The Messenger – Feb. 21, 2014
The Messenger – Feb. 21, 2014
Messenger THE “Your Local Weekly Since 1868 Free Our 146th Year A Tradition Worth Keeping” Issue 8 February 21, 2014 Volunteer Extraordinaire Tristan Logan was recently recog-nized by the Hillsboro Board of Selectmen for being the Youth Services Volunteer of year. This was Tristan's 2nd consecutive year earning this prestigious award. He has accumulated over 255 hours of community service over the past 2 years. ConVal Senior honored ConVal High School Senior Zachary Letourneau was presented with a DAR Bronze ROTC Medal by Nancy Rose Redling of the Mary Varnum PlattsPeterborough Chapter of National Society Daughters of the American Revolution. Zachary is the son of James and Becky Letourneau of Dublin. He is the student representative to the ConVal School Board; Senior Class Vice President; The Voice of ConVal; Honor Cadet and Command Chief of the United States Naval Sea Cadet Corps; and a ConVal delegate to New Hampshire Boy's State. He is the 2011 recipient of the Sons of the American Revolution Award. Zach is also the 2013 DAR Good Citizen Winner for ConVal High School. ECRWSS PAID PRSRT STD US Postage Hillsboro, NH Permit #25 Postal Customer Visit us online at Mark Usko from Sunapee clears piles of snow from the Sugar River Bank parking area in Sunapee on February 16 after the area received about 18 inches of snow Thursday and Friday. Enough is enough! Firefighter honored Henniker honors the memory of Scott Davison The Fire Department and the Henniker community have come together to honor the memory of Scott Davison, the 17-year veteran of the Department, who was killed when he struck a tree in Hopkinton. When Davison’s family asked that donations be made to the Henniker Firefighters Association, the department continued to raise additional money for the purchase of a special off-road vehicle. “Scott liked going off road on fourwheelers and Jeeps,” said Chief Keith Gilbert, “so we decided to raise money to purchase a UTV." The UTV will allow emergency responders to travel through the woods or on unmaintained roads in order to reach an accident scene or a brush fire. $10,500 has been donated for the UTV and firefighters pitched in the rest needed to buy it. An additional $6,000 is needed to outfit thevehicle with emergency equipment, including a litter for carrying accident victims over difficult terrain. Sell out expected at HDHS for Harlem Wizards game A capacity crowd is expected on March 10th when the Hillsboro Lions Club sponsors the Harlem Wizards for a slamtastic performance at Hillsboro-Deering High School. Tickets purchased before the event are $12 for adults $10 for children. Those who wish to attend are encouraged to purchase tickets in advance, not only to guarantee a seat, but to save $2 each. Tickets can be purchased at the following locations: H-D High School, H-D Middle School, Red Coat Travel and at Sweet Expressions from now until the day of the game. If available, tickets on the day of the game will be $14 for adults and $12 children. Don’t miss this AweInspiring Event. Page 2 | The Messenger | february 21, 2014 | Antrim Lumber Choose Our Quality Lumber. Local history as reported in The Messenger February 22, 2013 Why “wood” you settle for less? Newport gun range approved Sunapee Superintendent a finalist for ConVal job Antrim's new police cruiser totaled during chase Merit raises for Francestown employees If you’re interested in quality lumber and unparalleled service, Antrim i i Lumber should be your choice. Stop in and see us today. Antrim Lumber Co. Yesteryear February 24, 2012 78 Smith Road Antrim • 588-2139 HOURS: M-F 7am-5pm, Sat. 7am-1pm POWER THROUGH WINTER 12527HV Power Price: $1,049.95 • 12.4 lbs/ft torque • 27” clearing width • Two stage SnowKing engine • Power steering & remote deflector FINANCING AVAILABLE While supplies last. At participating dealers. See dealer for details. TYLER’S SMALL ENGINE 20 Concord St. Antrim, NH • 603-588-6200 • M-F 8-5:30; Sat. 9-1 Woman wanders away from Pats Peak Sunapee man killed in snowmobile accident Warner Fall Foliage plans in limbo. Weare Selectmen discuss bridge replacements February 25, 2011 Newport names Paul Brown Interim Manager New London seeks to adapt 18 month budget Cleveland rocks with H-D Music again Union rejects Monadnack Paper Mill contract February 19, 2010 Peter Christian's closing shacks New London Thirteen arrested in major Weare drug bust Andover business woman recognized Two Greenfield fires in two days February 17, 2009 New Hampshire VFW honors Hopkinton 8th grader Chocolate lovers are gathering in New London Bennington school makes improvements Sunapee Library "out of space" February 22, 2008 Serving the heating needs of Henniker and the surrounding towns for over 60 years. FUELS FUEL OILS • LP GAS 24 Hour Self Service • Gasoline & Diesel Pumps We honor Visa, MasterCard, American Express & Discover Cards as well as the Ayer & Goss Card. 20 Hall Ave., Henniker • Route 114, Bradford 428-3333 • 938-5335 Diamond Acres Dairy Bar a total loss Grant Bosse seeks Congressional seat Fear of roof collapse closed John Stark High School Peterborough fire deemed accidental February 23, 2007 Hillsborough Selectmen propose $750,00 sewer bond Henniker Selectmen reject street renumbering Bradford Rescue Squad short-handed after dispute Antrim Selectmen amend agreement, save $200,000 February 24, 2006 Man pleads guilty to Henniker fatality Deering Selectmen and Town Clerk at odds Sunapee teen arrested for drug trafficking Ice boater killed in New London February 25, 2005 Kearsarge making changes to bus policy Bowie's Market in Bradford is a total loss Warner Selectmen say no to politicking while on the job Newbury budget up - tax rate down February 20, 2004 Dr. Rich Douglas dosed practice after 27 years Hypnotist/comedian in Hillsboro February 28th Three running for Henniker School Board | february 21, 2014 | The Messenger | Page 3 New London selectmen reviewing several possible warrant articles The New London Selectmen spent much of Tuesday's meeting discussing potential warrant articles to be presented at May's Town Meeting. As is tradition, one article will seek approval for the purchase of several capital items, but because they are funded by separate Capital Reserve Funds, there is no current tax impact. An article seeking an appropriation of $670,000 for the Elkins Sidewalk project will require only $134,038 of tax money after applying anticipated grant money. $75,125 is requested for a Dispatch Simulcast System for the Fire Department, but after the grant, only $37,563 of taxpayer money is needed. Purchasing two Dispatch Consoles off the Police Department requires $97,000. Potential grants could pay either 50% or 100%, but none has yet been applied for. Creating a Police Special Detail Revolving Fund would allow the Department to retain money collected from special details to be spent for police expenses. Creating a similar Contingency Fund would provide the town with a $8,000 to defend the Weare Police Although the NH Attorney General has not completed the investigation into the shooting death of a suspected drug dealer, the Concord Monitor has learned that the Town of Weare has spent more than $8,000 for attorneys representing officers involved. The law firms include: the Law Office of Daniel Duckett; Green & Utter; Moir & Rabinowitz; Raimo & Murphy P.C.; and Bernstein, Mello & Chadwick P.L.L.C. pool of money to cover unanticipated expenditures. Finally, the Conservation Commission The New London Selectmen are discussing potential warrant articles . Arrest at NEC gives new meaning to "Panty Raid" Henniker police have arrested Cameron Dial, a 20-year-old NEC student from New jersey, on 5 counts of burglary and 13 counts of receiving stolen property. Authorities say Dial took bras and panties and other clothing items from 18 female students who live in the co-ed West Hall dorm they shared. The investigation began in January, when police were informed of break-ins in several dorm rooms at West Hall. Most occupants were off on winter break at the time, but Dial remained to take an elective course. A student reported seeing Dial in West Hall's laundry taking something from a friend's dryer. When confronted, Dial refused to let Win a $15 Gift Cert. to Appleseeds Restaurant! Photo Ad #1 Page # Ad #2 Page # Ad #3 Page # Ad #4 Page # Answers for week of Feb. 14, 2014: Mailing Address Town & Zip • • • • officers into his room, but after executing a search warrant, the police discovered several pieces of women's clothing. Dial has turned himself in and is free on $6,000 cash bail pending arraignment on April 15. He was freed after posting $6,000 cash bail and will also face $21,000 personal recognizance bail if he violates the terms of his release. All the personal items have been returned to their owners, after being catalogued. NEC spokesperson, Dia Kalakonas, has confirmed that Dial is no longer a student at the school in an email. She also said the school takes student safety seriously, and has been keeping the women informed as the case progresses. Mystery Find & list the graphic at right from 4 ads and send your answers to: The Messenger’s Ad Hunter, PO Box 1190, Hillsboro, NH 03244 Name is asking voters to adopt a state law that allows it to retain any surplus in its budget without returning it to the general funds. Ayer & Goss - Page 2 Henniker Farm - Page 5 Albertos Restaurant - Page 16 Morse Sporting - Page 18 Winner for Feb. 14, 2014 Joan Jessie, Antrim Identify this Mystery Photo & Win Winaa$15 $15Gift GiftCertificate Certificate! to Appleseeds Restaurant! All entries must include name, address and telephone number. Mail to: Mystery Photo, PO Box 1190, Hillsboro, NH 03244 Winner for Feb. 14, 2014 Sandra Anderson, Deering Photo was of: Michell Johnson Page 4 | The Messenger | february 21, 2014 | TAKE YOUR MEDICINE Two drugs, telmisartan and valsartan, which are used to reduce blood pressure in people with diabetes, are associated with a lower risk of hospitalization for heart attack, stroke or heart failure, according to a study published in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal). BY SARAH CHAPIN • • • The drug topiramate, typically used to treat epilepsy and more recently weight loss, may also help people addicted to both cocaine and alcohol use less cocaine, particularly heavy users, researchers report in a new study published in Drug and Alcohol Dependence. • • • Avastin, a relatively inexpensive anti-cancer drug, has been proven to be equally as effective in treating neovascular or wet age-related macular degeneration (wet AMD) in older adults as Lucentis, a more expensive drug specifically formulated for this purpose, according to the results of a two-year trial published in The Lancet. Wet AMD is a common cause of sight loss in older people. Without treatment, two thirds of people with this condition will experience severe loss of sight within two years of being diagnosed. • • • Omega-3 fatty acids, contained in oily fish such as salmon and trout, selectively inhibit growth and induce cell death in early and latestage oral and skin cancers, according to new research published online in the journal Carcinogenesis. While previous research has linked omega-3 fatty acids with the prevention of cancers, there has been very little work done on oral cancers or normal cells. • • • Brought to you as a public service by HENNIKER PHARMACY • 603-428-3456 P.O.Box 718 • Proctor Square • Henniker, NH 03242 Act now! For a limited time... $ Rebates of $ 400- 1,500 On Energy Star rated furnaces, boilers, central air, heat pumps & water heaters! Including: System 2000 Water Heaters * Available first come-first served until funds exhausted * HCS 1st Grade Teacher Marymalane Mayo and Para-Educator Kathy Hartford. Photo by Leah LeGrand. Henniker school staff aging too quickly? The 100th day of school at the Henniker Community School was last week so the students and teachers in Mrs. Mayo’s and Mrs. LeGrand’s grade 1 classrooms dressed up as if they were 100 years old. Students also participated in activities that involved the number 100 such as building something using 100 cups, stamping 10 stamps on 10 strips of paper to make paper rings, and making a necklace with 100 pieces of cereal. Two towns without power after pole hit According to Newbury Police Chief Robert Lee a Florida driver had unfamiliar Northeast weather, hit a utility pole on Routes 103 and 103A in Newbury leaving Bradford and Newbury residents without electricity and phone service last Thursday morning. Newbury Fire and Rescue had to extricate the woman from her SUV and take her to New London Hospital for evaluation with non life threatening injuries. Sunapee Police also assisted. Voters reject cuts to ConVal school budget At Thursday's deliberative session ConVal voters passed along the District's proposed $45,793,510 operating budget, rejecting attempts to reduce it. Gail Cromwell, a Temple Selectman and former School Board member, moved to reduce the amount to $45,022,549, the same as the default budget. The effort failed on a vote of 62 yes-107 no. additionally, Cromwell proposed reducing the parking lot paving warrant article to $0, which also failed, this time by a vote of 64 yes -101 no. The budget and warrant articles will now go to the polls on March 11th. Houghton guilty of multiple sex assaults Sales • Service • Installation • NH Master Plumbers Lic. #1498 New London: 256-2098 • Concord: 224-7186 Henniker, 78 Depot Hill Road 428-7990 • A jury found James Houghton guilty of nine counts of aggravated felonious sexual assault and two counts of incest following a two-day trial in Merrimack County Superior Court. prosecutors say Houghton, 50, of Henniker, raped the now-26year-old woman several times beginning in 2004. | february 21, 2014 | The Messenger | Page 5 Newport Selectmen approve flat operating budget Prior to presenting his budget to the Selectmen, Newport Town Manager Paul Brown cut $1.1 million from requests made by the town’s department heads. The Selectmen had asked Brown to prepare a budget with a level-funded tax rate, and that is exactly what he did. As proposed, Brown's budget results in a projected tax rate of $11.56/$1,000 of property valuation, exactly the same as the current rate. A pool of money has been set aside in the operating budget to cover pay adjustments for town employees including the police and public works unions. Should Town Meeting voters reject the operating budget, the default budget will result in a tax rate of $10.68/$1,000, or .88/$1,000 cents less than the current tax rate. Three warrant articles call for $250,000 for paving work on Newport streets; the initial payment on a highway truck lease and $5,000 for a communication capital reserve fund. If approved, they would add an additional .74 to the tax rate. The Board continued its budget review Monday evening with no major changes. Bradford Town Meeting place? Town Clerk Erica Gross and Assistant Moderator, Fred Hubley met with the Bradford Selectmen to discuss where Town Meeting could/should be held. They pointed out the problems of a possible over crowed condition if it is held at the Bradford Elementary where it is usually held. The suggestion was again made to consider the Middle School in Sutton as a possible site. Other suggestions included providing a tent, or holding it at the Town Shed. The three selectmen were adamant that voting would take place in Bradford somewhere and that it will be worked out soon. Administrator Cheryl Behr advised the Town Report is waiting for the finalized warrant, and most Department Reports are in. The Newport Selectmen continued their budget review Monday evening. Hillsboro Deering High School Spring Sports Sign-Ups HDHS will have sign-ups for Baseball, Softball, and Track on Friday, March 7th, 2014 at 2:15pm. Baseball - Gym, Softball Cafeteria, Track - Room 222. HDHS Spring Sports Tryouts All spring sports tryouts will begin on Monday, March 24th, 2014 at the following times and places. Baseball - HDHS Gym, 2:30-5:00 Track - HDHS Cafeteria, 2:305:00 Softball - HDHS Gym, 5:30-8:00. All athletes trying out must either have a physical already on file with the school nurse, or they must have a current physical for 2013-2014 ready to turn in to their coach. Any athlete who does not turn in a physical or have one on file will not be allowed to participate until doing so. WINTER CLEARANCE! Storewide Savings! • Shaker & Country Style Dining Room, Bedroom and Occasional Pieces • Choose from Solid Oak, Maple, Cherry, Ash and Pine • Other Winter Clearance Specials Throughout the Store including Factory Authorized Specials on Clayton Marcus Sofas, Loveseats, Chairs, Sleepers and Recliners Ye llo T SA ag w LE Free Delivery BARNS OF BRADFORD - Factory Furniture Store Rte 114 by Lake Massasecum, Bradford NH • 938-2618 MC/Visa/Discover • OPEN Mon-Sat 10 to 5; Sun 11-4 • Budget terms arranged. Page 6 | The Messenger | february 21, 2014 | Beihl wants resignation of Antrim Selectman Chair & Town Administrator The Antrim Selectmen dealt with a rather routine agenda at Tuesday night's meeting until resident Brian Beihl called for the resignations of Selectman Chair Gordon Webber and Town Administrator Galen Stearns. According to Beihl, " Mr. Webber and Mr. Stearns can no longer represent the Town of Antrim objectively, due to an inappropriate relationship with a developer with whom the Town has an operating agreement." Beihl said he respects Webber's and Stearns' "right to be passionate about a cause," but only in their capacity as private citizens, not as public officials. He is upset that Webber and Stearns appear in a video, paid for and produced by Eolian Renewables LLC, which appears on the Eolian Renewables website and asserts that "No public official, however in favor of a project, should ever appear to advocate for a private company." Neither Webber nor Stearns intends to resign. Tax abatement costs $11,114 A decision of the Superior Court has cost New London over $11,000. In ruling on the tax appeal on Nicholas Gilman's waterfront property, the court found that the town's initial assessment of $2,675,600 was acceptable, but the impact of a sand bar on the value of the property mandated a 25%, or $651,461.30 discount to the land, bringing the value to $2,508,681.70, and resulting in a loss of $11,114 in tax revenue. Members of the Bon Homme Richard Society and the Hannah Dustin Society, Children of the American Revolution, joined together on Feb. 8, 2014 at the New Hampshire Veterans Home in Tilton to deliver their homemade valentines to the veterans. Standing to the left of Barbara Fay, veteran of the U.S. Army are Christian Smith of Dover, Bailey Corti of Portsmouth and Samantha Monroe of Warner in the back. On the right is Anna Smith of Dover with Sophia Snaith of New London and Lydia Monroe of Warner. The Hannah Dustin Society is sponsored by the Mercy Hathaway White Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution and the Bon Homme Richard Society by the Ranger Chapter. N EW T O A NTRIM BARBER SHOP • CCuts uts • Hot Hoot LLather ather Shave es Shaves • LLineups ineups • FFades ades • Bea ard TTrim rim Beard Henry Proctor - Barber Graduate of The New England School of Barbering Come on in, grab the newspaper, talk sports and watch the game while you’re here! 603-808-0089 • Suite F, 46 Main St., Antrim, NH Located at the lower level of Trends Of Fashion LOOKING FOR HOUSING IN NEW HAMPSHIRE, MAINE OR VERMONT? WE MANAGE THE FOLLOWING U.S.D.A. RURAL DEVELOPMENT PROPERTIES: PROPERTY LOCATION TYPE APPLE TREE VILLAGE BELLOWS FALLS HOUSING BRIDGEVIEW APTS. BUTTERFIELD ELDERLY CHURCH HILL APTS. COLONIAL COURT I & II CONWAY PINES CRANBERRY HILL APTS. GILFORD VILLAGE KNOLLS I & II HIGHLAND APARTMENTS HILLSCOMB APARTMENTS JAFFREY MILL APTS. MOUNTAIN VILLAGE ORCHARD CIRCLE PAPER MILL VILLAGE PEQUAWKET VILLAGE PROCTORSVILLE GREEN PROMENADE COURT ROCKBROOK APTS. UNION SQUARE WALL STREET WENTWORTH PLACE WINCHESTER WOOD CONWAY, NH BELLOWS FALLS, VT PITTSFIELD, NH WEST DOVER, VT DURHAM, NH LITTLETON, NH CONWAY, NH TROY, NH GILFORD, NH ASHLAND, NH HILLSBORO, NH JAFFREY, NH GROVETON, NH FARMINGTON, NH ALSTEAD, NH FRYEBURG, ME PROCTORSVILLE, VT GORHAM, NH PETERBOROUGH, NH WINDSOR, VT SPRINGFIELD, VT MERRIMACK, NH SWANZEY, NH ELDERLY FAMILY FAMILY ELDERLY ELDERLY ELDERLY FAMILY FAMILY ELDERLY ELDERLY FAMILY FAMILY ELDERLY ELDERLY ELDERLY ELDERLY FAMILY FAMILY FAMILY FAMILY FAMILY ELDERLY FAMILY Elderly – 62 or older, handicapped or disabled (regardless of age) Family – families, individuals, elderly or handicapped/disabled Applicants must meet USDA Rural Development Income Guidelines. In most cases, waiting lists do apply. For more information please contact: STEWART PROPERTY MANAGEMENT P. O. Box 10540, Bedford, NH 03110-0540 603-641-2163 TDD Access • OR VISIT US AT OUR WEBSITE EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY SPM does not discriminate based on race, color, sex, age, religion, national origin, family or marital status or disability. | february 21, 2014 | The Messenger | Page 7 Weare School District in need of critical technology update Learning how to conduct a short research project that builds knowledge through investigation of different aspects of a topic is a Common Core Standard that must be met in fourth grade. Students at Center Woods Elementary School were trying their best to complete their research projects, but the basic infrastructure of the technology in their school building is inadequate for such school work. Every time a fourth grade class would attempt to access the Internet to do research, all of the computers at Center Woods, both student and staff, would slow down or, often, just shut down. “After watching our students struggle with stalling computers for three weeks, we knew we needed to find a solution or we would fail our students,” said Center Woods Principal Jess Potter. It was then that John Stark Regional High School Principal Christopher Corkery offered to have Center Woods bring their fourth graders to the high school and use their computers to do the work. “Steve Law and Megan Hardy from our IT department made it a reality by setting up two computer labs for the Center Woods students,” said Corkery. The result? The fourth grade students completed their projects at John Stark in an hour and a half. Henniker Community School Teacher Peter Adamo is working with his 8th grade Tech Ed students to prepare for an underwater robotics experiment at UNH as part of the SeaPerch project. Leanne Chauvette photo. Village Discount Center TOOLS • TARPS • FISHING TACKLE • MARINE • GIFTS • HOUSEWARES • ASSORTED • WHITE SELF ADHESIVE TARGETS SPLATTING TARGETS Starting at 4.99 $ Open 9:00-5:00 7 Days a Week • 492 West Main St. Hillsboro, NH 478-5330 Page 8 | The Messenger | february 21, 2014 | H.R. Clough, Inc. 76 Pine Street • P.O. Box 98 Contoocook, NH • (603) 746-3456 Kearsarge Heating Oils Depot Street • P.O. Box 369, Warner, NH 1-800-730-2426 • (603) 456-2426 Heating Oils • Diesel • Motor Fuels • Energy Card System 24 Hr. Self-Serve Gas & Diesel Pumps & Propane Fill Station Automatic Delivery Service • Competitive Pricing • Monthly Budget Plans • Complete Heating System • Sales & Service • 24-Hour Gas and Diesel • Card System • 24-Hour Emergency Burner Service • Propane Fill Station • K1 Kerosene - Self Serve & Delivered “Our Family Serving Your Family Since 1939” • Committed to the Industry’s highest standards Member: Oil Heat Council of New Hampshire (L to R) Mackenzie Peacock, runner up, and Aliyah Browne, winner. Poetry Out Loud winner at John Stark $ 11,299 Stop in or visit us online to see our large selection selectio www. .com L(603) IVINGSTON’S A RCTIC C AT 464-5454 464 5454 • 123 H Henniker ik St Streett • Hill Hillsboro, b NH Is this you? We can help! Self-Storage Units Now available at Harvester Market Aliyah Browne was the winner of the John Stark Poetry Out Loud Finals held on February 10. Mackenzie Peacock was runner up. Poetry Out Loud, a national poetry recitation contest, is designed to encourage students to learn about the beauty and power of language. Browne recited Richard Cory by Edward Arlington Robinson and Beautiful Wreckage by W.D. Ehrhart. She will now compete at the semi-final competition at New England College (Simon Center) on March 10 at 7 pm. Peacock recited The Arrow and the Song by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and The Way It Sometimes Is by Henry Taylor. Other John Stark Poetry Out Loud contestants included: Nancy Anastasia Gregory, Mike Caplan, Hazel Johnston, Kathryn Nitzschke, Jacob Goldsberry, Jessie Osgood, and Gretchen Wagner. Leandra Jimmo performed for the Judges’ Calibration Round. Hillsborough poet to judge poetry contest Starting at only $25.00 Per Month Route 114 • Henniker, NH • Store your snowmobile for the summer, your car, boat or motorcycle for the winter, or just gain some extra kiving space at home! For more info, please call 603-428-3912 Central NH Employment Services, Inc. Assembly/Production (Newport) CNHES, Inc. is looking for motivated individuals to work for one of the leading firearms manufacturers (STURM RUGER). Experience in manufacturing a plus, will train the right individuals Multiple shifts available (including a 36 hour weekend shift) Benefits: • $20 a day travel stipend (anyone traveling over 25 miles) • $250 bonus after 90 days • Quarterly Profit Share (contract employees included) • Hourly rates from $10.00-$11.50 per hour To be considered you must: • Have a positive past work experience • Have reliable transportation • Be available for OT (including every other Sat) • Must also pass criminal and drug screens Contact CNHES, Inc at 225-1115 •• Never a fee to you! •• The Lake Sunapee Region Center for the Arts is inviting New Hampshire poets to submit entries in its third annual poetry competition, with four categories of winning entries to be announced, and their authors to be honored, during National Poetry Month in April. The theme of this year’s competition will be “Creating Poetry from Life Experience.” Entrants are encouraged to submit one original poem, published or unpublished, that has been inspired by, or is otherwise related to, life experience. Two winners will be selected in each of the categories and invited to read their poems and receive their prizes at a public celebration on Friday, April 4, at 5:00 p.m., in the Lake Sunapee Protective Association’s Knowlton House in Sunapee Harbor. Judging the entries will be Hillsborough poet Martha Carlson-Bradley, whose five collections of work include the 2013 volume “Sea Called Fruitfulness.” Man waives probable cause for assault John Kusinski waived his probable cause hearing on Wednesday in Newport District Court on multiple charges stemming from his February 11th attack on a Manchester taxi driver in Sunapee. Sunapee Police Sergeant Neill Cobb told WNTK that Kusinski, who was being held on $25,000 cash only bail, may soon be able to make a surety bond. Kusinski has been charged with Aggravated DWI, a Class A Misdemeanor, Theft by Unauthorized Taking, a Class A Felony; and Second Degree Assault, a Class B Felony. The case now goes to a grand jury. | february 21, 2014 | The Messenger | Page 9 Committee recommends keeping New London Dispatch Center The committee studying New London's Dispatch Center has made its recommendation to the selectmen. It concludes that although the town absolutely could save money each year by no longer funding the New London Communications Center, life safety of the emergency responders, and the citizens they serve, should always be the number one factor when making decisions regarding the processes of emergency services." In recommending that the town maintain its current service, the report concludes, " It is the opinion of those compiling this research that continuing to fund the New London Communications Center is an extremely important part of the Town's Emergency Services. To have ATTENTION CANDIDATES SCHOOL AND TOWN OFFICES Send your photo & a brief Deadline statement of why you’re running for that office and we’ll publish for Submission is Fri., Feb. 28 it in our March 8 issue of The Messenger. EMAIL: or MAIL TO: The Messenger, PO Box 1190, Hillsboro, NH 03244 dedicated, knowledgeable personnel directly in town provides an added measure of security for citizens and the town's public safety personnel." Henniker police arrest Florida fugitive from justice On February 14th, officers from the Deering and Henniker Police were trying to locate a car that was stuck in a snow bank off of Dudley Pond Road. A Henniker officer found that Kevin R. Vachon, 24, of Tamworth had operated the vehicle. The passenger was identified as Adam Richard Hale, 22, of St. Petersburg, Florida. When Hale's information was run the officers learned that he had a warrant for Attempted 1st Degree Murder, Home Invasion Robbery, and Grand Theft Motor Vehicle out of Putnam County Florida. Both Hale and Vachon were taken into custody. Hale as a fugitive from justice, and Vachon for possession of synthetic cannabinoids. The MOST LIVE & LOCAL Weekdays 6am-9am NH WAKE UP SHOW with Peter St. James & Jim Fronk 9am-12n LAURA INGRAHAM 12n-3pm CLARK HOWARD 3pm-5pm CAIL & COMPANY Saturdays 10-12n CALLING ALL SPORTS with Bob Lobel & Upton Bell Page 10 | The Messenger | february 21, 2014 | THE Messenger A Publication of Granite Quill Publishers Your Hometown Weekly Since 1868 A Tradition Worth Keeping! 246 West Main Street • PO Box 1190 Hillsboro, NH 03244-1190 Phone: 464-3388 • Fax: 603-464-4106 E-mail: STAFF Leigh Bosse: Publisher Joyce Bosse: Editor Christi Macomber: Advertising Design Gail Stratos: Publication Design & Layout, Advertising Design, Production & Website Deborah Belanger: Sales Rep Mary Yuryan: Sales Rep DEADLINE: Monday at 5pm prior to Fri. publication. ADVERTISEMENT ERRORS: We will be responsible for errors in advertisements only to the extent of correcting the same in the next issue using space equal to the items in error. LETTERS POLICY: We will print signed letters to the editor on a space available basis. Letters should be no more than 250 words, typed or e-mailed. Letters must be signed but names may be excluded upon request. PHOTO SUBMISSIONS: We encourage individuals and groups to submit photos of their events or activities, either by mail or e-mail. CORRECTIONS POLICY: We strive every day to present full, fair and accurate news reports. We will correct, in this space, factual inaccuracies in our coverage. We encourage readers to tell us if we have made a mistake. Also from the The Granite Quill: IN New Hampshire Your Guide to What’s Happening in the Granite State Senior Lifestyles A Guide for New Hampshire’s Active Seniors NH Homes & Home Improvement A Guide for NH Home Owners & Home Seekers Publisher’s Perspective by Leigh Bosse Disgusting The N.H. Attorney General's Office has finally released the details of its prolonged investigation into the actions of former New London Police Chief David Seastrand. According to the report, one woman reported that Seastrand offered to drop charges against her if she posed nude for him. Another had sexual contact with him while he was Chief, a third said that Seastrand paid her speeding ticket in exchange for her posing in lingerie, while a fourth refused Seastrand's offer of cash for taking nude photographs of her. After reading the sordid details, only one word describes most people's reaction - disgusting. Equally disgusting is the determination that Seastrand will not face criminal charges. Last December, Assistant Attor- ney General Jane Young announced that Seastrand would not be prosecuted for the last three complaints, saying that "while disturbing, {they} did not rise to the level of criminal conduct.” When you consider that in all these incidents, the Chief was in full uniform, once in his office, and at least twice in his cruiser, it is difficult to understand why he was not arrested for Abuse of Office under RSA 643. Section 643:1 states, "A public servant, as defined in [including a police chief] is guilty of a misdemeanor if, with a purpose to benefit himself or another or to harm another, he knowingly commits an unauthorized act which purports to be an act of his office; or knowingly refrains from performing a duty imposed on him by law or clearly inherent in the nature of his office." Letters to the Editor Dear Editor: At the School Deliberative meeting, approximately two thirds of the people who attended were associated with the school as employees or school employee families. Certainly, not a representation of all the voters of Hillsboro/Deering. Contrary to what has been printed, we the concerned citizens of Hillsboro, believe that the School Building needs maybe necessary but also believe the process to obtain the funds should remain in the voters hands not in hands of the School Board. The process of giving the Tax Payers a vote by presenting Capital Expenditures through Warrant Articles is at stake in ARTICLE 8 of the School Board Budget. If Article 8 passes, the voters of Hillsboro/ Deering will lose their right and control to vote for or against Capital Expenditures at the School now and in the future. Capital Improvements should be at the discretion of the Voter not just the School Board. We, as voters, have always responded responsibly when clear and factual evidence has been presented to us for approval by a Warrant Article. Keep the power of your vote and vote no on article 8 !!!! Carmyn Young, Kathy Eckberg, Mary Lannon, Jim Young, Bob Eckberg **************************************** Dear Editor: The InCasts and RBA ecumenical Middle and High School youth groups at Smith Memorial Church would like to thank everyone who made our "Superbowl Subs and more" fundraiser such a big success. A huge thank you goes to Kiki Mauridis (and staff ) at Hillsboro House of Pizza, once again we could not have done it without you and your suppliers, Costas Provision of Boston, LaMarca and Sons Bakery of Malden, Mass. and Granite State Fruit of Manchester, NH, who generously provided the rolls, produce and meats for the subs. Shaw’s Supermarkets once again supplied containers for the chili and bean dip and JD Foods gave us a discount on the ingredients. Thanks also to our local papers, the Messenger and The Villager. Some others we would like to recognize, Arlene Johns, Becky and Fred Parisi, Don Veitch, Dave Dick, Fran Charron, Yvonne Bachand and Camille Gibson. And finally | february 21, 2014 | The Messenger | Page 11 the youth groups would like to thank all of you who bought subs, chili and bean dip or made a donation. The support of this community is making a big difference in the lives of our young citizens. Thank You! **************************************** Dear Editor: When John Segedy got elected on the school board. He served one term and was not reelected. There was strife even the minutes could not get approved. The chairman of the school board resigned. John Segedy gets appointed to take planning board minutes and Gary Sparks resigns. John talks about saving money at school board meetings and then he supports a teacher's contract that cost the taxpayers in Hillsboro a lot of money and will continue to raise our taxes every year. Often John says "give us back our money" and yet this year the school board is trying to return money to the taxpayers and John does not like the way they are doing it which happens to be the way the state of New Hampshire said is the legal way to do it. John talks about what is legal and how people are to follow the law and yet he is in violation of local and state law by having more than two unregistered motor vehicles on his property and who knows how many other violations. Because of this John fights against zoning ordinances and anything he perceives might time available for town staff for enforcement. If you want a negative influence and a loose cannon running the town vote for him. There is another choice, Alan Urquhart, a man that's been a positive influence in Hillsboro trying to improve life for all of us. Alan is retired after working 40 years in a Department of Corrections. Alan is intelligent having graduated magna cum laude with a bachelor of arts and then went on to get a master's degree in public administration. He has served with the Hillsboro youth services committee and diversion program, member of Hillsboro pride, member of the Hillsboro community action team, and was elected chairman of the Hillsboro economic development committee by his peers that respect him. Peter Fellman, Hillsborough **************************************** Fellow Citizens of Hillsborough, When you go to the polls in March you will have a chance to vote for democracy. Article 3 will adopt the SB2 form of meetings for the future. Here is why I believe we should adopt SB2: Because everyone should have a voice in the town's affairs. Unfortunately too many of our citizens are unable to attend Town Meeting. Some work second shift; some have family at home to care for; some are out of town on business, wintering elsewhere or attending school; and some don't drive at night or at all. For whatever reason, attendance at Town Meeting rarely exceeds a couple of hundred voters out of a population in the area of six thousand. I dare say that even those of us who do attend meetings know friends or family who don't. It is not our place to judge their reasons. The rest of our citizens deserve to be heard. For those who like the tradition of Town Meeting or feel that being able to discuss the issues with each other helps them make a good decision, that opportunity still exists at the first or as it is commonly known – the deliberative session. Under 'SB2' we get the best of both worlds – a meeting to discuss and then everyone having a vote! For those that may want to research and find out more about an issue after hearing a point made by a fellow citizen at the meeting, this also allows the time to do so. Under the current system, if someone brings up a point during discussion, one has to make a snap decision about it. As someone who does speak at meetings, I would be presumptuous to expect my neighbors to accept what I have to say as gospel. None of us are perfect, so having a break before the final vote allows research to confirm something said. It also allows time to discuss the issues in other settings with people that couldn't make the meeting or who perhaps just aren't comfortable speaking in a large venue. The bottom line is that SB2 will increase the number of us participating in our affairs. This is a win for democracy and a win for our town. Thank you for your thoughtful consideration of this issue. John Segedy, Hillsborough **************************************** Messenger THE Letters to the Editor Pick up your Messenger at: Andover: Jakes, Circle K Antrim: Antrim Marketplace, T-Birds, Rick & Diane’s, Edmunds, Malarky's Bennington: Harris Convenience, Albertos, Bennington Village Store, A Common Place Bradford: Post Office, Lake Sunapee Bank, Appleseed, Cobble Farms Contoocook: T-Bird, Colonial Village, Dimitri's Deering: Deering Town Hall Francestown: Country Store Goffstown: Sully’s Superette, Town Office Greenfield: Harvester Market Hancock: Fiddleheads, Country Store Henniker: Harvester Market, Country Spirit, Edmunds, Pharmacy, Henniker Farm Store, St. Georges Cafe, Town Hall Hillsborough: Sweet Expressions, Shaw’s, Diner, Williams’ Store, The Corner Store, Lake Sunapee Bank, Santander Bank, Post Office Hopkinton: Cracker Barrell, Town Hall Jaffrey: Belletete’s Newbury: Marzelli’s, Mobil, Lake Sunapee Bank, Post Office, Mountain Edge, Best Western, One Mile West, Tackle Shop New London: Hannaford’s, McKenna’s, Colonial Marketplace, Pizza Chef Newport: Shaw’s, Irving, T-Bird, Country Kitchen, Coronis Market, Senior Center Peterborough: Belletete’s, Agway, Shaw’s Rindge: Market Basket, Hannaford’s Sunapee: Sugar River Bank, Post Office Lake Sunapee Bank, Exxon, Pizza Market Sutton: General Store Warner: Evan’s Expressmart, Irving, Market Basket, Foothills Washington: Washington General Store Weare: Lancots, Colburns, Dimitri's Page 12 | The Messenger | february 21, 2014 | Naughton & Son Inc. Recycling Mark A. Lawson, Owner 288 Beard Road • Hillsboro, NH P 603.478.3987 C 603.344.3987 All Phases of Auto Repair � State Inspections Cars, Trucks, Motorcycles Weddings, Portraits, Sport & Event Photography PAUL HOWE PHOTOGRAPHER 93 Ryder Corner Rd., Sunapee, NH 03782 Tel 603.763.4014 Cell 603.454.9095 Rt. 77 West, 32 Dustin Tavern, Rd., Weare, NH Junk Cars Wanted!! Residential, Commercial & Construction Recycling Services • Construction, Cleanout • Roll-offs (15-40 yds) • Containers (2-10 yds) Call Serving Hillsboro & Surrounding Areas 24 Jones Rd., Bradford 938-2282 Affordable shared housing opportunity In Antrim, NH for persons 62+ years, or w/disabilities. Private BRs, shared common areas, private yard, on-site laundry facilities and parking. Utilities included. Rent based on 30% of monthly income provided annual income is $25,900 or less. For more information call Great Brook Homes 603-588-3499 Logging & Land Clearing Whole Tree Chipping David Bourgoine 924-9759 Seasoned firewood $250/cord Will buy standing timber! TOP DOLLAR PAID!! Wanda Robie • Owner/Stylist Local References • Insured • TONY RICCIO EXPERIENCED ROOFER � No Middle Man � No Job Too Small HAIR DESIGN H ISO STUDIO Products & TANNING Hrs: Tue-Sat 9AM-5PM • Evenings by Appointment 500 W. Main St., Hillsboro • 478-5722 Sam’s Chair Caning Rush • Reed • Splint Quaker District Henniker, NH 603.428.7003 Restore your old seat! Rt. 77, Concord Stage Rd., Weare, NH Units Available! Call us now! 6 month prepaid discount Gated, lighted, 24 hour surveillance and paved facility. Outside storage available. 529-HIDE (4433) Murdough Builders LLC “Building a Reputation of Quality” • EPA/HUD RRP Certified Renovator • Fully Insured • New Homes • Additions • Remodeling • Sill Replacements • Garages • Barn Restorations 603-478-0436 Fax: 464-5704 • Keith A. Murdough, Owner To advertise your business here call 603-464-3388 Granite Quill Publishers 246 West Main St., Hillsboro, NH 800-529-5865 • Salon 405 Roof ng eli Shov • Metal • Shingles • Leak Repairs • Houses • Camps • Barns • Sheds 464-5025 day or evening • 7 days a week Call Tony today to schedule a Free Estimate KNAPTON INSURANCE Reade & Woods A member of the Davis & Towle Group Home-Auto-Business-Life-Health 603-464-3422 Fax 603-464-4066 22 School Street, Hillsboro, NH Donald E. Knapton, JR. CIC Donald Solomon Electrician 603-478-5621 405 West Main St. Hillsboro, NH Licensed and Insured OPEN DAILY MY Place Nail Salon 4 Central St., Hillsboro, NH 03244 Polish $10 Manicure $20 Shellac $28 Pedicure $38 LAURIE YANIS CALL OR TEXT ME 603-305-1547 To advertise your business here call 603-464-3388 Granite Quill Publishers 246 West Main St., Hillsboro, NH WWW.NHOILUNDERCOATING.COM Joe 603-491-9011 • Deering, NH SAVE YOUR CAR! | february 21, 2014 | The Messenger | Page 13 Bradford Selectmen reject Budget Committee's Fire Truck proposal Dick Keller, Chair of the Budget Committee presented the selectmen with a different proposal for Article Fifteen in the Warrant regarding the purchasing of a tanker truck for the fire department. The Committee proposes appropriating $232,000 to purchase a new tanker style fire truck, replacing existing unit 82 M-4, 1980 International tanker truck, by authorizing the withdrawal of $152,000 from the Capital Reserve Fund, $80,000 by taxation. After much discussion between Fire Chief, Mark Goldberg, Keller and the selectmen, the selectmen unanimously agreed to stay with their original Article 15 which calls for a lease purchase agreement for the tanker truck by raising $152,000 for the down payment and first years payment under the agreement. The total cost of the truck over four years will be $238,100. The annual payments for the remaining three years will be $28,700 per year. Keller advised that the Budget Committee still does not recommend Article Fifteen as written. NHBB Employee Relief Fund A fund has been started to help two New Hampshire Ball Bearings Inc. workers injured in the explosion who are still hospitalized. The NHBB Employee Relief Fund was established to directly and equally benefit both employees as they recover. Contributions can be made to “NHBB Employee Relief Fund,” and can be dropped off at any GFA branch location, or mailed to GFA Federal Credit Union, P.O. Box 468, Gardner, MA 01440-0468. The DAR Reprisal Chapter of Newport, NH participated in the 98th Annual Winter Carnival. A cold day with high spirits, flags waving and John Phillip Sousa's Stars and Strips Forever to keep us warm. (L to R) Lorie Greenwood, Pat McCabe, Stephanie Talbot, Kim Chandler, Verne Greene and in back riding on top is Regent Sue Swan and Jean Barrett. Haigh Duncklee Builders Farms C.S. LLC Home Repairs & Improvements Additions • Decks • Porches • Roofing • Siding Door & Window Replacement ~ Since 1983 ~ Bill Haigh • 478-3963 From forest to finish... Timberframe Buildings & Repair � General Carpentry � Decks and Porches � Docks & Floats Why should vacations be stressful? Looking for relaxation or adventure, solitude or socialization? Call and tell us your vacation dreams... we’ll make them come true. AND... We can meet or beat most online pricing! HENNIKER, NH 494-0285 (603) 464-4381 (603) 831-6228 FREE ESTIMATES le Plowing rdabLLC o ff , A Jodie Robichaud, Travel Consultant Toll Free: 1-877-378-4097 Local: 603-995-4019 Website: I’ll take care of the details ~ you sit back, relax and have fun! LJM Construction, LLC Excavation & Construction Contractor Residential - Commercial NH Licensed Septic Installer Hillsborough, NH Tel. # 478-2833 • Patios • Carpentry Services • House Lots • Decks • Demolition • Drainage • Porches Improvements • Driveways • Roofs • Septic Systems • Retaining Walls • Sump Pumps / Wet Basements FFree Estimates Fully Insured 30+ Years of Experience Dog Grooming In Hillsborough! Gift Certificates Available • Chance to win monthly drawing of free grooming with re-book • Experienced in all breeds and cuts Healthy Hounds Club Grooming Facility located at Echo Lane Kennels Walks Decks • Fully Insured • Salting Driveways Shoveling 186 BIBLE HILL RD. HILLSBOROUGH (603) 748-5703 $8 OFF First Grooming! Page 14 | The Messenger | february 21, 2014 | — FORECLOSURE SALE AT — PUBLIC AUCTION ANTIQUE CAPE NEAR LOON POND TUESDAY, MARCH 11 AT 11:00 AM 139 EAST WASHINGTON ROAD HILLSBOROUGH, NH ID #14-196 • c.1800 cape style home located on a 1.8± acre lot with access to Loon Pond • 1-story home contains 1,381± SF GLA, 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, and a full unfinished basement • Detached 1-car barn/ equipment shed with loft, screen porch, fireplaced living room, exposed beams, fireplace, and FHA/oil heat • Town water and private septic system • Tax Map 5, Lot 120. Assessed value: $151,300. 2013 taxes: $4,245. Mortgage Ref: Hillsborough County Registry of Deeds Book 8215, Page 1570. Sale per order of Mortgagee by its Attorneys: Haughey, Philpot & Laurent, P.A., Laconia, NH. Terms: $5,000 deposit by cash or certified check satisfactory to Mortgagee at time of sale, balance due within 30 days. Other terms may be announced at time of sale. All information herein is believed but not warranted to be correct. The Mortgagee does not warrant the condition or existence of any feature described above. For more information, please visit our website NH Lic. #2279 James R. St. Jean A U C T I O N E E R S 603-734-4348 . PLEASE VOTE ALAN URQUHART HILLSBOROUGH SELECTMAN Member: Chairman of the Hillsborough Economic Development Commission Hillsborough Youth Services Committee Hillsborough Pride Hillsborough Community Action Team Elected to the Planning Board Sensible commercial growth will hold our taxes down Sports Hopkinton's James McCluskey jumped to a tie for second place at the boys State Ski Jump Meet (L) and Hopkinton's Meg Hemmerlein jumped to a second place finish at the girls State Ski Jump Meet at Storrs Pond in Hanover (R). The Hawks Team placed third at the state meet. Paul Howe photo. Alpine Skiing Hopkinton 3rd Meg Hammerlein won the slalom and finished second in the giant slalom to pace the Hawks to a third overall. Boys' Basketball Monadnock 62 Hillsboro-Deering 49 Down only 26-34 at the break, the Hillcats ran out of gas in the second half. Josh Gould led with 13 points. Hopkinton 57 Kearsarge 50 The Hawks flew out to a 17-7 first quarter lead. Sam Winslow led the Hawks, coming off the bench with 10 of his 18 points in the final stanza. James Bromwell and Zach Mattos led the Cougars with a dozen each, followed by Carter Noordsij with 11. Raymond 56 Kearsarge 51 Tied at 39 entering the fourth, the Rams were deadly from the foul line in the final stanza. Carter Noordsij had 23 points for the Cougars. Mascoma 64 Kearsarge 35 The Royals' defense was tenacious. Trent Noordsij led the Cougars with 10 points. ConVal 56 Milford 48 Jordan Moore had a game high 18 points and Kyle Murray added 12 in leading the Cougars to victory. Hollis-Brookline 68 John-Stark 34 Drew McQuarrie's double double (10 points, 11 rebounds) was not enough as the Generals fell behind 5-21 after one and 9-38 at the half. Boys' Hockey John Stark-Hopkinton 11 Moultonborough-InterLakes 4 Five second period goals broke the game open for the Generals. Ryan Hawks led the way with a hat trick. John Stark-Hopkinton 11 Manchester West 3 A hat trick by Jacob Blanchette led a barrage of scoring by the Generals. Kennett 3 Kearsarge 1 Keeper Cody Rowe made 31 saves to keep it close but only Jakob Arnold could find the net for the Cougars. Belmont-Gilford 7 Kearsarge 2 Jakob Arnold and Will Aufranc scored while Cody Rowe made 22 saves but the Bulldogs were tenacious. | february 21, 2014 | The Messenger | Page 15 Sports Maple St., Henniker 428-3265 • 56 Main St., PO Box 126 Antrim 588-6565 WWW.EDMUNDSSTORE.COM Big February Savings! Now through February 28 RED HOT BUY After scoring her 1000 point Sunapee's Erika Waterman holds up a banner with former 1000 point scorer Stephanie Larpenter with her name added to the 1000 point scorers at Sunapee High School Monday night. Paul Howe photo. Girls' Basketball Sunapee 63 Newport 32 In Monday night’s rematch against Newport, Coach Tim LaTorra organized a triple ball screen to free Waterman for a 3-point shot. With only 34 seconds on the clock, her 1,000th point was scored. Waterman finished with 14 points on the night. Sunapee 63 Concord Christian 22 The Lakers opened the flood gates in a dominating win. Erika Waterman was pulled after scoring 29 points. Kearsarge 40 Raymond 24 A 16-2 second quarter opened up the game for Kearsarge. Devi Krashaaur's double double of 12 points and 12 rebounds led the way. Kearsarge 42 Mascoma 39 Anna Cahill scored 17 points and Lexi Bryk 13 to lead the Cougars to a win, snapping a 10 game losing streak. Monadnock 49 Hillsboro-Deering 19 Marygrace Bartoldus (10 points, 13 rebounds) and Paige Vincent with 9 points were the only Hillcats to score. Fall Mountain 55 Newport 41 The Tigers kept it close for three quarters until the Wildcats exploded for in a 25-9 third quarter. Down by 21, Newport finished strong, out-scoring the Wildcats 17-10 in the final. Hopkinton 48 Newport 41 In a back and forth game, the Tigers led for most of the game until the Hawks outscored them 9-2 over the closing minutes. The Hawks ran off an 11-2 run to take a 39-33 lead before the Tigers tied it at 39-39 with less than 3 minutes left Maddie Clark and Sabrey Montore led the 13-3 Hawks with 14 points each. Brooke Beaulieu led the Tigers with 10 points, while Stephanie Carl tossed in 9. Lebanon 50 John Stark 21 With five players missing, the Generals could not compete with the 12-5 Raiders. Milford 59 ConVal 19 The Spartans were dominant in a convincing win over the Cougars. Girls' Hockey Concord 8 ConVal 0 A tough Tide defense held the Cougars to just four shots on goal. Souhegan 2 ConVal 1 The loss couldn't spoil the celebration as Hannah Garfunkle took a pass from Taryn Wing and scored the Cougar's first goal of the season. Gymnastics John Stark 6th Gia Quinn placed 6th on the bars, floor and beam and 7th on vault for a 6th overall in the state championships. 8 Lb. Premium Blend Bird Food or 10 Lb. Sunrise Blend Bird Food 4 99 each 9” Supreme Roller Cover 3/Pk. Tide® Laundry Detergent, 50 oz. 699 each 1009919, 1207406 Limit 1 each at this price 8337222, 8337214 RED HOT BUY RED HOT BUY 6 99 RED HOT BUY 999 32 Gal. Trash Can 1309707 7208366 RED HOT BUY Hefty® Cinch Sak® Trash Bags 7 6105050, 6105001, 6105019 Limit 3 total at this proce. DeWalt® 4 Pc. Screwdriver Set 2332906 99 each RED HOT BUY 18 Gal. Tote 6250633. Limit 2 at this price. 18 Gal. Clear Tote, 6250617, $5.99, $4.99. Limit 2 at this price. RED HOT BUY Your Choice 4 $ 99 499 Stanley® Customizable SortMaster Organizer 2379709 Page 16 | The Messenger | february 21, 2014 | Simonds School celebrates Spirit Week with Caribbean day as they patiently wait for spring. Shown are 3rd Grader, Adam Ventola (left photo) 4th Grader, LoriAnn Brown and 3rd Grader, Lucas Berube (right photo). ConVal students honored for "Positive Contributions" An Establishment of Good Taste With more creative tasty delights, come in and treat your palate! Original cuisine using only the freshest ingredients, making it the best of its kind anywhere! New Snowmobile trail is done!!! Visit our website: Sun-Thurs 11:30am-9pm; Fri & Sat 11:30am-10pm 9 Depot St. • Hillsboro • 464-6700 Est. 1999 • Sean Burt, Proprietor To advertise your Restaurant here, call us today at 603-464-3388 Granite Quill Publishers 246 West Main St. Hillsboro, NH The Student Support Team at ConVal High School hosted a third Student Recognition Breakfast on February 19th. Eighty students were honored for their positive contributions to the ConVal community during the first semester. Students were selected for being respectful, showing responsibility and making improvement. Students recognized were: Alexzander Fontaine, Andrew Hopkins, Anthony David, April Madaglia, Austin Ladd, Brendan Anderson, Caitlin Galea, Daniel Gates, Daniel Kashulines, Daniel Learn, Dexter Ingalls, Erik Lakus, Grace Wirein, Ian Farr-Szep, James MacFarlane, Jill Pierson, Joseph Bernstein, Kyra Lloyd, Liam Baldwin, Lilliana Smith, Maclane Stevens, Malik Earle, Marissa Lombardi, Millicent Weinreich, Naomi Rubin, Nathaniel Blanchette, Sage Cawthern, Samantha Yeaw, Sarah Hurley, Seth Stoddard, Aaron Taylor, Aleah French, Aleia Wozmak, Alexis Flynn, Alyssa Thyne, Arianna Zrzavy, Branden Germain, Brandon Chase, Brandon Rajaniemi, Cameron Merwede, Chris LaRoche, Christopher Boyce, Courtney Fisher, Dane Vargas, Emma Canty-Carrel, Emma Rogers, Garrett Mathews, Granger Wozmak, Hannah Fitzgerald, Hannah Pratt, Jacob Munroe, Jamilla Buzzell, Janelle Tvelia, Jarek Noschese, Jason Moore, Jordan Loll, Joshua Curran, Kaitlin Fitzgerald, Kaitlyn Gosnell, Katie Howard, Kayla Snell, Kyle Murray, Lilly Grisafi, Malik Tabbara, Meaghan Hodge, Meghan Close, Micheal Comeau, Oliver Ellerkamp, Olivia Adams, Olivia Thomas, Phil Sangermano, Robin MacFarlane, Samuel Moore, Selina Baldwin, Shannon Glidden, Stephanie Leandri, Sydney Hutton, Tristan Colburn, Ty Doncaster, Veronica Parker. APPLESEED RESTAURANT THE & CATERING SERVICES Lake Todd • P.O. Box 774 • Bradford, NH 03221 Catering for all occasions “Country Dining... at Country Prices” 938-2100 938 93 88-22100 2100 • www ww.App ww. App pples pp l eeddres les e tau tauran rantt.ccom ran o Sun. Breakfast Buffet: 8:00-noon • Dinner: Tues.-Fri. 5:00-9:00 Sat. & Sun. 4:00-9:00 • Closed Mon. We will be CLOSED FOR VACATION February 21 - March 1. We will REOPEN Sunday March 2 @ 8am for the Breakfast Buffet LADIES’ NIGHT THURSDAY 5:00PM - 8:00PM 1/2 OFF DRINKS & APPS 5 DEPOT STREET, HILLSBOROUGH Wed. 3PM-9PM Thurs. 11AM-9PM Fri. 11AM-10PM Sat. 8AM-10PM Sun. 8AM-8PM | february 21, 2014 | The Messenger | Page 17 Student Choice winners Cali Bishop and Alex Pike with “Lax Trax,” never lose a lacrosse ball again (l); Lauren Desrosiers with her “Quicken Chicken Coop Cleaner” display (c); Liam Chapman with “Shalf Pads” calf and shin protection for hockey (r). NOW SMOKE FREE! LUNCH at the MENU AVAILABLE Invention Convention Winners (L-R: Back Row) Liam Chapman, Lauren Desrosiers, Alex Pike, Cali Bishop. (L-R: Front Row) Joel Douzanis, Fiona Winsor, Rose Kosiuszek. Photo by Deborah Lynch. Invention Convention at Center Woods School Over 60 Center Woods students and the 5th graders from the Weare Middle School created new inventions for the first Invention Convention held at Center Woods Elementary School on February 7. Participation in this enrichment project was voluntary and students worked on their projects entirely at home either alone or in small groups. 2014 Invention Convention Winners from Weare are as follows: Grade 1: Joel Douzanis, “Sink Rinser,” Grade 2: Finoa Winsor, “Alpine Cozies,” Grade 3, Rose Kosciuszek, “H2O Holter,” Grade 4: Liam Chapman, “Shalf Pads,” Grade 5: Lauren Desrosiers, “Quicken Chicken Coop Cleaner,” Sport Safety Challenge Winner: Liam Chapman, “Shalf Pads,” and Student Choice: Cali Bishop & Alex Pike, “Lax Trax.” The Invention Convention is part of The Young Inventors’ Program that is administered by The Academy of Applied Science, a nationally recognized educational resource center based in Concord, New Hampshire that offers and administers programs to develop, encourage and provide creative opportunities for students in science and math. The Young Inventors’ Program is designed to inspire kids to think outside the box and encourages students who may not fit the mold for traditional sciences to use their creativity to solve a problem. LEGION 5 oz. Hamburger* $4 Mon.- Fri. 5 oz. Cheeseburger* $4 Open To 5 oz. Pepperburger* $4 *Add Bacon or Mushroom to above $1 Public 5 oz. Texasburger $5 11:00 AMHot Dog, Chili Dog or Kraut Dog $2 3:00 PM Foot Long Dog $3 Take Out BLT (toasted or not toasted) $4 Available Grilled Cheese $2 Grilled Ham & Cheese or Cheese & Bacon $3 Tuna Roll $3 Fresh Fried Fish Sandwich (w/ cheese & lettuce) $4 Roast Beef or Turkey or Ham or Cheeseburger Club $5 Steak & Cheese/Pepper Steak/Mushroom Steak Sub $5 Our Mouth Watering Steak Bomb Plus (cheese-pepp-onion-mushrooms) $6 several Italian Chicken Tenderloin Sub $5 specials (cheese-pepp-onion-mushrooms) daily! Hot or Sweet Italian Sausage Sub $5 (w/ pepper & onions) Italian Cold Cut Sub (Ham, Bologna & Salami) $5 Hot Pastrami on Rye or Pumpernickel $5 Chicken Tenders (4) Basket w/ Fries $5 Fresh Deep Fried Mushrooms w/ Dipping Sauce $4 Soup, Chowder, Stew or Chili - Cup $2 Bowl $3 Hand Cut French Fries - SM $2 LG $3 Handcut French Fries Available w/ All Sandwiches for additional $1 Handcut Onion Rings Available w/ All Sandwiches for additional $2 AMERICAN LEGION • 478-0091 YOUNG-RICHARDSON POST #59 • HILLSBORO E-mail: Web: Page 18 | The Messenger | february 21, 2014 | Obituaries: Friends & Neighbors Remembered Veletta (Pearson) Swett HILLSBOROUGH - Veletta (Pearson) Swett, 89, of Hillsboro and Keene died after a brief illness Thursday, February 13 at Westwood Nursing home in Keene. She was born August 18, 1924, in Wilton, NH to the late John and Mertie (Wright) Pearson. She is survived by her children; Lee Avery of Hillsboro, David Swett and his wife, MaryEllen of Keene, Walter Swett and his wife, Gabrielle of Fayetteville, Georgia, Nancy Plummer and her husband, John of Hillsboro. She is also survived by her six grandchildren; Jason Avery of Virginia, Lindsey Swett of Keene, Inga Marone and her husband, Tom of Atlanta, Georgia, Stefanie Tial and her husband, James, also of Atlanta, Georgia and Zack and Dan Plummer of Hillsboro; along with several nieces and nephews. She is predeceased by her husband of almost 60 years, Ernest Swett in 2006 and grandson, Matthew Swett in 1997. A graveside service to be held in spring in Harvey Memorial Cemetery in Hillsboro, NH. In lieu of flowers memorial contributions can be sent to the Hillsboro Rescue Squad, P. O. Box 350, Hillsboro, NH 03244 or Diluzio's Ambulance Service, 49 Court St, Keene, NH 03431. Marjorie Jane Steen NAPLES, FL - Marjorie Jane (Auty) Steen, 84, wife of Raymond Steen, Jim and Laura Roberts INSPECTIONS full service repair shop forklift repair 270 Browns Way Henniker, NH 03242 603-428-3939 FAX 603-428-3113 Hours: M-F 8-5 Brown’s Way AUTOMOTIVE LLC passed away Tuesday, February 11, 2014, in Naples, FL. Born on November 21, 1929 in Waltham, MA, Margie grew up in Philadelphia. Marge leaves behind her husband, Raymond Laurie Steen, of Hartford; her sister, Elizabeth Buker of Bristol, RI; her three daughters, Laurie and her husband, Brian Werling of Woodstock, CT, Nancy of Hillsboro, NH, and Susan of Hartford CT. Five grandchildren: Matt Noyes and his wife, Melissa of Southington, CT, Jessica Noyes Kovolenko and her husband, Greg of Sykesville, MD, David Werling and his wife, Nedra, of Altamont, NY, Elisabeth Werling and her fiance', Evan Morel of Vernon, CT, and Jacob Noyes of Hillsboro, NH. Margie's six great grandchildren were the love of her life: Adessa and Zachary Noyes, Chad and Reese Werling; and Patrick (Patchy) and Abigail Kovolenko. She also leaves her brothers in law and sisters in law, thirteen nieces and nephews and ten grand nieces and nephews. Margie was predeceased by her parents, Jessie Sprague Richardson Auty and Abner Barnaby Auty; her brothers in law, Harry Buker, Robert Linne, Sr., and Harold Steen, Jr.; her nephew Robert Linne, Jr.; and her dear friend and sister in law, Ernine Steen Linne. As an enduring memorial, a handbell will be purchased in her memory for Smith Memorial Chuck’s Auto Repair Quality Mechanical, Body Work & Used Car Sales 1168 Concord Rd., Antrim 603-464-5045 Handbell Choir, 30 West Main Street, Hillsboro, NH 03244. Donations may be made in her name to keep ringing and reminding us of her presence. Sherwood A. Witkus NEWPORT — Sherwood Arthur Witkus died Saturday, Feb. 8, 2014, at the Woodlawn Care Center in Newport. He was born Feb. 14, 1948, in Newport, to Arthur H. Witkus and Edna (Lane) Witkus. He is survived by his sister, Lanea A. Witkus and her husband, Jeffrey A. Blomquist; his sister, Adair Witkus; his niece, Brittany Blomquist; and his nephew, Jeffrey L. Blomquist. Margaret Chapman NEW LONDON — Margaret Richards “Terry” Chapman, 95, peacefully passed away on Feb. 13, 2014, in New London. The daughter of Leora Moore Richards and William Francis Richards, she was born at home in Colorado Springs, CO, on June 28, 1918. Terry was predeceased by her husband of 69 years, Maj. Gen. Curtis W. Chapman Jr., U.S. Army, retired. She is survived by her daughter, Cynthia and husband, Woody Canaday of Cos Cob, CT, and New London; her son, Bruce and wife, Jacqueline of Germantown and Cambridge, Md; grandsons, Christopher Chapman of Germantown, MD, Nicholas Chapman and wife Natasha of Boyds, MD, Miles Canaday of Denver, CO, and Brooks Canaday of Somerville, MA; as well as dear nieces and nephews. Memorial contributions may be made to the Lake Sunapee Protective Association, 63 Main St., Sunapee 03782 or the Lake Sunapee VNA and Hospice, P.O. Box 2209, New London 03257. S Auto C Repair Hours: Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm • 117 Henniker St. Hillsboro • Phone: 464-4727 • Fax: 464-4012 | february 21, 2014 | The Messenger | Page 19 Events: Community Bulletin Board Saturday February 22 SPAGHETTI SUPPER: To benefit Track Trio Hannah, Ian, Breahna, 5pm at Hillsboro Methodist Church. Not a school or church event, but an event to support the track trio to go to Australia. 39 STEPS: The Colby-Sawyer Players will present the British comedy “The 39 Steps” on Friday, Feb. 21, and Saturday, Feb. 22 at 7pm in the Sawyer Center Theater at the Sawyer Fine and Performing Arts Center. Admission is free of charge. ICE FISHING DERBY: Feb. 22 & 23, 2014 on all legal lakes and ponds in Washington, $6 per day or $10 for both days. Children 12 & under, half price. Live bait available on site. Registration: 5am at Camp Morgan Lodge, Millen Pond Road, Washington. Saturday weigh-in at 5:30pm, Sunday weigh in at 3pm. Prizes awarded after weigh-in. Many raffles, food available. CHICKEN DINNER: The Bennington Congregational Church is having a Teriyaki Chicken Dinner, at the Church Vestry, 5pm-7pm. Adults $8.00, children $5.00. All you can eat. X COUNTRY SNOWSHOE: The 26th Annual Cross Country ski/snow shoe and Pot Luck Supper will be held at Fox State Forest hosted by Friends of Fox. Meet in the parking lot at 1pm for a snow shoe trek led by Inge Seyboyer, Director of Fox Forest. Pot luck will begin at 5:30 at the Baldwin Environmental Center, followed by a slide show presentation “Education Through Adventure - Four Months at Sea” with Sarah Holdner. She is a recent graduate of H-D High School. SNOWSHOE ADVENTURE: The Fells, 456 Rte. 103A, Newbury, 1-2:30p.m. Bring snowshoes for family walk led by Kathleen Stowell, Education Director of the Lake Sunapee Protective Association. Discover what animals do to cope with winter's snow and cold. Members free, nonmembers pay site admission. No registration required. HOUSE PLANT HOSPITAL: 10am-noon, Master Gardener Nancy Jachim helps you ‘doctor’ your ailing house plant. This workshop will teach you pruning techniques; working with effective growing media; and how to deal with house plant insects and diseases. Requested donation $12, which includes $2 for supplies. Meets at The Fells Gatehouse classroom. FEBRUARY HIKES: In North Sutton: Nathan Richer (344-0287) if Mother Nature cooperates this will be a XC ski tour or Friday February 28. Sunday February 23 KIDS' ICE FISHING DERBY: On Lake Todd, registration at Fish and Game Clubhouse, 89 Gillingham Dr., Bradford, 7am-1pm. Contest for kids under 16 but entire family welcome. Assistance available to bore ice holes. All fish must be at clubhouse by 1pm for measurement with award ceremony thereafter. Free breakfast and lunch. Info: PANCAKE & BLUEBERRY BRUNCH: At Robb's Hut, Pine Hill Ski Club, 220 Mountain Rd., New London,. 4 miles from parking area, 11am-2:30pm. $7 donation. Monday February 24 PHOTOGRAPHY CAMP: The Town of Hopkinton will be hosting a Photography Camp during the 2014 February Vacation week, Feb. 24-28. The camp will be run by Active Jr., LLC. The Photography Camp will introduce children, age 7-12, to an array of digital photographic techniques, emphasizing hands-on experience and the art of capturing life in motion. Camp will be held at Harold Martin School, Hopkinton, from 8am-4:30pm with an early/late option for an additional fee. Cost is $195p/p. STORY HOUR: At the Sutton Free Library, 5 Corporation Hill Rd., Sutton Mills, 10:15am for children of all ages. Theme: Feed the Birds. Stories, crafts and games. Info: 927-4927. WILDLIFE: Newbury Public Library, Rte. 103, 1-2:30 pm. Meet wildlife you could see on hike and learn about features that suit them for life in N.H. Grades K -5. Sign up required. Sponsored by the Squam Lake Natural Science Center. Info: 763- 5803. TOWN OF HILLSBOROUGH, NH TOWN OF HILLSBOROUGH Supervisors of the Checklist will meet Sat., March 1, 2014 at the Town Office, located behind Fuller Public Library on School Street, from 11:00 to 11:30 a.m. for corrections to the checklist. This is the last day for town clerks or supervisors to accept voter applications. No additions or corrections shall be made to the checklist after this session until election day on March 11. Tuesday February 25 ARMCHAIR TRAVEL: Dreaming of a trip to a warmer place? Come to Fuller Public Library in Hillsboro for an Armchair Travel adventure at 6:30pm. Tom Kamberis will take us on a visual trip through several of the Greek Islands. Baklava will be served. For more information call 464-3595 Wednesday February 26 WINTER ANIMALS: Monadnock Herbal Society presents Tracking of Winter Animals. Marion Baker will present a talk on tracking of winter animals. 7pm Fox Forest Hillsboro. Free to the public. CURIOUS CREATURES: Deering Public Library will host "Curious Creatures" from 1-2 pm at the Deering Town Hall. Come learn about various animals in a live demonstration. All area children invited. Thursday February 27 VNA MEETS: Joanne Sandberg-Cook, APRN, will speak at the Lake Sunapee Region VNA & Hospice Annual Meeting at 4pm at the Wilmot Community Center in Wilmot. The community is invited, there is no fee to attend and refreshments are provided. RSVP to Cathy Raymond at (603) 526-4077 BOARD GAMES: You remember those. If you run out of things to do during February school vacation, bring your favorite board game to the library on Game Day Thursday Feb. 27 from 1-3 pm. Friday February 28 MUSICAL SOIREE: 7pm, Deering Community Church Route 149, Deering. Evening Musical Soiree. Come and hear local talent of all ages perform and entertain. Free. Donations accepted Saturday March 1 CONTRA DANCE: The Monadnock Folklore Society presents the Peterborough, NH First Saturday Contra Dance on March 1st, featuring Mary Wesley with Russell Orzechowski and Roger Kahle.The dancing begins at 8pm, with an optional introductory workshop beforehand. Admission is $10 or $7 for students and seniors. The dance takes place in the historic Town House in Peterborough. TOWN of HENNIKER SUPERVISORS MEETING ADDITIONS & CORRECTIONS TO CHECKLIST March 1 — Henniker Supervisors will be meeting at Town Hall — 11:00am until 11:30 for correction of the checklist and accept voter registration applications. No additions or corrections shall be made to the checklist after this session, until Election Day. Page 20 | The Messenger | february 21, 2014 | Classifieds: COMMERCIAL FOR RENT Live and Local with Ben Sarro 6 AM 9 AM HENNIKER -- PROFESSIONAL OFFICE OR BUSINESS SPACE – Excellent location on Route 114 in downtown Henniker. Good visibility, off-street parking. 428-3262, days. FOR RENT WASHINGTON, NH FOR RENT: 2 BR HOUSE, 1 bathroom, laundry room, beach rights. Quiet neighborhood. No smoking, no pets. $850 per month plus heat & utilities. First and last month’s rent plus sec. dep. Call 495-3117. HILLSBORO - 1 BR apt., $525/month. No Dennis Miller 9 AM 10 AM New England Kustom & Collision Since 1994 EXPERT COLLISION REPAIRS Messenger classified ads get results! dogs. Sec. dep. & ref req. No heat or utilities supplied. 428-7632. HILLSBORO - 2 BR apt., $575/month. No dogs. No heat or utilities supplied. Sec. dep. & ref. req. 428-7632. HILLSBORO: 1 & 2 BR Apts. Heat & hot water included. No dogs. From $165-$185 per week. Call between 7AM - 7PM. 924-7580 or 563-7173. HELP WANTED PART TIME ANTRIM AREA: McGurty Maintenance Cleaning Service is taking applications for office cleaning, evenings. For an interview call 588-2057. LOST AND FOUND FOUND: GREY TIGER CAT, white markings on chest & rear paws. Appears female & very friendly. Found near Rt. 9 by Franklin Pierce Lake. Call Amy, 478-0331. PIANO LESSONS Barry Armstrong’s Money Matters 10 AM Noon Rush Limbaugh 12 PM 3 PM We work with ALL ins. co.’s Glass replacement Your Car Protected for Winter? Mention this ad and SAVE $10 on a Complete Wax Job through November 30, 2013 Scratch removal & paint chip touch-up We also do restorations & motorcycles Monday-Friday 9:00am-5:30pm Add’l hours available by appt. Stop by or give us a call 18 W. Main Street Hillsboro, NH 03244 603-464-5551 PIANO LESSONS: $30/45min, will travel to the privacy of your own home. Learn classical, pop and theory with proper technique. 603495-0982 – Mrs. Boucher. BUSINESS CLASSIFIEDS AUTOS WANTED Cash For Cars: Any Make, Model or Year. We Pay MORE! Running or Not, Sell your Car or Truck TODAY. Free Towing! Instant Offer: 1-800-871-0654 EDUCATION AVIATION MAINTENANCE TRAINING Financial Aid if qualified. Job Placement Assistance. Call National Aviation Academy Today! FAA Approved. CLASSES STARTING SOON! 1-800-292-3228 or MISC FOR SALE T-SHIRTS Custom printed. $5.50 heavyweight. “Gildan” Min. order of 36 pcs. HATS - Embroidered $6.00. Free catalog. 1-800-242-2374 Berg Sportswear 40. Howie Carr 3 PM 7 PM • Day Care • Pet Sitting • Training Angela Werner • 603 464-9053 Hillsborough, NH 03244 Co m e Sit Play Stay HELP WANTED FULLER BRUSH DISTRIBUTORS NEEDED. Start a home based business. 363-6012 Email: sb.haney715@gmail. com | february 21, 2014 | The messenger | Page 21 It’s COLD Outside but we have HOT Deals!! 2002 Kia Rio 2004 Chevrolet Silverado 4 Door Sedan, A/T, A/C, Economical. Stk #13A25A REDUCED $12,750 $2,950 2004 Chevrolet Malibu Maxx LT REDUCED SPECIAL $4950 $4,950 1999 Buick Regal GSE 4 Door, Loaded, V6, Supercharged. Sold as is. Stk #13A34 SPECIAL SPECIAL $2,450 $1,450 Stepside, V6, A/T, A/C, Fla. Truck. Stk #12A07 $9,950 $5,950 7 Passenger, DVD System. Light Blue. Stk #13A39 REDUCED $7,950 REDUCED $8,950 8’ Fisher Plow. Sold as a Yard Truck Only. As Is. Red. Stk# 6A293B $2,750 2001 Chevy 4x4 Ext Cab V8, Auto., A/C, LS Pkg. High Miles. Sold As Traded. Dk. Green. Stk# 13A32A Not actual photo 2000 Chevy S10 4x4 Ext Cab Pick Up 2000 Chevrolet Tahoe 4 Door Sedan, 4 Cyl, A/T, A/C, Economical Miles. Gray Metallic. Stk #13A28 $4,250 1 owner. 71/2’ Fisher MM Plow, Heavy Duty Suspension, Low Mileage. White. Stk# 12A36 $11,950 2003 Chevrolet Trailblazer L SO 2WD SUV, A/T, A/C, Economical, Exc. Mid Size SUV. White. Stk #13A32 D REDUCED $5,950 $5950 $3,950 2005 Saturn L300 4x4 Z71, Loaded. Turq. Metallic. Stk #13A04 V6, Auto., A/C. Dark Blue Stk #12A34A 2003 GMC HD 2500 4x4 Pick Up $3,500 2005 Malibu Classic $18,250 Not actual photo REDUCED $5,950 $5950 AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE CENTER 1990 GMC 3/4 Ton 4x4 Pick Up 4 Door Sedan, Nice! Economical. Maroon Metallic. Stk #12A13 REDUCED TO $3,950 2006 Dodge Caravan SE 2007 Ford Fusion SE Fully Equipped, including Leather & Sunroof. 59k miles. Gray Metallic. Very Clean. Stk# 12A11C $4,950 Sport Coupe, 4 Cyl, 5 Speed, A/C, Equipped. Sporty Yellow. Stk #12A23 $4,950 2009 FORD ESCAPE LIMITED AWD SUV $12,750 2005 Chevrolet Cavalier LS 4 Door Sedan, Loaded & Clean. Nice! White. Stk #13A21 SPECIAL OF THE WEEK! Federal Gov’t Law Enforcement Vehicle. White. 46,000 Miles Stk# 13A40 4 Door Sedan, 4 Cyl, A/T, A/C, Economical. Red. Stk #12A02 2001 Saturn L200 4 Door Sedan. Loaded. Black. Stk #13A20 2008 Impala LS 4 Door Sedan 2005 Chevrolet Cobalt 2001 GMC Sierra 2WD 4x4, Ext. Cab, LS Pkg., Super Radio. Stk #13A08 2007 Saturn Aura XE Loaded. DVD. Stk #13A30 ALL OF OUR CARS ARE VERIFIED THROUGH AUTO CHECK Level 3, Loaded, Economical, 4 Door Sedan. White. Stk #13A38 $6,850 $4,950 1999 Chevy Express Cargo Van 1998 Dodge Ext. Cab 2WD Cummins Turbo Diesel, Loaded, Equipped for Towing, Florida Truck, Silver. Stk# 8A75B V8, Auto., A/C, Very Clean. Only 57,000 Miles. White. Not actual photo SPECIAL $9,950 $6,950 2002 GMC YUKON XL 2007 Ford Focus ZXW Wgn Fully Equipped, Economical, Great Shape. One Owner. White. Stk #12A27 SLT Package, 8 Passenger. White. Stk #13A16 L SO $5,950 D REDUCED $5,450 WYMAN’S SALES & SERVICE “Where Satisfaction Is a Tradition Since 1953” 172 West Main St., Hillsboro, NH **Restrictions apply. See Dealer for Details. 603-464-5544 • 800-639-9808 VISIT US AT WymansCars.COM Find us on Facebook Sales: Mon-Fri 8am-6pm, Sat 9-1pm Service & Parts: Mon-Fri 8-5 HILLSBORO FORD e b y a m e r u e temperat Page 22 | The Messenger | february 21, 2014 | Th ! ! t o h e r a s e c i r p r u o t u b d col Used only 13 miles! Used only 12 miles! 4x4, #1336, reg. cab, KNAPHEIDE utility body w/locking bins. Was $36,995 Your Price 4x4, #1337, reg. cab, KNAPHEIDE utility body w/locking bins. Was $36,995 Your Price 2013 F350 XL 2013 F350 XL $34,995 $34,995 Don’t make a $1000 mistake! Our used car prices are the lowest, period! 2001 DODGE INTREPID INTREPID, ESES, 4d4 door, 66cyl,l power windows, i d 214k miles, il runs, ASIS AS IS, REDUCED TO $1595 1999 VW PASSAT, GLX, 4 door, auto, only 82k miles, AS IS � REDUCED TO $2495 2004 VW PASSAT, GLX, 6cyl, loaded, sunroof, 142k miles, NEW INSPECTION ONLY $3495 2000 FORD EXPLORER XLT, 4x4, roof rack, 125k miles, runs strong, inspected WAS $5995 NOW $3995 2006 MERCURY MOUNTAINEER, Luxury, 4x4, fully loaded, 111k miles, ONLY $5995! 2007 FORD ESCAPE, XLT, 4X2, runs good, clean, 85k miles, AS IS - REDUCED TO $5995 2008 GMC ENVOY, SLT, 4X4, leather, power everything, 142k miles, runs great, WAS $10995 NOW ONLY $7995 2006 FORD EXPEDITION, XLT, 4x4, 7 pass, 92k miles, runs great, inspected WAS $10995 NOW ONLY $7995 2003 TOYOTA TACOMA Access Cab, SR5, 4x4, auto, bed cover, 127k miles, solid truck, AS IS ONLY $8995 2008 NISSAN VERSA SL, Auto, a/c, runs like new, 58k miles, NEW STICKER - WAS $11995 NOW $8995 2011 FORD FIESTA il iinspected t d - WAS$12995 WAS $12995 NOW $8995 FIESTA, SE SE, AAuto,t a/c,/ runs great,t 1 owner, 46k miles, 2005 TOYOTA SIENNA LE, AWD, leather, clean, 110 miles NOW ONLY $9995 2011 FORD FIESTA SE hatch, auto, one owner, 26k miles, was $13495 NOW $10995 2012 FORD FUSION, SE, 1 owner, 54k miles, runs excellent, ONLY $11995 2012 FORD FOCUS, SE, 1 OWNER, super clean, 43k miles, CERTIFIED PRE OWNED � $12995! 2010 TOYOTA PRIUS, hatch, runs excellent, super clean, 65k miles, INSPECTED, PRICED RIGHT $12995 2013 FORD TAURUS Limited, leather, one owner, 31k miles, WAS $22995 NOW $19995 2013 FORD ESCAPE, SE, 4x4, Certified, comes with 100,000 mile warranty WAS $23995 OUR PRICE $20995 2014 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY, L, fully loaded, leather, dvd pkg, 6000 miles, ONE OWNER, ONLY $26995 2008 FORD F350, LARIAT, dual wheels, 4x4, crew cab, loaded, 85k miles, 1 owner, NADA $32675 NOW $27625 WWW.HILLSBOROFORD.COM 16 Antrim Rd., Hillsboro, NH 800-477-FORD & 603-464-4000 *ALL ALL NEW W CAR PRICES REFLECT A ALL LL RE REBATES/INCENTIVES T TIVES TO DEALER, INCL INCLUDING LUDING FINANCING INANCIN AN NG ANCI G TH T THROUGH HROU UGH H FFORD ON SOME MODELS, ODELS, AND A D HILLSBORO BO FO FORD ORD O DD DISCOUNTS. DISCO | february 21, 2014 | The messenger | Page 23 PRESIDENTS’ DAY EVENT Call TTed TToday C (603) 464-5200 2005 TOYOTA SIENNA AW D Buy for $ * a month 199 F1040A 2005 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE LAREDO SUV ON $50 LY D OW 0 N!! 149 X1021A V6 and Extras!! NH STATE INSPECTED!! X1019A Buy for $ * a month 229 NH N H SSTATE TAT E INSPECTED!! I N S P E CTE D!! Leather, NH STATE INSPECTED!! Buy for $ * a month 2003 DODGE RAM 2500 HEAVY DUTY QUAD CAB 2011 FORD EXPEDITION XL SUV LOWE S! MIL F1030A Buy for $ * a month 299 Running Boards, 3rd Row Seating, 31k *Subject to bank approval. Toyota Sienna, 48 months w/ $999 down; Dodge Ram, 36 months w/ $1999 down; Grand Cherokee, 48 months, $159 w/ $999 down; Ford Expedition, 72 months w/$2999 down Brand new dealer in Hillsboro! 75 Antrim Road • Hillsboro, NH 03244 Page 24 | The Messenger | february 21, 2014 | HARLEM WIZARDS V. O’ROURKE’S RAIDERS HILLSBORO-DEERING HIGH SCHOOL GYM MARCH 10, 2014 7:00 PM Doors Open 6:30 PM TICKETS — STUDENTS: $10 IN ADVANCE • $12 AT THE DOOR GENERAL ADMISSION: $12 IN ADVANCE • $14 AT THE DOOR SPONSORED BY THE HILLSBORO LIONS CLUB
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