Madison Metropolitan School District Department
Madison Metropolitan School District Department
Madison Metropolitan School District Department of Human Resources 663-1862 and 663-1846 Substitute Placement Office 663-1842 SubFinder Automated System Please call Sub Office at 663-1862 or 663-1846 to obtain your pin number. 1 2 3 4 CONTENTS Responsibilities ……………………………………………………………………………………...6 Board of Education Policies…………………..…………………………………………………… 7 Payroll Information…………………………………………………………………………………..9 Call In Pay/Long Term Substitutes…………………………….…………………………………..10 Payroll Schedule…………………………………………………………….……………………..…11 Benefits Information…………..……………………………………………………………………...12 Questions? Who to Contact.………………………………………………………………………...13 Resources Available to You……………………….………………………………………………….14 School Year Calendar…………………………………………………..…………...………………. 16 Inclement Weather Procedures………………………………………………………...…………….17 School Information…………………………………………………………………………………….18 Commonly Used Acronyms……………………………………………………………………………75 Time Log sheets…………………………………………………………………………………….….80 School Telephone List on Back Cover 5 RESPONSIBILITIES Before Class: All substitute SEA’s should arrive at the school 15 to 20 minutes before the start of the first class so that all preclass responsibilities can be completed. Report to the principal’s office to sign in and, if asked to do so, present a picture ID. Check with the principal or teacher for specific job responsibilities. After Class: Report to the main office before leaving at the end of the day. The school office will be able to tell you if they have requested you for the following day. If such a request has been made through the Substitute Placement office, you will receive a call from SubFinder unless the assignment has been prearranged through you and the school. If the school has not requested you for subsequent day(s), you will automatically be eligible for other assignments. General Responsibilities: Under the supervision of a Special Education Teacher or the Principal, provide instructional support and physical assistance to students with cognitive, emotional, learning, or physical disabilities under the supervision of the administrator. Instructional assistance may be provided both in the classroom and in the community. Physical assistance may be needed in wheelchair maneuvering, feeding, positioning, bathrooming, diapering, and lifting. Program Supervison: The assistant’s position is supportive to the instructional program responsibilities of a teacher and the assistant works under the direct supervision of a licensed special education teacher. Direct supervision means there must be sufficient daily contact between the special education teacher, the assistant, and the student, and that the special education teacher must be available to the assistant at all times during the student’s school day. Direct supervision does not mean that at all times a teacher must be present with and accompany the assistant and student whenever the student is being educated. Examples of Duties: 1. 2. 3. Assist with transporting students to and from classrooms Assist with feeding, diapering, bathrooming, positioning and transporting students. Provide instructional reinforcement and assistance in the classroom, community, vocational and recreational sites including swimming. 4. Assist students in integrated/mainstreamed classes. 5. Assist with the preparation of instructional materials under a teacher’s direction. 6. Assist teacher with consistent implementation of instructional objectives. 7. Provide follow-through on individual student’s behavior management program. 8. Assist with data collection in order to maintain accurate student records. 9. Monitor student behavior and/or supervise lunchroom, hallway, playground, recess, off-campus, or gym activities. 10. Read tests and take notes for students when needed. 11. Other related duties as assigned. 6 BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICIES MMSD Use of Physical Force Policy (Board of Education Policy 4221) (see Brochure – Use of Physical Force) In general, physical contact should never occur unless a student is an immediate danger to themselves or others. Read this policy in full and discuss any concerns or questions you may have with the Employment Manager, June Glennon, 663-1867 or ******************************** Reporting Suspected Child Abuse or Neglect: (for more details, see Board Policy 4222) The legal responsibility of the District for identifying and reporting suspected cases of child abuse or neglect derives from Wisconsin State Statutes, Sections 48.981(2) and 972.16(1978). Any District staff member, including substitute teachers and assistants, who suspects or has received a report of suspected abuse or neglect, should seek assistance from the principal or school social worker. Administering Medications: (for more details, see Board Policy 4113) Because no medication can be administered by school personnel without several consent forms and physician orders being on file in the Nurse’s Office, any situation calling for a student to receive medication at school should be referred to the School Nurse. Transporting Students: (for more details see Board Policy 8350) If any student at any time asks a substitute teacher or assistant for transportation, the substitute should know that employees of the District may only transport students if they meet specific insurance, liability and vehicle inspection requirements. The employee must also have a valid Wisconsin Operator’s license. DO NOT transport any student without the expressed prior permission of the Principal. Substitute assistants are expected to follow all Board of Education policies. The above policies have been emphasized because a substitute assistant is more likely to encounter situations related to these policies. 7 WI Act 81 Fulfillment Requirements: Wisconsin Act 81, effective December 9, 2011, changed Wisconsin law to require all employees of Wisconsin public school districts to report suspected child abuse and neglect. In addition, school boards must require all employees to receive training provided by the Department of Public Instruction within six months of initial hiring and at least every five years thereafter This training may be taken during your normal work hours, during a prep period, or after hours. (No additional compensation will be given for taking after hours.) After finishing the training, each employee must print out a "Completion Certificate" that is available on the DPI website. These certificates must then be sent to Human Resources for processing. More information concerning Act 81 is available on the DPI website. To access the DPI training information, go to: 8 Payroll Information WAGES Substitute Special Education Assistants are compensated hourly. The hourly base rate as of this printing is $13.00 per hour. PAYROLL INFORMATION Direct Deposit of your paycheck is mandatory for all employees of the Madison Metro School District, and is a condition of your employment. All employees must complete an “Authorization Agreement for Direct Deposits” form and turn it into the Payroll Department in the Doyle Administration Building upon hire. Failure to turn in a completed Direct Deposit form within the first month of employment will result in paychecks being held in the Payroll Department for pick up. SPECIAL EDUCATION ASSISTANT LICENSE All Special Education Assistants must obtain a license from the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. The District will submit the license application on your behalf upon hire. The license fee, currently $75.00, will be deducted from your first three pay checks. If you have questions regarding your license, you can contact Susan Harris in Human Resources at 663-1696. Mileage Reimbursement: You can be reimbursed for mileage between multiple-site assignments, and when working at two separate assignments in different schools on the same day. (You are not reimbursed for mileage between your home and a site.) Mileage sheets can be picked up at any of the schools, or by calling the Sub Office at 663-1862, or at the District’s intranet site: . A copy of the 2013 form is included in the back of this handbook. Be sure to download the revised form for 2014 for any mileage in 2014. Completed Mileage forms should be turned in to Beth Weber in Human Resources, 663-1747. The Sub Placement Office will forward the form to the Accounting Department. Please be sure all forms for 2013 are submitted by December 31, 2013 and all forms for January – June, 2014 are submitted by June 30, 2014. Pay for Mandatory Inservices: You will be compensated for attending mandatory inservices at the rate of $25 for every two hours. Fair Share Dues: Substitute SEAs who do not voluntarily become members of the EA/MTI Collective Bargaining Unit of Madison Teachers Incorporated are required to pay Fair Share Dues. A “fair share” payroll deduction will be made, provided the substitute has performed substitute SEA work during that payroll period. Currently, the “fair share” payroll deduction is $11.75 per month. 9 SUBSTITUTE SPECIAL EDUCATION ASSISTANTS Substitute Call-In Pay A substitute employee who is called in error for an assignment and reports to said assignment and is not subsequently reassigned, shall receive four (4) hours of pay. The sub SEA must call the Sub Office to request reassignment to be eligible for this compensation. You must wait at the school until the Sub Office confirms the new assignment, or that one is not available. The employee will not receive compensation under this section if the employee refuses the reassignment. Should the substitute be reassigned to another school or work location for that day, said substitute shall be reimbursed for mileage between the original and subsequent school to which the employee is assigned, in accordance with Section III-F of the collective bargaining agreement. Assuming satisfactory performance, the substitute SEA shall remain in the position until the regular SEA returns. A substitute special education assistant shall be treated equally with all other external candidates for vacant positons in this unit. Long Term Substitutes Long term substitute employees shall, during their long-term assignment be considered for available Educational Assistant vacancies according to the terms of Section IV-F, Voluntary Transfer of Assignment, provided that said vacancy is scheduled to commence after the conclusion of their temporary assignment. The seniority date for purposes of Section IV-F, shall be the first day hired by the Madison Metropolitan School District as a substitute special education assistant followed by continuous service as a substitute SEA on the substitute list. 10 REGULAR BIWEEKLY PAYROLL SCHEDULE 2013 - 2014 PAY PERIOD 08/18-08/31 09/01-09/14 09/15-9/28 9/29-10/12 10/13-10/26 10/27-11/9 11/10-11/23 11/24-12/7 12/8-12/21 12/22-01/04 01/05-01/18 01/19-02/01 02/02-02/15 02/16-03/01 03/02-03/15 03/16-03/29 03/30-04/12 04/13-04/26 04/27-05/10 05/11-05/24 05/25-06/07 06/8-06/21 INPUT DATE 09/03 09/16 9/30 10/14 10/28 11/11 11/25 12/9 12/20 01/06 01/20 02/03 02/17 03/03 03/17 03/31 04/14 04/28 05/12 05/27 06/9 06/23 Direct Deposit Forms for the schools will be mailed for these dates. 11 CHECK DATE 9/6/13 9/20/13 10/4/13 10/18/13 11/1/13 11/15/13 11/29/13 12/13/13 12/27/13 1/10/14 1/24/14 2/7/14 2/21/14 3/7/14 3/21/14 4/4/14 4/18/14 5/2/14 5/16/14 5/30/14 6/13/14 6/27/14 BENEFITS INFORMATION _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Medical Plan: Substitute SEAs are eligible to participate in the District Health Insurance plans by paying the full premium each month. Substitute SEA’s may choose from three (3) HMO or (3) Point of Service (POS) plans from Dean, Group Health Cooperative of South Central WI (GHC-SCW) or Unity. Applications must be received within one (1) month of the substitute’s first assignment. Late applicants will be required to undergo a longer waiting period and eligibility may end prior to coverage availability. The monthly premiums for these plans as of July 1, 2013* are as follows. HMO plans Single Family POS plans Single Family Dean $ 623.32 $1639.33 GHC-SCW $ 474.21 $1266.15 Unity $ 630.92 $1659.32 Dean $ 831.66 $2187.27 GHC-SCW $ 592.78 $1582.69 Unity $ 820.03 $2156.68 For more complete information and enrollment materials for the various plans, please contact the Benefits Department at 663-1746. *Plan coverage and rate changes may happen at anytime throughout the year. Check with the Benefits Division for up to date plan coverage and rate changes: 663-1746 12 QUESTIONS? WHO TO CONTACT Types of Questions Assignments School Day Requirements Availability Leave of Absence Contact Person Phone Number 6:00 A.M – 2:30 PM Emily Moe, Rachel Donohue Substitute Placement Clerk Human Resources Department 663-1862 or 663-1846 2:30 PM – 4:15 PM Beth Weber Personnel Analyst Human Resources Department 663-1747 Payroll 663-5369 Payroll Clerk Payroll Department Evaluation Certification General Employment Questions E-mail address Susan Harris Elaine Wirsbinski Emily Moe Rachel Donohue June Glennon June Glennon, Employment Manager Elaine Wirsbinski, Personnel Analyst “ “ or 663-1867 663-1748 Susan Harris, Employment Technician 663-1696 ** The SubFinder System calls out during two calling periods each day. The first starts at 5:30 AM for the current day’s assignment. The second calling period is from 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM for the following or any subsequent day. ** All SEA assignments are now Cross Categorical. You may be working with children in any area of disability (cognitive, learning, emotional, or physical). 13 RESOURCES AVAILABLE TO YOU You may register for any of the staff development programs offered through the MMSD Web Site, located at (Note: Teachers on contract have priority if there are enrollment limits). These are voluntary, and not subject to compensation for your attendance. MMSD employees may be linked with support services in the community through the Employee Assistance Program (EAP). If you experience personal, financial, or emotional difficulties, for example, and wonder what community services are appropriate/available, you can discuss your situation in confidence: 1-800-362-3902, extension 1310. The following “directory” lists additional services available through Central Administration: Instructional Services & Resources Education Reference Library 663-1917 Instructional Materials Selection Center 663-1917 Library Media Services Media Production Registrar Research & Evaluation School-Community Recreation Professional Development 663-1925 663-1964 663-4954 663-4942 204-3000 663-4955 Services Available in the Superintendent’s Office Affirmative Action Customer Service Community Response 663-1530 663-1901 663-1692 Business Departments/Services Accounting Human Resources Payroll Printing Services School Safety 663-5368 663-1693 663-5420 663-8070 663-1905 14 MMSD Gmail/ E-mail and Computer Access You may access your e-mail account using your employee number (bxxxxxx) as the ID, and the default password (xmmddyy) which is your birthday, following an “x”. The generic sign-on at each school is your employee number beginning with the letter b, as your USERNAME (bxxxxxx), and the password will be your birthdate, beginning with the letter x (xmmddyy). For assistance, you may call the help-line at 663-5853. Direct Deposit Pay Stub For an explanation of the pay stub that will be mailed to you, please go to the following link on the District-Wide Web, How To Read Your MMSD Paycheck, at : This explanation will apply to your substitute paycheck stub with the following changes: 1. Between the Pay Type and Units columns will be a column listing the dates worked 2. Between the Units and Curr columns will be a column listing the 3-digit location code of the school at which you worked on that date. 3. If you worked more than 20 date/location combinations during a pay period, there will be a subtotal line at the bottom of the Earnings section, that shows the subtotal from the locations that could not be individually printed on the pay stub. 15 SCHOOL YEAR CALENDAR August 28-29 August 30 Professional Development In-Service Day for ALL members of Teaching Staff September 3 SCHOOLS OPEN –Grades K-5, Grade 6, Grade 9 Early release for Elem Only (Gr. K-5) at 1:00 or 1:45 Early Childhood and 4K- No PM classes Only MS 6th Graders and HS 9th Graders attend Beginning of 1st Quarter and 1st Semester September 4 September 5 Early Release for Elementary Only (Gr. K-5) at 1:00 or 1:45 All Middle and High School students attend First Day Early Childhood and 4K- No PM classes First Day for P.M. Early Childhood and 4K September 9,16,23,30 Middle/High School Early Release October 7, 14,28 October 11 October 24-25 November 4,11,18 November 6 November 15 November 28-29 Early Release – Middle and High Schools LaFollette school only; Early Release No School – Professional Development Middle/High School Early Release End of First Quarter Parent Teacher Conferences –No School (Except LaFollette) Schools closed for Thanksgiving Holiday December 2,9,16 Middle/High School Early Release December 23– Jan. 3 No School – Winter Break January 6 School Resumes January 13 January 20 Middle & High School Early Release No School – Martin Luther King Jr. Day January 24 All Schools – Early Release – Elementary at 10:45 or 11:30am; High Schools – release time TBD Middle Schools at 11:30 (Wright) or 11:40 (All others) Early Childhood and 4K- No PM classes End of 2nd Quarter and 1st Semester January 31 February 3,10,24 Parent Teacher Conferences – Middle Schools – No School Middle and High School Early Release February 21 February 28 No School – Professional Development LaFollette Early Release March 3,10,17, 24 Middle/High School Early Release March 21 K-5 Staff Development – Early Release; Elementary at 10:45 or 11:30 Early Childhood and 4K- No PM classes March 28 March 31 End 3rd Quarter. Elementary Early Release- 10:45 or 11:30. EC and 4K- No P.M.classes Middle and High School Early Release- Except LaFollette April 7,28 April 14-21 April 22 Middle and High School Early Release No School- Spring Break School Resumes May 5,12,19 Middle/High School Early Release May 26 June 11 June 12 Schools closed for observance of Memorial Day Early Childhood and 4K- Last Day of school Last day of School; Morning Early Release – Elementary at 9:15am or 10:00am. All MS except Wright dismiss at 9:05; Wright dismissal at 9:45. HS dismissal times vary- check individual school calendars. End of 4th Quarter and 2nd Semester. 16 INCLEMENT WEATHER PROCEDURES In the event of a snow day, an announcement will be broadcast via the following: WTDY-AM (1670) WTSO-AM (1070) WIBA-AM (1310) WZEE-FM (104.1) WHA-AM (970) WMAD-FM (92.1) WNWC-FM (l02.5) WNWC-AM (1190) WIBU-AM (1240) WWQM-FM (106.3) WORT-FM (89.9) WHIT-AM (1550) Channel 15 WMTV Channel 27 WKOW Channel 3 WISC Channel 47 WMSN The announcement will occur by 6:30 a.m. Substitute SEAs are not compensated when schools are closed due to inclement weather. CLOSING OF SCHOOLS ANNOUNCEMENT “Madison Metropolitan School District will be closed today.” When this announcement is made, please report according to the following: Teachers, education assistant, substitute teachers and assistants, satellite food service workers and hourly employees are not to report. Building service, clerical, preparation kitchen food service workers, and administrative employees are to report according to their regular schedules. 17 Four Year Old Kindergarten Early Childhood Centers (off site programs) 1. Animal Crackers- 6402 Hammersley Road, Madison, 53711 608-277-9990 From the Beltline, take the Whitney Way exit (South). Travel south on Whitney Way for approximately .7 miles, and turn right onto Hammersley Road. Contact: Sub Hours: Parking: Report to: 277-9990 7:30- 11:16 and 11:16-3:02 Available in lot Ring bell to be admitted to building; staff will direct you to the 4-K room 2. Kennedy Heights Neighborhood- 199 Kennedy Heights, Madison 53704 608-244-0767 From the Beltline/US-12 W, turn right onto County Road K. Travel 4.5 miles, then turn left onto County Road M E. After 1.8 miles, make a slight right onto Northport Drive/WI 113. Continue on Northport Drive for 1.3 miles, then turn left onto Kennedy Road, and take the first right into Kennedy Heights, building is directly ahead. Contact: Sub Hours: Parking: Report to: 244-0767 11:16-3:02 In lot; visitor parking or resident parking spots are okay to use. Program is located in the lower level/basement of the building. 3. Allied Family Center Boys and Girls Club 4619 Jenewein Road, Fitchburg 53711 204-9722 From the Beltline/US-12/W, take exit 258A for Seminole Highway. Turn right onto Sentinel Pass. Take the 3rd right onto Red Arrow Trail, take the 1st left onto Jenewin Road. Building will be on the left. Contact: Sub Hours: Parking: 204-9722 8:15-11:46 and Available in lot 12:01-3:47 18 Innovative & Alternative Programs Innovative & Alternative Programs is made up of a combination of District alternative programs. Programs are housed at various locations. The Innovative & Alternative Program office is located on the 3 rd floor of Lapham Elementary School. Administrator: Sally Schultz 212-3039 Contact: Larry Palm 204-4235 AERO – Alternative Education Resource Options Pronounced ‘arrow’, is 8th grade repeating, new 9th grade, and continuing 10th grade program for 25-30 students. Lapham Elementary School, 1045 E Dayton Street, 204-4235 Hours: 8:15-12:00 (M-F) 12:30-2:30 (M-F) Credit Recovery Programs Provides students the temporary opportunity to complete credits for graduation and/or academic skill improvement. ACE – East High School, 2222 E Washington Avenue, 204-1812 Hours: 10:00-6:00 (M-R) 8:00-4:00 (F) CRIS – West High School, 30 Ash Street, 204-3196 Hours: 10:00-6:00 (M-R) 8:00-4:00 (F) MAAP – Memorial High School, 201 S Gammon Road, 442-2251 Hours: 10:00-6:00 (M-R) 8:00-4:00 (F) TLC – Marquette Elementary School, 1501 Jenifer Street, 204-6856 Hours: 8:00-4:00 (M-F) Pathways/Operation Fresh Start Up to thirty-five students ages 18-21 who have not completed their graduation requirements are invited to join the program to increase academic skill and develop skills to lead to greater employability. 1925 Winnebago Street, 244-4721 Hours: 8:00-4:00 (M-F) Phoenix – Expulsion Abeyance Program Provides continuing education and social emotional skill development to students who voluntarily agree to participate in this program in lieu of an expulsion hearing. Boys & Girls Club, 2001 Taft Street, 442-2930, use back door. Hours: 8:00-4:00 (M-F) ROAD – Refocus on Achieving a Diploma Students complete their requirements with the opportunity to achieve a MMSD diploma through hours of academic skill development, service to the community, post-secondary work. The program assists Seniors in passing their GED exam. La Follette High School, 702 Pflaum Road, 204-3716 Memorial High School, 201 S Gammon Road, 204-3552 Hours: 8:00-4:00 (M-F) SAPAR – School Age Parent Program Safe, trusting environment for pregnant and parenting students. Emphasis on healthy mother and child development through positive relationships while providing opportunities for empowerment and responsibility. Marquette Elementary School, 1501 Jenifer Street, 204-4230 Hours: 8:35-12:35 (M-F) 12:50-3:00 (M-R) Seed to Table at Goodman Community Center Hands-on program with a track record of re-engaging high school students who are searching for purposeful learning. Seed to Table develops academic, employability, and community service skills. Goodman Community Center, 149 Waubesa Street, 241-1574 Hours: 8:00-4:00 (M-F) Transition Learning Center Marquette Elementary School, 1501 Jenifer Street WLC – Work and Learn Centers 120 students in 11th and 12th grade at two sites. Students attend class for half of the day, and work or do job skill development for the other half of the day. Reconnect students to school, maintain and develop community partnerships through experiential learning and decrease the number of dropouts. Eastside: Lapham Elementary School, 1045 E Dayton Street, 204-4341 Westside: Madison College, 302 S Gammon Road, 442-0941 Hours: 8:15-12:00 (M-F) 12:00-3:15 (M-F) 19 Allis Elementary 4201 Buckeye Road 53716 / 204-1056 Take the Beltline to Hwy 51 (S Stoughton Road) heading north, left on Buckeye Road. East Washington Avenue (heading away from the Capitol) to Hwy 30 (heading east), right on Hwy 51 (S Stoughton Road), right on Buckeye Road. East Washington Avenue (heading toward Capitol), left on Hwy 51, continue on Hwy 51 until you reach Buckeye Road, right on Buckeye. Principal: Sue Abplanalp Secretary: Cailin Ryan-McKeever Parking: On Jerome Street, or on Buckeye Road past posted ‘No Parking’ signs. Lunch: Hot lunch served in the school cafeteria. Substitute Hours: 8:15 – 3:47 7:30-4:00 Monday-Friday Class Hours: TUESDAY – FRIDAY MONDAYS 4K: Grades K & 1: Grade 2: Grade 3: Grade 4: Grade 5: 8:30 – 11:00 8:30 – 11:30 8:30 – 11:25 8:30 -- 11:55 8:30 -- 11:45 11:40 – 1:45 12:10 – 1:45 12:00 – 1:45 12:35 -- 1:45 12:25 -- 1:45 8:15 – 11:19 8:30 – 11:00 8:30 – 11:30 8:30 – 11:25 8:30 -- 11:55 8:30 -- 11:45 20 12:07 – 3:17 11:40 – 3:17 12:10 – 3:17 12:00 – 3:17 12:35 -- 3:17 12:25 -- 3:17 Badger Rock Middle 501 E. Badger Rd. 53713 608-442-1335 Located south of the Alliant Energy Center on the corners of Badger and Rimrock Roads, just across from the Badger Bowl. Principal: Tim Bubon Secretary: Vickie Lappen 8:00-12:00 Parking: Available on site. Lunch: Not available on site; please bring your own. Substitute Hours: 8:10-3:45 Class Hours: 8:25-3:30, Monday through Friday Badger Rock Middle School is a charter school—connected to a neighborhood with a culturally relevant, inquiry-oriented, place-based curriculum that focuses on design and environmental sustainability….to provide middle school students opportunities to learn by doing, learn by achieving, and learn by making a difference. 21 Black Hawk Middle 1402 Wyoming Way 53704 / 204-4360 Take County Hwy M around the northern shores of Lake Mendota, right on Hwy 113 (which becomes Northport Drive), left on School Road (which becomes Wheeler Road), right on Comanche Way, which turns into Wyoming Way. East Washington Avenue (inbound, heading towards Capitol) turn right onto North First Street (heading north), right on Packers Avenue, veer left where Packers and Northport split (you are now on Northport Drive), right on Sherman Avenue, left on Delaware Boulevard., right on Esch Lane, which brings you to the front of the school. Turn left onto Wyoming Way to reach the parking lot. Principal: Sean Storch Secretary: Pamela Coltharp 7:00-3:30 Parking: In school parking lot. No permit needed. Lunch: Available in school cafeteria. Substitute Hours: 7:20 – 3:07 Monday through Friday Class Hours: Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 7:35-2:47 7:35-2:47 7:35-2:47 22 Chavez Elementary 3502 Maple Grove Drive / 442-2000 West Beltline Hwy to Verona Road (heading west); turn right on Co Hwy PD (McKee Road), turn left on Maple Grove. West Beltline Hwy to Verona Road (heading west); turn right onto Williamsburg Way, left on Prairie Road, left on Maple Grove Drive. Principal: Linda Allen Assistant Principal: Rebecca Kundert Secretary: Kelli Kruser Parking: Available in school parking lot. Lunch: Available in school cafeteria. Substitute Hours: 8:15 – 3:47 Monday - Friday Class Hours: Monday Tuesday-Friday 4K K-5 8:30-1:45 8:15-11:19 8:30-3:17 7:30-3:45 23 12:07-3:17 Cherokee Middle 4301 Cherokee Drive 53711 / 204-1241 West Beltline Hwy to Midvale Boulevard (heading north), right on Cherokee Drive. University Avenue to Midvale Boulevard (heading south), left on Cherokee Drive. Principal: David Watkins Secretary: Liz Contrucci Parking: In school lot or on Cherokee Drive across from the school. Lunch: Hot lunches served at school. Substitute Hours: 7:20 – 3:20 Class Hours: Grade 6: Grade 7: Grade 8: 7:00- 3:15 Monday through Friday 7:35 – 2:37 7:35 – 2:37 7:35 – 2:37 Lunch 10:29 – 11:01 Lunch 11:23 – 11:55 Lunch 12:17 – 12:49 24 Crestwood Elementary 5930 Old Sauk Road 53705 / 204-1120 University Avenue to Old Middleton Road, left on Old Sauk Road. West Beltline Hwy, right on Old Sauk Road. Principal: Steve Guziewski Secretary: Cynthia Koratko Parking: Parking in two lots on either side of the building with parking sticker. Street parking on Old Sauk Road. Lunch: Hot lunch served in the school cafeteria; restaurant ¾ mile Substitute Hours: 8:15 – 3:47 Monday-Friday 7:45-4:15 Class Hours: Grades Kdg-5: MONDAY TUESDAY – FRIDAY 8:30– 1:45 8:30– 3:17 25 Dane County Shelter School 2402 Atwood Avenue 53704/ 246-3889 Beltline Hwy to John Nolen Drive, veer right on Williamson Street to right on Atwood Avenue. East Washington Avenue to Fair Oaks Avenue, turn right on Atwood Avenue. This is a non-secure, involuntary placement within the Juvenile Justice System for students ages 11-17. Students residing in the Shelter Home may attend either their school of residence or this program provided at the Shelter Home. There is a maximum of 16 students. The MMSD teacher works closely with the Shelter staff. Curriculum is a combination of work provided by the home schools and teacher-made materials. Report to: Main office - John Bauman Parking: Lot located in front of building. Substitute Hours: 8:30 – 3:30 Class Hours: 9:00 – 12:30 Administrator: Nancy Yoder 663-1907 1:15 – 2:45 26 East High 2222 East Washington Avenue 53704 / 204-1733 West Beltline Hwy to John Nolen Drive, go straight through intersection at Williamson Street (you are now on South Blair Street), right on East Washington Avenue. Hwy 51 (S Stoughton Road) heading north, left on East Washington Avenue. Principal: Mary Kelley Asst. Principals: Randi Kubek, Bea Bonet, Brian Borowski, Mikki Smith Secretary: Michelle Galarowicz Report to: Main office, Room 1037 Parking: Parking is available in the school parking lots, however, substitutes must sign in at the Welcome Center, or in the main office. Please make sure you know your license plate number. If you do NOT sign in, or have an MMSD sticker, you may be issued a parking ticket. Lunch: Available in school cafeteria. Substitute Hours: 8:05-3:45 Class Hours: 8:15-3:40 7:30-4:00 1st Hour 2nd Hour 3rd Hour 4th Hour 5th Hour 6th Hour 7th Hour 8:15-9:10 3:40 9:15-10:10 10:15-11:10 11:15-12:10 12:45-1:40 1:45-2:40 2:45- 11:45-12:40 27 Elvehjem Elementary 5106 Academy Drive 53716 / 204-1400 Take Beltline east to Hwy 51 (S Stoughton Road), go north to Buckeye Road, turn right on Buckeye Road, turn left on Woodvale, turn right on Academy Drive; school is on the left. Take Hwy 51 (S Stoughton Road) south to Buckeye Road, turn left on Buckeye Road, turn left on Woodvale, turn right on Academy Drive; school is on the left. Take Monona Drive to Cottage Grove Road, continue on Cottage Grove Road; turn right on Acewood Boulevard., turn left on Academy Drive; school is on the left. Principal: Craig Campbell Secretary: Pat Gallagher Parking: In school lot on Painted Post Road, street parking on Academy Drive, in front of school. Lunch: Hot lunch served in the school gym/cafeteria. Substitute Hours: 8:15 – 3:47 7:45-4:00 Monday-Friday Class Hours: Grade 4K: Grades K-5: MONDAY TUESDAY – FRIDAY 8:30– 1:45 8:15 – 11:17 12:07 – 3:17 8:30 -3:17 28 Emerson Elementary 2421 East Johnson Street 53704 / 204-2000 East Washington Avenue to North Sixth Street, right on East Johnson Street. Principal: Karen Kepler Secretary: Deb DuPont Parking: School lot or street parking on 6th Street, 7th Street or Dayton Street. Lunch: Hot lunch served in the school cafeteria / upper gym. Substitute Hours: 7:30 – 3:02 7:15 – 3:30 Monday-Friday Class Hours: TUESDAY – FRIDAY MONDAY 4K: Grades K & 1: Grades 2 & 3: Grades 4 & 5: 7:45 –1:00 7:45 –1:00 7:45 –1:00 7:45 –2:32 7:45 –2:32 7:45– 2:32 Breakfast for all grades starts at 7:15 Monday through Friday. Kindergarten –First Lunch – 10:45 – 11:05 Grade 4-5 Lunch - 11:50 – 12:05 Grade 2-3 Lunch –11:15 – 11:30 29 Falk Elementary 6323 Woodington Way 53711 / 204-2180 West Beltline Hwy. to Whitney Way exit, head south on Whitney, right onto Schroeder Road, left onto Hathaway Drive, Hathaway becomes Woodington Way. School will be on your left. Principal: Lynn Winn Secretary: Janice Lee Parking: Staff lot to the right of school. If lot is full, park on Woodington Way. Lunch: Hot lunch served in the school cafeteria. Substitute Hours: 7:30 – 3:02 Monday-Friday 7:30-3:45 Class Hours: TUESDAY – FRIDAY MONDAY EC/4K Grade Kdg: Grade 1: Grades 2/3: Grades 4/5 7:30 -- 10:34 7:45 – 11:00 7:45 – 11:20 7:45 – 10:50 7:45 -- 11:50 7:45 – 11:20 12:00 – 1:00 7:45 – 11:20 12:00 – 1:00 7:45 – 10:50 11:30 – 1:00 7:45 -- 11:50 12:30 -- 1:00 30 11:22 -- 2:32 12:00 – 2:32 12:00 – 2:32 11:30 – 2:32 12:30 -- 2:32 Franklin Elementary 305 West Lakeside Street 53715 / 204-2292 West Beltline Hwy to South Park Street, right on Lakeside Street. John Nolen Drive to Lakeside Street (heading west). Principal: Britta Hanson Secretary: Dee Nicolai Parking: Parking in staff lot, or on the street. Lunch: Hot lunch served in the school cafeteria. Substitute Hours: 7:30-3:02 7:00-3:30 Monday-Friday Class Hours: 4K: Kdg., Grades 1-2: MONDAYS TUESDAY – FRIDAY 7:45-1:00 7:30-10:30 11:22-2:32 7:45-2:32 31 Glendale Elementary 1201 Tompkins Drive 53716 / 204-2400 West Beltline Hwy to Monona Drive, right on Tompkins Drive. Hwy 51 (S Stoughton Road heading north) left on Pflaum Road (heading west), left on Camden, left on Tompkins Drive. Principal: Ben Ketterer Secretary: MaryAnn Minor Parking: Street parking available. Lunch: Hot lunch served in the school cafeteria. Substitute Hours: 7:30 – 3:02 7:15-3:30 Monday-Friday Class Hours: TUESDAY – FRIDAY MONDAY K&3 Grade 4 & 5 Grade 1 & 2 4K 7:45 – 10:50 11:30 – 1:00 7:45 – 12:10 12:50 – 1:00 7:45 – 11:30 12:10 – 1:00 No class on Mondays 7:45 – 10:50 7:45 – 12:10 7:45 – 11:30 7:30 -- 10:34 32 11:30 – 2:32 12:50 – 2:32 12:10 – 2:32 11:20 -- 2:32 Gompers Elementary 1502 Wyoming Way 53704 / 204-4520 Take County Hwy M around the northern shores of Lake Mendota, right on Hwy 113 (which becomes Northport Drive), left on Sherman Avenue, left on Delaware, right on Esch. East Washington Avenue to North First Street (heading north), right on Packers Avenue, veer left where Packers and Northport split (you are now on Northport Drive), right on Sherman Avenue, left on Delaware, right on Esch. Principal: Sarah Chaja Secretary: Nancy Mohr Parking: On street and in the middle school parking lot. Lunch: Hot lunch served in the school cafeteria. A la carte lunch available. Substitute Hours: 8:15 – 3:47 Monday-Friday Monday early release at 1:45, substitute teachers stay until 3:47. 7:45-4:00 Class Hours: 4K: K-5: MONDAY TUESDAY – FRIDAY 8:30-1:45 8:15-11:19 12:07-3:17 8:30-3:17 33 Hamilton Middle 4801 Waukesha Street 53705 / 204-4620 University Avenue to Midvale Boulevard, right on Regent Street, left on Segoe Road, right on Waukesha Street. West Beltline Hwy to Midvale Boulevard (heading north), left on Mineral Point Road, right on Segoe Road, left on Waukesha Street. Principal: Hank Schmelz Asst. Principal Jessica Taylor Secretary: Sandy Saether Parking: Parking available in staff lot off Segoe Road, or on street parking on Waukesha Street. Lunch: Available at Hilldale, Westgate, fast food options on University Avenue, and hot lunch available in the school. Substitute Hours: 7:20 – 3:20 Class Hours: Grade 6: Grade 7: Grade 8: 7:00-3:30 Monday through Friday 7:35 – 10:40 7:35 – 10:13 7:35 – 11:07 34 11:14 – 2:37 10:43 – 2:37 11:37 – 2:37 Hawthorne Elementary 3344 Concord Avenue 53714 / 204-2500 East Washington Avenue (heading away from the Capitol), turn right onto Fair Oaks (by Sara Lee/Bimbo Bakery), go one block and turn left on Lexington Avenue, left on Fairmont Avenue, continue one block and turn left on Concord Avenue. East Washington Avenue (heading toward the Capitol), turn left onto Fair Oaks (by Sara Lee/Bimbo Bakery), go one block and turn left on Lexington Avenue, left on Fairmont Avenue, continue one block and turn left on Concord Avenue. Principal: Beth Lehman Secretary: Ingrid Arevalo Parking: In upper school parking lot off Concord Avenue, or on Lexington Avenue. (If using Lexington Ave Parking Lot – Doors are locked by 7:30 AM; the Concord Ave Main Doors by office are open.) Lunch: Hot lunch available, must pay Food Service by 9:00. Substitute Hours: 7:30– 3:02 7:15-3:00 Monday-Friday Class Hours: 4K: K-5: MONDAYS TUESDAY – FRIDAY 7:45 –1:00 7:30-10:35 11:22-2:32 7:45– 2:32 35 Huegel Elementary 2601 Prairie Road 53711 / 204-3100 Verona Road (heading south), right on Williamsburg Way, right on Prairie Road. Gammon Road (heading south), left on Raymond Road, right on Prairie Road. Whitney Way (heading south), right on Raymond Road, left on Prairie Road. Principal: Abby Potter Secretary: Carol Georgeson Parking: On street parking. Lunch: Hot lunch served in the school cafeteria. Substitute Hours: 8:15 – 3:47 7:45 – 4:15 Monday-Friday Class Hours: TUESDAY – FRIDAY MONDAY 4K: Grades K-1: Grades 2-3: Grades 4-5: 8:30 – 11:15 8:30 – 11:25 8:30 – 12:00 8:15—11:19 8:30 – 11:15 8:30 – 11:25 8:30 – 12:00 12:05 – 1:45 12:00 – 1:45 12:35 – 1:45 36 12:07—3:17 12:05 – 3:17 12:00 – 3:17 12:35 – 3:17 Jefferson Middle 101 S. Gammon Road 53717 / 663-6403 West Beltline to Gammon Road, just past Mineral Point Road intersection (next to Memorial High School). Principal: Anne Fischer Assistant Principal: Lee Korpela Secretary: Bridget Disch Parking: On site (with a sub parking permit). Lunch: Available in school cafeteria. Substitute Hours: 7:20-3:07 Monday through Friday Class Hours: Grade 6: Grade 7: Grade 8: 7:35 – 2:37 7:35 – 2:37 7:35 – 2:37 6:30-3:00 Lunch 10:45 – 11:19 Lunch 11:24 – 11:58 Lunch 12:19– 12:53 37 Kennedy Elementary 221 Meadowlark Drive 53714 / 204-3420 West Beltline Hwy to Hwy 51 (S Stoughton Road) heading north, right on Milwaukee Street, right on Meadowlark Drive. East Washington Avenue to Hwy 51 (S Stoughton Road) heading south, take Milwaukee Street exit, turn left onto Milwaukee Street; turn right on Meadowlark Drive. Principal: Nancy Caldwell Assistant Principal: Jorge Covarrubias Secretary: Parking: Please park on side streets. Lunch: Hot lunch served in the school cafeteria. Substitute Hours: 8:15 – 3:47 Monday-Friday Class Hours: MONDAY TUESDAY – FRIDAY 8:30-1:45 8:30-3:17 38 LaFollette High 702 Pflaum Road 53716 / 204-3601 West Beltline Hwy to Monona Drive, Monona Drive to Pflaum Road, right on Pflaum Road. Hwy 51 (S. Stoughton Road), heading south to Pflaum Road, right on Pflaum Road. Principal: Chad Wiese Asst. Principals: Terry Meissen, Martha Olsen, Jim Pliner, Amy Wederath Secretary: Alice Bach Report to: Main Office - PICK UP SUB FOLDER HERE. Parking: Available in faculty or student parking. Register your vehicle in the Welcome Center. The Madison Police Department issues parking tickets. Lunch: Available in school cafeteria from 11:31 – 12:26. Substitute Hours: 8:00 – 3:43 7:30-4:00 Monday through Friday Class Schedule: Block 1 8:20 – 9:50 Block 2 9:57 – 11:31 Block 3 Lunch: 11:31 – 12:23, Class: 12:23 – 1:53 39 Block 4 2:00 – 3:30 Lake View Elementary 1802 Tennyson Lane 53704 / 204-4040 From the west side, take County Hwy M around the northern shores of Lake Mendota. Go right on Northport Drive, left on Sherman Avenue, right on Tennyson Lane. (Four blocks north of Northport Drive.) From the Capitol, take East Washington Avenue, turning left onto North First Street. Take a right on Packers Avenue, veering left where Packers and Northport split (you are now on Northport Drive). Turn right on Sherman Avenue, right on Tennyson Lane. From the north side, take Hwy 30 to Packers Avenue. Head north on Packers, veering left where Packers and Northport Drive. split (you are now on Northport Drive). Turn right on Sherman Avenue, right on Tennyson Lane. Principal: Kristi Kloos Secretary: Sherry Carpenter Parking: If school lot is full, park on street. Lunch: Order hot lunch upon signing in at school. Food also available at nearby shopping centers. Substitute Hours: 8:15- 3:47 Monday-Friday Class Hours: Grades 3-5: Grades K-2: 7:30-4:00 MONDAY 8:30-11:25 8:30-12:00 TUESDAY-FRIDAY 12:00-1:45 12:35-1:45 8:30-11:25 8:30-12:00 40 12:00-3:17 12:35-3:17 Lapham Elementary 1045 E. Dayton Street 53703 / 204-4140 West Beltline Hwy to John Nolen Drive, continue straight across the intersection at John Nolen and Williamson Street (you are now on South Blair Street), right on East Washington Avenue, left on Ingersoll Street, left on East Mifflin. East Washington Avenue (headed towards the Capitol), right on Ingersoll Street, left on East Mifflin Street. Principal: Tammy Thompson Kapp Secretary: Cara Walker Parking: On-street parking; or available spots in the parking lot behind school. Lunch: Hot lunch served in school cafeteria, please order by 8:00. Substitute Hours: 7:30-3:02 7:15-3:30 Monday-Friday Class Hours: MONDAY TUESDAY-FRIDAY 4K: Kdg. through Gr.2: 7:45-1:00 7:30-10:34 11:22-2:32 7:45-2:32 41 LEAP- (Landmark Elementary Alternative Program) East 1501 Jenifer Street (Inside Marquette Elementary/O’Keeffe Middle School Building) East Washington Avenue (headed towards the Capitol), left on Baldwin, go approximately 3 blocks, turn left on Jenifer Street. Report directly to room 114 or 116 *(DO NOT REPORT TO MARQUETTE OR O’KEEFFE OFFICES) Administrator: Jim Haessly (Administrator is not always on site.) Administrative Assistant: Theresa Grueneberg 663-8428 Teachers: Casey Miller Katie Julka 204-6866 204-6841 SEAs: Caroline Sheperd Catherine Stanford 204-6866 204-6841 Parking: Small lot and on-street parking. Watch for “No Parking” signs posted!!! Lunch: Hot lunch served in school. School Hours: 8:30-2:30 Sub Hours: 8:00-3:30 LEAP (Landmark Elementary Alternative Program) West 1802 Regent Street (Inside Randall Elementary) Report directly to Room 200 or 201. (DO NOT REPORT TO RANDALL SCHOOL MAIN OFFICE) Administrator: Jim Haessly (Administrator not always on site.) Administrative Assistant: Theresa Grueneberg 663-8428 Teachers: Carol Weiss 204-3319 Carrie Bolack 204-3318 Todd Johnson 204-3318 Kristie Hoeth 204-3319 SEAs: Parking: west Parking is reserved; inquire in Randall office. There is unrestricted parking 1 block of Randall, on the north side of Regent Street. Lunch: Hot lunch served in school. School Hours: 8:30-2:30 Substitute Hours: 8:00-3:30 42 Leopold Elementary 2602 Post Road 53713 / 204-4240 Beltline Hwy to Fish Hatchery Road (heading south), right on Post Road. Principal: John Burkholder Assistant Principal: Secretary: Jane Ninmann Parking: In school lot or on Leopold Way (across street). Please use entrance to the building (door #3) from upper parking lot at west end of the building. The main doors from Post Road are locked during school hours. Lunch: Hot lunch at school, other options are three blocks away. Substitute Hours: 7:30-3:02 Class Hours: 4K: Kdg.-5 (full day): 7:00-3:30 Monday-Friday MONDAY TUESDAY-FRIDAY 7:45-1:00 7:30 -10:31 11:31-2:32 7:45-2:32 43 Lincoln Elementary 909 Sequoia Trail 53713 / 204-4900 West Beltline Hwy to South Park Street (heading north), left on West Badger Road, right on Cypress Way, left on Sequoia Trail. Principal: Deb Hoffman Secretary: Nicki Miller Parking: Parking in lot on Hackberry Street. Street parking near the school, but be sure to allow 5 feet between your car and mailboxes/driveways. Lunch: Hot lunch served in school; Breakfast served between 8:00 and 8:25. Substitute Hours: 8:00-3:32 Class Hours: 4K: K-5: 7:45 – 4:00 Monday-Friday MONDAY TUESDAY-FRIDAY 8:30-11:45 11:50-1:45 44 8:15-11:22 8:30-11:45 12:04-3:17 11:50-3:17 Lindbergh Elementary 4500 Kennedy Road 53704 / 204-6500 Take County Hwy M around the northern shores of Lake Mendota, right on Northport Drive, left on Kennedy Road. East Washington Avenue to North First Street (heading north), right on Packers Avenue, veer left where Packers and Northport split (you are now on Northport Drive), right on Kennedy Road. Principal: Liz Fritz Secretary: Joni Stiemke/ Jodi Murphy Lunch: Hot lunch served in school; breakfast program 15 minutes before school begins. Parking: School lot or street parking in front of school. Substitute Hours: 8:15-3:47 (Teachers) Monday-Friday Class Hours: 4K Kdg. (full day): Grades 1-2: Grades 3-5: 7:45-4:00 MONDAY TUESDAY-FRIDAY 8:30-11:30 12:30-1:45 8:30-11:30 12:00-1:45 8:30-12:00 12:30-1:45 8:30-11:30 8:30-11:30 8:30-12:00 45 12:00-3:17 12:00-3:17 12:00-3:17 12:30-3:17 Lowell Elementary 401 Maple Avenue 53704 / 204-6600 Monona Drive (heading north) which becomes Atwood Avenue, left on Maple Avenue. (Lowell is on the corner of Atwood Avenue and Fair Oaks Avenue.) John Nolen Drive (heading east), right at Williamson Street (which becomes Eastwood Avenue, and then Atwood Avenue), right on Maple Avenue. (Lowell is on the corner of Atwood and Fair Oaks Avenue.) Principal: Jacqueline Jolly Secretary: Amanda Reller Parking: Street parking only; lot is reserved for permanent staff. Lunch: Hot lunch at school and in the vicinity. Substitute Hours: 7:30-3:02 Class Hours: 4K Kdg-Grade 2 Grade 3-5 7:15-3:45 Monday-Friday MONDAY 7:45-11:00 7:45-11:40 TUESDAY-FRIDAY 7:45-10:34 7:45-11:00 7:45-11:40 11:50-1:00 12:30-1:00 46 11:22-2:32 11:50-2:32 12:30-2:32 Marquette Elementary 1501 Jenifer Street 53703 / 204-3220 East Washington Avenue (headed towards the Capitol), left on Baldwin, go approximately 3 blocks, turn left on Jenifer Street. Principal: Pam Wilson Secretary: Connie Senz Parking: Small lot and on-street parking. Watch for “No Parking” signs posted!!! Lunch: Hot lunch served in school. Substitute Hours: 7:15-3:02 Class Hours: Grades 3-5: 7:00-3:15 Monday-Friday MONDAY 7:45-10:50 TUESDAY-FRIDAY 11:25-1:00 7:45-10:50 47 11:25-2:32 Memorial High 201 South Gammon Road 53717 / 663-5992 West Beltline Hwy to Gammon Road, just past Mineral Point Road intersection. Principal: Bruce Dahmen Asst. Principals: Jay Affeldt, Bennett Radloff, Pete Hartman, Matt Hendrickson Secretary: Sadie Larkin Report to: Principal’s Office: Sadie Larkin, Secretary Parking: Park on the Mineral Point Road side of the building. District parking sticker or building parking permit required. Lunch: Available in school cafeteria. 7:30-4:00 8:00 – 4:00 Monday through Friday 8:00 – 4:00 Monday through Friday Substitute Teacher Hours: Substitute SEA Hours: Class Hours: T,W, R,F Mon. 1st Hour 2nd Hour 3rd Hour 8:14 9:12 10:12 8:14 8:58 Backyard: 9:44 10:18 4th Hour 11:10 or 11:48 11:02 or 11:40 5th Hour 6th Hour 7th Hour 12:46 1:44 2:42 12:24 1:08 1:52 PCT dates (early release at 2:31): Sep. 9, 16, 23, 30. Oct. 7, 14, 28. Feb. 3, 10, 24. Mar. 3, 10, 17, 24. Apr. 7, 28. May 5, 12, 19. Nov. 4, 11, 18. Dec. 2, 9, 16. Jan. 13. Memorial On-Track (Alternative Program) 1201 McKenna Boulevard 53719 / 441-3871 West Beltline Hwy to Gammon Road exit; turn onto South Gammon Road (heading south); South Gammon becomes McKenna Boulevard, The blue building is across from Elver Park, and has a sign in front that says, “WI Youth and Family Center” 48 Mendota Elementary 4002 School Road 53704 / 204-7840 Take East Johnson Street across the Yahara River and turn left on Fordem Avenue (which becomes North Sherman Avenue), continue on Sherman, turn left on Northport Drive (by Warner Park), Northport to School Road (approximately ¾ of a mile). Left on School Road. The school is ½ block on your right. Park in 2 nd parking lot. Enter doors; office is 1st door on left. Take County Hwy M around the northern shores of Lake Mendota, turn right onto Hwy 113 (which becomes Northport Drive). As you come into Madison, you will go through one stop light; turn right at the second street, School Road. The school is ½ block on your right. Park in 2 nd parking lot. Enter doors; office is 1st door on left. Principal: Carlettra Stanford Secretary: Lisa Zimmerman Parking: In lot and on street. Lunch: Hot lunch served in school- refer to teacher lesson plans for specific schedule. Substitute Hours: 7:30-3:02 7:20-3:35 Monday-Friday YOU ARE EXPECTED TO CHECK IN BY 7:30AM; ALSO CHECK OUT IN THE OFFICE BEFORE DEPARTING SCHOOL. Class Hours: 4K K-5 MONDAY TUESDAY-FRIDAY 7:45-1:02 7:30-10:35 11:22-2:32 7:45-2:32 49 Midvale Elementary 502 Caromar Drive 53711 / 204-6700 West Beltline Hwy to Midvale Boulevard (heading north), right on Tokay Boulevard, left on Caromar Drive. University Avenue to Midvale Boulevard (heading south), left on Tokay Boulevard, left on Caromar Drive. Principal: Teresa Carranza Secretary: Melenie Bolser Parking: Very limited; please park on street. Lunch: Hot lunch served in school. Substitute Hours: 8:15-3:47 8:00-4:30 Monday-Friday Class Hours: MONDAY TUESDAY-FRIDAY 4K: Grades K-2: 8:30-1:45 8:15 -11:19 12:07-3:17 8:30-3:17 ***Lunch hours vary with classrooms*** 50 Muir Elementary 6602 Inner Drive 53705 / 663-8170 West Beltline Hwy to Gammon Road (heading north), right on Mineral Point Road, left on South Yellowstone Drive, left on Inner Drive. University Avenue to Midvale Boulevard, right on Mineral Point Road, right on South Yellowstone Drive, left on Inner Drive. Principal: Andrea Kreft Secretary: Pam Holmes Parking: On Inner Drive (opposite side of school). Lunch: Hot lunch available in school. Substitute Hours: 8:15-3:47 Class Hours: 7:45-4:00 Monday-Friday MONDAY Kdg. (full day) & Grades 1-5: 8:30-12:00 Early Childhood & 4K: NO MONDAY CLASSES TUESDAY-FRIDAY 12:30-1:45 8:30-12:00 AM PM 51 12:30-3:17 8:15 – 11:19 12:07 – 3:17 NEON Program 3802 Regent Street (Hoyt School and MSCR building) Administrator: Noelle Sapiro (Administrator is not always on site.) Parking: On street parking only. Report to: Room 1, 2, 4 or 5 Hours: 7:45 – 3:30 Rooms 1 and 2 are classrooms. Room 3 is the administrator’s office. (Administrator is not always on site.) Phone Numbers Teachers: Richard Raith 204-3004 DeEtte Shanklin 204-3038 Jean Listinsky 204-3002 Kathy Brandt 204-3007 SEA: Michael Balisle 204-3002 Carleen Jorgensen 204-3004 Steven Adams 204-3007 Meir Landau 204-3038 Administrative Assistant: Theresa Grueneberg 663-8428 52 Nuestro Mundo Community School 902 Nichols Road 53716 / 204-1079 West Beltline Hwy to Monona Dr., Left on Nichols Rd. Hwy 51 (S. Stoughton Rd.) heading South to Pflaum Rd. Right on Pflaum. Pflaum Rd. turns into Nichols Rd. after crossing Monona Dr. Principal: Joshua Forehand Administrative Clerk: Daniela Ocampo Parking: Parking lot off of Nichols Road. Lunch: Hot lunch served in the school cafeteria. Substitute Hours: 8:15 – 3:47 Class Hours: Grades 1 and 2: Grade 3: Grades 4 and 5: Kindergarten: Instructional Mode: Dual Language Immersion (Spanish/English) 7:45-4:15 Monday - Friday 8:30-11:30 8:30-12:05 8:30-12:30 8:30-11:00 53 12:10-3:17 12:45-3:17 1:10-3:17 11:40-3:17 O’Keeffe Middle 510 S. Thornton Avenue 53703 / 204-6820 East Washington Avenue (heading toward the Capitol), left on First Street, right on Winnebago, left on Thornton Avenue. West Beltline Hwy to John Nolen Drive, right on Williamson Street, right on Thornton Avenue. Principal: Kay Enright Secretary: Kim Shinstine Parking: Limited lot parking and street parking. May 1 – November 15 restricted street parking; watch for signs. Lunch: Hot lunches served in the school. Substitute Hours: 7:20 – 3:20 Class Hours: Grade 6: Grade 7: Grade 8: 7:00-3:30 Monday through Friday 7:35 – 11:38 7:35 – 12:13 7:35 – 11:38 54 12:08 – 2:37 12:43 – 2:37 12:08 – 2:37 Olson Elementary 801 Redan Drive, Verona 53590 / 442-2600 West Beltline Hwy to Mineral Point Road, (heading west) on Mineral Point Road, left on Cty M, proceed through round-about and take a right onto Valley View Road. Proceed up the hill, left on Lone Oak Lane, right on Ancient Oak Lane, left on Redan Drive, and left into parking lot. Principal: Pam Emmerich Secretary: Debbie Kollberg Parking: Staff parking lot on the side of the building off of Ancient Oak Lane. Lunch: Hot lunches served in the school. Substitute Hours: 8:15-3:47 Class Hours: Mondays Tuesdays through Fridays 4K K-5 8:30-1:45 8:15 -11:19 12:07-3:17 8:30-3:17 8:00-4:00 Monday through Friday 55 Orchard Ridge Elementary 5602 Russett Road 53711 / 204-2320 West Beltline Hwy to Whitney Way (head south), left on Russett Road. Principal: Barb Dorn Secretary: Mary Willadsen 7:45 – 4:15 Parking: On the street. Lunch: Hot lunch available in school. Light lunch within walking distance. Substitute Hours: 8:15-3:47 Monday-Friday Class Hours: 4K Grade K-5: MONDAY 8:30-12:00 TUESDAY-FRIDAY 8:00-11:30 8:30-12:00 12:15-1:45 56 12:00-3:17 12:15-3:17 Randall Elementary 1802 Regent Street 53726 / 204-3300 Mineral Point Road (heading east), becomes Speedway Road as you cross Glenway, right on Regent Street. John Nolen Drive (heading south), right on Northshore Drive, right on Proudfit Street, go straight across intersection at West Washington Avenue and you will be on Regent Street. University Avenue to Grand Avenue (heading south), left on Regent Street. Principal: John Wallace Secretary: Julie Dittmann Parking Parking is reserved; please call the school office at 204-3300 for parking information. There is unrestricted parking 1 block west of Randall, on the north side of Regent Street. Lunch: Hot lunch available in school or in the vicinity, or bring your own. (Refrigerator is available.) Substitute Hours: 7:30-3:02 6:45-3:00 Monday-Friday Class Hours: MONDAY TUESDAY-FRIDAY Grades 3-5: 7:45 – 1:00 7:45 – 2:32 57 Sandburg Elementary 4114 Donald Drive 53704 / 204-7940 West Beltline Hwy to Hwy 51 (South Stoughton Road) heading north, right on East Washington Avenue, left on Portage Road, right on Donald Drive. East Washington Avenue (heading away from the Capitol), left on Portage Road, right on Donald Drive. Principal: Brett Wilfrid Secretary: Donna Kirschenmann Lunch: Hot lunch available at school. Periods vary by grade level, between 11:30 and 1:00. Parking: Staff parking lot. Substitute Hours: 8:15-3:47 Monday-Friday Class Hours: 4K: Kindergarten- Gr. 5: 7:30-4:00 MONDAY TUESDAY-FRIDAY 8:30-1:45 8:15 -11:19 12:07-3:17 8:30-3:17 58 Schenk Elementary 230 Schenk Street 53714 / 204-1500 Hwy 51 (Stoughton Road) heading north, exit Milwaukee Street, (left on Milwaukee Street), left on Schenk Street. John Nolen Drive (heading east), right on Williamson Street (which becomes Eastwood, which becomes Atwood Avenue), left on Walter Street, right on Richard Street, right on Schenk Street. Principal: Emmett Durtschi Secretary: Lenore Hills Parking: Off-street parking. Lunch: Hot lunch in vicinity. Substitute Hours: 8:15-3:47 Monday-Friday Class Hours: Kdg.– Gr.5 7:30 – 3:45 MONDAY 8:30-11:45 TUESDAY-FRIDAY 12:15-1:45 59 8:30-11:45 12:15-3:17 Sennett Middle 502 Pflaum Road 53716 / 204-1920 West Beltline Hwy to Monona Drive, Monona Drive to Pflaum Road, right on Pflaum Road. Hwy 51 (S Stoughton Road), heading south to Pflaum Road, right on Pflaum Road. Principal: Tremayne Clardy Asst. Principal: Kendra Parks Lowery Secretary: Richerra Zimmerman Parking: In the parking lot, at the side of or behind the building. Lunch: Available in school cafeteria. Substitute Hours: 7:20 – 3:20 Class Hours: Grades 6 – 8: 7:15-3:30 Monday through Friday 7:35 – 2:37 60 Shabazz High 1601 North Sherman Avenue 53704 / 204-2440 East Washington Avenue to North First Street, right on Packers Avenue, left on Commercial Avenue, right on Sherman Avenue. Take County Hwy M around the northern shores of Lake Mendota, right on Northport Drive, right on Sherman Avenue. Enter building at Main Entrance near wheel chair ramp. Go up to the third floor, take a right to get to the office. Students are allowed to wear hats and coats. Mutual respect is the expectation. Principal: Aric Soderbloom Secretary: Donna Chance Parking: Sherman Avenue parking lot. Substitute Hours: 8:30 – 3:45 Class Hours: 8:45 – 3:15 7:30-3:30 Monday through Friday 61 Sherman Middle 1610 Ruskin Street 53704 / 204-2100 (Located on back side of Shabazz High) East Washington Avenue to North Street, left onto Commercial Avenue (at 4-way stop). Turn right onto Packers Avenue, stay in right lane and exit onto Aberg Avenue. Turn left onto Aberg Avenue, turn right onto Ruskin Street. Take County Hwy M around the northern shores of Lake Mendota, right onto Hwy 113, which turns into Northport Drive, right on Sherman Avenue (at Warner Park). Turn left onto Schlimgen (at stoplight). Turn right onto Ruskin Street. Principal: Michael Hernandez Secretary: Sandy Tiedt Parking: Street. No permit necessary. Park in Ruskin Street lot; Sherman Avenue South lot; or Ruskin Lunch: Available in immediate vicinity and hot lunch at school. Substitute Hours: 7:20 – 3:20 Class Hours: Grades 6 – 8: 7:35 – 2:37 (Lunch periods vary according to team.) 7:00-3:15 Monday through Friday 62 Shorewood Elementary 1105 Shorewood Boulevard 53705/ 204-1200 University Avenue to Shorewood Boulevard (heading north). Principal: Anu Ebbe Secretary: Nadine Reinacher Parking: 2-Hour on street parking is available (staff lot is reserved). Recommend Amherst and Columbia Please get a parking permit in the office. Lunch: Hot lunch available in school; other within a few blocks. Substitute Hours: 8:15-3:47 7:30-4:00 Monday-Friday Class Hours: MONDAY TUESDAY-FRIDAY 4K: Kdg.-5: 8:30-1:45 8:07 -11:07 12:17-3:17 8:30-3:17 63 Spring Harbor Middle 1110 Spring Harbor Drive 53705 / 204-1100 University Avenue heading towards Middleton, right on Spring Harbor Drive (at the stoplights). Principal: Leia Esser Secretary: Shari Joslin Parking: Subs may park in the lot next to the school, or on the street in front of the school. Substitute Hours: 7:15 – 3:30 Monday through Friday Class Hours: Monday: Tuesday-Friday: 7:30-1:37 7:30 -2:37 7:00-3:15 64 Stephens Elementary 120 S. Rosa Road 53705 / 204-1900 West Beltline Hwy to Whitney Way (heading north), left on Mineral Point Road, right on Rosa Road. Regent Street (heading west), veer left onto Speedway (which becomes Mineral Point Road), right on Rosa Road. Principal: Sarah Galanter-Guziewski Secretary: Dena Jenks Parking: Across the street from school. Lunch: Hot Lunch available in school, other options within a few blocks. Substitute Hours: 7:30-3:02 Monday-Friday Class Hours: 4K K-5 7:00 – 3:15 MONDAY TUESDAY-FRIDAY 7:30-10:34 11:22-2:32 7:45 – 2:32 7:45 – 1:00 65 Thoreau Elementary 3870 Nakoma Road 53711 / 204-6940 West Beltline Hwy to Midvale Boulevard, right on Midvale, right on Nakoma Road. Regent Street (heading west), left on Monroe Street, left on Nakoma Road. Principal: Kathy Costello Secretary: Amy Raymond Parking: Parking on streets surrounding Thoreau. Lunch: Hot lunch available in school or atNakoma Plaza. Substitute Hours: 8:15-3:47 Class Hours: 4K: K-5: 7:30-3:45 Monday-Friday MONDAY TUESDAY-FRIDAY 8:15-11:19 12:07-3:17 8:30-3:17 8:30-1:45 66 Toki Middle 5606 Russett Road 53711 / 204-4740 West Beltline Hwy to Whitney Way (heading south), left on Russett Road. Principal: Nicole Schaefer Asst. Principal: DD Sturdevant Secretary: Julie Pophal Parking: Park on side streets. No parking available in the school lot. Lunch: Hot lunches available at school. Substitute Hours: 7:20 – 3:20 Monday through Friday PCT Mondays sub teachers stay for the full day. Class Hours: Grade 6: 7:35 – 2:35 lunch time is 10:55 to 11:25 Grade 7: 7:35 – 2:37 lunch time is 10:35 to 11:05 Grade 8: 7:35 – 2:37 lunch time is 11:26 to 11:56 PCT Mondays: 7:35 -- 1:37 early dismissal 7:35 -- 1:35 (6th grade only) 7:00-3:30 67 UW Hospital School 1675 Highland Avenue 53792/ 263-8177 The UW Hospital School is located in the University of Wisconsin Hospital on the far west side of campus. From the east, take Highland Ave./Hospital exit off Campus Drive. From the west, take Highland Ave./Hospital exit off University Avenue. Proceed north on Highland Avenue to Visitor/Patient parking ramp. Enter building and proceed to the information desk for directions to the classrooms. You must also check in at the Security office to be issued a badge for admittance into patient units. The Hospital School at American Family Children’s Hospital consists of two classrooms. The smaller classroom (Rm. 4108) on the fourth floor serves students who are admitted on the Hematology/Oncology service. The larger classroom (Rm. 5440) on the fifth floor serves all other students. Unlike other schools, the Hospital School is located within a medical facility where medical procedures always have priority. Children seen in the Hospital School may be in the hospital for a traumatic injury such as an injury sustained in an automobile accident. A student may have burns, an amputation secondary to bone cancer, or a life altering traumatic brain or spinal injury. A substitute in this setting must be able to work with ill or injured children, seeing the child inside without showing undue emotion or pity for what may be an extremely altered body or mind. Since the Hospital School is like a one room school, a substitute must be comfortable teaching a wide array of grade levels and subjects. You must also be comfortable working with different disciplines, such as nurses and therapists, as well as parents. Substitutes working in the Hospital School will be placed manually by contact from the teacher they are substituting for. Administrator: Nancy Yoder, 663-1907 Lunch: Cafeteria or vending machines. Sub Hours: 8:30-3:30 Monday through Friday ***Submit mileage form (available at Hospital School) with receipt for parking to Ann Wersal, Room 209, at 6631634. Class Hours: 9:00-3:00 68 Van Hise Elementary 4747 Waukesha Street 53705 / 204-4800 University Avenue heading west to Segoe Road, left on Segoe Road to Waukesha Street, right on Waukesha Street. West Beltline Hwy to Midvale Boulevard (heading north), left on Mineral Point Road, right on Segoe Road, left on Waukesha Street, follow up and around to the school. Stairs at flagpole on Waukesha Street lead to Van Hise Elementary main entrance. Principal: Peg Keeler Secretary: Ann Jesse-Schwabe Lunch: Hot lunch available in school or at Hilldale Shopping Center. Parking: Parking available in staff lot off Segoe Road, or on Waukesha Street. Substitute Hours: 8:15 – 3:47 Class Hours: Kdg.: Grades 1-2: Grades 3-5: 7:30-3:45 Monday-Friday MONDAY TUESDAY-FRIDAY 8:30 – 1:45 8:30 – 1:45 8:30 – 1:45 8:30 – 3:17 8:30 – 3:17 8:30 – 3:17 69 West High 30 Ash Street 53726 / 204-4100 Mineral Point Road heading east, left on Speedway Road, right on Regent Street, left on Ash Street. John Nolen Drive (heading west), right on Proudfit Street, go straight across intersection at West Washington Avenue and you will be on Regent Street, right on Ash Street. University Avenue to Highland Avenue, left on Van Hise Avenue, right on Ash Street. Principal: Ed Holmes Asst. Principals: Beth Thompson, Mitch McGrath, Lori Schacht deThorne, Melanie Thiel Secretary: Janet Hayes (Van Hise office- Rm 117, checks in sub teachers) 204-3091 Brenda Dennis (lead secretary) Room 277 204-4106 Report to: Van Hise Office, Room 117 Parking: ALL DAY parking is available on Speedway Road, until 4:00 P.M. Otherwise, when parking on the street, WATCH CAREFULLY: MOST OF THE STREETS ARE POSTED FOR 2-HOUR PARKING ONLY. Lunch: Available in school cafeteria. Substitute Hours: 8:00 – 4:00 Monday through Friday 70 7:30-4:00 West High SAIL (Specialized Academics for Individualized Learning) Hoyt/MSCR Building, 3802 Regent Street 53705/ 204-3006 Report to: Room 14 (1st floor, next to the Regent Street entrance) Building Contact Person: Marie Seguin Parking: Available at Hoyt building. Class Hours: 8:00-4:00 71 Whitehorse Middle 218 Schenk Street 53714 / 204-4490 Hwy 51 (S Stoughton Road) heading north, left on Milwaukee Street, left on Schenk Street. John Nolen Drive (heading east), right on Williamson Street (which becomes Eastwood, which becomes Atwood Avenue), left on Walter Street, right on Richard Street, right on Schenk Street. Principal: Deborah Ptak Secretary: Nancy Judd Parking: Available in staff parking lot. Lunch: Available in immediate vicinity and hot lunch in school. Substitute Hours: 7:15 – 3:07 Class Hours: Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8 7:35 – 12:30 (academics) 12:30 –1:00 (lunch) 1:03 – 2:37 (UA) 7:35 – 10:51 (academics) 10:54 – 11:39 (UA) 11:40--12:10 (lunch) 12:15—1:00 (UA) 1:05—2:37 (academics) 7:35 – 9:13 (UA) 9:18 – 1:00 (academics) 1:00 – 1:30 (lunch) 1:35 – 2:37 (academics) 7:15 - 3:30 Monday through Friday 72 Wright Middle 1717 Fish Hatchery Road 53713 / 204-1340 West Beltline Hwy to Fish Hatchery Road exit, go north on Fish Hatchery Road. School is just past Madison Newspapers office. Principal: Angie Crawford Secretary: Jenny Cox Parking: Lot parking adjacent to school; no permit required. Substitute Hours: 7:45 – 3:49 Class Hours: 8:00 – 12:23 7:45-3:45 Monday through Friday 12:53 – 3:19 73 ACRONYMS AA AD ADA ADD ADHD AERO AFSCME AMSDA AODA AP AP ASL AVID BH BOE BRS C&A CBA CC CD CESA CGI CLR CMP COBRA COTA CPR CPR CRIS CTE CW DBE DCP DCSS DEAR DECA D/HH DHSS DLI DPI DVR DWAD EA EAP EC ED EEN EEO ELL EOC ERL ESEA ESL Affirmative Action Athletic Director Americans with Disabilities Act Attention Deficit Disorder Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Alternative Education Resource Options American Federation of State, County, Municipal Employees Association of Madison School District Administrators Alcohol & Other Drug Abuse Advanced Placement Assistant Principal American Sign Language Advancement Via Individual Determination Black Hawk Middle School Board Of Education Bilingual Resource Specialist Curriculum & Assessment Collective Bargaining Agreement Cross Categorical Cognitive Disabilities Cooperative Educational Service Agency Cognitively Guided Instruction Culturally & Linguistically Responsive Connected Math Project Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (Continuation of Benefits) Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Cultural Practices that are Relevant Credit Recovery and Increasing Skills Career & Technical Education Custodial Worker Developmental Bilingual Education Diploma Completion Program Dane County Social Services Drop Everything And Read Distributive Education Clubs of America Deaf/Hard of Hearing Dept of Health & Social Services Dual Language Immersion Department of Public Instruction Division of Vocational Rehabilitation District-Wide As Directed Educational Assistant Employee Assistance Program Early Childhood Emotional Disturbance Exceptional Educational Needs Equal Employment Opportunity English Language Learners Equal Opportunities Commission Educational Reference Library Elementary and Secondary Education Act English as a Second Language 74 ETF EXED FACE FAST FI FMLA FPC FSA FSW FTE GED GHC GLBTQ GOOP HERO HI HR HS IC IDEA IEP IMSC IRT LC LD LEAP LEP LMC LOA LTC LTD LTE LVEC LVM MAAP M-Team MIRI MMSD MOU MR MSC MSCR MSSW MTI NA NCLB NEA NEON NIP O&M OCP OHI OMGE ORE OT PAC Employee Trust Funds Exceptional Education Family & Consumer Education Family And Schools Together Family Illness Family & Medical Leave Act Food Production Center Flexible Spending Account Food Service Worker Full-time Equivalent General Equivalency Diploma Group Health Cooperative Gay, Lesbian, Bi-sexual, Trans-sexual, Questioning Grow Our Own Principal Program Home Economics and Related Occupations Hearing Impaired Human Resources High School Infinite Campus Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Individual Educational Plan Instructional Materials Selection Center Instructional Resource Teacher Learning Coordinator Learning Disabilities Landmark Elementary Alternative Program Limited English Proficiency Library Media Center Leave of Absence Long-term Care Long-term Disability Limited Term Employee Local Vocational Education Coordinator Elvehjem Elementary School Memorial Academic Achievement Program Multidisciplinary Team Motivation, Instruction, Reinforcement, Implementation Madison Metropolitan School District Memorandum of Understanding Mental Retardation Minority Services Coordinator Madison School-Community Recreation Department Master of Science in Social Work Madison Teachers, Inc. Nurse’s Assistant No Child Left Behind National Education Association New Educational Opportunities and Networking Neighborhood Intervention Program Orientation & Mobility Off-Campus Programming Other Health Impaired Office of Multilingual & Global Education Orchard Ridge Elementary Occupational Therapy Professional Advancement Credit 75 PACC PBST PD PDP PCR PCT PE PI PLTW PNP PSLA PST PT PTA/O R&E REACH REaL REPLAY RIA RN RSVP RtI S&L SAIL SAGE SAPAR SEA SEE SF SHRAC SIFI SIMS SIOP SIP SLC SOH SOL SPE SPED SPO STEM SWEIO SWS TAG TEP TERP TSA UC UI VHE VI VISTA ULGM WASB WASPA WC Professional Advancement Credit Committee Positive Behavior Support Team Professional Development Professional Development Plan Parent Community Relations Professional Collaboration Time Physical Education Personal Illness Project Lead The Way Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Personal Sick Leave Account Program Support Teacher Physical Therapy Parent-Teacher Association/Organization Research & Evaluation Reinforcement and Enrichment for All Children Relationships, Engagement and Learning Re-directive Pro-social Learning Alternative for Youth Retirement Insurance Account Registered Nurse Retired Senior Volunteer Program Response to Intervention Speech and Language Specialized Academics for Individualized Learning Student Achievement Guarantee in Education School-Age Parent Program Special Education Assistant Supportive Educational Employees SubFinder Superintendent’s Human Relations Advisory Committee Schools Indentified For Improvement Student Intervention Monitoring System Sheltered Instruction Observation protocol School Improvement Plan Smaller Learning Communities Schools of Hope Southdale Outreach and Links Specialized Physical Education Special Education Substitute Placement Office Science, Technology, Engineering & Math Southern Wisconsin Educational In-service Organization School Within a School Talented And Gifted Transition Education Program Teacher Early Retirement Plan Tax Shelter Annuity Unemployment Compensation Unemployment Insurance Van Hise Elementary Vision Impaired Volunteers In Service To America Urban League of Greater Madison Wisconsin Association of School Boards Wisconsin Association of School Personnel Administrators Worker’s Compensation 76 WEA WEAC WERC WH WIAA WLC WPS WRS Wisconsin Education Association Wisconsin Education Association Council Wisconsin Employment Relations Commission Whitehorse Middle School Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association Work/Learn Center Wisconsin Physicians Service Wisconsin Retirement System 77 GLOSSARY Employee Number Also known as your “B number”, this number is assigned to you for payroll purposes. It replaces your Social Security number as a unique identifier. You will need this number to sign in at schools when you arrive for an assignment. It is not used with the SubFinder system. This number will stay with you. If you leave the District and return years later, you will still have the same “B number”. PIN Your Personal Identification Number or PIN is used to access SubFinder. On the telephone you will be prompted to enter your PIN when you call in or SubFinder calls you. On WebConnect, you will use your PIN as your password. ID This number is assigned by SubFinder. This is the number used if a teacher is requesting you to sub. To get your ID number, you may contact the Sub Office or enter the SubFinder system and view/listen to your personal information. Be sure to record this number in an easily accessible place so you can provide it to a teacher or school secretary if they want to request you for an assignment. Schools will also have access on SubFinder to all substitute ID numbers. WebConnect This is the name of the web-based access to the SubFinder system. It is accessible at: To long in, type in your last name and your password, which is your PIN. After you have logged in, there is an on-line tutorial available to you on how to use the web-based SubFinder features. You can view the tutorial by clicking on the “Tutorial” button on the left menu bar. SubFinder This is the automated substitute placement system that is accessible by phone or the internet. The phone system is accessible at (608)663-1842. The first time you call in, you will need to voice your name on the system. Please do this as soon as possible, since you cannot be requested by a teacher or called by SubFinder if you have not registered on the phone system.. 78 Substitute Job Log Sheet Date Job # School Teacher (Grade) Comments 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Total Days _______________ times Daily Rate = $ _______________ Total Days _______________ times Long-Term Rate = $ _______________ TOTAL GROSS PAY $ _______________ Pay Period ______________________________________________ Pay Date ______________________________________________ 79 Substitute Job Log Sheet Date Job # School Teacher (Grade) Comments 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Total Days _______________ times Daily Rate = $ _______________ Total Days _______________ times Long-Term Rate = $ _______________ TOTAL GROSS PAY $ _______________ Pay Period ______________________________________________ Pay Date ______________________________________________ 80 MADISON METROPOLITAN SCHOOL DISTRICT MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT REQUEST USE ONLY FOR JULY 1, 2013 – DECEMBER 31, 2013 (Include All Mileage Except Conference Attendance and Out-of-District Meetings) TO: Beth Weber (Human Resources) FROM: Substitute Teacher Home Address: (print name) DATE FROM TO REASON MILES Total Miles Signature: Total Local Miles APPROVED BY: Total Nonlocal Miles Rate per Mile Amount Requested (MANDATORY) 81 0.565 $ Allied Family Center 4K Allis Elementary (001) Animal Crackers 4K Badger Rock Middle Black Hawk Middle (210) Chavez Elementary (052) Cherokee Middle (203) Crestwood Elementary (004) Dane Co. Shelter School East High (141) East – Higher Ground Elvehjem Elementary (006) Emerson Elementary (007) Falk Elementary (011) Franklin Elementary (008) Glendale Elementary (009) Gompers Elementary (010) Hamilton Middle (234) Hawthorne Elementary (012) Huegel Elementary (038) Jefferson Middle (245) Kennedy Elementary (036) Kennedy Heights Neighborhood 4K LaFollette High (142) Lake View Elementary (014) Lapham Elementary (016) LEAP Program Leopold Elementary (072) Lincoln Elementary (037) Lindbergh Elementary (071) Lowell Elementary (019) Marquette Elementary (020) Memorial High (145) Memorial On Track Program Mendota Elementary (021) Midvale Elementary (022) Muir Elementary (017) NEON Program Nuestro Mundo (065) O’Keeffe Middle (220) Olson Elementary (062) Orchard Ridge Elementary (025) Randall Elementary (026) Replay/NIP Sandburg Elementary (053) Schenk Elementary (027) Sennett Middle (242) Shabazz High (140) Sherman Middle (228) Shorewood Elementary (029) Spring Harbor Middle (231) Stephens Elementary (032) Thoreau Elementary (023) Toki Middle (225) UW Hospital School Van Hise Elementary (034) West High (143) West High SAIL Whitehorse Middle(227) Work/Learn Center East Work/Learn Center West Wright Middle (239) 4619 Jenewein Road 4201 Buckeye Road 6402 Hammersley Road 201/501 E. Badger Road 1402 Wyoming Way 3502 Maple Grove Dr. 4301 Cherokee Drive 5930 Old Sauk Road 2402 Atwood Avenue 2222 E. Washington Avenue 2621 Anderson Street 5106 Academy Drive 2421 E. Johnson Street 6323 Woodington Way 305 W. Lakeside Street 1201 Tompkins Drive 1502 Wyoming Way 4801 Waukesha Street 3344 Concord Avenue 2601 Prairie Road 101 S. Gammon Road 221 Meadowlark Drive 199 Kennedy Heights 702 Pflaum Road 1802 Tennyson Lane 1045 E. Dayton Street 1501 Jenifer Street 2602 Post Road 909 Sequoia Trail 4500 Kennedy Road 401 Maple Avenue 1501 Jenifer Street 201 S. Gammon Road 1201 McKenna Blvd. 4002 School Road 502 Caromar Drive 6602 Inner Drive 3802 Regent Street 902 Nichols Road 510 S. Thornton Avenue 801 Redan Drive 5602 Russett Road 1802 Regent Street 501 E. Badger Road 4114 Donald Drive 230 Schenk Street 502 Pflaum Road 1601 N. Sherman Avenue 1610 Ruskin Street 1105 Shorewood Boulevard 1110 Spring Harbor Drive 120 S. Rosa Road 3870 Nakoma Road 5606 Russett Road 600 Highland Avenue 4747 Waukesha Street 30 Ash Street 3802 Regent Street/MSCR bldg. 218 Schenk Street 1045 E. Dayton Street 302 S. Gammon Road 1717 Fish Hatchery Road **Schools in Bold print are early start schools. 82 204-9722 204-1056 277-9990 442-1335 204-4360 442-2000 204-1240 204-1120 246-3889 204-1600 204-1600 204-1400 204-2000 204-2180 204-2292 204-2400 204-4520 204-4620 204-2500 204-3100 663-6403 204-3420 244-0767 204-3600 204-4040 204-4140 204-3049 204-4240 204-4900 204-6500 204-6600 204-3220 663-5990 663-5992 204-7840 204-6700 663-8170 663-8473 204-1079 204-6820 442-2600 204-2320 204-3300 288-2400 204-7940 204-1500 204-1920 204-2440 204-2100 204-1200 204-1100 204-1900 204-6940 204-4740 263-8177 204-4800 204-4100 204-3006 204-4480 204-4341 442-0941 204-1340