The Fajar Generation No Cowardly Past Rethinking
The Fajar Generation No Cowardly Past Rethinking
0 Catalogue 2010 SIRD New New The Fajar Generation The University Socialist Club and the Politics of Postwar Malaya and Singapore Edited by Poh Soo Kai, Tan Jing Quee and Koh Kay Yew The Fajar Generation tells the hitherto neglected story of a remarkable group of men and women who advanced a radical agenda of anti-colonialism, democracy, multiculturalism and social justice through the agency of the University of Malaya Socialist Club. Through personal memoirs and analytical essays the contributors to this collection illuminate their own roles in that struggle – the hopes and despairs, the triumphs and defeats. At the same time they remind us of just how much of that progressive political agenda is still to be won in contemporary Malaysia and Singapore. Publisher: SIRD 2010: 361 pp ISBN: 9789833782864 (Softcover): RM50.00 / US$19.00 ISBN: 9789833782871 (Hardcover): RM100.00 / US$38.00 Rethinking Islamic Architecture Mohamad Tajuddin Mohamad Rasdi “Rethinking Islamic Architecture is a rich contribution to scholarship on the architecture of Southeast Asia, specifically Malaysia and Indonesia, from the perspective of an architect and historian grounded in the Sunnah. Through a measured critique of the complex and wide-ranging issues that beset this challenge—from the conventions of architectural historiography to the convenience of postmodern revivalism—Mohd Tajuddin Mohd Rasdi advocates a value-centred discourse on the architecture for Muslim communities which will be of significant interest to students, scholars, and practitioners of Islamic architecture in the region.” - K. A. R. Bartsch, University of Adelaide, Australia Publisher: SIRD 2010: 158 pp ISBN: 9789833782895: RM30.00 / US$12.00 New New No Cowardly Past Memoir Ibrahim Chik James Puthucheary: Writings, Poems, Commentaries (Second Edition) Dari API Ke Rejimen Ke-10 (Edisi Baru) Ibrahim Chik Edited by Dominic Puthucheary and Jomo K. S. ‘Time past and time future are both contained in time present’, wrote James Puthucheary in an honest and provocative letter from prison more than fifty years ago. Informed by a profound understanding of history and convinced by the need to construct a sustainable future for his country, Puthucheary spent a lifetime engaged with the most pressing problems of the day. The new edition of No Cowardly Past brings together some of his most important essays on political economy, the struggle for a progressive politics and the character of university education, as well as his lyrical and pungent poetry. Ibrahim Chik adalah salah seorang daripada sekian banyak pemuda Lubuk Kawah di Temerloh yang masuk ke hutan mengangkat senjata melawan penjajah dalam gerakan kebangsaan berhaluan kiri. Kebanyakan pemuda Melayu pada ketika itu begitu tebal dengan semangat patriotiknya. Ibrahim dan rakan-rakan seperjuangannya yang rata-rata kuat dengan latar belakang pendidikan agama dari sekolah pondok telah berkorban jiwa dan raga demi cinta mereka kepada tanah air. Dalam tubuh mereka mengalir darah pejuang Pahang yang terkenal gagah berani seperti Tok Bahaman, Tok Gajah dan Mat Kilau. Publisher: SIRD 2010: 265 pp ISBN: 9789833782901: RM45.00 / US$18.00 Publisher: SIRD 2010: 215 pp ISBN: 9789833782918: RM30.00 / US$12.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: SIRD Catalogue 2010 New New Najib’s First 100 Days Multiethnic Malaysia Edited by Oon Yeoh Edited by Lim Teck Ghee, Alberto Gomes, Azly Rahman No Honeymoon Past, Present and Future Najib Razak took over as Malaysia’s sixth prime minister on April 3, 2009. In his first 100 days, he introduced a slew of reforms that surprised his critics and may well go on to convince a skeptical rakyat that he’s serious about his 1Malaysia goals. But there were serious shortcomings as well. Viewpoints, contrarian and otherwise, were also sought from 14 prominent social-economic-political commentators, namely Ahirudin Attan (Rocky’s Bru), Gayathry Venkiteswaran, Hafiz Noor Shams, Ibrahim Suffian, Kee Thuan Chye, Khaw Veon Szu, Malik Imtiaz, Ong Kian Ming, Ooi Kee Beng, Ramon Navaratnam, Bridget Welsh, Wong Chin Huat, Tricia Yeoh and Zaid Ibrahim. Publisher: Gerakbudaya Enterprise 2009: 163 pp ISBN: 9789834244026: RM20.00 / US$8.00 New Politik Malaysia di Persimpangan Praktik Politik dalam PRU 2008 dan Kontemporari Muhamad Nadzri Mohamed Noor Pengalaman politik dalam Pilihan Raya Umum 2008 dan kontemporari sangat menarik untuk diperhatikan. Pelbagai praktik baru dan impak yang wujud, sewaktu dan selepas pilihan raya itu. Antaranya, perilaku pengundian berdasarkan faktor isu, persekitaran atau parti berbanding berasaskan kaum. Barisan Nasional sebagai parti pemerintah pula, kini tidak lagi begitu dominan di dalam persaingan pilihan raya dan politik Malaysia. Sebaliknya, BN mula mengalami gugatan yang berkesan dari pakatan parti pembangkang, Pakatan Rakyat. Featuring contributions from a distinguished team of independent scholars, the chapters in this volume provide a definitive survey of the interaction of race, ethnicity, nationalism and politics in Malaysia. It examines the historical roots of national and ethnic identity, the sources of conflict and social cohesion, and contemporary manifestations of ethnic tension and solidarity in areas such as economic policy, cultural politics, education and migration. In doing so, the contributors delineate a variety of possible paths to reconciliation and the construction of a genuinely multiethnic society. Challenging mainstream thinking, Multiethnic Malaysia breathes fresh life into debates on ethnicity and the past, present and future of Malaysian society. It is indispensable reading for students, academics, activists and policymakers wanting to engage in these debates, and help achieve a more just and equitable society. Publisher: SIRD & UCSI 2009: 530 pp ISBN: 9789833782789 (Softcover): RM60.00 / US$22.00 ISBN: 9789833782819 (Hardcover): RM100.00 / US$38.00 New The Chempaka Tree Selected Stories Tan Jing Quee Buku ini secara dasarnya membuat analisis dan perbincangan berkenaan praktik PRU 2008 berdasarkan kerangka teori politik pilihan. Namun, impak dan praktik dalam politik Malaysia selepas pilihan raya itu turut dibincangkan. Ini termasuklah analisis Pilihan Raya Kecil Permatang Pauh 2008 dan Kuala Terengganu 2009, Krisis Politik Perak dan penilaian tentatif politik Malaysia di bawah pemerintahan Dato’ Seri Najib Razak. This collection of short stories of old Singapore before its rapid transformation into the modern city state marks a welcome nostalgic trip to a quite different world. These stories, set from Sembawang to Orchard Road, present a green and more leisurely city before its advent to a concrete metropolis. Except for a story set in India and two stories set in neighbouring peninsula Malaysia, most of the stories in this collection are based in Singapore. Publisher: SIRD 2009: 134 pp ISBN: 9789833782826: RM20.00 / US$8.00 Publisher: Gerakbudaya Enterprise 2009: 150 pp ISBN: 9789834479305: RM20.00 / US$8.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: 0 Catalogue 2010 SIRD New New Anwar On Trial The Memoirs of Shamsiah Fakeh Pawancheek Marican Shamsiah Fakeh In the Face of Injustice From AWAS to 10th Regiment The Anwar Ibrahim trials during the late Nineties left the landscape of Malaysia’s judiciary forever changed. Convicted to a six-year prison term on charges that many believe to have been trumped up, Anwar has become the symbol of a new generation of Malaysians determined to seek truth and justice. Anwar on Trial: In the Face of Injustice gives readers a cogent look into the detailed workings of the 1998 corruption trial of Anwar Ibrahim. Captured through the lens of a lawyer who was present throughout the proceedings, this book presents a first-hand account of the goings-on in court and outside it. Publisher: Gerakbudaya Enterprise 2009: 387 pp ISBN: 9789834479329 (Softcover): RM50.00 / US$19.00 ISBN: 9789834479312 (Hardcover): RM100.00 / US$38.00 Shamsiah Fakeh was a leader in the independence movement among a group of Malay women who fought persistently right into the jungles of Malaya. She was the head of Angkatan Wanita Sedar (AWAS), which joined forces with Angkatan Pemuda Insaf (API) as flag bearers in the demand for independence from the British. Her collaboration with Ahmad Boestamam, the API head, stoked the spirits of a substantial number of Malayan youths to take up arms against the colonisers. Shamsiah also joined the 10th Regiment, the Malay wing of the Malayan Communist Party (MCP). Her life was filled with thorny obstacles. Publisher: SIRD 2009: 122 pp ISBN: 9789833782772: RM30.00 / US$11.00 Forthcoming Ethnic Relations and Nation Building The Way Forward New Edited by Maya Khemlani David, James McLellan Ngeow Yeok Meng, Lean Mei Li, Wendy Yee Mei Tien Memoir Abdullah C.D. Bahagian 3 Perjuangan di Sempadan dan Penamatan Terhormat Abdullah C.D. “Di masa silam, kawasan sempadan yang merupakan kawasan strategik perang gerila pernah menjadi sandaran belakang perang-perang patriotik antiBritish seperti Perang Bahaman di Pahang (1891-1895), Perang Tok Janggut di Kelantan (1915) dan Perang Haji Abdul Rahman di Terengganu (1928). Rakyat keduadua belah perbatasan tersebut adalah dari ras dan rumpun yang sama iaitu rumpun Melayu. Datok Bahaman dan beberapa pemimpin perang itu bersemadi di negera jiran tersebut.” Publisher: SIRD 2010 Missing Malaysia Dean Johns Publisher: SIRD 2010 The March to Putrajaya Kim Quek 2010 Publisher: SIRD 2009: 407 pp ISBN: 9789833782802: RM38.00 / US$14.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: SIRD Catalogue 2010 New Making and Unmaking the Asylum Leprosy and Modernity in Singapore and Malaysia New Political Islam in Southeast Asia Gordon P. Means Gordon Means traces the evolution of Islamic politics in Southeast Asia, ranging from the early arrival of Islam in the region to the challenges it generates, and faces, today. Loh Kah Seng Making and Unmaking the Asylum recounts the entangled histories of leprosy in colonial and postcolonial Malaya/ Malaysia and Singapore—decades of heavy-handed biomedical policies and laws enacted in the name of modernity, science and development, interwoven with the personal accounts of those who were sent to the asylums. The leprosarium was a living hell for many. It is also no coincidence, Loh argues, that the majority of patients were poor and working-class. Yet this book also richly demonstrates how patients resisted being victims—creating new families, forging friendships, working, joining unions, and actively engaging in their communal religious and cultural lives. Having struggled to remake the asylums into homes, ex-sufferers in both countries have been evicted or moved again, their personal and collective histories erased, and their real homes exchanged for antiseptic hospital wards. Publisher: SIRD 2009: 189 pp ISBN: 9789833782765: RM28.00 / US$11.00 New Overwhelming Terror Love, Fear, Peace and Violence Among Semai of Malaysia Robert Knox Dentan This powerful ethnography of a people believed to be the least violent in the world explores how they maintain peaceful relations even under the most dire circumstances. Robert Knox Dentan, the world's foremost scholar of Semai, brings its members vividly to life. His book includes translations of their poetry, dramatized accounts of particular events, and narratives in their own words. Throughout, the author highlights the mechanisms and costs of peace, underscoring their relevance to everyday life in all societies. Students and scholars of peace studies, conflict resolution, ethnography, and Southeast Asia will find this unique work an invaluable and compelling study. Publisher: SIRD 2009: 277 pp ISBN: 9789833782703: RM38.00 / US$14.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 "This is a gem of a book.... one of the best I have seen on political Islam in Southeast Asia. Mean's knowledge of his subject matter is prodigious."–Howard Federspiel, Ohio State University, Newark. "A crowning achievement for Means, and must-read for anyone interested in the political and policy implications of Islam in Southeast Asia."–Dwight W. King, Northern Illinois University. Publisher: SIRD 2009: 444 pp ISBN: 9789833782697: RM78.00 / US$28.00 New The Memoirs of Rashid Maidin From Armed Struggle to Peace Rashid Maidin I endured the extreme bitterness of living under both the British and Japanese. I fought against the Japanese during their occupation (1941–45) with all my might, just as I did when the British returned to rule Malaya in 1945. Between 1945–48, when I agitated peacefully against the British, I was one of the CPM’s public representatives, openly organizing the masses for independence. Soon after the declaration of the Emergency, I was caught and imprisoned in British detention camps until 1952. It was a good thing that I managed to escape and join the 10th Regiment [of the Malayan National Liberation Army] with my close friend, Abdullah C. D. In December 1955, I participated in the Baling Talks with Chin Peng and Chen Tien. In 1989, I was one of the CPM’s representatives in the Phuket negotiations which resulted in the Haadyai Peace Accord of 2 December that same year. I hope this memoir will give some idea of the struggle which I plunged myself into for decades. - Rashid Maidin Publisher: SIRD 2009: 121 pp ISBN: 9789833782727: RM25.00 / US$10.00 E-mail: Website: 0 Catalogue 2010 SIRD Critical States Taking Southeast Asia to Market Edited by: Louis Lebel, Anond Snidvongs, Chen-Tung Arthur Chen & Rajesh Daniel Edited by Joseph Nevins and Nancy Lee Peluso Environmental Challenges to Development in Monsoon Southeast Asia Commodities, Nature, and People in the Neoliberal Age Critical States provides transboundary state-of-thescience case studies and assessments of issues in the environmental change-development nexus, including: governance and institutional challenges, urbanization, climate change, poverty, as well as land, energy, and water use. "As one leans on a lovely Indonesian table, slips into a stylish T-shirt, sips a rare arabica coffee, or munches on delicious shrimp, one is in the new circuits of Southeast Asian economics. Most U.S. readers have largely forgotten about this region and hear of it mainly in references to the Vietnam War or threatened tigers. But the region has reconfigured itself, its politics, and its economies in highly complex, often unpredictable ways under this round of neoliberal globalization. Taking Southeast Asia to Market by local institutions and actors. This is a useful and definitive collection on politics, socionatures,a and globalization."—Susanna Hecht, UCLA Publisher: SIRD 2009: 460 pp ISBN: 9789833782628: RM65.00 / US$23.00 Publisher: SIRD 2009: 280 pp ISBN: 9789833782673: RM45.00 / US$16.00 Old vs New Politics in Malaysia Even Madder about Malaysia Extraordinarily rapid economic development has radically transformed urban-industrial, agrarian and marine environments throughout Southeast Asia.Future development is now being constrained, however, by the consequences of decades of largely unregulated exploitation of the region’s rich natural resources and biodiversity. It has also increased or altered the vulnerabilities of Southeast Asian populations to climatic variables, flooding, and global economic shifts. State and Society in Transition Dean Johns Francis Loh Kok Wah The central argument in this volume of 27 essays on Malaysian politics and society is that there exists a conflict between the BN’s ‘Old Politics’, which is essentially ethnic-based and characterized by money politics, coercive laws and other restrictions, and ‘New Politics’, which demands more democratic participation and social justice, accountability and transparency, and is more multi-ethnic in orientation. The NGOs, new media, Reformasi and the results of the 2008 general elections all mark the arrival of this New Politics. Between the Old and the New lies a politics of developmentalism, which also helps to explain why many people continue to support the BN. But developmentalism also underscores the relatively non-violent transition to a two-coalition political system in Malaysia. Publisher: SIRD and Aliran 2009: 294 pp ISBN: 9789833782680: RM38.00 / US$14.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 "Dean Johns acerbic political commentary on Malaysiakini has always been spot on and a fabulous chuckle too. Johns certainly puts his highly developed skills as a wordsmith to good use by lacing his insights with ebullient wit. As an Aussie married to a Malaysian he has the neutral perspective of an outsider coupled with a profound affection for his adoptive country that comes shining through his columns". Antares Australian former ad nomad Dean Johns has lived and worked as a gweilo in Hong Kong, a gora in India, a farang in Thailand, a bule in Indonesia, has also done a good deal of what he calls “asing around” in Malaysia, and is currently based in Sydney Publisher: SIRD 2009: 152 pp ISBN: 9789833782659: RM20.00 / US$8.00 E-mail: Website: SIRD Catalogue 2010 Two Faces The Memoirs of Abdullah C.D. (Part One) Detention Without Trial The Movement until 1948 Syed Husin Ali Two Faces records Syed Husin Ali’s experiences during his six-year detention under the Internal Security Act (ISA). His detention followed a spate of demonstrations in 1974 by students who supported the peasants in Baling, Kedah, and protested against poverty and the rise in prices of daily necessities. Toward the end of the second year of his detention at Kamunting, he was put in solitary confinement for six months in an unknown place in Kuala Lumpur. During this time he was interrogated and subjected to all kinds of torture and harassment. There was an attempt to implicate him with a number of politicians and journalists who were then detained for alleged involvement in a “communist conspiracy” in Singapore and Malaysia. Interestingly, there were also attempts to implicate some senior UMNO leaders, including Dr. Mahathir Mohamad. Publisher: SIRD 2008: 169 pp ISBN: 9789833782574: RM20.00 / US$8.00 Abdullah C.D. “Our nation’s Independence on 31 August 1957 cannot be alienated from the contributions of various forces and groups who had been involved in the anti-colonial struggle since World War II. But there are historians who have argued that the spirit of Malay anti-colonialism before World War II was weak, akin to setting fire to damp wood. They maintain that this spirit only came alive after the Japanese Occupation during World War II. By my own observations and involvement, this view needs to be reconsidered. Although the rise of nationalism only became evident after the war, its seed had been sown long before. I hope my memoir will contribute a little to the efforts of rewriting the history of our land. I hope it will complement the historical gaps yet to be filled. At the very least, it will help students and researchers to think from a different perspective. With this, I hope they will be able to make a more balanced assessment about the anti-colonial fighters who were leftists....” Publisher: SIRD 2009: 207 pp ISBN: 9789833782642: RM35.00 / US$13.00 Fong Chong Pik Dua Wajah Tahanan Tanpa Bicara The Memoirs of a Malayan Communist Revolutionary Syed Husin Ali Fong Chong Pik Dua Wajah ialah catitan pengalaman Syed Husin yang ditahan hamper enam tahun di bawah Akta Keselamatan Dalam Negeri (ISA). Beliau ditahan berikutan demonstrasi pelajar yang menyokong petanipetani Baling dan membantah kemiskinan serta kenaikan harga barang pada tahun 1974. Publisher: SIRD 2008: 176 pp ISBN: 9789833782581: RM20.00 / US$8.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 Fong Chong Pik, or Fang Chuang Pi or Lee Ping, or “The Plen” as he was variously known, spent his twilight years, post- 1989 Peace Accord, contemplating and writing about his life on the flipside of Malayan history. Longing to return home but never allowed to, he was acutely aware of how he, and the Left, had been written out, or excoriated, in the official accounts of Singapore’s independence struggles. The vividly told episodes of courage, treachery, honour, and loss will leave you wanting to know more about the true history of Singapore as part of Malaya, and the men and women who have been forgotten. Publisher: SIRD 2008: 286 pp ISBN: 9789833782475: RM38.00 / US$14.00 E-mail: Website: 0 Catalogue 2010 SIRD In Pursuit of Fair Play Reminiscences of a Malaysian Trade Unionist K George In Pursuit of Fair Play is a passionate plea for fairness and justice in human relations between individuals, between communities, between employers and the employees and between the ruler and ruled. The author writes from more than seven decades as a young soldier, migrant worker and trade union activist. K. George was born in Kerala, India, in 1920 he came to Malaya as a soldier in the British Army. He was the founder member of Government Temporary Officers Union (GTOU). He held the position of Vice President of Malaysian Trade Union Congress (MTUC) and CUEPACS. He was the founder president of the Union of Employees of Trade Unions, a unique union to protect the interest of union employees against the Unions as employers. He was for a time Executive Secretary of Parti Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia. Publisher: SIRD 2008: 197 pp ISBN: 9789833782635: RM28.00 / US$10.00 Abu Samah Mohd Kassim Pejuang Kiri Kemerdekaan Zuriat Datuk Bahaman Mohamed Salleh Lamry Perjuangan Datuk Bahaman menentang penjajahan Inggeris di Pahang banyak memberi ilham dan dorongan kepada generasi anak Pahang yang berikutnya dalam perjuangan menuntut kemerdekaan, selepas Perang Dunia Kedua. Malah, penglibatan mereka dalam perjuangan bersenjata, meskipun bersama PKM, boleh juga dilihat sebagai penyambung perjuangan Datuk Bahaman. Salah seorang zuriat Datuk Bahaman yang terlibat secara aktif dalam perjuangan kemerdekaan ialah Abu Samah Mohd Kassim, anak Pahang kelahiran mukim Semantan, Temerloh. Bermula sebagai pemimpin kecil dalam gerakan politik kiri (PKMM/API). Buku biografinya ini akan menunjukkan bahawa dia adalah salah seorang pejuang kiri kemerdekaan yang penting dan patut diberi pengiktirafan. Publisher: SIRD 2008: 244 pp ISBN: 9789833782413: RM30.00 / US$11.00 Social Roots of the Malay Left Rustam A. Sani This is a study of the Kesatuan Melayu Muda (KMM)—the first Malay political party, established in 1938 and led by Ibrahim Yaacob. KMM is often regarded as the precursor of the ‘Malay Left’ Modern Malay politics is said to have divided into a ‘left’ and a ‘right’ stream from the 1930s. Beyond Suspicion? The Singapore Judiciary Francis T. Seow This book makes this largely academic debate available to a wider public, contextualising KMM’s founding within early 20th century transformations of Malay and Malayan society—especially the emergence of an elite alienated from, and dissatisfied with, traditional court-based power. It argues that the Malay Left emerged within the new elite’s two-pronged struggle: against colonialism and against the traditional rulers who were the only ones allowed a ‘voice’. A good read for anyone wishing to go beyond the generally airbrushed and bland versions of Malay, Malayan, and Malaysian history. “Once again, Francis Seow has revealed, with his usual rigour and attention to detail, a vital part of Singapore’s repressive machinery, this time by placing his spotlight on its judiciary. Beyond Suspicion? The Singapore Judiciary is essential to understanding the true nature of human rights abuses in that country. Particularly thorough are the chapters dealing with the use of civil defamation suits through the courts by ruling party leaders against political critics. Seow’s meticulous treatment of these suits clearly illustrates that in politically sensitive cases, the Singapore judiciary has not moved to check the Executive’s misuse of the law. Human rights campaigners now and the historians of the future will regard it as required reading”. - Margaret John, Amnesty International Canada. Publisher: SIRD 2008: 78 pp ISBN: 9789833782444: RM18.00 / US$7.00 Publisher: SIRD 2008: 405 pp ISBN: 9789833782482: RM50.00 / US$19.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: SIRD Catalogue 2010 Re-imagining Marriage and Family in Asia Ethnic Relations in Malaysia Harmony & Conflict Asian Christian Women’s Perspectives Syed Husin Ali Edited by Sharon A Bong & Pushpa Joseph With Malaysia in the throes of sweeping political change, academic-turned-political activist Dr Syed Husin Ali traces how ethnicity has been manipulated, since Independence, by Malaysian politicians for their own gain to the detriment of the masses. In articles spanning more than three decades, collected for the first time here, he dissects the origins, fallacies and destructive nature of communal politics in Malaysia and examines the issues of class versus race. It is time, he argues, for an end to race-based politics. This volume offers timely and invaluable resources for re-imaging women, marriage and family life in addressing 21st century theological challenges by seven Asian Christian women. It calls for new ways of being family in redefining kinship as going beyond biological ties. It offers a Christian engagement with Confucian ethics and interfaith dialectics, feminist engagement with the Bible and Church and postcolonial engagement with Western feminist theorizing. Publisher: SIRD 2008: 161 pp ISBN: 9789833782611: RM20.00 / US$8.00 The Malaysian Indians History, Problems and Future Muzafar Desmond Tate Written several years before the Hindraf rallies of 2007, this book is a much-needed introduction to the Indians of Malaysia. It is a balanced, scholarly yet highly readable account of the origins, economic and political contributions, and continuing divisions and problems faced by this diverse community. The focus is on those who migrated or were brought to work in colonial plantations and the civil service in the late 19th and early 20th century. Both the educated and poor labouring classes came to this nation seeking their fortunes, and became part and parcel of this growth, prosperity and political upheavals. Readers are also reminded of the important, centuries-old, pre-colonial ties between India and Southeast Asian—links that deeply influenced kingship, religion, culture and trade, of the Malay world. This book traces the key contributions of individuals and groups in the making of Malaya and Malaysia. It is hoped that this book will be the springboard for more research, rational discussion, and informed public debate and policymaking. Publisher: SIRD 2008: 241 pp ISBN: 9789833782543 (Softcover): RM40.00 / US$16.00 ISBN: 9789833782550 (Hardcover): RM120.00 / US$42.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 Publisher: SIRD 2008: 169 pp ISBN: 9789833782598 (Softcover): RM30.00 / US$11.00 ISBN: 9789833782604 (Hardcover): RM60.00 / US$22.00 Membina dan Meruntuh Malaysia Sebuah Imbasan Orang Dalam Tentang Umno, Razak dan Mahathir Ahmad Mustapha Hassan Apakah yang telah dicapai oleh dua orang Perdana Menteri Malaysia yang lalu, dan apakah warisan yang mereka tinggalkan? Buku ini merupakan pengkisahan orang dalam pertama tentang pentadbiran Malaysia selepas kemerdekaan, iaitu pada tahun 1970-an dan 1980-an, daripada perspektif pemerhati di tepi gelanggang. Pengarang, Ahmad Mustapha Hasan, bukan hanya seorang nasionalis dan sosialis pada zaman mudanya, beliau juga aktif dalam pergerakan pelajar dan pemuda UMNO. Beliau telah menerapkan pengalaman beliau yang kaya dan pelbagai pada huraian tentang keadaan komuniti Melayu ini. Mustapha membawa pembaca melalui beberapa fasa penglibatan beliau dalam pentadbiran negara dan politik UMNO pada tahun-tahun pembentukannya. Publisher: SIRD 2008: 293 pp ISBN: 9789833782529: RM35.00 / US$13.00 E-mail: Website: 0 Catalogue 2010 SIRD Blogging and Democratization in Malaysia Sharing the Nation A New Civil Society in the Making Faith, Difference and the State 50 Years After Merdeka Jun-E Tan and Zawawi Ibrahim Norani Othman, Mavis C. Puthucheary & Clive S. Kessler Before the 12th Malaysian General Election, bloggers were called numerous, often unflattering, names by Malaysian government officials and other unsavoury characters. Virtually immediately after the election results, they were hailed by many, including the same unsavoury characters, as “key players” and “prime movers”. Some have even gone so far as to blame the dismal election performance of the Barisan Nasional on bloggers and blogging. This original, well-researched and very readable volume, provides a necessary resource for those who wish to understand Malaysian blogging within a wider sociopolitical context. It is necessary reading for Malaysians who wish to understand how the new media may or may not be able to contribute to the expansion of democratic space. And it really ought to be compulsory reading for the unsavoury characters who still refuse to understand where Malaysia is heading. Malaysia’s independence and its Constitution are grounded upon the political bargaining process and ensuing “social contract” that made them possible. Yet two major questions central to the “Merdeka process” persist. Recent controversies now pose the question whether there has been any change in the nation’s formative “social contract” and, if so, whether it has been openly negotiated and imposed? These issues are addressed in this collection of essays. Together they clarify the origins in political philosophy of the term “social contract”, trace its largely unacknowledged modification as it was imported into and adapted to the Malaysian context, and explore the uses to which in its refashioned form it has been put in Malaysian politics. Publisher: SIRD 2008: 99 pp ISBN: 9789833782437: RM20.00/ US$8.00 Failed Nation? Publisher: SIRD 2008: 155 pp ISBN: 9789833782536: RM25.00 / US$10.00 Concerns of a Malaysian Nationalist Rustam A. Sani Keganasan, Penipuan & Internet Here at last are Rustam Sani’s articles and blog postings from 1986–2006 in English, a keeneyed and passionate sifting through the organic tailings of this nation that unearths the many- splendoured failures of nation-creation in Malaysia since 1957. Hegemoni media daulah pecah Hishamuddin Rais Keganasan, Penipuan & Internet ini adalah kumpulan tulisan-tulisan Hishamuddin Rais aka Isham yang pernah disiarkan di kolum “Surat Tanpa Alamat” dalam harian akhbar Oriental Daily berbahasa Mandrin. Dalam kumpulan ini juga termasuk tulisan kolum “Dari Brickfield” dalam Berita Keadilan dan “Dari Jelebu”, blog Isham di Publisher: SIRD 2008: 292 pp ISBN: 9789833782420: RM30.00 / US$11.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 This is an essential book by one of Malaysia’s most courageous and important public intellectuals and writers. Easy to read, yet provocative, thoughtful, objective—and ultimately constructive—this is a volume that will repay re-reading during this exciting time of change and debate about how to renew Malaysia as a nation. Publisher: SIRD 2008: 180 pp ISBN: 9789833782451: RM25.00 / US$10.00 E-mail: Website: 10 International Politics & Economics Catalogue 2010 Uneven Economic Development New Regional Outlook Edited by José Antonio Ocampo and Rob Vos Southeast Asia 2009–2010 Inequality in the world is high and rising. The problem of global uneven development is central to, and inseparable from, the international development agenda. Edited by Ian Storey, Lee Poh Onn, editors Launched in 1992, Regional Outlook is an annual publication of the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, published every January. Designed for the busy executive, professional, diplomat, journalist, or interested observer, Regional Outlook aims to provide a succinct analysis of current political and economic trends shaping the region, and the outlook for the forthcoming two years. This forward-looking book contains focused political commentaries and economic forecasts on all ten countries in Southeast Asia, as well as a select number of topical pieces of significance to the region. Publisher: ISEAS 2009: 155 pp ISBN: 9789812309068: RM72.00 / US$23.90 Exploited Migrant Labour in the New Global Economy Toby Shelley From cleaning to construction, from agriculture to domestic work, every day migrant labourers are exploited and enslaved. In Uneven Economic Development, leading economists and development experts examine the causes and implications of international economic divergences. This book reviews economic growth and structural change patterns since the 1960s, before critically reviewing the respective role and impact of trade liberalization, marcoeconomic policies, governance and institutions on comparative national economic performance, particularly in developing countries. This is a definitive guide to identifying, addressing and perhaps even finding a solution to this global phenomenon. Publishers: Orient Longman, Zed Books, TWN. with the UN 2008: 240 pp ISBN: 9781848131958: RM27.00 New Southeast Asian Affairs 2009 Edited by Daljit Singh Since its inception in 1974, Southeast Asian Affairs (SEAA) has been an indispensable annual reference for generations of policy-makers, scholars, analysts, journalists, and others. Succinctly written by regional and international experts, SEAA illuminates significant issues and events of the previous year in each of the Southeast Asian nations and the region as a whole. Extra hours are squeezed out Polish food packers, and trafficked African children are used for forced labour. Low wages are used to drive down prices from the oil industry to airport services. In this book, Toby Shelley shows that current unprecedented flows of migrant workers are a direct result of economic liberalisation. The appalling conditions and legal abuses which confront these workers are not a premodern aberration, but an integral part of the global economy. Shelley argues that even governments, their ‘law and order’ approach on immigratin being part of this complicity. Publisher: Zed Books 2007: 183 pp ISBN: 9781842778524: RM90.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 Publisher: ISEAS 2009: 436 pp ISBN: 9789812309464 (Softcover): RM95.00 / US$29.90 ISBN: 9789812309488 (Hardcover): RM144.00 / US$43.90 E-mail: Website: 0 Catalogue 2010 International Politics & Economics New 11 New Realizing the ASEAN Economic Community China-ASEAN Relations Economic Engagement and Policy Reform A Comprehensive Assessment Edited by Emile Kok-Kheng Yeoh, Chan Sok Gee, Wendy Chen-Chen Yong and Joanne Hoi-Lee Loh Edited by Michael G Plummer and Chia Siow Yue Trade and Investment between China and ASEAN have witnessed phenomenal growth in recent years, and with a large and fast growing market, China has become the global buyer of goods, and services from other countries including the member countries of ASEAN. Meanwhile, as globalization is creating intense competition between countries in the world arena, regional integration is gaining importance for the sustainability of developing countries. The goal of this book is to assess empirically the likely economic effects of the AEC on the ASEAN Member States and associated stakeholders. It mobilizes a number of techniques to do so, and finds that the likely effects will be large, even greater than the anticipated effects of the Single Market Program in Europe, for example. The AEC will help the region improve competitiveness, facilitate the creation of production networks, foster the diffusion of “best practices,” and help ASEAN project its interests more effectively in an increasingly integrated, global economy.he politics of security institutions or “architectures”. Publisher: ISEAS 2009: 215 pp ISBN: 9789814279345 : RM144.00 Publishers: ICS, UM 2009: 217 pp ISBN: 9789675148446: RM30.00 New New Regional Economic Development in China Connecting & Distancing Edited by Saw Swee Hock & John Wong Edited by Ho Khai Leong This book incorporates a selection of fourteen revised papers presented to the International Conference on “China’s Regional Economic Development: Cooperation, Challenges and Opportunities for Singapore”, organised jointly by the Saw Centre for Financial Studies, NUS Business School, and the East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore, in May 2008.The fourteen chapters discuss in considerable detail the recent shift adopted by the Chinese Government towards the regional development of the country in order to achieve a more balanced economy for the whole country. The economic challenges and opportunities in the various parts of the region are examined in the context of this new policy. The book, with contributors from experts in the topics covered, will be invaluable to businessmen, analysts, academics, students and policy makers. “Connecting” and “distancing” have been two prominent themes permeating the writings on the historical and contemporary developments of the relationship between Southeast Asia and China. As neighbours, the nationstates in Southeast Asia and the giant political entity in the north communicated with each other through a variety of diplomatic overtures, political agitations, and cultural nuances. In the last two decades with the rise of China as an economic powerhouse in the region, Southeast Asia’s need to connect with China has become more urgent and necessary as it attempts to reap the benefit from the successful economic modernization in China. Publisher: ISEAS & EAI 2009: 332 pp ISBN: 9789812309419 (Hardcover): RM168.00 Publisher: ISEAS 2009: 265 pp ISBN: 9789812308566: RM135.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 Southeast Asia and China E-mail: Website: 12 Asian Studies Catalogue 2010 New New Qur’an and Cricket Islamism in Indonesia Farish A Noor Bernhard Platzdasch Travels through the madrasahs of Asia Once in Pakistan, I had to interview some students while in the corner of the room played a videotape of the gruesome murder and decapitation of the American journalist Daniel Pearl. The boys I was speaking to were between seven to ten years of age, and were smiling and laughing … I tried to look away as long as I could, resisting the urge to puke. Farish A Noor, academic, activist, traveller extraordinaire, visits, lives and interviews students (and others) in ‘jihad factory’ madrasahs (Islamic seminaries) from Patani to Pakistan, and from Kashmir to Cairo. Although he writes with his sense of humour firmly in place throughout, that does not obscure the seriousness of the subject. Is the world ready for some truth? Publisher: Silverfish 2009: 288 pp ISBN: 9789833221264: RM40.00 Politics in the Emerging Democracy This book is an analysis of Islamist political behaviour during the early democratic years in Indonesia, concentrating on the period between 1998 and 2003, yet with large attention given to related historical developments. The fall of President Soeharto in May 1998 and the introduction of multi-party democracy by President BJ Habibie have unleashed religious parties (both Islamic and Christian) in Indonesian politics. This study shows that the Islamist agenda of the Islamist parties is overshadowed by their political pragmatism. This book is a must-read account on the rise and failure of the Islamist struggle in Indonesia’s emerging democracy. Platzdasch’s work is without a doubt a significant and timely contribution to a better understanding of Islamic politics in contemporary Indonesia. -- Prof. Azyumardi Azra, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, Jakarta, Indonesia. Publisher: ISEAS 2009: 412 pp ISBN: 9789814279086: RM120.00 New New Towards Pax Sinica? China’s Rise and Transformation Beyond Democracy in Cambodia Impacts and Implications Political Reconstruction in a Post-Conflict Society Edited by Emile Kok-Kheng Yeoh Edited by Joakim Öjendal & Mona Lilja The year 2009 marks several significant anniversaries for China, some triumphant, some tragic. Indisputably the leading light of the year’s BRIC summit and the stellar performer amidst the global financial crisis, China has also celebrated without a doubt her return to the centre of the world by her successful hosting of the Olympics an dher fist spacewalk a year before, though a series of other incidents have made such triumph far from unequivocal. Publisher: ICS 2009: 312 pp ISBN: 9789675148507: RM35.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 This volume (written by a broad mix of Khmer and non-Khmer researchers) is the first study to assess the postconflict democratization process in Cambodia in a systematic and in-depth empirical way. In going beyond a one-dimensional view of democracy, the full complexity of this process is illuminated. Not only does the volume focus on the successes and failures of Cambodia’s political elite but also it looks beyond Cambodia, assessing the extent to which the globally applied post-conflict strategy of intervention followed by early elections, hoping for rapid democratization, is sustainable and progressive. Publisher: NIAS Press 2009: 320 pp ISBN: 9788776940430: RM115.00 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: 0 Catalogue 2010 Malaysia New New Democratising Malaysia’s Economy Where is Justice? Budget Strategies for Economic Transformation Death and Brutality in Custody Edited by John Lee & Nathaniel Tan Between 2003 and 2007, 1535 people died while in the custody and protection of the Malaysian government. Each of these people was a human being, with a story to tell, with family and friends who loved them. Countless more have barely escaped with their lives after poor treatment or brutality at the hands of the authorities. Innocent or guilty, all were entitled to the protection of our laws and our government-to justice. Revealed here are the crucial facts behind the cases of four prominent cases: Teoh Beng Hock, A. Kugan, Altantuya Shaariibuu and Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. One died over an investigation into alleged corruption totaling RM2,400; another died over allegations of car theft. One was shot dead by a crack team of police commandos; another was bloodied and beaten by the most powerful police officer in the country. Each cries out for justice. Beyond the headlines are thousands of other cases where Malaysians have suffered similar unjust brutality. All we have are names and brief details-if anything at all. DAP Economic Bureau The goals of economic democratization is to ensure that public funds and expenditure by the government will be more effectively and efficiently spent in accordance to the needs of the people, ensure that public projects are structured in mechanisms which will benefit the rakyat as opposed to politicallyconnected operators as well as enabling Malaysians to achieve greater economic freedom. The process of “economic democratization” hence focuses on 3 key thrusts, that involves (i) fiscal decentralization, (ii) prioritizing the rakyat’s needs via restructuring and reallocation, as well as (iii) empowerment and enablement via capacity building. Publisher: DAP 2009: 156 pp ISBN: 9789839820348 : RM30.00 New The Budget Publisher: Kinibooks 2009: 206 pp ISBN: 9789834092269 : RM29.00 How the Government is spending OUR money New Teh Chi-Chang 20 Years Defending Human Rights The federal government of Malaysia spends about RM200bn per year. On top of that, there is also spending by state and local governments. Where is all that money going? The Budget: How the government is spending OUR money is a guide to how the government raises its funds and how it chooses to spend that money. Kua Kia Soong Suaram is the leading nongovernmental human right organization in Malaysia today. It was founded in 1989 by several detainees who had just been released from detention without trial under Operation Lalang together with others who had campaigned for their release. This brief history of SUARAM serve as a record of the contributions of the young activitists who have served in SUARAM to make a difference to Malaysian society by putting peace, equality, justice, democracy and human rights on the national agenda. Budgets are arguably the most critical macroeconomic instruments governments use to address long and shortterm development goals. Public expenditure provides the infrastructure - transport, utilities, healthcare, education, defence and other basic services - necessary to meet the needs of the people and to stimulate growth. Publisher: REFSA 2009: 254 pp ISBN: 9789834359614: RM30.00 Publisher: SUARAM 2009: 140 pp ISBN: 9789834407032 : RM20.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 13 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: 14 Malaysia Catalogue 2010 New Malaysia Human Rights Report 2008 Civil & Political Rights New New Malaysian Essays 2 Edited by Amir Muhammad SUARAM SUARAM's annual Human Rights Report on Malaysia is widely recognised source of information on the state of human rights in Malaysia. It documents the human rights violations as well as the struggles of human rights defenders that take place in Malaysia during the year. In this 2008 report, we note the new political realities brought about by the unprecedented results of the 12th General Election, in which the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) suffered its biggest loss in Malaysian electoral history since 1969. Despite this setback, the BN government continued to use outdated and draconian laws such as the Internal Security Act (ISA), the Emergency Ordinance (EO) and the Dangerous Drugs Act (DDA) to detain individuals without trial. Other restrictive and repressive laws, including the Police Act, the Printing Presses and Publications Act (PPPA), the Official Secrets Act (OSA) and the Sedition Act continued to be invoked by the government to suppress voices of dissent and curb basic freedoms of expression, assembly and association. The establishment of the Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC) as recommended by the Royal Police Commission a few years ago remainded unfulfilled. This has led to numerous abuses of power by the police throughout the year. Bigger and maybe more badass than the first, New Malaysian Essays 2 has ten non-fiction pieces. Shanon Shah squarely faces the politics of religion and Mohammad Tajuddin Mohamad Rasdi critiques ‘power architecture’, a subject Ridhwan Saidi also handles with witty immediacy. We then take in Amir Sharipuddin’s journal of National Service, Yusuf Martin’s amusing rant on the Americanisation (or is that Americanization?) of popular culture, Amir Muhammad’s views on royalty, Ann Lee’s secret history of leprosy, and Danny Lim’s photo-essay on our newly-regained love for public demonstrations. As night falls, Andrew Ng and Jac sm Kee play twin tributes to the female Publisher: Matahari 2009: 288 pp ISBN: 9789674359683: RM36.00 New Building Bridges, Crossing Boundaries Everyday Forms of Inter-Ethnic Peace Building in Malaysia Edited by Francis Loh Kok Wah This is a collection of essays by a group of Malaysian academics who are also social or cultural activists. They include some very established scholar-activists as well as younger colleagues. Their premise is twofold: first, lasting peace only comes with social justice and participatory democracy; and second, nations and communities are held together not only by the state and political elites but also by non-state nonelite actors. 2008 also saw growing religious intolerance, most clearly demonstrated in warning issued by Muslim leaders against non-Muslims who discussed matters relating to Islam and the ban on non-Muslims from using certain words deemed to be the exclusive right of Islam. The rights of refugees, asylum seekers and migrants continued to be seriously violated by the goverment. Malaysia's credibility at the international level took a further blow for its lack of commitment in promoting and protecting human rights, as illustrated in the possible fowngrading of the Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (SUHAKAM) by an international governing body. Publisher: SUARAM 2009: 215 pp ISBN: 9789834407025: RM22.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Publisher: Ford & PSSM 2009: 296 pp ISBN: 9789834364786 (Softcover) : RM40.00 ISBN: 9789834364793 (Hardcover) : RM80.00 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: 0 Catalogue 2010 Malaysia Malaysian Chinese and NationBuilding Living On The Periphery Development and Islamization among the Orang Asli in Malaysia Before Merdeka and Fifty Years After (Volume 2) Nobuta Toshihiro Voon Phin Keong Fifty years have elapsed since the Federation of Malaya proclaimed independence in 1957. Six years later, it was joined by Sabah and Sarawak to form Malaysia. It is necessary to place the progress thus far achieved in proper perspective. Half a century is like a flash in the history of humankind yet, in the life of a new nation, it is sufficient to build a solid foundation towards vibrant nationhood. This publication is a special study by the Centre for Malaysian Chinese Studies to commemorate the golden jubilee of Merdeka. The primary purpose of this book is to examine the contributions of the Malaysian Chinese community to nation-building. Attention is focused principally on the postindependence period but with justified emphasis on the earlier era that constituted the formative stage of the country as a political state. The areas and extent of Chinese contributions are multifaceted. The present study deals with the more crucial areas that determine the vigour and durability of the Malaysian nation-state. These are identified as those that pertain to the economic, political and cultural aspects of life that combine to make Malaysia what it is today and that have a profound influence on its future prospects. The present volume is divided into three parts, namely, political perspective, cultural perspective, and conclusion.Publisher: Center For Malaysian Chinese Studies Publisher: CMCS 2009: 796 pp ISBN: 9789833908059 (Softcover): RM60.00 ISBN: 9789833908066 (Hardcover): RM90.00 What set out as a study on the survival strategies of the Orang Asli in the wake of state-led development found the author being confronted by another elementIslamizationinfluencing both their social relations and their access to development. The book gives an exceptional peak into the contemporary social and economic situation of the Orang Asli in their village setting, providing insight not only into the familiar dichotomy of haves and havenots, but also into the villagers’ close relations with both Chinese and Malays, including intermarriage, over many generations. Living on the Periphery exposes the attitudes of the nonOrang Asli, their different world views, and especially their control of local resources. Even for people familiar with Malaysia, Nobuta’s ethnographic account puts a spotlight on the jarring inequalities experienced by Orang Asli that otherwise are so easily overlooked. Publisher: COAC 2009: 370 pp ISBN: 9789834324841: RM40.00 Malaysia at the Crossroads A Socialist Perspectives New Jeyakumar Devaraj Education and Work In this collection of articles by Dr Jeyakumar, MP of Sg Siput, and Maharani, a member of the PSM Central Committee, readers will find a number of crucial issues discussed, including the globalized economy, race relations, Hindraf, privatization of essential services and the future of socialism in Malaysia. This book provides a refreshing alternative insight into topics that affect us all. The World of Work Edited by Shyamala Nagaraj, Chew Sing Buan, Lee Kiong Hock & Rahimah Haji Ahmad This book marks the culmination of a longitudinal study on school-work transitions. The first of its kind in Malaysia, the study comprised three surveys carried out in 1989, 1992 and 1996. The results of the 1989 and 1992 surveys have already been published. This book is based on the 1996 survey, which looks at the experiences of school leavers seven years after leaving school. Publisher: FEA, UM 2009: 318 pp ISBN: 9789839662269: RM40.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 15 Publisher: Parsosma 2009: 123 pp ISBN: 9789834454708 : RM15.00 E-mail: Website: 16 Islam Catalogue 2010 New New Suara Orang Buangan Renungan-renungan tentang Islam Fenomena Riddah & Penghinaan Terhadap Nabi SAW Nasr Hamid Abu Zaid Menelusuri Sejarah dan Implikasi Hukum Nasr Hamid Abu Zaid telah dipaksa meninggalkan Universiti Kaherah kerana dianggap tersesat. Jenayahnya? Nasr menyebut dalam tulisannya bahawa sejarah dan budaya harus diambil kira dalam mentafsirkan Quran. Selain itu, Nasr juga menghujahkan bahawa dalam pentafsiran Quran, ayat-ayat kitab suci in harus difahami secara tamsilan (metafora) dan bukan secara kaku dan hurufiah. Publisher: MEGC 2009: 326 pp ISBN: 9789833912155: RM25.00 New Submitting to God Women and Islam in Urban Malaysia Sylva Frisk In recent decades, Malaysia has been profoundly changed both by forces of globalization, modernization and industrialization and by a strong Islamization process. Some would argue that the situation of Malay women has worsened but such a conclusion is challenged by this study of the everyday religious practice of pious women within Kuala Lumpur’s affluent, Malay middle class. Here, women play an active part in the Islamization process not only by heightened personal religiosity but also by organizing and participating in public programmes of religious education. By organizing new forms of collective ritual and assuming new public roles as religious teachers, these religiously educated women are transforming the traditionally male-dominated gendered space of the mosque and breaking men’s monopoly over positions of religious authority. Exploring this situation, the book challenges preconceptions of the nature of Islamization as well as current theories of female agency and power. Publisher: NIAS 2009: 216 pp ISBN: 9788776940485: RM103.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Riduan Mohamad Nor & Mohd Asri Mat Daud Buku ini muncul di tengah khalayak ketika isu murtad dan gerakan swadaya pemurtadan sedang menerjah umat Islam di Malaysia yang semakin merosot indeks kelestarian aqidahnya. Fenomena riddah sebenarnya bukanlah suatu yang baru dalam perkembangan sejarah Islam terutama menjadi rancak selepas kewafatan Nabi SAW kerana golongan yang sangsi terhadap agama menyangka Islam akan menjadi lemah dengan kewafatan nabi, perhitungan mereka silap kerana Khalifah Abu Bakar telah menangani isu ini dengan tegas dan berkesan. Kemuliaan Islam dipertahankan oleh Khalifah Abu Bakar bukan sahaja dalam isu riddah tetapi menangani golongan yang enggan membayar zakat, ancaman tentera Rom di Balqa’, nabi-nabi palsu yang menghina Izzah agama seperti Musailamah Al-Kazzab, Aswad Al-Ansi, Thulaihah Bin Khuwailid dan beberapa lagi nama bejat yang menerima hukuman di atas sikap mereka. Publisher: Jundi 2009: 204 pp ISBN: 9789834460624: RM20.00 New Islamic Connections Muslim Societies in South and Southeast Asia Edited by R. Michael Feener & Terenjit Sevea This volume brings together the work of an interdisciplinary group of scholars discussing various aspects of the complex relationships between the Muslim communities of South and Southeast Asia. With their respective contributions covering points and patterns of interaction from the medieval to the contemporary periods, they attempt to map new trajectories for understanding the ways in which these two crucial areas have developed in relation to each other, as well as in the broader contexts of both world history and the current age of globalization. Publisher: ISEAS 2009: 245 pp ISBN: 9789812309235 (Hardcover) : RM120.00 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: 0 Catalogue 2010 Islam iMuslims 17 New Imam Khomeini Rewiring the House of Islam Life, Thought and Legacy Gary R. Bunt Exploring the increasing impact of the Internet on Muslims around the world, this book sheds new light on the nature of contemporary Islamic discourse, identity and community. By surveying the broad spectrum of approaches used to present dimensions of Islamic social, spiritual, and political life on the Internet, iMuslims encourages diverse understandings of online Islam and of Islam generally. Publisher: IBT 2009: 358 pp ISBN: 9789839541694: RM45.00 New Muslim Spaces of Hope Geographies of Possibility in Britain and the West Edited by Abdar Rahman Koya The author deals with a wide array Ayatullah Khomeini's homecoming from exile in 1979, and his funeral in Tehran a decade later, inspired two of the largest gatherings of people that modern history has ever seen, the leader of the Islamic Revolution in Iran and architect of the first Islamic State of the modern era? This volume brings together essays by Muslim thinkers and activists from around the world, reaching beyond the popular images to understand Imam Khomeini as a reformist thinker and a profoundly modern Islamic political leader. In doing so, it aims to contextualise his achievement in terms of contemporary Islamic history, and consider the implications of his work for all Muslim liberation movements. Publisher: IBT 2009: 203 pp ISBN: 9789675062254: RM40.00 Edited by Richard Phillips Debates about contemporary Islam and Muslims in the West have taken some negative turns in the depressing atmosphere of the war on terror and its aftermath. Muslim Spaces of Hope argues that we have been too preoccupied with problems, not enough with solutions. It challenges what has come to be viewed as the ‘Islamic problem’ by asking what Muslims have to be hopeful about today, and how others might share this hope, as well as addressing wider debates about social difference, oppression and liberation. Publisher: Zed Books 2009: 271 pp ISBN: 9781848133013: RM110.00 Tokoh-Tokoh Gerakan Islam Abad Moden Zainudin Hashim and Riduan Mohamad Nor Jihad dan dakwah telah melalui jalan panjang sepanjang keberadaan aqidah Islam di pentas dunia ini. Dalam denainya, ramai tokoh-tokoh telah dimunculkan oleh Allah SWT untuk membentengi agama ini walaupun berdada dengan kezaliman dan pemimpin tirani disepanjang abad pertarungan iman dan kufur. Buku ini adalah salah satu usaha menyingkap keperibadian, pengalaman dan sejarah tokoh-tokoh yang pernah monoreh sejarah dengan tinta emas. Ada diantara mereka yang syahid dibunuh, diserkap jeriji dan palang penjara besi, bergelandangan jauh dari bumi leluhur akibat tekanan pemerintah sekular. Buku ini diharap mampu menyirami dahaga pencinta-pencinta harakah Islam terhadap biografi tokoh-tokoh gerakan Islam di abad moden ini, meneladani kebaktian mereka adalah sebahagian potret kejayaan pada kanvas perjuangan yang tiada noktah henti ini. Publisher: Jundi 2009: 219 pp ISBN: 9789834363062: RM25.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: 18 TWN Books Catalogue 2010 New TWN Submissions to the United Nations Climate Talks - Ideas and Proposals on the Elements Contained in Paragraph 1 of the Bali Action Plan New Barcelona News Updates and Climate Briefings Third World Network This is a collection of the 16 News Updates and two briefing papers prepared by the Third World Network for and during the United Nation Climate Change Talks in Barcelona, Spain, from 2 to 6 November 2009. Third World Network The failure of developed countries to fulfill their commitments is a major reason for the weak implementation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) over the last 15 years. At the 13th meeting of the Conference of Parties (COP 13) held in Bali, Indonesia on 3-15 December 2007 the Bali Action Plan was adopted. It launched “a comprehensive process to enable the full, effective and sustained implementation of the Convention through long-term cooperative action, now, up to end beyond 2012, in oder to reach an agreed outcome and adopt a decision” at COP 15 in Copenhagen in December 2009. Publisher: TWN 2009: 59 pp ISBN: 9789675412110: RM12.00 New Bangkok News Updates and Climate Briefings (September/October 2009) Third World Network This is a collection of the 23 News Updates and two Briefing Papers prepared by the Third World Network for and during the United Nations Climate Change Talks in Bangkok, Thailand, from 28 September to 9 October 2009. Publisher: TWN 2009: 84 pp ISBN: 9789675412004: RM11.00 New Change Tourism, Not Climate! Anita Pleumarom This book sets out to explain why this untenable situation has emerged, namely the failure of the 1997 Kyoto Protocol to explicitly include GHGs generated by tourism in any global reduction target as well as in the negotiations on the post-2012 reduction targets. It highlights the absence of considerations of equity and justice in tourism and climate change discussions among policymakers and industry leaders and critically assesses the UN World Tourism Organisation and its position on sustainable tourism. New Bonn News Updates and Climate Briefings (June 2009) Third World Network This is a collection of 22 News Updates and three Briefing Papers prepared by the Third World Network for and during the United Nations Climate Change Talks in Bonn, Germany from 1-12 June 2009. Publisher: TWN 2009: 105 pp ISBN: 9789675412028: RM14.00 Publisher: TWN 2009: 34 pp ISBN: 9789675412103: RM7.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Publisher: TWN 2009: 76 pp ISBN: 9789675412097: RM12.00 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: 0 Catalogue 2010 TWN Books New New The Substantive Patent Law Treaty Biosafety First The Dangers of Global Patent Policy Harmonization Holistic Approaches to Risk and Uncertainty in Genetic Engineering and Genetically Modified Organisms Sangeeta Shashikant Negotiations at the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) to draw up a Substantive Patent Law Treaty (SPLT) have long been bogged down by differences among the WIPO member states over the scope and orientation of the agreement. As part of efforts to break the negotiating deadlock, WIPO convened an open forum in Geneva on 1-3 March 2006 Third World Network Biosafety First is a stimulating collection of the latest thinking concerning biosafety science. It is a unique work as its approach to biosafety is holistic, encompassing not only the scientific, but also the socio-economic, cultural, policy and regulatory spheres. It does not claim to give all the answers, but acknowledges the issues and points to the uncertainties and knowledge gaps that still need to be addressed. Publisher: TWN 2009: 31 pp ISBN: 9789675412011: RM8.00 New Implementation-Related Issues in the WTO A Possible Way Forward Publisher: TWN 2009: 612 pp ISBN: 9789832729983: RM60.00 New Putting Food First Third World Network The set of multilateral agreements under the jurisdiction of the World Trade Organization (WTO) governs the conduct of international trade. Implementation of the commitments imposed by these agreements has, however, given rise to a host of problems for the WTO’s developingcountry members, ranging from non-realization of anticipated benefits to imbalances in the rules. These implementation-related issues have been on the WTO agenda for over a decade, yet meaningful resolution is still proving elusive. This paper documents the progress – or, more appropriately, lack thereof – in the treatment of the implementation issues over the years. It looks at the various decisions adopted, to little effect thus far, by the WTO in this area, including the 2001 Doha Declaration which incorporates the implementation issues into the remit of the ongoing Doha round trade talks. Towards a Community-Based Food Security System in Indonesia Hira Jhamtani Ensuring that every person in one of the world’s largest and most populous nations has enough food on the table is understandably an undertaking of great import. Putting Food First examines the food security situation in Indonesia with a view to determining how this can be done. This book draws attention to serious shortcomings in food production and distribution in the country, which led to many cases of malnutrition, especially among children, in 2005. These flaws are ultimately rooted in policy failures, not only in the agriculture sector per se but also in the related spheres of trade, industrialization, rural development and environmental and natural resource management. Publisher: TWN 2009: 67 pp ISBN: 9789675412066 : RM10.00 Publisher: TWN 2009: 60 pp ISBN: 9789675412035: RM10.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 19 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: 20 ISEAS Books Catalogue 2010 New Decentralization and Regional Autonomy in Indonesia Implementation and Challenges New Through the Eyes of the King The Travels of King Chulalongkorn to Malaya P. Lim Pui Huen Edited by Coen J G Holtzappel and Martin Ramstedt This book takes the reader to old Malaya as seen through the eyes of King Chulalongkorn of Siam. The King was probably the most travelled monarch of his time. He went to Java three times, India and Burma once, and Europe twice. In all these journeys, he had to pass through Singapore, and when he went westwards, he had to pass through Penang. In 1999, Indonesia embarked on a reform of regional governance that brings self-governance to rural districts and municipalities, i.e., the administrative and democratic capacity needed to apply basic services like healthcare, national legislation and environment policies. This edited volume is the first book, which not only deals with the 1999 legislation but also shows how the deficiencies and contradictions of this legislation reduced implementation between 2001 and 2004 to a try-out. This book also discusses the adaptations that were the focus of the debate on the revision of the 1999 legislation that resulted in the 2004 update legislation and the amendment of the 1945 Constitution. Anthropological case studies of five provinces complement and deepen the findings of the more general survey reports. Publisher: ISEAS & IISA 2009: 433 pp ISBN: 9789812308207 (Hardcover): RM216.00 / US$79.90 New Fisheries Exploitation in the Indian Ocean The King travelled to Malaya more than ten times - mainly to Singapore but also to Johor, Penang, Malacca, Taiping and Kulim. The narratives is told through historical photos and notes on the places he visited and pen sketches of the people he met. Publisher: ISEAS 2009: 179 pp ISBN: 9789812307736 (Hardcover) : RM207.00 / US$79.90 New Plugging Into Production Networks Industrialization Strategy in Less Developed Southeast Asian Countries Ikuo Kuroiwa The book aims to further the debate on the impacts of fisheries policies in the Indian Ocean Region in order to facilitate a new regional policy direction. A key argument of the volume is that ecologically sustainable and socially just development and management of Indian Ocean fisheries require a paradigm shift in the perceptions and policies of major stakeholders. A central policy challenge is to identify a collective regional interest for fisheries and, accordingly, the development of integrated management policies that link ecology and society and which incorporate individuals, communities, agencies, states and regimes into a holistic cooperative endeavour. This work focuses on how less developed economies in Southeast Asia, namely Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam (CLMV), can establish links with neighbouring countries and participate in production networks. It also takes a look at links between Singapore and the BatamBintan-Karimum (BBK) Special Economic Zone in Indonesia. Leading Southeast Asian economies have achieved rapid economic growth by participating in production networks organized by multinational enterprises. It is thus crucial for less developed economies in Southeast Asia to improve their investment climate, attract foreign direct investment, and form competitive industrial clusters. Service link costs must also be reduced substantially to make production fragmentation economically feasible. The authors in this book discuss these issues and provide policy recommendations. Publisher: ISEAS 2009: 364 pp ISBN: 9789812309860: RM144.00 / US$49.90 Publisher: ISEAS 2009: 313 pp ISBN: 9789812309341 (Hardcover) : RM168.00 / US$49.90 Threats and Opportunities Edited by Dennis Rumley, Sanjay Chaturvedi and Vijay Sakhuja Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: 0 Catalogue 2010 ISEAS Books New New State, Society and Religious Engineering The ASEAN Regional Forum Rodolfo C. Severino Towards a Reformist Buddhism in Singapore Kuah-Pearce Khun Eng The book looks at how religion in Singapore is being subjected to the processes of modernisation and change. The Singapore state has consciously brought religion under its guidance. It has exercised strong bureaucratic and legal control over the functioning of all religions in Singapore. The Chinese community and the Buddhist Sangha have responded to this by restructuring their temple institutions into large multifunctional temple complexes. There are several books on the role of the Singapore state but, so far, none has been written on the topic - the relationship between the state, society and religion. This book helps to fill the gap in the scholarly literature. The topic is also of great significance in many Asian, particularly Southeast Asian, countries. This book will serve as an important reference for future research and comparative studies. Publisher: ISEAS 2009: 337 pp ISBN: 9789812308658: RM135.00 / US$39.90 The ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) is the only Asia-Pacific-wide forum for consultations and dialogue on political and security issues. Although many articles and books have been published on the ARF, this is one of the few books that treat the forum comprehensively and from the standpoint of the region itself. It traces the ARF’s origins, the efforts to move it from confidence building to “preventive diplomacy”, and the forces that hold them back, analysing the strategic environment that both constrains the ARF and makes it essential. The book discusses the question of participation, describes the numerous cooperative activities that the participants undertake, and deals with the issue of institutionalization. Finally, it assesses the ARF as a forum and a process on its own terms. The book is written by the former ASEAN Secretary-General and former senior official who was involved in the ARF’s early years. Publisher: ISEAS 2009: 186 pp ISBN: 9789812309907 (Hardcover) : RM92.00 / US$32.90 New New Gender Trends in Southeast Asia Different Voices Women Now, Women in the Future The Singaporean/Malaysia Novel Edited by Theresa W. Devasahayam Rosaly Puthucheary Different Voices: The Singaporean/ Malaysian Novel focuses on the challenges that face a novelist in the literary representation of a multilingual environment. The early writers used strategies like vernacular transcription and mimetic translation. However, the close readings of twelve selected novels by nonEuropean writers from 1980 to 2001 indicate the increasing use of strategies like lexical borrowings, code mixing, code switching and varieties of Singapore-Malayan English, instead. Puthucheary asserts in her book that the methods of language appropriation have a direct connection to how the witer conveys the multilingual nature of the Singapore-Malayan society through the speaking person while developing the central theme of the novel. The book maps out the verbal artistic representation of the speaking person and the correlation between speech and character in a multilingual environment. Publisher: ISEAS 2009: 318 pp ISBN: 9789812309105: RM87.00 / US$29.90 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 21 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 As a region, Southeast Asia has undergone enormous economic and social changes in the last few decades. Women as a collective have seen their lives transformed as a result of rapid development and economic growth. In exploring the progress made by Southeast Asian men and women, this book seeks to answer the following questions: (a) In what areas have women been able to achieve parity with men? (b) In what areas do women encounter specific disadvantages based on their gender as compared with men? and (c) How have women’s concerns and problems been addressed by the governments in this region with the aim of encouraging gender equality? As the title of this book suggests, the chapters provide and analysis of the broad trends – including changes and continuities – in the experiences, interests and concerns of Southeast Asian women. Publisher: ISEAS 2009: 115 pp ISBN: 9789812309556 (Hardcover) : RM92.00 / US$32.90 E-mail: Website: 22 ISEAS Books Catalogue 2010 New Military Politics, Islam and the State in Indonesia From Turbulent Transition to Democratic Consolidation Marcus Mietzner Based on a decade of research in Indonesia, this book provides an in-depth account of the military’s struggle to adapt to the new democratic system after the downfall of Suharto’s authoritarian regime in 1998. Unlike other studies of the Indonesian armed forces, which focus exclusively on internal military developments, Mietzner’s study emphasizes the importance of conflicts among civilians in determining the extent of military involvement in political affairs. Analysing disputes between Indonesia’s main Muslim groups, Mietzner argues that their intense rivalry between 1998 and 2004 allowed the military to extend its engagement in politics and protect its institutional interests. The stabilization of the civilian polity after 2004, in contrast, has led to an increasing marginalization of the armed forces from the power centre. Drawing broader conclusions from these events for Indonesia’s ongoing process of democratic consolidation, the book shows that the future role of the armed forces in politics will largely depend on the ability of civilian leaders to maintain functioning democratic institutions and procedures. Publisher: ISEAS 2009: 426 pp ISBN: 9789812307873: RM120.00 / US$39.90 New The Geopolitics of Energy in South Asia Edited by Marie Lall Energy Security has become a central concern for all the countries in the Asian region and the search for sufficient sources of energy to fuel economic growth has drastically influenced relations among the South Asian countries as well as their respective relations with their neighbours China, Myanmar, Iran and Afghanistan. The recent nuclear deal between India and the U.S. Is also indicative of how energy and power politics are linked and how these new inter-linkages underlie relations between states. Publisher: ISEAS & ISAS 2009: 255 pp ISBN: 9789812308276 (Hardcover) : RM144.00 / US$49.90 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 New Indonesia Towards Democrazy Taufik Abdullah This book traces the beginning of the process of nation-formation, the struggle for independence, the hopeful beginning of the new nation-state of Indonesia only to be followed by hard and difficult ways to remain true to the ideals of independence. In the process Indonesia with its sprawling archipelago and its multi-ethnic and multi-religious nation has to undergo various types of crisis and internal conflicts, but the ideals that have been nurtured since the beginning when a new nation began to be visualized remain intact. Some changes in the interpretation may have taken place and some deviations here and there can be noticed but the literal meaning of the ideals continues to be the guiding light. In short this is a history of a nation in the continuing offort to retain the ideals of its existence. Publisher: ISEAS 2009: 640 pp ISBN: 9789812303653 (Softcover): RM120.00 / US$39.90 New Older Persons in Southeast Asia An Emerging Asset Edited by Evi Nurvidya Arifin & Aris Ananta In the twenty-first century, the ageing population has become a global phenomenon. Its economic, social, and political impacts are apparent in almost all countries. This book contributes to a better understanding of ageing populations in Southeast Asia, especially in one particular, and very important, aspect of ageing communities - the financing of the older persons and the possible transformation of older persons from liabilities to assets. The book also concludes that active ageing is one of the aims of the development, as well as an important means to solve the financing issues of the older persons. This book offers a much wider understanding of financing older persons from the social, cultural and political perspectives. It provides valuable insights not only for Southeast Asia, but also elsewhere in this era of the “ageing century”. Publisher: ISEAS 2009: 425 pp ISBN: 9789812309433 (Softcover) : RM144.00 / US$45.90 ISBN: 9789812309440 (Hardcover) : RM192.00 / US$69.90 E-mail: Website: 0 Catalogue 2010 ISEAS Books Cheng Ho and Islam in Southeast Asia New Gender and Natural Resource Management Tan Ta Sen Development Agencies & International Involvement Patrick Barron & Adam Burke This book is about the gender dimensions of natural resource exploitation and management, with a focus on Asia. It explores the uneasy negotiations between theory, policy and practice that are often evident within the realm of gender, environment and natural resource management, especially where gender is understood as a political, negotiated and contested element of social relationships. It offers a critical feminist perspective on gender relations and natural resource management in the context of contemporary policy concerns: decentralized governance, the elimination of poverty and the “mainstreaming” of gender. Through a combination of strong conceptual argument and empirical material from a variety of political economic and ecological contexts (including Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nepal, Thailand and Vietnam), the book examines gender-environment linkages within shifting configurations of resource access and control. Living the Information Society in Asia Edited by Erwin Alampay Undeniably, Asian societies are in a period of transition, when people are learning to live with new information and communication technologies (ICTs) - whether in commerce, government or development work. Living the Information Society in Asia describes the interaction of people and new ICTs as the technologies seep into everyday life, such as how mobile phones forge relationships among families separated by migration, how camera phones threaten personal space, how cultural identities are strengthened in call centres, and how religion is incorporated into the new communication technologies people use. Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 Publisher: ISEAS 2009: 291 pp ISBN: 9789812308375: RM147.00 / US$49.90 Edited by Saw Swee-Hock and Danny Quah New Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Tan Ta Sen has modestly suggested that, as a book to illustrate the peaceful impact of culture contact, he is concerned to show how such cultural influences not only led to transmissions, conversions and transferences involving Inner Asian Muslims from China and Yunna Muslims, Chams, Javanese, Malays, Arabs and Indians, but also enabled many Chinese in the Malay world to retain their non-Muslim cultural traits. In placing Cheng Ho's voyages in this context, the author offers a fresh perspective on a momentous set of events in Chinese maritime history. - Professor Wang Gungwu The Politics of Knowledge Publisher: ISEAS & Earthscan 2009: 268 pp ISBN: 9789812309761: RM147.00 / US$44.90 Publisher: ISEAS & IDRC 2009: 253 pp ISBN: 9789812308733: RM96.00 / US$29.90 23 The publication of this book, comprising chapters written by distinguished scholars, is a timely recognition that these days we are bombarded by suggestions that knowledge is power, that we are operating in a knowledge economy, and that the greatest driver for financial growth and national development is the knowledge industry. There are more sources of knowledge available to a wider range of the world's polulation than ever before. The Internet has made the dissemination of knowledge possible in ways not contemplated fifty years ago. National boundaries are crossed with consummate ease. Publisher: ISEAS & LSE 2009: 208 pp ISBN: 9789812309259 (Hardcover): RM144.00 / US$49.90 E-mail: Website: 24 Zed Books Catalogue 2010 New New Mega-Cities The Politics of Urban Exclusion and Violence in the Global South Religion in Development Rewriting the Secular Script Severine Deneulin with Masooda Bano Edited by Kees Koonings & Dirk Kruijt For the first time in history, the majority of the world’s population lives in cities, the result of a rapid process of urbanization that started in the second half of the twentieth century. ‘Megacities’ around the world are rapidly becoming the scene for deprivation, especially in the global South, and the urban excluded face the brunt of what in many cases seems like low-intensity warfare. Featuring case studies from across the globe, including Latin America, the Middle East and Africa, Megacities examines recent worldwide trends in poverty and social exclusion, urban violence and politics, and links these to the challenges faced by policy-makers and practitioners. Publisher: Zed Books 2009: 200 pp ISBN: 9781848132962: RM109.00 Religion infuses all aspects of the lives of many people, especially in developing countries. However, religion has largely remained unexplored in development studies. This timely new book aims to fill that gap. Religion in Development expertly reviews the treatment of religion in development thought and in the social sciences. Highlighting the major deficiencies of the assumption of secularism, the authors argue that there is no separation between religion and development. Religions, they claim, need to be studied in their entirety, as traditions whose central teachings are constantly reinterpreted in the light of social, political and historical contexts. Publisher: Zed Books 2009: 184 pp ISBN: 9781848130012: RM93.00 New New The Environmental Responsibility Reader Thinking About Development Edited by Martin Reynolds, Chris Blackmore and Mark J. Smith Bjorn Hettne The Environmental Responsibility Reader is a collection of classic and contemporary environmental works that offers a comprehensive overview of the issues involved in environmental responsibility, steering the reader through each development in thought with a unifying and expert editorial voice. This essential text expertly explores seemingly intractable modern-day environmental dilemmas – including climate change, fossil fuel consumption, fresh water quality, industrial pollution, habitat destruction and biodiversity loss. Starting with Silent Spring, the book draws on contemporary ideas of environmental ethics, corporate social responsibility, ecological justice, fair trade, global citizenship and the connections between environmental and social justice, configuring these ideas into practical notions for responsible action with a unique global and integral focus on responsibility. Publisher: Zed Books 2009: 360 pp ISBN: 9781848133174: RM93.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 Development matters Thinking about Development is a concise introduction to, and a critical study of the values behind, contemporary development theory and practice. In analyzing historical discourses from Westphalia to globalization and the current crisis, Bjorn Hettne draws the connections between the Enlightenment belief in ‘progress’ and the recent focus on the Millennium Development Goals. The first volume in the Development Matters series, Thinking about Development provides the framework for the titles that will follow. It places themes such as technology, learning and environmental justice within a broader historical, conceptual and political context than the immediate policy and output demands of neoliberalism. Publisher: Zed Books 2009: 152 pp ISBN: 9781848132474: RM82.00 E-mail: Website: 0 Catalogue 2010 Zed Books New New The Social Economy Conscientious Objection International Perspectives on Economic Solidarity Resisting Militarized Society Ozgur Heval Cinar and Coskun Usterci Edited by Ash Amin The social economy is emerging as a topic of considerable research and policy interest, both on its own term and as a symptom of a changing economy and society. From crèches to environmental services, consumer co-operatives to social housing, governments in many countries have begun to introduce legislation to support social enterprises. Using case studies from around the world, The Social Economy examines the conditions that enable social enterprises to flourish and the complicated and often difficult relationship between the social economy and the imperatives of the global market. Against critics who characterize the sector as providing poor-quality goods and services and low-paid, precarious employment, this collection argues that there is plentiful evidence that social enterprise work compares favourably with the best experiences in the state and private sector. Publisher: Zed Books 2009: 266 pp ISBN: 9781848132825: RM109.00 Refusing to take part in war is as ancient as war itself. This wide-ranging and original book brings together four different bodies of knowledge to examine the practice of conscientious objection: historical and philosophical analyses of conscientious objection as a critique of compulsory military service and militarization; feminist, LGBTT and queer analyses of conscientious objection as a critique of patriarchy, sexism and heterosexism; activist and academic analyses of conscientious objection as a social movement and individual act of resistance; legal analyses of the status of conscientious objection in international and national law. Conscientious objection is an increasingly important subject of academic and political debate, particularly in the USA, Israel and Turkey. This collection provides a much-needed introduction and tool for making sense of the history of nation-states in the twentieth century and understanding the political developments of the early twenty-first century. Publisher: Zed Books 2009: 268 pp ISBN: 9781848132788: RM109.00 New New Body Politics in Development The Deadly Ideas of Neoliberalism Critical debates in gender and development How the IMF has Undermined Public Health and the Fight against AIDS Wendy Harcourt Body Politics in Development sets out to define body politics as a key political and mobilizing force for human rights in the last two decades. This passionate and engaging book reveals how once-tabooed issues, such as rape, gender based violence, and sexual and reproductive right, have emerged into the public arena as critical grounds of contention and struggle. Engaging in the latest feminist thinking and action, the book describes the struggles around body politics for people living in economic and socially vulnerable communities and covers a broad range of gender and development issues, including fundamentalism, sexualities and new technologies, from diverse viewpoints. Publisher: Zed Books 2009: 226 pp ISBN: 9781842779354: RM93.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 25 Rick Rowden The Deadly Ideas of Neoliberalism explores the history of and current collision between two major global phenomena of the last thirty years: the spread of HIV/AIDS and other diseases of poverty and the ascendancy of neoliberal economics. The book explains not only how IMF policies of restrictive spending have exacerbated public health problems in developing countries, in particular the HIV/AIDS crisis, but also how those problems cannot be resolved under such policies. In stark, powerful terms, Rowden offers a unique, in-depth critique of the political economy of global foreign aid and health institutions. Publisher: Zed Books 2009: 243 pp ISBN: 9781848132856: RM104.00 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: 26 Zed Books Catalogue 2010 New New Women & War in the Middle East The Palestinians Edited by Nadje Al-Ali & Nicola Pratt From Peasants to Revolutionaries Women and War in the Middle East provides a critical examination of the relationship between gender and transnationalism in the context of war and post-conflict reconstruction in the Middle East. Focusing on Iraq and the Occupied Palestinian Territories, this volume addresses such issues as the impact of gender mainstreaming on women’s participation in peacebuilding; how the US-led invasion of Iraq has affected gender relations and identities; and how transnational feminist movements can best support women’s rights in the region. Rosemary Sayigh Based entirely on original empirical research, Women and War in the Middle East brings together some of the foremost scholars in the areas of feminist international relations, feminist international political economy, anthropology, sociology, history and Middle East studies. As the Israel-Palestine conflict rages on, it is more important now than ever to understand the history of the Palestinian people. The Palestinians is a classic of radical history. Through extensive interviews with Palestinians in refugee camps, Rosemary Sayigh provides a deeply moving, grassroots story of how the Palestinians came to be who they are today. In their own voices, Palestinians tell stories of the Nakba and their flight from their homeland. Sayigh’s powerful account of Palestinians’ economic marginalization, the social and psychological effects of being uprooted and the political oppression which they have faced continues to resonate today. Reissued with an extensive new foreword by Noam Chomsky, which brings the story that Sayigh tells up to date in the context of the Hamas victory and the war in Lebanon, this book is both a fascinating historical document and an essential insight into the situation in the contemporary Middle East. Publisher: Zed Books 2009: 285 pp ISBN: 9781848131866: RM99.00 Publisher: Zed Books 2007: 228 pp ISBN: 9781842779644: RM93.00 New New Dowry Soil Not Oil Climate Change, Peak Oil and Food Insecurity Vandana Shiva Climate change will dramatically alter how we live and is already affecting the lives of the world’s most vulnerable people. In Soil Not Oil, bestselling author Vandana Shiva connects the food crisis, peak oil, and climate change to show that a world beyond a dependence on fossil fuel and globalization is both possible and necessary. Bold and visionary, Shiva reveals how three crises are inherently linked and that any attempt to solve one without addressing the others will get us nowhere. Publisher: Zed Books 2008: 145 pp ISBN: 9781848133150: RM70.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice Edited by Tamsin Bradley, Emma Tomalin & Mangala Subramaniam This book explores dowry practices in South Asia from a number of theoretical perspectives and through a multidisciplinary lens. It provides an overview of these debates and discussions as they have developed since the 1960s, with the emergence of the Indian women’s movement in particular. This volume analyses and explores the dynamics of these changes and the complexities they involve. It highlights the particular role that academic research can play and presents suggestions about the sorts of activism and action necessary to end dowry injustice. Publisher: Zed Books 2009: 245 pp ISBN: 9781848132948 RM114.00 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: 0 Catalogue 2010 Arts & Fiction Dua Lauk New Sahabatku Fiksi Popkon dari Zon Imaginasi Terlarang Puisi-puisi 5 bahasa Taf Teh & D’Ianadi Usman Awang Sempena menyambut hari lahir Sasterawan Negera Malaysia yang ketiga, Usman Awang, yang telah meninggal dunia pada 29 November 2001. Buku khas ini memaparkan 12 buah puisi karya beliau yang mencerminkan watak peribadinya. Beliau adalah seorang penyair yang cinta pada manusia, tanahair, alam dan berjuang dengan mata penanya demi kesaksamaan sejagat. Puisi-puisi ini diterjemahkan ke Bahasa Inggeris, Bahasa Mandarin, Bahasa Tamil dan Bahasa Iban sebagaimana yang di impikan Usman Awang. Beliau idamkan – satu bangsa Malaysia – dari dulu lagi. Bilakah semua warganegara mendapat hak layanan dan keadilan yang sama dikenal dengan satu rupa nama: Bangsa Malaysia? – Usman Awang. Publisher: UA Enterprises Sdn Bhd 2009: 118 pp ISBN: 9789833742066: RM28.00 New Tangerin & Nikotin Mimi Morticia Mimi Morticia menghabiskan setengah dari hayatnya mencari kepunyaannya yang sentiasa tersalah letak di mana mana. Boleh jadi kepunyaannya itu orang, barang atau pun hal hal terlarang. Publisher: Sang Freud Press 2009: 84 pp ISBN: 9789834386832 : RM15.00 Music and Singing Al-Ghazali Are music and singing allowed in Islam? If the answer is a definite yes or no, then why has the question of its lawfulness become the subject of debate among Muslim scholars for centuries? Dua Lauk - Fiksi Popkon dari Zon Imaginasi Terlarang, adalah kumpulan cerpen oleh dua orang penulis wanita yang semakin dikenali di dunia maya. Pendek, padat dan penuh imaginasi, fiksyen-fiksyen mereka dijangka akan mencarta koordinat baru dalam peta sastera Malaysia. Publisher: Sang Freud Press 2009: 90 pp ISBN: 9789834386818: RM20.00 Our Thoughts Are Free Poems and Prose on Imprisonment and Exile Edited by Tan Jing Quee, Teo Soh Lung & Koh Kay Yew Nietzsche’s words, now a popular saying, asserts that “that which does not kill us makes us stronger”. What is seldom observed, however, is that the real threat often isn’t an external force but an internal one. The real danger, for example, from physical incarceration and enforced exile—as this collection Our Thoughts Are Free shows—is the mental and spiritual asphyxiation that isolation, loneliness and deprivation can cause. To survive these is the greater struggle and, as history has given us in countless examples, language as creative tool may be instrumental in saving us from ourselves. This collection of poems and writings is such a record of survival; of those who knew by instinct to let words open doors and windows to connect with a world denied them, the outside, and the one within, the more imperilled. Highly articulate, their voices uphold the inviolability of the human inner life, and attest to the fruitful relationship between art and adversity. It is said that adversity introduces a man to himself. This collection has the potential to do that: to surprise us with our own empathy, and to move and fortify us with the conviction of our essential freedom within circumstances few of us will experience at first hand. Lee Tzu Pheng Publisher: Ethos Books 2009: 176 pp ISBN: 97898108251193: RM25.00 Publisher: IBT 2009: 139 pp ISBN: 9789675062230: RM23.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 27 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: 28 Book List SIRD TITLE ISBN Author/Editor Year PP RM US$ A Different Chinese 978983378222 Fu Ce Qin 2007 225 30.00 11.00 A Guide for the English Language Teacher: A Malaysian Perspective 9789833782093 Maya Khemiani David 2007 143 18.00 7.00 A Pioneering Step: Sexual Harassment & The Code of Practice in Malaysia 9834067615 Cecelia Ng & Others 2003 213 20.00 8.00 Abu Samah Mohd Kassim: Pejuang Kiri Kemerdekaan Zuriat Datuk Bahaman 9789833782413 Mohamed Salleh Lamry 2008 244 30.00 11.00 Agenda Melayu atau Agenda Rakyat 9832535611 Lee Ban Chen 2005 180 18.00 7.00 An Education System Worthy of Malaysia 9832535069 M. Bakri Musa 2003 307 50.00 18.00 Beyond Suspicion? The Singapore Judiciary 9789833782482 Francis T. Seow 2008 405 50.00 19.00 Blogging and Democratization in Malaysia: A New Civil Society in the Making 9789833782536 Jun-E Tan & Zawawi Ibrahim 2008 155 25.00 10.00 Body That Bleeds: Menstrual Politics in Malaysia 9833782178 Popho E.S. Bark-Yi 2007 179 25.00 9.00 Bukan Kerana Pangkat: Tun Dr. Ismail & Masanya 9789833782185 9789833782192 H/b Ooi Kee Beng 2007 300 40.00 80.00 15.00 29.00 Changing Pathways: Forest Degradation & the Batek of Pahang, Malaysia 9832535689 Lye Tuck-Po 2005 227 28.00 11.00 Critical States: Environmental Challenges to Development in Monsoon Southeast Asia 9789833782628 L. Lebel, A. Snidvongs, C-T Arthur Chen & R. Daniel 2009 473 65.00 23.00 Critical Thoughts on Islam, Rights & Freedom in Malaysia 9833782078 Salbiah Ahmad 2007 405 40.00 15.00 Dari Kuliah ke Jalan Raya: Kisah Sekumpulan Pelajar UKM 9789833782147 S. Arutchelvan 2007 224 20.00 8.00 Di Mana Bumi Dipijak: Sejarah Rakyat Malaya (edisi kedua) 9789833782376 Musimgrafik 2007 172 18.00 7.00 Dua Wajah : Tahanan Tanpa Bicara 9789833782581 Syed Husin Ali 2008 176 20.00 8.00 Ethnic Futures: The State & Identity Politics in Asia 9832535212 Joanna Pfaff & Others 2004 209 30.00 11.00 Ethnic Relations in Malaysia Harmony & Conflict 9789833782598 9789833782604 H/b Syed Husin Ali 2008 169 30.00 60.00 11.00 22.00 Even Madder About Malaysia 9789833782659 Dean Johns 2009 152 20.00 8.00 Failed Nation? Concerns os A Malaysian Nationalist 9789833782451 Rustam A. Sani 2008 180 25.00 10.00 Fong Chong Pik: The Memoirs of a Malayan Communist Revolutionary 9789833782475 Fong Chong Pik 2008 286 38.00 14.00 From Pacific War to Merdeka: Reminiscences of Abdullah CD, Rashid Maidin, Suriani Abdullah & Abu Samah 9832535662 James Wong Wing On 2005 80 12.00 4.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: D SIRD Book List 29 Gerakan & Tokoh Kiri: Kamarulzaman The dalam Kancah Perjuangan Kemerdekaan 9833782043 Mohamed Salleh Lamry 2006 185 25.00 9.00 Hidup Bagaikan Sungai Mengalir: Kisah 16 Orang Wanita dalam Gerakan AntiJepun, Anti-penjajah dan Kemerdekaan di Malaysia-Singapura (1938-1989) 9789833782314 Agnes Khoo 2007 383 30.00 11.00 Indigenising Social Work: Research & Practice in Sarawak 9789833782260 Ling How Kee 2007 205 25.00 9.00 In Pursuit of Fair Play 9789833782635 K George 2008 197 28.00 10.00 Islam Melayu Komunis: Wawancara dengan Abdullah C.D., Rashid Maidin & Abu Samah 9832535743 SIRD 2005 112 12.00 4.00 Keganasan, Penipuan & Internet: Hagemoni Media daulah Pecah 9789833782420 Hishamuddin Rais 2008 292 30.00 11.00 Ke Mana Malaysia? Tampil ke Reformasi Anwar atau Kekalkan Mahathirisme? 9833782086 Kim Quek 2006 464 30.00 11.00 Language Choices & Discourse of Malaysian Families 9832535980 Maya Khemlani David 2006 194 25.00 9.00 Language & Nation Building: A Study of the Language Medium Policy in Malaysia 9833782019 Alis Puteh 2006 239 23.00 8.50 Lawan Tetap Lawan: Kisah Perjuangan Rakyat Menuntut Keadilan 9834032250 SIRD 2000 92 5.00 2.00 Life as the River Flows: Women in the Malayan Anti-Colonial Struggle 9832535344 9832535352 H/b Agnes Khoo 2004 312 50.00 100.00 18.00 36.00 Lost in Transition: Malaysia under Abdullah 9789833782390 Ooi Kee Beng 2008 196 30.00 11.00 Mad about Malaysia 9789833782291 Dean Johns 2007 233 25.00 9.00 Making and Unmaking the Asylum: Leprosy and Modernity in Singapore and Malaysia 9789833782765 Loh Kah Seng 2009 189 28.00 Malaysia: 45 Years under the Internal Security Act 9832535441 9832535468 H/b Koh Swe Yong 2004 330 50.00 100.00 18.00 36.00 Malaysia: State & Civil Society in Transition 9832535247 Vidhu Verma 2004 253 40.00 15.00 Malaysian Critical Issues 9832535034 Kua Kia Soong 2002 158 18.00 7.00 Membina & Meruntuh Malaysia: Sebuah Imbasan Orang Dalam Tentang Umno, Razak dan Mahathir 9789833782529 Ahmad Mustapha Hassan 2008 293 35.00 13.00 Memoir Abdullah C.D.: Zaman Pergerakan Sehingga 1948 (bhg. pertama) 9832535719 Abdullah C.D. 2005 283 35.00 13.00 Memoir Abdullah C.D.: Penaja & Pemimpin Rejimen Ke-10 (bhg. kedua) 9833782239 Abdullah C.D. 2007 337 35.00 13.00 Memoir Abdullah C.D. ( Bhg. Ketiga ) : Perjuangan di Sempadan & Penamatan Terhormat 9789833782802 Abdullah C.D. 2009 408 38.00 14.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: 30 Book List SIRD Memoir Ibrahim Chik: Dari Api Ke Rejimen Ke-10 (edisi baru) 9789833782918 Ibrahim Chik 2010 215 30.00 12.00 Memoir Rashid Maidin: Daripada Perjuangan Bersenjata Kepada Perdamaian 9832535700 Rashid Maidin 2005 104 18.00 7.00 Memoir Shamsiah Fakeh: Dari AWAS ke Rejimen Ke-10 (edisi baru) 9789833782321 Shamsiah Fakeh 2007 142 30.00 11.00 Memoir Suriani Abdullah: Setengah Abad Dalam Perjuangan 9832535875 Suriani Abdullah 2006 243 30.00 11.00 Merdeka! British Rule & the Struggle for Independence in Malaya 1945-1957 9832535182 Khong Kim Hoong 2003 333 40.00 15.00 Merdeka Rakyat & Keadilan 9832535328 S. Husin Ali 2004 383 40.00 15.00 Multiethnic Malaysia : Past, Present and Future 9789833782789 9789833782819 H/b Lim Tech Ghee, Alberto Gomes, Azly Rahman 2009 530 60.00 100.00 22.00 38.00 New Era Education 9833527035 Kua Kia Soong 2005 199 18.00 7.00 No Cowardly Past: James J. Puthucheary Writings, Poems, Commetaries 2nd Edition 9789833782901 Dominic J. Puthucheary, Jomo K.S. 2010 265 45.00 18.00 Old vs New Politics in Malaysia 9789833782680 Francis Loh K.W 2009 294 38.00 14.00 Overwhelming Terror: Love, Fear, Peace and Violence Among Semai of Malaysia 9789833782703 Robert Knox Dentan 2009 276 38.00 14.00 Patah Balek: Catatan Terpenting Reformasi 9832535557 Fathi Aris Omar 2005 263 28.00 10.00 Pekerja Malaysia: Terpinggir di Bumi Kaya 9832535972 Syed Shahir Mohamud 2006 118 12.00 5.50 People Before Profit 9834032277 Kua Kia Soong 2001 201 25.00 9.00 Point of No Return 9833782215 Andre Vltchek 2007 236 40.00 15.00 Political Islam in Southeast Asia 9789834372697 Gordon P. Means 2009 444 78.00 28.00 Politik Malaysia di Persimpangan : Praktik Politik dalam PRU 2008 & Kontemporari 9789833782826 Muhamad Nadzri Mohamed Noor 2009 134 20.00 8.00 Rakyat Dulu Untung Kemudian 9832535093 Kua Kia Soong 2003 219 20.00 8.00 Re-imagining Marriage and Family in Asia 9789833782611 Sharon A Bong & Pushpa Joseph 2008 161 20.00 8.00 Rethinking Islamic Architecture 9789833782895 Mohamad Tajuddin Mohamad Rasdi 2010 191 30.00 12.00 Rethinking Solidarity in Global Society: The Challenge of Globalisation for Social & Solidarity Movements 9833782132 Darwis Khudori 2007 202 25.00 9.00 Sejarah Sebagai Hakim Muktamad 9832535336 Lee Ban Chen 2004 269 25.00 9.00 Serikandi Suriani Abdullah 9789832535735 SIRD 2005 57 6.00 2.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: D SIRD Book List 31 Sharing The Nation: Faith, Difference, Power and the State 50 Years After Merdeka 9789833782437 Norani Othman, Mavis C. Puthucheary & Clive S. Kessler 2008 99 20.00 8.00 Social Roots of the Malay Left 9789833782444 Rustam A. Sani 2008 80 18.00 7.00 Taking Southeast Asia to Market 9789833782673 Joseph Nevins & Nancy Lee Peluso 2009 329 45.00 16.00 The Crocodile Fury 9832535042 Beth Yahp 2003 329 30.00 11.00 The Fajar Generation: The University Socialist Club and the Politics of Postwar Malaya and Singapore 9789833782864 9789833782871 H/b Poh Soo Kai, Tan Jing Quee, Koh Kay Yew 2010 361 50.00 100.00 19.00 38.00 The Finest Hour: The Malaysian-MCP Peace Accord in Perspective 9833782108 Collin Abraham 2006 245 40.00 15.00 The Malaysian Civil Rights Movement 9832535522 Kua Kia Soong 2005 195 20.00 8.00 The Malaysian Indians: History, Problems & Future 9789833782543 9789833782550 H/b Muzafar Desmond Tate 2008 241 40.00 120.00 15.00 42.00 The Memoirs of Abdullah C.D. (Part One) The Movement until 1948 9789833782642 Abdullah C.D. 2009 207 35.00 13.00 The Memoirs of Rashid Maidin: From Armed Struggle to Peace 9789834372727 Rashid Maidin 2009 121 25.00 9.00 The Memoirs of Shamsiah Fakeh: From AWAS to 10th Regiment 9789839048772 Shamsiah Fakeh 2009 189 30.00 11.00 The Rape Report: An Overview of Rape in Malaysia 983253500X Alina Rastam 2002 220 25.00 9.00 The Unmaking of Malaysia: Insider’s Reminiscences of UMNO, Razak & Mahathir 9833782253 9833782246 H/b Ahmad Mustapha Hassan 2007 282 38.00 65.00 14.00 24.00 Towards a Competitive Malaysia: Development Challenges in the 21st Century 9789833782208 M. Bakri Musa 2007 465 30.00 11.00 Two Faces: Detention Without Trial 9789833782574 Syed Husin Ali 2008 169 20.00 8.00 Voices from Moro Land: Perspectives from Stakeholders & Observers on the Conflict in the Southern Philippines 9789833782338 9789833782369 H/b Peter Kreuzer & Rainer Werning 2007 219 38.00 65.00 14.00 24.00 War on Terrorism: The Untold Truths 9832535964 Latheef Farook 2006 446 55.00 21.00 What the Market Does to People: Privatisation, Globalisation & Poverty 983253528X David Macarov 2004 183 30.00 11.00 Where Monsoons Meet 9789833782284 Musimgrafik 2007 174 18.00 7.00 Where to, Malaysia: A Future with Anwar’s Reformasi or back to Mahathirism? 9832535751 Kim Quek 2005 381 30.00 11.00 For more titles and backlist, please see Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: 32 Book List Gerak Budaya TITLE ISBN Author/Editor Year PP RM US$ Anwar On Trial: In the Face of Injustice 9789834479329 9789834479312 H/b Pawancheek Marican 2009 387 50.00 100.00 19.00 38.00 Najib’s First 100 Days: No Honeymoon 9789834244026 Oon Yeoh 2009 165 20.00 8.00 Speaking Out Loud For National Unity: Social Change and Nation-Building in Contemporary Malaysia 97898342440240 Collin Abraham 2008 174 25.00 10.00 The Chempaka Tree: Selected Stories 9789834479305 Tan Jing Quee 2009 150 20.00 8.00 For more titles and backlist, please see Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: a Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS) TITLE ISBN Book List Author/Editor 33 Year PP RM Across the Causeway: A Multi-dimensional Study of Malaysia-Singapore Relations 9789812307835 Takashi Shiraishi 2008 276 96.00 A New Energy Frontier: The Bay of Bengal Region 9789812307811 H/b Sudhir T. Devare 2008 205 120.00 APEC at 20: Recall, Reflect, Remake 9789814279260 K. Kesavapany and Hank Lim 2009 120 60.00 ASEAN-U.S. Symposium 9789812308580 ISEAS 2008 54 48.00 A Southeast Asian Community: More than a Matter of Geography 9789812307866 Mohamed Bolkiah 2008 20 48.00 Ageing in Southeast & East Asia: Family, Social Protection & Policy Challenges 9789812307651 Lee Hock Guan 2008 247 92.00 ASEAN-India-Australia: Towards Closer Engagement in a New Asia 9789812309631 H/b William T. Tow and Chin Kin Wah 2009 417 161.00 ASEAN (Southeast Asia Background Series no. 10) 9789812307507 H/b Rodolfo C. Severino 2008 110 46.00 Attitudes & Awareness Towards ASEAN: Findings of a Ten-Nation Survey 9789812308696 Eric C. Thompson & Chulanee Thianthai 2008 98 48.00 Building the Tatmadaw : Myanmar Armed Forces Since 1948 9789812308481 H/b Maung Aung Myoe 2009 255 120.00 Cheng Ho & Islam in Southeast Asia 9789812308375 Tan Ta Sen 2009 292 147.00 Clean, Green & Blue: Singapore’s Journey Towards Environmental & Water Sustainability 9789812308610 H/b 9789812308603 Tan Yong Soon, Lee Tung Jean & K. Tan 2008 390 144.00 96.00 Competition among Financial Centres in AsiaPacific : Prospects, Benefits, Risks & Policy Challenges 9789812309303 H/b 9789812308559 Soogil Young, Dosoung Choi, Jesus Seade & Zlatko Skrbis 2009 399 216.00 168.00 Connecting & Distancing: Southeast Asia and China 9789812308566 H/b Ho Khai Leong 2009 265 135.00 Creating “Greater Malaysia”: Decolonization & the Politics of Merger 9789812307439 Tan Tai Yong 2008 224 85.00 Credit & Debt in Indonesia, 860 – 1930 : From Peonage to Pawnshop, from Kongsi to Cooperative 9789812308467 H/b David Henley & Peter Boomgaard 2008 193 168.00 Decentralization and Regional Autonomy in Indonesia: Implementation and Challenges 9789812308207 H/b Coen J G Holtzappel and Martin Ramstedt 2009 433 216.00 Deepening Democracy in Indonesia ? : Direct Elections for Local Leaders ( Pilkada ) 9789812308450 P/b 9789812308412 H/b Maribeth Erb & Priyambudi Sulistiyanto 2009 391 103.00 168.00 Different Voices: The Singaporean/Malaysia Novel 9789812309105 Rosaly Puthucheary 2009 318 87.00 Divided Over Thaksin : Thailand’s Coup & Problematic Transition 9789812309617 H/b John Funston 2009 203 120.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: 34 Book List Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS) Dr. Maung Maung: Gentleman, Scholar, Patriot 9789812304094 H/b Robert H.Taylor 2008 590 138.00 Economic Integration and The Investment Climates in ASEAN Countries: Perspectives from Taiwan Investors (ASEAN Studies Centre Report No. 7) 9789812307743 ISEAS 2009 95 72.00 Energy and Geopolitics in the South China Sea: Implications for ASEAN and its Dialogue Partners (ASEAN Studies Centre Report No. 8) 9789814279239 ISEAS 2009 78 55.00 Energy Efficiency in Japan 9789812307415 H/b Agung Wicaksono 2008 93 46.00 Ethnic Chinese in Contemporary Indonesia 9789812308351 H/b 9789812308343 Leo Suryadinata 2008 209 120.00 96.00 European Integration: Sharing of Experiences 9789812307774 H/b Jorgen Orstrom Moller 2008 513 152.00 Expressing Islam: Religious Life & Politics in Indonesia 9789812308504 Greg Fealy & Sally White 2008 295 72.00 Federal-State Relations in Sabah, Malaysia: The Berjaya Administration, 1976–85 9789812308115 Regina Lim 2008 153 96.00 Fisheries Exploitation in the Indian Ocean: Threats and Opportunities 9789812309860 Dennis Rumley, Sanjay Chaturvedi and Vijay Sakhuja 2009 364 144.00 Framing Security Agendas: US Counterterrorist Policies & Southeast Asian Responses 9789812308665 Rosemary Foot 2008 60 48.00 Gender Trends in Southeast Asia: Women Now, Women in the Future 9789812309556 H/b Theresa W. Devasahayam 2009 115 92.00 Global Financial Crisis : Implications for 9789812309181 ASEAN (ASEAN Studies Centre ISEAS Report No. 6 ) ISEAS 2009 52 38.00 Globalization & Its Counter-forces in Southeast Asia 9789812304780 Terence Chong 2008 416 127.00 Globalization & National Autonomy: The Experience of Malaysia 9789812308160 9789812308177 H/b Joan M. Nelson, J. Meerman & Abdul Rahman Embong 2008 353 96.00 145.00 Governance, Politics & the Environment: A Singapore study 9789812308313 Maria FranceschHuidobro 2008 395 145.00 Hard Choices: Security, Democracy & Regionalism in Southeast Asia 9789812309143 Donald K. Emmerson 2009 400 108.00 India Fever : The New Indian Professional in Singapore ( Singapore Indian Association Book Series No. 2 ) 9789810823191 H/b Amrit Barman 2008 134 72.00 Indonesia beyond the Water’s Edge : Managing an Archipelagic State 9789812309846 9789812309853 H/b Robert Cribb & Michele Ford 2009 248 72.00 120.00 Indonesian Muslims: Intelligentsia & Power 9789812304711 Yudi Latif 2008 544 138.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: S) Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS) Book List 35 Indonesian Syariah: Defining a National School of Islamic Law 9789812308016 M.B. Hooker 2008 343 69.00 Indonesia Towards Democracy 9789812303653 Taufik Abdullah 2009 640 120.00 Islam & the Secular State in Indonesia 9789812308894 H/b Luthfi Assyaukanie 2009 262 144.00 Islam, Education & Reform in Southern Thailand : Tradition & Transformation 9789812309549 H/b Joseph Chinyong Liow 2009 218 103.00 Islam in Southeast Asia 9789812307583 H/b Hussin Mutalib 2008 91 46.00 Islamic Connections : Muslim Societies in South & Southeast Asia 9789812309235 H/b R. Michael Feener & Terenjit Sevea 2009 245 120.00 Labour Mobility in the Asia-Pacific Region: Dynamics, Issues & a New APEC Agenda 9789812308931 Graeme Hugo & Soogil Young 2008 235 63.00 Legacy of Engagement in Southeast Asia 9789812307729 H/b 9789812307705 Ann Marie Murphy & Bridget Welsh 2008 412 192.00 144.00 Living the Information Society in Asia 9789812308733 Erwin Alampay 2009 253 96.00 Making an ASEAN-EU FTA Work for European Business: Prospects & Challenges 9789812307569 Rahul Sen 2008 34 40.00 Malaya’s First Year at the United Nations: As Reflected in Dr Ismail’s Reports Home to Tuanku Abdul Rahman 9789812309020 H/b Tawfik Ismail & Ooi Kee Beng 2008 130 60.00 Malaya’s Secret Police 1945–60: The Role of the Special Branch in the Malayan Emergency 9789812308153 9789812308290 H/b M.B. Hooker 2008 324 72.00 145.00 MARCH 8 : Eclipsing May 13 9789812308962 H/b Ooi Kee Beng, Johan Saravanamuttu & Lee Hock Guan 2008 131 55.00 Marshall of Singapore: A Biography 9789812308771 Kevin Y L Tan 2008 614 144.00 Mercosur Economic Integration : Lessons for ASEAN (ASEAN Studies Centre ISEAS Report No. 5 ) 9789812309167 ISEAS 2009 132 84.00 Military Politics, Islam & the State in Indonesia: From Turbulent Transition to Democratic Consolidation 9789812307873 Marcus Mietzner 2009 426 120.00 Muslim-Non-Muslim Marriage : Political & Cultural Contestations in Southeast Asia 9789812308740 H/b Gavin W. Jones, Chee Heng Leng & Maznah Mohamad 2009 322 122.00 Nahdlatul Ulama & the Struggle for Power within Islam & Politics in Indonesia 9789812308757 Robin Bush 2009 235 96.00 Older Persons in Southeast Asia : An Emerging Asset 9789812309440 H/b 9789812309433 Evi Nurvidya Arifin & Aris Ananta 2009 425 192.00 144.00 Pacific Food System Outlook 2009-2010: Market Volatility and the Food System 9789814279321 Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC) 2009 30 36.00 Plugging Into Production Networks: Industrialization Strategy in Less Developed Southeast Asian Countries 9789812309341 H/b Ikuo Kuroiwa 2009 313 168.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: 36 Book List Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS) Poverty Reduction through Sustainable Fisheries: Emerging Policy & Governance Issues in Southeast Asia 9789812308801 Roehlano M. Briones & Arnulfo G. Garcia 2008 276 48.00 Realizing the ASEAN Economic Community: A Comprehensive Assessment 9789814279345 Michael G Plummer and Chia Siow Yue 2009 215 144.00 Regional Economic Development in China 9789812309419 H/b Saw Swee-Hock & John Wong 2009 332 168.00 Regional Outlook: Southeast Asia 2009–2010 9789812309068 Ian J. Storey & Lee Poh Onn 2009 155 72.00 Regional Outlook Forum 2008: Summary Report 9789812307927 Institute of Southeast Asian Studies 2008 75 46.00 Religious Diversity in Singapore 9789812307538 Lai Ah Eng 2008 723 145.00 Rising India & Indian Communities in East Asia 9789812307996 H/b 9789812308689 K. Kesavapany, A. Mani & P. Ramasamy 2008 720 240.00 192.00 Rural Investment Climate in Indonesia 9789812308535 Neil McCulloch 2009 337 144.00 Rural Livelihoods, Resources and Coping With Crisis in Indonesia: A Comparative Study 9789812309013 Milan J. Titus & Paul P.M. Burgers 2009 307 216.00 State, Society and Religious Engineering: Towards a Refirnust Buddhism in Singapore 9789812308658 Kuah-Pearce Khun Eng 2009 337 135.00 Strategic Currents: Emerging Trends in Southeast Asia 9789810818227 Yang Razali Kassim 2009 184 72.00 Singapore: The Unexpected Nation 9789812307958 9789812307965 H/b Edwin Lee 2008 707 120.00 168.00 Southeast Asian Affairs 2008 9789812307897 Daljit Singh & Tin MM Than 2008 393 96.00 Southeast Asian Affairs 2009 9789812309464 9789812309488 H/b Daljit Singh 2009 436 98.00 144.00 Southeast Asia in The Global Economy : Securing Competitiveness & Social Protectio 9789812308238 H/b Helen E.S. Nesadurai & J. Soedradjad Djiwandono 2009 259 147.00 Southern Thailand: The Dynamics of Conflict 9789812308870 John Funston 2008 81 48.00 Strategic Currents : Emerging Trends in Southeast Asia 9789810818227 Yang Razali Kassim 2009 184 72.00 Supporting Peace in Aceh: Development Agencies & International Involvement 9789812308634 Patrick Barron & Adam Burke 2008 73 48.00 Terrorism in South & Southeast Asia in The Coming Decade 9789812309006 Daljit Singh 2008 231 96.00 Thai Capital: After the 1997 Crisis 9789812307767 Pasuk Phongpaichit & Chris Baker 2008 309 115.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: S) Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (ISEAS) Book List 37 The ASEAN Community: Unblocking the Roadblocks 9789812308436 ISEAS 2008 100 48.00 The ASEAN Regional Forum 9789812309907 H/b Rodolfo C. Severino 2009 186 96.00 The Geopolitics of Energy in South Asia 9789812308276 H/b Marie Lall 2009 255 144.00 The Indian National Army & Japan 9789812308061 Joyce Chapman Lebra 2008 257 96.00 The Indonesian Parliament & Democratization 9789812304841 Patrick Ziegenhain 2008 238 83.00 The Politics of Knowledge 9789812309259 H/b Saw Swee-Hock & Danny Quah 2009 208 144.00 The Road to Ratification & Implementation of the ASEAN Charter 9789812308986 Pavin Chachavalpongpun 2008 70 48.00 The Karen Revolution in Burma: Diverse Voices, Uncertain Ends 9789812308047 Ardeth Maung Thawnghmung 2008 81 46.00 Three Sides in search of a Triangle: SingaporeAmerica-India Relations 9789812308856 H/b Asad-ul Iqbal Latif 2009 212 103.00 Through the Eyes of the King: The Travels of King Chulalongkorn to Malaya 9789812307736 H/b P. Lim Pui Huen 2009 179 207.00 Trade Policy & the Role of Regional & Bilateral FTAs: The Case of New Zealand & Singapore 9789812307453 Rahul Sen 2008 61 46.00 Women Against the Raj: The Rani of Jhansi Regiment 9789812308085 9789812308092 H/b Joyce Chapman Lebra 2008 132 86.00 120.00 For more ISEAS titles and backlist, please see Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: 38 Book List ZED Books TITLE ISBN Author/Editor Year PP RM Acts of Citizenship 9781842779521 Engin FIsin & Greg M Nielsen 2008 308 104.00 Big Business, Poor Peoples: How Transnational Corporations Damage the World’s Poor (New Updated Edition) 9781848130333 John Madeley 2008 240 110.00 Body Politics in Development: Critical debates in gender and development 9781842779354 Wendy Harcourt 2009 226 93.00 Can NGOs Make a Difference? The Challenge of Development Alternatives 9781842778937 Anthony J Bebbington, Samuel Hickey & Diana C Mitlin 2007 358 104.00 Can We Afford the Future? The Economics of A Warming World 9781848130388 Frank Ackerman 2008 151 75.00 Celebrity & The Environment : Fame, Wealth & Power in Conservation 9781842779743 Dan Brockington 2009 193 80.00 City Futures: Confronting the Crisis of Urban Development 9781842775417 Edgar Pieterse 2008 206 85.00 Conscientious Objection: Resisting Militarized Society 9781848132788 Ozgur Heval Cinar and Coskun Usterci 2009 268 109.00 Dangerous Brown Men: Exploiting Sex, Violence & Feminism in The War on Terror 9781842778791 Gargi Bhattacharyya 2008 170 88.00 Darfur: A New History of a Long War (Second Edition) 9781842779507 Julie Flint & Alex De Wall 2008 320 75.00 Development and the African Diaspora: Place and the Politics of Home 9781842779019 Claire Mercer, Ben Page & Martin Evans 2008 258 123 Development with a Body: Sexuality, Human Rights & Development 9781842778913 Andrea Cornwall, Sonia Correa & Susie Jolly 2008 257 90.00 Disappearing Palestine: Israel’s Experiments in Human Despair 9781848130319 Jonathan Cook 2008 294 83.00 dowry : Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice 9781848132948 Tamsin Bradley, Emma Tomalin & Mangala Subramaniam 2009 245 114.00 East Asian Sexualities: Modernity, Gender & New Sexual Cultures 9781842778890 Stevi Jackson, Liu Jieyu & Woo Juhyun 2008 242 95.00 Environment & Citizenship: Integrating Justice, Responsibility & Civic Engagement 9781842779033 Mark J. 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Francis 2008 242 123.00 Pluralist Economics 9781848130449 Edward Fullbrook 2008 245 95.00 Policing Post-Conflict Cities 9781842779705 Alice Hills 2008 262 130.00 Poverty and Water: Explorations of the Reciprocal Relationship 9781842779620 David Hemson, Kassim Kulindwa, Haakon Lein, Adolfo Mascarenhas 2008 210 130.00 Progress: Can We Do Without It? 9781842779378 Massimo L Salvadori 2008 122 60.00 Religion in Development: Rewriting the Secular Script 9781848130012 Severine Deneulin with Masooda Bano 2009 184 93.00 Relocation Failures in Sri Lanka: A Short History of Internal Displacement and Resettlement 9781848130463 Robert Muggah 2008 322 130.00 Rethinking the 21st Century: ‘New Problems, ‘Old Solutions 9781848130074 Amy Eckert & Laura Sjoberg 2009 278 114.00 Rethinking the Man Question: Sex Gender & Violence in International Relations 9781842779804 Jane L. 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Rai 2008 216 98.00 The History of Development: From Western Origins to Global Faith ( 3rd ed. ) 9781848131897 Gilbert Rist 2008 288 88.00 The Palestinians: From Peasants to Revolutionaries 9781842779644 Rosemary Sayigh 2007 228 93.00 The Social Economy: International Perspectives on Economic Solidarity 9781848132825 Ash Amin 2009 266 109.00 The Uncultured Wars: Arabs, Muslims & the Poverty of Liberal Thought – New Essays 9781848132351 Steven Salaita 2008 168 83.00 Thinking About Development: Development matters 9781848132474 Bjorn Hettne 2009 152 82.00 Thinking Palestine 9781842779071 Ronit Lentin 2008 254 90.00 Women & War in the Middle East 9781848131866 Nadje Al-Ali & Nicola Pratt 2009 285 99.00 For more Zed titles and backlist, please see Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: s Malaysian University Presses (2008 - 2010) TITLE Publisher Book List ISBN Author/Editor 41 PP RM A Guide To Flood & Yield Estimation : Malaysian Experience UKM 9789679428681 Hong Kee An 100 25.00 Aliran Neokonservatif Dalam Dasar Luar Amerika Syarikat UUM 9789833827558 Muhd. Takiyuddin Ismail 265 25.00 An Alternative to Steel & Concrete in Civil Engineering Construction (Bangi Public Lecture Series) UKM 9789679428742 N.E. Shanmugam 51 20.00 Aspek Nahu Praktis Bahasa Melayu UKM 9789679427660 Zaharani Ahmad 328 35.00 Atas Nama Kebenaran : Tanggapan Kritis Terhadap Wacana Islam Liberal ( Edisi Kedua ) ATMA, UKM 9789839989748 Khalif Muammar 340 49.00 Bimbingan & Kaunseling Sekolah ( Edisi Kedua ) UKM 9789679428902 Amia Salleh, Zuria Mahmud & Salleh Amat 314 40.00 Biografi Aminuddin Baki: Arkitek Pendidikan Negara UKM 9789679428490 Rozeman Abu Hassan 246 35.00 Book of Readings Issues on Quality of Work Life (QWL) UUM 9789833827626 Khulida Kirana Yahya & Others 281 83.00 Cabaran Perundangan dalam Hubungan Majikan-Pekerja: Sektor Awam & Swasta (Dipersembahkan sebagai Syarahan Perdana jawatan Profesor UKM) UKM 9789679428674 Kamal Halili Hassan 70 20.00 China-ASEAN Relations : Economic Engagement & Policy Reform ICS, UM 9789675148446 Emile Kok, Chan Sok Gee, Wendy Chen& Joanne Hoi 217 30.00 China in the World: Contemporary Issues & Perspectives ICS, UM 9789675148071 Emile Kok-Kheng Yeoh & Joanne HoiLee Loh 276 40.00 Clinical Atlas of Nasal Endoscopy UKM 9789679429077 Balwant Singh Gendeh 138 90.00 Community in ASEAN Ideas & Practices UKM 9789679428575 Tham Siew Yean, Lee Poh Ping & Norani Othman 195 30.00 Dayahuni Bandar (Urban Livability) UKM 9789839444964 Abdul Samad Hadi, Shaharudin Idrus, Abdul Hadi Harman Shah & Ahmad Fariz Mohamed 214 35.00 Education & Work : The World of Work FEA, UM 9789839662269 Shyamala Nagaraj, Chew Sing Buan, Lee Kiong Hock & Rahimah Hj, Ahmad 330 40.00 Efficiency Measurement of Malaysia’s Maritime Enforcement Agencies UKM 9789679428582 Sutarji Kasmin 258 35.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: 42 Book List Malaysian University Presses (2008 - 2010) Ekonomi Malaysia ke Arah Pembangunan Seimbang UKM 9789679429145 Nor Aini Hj. Idris & Ishak Yussof 400 50.00 Emerging Issues in Small & Medium-Sized Enterprises UUM 9789833827633 Mohd Khairuddin Hashim 103 31.00 Facets of a Transforming China: Resource, Trade & Equity ICS, UM 9789675148019 Emile Kok-Kheng Yeoh 210 30.00 Gerakan Kiri Melayu dalam Perjuangan Kemerdekaan UKM 9789679427172 Mohamed Salleh Lamry 203 35.00 Glimpses of Environmental Risk Management in Malaysia : Saluting the Eminent Researchers & Informing the Public LESTARI, UKM 9789839444889 Mazlin Mokhtar, Lee Yook Heng & Goh Choo Ta 60 25.00 Governance for Sustainability: Views From The Asia Pacific LESTARI, UKM 9789675227103 Abdul Samad Hadi & Others 552 100.00 Guru Berkesan: Petua & Panduan UUM 9789833827695 Abdull Sukor Shaari 110 33.00 Harimau Malaya : Biografi Tengku Mahmood Mahyiddeen UKM 9789679424324 Mohd. Zamberi A. Malek 184 70.00 Hisbah: Sistem Pengawasan & Etika Pungurusan Islam UUM 9789833827619 Mardzelah Makhsin 125 31.00 Implementing Sustainable Development : Long Term Policy & Institutional Challenges (LESTARI Public Lecture No. 6) LESTARI, UKM 9789675227110 Stephen R. Dovers 63 20.00 Income Distribution & Sustainable Economic Development in East Asia: A Comparative Analysis UKM 9789679428445 Ragayah Hj. Mat Zin & Medhi Krongkaew 400 50.00 Institusi Fatwa di Malaysia UKM 9789679428803 Hasnan Kasan 158 25.00 Jepun Masa Kini (Penterjemah: Ruslan Zainuddin) UUM & ITNMB 9789830681566 Duncan McCargo 218 50.00 Kaunseling Kerjaya: Anjakan daripada Konvensionalisme UKM 9789679428841 Rohany Nasir 68 20.00 Kelopak Pemikiran Sastera Melayu UKM 9789679428254 Siti Hawa Haji Salleh 865 100.00 Kepelbagaian Dimensi Linguistik UKM 9789679429213 Nor Hashimah Jalaluddin Kesusasteraan Melayu Lama & Baru UUM 9789833827541 Ismail Yusoff 309 52.00 Kimia Sekitaran untuk Bumi: Setitis Ilmu dalam Lautan Kelestarian UKM 9789679428940 Mazlin Mokhtar 72 20.00 Komposit Ferit sebagai Penyerap Mikrogelombang Memanfaatkan Bahan Tempatan UKM 9789679428704 Mustaffa Hj. Abdullah 74 20.00 Komunikasi Organisasi: Isu & Cabaran Alkaf Baru UUM 9789833827770 Bahtiar Mohamad & Syd Abdul Rahman Syd Zin 200 35.50 Komuniti Pembangunan & Transformasi UKM 9789679428926 Yahya Ibrahim 320 35.00 Konfrontasi Malaysia - Indonesia UKM 9789679424537 Nik Anuar Nik Mahmud 254 40.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: 40.00 Website: 0) Malaysian University Presses (2008 - 2010) Book List 43 Krisis Wacana : Identiti Seni Bina Malaysia UKM 9789679428810 Kamarul Afizi Kosman 179 35.00 Lagu-lagu Salanda & Cerita Lain Tentang Sulu UKM 9789679428438 Harry Arlo H. Nimmo 218 30.00 Lestari Public Lecture No. 6: Implementing Sustainable Development: Long Term Policy And Institutional Challenges LESTARI, UKM 9789675227110 Stephen R. Dovers 63 20.00 Lestari Public Lecture No. 7: The UNESCO Global Network of National Geoparks, Geological Heritage and Sustainability LESTARI, UKM 9789675227172 Patrick James McKeever 30 20.00 Lestari Public Lecture No. 8: The Spatiality of Urbanization, The Policy Challenges of Mega-Urban and Desakota Regions of Southeast Asia LESTARI, UKM 9789675227233 Terry Mc Gee 66 20.00 Linguistik Bandingan Bahasa Bidayuhik UKM 9789679428339 Rahim Aman 220 30.00 Malaysia Medicinal Plants (Volume 4) UKM 9789839428636 Khatijah Hussin, Mohamad Ruzi Abdul Rahman & Nurulnahar Esa 158 35.00 Managing Chemicals for Better Quality of Life: Improving our Performance (MyNICHE-3) LESTARI, UKM 9789839444872 Mazlin Mokhtar, Goh Choo Ta & Noor Razleen Zaharuddin 71 25.00 Manuskrip Melayu: Sumber Maklumat Peribumi Melayu UKM 9789679428827 Ding Choo Ming 78 20.00 Matematik dalam Budaya Melayu UKM 9789679429084 Abdul Razak Salleh 77 20.00 Membina Momentum Menatar Keunggulan : Ekosistem Ilmu UKM sebagai Wahana UKM 9789679429138 Sharifah Hapsah Syed Hasan Shahabuddin 37 20.00 Memoir Johari Salleh : Tegar Meladeni Industri Muzik UKM 9789679428452 Johari Salleh 465 45.00 Memoir Mohamed Salleh Lamry: Guru Melayu Terakhir UKM 9789679428889 Mohamed Salleh Lamry 228 35.00 Memoir Rashidah Ismail: Pendeta Za’ba dan Kisah Silam UKM 9789679429022 Rashidah Ismail 333 50.00 Matematik Untuk Ekonomi UKM 9789679428759 Mansor Jusoh 685 80.00 Modal Manusia & Prestasi Industri UKM 9789679428483 Rahmah Ismail 203 30.00 Modul & Kaunseling Penyalahgunaan Dadah UKM 9789675026447 Jamaludin Ahmad 356 47.00 Muslim As Minorities: History & Social Realities of Muslims in Singapore UKM 9789679428599 Kamaludeen Mohamed Nasir & Syed Muhd Khairudin Aljunied 129 25.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: 44 Book List Malaysian University Presses (2008 - 2010) Packaging Myths for Tourism: The Rungus of Kudat UKM 9789679428261 Ong Puay Liu 297 35.00 Pakai Patut Melayu UKM 9789679428001 Mohd. Said Sulaiman 110 25.00 Pantun Peranakan Baba: Mutiara Gemilang Negeri-negeri Selat UKM 9789675048012 Ding Choo Ming 226 30.00 Pelancongan Malaysia, Isu Budaya, Komuniti & Persetempatan UUM 9819833827527 Yahya Ibrahim 317 38.00 Pembangunan Komuniti Marginal Di Malaysia: Ke Arah Pengupayaan Kendiri UUM 9789833827602 Fuziah Shaffie & Rozita Yusoff 288 52.00 Pembangunan Modal Insan: Isu & Cabaran UKM 9789679428407 Yahya Ibrahim & Abd. Hair Awang 218 30.00 Pembangunan Wilayah & Alam Sekitar: Cabaran dalam Merealisasikan Rancangan Malaysia Kesembilan UUM 9789833827473 Asan Ali Golam Hassan 396 53.00 Pendidikan Bahasa Melayu: Antara Hasrat dengan Pelaksanaan (Dipersembahkan sebagai Syarahan Perdana jawatan Profesor UKM) UKM 9789679428315 Juriah Long 60 20.00 Pengenalan Kepada Bahasa-Bahasa Pengaturcaraan UUM 9789833827657 Roshidi Din & Baharudin Osman 200 49.00 Penggunaan Lestari antara Realiti & Cabaran UPMP 9789673440313 Laily Haji Paim, Aini Mat Said & Sharifah Azizah Haron 231 38.00 Penghayatan Ilmu Linguistik melalui Pemetaan Dialek Melayu Sealam Melayu (Siri Syarahan Umum Bangi) UKM 9789679428315 James T. Collins 77 20.00 Pengurusan Pengangkutan Pintar UKM 9789679428957 Riza Atiq Abdullah O.K. Rahmat 78 20.00 Pengurusan Perniagaan Islam: Konsep, Isu & Pelaksanaan UUM 9789833827664 Ab. Aziz Yusof & Ahmad Bashir Aziz 516 65.00 Pengurusan Rangkaian: Perspektif Praktikal (Edisi 2) UUM & ITNMB 9789830682341 Allan Leinwand & Others 351 61.00 Perang, Damai & Pembangunan dalam Hubungan Perusahaan di Malaysia (Dipersembahkan sebagai Syarahan Perdana jawatan Profesor UKM) UKM 9789679428544 Kamaruddin M. Said 82 20.00 Perancangan & Pembangunan Pelancongan UUM 9789833827671 Johan Afendi Ibrahim & Mohamad Zaki Ahmad 229 40.00 Perjuangan Warisan Orang Asli : Suara Dari Dalam LESTARI, UKM 9789675227196 Akiya 37 18.00 Pertumbuhan dengan Kesetaraan Realiti & Harapa UKM 9789679429060 Ragayah Haji Mat Zin 91 20.00 Pragmatic Approach to Qualitative Case Study Research Learning by Doing: A Case of Distance Learning Research in Malaysia UUM 9789833827718 Hisham Dzakiria 331 96.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: 0) Malaysian University Presses (2008 - 2010) Book List 45 Privatising Malaysia Airlines: A Policy Transfer Approach UKM 9789679428421 Khairiah Salwa Mokhtar 234 30.00 Qualitative Research: Data Collection & Data Analysia Techniques UUM 9789833827596 M. Puvenesvary & Others 127 36.00 Rawatan Lupus Eritematosus: Bagai Menjinak Serigala UKM 9789679428988 Norella Kong Chiew-Tong 65 20.00 Regional Political Economy of China Ascendant : Pivotal Issues & Critical Perspectives ICS, UM 9789675148323 Emile Kok-Kheng Yeoh 308 35.00 Sebatian Oleokimia : Kimia & Industri UKM 9789679428766 Mamot Said 288 40.00 Services Management in Asia Pacific: Issues & Challenges UUM 9789833827213 C. Jayachandran & Others 325 47.00 Sihir : Suatu Amalan Kebatinan UKM 9789679428865 Amran Kasimin 346 60.00 Simbiosis Seni, Sains dan Teknologi Berasingan ke Multimedia-Fusion UKM 9789679428964 Halimah Badioze Zaman 93 20.00 Teknik Nuklear dalam Kajian Alam Sekitar Analisis Unsur Surih UKM 9789679428711 Sukiman Sarmani 62 20.00 Teknologi Zarah UKM 9789679428155 Siti Masrinda Tasirin & Siti Kartom Kamaruddin 258 30.00 Tenaga Keterbaharuan: Laluan Masa Depan Bebas Karbon UKM 9789679428919 Kamaruzzaman Sopian 88 20.00 Tenaga untuk Manusia UKM 9789679428414 Mohd. Yusof Hj. Othman 158 25.00 Teori Ekonometrik dengan Aplikasi SAS UUM 9789833827756 Lim Hock Eam & Shri Dewi Applanaidu 323 64.00 The Role of Learning Interaction in Open & Distance Learning (ODL): Issues, Experiences & Practices UUM 9789833827701 Hisham Dzakiria, Rozhan Mohd Idrus & Hanafi Atan 115 42.00 Tokoh & Akhbar Melayu : Penebus Peminggiran Melayu UKM 9789679429152 Mazlan Nordin 106 20.00 Towards Pax Sinica? China’s Rise and Transformation: Impacts and Implications ICS, UM 9789675148507 Emile Kok-Kheng Yeoh 312 35.00 Transformasi Masyarakat: Cabaran Keluarga, Gender & Sosiobudaya UKM 9789679428773 Rahimah Abdul Aziz 222 35.00 Tuntutan Filipina ke atas Borneo Utara UKM 9789679425339 Nik Anuar Nik Mahmud 123 25.00 Urbanisasi: Perancangan & Kawalan UUM 978983328213X Dani Salleh 168 36.00 Urbanization & The Climate For Change: Towards Achieving the Livable City in Malaysia LESTARI, UKM 9789675227011 Ab Samad Hadi, Ahmad Fariz Mohd, Shaha Id, Ab H Harman Shah & Norlida Mohd Hamim 99 25.00 For more titles and backlist, please see Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: 46 Book List Others (2008 - 2010) TITLE Publisher ISBN Author/Editor PP RM 1 Black Malaysia ( with DVD ) DAP 9789839820317 Medeline Chang, Faizal Mustaffa & Raymond Chong 97 15.00 1 Funny Malaysia Kinibooks 9789834092276 Zunar 90 20.00 10 Dodoi Agama Tinta 9789675123030 Ahmad Abdul Aziz 24 15.00 101 Product Innovations & Marketing Anvil 9789712719813 Myra Lao Jucutan & Felix M. Lao, JR 104 12.00 13 Mei: Dokumen-dokumen Deklasifikasi Tentang Rusuhan 1969 Malaysia SUARAM 9834136796 Kua Kia Soong 165 20.00 20 years Defending Human Rights SUARAM 9789834407032 Kua Kia Soong 140 20.00 21 Days Silverfish 9789833221049 Ganase Jaganathan 238 30.00 25 Malaysian Short Stories Silverfish 9789833221097 Nesa Sivagnanam 248 25.00 Adam’s Dream Silverfish 9789833221165 Salleh Ben Joned 128 30.00 A Geographical History of the Qur’an IBT 9789675062186 Syed Muzaffaruddin Nadwi 158 29.00 Abdul Hadi Awang: Murabbi, Ideologue, Pemimpin Jundi 9789834460655 Riduan Mohamad Nor 411 30.00 Akulah Perempuan Muda Itu : Himpunan Puisi Pop untuk Pari-pari Terbuang Sang Freud 9789834386825 Shaira Amira 84 15.00 Al-Ghazali : Music & Singing IBT 9789675062230 Al-Ghazali – Translated by Duncan Black MacDonald 140 23.00 A Life That Matters: A Spiritual Experience IBT 9789675062025 Norani Nordin & Nordin Yusof 210 39.00 Analysis of the New WTO Agriculture & NAMA Texts of 6 December 2008 ( TWN Trade & Development Series No. 37 ) TWN 9789832729709 Martin Khor 20 7.00 A Nation Cheated Chee Soon Juan 9789810808198 Chee Soon Juan 185 20.00 An Islamic Perspective on the Commitment to Inter-Religious Dialogue IAIS 9789834427405 Syed Farid Alatas 63 15.00 And Muhammad is His Messenger: The Veneration of the Prophet in Islamic Piety IBT 9789675062032 Annemarie Schimmel 377 40.00 Angin Si Pauh Janggi RA Fine Arts 9789834405731 Siti Zainon Ismail 80 60.00 A Raw Deal : Cabinet deciusion on ETeMS (PPSMI) DAP 9789839820324 Lim Kit Siang 178 15.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: 0) Others (2008 - 2010) Book List 47 Arrested Reform: The Undoing of Abdullah Badawi REFSA 9789834372255 P/b 9789834372262 H/b Ooi Kee Beng 230 30.00 50.00 Avicenna : His Life & Works TOP 9789839541670 Soheil M. Afnan 260 40.00 Aweks KL: Himpunan Cerita pari-pari untuk Bidadari Kota Storm Kitchen 9834255519 Stormkitchen 138 15.00 A Young Muslim’s Guide to the Modern World Oriengroup 9839048674 Lee Ban Chen 251 25.00 Bangkok News Updates and Climate Briefings (September/October 2009) TWN 9789675412097 Third World Network 76 12.00 Bantuan Cemas: Panduan Menyelamatkan Nyawa Tinta 9789675123108 Khairul Nizam Shariff & Yusri Samsuri 106 18.00 Barcelona News Updates and Climate Briefings (November 2009) TWN 9789675412110 Third World Network 60 12.00 Basel 2 at a Time of Financial Peril (TWN Global Economy Series No. 18) TWN 9789832729877 Andrew Cornford 55 9.00 Beyond Democracy in Cambodia: Political Reconstruction in a Post-Conflict Society NIAS 9788776940430 Joakim Öjendal & Mona Lilja 320 115.00 Bilateral & Regional Free Trade Agreements: some Critical Elements & Development Implications TWN 9789832729594 Martin Khor 119 15.00 Bintang-Bintang Berkerlipan Media Icon 9789834468941 Ismail Hashim 150 15.00 Biosafety First: Holistic Approaches to Risk & Uncertainty in Genetic Engineering & Genetically Modified Organisms TWN 9789832729983 Terje Traavik & Lim Li Ching 612 60.00 Bonn News Updates & Climate Briefings – Third World Network ( June 2009 ) TWN 9789675412028 Third World Network 105 12.00 Bonn News Updates & Climate Briefings - Third World Network (August 2009) TWN 9789675412059 Third World Network 38 9.00 Buku Koleksi Bergambar 1BlackMalaysia DAP 9789839820317 Ooi Leng Heng 97 15.00 Building Bridges, Crossing Boundaries: Everyday Forms of Inter-Ethnic Peace Building in Malaysia FORD/ PSSM 9789834364793 H/b 9789834364786 P/b Francis Loh Kok Wah 296 80.00 40.00 Cabaran Politik Baharu Malaysia Media Icon 9789834468903 Haris Zalkapli 152 15.00 Changing Borders : Reportage from Our Mekong IPS 9786119022706 Inter Press Service AsiaPacific 211 75.00 Change Tourism, Not Climate! Third World Network 9789675412103 Anita Pleumarom 34 7.00 China: Sweatshop of the World, The Coming Revolt CWI 9789197299985 Vincent Kolo & Chen Lizhi 92 20.00 Chinese among Others: Emigration in Modern Times NUS 9789971694142 Philip A. Kuhn 431 59.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: 48 Book List Others (2008 - 2010) Civilizing the Margins: Southeast Asian Government Policies for the Development of Minorities NUS 9789971694180 Christopher R. Duncan 284 65.00 Confucius Says (Wise Men Talking Series) ZI 9789834352158 ZI Publication 201 20.00 Constructing Singapore: Elitism, Ethnicity & the Nation-Building Project NIAS 9788776940294 Michael D. Barr & Zlatko Skrbis 304 120.00 Corporate Citizenship in Singapore NUS 9789810808389 H/b Saw Swee-Hock 120 48.00 Creating Laos: The Making of a Lao Space between Indochina & Siam, 1860–1945 NIAS 9788776940232 Soren Ivarsson 238 115.00 Critical Voices on Sustainable Development SUARAM Elizabeth Wong 84 15.00 Dasar Modal Insan: 60:40 Sains & Teknologi Tinta 9789675123115 Sufean Hussin 350 40.00 Decentralization and Regional Autonomy in Indonesia: Implementation and Challenges IIAS & ISEAS 9789812308207 H/b Coen J G Holtzappel and Martin Ramstedt 433 216.00 Definitive Ecounters: Islam, Muslim & the West IBT 9789675062070 Muzaffar Iqbal 390 45.00 Democratising Malaysia’s Economy: Budget Strategies DAP 9789839820348 DAP Malaysia 156 30.00 Di Balik Malaysia: Dari Majapahit ke Putrajaya ZI 9789834352127 Farish A. Noor 226 35.00 Dodoi Bergambar Tinta 9789675123016 Rosidah Ajis & Rosli Sha’ri 36 15.00 Dua Lauk: Fiksi Popkon dari Zon Imaginasi Terlarang Sang Freud 9789834386818 Taf The & D’Ianadi 90 20.00 Elarti2: Penulisan Suara Baru Kontemporari Storm Kitchen 9789834403904 Stormkitchen 96 15.00 Encountering Islam: The Politics of Knowledge & Scholarship CI 9789833302123 Yusef Progler 272 30.00 Enduring Farms: Climata Change, Smallholders & Traditional Farming Communities TWN 9789832729556 Miguel A Altieri & Parviz Koohafkan 63 9.00 English Studies in Asia Silverfish 9789833221103 Araki, Lim, Minami, Yoshihara 256 25.00 Feminism in Islam : Secular & Religious Convergences # OneWorld 9781851685561 Margot Badran 349 123.00 Fenomena Nizar Anbakri 9789675249143 Wan Ji Wan Husin & Saifulamri M. Hussain 174 15.00 Fenomena Riddah & Penghinaan Terhadap Nabi SAW: Menelusuri Sejarah dan Implikasi Hukum Jundi 9789834460624 Riduan Mohamad Nor & Mohd Asri Mat Daud 204 20.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: 0) Others (2008 - 2010) Book List 49 Fiery Dragons : Banks, Moneylenders & Microfinance in Burma NIAS 9788776940409 Sean Turnell 388 120.00 Fighting the Present, Shaping a Future: Malaysian Community Case Studies Ladang Bukit Asahan & Simpang Halt PMA 9789834390709 David Blocher 40 16.00 Finance for SMEs in Singapore NUS 9789810830007 H/b Dipinder S Randhawa & Tan Shiuh Ming 106 48.00 Financial Liberalization & the New Dynamics of Growth in India TWN 9789832729679 CP Chandrasekhar 55 9.00 Financial Policy and Management of Capital Flows: The Case of Malaysia (TWN Global Economy Series) TWN 9789832729822 Martin Khor 94 10.00 From Majapahit to Putrajaya Silverfish 9789833221059 Farish A Noor 336 40.00 Frontier Ecounters: Indigenous Communities & Settlers in Asia & Latin America IWGIA 9788791563157 Danilo Geiger 557 80.00 Gaza Menangis: Menelusuri Sejarah Perjuangan Palestin & Pembantaian di Gaza Jundi 9789834363079 Aris Hazlan Ismail & Riduan Mohamad Nor 199 20.00 Gemuruh Alam: Himpunan Puisi Tahun 1970an Mustapa Haji Ibrahim RA Fine Arts 9789834405700 Mustapa Haji Ibrahim 43 20.00 Gender Politics in Asia: Women Manoeuvring within Dominant Gender Orders NIAS 9788776940157 Wil Burghoorn & Others 221 96.00 Getting Published : A Companion for the Humanities & Social Sciences NIAS 9788791114779 Gerald Jackson & Marie Lenstrup 278 84.00 Great Dining in Penang: Restaurants Revealed Helen Ong Pub. 9789834391508 Helen Ong 140 28.00 HAMAS: A Beginner’s Guide TOP 9789839541649 Khaled Hroub 170 25.00 Hidup dalam Bayang-bayang: Primer tentang hak (asasi) manusia migran AI 9789834118518 Amnesty International 98 12.00 Home Truths: A Global Report on Equality in the Muslim Family Musawah - Musawah 62 10.00 Hope Not Hype: The Future of agriculture guided by the International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development TWN 9789832729815 Jack A. Heinemann 160 25.00 Hot Money and Capital Controls in Thailand TWN 9789832729792 Thawatchai Jittrapanun & Suthy Prasartset 62 9.00 How Rich Countries Got Rich…and Why Poor Countries Stay Poor TWN 9781843313335 Erik S. Reinert 365 50.00 I Am Muslim Silverfish 9789833221158 Dina Zaman 240 30.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: 50 Book List Others (2008 - 2010) Imam Khomeini: Life, Thought and Legacy: Essays from an Islamic movement perspective IBT 9789675062254 Abdar Rahman Koya 203 40.00 Implementation-Related Issues in the WTO: A Possible Way Forward TWN 9789675412035 Third World Network 60 10.00 iMuslims: Rewiring the House of Islam TOP 9789839541694 Gary R. Bunt 358 45.00 India Fever : The New Indian Professional in Singapore ( Singapore Indian Association Book Series No. 2 ) SIA 9789810823191 H/b Amrit Barman 134 72.00 India in the making of Singapore SIA 9789810815394 H/b Asad-ul Iqbal Latif 153 72.00 Intellectual Property in Free Trade Agreements TWN 9789832729570 Sanya Reid Smith 103 15.00 Introduction to Islamic Finance NUS 9789810808372 H/b Saw Swee-Hock & Karyn Wang 102 48.00 Is Industrial Policy Relevant in the 21st Century? TWN 9789832729334 Mehdi Shafaeddin 72 9.00 Islam Liberal & Pluralisme Agama ( Edisi Kedua ) Jundi 9789834460617 Riduan Mohamad Nor & Ahmad Adnan Fadhil 123 13.00 Istimewa Terkenang Media Icon 9789834468927 Subky Latif 168 15.00 I-Witness Knowledge Economy in Malaysia: a Columnist’s Insights REFSA 9789834372231 Jeff Ooi 147 30.00 Jakarta 1950an: Kenangan Semasa Remaja Masup Jakarta 9789791570633 Firman Lubis 329 27.00 Jati Diri dan Psikik Melayu: Lintasan Sejarah Bangsa Kolej Dar Al-Hikmah 9789834187279 Ahmad Mohamad Said 212 20.00 Javanese Performances on an Indonesian Stage: Contesting Culture, Embracing Change NUS 9789971694104 Barbara Hatley 336 85.00 Kanser Payudaraku: Memoir Wad 16 Tinta 9789675123153 Dalila Tamrin 150 25.00 Kasut Biru Rubina Sang Freud 9789834386801 Sufian Abas 81 15.00 Kathakali: Kumpulan Cerpen Bahasa Malaysia UTHAYA 9789834056254 Uthaya Sankar SB 176 20.00 Kayangan: Waktu Aku Jatuh dari Kayangan bulu sayapku relai bertaburan lalu kau kutip & jadikan Shutelkok Oxygen 97898344039 Ruhayat X 43 10.00 Ke Arah Pengawasan Berasaskan Hak Asasi Manusia AI 9789834118525 Amnesty International 122 12.00 Kemuliaan Al-Quran & Sejarah Pemalsuannya Jundi 9789834460600 Riduan Mohamad Nor & Mohd Asri Mat Daud 103 10.00 Ketemu di Alur Zaman Media Icon 9789834468934 Rustam A. Sani 86 10.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: 0) Others (2008 - 2010) Book List 51 Kisah Pembuat Lilin Melawan Matahari & Lain-lain Jenaka Ekonomi-Politik MEGC 9789833912131 Frederic Bastiat & Others 100 10.00 Kitab Al-Iman / Book of Faith IBT 9789675062292 Ibn Taymiyyah 483 64.00 Kontroversi: Kerajaan Perpaduan & 16 September Media Icon 9789834468910 Hafiz Baqi 152 15.00 Kuala Lumpur & Putrajaya: Negotiating Urban Space in Malaysia NUS 9789971694159 Ross King 321 49.00 Labour Market Segmentation in Malaysian Services NUS 9789971694876 Khong How Ling with Jomo K.S. 193 49.00 Land to Till: The Chinese in the Agricultural Economy of Malaysia CMCS 9789833908042 Tan Pek Leng 285 50.00 Lao Zi Says (Wise Men Talking Series) ZI 9789834352165 ZI Publication 201 20.00 Law, Institutions & Malaysian Economic Development NUS 9789971693909 Jomo K. S. & Wong Sau Ngan 285 55.00 Lim Guan Eng: Dari Penjara Ke Tampuk Kuasa REFSA 9789834372248 Wan Hamidi Hamid 102 20.00 Living On The Periphery: Development and Islamization among the Orang Asli in Malaysia COAC 9789834324841 Nobuta Toshihiro 370 40 Lost Goddesses: The Denial of Female Power in Cambodian History NIAS 9788776940010 Trudy Jacobsen 328 96.00 Lost N KL: 13 All-New Stories Oxygen 9789834403959 Bernice Chauly 63 10.00 Love, Passion & Patriotism: Sexuality & the Philippine Propaganda Movement, 1882-1892 NUS 9789971693565 Raquel A. G. Reyes 304 79.00 Mad(e) In Malaysia : Amir Zainorin Solo Exhibition @ The Brick Lane Gallery London RA Fine Arts 9789675277023 Makkal Sakhti 2008: Analisis Pilihanraya Umum Ke-12 Jundi 9789834363031 Riduan Mohamad Nor 234 15.00 Malaysia Human Rights Report 2007: Civil & Political Rights SUARAM 9789834407001 SUARAM 237 22.00 Malaysia Human Rights Report 2008 : Civil & Political Rights SUARAM 9789834407025 SUARAM 215 22.00 Malaysian Chinese and Nation-Building Volume 2 CMCS 9789833908059 9789833908066 H/b Voon Phin Keong 335 60.00 90.00 Malaysian Politicians say the Darndest Things (Vol. 2) (2nd ed.) Matahari 9789834359669 Amir Muhammad 120 25.00 Managing Financial Instability in Emerging Markets: A Keynesian Perspective TWN 9789832729440 Yilmaz Akyuz 42 7.00 Managing Universities for The Future INPUMA 9789834429324 Khadijah Md. 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Jones & Mike Douglass 376 65.00 Memacu Puncak Ilmu: Autonomi Universiti Merencana Pembangunan Tinta 9789675123092 Sufean Hussin & Aziah Ismail 385 55.00 Memperingati 100 Tahun Hassan Al-Banna Jundi 9789834363017 Riduan Mohamad Nor 84 8.00 Mencarik Ilusi Menggapai Realiti Kolej Dar Al-Hikmah 9789834153083 Mohd Nasir Mohd Tap 498 60.00 Mencius Says (Wise Men Talking Series) ZI 9789834352189 ZI Publication 201 20.00 Menjadi Pemimpin (Cetakan Kedua) Qarya 9789834087470 Azizan Bahari 58 15.00 Menjadi Sukarelawan (Cetakan Kedua) Qarya 9789834087446 Azizan Bahari 39 15.00 Mohammad Natsir : Berdakwah Di Jalur Politik, Berpolitik Di Jalur Dakwah WADAH & KUIS 9789834442903 WADAH & KUIS 147 35.00 Moses & Pharaoh in The Bible, Qur’an & History IBT 9789675062056 Maurice Bucaille 230 25.00 Mother of All Scandals : The RM12.5 billion PKFZ Rip-off DAP 9789839820294 Lim Kit Siang 171 15.00 Multilateral Disciplines and the Question of Policy Space TWN 9789832729884 Yilmaz Akyuz - 10.00 Musawah Framework for Action/ Plateforme d’action de Musawah/Kerangka Kerja Tindakan Musawah Musawah 978983443207 Musawah - 6.00 Muslim Saints & Mystics: Episodes from the Tadhkirah al-Awliya of Farid al-Din Attar (Trans. 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Arberry) IBT 9789675062094 Al-Attar 356 45.00 Music and Singing IBT 9789675062230 Al-Ghazali, translated by Duncan Black MacDonald 155 23.00 Mustadh’afin: Yang Tertindas (* For Library Only) CAP 9789833083688 Persatuan Pengguna Pulau Pinang 159 20.00 Mystical Dimensions of Islam (ASEAN Edition) IBT 9789675062049 Annemarie Schimmel 512 50.00 Najib’s Challenge : Glory or Oblivion REFSA 9789834372293 Barry Wain 34 10.00 Negotiating a ‘Development Agenda’ for the World Intellectual Property Organisation ( WIPO ) TWN 9789832729716 Martin Khor & Sangeeta Shashikant 366 40.00 New Era College Controversy : The Betrayal of Dong Jiao Zong Oriengroup 9789839048711 Kua Kia Soong 100 20.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: 0) Others (2008 - 2010) Book List 53 New Malaysian Essays 1 Matahari 9789834359614 Brian Yap & Others 254 30.00 New Malaysian Essays 2 Matahari 9789834359683 Amir Muhammad 288 36.00 New Perspectives on the Japanese Occupation in Malaya & Singapore, 1941–1945 NUS 9789971692995 Akashi Yoji & Yoshimura Mako 289 55.00 News from Home Silverfish 9789833221196 Chua Kok Yee, Shih-Li Kow, Rumaizah A Bakar 238 30.00 Non-Sectarian Politics in Malaysia: The Case of Parti Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia Trafalgar Publishing 9789834324513 Neil Khor Jin Keong & Khoo Kay Peng 186 28.00 Our Thoughts Are Free: Poems and Prose on Imprisonment and Exile Ethos Books 9789810825119 Tan J Q, Teo S L & Koh K Y 176 25.00 Pameran ‘Penghuni Awal Rumah 905’ (15 December 2008 - 10 January 2009) RA Fine Arts 9789834405793 Raja Ahmad Aminullah 30 25.00 Pasca Sidang Seminar Pendidikan Tinggi Islam !-V Kolej Dar Al-Hikmah 9789834187248 Kolej Dar AlHikmah 169 25.00 Pasca Manusia Oxygen 9789834403935 Sufian Abas 43 10.00 Paths Not Taken: Political Pluralism in Post-War Singapore NUS 9789971693787 Michael D.Barr & Carl A . 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Jundi 9789834363031 Ahmad Adnan Fadzil & Riduan Mohamad Nor 142 15.00 Perak Darul Kartun Sepakat Efektif 9789675479007 80 10.00 Poems Sacred & Profane (3rd Edition) – [English & Bahasa Malaysia] Silverfish 9789833221226 193 30.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Salleh Ben Joned Website: 54 Book List Others (2008 - 2010) Political Tsunami: An End to Hegemony in Malaysia? Kinibooks 9789834092252 Nathaniel Tan & John Lee 225 32.00 Pop Fiction: Revolution & Evolution RA Fine Arts 9789834405748 Jeri Azhari, Amir Zainorin & Azmin Hussein 37 25.00 Power Resistance & Women Politicians in Cambodia: Discourses of Emancipation NIAS 9788776940201 Mona Lilja 214 92.00 Proper Islamic Consumption: Shopping among the Malays in Modern Malaysia NIAS 9788776940324 Johan Fischer 258 96.00 Poznan News Updates TWN 9789832729686 Third World Network 68 12.00 Putting Food First: Towards a CommunityBased Food Security System in Indonesia TWN 9789675412066 Hira Jhamtani 67 10.00 Qur’an and Cricket; Travels through the madarasahs of Asia and other stories Silverfish 9789833221257 Farish A Noor 288 40.00 Religion Under Siege? Lina Joy, the Islamic States & Freedom of Faith Kinibooks 9789834092245 Nathaniel Tan & John Lee 222 26.00 Representation, Identity & Multiculturalism in Sarawak PSSM 9789834364755 Zawawi Ibrahim 311 40.00 Representation, Identity & Multiculturalism in Sarawak PSSM 9789834364762 H/b Zawawi Ibrahim 311 100.00 Reset: Rethinking the Malaysian Political Paradigm ZI 9789834352134 Suflan Shamsuddin 214 35.00 Ripples and other stories (shortlisted) Silverfish 9789833221233 Shih-Li Kow 192 30.00 Saat Cinta Bertasbih: Tribut untuk Tuan Guru Jundi 9789834363048 Riduan Mohamad Nor & Others 194 20.00 Sahabatku: Puisi-puisi 5 Bahasa Usman Awang 9789833742066 Usman Awang 118 28.00 Sajak-sajak Petualang: Manusia Mimpi Pustaka Nusa 9789839456462 S.M. 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Yusof Ibrahim 138 22.00 Tanah Tujuh Silverfish 9789833221134 Antares 208 30.00 Tales from the Court & other stories Silverfish 9789833221219 Matthew Thomas 176 30.00 Tangerin & Nikotin Sang Fued 9789834386832 Mimi Morticia 84 15.00 Tanpa Tajuk: Cerita Seni Rupa Tinta 9789675123146 Tengku Sabri Tengku Ibrahim 180 28.00 Taxi ZI 9789834352141 Khaled Al Khamissi 245 25.00 Taxi Tales on A Crooked Bridge Matahari 9789834359676 Charlene Rajendran 236 28.00 Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: 56 Book List Others (2008 - 2010) Terbilang: Potret Tokoh Wartawan Negara MPI 9789834425609 H/b Chamil Wariya 180 89.00 Thai South & Malay North: Ethnic Interactions on a Plural Peninsula NUS 9789971694111 Michael J.Montesano & Patrick Jory 413 65.00 That We May Dream Again Ethos Books 9789810824082 Fong Hoe Fang 72 19.00 The Budget: How the Government is Spending OUR Money REFSA 9789834462963 Teh Chi-Chang 106 20.00 The Case for Sustainable Agriculture: Meeting Productivity and Climate Challenges TWN 9789832729945 Lim Li Ching 24 7.00 The Chinese Schools of Malaysia : A Protean Saga ( Fourth Edition ) MCEC, New Era College 9789833527229 Kua Kia Soong 210 20.00 The Crisis of Sabah DAP 9789839820263 Lim Kit Siang 63 10.00 The Cost of Compliance with Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures in Low-Income Countries TWN 9789832729464 Mehdi Shafaeddin 66 12.00 The Current Global Financial Turmoil & Asian Developing Countries TWN 9789832729358 Yilmaz Akyuz 60 9.00 The Family Structure in Islam TOP 9789839541632 Hammudah Abd al-Ati 360 39.00 The Food Crisis, Climate Change and the Importance of Sustainable Agriculture TWN 9789832729907 Martin Khor - 8.00 The Life of Muhammad (Rev. 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IBT 9789839154177 Muhammad Husayn Haykal 666 50.00 The Malays: Their Problems & Future TOP 9789839541618 9789839541625 H/b Syed Husin Ali 236 35.00 45.00 The Making of Islamic Science IBT 9789675062315 Muzaffar Iqbal 290 45.00 The Management of Capital Flows and Financial Vulnerability in Asia TWN 9789832729808 Yilmaz Akyuz 35 7.00 The Management of Cross-Border Capital Flows and Macroeconomic Stability in China TWN 9789832729693 Yu Yongding 48 7.00 The Many Faces of Political Islam: Religion & Politics in The Muslim World NUS 9789971694203 Mohammed Ayoob 232 45.00 The Mystery of The Historical Jesus : The Messiah in the Qur’an, the Bible & Historical Sources IBT 9789675062124 P/b 9789675062117 H/b Louay Fatoohi 802 80.00 110.00 The Other Malaysia Silverfish 9789834081638 Farish A Noor 304 40.00 The Politics of Hunger: When Policies & Markets Fail the Poor PAN AP 9789839381368 K Prabhakar Nair 130 20.00 The Residency Years: Tunku Abdul Rahman RA Fine Arts 9789834405755 H/b & Utusan Pub. 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King 334 92.00 The Substantive Patent Law Treaty : The Dangers of Global Patent Policy Harmonization ( Intellectual Property Rights Series No. 11 ) TWN 9789675412011 Sangeeta Shashikant 32 7.00 Time Bombs in Malaysia: 30th Anniversary Edition REFSA 9789834462918 Lim Kit Siang 413 50.00 Tipping Points: Viewpoints on the reasons for & Impact of the March 8 Election Earthquake The Edge 9789834005474 Oon Yeoh 129 20.00 Tokoh-Tokoh Gerakan Islam Abad Moden Jundi 9789834363062 Zainudin Hashim & Riduan Mohamad Nor 230 25.00 Toni Kasim: Many Shades of Good, A Tribute Suaram 9781565924796 Kua Kia Soong 132 20.00 Tourism in Southeast Asia : Challenges & New Directions NIAS 9788776940348 Michael Hitchcock, Victor T. King & Michael Parnwell 358 120.00 Tun Perak: Pencetus Wawasan Empayar Melaka Tinta 9789675123054 Muhd. Yusof Ibrahim 233 28.00 TWN Submissions to the United Nations Climate Talks - Ideas and Proposals on the Elements Contained in Paragraph 1 of the Bali Action Plan TWN 9789675412004 Third World Network 84 11.00 Unfinished Nation: Indonesia before & after Suharto Talisman Pub. 9789810803629 Max Lane 312 79.00 Unmasking Najib REFSA 9789834462901 Lim Kit Siang 160 15.00 Violence & Belonging : Land, Love & Lethal Conflict in the North-West Frontier Province of Pakistan NIAS 9788776940454 Are Knudsen 224 108.00 Wajah Baru Politik Malaysia Anbakri 9789675249136 Mujahid Yusof 204 15.00 Wanted: Equality & Justice in the Muslim Family SIS 9789832622260 Zainah Anwar 264 28.00 Wedgwood Ladies Football Club Silverfish 9789833221073 Trr Raman 192 30.00 What Is Sufism? IBT 9789675062087 Martin Lings 124 15.00 Where is Justice? Death and Brutality in Custody KiniBooks 9789834092269 John Lee & Nathaniel Tan 206 29.00 Who Needs an Islamic State? (2nd ed.) 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GB is dedicated to circulating timely and important books, breaking down artificial barriers between writers/thinkers in institutions and everyone else, and generating informed discussions of important issues in our lives by providing different views and fresh insights. We at GB are also working to expand links between Malaysian and regional and international publishers, thus making nonmainstream writers more accessible to a local audience and vice versa. E-mail: Website: 62 Book List Others (2008 - 2010) Notes Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: 0) Others (2008 - 2010) Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Book List Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website: 63 64 Book List Others (2008 - 2010) Notes Tel: +603 - 7957 8342/8343 Fax: +603 - 7954 9202 E-mail: Website:
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