ALL parents, alums, parents of alums, grandparents and adult
ALL parents, alums, parents of alums, grandparents and adult
ALL parents, alums, parents of alums, grandparents and adult friends of JBS are invited! D ate/Time Wednesday, February 6 Check-in Session I Session II Double Session 6:45 – 7:15 pm 7:15 – 8:15 pm 8:30 – 9:30 pm 7:15 – 9:30 pm Fee $20/person Fees are presented to the faculty as honoraria. R egistration Print out the registration form, fill it out and return it with your check to the Development Office by Monday, January 28. Register Early – Enrollment in some classes is limited. If you have difficulty, Please call Nancy Cusanelli at 314/993-4045 ext. 264. Take two classes – selecting one from Session I and one from Session II OR… take one double-session class. Session I Classes The Civil War Sonnet Sampler Printmaking 101 Tea Tasting Social Media Stability Ball Training Tuscan Treats Buds, Beans & Bees Mark Smith Ellie DesPrez Donya Allison & Howard Jones Richard Sandler Jennifer Gosnell Kevin Kinney Philip Barnes & Jim Lowe Michael Dee Session II Classes ’60s & ’70s Music Literature & History JBS Fine Arts Collection Theatrical Painting Salvaged Art Yoga Tuscan Treats Mark Smith Mark Nicholas Donya Allison & William Shearburn Brian Connor Christopher Hinshaw & Alaine Peaslee-Hinshaw Ellie DesPrez Philip Barnes & Jim Lowe Double Session Classes Blogging 101 Golf Mudslinging (pottery) Photo Collage Allégra Clément Bayard Ellen Port Andy Denney Margaret Bahe Session I Classes 7:15 – 8:15 pm The Civil War Mark Smith This class will examine the military conflict from First Bull Run to Appomattox, offering multiple reasons why the North ultimately proved victorious. Sonnet Sampler Ellie DesPrez The sonnet has held an honored place in the canon of poetry in English since before Shakespeare, and it still packs punch as a form today. Why the lasting appeal? Why do poets continue to play the sonnet game, even a century after the advent of free verse as a dominant mode? Too bad we only have one class period, but that will give us time to look at several sonnets, from Shakespeare’s trash talk about his mistress’s eyes to Sherman Alexie’s recent send-up, “The Facebook Sonnet.” Printmaking 101 Donya Allison & Howard Jones Burroughs printmaking teachers will demonstrate a variety of traditional print processes (lithography etching, relief, monotype, silk screen). If you’ve ever wondered how prints are made, this is the class for you. The class is also helpful for learning to identify prints and is an excellent primer for the class on the JBS Fine Arts Collection offered second session. The Tea Totaler Richard Sandler Experience a tasting of selected teas from plantations spanning the globe. We will examine the history of tea making, the various categories and types of preparation. Sample various Assams, Keemuns, Darjeelings, and a host of green teas as well as some of the best scones and shortbread to be found. Social Media for Dummies Grownups Jen Gosnell Want to know more about services like Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest, but afraid to ask your kids? Afraid that you may be sharing too much online? Do you use any of these sites already, but have trouble keeping up with those perpetual changes to the design and security settings? Come to this class and learn the ins and outs of the most popular social media sites; how to maximize your security, block those annoying posts you may be getting; and make it a useful (and fun) part of your online life! Stability Ball Training Kevin Kinney From strength training to flexibility, the stability ball can be a fun and challenging workout. A variety of movements will be shown that you will be able to incorporate in your workouts at home or at the gym. The focus will be on technique, safety and balance involving your lower body, upper body and core. The class is appropriate for all fitness levels. Dress to participate or just to watch and learn. Tuscan Treats Philip Barnes & Jim Lowe This Italian province is rightly famous for its cuisine and wines. Taste its distinctive unsalted bread, sample six of its most celebrated wines, and learn what makes Chianti a classic – all in the company of Burroughs’ own classics, Barnes & Lowe, LLC. Buds, Beans, and Bees! Michael Dee Take a walking tour of the JBS garden, greenhouse, and bee yard. Participants will explore the multiple ways in which the Burroughs campus has been growing from the ground up. Compare green thoughts on cover crops, crop rotation and companion planting during this nighttime ramble. Please dress for the weather and bring a flashlight or headlamp. Session II Classes 8:30 – 9:30 pm What a Long, Strange Trip Mark Smith From the Velvet Underground to Bob Dylan, from the Beatles to Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young, this class will highlight the music of the ’60s and ’70s and the way in which it both molded and mirrored popular and counter culture. Dancing shoes, moon rocks and love beads not necessary. Literature and History Mark Nicholas Where literature and history intersect, some of the best writing occurs. Come to a class where we will read two poems and one short story that allow us to explore this intersection, discuss topics still relevant today, and enjoy one another’s company on a winter’s evening. JBS Fine Arts Collection – History & Highlights Donya Allison & William Shearburn David Hockney. Willem De Kooning. Ellsworth Kelly. Tom Friedman. They are but four of the 100 artists represented in the Burroughs fine arts collection. Donya Allison, curator of the collection, and William Shearburn ’79, gallery owner and chair of the school’s Fine Arts Advisory Committee, will lead you on a tour of the school’s permanent collection. They will discuss the history of the collection and its significance to teaching. Theatrical Painting Brian Connor What goes into designing, building and rigging a show? What is it like to paint a flat for a show? Do you like to get paint under your fingernails? How about in your hair, on your clothes, and on your glasses? Try your hand at theatrical painting techniques while learning about what goes into making the magic backstage in Haertter Hall. Here is your opportunity to try your hand with rollers, brushes and sponges. Remember to bring some old clothes and shoes, as they are strongly recommended for this hands-on workshop. Salvaged Art Christopher Hinshaw & Alaine Peaslee-Hinshaw Christopher, and his wife, Alaine, design and create one-of-a-kind art for the home and garden from repurposed materials collected from salvage yards, steel manufacturing plants, farms and other nontraditional sources. Items are left alone as found art or combined and modified to create something original and new. This class features unique art pieces as well as a photographic presentation of Chris and Alaine’s eclectic art and stories from their work and travels throughout the United States. Wind Down Yoga Ellie DesPrez By definition, yoga balances effort and ease. Our evening practice will focus mostly on relaxing through a variety of stretches and restorative poses. Beginners are welcome, as are experienced yoga practitioners. Wear nonbinding clothes. Tuscan Treats Philip Barnes & Jim Lowe This Italian province is rightly famous for its cuisine and wines. Taste its distinctive unsalted bread, sample six of its most celebrated wines, and learn what makes Chianti a classic – all in the company of Burroughs' own classics, Barnes & Lowe, LLC. Double Session Classes 7:15 – 9:30 pm Blogging 101 Allégra Clément-Bayard What are blogs? How are they used? How do I access them? How can I create one? This class is for anyone who has ever been interested in setting up and managing a blog for personal use. Find out how to begin the process using, and explore the possibilities, e.g., family blogs, travel/trip blogs, book club blogs, personal journal, etc. (Here’s a link students and I developed when on a cultural trip to Paris: Laptops will be available but feel free to bring your own (as long as it has wireless capability). All participants must have a Google account/password. Setting up an account is easy and free at Got (a golf) Game? Ellen Port If your golf game could use some help, this is the class for you! Bring a few golf clubs – and a putter to boot – and let’s see what kind of numbers you can shoot. Well, you won’t actually be playing a round of golf, but hopefully you will have a great time working on your full swing, short game and putting. Perhaps a little instruction, inspiration and motivation is all you need to take your game to the next level. Join us and let’s see who has game! Mudslinging Andy Denney In this class, you’ll learn two different ways to throw pottery – how to throw like a machine and how to throw like a child. The hope is to combine both methods so that you can create your very own masterpiece with the most important quality: the human one. The class will cover basic skills associated with throwing vessels on the wheel, including wedging, centering, drawing up clay, forming a bowl and trimming. Make Your Own Photo Collage Poster Margaret Bahe Do you have multiple photographs that you would like to display in one neat package? Learn to use Adobe’s Photoshop Elements to create a photo collage poster. We will crop your pictures, frame them in color, and organize them in your own unique combination for a lasting memory. Some experience working with digital photographs will be helpful. Bring your photos with you on a USB drive or experiment with samples provided. Back to School Night Registration PLEASE PRINT THIS PAGE, fill it out and send with your check to JBS Development Office, 755 South Price Road, 63124 by Monday, January 28 $20 per person – additional $10 “lab fee” for Tuscan Treats Checks should be made payable to John Burroughs School If you’d like to register for two or more “students,” just print out multiple registration forms. You may write one check. Questions? Contact Nancy Cusanelli at or 314/993-4045 ext. 264 Name ______________________________________________Daytime Telephone ______________________ E-mail Address_____________________________________________________________________________ Sign up for one class in Session I and one class in Session II – OR one double session class. Please indicate first and second choice for each session, as class sizes are limited. Session I 7:15 – 8:15 pm Session II 8:30 – 9:30 pm Double Session_______________ 7:15 – 9:30 pm __ The Civil War __ ’60s/’70s Music __ Blogging 101 __ Sonnet Sampler __ Literature & History __ Golf __ Printmaking 101 __ JBS Fine Arts Collection __ Mudslinging __ The Tea Totaler __ Theatrical Painting __ Photo Collage __ Social Media __ Salvaged Art __ Stability Ball Training __ Yoga __ Tuscan Treats __ Tuscan Treats __ Buds, Beans & Bees Faculty Spotlight Donya Allison joined the Fine Arts Department in 2000. She teaches painting, drawing and printmaking, and is a senior class faculty sponsor. She is also the director of the Bonsack and Kuehner Galleries and curator of the school’s fine art collection. Margaret Bahe joined the Science Department in 1979 and teaches biology, biology achievement and bioethics. She is the faculty sponsor of the yearbook and dance squad. A prolific photographer, Margaret has donated several photo collages to JBS auctions. Philip Barnes joined the Classics Department in 1988. He teaches 8th grade Latin, Latin III, Latin V, beginning Greek and music history. Since 1989, he has served as the artistic director of the St. Louis Chamber Chorus. Philip has organized and led numerous student and adult trips to Italy since 1990. Allégra Clément-Bayard joined the Modern Languages Department in 2005. She chairs the department and currently teaches French II and AP French. She is also the webmaster for her department and coordinator of the French Cultural Adventure summer trip for students. She is a faculty co-sponsor of 8th grade. Brian Connor joined the Industrial Technology Department in 1996. He teaches basic architectural design, mechanical drawing, 8th grade IT, project technology and computer-aided drawing, advanced computer animation and design, theatre technology and architectural drawing. He builds all theatre sets, is the faculty sponsor of light and sound, and is the faculty coordinator of the Global Youth Leadership Institute. Michael Dee joined the English Department in 1991. He teaches 9th and 10th grade English and the nascent gardening class, and he coordinates the JBS outdoor education program. Michael is certified by the American Canoe Association as a whitewater kayak instructor, and he keeps bees on the Burroughs campus. Andy Denney joined the Fine Arts Department in 2000. He teaches ceramics, senior intensive study and independent studies. He is a faculty co-sponsor of the student literary magazine, The Review. Andy also teaches pottery at The Craft Alliance, and his ceramic work has been exhibited throughout the country. Ellie DesPrez joined the English Department in 1998 and currently serves as its chair. She teaches 7thand 10th-grade English and an honors English senior seminar. She also sponsors the Middle School Creative Writing Club and its magazine, Works in Progress. She has taught yoga at JBS since she completed her yoga teaching certification in 2007. Jennifer Gosnell ’85 joined the Library faculty in 1996, and now splits her time between the Library and the Technology Department. In addition to being a librarian, she is the educational technology specialist and teaches 8th grade computer-based research. Christopher Hinshaw joined the History Department in 1993. He teaches American government, U.S. History and Contemporary Global Issues. He and his wife, Alaine Peaslee-Hinshaw, are the designers and proprietors of Eclectic Arts. Their art work has been featured in magazine and newspaper articles and is on display in galleries. Howard Jones joined the Fine Arts Department in 1987. He teaches 7th and 8th grade painting and drawing, upper school painting and drawing level 1, printmaking and photography. Kevin Kinney joined the PE/Athletics Department in 2011 as the strength and conditioning coach. He was a member of the Parkway North History and PE Departments for more than 30 years. Jim Lowe joined the Classics Department in 1989. He teaches 7th grade Latin, Latin II, Latin III and Foundations of Western Literature. He is also a college counselor. Jim has chaperoned many school trips to Italy, and in Spring 2012 was a Bogliasco Fellow in Northern Italy. Mark Nicholas joined the History Department in 1982. He teaches American government, World Civ II and a senior elective, Literature and History. He is co-coordinator of faculty evaluation and coaches varsity football. Ellen Port joined the PE/Athletics Department in 1986. She has been a teacher and director of 7th and 8th grade PE and a health teacher. She has coached field hockey, track and basketball and currently coaches boys’ and girls’ varsity golf. Ellen is a five-time USGA Amateur champ, current reigning Missouri Amateur Champion and USGA Senior Amateur Champion. She has been inducted into the Missouri Sports Hall of Fame and St. Louis Sports Hall of Fame. Richard Sandler joined the English Department in 1987. He teaches 8th grade, junior and senior English and an honors English senior seminar. He is a faculty co-sponsor of the Student Court and the faculty sponsor of Amnesty International. Mark Smith joined the History Department in 1998. He chairs the department and teaches American government, U.S. History and Bioethics.
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ALL parents, alums, parents of alums, grandparents and adult
great way to send birthday or holiday greetings, stitch together photo slide shows, or simply express yourself.
Find your inner director with this class!