choraL concerT - Temagami Lakes Association
page 20 Summer 2013 Temagami Times Choral Concert Save the Date: August 4 TCF Benefit at Camp Wabun Music lovers in the Temagami community are in for a treat on the late afternoon of August 4 when the Temagami Community Foundation (TCF) will sponsor a concert of choral music at Camp Wabun. For good measure, the programme will also include a fried fish dinner with accompanying champagne! Veteran choral director Marty Banghart of Island 1088, who has sung for many summers at the non-denominational services at St. Ursula’s Church on Bear Island, is bringing up to the lake the Deer Creek Chamber Choir, a group of 13 singers from Maryland where she has been active in musical and community organizations for many years. The chamber choir, whose members range from 24-65 years and who sing without accompanying instruments except for some vocal percussion, performs in various community outreach venues and private parties. It’s also an important part of its parent organization, the Deer Creek Chorale, an intergenerational community choir with a dual mission of bringing quality and eclectic choral repertoire to the greater community as well as giving back to local and global communities. The Chorale has worked with such clinicians as Simon Carrington, founder of the internationally-known King’s Singers; Z. Randall Stroope, a top composer of contemporary modern choral works; John Rutter and Tom Hall. Tickets for the August 4 concert and dinner will be on sale around the lake in the coming weeks and through the TCF (tel: 705-5693737). Cocktails will begin at 4:30 PM followed by dinner and the concert. The event will benefit the TCF’s outreach activities and grants throughout the greater Temagami community. Chamber choir selections will range from folk songs, pop songs, spirituals and novelty pieces. As examples, Marty cites “Good Old A Cappella,” “Shenandoah,” “Loch Lomond,” “Ride the Chariot,” “Teddy Bear’s Picnic,” “Can’t Buy me Love,” “Crazy Little Thing Called Love” and “Lonesome Road. Serving north Bay & area Since 1984 Specializing in: • Fireplaces • Stoves and inserts (gas and wood) • Furnaces • Air conditioners (ducted and ductfree) • W.E.T.T. certified wood installations 152 Booth Road, North Bay, ON, P1B 8Z4 Phone: (705) 474-0768 • Fax: (705) 472-3569 Email: Now Available Temagami Lakes Association: The Life and Times of a Cottage Community Available at the TLA building, the Annual General Meeting, welcome back barbecue and Special Fund Raising Event at Camp Wabun. $40 ($10 discount for TLA members) Visit the Temagami Lakes’ Association website: Gallery Summer 2013 Temagami Times l a G page 21 2 1 2 212 Reina Leudke GB 23 Island 212-44 Temagami ON P0H2H0 705.237.8777 Paintings Original works by Ontario artisans Glassworks Stained, hand-blown, fusion & molten Sculptures Wood carvings, turnings & more Come to ojibway For Dinner! Fun & Festive Theme Dinners! July 6: Greek Festival July 13: Taste of India July 27: Southern BBQ Shindig August 17: Asian Banquet August 24: Caribbean Carnival Don’t Forget to Bring Your Favourite Dish to the Islander Potluck August 3! Call ahead to reserve your seat for Theme Dinners at 416-548-6137, email: or radio Ojibway via TLA. To advertise with us call: (705) 237-8927 • Fax: (877) 281-4687 • e-mail: page 22 Temagami Times Loon Survey Volunteers Needed! By Justin Metz , TLA Board of Directors - Fish and Wildlife The TLA is calling on all Loon lovers to assist us with our Loon Nesting Platform Project and our overall commitment to the preservation of the Loon population in Temgami. In order for this project to be successful, a number of Loon Surveys must be completed on the lake. The TLA will be working closely with Bird Studies Canada in participating in the Canadian Lakes Loon Survey (CLLS). Taking part in the CLLS is an excellent way to enjoy watching loons over the summer while contributing to loon research and conservation. To track loon chick survival through CLLS we need each volunteer: in June to watch for pairs of loons occupying the lake; in July to look for newly-hatched chicks; in August to record the number of chicks that have survived the summer. Each participant is provided with a survey kit and detailed instructions that explain the survey protocol. You decide which part of the lake you wish to survey within the Common Loon’s breeding range; even parts of the lake without loons provide valuable information. All participants will receive a paper kit that can be picked up at the TLA Building in mid-May. Surveyors have the choice of submitting their observations to Bird Studies Canada on paper or entering them online at Bird Studies Canada’s website. All observations are to be submitted by September15th . We understand that many of us (unfortunately) cannot visit our islands at least once from May to August; however, if you are interested in this project nonetheless, or have any personal historic data on loon breeding sites and success rates, we would love to hear from you. Please inquire about this great volunteer opportunity with the TLA by email: or by phone (705) 237-8927. Visit the Temagami Lakes’ Association website: Summer 2013 Summer 2013 page 23 Temagami Times Your Septic System Most rural homes and cottages use a septic system - a sewage system that usually consists of a tank and a leaching bed, also sometimes called a tile bed. A septic system is privately owned, and by law you are responsible for its safe operation, maintenance and repair. Watch for signs of an improperly functioning septic system Warning signs of an improperly functioning septic system are many – some are obvious and some require more effort to notice. Around the house or cottage: • the grass over the system may become unusually green or spongy to walk on • toilets, showers and sinks may take longer to drain • occasional sewage odours may become noticeable, often after a rainfall • you may see gray or black liquids surfacing in your yard, or backing up through plumbing fixtures into the house 705- 237-8904 IN LAKES AND PONDS Own YOUR Leaks from septic systems can cause weeds and algae to grow in lakes and ponds. Just a small amount of additional phosphorus (which can come from soaps, shampoos, household cleaning products and detergents) in a lake or pond can make a huge difference in the amount of weeds that grow during the spring and summer. Source: Ontario Ministry of the Environment. For more details visit Own Temagami Moment Gerry Gooderham Group Box 22 TEMAGAMI, ON P0H 2H0 Ogama Island 843 e-mail: Automobile & Marine Battery Recycling OwnYOUR YOUR Own Own Temagami Own TemagamiMoment Moment Temagami Marine is once again offering to collect used automobile and Blue Sky Region Realty Inc. Brokerage marine (lead acid) batteries Blue Sky Inc. Brokerage 6716 Hwy 11,Region P.O. Box Realty 517, Temagami ON for 2013. Quite a few peo6716 Hwy 11, P.O. Box 517, Temagami ON ple dropped off their used batteries at Temagami Marine last year and we wish to thank all those who did. This wonderful community service is available to everyone Brokerage • and it is FREE. These batteries are then recycled through Crown Bat6716 Hwy 11, P.O. Box 517, teries. Century21 Century21 Century21 705-569-4500 705-569-4500 Blue Sky Region Realty Inc. We encourage each and every one of our readers to bring their used batteries to Temagami Marine. We all rely on batteries and we need to consider where they go when they are no longer useful to us. Proper disposal is also important for household batteries. The TLA accepts your old, spent flashlight batteries (AA, AAA, C, and other sizes). Just drop them off at the TLA Headquarters and we will dispose Don McMillan of them properly for you. Sales Representative Temagami ON 1-705-569-4500 Pauline Lockhart Barry Graham Sales Representative Sales Representative Don McMillan Pauline Lockhart Barry Graham Pauline Lockhart Sales Representative Sales Representative Sales Representative Sales Representative Home: 705-569-4603 Home: 705-569-2633 Home: 705-569-2917 Home: 705-569-4603 Home: 705 569 2633 Home: 705-569-4603 To advertise with us call: (705) 237-8927 • Fax: (877) 281-4687 • e-mail: page 24 Sewage & Marine Services Propane Services Sewage Systems Appliance Sales Design • 30 years of experience designing island sewage systems • We pay attention to the details creating a system that is effective and attractive Approvals • We complete the paperwork for municipal site plan control agreements and Timiskaming Health Unit approvals • We provide transport, where required, for inspectors and attend all site inspections Build • Weminimizedisturbancetoprotectthenaturalviewscape at the shoreline and within the island • Licensed as both contractor and installer since 1983 • Install sewage pumps and renovate plumbing where required • Installandservicebothseptictank/filefieldsandholdingtanks Refrigerators | Freezers | Heaters Ranges | Lights Sewage Pumpouts We are pleased to offer you the broadestselectionofcertifiedoff-grid appliances in the area. Providing you a “one-stop shop” experience to meet all your off-grid needs. Service Call Marine Freight SouthweSt Arm: Tues May 14 • Tues June 18 We have both the proper equipment and attitude to do the job right! Dispensary • Propanecylinderrefills(allsizes) •Propanecylinderinspectionsandrequalification • Located at Cottage Depot at the entrance to Boatline Bay Tues July 9 and 23 • Tues Aug 6 and 20 Wed July 3 • Tues July 16 and 30 Tues Aug 13 and 27 NortheASt Arm: PO Box 483, Temagami, ON P0H 2H0 e-mail: Fri May 17 • Fri June 21 Fri July 5 and 19 • Fri Aug 2 and 16 North Arm/ShArp rock/white fiSh BAy/ NorthweSt Arm/oBABikA iNlet: Fri May 17 • Fri June 14 and 28 Fri July 12 and 26 • Fri Aug 9 and 23 PH: 705-237-8922 FX: 705-237-8953 ils! • Appliance maintenance and repair • Tubing and pipe installation - upgrade tubing to maintain proper gas pressure - leak testing - BBQ connections to main supply (eliminate 20lb cylinders) • Opening startup service (arrive to a cold refrigerator) • AllworkdonebylicensedTSSAgasfitter(G2) 2013 Delivery Schedule South Arm: Tues May 14 • Tues June 25 (Small loads, including furniture and appliances, can be delivered in conjunction with our propane deliveries) eta for d Featuring: uNiQue 18 SS • 18.2 total cu/ft. • 4.4 cu/ft. freezer • 66”H x 30”W x 37.75” D • efficient and economical On average, seasonally used septic tanks ought to be inspected after 13 years of use and have their accumulations measured to establish a pumpout schedule in order to prevent premature tile bed failure. • Licensed hauled sewage contractor since 1982 • Septic tank inspections • Scheduled pumpout service every fall (share the expense with other island properties to keep costs down) • Emergency pumpout service available Sand • Gravel • Crushed Stone • Topsoil • Crib Rock Building Supplies • Brush Cleanup Summer 2013 Temagami Times Hub in Conjunction with Adjacent Arm Deliveries EMERGENCY DELIVERIES AVAILABLE AT NO ADDITIONAL COST Visit the Temagami Lakes’ Association website: Summer 2013 page 25 Temagami Times Temagami Artistic Collective Update website phone 705-569-2595 email Pendelton Blankets • Keen Sandals • Souris River Ultralight Canoes • Artwork by Steve Snake • Historical Maps of Temagami • Outdoor Clothing • TOC designs Enjoy the view and the outdoors with a timber framed screened porch. T.J. Evans FREE WORKSHOPS FOR YOUTH LOCAL MUSICIAN RELEASES DEBUT CD The Temagami Artistic Collective (TAC) is hoping to encourage youth to get involved in music, perhaps learn to play guitar or other various instruments. So TAC is planning to put on some workshops for youth aged 10 and up, free of charge, this summer. The Municipality of Temagami has agreed to sponsor this initiative by providing the venue – the Bunny Miller Theatre in the Temagami Welcome Centre building. The workshops will feature instructional videos and demonstrations. Dates have yet to be determined, but we encourage anyone interested to check for updates on the Temagami Artistic Collective facebook page, or contact David or Carolyn Laronde at 705-569-2904 or email Temagami resident, David Laronde is pleased to have released his debut CD in April 2013. David is a driving force behind the Temagami Artistic Collective, who present concerts at Temagami’s ‘little theatre with the big sound’ (the Bunny Miller Theatre in the Temagami Welcome Centre), bringing in talent from across Canada. The concert to introduce his new CD, entitled “right city wrong town” is at the Bunny Miller Theatre on June 1st. David has also performed at the Capitol Centre in North Bay and the Classic Theatre in Cobalt, as well as at the town Waterfront for Canada Day celebrations. He describes his music as “contemporary folk and rock blending elements of traditional sounds into one distinctive, edgy sound”. As a songwriter, David intends to create a mood, a scene in your mind’s eye, and speak to you in person through his lyric. It’s the connection with the listener he’s after. For more information, please visit For all your construction needs: • Emergency Repairs • New Construction • Renovations Since 1977 WE CAN HANDLE: • SEPTIC SYSTEM WITH A WATERLOO-BIOFILTER • CONCRETE FOUNDATIONS • FRAMEWORK • CONCRETE SLAB OR SIDEWALK • POST & BEAM WORK • LOGWORK • STONEWORK • DOCKS & BOATHOUSES • FINISH CARPENTRY FOR A CONSULTATION OR A NO SURPRISE FIRM QUOTATION: Ph: 705.569.3527 • Fx: 705.569.2579 • Email: • P.O.Box 347, Temagami, ON P0H 2H0 To advertise with us call: (705) 237-8927 • Fax: (877) 281-4687 • e-mail: page 26 Summer 2013 Temagami Times Temagami Public Library News By Shelley Rowland How wonderful it is to sit on my deck reading a great book and enjoying the wonderful weather. The crocuses are blooming, birds are nesting and the grass is getting greener. We’re looking forward to seeing all of our summer residents’ return to beautiful Lake Temagami. FISHING IN TEMAGAMI We invite you to email ( or bring in a picture of fish you have caught here in Temagami. These will be displayed on our bulletin board for all to envy!! Please be sure to let us know if you want your picture returned. BOOK CLUBS The Young Adult Book Club has finished reading Infinity & Invincible (The Chronicles of Nick) by Sherrilyn Kenyon and it was enjoyed by all. The next book chosen is City of Bones by Cassandra Clare. The Adult Book Club read The Blood of Flowers by Anita Amirrezvani. We found it informative and enjoyable. Our next book is The Sunbird by Wilbur Smith. LIBRARY ARCHIVES We now have 59 folders (1,714 pictures) on the library’s website for viewing. We would appreciate any feedback. New Books Below you will find a list of some of our newest titles. Non Fiction: The Blood Sugar Solution Cookbook/Hyman, Paradise Beneath Her Feet: How Women Are Transforming the Middle East/Coleman, The Autism Revolution: Whole-Body Strategies for Making Life All It Can Be/Herbert, Shred: The Revolutionary Diet/Smith, MD, Darwin’s Ghosts/Stott, Zero Waste Home/Johnson, Design in Nature/Bejan & Zane, Going Solo/ Klineberg Audio Books: Lean In: Women, Work and the Will to Lead/Sandberg, What We Talk About When We Talk to God/Bell (also available in print format) Adult Graphic Novel: How to Tell If Your Cat is Plotting to Kill You/Oatmeal (Best Seller for weeks!) Adult Fiction: Suspect/Crais, Mudwoman/Oates, Calculated In Death/Robb, The Storyteller/ Picoult, The Chance/Kingsbury, Alex Cross, Run/Patterson, Beckon/Pawlik, The Newlyweds/ Freudenberger, Taking Eve/Johansen, The Nearest Exit/Steinhauer, Death of Yesterday/Beaton, 419/Ferguson, Wedding Night/Kinsella, Garden of Burning Sand/Addison, The Perfect Ghost/ Barnes, The Red Moth/Eastland Large Print: Hit Men/Block, The Sound of Broken Glass/Crombie, The Guilty One/Ballantyne Young Adult: Unremembered/Brody, Just One Day/Forman, The Mirrored Shard/Kittridge, The Flask/Singer, Betsy Wickwire’s Dirty Secret/Grant, Things I Can’t Forget/Kenneally, Inferno/Kenyon, House of Secrets/Columbus Juvenile Fiction: Face Off at the Almamo/McGregor, Winterling/Prineas, Nobody’s Perfect, I’m As Close As It Gets/Benton, Ice Island/Shahan Happy Reading this Summer! TUPTIM on The Lake (at Deepwater Lodge) Proudly creating our THAI, EUROPEAN & CANADIAN DELICACIES OUr 2013 ins seasOn Beg 1st! Monday July especially for YOU! Our super LIvE JAzz NIgHTS are back on Friday August 3 and Saturday August 4 from 5 pm. ADAM SAUNDERS and the HAMMERED BRASS will return with 4 great musicians, all specialists in their field. Book early to avoid disappointment! BIRTHDAy and FAMILy CELEBRATIONS Try our SPECIALTy TAkE OUT for your BBQ, Dinner or Cocktail Parties! Open 7 days a week for Lunch & Dinner FULLY LiCenseD HAvE A gREAT SUMMER! 705-237-8222 Visit the Temagami Lakes’ Association website: Summer 2013 page 27 Temagami Times T e m ag a m i E l e c t r i c a l S e r v i c e s I n c. BARRE T LEUDKE M a s te r E l e c t r i c i a n B a r r e t @Te m a g a m i E l e c t r i c a l S e r v i c e s . c a B R AD CO R B E T T M a s te r E l e c t r i c i a n B r a d @Te m a g a m i E l e c t r i c a l S e r v i c e s . c a 7 0 5 . 2 3 7. 8 2 5 0 GROUP BOX 23 ISLAND 212-44 TEMAGAMI ON P0H2H0 Te m a g a m i E l e c t r i c a l S e r v i c e s . c a ECRA / ESA LICENCE # 7001839 RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL & UTILIT Y N eed to d iscoNNect to CONSTRUC TION & MAINTENANCE R ecoNNect ? Give Yourself A Break From Technology & Join Ojibway’s Digital Detox and Artist Retreats! Digital Detox and Painting Workshop, August 18-24: Recharge mind, body and soul with a Digital Detox! Featuring massage therapy, yoga sessions with Andrea Jackson ( and cooking classes with local chefs passionate about healthy, organic local ingredients. Or learn the basics of landscape painting with prominent Canadian painter E. Robert Ross ( Artist Retreat, August 25-30: Learn to take stunning images with your i-phone! Featuring i-phone photography with renowned Dan Burkholder ( or weave a basket a day with Terryl Ryan. Or join us for Paddle Carving, July 21 & 22 ! Come for two days and leave with your hand carved paddle! Call to Reserve Your Spot! Tanya McCubbin, Ojibway Manager winter: (705) 840-3792 summer: (416) 548 6137 To advertise with us call: (705) 237-8927 • Fax: (877) 281-4687 • e-mail: page 28 Temagami Times Visit the Temagami Lakes’ Association website: Summer 2013 Summer 2013 page 29 Temagami Times Toot Toot – Whistles and Sound Signalling By Angus Scully Sound behaves in an interesting way over water. On a flat calm day, we can hear people sneeze a kilometer away. People trolling by our island speak loudly to be heard by their fishing partner over the sound of the motor – and we can hear every word, including their comments on the condition of our dock. According to Howard Shaw, Ph. D. and Cheryl Jackson Hall, Ph. D., “Experience suggests that sound, like light, travels (more or less) in straight lines. However, to the contrary, sound actually tends to curve downwards over a lake’s surface.” “Sound traveling along straight lines would disperse quickly into the space above the lake. Instead, sound that “should” rise up and be lost typically curves back down to the lake/ground level. Therefore, it sounds louder than it “should.” This is a well-known and easily demonstrated observation, measurable out there on real lakes.” Yet calling out to someone can be just a waste of time once there are waves or a wake. Surface disturbance of the water interferes with how sound waves travel. In addition, the pitch of a normal voice has trouble piercing the noise of waves and wakes. Engine noise also interferes. Shouting to boaters to warn of danger or to call people for lunch can be a waste of breath. Instead, try a whistle or air horn. Having a pea-less whistle or other approved sound signalling device aboard every boat has been required for many years. Most of us rely on having one in the safety kit we carry. Have one handy where you sit while driving the boat too. The Fox 40 whistle is extremely loud and commonly available. An air horn operating on compressed air (use a hand pump) keeps its charge for months and provides an even louder signal. These are available at marine supply stores and Canadian Tire. Sources: Drowning in Noise: Noise Costs of Jet Skis in America, Executive Summary. A Report for the Noise Pollution Clearinghouse by Charles Komanoff & Howard Shaw, Ph. D. APRIL 2000. Can’t Hear You - Keep Shouting. By Wayne Spivak, National Press Corps United States Coast Guard Auxiliary http://waterski. htm Collision Regulations, Canada Shipping Act 2001. regulations/C.R.C.,_c._1416/FullText.html BOAT TOPS • REPAIRS ENCLOSURES • CUSTOM COVERS • MOORING FRAMES •Any type of boat • To get attention or warn of danger give 5 blasts on the whistle or horn. When driving a car we rely on signal indicators and backup lights to inform other drivers about our intended movements. In boats, sound signalling serves the same purpose. • When about to operate your boat in reverse – 3 blasts. • One short blast to mean: I INTEND TO OVERTAKE YOU ON YOUR STAR BOARD SIDE. • Two short blasts to mean: I INTEND TO OVERTAKE YOU ON YOUR PORT SIDE. The boat being passed replies with the same signal if in agreement, or sounds 5 blasts if there is danger. Review safe boating practices in the Safe Boating Guide at s publications/en/tp511/pdf/hr/tp511e.pdf TEMAGAMI PROPERTY MANAGEMENT SERVICES Construction Project Management: • Architect and or Designer Facilitation • Permits • Comparative Pricing • • • • • Contract Documents Logistics Schedule Documentation Site Management BUILT ON SITE AT TEMAGAMI MARINE 705-569-3221 SERVICE@TEMAGAMI MARINE.COM Cathy Dwyer P.O. Box 275, Temagami, ON P0H 2H0 To advertise with us call: (705) 237-8927 • Fax: (877) 281-4687 • e-mail: Other Services: Landscaping • Chipping • Painting • Cleaning • Care Taking • Cottage Rental • Cottage Check for Insurance Purposes • Pest/Bug Control Tel: 705 569-3574 Cell: 705 647 1816 page 30 Summer 2013 Temagami Times KIRK SMITH KIRK TLA Membership Application Group Box 129, Temagami ON P0H 2H0 • Tel: 705 237 8927 • Fax: 877 281 4687 • SMITH CONSTRUCTION Name _________________________________ Spouse ______________________________________ Home Address ______________________________________________________________________ City _______________________________ Prov./State______________ Postal/Zip Code__________ Email ______________________________________________________________________________ KI RK SM ITH, Owner Temagami Phone __________________ Home Phone _________________ Island Number_______ Membership Options Class A membership (necessary for F and D memberships) _______________________$ 115.00 Class F membership (for family members of A member) ____________________________ 55.00 Class D memberships (children <18yrs of class A or F) _____________________________ 15.00 Class C membership (commercial) _____________________________________________ 115.00 Class B membership (sustaining - non property owner) ____________________________ 60.00 TOTAL $ _______ Supplementary options and services Contribution to the “Tenets for Temagami” Defense Fund A separate fund for legal costs protecting the tenets___________________________ $ _______ Contribution to the Water Qualilty Monitoring Fund (min. $25 per property requested) A separate fund dedicated entirely to ongoing water quality monitoring and research on Lake Temagami $ _______ Property Patrol Service (choose either A, B or C for each Island with buildings) Service A (spring and fall) — $50 _____________________________________________ $ _______ • • • • Service C (combination A and B) — $95 ________________________________________$ _______ VHF Marine Radio Service Contribution (minimum $45 for radio service users) _ $ _______ Navigation Maps — Maps are two sided and water resistant. For the boat — $20 CD Rom — $20____________________________________________$ _______ Full Colour Wall Maps — $25__________________________________________________$ _______ Plastic Name Plate — $50_____________________________________________________$ _______ (free with first time class A property membership) payment: ___________________________ Grand Total enclosed $ _______ cheque Cardholder number cardholder name Cardholder signature Exp. date B O AT H O U S E S D E C K S - D O C K S RENOVATIONS & CONSTRUCTION ROOFING • C OTTA G E S P O ST & B E A M • B O AT H O U S E S STR U CTU R E S • LOG BUILDING • DECKS - DOCK • STO N E F I R E P L A C E•S R O O F I N G & R E PA I R • P O ST & B E A M STR U CTU R E S • LOG BUILDING • STO N E F I R E P L & R E PA I R TELEPHONE: 705-569-4455 FACSIMILE: 705-569-3248 Checks payable to: Temagami Lakes Association, Group Box 129, Temagami Ontario P0H 2H0 If you would like to receive an application for membership or information related to that contact Peter at or call 705-237-8927 SERVICES: • CONSTRUCTION DESIGN CONSTRU & PLANS • LICENSED SEPTIC SYSTEM KI RK SM ITH, OwnerINSTALLER SERVICES: • LICENSED PROPANE• CONSTRUCTION INSTALLER & PLANS • PLUMBING • LICENSED SEPT SYSTEM INSTALL • ELECTRICAL • COTTAGE OPENING • LICENSED PROP INSTALLER & CLOSING • PLUMBING • BARGING • ELECTRICAL • COTTAGE OPENI RENOVATIONS & CONSTRUCTION: & CLOSING • BARGING • C OTTA G E S Service B (January and March) — $50 _________________________________________$ _______ TLA History Book: Life and Times of a Cottage Community — $30_________________________ $ _______ KIRK SMI CONSTRUCTION Visit the Temagami Lakes’ Association website: TELEPHONE: 705-569-4455 FACSIMILE: 705-569-3248 Summer 2013 page 31 Temagami Times We Specialize in: • Septic system design and installation - help with permit application In 2008, we celebrated 25 years of service on Lake Temagami. Thank you for your patronage! • Landscaping - sand, gravel, topsoil, crib rocks on request • Equipment of all sizes needed for excavation and site development • Rock drilling equipment - blasting expert available if necessary • Freight of all kinds, delivery • Water pumps and water treatment systems installation • Complete project development or renovations of cottage We are proud to provide experience, expertise and efficient service. We always offer a free and honest assessment of your needs. Give us a call if you are planning to do some improvements on your property. Our aim is always to give you the best price while minimizing the impact on the environment and on your property. • We are now offering to fill all permit applications and site plan control map for our clients * Ask us about the available tax credit on your home or cottage improvements. Efficiency Expertise Experience Equipment OWNED AND OPERATED BY: Charlie Bérubé, Raymond & Suzanne Daneault 705 569-3813 or 705 569-2537 Although we have opposed the site plan control from the beginning and still do, until a decision is made at the municipal level , we are going to provide this service hoping it will alleviate some frustrations and give you a chance to enjoy your vacation. P.O. Box 411 TEMAGAMI, ONTARIO P0H 2H0 Tel: (705) 569-3813 or (705) 569-4446 Fax: (705) 569-2638 E-Mail: To advertise with us call: (705) 237-8927 • Fax: (877) 281-4687 • e-mail: page 32 Summer 2013 Temagami Times A Temagami Evening By Frances Cameron We set out rowing Meringues of white thunder clouds In the sky ahead of us We watched carefully for lightning There was none. The sun went down Gilding white puffy cloud With brilliant gold We looked behind And saw a huge luminous thunder cloud Advance like a dragon Upon us. Demand the Best Satellite Communication. • Best voice quality in industry • Fastest MSS data speed • Best value airtime plans starting at $39.99/mo. • Mobile & fixed phone solutions • Local phone number We rowed rapidly to shore As the thunder rumbled ominously. Contact Rod Riopel We were impressed With the power of nature And with an understanding Of how we must honour (800) 232-6845 This power. Coverage may vary. Taxes are extra. Globalstar reserves the right to make changes to pricing, coverage and price plans at any time without notice. Ask your local Authorized Globalstar Dealer for details or visit ©2013 All rights reserved. Why Recycle? Here’s why: Each ton of recycled paper can save 17 trees, 1,438 litres of oil, 24.6 cubic meters of landfill space, 4000 kilowatts of energy, and 26,498 litres of water. This represents a 65 percent energy savings, 58 percent water saving, and 60 pounds less of air pollution! Attention Future Journalists/Lake Community Archivists Boating on the ice. ly Photo by Peter Hea The Temagami Times needs reporters/columnists from all corners of the lake to share their experiences, events and/or lake history. We will print submissions, subject to the usual editorial review. Students may want to contribute items as part of courses or to obtain community volunteer credits. Visit the Temagami Lakes’ Association website: Summer 2013 page 33 Temagami Times GEORGE MATHIAS Septic Systems & Services Vacuum Septic Disposal Service SEPTIC SYSTEM INSTALLATIONS • Conventional & Commercial Septic Systems Installed • Authorized Ecoflo Biofilter (peat moss) installers The first system we had to pump out septic tanks was the “Trash Pump’ system. We found that solids were being left in the septic tank. George then decided to invest in a vacuum pump, which is the most environmentally friendly, sanitary and thorough method to dispose of septic waste! TRASH PUMP VACUUM PUMP Solid Waste Remains in Tank All Waste Removed From Tank FREE ESTIMATES All types of work considered Tel: (705) 237-8973 • Fax: (705) 237-8763 Bear Island, Lake Temagami, On P0H 1C0 George Mathias Construction Specializing in: Cottages • Log Homes • Renovations • Boathouses • Docks • Freight Service Plumbing & Licenced Electrician **SEAMLESS EAVESTROUGH • BRUSH CHIPPER SERVICE** **Care Taking • Cleaning • Laundry** Barging Services: • 2 - 50 ton capacity (20’ wide x 50’ length) • 1 - 4 ton capacity *Delivery service for camps & contractors (flat or hourly rates) available* To advertise with us call: (705) 237-8927 • Fax: (877) 281-4687 • e-mail: page 34 Summer 2013 Temagami Times Waterfront Upgrades Work in Progress: the revitalization of the docks and decking at the waterfront by the town Welcome Centre will make the area more attractive, safer and more accessible. The work was started while the lake was still frozen, but these photos were taken soon after break-up. It is all part of a Waterfront Development Project funded by the Provincial and Federal Governments and the Municipality. Check it out on your next trip to town. Ramsay Law Office Peter R. Ramsay peter r. ramsay william r. (Bill) ramsay 18 armstrong street, p.o. Box 160 new liskeard on p0J 1p0 Story Environmental Inc. is based in northern Ontario and assists individuals, municipalities as well as small and large businesses in complying with MOE regulations for: •Design, installation, optimization, monitoring and maintenance of Small Drinking Water Systems (Summer Camps, Campground, Lodges, Resorts) •Design and optimization of Large Drinking Water Treatment Systems (Trailer Parks, Municipalities, Institutions) • Certificate of Approval Applications • Regulatory Compliance Monitoring [air, water (groundwater, wastewater, surface water), and soil] 332 Main Street, P.O. Box 716, Haileybury, Ontario, P0J 1K0 Phone: 705-672-3324 • Fax: 705-672-3325 • 705 647 4010 William R. (Bill) Ramsay fax: 647 4341 toll free: 1 800 837 6648 email: web site: Celebrating 80 years in Temagami & Temiskaming Classified ads are free for TLA members. Send to real estate wills elder care estate planning & administration Did you know that TLA members can have daily papers delivered to the TLA Headquarter’s building from the One Stop Trading Post in Temagami? commercial and corporate law (705-569-3888) Visit the Temagami Lakes’ Association website: FOR sale Boat Trailer For Sale: ‘Easy Loader’ bunk Boat Trailer with loading guides, wheel swivel jack, bearing buddies, 4.80 X 12 inch tires and spare. 705-237-8516.” Summer 2013 page 35 Temagami Times • business directory • Camp Adanac Tackle Burgers PLUS Temagami Petro-Canada Open 6 a.m. daily (705) 569-3310 Temagami ON P0H 2H0 Bait • Fishing tackle • Cottage rentals R estaurant Lance White LLBO Video Rentals Lotto 649 Ice Cream Bus/Train Agent 705-237-8950 • 705-237-8938 The Temagami Times Full Page.................................................$360.00 Half Page................................................$225.00 third Page...............................................$180.00 quarter Page..........................................$140.00 Eighth Page.............................................$100.00 Business Directory.................................$60.00 (an extra 10% for a preferred position) On Temagami Island behind Deepwater Lodge. Call TLA for directions. Receive 10% OFF when you place your ad in 3 issues per year (discount applied at the end of the year) Glen & Diane Toogood Call (705) 237-8927 6484 Highway 11 N, Temagami, Ont P0H 2H0 next deadline: september 1, 2013 Production Requirements Please provide high resolution (min. 200 dpi @100%) pdf, tiff or jpeg files (Note: word documents are not acceptable) to: or on CD by snail mail to the below address. If you require artwork we can provide it for you at an additional cost (min. $20.00 charge). Please call for a quote. 705-569-2666 • expert rebuilds • free pickup & delivery at landing • 17’ canoes to order Group Box 129, Temagami ON P0H 2H0 Helen Hall 3 Bedroom Cottage for Rent Lake - (705) 237-8904 E-mail - • Fax - (705) 237-8995 No Job too big or too small Call us for our full line of services Commerical or Domestic Original Oil and Water Colour Paintings New In-Home Studio 268 Paddon Cres., New Liskeard 705-647-4285 I hope to greet all my summer friends. Hailybury, Ontario P0J 1K0 705 672-3520 Cell 705 676-6520 •cl assifieds• FOR sale Cottage for sale: 2 bedroom, winterized and fully serviced. Prime location in the hub area, Sun-Mar composting toilet. All furniture included, Boat house. Good dockage. $450,000. 705-474-3056 (winter) 705-237-8726 (summer). Boat for sale: 1979 T-Bird Deep v hull 18ft Bowrider, 198 hp (fast) low hours. Original upholstery carpet and covers are very clean. Hull is perfect for rough weather, kids & pets upfront and visible. $7000.00 obo call Norm Flett 289-237 3984 or all service @ BLB Marine 705 237 8970. Floating boathouse on Lake Temagami. Best offer. FOR sale Outboard motor for sale: Johnson 25 HP, late 1980’s 2 stroke, $300, COTTAGE FOR SALE: 2 Story Cottage, 30 x 50, LR w/woodstove, Kitchen, Diningroom,7 Bedrooms, 2 1/2 Baths, Screened Porch, 8x36 Dock, Insulated, 200 amp, new, Septic, $375,000. 617-694-2670 or 705 237-8908 12 ft. Gamefisher boat: fiberglass from Sears, perfect first boat for children, suitable for 5HP-9HP. $200 or b.o. Contact TLA for photo Hotpoint Washer and dryer, $150 each/$250 pair, delivery available, Notices Employment Island 159 Celebration: It has been 100 years since Grampa Frank Todd came to island 159 in 1913. This summer Todd’s Island celebrates with a drop in social on Sunday Aug. 4, 1-4 PM. Contact the Todd’s or McGuires on 159 for details. The Temagami Fish Hatchery may; have a summer job open for a “fisheries technician” depending on funding approval from the federal government. Students may indicate their interest in this potential position by contacting us at Piano tuner available this summer on lake – see page 7 For Rent TEMAGAMI COTTAGE: 3 bedroom cottage sleeps 8. Full season with large docks on a private island e-mail: 705-237-8904 To advertise with us call: (705) 237-8927 • Fax: (877) 281-4687 • e-mail: Wanted Wanted to purchase old canoes - aluminum canvas cedar strip (tripper or square stern for restoration project ) and birch bark Call Pete Calverley (905) 895 -7265 Piano to loving home on Lake Temagami,, 705-237-8867 Wanted to rent cabin/rustic cottage for 2-3 wk in August on Lake Temagami. Contact Joanne @ page 36 Temagami Times Visit the Temagami Lakes’ Association website: Summer 2013
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