The Shul - The 3 Million Mitzvahs Campaign


The Shul - The 3 Million Mitzvahs Campaign
The Shul
Weekly Magazine Sponsored By Mr. & Mrs. Martin and Ethel Sirotkin
and Dr. & Mrs. Shmuel and Evelyn Katz
An Institution of The Lubavitcher Rebbe,
May His Merit Shield Us
A House of Torah, Prayer And Acts of Goodness
Shabbos Parshas
Iyar 9 - 10, 5770
April 23 - 24, 2010
Candle Lighting: 7:30 PM
(See page 5 for full Shabbos schedule)
Pesach Sheni
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Iyar 14, 5770
Serving the Communities of Bal Harbour, Bay Harbor Islands, Indian Creek and Surfside
9540 Collins Avenue, Surfside, FL 33154
Tel: 305.868.1411
Fax: 305.861.2426
Weekly Message
Thoughts on the Parsha from Rabbi Sholom D. Lipskar
Shabbos Parshas
Prefacing the special holy
service of Yom Kippur the
Torah relates again the
event of Aaron’s two sons
passing away as a result of
bringing a foreign fire into
their holy service. What is
the correlation between this
tragic occurrence and the
laws of Yom Kippur?
Our Rabbis explain that Aaron’s two older sons, Nadav and
Aveehu, were actually very holy, committed
unconditionally to Hashem and on the very loftiest level of
human capacity. Their foreign fire refers to their
unrequited passion to be completely absorbed in G-d’s
Infinite Being beyond the constraints and limits of our
physical world.
Thanks to Chayale Lipskar for her lovely drawing depicting
Ahavas Yisrael. Chayale is a student in Sarah Libke Caplin’s art
classes, here at The Shul. If you are interested in registering your
child in this fun class, please turn to page 20 for full details.
Recognizing through their enormous intellect and
emotion that there was no greater achievement and no
greater spiritual delight than to be totally nullified into the
Source of all Life – the transcendent dimension of “the
Infinite Light”, they chose to enter into an ecstatic
yearning, escaping the physical boundaries of the “soul in
body” limits.
This is not what G-d intended in creating the world. The
purpose of creation is not to reject all that G-d made but
to harness and mold it to become a dwelling place for G-d
Almighty Himself.
On Yom Kippur when we resemble some aspect of an “out
of world” reality, not eating, drinking, bathing etc. and are
likened to angels, the Torah emphasizes that this
experience must not be construed in a way that minimizes
a prior commitment to this temporal/spatial world.
It is here in our material place, where our physical senses
are paramount and where the shells of our animalistic
tendencies encompass and overpower us, that we are
challenged and charged to fulfill our purpose to sanctify
our world and transform it into Hashem’s Garden. It is here
that we can delight in G-dly pleasures that can be evoked
only through revealing and releasing the holy essence that
is embedded in the lowest and most physical creation.
When the world is filled with G-dliness as the waters cover
the sea, Moshiach will be here.
Have a good Shabbos and a great week.
Doesn’t this look familiar? This picture of Rabbi Mendy Levy’s
brother, Zalman Levy, was taken in the Stara Synagogue in
Krakow recently. At first glance, you would think it was here in
The Shul!
The Shul Weekly Magazine
Everything you need for every day of the week
Special Thank You
ake a Deeper Look
Celebr ating Shabbos
Schedules, classes, articles and more... Everything you
need for an "Over the Top" Shabbos experience.
Kiddush Bank
The Investment with the Guaranteed Return
A Time to Pray
Check out all the davening schedules and locations
throughout the week.
Communit y Happenings
Dates to Celebrate and Commemorate.
Inspiration, Insights and Ideas
Bringing Torah lessons to LIFE.
Events Calendar
A great listing of the places you want to be and the
things you want to do!
Get the Picture
The full scoop on all the great events around town.
Kids Corner / Teen Seen
Educate, inspire and most of all have FUN!
Latin Link
Reflexión Semanal
French Connection
Réflexions sur la Paracha.
Just for the Gals
Delve into the power, strength and beauty in the life
of the Jewish Woman.
The ABC's of Aleph
Serving Jews in institutional and limited environments.
The Netw ork
Get Connected! All your advertising needs
in one convenient spot.
It’s Good To Know
Find out what's going on and how you can get involved.
Dail y Study
A complete guide to all classes and courses offered
at The Shul.
Featured Upcomi ng Events
Events you won’t want to miss.
Shul Office Hours
Mon. - Thurs.
*National Holidays and Chol Hamoed
9 am - 5 pm
9 am - 2 pm
9 am - 2 pm
Light & Power and Wine for Kiddush & Havdalah
for the month of Iyar is sponsored by:
The Falic Family
In honor of our brothers and sisters in the
Holy Land of Israel. L’Tiferet Medinat Yisrael Hakedosha.
Happy Birthday Shmuel, Danelle, Yosef and Rachel
“Those who establish Synagogues for prayer and those who come there to pray,
those who provide lights for illumination, wine for kiddush and havdalah, food
for the wayfarers and charity for the needy, and all those who occupy
themselves faithfully with communal affairs— may the Holy One, blessed be
He, give them their reward, remove them from all sickness, heal their entire
body, pardon all their sins, and send blessing and success to all their
endeavors, together with all Israel their brethren; and let us say Amen.”
- Shacharis for Shabbos.
Gabayim Corner
The Shul’s Gaboyim:
Mr. Allen Berry / Mr. Mauricio Fux / Mr. David Pollack /
Mr. Andrew Roth / Mr. David Portnoy /Mr. Henry Eichler
Please note that the distribution of Aliyot according to our customs
is in the order of certain Simchot, Yahrtzeits, Birthdays, Guests and
general rotation. We encourage you to participate in the weekday
Davening and Aliyot on Mondays and Thursdays.
Attention members and guests:
During the taking out of the Torah for leining, please allow seat
holders to return to their seats before occupying open seating.
Designated seats are for the use of members who dedicated them.
On Shabbos and Yom Tov, dedicated seats may be occupied by
anyone after 10:30 a.m. in the men’s section and 11:00 a.m. in the
women’s section.
Contacts at The Shul 305-868-1411
Rabbi’s Secretary
Kolel / Library
Youth Director
JLAC/Outreach/Adult Ed.
CYS College / Senior Kolel
Events /Office Manager
Rabbi Sholom Lipskar
Rabbi Zalman Lipskar
Mrs. Fay Garber
Mr. Terence Speyer
Rabbi Eily Smith
Rabbi Mendy Levy
Rabbi Shea Rubinstein
Rabbi Dov Schochet
Mrs. Geri Kelly
Mrs. Janice Barney
Mrs. Pnina Wuensch
Ms. Lydia Hasson
Kashrus Contact / Bulletin
Ms. Miriam Gitman
Singles/Special Projects
Youth Oversight /Dinner/ Mrs. Devorah Leah
Operations / Maintenance Mr. Shlomie Katan
Reception/Accounts Payable Mrs. Renee Moore
Chana or Shani
Chazan Shimshon Tzubeli
Sephardic Minyan
Mrs. Aurit Katan
Hebrew School
Please remember to take personal belongings with you when you leave The Shul.
Ext. 7315
Ext. 7345
Ext. 7315
Ext. 7326
Ext. 7304
Ext. 7333
Ext. 7342
Ext. 7343
Ext. 7341
Ext. 7318
Ext. 7313
Ext. 7314
Ext. 7319
Ext. 7328
Ext. 7322
Ext. 0
Ext. 7325
305 790-4634
Celebrating Shabbos With Our Youth
Everything you need for an "Over the Top" Shabbos experience
Shabbos Schedule
No longer will your children get lost amongst the crowds in Shul on
Shabbos morning. The Shul youth has worked together to organize a
highly educational and fun program for children and teens of all
ages. Each Shabbos morning program involves a mix of Tefilla
(prayer), Parsha (weekly Torah study) and general "Jewishness",
through games, songs, and stories. Taught by our very own Shul
Bochurim and youth girls, each child will experience Shabbos in its
full glory; leaving with a taste of holiness and fun memories that will
keep them coming back from week to week. A Kiddush exclusively
for the children culminates the exciting program.
10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Boys, ages 5-9: 2nd floor Youth Synagogue
Boys, ages 10-13: Main Sanctuary
Girls, ages 6-9: 2nd floor Classroom #2
Girls, ages 9-12: 2nd floor Classroom #2
10:30 a.m. until the end of Shul Services
Teen Girls, ages 15-18: Child Enrichment Center Classroom # 2
Shabbos with the Teen Boys Minyan
Ever wonder how you can teach your son to follow with a real
Minyan, or even run his own? The Shul youth has created the scene.
Every Shabbos morning, each teen has his own chance to play a
vital role in his own Shul Minyan, lead by one of our very own
Rabbis and Youth leaders. Every week all the boys have a chance to
act as Chazzan, Gabbai or ‘Rabbi’. This hands-on approach gives
each teen the opportunity to experience Shul and prayer to its
fullest, by involving them in every aspect of the Davening.
For Boys Only: ages 14-18
Child Enrichment Center Classroom # 2
10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
*Please note: The Teen Minyan is strictly for the Teens. We would
appreciate it if adults would stay in the Main Sanctuary.
For more information: Contact 305 868 1411 ext. 7345
(At the back of the women’s section of the Sanctuary)
10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Tween Girls, ages 12-14: Rabbi Lipskar’s Conference Room
10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Toddler Program with Morah Malkie (ages 0 - 4)
Teen Girls Room (front of Women’s Sanctuary)
6:15 p.m.
Father & Son (2nd floor)
Sponsorship available at $100
7:25 p.m.
Leibl’s Mishnayos Ba’al Peh for all Boys (Youth Synagogue)
Messibos Shabbos for Girls: Classroom 1
For more information on any of our Youth Programming, please contact
Rabbi Mendy at 305 868-1411 ext 7333
Father & Son
Every Shabbos at 6:15pm (2nd floor)
Learning * Stories * Ice-Cream * Lucky Dips
Sponsorship available at $100 - please contact Rabbi Mendy Levy at
305 868-1411 ext 7333 or send an email to
Messibos Shabbos
For Girls
An exciting program for all Girls: 1st-5th Grade.
Every Shabbos afternoon at 7:25pm (Afternoon Mincha)
In Classroom # 1
Come and Enjoy Tzivos HaShem learning, great food &
nosh, prizes, games and stories.
Leibl’s Mishnayos Ba’al Peh
For Boys
Every Shabbos afternoon between Mincha & Maariv
In the Youth Synagogue (upstairs)
Shalosh Seudos Served!
Torah Quiz
Questions This Week:
1. Why did Mrs. Kimchis merit to see her seven sons Kohanim
Gedolim in the Beis Hamikdash? (Vayirkra Rabbah)
2. What did the Kohen Gadol have on his foot when he
entered The Holy of Holies? (Zohar Hakadosh)
3. Which sins won’t Yom Kippur atone for? (Gemorah Yoma)
Answers for Last Week:
1. When a gossiper was declared quarantined for being a
Metzorah, he was expelled from his home to reside outside
the city. At that time his actual breath was dangerous too.
2. The Eirev Rav (the mixed multitude) that made the eigel
(the golden calf), were smitten with Tara’as.
3. The word “Metzorah” stands for “Motzie Sheim Rah” –
“spreading a bad name.”
New Rules for The Torah Quiz...
One winner per question. Each child may only answer one
question. Answers may be given from after Mincha on Friday
afternoon until the printing of the next week’s bulletin. Tell your
answer to Rabbi Mendy Levy or e-mail them before or after
Shabbos to: If you answer your questions
correctly ten weeks in a row, you will qualify to win a MP3 music
Prizes kindly sponsored by the Goldczer Family.
Last Week’s Winners
David Ben-Arie
Prizes kindly sponsored by the Goldczer Family
Shabbos Parshas Acharei-Kedoshim
Celebrating Shabbos
Everything you need for an "Over the Top" Shabbos experience
The Friday Evening Service and Shabbos Torah Portion
Friday Night
Shabbos Day
Shabbos Day
Yedid Nefesh pg. 151
pgs. 99-101
pg. 101
(Stone Chumash)
Torah Portions
pgs. 636-670
pg. 1173
(Gutnick Chumash)
Torah Portions pgs. 130-174
pg. 259
Kiddush This Week
Friday Evening
Early Mincha / Kabbalat Shabbos
6:10 p.m.
Candle lighting
7:30 p.m.
Mincha / Kabbalat Shabbos
7:30 p.m.
Shabbos Day
Hashkama Minyan
7:15 a.m.
Tanya / Hayom Yom
8:35 a.m.
Shacharis (Morning Services)
8:45 a.m.
Children's Program
10:00 a.m.
Teen Minyan (Haime Library)
10:30 a.m.
Shabbos Women’s Tanya: Classroom #1 +/- 11:40 a.m.
With Mrs. Vivian Perez
After Davening
12:00 p.m.
Father & Son (2nd floor)
6:15 p.m.
Shabbos Women’s Class
6:45 p.m.
Ethics of the Fathers
6:30 p.m.
Daf Yomi
6:30 p.m.
Mincha followed by Shalosh Seudos
7:15 p.m.
Avot Chapter 3
Leibl’s Mishnayos for Boys
7:25 p.m.
Messibos Shabbos for Girls
7:25 p.m.
Shabbos Ends / Ma’ariv & Havdalah
8:24 p.m.
Weekly Video of The Rebbe
In the evening count Sefira 26
Sephardic Minyan
Friday Evening
Shabbat Day
Shabbat Ends / Arvit & Havdalah
Next Week:
Candle lighting
7:33 p.m.
7:35 p.m.
Sponsored by Dr. & Mrs. Shmuel and Evelyn Katz and
Mr. & Mrs. Jose and Sara Kavana in honor of the birth of their
granddaughter. May they have only nachas from her.
Co-sponsored by Mr. Abe Stein
in honor of the yahrtzeit of his mother, Rivka bas Reb Yisrael Tzvi
and by Dr. Fran Glicksman in honor of the yahrtzeit of her mother,
Rochel Esther bas Benjamin. May their neshamas have an aliyah.
Shalosh Seudos This Week
Co-sponsored by Mrs. Lillian Glick in honor of the yahrtzeit of her father,
Chaim Leib ben Yitzchak, on 8 Iyar. May his neshama have an aliyah.
Please help us cover the cost of non-sponsored Kiddushim by
becoming a Partner or Patron of our Kiddush Bank.
Kiddushim at The Shul
Please help us continue to provide our weekly Shabbos Kiddush
and Shalosh Seudos by offering to become a sponsor.
Sponsorship by one or more individuals is encouraged.
The following dates are available for sponsorship:
Shalosh Seudos:
May 8, 15, 22, 29
May 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
If you wish to become a sponsor, please speak with Pnina
at 305 868-1411 x 7313 or email:
7:30 p.m.
8:45 a.m.
7:15 p.m.
8:24 p.m.
The Shul has a “Kiddush Bank” to ensure that there are always
adequate funds to cover the costs of our weekly,
non-sponsored Shabbos Kiddushim and Shalosh Seudos.
Eruv Information
We would like to emphasize that every Erev Shabbos, individuals
should call the Eruv Hotline to make sure that the Eruv is
operational prior to carrying on Shabbos.
The number is 305- 866-ERUV (3788).
The Eruv message is recorded approximately two hours prior to
Candle lighting. Please note that the Eruv in Bal Harbour and
Surfside does not include the path along the beach. The backs of
the buildings form the Eruv in that section. It is forbidden to
push strollers or carry anything on this path or beach area on
There are two levels of participation:
Partner - annual contribution of $770
Patron - annual contribution of $360
Please help make our Kiddushim special.
Partners and Patrons will be matched with un-sponsored
Kiddushim and your name will appear in the bulletin as the
Kiddush sponsor on the week your donation is applied.
To participate in this mitzvah please call Pnina at (305) 868-1411 x 7313
Or email
Shabbos Parshas Acharei-Kedoshim
Kiddush Bank
The Investment with a Guaranteed Return
Our very special thanks to the following Partners & Patrons
whose contributions helped us to cover most of the costs of the
un-sponsored Kiddushim and Farbrengens as listed below.
Partners - annual contribution of $770:
Patrons - annual contribution of $360:
Mr. Bernard Werner
Mr. & Mrs. Moishe and Fayge Hersman
Dr. & Mrs. Bernard and Carolyn Baumel
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen and Bella Brenner
Mr. & Mrs. Boruch & Yonit Duchman
Mr. & Mrs. Edward and Pauline Kopelman
Mr. & Mrs. Temuri and Maya Nanikashvili
Mr. & Mrs. Sholom Moshe and Sarah Sheridan
Mr. Peter Schwalbe & Mrs. Jody Soltanoff
Mr. & Mrs. Michael and Dana Werner
Mr. & Mrs. Silvio & Carina Sitkowski
Mr. & Mrs. Neil Pershin
Mr. Abe Stein
Mr. & Mrs. Beryl & Florence Miller
Rabbi & Mrs. Simeon and Rose Schreiber
Mr. & Mrs. Baruch and Feige Knight
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan & Blimie Levy
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey and Lillian Glick
Dr. & Mrs. Gene and Sandra Moteles
Mr. & Mrs. Martin and Susan Packer
Total Revenue for Kiddush Bank 5770: $11,300
Un-Sponsored Events
Sept. 20
Oct. 4
Oct. 9
Oct. 9
Oct. 10
Oct. 10
Oct. 31
Dec. 5
Dec. 25
Jan. 2
Feb. 6
Feb. 13
Feb. 20
Feb. 27
Apr. 10
2nd Day of Rosh Hashanah Farbrengen
Sukkot Kiddush (2nd Day)
Eve of Shemini Atzeret Hakafot Kiddush
Shemini Atzeret After Hakafot Meal
Shemini Atzeret Day Special Kiddush
Eve of Simchat Torah Hakafot Kiddush
Shabbos Kiddush
Shabbos Kiddush
Shabbos Kiddush
Shabbos Kiddush
Shabbos Kiddush
Shabbos Kiddush
Shabbos Kiddush
Shabbos Kiddush
Shabbos Kiddush
Paid by Kiddush Bank
Total Expense on non-sponsored 5770 Kiddushim: $13,800
Current Shortfall: $2,500
(Excluding the expenses for all the non-sponsored Shalosh Seudos
meals provided by The Shul)
Make a deposit in our Kiddush Bank
Call Pnina at 305 868 1411 ext. 7313 to share in this special mitzvah.
A Time to Pray
Davening schedules and locations throughout the week
Daily Learning Schedule at The Shul
MORNING SCHEDULE - Monday through Thursday
6:20 - 6:50 am
Sichos Kodesh
Parshas Emor
R’ Zalman Lipskar
7:00 - 7:25 am
Kitzur Shulchan Aruch
R’ Dov Schochet
8:00 - 8:45 am
Daf Yomi
R’ Dov Schochet
8:45 - 9:00 am
1 Chapter per day
R’ Dov Schochet
8:45 am (approx)
Sephardic Custom
Shimshon Tzubeli
10:00 - 10:45 am
Sicha of the Rebbe - Textual
R’ Shea Rubinstein
Daily Chumash & Tanya after every Minyan
EVENING KOLEL SCHEDULE - Monday through Thursday - 8:00-10:00 pm
Mon. to Thurs.
8:00 – 9:00 pm
Chavrusah ~ Subject of Choice
1st Session
Mon. to Thurs.
9:00 - 10:00 pm
Chavrusah ~ Subject of Choice
2nd Session
Daily Minyanim at The Shul
6:50 am
7:30 am
8:00 am
9:00 am
2:00 pm
7:30 pm
10:00 pm
Wednesday Thursday
No Minyan
R’ Zalman Lipskar R’ Zalman Lipskar R’ Zalman Lipskar R’ Zalman Lipskar
No Minyan
R’ Shimon Shur
R’ Mendy Levy
R’ Mendy Levy
R’ Shimon Shur
R’ Dov Schochet
No Minyan
No Minyan
No Minyan
No Minyan
R’ Zalman Lipskar R’ Dov Schochet R’ Dov Schochet R’ Dov Schochet R’ Dov Schochet
No Minyan
R’ Mendy Levy
R’ Mendy Levy
R’ Mendy Levy
R’ Mendy Levy
R’ Zalman Lipskar
R’ Mendy Levy
R’ Dov Schochet
R’ Dov Schochet
No Minyan
See Complete
on page 5
R’ Shimon Shur
R’ Dov Schochet
R’ Dov Schochet
R’ Dov Schochet
R’ Shimon Shur
R’ Sholom Lipskar
No Minyan
Sephardic Minyanim at The Shul
8:00 am
9:00 am
7:30 pm
Wednesday Thursday
Shimshon Tzubeli Shimshon Tzubeli Shimshon Tzubeli Shimshon Tzubeli Shimshon Tzubeli
See Complete
Shabbat Schedule
on page 5
Shimshon Tzubeli Shimshon Tzubeli Shimshon Tzubeli Shimshon Tzubeli Shimshon Tzubeli Shimshon Tzubeli
Shimshon Tzubeli
Halachic Times for the Week: Based on times for Apr. 28, 2010
Alot Hashachar / Dawn
Earliest Talit & Tefillin
Netz Hachamah / Sunrise
(Earliest Amidah)
Latest Shema
Zman Tfillah
Chatzot / Midday
Earliest Mincha
Plag HaMincha
Shekiah / Sunset
5:33 am
5:58 am
6:46 am
10:01 am
11:07 am
1:17 pm
1:50 pm
6:28 pm
7:50 pm
(preferable latest time for Mincha)
Tzeit Hakochavim/Nightfall
8:19 pm
(earliest preferable Ma’ariv)
(Times taken from
Please note that during the week the times may vary by a minute or two.)
The Shul of Downtown
Shacharis Monday & Thursday only
Monday through Thursday
8:00 am
2:00 pm
Rabbi Chaim Lipskar
48 East Flagler Street, #363 (3rd Floor), Miami
305-373-8303 or 786-368-9040
This is Hashem’s House!
When in the Sanctuary ……...…shh!…...…...
If you speak in Shul...then where do you Pray?
Community Happenings
Dates to Celebrate and Commemorate
Mazel Tov
Mazel Tov to Mr. & Mrs. Jordan and Nicole Kavana on the birth of a
daughter, Charlotte, on 5 Iyar. May they raise her to Torah, Chupah
and Ma’asim Tovim and have much nachas from her. Mazel Tov to
the grandparents, Dr. & Mrs. Shmuel and Evelyn Katz and Mr. &
Mrs. Jose and Sara Kavana. Mazel Tov also to great-grandfather,
Mr. Sami Rohr and great-grandmother, Savta Katz.
Mazel Tov to Mr. & Mrs. Richard and Malka Sragowicz on the birth
of a son on 6 Iyar. May they raise him to Torah, Chupah and
Ma’asim Tovim and have much nachas from him. Mazel Tov to the
grandparents, Dr. & Mrs. John and Raquel Sragowicz and Mr. &
Mrs. Eliezer and Chani Kain. Mazel Tov also to the greatgrandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Leon and Mina Sragowicz.
Have you celebrated a special occasion that warrants a Mazel
Please email all info to or call 305 868 1411
Iyar 10
Iyar 10
Iyar 11
Iyar 11
Iyar 11
Iyar 12
Iyar 12
Iyar 12
Iyar 13
Iyar 13
Iyar 13
Iyar 13
Iyar 13
Iyar 14
Iyar 14
Iyar 15
Iyar 16
Iyar 16
Iyar 16
Ms. Dahlia Jacobs
Mr. Mark Blumstein
Mr. Edward Marcus
Mrs. Hindy Rivkin
Mrs. Rivka Shapiro
Mrs. Fortuna Kopel
Ms. Rhoda Lipton
Ms. Sady Knobloch
Mr. Jonathan Levy
Mr. Marc Olesky
Mr. Shlomi Katan
Ms. Marta Perl
Ms. Shany Zacks Meira
Mrs. Monica Sugar
Ms. Valerie Soued
Mr. Isaac Zelcer
Dr. Vernon Dorfman
Ms. Hilary Alexandra Owen
Mrs. Orly Alexander
Our Kids’ Birthdays
Iyar 10
Iyar 10
Iyar 10
Iyar 11
Iyar 11
Iyar 13
Iyar 14
Iyar 14
Iyar 14
Iyar 15
Iyar 15
Iyar 15
Iyar 16
Tiffany Nanikashvili
Shai Toledano
Daniel Elnatan Ness
Isaac Benoliel
Danelle Alexandra Levi
Joseph Levi
Max Naggar
Jake Mayer Gelb
Yosef Itzak Gansburg
Zac Hamburger
Zoe Hamburger
Chase Werner
Eily Goldfarb
Thanks to Our Volunteers
Iyar 11
Miriam Brooks obm
Mother of Mrs. Melina Weinflash
Iyar 12
Meir ben Avraham obm
Father of Mrs. Joyce Robinson
Iyar 12
Rivka bas Reb Yisrael Tzvi obm
Mother of Mr. Abe Stein
Iyar 13
Chashka bas Reuvain Hacohen obm
Mother of Mr. Allen Berry
Iyar 13
Aryeh Leib ben Shmuel obm
Father of Dr. Raymond Failer
Iyar 13
Mota ben Yosef obm
Brother of Mr. Irving Hoine
Iyar 13
Shlomo ben Sara obm
Husband of Mrs. Mireille Shaio
Iyar 15
Yaakov Leventhal obm
Father of Mrs. Raquel Rubin
Refuah Shleimah
Zachariah Kalman HaCohen ben
Allen ben Rebecca
Chaim ben Nechama
Mayer ben Jamie
Eliyahu ben Batiya
Joseph ben Alegria
Moshe ben Henia
Ariel Leib ben Nechama
Baruch ben Tzipa Faiga
Yitzchak Chaim ben Rivkah Yehudis
Rachmiel ben Miriam
Beryl ben Miriam
Levi Yitzchok ben Tzirel
Binyomin ben Chasha Riva
Yaakov ben Esther Gittel (Mr. Jacob
Avraham Yosef ben Sofie
Yishaia ben Celia
Yitzchok ben Chana Rochel
Avrum ben Moshe
Moshe Yehuda ben Sheva Ruchel
Yaakov ben Miriam
Aron Wolf
Baruch Chaim ben Tuve (psalm # 5
for his speedy recovery)
Ariel ben Miriam
Mordechai Gershon ben Malia
Raphael Moshe ben Sara
(Mr. Moshe Behar)
Pnina bat Hannah
Miriam bas Rivka
Rachel bas Yula
Leah bas Shaindel
Rivka bas Esther
Itel Dina bas Shivra
Shima bas Sarah
Chaya Leah bas Yenta
Rachel bas Bracha
Chayah Yehudis Meusheres
bas Rachel Sheli
Pessa Devorah bas Malka
Sandal bas Leah (Sonia Kawa)
Bracha bas Sarah
Leah bas Feiga
Esther bas Hilda
Chaya bas Ginta
Miriam Hagar bas Chayenah
Chaya bas Rachel
Leah bas Miriam Rachel
Freda bas Adelle
Haddassah Rivka bas Sara
Ilana Leah bas Shaindel Rochel
Malka bas Shoshana
Ruchama Alisa Sara Chana bas
Esther Liba
Rina Chaya Miriam bas Leah Bracha
Plutno. Please read Tehillim
especially #10, for her speedy
Bikur Cholim
The Shul thanks all our Volunteers for their
invaluable help:
If you or someone you know is not feeling well or is
undergoing health issues and would like a visit, we want
to hear from you.
Mrs. Sarah Libke Caplin for assisting at the front desk
Mrs. Ofelia Wiener for assisting the Hashkama Minyan
Please call Fay at The Shul or send an email.
Tel: (305) 868-1411 ext. 7315 or
Community Happenings
Dates to Celebrate and Commemorate
A Friend’s Pledge
Special Thank You
We sincerely thank the following members & supporters of The
Shul for donations received between 04/13/10 and 04/19/10.
We apologize for any errors or omissions we may have made.
Ms. Suzanne Albergel-Nahon
Mr. Menachem Koegel
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Alibayof
Dr. & Mrs. Allan Krieger
Ms. Zisa Levin
Mr. & Mrs. David Lichter
Ms. Faith Aronoff
Mr. & Mrs. William Lustgarten
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Averbach
Mr. & Mrs. Monroe Milstein
Mr. Halimi Azizollah
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Moore
Mr. Isaac Barber
Mr. & Mrs. Simon Moshel
Dr. & Mrs. Ivan Berend
Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Motzen
Mr. Lawrence Blenden
Ms. Vivian Naimer
Mr. & Mrs. Danny Bortunk
Mr. & Mrs. Temuri Nanikashvili
Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Boruchin
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Ohayon
Mr. & Mrs. Isaie Bouhadana
Mr. Mordechai Olesky
Cannes Capital Adv.
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Osman
Ms. Carole Cantor
Mr. Emile Pariente
Mr. & Mrs. Philippe Cohen
Dr. Ernesto Pataky
Mr. Mario Cytrynbaum
Premier Glatt
Ms. Sophie Dadure Bitton
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Pruchno
Dr. & Mrs. Vernon Dorfman
Mr. Daniel Reboh
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Dubrofsky
Mr. & Mrs. Raphael Reboh
Mr. & Mrs. Zalman Duchman
Rabbi Mansfred M. Rechtschaffen
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Esformes
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Scott Restler
Dr. & Mrs. Raymond Failer
Mr. Brian Roller
Falic Family Foundation
Mrs. Tessie Rosenfeld
Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Feltenstein
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Rosenstein
Ms. Doryse Franco
Dr. & Mrs. S. Robert Rozbruch
Mr. & Mrs. Isaac Gilbert Franco
Mr. Robert Ruah
Ms. Jessie Franco
Ms. Meryl H. Schneider
Mr. & Mrs. Eli Freund
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Sheftel
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Gad
Mr. & Mrs. Marc Sheridan
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Gellman
Ms. Eva Shore
Ms. Mildred Goldczer
Mr. Andrew Sperber
Mr. Beryl Golomb
Mr. & Mrs. Abe Sreter
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Gross
Dr. & Mrs. Menahem Srur
Mr. & Mrs. Roshi Handwerger
Mr. Michael Taplashvili
Mr. & Mrs. Moishe Hersman
Rabbi & Mrs. Shmuel Tevardovitz
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Herzka
Ms. Ivanna Trachter
Mr. & Mrs. Abel Holtz
Mrs. Esther Vlosky
Mr. Jesse Izak
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Weinberger
Ms. Lisa Kates
Mr. & Mrs. Victor Weingarten
Dr. & Mrs. Shmuel Katz
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Weintraub
Mr. Natan Kaufman
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Weiss
Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Kern
Mr. & Mrs. Darren Zavilowitz
Mr. & Mrs. Mitch Kirchner
Mr. & Mrs. Avrom Chaim
Ms. Anne S. Kirschner
Kashrus Korner
For a complete list of Kosher Miami certified establishments,
please visit our web site at .
This Shabbos, turn to your neighbor
and introduce yourself.
Notice Board
Come help The Shul build our Float for the
Lag B'Omer Unity Parade!
This Sunday, April 25, 2010
from 10am-2pm at The Shul.
The Unity Parade will be held on Lag B'Omer
Sunday, May 2, 2010
(Complete details on back page)
Pesach Sheni Farbrengen
“It’s Never Too Late”
Tuesday, April 27, 2010 at 9:00pm
At the home of Mr. & Mrs. Eli Freund
130 Park Dr., Bal Harbour Village.
Communal Notice From The
Greater Miami Jewish Federation
ParnossahWorks Miami
The ParnossahWorks program matches Employers and Job
Seekers. This new community employment program
provides Job Seekers with tools for finding employment as
well as Employers with an opportunity to find pre-screened
candidates. This service is free for the Miami-Dade Jewish
Job Seekers should post their resumes directly to the website where they can apply for a position or contact a career
counselor at the number below. Do not hesitate to
contact me with any questions. We are truly partners in
"repairing the world."
Sydney Carpel
To sign up for kosher notifications by email go to, and/or
Do you need help with going Kosher? For personalized
assistance, call Lydia at 305 868 1411 ext 7314
Inspiration, Insights & Ideas
Bringing Torah lessons to LIFE!
Parsha Messages
Halacha of the Week
Your Guide to Personal Freedom
By Rabbi Dov Schochet
Counting the Omer: Weeks Four/Five
Timely Payments
In this week’s Torah portion we are commanded to pay our
employees in a timely fashion. The reason for this Mitzvah is
explicit in the Torah: "and he sets his heart upon it: lest he cry
against you to G-d". A laborer is depending on his payment in
order to purchase food and all of his other needs. If his employer
is late in paying him, his very being is threatened. Therefore,
when one withholds payment they transgress a prohibition and
the positive Mitzvah of paying wages on time.
The Torah tells us that the proper time to pay is dependant on
whether it’s a day or night laborer. If the work was completed at
night, the employer has until the morning to pay. If the work
was completed during the day the employer must pay before the
night begins. This law applies to contractors as well. If one hires
someone to clean their clothing, as soon as they receive the
finished product they must make payment before either the day
or night comes, as above.
As with all monetary law, prevailing customs are controlling.
Hence, in a place where the accepted practice is not to make
payment immediately but to wait till the end of the week or
month, the employer is within his rights to withhold payment
until then. The reason being that the laborer, knowing this
custom, implicitly agrees to such a payment schedule by not
explicitly stipulating otherwise at the time of hiring (obviously,
once the end of the week or month comes the obligation is in
Even though the Torah commandment only applies to the first
morning or evening after the work was finished (and once the
employer is late he no longer transgresses by further delaying
payment), still our sages teach us based on a verse in Proverbs
that every time the employee demands payment and is rebuffed
the employer is transgressing a law of the prophets.
If the employee does not demand payment or if the employer
has no funds to pay, the transgression does not apply (the
language in the Torah is "do not hold by you" implying that the
employer has the funds).
When one hires his employees through an agent the Torah
prohibition does not apply. Therefore, many scholars would only
hire through an agent so as not to come to a Torah prohibition in
case they were busy at the end of the day. Still they would be
careful to pay on time, recognizing the importance of these
funds to the worker.
In a similar vein, the Talmud teaches that if one hired workers
and through their own negligence they broke the merchandise, if
the employer has the ability he should not charge the laborer. If
the laborer was poor the employer should even pay him and go
in the path of the righteous and go beyond the letter of the law.
This teaches the sensitivity we must have—even when we are
justified to withhold wages we must always be sympathetic to
the needs of others. In treating others this way we can be sure
that G-d will reciprocate and treat us the same.
This is an excerpt from “Counting the Omer – A Spiritual Guide”
by Rabbi Simon Jacobson.
Day 25- Netzach of Netzach: Endurance in Endurance
Everyone has willpower and determination. We have the capacity
to endure much more than we can imagine, and to prevail under
the most trying of circumstances. Ask yourself: Is my behavior
erratic? Am I inconsistent and unreliable? Since I have will and
determination, why am I so mercurial? Am I afraid of accessing
my endurance and committing? Do I fear being trapped by my
commitment? If yes, why? Is it a reaction to some past trauma?
Instead of cultivating endurance in healthy areas, have I
developed a capacity for endurance of unhealthy experiences? Do I
endure more pain than pleasure? Do I underestimate my capacity
to endure?
Exercise for the day: Commit yourself to developing a new
good habit.
Day 26 - Hod of Netzach: Humility in Endurance
Yielding - which is a result of humility - is an essential element of
enduring. Standing fast can sometimes be a formula for
destruction. The oak, lacking the ability to bend in the hurricane,
is uprooted. The reed, which yields to the wind, survives without a
problem. Do I know when to yield, out of strength not fear? Why
am I often afraid to yield?
Endurance is fueled by inner strength. Hod of Netzach is the
humble recognition and acknowledgement that the capacity to
endure and prevail comes from the soul that G-d gave each
person. This humility does not compromise the drive of
endurance; on the contrary, it intensifies it, because human
endurance can go only so far and endure only so much, whereas
endurance that comes from the Divine soul is limitless. Do I
attribute my success solely to my own strength and
determination? Am I convinced that I am all-powerful due to my
level of endurance? Where do I get the strength at times when
everything seems so bleak?
Exercise for the day: When you awake, acknowledge G-d for
giving you a soul with the extraordinary power and versatility to
endure despite trying challenges. This will allow you to draw
energy and strength for the entire day.
Day 27 - Yesod of Netzach: Bonding in Endurance
Bonding is an essential quality of endurance. It expresses your
unwavering commitment to the person or experience you are
bonding with, a commitment so powerful that you will endure all
to preserve it. Endurance without bonding will not endure.
Exercise for the day: To ensure the endurance of your new
resolution, bond with it immediately. This can be assured by
promptly actualizing your resolution in some constructive deed or
committing yourself to another.
Day 28 - Malchus of Netzach: Nobility in Endurance
Sovereignty is the cornerstone of endurance. Endurance that
encompasses the previous six qualities is indeed a tribute and
testimony to the majesty of the human spirit.
Is my endurance dignified? Does it bring out the best in me? When
faced with hardships do I behave like a king or queen, walking
proudly with my head up, confident in my G-d-given strengths, or
do I cower and shrivel up in fear?
Exercise for the day: Fight for a dignified cause.
Inspiration, Insights & Ideas
Bringing Torah lessons to LIFE!
Weekly Words of Wisdom
During the fifth week of counting the Omer, we examine and
refine the emotional attribute of Hod or humility. Humility – and
the resulting yielding – should not be confused with weakness
and lack of self-esteem. Hod or humility is modesty - it is
acknowledgment (from the root of the Hebrew word "hoda'ah"). It
is saying "thank you" to G-d. It is clearly recognizing your qualities
and strengths and acknowledging that they are not your own;
they were given to you by G-d for a higher purpose than just
satisfying your own needs. Humility is modesty; it is recognizing
how small you are which allows you to realize how large you can
become. And that makes humility so formidable.
I am a Jew
‫אני יהודי‬
Written by an Israeli named Dan Sporn
‫נכתב ע"י ישראלי בשם דן ספורן‬
Our condition, in Israel, has never been better than it is now! Only
the television and the media make people think that the end of
the world is near. Only 67 years ago, Jews were brought to death
like sheep to slaughter. NO country, NO army. Only 62 years ago,
seven Arab countries declared war on little Israel, the Jewish State,
just a few hours after it was established.
A full cup cannot be filled. When you're filled with yourself and
your needs, "I and nothing else", there is no room for more. When
!‫ מעולם לא היה טוב יותר מאשר עכשיו‬,‫ בישראל‬,‫המצב שלנו‬
you "empty" yourself before something greater than yourself,
.‫רק הטלוויזיה והתקשורת גורמים לאנשים לחשוב שסוף העולם קרב‬
your capacity to receive increases beyond your previously
.‫ ללא צבא‬,‫ ללא מדינה‬.‫ יהודים הובאו למוות כצאן לטבח‬,‫ שנים‬67 ‫רק לפני‬
perceived limits. Humility is the key to transcendence; to reach
‫ מדינת‬,‫ מדינות ערב הכריזו מלחמה על ישראל הקטנה‬7 ,‫ שנים‬62 ‫רק לפני‬
beyond yourself. Only true humility gives you the power of total
.‫ רק כמה שעות לאחר היווסדה‬,‫היהודים‬
objectivity. Humility is sensitivity; it is healthy shame out of
We were 650,000 Jews against the rest of the Arab world. No IDF
recognition that you can be better than you are and that you can
(Israeli Defense Forces) or Air Force. We were only a small group of
expect more of yourself. Although humility is silent it is not a
stubborn people with nowhere to go.
void. It is a dynamic expression of life that includes all seven
qualities of love, discipline, compassion, endurance, humility,
.‫ יהודים כנגד שאר העולם הערבי‬650,000 ‫היינו‬
bonding and sovereignty.
‫ היינו רק קבוצה קטנה של‬.‫ללא צה"ל )צבא הגנה לישראל( או חיל אוויר‬
.‫אנשים עקשנים עם שום מקום לאן ללכת‬
Day 29 - Chesed of Hod: Loving-kindness in Humility
Examine the love in your humility. Healthy humility is not
Remember: Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Egypt, Libya, and Saudi
demoralizing; it brings love and joy not fear. Humility that lacks
Arabia, they all attacked at once. The state that the United
love has to be reexamined for its authenticity. Sometimes
Nations "gave" us was 65% desert. We started it from zero.
humility can be confused with low self-esteem, which would
‫ כולם תקפו בעת‬,‫ לוב וערב הסעודית‬,‫ מצרים‬,‫ ירדן‬,‫ עירק‬,‫ סוריה‬,‫ לבנון‬:‫זכרו‬
cause it to be unloving. Humility brings love because it gives you
.‫ מדבר‬65% ‫ המדינה שהאומות המאוחדות "נתנו" לנו הייתה‬.‫ובעונה אחת‬
the ability to rise above yourself and love another. Does my
.‫התחלנו את זה מאפס‬
humility cause me to be more loving and giving? More expansive?
Or does it inhibit and constrain me?
Only 43 years ago, we fought three of the strongest countries in
the Middle East , and we crushed them in the Six Day War.
Exercise for the day: Before praying with humility and
acknowledgment of G-d, give some
‫ נלחמנו נגד שלוש המדינות‬,‫ שנים‬43 ‫רק לפני‬
charity. It will enhance your prayers.
‫ וריסקנו אותם‬,‫החזקות ביותר במזרח תיכון‬
The Shul’s
.‫במלחמת ששת הימים‬
Day 30 - Gevurah of Hod:
Discipline in Humility
Over the years we fought different
Humility must be disciplined and
coalitions of 20 Arab countries with
focused. When should my humility
modern armies and with huge amounts
cause me to compromise and when not?
of Russian-Soviet ammunition, and we
In the name of humility do I sometimes
still won.
remain silent and neutral in the face of
‫במהלך השנים נלחמנו בקואליציות שונות של‬
wickedness? Humility must also include
‫ מדינות ערב עם צבאות חדשניים וכמות‬20
respect and awe for the person or
Call 786-539-8521 anytime
,‫עצומה של תחמושת רוסית – סובייטית‬
experience before whom you stand
(besides Shabbos and Yomtov)
humble. If my humility is wanting, is it
to ask a halachic question.
because I don't respect another?
Today we have a beautiful country, a
Exercise for the day: Focus in on
powerful Army, a strong air Force, an
your reluctance to commit in a given area to see if it originates
adequate Navy and a thriving high tech industry. Intel, Microsoft,
from a healthy, humble place.
and IBM have all developed their businesses here.
‫ חיל ים הולם‬,‫ חיל אוויר חזק‬,‫ צבא רב עוצמה‬,‫היום יש לנו מדינה יפיפייה‬
Day 31 - Tiferet of Hod: Compassion in Humility
Examine if your humility is compassionate. Does my humility
‫פיתחו כולם את‬I.B.M ‫ ו‬,‫ מיקרוסופט‬,‫ אינטל‬.‫טק משגשגת‬-‫ותעשיית הי‬
cause me to be self-contained and anti-social or does it express
.‫עסקיהם כאן‬
itself in empathy for others. Is my humility balanced and
Our doctors have won important prizes in the medical
beautiful? Or is it awkward? Just as humility brings compassion,
development field.
compassion can lead one to humility. If you lack humility, try
.‫הרופאים שלנו זכו בפרסים חשובים בתחום הפיתוח הרפואי‬
acting compassionately, which can help bring you to humility.
We turned the desert into a prosperous land.
Exercise for the day: Express a humble feeling in an act of
.‫הפכנו את המדבר לאדמה פורחת ומשגשגת‬
Halacha Hotline
Inspiration, Insights & Ideas
Bringing Torah lessons to LIFE!
Continued from p. 11
Weekly Words of Wisdom
We sell oranges, flowers, and vegetables around the world.
.‫ פרחים וירקות בכל רחבי העולם‬,‫אנחנו מוכרים תפוזים‬
We launched our own satellite! Three satellites at once! We are in
good company; together with the USA (280 million residents),
Russia (220 million residents), China (1.3 billion residents) and
Europe (France, England and Germany 35 million residents), we are
one of the only countries in the world that have launched
something into space!
‫שיגרנו את הלווין שלנו! שלושה לווינים בעת ובעונה אחת! אנחנו בחברה‬
,(‫ מיליון תושבים‬220) ‫ רוסיה‬,(‫ מיליון תושבים‬280) ‫ יחד עם ארה"ב‬:‫טובה‬
‫ מיליון‬35 ‫ אנגליה וגרמניה‬,‫ ביליון תושבים( ואירופה )צרפת‬1.2) ‫סין‬
!‫ אנחנו אחת מהמדינות הבודדות בעולם ששיגרו משהו לחלל‬,(‫תושבים‬
Israel today is among the few powerful countries that have
Nuclear technology & capabilities. (We will never admit it, but
everyone knows.)
‫ שהיא בעלת טכנולוגיה‬,‫ישראל היום היא בין המדינות הבודדות החזקות‬
.(‫ אבל כולם יודעים‬,‫ )אנחנו לעולם לא נודה בזה‬.‫ויכולות גרעיניות‬
To think that only 67 years ago we were disgraced and hopeless.
.‫ שנים היינו מבוישים וחסרי תקווה‬65 ‫לחשוב שרק לפני‬
We crawled out from the burning crematoriums of Europe. We
won in all our wars. With a little bit of nothing we built an empire.
Who are Khaled Mashal (leader of Hamas) or Hassan Nasrallah
(leader of Hezbollah) trying to frighten us? They are amusing us.
.‫ ניצחנו בכל המלחמות שלנו‬.‫זחלנו החוצה מהמשרפות הבוערות של אירופה‬
.‫עם מעט מכלום בנינו אימפריה‬
(‫מי אלו חלאד משעל )מנהיג החמאס( או חסאן נסראללה )מנהיג החיזבאללה‬
.‫המנסים להפחיד אותנו? הם משעשעים אותנו‬
As we celebrate Independence Day, let's not forget what this Holy
day is all about; we overcame everything.
‫ בואו לא נשכח מהי המהות של היום‬,‫בזמן שאנחנו חוגגים את יום העצמאות‬
.‫ התגברנו על הכל‬:‫הקדוש הזה‬
We overcame the Greeks,
,‫התגברנו על היוונים‬
We overcame the Romans,
,‫התגברנו על הרומאים‬
We overcame the Spanish Inquisition,
,‫התגברנו על האינקוויזיציה הספרדית‬
We overcame the Russians pogrom,
,‫התגברנו על הפוגרום הרוסי‬
We overcame Hitler, we overcame Germany and overcame the
,‫ התגברנו על גרמניה והתגברנו על השואה‬,‫התגברנו על היטלר‬
We overcame the armies of seven countries.
‫ מדינות‬7 ‫התגברנו על הצבאות של‬
Relax chevray (friends), we will overcome our current enemies.
‫ אנחנו נתגבר גם על האויבים הנוכחים‬,‫הירגעו חבר'ה‬
Never mind where you look in human history. Think about it, the
Jewish nation, our condition has never been better than now.
So let's lift our heads up and remember:
,‫ העם היהודי‬,‫ תחשבו על זה‬.‫לא משנה לאן שנביט בהיסטוריה האנושית‬
.‫מצבנו מעולם לא היה טוב יותר מאשר עכשיו‬
:‫אז בואו נישא ראשנו מעלה וזכרו‬
Never mind which country or culture tries to harm us or erase us
from the world. We will still exist and persevere.
Egypt ? Anyone know where the Egyptian empire disappeared to?
The Greeks? Alexander Macedon? The Romans? Is anyone speaking
Latin today? The Third Reich? Did anyone hear news from them
.‫לא משנה איזו מדינה או תרבות מנסה לפגוע בנו או למחוק אותנו מהעולם‬
.‫אנחנו עדיין קיימים ושמורים‬
‫מצריים? מישהו יודע לאן האימפריה המצרית נעלמה? היוונים? אלכסנדר‬
‫מוקדון? הרומאים? האם מישהו מדבר לטינית היום? הרייך השלישי? האם‬
?‫מישהו שמע חדשות מהם לאחרונה‬
And look at us, the Bible nation – from slavery in Egypt , we are
still here, still speaking the same language.
Exactly here, exactly now.
‫ עדיין‬,‫ אנחנו עדיין כאן‬,‫ העם התנ"כי – מעבדות במצרים‬,‫והסתכלו עלינו‬
.‫מדברים את אותה השפה‬
.‫ בדיוק עכשיו‬,‫בדיוק כאן‬
Maybe The Arabs don't know it yet, but we are an eternal nation.
All the time that we will keep our identity, we will stay eternal.
.‫ אבל אנחנו עם נצחי‬,‫אולי הערבים עדיין לא יודעים את זה‬
.‫ נשאר נצחיים‬,‫כל זמן שנשמור על זהותנו‬
So, sorry that we are not worrying, complaining, crying, or
.....‫ בוכים או פוחדים‬,‫ מתלוננים‬,‫אז סליחה שאנחנו לא דואגים‬
Business here is beseder (fine). It can definitely be much better,
but it is still fine. Don't pay attention to the nonsense in the
media, they will not tell you about our festivals here in Israel or
about the People that continue living, going out, meeting friends.
‫ אל‬.‫ אבל זה עדיין בסדר‬,‫ זה בהחלט יכול להיות טוב יותר‬.‫העסקים כאן בסדר‬
‫ הם לא יספרו לכם על החגיגות שלנו כאן‬,‫תשימו לב לשטויות בתקשורת‬
.‫ לצאת ולפגוש חברים‬,‫בישראל או על האנשים שממשיכים לחיות‬
Yes, sometimes morale is down, so what? This is only because we
are mourning the dead while they are celebrating spilled blood.
And this is the reason we will win after all.
‫ אז מה? זה רק בגלל שאנו מבכים את המתים בזמן‬,‫ לפעמים המורל נמוך‬,‫נכון‬
.‫ וזו הסיבה לכך שאנו ננצח למרות הכל‬.‫שהם חוגגים על דם שנשפך‬
Please forward this message to all of your Jewish friends
everywhere in the world. You are all part of our force to keep our
‫ כולכם חלק‬.‫ בכל מקום בעולם‬,‫בבקשה העבירו מייל זה לכל חבריכם היהודים‬
.‫במאמץ שלנו לשמור את קיומנו‬
This message may help some of us lift our heads up and be proud
to say:
‫מייל זה עשוי לעזור לחלק מאיתנו לשאת את ראשינו מעלה ולהיות גאים‬
‫אני יהודי‬
Inspiration, Insights & Ideas
Bringing Torah lessons to LIFE!
Congregant’s Corner
The Value of Time
By Dr. John Sragowicz, M.D.
With some parts taken from AISH HATORAH
To realize the value of ONE YEAR, ask a student who failed a
To realize the value of ONE MONTH, ask a mother who gave birth
to a premature baby.
nstead of talking during prayer time in the synagogue, let us
sit quietly and meditate on the following: What is the value of
time? Many of us live our lives as if we will live forever,
putting off even important things for another day.
To realize the value of ONE WEEK, ask the editor of a weekly
The Torah teaches us to value time. Every moment is precious.
Every moment a person can do good, perfect his character, make
the world a better place. The Almighty gives us a limited amount
of time and it is up to us to make the most of it.
To realize the value of ONE HOUR, ask the sick patient waiting at
the emergency.
The Pirkei Avot, Ethics of Our Fathers, teaches us to keep in
mind during our daily activities "before Whom we will receive
judgment and accounting." Our actions are accountable. What
is the difference between "judgment" and "accounting"? The
Vilna Gaon explains that "judgment" is regarding what you
actually did with your time - the good deeds or the misdeeds.
"Accounting", however, refers to the unfulfilled potential that
each of us could have accomplished with our time, had we been
careful with it and used it to our best advantage.
To realize the value of ONE DAY, ask a daily wage laborer with
kids to feed.
To realize the value of ONE MINUTE, ask a person who missed
the plane.
To realize the value of ONE SECOND, ask a person who just
avoided an accident.
Did you hug your child today? Did you spend quality time with
Have you visited your parents or called them lately?
Enjoy your family, your children, your friends.
Our sages teach us that if we truly want to make the most of our
time in this world, we should do a daily accounting before we go
to sleep. This is called a "Cheshbon HaNefesh" - perhaps best
translated as a "Soul Reckoning."
Treasure every moment that you have! And remember that time
waits for no one.
How do you do it ?
Today is a gift. That's why it's called the present!
Yesterday is history. Tomorrow a mystery.
Ask yourself 4 questions:
What is my purpose in life?
What did I do towards my purpose or away from my
3. What could I do better tomorrow?
4. What is more important to accomplish and live for ?
It is also an excellent idea to review your interactions with others
to know if there is anyone to whom you should apologize or
offer help.
Life is often tough. It can be very strengthening to focus on the
fact that, if you are still here, the Almighty is giving you this time
for a purpose and you have not yet completed your job in this
The following example can help one appreciate the value of time:
"Imagine there is a bank that credits your account each morning
with $86,400. It carries over no balance from day to day. Every
evening deletes whatever part of the balance you failed to use
during the day. What would you do? Draw out every cent, of
"Each of us has such a bank. It’s name is TIME. Every morning, it
credits you with 86,400 seconds. Every night it writes off, as lost,
whatever of this you have failed to invest to good purpose. It
carries over no balance. It allows no overdraft. Each day it opens
a new account for you. Each night it burns the remains of the
day. If you fail to use the day's deposits, the loss is yours. There
is no going back. There is no drawing against the "tomorrow."
You must live in the present on today's deposits. Invest it so as
to get from it the utmost in health, happiness and success!
The clock is running. Make the most of today!"
Loving Your Neighbor
By Malca Bassan
The Torah is the book of learning and love
Hashem says, "love your neighbor,"
feel his joy and his woe.
Hashem's words comfort us
because they are written with love
for His creations in the whole world.
The more good we do to young and old
the more we begin to love,
because Israel is one part
and we are her dearest parties.
We were created in the image of G-d
and "love your neighbor" is loving the Lord.
When we wish our neighbor the best of the world,
we leave the feeling of jealousy very far-off.
Prophet Habakuk said that faith in G-d
is the foundation of the Torah, whereas
Rabbi Akiva asserted that "love your neighbor"
is the beginning of the Torah.
"Loving your neighbor" means
to love your brother without resentment.
"Loving your neighbor" means
to believe in G-d with contentment.
Events Calendar
A great listing of the places you want to be and the things you want to do!
Morning Chassidus &
Davening Program
with Rabbi Zalman Lipskar
Rohr Community Kolel
Individual Yeshiva Style
6:20 am
8:00 - 10:00 pm
*See p. 7 for more details
*See p. 7 for more details
Iyar 13
Apr. 27
Iyar 13
Apr. 27
Iyar 12
Apr. 26
Women’s Study Group
8:30 pm
*See p. 24 for more details
Iyar 13
Apr. 27
Meditations in Prayer
with Rabbi Mendy Levy
Hebrew Ulpan
with Mr. David Adar
Rabbi Lipskar’s Tuesday Night Class
11:00 am
6:45 pm
8:00 pm
Rabbi Zalman Lipskar
8:00 pm
*See p. 17 for more details
*See p. 17 for more details
*See p. 17 for more details
Iyar 13
Apr. 27
Pesach Sheni Farbrengen
Iyar 14
Apr. 28
9:00 pm
Iyar 14
Apr. 28
Holocaust Film & Discussion Series
Part 2: “Return to Ozraow-Mending
a Broken Link”
11:00 am
with Rabbi Sholom Lipskar
12:00 pm
Rabbi Sholom D. Lipskar
*See p. 15 for more details
*See p. 9 for more details
*See p. 17 for more details
Iyar 14
Apr. 28
Beyond Never Again
JLI 6 Week Series of Lectures on the
Session 1
Iyar 17
May 1
Iyar 18
May 2
Lag B’Omer at The Shul
Lag B’Omer Unity Parade & Fair
Featuring Gad Elbaz
9:30 pm
11:00 am - 5:00 pm
*See p. 31 for more details
*See p. 32 for more details
8:00 pm
*See p. 16 for more details
Get the Picture
The full scoop on all the great events and classes around town
Get the Picture
The full scoop on all the great events and classes around town
Spring Semester
Six Wednesdays, starting
Wednesday, April 28
8:00 - 9:30 pm
Rabbi Dov Schochet
The Shul
9540 Collins Ave, Surfside
Get the Picture
The full scoop on all the great events and classes around town
Special Singles Get Together at The Shul
for ages 20s-40s
Monday, June 7th @ 7:00 p.m.
More info soon…
To be added to the singles mailing list, please
Mishmar & Cholent Night
Is Back at The Shul
Thursday Nights at 9:00pm
For Men & Women
April 29: Lag B’omer
Rabbi Lipskar’s
Tuesday Night Class
April 29
Topic to be announced
May 6
Topic to be announced
April 27 ~ Iyar 13
8:00 pm
“Emor:The Jewish FestivalsEach Just in Time”
Rabbi Zalman Lipskar
9:00 pm
Pesach Sheni Farbrengen
at the home of Mr. Eli Freund. See p. 9 for details
The Shul ~ Social Hall
9540 Collins Ave, Surfside
Download and listen to the latest classes and lectures
at The Shul (Haime Library - 2nd Floor)
Please join us for spoken Hebrew classes with an
experienced and professional teacher
Mr. David Adar
You will learn the four skills of the language:
Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening
Classes for beginner and advanced levels
with a minimal cost. Men & Women Welcome!
6:45 - 8:00 pm: Beginners
8:00 - 9:00 pm: Advanced + 2nd Session
To register please call Mr. David Adar at
11:00 am - Meditations in Prayer
with Rabbi Mendy Levy
12:00 pm - Ein Ya’akov: Stories of the
Talmud - with Rabbi Dov Schochet
11:00 am - Tanya
with Rabbi Sholom Lipskar
11:00 am - Mitzvos of the Weekly
Parsha - with Rabbi Shea Rubinstein
12:00 pm - Jewish History: Joshua and
the Conquest of Israel - with Rabbi Dov
You can join these classes at anytime during the course.
All classes are followed by complimentary refreshments.
Call Rabbi Dov Schochet at 305 868 1411 or email
The Shul, 9540 Collins Ave, Surfside
Get the Picture
The full scoop on all the great events and classes around town
Ki Haadam Aitz Hasadeh ~ A Man is Likened To A Tree of The Field
The Tree of Life
The Shul’s Tree of Life,
a beautiful permanent structure, enables you
to honor a family member or friend,
commemorate an occasion or memorialize a loved one.
Kindly call Zisa at The Shul
at 305- 868-1411
to place your order
or email
ORDER FORM ~ Mail: The Shul Sisterhood, 9540 Collins Ave, Surfside FL 33154 or Fax: 305-861-2426 Attn: Zisa
In choosing to purchase a commemorative piece of the Tree of Life, you gain a permanent place of recognition and support
the critical work of The Shul Sisterhood, which beautifies our Shul home and supports our Shul Family in times of need.
“...G-d is a powerful rock. His acts are perfectly balanced...”
~ $5,400 each
“...Doves flow peacefully as they are balanced in the environment’s atmosphere...”
~ $3,600 each
Apple “...Sweetness of sustenance are expressed in G-d’s gift of the apple...”
~ $1,800 each
~ $180 each
“...Every single leaf is directed by G-d’s breath...”
Dedication wording can be a maximum of five lines. Please print text clearly:
___________________________________________________ (25 letters max)
_____________________________________________________(21 letters max)
______________________________________________________(31 letters max)
_______________________________________________________(30 letters max)
________________________________________________________(17 letters max)
check enclosed, payable to: The Shul Sisterhood
CC number: ____________________________________ Exp: ___________ Sec:_______
Payment in full of $__________ 1 Year Installment Plan: _____installments of $_______ = Total: $__________
A project of The Shul Sisterhood
Kids Corner / Teen Seen
Educate, inspire and most of all have FUN!
Exciting After School Programming!
Mother & Daughter
Tzivos Hashem for Girls & Boys
Monday, May 3, 17
from 6:00 - 7:00pm in Classroom # 1
Every Sunday
Mothers and daughters are invited to join and participate in this
fun and educational program.
The program starts with a study session for each mother and
daughter as they explore their heritage and its place in the home.
Following the study session the mothers and daughters
participate in cooking, crafts and quality time.
For Girls : 1st - 5th grade
Fee: $12 (mother and daughter included)
For Boys & Girls ages 4 - 6
For Girls ages 7 - 11 years old.
10:00 - 11:30am in the Social Hall
(NOTE: Please call Michal Adar at 305.655.1720 before joining the
group to confirm whether there is space in the class)
Come enjoy a morning of learning, arts & crafts, music and
prizes! Homemade pancakes served each week!
Story Time For Kids!
Monday, April 26; May 10, 24
Art expression with Sarah Libke Caplin
From 5:45 - 6:30pm
Come & hear a Jewish delightful story with your kids!
For Boys & Girls: Ages 3 - 6
Kids are encouraged to come in Pajamas!
A Jewish Bedtime Experience!
An innovative program using various art mediums to convey
feelings about Torah and Mitzvah messages.
Boys ages 6-10: Mondays from 5.00 - 6.00pm
Girls ages 6-10: Tuesdays from 5.00 - 6.00pm
In the Teen Girls Room (Back of Women’s Sanctuary)
Fee:$15 (including snacks and materials)
Tae Kwon Do with Master Steve Parker
Also available upon request: individual classes, classes for
younger girls & boys. For more information call Sarah Libke on
786 389 6528 (space is limited)
For Boys & Girls ages 4 - 6
To enroll your child/ren call Yankee at 718 757 6659
Imagine Tomorrow Computer Classes
Mondays from 3:30 - 4:30pm
Tween & Teen Girls Activities
3:30 - 4:30pm and 5:00 - 6:00pm
Custom Software, curriculum, and classes developmentally designed
for young learners ages 4-7.
For more info visit
Cost: $20
Classroom #2 - Enroll now as space is limited. For more
information call Iesha 305-967-3604
Tween Club
Tuesday night, April 27 at 7pm Sharp
at Igal Fedida Art Gallery on Harding (next door to Kosherland)
Cost: $15
Contact Zisa to join the Club and to receive weekly texts about
upcoming activities.
Teen Community Service
Bar Mitzvah Club
Call Yankee at 718-757-6659 for more information
All teens are invited to come and help with various
Community Service Activities, with snacks, music and a
great environment. In the Teen Girls Lounge.
Bat Mitzvah Club
Teen Learning:
Every Tuesday from 7:00 - 8:00pm
Every Wednesday from 7:00 - 8:30pm
A nurturing environment for teens to learn and grow.
With light dinner. Teen Girls Lounge
Call Dobie at 305-984-8805 for more information
(Back of Women’s Sanctuary)
Mishmar for Boys ages 7 - 11
Each Wednesday from 6:15 - 7:30pm
Spanish Library #2
Call Eli at 305-742-3375 for more details
Weekly Tutoring Program
Monday - Thursday from 5:00 - 6:30pm
For boys ages 6-13. Does your son need help with his Jewish
Studies Homework? Bring your son to The Shul to learn with
one of our student Rabbis. To schedule a learning time, please
call Rabbi Mendy Levy at 305-868-1411 ext. 7333.
The Shul Youth
305.868.1411 ext. 7333
For more information on the Teen Girls Programs, please
call Mushkie Parshan at 347-633-5286
Teen Boys Activities
Mishmar Night & Talmud for Teen Boys
Every Wednesday from 8:00 - 9:00pm
Call Chaim Mochkin for details: 310-770-4053
Kids Corner / Teen Seen
Educate, inspire and most of all have FUN!
Following many requests we are happy to announce
From 5:00 - 6:00 pm
In the Teen Room (Back of Women’s Sanctuary)
From 5:00 - 6:00 pm
In the Teen Room (Back of Women’s Sanctuary)
$15 per session for both boys & girls
including materials & refreshments
Also available upon request:
individual classes,
classes for younger girls & boys
For more information
call Sarah Libke on
786 389 6528
(space is limited)
Does your son or
daughter need help
with his/her
Jewish Studies
Join Our Weekly Homework Help Program
For Boys & Girls ages 6-13
Every Monday - Thursday
from 5:00 - 6:30 pm
Bring your son/daughter to The Shul
to learn with one of our student Rabbis/
Girl’s Youth Counselors.
Topics & Classes Will Include:
Code of Jewish Law:
Fundamentals in Judaism
Textual Based Learning & Stories
To schedule a learning
time, please call
Rabbi Mendy Levy at
305-868-1411 ext. 7333
Jewish History:
Lessons For Life
Chumash & Parsha Study:
In-depth Learning & Discussion.
*All With Practical
Hands-On Approach!*
Kids Corner / Teen Seen
Educate, inspire and most of all have FUN!
The Shul
Bat Mitzvah Club
7 : 00
- 8 :0 s
0 pm
A t Th
Call D
hu l
to en
For Children ages 3-6 from 5:45 - 6:30 pm
Monday, April 26
ext. 7333
Daven for the amud in our very own Shul
Young Teens To Lead Shul Services!
Teen Chazzan Training Program
The Teens get an individual opportunity to lead a part of
the Shabbos prayer services at The Shul!
Invite your family and friends to come and watch you
Daven at the Amud!
The Teen boys once again will have the opportunity to Daven on behalf of the
congregation as authentic Chazzanim in The Shul Main Sanctuary! Every week
the boys will get together with Chaim Mochkin and go over the Davening
inside the Siddur, while practicing the different tunes and songs unique for
the Shabbos day. Stay tuned for a Shabbos coming soon with one of our very
own Teens as Chazzan!
If you would like your son to participate in this learning experience, please
email: or call: 310-770-4053
**Great incentives and prizes to be won! **
If you are 11 years old
join us for an awesome
year of learning and fun
in preparation for your
Bat Mitzvah
Latin Link
Reflexión Semanal
Enfoque de la Parashà
Ajarei Mot - Kedoshim – Hacércela más fácil a
los retornantes.
No robarás… (Vaikrá 19, 13)
En el párrafo bíblico semanal, la Torá nos advierte del no robar la
propiedad del prójimo: “No retengas lo que es de tu compañero y
no robes”.
Este pecado es de tal magnitud que Maimónides dictamina que
“todo el que roba a su compañero por el valor de ‘una prutá’ (la
moneda talmúdica de menor valor) es como si lo hubiese
despojado de su alma”.
Esta gravedad está determinada específicamente en el robo y no
en el hurto, a pesar de que en ambos casos tiene lugar una
apropiación ilícita de los bienes de una persona. En el segundo
caso, el ladrón es consciente de la propiedad de la persona sobre
sus bienes y por ello carece de la osadía de enfrentar al dueño,
apropiándose de su bien a través del hurto. A diferencia de ello,
quien roba se apropia abiertamente del bien ajeno y con ello
ataca un aspecto fundamental del alma humana, el derecho de
propiedad de los propios bienes, y con ello lo “despoja de su
Pero esta disposición se instauró sólo en caso de que “el ladrón
quiso arrepentirse y vino por propia iniciativa y devolvió lo
robado. Con este acto, el ladrón demostró la sinceridad de su
arrepentimiento y el reconocimiento de la potestad del dueño del
objeto robado. Así el ladrón rectifica su pecado, y por ello
nuestros Sabios vieron apropiado hacer accesible el camino del
arrepentimiento y ordenaron no aceptar dinero por lo robado.
De esta ley aprendemos hasta qué punto debe uno esforzarse
para ayudar a un judío a retornar a la buena senda, y hacer
Teshuvá. Si para “acercar el camino recto a los arrepentidos”
dispusieron los Sabios que la persona resigne a su dinero, cuánto
más debemos esforzarnos para ayudar el acercamiento de un
judío a su Padre Celestial.
El activar en acercar a los judíos a la Torá debe hacerse sin
intención de rédito personal- ni material o espiritual (por la
recompensa en el mundo Venidero y similares), el único interés
debe ser lisa y llanamente: acercar al judío a Di-s, incluso a costa
de pérdida “personal”. Y cuando los judíos retornan a Di-s de
inmediato son redimidos en la verdadera y completa redención a
manos del Mashiaj.
La enmienda de este pecado es un precepto de la Torá “devolverá
lo que robó” El ladrón está obligado a devolver el bien robado a
su dueño y a través de ello se considera como que le hubiera
“restituido el alma” del despojado arreglando el pecado de
“despojar el alma” implícito en el acto de robar.
Clases y Eventos
Porción Semanal
Rabbi Shea Rubinstein
Lunes 8:45 p.m. - 9:45 p.m. Sinagoga Principal
Pero ¿cómo es la ley cuando el objeto robado ya no existe?
Maimónides dictamina: Si lo robado ya no existe y el ladrón desea
arrepentirse y vino por iniciativa propia y devolvió el valor de lo
robado, dispusieron los Sabios que no debe aceptárselo, sino que
debe ayudársele y perdonarlo, para acercar el camino recto a los
Lecciones practicas para nuestra vida cotidiana
(Para Mujeres)
Sra. Vivian Perez
Martes 2:30 p.m. - 3:45 p.m.
198 Park Dr., Bal Harbour
Por favor llamar a las 305 213 3202 para confirmar
(No así quién hurtó, es decir, robó a escondidas, que siempre
debe pagar)
Kolel Español
Moshe S. Lerman
Miercoles 8:00 - 10:00 p.m. Domingo 8:00 - 10:00 p.m.
La explicación de ello es la siguiente: mientras que existe la
posibilidad de devolver el elemento robado, es una mitzvá
hacerlo, ya que a través de ello se enmienda lo más grave del acto
de robar- “el despojo del alma”
Pero cuando el bien ya no está, no puede arreglarse este aspecto
del robo y lo máximo posible es indemnizar al damnificado por el
daño sufrido con el robo. En este caso decretaron los Sabios la
“disposición para el arrepentido”, para hacer más fácil el camino
del retornante.
Moshe S. Lerman
Miercoles 7:15 PM - 8:05 p.m.
Haime Library - 2do piso en Shul
Sra. Vivian Perez
Jueves 2:00pm – 3:00 pm
Nota: El cambio de sede
Chabad of Aventura,
21001 Biscayne Blvd, Aventura
French Connection
Réflexions sur la Paracha
Vivre avec la Paracha
Ce chabbat nous lirons 2 parachiyot: Aharé-mote et
Kédochime. Aharé-mote signifie, après la mort. Kédochime
signifie, "saints", à part...
Le roi Salomon a dit: “Tov ...yom hamavet miyom hivalédo”, c'est
à dire, le jour de la mort est préférable au jour de la naissance.
C'est en effet à la mort que l'on se rend compte des qualités du
défunt. Aharé-mote, après la mort, Kédochim, on est considéres
comme "saints", à part.
Dans cette 1ere péricope, il s'agit de la mort étrange des 2 fils
d'Aharon, Nadav et Avihou qui avaient péri pour avoir allumé un
feu étranger - Eche Zara. Le Zohar compare cette mort à celle de
Ben Azzay, compagnon de R. Akiva. Ben Azzay a péri car il a
échoué dans son expérience du Pardès.
Quand on cherche à accéder à des secrets interdits de la Kabbale,
on peut risquer la mort.
Cette Paracha contient 27 mitsvots concernant 3 volets:
1. L'interdiction faite au Cohen d'entrer dans le Saint des Saints
n'importe quand.
2. Les sacrifices du Yom Kippour, dont le fameux BOUC
EMISSAIRE, hassaïr hamichtaléyah laazazel.
3. Les unions et les mariages interdits:
- Unions entre personnes de la même famille.
- L'homoséxualité.
- La zoophilie.
- L'union avec "Moloch, aussi grave que l'idolâtrie. Ces
principes ont pour but de préserver la famille et la
La 2eme paracha, Kédochim, traite des principes de Kédoucha, ou
comment le peuple d'Israel peut devenir un peuple A PART.
Les 49 mitsvot ont 2 points communs:
1. Soyez "A part", Kédochim tihyou.
2. Ne faîtes pas comme les autres. Al taassou kémaasséhem...
La source unique du Judaïsme est la Kédoucha qui provient de
D.ieu—Ki Kadoch Ani.
Selon un commentateur, les Mitsvot de la Torah se répartissent en
3 saintetés:
1. Celle du corps, qui concerne la nourriture, la vie sexuelle, les
vêtements, la santé...
2. Celle du temps, qui concerne le Chabbat, les Fêtes qu'on
dénomme Mikra'é Kodech.
3. Celle de l'espace qui touche surtout le Temple ou Bet
Hamikdach et tout ce qui s'y rattache.
De nombreuses expressions hébraïques rappellent cette notion de
KEDOUCHA: D.ieu c'est Hakadoch Baroukh Hou, en premier. Eretz
Hakodech, c'est la terre d'Israel. Léchon hakodech, en parlant de
l'Hébreu. Aron hakodech, l'Arche Sainte. Bet Hamikdach, le Temple
de Jérusalem. Ir hakodech ou Jérusalem. Bigdé hakodech, ce sont
les Habits spéciaux du Cohen. La Kédoucha qui rappelle la vision
d'Esaïe dans laquelle les Anges chantent: KADOCH, KADOCH,
KADOCH. La sublîme prière du KADDICH. La bénédiction du vin
ou Kiddouch. Les Kiddouchine, ou mariage.
Voilà donc une paracha exceptionnelle et "A PART".
Chabbat Chalom
Savoir garder le cap
Adapté d'un discours du Rabbi de Loubavitch
La Paracha de A'harei Mot présente un paradoxe quelque peu
étonnant. Les versets qui l’ouvrent évoquent Yom Kippour, le jour
le plus saint de l’année, au cours duquel le Peuple Juif « ressemble
aux anges ». En ce jour, « ils se purifient devant D.ieu ». Et puis, la
fin de la Paracha avertit : « ne révèle pas la nudité de ton père, ne
révèle pas la nudité de ta mère... N’accomplis aucune de ces
abominations ». Il ne s’agit pas exactement de fautes dont il faille
admonester les anges ! Pourquoi donc ces deux sujets sont-ils
inclus dans la même Paracha ?
La réponse à cette question se trouve en allusion dans le nom
même de cette lecture de la Torah : A’harei, qui signifie « après »,
et dans son premier verset : « Et D.ieu parla à Moïse après la mort
des deux fils d’Aharon quand ils se furent rapprochés de D.ieu et
qu’ils moururent ».
Yom Kippour est un jour où chaque Juif « se rapproche de D.ieu ».
Néanmoins, cette expérience ne doit pas se suffire à elle-même. Il
faut, en outre, se concentrer sur ce qui arrive après. La manière
dont nous nous sommes rapprochés de D.ieu doit influer sur les
jours et les semaines qui suivent.
Les plus profondes aspirations de notre âme et les moments
spirituels les plus élevés de notre expérience religieuse doivent
être rattachés aux réalités de notre existence matérielle. La
spiritualité n’est pas une dimension ajoutée, séparée de notre
expérience quotidienne mais un moyen par lequel nous élevons
notre quotidien. En faisant la fusion entre notre réalité matérielle
et notre réalité spirituelle, nous raffinons le monde, l’imprégnons
de sainteté et le transformons en résidence pour la Présence
C’est la raison pour laquelle nous lisons les passages concernant
les relations interdites dans la Paracha qui décrit le service du
sacrifice de Yom Kippour et, de fait, nous lisons les interdictions
concernant ces relations durant le service des prières de Yom
Nous vivons tous des moments où notre cœur se tourne vers le
haut et où nous nous sentons plus en unisson avec notre âme et
D.ieu, comme cela se produit par exemple à Yom Kippour, un jour
où nous nous mettons à l’écart de toutes préoccupations
matérielles. Mais même alors, il faut que nos yeux soient tournés
vers le bas. La force spirituelle de ces moments spéciaux doit être
utilisée pour recharger notre service divin quotidien et nous
motiver à agir selon les désirs de D.ieu même dans le contexte de
situations où nous pourrions être tentés de suivre un autre
Cours de Torah en Français
Tefillah (pour Femmes)
Rabin Zalman Gansburg
Jeudi de 10h30 à 11h15
Talmud (pour Femmes)
Rabin Zalman Gansburg
Jeudi de 11h30 à 12h15
Haime Library
Just for the Gals
Delve into the power, strength and beauty in the life of the Jewish Woman
The Shul Sisterhood
Rosh Chodesh Lunch & Learn
Weekly Classes
Practical Halacha
Women’s Study Group -
Rabbi Dov Schochet
Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar
11:00 - 11:30 am
8:30 - 10:00 pm
At the home of: Dr. Rita Steiner
10155 Collins Ave, # 1806, Bal Harbour
Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar
Guest Speaker
Mrs. Chana Barouk
“A Profile in Courage & Faith:
The Miracle baby”
Tanya Class in Spanish
Mrs. Vivian Perez
1:45 - 2:30 p m
Mrs. Vivian Perez
2:30 - 3:45 pm
Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar
Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar
9:15 - 10:00 am
10:00 - 11:00 am
~ 198 Park Drive, Bal Harbour Village
Torah Portion Class in Spanish
~ 198 Park Drive, Bal Harbour
Parenting Class
Morning Torah Class
The Weekly Portion - Woman’s Perspective
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
10:00 am
~ Haime Library
Tanya Class in English
Lunch available for purchase
1:30 - 3:00 pm
Rabbi Eily Smith
10:30 - 11:15 am
Tanya of the Week
The Shul
9540 Collins Ave, Surfside
Mrs. Vivian Perez
~ 198 Park Drive, Bal Harbour
~ Women’s Sanctuary - Teen Lounge
Tefillah Class in French
Rabbi Zalman Gansburg
10:30 - 11:15 am
~ Haime Library
Talmud Class in French
Rabbi Zalman Gansburg
Tanya in Spanish for Women
Mrs. Vivian Perez
11:20 - 12:00 pm
2:00 - 3:00 pm
~Chabad of Aventura, 21001 Biscayne Blvd, Aventura
Establishing a Jewish Home
Evening Study for Brides and
Newlyweds / Bridal Class
Please call Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar for
an appointment 305-868-1885
Monday, May 24, 2010
at 7:30 pm
Can you sing, dance, act or recite,
play an instrument, do magic tricks,
crack us up with your stand-up comedy,
perform ventriloquy or do you have
any talent?
Well, you can have a chance to
win a $1,000 cash prize
and a video of the game show with
your 15 minutes of fame!
This will be a night to remember
filled with lots of fun and laughter, and a
great way to see beautiful talent in our
very own community.
women only
A project of The Shul Sisterhood
To Arrange An Audition, Call
Feige Knight at 305 978-8817 or Fortuna Kopel at 305 794-1982
Women’s Mikvah:
Please call Mrs. Devorah Failer for an
305-866-1492 or 305-323-2410
Who we are...
The Women's Circle comprises all of The
Shul's programming and classes geared
toward women in the community. Our
objective is to bring women of all ages and
backgrounds together to learn, laugh,
experience, and rejuvenate their mind, body
and soul. Meet new friends, relax and get
If you would like to be a part of the
Women's Circle at The Shul, please call
305. 868.1411
The ABC's of Aleph
Serving Jews in institutional and limited environments
To contribute to The Aleph Institute’s programs, or to volunteer your time, please call 305.864.5553
The Network
Please Read Only
All your advertising needs in one convenient spot
Real Estate
Hallandale: Parker Plaza. 1/1.5 Oceanfront/Oceandirect. Priced to sell at $195K
Aventura: Turnberry Marina 4/4.5 5000+ sq. ft unit mansion in the sky. New kosher
kitchen, views of all directions. Large rooms, wood floors, walking distance to Shul. $1.1M
Bal Harbour: Tiffany Condo. Large 2/2, completely redone. New kitchen and baths.
Bay Harbor Islands: 3/2 condo. Professionally decorated, kosher kitchen, panoramic
ocean and bay views. Shabbat elevator Sold furnished. Dock included.$499K
Surfside Palms: Gorgeous 1/1.5. W/D in unit. Available with or
without furniture. Price slashed to $219K. Also for rent at $1,400/MO.
Sunny Isles: Full service 2/2 furnished luxury condo hotel suite.
You can occupy and earn income when not here. Reduced to $757K
Raquel Sragowicz
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Bal Harbour Village: Best Deal!!! 3 Bed 3.5 Baths. 2 Car
Garage. Reduced!! $1,380,000.
Bay Harbor 97th Street: 4 Bed/ 3.5 Bath $1,100,000.
3,208SQFT, 2 Car Garage.
Surfside Dickens Ave: 4 Bed/4.5 Baths $499,000. Wood
floors, 2,624SQFT, New Kitchen
Surfside Towers: Unit #411 2 Bed/ 2 Bath $399,000. Tile floors, Oceans Views,
Surfside Towers: Unit # 1006 1 Bed/ 1.5 Bath $235,000
Surfside Waves 4 Rent: 2 Bed/ 2 Bath. Yearly. $1,800. Furnished, Tile Floors, Ocean
Sarah Sheridan
Macken Realty 305-527-6888 ~ www.
Seasonal & yearly rentals
Call 305 978-8817
• Loan Modification
• Short Sales Negotiations
• FORECLOSURE Defense Team
Furnished, corner unit with 2 bedrooms
+ office/extra room, 2.5 baths with many
upgrades! Apartment in very neat &
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Community offers: 3 pools, spa, tennis,
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Rental: $2600 per month!
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Call Esther at (917) 865 – 4349
Teri (Feige) Knight
Call Today for a
Pola Berggrun, MBA 305 710-8937
Walk To Synagogues Properties
Optimar International Realty
The Parc At Turnberry-Aventura: Great 2 + Den/3 Baths in
this new luxury Blg. Den w/French doors can be converted to
a 3rd Bedroom. Fantastic Intracoastal, Pool & Marina Views.
Private Elevator. Italian Kitchen Cabinets. Stainless Steel
Appliances. Granite Countertops. Marble Baths. Walk to
Houses of Worship. Shabbat Elevator. Spa & Gym. All
Amenities. Not a Short Sale. No Reo. Best Value $424,000
Azure-Surfside: Beautiful City & Bay Views, 1 Bdrm + Converted Den, 2 Baths, Brand
New Boutique Style Oceanfront Bldg, Walking Distance to Bal Harbour Shops, House
of Worship & Restaurants. Semi-Private Elevators. Gourmet European Kitchen W/
Granite Counter Tops, Wood & Marble Floors, Custom Closets, Floor to Ceiling
Windows W/Hunter Douglas Duets. Great Price $498,000
For Rent: 3/3 Majestic Towers Furnished $6200/Mo, 2/2 Carlisle Furnished $3,800/
Mo, 2/2 Harbour House $2,000/Mo
Call 305 868 1411
To Place Your Ad
Jewish Cooperative School
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Convenient N. Miami Beach Location with Amenities Galore
Tour our new facility at our next meeting:
April 21 at 7:00 pm
17051 NE 19th Ave, NMB, FL 33162
Paid advertisements do not constitute endorsements by any Rabbis or The Shul. The Shul reserves the right to accept or reject any ad submitted.
The Network
Please Read Only
All your advertising needs in one convenient spot
(305) 757-0651
BROWARD (954) 462-3711
(305) 758-2967
CGC # 010159
7933 N.W. 7th Avenue ~ Miami, FL 33150-3298
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Your Simcha Is Our Reputation
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Visit Our Website For Audio And Video Demos
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selection. Merchandise is going fast!
Near Shul of Bal Harbor
Call Faigie 786-972-9150
Paid advertisements do not constitute endorsements by any Rabbis or The Shul. The Shul reserves the right to accept or reject any ad submitted.
The Network
Please Read Only
All your advertising needs in one convenient spot
Joel S. Baum, CPA
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For more information or to schedule an appointment please contact:
Aurit Katan 786-389-9274
Florida Sales Positions Available
JOIN The Shul’s
Expand your Client Base
Create Customer Loyalty
Maximize the Visibility of YOUR
Business with Search Optimization
Support The Shul
The First 50 Subscribers
will receive a $150 valued bonus
FREE Business Card Ad
for 4 weeks in The Bulletin
Call Lydia at 305 868 1411 ext 7314
Paid advertisements do not constitute endorsements by any Rabbis or The Shul. The Shul reserves the right to accept or reject any ad submitted.
It’s Good To Know
Find out what's going on and how You can get involved
In this Week’s Living Torah:
A weekly video magazine featuring the Rebbe's
application of Torah to timely events and issues
Moshiach-Times, Part 1: Future Lifestyles
Timeless Moments
Nigun Simcha
Eye to Eye
Looking for the Perfect Gift?
Would you like to honor someone’s Anniversary, Wedding,
Yahrtzeit, or any other occasion?
Honor them by making a donation to The Shul in their name.
A card will be sent to each Honoree on your behalf,
from The Shul, acknowledging your meaningful gift.
The amount of the donation will not be disclosed
unless requested.
For more information, please call Renee @ 305-868-1411 x 0
Enjoy a live video presentation every Saturday
Night at The Shul immediately following Havdalah
To see the video on-line:
"Living Torah" Weekly Video Magazine
Featuring the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson obm.
Shabbos Hospitality
If you would like to host or be hosted at a Shabbos meal,
please call The Shul at 305-868-1411
Staying Connected
The Shul's Staying Connected Program
For College Students
More & more Jewish college students from different universities
across the country keep joining The Shul's Staying Connected program!
These students are excited about this "cool" program that offers them
the opportunity to "stay connected" to The Shul family while they are
away at school. They enjoy receiving candies, chocolate, matzah, wine,
menorahs, and special CD's from The Shul video-library to celebrate the
Jewish holidays. Staying Connected students also enjoy sharing special
events such as the Winter- Break & Summer Shabbatons at The Shul
with over 150 Jewish college students from 18 universities across the
To learn more about Staying Connected, please call Miriam Gitman
at 305.868.1411 ext. 7319 or email
To enroll in The Shul's Staying Connected program , please mail the
Student’s name, Hebrew name, complete address, telephone & email
The Shul - Staying Connected
Attn. Miriam Gitman
9540 Collins Avenue
Surfside, FL 33154
Stay Connected! Sign up now to receive delicious packages throughout
the year to celebrate our wonderful Jewish Holidays! It's Free!
If you already joined Staying Connected, please remember to send
us your new address if the one you had last semester has changed.
Permanent Seating in The Shul
It Just Clicks!
The Shul's weekly E-News
Everything you need to know sent straight to your inbox!
Send us your email address to and let us know your
interests at The Shul and we will keep you in touch.
Write a letter to the Ohel
Find a picture of yourself with the Rebbe!
The Living Archive Preservation Project has launched this interactive archive
so that you can locate and request a video of your personal moment with
the Rebbe.
Download and listen to the latest classes and lectures
in The Shul, at the convenience of your home or office.
Fill all your Judaica needs
(Books, Tefillin, Mezuzahs, etc) at
The Shul will get commission on every sale!
The Shul Video of 'Journey of The Souls' has been one of the
main popular features this year all over
To view go to:
The New Jewish Marriage Website:
The New Jobs Board
JNET: The Jewish Learning Network:
Learning one-on-one over the phone:
The Rohr Jewish Learning Institute
Emergency Evacuation Procedures:
Older Folks with special needs can call 311 or register at
You will find a very informative, factual and - not political, short booklet
about Israel, which was issued by a non partisan organization "Stand With
Us". Your readers around the world will definitely benefit from the available
multiple languages.
There are a limited number of seat dedications still available
in our Main Sanctuary, with finance options as well.
If you are interested in more information please speak to or
call Lydia Hasson or Penina Wuensch at 305 868 1411
Go to this website for the link to the booklet “This Land is My Land”
educational booklet by Eli Hertz.
All the books can be downloaded for free.
Get connected to The Shul online
Daily Study
A complete guide to all classes and courses offered at The Shul
Sichos Kodesh
Rabbi Zalman Lipskar
6:20 - 6:50 am
Halacha (Men) (Monday - Friday)
Rabbi Dov Schochet
7:00 - 7:25 am
Daf Yomi
Rabbi Dov Schochet
8:00 - 8:45 am
RamBam (Monday - Thursday)
Rabbi Dov Schochet
8:45 - 9:00 am
Chok L’Yisrael - Sephardic Custom
Shimshon Tzubeli
Sichos - The Rebbe’s insights on the weekly Parsha
Rabbi Shea Rubinstein
10:00 - 10:45 am
Community Kollel (Men) Mon - Thurs.
Shul Rabbis and Kolel
8:00 - 10:00 pm
Daf Yomi (Men)
Rabbi Dov Schochet
Spanish Kolel - Chassidus (Men)
Mr. Isaac Gorin / Mr. Moshe Lerman
8:00 - 10:00 pm
Executive Smicha (Men)
Rabbi Dov Schochet
8:00 - 10:00 pm
Weekly Torah Portion (Spanish)
Rabbi Shea Rubinstein
Women’s Study Group At the home of: Dr. Rita Steiner
Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar
8:30 - 10:00 pm
Senior Torah Academy: Meditations in Prayer
Rabbi Mendy Levy
11:00 - 11:45 am
Senior Torah Academy for Men & Women
Ein Ya’akov: Stories of the Talmud
Rabbi Dov Schochet
Tanya Class in Spanish (Women)
Mrs. Vivian Perez, 198 Park Drive, Bal Harbour Village
1:45 - 2:30 pm
Torah Portion Class in Spanish (Women)
Mrs. Vivian Perez, 198 Park Drive, Bal Harbour Village
2:30 - 3:45 pm
Ben Ish-Chai (Sephardic Class) (Men)
Rabbi Dov Schochet
6:45 - 7:40 pm
Acharei-Kedoshim: Experiencing the Miracle of Yom Kippur
Rabbi Zalman Lipskar
8:00 - 8:45 pm
Executive Smicha (Men)
Rabbi Dov Schochet
Rabbi Lipskar’s Tuesday Class:
Pesach Sheni Farbrengen—see page 9 for details
Rabbi Sholom D. Lipskar
9:00 - 10:15 pm
Parenting Class (Women)
Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar
9:15 - 10:00 am
Morning Torah Class (Women) - Weekly Parsha
Rebbetzin Chani Lipskar
10:00 - 11:00 am
Senior Torah Academy for Men & Women
Rabbi Sholom D. Lipskar
11:00 - 11:45 am
Tanya Class in English (Women)
Mrs. Vivian Perez, 198 Park Drive, Bal Harbour Village
Spanish Kolel
Rabbi Moshe Lerman
Tefillah Class in French (Women) - Haime Library
Rabbi Zalman Gansburg
10:30 am - 11:15 am
Talmud Class in French (Women) - Haime Library
Rabbi Zalman Gansburg
11:20 am - 12:00 pm
Mitzvos of the Weekly Parsha (Men & Women)
Rabbi Shea Rubinstein
Senior Torah Academy for Men & Women (Main Sanctuary)
Jewish History: Joshua and the Conquest of Israel
Rabbi Dov Schochet
Tanya in Spanish (Women)
Mrs. Vivian Perez (Chabad of Aventura, 21001 Biscayne Blvd)
Tanya (Men & Women)
Rabbi Eily Smith
8:45 am
9:00 am
8:30 - 9:30 pm
10155 Collins Ave, # 1806, Bal Harbour
Talmudic Mishmar for Men & Women
Select Thursday evenings
*All classes located at The Shul unless otherwise specified.
12:00 - 12:45 pm
8:00 - 10:00 pm
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm
8:00 - 10:00 pm
11:00 - 11:45 am
12:00 - 12:45 pm
2:00 - 3:00 pm
8:00 pm
9:00 - 10:00 pm
Featured Upcoming Events
Events You Won’t Want To Miss