File - KMT


File - KMT
Welcome to this evening’s KMT 3rd Annual dinner. There are many reasons why I
have looked forward to this evening . Of course, it is a welcome opportunity to spend
time together in a relaxed atmosphere. But it also gives us a chance to pause, reflect,
and take stock of how much we have progressed as a Shul, and to recognize that all
our successes would not have been possible without much ‫ עזרת השם‬and the selfless
dedication of individuals such as this evening’s honorees, Rabbi & Mrs Yanky Hersh.
Gathering tonight has given us all a chance to show them our appreciation and ‫הכרת‬
Through the vision of Rabbi Tzvi Zylberberg we also gather to honor the ‫תורה‬
‫ הקדושה‬in the form of a ‫סיום הש”ס‬. What a great message this sends to one and all; It’s
all about the Torah. Mazel Tov to Rabbi & Mrs Ari Glazer, & Dr and Mrs Nachum
Augenbaum on this special occasion. I hope you will leave this evening enthused and
inspired, proud to call KMT your ‫מקום תפלה‬. And as we ‫ אי”ה‬set our sights on raising the
bar even higher ‫באיכות ובכמות‬, you will actively join us in this endeavor.
‫הנה מה טוב ומה נעים שבת אחים גם יחד‬
‫נתן גרינברג‬
To all those
who have given much dedication
in making this evening
such a
professional event
and a
‫קידוש השם‬
Thank You!
May Hashem shower you with
‫הצלחה וברכה וכל מילי דמיטב‬
‫עד בלי די‬
‫ויהיו משכורתכם שלמה‬
‫נתן גרינברג‬
The Misaymim
There are many ways to be ‫מחזיק תורה‬.
Your ‫ סיום‬this evening has made
The ‫ רבונו של עולם‬very proud
the Torah feel very much wanted.
‫…וזכות כל התנאים ואמוראים ות”ח יעמוד לכם ולזרעכם‬..
With admiration
Rabbi Nosson Greenberg
Rabbi & Mrs Yanky Hersh
A wonderful couple who have given so much
of themselves to our Shul.
Reb Yankel,
Your ko’ach, simchas hachayim, tremendous talent,
willingness, and dedication have played a great role in making
Khal Machzikei Torah the success it has become ‫בע"ה‬
‫יפתח לכם ה' אוצרו הטוב‬
‫הן בגשמיות וברוחניות‬
‫ויהא מזל הצלחה בריאות טובות ויראת שמים‬
‫מצוי בביתכם‬
Mayer Heinemann
Rabbi Nosson Greenberg
Mara D’Asra
‫עמודי הקהל ‪We salute two of our‬‬
‫‪Rabbi Ari Glazer‬‬
‫סיום הש"ס ‪ of our 2nd‬סיום ‪who has dedicated the‬‬
‫לעילוי נשמת אמו‬
‫פנינה בת הרשל צבי ע"ה‬
‫‪Dr Nachum Augenbaum‬‬
‫סיום הש"ס ‪ of our 3rd‬התחלה ‪who has dedicated the‬‬
‫לעילוי נשמת אחותו‬
‫מליא יוכבד ע"ה בת צבי הירש נ"י‬
‫יהי רצון שבזכות הרמת תורה הקדושה‬
‫יהיו הנשמות עולין לעילא ולעילא‬
‫‪Rabbi Nosson Greenberg‬‬
‫‪Mara D’Asra‬‬
‫‪Mayer Heinemann‬‬
In Honor of the Rav and Rebbetzin
Thank you for your dedication and devotion
to the shul and its Mispalellim.
Your special way of offering guidance, advice, and care
is heartwarming and inspiring.
May HKBH give you both the opportunity
to continue the amazing work that you do
for many years to come!
Mazel Tov!
Your Kehilla
In Honor of the Amazing dinner committee!
R' Eli Eisikovic
R' Tzvi Zylberberg
R' Ahron Richman
We are truly thankful for everything
that you have done
to make this evening such a smashing success!
In recognition and with much gratitude to
all those who give their time, efforts, energy
and financial support towards the
success and growth of our Shul
Teamwork makes the dream work
Thank You!
The K’hal Machzikei
Torah Family
In honor of the Board
Yanky Kleinkaufman, Ahron Richman,
Sholom Wohlgelernter, and Shmuel Rada
Thank you for all that you do!
May you be gebentched with enormous bracha for
being osek b’tzarchei tzibur!
Mayer Heinemann
In Honor of Mr & Mrs Yehuda Kaufman
The amount you do for the shul may often go unseen,
but it is nothing short of amazing.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
May this be a year of amazing hatzlacha and success
for you and your entire family!
The Board
To our beloved party planners!
Thank you for being the most motivated, talented, and devoted team!
You are literally a gift from HKBH to the shul!
Continued Hatzlacha!
The Board
Thank you to our dear Gabbaim and Baalei Kriah
for the special dedication that you show to the shul.
It's a tough job and you make it look easy.
May you have continued hatzlacha in all that you do!
The Board
Thank you to Reb Tzvi for keeping the flame of Torah burning!
Thank you for the many things you do
including filling the bais medrash with seforim,
taking personal care of the shul like it was your own home,
and of course your heilige daf yomi shiur.
Your are a true Machzik Torah!
The Board
Thank you to Ahron Richman & The Jivetel team
for helping get the new website off the ground.
It is looking great and has been a great addition to the shul.
Thank you for all that you do!
Thank you to
Menachem Pollack, Momo Brecher & Team Kiddush
The kiddush continues to be a great opportunity
for the kehilla to grow
in ruchnius, camaraderie, and waistline.
Thank you for all that you do!
The Board
In Honor Of
Mr. & Mrs. Yechiel Salzberg
Mr & Mrs Alter Katz
Mr & Mrs Moshe Monczyk
for their quiet but invaluable dedication to the shul & its facilities.
The K’hal Machzikei
Torah Family
In Honor Of Our Dear Maggidei Shiur
Reb Yaakov Oppenheimer
Reb Tzvi Zylberberg
Reb Dovi Edell
The K’hal Machzikei
Torah Family
In Honor
The Amazing
Ari Scharf
His Wonderful Organization
Project Mesorah
The K’hal Machzikei
Torah Family
In honor of Rav Yanky & His Rebbetzin Bayla Hersh
An outstanding couple whose Chesed and selflessness are truly remarkable.
In appreciation of your endless dedication & devotion to our shul and the Klal.
May you continue in your Avodas Hakodesh for many years to come.
‫יהי רצון שישלח ה לכם רב כוחות להמשיך בעבודתכם הקדושה להחזיק‬
‫ולהרביץ תורה ולהגדיל תורה ולהאדירה‬
Yanky & Esti Kleinkaufman
In honor of our dear Rav & Rebbetzin
Thank you for everything you do for us, the shul, & the community as a whole!
May you continue to be a source of inspiration for us for many years to come!
Thank you the Hersh’s for accepting this honor & thank you for giving us the opportunity to properly
show our Hakaras Hatov for all that you have done and continue to do for the shul & its kinderlach
Mazel Tov To the esteemed R’ Ari Glazer & Family on the siyum. May it be a zchus for your mother's
neshama and for the entire kehilla.
Mazel Tov to my dear friend Nachum & Family on starting the new cycle of shas. May it be a zchus for
your sister's neshama and for the entire kehilla. P.S. We will be sending someone to pick you every
Shabbos, so don't consider this your last hurrah!
Thank you to the entire dinner committee & board for going above and beyond.
I am truly amazed at your capabilities!
Finally, Thank you to the entire membership for being a part of this very special kehilla. It is a zchus for me
to be a part of the KMT Family. May we all have continued Mazel, Bracha, and Hatzlacha!
Mayer & Adina Heinemann
Mazel Tov
Rabbi and Mrs. Yanky Hersh
on this well deserved honor
In appreciation to Rav and Rebbetzin Greenberg
for their devotion to K'hal Machzikei Torah
Tzali and Chana Shira Gutman
In recognition
of the
Rav and Rebbitzen
for everything you do for the us and the shul.
Mazel Tov
Rabbi & Mrs. Yanky Hersh
on this most deserving honor.
Ruchie & Shmuly Bakst
Mazal tov
Mr. and Mrs Yanky Hersh
on this well-deserved honor.
Mazal tov to ALL who have joined together in finishing SHAS!
A special thank you to our president Mayer Heinemann
for making sure everything in the shul always runs smoothly.
Achron Achron Choviv, Thank you to the Rav and the Rebbetzin
for all that they do for the shul.
May the shul continue to grow in ‫גשמיות ורוחניות‬.
Shira and Ahron Richman
Mazel Tov
Rabbi Yanky and Mrs. Bayla Hersh
on the well deserved honor of being tonight's Hakaras Hatov Awardees.
Rabbi Hersh
Your energy is boundless- for your Talmidim, for teaching, for quarterbacking!!
The hard work and dedication
you show on behalf of our boys is apparent every day!
May you always continue to inspire your Talmidim
to grow in their love of learning,
in their Yiddishkeit, and in their Menchlichkeit.
With Much Appreciation,
Your YKLI 5H Parents
In recognition of a dear friend,
Dr. Nachum Augenbaum
for all that he's done over the years
to help the Shul grow
as well as increase the level of learning in our community.
We"ll miss you. Please send letters.
In honor of our dear
Rav and Rebbetzin
Thank you for the tremendous love and inspiration
that you give to us and the entire community.
Nachum and Perri
In honor of Rabbi and Mrs Yanky Hersh
What you have done for the community and its children is beyond words.
May you continue to do your amazing work!
Mazel Tov to R’ Ari on being tonight's mesayeim
May you continue to spread your love for Torah
Mazel Tov to Nachum on starting the new cycle of learning
Looking forward to making the weekly trek with you
Thank you to the Rav and Rebbetzin
for being the amazing people that you are!
Mr and Mrs Yosef Finestone
Mazel tov
Yanky & Bayla on this prestigious award.
Your dedication to the shul and the entire community is unparalleled!
We wish you lots of
Bracha, Hatzlacha and Mazel in your new home!
Mazel tov to the entire Kehilla
on the Siyum Hashas and on starting a new cycle.
May we continue to see much success and growth as a Kehilah!
Aliza & Daniel Gluck
In honor of Rabbi and Rebbetzin Hersh.
The care and concern you show every single member of ‫ כלל ישראל‬is only surpassed by the genuine,
meaningful words of encouragement and inspiration you find for each of us. It makes no difference
who they are or where they are from. If they are a Yid, they are your brother and sister and you’ll be
there with the love and affection they need. We’ve heard you share these sentiments and we see you
put them into practice on a daily basis. The ‫הרבצת תורה‬, the camp, the trips, the learning and the
motzei Shabbos ‫אבות ובנים‬, are only public displays of a deep desire to ignite the spark within all of us
– young and old – so we all share a love and “geshmaaak” for Yiddishkeit and for the ‫רבונו של עולם‬.
We have had the ‫ זכות‬to participate in and be the beneficiaries of a number of your unbelievable
programs. Your incredible talent, combined with your selflessness and devotion to the community
leaves us with immense and immeasurable feelings of ‫הכרת הטוב‬. It is obvious that no man could
maintain such enthusiasm without a Rebbetzin who shares these same beliefs and values and
continues to encourage her husband to lead and influence others. The greatest testimony to your
remarkable efforts is the beautiful family you have raised ‫בלי עין הרע‬. We feel extremely fortunate and
thankful to have such special role models and friends. You are an inspiration to us and so many
others. The ‫ רבש""ע‬should bentsch you with ‫ ברכה‬and ‫ פרנסה‬to continue all your amazing ‫ חסד‬and ‫עבודת‬
‫ הקדש‬on behalf of the ‫כלל‬.
Moshe and Rena Greenspan
Mazel Tov
All the Honorees and Mesaymim
Thank you to the Rav and Rebbetzin for all that you do.
In Honor of Dr. & Mrs Nachum Augenbaum
Menachem & Chaya Yitty Pollack
I am sure that my mother Penina is getting a lot of nachas on this evening in which we are dedicating
the Siyum Hashas in her memory. Though she lived a shorter life than many, she was grateful for all the
time she had in this world. As an educator par excellence and active participant in her community when
she was alive, she would definitely appreciate what our Shul has been able to accomplish the past few
years. Mazal Tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Hersh, a big Yasher Koach for all that you do in your Chinuch
Habanim days, nights, and even weekends (we are firsthand witnesses to what a role model you are for
the boys in our community)! Dr. and Mrs. Augenbaum, may you continue to have a home of Torah and
Chesed and continue to see nachas from your family! To our Rav and Rebbetzin, thank you for being
huge role models and inspirations to our whole family. We feel very blessed to be in your Kehilla. To
the current and former Presidents, Gabbaim, Maggidei shiur, Balei Tefila, and everyone who makes the
shul a beautiful place to daven and grow, thank you! To our dear parents, we are forever grateful for
giving us a foundation of Torah and for your endless love and support. We cannot imagine where we
would be without your assistance. To our siblings, you are always there for us, always fun to be around,
and we are so happy that you could join us on this wonderful evening. To our aunts, uncles, nieces, and
nephews, an occasion is not complete without you! To our children, Raphael Yehudah, Penina, Eli and
YD, you are our pride and joy! We love you all so much for who you are and all the nachas you bring us!
May we celebrate next year’s KMT dinner in Yerushalayim with the coming of Moshiach!
Ari & Yosifa Glazer
Thank you to
Mayer Heinemann
Ahron Richman
Eli Eisecovic
Tzvi Zilverberg
For putting together a beautiful dinner!
Nachum and Perri Augenbaum
Mazel tov to my fellow honorees
Rabbi and Mrs Yanky Hersh
Rabbi and Mrs Ari Glazer
May you continue to share your
enthusiasm for yiddishkeit for many years to come!
Nachum and Perri Augenbaum
To our dearest son Nachum
Memory is our living connection to those who are not with us
Those we remember live on in us:
In words of Torah , and in acts of kindness
that we would not have done had the person not left their mark on our lives.
Your beginning the new cycle of Shas
in memory of our Chevy A.H.,
and the Torah learning throughout the year,
will confer merit on her immortal soul
which Is the ultimate act of Thanksgiving to Hashem
for her life that was.
May her memory be a blessing.
Abba & Mommy
Reb Yankel
I should leave this page
absolutely blank
because no words can properly express
the things you do for
Klal Yisrael’s kinderlach
May Hashem
give you the ko’ach to continue
in all your lofty endeavors
‫נתן גרינברג‬
Yasher Koach to Rabbi Ari & Yosifa Glazer for all you
do to support your shul.
And Mazal Tov to Ari, for serving as the Mesayim for
the Siyum Hashas.
Penina & Efy Flamm
Daniel Glazer
Fran & Harry Glazer
Ileana &Jerry Glazer
Shani & David Green
Henny & Rabbi Usher Laifer
In honor of
Yanky & Bayla Hersh
on a well deserved honor.
The love, ‫ יראת שמים‬, ‫אהבת התורה‬, and dedication that you
give over to your children and talmidim along with abundance of chesed
that you both do, make and exemplary role model to your entire family.
With love and admiration,
Mommy and Tatty
Mayer, Akiva, Sruly, Eli, Sheva, Chesky, Yocheved, and families
In Honor
My Rebbi from Krakow
All the rest of my Polish bus mates.
In Honor
My brother the Prez
In Honor of the one and only Moti Hellman.
Shmuel Heinemann
Mazel Tov
Yanky and Bayla
on this well deserved honor.
We wish you continued success
in all your endeavors
may you continue to be an inspiration
to the entire family.
The Gross siblings.
Mazel Tov
To our chaver tov Reb Yankel, shlit""a, v'Reyuso on this very deserving honor.
You are a constant source of inspiration to us all,
both in your bein adam lachaveiro and your bein adam lamakom
Just watching you daven in it and of itself inspires us to do better.
Your zehirus in your speech, your incredible midos tovos and your impeccable punctuality
are legendary.
Taking a lesson from the rhinos,
your friend""ship"" is something that we will cherish forever.
Your friends and employees,
Yossi Bennett, Meir Fachliyev, Yosef Friedler, Tsvi Greenfield,
Your entire Camp Areivim Family
Can't Wait!!!
Camp Areivim (855) 282-8273"
Mazal tov Rabbi Hersh on this well-deserved honor.
Thank you for all your efforts on behalf of the youth at BTI!
Your tireless efforts and devotion to the klal is apparent in all that
you do!!
We are so Happy you moved to our community.
May Hkbh grant you much hatzlacha in all your great work!
The Bais Tefila of Inwood Board
Pinny Ackerman
Eli Katz
Leon Lantsman
Adam Mayer
Sendy Rabinowitz
Yehuda Zachter
In Honor of Ari & Yosifa
Thank you for being the special couple & family that you are!
Mazel Tov on the Siyum
May it be a zchus for ‫פנינה בת הרשל צבי ע"ה‬
For the entire family
In Honor of Ari & Yosifa
May HKB’H give you with much Nachas, Mazel & Happiness.
Ari and Leah's Sussman and Family
Yisroel Dov and Sarah Sussman and Family
Mazel Tov to Ari & Yosifa
on this
very special occasion
May the siyum be a zchus for ‫פנינה בת הרשל צבי ע"ה‬
Rochel & Boruch Shulgasser
Yoily & Michal Lebowitz
Nissan & Rifky Lebowitz
Dovi & Ahuva Lebowitz
Yitzchok & Fayge Weiser
Chana Lebowitz
In Honor
Rabbi & Rebbetzin Greenberg
Your kehilla is a beautiful & inspiring community
Thank you for all that you do
Mrs Lebowitz
Dear Totty,
Mazal Tov on being completing Shaas in honor of our Grandmother.
Although we never met her,
we are sure she was special because she had you as a son.
We are sure her neshamah is having an aliyah
with this zechus of a Siyum Hashas.
We appreciate all the time you give to talk, play, and learn with us.
We hope to follow in your ways of Torah and always make you proud.
We love you,
Raphael Yehudah,
Eli and Yisroel Dovid
In honor of
Rabbi Ari Glazer
Dr. Nachum Augenbaum
for all of your tremendous work that you continue to put in for the
betterment of our shul.
May you have continued hatzlacha in all of your endeavors.
Yanky and Bayla Hersh
L'chvod HaRav Greenberg shlita
who will forever be my "Shtetl Rebbi"
Reb Yanky shlita to whom I will be forever grateful
R' Nachum Augenbaum,
R' Ari Glazer,
Der Heiligeh Poland brothers & my other esteemed KMT friends
May Hashem bless you all
with continued mazal, bracha, v'hatzlacha on all fronts,
and may you continue to be a shining beacon of kedusha in the "6th Shtetl"!
Your friend, Shlomo Reich
Thank you
The Rav and Rebbetzin
for all
The hadracha and inspiration you both provide for our Tzibur
Mazel Tov to Rabbi & Mrs. Yanky Hersh
Sincerely, Kira and Evan Schuckman
Mazel Tov!
A Special Night For All!
To Rabbi & Mrs Yanky Hersh
Your Exceptional Talents Have Ensured An Enrichment
Of Yiddishkeit For Us All
May Hashem Continue To Allow You
To Be A Mashbia For Klal Ysiroel
A Guta Vuch!!!
TO My Fellow Misaymim
Siman Tov U’Mazel Tov
It Is Truly Amazing To Be A Part Of This
Yehuda & Rachel Kaufman
Mazel Tov to the two Rabbis and one Doctor.
You are all truly role models in your own unique way.
May you continue your Avodas Hakodesh for many years to come.
With tremendous Hakaras Hatov to the Rav and Rebbetzin.
You are there for us 24/7 and we are fortunate to have you with us.
Moti and Miriam Hellman
In honor of
my dear friend, colleague, boss, mentor and so much more
Harav Yanky Hersh Shlita
There is nothing more that I can say than "Thank You!"
May you be zoche to continue to help Klal Yisroel
in the so many ways that you do!
Yosef and Malky Friedler
Mazel Tov
Rabbi Greenberg
And all the Honorees
A special Mazel Tov to Nochum Augenbaum
on all his accomplishments and his dedication to the klal
Eli and Rachel Lorber
With much appreciation
for the tireless efforts invested by
The Rav Shlit’a
The president and the Board of K’hal Machzikei Torah.
A hearty mazal tov to all of the participants
on the occasion of this monumental Siyum HaShas.
In special recognition of Rabbi & Mrs. Yanky Hersh
for receiving the Hakaras Hatov Award.
Your continued devotion to the many special projects you lead enriches not only
the lives of our shul members, but also the lives of the families of our entire
May you continue to grow and be a source of strength and inspiration to our
Mazal Tov,
Pnina & Simi Wurtzel
To our Brother Nachum,
We are privileged to join you
in honoring the memory of our beloved sister, Chevy A.H.
We can think of no nobler way
and nothing that she would have appreciated more than Torah learning in its highest form - to pay tribute to her
‫יהי זכרה ברוך‬
Shua & Rochel Leah
Cheely & Tzvia
Aharon Yaakov
In honor of
The Rav
All the honorees
Mazel Tov
Yehuda & Batsheva Ruzorsky
‫מזל טוב לידיד נפשי‬
‫להאי גברא רבא‪ ,‬מחנך בחסד עליון‬
‫הרב יעקב הירש שליט"א‪,‬‬
‫ר"ם בישיבה קטנה ד'לאנג אילנד‬
‫לרגל דינער השנתי של קהלת מחזיקי תורה‬
‫מוצאי שבת קודש פרשת שמות‪ ,‬אור לכ"ב טבת תשע"ו‬
‫י גיל וישיש ילדי ישראל שזכו ל"גאון יעקב" ‪ 1‬ול"רוח יעקב" ‪ 2‬שמעודד ומחזק אותם‬
‫ע רבים ומתוקים אמרי פיו‪ ,‬וכולם אומרים "מה טובו אהליך יעקב" ‪3‬‬
‫ק הלת מחזיקי תורה‪ ,‬זוכים ל"קול קול יעקב" ‪ ,4‬ונהנים ממנו "כל משכנות יעקב" ‪5‬‬
‫ב רכתינו שיזכו "בית יעקב" ללכת באור ה' ‪ 6‬ושנזכה כולנו לזמן של "כי גאל ה' יעקב" ‪! 7‬‬
‫באהבה רבה‪ ,‬ובהוקרה עצומה‬
‫צבי קריגסמאן ומשפחתו‬
‫‪ .1‬עמוס ו'‪ ,‬ח'‬
‫‪ .2‬בראשית מ"ה‪ ,‬כ"ז‬
‫‪ .3‬במדבר כ"ד‪ ,‬ה'‬
‫‪ .4‬בראשית כ"ז‪ ,‬כ"ב‬
‫‪ .5‬תהלים פ"ז‪ ,‬ב'‬
‫‪ .6‬ע"פ ישעיה ב'‪ ,‬ה'‬
‫‪ .7‬ישעיה מ"ד‪ ,‬כ"ג‬
Thank you
Rabbi Hersh
for all you do for our kehilla.
Chaim & Keri Light
We Would Like To Utilize This Opportunity To Wish A Huge Mazel Tov To The Greater
KMT Community On Being Mesayim Shas!!
Special Mazel Tov To
The "Mesayim" Rabbi Ari Glazer and The "Maschil" Dr. Nachum Augenbaum
May The Neshamos Have An Aliyah
To Our Dear Friends The Honorees
Yanky and Bayla
The Words "Hakaras Hatov" Don't Do Justice For The Amount Of Appreciation
We All Have For You On A Community and Personal Level!!
Yasher Koach As Well To Our Esteemed Rav, Harav Nosson Greenberg
For Being A True Mara D'Asra!!
Eli and Michal Eisikovic
Mazel Tov to the Entire Khal Machzikei Torah in Far Rockaway
In Honor of the Rav
Rabbi Greenberg Shlit’a
In true appreciation
of the immense time, energy, and amazing talents
that have been an inspiration to many.
From your Khal Machzikei Torah Kehilla in Krakow
Ari Sharf
Project Mesorah
Mazel Tov to All the Honorees and all the Misaymim!
In Honor of the Rav and Rebbetzin
for all that they do for the shul and the entire community.
Moshe & Michal Mermelstein
‫כי לו נאה כי לו יאה‬
‫לכבוד חברנו היקר‬
‫שמקבל את כל אדם בסבר פנים יפות‬
‫מרביץ תורה ויראה לעדרים‬
‫ומשקיע בהם אהבת ה' ואהבת תורה‬
‫ללמוד בשמחה ובחשקות‬
‫הרב יעקב הירש שליט''א‬
‫לרגל קבלת פרס הכרת הטוב‬
‫יה''ר שעוד רבות בשנים יזכה מע''כ ביחד עם ב''ב‬
‫לראות רב נחת מצאצאיכם היקרים‬
‫מתוך עושר ואושר והרחבת הדעת‬
‫ידידיך העוסקים במלאכת הקדש ביחד‬
‫בישיבה קטנה ד'לאנג אילאנד‬
‫הרב צבי ביינון ‪,‬ראש ישיבה ‪ -‬הרב צבי קריגסמאן ‪,‬מנהל ‪ -‬הרב שלמה דוד פפייפפער ‪,‬סגן מנהל‬
‫מנחם בארנשטיין ‪ -‬יואל בורק ‪ -‬יואל מרדכי גוטליב ‪ -‬דוד טייטלבוים ‪ -‬יהושע ירוסלביץ‬
‫יצחק מעססנר ‪ -‬יעקב מורגנבסר ‪ -‬שמואל מורגנשטערן ‪ -‬יעקב פייזי ‪ -‬צבי פינקל ‪-‬‬
‫דוד יואל פיילער ‪ -‬אליהו שלאס ‪ -‬אהרן שפיגעל‬
To Reb Yanky,
Your smile and energy as you walk into shul are seen by All
Your enthusiasm for avodas hakodesh
are felt by all who you encounter
Your zerizus and love for Torah are an inspiration
to all the fathers and sons that come to Avos Ubanim.
May you continue to spread your love for Torah
and have the strength to continue in all your Avodas Hashem.
Shmuel and Chaya Rada
To our dear friends
Yanky and Bayla
Met you be zoche to continue to be
Oisek B’tzorchei Tzibbur
and serve as an inspiration to us all.
Yonason & Chani Sprung
Mazel Tov to our dear friend
Dr. Nachum Augenbaum
on being maschil the shul’s next cycle of Shas.
May this special zchus be an Aliyah for your sister’s neshama and may it
serve as a merit for your wonderful family.
Mazel Tov and Congratulations to
Rabbi Yanky Hirsch
on this well-deserved honor.
The energy you bring to the Avos Ubanim Program and everything you do is
truly remarkable.
A special Yaasher Koach to President Mayer Heinemann for your amazing
devotion to the shul and the community.
We are proud to have you as a friend.
Mr. & Mrs. Avi Barasch,
Mr. & Mrs. Shmully Glaser,
Mr. & Mrs. Ari Ostreicher
Mazel Tov Yanky and Bayla
for the well-deserved recognition.
We are very proud.
Love - Tatty and Mommy Gross
A guy walks into a Bar and walks right up to the bartender and says,
'let me get 3 shots, fill er up!" So the bar tender fills him up 3 shots
in a row while the patron knocks em down, 1,2,3. When he's done,
he politely says, "les go for round 2!". So once ,again the bartender
fills him up 3 shots and he knocks em down 1,2,3! " Les go for round
3", he shouts again! At this point the bartender asks him if he was
sure he wanted another 3 shots, to which he replied, "YES!" After he
knocked down his third round of shots he looks at the bartender and
while shakin his head he says, "wow...I really shouldn't be drinkin
with what I have..." Nervous, the bartender asked him..."oh no, what
do you have?" to which he replied, "I ONLY GOT A DOLLA ON ME!!!"
and Family
Thank you to
Rabbi and Mrs Ahuva Walkin
For their generous sponsorship of tonight's
Shaitel Raffle
The KMT Family
In honor of
Rabbi and Rebbetzin Greenberg ‫שתחיה‬
For their tireless devotion and loyalty to our kehillah and with much gratitude
for the beautiful ‫ השפעה‬they have had on our family.
With appreciation,
Yanky and Sori Herskovits and family
Mazel tov to our amazing Daddy on his siyum, we are so proud of you!
May you continue to inspire us always.
Love, your Family
Mazel Tov
to tonight's honorees
Rabbi and Mrs Yanky Hersh
Rabbi and Mrs Ari Glazer
Dr and Mrs Nachum Augenbaum
A special Mazel Tov to the Rav and Rebbetzin
Josh and Aviva Brody
Thank you to
Mr and Mrs Howie Bodner
Party Source
For your continuous generosity to the shul
The KMT Family
Mazel Tov to all of to Ari, Nachum & All the Mesaymim.
You are True Machzikei Torah!
Mazel Tov to Rabbi and Mrs Yanky Hersh
In honor of the Rav and Rebbetzin
for the special care they show for the Kehilla
Rabbi and Mrs Tzvi Silverberg
A special thank you
to the dinner committee
for their tireless efforts in ensuring a beautiful evening
a special yasher koach
to my dear friend
Rabbi Eli Eisecovic
for always going over and beyond.
Yanky and Bayla Hersh
In honor and in appreciation of Rabbi and Mrs. Yanky Hersh.
Thank you for all you do for our kehillah!
Yehuda and Yehudis Yovits
Wishing Rabbi Greenberg and the Shul much success
Shaya Luzer Wolcowitz
Oceanview Nursing and Rehab Center
Mazel to a Great Rav and a Great Kehilla!
Congratulations to all the Honorees
Mr and Mrs Moshe Schreiber
Mazel Tov
The entire shul
on this special evening
Mr and Mrs Herb Ratner
In honor of the one and only Tzali Guttman
Mazel Tov to the all the honorees
Thank you to the Rav and Rebbetzin
Mr and Mrs Yossie Bauman
In Honor Of All of Tonight Honorees
Mazel Tov to the Rav and Rebbetzin
Mr and Mrs Yechiel Salzberg
Mazel Tov
To Rabbi and Mrs Yanky Hersh on a well deserved honor
To R’ Ari and Nochum on finishing and starting this project of Limud
To the Rav and Rebbetzin for being true leaders of the Kehilla
Yanky and Avigail Lesser
With tremendous Hakaras Hatov to Rabbi and Mrs Yanky Hersh
Mazel to Ari and Nochum and All the Mesaymim
Thank you to the Rav and Rebbetzin
B’ahava Raba
Mr and Mrs Alter Katz
In appreciation of the Rav and Rebbetzin
for their devotion to the community.
Mazel Tov to Rabbi and Mrs Yanky Hersh
Mazel Tov to Rabbi and Mrs Ari Glazer
Mazel Tov to Dr and Mrs Nochum Augenbaum
Moshe and Tova Bollag
In honor of the Rav & Rebbetzin
All of tonight's honorees
Mr and Mrs Rafi Leiner
Mazal Tov Ari (and Yosifa) on this most special occasion of making
the siyum on Shas. You are truly deserving of this great honor.
May you continue making many more siyumim I"H.
Uncle Duvy, Tanta Blumie and family
Tanta Faigy, Zeesy and Esti
Mazal tov to Rabbi & Mrs Yanky Hirsch
on your Hakaros Hatov award.
May you be zocheh continue to do your wonderful
work for all of klal yisroel
Daniel David
Mazel Tov
To all of the Honorees
May you all continue to be a source of pride to the Kehilla
Michael Orlofsky
In Honor of the Rav and Rebbetzin
Mazel Tov to all of tonight's Honorees and Mesaymim
We are proud to be a part of this special kehilla
Mr and Mrs Aryeh Gibber
Mazel Tov to all the honorees and all the mesaymim.
Yasher Koach to Rabbi and Rebbetzin Greenberg
for all they do for our shul as a klal and for our family.
May Hashem bentch you all with continued
Hatzlacha and Siyata D'shmaya in everything you do.
Aron Zelig & Pnina Rosenberg
Mazel tov and best wishes to all the honorees.
Tremendous thank you to the Rav, Rebbetzin,
and Rabbi Hersh for all that they do for
the community and all of Klal Yisroel.
Aryeh and Raizy Yanofsky
In honor of a truly special couple,
Yanky and Bayla Hersh
May you continue to go m'chayil l'chayil!
Shmuel and Estie Florans and family
To the many talented people that make the shul go!!
We would be lost without you.
Yehuda Kaufman
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In honor of Nachum and Perri Augenbaum
on this well deserved honor.
May Hashem grant you Nachas from your children and the strength to
continue the wonderful work you do on behalf of your Shul and community.
The Zechus of all the learning from the Kehila should be a Zechus for Chevy’s
Neshama and may she be a Melitzah Yeshara to you and your entire family.
Shalom & Lauren Gelbtuch
Mazel Tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Hersh!
Your dedication to your students and community is indeed praiseworthy.
Your smiles are infectious and your 'can-do' attitude is a wonder to behold.
We are excited to see you receive this well deserved recognition.
May Hashem continue to grant you much success in all your future endeavors.
Binyomin and Shonie Schwartz
Special Mazal tov to Reb Yanky Hersh and his Rebetzin
on a well deserved honor. We have a lot of Hakaros Hatov
for all the programs that you run here in the Shul.
Keep up the great work. We would like to take
this opportunity to show Hakaros hatov to the Rav and Rebetzin.
Mazal tov to all the Mesamai Hashas.
The Ungar Mishpacha
In Appreciation of Rabbi Ari Glazer on this special siyum Hashaas.
His devotion to his students, his simchat chayim, his kind and caring
personality have demonstrated to us how to be an exemplary individual!
May Rabbi Glazer continue to be a source of inspiration to all!
HAFTR Middle School Administration & Faculty
In Honor of Rabbi Yanky Hersh. Thank you for being a
tremendous inspiration to our sons in their learning and davening.
We hope be'ezras Hashem, that you continue to be a role model
and mashpia for all your talmidim. Mazel tov!
Ari and Racheli Hahn, Shaye and Shani Hirsh, Chaya Katz,
Avrohom and Helen Pultman, Frayda Ginsburg, and your talmidim,
Tzvi, Eli, Ephraim, Dov & Mordechai
Mazal Tov to a very special couple
Yanky & Baila
Your dedication to the Klal is exemplary and
an example to us all
With much Love & Admiration,
Mayer & Mimi Gold
Mazel Tov to all of this years dinner honorees
Rabbi and Mrs Yanky Hersh
Rabbi and Mrs Ari Glazer
Dr and Mrs Nochum Augenbaun
Mr and Mrs Momo Brecher
Congratulations to Rabbi Ari Glazer
Sharyn & Gary Kevin
Mazel Tov to all the honorees.
Shkoyach to the Rav and Rebbetzin for making the
shul a welcoming mokom Torah U'tefilah.
Special hakaras hatov is owed to those who work tirelessly for
the shul and community but who shun accolades. THANK YOU!
Mr. & Mrs. Shmuli Katz
Ari & Yosifa, We are so proud of what
you have accomplished already.
Tonight is just a little extra.
The Glazers of Elizabeth
Dad, Shulie, Danny and Sara Leah
Proud to be a part of such a special Kehilla!
Mazel tov to all the honorees
Special thank you to the Rav and Rebbetzin for all you for the klal
Mr and Mrs Yisroel Tzvi Schreiber
In honor of this very special Shul
all of its honorees
Mr and Mrs Michoel Rendler
Mazel Tov to all the honorees
Mazel Tov all the Mesaymim
The Stone Family
In honor of the Rav, the shul, and all of the Mesaymim
Mazel to to the honorees
Jonathan Cohen and Family
Telephone: (718) 327-0048
Office Hours
By Appointment
Mazel Tov to all the honorees
A special thank you and hakarat hatov to Rabbi Ari Glazer
for all he does for the community and our HAFTR family.
Danielle and Jason Bokor
In honor of
Adina Heinemann
A First Lady Extraordinaire!
In honor of the Rav, Mayer, and all the Misaymim!
Tatty and Mommy Heinemann
In Honor of My Partner
Mr. and Mrs. Nachum and Perri Augenabaum
Dr. and Mrs. Eliyahu and Sarale Koschitzki
To Reb Yanky and Mrs. Hersh,
Поздравляем получения этой самых достойных чести .
Мы должны собраться вместе для водкой и селедкой снова.
The Wohlgelernters
‫ מזל טונ‬to all the honorees. ‫ יישר כוח‬to the Rav & Rebbetzin .
May you continue to be a source of inspiration
for the shul and to the whole community.
Danny & Tzippy Eckstein
Mazel Tov
To the very special honorees
of this beautiful evening
Thank you to the Rav and Rebbetzin for all that you do.
Mr and Mrs Moish Monzcyk
In Honor of our past president Tzali Guttman for his devotion to
keeping us connected to Torah in Eretz Yisroel and doing so much
behind these scenes for the shul and the community
Mazel Tov to the Glazer's, Augenbaum's, and the Hersh's
May you all continue to be a "Machzik" for the entire kehilah
and community. Thank you for all that you do.
You should only see brocha and hatzlacha from everything.
Mr and Mrs. Gidon Orman
Dear Rabbi and Yosifa Glazer,
You’ve been a true inspiration to our family. You’ve worked tirelessly to
instill positive characteristic traits in all of your Talmidim throughout the
years. I am lucky to have had you as my Rebbe, as I’ve learned a lot from
you. On behalf of my wife and I, we thank you from the bottom
of our hearts! Mazel Tov!
Sincerely, CJ and Simone Gruner
For Rabbi Ari Glazer,
A truly deserving honoree.
Thank you for your kindness, inspiration
and hard work throughout the years. Mazel tov!
From Nancy, David, Debra & Jacob Stein
Mazal tov to the great Rabbi and Mrs. Yanky Hersh! We have such hakaras hatov to
you for the many years of devotion to the community. May Hashem bentch you with
continued energy and hatzlacha in all your avodas hakodesh. Special thanks to our Rov
and Rebbetzin for leading our kehilla each and every day. Thank you Rabbi Glazer & Dr.
Augenbaum for keeping the Torah learning alive. Deep appreciation to Tzali, Meir, Yechiel, Aron
Zelig, Yankee, R' Zvi Z. and all the people that keep the shul running!
Sincerely, Dovi & Ruchie Edell and Family
Mazel Tov to Rabbi Hersh, the "Worlds Greatest Rebbi"
on this well deserved honor. May Hashem continue to
give you the Koach to teach our children
Torah with your enthusiasm.
Fraidy & Mayer Maltz
Shaya, Moshe, Shmuel, and Daniel
Mazel Tov to all the Honorees.
A heartfelt hakaros hatov to the Rav for all that he
has done for the shul and the community.
Avi and Rivie Blum
Mazel Tov Yanky & Baila
on the Hakaras Hatov Award
Avi and Deena Stein
Mazel Tov to all of tonight's honorees
Thank you to the Rav for your tireless devotion to the klal
Daniel and Naami Drondoff
In honor of Rabbi Hersh
We are thrilled to have
you here in Inwood
(You came in with a bang)
Tzvi & Tova Leah Sussman
this wonderful recognition!
Shira Gutman
always your family is
on this well
proud of you!
& Uncle
Mr. & Aunt
In honor of Rabbi Glazer
An outstanding Rebbi and
an exemplary role model
Shulamis and Norbi Moskovits
Joshua, Yehuda and Donny
honor of
Wishing much
to all
the Chana
Lieberstein Family
Rika Knopf
Mazel tov to Rabbi and Mrs Hersh
on this well deserved honor.
May you continue to use your
kochos to be osek b'tzarchei tzibur.
Nechama Gorfinkel
Mazel Tov
to on this well
deserved honor. May Hashem bench you
We are so
of you!
Love your cousinson this
Chaya & Yossi, Ari & Tova,
Sheva & Aron,
Eli & ChaviFriedman
Mr. & Mrs. Avromy
Rabbi Glazer - congratulations on
this big accomplishment.
Many more hatzlachot to come.
Wishing you and your
mishpacha all the best.
Your dear old friend,
Jay S.
In honor of
Tzali and Chana Shira
From Yael's parents to Rivky's Mazal tov on
this well deserved honor, it's a pleasure
sharing daughters! KMT's loss is Inwood's
gain thank you for all you do for those
around you and all Klal Yisroel. Mazal Tov
R'Ari I remember KFC and the Chofetz Chaim
you said there like it was yesterday, the
Hashpah you had on me 20 years ago is still a
part of who I am today. Thank you Eli Katz
Rika Knopf
Mazel Tov to Rabbi & Mrs. Hersh on this
well deserved honor. Your dedication to
Torah and learning is unparalleled and
inspiring to everyone around you.
May Hashem give you the strength
to motivate klal yisroel ad mea v'esrim.
In Honor of our MC
A small thank you for a big yid
Sima and Shmuli Koegel
Tzali &To
Shira Gutman
Nachum Augenabaum
on this well deserved honour.
Mr. & Mrs. Avromy Friedman
Thank you toInall
out toand
amazing Shul tonight!
Avraham and Sarah
and Knopf
Yaakov and Rochel Leah
Mazel Tov to all of tonight's
Mr and Mrs Akiva Garbacz
Mazel Tov to
Rabbi and Mrs
Yanky Hersh
Izzy Hersh
In Honor
all to
those that
this evening
so special
& Chana
Shira Gutman
on this well deserved honour.
Mazel Tov to the Honorees
Mr. & Mrs. Avromy Friedman
Binyamin Kantor
Tov of
In honor
Tzali To
and Chana Shira
Thank you
For joining us on the special evening!
Mazel Tov!