 Other Landscapes: Colonialism and the Predicament of Authority in Nineteenth-Century South India 9788776940270 H/b Deborah Sutton 2009 239 216.00 Saying the Unsayable: Monarchy and Democracy in Thailand 9788776940720 Soren Ivarsson & Lotte Isager 2010 271 108.00 Submitting to God: Women and Islam in Urban Malaysia 9788776940485 Sylva Frisk 2009 216 108.00 The Interplay of the Oral and the Written in Chinese Popular Literature 9788776940553 Vibeke Bordahl and Margaret B Wan 2010 269 252.00 Tourism in Southeast Asia: Challenges and New Directions 9788776940348 Michael Hitchcock, Victor T King & Michael Parnwell 2009 358 120.00 Violence and Belonging: Land, Love and Lethal Conflict in the North-West Frontier Province of Pakistan 9788776940454 Are Knudsen 2009 224 108.00 For more titles and backlist, please see Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: & Foreign Publishers – Resist Book Book List TITLE ISBN Author/Editor Year PP RM Bisnis Orang Sakit 9789791097758 Charles C Adams 2010 163 18.00 Dalih Pembunuhan Massal: Gerakan 30 September dan Kudeta Suharto 9789791757904 John Roosa 2008 390 28.00 Dunia yang Hendak Kita Wujudkan: Tujuantujuan Revolusioner Abad XXI 9789791097741 Samir Amin 2010 168 18.00 Dynamics of Islamic Student Movements 9799791097673 Claudia Nef Saluz 2009 236 20.00 Elite vs Massa 9789791097635 W F Wertheim 2009 108 12.00 Estetika Marxis 9789791097765 Henri Arvon 2010 123 12.00 Gerakan Sosial Baru 9789791097758 Rajendra Singh 2010 496 38.00 Imperialisme Baru: Genealogi dan Logika Kapitalisme Kontemporer 9789791097680 David Harvey 2010 253 23.00 Imperium Perang Militer Swasta: Neoliberalisme dan Korporasi Bisnis Keamanan Kontemporer 9789791097642 Veronika Sintha 2009 241 25.00 Islam Melawan Kapitalisme 9799791097405 Zakiyuddin Baidhawy 2007 262 15.00 Karl Marx: Membongkar Akar Krisis Global 9789793723723 Dave Renton 2009 289 25.00 Keadilan Tidak Untuk Yang Miskin 9789791097734 Eko Prasetyo 2010 233 22.00 Kuasa Stigma dan Represi Ingatan 9789791097789 Tri Guntur Narwaya 2010 250 24.00 Lenin: Teori dan Praktek Revolusioner 9789791097697 Christopher Hill 2009 221 20.00 Lonceng Kematian Mistisisme Agama 9789791097758 Muhammad Sabri 2010 436 38.00 Neoliberalisme dan Restorasi Kelas Kapitalis 9789793723716 David Harvey 2009 371 27.00 Orang Miskin Dilarang Sekolah - Rustam A Sani 2009 255 20.00 Revolusi yang Dikhianati: Sebab-sebab Kebangkrutan Uni Sovyet 9789791097710 Leon Trotsky 2010 353 29.00 Tragedi Manusia dan Kemanusiaan: Holokaus Terbesar Setelah Nazi 978979109406 M. 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