The Messenger – March 28, 2014 pages 19
The Messenger – March 28, 2014 pages 19 | march 28, 2014 | The Messenger | Page 19 Henniker Community School sixth graders study Japan Henniker sixth graders' expanded classroom study of Japan began in February when teaching artist Shana Brautigam of Rooted in Clay in Rindge, NH, worked with the students to create hand-built, pinched clay tea bowls and caddies. Students also worked together to create some larger hand-built raku vessels that were fired in an outdoor kiln here at school. This week, 6th graders have worked with visiting artists Stuart Paton and Motoko. Stuart Paton, Founder and Artistic Director of Burlington Taiko spent most of his childhood in Japan. His formal study of taiko began in 1984 during a summer apprenticeship with Grandmaster Seiichi Tanaka. He founded the Burlington Taiko Group in 1986. Paton and Burlington Taiko conduct 50-75 school performances and residencies annually, providing students with first-hand knowledge of the excitement and power of playing taiko. He now lives in Vermont. Motoko, a native of Osaka, Japan, first came to the U.S. as an exchange student at the University of Massachusetts. Her earlier career included working as a Japanese language instructor at UMass for ten years. This week, 6th graders have worked with visiting artists Stuart Paton and Motoko. Stuart Paton, Founder and Artistic Director of Burlington Taiko spent most of his childhood in Japan. Stuart Paton drums with Mrs. McGee's class. Haigh Duncklee Builders Farms C.S. LLC Home Repairs & Improvements Additions • Decks • Porches • Roofing • Siding Door & Window Replacement ~ Since 1983 ~ Bill Haigh • 478-3963 From forest to finish... Timberframe Buildings & Repair � General Carpentry � Decks and Porches � Docks & Floats 494-0285 Contoocook Dance & Gymnastics Center (603) 464-4381 (603) 831-6228 NSS N N OW W BEING BEIING NG TAKEN TAK AKEN EN N CAMP REGISTRATIONS NOW FREE ESTIMATES Ask about our TEEN WEEK JUNE 23 THRU JULY 11 (WEEKLY CAMPS) MORNING CAMP 5-7 years old • 9AM - noon ALL DAY CAMP 6+ years old • 9AM - 5PM Our Camp Day is filled llleed d with wiith w wit ith fun it ffu un activities! un acctiviti tiviiiti ti ttiiies! es! es! Art, Dance, Gymnastics & Rhythmic ALL DAY CAMP includes a 2 hour swim time For more info. call 746-3282 • 161 Pine Street, Contoocook His formal study of taiko began in 1984 during a summer apprenticeship with Grandmaster Seiichi Tanaka. Paton and Burlington Taiko conduct 50-75 school performances and residencies annually, providing students with first-hand knowledge of the excitement and power of playing taiko. He now lives in Vermont. le Plowing rdabLLC o ff , A LJM Construction, LLC Excavation & Construction Contractor Residential - Commercial NH Licensed Septic Installer Hillsborough, NH Tel. # 478-2833 • Patios • Carpentry Services • House Lots • Decks • Demolition • Drainage • Porches Improvements • Driveways • Roofs • Septic Systems • Retaining Walls • Sump Pumps / Wet Basements FFree Estimates Fully Insured 30+ Years of Experience P LU M M E R WELL & PUMP SERVICE • Wells • Pumps • Filters • Crane Work • Excavating • 24/7 Emergency Service • Since 1990 • Residential & Commercial 1-888-NOWATER? Walks Decks • Fully Insured • Salting Driveways Shoveling John Plummer 464-4420 Page 20 | The Messenger | march 28, 2014 | Naughton & Son Inc. Recycling Rt. 77 West, 32 Dustin Tavern, Rd., Weare, NH 500 Off! $ State Inspection with this coupon! 800-529-5865 • Weddings, Portraits, Sport & Event Photography PAUL HOWE Residential, Commercial & Construction Recycling Services • Construction, Cleanout • Roll-offs (15-40 yds) • Containers (2-10 yds) Call Serving Hillsboro & Surrounding Areas 24 Jones Rd., Bradford 938-2282 603-325-1822 Units Available! Call us now! 6 month prepaid discount Gated, lighted, 24 hour surveillance and paved facility. Outside storage available. 529-HIDE (4433) Hrs: Tue-Sat 9AM-5PM • Evenings by Appointment 500 W. Main St., Hillsboro • 478-5722 EXPERIENCED ROOFER � No Middle Man � No Job Too Small Roof ng eli Shov • Metal • Shingles • Leak Repairs • Houses • Camps • Barns • Sheds 464-5025 day or evening • 7 days a week Call Tony today to schedule a Free Estimate 603.428.7003 Donald Solomon Electrician 603-478-5621 405 West Main St. Hillsboro, NH Licensed and Insured KNAPTON INSURANCE Reade & Woods A member of the Davis & Towle Group Home-Auto-Business-Life-Health 603-464-3422 Fax 603-464-4066 22 School Street, Hillsboro, NH Donald E. Knapton, JR. CIC Logging & Land Clearing Whole Tree Chipping David Bourgoine 924-9759 Seasoned firewood $250/cord Will buy standing timber! OPEN DAILY Murdough MY Place Builders Nail Salon LLC Rush • Reed • Splint Restore your old seat! Ed Ferguson • Deering, NH 603-229-7101 WWW.NHOILUNDERCOATING.COM HAIR DESIGN H ISO STUDIO Products & TANNING Sam’s Chair Caning Quaker District Henniker, NH Fully Insured • Free Estimates Major credit cards accepted SAVE YOUR CAR! TONY RICCIO Rt. 77, Concord Stage Rd., Weare, NH Great Brook Homes 603-588-3499 Tree Trimming & Removal Brush Chipping Joe 603-491-9011 • Deering, NH Local References • Insured • For more information call Wanda Robie • Owner/Stylist 93 Ryder Corner Rd., Sunapee, NH 03782 Tel 603.763.4014 Cell 603.454.9095 • On-Site Automobile Detailing • Interior & Exterior Services Gift Certicates Available In Antrim, NH for persons 62+ years, or w/disabilities. Private BRs, shared common areas, private yard, on-site laundry facilities and parking. Utilities included. Rent based on 30% of monthly income provided annual income is $25,900 or less. E.H.F. TREE SERVICE Salon 405 PHOTOGRAPHER Backland Services LLC Affordable shared housing opportunity Mark A. Lawson, Owner 288 Beard Road • Hillsboro, NH P 603.478.3987 C 603.344.3987 All Phases of Auto Repair � State Inspections Cars, Trucks, Motorcycles “Building a Reputation of Quality” • EPA/HUD RRP Certified Renovator • Fully Insured • New Homes • Additions • Remodeling • Sill Replacements • Garages • Barn Restorations 603-478-0436 Fax: 464-5704 • Keith A. Murdough, Owner 4 Central St., Hillsboro, NH 03244 Polish $10 Manicure $20 Shellac $28 Pedicure $38 LAURIE YANIS CALL OR TEXT ME 603-305-1547 | march 28, 2014 | The messenger | Page 21 Honors MOUNT ROYAL ACADEMY Grade 1 Headmaster's List: Peyton Blackinton High Honors: Kaitlyn Costello, Nora Walsh Honors: Ada Betume, Gemma Dyke, Roxana Hudkins, Claire Jackson, Edward Kanu, Hannah Martin, William Spanos, Liam Treece Grade 2 Headmaster's List: Emily Richardson High Honors: Lauren Dustin, Max McColgan, Paul Thibault, Brennan Walsh, Gabrielle Simione, Abigail Sweet Honors: James Akennan, Isabelle Correa, Sean Beturne, Sarah Cunningham, Spencer Cunningham, Nathan Kenyon, Padraig Mooney, Gabriel Merritt, Gabriel Olin, Ellery Wheeler Grade 3 Headmaster's List: Gabriella Stocker, Julia Stout Honors: Luke Bartlett, Benjamin Bellino, Samuel Hebert, Arme Klucinec, Madeline McColgan, Rosalia Merritt, Liam Ouellette, James Thibault, Thea Spanos Grade 4 Headmaster's List: Olivia Simione High Honors: Caleb North, Victoria Kenyon, Honors: Calla Baker, Susan Kanu, John Paul Martin, Lyndsey Patten, John Paul Treece Grade 5 Headmaster's List: Noell Bergeron, Emma Treece Honors: Nicholas Hogan, Bridget Wallace Grade 6 Headmaster's List: John Thibault Honors: Luke Bocko, Mary Grace Klucinec, Gavyn Magistro, Tristan Ouellette, Nicole Petrescu-Boboc, Claudia Simione Grade 7 Headmaster's List: Erin Diebold, Jacinta Hogan High Honors: Alexis Matte Honors: William Bartlett, Teresa Bellino, Hannah Fraioli, Elena Preece, Nathan Stark, Maria Wallace Grade 8 Headmaster's List: Hannah Brigham Alexander Normandin High Honors: Alexander Kalpakgian, Rachel Stark Honors: Kolbe Bocko, Kateri Gibson, Mikaela Gilber,t Joshua GrifIm, Isabella Kenyon, Cole Petrescu-Boboc, Alexandra Popielarz, Hannah Stark, David Stark, Peter Thibault Grade 9 Headmaster's List: Cooper McCrillis, Naomi Nelson, Kealan Vasquez High Honors: Hannah Everitt, Johanna Fitzgibbons, Ian Vasquez Honors: Bernadette Klucinec, Faith Lamontagne, Callan Rees, Madison Vasquez Grade 10 Headmaster's List: Daniel Fitzgibbons, Maria Klucinec, Rebekah Thibault Honors: Cheyenne Bentley, Miriam Caveney, Matthew Caveney, Adrian Dyke Maria Fuente-Forero, Isaac Gibson, Adrianna Kenyon, Andre Malool- Juneau, ZiqingWang Grade 11 Headmaster's List: Malachi Nelson, Andrew Thibault High Honors: Marcus Dyke Honors: Vivian Mok, Malachi Swenson Grade 12 Headmaster's List: Matthew Bocko Honors: Philip Gibson, Xinqiang He, Ashna Lal BOW MEMORIAL SCHOOL Grade 8 High Honors: Claire Aurilio, Allison Beaudetter, Miranda Benoit, Brayden Binder, Mark Borak, Emma Bradley, Susannah Budd, Abigail Coe, Dillon Hicks, Laura Hoeker, Gillian Martin, Katherine McCully, Valerie Pascetta, Nicole Perry, Emma Roberge, Lauren Roy, Samuel Selleck and Mikaela Zabielski Honors: Daniel Belair, Christopher Besho, Dominique Biron, Erin Boldwin, Skylar Bottcher, Brian Bushnell, James Cohen, Jack Corriveau, Sonja DeLorie, Anna Dykens, Bridget Ehrenberg, Nichole Epstein, Jennifer Ess, Dana Fahey, Haley Fleury, Jonathan Guimond, Elizabeth GuIin, Meghann Haley, Amanda Hamilton, Julia Hollinger, Kathleen Jenkins, Cole Johnson, Grant Johnson, Gabriella Kelly, Zachary Lavoie, Sarah Martin, Kyle Mason, Christian McDonald, Caleb Mercier, Gwen Molind, Shannon Murray, Alex Nagy, Justin porath, Brett Provost, Juliet Reed, John Rolla, Jonathan Scott, Samuel Valas, Cheryl Young and Misty Zaczyk Grade 7 High Honors: Kate lyn Bara, Samuel Berube, Brianna Boone, Cassandra Cafasso, William Carey, Dillon Cate, Sarah Ciotti, Emma Conley, Caitlin Craven, Nathan Demers, Kirpal Demian, Luca Demian, Matthew Driscoll, Jason Howe, Elisabeth Hunter, James Jensen, Zoe Jukoski, Emily Katz, Natalie Kay, Louis Keith, Thomas MacEachron, Amanda Marshall, Kayleigh Marshall, Madison Mitchell, Zachary Mullen, Miah Munro, Serena Munro, Neeraj Naik, Julia Pingree, Andrew Ralston, Jonathan Routhier, London Warburton, Aidan Westenberg and Jack Wixson Honors: Spencer Allaben, Joseph Auger, Connor Blandini, Benjamin Boisvert, Autumn Cohen, Elias Cohen, William Cohen, Lauryn Colby, Sofia Darrell, Hunter David, Spencer Desfosses, Isabelle Dolcino, Maxwell Elsasser, Lily Geddes, Corey Gott, Mason Grasso, Jackson Hinkell, Aidan Hyslop, Abigail, Johnson-Rienert, Ellie Lambert, Julia Landcastle, Allison Leger, Grace Maurer, Alistair Mayo, Olivia Murray, Abigail Nappen, Lindsey Nelson, Caleb Olson, Elizabeth Parker, Richard Pinney, Matthew Place, Lauren Porter, Hunter Remick, Jessica St. George, Garin Treybig, Charlotte, Ulrich, Jake Valpey, Benjamin Wachsmuth and Faith Walmslev. Live and Local with Ben Sarro 6 AM 9 AM Dennis Miller 9 AM 10 AM Barry Armstrong’s Money Matters 10 AM Noon Rush Limbaugh 12 PM 3 PM Howie Carr 3 PM 7 PM Page 22 | The Messenger | march 28, 2014 | Delivering the American Dream Red Coat Homes 246 W. Main St., Hillsboro 464-3880 Proudly Offering: While many high school students spent March 16-19 hitting the slopes, putting in extra hours at work, or just sleeping late, members of the John Stark Stage Company spent their vacation rehearsing and performing their spring musical Once on This Island. Log Home Land, water, sewer and clearing are extra. Double Wide Mobile Land, water, sewer and clearing are extra. Modular Colonial Land, water, sewer and clearing are extra. Eagle’s Nest Land, water, sewer and clearing are extra. Let us build one for you! Stark students help 6th graders understand bias Peer Trainers from John Stark Regional High School’s Anti-Defamation League (ADL) Advisory recently traveled to the Henniker Community School to visit with 6th graders and have them participate in activities and conversations to help them discuss bias-related issues like bullying in their school. Imagine a World Without Hate, the slogan used by the Anti-Defamation League, was echoed throughout the presentation at the Henniker Community School. When they were asked what they should do if they witness an unkind act, the John Stark students offered advice to the 6th graders with suggestions like: ‘be the better person’ and ‘stop it at a single insult.’ The John Stark students also offered the following advice—you don’t have to be friends with everyone, you don’t even have to LIKE everyone, BUT just try to be as nice to as many people as you can. It makes school a lot better for everyone. “It’s a much stronger message when a student takes the initiative to speak to another student about why what they are saying or doing is unacceptable,” said John Stark’s Gabrielle Anderson, one of three ADL advisors. “A message from a peer carries a lot more weight. The students have been empowered to see that they—the students, not just teachers— can have a positive impact on the climate of their school and they are taking that task on more and more each day. It’s their school and they are owning it,” continued Anderson. “Our behavior intervention team reviews behavior and social interaction data weekly, and then targets specific skills to teach at different grade levels using our guidance team and classroom teacher,” said Henniker Assistant Principal Karen Raymond. “When we learned about the student ADL group at John Stark and what they could offer our students, we matched a need with what the ADL group could offer. Who better to deliver the message of treating others kindly at the middle school than high school students,” concluded Raymond. At the end of the one hour program, 6th graders asked the John Stark students why they had joined the ADL advisory, John Stark student Terry Zervos explained, “I wanted to be part of something bigger. I hadn’t been bullied, but saw bullying happen and I didn’t like seeing people excluded or people being mean to others.” There are presently more than 45 freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors at John Stark who have been trained in A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE® Institute’s Peer Training Program, a program designed to facilitate and maintain positive social changes in schools sponsored by the AntiDefamation League (ADL). Just last week, the latest group of John Stark Peer Trainers received two full days of training for the program. John Stark students who presented at the Henniker Community School were: Chris Arris, John Brown, Aliyah Browne, Jacob Goldsberry, Kamini Jorgenson, Jilli Kilar, Mackenzie Lover, Curtis Marden, Joe Muzzy, Jessie Osgood, and Terry Zervos. | march 28, 2014 | The messenger | Page 23 Red Coat Realty 246 W. Main St., Hillsboro 464-3053 Where you are #1! Nine students from Hillsboro-Deering's FBLA Chapter have qualified to attend the National Leadership Conference. H-D Future Business Leaders qualify for Nationals Hillsboro-Deering’s local Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) chapter attended the 42nd Annual State Leadership Conference (SLC) in Manchester this past March 13th and 14th. Hillsboro had fifteen high school and five middle school students along with two advisors attend the conference over the two days. While there the students went to various workshops, took competency tests, and role played against other students from around the state. Hillsboro is the first middle school chapter in NH to attend and compete at the SLC, the middle school students had to achieve a minimal score to be recognized and place at the state level. The top three in each category qualify to compete at the National Leadership Conference (NLC). Hillsboro had nine of the twenty qualify for this year’s NLC, and all are eligible to attend the NLC for the Institute for Leadership workshops. The Hillsboro’s chapter also had another State Officer elected to represent NH FBLA next year. Each year students who are interested in State Office campaign, give a speech, participate in a question and answer session, and work their campaign booth at the conference. For the 3rd year in a row a Hillsboro student was one of the six elected in NH. Adriana Collemacine: State Officer, one of six elected in the state for the 2014- 2015 school year Kaysyn Walker: 1st place in middle school Community Service Project Cheyenne Elliott and Amelia Gamache: 1st place in middle school Web Page Design Josh Marshall and Kyle Bergstresser: tied for 2nd place in middle school Career Exploration Seth Johnson: 3rd place in Business Communications Emma Vezie: 3rd place in Job Interview Daniella Shedenhelm and Hillary Madore: 3rd place in Emerging Business Issues (team event) This year’s NLC well be held in Nashville, TN from June 26th through July 2nd. While in Nashville students will be competing against students from around the country in their respective events and also attend team building workshops and conferences. Students will also have the opportunity to learn more about the history and the culture in the Nashville area, go site seeing and see a concert at the Grand Ole Opry. The chapter will be planning fundraisers to help offset the cost to attend this year’s conference. If you like to help support Hillsboro’s FBLA or would like more information about our local FBLA chapter contact Joe Walker at jwalker@hdsd.k12. or call 464-1230. BENNINGTON. Shades of Newhart - stately 1900’s New Englander with 8 acres. Three outbuildings plus a garage. Shining hardwood floors, amazing built-ins, heated wrap-around porch and separate screen porch, 2 fireplaces, 4 bedrooms, front and back stairways, over 5000 square feet.….too much to mention. $399,000 ANTRIM: Not your cookie cutter cape! Southern exposure with skylights, unique expandable cape on 11.6 acres with miles of trails for horses, atvs, or walking in the woods. Time and attention to detail is shown in this beautifully appointed home with hardwood floors/ carpeting, cedar siding, exposed beams and natural wood trim. Heated 2 car garage and bonus room above with attached shed. $239,900 DEERING: Price reduced. Larger than normal corner lot, partially fenced in a small co-op park. Three season porch and additional room added for extra space. $7,000 Page 24 | The Messenger | march 28, 2014 | Events: Community Bulletin Board Saturday March 29 MASTER GARDENER SERIES: Kickoff Growing Small Fruits from 10-11:30am. People have all sorts of reasons for growing fruits and Margaret Hagen, UNH Cooperative Extension Field Specialist, Food and Agriculture, and WMUR "Grow it Green" TV host will teach you all you need to know for a successful harvest. Requested donation $10. Meets at LSPA’s Knowlton House, 63 Main Street, Sunapee. HALLIE PARKER BENEFIT: American Legion Hall Hillsborough 5-11pm. Five bands, Food, Raffles, 50/50 Tickets $10, kids under 15 Free. INDOOR YARD SALE: The Friends of the Weare Public Library are sponsoring an indoor yard sale from 9- 2pm in the Weare Town Hall,Donors may drop off reuseable items at the town hall from 1 to 6pm on Friday, March 28. Please, no furniture or clothing. Proceeds benefit the Weare Public Library. For information call 529-2044. Monday March 31 ANTRIM LEGION MEETS: American Legion Post 50 will hold its monthly meeting Tuesday, April 1, 2014 at the post home on West St., Antrim at 7:30pm. All members, veterans and guests are welcome. Wednesday April 2 RABIES CLINIC: Weare Rabies Clinic, Old Town Hall, 5:30pm to 6:30pm, $10.00 per pet. H-D PTO MEETS: Hillsboro-Deering Middle School PTO monthly meeting at 6pm at the HDMS library This is an opportunity for parents, teachers and even students to get together to discuss what concerns us about our school or give ideas about what they would like to see at the school. CONCERT: Singer, songwriter and acclaimed guitarist Calum Graham performs at Colby-Sawyer College on at 7 p.m. in Wheeler Hall located in the Ware Student Center. The event is free and open to the public. Graham, 22, is a self-taught guitar prodigy who emerged into the Canadian music scene at age 13. He won the Song for Canada songwriting competition in 2011, VISIONING SESSION: Come Give Us Your Ideas. At Old Abbott Library Visioning Session, Sherburne Gymnasium, Thursday April 3 BOOK DISCUSSION: The monthly book discussion at 7pm. group at Fuller Public Library in Hillsboro will meet at Tuesday April 1 THE HENNIKER ROTARY CLUB’S DOG & CAT RABIES CLINIC 25TH ANNUAL ANNUAL Vaccinations: $12 SATURDAY APRIL 12, 2014 2:00-4:00 PM HENNIKER FIRE STATION Hillsboro Fire Station Central Street If you already have a rabies certificate, be sure to bring it with you. The Henniker Town Clerk will be on hand to license all residents’ dogs for 2014. A portion of the proceeds will benefit Dawn-Mar Ranch Shared Gifts Program. A Pr e rt es o s Pe ciou t R THE MESSENGER Jean Hooker & Associates Real Estate, Inc Henniker Farm & Country Store THE MUTT HUT RABIES CLINIC 10:00AM - 12:00PM PHOTOS WITH YOUR DOG BY KAREN BOOTH $10 GRANITE QUILL PUBLISHERS Friday April 4 POETRY RECITAL: The community is invited to the Lake Sunapee Region, Center for the Arts “First Friday” event from 5-7pm. This evening’s program of Words, Music, and Art is brought to you by the Center’s Literary Arts Guild. The event will be held at Lake Sunapee Protective Association’s Knowlton House, Sunapee Harbor, All Center for the Arts. First Friday events are free and open to the public. A reception with light refreshments will be served following the program. SATURDAY APRIL 19, 2014 Vaccinations administered by The Henniker Veterinary Hospital Media Partner 7 pm to talk about The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls. Copies of the book are available at the library and all are welcome to join. We will hand out the book for May – Sarah’s Key by Tatiana deRosnay that night. For more information call 464-3595 THURSDAY’S CHILD: We hope that you will join us on April 3 at The Coach House Restaurant. Savor a five star meal prepared by Executive Chef Jeffrey Lewis, and enjoy the fellowship of Fells supporters. Get your parties together and reserve now, tables fill quickly. To reserve, call 603-526-2791. Many thanks to the New London Inn and staff for their ongoing community support, superb and gracious service and divine dining. $12hot per s & (dogsnly) cats o Benefit Hillsboro Fire Rescue Squad Dr. Randall Snyder DVM D Only dogs getting shots at clinic can be registered for 2014 | march 28, 2014 | The Messenger | Page 25 Events: Community Bulletin Board Saturday April 5 MEN'S BREAKFAST: Men’s Breakfast at 7:30am in the parish hall of the Congregational Church of Henniker, on the first Saturday of every month. New faces are always welcome. Monday April 6 MOHEGAN SUN TRIP: The South Weare Improvement Society (SWIS) is sponsoring a spring trip to Mohegan Sun on Sunday, April 6. The trip costs $45 in advance. Upon arrival participants receive a $25 coupon toward food and gaming. RSVP: Rad Betts at 529-7282 or mail a check, with name, address, and phone number, to SWIS, PO Box 392, Weare, NH 03281. All fundraising activities by this nonprofit organization benefit the renovation of Osborne Memorial Hall, an historic building dating from 1920 and home to Wyoming Grange #54 for most of the century. Tuesday April 7 LINEC: the Learning Institute at New England College offers nine courses this spring, April 7-May 15: So What Happened in the Second Half of Proust; Old Testament Part IV; Turning Points in Modern History; Current Issues; The 30 Greatest Orchestral Works; Thinking About Capitalism; The Physics of History; Understanding Human Behavior; and World of Film All classes are non-credit, peer-led, open to both retired and younger adults. Course fees are minimal. COMPOSTING: Turning Garbage into Gold from 1-3pm. Learn the secrets and science of turning kitchen waste into rich soil, using homemade or bought bins or worms! We’ll share tips on making and using this naturally nutritious soil amender. Requested donation $10. Meets at The Fells Gatehouse classroom. Friday April 11 MEAT RAFFLE: American Legion Post #59 is hosting the Auxiliary Meat Raffle. Paddle sales at 5:30 p.m. Meat Raffle at 6:00 p.m. Open to the public. Please come and support your local veterans and the American Legion Auxiliary Unit #59. Saturday April 12 EASTER EGG HIUNT: New London Recreation Dept. annual Easter Egg Hunt at 9am (sharp) on the town green. Open for ages 8yrs and younger, please bring your own basket, come get your picture with the Easter Bunny. For additional information please call Scott Blewitt, Recreation Director at 526-6401. TOWN OF NEW LONDON BUDGET COMMITTEE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS Please join the Budget Committee, Board of Selectmen and Department Heads at a public hearing to discuss the proposed Fiscal Year 2015 budget: Monday, April 7, 2014 at 7:00 PM Whipple Memorial Town Hall 429 Main Street If necessary, there will be another public hearing to be held on Wednesday, April 9, 2014, 7:00 PM* Whipple Memorial Town Hall 429 Main Street *Note: The second public hearing will only be held if deemed appropriate by the Budget Committee, so please plan to attend the first hearing, on April 7th, as it may be the only public hearing held. For more information, contact Kimberly Hallquist, Town Administrator, at 526-4821 x13 or by e-mail at TOWNADMIN@NL-NH.COM or Wendy Johnson, Finance Officer, at 526-4821 x 21 or by email at FINANCE@NL-NH.COM. Budget information can be viewed on-line at WWW.NL-NH.COM. EASTER EGG HUNT: Sunapee Recreation will host its annual Easter Egg Hunt at Sunapee Harbor. Please arrive early as parking is limited. Hunt will begin promptly at 11am. Please bring your own basket. Open to kids ages 8 yrs old and younger. 2000+ eggs are filled with toys and lots of candy too. Come see the Easter Bunny. FLEA MARKET: The First Congregational Church of Hopkinton, UCC, Hopkinton, New Hampshire, will hold their annual Flea Market at the Parish House in Hopkinton Village (at the junction of Routes 202/9 and 103), from 9am-Noon. Bag Sale begins at 11 am. Household goods, clothing, toys, and furniture in good condition will be available at reasonable prices. A Bake Sale will also be held at the same time and coffee, tea, and lemonade will be available. Proceeds from this event will benefit our mission endeavors. CRAFT SALE: Henniker Community Center Indoor Craft & Yard Sale, 57 Main Street, Henniker from 9am-2pm. Vendors are on site with unique crafts and gently used items for you. Food and beverages are available to purchase. Special Visitor: The Easter Bunny is available for photos from 11am-1pm for a small donation. HENNIKER YOUTH ATHLETICS COMMITTEE SEEKING 2 CO-DIRECTORS FOR YOUTH BASKETBALL Henniker currently offers basketball to children in K-8. During the 13/14 season 150 children participated in the program. The K-2 program takes place on Saturday’s between Halloween and Thanksgiving. Grades 3-8 begin practice/evaluations after Thanksgiving and the season wraps up at the end of February with tournaments. Grades 3-8 participate in the Merrimack Basketball League. The Co-Directors will be responsible for attending league meetings and scheduling practices, gym time, games and tournaments with the league and coaches. The basketball program in Henniker has been hugely successful over the years. In order to maintain this success and grow the program, the HYAC seeks two people willing to become directors of this important program for the next several years. If these positions are not filled, basketball will not be offered for the 14/15 season. Please contact Kelly Martin –Chairperson at if you are interested in these positions. Page 26 | The Messenger | march 28, 2014 | Obituaries: Friends & Neighbors Remembered Eleanor G. Kjellman her long fight with cancer. HENNIKER — Eleanor Glynn Kjellman passed away on Wednesday, March 19, 2014 at Hospice House in Concord after a courageous, valiant, and stubborn five-year battle with cancer. Eleanor was born in Boston on Dec. 31, 1946, to Thomas L. and Dorothy (Kilgallon) Glynn. Eleanor is survived by her husband, John V. Kjellman of Henniker; her son, Curtis and his family of Manchester; her daughter, Amy and her family of Henniker; her extrafamilial daughter Anna Encalada of Albuquerque, NM; her sister Barbara Spangler of Santa Rosa, CA; her brother Joe Glynn of Daytona Beach, FL; her brother, Steve Glynn of Harrison, Idaho; and her brother, Thomas F. Glynn, also of Santa Rosa; and numerous uncles, aunts, nephews, nieces, and cousins. A service to memorialize and celebrate Eleanor’s life will be held at 10:30 a.m. on Saturday, April 19, at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Concord, 274 Pleasant St., Concord. A reception will be held following the service. In lieu of flowers, the family encourages contributions to Concord Regional Visiting Nurses Association, 30 Pillsbury St., Concord, 03301, which did so much to enrich Eleanor’s life during Andrew L. Andrews NEWPORT — Andrew (Andy) L. Andrews, 87, of Newport and formerly Peabody, MA, passed away Thursday, March 20, 2014, at New London Hospital after a brief illness. He was born May 27, 1926, in Newport, son of the late Leonidas Andrew Skinas and Anna (Contogeorge) Andrews. He is survived by his wife; his sister, Claire (Michael) Karavetsos of Saugus, MA; his daughters, Andrea and her husband, Dale Mirth, of Fredonia, NY, Athena and her husband, Phillip Rodbell of Bala Cynwyd, PA, Alicia and her husband, Mark Schmidt of Marblehead, MA, and Elizabeth and her husband, Michael Moscone of East Hampstead, NH; eight grandchildren, Jennifer and her husband, Srinivas Gainedy, Allison Schmidt, Janie Cantell Orne, Anna Cantell, Sophia and Phoebe Rodbell, Cassandra and Michaela Moscone; two greatgrandchildren, Christopher and Abigail Orne; and many beloved nieces and nephews. He cherished his many friends in Newport and the camaraderie they shared. He was predeceased by his aunt Alice and uncle Peter Kallelis of Saugus, MA; his broth- Page # Ad #2 Page # Ad #3 Page # Ad #4 Page # Answers for week of March 21, 2014: Town & Zip Win a $15 Gift Certificate to Appleseeds Restaurant! Ad #1 Mailing Address Identify this Mystery Photo & Photo Win a $15 Gift Certificate! Find & list the graphic at right from 4 ads and send your answers to: The Messenger’s Ad Hunter, PO Box 1190, Hillsboro, NH 03244 • • • • Lester (Les) H. Duncklee COLCHESTER, CT - Lester (Les) H. Duncklee, formerly of Pawcatuck, CT passed away suddenly on March 21, 2014 surrounded by his loving family. Les was born in New London, CT on April 23, 1941, the son of the late Christine Geyer Duncklee and Willis A. Duncklee. He is survived by his best friend, soul mate and fiancée, Lisa Stevenson of Colchester, CT and her children Hannah and Connor Stevenson; his two sons, Christopher S. Duncklee of Hillsboro, NH and Jonathan L. Duncklee and his partner, Emily A. Kukulka of Mystic, CT; his adoring granddaughters, Christine Duncklee Bryer and her husband, Aaron of Hancock, NH and Dr. Rachel Whitaker of Union City, CA; and grandson Louis Nordlund of Hillsboro, NH. Les will also be missed by friend Mystery Win a $15 Gift Cert. to Appleseeds Restaurant! Name ers, John and his wife, Violet Andrews, of St. George Island, FL, and Charles and wife Irene (surviving) Andrews of Lynn, MA; and his sister, Irene and her husband, Michael Kallelis, of Wolfboro, NH. In lieu of flowers, suggested donations may be made to the Newport Senior Center or The Brewster-Gould-Lee- Rollins Post 25, American Legion in Newport. Tylers Small Engine - Page 2 Village Discount - Page 7 Edmunds Ace hardware- Page 15 Next Generation Automotive - Page 25 Winner for March 21, 2014 Ted Holley, Hillsboro All entries must include name, address and telephone number. Mail to: Mystery Photo, PO Box 1190, Hillsboro, NH 03244 Winner for March 21, 2014 Merry Rice, Weare Photo was of: Police Chief John Velleca | march 28, 2014 | The Messenger | Page 27 Obituaries: Friends & Neighbors Remembered Alex Fernley and former wife Juliana Woodworth of FL. Those closest to Les will always be thankful for his constant support and encouragement. His motto of living with a positive mental attitude will forever be etched in their hearts. Donations may be made to the Foundation of the Rotary Club of the Stonington, 32 Water St., Stonington, CT 06378. James E. Lantz NEWPORT - James E. Lantz, 89, a citizen of Newport for the past 43 years, died suddenly and peacefully Monday evening, March 17 following a heart attack at his home on Pollards Mills Road. Jim Lantz was born in January, 1925, in Nashua, NH, the son of Albert G. Lantz and Lena Lucy Dresser Lantz, the 3rd of 6 children. Mr. Lantz was predeceased by his sister, Phyllis and Michael Harrington; sister, Janice and Bob Coffeen; brother, Bob and Margaret Lantz; and sister-in-law, Barbara Lantz. He leaves behind his brother, Albert G. Lantz. He also leaves behind his wife, Louise; their 6 sons and wives: James and Amelia of Grantham, David and LuAnne of Sunapee, Tom and Sandy of Newbury, Doug and Amy of Hanover, Steve and Patty of Los Angeles, CA, and Jeff and Annie of Denver, CO; 15 grandchildren: Sarah, Sandy, Katie, Megan, DJ, Lyndsay, Ryen, Riley, Avery, Ariel, Andrew, Daniel, Asher, Nate, and Colin; and one great grandchild, Wyatt. He also To advertise call 464-3388 Granite Quill Publishers 246 West Main St. Hillsboro, NH leaves behind 9 nieces as nephews, and many great friends and colleagues from Newport and the surrounding communities for miles around. A service of remembrance for the life of James E. Lantz was held on Sunday, March 23, 2014, at South Congregational Church, South Main Street, Newport, NH, at 2 PM. There will be no calling hours. In lieu of flowers, the family has requested that any donations be made to the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation, 37 Pleasant St., Concord, NH 03301 Alan R. "The Mailman" Libby ANDOVER – Alan R. Libby, 57, of Andover died March 20, 2014, following a year long battle with pancreatic cancer. Alan was born Oct. 7, 1956, in Waterville, Maine, the son of Reginald E. and Barbara (Esty) Libby. Surviving family members include a brother, Wayne (Kathy) Libby of Weare; his stepfather, Ken Heath of Andover; a daughter, Krystal Massa of Webster, NY; a stepson, Christopher Patten of Franklin; a niece, Kayna (Adam) Fuller and son, Dakota of Plymouth, Maine; nephews, Wade Libby of Weare and Adam Poulin of Freedom, Maine; his godmother and aunt, Nancy Gagne of Houston, Texas; his friend and partner, Cyndee Locke of Andover; and many cousins. He enjoyed spending time with his grandchildren, Mariesa, Aliesa, Anthony and Riley. Martial Henry Aucoin CONCORD - Martial Henry Aucoin, 86, of Concord, NH died peacefully on Tuesday March 25, 2014 in Pleasant View Center with his loving family at his side. Born in Manchester, NH, July 17, 1927, to the late Henry D. and Yvonne (Guevin) Aucoin, and also predeceased by a brother, Herve of Henniker, NH and sister, Pauline Evarts of Georgia. Survived by his 3 children, Donnalee Guthrie of Henniker, Thomas Aucoin of Concord and Nancy Aucoin of Lowell, MA; two grandchildren, Anthony Guthrie of Alstead and Michelle Guthrie of Manchester. He was one of 14 siblings: His brothers, Richard, Raymond, Jean Paul, Robert and Albert reside in Henniker; his sisters, Rachel Paul, Dolores Aucoin and Lorraine Aucoin from Henniker, Claire Aucoin from Cartago, Columbia, Jeanette Herrick of Hillsboro and Georgette Baudette of Manchester. Donations may be made in his name in ℅ Claire Aucoin for the mission in Cartago Colombia, 170 Baker Road, Henniker, NH 03242. Dog Grooming In Hillsborough! Gift Certificates Available • Chance to win monthly drawing of free grooming with re-book • Experienced in all breeds and cuts Healthy Hounds Club Grooming Facility located at Echo Lane Kennels 186 BIBLE HILL RD. HILLSBOROUGH (603) 748-5703 $8 OFF First Grooming! 22ND Annual ES HDTO P SATURDAY, APRIL 5TH NEW HOURS! Doors open at 11:00am Penny Sale begins at 1:00pm Hillsboro –Deering Elementary Gym Great prizes! • Great Food! • Great Fun! Page 28 | The Messenger | march 28, 2014 | Classifieds: Messenger classified ads get results! COMMERCIAL FOR RENT HENNIKER -- PROFESSIONAL OFFICE OR BUSINESS SPACE – Excellent location on Route 114 in downtown Henniker. Good visibility, off-street parking. 428-3262, days. HELPWANTED ★★★ FULL TIME HILLSBORO AREA: McGurty Maintenance Cleaning Service is taking applications for a full time, year-round custodial position in a school setting. For an interview call 588-2057. MEALS ON WHEELS COORDINATOR Hillsborough - Hands on person to manage a Community Dining and Meals on Wheels site in Hillsborough NH. 30 hours weekly, (M-F 8:30 am to 2:30 pm), $12.04 per hour plus benefits. Desire to work with the elderly a must. H.S. diploma or equiv., min. 2 yrs. supervisory exp., and computer skills required. The ability to lift and carry up to 30 pounds as well as the ability to climb stairs is Benefit for Hallie Parker SATURDAY, MARCH 29 5:00 - 11:00 pm Hillsboro Legion Hall $10.00 per ticket • FOOD • RAFFLES • LIVE MUSIC BY: Lonesome Train, Skip Philbrick, Otis and the Elevators, The Boogiemen and Paul Spera Hallie is a 7th grade honor student at Hillsboro-Deering Middle School. She was in a terrible car accident in January that caused broken bones, and severe damage to one of her eyes. She’s had several surgeries and is going to need more. Come help cheer her up and defray some of her expenses. required. DMV & Criminal background check conducted. Fax or e-mail resume to 4241472 or no later than April 3, 2014. EOE to the privacy of your own home. Learn classical, pop and theory with proper technique. 603-495-0982 – Mrs. Boucher. FOR RENT AUTOS WANTED Cash For Cars: Any Make, Model or Year. We Pay MORE! Running or Not, Sell your Car or Truck TODAY. Free Towing! Instant Offer: 1-800-871-0654. HILLSBORO: 1 BR Apt. Heat & hot water included. No dogs. From $165 per week. Call between 7AM - 7PM. 924-7580 or 563-7173. LOST AND FOUND FOUND: GREY TIGER CAT, white markings on chest & rear paws. Appears female & very friendly. Found near Rt. 9 by Franklin Pierce Lake. Call Amy, 478-0331. PIANO LESSONS PIANO LESSONS: $30/45min, will travel BUSINESS CLASSIFIEDS RUMMAGE SALE SATURDAY, APRIL 5 9:00 AM - NOON Contoocook United Methodist Church 24 Maple Street Attention Auto Dealers Advertise your vehicles here. Reach buyers in 35 towns for as little as only $50 per week! Call the Messenger 603-464-3388 BAG SALE BEGINS AT 11:00 AM New England Kustom & Collision Since 1994 EXPERT COLLISION REPAIRS We work with ALL ins. co.’s Glass replacement Does Your Car Need a Major Spring Cleaning? Mention this ad and SAVE $20 Scratch removal & paint chip touch-up We also do restorations & motorcycles Monday-Friday 9:00am-5:30pm Add’l hours available by appt. Stop by or give us a call 18 W. Main Street Hillsboro, NH 03244 603-464-5551 | march 28, 2014 | The Messenger | Page 29 New Wheels For Spring! 2002 Kia Rio 2004 Chevrolet Silverado 4 Door Sedan, A/T, A/C, Economical. Stk #13A25A REDUCED $12,750 $2,950 2004 Chevrolet Malibu Maxx LT $4950 $4,950 4 Door, Loaded, V6, Supercharged. Sold as is. Stk #13A34 Stepside, V6, A/T, A/C, Fla. Truck. Stk #12A07 $9,950 $5,950 Fully Equipped, Extremely Nice, Clean, 2 Owner Truck. 93K Miles. Silver & Green. Stk# 12A36A REDUCED $3,500 A nearly rust-free Arkansas truck. V6 Auto, A/C, 95,000 Miles. Dark blue. Stk# 14A05 $3,500 2009 Ford Escape Limited AWD SUV Not actual photo Sport Coupe, 4 Cyl, 5 Speed, A/C, Equipped. Sporty Yellow. Stk #12A23 REDUCED $3,950 $3,950 2006 Dodge Caravan SE 7 Passenger, DVD System. Light Blue. Stk #13A39 1999 Chevy Express 1 Ton Van As Is, As Traded. 115,000 Miles. Runs Well, but Rough Shape. Stk# 14A03 $6,450 FIRST $850 TAKES IT! 2009 Chevrolet Equinox AWD, LS, Fully Equipped, Low Miles, Clean. Black. Stk #10A58 REDUCED $5,950 $5950 $ $5 595 950 950 REDUCED $15,950 $3,950 2005 Saturn L300 4x4 Z71, Loaded. Turq. Metallic. Stk #13A04 V6, Auto., A/C. Dark Blue Stk #12A34A $4,950 2005 Chevrolet Cavalier LS 2000 Chevrolet Tahoe Level 3, Loaded, Economical, 4 Door Sedan. White. Stk #13A38 $6,850 $4,950 1999 Chevy Express Cargo Van $17,950 4 Door Sedan, 4 Cyl, A/T, A/C, Economical Miles. Gray Metallic. Stk #13A28 $6650 2000 Chevy S10 4x4 Ext Cab Pick Up Fully Equipped, Leather & Sunroof. 59k miles. Gray Metallic. Very Clean. Stk# 12A11C 2005 Malibu Classic REDUCED TO $12,750 AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE CENTER 1995 Chevy 3/4 Ton 4x4 Pick Up 2000 FORD RANGER 2WD SUPER CAB Federal Gov’t Law Enforcement Vehicle. White. 46,000 Miles Stk# 13A40 REDUCED RED REDU RE D U CE DUC DUCE DU CED CED $4,950 SPECIAL OF THE WEEK! 2008 Impala LS 4 Door Sedan 4 Door Sedan, 4 Cyl, A/T, A/C, Economical. Red. Stk #12A02 4 Door Sedan, Loaded & Clean. Nice! White. Stk #13A21 V8, Auto., A/C, LS Pkg.High Miles. Sold As Traded. Dark Green. Stk# 13A32A $7,950 SPECIAL SPECIAL $2,450 $1,150 2005 Chevrolet Cobalt 2001 Saturn L200 2001 Chevy 4x4 Ext Cab 4 Door Sedan. Loaded. Black. Stk #13A20 REDUCED SPECIAL 1999 Buick Regal GSE 2001 GMC Sierra 2WD 4x4, Ext. Cab, LS Pkg., Super Radio. Stk #13A08 2007 Saturn Aura XE Loaded. DVD. Stk #13A30 ALL OF OUR CARS ARE VERIFIED THROUGH AUTO CHECK 1998 Dodge Ext. Cab 2WD Cummins Turbo Diesel, Loaded, Equipped for Towing, Florida Truck, Silver. Stk# 8A75B V8, Auto., A/C, Very Clean. Only 57,000 Miles. White. $6,950 SPECIAL $9,950 2002 GMC YUKON XL 2001 Dodge Dakota 4x4 Reg Cab Not actual photo SLT Package, 8 Passenger. White. Stk #13A16 Sport Appearance Pkg., V6 Auto, A/C, Tonneau Cover, Black. 98k miles. Stk# 12A27A $6,950 $5,950 WYMAN’S SALES & SERVICE “Where Satisfaction Is a Tradition Since 1953” 172 West Main St., Hillsboro, NH **Restrictions apply. See Dealer for Details. 603-464-5544 • 800-639-9808 VISIT US AT WymansCars.COM Find us on Facebook Sales: Mon-Fri 8am-6pm, Sat 9-1pm Service & Parts: Mon-Fri 8-5 HILLSBORO FORD Page 30 | The Messenger | march 28, 2014 | ! s g n i v a S o t n I g n i r p S 2014 Ford Fiesta S 5 speed, Stock #14037, a/c, am/fm radio. MSRP $14,795 Your Price Used only 12 miles! 2013 F350 XL 4x4, #R1336, reg. cab, KNAPHEIDE utility body w/locking bins. Was $36,995 Your Price $12,750 $34,995 Don’t make a $1000 mistake! Our used car prices are the lowest, period! 22001 001 DOD DODGE INT INTREPID, TREPID ESEES,S 44door door, 6cyl 6cyl, pow power werwindow windows, ws 214 21214kmil 214k 14 miles, les runs runs, ASIS AS IS, REDUCED REDUC DUCED DU CCED ED TO $895 95 1993 FORD RANGER, XLT, 4x4, reg cab, runs strong, newer tires, newer brakes, roll bar, AS IS $995 2001 FORD RANGER, Edge 4x4, super cab, 5spd, needs body work, 211k miles, AS IS - NOW ONLY $995 2000 DODGE INTREPID, 6cyl, runs strong, 2 owner, 193k miles, as is - WAS $2995 NOW $1595 2004 FORD RANGER, 4x4 Super Cab, auto, rusty/frame rot, 105k miles, AS IS - REDUCED TO $1595 2002 SUBARU FORRESTER wagon, 5spd, AWD, runs good, 103k miles, AS IS, NOW ONLY $1995 2000 FORD EXPLORER XLT, 4x4, roof rack, 125k miles, runs strong, inspected WAS $5995 NOW $2750 2000 FORD FOCUS ZTS, 5spd, runs great, 122k miles, new sticker, NOW ONLY $2995 2005 FORD ESCAPE, Hydrid, runs, needs major brake work, 120K miles, REDUCED TO $2995 2008 GMC ENVOY, SLT, 4X4, leather, power everything, 142k miles, runs great, WAS $10995 NOW ONLY $6995 0044 CHEVY CHEVY VYY 3500, 35 3500 500 00 4x4x4, x4 Flat Flatbed, tbe ttb bed no non-dump on duum mp bod body, ddyy rruns ns go ggood, ood o 1 owne owner, er 1137k 3777kk m miles miles, AS A ISS - $6 $$6995 $69 69995 999955 2004 2003 F350 4X4, Diesel, lifted, exhaust stacks, 137k miles, as is, WAS $10995 NOW $6995 2003 TOYOTA TACOMA Access Cab, SR5, 4x4, auto, bed cover, 127k miles, solid truck, AS IS ONLY $7995 2008 NISSAN VERSA SL, Auto, a/c, runs like new, 58k miles, NEW STICKER - WAS $11995 NOW $8995 2004 FORD F250, 4x4, supercab, custom cap, plow, tow pkg, 104k miles, as is - RETAIL $13850 OUR PRICE $8995 2011 FORD FIESTA SE hatch, auto, one owner, 26k miles, was $13495 NOW $10995 2010 TOYOTA PRIUS, hatch, runs excellent, super clean, 65k miles, INSPECTED, PRICED RIGHT $12995 2013 FORD F150, reg cab, XL, 4x2, long bed, 6700 miles, inspected ONLY $19995 2013 FORD ESCAPE, SE, 4x4, Certified, comes with 100,000 mile warranty WAS $23995 OUR PRICE $20995 2014 CHRYSLER TOWN & COUNTRY, L, fully loaded, leather, dvd pkg, 6000 miles, ONE OWNER, ONLY $25495 WWW.HILLSBOROFORD.COM 16 Antrim Rd., Hillsboro, NH 800-477-FORD & 603-464-4000 *ALL NEW CAR PRICES REFLECT ALL REBATES/INCENTIVES TO DEALER, INCLUDING FINANCING THROUGH FORD ON SOME MODELS, AND HILLSBORO FORD DISCOUNTS. | march 28, 2014 | The Messenger | Page 31 Call Ted Today (603) 464-5200 2014 RAM 1500 TRADESMAN EXPRESS QUAD CAB Lease for $ * a month 275 R4003 FIRST PAYMENT DOWN ONLY!! 11 VANU S E D C H O S TO F RO OS E M! 269 F1051A 4x4 V6 2013 TOWN & COUNTRY TOURING VAN Buy for $ * a month 2006 NISSAN XTERRA SUV F1061 Buy for $ * a month 199 NH N H SSTATE TAT E INSPECTED!! I N S P E CTE D!! 2012 FORD E250 CARGO VAN ON 15,0 LY M I L 00 E S!! R4057A Buy for $ * a month 249 *With approved credit through Chrysler Capital. RAM 1500, 24 months, 10k per year; Nissan Xterra, 48 months w/ $999 down; Town & Country, 72 months w/$1999 down; Ford E250, 72 months w/$1999 down Brand new dealer in Hillsboro! 75 Antrim Road • Hillsboro, NH 03244 Page 32 | The Messenger | march 28, 2014 |
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