PMA Fall Memorial Golf Tournament Dedicated to Pete Scogin


PMA Fall Memorial Golf Tournament Dedicated to Pete Scogin
September 30th, 2014
Issue 9 Volume 13
36 Pages in 2 Sections
PMA Fall Memorial Golf
Tournament Dedicated
to Pete Scogin
PMA dedicates tournament in memory of Pete Scogin,Stasco
Plumbing Atlanta. Pete's family accepts memorial cup. Tom Stark,
Mary Ann Scogin, Suzanne Clegg, Amanda Kirk, Laurie Scogin
and Randy Clegg.
At its Fall Memorial Golf
Tournament held September
9th at Bear’s Best, PMA rec-
ognized the lifetime contributions of W.W. “Pete” Scogin,
PDI’s Team, Sid’s Guys,
Shaves Off The Competition
PDI Lawrenceville
Septembeard is an organization that directly funds
prostate cancer research at
seven top-tier research insti-
tutions. These research initiatives will lead to better
treatments, outcomes, and
Jack Hardwick Morgan
Editor and Publisher
Greetings plumbing
pros! I can’t believe summer
over and fall is upon us. I
hope you all have a chance
to spend time with your family over the summer. Speaking of fall, this means
FOOTBALL season is here
and the Boys of Summer
are wrapping up with the
play offs and World series
are just around the corner!
It’s going to be an interesting season! Especially if
your are a college football
fan like me.
I want to take this opportunity to the thank the ASPE
National Board of Directors
and the local chapters in
our areas for Making the
Plumbing News a Media
Sponsor. I think the show in
Chicago was great and it
appeared attendance was
up and it was great to see
so many old friends and familiar faces and I haven’t
seen in a while. As fall is
Georgia Plumbing News
P.O. Box 68
Bethlehem, Georgia 30620
Elkay’s Robb Best Brings
Peak Performance to Atlanta
What’s more powerful
than any app on your
smartphone? According to
Elkay’s Robb Best it’s the
apps you can build in your
brain that will propel you to
success. In an entertaining
and thought-provoking
seminar, Best will outline the
sequence of development
the most highly successful
people employ to boost
their performance to its
highest level.
Best, a CKD and 27 year
industry veteran, aggregates the latest research in
cognitive behavior and neuroscience to explain “The
Road to Success.” Calling
the brain the ultimate device
for command and control,
PDI Hosts 24th Annual
Golf Tournament
First Place Team: Royal Flush Plbg
The 2014 PDI Golf Clas- joy a great day of golfing in
sic was held on Tuesday, beautiful weather.
September 30th at The
Here are the final results
Windermere Golf Club in of the tournament:
Cumming, GA. Over 120
1st Place: Team Royal
customers came out to enCONTINUED on PAGE 3A
Joshua Felperin Gets “Holein-One” at PMA’s Fall
Memorial Golf Tournament
Josh Felperin (center) shown here with Team mates Travis Glover
Sr (right ) and Travis Glover Jr . Not pictured Jack Morgan.
The Plumbing News
would like to congratulate
Joshua Felperin, of Siemens,
on his “Hole-In-One” while
participating in PMA of
Georgia’s Annual Memorial
Golf Tournament. The tournament was held on September 9, 2014 at Bear’s Best
APEX & Hughes Supply
Holds 7th Annual Golf and
Fishing Tournament
APEX Supply recently
held their Annual Fishing
and Golf Tournament on
Thursday, September 18
thru Sunday, September 22,
Vendors, Customers and
Employees of APEX &
HUGHES Supply came out
and enjoyed a fun-filled
weekend, filled with golfing,
fishing, fellowship and great
food. The fishing tournaments were held in
Crawfordville, Florida and
vendors that attended included Spurlin Industries,
Rheem Water Heaters,
Nibco, WATTS, Insinkerator,
IPS, WILO and Bradford
White Water Heaters, Tyler
Page 2A
Georgia Plumbing News - September 30th, 2014
Georgia Plumbing News - September 30th, 2014
September 30th, 2014
ASPE National Convention --------------ASPE Dinner --------------------------------Counter Action -----------------------------Calendar -------------------------------------Engineering Profile ------------------------Ferguson/Oatey ----------------------------Flashback Photo ---------------------------NE Georgia PMA Meeting ---------------Noland / Oatey -----------------------------PDI Golf--------------------------------------PDI Oatey ------------------------------------PMA Golf ------------------------------------Product Preview ----------------------------Wrightsboro Supply -------------------------
16, 18A
Advertising Index
After Disaster -------------------------------APEX Supply --------------------------------Arrow Adhesives ----------------------------Atlanta Gas & Light -----------------------Atlanta Gas & Light -----------------------Bellamy Strickland -------------------------Bosch -----------------------------------------Bradford White -----------------------------David Merbaum ----------------------------Ditch Witch ----------------------------------Georgia Power -----------------------------Georgia Power -----------------------------Mobile Fleet Solutions --------------------Noritz -----------------------------------------Oatey ------------------------------------------Parkview Restoration ---------------------PDI --------------------------------------------RectorSeal -----------------------------------Repco Sales / Elkay ------------------------Saniflo ----------------------------------------S.E. Pumps -----------------------------------Superior Plumbing -------------------------Taco -------------------------------------------Winnelson / Noland ------------------------Winnelson ------------------------------------Winnelson -------------------------------------
5579-b Chamblee -Dunwoody RD
STE 157 Atlanata Ga. 30338
Phone: 770.378.1194
Fax: 770.395.7069
Find us on Facebook @ The Plumbing News
Publisher’s E-mail:
Advertising Department : 770.378.1194
Jack Hardwick Morgan - Editor and Publisher
Lee HyaducK - Administrative Associate
Shea Britt - Staff Writer
The Georgia Plumbing News is a monthly publication of Morgan
Publishing Company. The publisher does not assume responsibility
for statements made by advertisers and reports opinions by dealers,
suppliers and manufacturers as quoted. The advertising and copy
deadline for the next issue is October 21st, 2014. All contents are
copyright 2014 by Morgan Publishing Company.
Page 3A
PMA Raises $1,140 for United
Craftsmen Children’s Shoe Drive
PMA NW Metro members
in Marietta donated all the
proceeds from yearly 50/50
raffles towards the United
Craftsmen Children’s Shoe
Drive. Attendees at the PMA
Golf Tournament contributed raised an additional
$480 to the charity.
Bob Carpenter, PMA Industry Director, is President
of the charity. According to
Bob, “Our Mission is to let
the children who live in
Children’s Homes and Foster Homes know that the
Skilled Craftsmen of the
United States care about
them by affording them the
opportunity to pick out a new
pair of shoes, a six pack of
socks, and enjoy a pizza buffet lunch at Christmas Time.
100% of the funds that are
raised go to help the children. Every one that helps
is a volunteer who donates
their time to our cause.
There are no salaries paid
to anyone involved in our
For some, that is all the
Christmas they will have.
One boy last year was so
excited that he commented,
Memorial Golf
of Stasco Mechanical. Mr.
Scogin passed away in early
spring. Over 130 members
and industry colleagues
were in attendance at the
tribute, and enjoyed a day of
sport and fellowship.
In 2002, PMA’s board,
made a motion to dedicate
the fall golf tournament to
memorialize and recognize a
leader and industry supporter. The first tournament
was dedicated to Ed
Hennessey, who was a tireless supporter of the association and the plumbing industry. Based on that dedication PMA established the
“Hennessey Cup”. This cup
is PMAs equivalent to a
plumbing hall of fame. Nominees are considered based
on the impact of their contributions to the profession.
For over 50 years Mr.
Scogin was a mover and a
shaker in the in Georgia’s
plumbing industry beginning. He was an Atlanta native who grew up working in
his father’s plumbing company. He returned to the
company after earning his
degree from Georgia Tech in
industrial management. In
the early 60’s his company
merged with another and became Stasco. Over the
years Stasco has earned the
PMA golfers raised $480 towards United Craftmen Children's
Shoe Drive. Cindy Carpenter and Lisa Ambrose encouraged
golfers to give so children in foster homes could purchase a new
pair of shoes for Christmas. — with United Craftsmen Children's
Shoe Drive at Bear's Best Atlanta.
“Now I have something to
wrap and put under the tree
to open on Christmas Morning.” $50 gets a child a new
pair of shoes of their choice,
a six pack of socks, and a fun
pizza lunch with other children who are living with the
same circumstances.
Most of our donations
come from Contractors,
Skilled Craftsmen, and Craft
Organizations. If you would
like to make an individual
contribution go to our
website: www.unitedcrafts
reputation that is synonymous with quality performance. Pete instilled a culture of honesty, fairness,
humor, and generosity with
their customers and employees. Pete served as PMA’s
President from 1966-67.
PMA and the entire Georgia
plumbing industry mourns
the loss of Pete Scogin.
This year Pete, joins a
prestigious group who preceded him which include: Ed
Hennessey, Les Wysong,
Ronnie Barber, Tommy
Stansell, Lee Greene, Ron
Hicks, George Raburn, Glad
and Sid Mealor.
Pete’s family was on hand
to accept the Hennessey
Cup, daughters Amanda
Kirk, Laurie Scogin,
Suzanne Clegg, son in law
Randy Clegg and wife Mary
PMA recognized and
thanked premier sponsors:
Ferguson Enterprises,
Fulton Services and Nissan
of Union City. Along with
2014 Partners: Federated
Insurance, Equipment Controls, Georgia Power,
Ferguson Enterprises, Reliance Worldwide, PDI, the
Plumbing News and
Blackmon Mooring.
PMA will be returning to
Bear’s Best on Tuesday,
September 15, 2015.
Closest to the Pin: Lloyd
Brightwell (Brightwell Inc)
and Johnny Cole (Aquatic)
Putting Contest: Al
Weatherby In support of
SeptemBEARD, PDI sold
mulligans with all the proceeds going to Prostate
Cancer Research. We also
held a putting contest with
a 50/50 split of the proceeds. $2000 was raised!
Thank you to all who contributed. Feel free to visit
PDI’s SeptemBEARD site at
team/894/ to join our
bearded crew or to make a
beardless donation.
A special note of thanks
PDI Golf
Flush Plumbing:
Winterstein, Ryan Perry,
Sherri Rockefeller, and John
2nd Place: The team of Al
Weatherby , Greg McBrayer
(Al Weatherby Plbg), Mark
Werkheiser and Chuck
Stoebe (Aquatic)
3rd Place: The team of
Michael Gordy (Fulton Plbg),
Scotty Wade (Fulton Plbg),
Mike Gill (Gill Plbg) and
Carey Dean
Longest Drive: Sherri
Rockefeller (Royal Flush
Plbg) and Michael Gordy
(Fulton Plbg)
Page 4A
Georgia Plumbing News - September 30th, 2014
Send all of your open house, continuing education, seminar, and trade show information to:
2nd Tuesday of Month
South Metro PMA
LOCATION: McDounough
CONTACT: Tim Irvin 404-361-1928
October 25th, 2014 9am
PMA Gun Play Date
LOCATION: Dead Center Range - Buford, GA
November 21st, 2014 8am - 5pm
PMA Plumbing Review Course
LOCATION: Noland Supply - Atlanta
3rd Tuesday of Month
North Georgia PHCC
LOCATION: Logan’s Roadhouse, Athens
CONTACT: Carol Lively 706-769-7063
October 28th, 2014 6PM
ASPE Atlanta Chapter Meeting
Rainwater Harvesting with Richard Hanson
Location: 4000 Summit Blvd, Atlanta, GA
November 22nd, 2014 8am - 5pm
PMA Plumbing Review Course
LOCATION: Noland Supply - Atlanta
3rd Thursday of Month
Central Georgia PMA
LOCATION: Texas Cattle Company
CONTACT: Doug Kersey, 478-788-1632
4th Tuesday of Month
Northwest Metro PMA, Marietta
LOCATION: Delkwood Grill
CONTACT: Troy Callahan 678-410-1629
October 24th, 2014 7am-5pm
PMA Safety Manager Training CE Class
LOCATION: Apex Marietta
October 25th, 2014 8am-Noon
PMA CE Class
LOCATION: Miller Mechanical
October 29th, 2014 10am
PMA Board of Directors Meeting
LOCATION: GA Power CRC - Sandy Springs
November 25th, 2014 8am - 5pm
PMA Plumbing Review Course
LOCATION: Noland Supply - Atlanta
November 8th, 2014 8am - Noon
PMA CE Class
LOCATION: Miller Mechanical
November 25th, 2014 6PM
ASPE Atlanta Chapter Meeting
FM 200 & Pre-action systems design discussion.
Location: 4000 Summit Blvd, Atlanta, GA
November 15th, 2014 8am - 5pm
PMA Plumbing Review Course
LOCATION: Noland Supply - Atlanta
December 3rd, 2014 11am-2pm
PMA Holiday “Recognition” Luncheon
LOCATION: Maggianos Perimeter Mall
November 20th, 2014 6pm - 10pm
PMA Plumbing Review Course
LOCATION: Noland Supply - Atlanta
December 7th, 2014 1-3pm
PMA Santa Toy & Food drive Open House
LOCATION: GA Power CRC Sandy Springs
Georgia Plumbing News - September 30th, 2014
Page 5A
Page 6A
Georgia Plumbing News - September 30th, 2014
Scenes from the Oatey Pro Tour at Noland
Kevin Crane of Harry Warren showing Oatey Closet
Flanges to Mike Folson and David Jones of Mike
Folson Plumbing Company
The Oatey Pro Tour Truck on road coming your way
sometime soon-Check out
Ryan Barnes of Harry Warren showing Oatey’s Pipe
Support products to Ed Stewart
Ben Rees checks out Oatey’s new True Set shown by
Mike Conti of Harry Warren
Cameron Naquin and Codelle Davis of Covenant
Mechanical checks out the Oatey Experinece shown
by Kevin Crane
Kyle Hunt of Noland Company with Stacie Phillips of
Harry Warren, Inc
Mac McIntosh of Marquise Commercial Plumbing
checking out the Oatey Pro Tour Truck by Stacie
Phillips of Harry Warren, Inc.
Dave Paolinellie of Oatey showing Hercules new H20
95 and Mega Tape to Matt Jones of Rawlins Plumbers
and Engineers
Mike Larkin of WinWholesale checks out the Oatey
Pro Tour Truck shown by Dave Paolinellie of Oatey
Georgia Plumbing News - September 30th, 2014
Robb Best
Best says the powerful apps
your brain is running are the
habits that rule your life- and
your career. Get your brain
running the right programs
and you literally take controlultimately able to achieve what
is known as FLOW; the ability to be fully focused, to be in
the zone, to be a ninja at whatever it is you do– whether its
selling or designing or engineering.
Best, Elkay Manufacturing’s resident expert on
neuromarketing and sales will
bring YOU at Peak Performance to the Hyatt Regency
Atlanta Downtown, Tuesday
November 11. Continental
breakfast at 8, seminar 9 to
noon. To register go to, search
for events near Atlanta, and
type in You at Peak Performance. Cost is $25 per person. CEU credits available
through NKBA and IDCEC.
For more information contact
Repco Sales Representative,
Mike Atchison at 770-5911800. You may also watch a
preview of Robb Best’s program by going to the following link
Joshua received his holein-one using his 7 iron on
hole #11, which is 172 yards.
In a recent interview with
Joshua he stated, “I have
played golf ever since I was
a very small child, maybe 6
years old, and I have never
received a “hole-in-one” but
I am glad I do not have to go
the rest of my life without
one, and I can’t wait for the
next one.” Joshua continued
to say “I was very fortunate
to be invited by my customer,
Southeast Pump and Equipment, based out of
Alpharetta, GA, to join them
at this fantastic event. They
represent Siemens and sell
our new BT300 VFDs and
pressure independent control valves. We really had a
great day at a great golf
PDI Golf
to the great sponsors:
Rheem Manufacturing,
Moen, Oatey and Aquatic!
They truly helped make this
day a success. PDI would
also like to thank all of the
golfers, and we look forward
to seeing you again next
Page 7A
PRIER Announces a New
Manufacturer’s Representative Marsh & Moore
PRIER Products is proud
to announce the appointment of Marsh & Moore, an
exclusive manufacturer’s
representative in the state
of Florida. Equipped with
years of experience, this
powerful Florida agency has
been in business since 1972
and entails nine outside
sales representatives and
seven inside sales representatives. Mark Marsh and Ri-
chard Bohl, principals of the
agency, have developed an
exemplary agency that is focused on growth.
Marsh & Moore is headquartered in St. Augustine
Florida encompassing a
warehouse and inside sales
staff. President Mark Marsh
resides in St. Augustine and
covers north and central
Florida while Richard Bohl
Royal Flush Plumbing: Atlanta, Georgia
Page 8A
Georgia Plumbing News - September 30th, 2014
PDI Opens New Kitchen, Bath & Lighting
Showroom in the Heart of Nashville
Krist Swiss, Fielding Alderman, Johnny Couch
and Adrienne Wilkes
PDI, the company that
has brought “Quality Products with Superior Service”
to the Plumbing and Lighting industry for the past 41
years, is proud to announce
the opening of its Nashville
Kitchen, Bath & Lighting
Showroom. The Grand
Opening Celebration was
held on Thursday, September 25th and was attended by
over 200 customers, designers, vendors and employees. Guests enjoyed catering by Craving Catering and
Southern Rock/Country mu-
Kyle Earlie, Hunter Cole with PDI, and Logan Blevins
(Pulley & Associates)
sic by Josh Sanders.
Located at 4277 Sidco
Drive Nashville, TN, this luxurious showroom exceeds
10,000 square feet of stunning plumbing and lighting
displays. Upon entering the
Showroom, your eyes take
you on a journey through
many vignettes with different
styles and finishes of
kitchen, bath and lighting fixtures. Carrying a wide variety of plumbing and lighting
products like KOHLER, Brizo,
Rohl, Hansgrohe, Schonbek
and Kichler Lighting, this
showroom celebrates PDI’s
classic roots and tradition,
with innovative products and
unmatched beauty.
Managed by Mary
Soeder, a Nashville native,
the new space exudes timeless luxury. Mary, along with
the Showroom Consultants,
Brian Baty, Lorrie Riley, Dennis Severs, Charly Potter,
and receptionist, Maya Martin, are ready to help with
any of your Kitchen, Bath or
Lighting desires. PDI Consultants are committed to
meeting your project needs
with quality products for any
budget. Allow a PDI Showroom Consultant to be your
tour guide through the
Showroom and discover how
your home can be remodeled or upgraded with a new
Pipe and AB&I Pipe.
All of the customers were
winners in both fishing and
golfing. A great time was enjoyed by all.
Sandy Sandoval, PC
Manager of APEX Supply in
Marietta, stated “I would like
to send out special thanks to
all those customers, manufacturer and vendor representatives who attended.
This is our 7th year our fish
and golf trip and none of this
would be possible without
the support of our vendors
as well as our customers.
The fishermen caught almost
800 pounds of fish for the
two day trip and the golfers
enjoyed two days of golf. We
look forward to next year’s
trip in 2015!”
Georgia Plumbing News - September 30th, 2014
Page 9A
PDI Nashville
sink, faucet, tub, or lighting
fixture. Rely on PDI to do
everything they can to ensure your satisfaction and to
exceed your expectation.For
more information, visit 
oversees south Florida
sales and operations from
Bonita Springs. The two
have separated their business segments into plumbing, institutional, waterworks,
onsite and irrigation. They
demonstrate a tremendous
amount of success through
direct marketing with plumbing and mechanical contractors as well as specifying
engineers. Marsh & Moore
also actively participates in
the Florida ASPE chapters
and the PHCC.
“PRIER feels privileged to
have this great agency represent us in Florida and we
are looking forward to a long
and prosperous relationship,”
stated Scott Livingston,
PRIER’s National Sales Manager. Along-side decades of
experience, a strong inside
sales team, plus total coverage of Florida’s markets,
Marsh & Moore is uniquely
positioned to grow and drive
new business.
“They have a reputation
for being aggressive and producing strong results for their
manufacturers and we believe this will be a great partnership,” stated Livingston.
A list of all PRIER
manufacturer’s representatives can be found at
To learn more about this
and other exciting products, contact PRIER Products! Toll Free: 800-3629055
About PRIER: PRIER is a
quality manufacturer of residential, commercial and
ground hydrants, angle sill
faucets, plumbing brass,
drainage products and specialty valves. PRIER was
founded in 1881 as a brass
foundry by a German emigrant named Anton Prier in
Kansas City, Missouri. After
inventing and patenting one
of the first self-closing faucets, PRIER began to increase their offering and grow
their sales to the plumbing industry. Because of its reputation for heavy pattern, high
quality products and superior service, the PRIER name
continues to grow in prestige
throughout the plumbing
Brian Baty with guitar signed by guests
Nashville showroom team
Page 12A
Georgia Plumbing News - September 30th, 2014
American Standard CEO to Lead
Global Sanitation Session at Clinton
Global Initiative Annual Meeting
specifically addressing issues
affecting girls' safety and education.
Worldwide, 2.5 billion
people lack access to safe
sanitation facilities. Every day,
2,000 people die from diseases caused by this lack of
proper sanitation, many of
them children. The United
Nations has set a 2015 Millennium Development Goal of
reducing by half the proportion of people who lack access
to safe drinking water and
basic sanitation.
In 2013, American Standard Brands announced an
official CGI Commitment to
Action to improve sanitation
and quality of life for three
million people around the
world from 2014 through
2017. Including the 2.5 million
residents of Bangladesh that
received safer sanitation assistance from the Company
during 2013 and 2014, an estimated 5.5 million people will
be reached by the end of
This commitment played a
Jay Gould, president and CEO
of American Standard Brands
Brands President and CEO
Jay Gould will speak at the
10th Clinton Global Initiative
(CGI) Annual Meeting tomorrow on the topic of improving
access to safe sanitation facilities around the world and
its effect on people's health,
education and safety. Gould
will be joined in discussion by
Raya, a new Sesame Street
character acting as the mascot for the “Cleaner, Happier,
Healthier” sanitation campaign recently launched in
Bangladesh, India, and Nigeria.
The session will focus on
the serious problems caused
by the lack of access to adequate sanitation, including
the increased healthcare
costs, diminished productivity,
unsafe environment and premature death rate. The
speakers will also explore how
NGOs, private enterprises
and entrepreneurs can partner to build sanitation infrastructures in rural and urban
environments, providing appropriate sanitation options
for local communities, while
key part in the Flush for Good
campaign launched by American Standard in 2013, with the
goal of increasing awareness
of the global sanitation crisis,
while creating innovative solutions to help stop the spread
of disease caused by inadequate sanitation facilities in
developing countries. In part
through a grant from the Bill
and Melinda Gates Foundation, American Standard researched and invented the
SaTo (derived from Safe Toilet) sanitary toilet pan in 2013,
designing it to work without a
sewer infrastructure. The
SaTo toilet pan uses ingeniously simple mechanical
and water seals to close off
pit latrines from the open air,
thereby reducing the transmission of disease and odor.
The Company's Flush for
Good campaign donates one
SaTo pan for every Champion
toilet sold in North America
during 2013 and 2014.
American Standard has
partnered with non-profit organizations including BRAC,
WaterAid, Save the Children,
Plumbers Without Borders
and Water For People to distribute SaTo toilet pans
throughout the developing
world. To date, these simple,
yet innovative, SaTo pans
have helped improve, and
save, lives around the world:
•In 2013, more than
530,000 SaTos were donated
to BRAC, WaterAid and Save
the Children for their distribution throughout Bangladesh
over the next two years.
loads and hits on our last
analytics in 2 months from
please see Graph below)
We are also still offering our
“Limited Ad Buy Promotion”
that will be running until October 31, 2014, so please
keep this in mind when your
company budgets for 2015.
Please contact me for details at 770-378-1194 or by
email at
to take advantage of this
amazing deal! Also, please
contact myself, Lee Hyaduck
at or
at for
events, articles, news, etc.
that you would like the
Plumbing News to cover. WE
started several new monthly
spots. The Truck of the
Month, Flash back photo of
the month and an Engineer
Spotlight. Please let me
know if you have someone
in mind. Don’t forget to also
check us out on FB and Twitter.
Please support our advertisers because without
them, we would not be able
to publish your news and as
always, I’ll see you down the
The mechanical and water seals created by this trap-door style
SaTo hygienic toilet pan, invented by American Standard Brands,
have improved the quality of life for millions of developing world
residents by keeping flies and insects out of open pit latrines.
PDI Lake Oconee
Steve Blankenship - Counter Sales, Tony Leftwich - Delivery Specialist, Ryan Bankston - Branch
Mgr. and Trae Anderson - Warehouse/Receiving Mgr.
coming in many companies
and organizations will have
some great upcoming
events, so please contact us
so we can be sure to cover
them. I would like to remind
you all of some events that
our Organizations have coming up including, TAPHCC
22nd Annual Danny Burnett
Golf Classic and Fall Family
Festival in Kingsport, TN,
TAPHCC Fall Board Meeting
on October 18th, NAPMA Annual Trade Show on October
28th, PHCC Connect 2014
will be held October 8-10th,
2014 In New Orleans . We
are very proud to be media
partners with these great
Organizations. Please check
out our calendar for a full
listing of events going on in
our industry which is located
in every edition of the Plumbing News.
I would like to take a
minute to congratulate
Caughman family and all the
Wrightsboro Supply family
on their on celebrating their
30th Anniversary!
The Plumbing News has
some exciting news; we had
over 600,000 digital down-
June 23rd to September 1st, 2014
Georgia Plumbing News - September 30th, 2014
• After an initial donation
of 10,000 SaTo hygienic toilet pans to UNICEF Philippines
to support reconstruction efforts in the aftermath of the
devastation of Typhoon
Haiyan, another 25,000 units
are due to arrive this month
for that effort.
• Containers of SaTo pans
recently arrived in Malawi and
Uganda to help residents in
rural communities in these African nations have access to
safer sanitation.
• Philanthropic organization Plumbers Without Borders is teaching plumbing students at the vocational school
Haiti Tec about using SaTo
pans to improve sanitation
facilities in their native Haiti.
•Currently, American Standard is developing an alternate toilet pan for areas
where water is scarce, targeting their initial efforts on countries in Sub-Saharan Africa.
In summary, American
Standard aims to donate 1.2
million SaTo hygienic toilet
pans as a result of its Flush
for Good campaign promotional efforts in 2013 and
2014. These SaTo pans will
be distributed and installed in
homes and schools in developing nations around the
world through 2017.
“All of us at American Standard take our commitment to
saving lives and improving
sanitation around the world
very seriously,” said Gould. “It
is a privilege to share our
work with the Clinton Global
Initiative community, and I look
forward to an inspiring day of
idea sharing and collaboration at the Annual Meeting.”
The Clinton Global Initiative brings together highly influential individuals from
across the globe, including
heads of state, CEOs, Nobel
Prize laureates and leaders of
NGOs, all with a mission of
turning ideas into action. More
than 2,900 Commitments to
Action have been made by
members of the CGI community since the Initiative was
founded in 2005, to the benefit of an estimated 430 million people around the world.
For more information on
the Flush for Good campaign,
visit www.americanstandard
.com or www.flushforgood
information on Viega. Their
warehouse is located at
6235 Atlantic Blvd, Norcross
Ga. 30071 and phone number is 770. 447.1227.
Page 13A
Scenes from the NE Georgia PMA Area Meeting
Chris Johnson, C&A Johnson Plumbing, Lorainne, DeVore &
Johnson, James Reeves, Sharkbite.
NE Georgia President, Carol Lively, Leco Mechnanical, Secretary
Treasurere Scott Roberts, Roberts Plumbing, VP Dan Keller,
Southern Plumbing Services and Matt Colbeck, Barnett.
Page 14A
Georgia Plumbing News - September 30th, 2014
Scenes from PDI’s Annual Golf Tournament
Al Weatherby (Putting Contest Winner) with Anita
Al Weatherby, Greg McBrayer, Mark Werkheiser,
Chuck Stoebe
Closest to the pin winner Lloyd Brightwell
Third Place
Matt DiGiovanni, Trevor Barden, Jonathon Barden,
and John Kelso
Michael Rogers, Jack Crane, John Merchant, and
Mark Schlosser
Alan Thurmond, Kenny Davis, Justin Davis,
Kenny Rogers
Jim Nash, Scott Edwards, Randal Lowe, and Tyler
Second Place
Chris McKinney, Rob DeFilipo, Cory Tripps and
Adam Brown
Longest Drive winner Michael Gordy
Team Bobo Plbg with Jerry McWilliams (PDI)
Longest Drive winner Sherri Rockefeller
Team Moen
Closest to the pin winner Johnny Cole
Georgia Plumbing News - September 30th, 2014
Sid’s Guys
ultimately a cure for prostate cancer. This is PDI’s
third year supporting this organization, and PDI is proud
to be a top contributor for
2014 and honored to be
awarded the Public Relations Award by the WIT buying group.
Taking SECOND in the
nation and FIRST in the
Southeastern Division is PDI’s
team, Sid’s Guys! During the
month of Septembeard, PDI
employees, vendors, friends
and family grew beards for
prostate cancer research donations. This year PDI raised
$10,376! Thank you to all
who contributed.
In conjunction with last
year’s Septembeard campaign, PDI won the Public
Relations award from their
buying group, WIT. Every
Lake Oconee
Matt DiGiovanni and Jerry McWilliams
Northwest Plumbing
year at the WIT Marketing
Meetings, awards are given
for achievements in several
different marketing categories. PDI was overjoyed to win
the PR award for this great
cause that is close to the
hearts of those who knew and
loved Sid Mealor, PDI’s cofounder.
For more information on
Septembeard, visit https://
Page 15A
Ben Taylor
Lance Ware
Page 16A
Georgia Plumbing News - September 30th, 2014
Scenes from the Annual PMA Golf Tournament
Michael Leban, Randy Koster, Randy Gordy
Brad Uewing, Michael Berens, Chip Green, Sam
Joe Fife, Stephen Duckworth,
Dave Starks, Mike Atchison
John Nelson, Jerome Sabol, Cason, Carter, Jim Sabol
Kevin Mixon, Ben Freeman, Johnny Cole, Jimmy
“Bo” Mahaffey
Ned Wiggins, Barbara Wiggins, Jim Clarke,
Todd Christopher
Allen Demoisey, Mike Adams, Tommy Edge,
Kyle Edge
Billy Guinade, Dean Demmon, Rookie Johnson,
Michael Sammons
Tony Simpson, Mike Batherson, Glenn Messner,
Brad Michels
Paul Dwinstead, Billy Ritt, Matt Colbeck, Tom Stark
Clayton Lindsey, Tim Jones, Jonah Ray,
Garrett Neuman
Jamie McPherson, Brad Luckey, James Ball, Dari
Steph Stanovich, Ray Sokolowsky, Ralph Hardie, Bill
Mike Richardson, Terrell Barden, Lance Casey,
Kurt Thomas
Robert Dean, Dan Muller, Brent Alfonso,
Brian Holst
Darrell Howell, Jay Stevens, Brian Green, Eric Arnold
Kilby McCurley, Tom Miller, Harry Harrington,
David Doster
Brandon McNeal, Ricky Kerlin, Aaron Adams,
Jeremy Fowler
Georgia Plumbing News - September 30th, 2014
David Ramirez, Moyses Garcia, Jaime Comezo,
Ronnie Tillery
Lance McCart of McCart Plumbing with Ricky “The
Man” Kerlin
Scenes from
PDI’s Counter Day
Cookout in
Chris Pearson, Stacie Phillips and Michael Wolfmeier
Gerrit Conholt of PDI with Dan Paolinellie of Oatey
Chris showing Oatey’s new True Set to Louis Riveria
and Ulysses Hernandez
Page 17A
Tommy Gray and Wes Smith of Smith Mechanical
enjoy some fantastic Jim & Nicks BBQ at PDI
Ray Diaz of Roto Rooter Norcross checks out new
Oatey products shown by Dan Paolinelle of Oatey
Adrienne Wilkes of PDI with Wes Smith of Smith
Page 18A
Georgia Plumbing News - September 30th, 2014
Scenes from the Annual PMA Golf Tournament
Mark Emanuel, Charlie Pulley, Josh Dupree,
Mike Dupree
Jack Morgan, Travis Glover Jr., Travis Glover Sr.,
Josh Felperin
Johnny Brown, Doug Dyson, Stoney Hunt,
Tommy Banks
Jason Elmer, Dalton Rawson, Shannon Nash,
Andy Nymeyer
Jamie Hill, Jim Watson, Greg Barnett, Brent Gooding
Michael Kornegay, Patrick Peterson, Bob Carpenter
Tony Walker, Dewayne Felthoff
Matthew Poole, Todd Milner, Jeff Hensley,
Chris Harner
Kyle Hunt, Josh Carson, Mike Born, Gary Bryant
Karen Christy, Dan Edwards, David Jewell,
Garry Miller
Zach Stipe, Lance Weare, Buster, Derrek Weare
Longest Drive: Todd Miller (right) and Closest to pin:
Brian Hoist (left).
Jeff Long, Kevin Gaston, Jerry Christy
3rd Prize: Team Equipment Control: Brad Bell and
Johnny Smith, missing Brad Fuller.
Jay Dixon, Trey Shepherd, Paul Bednarowski,
John Kelso
2nd Place: Team Batherson: Mike Batherson, Tony
Simpson, Glenn Messner and Brad Micheals.
1st Place Team: Brian Hoist, Dan Muller, Brent
Alfonso, not shown Vincent Neglia.
Georgia Plumbing News - September 30th, 2014
Page 19A
Page 16A
Georgia Plumbing News - September 30th,
Georgia Plumbing News - September 30th, 2014
ASPE President’s Message
by Joseph V. Messina, President
The September Dinner
Meeting was a success with
over seventy members and
guest attending. I would like
to thank everyone for attending and being part of
the first Chapter Meeting of
the season. I hope to see
each and every one of you
at our October meeting to
make it even more of a success.
The Atlanta Delegates
made it back from the 2014
ASPE Convention and Expo
that was held in Chicago
before the Control Tower
went down at O’Hare Airport.
I would like to thank the Delegates for taking their time
and representing the chapter so well. And I was really
surprised and pleased at the
number of Atlanta Chapter
Members that attending the
Convention and Expo. Several people came up to me
and mentioned that the Atlanta Chapter was well represented. The business
meetings went really smooth;
in fact we actually got out of
the meeting earlier then in
the pass which surprised
everyone. During the meet-
ing awards were given out
and Jeff Long, VP Membership was awarded the Membership Retention Award.
The Chapter was awarded
the Chapter Award of Merit
and was a winner of the
Chapter Trivia Contest
thanks to the effort of Jim
Zebrowski, Region 3 Director, making sure that the
questions were found and
the contest sheet was filled
out. And during the Banquet
Jim was sworn in as our Region 3 Director for the next
two years along with the new
Society Board of Directors.
After last months Dinner
Meeting I found a pair of
Foster Grant reading
glasses and leather case left
on a table. If you are the
owner of this glasses please
contact me and I will find a
way to get them to you. I
would wear them myself but
they are not my prescription.
Remember to attend our
October 28th Dinner Meeting. You can read Nick
Mosley’s article about the
program or the information
is also in your Invitation to
the dinner which you receive
via email.
As far as the parking at
Villa Christina for our Dinner
Meetings. Everyone should
park in the Self Parking lot
behind the Hyatt Hotel. This
way no one will be charged
for parking.
Ovi Muresan
I just got back in the office today, coming back from
2014 ASPE Convention and
Exposition in Chicago. In my
opinion it was a very successful Convention, celebrating 50th anniversary in
a beautiful city. I am sure
you will hear a lot about this
event from other attendees
and ASPE media. Talking
about attendees, I have met
a lot of people from Atlanta,
especially on the Expo floor
making me feel very proud
of the ASPE Atlanta Chapter.
On the legislative side, in
a brief summary, I attended
National Legislative Committee meeting last Saturday
from 7:30 AM (luckily is CST
in Chicago). The meeting
Page 2B
Georgia Plumbing News - September 30th, 2014
Jim Zebrowski of PerryCrabb
Jim Zebrowski is a 35 year
veteran of the Engineering
Industry and began his career with PerryCrabb in
1998. In his current role at
PerryCrabb, Jim is responsible for overseeing and directing his team in designing and executing state-ofthe art plumbing and fire systems for his clients.
In a recent interview with
Jim, he stated “Like most
engineers you meet, I was
always interested in how
things worked and enjoyed
taking things apart and then
reassembling them. Plus, I
really enjoyed drawing and
solving problems. When I
added all these elements together, engineering just
seemed like the perfect fit. I
still feel very fortunate to be
able to make a living by
drawing and solving problems.”
Jim is a Certified Plumbing Design (CPD) member of
the American Society of
Plumbing Engineers (ASPE)
and has been awarded the
ASPE Distinguished Service
Award for 2010 and was inducted into the ASPE College of Fellows in 2010. He
has been a member of ASPE
since May 1986 and is currently the Society Region 3
Director. Jim is a certified
professional engineer in
Georgia and Pennsylvania.
He attended The Ohio State
University in Columbus,
Jim grew up in Plainview,
New York. He now lives in
Suwanee, Georgia with
Terry, his wife of 37 years.
Their family includes five
daughters and their spouses
and seven grandchildren.
His hobbies include hiking,
fishing, music, reading and
travel. He likes to play guitar
and sketch, is a military history enthusiast and is one of
the few people still left in the
world that has not given in
and created a Facebook
Carl Garofalo
VP Education
What do deep dish
pizza, Plumbing design in
the Revit World, Wrigley
Field, Thermal Inversion
101, and the Sears tower
have in common? They
were all fabulous reasons
to be in Chicago for the
2014 Convention and
Expo. Though most of us
were too busy to see more
than 1 or 2 of the offsite
attractions, the combination of great material in a
great setting made this
y e a r ’s E x p o e x t r e m e l y
successful. Participants
were able to learn about
cutting edge technologies
Georgia Plumbing News - September 30th, 2014
and design techniques
while earning continuing
education credits. If you
have never attended an
ASPE expo, I highly recommend that you make
plans to be in Phoenix in
For those of you with
an immediate family member that qualifies for the
ASPE scholarship, please
get their applications in as
soon as possible. We are
beginning to review applications, and don’t want
any of our members to
miss out on the chance for
a $1000 scholarship. If
you have any questions
about the scholarship or
the application, contact
at .
Finally, if you haven’t
signed up for the ASPE
golf tournament, take a
minute to do so; it’s a lot
of fun! Even if you are a
terrible golfer like me, the
camaraderie and the time
away from the office are
great, and if you are an
engineer, many of our affiliates offer sponsorships
which make the event free
to attend.
was an introduction of Billy
Smith, the new Senior Director of Technical and
Regulatory Affairs of our
National Society. Billy introduced himself, presented his future plans
and held a Q&A session.
For more detail read this
h t t p : / / w w w. p l u m b i n g
e n g i n e e r. c o m / s e p t _ 1 4 /
Finally, we have a winner to our trivia question
Trip Walters. Trip, please
attend next month’s meeting for a free dinner.
I’ll bring more legislative topics and few new
ideas on my next article.
Please, email me directly
with any questions and/or
suggestions at ovidiu. ,
and I’ll try to answer them.
If some of the topics become hot items we’ll have
an open forum, and discuss them at our monthly
ASPE Membership Report
by Jeff Long VP Membership
You don’t want to live in
the past, but September’s
dinner meeting is worth men-
tioning one more time.
Newell Rollins provided attendees with an interesting
and informative presentation, the Villa Christina filled
us with a fantastic dinner,
and most noteworthy, we had
a record crowd on hand.
The attendance number totaled somewhere around the
70 mark. As VP-membership, I was as excited as can
be. We had quite a few first
time dinner attendees, which
are all now on my radar. If
you missed out on the fun,
don’t make the same mistake twice. Be there Tues-
Page 3B
day, October 28th.
I am happy to introduce
Josh Sewell with James M.
Pleasants as our newest
member of the Atlanta Chapter. Josh had a great experience at his first dinner
meeting in September, and
decided right then and there
to join us permanently.
Make sure you welcome Josh
at the October meeting.
At this time there’s not
much more to report on the
membership front so I
wanted to take the opportunity to remind everyone
about the 2014 Atlanta
Chapter Golf Outing. It’s
taking place Wednesday,
October 8th at the Fairways
of Canton Golf Club in Canton, GA. Registration starts
at 9AM and we tee off at
11AM. Make sure you show
up early and take full advantage of the free range balls.
You want to make sure
you’re warmed up and your
game is in sync with the
$25,000 Hole-in-One cash
prize at stake. Again, the
lucky shotmaker will pocket
$12,500 and $12,500 will be
donated to the ASPE Atlanta
Chapter Scholarship Fund
in that golfer’s name!
As always, members are
the backbone of our Chapter and Society. The more
members we have, the more
Page 4B
Georgia Plumbing News - September 30th, 2014
Scenes from the ASPE National Show in Chicago
Mitch Clark, Mark Reynold and Bob Robinson
Stephen Duckworth and Mike Actison of Repco Sales
with Melanie Heytow
Mike Nix of Mike Nix & Associaes, Dave Tanner of
Aquatherm and Jeff Turner showing Aquatherm and
McElroy’s new Spider 125 Socket Fusion Jig
Warren Rosenbrook of Henderson Engineering with
Melaine Hegtow of The Plumbing News
Patrick McClellan, ASPE Atlanta, Mike Atchison and
Stephen Duckworth of Repco Sales
Ken Noland of Watts with Zach Hudgins ofg White
Wolf Group
John Mullis of Jacobs Engineering of Greenville, SC
with Melanie Hegtow
Michael Kornegay, Daniel Pierce, Chris Watson, Sam
Cirone and Ty Beckom showing SharkBite/Cash Acme
Greg Turner and Darlene Faeth of Rennai showing
new Uponor products
Zack and Cheryl Lindstrom of Lindstrom & Associates
Brian Fenske and Eric Moffroid showing Navien’s
new NPE Series Advance Model and S. Model
Kevin Jones with Peter Gibbs showing Leonard Valves
new Lead Free Emergency Mixing Valves
Dave Henley, Commercial Sales Manager and Shawn
Thomas showing Rheems new Elipse
Bill Stewart if Bill Stewart Design-ASPE Atlanta
checking out Bradford Whites New E-F Series
Commercial Water Heater shown by Chad Sanborn
Billy Smith of ASPE, Jerry McDannal of J.R. Smith
and Dennis Connelly of ASPE Atlanta
Georgia Plumbing News - September 30th, 2014
Guest Editorial
5 Strategies to Ensure
Family Business Success
Advisor Shares Tips for
Avoiding Common Problems
Non-family businesses
can learn a lot from family
businesses, says Henry
Hutcheson, a certified Family Business Advisor and
founder of Family Business
USA consultancy.
“Family businesses outperformed non-family businesses during the boom
years leading up to the 2008
recession, and during the
2001 and 2008 recession
years,” he says, citing a recent Harvard Business Re-
view study.
Hutcheson, author of the
new book, “Dirty Little Secrets of Family Business,”
offamily, says
family businesses were less
likely to lay off workers during the lean times, and more
likely to maintain their emphasis on socially responsible programs.
But that’s just the businesses that survived.
“Many closed their
doors,” he notes.
With 25 years of business
ASPE V.P. Technical
by Nick Mosley
Hello again to all our fellow Atlanta Chapter ASPE
We had a great turn out
for our first technical session
with 70 attendees. WOW!
Let’s keep that pace up for
all year and have the best
year ever. Special thanks to
Newell Rollins for his presentation at our Sept 16th meeting. I will be sending CEU
credits very soon so please
be patient, I was very busy
at the Chicago Expo.
Speaking of Chicago, The
board attended the ASPE
50th anniversary at the 2014
Expo in September in Chicago. It was a Fantastic
Make note of our Oct 8,
2014 golf outing scheduled
at the Fairways of Canton
golf club, it will be a great day
of fun and friendship. 11am
shot gun tee times.
Technical sessions are
almost full, but we still have
two more session available.
Please contact me to save
your place in our schedule.
Please sign up early and
Join us for our technical sessions and our dinner meetings. Help us learn and earn
credits for our profession.
2014 Technical Sessions/
Dinner Meeting schedules
and topics:
October 28 th (Tuesday)
6pm – The Integration of
Rainwater Harvesting with
Richard Hanson.
Nov. 25, 2014 (Tuesday)
6pm - FM 200 and Pre-action systems design with
Rick Reynolds.
Dec. 16, 2014 (Tuesday)
6pm – CPVC and PVC practical uses in design with
Ryan Chubon.
January 27, 2015 (Tuesday) 6pm – Automatic pipe
sizing using REVIT with
Derek Eubanks.
Feb. 24, 2015 (Tuesday)
6pm - BSL4 High Containment plumbing systems with
Ovidu Muresan.
March 24, 2015 (Tuesday) 6pm - OPEN FOR A
April 28, 2015 (Tuesday)
6pm – Fire protection alarms
and controls with David
May 26, 2015 (Tuesday)
6pm – OPEN FOR A
Call Nick Mosley at 678904-2460 or 404-313-0036
(If interested in being a Technical Speaker).
value WE create. We are
constantly probing for new
ideas in regards to increasing membership and involvement in the Atlanta Chapter.
Please feel free to contact
me with any suggestions you
may have. My cell phone
number is 770-695-8701,
and my email address is
Thanks again for your support. Have a great October,
and see you at the Golf
management and family
business consulting experience, Hutcheson says he’s
seen the patterns that can
lead to major problems. And
they’re almost always preventable.
“The factor that enables
family businesses to rise to
the top is trust: Family members can potentially trust one
Page 5B
another far more than nonfamily members,” he says.
“But trust can erode – when
a family member can’t or
won’t perform at the necessary level; when there’s a
sense of entitlement; drug
abuse; laziness. And that
can have serious, businesskilling consequences.
“If the business is
professionalized, there will
be a way to deal with those
issues. But too often, safeguards are not in place.”
Hutcheson offers five top
success strategies for family businesses:
• Keep the lines of communication open. Schedule
regular family meetings to
Page 6B
Georgia Plumbing News - September 30th, 2014
Scenes from the Ferguson/Oatey Counter Day
Mike Conte, Kevin Crane, Bob Bender and Dave
Bob Bender and Kevin Crane
Bob Bender, David Shulman of Inglett and Stubbs
Dave Paolinellie, Kevin Crane, Bob Bender, Mike
Conte and Stacy Phillips
Ryan Barnes
Fred Crenshaw of Crenshaw Mechanical Service and
Bob Bender
Adam Johnson of McKenny’s, Kevin Crane and
Patrick Taylor of McKenny’s
Bob Bender
Bob Bender and Amber Uanderpool
Georgia Plumbing News - September 30th, 2014
Page 7B
Page 8B
Georgia Plumbing News - September 30th, 2014
Scenes from the ASPE National Show in Chicago
Jim Engard, John Clark and Scott Simms showing new
Woodford/Watco Products
James Wardell of Cope-Wardell-Ammon and
Associates and Mark Hammon checking out new
Sioux Chief’s Commercial Series shown by John
Eva Marle Fox and Zach Theisen showing new T&S
Brass Sensor Faucets
Chuck Schwabe demonstrates Liberty Pumps new
Omnivore to Hong Niu of the Smith Group
Patrick Whitworth of Clark-Nexsen Engineering of
Raleigh, NC with Melanie Heyton of
The Plumbing News
Walt McConnell and Ken “The Hammer” Alexander
of CSA with Jack Hardwick Morgan of the
Plumbing News
Tim Morales and Barry Burton of Morales Sales
Joe Murphy and Eric Wheeler showing Noritz’s new
Bladimir Uran, Tony Ranallo, Carol Mitsch and John
Greenwood showing Quatum Flo’s new Domestic
Booster System
Terry and Jim Zebrowski of Perry Crabb and
ASsocites, (ASPE Atlanta) and ASPE National
Bopard Member checks out Toto’s new Ultra Maz
shown by Rich Lussier of Toto
David Hawthrone and Mark Snider of Snider, Inc.
Stacie Phillips, Mike Mcleod and Fyan Barnes of
Harry Warren Inc. showing new
American Standard products
Jack Morgan with Racecar Driver Jacob Otto
Debbie and Tom Raducha showing
Sargent Quality Tools
Laurie Pfaff and Pat Medlin-working hard
Georgia Plumbing News - September 30th, 2014
Represented by
Preferred Sales Associates, Inc.
Page 9B
PO Box 2740 • 2321 Hwy 411 NE• Cartersville , GA , 30120
Fax: 770-475-8388 • Phone: 770.475.3006 •
Page 10B
Georgia Plumbing News - September 30th, 2014
Scenes from the ASPE National Show in Chicago
Steve Frappier, Ed Bishop, Dennis Bronson “Charles”
and Mike Thompson showing Little Giant FPS
Engineer non Clog Pumps Products
Tim McConnell and Chip O'Neil showing Holdrite's
new Testrite. Holdrite's new DWV test system
Jeff Kuma, Kevin Klaum and Paul Galvin showing
George Fischer’s new Aqua Tap Faucet
Dave Paolinellie, Josh Funk and Chris Oatey showing
Oatey’s new True Light Commercial Floor Drain in
front of the Oatey Pro Plumbers Tour Truck-Where’s
Bob Bender?
Kevin Huber, Amber Hines and Rick Ensley showing
new Sure Seal Products
Bill McNamara and Jeff Vandervet showing Appollo
Express Fittings
Ellen Sajdak and Gary Isaelson showing Elkay’s new
Architectural Fountain
Jerry Tomasello, John Richard, Joe Ficklin, Tommy
Price showing Rectorseal’s G.O.N Glue on Nozzel
Pat Hogan, Sarah Arnold and Jim Livingston
showing Prier’s new C633 Mild Climate Hydrant
Julius Goodman, David Corrado, Paul Palmisciano
showing Stiebel Eltrons Heat Pumps Technology
Dave Zagury, Andy Mundy and Craig Wolsten
showing new American Valves 4000 Series
Brian Gardner, Sterling Bouman, Zach Bukowski,
Jeremy Blackhurst, Thad Hicks, showing
Tyler Pipe couplings
Chris Beiswenger, Anthony Hunchman, John Zoeller,
Deron Oberkorn, Scott Sweeney, Susan Vandyke, Jay
Collins and James Reichardt introducing Zoeller's
New Shark Grinder Pump
Ed Elmer showing HTP’s Phoenix Commercial Water
Heater and new Tankless Water Heater
Toni Lenoir and Kevin McJoynt showing
Gerbers new Ultra Flush
Georgia Plumbing News - September 30th, 2014
discuss issues of concern
and topics such as business
transition, business performance, and responsibilities.
Include all of the family members, no matter where in the
hierarchy their jobs fall –
exclusion creates animosity.
Create a family manual that
lays out the ground rules for
how the meetings will take
place to ensure everyone
gets a chance to be heard
and impediments to communication are left at the door.
• Assign clear roles and
responsibilities. As a family
member, it’s natural to feel
that everything is “my” business. However, not everything is every family
member’s responsibility. Job
definitions prevent everyone
from jumping in to tackle the
same problem, and help ensure the business runs
• Keep good financial
data. The downfall of many
small businesses and family
businesses is not having
solid data. Have a single
point of contact to manage
the finances. If you’re small
enough, you can rely on a
family member. Otherwise,
you’ll need to bring in a qualified accountant. You may
cringe at the cost for this, but
the difference between a
good accountant and a bad
one is the difference between knowing exactly where
you are on the road and trying to drive with a mud-covered windshield.
• Avoid overpaying family members. Market-based
compensation is fundamental and essential. Parents in
family businesses tend to
overpay the next generation, or pay everyone
equally despite differing levels of responsibility. Both are
bad practices. The longer
unfair compensation practices continue, the messier
it will be to clean up when it
blows up.
• Don’t hire relatives if
they’re unqualified. Competence is key. Family businesses are a conundrum:
The family aspect generates
unqualified love, while the
business side cares about
profits. Thus, family members will be hired to provide
them with a job, even though
they’re not qualified. The
remedy is to get them
trained, move them to a role
that matches their skills, or
have them leave.
“More than 70 percent of
all businesses are family
businesses – they account
for a significant number of
new jobs and a large portion
of the GDP,” Hutcheson
says. “But that’s not the only
reason they’re so important.
“They’re motivated by
profits, but also by other important considerations:
pride in the family name,
building something for future
generations, philanthropy.
For those reasons, they contribute in tremendous ways
to social stability. They make
our communities better.”
About Henry Hutcheson
Henry Hutcheson is president of Family Business USA
and specializes in helping
family and privately held
businesses successfully
manage transition, maintain
harmony, and improve op-
erations. His newest book is
“Dirty Little Secrets of Family Business: How to Successfully Navigate Family
Business Conflict and Transition,” (http://dirtylittle
.com); he’s also quoted in
“Kids, Wealth, and Consequences” and “Sink or Swim:
How Lessons from the Titanic Can Save Your Family
Business.” Hutcheson grew
up working for his family’s
business, Olan Mills Portrait
Studios. He studied psychology and has an MBA from
Columbia Business School,
and is a popular speaker at
professional, university and
Page 11B
Josh Felperin moments after his hole in one at the PMA Memorial
Golf Tournament
5430 GA Highway 85
Forest Park GA 30297
Phone: (404) 761-0619
Toll Free Phone: 866-709-3712
1807 West Oakridge Drive
Albany GA 31707
Toll Free: 866-581-4914
1633 Dean Forest Rd
Savannah GA 31408
Page 12B
Georgia Plumbing News - September 30th, 2014
Plumbing News
Classified Ads
Classified Ad
Ads are $5 a word and $25 a photo.
You can fax your ad to 770.395.7069
or e-mail them to
Ad Information
The Carolina Plumbing News has an immediate opening for Territory Sales Manager. The performance
based position is perfect for an organized and motivated individual with a friendly personality. Sales and
computer skills are a must. Must be willing to re-locate
to the Charlotte area. Please send your resume to
Viega PEX
Viega’s press technology
for commercial copper installations is now available for
PEX. press technology
Users can easily transition from ProPress to
ViegaPEX tubing with specially designed PEX Press
transition fittings. Manufactured from Zero Lead alloy,
specifically engineered for
press systems, PEX Press
transition fittings reduce installation time and are available in sizes up to 2”.
Water Heater
Trutankless utilizes patented heating technology
and Incoloy alloys to ensure
consistent, reliable performance year after year.
Trutankless self-flushing
tankless water heater
Operating at nearly
100% energy efficiency, it
comes with built-in breakers
and multiple wiring configurations, and features a selfflushing design that eliminates most maintenance
Georgia Plumbing News - September 30th, 2014
Sloan Releases Velocity
the most advanced waterfree technology ever
pending WES-150 or "Velocity" Cartridge technology
from Sloan Valve Company
- a worldwide leader in manufacturing high efficiency and
high performance commercial restroom fixtures. These
cartridges utilize technology
from Falcon Waterfree Technologies, the most advanced
and leading urinal system
provider in the world.
Designed and built with
input from plumbers, meThe benefits of Waterfree
just got better with the introduction of the new patent-
Cutting and
Welding Kit
Uniweld’s The Wurks cutting and welding kit is packed
in its own rugged tool box
and comes in three different
styles. It offers cutting and
welding capacities with its
supplied tips that can be expanded with other tips that
are sold separately. cutting
and welding kit
Every box includes: one
welding handle, one cutting
attachment, one cutting tip,
one welding/brazing tip, one
medium-duty oxygen regulator, one medium-duty acetylene regulator, one 12 1/2’
twin hose, one pair of safety
goggles with flip-up shade,
one flint lighter, one tip
cleaner and one set of
leather welding gloves.
ISI Technology
Electric Tankless
Water Heater
ISI Technology’s Heatworks Model 1 tankless waCONTINUED on PAGE 15B
chanical engineers and architects, the WES-150 "Velocity" cartridge features an
innovative anti-splash pour
spout that helps keep the
housing cleaner, an indicator that provides a visual signal to know when it's time to
change and a diverter shield
that improves the user's experience. The patented odor
reducing feature works by
reducing the internal surface
area to not much bigger than
a dime, all while us ing 20
percent less material than
previous cartridge models.
In a joint statement Sloan
and Falcon Waterfree Technologies stated, "Our team
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took current and potential
customers feedback to heart
when designing Velocity, it is
the most advanced technology of any waterfree cartridge ever. We wanted a
solution that was not only
leaps and bounds ahead of
anything on the market today but was also compatible
with our current waterfree
urinal systems to ensure a
high rate of adoption in the
Every year, one Sloan
waterfree urinal can save up
to 40,000 gallons of water
while utilizing zero operational energy. Since introducing Waterfree technol-
ogy about 10 years ago,
Sloan and Falcon Waterfree
Technologies have saved
over an estimated 20 Billion
Gallons of water. In an era
of ever rising water and
drought, and increased water regulations, water savings are more crucial than
For more information on
Sloan Valve Company, including a list of local distributors, please visit http:// For information
Waterfree Technologies,
please visit http://www.falcon
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Georgia Plumbing News - September 30th, 2014
Updated version of
the National CAD Standard is released
The American Institute of
Architects, Construction
Specifications Institute, and
National Institute of Building
Sciences have released Version 6 of the United States
National CAD Standard,
which includes new major
and minor group definitions
for “Airports and Plumbing,”
an enhanced and improved
symbols library, and new
guidelines on how to implement the standard for BIM
Massachusetts governor signs law promoting
sources in building systems
Starting January 1, 2015,
The Renewable Thermal
Energy Act (S. 2214) will provide financial incentives for
several thermal renewable
energy heating and cooling
alternatives, including geothermal and air-source heat
pumps, solar heating, and
90% of proposed NYC
buildings fail basic energy
code test
According to a New York
City Department of Building’s
audit of more than 1,200 architectural plans for new and
renovated office and residential buildings, nine out of
10 failed to meet the 30year-old energy code. The
audits are part of the city’s
plan to cut carbon emissions
by 30% by 2030.
PFCs in local Delaware
water supplies blamed on
firefighting foams
Toxic contamination
found last month in all three
city of New Castle, Delaware
public water wells is thought
to be linked to the use of
firefighting foams at a nearby
Air National Guard Base. Air
Force fire training areas
around the country also
might have released PFCs
into local waterways according to a defense agency
briefing document issued
last November.
London “super sewer”
gets go-ahead
The Thames Tideway
Tunnel under London will
upgrade a drainage system
dating back to the Victorian
era to cope with at least 30
million tons of raw sewage
that spills into the waterway
each year. It is 15 miles long
and 24 feet in diameter.
Canadian construction
codes are open for public review
The Canadian Commission on Building and Fire
Codes seeks input on proposed changes to the National Building Code of
Canada, National Fire Code
of Canada, National Plumbing Code of Canada, and
National Energy Code of
Canada for Buildings. Comments will be accepted until
October 31, 2014.
Water utilities support
$524 billion in economic
This figure is based on
the planned operating and
capital investments of 30
public water utilities, which
also will support roughly
289,000 permanent jobs,
according to the National
Economic and Labor Impacts of the Water Utility Sector research project by the
Water Environment Research Foundation and the
Water Research Foundation.
New innovation centers to improve the
Dave Paolinellie
Georgia Plumbing News - September 30th, 2014
Jasmine Kinard of Phillips Gradick, Pam Immerus of
Leppard Johnson and Dominic Radosta of JMP
Page 15B
Toby Gross of Ken Clary, Nick Mosley of PerryCrabb
and Chris Henson of AHA Engineering
Larry Peters of Copper Development and Mike Adams
of Covenant Mechanical
Scenes from the
ASPE Atlanta
Chapter Dinner
Josh Sewll of JMP, Brain Tinsley of Hennessey and
Jamie Hill of WR Bristow
David Chen and Tim Geoglein of AHA Engineers
Daniel Pierce, Cindy Welsh, Michael Kornegat and ty
Mike Nix of Mike Nix & Associates, Jeff Long of
Ferguson, Michael Fox of Express US Service and
Michael Born of McKee Nix
William Stewart Jr. of Bill Stewart Plumbing and
Fletcher Anderson of Phillips Gradick
Chris Cotton of S,C&W , Stephen Duckworth of Repco
Sales , Jim Sulko of S,C &W , Mike Atchison of Repco
Sales and John Bertrand of Pulley & Assoc.
John Lott of Normac, Marie Anderson, Rufus Ray of
Southern Eng., Bob Witt of RBI Mestek and Jan Witt
John Royds of Johnson of Spellman & Associates and
Jim Allen of Jordan and Skala
Aquatherm’s polypropylene-random piping systems
feature a straight, threadless transition from PP-R
pipe to copper-sweated connections. With straight
Aquatherm-to-copper stubouts — which come in 1/2”,
3/4” and 1” diameters and
are 11”, 11” and 18” long,
respectively — installers can
easily transition to a fan-coil
unit, zone valve, heat pump
or other HVAC components
with sweated connections
using PP-R. straight copper
The PP-R portion is moldinjected PP-R and is connected via heat fusion. The
copper portion is connected
using standard copper solder joints or compression
Legend PEX
Legend broadens its offering of no-lead forged-brass
and plastic PEX fittings. The
no-lead forged-brass PEX fittings (ANSI F1807) are
dezincification resistant and
available in sizes from 3/8” to 1
1/4” — in various configurations. PEX fittings assortment
The plastic PEX fittings (ANSI
F2159) are in sizes from 3/8”
to 1” and various configurations. Also available are copper
crimp rings (ASTM F 1807) and
stainless-steel clamps (ASTM F
2098). Both are third-party
certified: the no-lead brass fittings are ANSI/NSF 61G and
ANSI/NSF 14, and the plastic
are ANSI/NSF 61-4 and
ter heater uses electronic
technology to directly energize and heat the water molecules. It offers the possibility of WiFi or smart grid connectivity to measure and
control temperature, duration and power levels. elec-
tric tankless water heater. It
produces instant, endless
hot water while providing up
to 40% energy savings and
10% water savings.
nation’s drinking water
The U.S. EPA is building
two national centers for research into advanced, lowcost methods to reduce, control, and eliminate water contaminants in small to medium-sized drinking water
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