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OF COUNTY-COMMISSIONERS BOARD 'vc!.304Nw zNDSTREET- ^ oKEEcrroBEE' FLORTDA 863-163-6441 Fax 863-763-9529 AGENDA NOVEMBER 8' 2007 9:00a'm' RAY R. DOMER_ CHAIRMAN - lsr VICE9H1R cLlF BETTS,JR' vIcE cHAIR iiutt tosev 2ND j-ohnD. Cassels CountYAttorneY r..Chartier ilouurc CountYAdministrator i;i;* INTRA-SESSION MEETINGS/EVENTS 4 : 00 p .m.D e b i Le w i sR etir em entReception@JudicialCenter BUSINESS: ins: Recommendthat the BOCC consider 2007. the approval ;ffi;Ct fr"m theregularilffii"g 3' t8' of october d Parties' cePtinP mzoningfrom Residential achange for "o""' lT, Lililrffib:iilJl;,3?ls.rn: var : 4' 0019: Recgnrmenc Nestsubdivision' e PreliminarYplat Lost of the Proposed Proposed Arnenomelrs Lu r'g '\'!'" 5. n"roililO- the publiclrearingsto consider amendmentsto tttut tfr BOCCschedule November29, 2007 Florida on ThursdaY, Coa" o7 Ordinances of Okeechobee-County' ' and on ThursdaY,December 13' 2007 RecommendthattheBoCCdeterminewhetheroneofthepublichearingsbeconducted after5:00P'm. 6 . 9:1 5 a . r F-r*lu-uti* that the BOCC issue a and d Burgess for his outstanding service in recognition to R*l dedicationtookeechobeeCountyanditscitizens. 9220 7. ts **,,0i"' e a Proclamation to okeechobee dedication service and County and its citizens' Re991mendthat the g. 9:25 a.m. Hank R.uckp-. Fa{{n Citv We.ekPloclamation: of No*'tuFa"ttg-2q,2007asFarmCity BOCC issueaproclarnationdesignatirrglGGl CountY' Weekin Okeechobee : Recommendthat the -civic centerforthe 3oc HalloweenFestival' 10. 9l4U a.''. *r. gffi"irre : Recommendthat - D -'"' lYl€trssar''ro _ "' pa)drrg:u*es on property that she commentsfrom Ms' Ellis concernlng cannot use. 11. tft. g a.m. C _C ch fot County Administrator' | 2 . A c c o u n t i n g C o n s u l t a n t : R e c o m m e n d t h a t t h eservices B o C C cas on tractw ithM cAlpin, proposal (cost needed consulting u..orrnti,,g provide to Lewis and cavalcanti to be providedunder separatecover)' RecommendthattheBOCCapprovetransferfromGeneralFundReservefor to Accounting Expenseline item' a;;G."ties 13.LamaroutdoorAdvertisinq:RecommendthattheBoCCreviewtheproposed e stipulation as presented' rtttf.* : Recommendthat the BOCC review the 14. ;:* pr ationcenter andprovidestaffwith further direction. amount of $32'885'00 for additional Recommend that the BOCC approve the for the relocation of the Emergency operation Architectural and nrrgrrr.rring s.*i.r, Center. 15. orn*d for that the BOCC approve additional tjr;X:: ., tlr. fortechnical i::ttlT^t:-H).""1 lnvoloeu ru vr4r6 ^. uu'ltr for HurricaneJeanne'm AereementNo. 69-4209-5-1711 with our (CountyandCAS) agreement' ac-cordance the amOunt of $34,j94.28 in 16. goc' declarethe Taylor CreekandCanal CanalCleaningProject: Recommrnatt utJtti the chairman to executea contract project PhaseII work an emergencyand authorize Inc' at the abovestatedrates' *itit futn"el Specialties, t7. wl ffi".h"uo,"-",,.*i.hAd;;ffiataProcessing,Inc.forFireRescueEMSbi11ing approval' and related services,subjectto the County Attorney's 1 8 . C a p n o e r a p h y : R e c o m m e n d t h a t t h e B O C C a p p r o v e t h e p uatr c h a s e o f f ieach ve Responsi Systems 54'274'50 capnographyaevlcJfrom Medtronic Emergency foi a total of $21,372.50installed' : Recommend that the 19. memberto the Affordable itaa 13'2009' termto expireSeptember Ho.rr*g Aivisory Committee; 20. reject bid received from Coral KeY Construction, project. 21, n""o--."C : Recommend that the BOCC and authorize staff to rebid that the BOCC approveand to Waste Management' Inc' to begin the authorize staff to submit the Letter of Intent renewal for Solid Waste & Recycling contract discussion Process for the contract Collection Services. for county Jail: (to be providedunder 22. Approvalto PurchaseEmergencyGenerator separatecover). office spacethat county to 23. Approval to RemodelHRS Eacility In-Order lrovide /a^.TaacofnT)enartmentofAericurt,,ffirpect:(tobeprovided cover). underseParate CONSENTAGENDA 24,ApprovalofWarrants:RecommendthattheBoCCapprovethewarrantslist. for ExcessFe-es4lrd Inmate Trust Fund Fees -gOCC 25. sheriff s offlce FinancialReport. t...i* th" Sheriff s Office FinancialReport' thutth. Fyz006-2007,R.";;;.nd ' ffir* n.r*ttd InmateTrustFundFeesfor FY2006-2007 TrusI Fund: Recommendthat the BoCC 26. Sheriffs office - Law Enf9rgement Special SuspenseForfeiture of Sffi receive a check f th;"-*"t TrustFund' Accountto be depositedinto the Law Enforcement RecommendthattheBOCCreceiveacheckintheamountof$6'061'62ftomtheSpecial EnforcementTrustFund' AgencyAccountto be depositedinto the Law Suspense that the BOCC authorize Paymentto JusticeBeneflts'Inc': Recommen^d 27. amount of Alien Assistance Program funds in the disbursement of State Criminal 530,730.04to JusticeBenefits,Inc' that the BOCC approve commissionertravel 28. Travel Reimbursement: Recommend to which 2007 for monthly meetings of boards/committees for the month or N*.*u", they are assigned' the BOCC determine whether travel will be 29. Approval of Travel: Recommendthat and Posey to attend the Advanced County authorized for commissioners Domer 2008 in Gainesville' CommissionerProgramJanuary10 & 11' to January10, 2008 BOCC meeting needs Recommendthat the BoCC determineif the be rescheduledor cancelled' 30. by the Bocc with respect to any matter Any person deciding to appeal any decision need to ensure that verbatim record of the considered at this meeting or hearing will the testimony and evidenceupon which proceedingsis made and tf,at the recoid includes the appealwill be based. Subiect: BOCC REORGAIIZATION a. Electionof a Chair b. Electionof l't Vice-Chair c. Electionof 2odVice-Chair d. Regularmeetingdays,time andplace ITEM I on the secondand fourttt NOTE: Currentpracticeof the Board is to meet g:00 a.m, the commission rnontnbeginningat Thursday in "il*r, Florida Okeechobee' MeetingRoom,Courthouse, e. f. notices,required-byStatute, Determinationof authorizedpublication(s)for Bog-d advertisements:okeechobeeNews, okeechobee notices and other i;ti;;J Times,PalmBeachPost,The Ft' PierceTribune CommissionerAPPointees CentralFlorida RegionalPlanningCouncil I commissioner The County Coalition for Iake Okeechobee l commissioner EconomicCouncil l commissioner Florida's HeartlandREDI I commissioner HeartlandLibrary CooperativeBoard l commissioner Jobs,Education& ParfirershipBoard l commissioner SmallCowrtYCoalition 2 commissioners& 1 staff TorrristDevelopmentCorrncil(Boccchairordesignee) l commissioner TransportationDisadvantagedBoard I commissioner TreasureCoastCommunityServicesAgencyBoard l, commissioner TreasureCoastCouncil of Incal Governments l commissioner WaterResourceAdvisoryCommission l commissioner Approvedfor Agenda Item1 Lv8l07 Page1 of2 AGENDA INSERT ITEM 1 November8,2007 their and/orstaff memberhasbeenlisted under The currentcommissionerappointee(s) board/committee' respective Subject: BOCC REORGAI\IZATION a. Electionof a Chair b. Electionof l't Vice-Chair c. Electionof 2ndVice-Chair d. Regularmeetingdays,time andplace ITEM I fourth NOTE: Currentpracticeof the Boardis to meeton the secondand Thursdayof eachmonthbeginningat 9:00a.m.in the commission Florida Okeechobee, MeetingRoom,Courthouse, by statute' Determinationof authorizedpublication(s)for Board notices,required notices and other county legal advertisements:okeechobeeNews, okeechobee Times,PalmBeachPost,TheFt. PierceTribune f. APPointees Commissioner CentralFlorida RegionalPlanningCouncil 1 commissioner(Noel Chandler) The County Coalition for Lake Okeechobee (Clif Betts,Jr.) 1 commissioner EconomicCouncil I commissioner(RaYDomer) Florida'sHeartlandREDI (Elvie PoseY) I commissioner HeartlandLibrary CooperativeBoard I commissioner @lvie PoseY) Jobs,Education& PartnershipBoard (Clif Betts,Jr.) I commissioner SmallCountYCoalition & I staff (RayDomer,Elvie Posey& GeorgeLong) 2 commissioners TouristDevelopmentCouncil(BoCcChairordesignee) (Clif Betts,Jr.) I commissioner TransportationDisadvantagedBoard (Noel Chandler) 1 commissioner TreasureCoastCommunityServicesAgencyBoard (Noel Chandler) 1 commissioner TreasureCoastCouncil of Incal Governments I commissioner(Marvin Wherell) WaterResourceAdvisoryCommission 1 commissioner(Noel Chandler) Approved for Agenda Interim CountyAdministrator Item I t1l8l07 PageI of2 ITEM 18,2OO7 SUBJECT: APPROVALOF MINUTES OCIObET MEETING REGUGRbOnno OF CoUNw cOMMISSIoNERS RECOMiIENDATION considerthe approvalof minutesfromthe Thatthe Boardof CountyGommissioners regufarmeetingof October18,20Q7. ========== = =============== ====== = = = =========== ======= = = = = = ======== forAgenda Approved ltem# o' f t8n007 Page1 ot27 MINUTESOF BOARDOF COUNTYCOMMISSIONERS REGULARSESSION ocToBER 18,2007 of okeechobeecounty, Floridamet in regular The Boardof county commissioners chambers' sessionat 9:00 a.m. on Thursday,october 18, 2OO7,in county commission Florida' Okeechobee, Courthouse, Betts' chair Domer presidedwith the followingmemberspresent:commissioners GeorgeLong' Chandler,Wherrell,and Posey. Also presentwere: CountyAdministrator Shain' countyAttomeyJohncassels,PlanningDirectorBillRoyce,and clerk I Lynn Noel Chandlerofferedthe Chair Domercalledthe meetingto order. Commissioner Poseyledthe Pledgeof Allegiance' afterwhichcommissioner invocation, REVISIONS: to be advisedof any additionsand/ordeletionsto the agenda ChairDomerrequested the following: Longrecommended for thissession.countyAdministrator Report- TaxCollector Addition-- ExcessFeesand Financial Appraiser Report- Property Addition-- ExcessFeesand Financial Deleteitem#44 as it is duplicationof items#27 and #28 Move#27,#28,and#30 fromconsentAgendato regularbusinessagenda issues Addition- BradyRanchRoadandenvironmental 1. REGULARSESSION 13,2OO7 APPROVALOF MINUTES- SEPTEMBER considerthe approvalof ChairDomerrequestedthe Boardof CountyCommissioners minutesfromthe regularsessionof September13' 2007' 2. WORKSHOPSESSION 13,2OO7 APPROVALOF MINUTES- SEPTEMBER considerthe approvalof ChairDomerrequestedthe Boardof CountyCommissioners 13' 2007' minutesfromtheworkshopsessionof September 3. APPROVALOF MINUTES- SEPTEMBER18, 2OO7_ FINAL BUDGETPUBLIC HEARING considerthe approvalof ChairDomerrequestedthe Boardof CountyCommissioners 18,2007' minutesfromthefinalbudgetpublichearingof September REGULARSESSION 27, 2OO7 APPROVALOF MINUTES- SEPTEMBER 4. considerthe approvalof ChairDomerrequestedthe Boardof CountyCommissioners 27,2007' minutesfromthe regularsessionof September BETTS TO APPROVEAS PRESENTED' MOTIONWAS MADE BY COMMISSIONER SESSIONS: MINUTESFROMTHE FOLLOWING o o o r SESSION 13,2007REGULAR SEPTEMBER 13,2007WORKSHOPSESSION SEPTEMBER 18,2007FINALBUDGETPUBLICHEARING SEPTEMBER 27, 2007REGULARSESSION SEPTEMBER POSEY. MOTIONCARRIED BY COMMISSIONER MOTIONWAS SECONDED UNANIMOUSLY. SERVICEAWARDS EMPLOYEE 5. presentserviceawardsto thatthe Boardof countycommissioners staff recommended 30' 2007' for the quarterendingSeptember qualifying employees five (5) or Countyemployeeshavingcompleted Longrecognized CountyAdministrator were more years of servicethroughthe quarterending september30, 2007. Awards presentedto the following: FiveYears Officer BlancaSaucedo CodeCompliance ReservationClerk Okee-Tantie AuroraCravuford Clerk Permitting CodeCompliance VirginiaDerry FifteenYears Vicfi Smitn 6. Secretaryto CountyAdministrator PUBLICHEARING- ESCAMBIACOUNTYHOUSINGFINANCEAUTHORITY The EscambiaCountyHousingFinanceAuthoritySingleFamilyMortgageRevenue to be singlefamilyresidences Programis designedto financequalifying Bonds(Multi-County) the in the programauthorizes occupiedprimarilyby first-timehome buyers. Participation Authorityto operatewithinthe boundariesof OkeechobeeCounty. This issuancewill not County. debton the partof Okeechobee constitute conducta publichearingto the Boardof CountyCommissioners Staff recommended in a SingleFamilyMortgageRevenueBondprogramsponsored considerCountyparticipation by EscambiaCountyHousingFinanceAuthority. adopt Resolution2007-42 the Board of CountyCommissioners Staff recommended 2 the EscambiaCountyHousingFinanceAuthorityto operatewithinthe boundaries authorizing singlefamilymortgageloanson behalfof County,Florida;to financequalifying of Okeechobee to enterinto the Boardof county commissioners okeechobeecounty, Florida,authorizing with EscambiaCountyHousingFinanceAuthorityand to executeand deliver agreements in connectiontherewith;approvinga form of Interlocal certaindocumentsand instruments of not the issuanceby the EscambiaCountyHousingFinanceAuthority approving Agreement; single FamilyMortgageRevenueBonds (Multi-countyProgram)' exceeding$150,000,000 that pursuantto Section147(f)of the InternalRevenueCodeof 1986,as amended;providing an effectivedate. and providing limited,specialobligations; suchbondsconstitute EscambiaCountywas recognized.Ms. Burnerdescribed DebbieBurner representing CountySingleFamilyMortgageBondprogram' the Escambia chair Domeropenedthe publichearing. MoTloN wAs MADE TO CLOSEPUBLIC BETTS' POSEY. SECONDEDBY COMMISSIONER HEARINGBY COMMISSIONER MOTIONCARRIEDUNANIMOUSLY. 200742 BETTSTO APPROVERESOLUTION MOTIONMADE BY COMMISIONER TO OPERATE THE ESCAMBIACOUNTYHOUSINGFINANCEAUTHORITY AUTHORIZING wtTHtN THE BOUNDARIESOF OKEECHOBEECOUNTY,FLORIDA;TO FINANCE QUALIFYINGSINGLEFAMILY MORTAGAGELOANS ON BEHALF OF OKEECHOBEE TO THE BOARD OF COUNTYCOMMISSSIONERS COUNTY,FLORIDA,AUTHORIZING ENTER INTO AGREEMENTS WITH ESCAMBIA COUNTY HOUSING FINANCE AUTHORITYAND TO EXECUTE CERTAIN DOCUMENTSAND INSTRUMENTSIN coNNcTloN THEREWITH;APPROVINGA FORM OF INTERLOCALAGREEMENT; APPROVINGTHE ISSUANCEBY THE ESCAMBIAGOUNTY HOUSINGFINANCE SINGLEFAMILYMORTGAGEREVENUE $15O,OOO,OOO OF NOTEXCEEDING AUTHORITY BONDS (MULTI-COUNTYPROGRAM),PURSUANT TO SECTION 147(fl OF THE THATSUCHBONDS INTERNALREVENUECODEOF 1986,AS AMENDED;PROVIDING coNsTITUTE LIMITED,SPECIAL OBLIGATIONS;AND PROVIDINGAN EFFECTIVE POSEY.MOTIONCARRIEDUNANIMOUSLY. BY COMMISSIONER DATE. SECONDED 7. PUBLICHEARING_ REQUESTFOR CHANGEIN ZONING- PETITIONR-2007' APPLICANT CO.,TRUSTEE, 0663;THEBUILDING of the publichearingto planning DirectorWilliam Royceannounced commencement The Building considerthe requestfor a changein zoningas set forthin PetitionR-2007-0663; Co.,Trustee,aPPlicant. of the propertyand advisedof the applicant's Mr. Royceprovideda briefdescription approvethe request. intendeduseof the land,shouldthe Boardof CountyCommissioners a duly noticedpublichearingon September25, The planningBoard,afterconducting grantthe request thatthe Boardof CountyCommissioners recommended 2007,unanimously SingleFamily(RSF). (A)to Residential for a changein zoningfromAgriculture conducta publichearingto the Boardof CountyCommissioners Staffrecommended partiesregarding the requestfor a changein zoningas setforthin acceptinputfrominterested PetitionR-2007-0663. grantthe requestfor a change the Boardof CountyCommissioners Staffrecommended SingleFamily(RSF)as set forth in PetitionR(A) to Residential in zoningfrom Agriculture The BuildingCo.,Trustee,applicant. 2007-0663; Chair Domer opened the hearing to public comment' MOTION MADE BY COMMISSIONERBETTS TO CLOSE PUBLIC HEARING. SECONDED BY POSEY.MOTIONCARRIEDUNANIMOUSLY' COMMISSIONER MOTIONWAS MADE BY COMMISSIONERPOSEYTO CHANGETHE ZONINGFOR PETITIONR-2007-663;THEBUILDINGCOMPANY,TRUSTEE,FROMAGRICULTURAL(A) TO RESfDENTIALSINGLE FAMILY (RSF). ADOPTED ORDINANCE 2007-R'241BETTS. MOTIONCARRIEDUNANIMOUSLY. BY COMMISSIONER SECONDED 8. PLAT APPROVAL_ FRESHWATER'PHASE 1 REQUESTFOR PRELIMINARY P-2007-0023 PETITION plat planning DirectorWilliam Royce advisedregardingthe requestfor preliminary approvalfor Freshwater,Phase1 subdivisionas set forth in PetitionP-2007'0023;Freshwater DevelopmentCompany,LLC and Coker Cattle Company,propertyowners; Freshwater plat approvalincludes Company,LLC, applicant.The requestfor preliminary Development The propertyis locatedon eithersideof 163dwellingunitsand 1.3acresof commercialuses. eastof Highway441 South. W. HarveyHighway), SE 28thStreet(Charles The PlanningBoard,at its regularmeetingon September25, 2007, unanimously plat of the approvethe preliminary that the Boardof CountyCommissioners recommended Phase1 subdivision. proposedFreshwater plat approvethe preliminary the Boardof CountyCommissioners Staffrecommended for Freshwater,Phase 1 subdivisionas set forth in Petition P'2007'0023; Freshwater LLC,aPPlicant. Development planning.Drainageto be largerlayoutsof subdivision Applicantrecognized.Displayed Miamicurb. WHERRELLTO APPROVETHE REQUEST MOTIONWAS MADE BY COMMISSIONER PHASEI. SECONDEDBY PLAT APPROVALFOR FRESHWATER, FOR PRELIMINARY BETTS.MOTIONCARRIEDUNANIMOUSLY' COMMISSIONER 9. SUBDIVISION REQUESTFORFINALPLATAPPROVAL.PEACEOF PARADISE PETITION1999-010-DP planningDirectorWilliam Royceadvisedregarding the requestfor finalplatapproval as set forth in Petition1999-010-DP; for the proposed8-lot Peaceof Paradisesubdivision propertyownerand applicant.The propertyis Twentar,Inc.(Herscheland FayeHaverlock), of SW 28thStreetand SW 32noAvenue. locatedat the northwestcornerof the intersection approvethe finalplatfor the the Boardof CountyCommissioners Staffrecommended proposedPeaceof Paradisesubdivision. statethat the Countywill not the Boardof CountyCommissioners Staff recommended for maintenance. infrastructure acceptany subdivision WHERRELLTO APPROVETHE FINALPLAT MOTIONWAS MADEBY COMMISSIONER APPROVAL FOR PETITION 1999.01o.DP,PEACE OF PARADISE SUBDIVISION. BY COMMISSIONERBETTS.MOTIONCARRIEDUNANIMOUSLY. SECONDED 10. _ DR. FREDBROWNDAY PROCLAMATION issue a Proclamation Staff recommendedthe Board of County Commissioners November1,2007 as "Dr. Fred BrownDay" in OkeechobeeCounty. County designating aloud. GeorgeLongreadthe proclamation Administrator MOTION WAS MADE BY COMMISSONERBETTS TO ISSUE A PROCLAMATION NOVEMBER1, 2OO7AS "DR. FRED BROWN DAY' IN OKEECHOBEE DESIGNATING COUNTY. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONERPOSEY. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 11. CENTERADVISORYCOMMITTEE MARKBRENDEL- AGRI.GTVIC to Mark Brendel requestedto appear before the Board of County Commissioners presenta year-endreviewand updatefromthe Agri-CivicCenterAdvisoryCommittee. included: Mark Brandelwas recognized.Hispresentation Accomplishments: RidingProgram the Recreational and initiated Developed . on signagefor Facility o Discussed and providedrecommendations . to includesix (6) Reviewedthe overallMasterplanand maderecommendations buildings 10,000sq.ft. exhibition r planfor the Facility Developeda five (5) year improvement o Reviewed the measurableobjectivesof the Facilities Director and made recommendations r the for usageof facilityand recommended Association Reviewedthe Cattlemen's to the County conceptshouldbe presented . siteof outdoorwarm-uparenato FacilityDirector and recommended Discussed . Reviewedbookingsof facilitywith FacilityDirector o Reviewedanalysisof fan placementto eliminateheat from arenawith various vendors of the CapitalBudgetRequests o Assistedthe FacilityDirectorin the development for 200712008 ProgramCalendar: 200612007Program . (51)totalbookings Fifty-one c 42o/orevenueincreaselrom 200512006 fiscalyear events(i.e.Roping,Barrel o Bookingswere predominately focusedon competitive Show Racing,Rodeo,QuarterHorseeventand Livestock r CountyFair,MemorialDay BikeRally,National OthereventsincludedInaugural AnnualTraining of Corrections Day of the Cowboy,and the FloridaDepartment Day ' ' : ! Program 200712008 o Sixty(60)bookingsto dateas of October27,2007 is $E5,000 o Projected revenuebasedon bookings to includeconcertbookings o Focusof programia beingexpanded concertvenuesat thislocation wouldassistin attracting o Seatingexpansion Listof eventsareavailableuponrequest . FutureObiectives: o Reviewand revisethe rate card scheduleto be moreconsistentwith nearby arenafacilities rightsto thc facilities couldgainmarketing r Developa processbywhichinvestors o lnitiatethe requestfor additionalpersonnelsupportat facilitybasedon events requirements activities o Initiateas requestfor websitedomainstrictlyfocusedon the Facilities' personnel withaccessfor updatesby fiacility . developersfor ventureswith hotel/restraurant lnvestigatepotentialcooperative on-siteopportunities FiveYearPlanRequirements: lmmediate . (70Eastand 710) on bothentrances Signage o Seatingexpansion for arena o Ticketbooths o Fans r Warm-uppaddock YearTwoRequirements: . bam Maintenance . drainageandportablestallsystem Concretehorsebamflooringwithaseociated trails o Perimeter fencingwithwalking/exercise withmasterplan in accordance o Construct building exhibition a multi-purpose . futuregrowth to accommodate Upgradeelectricalsourcesfor overallfacility YearThreeRequirements: withmasterplan buildingin accordance r Construct exhibition an additional . 300'ring,2500bleacherc coveredhorci Sienawhichinclg$p,,9,150'x Construct pre+ngineered buildingof 58,000 enfrapced insidean opensidedarchitecturally sq ft. YearFourRequirements: withmasterplan o Buildan additional buildingin accdrdance exhibitioit o RVdumpstation YearFiveRequirements: withthe masterplan r Buildan additional buildingin accordance exhibition o Lightpolesat bothentrances o Equestrian trail o Additionalpavedparking SeatExpansion: o Expandsseatinglrom2457to 4380seats o Detailsof expansion o Northand Southsidesexpanded3 rowson top and 3 rowson bottom withoutseatbacks with7 rowson topof existingstandswithout o Westendwouldbe expanded seatbacks o Cost$362,796.47 e Stabilization of PressBox r Stabilizeexistingseats Staff: . to Facility dedicated Gunentlyonly2 fulltimeemployees . and onefor maintenance the additionof 2 morefull timeemployees, Reguesting onefor theoffice. 12. DUDLEY KIRTON AI{D TATT PEARCE OKEECHOBEECATTLETEN'S ASSOCTATTON receivecommentsfrom the Board of CountyCommissioners Staff recommended for theAgri-Civic bleachers Center,Recommended DudleyKirtonandMattPearceconceming additional seating.Hadto tum peopleawayat the LaborDayRodeoandSpringRodeois a busierevent.Missedholdingthe bull ridingeventdue to lack of seating. Cattlemen's 8 Associationcanbringina|otofothereventsbutthe|ackofseatingstopsthem'Theseevents a|sobringinrevenuetotheentireCountybywayofthembeingfami|yevents.Usua||yeach fami|ywou|drenttwohote|rooms,spendmoneyonfood,gas,andshopping.Thisis Countyshouldnot missouton' opportunity MoT|oNwAsMADEBYcoMM|ss|oNERWHERRELLToADDADD|T|oNAL SEAT|NGToBR|NGToTALTo43S020,,SEATS.MovETHEMoNEYFRoMCAP|TAL |MPRoVEMENTSBUDGET'SECoNDEDBYcoMM|sS|oNERGHANDLER'MoT|oN CARRIEDUNANIMOUSLY. Recess 13. DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMuljtj'] RENTAL LLc HURRIGANEHOUSINGREC-OV-ERY 16 o rbwn PRbPERTIES' si#;ilt PAYMENT di-r-oan the award of of county commissionersapproved on March g, zooT,the Board (HHRP)funds to o Town Properties' HousingRecoveryProgram Hurricane in $1,000,000 LLC'forthedeve|opmentofforty(40)affordab|erenta|apartmentsfor|owandmoderate agreement' of a mutually acceptableaward negotiation to subject income households, AttorneyJohnCasse|sandHHRPAdministratorDeborahBe|cherdeve|opedtheagreement documentswhichwereexecutedbySy|vesterBut|erandCountyCommissionerChairmanon June8, 2007' TheCounty,sagreementrequiredthedeve|opertohaveCityofokeechobeeapprova| oftheprojectsitep|anandacommercia||oancommitmentbeforetheHHRP|oanc|osed.At theHHRP|oanc|osing,$54S,5lS.4SoftheHHRPfundsweredisbursedforc|osingcostsand topayofftheexistingmortgage|oanontheproperty,placingtheCountyinfirstposition.The CountyHHRP|oanwi||automatica||ysubordinatetothenewcommercia|loanthatwi|lfundthe majorityoftheprojectcost.HHRPloanfundswou|da|sobeusedforthebui|dingpermitfees' Whenthebui|dingpermitisobtained,additiona|HHRPfundswou|dbedisbursedforoUA waterandsewerfees'bui|der,sriskinsurance'etc.Nomorethan$g5o,o00ofthefundswou|d bedisbursedpriortosubstantia|comp|etionoftheconstruction,with$50,000retainedunti| finalcomPletion' 'rners for AcopyoftheHHRP|oandisbursementschedulewasprovidedtocommtsstt for a for bui|dingpermitsand $7,105 disbursed$39,150'46 has County the date, To review. FloridaPower&Lightre|ocationfee,andhasreceivedaninvoicefora$2,000SouthFlorida WaterManagementDistrictfee,p|us$15,998'Soforbui|der,sriskinsurance.TheHHRP and site plan' plans(notdetailedspecifications) has approvedthe architecturar Administrator the documentsfor approval' Paymentof / subcontract contract any provided been not has but bui|dingpermitfeeswasissueduponrequestinordertoassistthedeve|operinmeetingthe deadlinefor avoidingnewimpactfees' pay$49'411'81in the releaseof HHRPloanfundsto now has requested The developer requiredfor obtainingpermits' This request engineerand surveyfeesfor services architectural isinconflictwiththeHHRP|oanagreement,whichisa|oca|,notstate,document. StaffrecommendedtheBoardofCountyCommissionersconsiderMr.But|er,srequest pay for |oanfundsin the amountof $49, 411'81to for re|easeof HHRPrentaldeve|opment architectura|,surveyanddesignservicesrequtredtoobtainpermitsfortheoTownProperties' LLCrentaldeveloPment' Sy|vesterBut|erwasrecognized.Hestatedthathehassignedapersona|guarantee' financingin 30 days' Mr. Butlerexpectsto closeon the construction CountyAftorneyJohnCasse|sandCommissionerPoseywanttoSeeacommitment |etterfromRiversideBankcoveringtheconstructioncostswithouttheadditiona|grant. MoT|oNwAsMADEBYcoMM|sS|oNERBETTSToAPPRoVETHEREQUESTBY SYLVESTERBuTLERFoRTHERELEASEoFHHRPDEVELoPMENTLoANFUNDS|N SURVEY'AND DESIGN TO PAY FOR ARCHITECTURAL' THE AMOUNTOF $49,411.81 sERv|cESREQU|REDTooBTA|NPERM|TSFoRTHEoTowNLLcRENTAL DEVELoPMENToNcEMR.BUTLERPRoV|DESF|RMLETTERoFCoMMM|TEMENTBY R|VERS|DEBANKANDASSURANGETHATTHEcoNSTRUcT|oNF|NANG|NGw|LL cLoSEBYDEGEMBERI,200T.SEGoNDEDBYcoMM|ss|oNERGHANDLER.MoT|oN CARRIEDUNANIMOUSLY. 14. WELL SPORTSCOMPLEXINJECTION StaffrecommendedtheBoardofCountyCommissionersreceiveareportfromTom the SportsComplexWell' Arcadis,concerning Tessier,representing TomTessierwasrecognized.AtpreviousmeetingoftheBoardofCounty whatOtheroptionswereavailable Arcadiswas askedto meetwithDEPto see commissioners, ontheSportsComp|exWe||.Mr.Tessieraddressedthefo||owingrecommendations: 10 risk associatedwith the alternativemethods Althoughthere is very littleenvironmental tool),the of testingor correctivemeasures(exceptfor the risk of losingthe oxygen-activation integrity test and an externalmechanical integrity of passingan internalmechanical likelihood all the are small' Considering measuresto "squeezecement"are undertaken) test (assuming the wellto anotheruse and converting the injection of converting issuesraised,the uncertainty to with attempting existingsupplywell to injection,and the likelycostsand risksassociated demonstratethe integrityof the existinginjectionwell, we recommend that the County of the injectionwell. lf the Countywishes,internal proceedwith pluggingand abandonment of a temporarycasingand packer(to test the retestingand installation integrity(pressure) deepenedhole for injectionpotential)could be includedas part of the pluggingand program. A chart with the cost breakdownfor all optionswas givento the abandonment Commissioners. Wherrellstatedthat these are costs are expensiveand maybethe Commissioner Countyneeds to look at anothercompanyto give estimatesand opinions' Accordingto Arcadis,the cost to abandonthe well will be $200,000when well originallycost $50,000to install. lf monitorwells are installedand they did not detectany Floridaaquiferwater,DEP testing. The riskin integrity mightbackoff but mightmakeCountydo an externalmechanical costs. DEP wantsforward testingand incuradditional this is that you haveto do additional progressshown,eitherby way of testingor abandonment' CommissionerPosey stated that the County should considerfinding another to heatthe Pool. alternative Frank Dicarlo of All AmericanWell Drillingwas recognized.Mr. DiCarloofferedto do wells and fix any problemsfound in the originalinjectionwell at no cost to the monitoring County.He feelsit is a simplefix and doesn'tfeelthe casinghas holein it. He wouldusethe thewellif neededand if acceptedby DEP. pressuremethodof abandoning LunchRecessuntil2:00PM consensusof Bocc to go outfor bidto abandonthe sportscomplexwell. 15. MASTERPLAN STORMWATER of the receivepresentation the Boardof CountyCommissioners Staffrecommended MasterPlanby CraigA. Smith& Associates. Stormwater ll OrlandoRubio,on behalfof OrlandoRubiorecognized. ConnieVan Ash recognized. MasterPlan. the Stormwater CraigA. Smith,presented lntroduction: the has recognized CountyBoardof CountyCommissioners The Okeechobee . needsof the Countyand the publicat largewith regardto stormwaterand ensuingdrainageissuesthathavearisenoverthe years o Recenthurricanesand year-roundstorms,OkeechobeeCountyin conjunction MasterPlanshouldbe developd. withthe Districtdeterminedthat a Storrmwater thatwill benefit o The Plan'sultimategoalis to constructstormwaterimprovements the Cityand Countyin areasof need' . phase. gathering throughinformation concernwereidentified Areasof immediate . of stormwatersolutions,competitiveunit priceswere utilized Upondetermination to prepareoPinionsof costs . to be between$51'8Mand $55.2M' Opinionsof costwereestimated costsincludelandacquisition. Construction Background: . ruralcountieswitha permanent Countyis one of the few remaining Okeechobee maysoonno longerapply. population nearing40,000.The ruraldescription of and relativeaffordability the availability o Factorsincluding the coastalmigration, landhousing,a pleasantclimateand an enviablequalityof life,it is anticipated and rateof growthin the Cityand Countywillcontinueto thatthe population lncrease. . March12,1963GeneralDesignMemorandum: US ArmyCorpsof Engineers; Northeast ShoreArea. LakeOkeechobee . protectionand TMDL, environmental With currentconcernsfor stormwater, plansthat requiredto implement are nowfindingthemselves municipalities preservethe waterresourcesby reducingoff-sitdischarge,increasingwater groundwater recharge. qualitytreatment, andenhancing o The purposeof the Planis to inventory andevaluateexistingsystemsand to the existingstormwatermanagement recommendfutureimprovements re withinthe City/County parameters. infrastructu t2 . bodiesmanageits ThisPlanis to serveas a toolto helpthe governing stormwaterfacilitieseffectively. o The Planis a livingdocument. Information Gathering: . PublicInvolvement:Workshopand OutreachSurvey- The surveywas intended to conveythe thoughtsof the generalpublicregardingdrainageissues. Surveys via the County's. weremadeavailable to residents City's,and SFWMD'swebsite. Hardcopieswere madeavailableat Countyand Cityfacilities. o Withinthe Planlimits,surveydatafrompaststudiesand USGSmapswere data,necessary for modeling, was obtainedby Craig obtained.Additionalsurvey A. Smith. o ExistingDistrictpermitinformation was obtainedand mapped. Potential Causesof Flooding: . Undersizedtertiarysystems . floways(ditches/channels) Unmaintained . Hightailwaterconditions . Insufficient surfacestorage o Facilities in disrepair . Landdevelopment duringthe absenceof regulatorycriteria ProblemArea ldentification: o With the Planlimits,threetargetedareaswere selectedin orderto capturea confidentassessmentof the regionalneedsat large. r Drainagebasinswere identifiedand conceptualanalysiswere performedon existingand proposedsystems. r Theseareashave beenidentifiedas: o SouthwestCorridor o FourSeasons o GeneralRegion SouthwestCorridor: r Area:5,300Acres o Servedby S-133PumpStation l3 pasture and Unimproved Commercial/lndustrial, MixedUse:Residential, FourFlowayswere identified: o WhiddenDitch(SW 7thAvenue) o FerrelDitch(SW 16thAvenue/Nw12rh/Avenue) o Wolf Ditch(SW 26thAvenue) o FDOTDitch(SW 32ndAvenue) drainageareasto theseflowaysconsistof non-engineered The contributing parcels,and a few stormwaterengineering plattedsubdivisions, undeveloped developments. The majorityof the drainagesystemsconsistof roadsideswalesand driveway culvertsystems.Roadsideswalestypicallyprovideadequateconveyanceand but are not adequateto servethe areasoutside treatmentfor a roadright-of-way the right-of-way. drivewayculverts. are sometimescreatedwith undersized/impaired lmpediments FourSeasons: o Area:1,174Acres . residentialwith somecommercial LandUse;Primarily . non-engineered community. subdivided, FourSeasonsis an un-platted to the Planarethatsomeof the existingnaturalor man-made Challenges are locatedon privateproperty.In additionto floodingconcerns, conveyances untreatedrunoffis dischargedto the Lakevia MosquitoCreekand its tributaries. . A 1991floodcontrolstudyof FourSeasonsdeterminedthat stormrunofffrom 1,300acreseastof NE SOth AvenueimpactsFourSeasons.The impactis createdwhenstormrunofffromthisoff-siteareais tryingto flowto Mosquito Creekvia FourSeasons. "General'Region: r Area;4,2826Acres o Mixeduse;Residential, Airport,andAirportIndustrial Commercial/industrial, Park o The "General" Regioncomprises the northernlimitsof the studyareaand l4 includesareawithinthe TaylorCreekand S-154Basins o Two flowaysidentified: o Airportditch o StateRoad98 ditchwhichconnectsto SFWMDL-62(S-154) r Eastof StateRoad98 thisGeneralRegionincludesUS Highway441, plattedsubdivisions. Basswood,and "Cityof OkeechobeeLots"non-engineered The airportand the lndustrialParkhaveDistrictpermits. o Culvertblowoutshaveoccurredeastof US Highway441 withinthe primary outfallditch. o West of StateRoad98 the GeneralRegionincludesEl MiraSol,Okeechobee Parks,and PlaylandParknon-engineered subdivisions as wellas undeveloped parcelsor unplattedtractsof lands. WaterQualityand QuantityModeling: r WaterQuality:GleamsModel(USDA) o WaterQuantity: (ICPRVersion3.0) Technologies Streamline o GleamsModel(WaterQuality) landUse o Evaluates o Runoff o BestManagement Practice o ProjectsAverageAnnualLoads . Phosphorus . Nitrogen o ICPRModel(WaterQuantity) o Surfacewatermanagementmodelsof the targeteddrainageareasare executedusingStreamline Technologies' AdvancedInter-Connected PondRouting(ICPR)modelVersion 3.0 o ICPRis a FEMAand Districtacceptedmodelingsofhruare for performing suchanalysisand is usedby the majorityof the consultingcommunity o Pre and Post-mitigation analyseswere performed. r The Modelevaluates rainfall, surfacestorage,soilstorage, and hydraulic capacitiesof systemsto determinestagesand flow rates. l5 o DesignStorms o 5 year, 1 day (4.5inches) o 10 Year,3 day (7.0inches) o 25 year,3 day (9 inches) Proposedlmprovements: . GravityCollectionSystems(StreetDrainage) . Channellmprovements . StorageAreas r ControlStructures(Preventbackflowsfromthe Rim Canaland for flow diversions) . PumpingStations . CodeRevisions r Theseimprovements are also knownas stormwaterretrofitprojectswhichseek improvements overexistingconditionsto the maximumextentpossible. SouthwestCorridor: o Plannedfor the Southwest Corridorandcurrentlyunderdesignby CDDMis the District'sLemkinCreekStormwaterFacility(LCSF)locatedwest of SW 16th Avenueand northSR78. This 150macrefacilityor reservoir willbe usedto providelimitedfloodprotection,storageand treatmentfor the areasservedby the SW 7th,SW 16thand SW 26thAvenuefloways. o Dueto the largedrainagearea(4,287acres)to be servedby the 150acre reservoir,additionalreservoirarea(+150acres)adjacentto the LCSFwas conceptualized in orderto optimizefloodcontroloperations. . Upstreamdetentionareaswerealso included. . lmprovements for areaswest of SW 32noAvenueflowayare recommended to be independent of the LCSFat thistime. . Proposedimprovements for thisareaare locatedwithinthe Oak ParkSubdivision and includeinstallation of gravitystormwatercollectionsystemswiththe abilityto capture,treat,store,and dischargestormrunoffto the 32noAvenuefloway. FourSeasons: l6 . 1991studyby BrileyWild& Associates recommended improvements. o Pondswere includedto addresswaterqualityonly. . SFWMDNubbinsSloughSTA. . A majorportionof flowin thewesternandeasternNubbinSloughtributaries do not reachthe STA due to topographical constraints, reducedhydrauliccapacity from sedimentdeposition,overgroMhof vegetation,inadequateculvertand channelsizein someareas(PEER2004). . 2004studyby PEERconsultants(nota floodstudy) . Studydetermined structural andchannelimprovements. Particular to Four Seasonsis the NubbinsSloughwesternbranchand the potentialbenefitsoof fromCenterStreetditchand NE 80thAvenuefromthe 1.300acres flowdiversion FourSeasons. impacting o Withthe additionof a detentionpond,structuraland channelimprovements from bothpaststudieswere modeledtogether. r Modelresultsshowedthatthe flow diversionand otherimprovements will benefit FourSeasons.Thisalsoresultsin waterqualitytreatment in the NubbinsSlough STA. GeneralRegion: . lmprovements withinthe GeneralRegionwerelimitedat thistimeto improved westernoutfallsfrom Basswoodand the additionof detentionpondseastof US Highway 441. Conceptual Planning/Preliminary Design: o Conceptualplanswerecreatedfor the purposeof developingopinionsof project costsand for futureapplication opportunities. r The Plancallsfor flowayimprovements. Flowaydiversions, andthe installation of (fixed)controlstructures. operableand non-operable . lmprovements alsoincludetertiarydrainagesystemsto be designedin accordance withthe FDOTdesignguidelines. o The Plancallsfor the utilization of the District's LemkinCreekStormwater Facility and landacquisition to expandthisfacilityas wellas landacquisition to provide upstreamattenuationand waterqualitytreatmentin wet detentionareas. t7 Permitting and Easementldentification: o All non-maintenance typeimprovements willrequirea JointACOE/DistricVFDEP Environmental ResourcePermit(ERP).Allproposedimprovements willat least requirethe issuanceof a StandardGeneralERP. . CraigA. Smithobservedthat manyof theseexistingflowaysare locatedon privatepropertyand at the very minimum,the Countyneedsto securethe maintenance anddrainageeasements necessary to insurelongtermpositive drainage. Funding: o Discussed at previousBoardof CountyCommissioners Workshop. r FutureWorkshopsare recommended to addressconcernsof the Boardof CountyCommissioners and CityCouncil. Planning/Recommendations: o For Cityand County,recommended is codeadoptionfor on-lot detention/retention. r Benefitsof on-lotdetention/retention: o Minimizeburdenon Countyand Citysystems o Requirereviewof lot drainage o lmprovewaterquality o Recommend continued enforcement of the County'sLDR. o Updatethe County'sLDRto removereferences to repealedsectionof F.A.C. r Incorporate tertiarysystem(streetdrainage)designcriteria. r Recommended is a revisionto the CityDevelopment standardsto fall closerin linewith the District'swaterqualitytreatmentand waterquantityrequirements by eitheractualcoderevisionor by referenceof Chapter40E4 and portionsof the District's"Basisof Review.The county'sLDRsreferenceschapter 4oE-4by code. o one majorcomponent of a successful programis maintenance. stormwater e Recommended is the implementation of routinemaintenance measures to insure systemfunctionality for city and county ownedsecondaryand tertiarysystem. o Systemson privatepropertywhichserveregionalareasare recommended for l8 drainageand maintenance easementassignment to the Cityand/orthe County. . Coordination withthe District, (FDOT) the FloridaDepartment of Transportation andthe CSX Railroadis recommended as it pertainsto maintenance. Recommended is the acceptance of the Stormwater MasterPlanfor future implementation. MOTIONWAS MADEBY COMMISSIONER BETTSTO ACCEPTTHE ENGINEERING REPORTAND STORMWATER MASTERPLANAS PRESENTED. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER POSEY. MOTIONCARRIEDUNANIMOUSLY. 16. RESOLUTION CLASSIFYING CERTAIN COUNTYEQUIPMENT AS SURPLUS Section274.05,274.06and 274.07,FloridaStatutes,providethat a localgovernment mayclassifyas surplusand disposeof any of its propertythatis obsoleteor the continued use of which is not economicalor servesno usefulfunction. A list of such equipment, which currentlyappearson the County'sinventor, was providedto commissioners for review. Itemslistedin Exhibit"A" has an estimated valueof lessthan$1,000and are proposed to be donatedor destroyed as follows: Computers, desk,furnitureand relateditemsto be donatedto FloridaSheriffsBoy's Ranch Any brokenor unwanteditemsto be disposedof and destroyedat Okeechobee Landfill Staff recommended the Boardof CountyCommissioners adopt Resolution2007-43 classifying certainCountyequipment as surplusand providing for disposalthereof. Staffrecommended the Boardof CountyCommissioners approvethe proposedsurplus equipment planas submitted donation/ destruction (ordirectan alternatemethodof disposal). MOTIONWAS MADE BY COMMISSIONER BETTS TO APPROVETHE PROPOSED SURPLUSEQUIPMENTDONATION/ DESTRUCTION METHODOF DISPOSALFOR ITEMSDEEMEDSURPLUSBY THE BOARDOF COUNTYCOMMISSIONERS UNDER RESOLUTION 2OO7-43.SECONDEDBY COMMISSIONER POSEY. MOTIONCARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 17. BID AWARD FOR RFP 2007.19FOR SAMPLING,LABORATORYTESTINGAND REPORTINGOF GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELLS AT THE OKEECHOBEE COUNTY AIRPORTCLOSED LANDFILLAND WASTE MANAGEMENT,INC. LANDFILL t9 Staffrequestedthat, In the best interestof Okeechobee County,the Boardof County Commissioners awardbid for RFP#2007-19,Monitoring Well Samplingto US Biosystems for the sampling,laboratorytesting,and reportingof groundwatermonitoringwells at the Okeechobee CountyAirportClosedLandfillandtheWasteManagement, Inc.Landfill. US Biosystemswas the lowest bidderwithoutany additionalrequirements to the ContractAgreement.Total yearlycost for samplingand testingper landfillsite will be as follows: Okeechobee CountyAirportClosedLandfill $9,575peryear Testingrequiredby FloridaDepartmentof Environmental ProtectionConsentOrder eachApriland October) WasteManagement, Inc.Landfill $9,902peryear Staffrecommended the Boardof CountyCommissioners awardbid and authorizethe Chairmanto execute,a contractwith US Biosystemsfor GroundwaterMonitoringWell Samplingand Testingin the amountof $4,787.50per samplingeventat the ClosedLandfill Site,and $9,902per samplingeventat theWasteManagement LandfitlSite. MOTION WAS MADE BY COMMISSIONERWHERRELL TO HAVE THE CHAIR AUTHORIZE AND EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH US BIOSYSTEMS FOR GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL SAMPLINGAND TESTINGIN THE AMOUNTOF PER SAMPLINGEVENTAT THE CLOSEDLANDFILLSITE,AND $9,902PER $4,787.50 SAMPLINGEVENTAT THE WASTE MANAGEMENTLANDFILLSITE. SECONDEDBY COMMISSIONER BETTS. MOTIONCARRIEDUNANIMOUSLY. 18. LIGHTNING PREDICTION ANDWARNING SYSTEM The 2007-08Budgetprovides$15,000in account#001-21-572-00-6300 for instattation of a lightningprediction systemat the SportsComplex.Commissioners wereprovidedcopies of a letterfrom StevePalliof Thor Guard,Inc. statingthat they are the sole manufacturer / distributor of the ThorGuardLightning Prediction andWarningSystemsandthatThorGuardis the only companythat manufactures a lightningprediction systemin the entireworld Thor Guardis the only standalonelightningwarningdeviceused by most sectionsof the United statesGolfAssociation, LPGAand manylocalsectionsof the pGA of America. The Okeechobee SchoolBoardhas recentlyinstalled a ThorGuardLightning Prediction Systemat the highschooland hasfutureplansto installothersat the FreshmanCampusand both middleschools. Mr. Pallihas provideda quotefor installation of a basesystemat the 20 SportsComplexpool and a remotehorn clusterat the PracticeArea restroom.This would providepropercoverageat both of thesehighlyused locations.Mr. Palliand Dale Barrett, providing anotherremote Department, withthe Recreation havediscussed SchoolOperations, MiddleSchoolstaffand studentsof lightning. hornoffthisbaseunitatthe poolto alertYearling Allowingthe schoolto installthe remotehornwouldprovideamplelightningstrikewarningat the OK SoftballFields. award bid for a Lightning the Boardof CountyCommissioners Staff recommended Systemat the SportsComplexand remotehornat the PracticeAreato ThorGuard, Prediction prediction systems)in the amountof $15,350.00. of lightning Inc.(a solesourcemanufacturer by the authorizeinstallation the Boardof CountyCommissioners Staff recommended CountySchoolBoard"at its cost"a remotehornto be linkedto the County'sbase Okeechobee threatsin the area. unit,atopYearlingMiddleSchoolto warnstaffand studentsof lightning BETTS TO HAVE THE CHAIR AUTHORIZE MOTIONWAS MADE BY COMMISSIONER AND EXECUTEA CONTRACTIN THE AMOUNT OF $15,350FOR A LIGHTNING SYSTEMAT THE SPORTSCOMPLEXAND A REMOTEHORN AT THE PROTECTION POSEY. BY COMMISSIONER INC. SECONDED PRACTICEAREA TO THOR-GUARD, MOTIONCARRIEDUNANIMOUSLY. BETTSTO HAVE THE CHAIR AUTHORIZE MOTIONWAS MADE BY COMMISSIONER COUNTYSCHOOLBOARDTO INSTALLA REMOTEHORN"AT ITS THE OKEECHOBEE COST'' TO BE LINKED TO THE COUNTY'SBASE UNIT, ATOP YEARLINGMIDDLE THREATSIN THE AREA. OF LIGHTNING SCHOOLTO WARN STAFFAND STUDENTS WHERRELL.MOTIONCARRIEDUNAMIOUSLY, BY COMMISSIONER SECONDED 19. CHILLERREPLACEMENT AT THEJAIL EMERGENCY old Carrierunit, The numberone chillerat the Okeechobee CountyJail,an eight-year of the two on the unit. The Jail is has a failedcompressor.This is the largercompressor of this leadchiller,alongwith the numbertwo currentlyoperatingon the smallercompressor chiller.The numbertwo chilleris a 23-yearold backupTranethat was purchasedusedfrom slatedfor replacement. Siemensseveralyearsago and currently with whomthe Countyis undercontractwith for the SiemensBuildingTechnologies, maintenanceof the HVAC equipment,has estimatedthe repair with a remanufactured 2l amountto expend at $40,000.BothSiemensand staffagreethat is an excessive compressor for thisagingchiller,givenits overallcondition. Siemenshas proposedto replacethe failedchillerwitheithera newTranechillerof 140 for year roundcooling. The County tons or 170 tons. The 170ton unit wouldbe sufficient wouldneedto committo buildinga remotechillerplantat anotherlocationto providebackup coolingfor otherexistingand future for the Jail and to provideneededbackupand additional in the area. Countybuildings standbyor brought Staffwill pursueeffortsto havea portablechilleruniton immediate in for the interimperiodof time untila new unitcan be installed.The rentalcostof a portable permonth. chilleris $15,000 chooseOption#4 as an the Board of CountyCommissioners Staff recommended purchaseto replacethe Carrierchillerwitha 170-tonTranechillerto be purchased emergency fromTranein theamountof $91,325. awardthe bid for removaland the Boardof CountyCommissioners Staffrecommended Inc.,in the amountof installation of the new 170-tonchillertoSiemensBuildingTechnologies, $24,550. regarding the purchaseof one (1) 170ton unitwith no backupor Therewas discussion two (2) 140ton unitsusingone unitas backup. BETTSTO HAVE THE CHAIR AUTHORIZE MOTIONWAS MADE BY COMMISSIONER AND EXECUTEAN EMERGENCYPURCHASECONTRACTWITH TRANE FOR THE CHTLLERS tN THEAMOUNTOF $158,602.SECONDED PURCHASE OF TWO(2)140-TON By coMMtsstoNER PosEY. MoTroN CARRIED 4-1. (CHAIR DOMER CAST A NEGATTVE VOTE). BETTSTO HAVE THE CHAIR AUTHORIZE MOTIONWAS MADE BY COMMISSIONER AND EXECUTEAN EMERGENCYPURCHASECONTRACTTO SIEMENSBUILDING TECHNOLOGIES, INC. FOR THE REMOVALAND INSTALLATION OF THE TRANETWO (2) 140-TONCHTLLERS AT THE JAIL tN THE AMOUNTOF $16,284.SECONDEDBy COMMISSIONER WHERRELL.MOTIONCARRIEDUNANIMOUSLY. The foflowingwere on the ConsentAgenda,to include ltems #20, #21,#22, #23, #24,#25,#26,#29,#31,#32, #33,#34,#35,#36,#37,#39,#39,#40,#41,#42,#43. 22 APPROVALOF WARRANTS 20. Staff recommendedthe Board of County Gommissionersapprove the following #3314-3318 in the amount of in the amount of $1,734,985.36; warrants:#110146-110431 $15,180.54;#2099-2107in the amount ot $2,220.13;and #308-310for a total of $ 1,802,386.03. 21. AGT (OAA) REQUESTFOR PROPOSAL(RFP) SERVICE OLDER AMERTCANS PROVIDER APPLICATION (SPA) SUB-CONTRACTORSELECTIONS AND AGREEMENTS OAA CONTRACT Staff recommendedthe Board of County Gommissionersapprove,and authorize the Chairman to execute, the Service Provider Application (SPA) and the Older Americans Act (OAA) contract with Area Agency on Aging (AAA) for contract year January1, 2008through December31, 2008,upon their completion. 22. OKEECHOBEESENIOR SERVICESWITH ST. LUCIE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMUNITYSERVICESBLOCK GRANTCY 2OO7I COUNTYCOMMISSIONERS 2OO8 FUNDING Staff recommendedthe Board of CountyCommissionersapprovethe acceptance of the GommunityServicesBlock Grant (CSBG)funds in the amount of $58,520for the grant periodOctober1, 2007through September30,2008. 23. MONEY SHERIFF;ACCEPTANCE OF UNCLAIMED Staff recommendedthe Board of Gounty Commissionersaccept funds from the Sheriffin the amountof $2,450.94 in accordancewith the laws of the Stateof Florida. 24. cLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT;ACCEPTANCE OF UNCLAIMED FUNDS Staff recommendedthe Board of County Gommissionersaccept funds from the Clerk of Gircuit Court in the amount of $4,976.73in accordancewith the laws of the State of Florida. 25. TERMINATION OF LANDLEASE Staff recommendedthe Board of GountyCommissionersapprove,and authorize the Chairman to execute, the Agreementfor Terminationof Land Lease with Ron Ammons d/b/aPrestigeAluminum,locatedat Parcel3 of Lot 24 in the IndustrialPark (1ZJ 1480NW 25thDrive,Okeechobee. 08-37-35-0010-00000-0240), 26. - PALMCITYINTERIORS FIRSTAMENDMENT LANDLEASEAMENDMENT; Staff recommendedthe Board of GountyCommissionersapprove,and authorize the Chairmanto execute,the First Amendmentto Land Lease with Linda Wellmaker d/b/a Palm City Interiors,addingto PalmCity Interior'sexistingleaseholdthe adjoining Parcel3 of Lot 24. 27. AWARD- URSCORPORATION CONTRACT Staff recommended the Board of County Gommissioners approve Budget Transfer BT08-007in the amount of $80,000to provide funding for completionof an AeronauticalSurvey for refinementand developmentof GPS approachesto airport runways. discussion and approval. Thisitemwas pulledfromConsentAgendafor individual BETTSTO APPROVEBUDGETTRANSFER WAS MADE BY COMMISSIONER MOTTON OF TO PROVIDEFUNDINGFOR COMPLETION IN THE AMOUNTOF $8O,OOO BTOS-OO7 AND DEVELOPMENT OF GPS AN AERONAUTICAL SURVEYFOR THE REFINEMENT POSEY. APPROACHESTO AIRPORTRUNWAYS. SECONDEDBY COMMISSIONER MOTIONCARRIEDUNANIMOUSLY. Staff recommendedthe Board of GountyGommissionersapprove,and authorize the Chairmanto execute,the contractwith URS Corporationin the amount of $79,597 for completion of an AeronauticalSurvey for refinementand developmentof GPS approachesto airport runways Thisitemwas pulledfromConsentAgendafor individual discussion andapproval. MOTIONWAS MADE BY COMMISSIONER BETTSTO APPROVE,AND AUTHORIZETHE CHAIRMANTO EXECUTETHE CONTRACTWITHURSCORPORATION IN THE AMOUNT OF $79,597FOR COMPLETIONOF AN AERONAUTICAL SURVEYFOR REFINEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT OF GPSAPPROACHES TO AIRPORTRUNWAYS.SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER POSEY.MOTIONCARRIEDUNANIMOUSLY. 28. CHANGEORDERSTO AIRPORTCONTRACTS 24 Staff recommended the Board of County Commissionens approve Budget Transfer 8T08-006 in the amount of $221,000to provide funding for professional selvices, milling and overlay of the airport apron. discussion and approval. Thisitemwas pulledfromConsentAgendafor individual BETTSTO APPROVEBUDGETTRANSFER MOTIONWAS MADE BY COMMISSIONER 8T08.006IN THE AMOUNTOF $221,000TO PROVIDEFUNDINGFOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES,MILLING,AND OVERLAYOF THE AIRPORTAPRON. SECONDEDBY COMMISSIONER POSEY.MOTIONCARRIEDUNANIMOUSLY. Staff recommendedthe Board of Gounty Commissionensapprove,and authorize the Chairman to execute, Change Order No. 1 to an existing contract with Dickerson Florida,Inc. in the amountof $198,988.50 for airportapron rehabilitation. Thisitemwas pulledfromConsentAgendafor individual discussion and approval. BETTSTO APPROVE,AND AUTHORIZETHE MOTIONWAS MADE BY COMMISSIONER CHAIRMANTO EXECUTECHANGEORDERNO. 1 TO AN EXISTINGCONTRACTWITH FOR AIRPORTAPRON DICKERSONFLORIDA,INC. IN THE AMOUNTOF $198,988.50 REHABILIATIION. SEGONDEDBY COMMISSIONERPOSEY. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Staff recommendedthe Board of County Gommissionersapprove, and authorize the Chairman to execute, Ghange Order No. 2 to an existing contract with Dickerson Fforida, Inc. in the amount of $34,984for repainting Runway 14-32in conjunction with the new painting of Runway5-23. Thisitemwas pulledfromConsentAgendafor individual discussion and approval. MOTTON WAS MADE BY COMMTSSTONER BETTSTO APPROVE,AND AUTHORTZE THE CHAIRMANTO EXECUTECHANGEORDERNO. 2 TO AN EXISTINGCONTRACTWITH DICKERSONFLORIDA,INC.,IN THE AMOUNTOF $34,984FOR REPAINTING RUNWAY 14.32IN CONJUNCTIION WITHTHE NEW PAINTINGOF RUNWAY5-23. MOTIONWAS SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER POSEY.MOTIONCARRIEDUNANIMOUSLY. Staff recommendedthe Board of County Commissionersapprove, and authorize the Chairmanto execute,ChangeOrder No. I to an existing contractwith AVCON,Inc. in the amount of $19,931.20for professional services relating to rehabilitation of the airport apron, and approval. discussion Thisitemwas pulledfromConsentAgendafor individual BETTSTO APPROVE,AND AUTHORIZETHE MOTIONWAS MADE BY COMMISSIONER CHAIRMANTO EXECUTECHANGEORDERNO. 1 TO AN EXISTINGCONTRACTWITH SERVICES AVCON, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $19,931.20FOR PROFESSIONAL RELATING TO REHABILITATIONOF THE AIRPORT APRON. SECONDED BY POSEY.MOTIONPASSEDUNANIMOUSLY. COMMISSIONER 29. - SPECIALDRAWREQUEST WC SHERMANPROPERWAPPRAISER Staff recommendedthe Board of County Commissioners approve the Property Appraise/s special draw request for $220,721due to first quarter expenses related to pendinglitigation. 30. AGREEMENT MASTERJOINTPARTICIPATION Staff recommendedthe Board of County Commissionersadopt Resolution2007- 44 approvingand authorizingthe executionof MJPA2008-Awith FloridaDepartmentof Transportation(FDOT). discussion and approval. Thisitemwas pulledfromConsentAgendafor individual 200744 BETTSTO APPROVERESOLUTION MOTIONWAS MADE BY COMMISSIONER AND AUTHORIZETHE CHAIRMANTO EXECUTEMJPA 2OO8.AWITH THE FLORIDA (FDOT)PROVIDINGFOR FUNDINGOF FIVE (5) DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION OKEECHOBEEAIRPORT PROJECTS. SECONDEDBY COMMMISSONERPOSEY. MOTIONCARRIEDUNANIMOUSLY, 31. - OCTOBER TRAVELREIMBURSEMENT 2OO7 Staff recommendedthe Board of County Gommissionersapprovecommissioner travel for the month of October 2007 for monthly meetings of boards / committees to which they are assigned. 32. AMENDMENTNO, 3 - FLOW DIVERSION TO NUBBINSLOUGHSTORMWATER TREATMENT AREA PROJECT Staff recommendedthe Board of County Commissionens approve,and authorize the Chairmanto execute,AmendmentNo. 3 to extendthe expirationdate for the Flow 26 Diversionto NubbinSloughStormWaterTreatmentArea Projectto March31, 2008. 33. - ESTATEOF THELMAL BROSS;2005'TD' TAX DEEDSURPLUS- 2004-TD-090 - GLIFFORDA WALSH 003 - ESTATEOF ELIZABETHS. JONES; 2005-TD-064 R. WALSH;2005-TD-118 JAMESD. TODDAND MABELL. AND MARGUERITE TODD Staff recommendedthe Board of Gounty CommissionersauthorizeTax Deed Surpluspaymentsas follows: 2005-TD-090; CertificateNo. 1348-1998- Payable 66.6% to Palm Research Group,LLC in the amountof $5,933.06 2005-TD-003;Certificate No. 0135-2001- Payable 50% to Palm Research Group,LLC in the amountof $10,047.23 CertificateNo. 1432-1998- Payable 100% to Palm Research 2005-TD-064; Group,LLC in the amountof $11,420.09 GertificateNo. 1426-1998- Payable33.3%to Zanna Kay Todd 2005-TD-118; Morrisin the amountof $7,294.01 - Payable33.3%to Billy WayneTodd in 2005-TD-118; CertificateNo. 1426-1998 the amountof $7,294.01 - Payable33.3%to PatriciaTodd in the No. 1426-1998 2005-TD-118;Certificate amountof $7,294.01 34. - BREAKTHROUGH INC. RECOVERY SERVICES, GRANTAGREEMENT Staff recommendedthe Board of County Commissionersapprove,and authorize the Chairmanto execute,a grant agreementwith BreakthroughRecoveryServices,Inc. in the amount of $24,000;to be paid in equal monthly installmentsfor the 2007/ 2008 fiscal year. 35. RENEWAL LIABILITYINSURANCE LAW ENFORCEMENT Staff recommendedthe Board of Gounty Commissionersauthorize renewalof Law EnforcementLiability insurance in the amount of $25,000from Florida Sheriffs Fund. Self-lnsurance Staff recommendedthe Board of County Commissionersauthorize Budget Transfer BT08-02 in the amount of $3,736 from Fine & Forfeitures Reserve for Gontingenciesto insuranceexpenseline item. 36. _ OKEECHOBEE MAINSTREET, INC. GRANTAGREEMENT Staff recommendedthe Board of GountyCommissionersapprove,and authorize the Chairman to execute,grant agreementwith OkeechobeeMainstreet,Inc. in the amountof $20,000;to be paid in equalquarterlyamountsfor the 2007I 2008fiscalyear. 27 37. LLC FOR COUNTYAND SEB 5OO, BETWEEN OKEECHOBEE LEASEAGREEMENT RENTAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 5OO NW 6TH STREET, OFFICES OF TOURISTDEVELOPMENT OKEECHOBEECOUNTY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS AND SOLIDWASTEDEPARTMENTS Staff recommendedthe Board of Gounty Gommissionersauthorizethe renewalof Lease Agreementwith SB 500, LLC for rental property located at 500 NW 6thStreet for an additionalone (1) year, under the terms and conditionsas stated in the Agreement dated January 25, 2007;at a rate of $1,500per month. 38. - HOMEAGAINPROGRAM BUDGETADJUSTMENT Staff recommended the Board of County Gommissioners approve Budget TransferBT07-158transferring$208,307from GeneralFund Reservefor Contingencies to HOMEAgain operatingline item. 39. WITHEMBARQ APPROVALOF E-911BILLINGCONTRACT Staff recommendedthe Board of Gounty Gommissionersapprove the Embarq ServiceAgreementfor recurringmonthlycost of $2,932for E-911Services. 40. APPROVALOF ROYALCONCRETE ENTRANCEROADCHANGEORDER#1 Staff recommendedthe Board of County GommissionersapproveChangeOrder No. 1 to bid #2007-10,RoyalConcreteEntranceRoad,in the amountof $13,362.50. 41. RENEWALOF CONTRACTFORHOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTECOLLECTION FROMRESIDENTS OF OKEECHOBEE COUNTY Staff recommendedthe Board of County Gommissionersapprove,and authorize the Ghairman to execute, a one-year contract renewal with Clean Harbors EnvironmentalServices,lnc. for collectionand disposalof householdhazardouswaste. 42. SHERIFF;FY 2007 t 2008REQUISITION SCHEDULE Staff recommendedthe Board of County Commissioners authorizepaymentof budgeted appropriations to the Sheriffs Office during the 2007 I 2008 fiscal year i n accordancewith the requestedschedule. 28 43. HURRTCANEHOUSING RECOVERY PROGRAM (HHRP) DISBURSEMENT AUTHORIZATION Staff recommended the Board of County Commissionerc ratify previously approved Hurricane Housing Recovery Program (HHRP) deferred loan payment agreementsand disbursementsto qualifiedapplicantsup to $95,000in accordancewith HHRPguidelines. MOTION WAS MADE BY COMMISSIONERBETTS TO APPROVE THE CONSENT ITEMS#20,#21,#22,#23,#24,#25,#26,#29,#31,#32,#33,#34, AGENDA,TO TNCLUDE #35, #36, #37, #38, #39, #40, H1, ffi2, AND #43 AS PRESENTED. SECONDEDBY WHERRELL.MOTIONCARRIEDUNANIMOUSLY. COMMISSIONER Additional ltem EXCESS FESS AND FINANCIAL REPORT PORPERTY APPRAISER The PropertyAppraiserhas remittedexcess fees and his FinancialReport for 2006t2007. BETTS TO RECEIVEAND ACCEPTTHE MOTIONWAS MADE BY COMMISSIONER PROPERW APPRAISER'SEXCESS FEE AND FINANCIALREPORT OR 2006/2007. POSEY.MOTIONCARRIEDUNANIMOUSLY. BY COMMISIONER SECONDED Additional ltem- EXCESSFEESAND FINANCIALREPORTTAX COLLECTOR The Tax Collectorhas remittedhis excessfees and FinancialReportfor 200612007. BETTSTO RECEIVEAND ACCEPTTHE TAX MOTIONWAS MADE BY COMMISIONER BY COLLECTOR'S EXGESSFEEAND FINACNIALREPORTFOR2006/2007,SECONDED POSEY.MOTIONCARRIEDUNANIMOUSLY. COMMISIONER Additional ltem- BRADYRANCHROAD Authorizedstaffto proceedwith resolution wetlandsissuesconcerning of outstanding BradyRanchRoadas described in correspondence fromCraigA. SmithandAssociates dated October5.2007. Additional ltem- INTERIMCOUNTYADMINISTRATOR 29 ilIOTIOT{WAS TADE BY COTMISSIONERBETTS TO APPOINT DEPUW COUNTY ADMINISTRATIOR ROBBIE CHARTIER AS INTERIT COUNTY ADTINISTRATOR BEGINNINGAT THE END OF GEORGELONG'SCOilTRACT(NOVEMBER6, 2007)AND ENDING WITH THE HIRING OF A REPLACEMEilT COUNTY ADIIINISTRATOR. SECONDEDBY COTMISSIONERPOSEY. TOTIONCARRIEDUNANITOUSLY. wasadjoumed. themeeting or discussion, Therebeingnofurtherbusiness RayR. Domer,Ghairman Boardof CountyCommissioners County, Florida Okeechobee Clerk SharonRobertson, Boardof GountyCommissioners Coun$,Florida Okeechobee 30 Subject: 9:00am PublicHearing:Requestfor a changein zoning PetitionR-2007-0664 JeroldarrdLizabethMatheny,applicants Item 3 Petition R-2007-0664; Jerold andLizabeth Matheny, property owners and applicants. Requestfor a change in zoning from the existing classification of Residential Single Family (RSF) to the proposedclassificationof Agriculture (A). The propertyis locatedat 1095NW 368d'Drive. The Planning Board, after conducting a duly noticed public hearing on October 23, 2007 unanimouslyrecommendedthat the Board of County Commissionersgrant the requestfor a change in zoning from Residential Single Family (RSF) to Agriculture (A). Recommendation That the Board of County Commissionersconduct apublic hearingand acceptinput from interested parties; and That the Board of County Commissionersgrant the requestfor a changein zoning from Residential Single Family (RSF) to Agriculture (A). Item3 rU08/2007 page1 of 11 RobbieChartier InterimCountyAdministrator OkeechobeeCountv Board of Countv Commissioners November8,2007 Staff Report and Recommendation PublicHearing,PetitionR-2007-0664; JeroldandLizabethMatheny,propertyownersand applicants. Requestfor a changein zoning from the existing classificationof ResidentialSingle Family (RSF) to the proposed classificationof Agriculture (A). The property is locatedat 1095 NW 368thDrive. Background The subjectpropertyis approximately30 acresandis locatedeastof Highway 441North in the Fort Drum area. The tract is vacantand is just to the north of and outsideofthe Fort Drum Rural Activity Center. The propertyaddressis 1095NW 368thDrive. To the south are Grand Prix Ranchesand Lake Montaza Estatessubdivisions. Both subdivisionsare zoned for residentialdevelopments. Grand Prix Ranchesis relatively undevelopedand is zonedResidentialSingle Family (RSF). Lake MontazaEstatesconsistsof 5 acrelots, is somewhatdeveloped,and is primarily zonedResidential Rural (RR). The applicants are requesting a change in zoning from RSF to A for the purpose of placing a manufacturedhome and developinga small family farm on the property. The neighborhoodis rural in nature,but with a mix of zoning classifications. To the southand eastarethe referencedGrandPrix RanchesandLake MontazaEstatessubdivisions. To the southwestis a row of lots along Highway 44I that are zoned Commercial. To the north and northeastare large tractsof land usedin various agricultural use. Immediately to the west is another 30 acretract that is developedwith a single family residence. Further to the west, acrossHighway 441 North, are a number of large agriculturalparcels. Consistencywith ComprehensivePlan The subjectproperty is locatedin the Agriculture Future Land Usejust north of the Fort Drum Rural Activity Center. The applicant is requesting a change in zoning from the current zoning classificationofResidentialSingleFamily (RSF)to Agriculture(A). The proposedchangein zoning is consistentwith the comprehensiveplan. Consistencywith Land DevelopmentRegulations When recommendingwhether to rezonea classificationof land, the factors that the Planning Board shall considerinclude,where applicable,whetheror not: Staff Report and Reconrmendation Okeechobee Comty Board of Comty Comissronem Petition R-2007-0664, Jerold and Lizabeth Matheny November 8, 2007 R-2007-0664 MathenyRSFto A nonh ofcred Prix Rmches(00005552)wPD I. Theproposedchangeis contrary to the establishedland usepattern; The proposedchangeis consistentwith the establishedland usepattern. The currentzoning would not allow for farm animals or any agricultural uses. The applicants would like to develop a small farm and place a manufacturedhome on the property. Also a density of 1 unit per 10 acres is the maximum that is allowed in the Agriculture Future Land Use classification, therefore limiting the density of the property. 2. Theproposed change would create an isolated district unrelated to adjacent and nearby districts: There are existing agricultural usesand zoning in the immediate vicinity, including directly to the north of the subject property. The proposed change would not create an isolated district unrelatedto adjacentand nearby districts. 3. The proposed change would materially alter the population densitypattern and thereby increase or overtax the load on publicfacilities suclt as schools, utilities, streets,etc.; The changein zoning will have no affect on the population densitypattern for the area. The changein zoning will allow the ownersmore flexibility in the tlpe of single family structure that can be placed on the property and allow the owner to have a small farm. 4. Existing district boundaries are illogically drawn in relation to existing conditions on the property proposedfor change; The propertyis zonedRSF but is locatedin the Agricultural FutureLand Use. As the propertyis not partof a largerdevelopment, thisis a slightincompatibility. 5. Theproposedchangewould be contrary to theProposedLand UsePlan and would havean adverseeffect on the ComprehensivePlan; The proposedchangewould not be contrary to the Land Use Plan and is consistentwith the adoptedcomprehensiveplan. 6. Changedor changing conditions make thepassageof theproposed amendmentnecessary; The existingzoningof Residential Single Family is not an ideal zoningdistrict for a 30 acre tract that is in the Agriculture future land use classification. The owners wish to place a manufacturedhome on the property and develop a small family farm. The current zoning will not allow for thesedesireduses. 7. Theproposedchangewill adverselyinfluenceliving conditionsin the neighborhood; Thereshouldbe no immediatechanqein livins conditionsin the neiehborhood. Slalf Report and Reconmendation Okeechobee County Board of Cormty Comissroners Petition R-2007-0664, lercld znd Luabeth Matheny WPD November 8, 2007 R-2007-0664 MathenyRSFto A northofcrild Prix Reches(00005552) 8. Theproposed change will create or excessivelyincrease trffic affectpublic safety; congestion or otherwise The proposedchangewill not createor excessivelyincreasetraffic or affect public safety. The property can only be developedwith one single family dwelling and agricultural uses. 9. Theproposed change will create a drainageproblem; The proposedchangewill not createa drainageproblem. The property is approximately30 acresand will be developedwith only one single family structure. 10. Theproposed changewill seriously reduce light and air to adjacent areas; The proposedchangewill not seriouslyreducelight or air to adjacentareas. IL Theproposed change will adverselyaffectproperty values in the adjacent area; The proposed change to Agriculture for a parcel in the Agriculture future land use classificationwill not adverselyaffectpropertyvaluesin the area. 12. The proposed change will be a deteruentto the improvementor developmentof adjacent property in accord with existing regulations; The subjectproperty is in an areaof mixed usesand zoning. The proposedchangewill not be a deterrentto the developmentof adjacentproperties. I3. Theproposed change will constitutea grant of specialprivilege to an individual owner as contrasted with thepublic welfare; The property is located in the Agriculture Future Land Use classification; rezoning the propertywould not constitutea grantof specialprivilege to an individual owner ascontrasted with the public welfare. 14. There are substantial reasons why the property cannot be used in accord with existing zoning; The property is approximately30 acresand is zonedRsF. A 30 acretract zonedRSF in the Agriculture Future Land Use would not be the most beneficial zoning for the property. 15. Wether the changesuggestedis out of scalewith the needsof the neighborhoodor the County; A 30 acretractzonedAgriculturein theAgriculturefuturelanduseclassificationis not out of scalewith that areaof the countv. Staff Report and Recomndation Okeechobee Comty Board of Couty Comissronem Petition R-2007-0664, Jerold and Lizabeth Matheny November 8, 2007 R-2007-0664 MarhenyRSFto A norrhofcrmd Prix Rmches(00005552) WpD 16. It is impossibletofind otheradequatesitesin the Countyfor theproposedusein districts alreadypermittingsuchuse. Thereareother sitesin the countythat canbe developedfor agriculturaluseswithin the county. StaffRecommendation Thepropertyis approximately30 acresin area.It is zonedResidentialSingleFamily(RSF)but is locatedin the AgricultureFutureLandUse. A changein zoningwould allow the ownersto place a manufacturehomeon the propertyanddevelopa smallfarm. Therearemixedusesandzonings Prix Estatesto largetractsthatarezonedAgriculture. in thearea,rangingfrom theRSF zonedGrand The proposed change is consistentwith the county's land developmentregulationsand plan,andis compatiblewith the area. comprehensive approvethe requestfor a changein that the Boardof CountyCommissioners Staff recommends zoningfrom ResidentialSingleFamily (RSF)to Agriculture(A). PlanningBoardRecommendation The PlanningBoard, after conductinga duly noticedpublic hearingon October23,2007, gtanttherequestfor a change thattheBoardof CountyCommissioners unanimouslyrecommended in zoningfrom ResidentialSingleFamily(RSF)to Agriculture(A). Staff Report md Recornnendation Okeechobee County Board of County Comrnissroners Petition R-2007-0664, Jerold and Lizabeth Matheny WPD MathmyRSFto A northofcrdd Prix Rmche (00005552) November 8, 2007 R-2007-0664 Okeechobee County Pllnning and Developnent Dept. 499IYW 5th Avenue Okeechobee,FL 34972 Phone (863) 763-5548 Fax (863)763-5276 Date; PaitionNo. Fee Faid: Petition No. lst Hearing: 2nd Hearing: PublicationDates: c Meilal. frrrisdiction: Ilnincnrtorated Cormtv Uniform Land UseApplication . Variance. A a Q/ o w N E R Nameof propertyowner(s): Le,c,.t .Q I'\ - ^J !- , za-he+V.. f\^\ o-\ he-.,'{ Name of applicant(s)if othertlan owner: Relationshipto owner: t to properly: I Oq 5 \l U-l address / directions Property lndicate currentuseofproperty: V G Lc,\.,'{ - \ to g* Da rr.- A. . i c-*\ \*n- o\ Descnbe improvements on property, inc,[uding number/type s1dv,/sllings and whether occupied (if none,sostate): \'J c'V ,^,6, q-'c*ai* .! - Approximatenumberof acres: D q .q E P R o P E R T Y Is propertyin aplattedsubdivision? n O Is therea curent or recentuseof the propertythat is/wasa violationof corurtyordinance?If so,describe: \n r) Have therebeenany land useapplicationsconcerningall or part of this property in the lastyear? If so,indicatedate, nahrreandapplicant'sname: n a) Is a salesubjectto this applicationbeing granted? n O Is the subjectparcelyour total holdingsat that location?If not, describethe remainingor intendeduses: |l'..e,<Pr . - r . J O r , ^ . , \. S \ t \ . . - t r , -l€\ , fitn.Q r,t't, \rv€ Describeadjoininglanduses/ improvementsto theNorth: ra,t' fi. South: Existing2snins: f\ Actions Requested: co,\ f.. c \ ( .-.\ \.^--*-\ -Y S A O a i a.^\ west: FutureLandUseclassification, Aar,'a,^\ g!zoongchenge ( ) SpecialException ( ) Variance \..-o-\ C-) Appeal ParcelIdentification Numbers: \- a \- 33- 3'S-o xoo- oooot -oooc Confimation of Informstion I hereby certi& that the information in this applicationis correct. The inforrration includedin this applicationis for use by OkeechobeeCountyin processingmy request. Falseor misleadinginformation may be punishableby a fine of up to risonment_ofup to 30 days and may rezult in the summary denial of this application. V -Ab-At- Je,o'ld- Application for Zoning Change,SpecialException,Variance or Appeal OkeechobeeCounty, Florida (rcv. 07/06, 00004295.wPD) ->/ lYp-T/ton{ 6l 11 | 5 ef o\ J a* d Current2sningclass:hg R E L- ,-z-r-\o-€-&hyrf c^t-'h.^f F Requested26ningclass: Aa N E \.^c.-\ What is your desiredpermitted use under the proposed class: z o a , .,.\ ,.r do*\o\e.r.^,'.8e- i ns\"*\\"! If granted,will thenew zonebe contiguouswith a like zone? for your intendeduse? Is a SpecialExceptionnecessary Describethe SpecialExceptionsought: s P Provide specific LDR ordinance citation: E x c E P T I Are thereothersimilarusesin the area?Is so.describe: Why would grantingyour requestbe in thebestinterestof the areaandresidents? o N If business, briefly describe nature including number of employees, hours, noise generation and activities to be conducted outside of a buiiding: DescribeVariance sought: v A R I A N c Describe physical characteristic of property that makes variance necessary: Did you causeor contibuteto the characteristic? Is so, describe: E Whatis the minimumvariancenecessary? Describe nrling that you are appealing: A P P E A L Who made decision you are appealing: Date of decision: Explain why you feel decisionis in error. Be sureto list any ordinancereferencesyou feel supportyour position: Application for Zoning Chmge, Special Exception, Variance or Appeal Okechobee County, Ftorida (rev. 07/06, 00004295wPD) 7t'J.r Request, for rezoning Jerold and Lizabet,h ltlathenY 1836 sIiI 8th Street Okeechobee, FL 34974 (863) 467-7587 We o$/n 29.95 acres just, north of Grand Prix R a n c h e t t , e s o n N W 3 6 8 t h D r i v e . t r i l ew o u l d l i k e to place a nest double wide mobile home on our land to serve as our primary residence- In L994 we inquired about having this land rezoned Lo as our intent was always to agricultural herer making t,his eventually be able t,o retire small farm the center of ourfamily lifeAt that time r.Ie r^tere told by Planning and Development, that, our land was going t'o revert in the future therefore to Agricultural the need for us to spend the money eliminating to have it, rezoned. (please see attached letter) We have since entered into a contract, to purchase rat,ed wind zone 2 & 3. We htere a new t,railer not, aware of a problem with this unt,il the The dealer went, t,o put, it in for permittingi s a l r e a d y u s o f n o r t h a n d e a s t t h e Iand to D r u m R a n c h e t t e s F t , . E h e a g r i c u l t u r a l . zoned n o t , feel W e d o h o m e s . m o b i l e s o u t h a l l o w to t,he a ppearance f u t u r e t h e e f f e c t , w o u l d o u r t , r a i l e r that b e c a use w a y n e g a t i v e i n a o u r a r e a o f or value u n l e s s b e v i s i b l e n o t i t w i l l of all, first you are on our land and second it is a nice home. we have a time factor issue in that' we have already placed a deposit on Lhe t,railer through Riverside Bank. and arranged financing y ou to expedite t,his appeal to We sincerely p o s s i b l e and thank you for s o o n a s matter as your help regarding t,his issue. WJ m.-C--.*f v14.il""7 8l \L STANDARDS F'OR CONSIDERING CHANGES IN ZONING The proposedchangeis not contrary to the establishedland use pattern; The proposed change would not create an isolated district unrelated to adjacent and nearbydistricts; The proposed change would not materially alter the population density pattem and thereby increase or overtax the load on public facilities such as schools, utilities, streets,etc.; The existing district boundariesare not illogically drawn in relation to existing conditions on the property proposedfor change; The proposed change would not be contrary to the proposed Land Use Plan and would not have an adverseeffect on the ComprehensivePlan; Changed or changing conditions would not make the passageof the proposed amendmentnecessary; The proposed change will not adversely influence living conditions in the neighborhood; The proposedchangewill not createa drainageproblem; The proposedchangewill not seriously reducelight and air to adjacentareas; The proposed change will not adversely affect property values in the adjacent area: The proposed change will not be a deterrent to the improvement or development of adjacentproperty in accord with existing regulations; The proposed change will not constitute a grant of special privilege to an individual owner as contrastedwith the public welfare; There are substantial reasons why the property cannot be used in accord with existing zoning; The suggestedchangeis not out of scale with the needsof the neighborhoodor the County; It is not impossibleto find other adequatesitesin the County for the proposeduse in districts already permitting such use. However, this property was purchasedwith the intent of placing said mobile home, and preparations have already been made for the placementof such,pleaseseeattachedletter. 9t1.1 t? *:;1,-/t1 t- !. ht i 5 --':' t,, 35 r r i:r | ii'lli:lrlr: | r , 3 . !. - ,. r I:r -- r; -.-ri ' i' s 35 ::I3 I t.-,. -i ' o F :r i ' r i ! t / L , ,0,,'''. i .':. 111l"'l E=i+i --=t--f f,#il',. iF1"j:l'"'.*'=i,', ; 1 2/;r , 1 ; t ,c ,'| 1 :rr ;-\;q i I , =li o : , , I wj: . i E, , 4r, "rtJz lf_: : ; | ; i ,f .-' t = i rel'.'-N)2, or = ,.tr. l | "rq "-i:51 tiqf i:l=-- r.d,, lu)i .,Vu'. La,!q!tl=_-l_-__- 10/11 RTYo F O LU ? d) f CD '1.'t Il't Subject: Requestfor PreliminaryPlat Approval Lost Nestsubdivision PetitionP-2007-0019 Item+ PetitionP-2007-0019,Lost Nest subdivision.Rory and DeanneToussaint,propertyownersand applicants.Requestfor preliminaryplat approvalof theproposed76 lot LostNestsubdivision.The propertyaddressis 7450SE 60d'Drive. that ThePlanningBoard,at theirregularmeetingon October23,2007,unanimouslyrecommended proposed Lost Nest plat preliminary of the the Board of County Commissionersapprovethe subdivision. Recommendation approvethe preliminaryplat of theproposedLostNest Thatthe Boardof CountyCommissioners subdivision. Approvedfor Agenda Item I tv0812007 pageI of 5 RobbieChartier OkeechobeeCounty Board of County Commissioners November 8r2007 Staff Report and Recommendation petition P-2007-0019, Lost Nest subdivision.Rory and DeanneToussaint,property owners and applicants. Requestfor preliminary plat approval of the proposed76 lot Lost Nest subdivision.The property addressis 7450SE 60thDrive. Background The subjectpropertyis a vacanttract and is about63 acresin area. Thepropertywasrezonedin westof PioneerEstates.Thepropertyat one 2003to RMH. Thepropertyis locatedimmediately Thepropertywill haveingressandegress time wasintendedto be a futurephaseof PioneerEstates. PioneerEstatessubdivision' only throughthe developed To thenorthof thesubjectpropertyis a canal( Levee5-63),anexistingrail-lineandSR710'To the eastis theRMH zonedPioneerEstatessubdivision.followedby StateRoad710. To thesouthis that was rezonedto ResidentialMobile Home(RMH) in 1999,thenthe sprawling pastureland NubbinSlough,thenpastureland AncientOaksRV condominium.To the westis thechannelized General(RG). primarilyzonedResidential preliminaryplat approvalof theproposed76lot LostNestresidential The applicantis requesting subdivision. Plan with Comprehensive Consistency Thepropertyis locatedwithin theUrbanResidentialMixedUsefuturelanduseclassificationof the at Plan,which allowsfor residentialdevelopment CountyComprehensive adoptedOkeechobee with the adoptedcomprehensive deniitiesup to 12unitsper acre. The proposeduseis consistent plan. with LandDevelopmentRegulations Consistency The proposeddevelopmentwill have an internal street/trafficcirculationsystemthat will be by the by the homeowner'sassociation.Thedrainagesystemwill alsobe maintained maintained Thelotswill beservedby individualon-sitepotablewaterwellsandon-siteseptictank association. for new systems.All lots areat leastone-halfacrein area,meetingtheminimumareaestablished havebeenmet. regulations landdevelopment lotsthatwill be servedby septictank. All applicable Boardof CountyCornmissioners Staff ReponandRecommendation PeritionP-2007-00l9,LostNestPreliminaryPlat wPD) 8.2007 (oooo5553 November 2l 5 SitePlanTechnicalReviewCommitteeRecommendation on August1,2007theSiteplanTechnicalReviewCommitteereviewedthepreliminaryplatfor the propor"d Lost Nest subdivision. The site plan committeefound that the proposeddevelopment -".t, applicablecounty regulations,ffid recommendedthat the Planning Board recommend upprouuioftn. preliminaryplat,subjectto severalminormodificationsthat havesincebeenmade. The constructionplanshavenot yet beensubmittedfor review. Staff Recommendation meetsall applicablecountyregulationsandis consistent Staff finds thatthe proposeddevelopment plan. with the adoptedcomprehensive approvethe preliminaryplat of the Staff recommendsthat the Board of County Commissioners proposedLostNestsubdivision' on PlanningBoardRecommendati that recommended TheplanningBoard,at theirregularmeetingon October23,2007,unanimously approvethe preliminaryplat of the proposedLost Nest the Board of CountyCommissioners subdivision. Boardof CountyCommissioners StafrReponandRecommendation LostNestheliminaryPlat PetitionP-2007-0019, wPD) Novcmber8. 2007 (00005551 3t5 =,'-/'.i,,h,. 1'' - -y ;fr,,lkf -* a 4-ltrr ,Ea-, I 31 !lli,g'z'a,titr g-1)1. coulTY RtvlF tb tct r. | :5 L t - t ': . t vt' te'iir!:l:1.i3: r, 4 | | r: I !t !tr tt rt/ | ,1F zi )/ai 4 i 1: 'i :liftxuio e, \ r i,{ t I : E N =l"l"i;:,i :.*i:ffi -".),'.. t, 21 ,),, '*i -", dl " * [5 ttI , , i r a r -, i \ r . i = " ill" , z' J,,l .. i s'.,' i:!t'; ,, 1r'ri :, 11 :, il 'E --- ,.r '\\'-.' !il!i I ffi4 t rzr: I ;4,,,,'-,"i,,t J I ,r-$,"1i, t." ll=-i = -.r. i.Ni- " !! L ' l E mr l;o I ''" i ' t! i 'li i t5 I u i 13 r: , " . ' :s o , " , " i " i 2\ lo | = :ii, " ! |iii it i .llfi=l:" 'l'l'lt: l.l'l.l t-.:'7 7-'!'i ! -. ii ,r ' , - l : , _ r' l " , " i ' t .a;loioj" ,\\, , I '" [.)-=Til I i 'P! i",; ' s ; -\i Su-lrri I.;I1S-UBJECT PROPE :"--i-'1..:a:-; -1,.'f ,:;::.., ::::-:,;. i .---: 4t5 i ..'i:j i' Subject: ProposedAmendmentsto the Code of Ordinancesof OkeechobeeCounty,Florida Item No: County staff has preparedan ordinanceto amendthe Code of Ordinances of OkeechobeeCounty, Florida, including someamendmentsto Part II, Land DevelopmentRegulations. The ordinance would amend Chapter 58 of the Code by adding a number of criteria pertaining to County rights-of-way and the criteria for obtaining building permits on rights-of-way or easements that are not maintainedby the County. The ordinancewould also amendportions of the County's Land Development Regulationsincluding Section 7.03, Transportation Systems,and Section 9.04.06, Signsat Entrqncesto ResidentialDevelopments,Farms and Ranches. The PlanningBoardconductedpublic hearingson theproposedamendmentson Septembet25,2007 and October 23,2007 and has recommendedthat the Board of County Commissionersadopt the amendments. For the Board to considerthe amendments,at leasttwo public hearingsmust be scheduled. In accordancewith statelaw, one of the requiredpublic hearingsmust be held after 5:00 p.m. on a weekdayunlessthe Board of County Commissioners,by a majority vote plus one vote, electsto conductthat hearingat anothertime of day. Unlessthe Board wishesto first review and discussthe proposedamendments,staff suggeststhat the public hearingsbe held on Thursday,November29 andon Thursday,December13. Attachedis a copy of the ordinanceas recommendedby the PlanningBoard. RECOMMENDATION That the Board of County Commissionersschedulepublic hearingsto consideramendmentsto the Code of Ordinqncesof OkeechobeeCounty, Floridq on Thursday,November 29,2007 and on Thursday,December73,2007; and That the Board of County Commissionersdetermine whether one of the public hearingsbe conductedafter 5:00 p.m. Approved for Agenda Rob Chartier Interim County Administrator 000055s5\\?D Item 5 09/13/07 PageI of 27 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OKEECHOBEE COUNTY. FLORIDA ORDINANCE2OOT AN ORDINANCEOF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERSOF OKEECHOBEE COUNTY, FLORIDA AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF OKEECHOBEE COUNTY, FLORIDA, INCLUDING PORTIONS OF PART II, LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS, SPECIFICALLY CHAPTER 58,STREETS,SIDEWALKS AND OTHER PUBLIC PLACES; AND IN PART II, LAND DEVELOPMENT REGALATIONS, SECTION 7.03,TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS;AND SECTION 9.04.06,SIGNSAT ENTRANCESTO RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENTS, FARMS AND RANCHES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CODIFICATION AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Boardof CountyCommissioners of Okeechobee Countyis authorized, pursuanttoSectionsI and6, Article VIII, Constitutionofthe Stateof Florida,andChapter125, FloridaStatutes, to adoptordinances; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Okeechobee County finds that amendmentsto Ordinance 96-01,theCodeof Ordinances ofOkeechobee County,Florida,including Part II, Land Development Regulationsarenecessary; and WHEREAS, the OkeechobeeCounty Planning Board conducted public hearings on September25, 2007 and on October 23, 2007 on the proposed amendmentsto the Code of Ordinances'.and WHEREAS, the Planning Board acceptedpublic input and has consideredthe proposed amendmentsand has recommendedthat the Board of County Commissionersamendthe Code of Ordinances; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissionersconducted public hearings on the proposedamendmentsto the Code of Ordinanceson ,2007 and ,2007; and WHEREAS, the Boardof CountyCommissionersacceptedpublic input andhasconsidered the proposedamendmentsto the Code of Ordinances; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissionersfinds that it is in the bestinterestof the citizensof Okeechobeeto amendportionsof Chapter58 of the Codeof Ordinancesandportionsof Article VII and Article IX ofthe Code of Ordinances,Part II, Land DevelopmentRegulations;and NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissionersof OkeechobeeCounty, Florida: l. THAT PORTIONS OF CHAPTER 58 of the Codeof Ordinancesof Okeechobee County, Florida shall be addedto readas indicatedin the attachedExhibit "A". Ordinance2007-_, D R A F T v 3 Amending Ordinance96-0 | , Code of Ordinmces Adopted _, 2007 oooosssewpD 2. THAT PORTIONS OF ARTICLE VII of theCodeof Ordinancesof Okeechobee County, Floridashallbe amendedto readasindicatedin the attachedExhibit "B". 3. THAT PORTIONSOF ARTICLE IX ofthe Codeof Ordinances of Okeechobee County, Florida shallbe amendedto readasindicatedin the attachedExhibit "C". 4. SEVERABILITY - Thatit shallbethelegislativeintentthatif anysection,subsection, or sentence, clauseor provisionof this Ordinanceis held invalid, the remainderof the shallnot be affected. Ordinance 5. paragraphs CODIFICATION - Thatthesections, subsections, andotherdivisionscontained in this Ordinancemaybere-numbered for incorporationor consistency with anyexistingor futurecodificationof theOrdinances of Okeechobee Countv.Florida. 6. EFFECTIVE DATE - Thatthis Ordinanceshalltakeeffectuponbeingfiled in the office of the Secretaryof the Stateof Floridain the mannerprescribedby law. APPROVEDAND ADOPTED this davof RAY R. DOMER, Chairman Boardof CountyCommissioners Okeechobee Countv.Florida ATTEST: SHARON ROBERTSON, Clerk Board of County Commissioners OkeechobeeCounty. Florida Ordinance2007-_, D R A F T v 3 AmendingOrdinance96-01,CodeofOrdinances Adopred_, 2007 oooos559 wpD 2007. ORDINANCE 2OO7Exhibit "A" Amendmentsto Ordinance96-01 Code of Ordinances of OkeechobeeCounty, Florida Ordinance96-01,Codeof Ordinancesof Okeechobee County,Florida,is herebyamendedby adding the following sectionsto Chapter58,Streets,Sidewall<s and Other Public Places,Article II, Streets and Rights-of-Way,to read as follows: Sec.58-31.General Findings. This Division is establishedto regulatethe location,manner,installationand adjustmentof utility facilities, culverts and/or driveways on a County-dedicated right-of-way, County-maintainedroad and highway right-of-way systemand the issuanceof permits for suchwork in the interestof safetyand protection,utilization and future developmentof the roadsand highways. It is herebyascertained,determinedand declaredthat: (1) OkeechobeeCounty is experiencing unprecedenteddevelopment activity and populationgrowth which is anticipatedto continue. (2) Populationgrowth will place increasingpressureon the existing road and drainage infrastructure.This in turn will placeincreasingpressureon County resources(and taxpayers)to maintain and improve those roads and drainage systemswithin the County owned or controlledrights-of-way. (3) Countyordinancesfor years,and in somecasedecades,haverestrictedor prohibited residential development on non-existent or substandardroads. Further these ordinanceshavenot beenuniformly enforcedresultingin an ineffrcientallocationof County resources. (4) Failure to uniformly apply codesgeneratesa public perceptionthat complianceis optional and a belief that violators will rarely,if ever,receivesubstantialpenalties. (5) Substandardroads are more dangerousthan roadsbuilt and maintainedto County standards.Likewise, substandardroadswithin the County rights-of-way, increasethe dangerto the public health, safetyand welfare and increasethe County'spotential liability for personalinjury and damageto property. Ordinance2007--,Exhibit'A" D R A F T Amending Ordinance96-0 I , Code of Ordinances Adopted _, 200? oooossset*?D v 3 (6) Improperly installed utility or drainagecrossingsofroads contributeto the premature degradationof travel ways and can causedepressions,pot holes, and other traffic hazards. (7) Standardsfor installationofutilities or constructionactivitieswithin Countyrights-of way are reasonablynecessaryfor the protectionof the public and should include financial guarantees to avoid the necessityof public expenditureto corrector repair substandardor incomplete construction;and (8) Currentminimum Countyroad standardsas definedin sections7.03.01and7.03.02 ofthe OkeechobeeCounty Land DevelopmentRegulationsaresufficient asproposed to be amended as to road rights-of way widths, road travel lane widths, road subgrade,baseand surfacingmaterials. (9) Minimum County private road standards(which relax width, travel lane and surface materialsfor small, unplattedlot groupings),are sufficient to avoid hardshipwhile at the sametime discourageproliferationof this developmentpattern. (10) EncouragingIn-fill of existing subdivisionsnot only allows efficient provision of governmentservices,but is requiredunder statelaw and the OkeechobeeCounty ComprehensivePIan. Sec.58-32.Activity within County rights-of-way Installation,relocationor removal of utilities, constructionactivitiesincluding connection to existing facilities and infrastructurewithin, County rights-of-way is herebyprohibited unlesssuchinstallation,relocation,removal,constructionor connectioncomplieswith the provisionsofthis Codeandthe LDR's. The constructionof substandard roadswithin County rights-of way is prohibited. Drivewaysand driveway connectionwithin County rights-ofway must be constructedin accordancewith the provisionsof this Code and the LDR's. The County makes no wa:ranties or representationsregarding the fitness, suitability, or availability of County's rights-of-way for the permittee'sfacilities and any performanceof permitted work, costsincurred or servicesprovided by permiuee shall be at permittee'ssole risk. Nothing in this Code shall affect the County'sauthority to add,vacateor abandonrightsof-way pursuant to applicable state or local law, and the County makes no warranties or representationsregardingthe availability of any added,vacatedor abandonedrights-of-way for facilities. The County reservesthe right to place and maintain, and permit to be placed or maintained, sewer, gas, water, electric, storm drainage,communications,and other types of facilities, cables or conduit, and to do, and to permit to be done, any underground and overhead installation or improvementthat may be deemednecessaryor proper by the County in rightsof-way occupied by the permittee. The County further reseryeswithout limitation ttreiight to alter, change,or causeto be changed,the grading, installation, relocation, or width of Ordinance2007-_,Exhibit*A" D R A Amending Ordinance 96-01, Code ofOrdinarces Adopted '.-, 200? oooo5559wpD F T v.3 rights-of-waywithin the limits of the countyandwithin saidlimits assamemay from time to time be altered. Removalor relocationat thedirectionof theCountyof a permittee'sfacility in rights-of-way shall be governedby the provisionsof Florida Statutes,g 125.42and $$ 337.403and 337.404,astheymaybe amended. Sec.58-33.Applicability. (l) This article shall apply to all underground,surfaceor overheadwork to be done within the Countyrights-of-way.Includedis work within thetravelway,pavedareas, unpavedareas,areasbetweenthe pavementor travel way and right-of-way line, and drainageright-of-way and easements. (2) This article shall apply to all private contractors,private citizens,utility companies, public bodiesandpersonsor groupsproposingto install,construct,maintainor repair any facility or structurewithin any right-of-way or drainageeasementin the County, including the County maintainedright-of-way of statesecondaryroads. Sec.58-34.Permit. (1) Required.A permit must be approvedby the Board of County Commissionersand issuedby the County Administratoror his designeebeforeany utility is installedon the righrof-way, whether it is for surface,undergroundor overhead. Permitsfor the installation of driveways and/or driveway culverts must be approvedby the County Administratoror his designeeprior to installationon the righrof-way. Permitforms may be obtained by the applicant from the County Planning and Development Department. It is expresslystipulated,and the permit holder shall be so advisedin writing, that this permit is a licensefor a permissiveuseonly and that the placingof facilities upon public propertypursuantto this permit shall not operateto createor to vestanypropertyright in the holderand,further,doesnot relievethepermit holder of the needfor obtainingany otherpermit that may be requiredby otherauthorities. Such permit may be revoked if the County Administrator finds that the work performedis or will be detrimentalto the public interest. (2) Application. Prior to the commencementof any work under a permit issuedunder this section,the applicantshall submit three (3) copiesof the permit to the County Administratoror his designeefor eitherapprovalor approvalby the Boardof County Commissioners.A sketch,notnecessarilytoscale,shallaccompanyeachapplication for a culvert or driveway installation.Application for installationof utilities other than culverts and/or driveways shall be accompaniedby a minimum of two (2) sketchesor drawingsindicatingthe centerlinelocation of the proposedinstallation relative to roads,pavementand ditches.One (l) or more cross sectionsshall be includedto reflect the location of the utility. Ordinance2007-_,Exhibit"A" D R A F T v 3 AmendingOrdinance96-0I , Codeof Ordinances Adopted_-, 2007 oooo55se wpD (3) Notice. The applicant shall notify, in writing and by certified mail, all other righfof-way usersin the immediatevicinity of the proposedinstallationstatinghis intentions. Such notification shall advise other users that any objection to the applicant'sproposedconstructionby the otherright-of-wayusersmust be forwarded by certified mail to both the applicantand the County Administrator'soffice within seven(7) working daysof the applicant'snotification letter. (4) Processing.The applicationshall be submittedto the County Administratoror his designeefor processingaccompaniedby the necessarysketches,plans,drawingsand notification letters. For those permits approved by the Board of County Commissionersand/orCounty Administrator,one (l) approvedcopy alongwith an approvedsketchor plan will be returnedto the applicant.The applicant'scopy of the permit shall be posted at the job site in a conspicuouslocation. All permits not approved will be returned by the County Administrator or his designeewith explanation.Final inspectionwill beby the CountyAdministratoror his designeeand the permit holder. (s) Fee. All applicationsshall be accompaniedby a fee of $75.00for drivewaypermits and $250.00for all otherpermits. The permit fee may be modified by resolutionof the Board of County Commissioners. (6) A permittee shall, at its sole cost and expense,indemnifr, hold harmless,and defend the county, its officials, boards,members,agents,and employees,against any and all claims, suits,causesof action,proceedings, judgmentsfor damagesor equitable relief, and costsand expensesincurred by the county arising out of the placementor maintenanceof its facilities in rights-of-way, regardlessof whether the act or omissioncomplainedof is authorized,allowedor prohibitedby this article;provided, however, that a permittee's obligation hereunder shall not extend to any claims causedby the negligence,gross negligenceor wanton or willful acts of the county. This provision includes,but is not limited to, the county'sreasonableattorneys'fees incurred in defending againstany such claim, suit or proceedings.County agreesto notifu the permittee,in writing, within a reasonabletime of County receiving notice, of any issueit determinesmay require indemnification. Nothing in this sectionshall prohibit the County from participating in the defenseof any litigation by its own counseland at its own cost if in the County'sreasonablebelief there existsor may exist a conflict, potentialconflict or appearance of a conflict. Nothing containedin this section shall be construed or interpreted: (l) as denying to either party any remedy or defenseavailable to such party under the laws of the state; or (2) as a waiver of sovereign immunity beyond the waiver provided in Florida Statutes, $768'28,as it may be amended.The indemnificationrequirementsshallsurviveand be in effect after the revocation or expiration of a permit. Ordinance2007-_,Exhibit"A" D R A F T AmendingOrdinance96-0 | , Code of Ordinances Adopted _, 2007 oo0os55e wpD v 3 Sec.58-35.Installation standards. (1) Where possible,all undergroundutility facilities should be placed outside of the pavementor main traveledsurface. (2) Crossing under existing pavement shall generally be made without cutting the pavement.Jackingshall be permittedandthe casingpipe shall extenda minimum of four (4) feet beyondthe existing pavementedgeon either side.Mechanicalboring may also be usedto install the casingpipe under existing pavement. (3) Pavementcuts may be consideredand suchpermissionmust be specificallygranted on the permit. Where open cutting hasbeenpermitted,replacementof fill baseand surfaceshall be in accordancewith standardsand review by the County engineer. (4) Open cutting of unpavedroad surfacesmay be permitted.Where consideredand permissionspecifically grantedon the permit, replacementof frll baseand surface shall be in accordancewith standardsand review by the County engineer. (s) All backfill materialused shall be cleanand free of foreign material.Backfill shall be placed in not more than nine-inch layersand shall be compactedto maximum density. Around the pipe and for the first two (2) feet above the trench bottom, compactionshall be by hand-operated tamping devices. (6) If any work requires the removal or destruction of sidewalks, curbs, culverts, headwallsor any permanentstructures,theseshall be replacedby the permit holder in equalor bettercondition than the original. (7) Where any work disturbs the area outside the travel way, that area shall be completelyrestoredin a manneracceptableto the County. Sodthat is removedshall be replacedwith sod of a like kind. Unsoddedareasshall be backfilled,compacted, gradedand then seededand mulchedto preventerosion. (8) Existing utilities that are damaged,destroyedor temporarily removed shall be replacedor repairedby the permit holder at no expenseto the County or utility owner. (e) The minimum depthof coveroverpipe shallbe thirty-six (36) inchesmeasuredfrom the top of the pipe to the finished grade. ( I 0) The minimum depthof cover over a direct burial cablemeasuredfrom the existing or proposedtraveledway shall be thirty-six (36) inches under roadways.In other areasof the right-of-way,the minimum depthof cover shall be thirty (30) inches. (11) Work authorizedby the permit shall be subject to inspectionat any time by the County engineer. Ordinance?00'l-_,Exhibir"A" D R A AmendingOrdinance96-01, Code ofOrdinances Adopted _, 2007 oooos55ewpD F T v 3 Sec.58-36.Specialconditions. (1) The rights and privilegesset out in this article are grantedonly to the extentof the County'sright, title and interest in the land to be enteredupon and used by the applicant, and the applicant shall, at all times, assumeall risk of and defend the County from and againstany and all loss, damage,cost or expensearising in any manner on account of exerciseor attemptedexercise of such privilege by the applicant. (2) On all County streetsor County-maintainedroadsor within County rights-of-way, the work shall be performedutilizing qualified, licensedand insuredcontractors. Suchcontractorsshall warrantand guaranteethe work for a period of one (1) year. If necessary,stateagencypermitting and drainageissuesshall be the responsibility of the applicant. (3) During installation, construction and maintenance work, all safety measures, including the placing and displayof cautionsignsand signalsas are requiredby the state department of transportation manual on uniform traffic-control devices for streetsand highways shall be observed.The applicant shall also be required to preventany obstructionsor conditionswhich are or may becomedangerousto the travelingpublic. (4) Every permit issuedunder the provisionsof this Division shall expire and become null and void if the work authorizedis not commencedwithin ninety (90) daysfrom the dateof suchpermit or if the work authorizedby suchpermit is suspendedfor a period of ninety (90) days at any time after the work has commenced. Provided however,upon showingof goodcause,the CountyAdministratororhis designeemay extendeither ninety (90) day time period for an additional ninety (90) day period without the requirementof re-application,approvaland paymentof fees. Sec.58-37. Financial assurance. (l) Exceptfor singlefamily residentialculvert installationand singlefamily residential priorto thecommencement drivewayconnections, ofany constructionunderapermit issuedpursuantto this Division, the applicantshall submit to the County financial assurancein an amountof l25ohof the estimatedcostof the constructionascertified by an engineerlicencedto practicein the Stateof Florida.This assurance shalleither be in the form of a cashdeposit,letter of credit issuedby a stateor nationalbank doing businessin the state of Florida, or surety bond issued by an insuranceor guarantycompanywith a rating of A or betterby the A.M. Best rating guide or its equivalent.In all casesthe form and issuerofthe assuranceshallbe acceptableto the County. Ordinance2007-_,Exhibit"A" D R A AmendingOrdinance96-01, Code ofOrdinances Adopted _, 2007 oooo5559 wpD F T v 3 Sec.58-38. Residential development - intent. All residential driveway connectionsas well as the subdividing of real property for residential development abutting or utilizing County rights-of-way for access shall be governedby the technicalprovisions of section7.03.00,of the LDR's and construedin a manner consistentwith the findings of Sec. 58-31 and the following purposeswhich are establishedas to development of residential property abutting or accessedby other than a public road maintainedto current County standardsfor right of way width; travel lane width and surfacingmaterial: (l) To provide safe,efficient accessto dwellingsyet to be constructed; (2) To maintain standardresidential roads within County rights-of-way; (3) To improve sub-standardresidential roads within County rights-of-way; (4) To eliminatehigh maintenanceunpavedroadswithin County rights-of-way; (5) To consistentlyenforceCountyordinancesandpoliciesin orderto provideboth cost effective administration and certainty to the public; (6) To avoid taxpayersubsidyof private developmentactivity. Sec.58-38. Distinguishing County maintained roads. "End CountyRoadMaintenance"or "Roadnot CountyMaintained"or equivalentsignsshall be usedwhereverpossibleat the beginningof a private streetsand roads. The Countyshall define and require different colored streetsigns to be used for private roads and easements as opposedto publically maintainedstreetsand roads. Ordinance2007-_,Exhibir"A" D R A F T v 3 AmendingOrdinmce96-01,Codeof Ordinances Adopted_, 2007 oooo555e wpD 9 ORDINANCE 2OO7Exhibit "8" Amendmentsto Ordinance96-01 Code of Ordinances of OkeechobeeCounfit, Florida Part II, Land Development Regulations Ordinance96-01,Code of Ordinancesof OkeechobeeCounty,Florida, Part II, Land Development Regulations(OkeechobeeCounty Code) is herebyamendedas follows. Languageto be deletedis struck through like-fhis. Languageto be addedis underlined like this. 7.03.00 TRANSPORTATIONSYSTEMS 7.03.01 StreetConstructionRequirements Subdivisionsconsistingof lots having an areaof forty (40) acresor less shall have all collector, arterial, commercials, industrial, residential, minor, and private streets or roads paved and constructedin accordance with this Sectionandin accordance with OkeechobeeCountyEngineering Departmentspecifications. WhenpartofaPlannedDevelopment.thePlanningBoardmayrecommend.andtheBoardofCount)' Commissionersmay approve. alternativesto the minimum requirementsand specifications establishedin this section. Subsections 7.03.01(A)through7.03.010)of this Codemay be replaced,in whole or in part,by a TechnicalStandardsManual. Upon completionof a TechnicalStandardsManual,saidmanualmay be incorporatedinto this Codeby resolutionof the Boardof CountyCommissioners.Until thattime, the technicalstandardsbelow shallgovern. Standardsnot incorporatedinto the TechnicalStandards Manual shall be as below. faueNoroByoRDTNANcE94-81 A. For all roadsand streets,the entirewidth of right-of-wayshall be clearedof all trees, vegetationand otherobstacles,exceptsuchtreesand shrubberyoutsidethe limits of actualconstructionwhich areof valueaslandscapingandwhich do not interferewith drainageor roads. B. Within areacleared,all stumps,rootsor otherdeleteriousmaterialshallbe removed. C. Ditchesshall be clearedand grubbedto linesthreefeet outsidethe top of back slope, exceptpermittedtrees. Ordinance2007-_,Exhibit"B" D R A F T v 3 AmendingOrdinance 96-01,PartII, LandDevelopment Regulations Adopted_, 2007 oooo555e wpD l0 D. Where poor foundationmaterialfor the roadbedor for any structureexists,it shall be excavatedand backfilledwith suitablematerial;and constructedwith acceptable engineeringpractices. E. Embankmentsshall be placedand compactedin successivelayers,approximately6 inchesin thickness,for the entirewidth of the embankment.Any materialdeposited in water shall be dumpedsuccessivelyin uniformly distributedareauntil the fill is thick enoughto supportthe hauling equipmentwhile subsequentlayersareplaced. F. All subgradeshall be stabilized to, and extending extendedtwelve (12) inches beyondthe proposededgeof pavement. ing vaffifr The entire width of public right-of-wa)' shall be demucked in accordancewith FDOT StandardSpecificationfor Road and Bridge Construction beforeconstructionof the roadbedbegins.No materialof FDOT ClassA-5. A-7 or A-8 shall be allowed.All materialsupportingthe roadwavand shouldersshall have a minimum Load BearingRatio (LBR) of forty (40). The top twelve (12) inchesof the undisturbedsoil shall be compactedto 1000/oof maximum dry density as per AASHTO T-99-C. Subgradeshallbe checkedfor conformancewith approvedplans. Certified compaction tests shall be submitted to the County engineerprior to subgradeapproval. G. All road basesshall consistof a minimum of 8" compactedshell rock compactedto 98%omaximum densityas per AASHTO r-180 and extendedsix inchesbe)'ondthe proposededgeof pavement. Certified compactiontests shall be submittedto the County engineerprior to road baseapproval. H. All road shouldersshall be seeded,grassedor mulchedand maintainedto the point that survival of the planting is assured.All roadsshall be soddedtwo foot beyond edgeof pavementand sod shall be laid in a mannerso as not to impedestormwater flow. I. On slopesor ditcheswhich are too steepfor the use of grassing,suitableerosion protection shall be provided by ditch or slope pavement,adequatefor permanent protection. In no casewill any areawhich is subject to detrimental erosion be acceptableunlesssuchprotectionis provided. 7.03.02 Sfreet DesignStandards Subsections 7.03.02(B)through7.03.01(N)of this Codemay be replaced,in whole or in part,by a TechnicalStandardsManual. Upon completionof a TechnicalStandardsManual,saidmanualmay be incorporatedinto this Codeby resolutionof the Boardof CountyCommissioners.Until thattime, thetechnicalstandardsbelow shallgovern. Standardsnot incorporatedinto the TechnicalStandards Manual shall be as below. Ordinance2007-_,Exhibit"B" ByoRDTNANcE 94-81 [AMENDED D R A F T v 3 Amending Ordinance96-01, Part I[, Land DevelopmentRegulations Adopted _, 2007 oooo55se wpD ll A. Pavement widths are measuredfrom front to front of curb, or edge to edge of travelwayif thereis no curb. Theseminimums standardsdo not includewidths for on-streetparking. l Arterial streets- 24 feet (offlset center line). 2. Commercial or Industrial streets- 24 feet. 3. Collector streets - 24 feet. Minor or Residentialstreets- 20 feet. 4. One way Collector,Minor or Residentialstreets- 12 feet. 5. Cul-de-sacpavementshall connectthe outside diameterof the cul-de-sac 6. with a straight line 20 feet back from the edge of the approachingroad. Pavementshall be eighty (80) foot diameterin eachcul-de-sacwith 8 feet of swale. Af feys,Commercial,Industrialor Public Service- 20 feet. 7. Alleys, Residential- l6 feet. 8. PrivateroadsshallmeetCountyRoadspecificationsassetforth in this Code. 9. Any private roadsin new subdivisionsapprovedunderthis Code shall meet all standardsand specificationsset forth in this Code. B. Basesfor Arterial, Collector,Commercialor Industrialstreetsshall be minimum of l0 inchesof compactedshell or lime rock and compactedto 98Yomaximum density asper AASHTO T-180. All otherbases8 inchesapprovedcompactedshell or lime rock as compactedabove. C. Pavedsurfacesfor minor streets.residentialstreetsand alleys as mentionedin this Section shall be a minimum 1% inch thick FDOT Type S-III asphalticconcrete. Paved surfacesfor arterial. commercial or collector streetsas mentionedin this sectionshall be a minimum 2 inchesthick FDOT TlzpeSP-12.5asphalticconcrete. The county Engineer may approve alternative surfaces that meet FDoT specificationsor that are otherwisedemonstratedto be equivalent. D. Pavementcrown shallbe ll4 inchperfoot with no invertedcrownspermitted.Finish pavementshall be 1/4 inch higher than the lip of any concretegutter. E. Ground slope from back of curb to right-of-way shall be 5o4minimum. F. Lots, one and one fourth (l l14) acresor lessexclusiveof road rights-of-wayshall slopetoward streetsor other adequateoutfalls. Drainagesystemsshall be installed at rearand sideyardsofresidentiallots whereproposedslopesdo not equalor exceed 0.2Yotoward the rishrof-wav. G. All lots requiringfill shall havefill of good cleanacceptablematerial. No muck, or other suchmaterialsshall be usedfor fill exceptin the top 6 inchesfor greenareas only. Ordinance2007-_,Exhibit"B" D R A F T v 3 Amending Ordinance96-01, Pan II, Land DevelopmenrRegulations Adopted _, 2007 oooo555e wpD t2 H. Sidewalks,whererequired,shallbe a minimum of4 6 feetwide for arterialroadways and 4 feet wide for all other roadways and shall be #6 inches thick, 2500 Class I 3000PSI concrete . Sidewalkgradesand slope shall conform to design standards. There shall be a minimum 4 foot separation betweena sidewalk and an uncurbedtravel lane. Sidewalk constructionshall be completedprior to requestfor final inspectionand releaseof security. If no security is posted,sidewalksshall be completedas a prerequisitefor final plat approval. Subgradesfor arterial streetsshall be stabilized 12 inches compactedthickness, extend12 inchesbeyondbase,and the materialshallhave75 poundsper squareinch Florida BearingValue and LBR of 40. Basefor all streetsshall be constructedsix (6) inchesbeyondedgeof pavement. All other streetsshall be stabilizedl2 inches beyondthe baseand materialshall have 50 poundsper squareinch Florida Bearing Value. J. Subbasesfor sidewalksshall be compactedto 95 100%of maximum densityasper AASHTO - T99. K. Arterial streetsshall be designedto meetFSEOF FDOT requirements. L. Traffic control signswithin subdivisionshallbe designedandinstalledto meetall the requirementsof the FDOT Manual on Unifurm Trffic Control Devices. M. Stabilizationshall extend6 inchesbeyondback of curb where applicable. N. Streetnamesignsshall be placedat eachstreetintersectionon metalpostserectedin concrete(or any other approvedmethod)by the subdivider. Top of sign shall be 7' above centerlinegrade of road. Signs shall be locatedmid-way betweenedge of pavementand sidewalk. All streetsignsshall be uniform and conform to following specifications:Greenreflectorizedbackground,bakedon 6" wide aluminumblanks. Name letters shall be 4" silver reflectorizedletters,abbreviationsare permissible. "DeadEnd" signsshall be requiredfor all cul-de-sacsexceeding400 feet in length. 7.03.03 Rights-of-Way A. Generally Right-of-wayrequirementsfor roadconstructionshallbe asspecifredbelow and shall be measuredfrom lot line to lot line. B. Future Rights-of-Way Futureright-of-wayrequirementsareidentifiedin the Traffic CirculationElementof the County ComprehensivePlan. Where roadway construction,improvement,or reconstructionis not requiredto servetheneedsofthe proposeddevelopmentproject, Ordinance2007-_,Exhibit"B" D R A F T v 3 AmendingOrdinmce 96-01, Part II, Land DevelopmentRegulations Adopted _, 2007 oooossse wpD l3 future rights-of-way shall neverthelessbe reservedfor future use. No part of the reservedareashall be usedto satisf'minimum requirementsof this Code. C, Protection and Use of Rights-of-Way l. No encroachmentshall be permittedinto existing rights-of-way,exceptfur ternpoffirTuse as authorizedby the County. Use of the right-of-way for public or private utilities, including, but not 2. limited to, sanitarysewer,potablewater, telephonewires, cable television wires, gas lines, or electricitytransmission,shall be allowed subjectto the placementspecificationsprovidedby the County Engineer. 3. Wherea roadright-of-wayis seventy(70) feet or more in width, the required front yardsin a district, as setout in this Code,shall be measuredfrom such road right-of-way; if the regulationsfor the particulardistrict do not require a front yard,thenthe building to be erectedshallnot intrudestreetwardin any fashionbeyondthe road righrof-way. 4. ions where a roadright-of-wayis lessthanseventy(70) feet in width. the required front yards.as set out in this code.shall be measuredfrom a point from the center line of such road equal to one-half of the right-of-way width establishedfor that classificationof road in this Code. D. Right-of-llay Widths and Lengths L Right-of-wayrequirementsshall be as follows: a. ions Arterial street segmentswith curb and gutter shall have a minimum 120feet of right-of-way*ith an additional l2 feet wherea right-turn lane is to be pro''nidedat an accessconnectionincluding roadway intersectionsand shall be consistentwith FDor specifications. b. c. d. Arterial streetsegmentswith s*ale dtainageshall have a minimum 200 feet of right-of-way and shall be consistent with FDor specifications. collector streetsshallhave8sa minimum of 90 feet of right-of-way. streetsshall have a minimum of 70 feet @ of right-of-way when constructedwith swaledrainage. Ordinance2007--,Exhibit"B" D R A F T v 3 Amending Ordinance96-01, Part II, Land DevelopmentRegulations Adopted .-, 2007 0000ss59 WpD t4 e. f. streetsshall have 4#a minimum of 50 ffiLocal feet of right-of-way when constructedwith curb and gutter drainage. Where a streetwill be restrictedto one way travel, the minimum right-of-way shall be 30 feet. [AMENDEDByoRDTNANcEg4-8] Cul-de-sacsshallhave70 feet of right-of-way approachto a 100foot diameterright-of-wayturn-aroundcircle when constructedwith swale drainage. Cul-de-sacswith curb and gutter shall have 40 foot rightof-way approach to a 80 foot diameter right-of-way turn-around circle. Subdivisiongbounded by an arterial street shall be planned with widely spacedcollector streetsasmain subdivisionentrywaysfrom the arterial street. ncsi+en*fmcalsubdivision streets,other than collector streets,shall avoid intersectionwith arterialstreetswherepossible. Rssidential-Localsubdivision streetsshall be planned so that residentiallots will not have driveways entering directly onto arterial streets,except where sucha restrictiondoesnot allow reasonableuseof land. Cul-de-sacsshall have a maximum lengthof 1500feet exceptwhen written authorizationof the County PlanningBoard permits a longer cul-de-sac. Alleys shall be permittedonly by authorizationof the PlanningBoard. Collectorstreetsshallhavea minimum center-linecurveradiusbasedon a 40 mile per hour designspeed. Local Streetsshall have a minimum center-linecurve radiusof 75 feet. The radii of the returnson all intersectionsshall be at least35 feet. Intersectionsshallbe anglestoarterial and collectorstreetsffi. Intersectionsdesignedto meet at right aneles are desirableon other streets. Deviations must be authorizedby the County Engineer. Intersectionsshall be a minimum of 200 feet from one another. No subdivision will be approvedunlessits streetsystemis connectedto a County or Stateroad. Maximum degreeof curvatureshall correspondto criteria set by the FDOT Roadway and Trffic Design Standards. All horizontal curves shall be computed as highway curves. g. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Ordinance2007-_,Exhibit'8" D R A F T v 3 Amending Ordinance 96-01, Part U, Land Development Regulations Adopted oooo55i9wpD -200'l l5 E. Clear Visibili$ Triangle In orderto providea clearview of intersectingstreetsto the motorist,thereshallbe a triangularareaof clear visibility formedby two (2) intersectingstreetsor the intersectionof a drivewayanda street.The following standards shallbe met: l. Nothingshallbeerected,placed,parked,planted,or allowedto growin such a mannerasto materiallyimpedevisionbetweena heightof two (2) feetand ten (10) feetabovethe grade,measured at the centerlineof the intersection. F'igure:ExampleOf Clear Visibility Triangle 2. The clear visibility triangleshallbe formedby connectinga point on each streetcenterline, to be locatedat the distancefrom the intersectionof the streetcenterlinesindicatedbelow,anda third line connectingthetwo points. 3. The distancefrom the intersectionof the streetcenterlines for the various roadclassifications shallbe asfollows: RoadClassification Driveway ResidentialStreet Collector Arterial Ordinance2O07--Exhibit'8" D R A F T v. 3 AmendingOrdinance96{1, PartII, Land DevelopmentRegulations Adopted_,2007 oooo5559,wpD Distancefrom Street CenterLine Intersection 50 feet 100feet 160feet 200feet l6 7.03.04 AcCess B y O R D T N A N C9E5S- l A N D9 6 - 3 ] IAMENDED All proposed development shall meet the standardsfor vehicular accessand circulation as establishedby this Section. Every building hereaftererected,or moved from one lot to anotherlot, shall be locatedon a lot adjacentto a public streetor on a lot adjacentto an approvedprivate street, exceptas otherwiseprovided by this Section. A. Separation Of Access Points 1. The separationbetweenaccesspoints onto arterial,an#collector and local roadways, all meet the minimum standardsidentified be as shown in the followine table: €lass-o'f*otadwav ffi lfu:ffi 3osftc lvfinon-irrteriat 25$feet lvfaiorffiteCor i85-ftet tvffileetor +4frtu AccessClassificationSystem ConnectionSpacing(feet) Functional Classification > 45 mph < 45 mph Arterial 660 440 Collector 440 245 Local 125 125 Driveway 50 35 ") The distancebetweenaccesspoints shall be measuredfrom the centerlineof the proposeddriveway or roadwayto the centerlineof the nearestadiacent roadway or driveway. O r d i n a n c e 2 0 0 7 - _ , E x h i b i t* B " D R A F T v,3 AmendingOrdinance96-01,PartII, LandDevelopment Regulations Adopted_, 2007 00005s5e wpD t7 4. B. A developmentthat cannotmeetthe accessrequirementsof this sectionand hasno reasonablealternativemeansof accessto the public roadsystemshall be issueda temporaryconnectionpermit. When adjoining parcelsdevelop which can provide joint or cross access.the temporary permit shall be rescindedand an application for a connectionpermit consistentwith the requirementsof this section shall be required. Conditions may be in the temporarypermit including.but not limited to. a limitation on development intensityof the site until adjoining parcelsdeveloLwhich can providejoint and/orcrossaccessconsistentwith the requirementsof this section. Frontage On Service Roads And Common Driveways l. CommercialProjectsproposedon arterialsandrnajorcollectorsshallinclude serviceroads, and shall take accessfrom the serviceroad rather than the arterial or rnajorcollector. Service road design shall conform to FDOT standards. This access requirement may be met through the use of interconnectingparkinglotswhich abutthe arterialor major collectorfacility. 2. 3. hrowever.isthree. Adjacent usesare encouragedto sharea common driveway provided that appropriate accesseasementsare granted between or among the property owners. Residentialprojectsproposedon arterialsand nmjorcollectors shall,where feasible,include serviceroads,and shall take accessfrom the serviceroad rather than the arterial or rniriorcollector. C, RESERVED D. *lffiesigtts Req uir ements fo r Un iJied A ccess un d Cir culatio n l In the interest of promoting unified access and circulation systems. developmentsitesunderthesameownershipor consolidatedfor thepurposes of development and comprised of more than one building site shall be consideredunified parcelsfor the purposesof this section.This shall also applyto phaseddevelopmentplans.Accordinglv.the following requirements shall apply: a. The numberof connectionspermittedshall be the minimum number necessaryto provide reasonableaccessto the overall site and not the maximum availablefor that frontage(7.03.04.A.1). b. All easements andagreements requiredundersection7.03.04.Bshall be provided. O r d i n a n c e z 0-0_?, E x h i b i t " B " D R A F T v 3 Amendrng Ordinance 96-0I , PanII, LandDevelopment Regulations Adopted .7007 oooos559 wpD l8 Accessto outparcelsshallbe internalizedusingthe sharedcirculation s)rstemand designedto avoid excessivemovementacrossparking aislesor queuingacrosssurroundingparking and driving aisles. Where abutting properties are in different ownership and not part of an overall development plan. cooperation between the various owners in developmentof a unified accessand circulationsystemis encouraged.Only the building site(s)under considerationfor developmentapprovalshall be subjectto the requirementsof this section.Abutting propertiesshall not be requiredto provideunified accessand circulationuntil they aredevelopedor are redeveloped. c. 2. E, AccessTo ResidentialLots and Dwellings [AMENDEDnvonorueNce 05-12] l All lots in a proposedresidentialsubdivisionshallhavedirectaccessfrom an existing streetmeetingthe requirementsof this Codeexceptthat lots that are forty (40) acresor larger shall be deemedto meet the requirementsof this subsectionwherethe owner of suchland can demonstrateto the Director of Planning and Developmentthat he has legal accessfrom such lands to a public or private streetmeetingthe requirementsof this Section. 2. Accessto all lots in a proposedresidentialsubdivisionshall be by way of a residentialaccessor residentialsubcollectorstreet. 3. No dwelling shall be erectedon a lot or portion of a lot which doesnot front on at leastone public street,or one approvedprivate streetashereindefined, for at leastfifty (50) feet;provided,that in the caseof lots or parcelsof forty (40) acresor more in size the frontagerequirementsof this subsectionshall be deemedto be met where the owner of such land can demonstrateto the Director of Planning and Developmentthat he has legal accessfrom such landsto a public or private streetmeetingthe requirementsof this Section. 4. Publiclymaintainedstreetsandrights-of-wayincludingtheedgeofpavement shall be protectedfrom the impacts of constructionor other development activity on residentiallots or parcels. a. Culvert Required. Wherea dwelling is proposedto be constructed, installedor erectedon a lot or parcelthat fronts a publicly maintained street,a culvert,when determinedby the Countyto be required,shall be installedby thedeveloper/homeowner andapprovedby theCounty prior to the issuanceof a building permit. b. Culvert Specifications. Where a culvert is installed in a County right-of-way; l) the culvert shall be no less than 18 inches in diameter(or elliptical equivalent),shall not be lessthan 30 feet in length, shall be constructedof concrete or an alternatematerial approvedby the County,shall havemiteredend sectionsand shall have concretecollars. 2) the County may require a larger culvert or may approve a smaller culvert as warranted, and may approve alternate constructionmaterialsor end sectionsas warranted. Ordinance200'l-_,Exhibit"B" D R A F T v 3 Amending Ordinance96-01, Part II, Land DevelopmenrRegulations Adopted _, 2007 oooo5559 wpD t9 a temporary culvert may be approved by the County in associationwith a construction activity but a permanent culvert as described above shall be installed prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy or other County acknowledgmentof the completionof constructionactivity. Paved Driveway Apron Required. Where a dwelling is proposed to be constructed,installedor erectedon a lot or parcelthat fronts a publicly maintainedpaved street,a paved driveway apron not less than 12 feet in width with a minimum 5 foot radiusextendingfrom the edgeof pavementof the publicly maintainedpavedstreetto one foot beyond the edge of the right-of-way is required prior to the commencementof construction activity. Altemative means of protectingthe edgeof pavementduring constructionactivity may be approvedby the Countybut the pavedapronshall be completedprior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy or other County acknowledgmentof the completionof constructionactivity. Paved Driveway Required on Streets with Curb and Gutter. Where a dwelling is proposedto be constructed,installedor erected on a lot or parcelthat fronts a publicly maintainedpavedstreetwith curb and gutter, the driveway pavement shall be extended to the garage,carport or other defined parking areaat or beyondthe front of the dwelling prior to the issuanceof a certificateof occupancyor other County acknowledgmentof the completion of construction activity. In no eventshallthis provisionrequirea drivewayto extend more than 50 feet from the edgeof the right-of-way of the publicly maintained paved streetwith curb and gutter. PavedDriveway RequiredWhere Dwelling Is SetBack30 Feetor Less. Where a dwelling is proposedto be constructed,installedor erectedon a lot or parcelthat fronts any type of publicly maintained paved street,and where the dwelling or any attachedappurtenanceis setback 30 feetor lessfrom the edgeof right-of-wayregardlessof the width or areaof the lot or parcel, the driveway pavementshall be extendedto the garage,carport or other defined parking areaat or beyondthe front of the dwelling prior to the issuanceof a certificate of occupancyor other County acknowledgmentof the completionof constructionactivity. PavedDriveway Required Where Lot Width is 200 Feetor Less. Where a dwelling is proposedto be constructed,installedor erected on a lot or parcelthat fronts any type of publicly maintainedpaved street,and where the lot or parcel is 200 feet or lessin width at the edgeof right-of-way,the drivewaypavementshall be extendedto the garage,carport or other defined parking arcaator beyondthe front of the dwelling prior to the issuanceof a certificateof occupancyor other county acknowledgmentof the completion of construction activity. In no eventshallthis provisionrequirea drivewayto extend 3) t,. d. Ordinance2007-_,Exhibit"B" D R A F T v 3 Amending Ordrnance96-01, Pan II, Land DevelopmentRegulations Adopted _, 2007 000055se wpD 20 o h. F. Approved more than 50 feet from the edgeof the right-of-way of the publicly maintainedpavedstreet. Paving Materials. For purposesof the section,the paveddriveway may consist of concrete,asphalt,concretepavers or other similar surfacesapprovedby the County. Effective Date. The provisions of paragraphsc, d, e and f above shall apply to any dwelling for which a completepermit application to construct, install or erect such dwelling is submitted to the Department after January l, 2006. This provision shall not be construedto relieve the ongoingrequirementto install temporaryor permanentculvertsasnecessaryandto employ methodsto protectthe integrity of an adjoining street,including swales and the edge of asphalt,during the courseof construction,installationor erectionof a dwelling. Replacement Dwellings. This provision shall not apply wherethe proposeddwelling is replacinga dwelling that lawfully existsor has existedon the lot or parcelwithin the precedingsix months. Private Streets ByoRDTNANcES 03-04AND05-t2] [AMENDED For the purposeof this regulation,an "approvedprivate street"is a street: l. which is approvedby the Board of County Commissionersas an approved private street;and 2. which the County Commissionhas statedin its public recordsit will not acceptfor maintenanceor improvement;and a J. for which provision is made in the instrument of County Commission approval for private future maintenanceof such approvedprivate street;and 4. which meets the minimum width and surface requirementsas specified below, and for which legalprovision is madefor the future continuationand preservationof that width: a. 25 feet when providing accessto three (3) or fewer parcels,surface is not requiredto be paved but must be able to supportemergency vehicles. b. 50 feet when providing accessfor four (4) or five (5) lots, surfaceis not required to be paved but must be able to support emergency vehicles. c. 50 feet when providing accessfor six (6) or seven(7) lots, surface mustbe pavedandpavementmustbemaintainedat aminimum width of l8 feet. d. when providing accessfor eight (8) or more lots, the streetor road must meet minimum County specifications,including minimum overall width and minimum pavementwidth. e. when the proposedprivate streetis four hundredfifty (450) feet in lengthor less,and cannotreasonablybe extendedfurther becauseof physical impedimentsor other limiting factors,the minimum total width asestablishedin paragraphs(b) or (c) abovemay be reducedto Ordinance2007-_,Exhibit"B" D R A F T v 3 Amending Ordinance96-01, Pan II, Land DevelopmentRegulations Adopted _, 2007 oooo55se wpD 21 5. not lessthan one-tenth(l/10) the length ofthe road,but in no event may the road be lessthan thirty (30) feet in width. f. the minimum widths specifiedshall be completelyunobstructedand availablefor usefor the purposeintendedby this section. Wherenot required to be paved, an approved private street shall include a minimum 2O-footwidth of an all-weatherdriving surface,with a minimum vertical clearanceof 13 feet. The all-weather driving surfaceshall be composedof no less than 6 inches of compacted shell,or othercomparablematerialasmay be approvedby the County engineer. Nothing herein shall be construed to provide relief from any and all requirementsof SectionT.03 and otherprovisionsof this Coderegardingthe minimum specifications for a road or street when part of a plat or when providing road frontagefor a plattedlot. All structuresshallbe so locatedon a lot asto provide safeandconvenientaccessfor servicing,fire protection,and requiredoff-streetparking and off-streetloading. G. Development on Coun8 maintained roads. There are County maintainedroads that would not meet today's standardsfor right-of-way widths. travel wa]'s. baseor surfacingif they had not alreadybeenbuilt andlor acceptedb), the Countv. As to these roads. subject to concurrencyrequirementsas well as all other applicable County ordinances.rules and regulations: l A boundaryadjustmentbetweentwo adjoiningparcelswhich doesnot create additionalbuilding sitesandwill not increaseresidentialdensitvshallnot be prohibitedby subsection. 2. Individual vestedlots of recordasdefinedby the LDRs shall be permittedto develop if they abut a county maintainedroad even if such road doesnot meet current right-of way. travel lane- and surfacing standards. a Personswishing to subdivide(by deminimusor full plat) therebyincreasing the number of existing vestedlots of record abutting a County maintained road shall be required to bring that portion of the road which fronts the parcelscreatedor alteredto currentCounty standards.Providedhowever.a lots abutting or connecting road improvements are not otherwise made a condition of the development by the site plan review process due to concurrencyor traffic safetyconsiderations. O r d i n a n c e 2 0 0 '-l_ , E x h i b i t " B " D R A F T v 3 AmendingOrdinance96-0 l, Part II, Lmd DevelopmentRegulations Adopted _, 2007 oooos559 wpD 22 Development on private roads and easements. Wrthin the County there are currently undeveloped lots within platted and unplatted subdivisions without publicallv dedicatedrights of way and wherethe only accessis by meansof private agreementsor easements(herein referredto as "Existing Private Subdivisions"). Where there existed as of November 9. 2006. an all weatherroad servicing such Existing Private Subdivision lots. residentialdevelopmentof these lots shall be governedby the following: 1. The roadsand easementswithin Existing Private Subdivisionsshall not be acceptedby the Countv unlessdedicatedby all ownersof the easementsor roads. 2. Any roads dedicatedshall not be acceptedfor maintenanceb), the Count)' unlessthey have beenbroughtup to currentCounty road standards. 3. Oncededicated.any suchroad is eligible to be consideredfor the imposition of a specialassessment to improvethe roadto currentCountyroadstandards. Such special assessmentshall. to the fullest extent practicable.bring the subject road to a condition that meetsall current Countlzroad standards. 4. Subjectto the marshalingrequirements of SectionI 1.01.03.LDR's.owners of vested lots of record (as defined by the LDR's) may seek residential building permitshowever.the ownersof suchlots shall executea recordable acknowledgmentthat accessis not by meansof a County right-of-way and theremay be limited availabilityfor emergencyservicesandthe Count),will likely never accept.maintain or improve the road. 5. Furtherlot splits or deminimusdevelopmenton sucheasementsor roadsis prohibitedunlessthe accessis an Approved Private Streetunderthe LDR's. 6. Lots within an Existing Private Subdivision abutting (bv the minimum frontage establishedby the LDR's) an all weather road existing as of November.9. 2006 shallbe permittedto residentiall),developuponapproval of the road as an ApprovedPrivateStreetas definedb), Section7.03.04.Fof the OkeechobeeCountv Code however such road shall not be requiredto comply with the minimum constructionstandardsprovided in that Section. 7. Where any lot to be developedis lessthan ten acresin size.a drainageplan shallbe providedforreviewbythe Countyto ensurethat off-siteimpactswill conform to the requirementsof the OkeechobeeCounty Code and state regulations. In such cases. an approval from the applicable water ManagementDistrict ma)zbe required. 8. This sectionshall not be construedto allow or encouragethe commercial development of paper plats or build out of subdivisions or areas of Ordinance200'7-_,Exhibit"B" D R A F T v 3 AmendingOrdinance96-01, Part II, Land DevelopmentRegulations Adopted _, 2007 oooossse wpD ^a ZJ subdivisionscontaininglittle or no road and drainageinfrastructure. This section is intended onlv to allow residentialdevelopmentin the limited circumstance where there currently exists an adequate all weather road servicingvestedlots and will generallypresentitself as an incidentto in-fill whereotherresidentialdevelopmenthasalreadyoccurredon the accessroad. New plats accessedby private roads and easements. Platting of property sewiced are is prohibitedunlesssuchroadsor easements only by private roadsor easements improved to current County standardsand either dedicated to the Countv or a recordableperpetualmaintenancedocument(approvedby the County) is executed by all affectedland owners. Iz-y'l/ paivers. Given the practical inability of the County to evaluate.engineer. implement special assessmentdistricts. and construct road and drainage improvements for subdivisions Countv-wide at the same time. the following "transitionrules" areherebvadoptedto permit certainin-fill developmentof platted subdivisionswhere substandardroadsexist within County rights-of-way: Ordinance2007- l. The lot must be within a platted subdivision and must abut a public right-of-wa)'. 2. The road providing accessmust be reasonablypassablein its current state without the necessityof public or private interim improvements. 3. Ownermust sign andrecordin the public recordsa statementacknowledging the fact the accessto the property is not currently County maintainedand that theremay be limited availabilityfor emergencyservices.Furtherthat when. if ever.improvementsaremadetheywill be by meansof a specialassessment to be paid by the benefittedproperties. 4. If ahome is built forresale.the statementmust be signedblrthe ultimate purchaser.An ultimate ourchaseris a naturalpersonor personswho takes title to the prope4v within six months of issuanceof the certificate of occupancy.Failureof the builder to havethe statementsignedmay resultin a denial of further in-fill waiversbeing grantedto that builder. 5. In-fill waivers shall not be availableto developers.A developeris a person or entitv owning four (4) or more lots in the subdivisionas of the effective date of this amendmentto this Code. In calculating the number of lots owned.multiple lots that havebeendeclaredto be a singlebuilding site shall count as one lot. Where multiple lots are combined to create a single building site. a unified building site declarationmust be provided to the Building Department. D R A F T v 3 ,Exhibit"B" Amending Ordrnance96-01, Part II, Land DevelopmentRegulations Adopted _, 2007 oooos5sgwpD 24 In-fill waivers shall be permittedwhere all of the following criteria is met: (4) The proposed residence will be located between two existing residenceson either sideof the sameroad segment.A road segment is the portion of a road servicing a group of lots or such smaller portion unintemrpted by road intersections:and (b) the proposedresidenceis separatedfrom the two existingresidences by no more than three platted lots (or building sites) if the lots are I O acreor less:or plattedlots (or building sites)if the lots are over two Gl 1 acrebut lessthan 5 acres:or one plattedlot (or building site) if the lots are over 5 CiD acres. (g) Where a road segment or the plat legally terminates so that it is impossible to meet the requirementsof 6(a). above. a lot is not disqualifiedif it is able to meetthe criteria on one side. The in-fill determinationshall be madeas apart of the reviewprocessupon applicationfor a building permit. Wherea personwishesan In-fill waiver in advanceof applying for a building permit. a written determinationletter may be provided by the PlanningDepartmentupon paymentof a fee of $ 100.00 plus recordingcost for up to four (4) contiguouslotsibuilding sites. This fee may be modified by resolutionof the Board of Count),Commissioners. Ordinance2007-_,Exhibit"B" D R A F T v 3 AmendingOrdinance96-0I , ParlII, LandDevelopment Regulations Adopted_, 2007 oooo55s9 wpD 25 ORDINANCE 2007. Exhibit "C" Amendmentsto Ordinance96-01 Code of Ordinances of OkeechobeeCounty, Floridu Part II, Land Development Regulutions Ordinance96-01, Code of Ordinancesof OkeechobeeCounty,Florida, Part II, Land Development Regulations(OkeechobeeCounty Code) is herebyamendedas follows. Languageto be deletedis struck through liksfhis. Languageto be addedis underlined like this' 9.04.06 Signsat Entrancesto ResidentialDevelopments,Farms and Ranches.Industrial or BusinessParks and Other Similar Developments A. Generally Permanent accessory signs may be displayed at entrances to residential developments,farms and ranches.industrial or businessparks and other similar developments. B. Restrictions Two signs (one on either side) may be permitted at each entranceinto a l. development,farm or ranch. industrial or bus developmentfrom each abutting street. Alternatively. one sign at each entrancemav be plased in an entrancemedian featuresubjectto visibility euidelinescomparableto the clear visibility triangle establishedin Section 7.03.03(E) of this Code. Ground signson a pole, poles or other similar supporting structuremay have two facesand may not exceed64 squarefeet in area on each side. Entrancesigns on a masonrywall or other similar substantial structure may be larger when part of an approved development plan. Any entrancesign may be illuminated in a steadylight only. 2. When consideringthe placementof such signs,the DevelopmentReview Boardor Department,asthecasemay be,shallconsiderthelocationofpublic utilities, sidewalksand future streetwidenings. 3. The DevelopmentReview Board or Departmentshall ensurethat suchsigns shall be maintainedperpetuallyby the developer,the owner of the sign, a permanent owners' association,or some other person who is legally accountableundera maintenancearangementapprovedby the Board.If no accountablepersonacceptslegal responsibilityto maintainthe signsand no other provision has beenmade for the maintenanceof them, the signsshall be removedby the developeror owner. Ordinance2007-_,Exhibit"C" D R A F T v,3 96-01,CodeofOrdinances Amending Ordinance 2007 oooosssg wPD Adopted_, 26 4. of the affectedgrounds. D R A F T v 3 Ordinance2007-_,Exhibit"C" AmendingOrdinance96-0I , Codeof Ordinanoes wPD oooossse Adopted_,2007 27 SIIBJECT: Proclamationrecognizingservicesby Richard Burgess, Equipment Operator I, OkeechobeeCounty BOCC Iten I W Staffis requestingthat the Board of CountyCommissionersissuea Proclarnationin recognitionof Mr. Burgess'outstandingserviceand dedicationto OkeechobeeCountyand its citizens. RECOMMENDATION Proclar That the BOCC issue a Proclamation in recognition to Richard Burgess for his outstanding service and dedication to Okeechobee and its citizens. ApprovedforAgenda PageI of2 tt/812007 t/) M CountyAdministrator PROCLAMATION BOARDOF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OKEECHOBEE COUNTY, FLORIDA OKEECHOBEE RichardBurgesshasbeen employedby the OkeechobeeCounty WHEREAS, Road Department as an Equipment Operator from January 27, 1976 to SeptemberI B, 2OO7; WHEREAS,Mr. Burgesshas unsetfishly dedicatedhis time and expertise for OkeechobeeCounty throughout his public servicecar€er;dfld WHEREAS,Mr. Burgesshas announced his retirement that was effective SeptemberI B, 2O07;and WHEREAS,OkeechobeeCounty will miss Mr. Burgessand the dedicated servicethat he has provided to OkeechobeeCounty and the undersigned over the past years. I, RayDomer, Chairman of the OkeechobeeBoard of NOW, THEREFORE, County Commissioners,hereby issue this Proclamation in recognition of Mr. Burgess'serviceand dedicationto OkeechobeeCounty and its residents,wishing him an enjoyableretirement and continued successwith future endeavors. ISSUEDTHIS Bth DAY OF NOVEMBER,2OO7. Ray Domer, Chairman Board of County Commissioners ATTEST: Sharon Robertson, Clerk Board of CounW Commissioners SUBJECT: Proclamationrecognizingservicesby Debra Lewis, Deputy Clerl6 OkeechobeeCounty Clerk's Oftice Item \ Staffis requestingthat the Boardof CountyCommissionersissuea Proclamationin recognitionof I\4rs.Lewis' outstandingserviceand dedicationto OkeechobeeCountyand its citizens. RECOMMENDATION Thatthe Thatthe BOCC BOCC issue issueaPr< a Proclamationin recognitionto DebraLewis for her outstandingserviceand dedicationto Okeechobee and its citizens. Approved for Agenda PageI of2 tU8t2007 PROCLAMATION OKEECHOBEE BOARDOF COUNTYCOMMISSIONERS OKEECHOBEE COUNTY, FLORIDA WHEREAS,Debra Lewis has been emptoyed by the Okeechobee County Cterk's Office as Deputy Clerk to the Okeechobee County Board of County Commissioners from June I B, 1990 to November I 6, 2OO7: WHEREAS,Mrs. Lewis has unsetfishly dedicated her time and expertise for Okeechobee County throughout her public service career; afld WHEREAS,Mrs. Lernrishas announced her retirement as Deputy Clerk to become effective November 16,2OO7;and WHEREAS, Okeechobee County wi[ miss Mrs. Lewis and the dedicated service that she has provided to Okeechobee County and the undersigned over the past years. NOW, THEREFORE,I, Ray Domer, Chairman of the Okeechobee Board of County Commissioners, hereby issue this Proclamation in recognition of Mrs. Lewis' serwiceand dedication to Okeechobee County and its residents, wishing her an enjoyable retirement and continued successwith future endeavors. ISSUEDTHIS 8th DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2OO7. Ray Domer, Chairman Board of County Commissioners ATTEST: Sharon Robertson, Clerk Board of County Commissioners ITEM 8 REVISEI) Trey Whitehrust,Vice.President,OkeechobeeCounty Farm Bureau, will be presentto acceptthe FarmCity WeekProclamation. The datesfor FarmCity Weekhavebeenrevisedto November16-24,2007. PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, American farmers and ranchers literally help feed the world by producing a bounty of agricultural products. To do this, they rely on essential partnershipswith urban and suburban communities to supply, sell and deliver finished products acrossthe country and around the globe. Rural and urban communities working togetherhave made the most of our nation's rich agriculturalresourcesas they contribute to the health and well being of our country and to the strengthof our economy. WHEREAS, during National Farm-City Week, we recognize the importance of this cooperativenetwork. Agriculture employs more than 24 mlllion workers including farmers and ranchers,shippers,processors,marketers,retailers,truck drivers, inspectors and otherswho annually contributemore than $1.3 trillion to our grossdomesticproduct. The agricultural industry provides us with food and clothing as well as fuel for our energy needs. And as we welcome new opportunities for trade, the hard work and successfulcooperationbetweenfarmersand city workerswill continueto play a vital role in our nation's future. WHEREAS, Farm-City collaborationshelp maintain and improve our food and fiber supply and contributeto a betterquality of life for countlesscitizens. We commend the many Americans whose hard work and ingenuity reflect the true spirit of America and help to ensurea prosperousfuture for all. WHEREAS, this week, as we gather with family and friends around the Thanksgiving table, it is fitting that we count among our blessingsthe vital farm-city partnershipsthat have done so much to improve the quality of our lives. NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ray R. Domer, Chairmanof the OkeechobeeBoard of County Commissioners, hereby issue this Proclamation designating the week of November 16-24,2007 as Farm-City Week in OkeechobeeCounty and call upon citizens in rural and urban areasto acknowledgeand celebratethe achievementsof all those who, working together, produce and supply our community and nation with an abundanceof agricultural products. ISSUED this 8thday of November,2007. Ray R. Domer, Chairman Board of County Commissioners ATTEST: SharonRobertson,Clerk Board of County Commissioners Subject: HAI\K RUCIG -PROCLAMATION FARM CITY WEEK ITEM 8 Hank Rucks, OkeechobeeCounty Farm Bureau, is requestingthe BOCC issue a Proclamationdesignatingthe week of November 18-24, 2007 as Farm City Week in County. Okeechobee RECOMMEI\DATION That the BOCC issuea Proclamationdesignatingthe week of November18-24,2007as County. FarmCity Weekin Okeechobee Approvedfor Agenda Item $ rU8107 PageI of3 E;oo FARM BLIREAI.I LA,/25,'20Q7 1 ) ; D 8 F . t X 8 6 3 7 0 $ f0 2 4 BOARDOF COUNTYCOMMISSIONERS 304NW 2NDSTREET OKBECIIOBEE, FLORIDA 863-763-U4l t63.763.9529 Pax REOUESTTo Bp ON BglC AGPNDA IOAID lOllCYlAny pcr:qr.,3rcupcor3arizrdonwlchingtopcrrondlyrddrcrrrheOLeohobroCorury Eo0trlof CqsrtyConmirsionetia resion rbdl file witb drcOouuryAdninir$Uor Of6ce,gight(!) dayi b"bn lhc ms.titrg atwhrcbrlq rrdtrncc rr dcsift4 . wilnc[ rtqucl1, as follqurll -?bbs! c,K3 TELEPHoNE, U NAh{E: ADDRESS: 31 1 N {ME OFPERSOI\'(S), CRoUp ORORGANTZATION REPRESFNTTNG; WL-?n STIBJECT I!,IATTERTO BE DI$CUSSED: rt\STHESUBJECT otr oFFICTALS? ( ).tES DISCASSED .{l ID/ORREIvTBWED By COUNTYDEFARTMENTS ( 4fro IF A}ISWER TO ABOVE IS YES" PI.EASE LIST THOSE WHOM TIAVE AI-READY zu}VIEWHDSUBJECTI SIECIFIC QUESTIONAhID/ORACT1ONDESIREDFROM TT{E tsOARDOF CO(NTY COM\,USSIONERS: Tfu,pcnon(r)' groupor organirrtion rarfhg 0rc requesto bc eo r3mtlr r*ill bc aontrpicdby the County Adrxin*srticn Officc, itrfrrrningOrcmofthcdruofthcncaingurdtlrflrccrndtimeqthcrrltrvrll$lc{|Glfddrrsigr[dtothcrn lnthccwnlrhrttbc rcr I celtsduledmectingrgcrdl ir crou'dud,your r,aqucvt mry bephccrt for hrrrlng tt thc lbllowiog rnccting. ln evqy imrarrca,!,ffen wil te madcto cchcdnleyoru ruquerttt ltr eulicn nectdg ddt, /r)-ous-ott Date r o / 2 1 / 2 0 0 7 l f E D J , 6 :D 2 (TXIn} N0 72?01 Q001 PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, American farmers and ranchers literally help feed the world by producing a bounty of agricultural products. To do this, they rely on essential partnershipswith urban and suburbancommunities to supply, sell and deliver finished productsacrossthe country and aroundthe globe. Rural and urban communitiesworking togetherhave made the most of our nation's rich agriculturalresourcesas they contribute to the healthand well being of our country and to the strengthof our economy. WHEREAS, during National Farm-City Week, we recognizethe importanceof this cooperativenetwork. Agriculture employs more than 24 million workers including farmers and ranchers,shippers,processors,marketers,retailers,truck drivers, inspectors and otherswho annuallycontributemore than $1.3 trillion to our grossdomesticproduct. The agricultural industry provides us with food and clothing as well as fuel for our energy needs. And as we welcome new opportunities for trade, the hard work and successfulcooperationbetweenfarmersand city workerswill continueto play a vital role in our nation's future. WHEREAS, Farm-City collaborationshelp maintain and improve our food and fiber supply and contributeto a betterquality of life for countlesscitizens. We commend the many Americanswhosehard work and ingenuity reflect the true spirit of America and help to ensurea prosperousfuture for all. WHEREAS, this week, as we gather with family and friends around the Thanksgiving table, it is fitting that we count among our blessingsthe vital farm-city partnershipsthat have done so much to improve the quality of our lives. NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ray R. Domer, Chairmanof the Okeechobee Board of County Commissioners, hereby issue this Proclamation designating the week of November18-24,2007as Farm-CityWeek in Okeechobee County and call uponcitizens in rural and urban areasto acknowledgeand celebratethe achievementsof all thosewho, working together,produce and supply our community and nation with an abundanceof agriculturalproducts. ISSUED this 8'hdav of November.2007. Ray R. Domer, Chairman Boardof CountyCommissioners ATTEST: SharonRobertson.Clerk BoardoI CountyCommissioners Subject: MAUREEN BIIRROUGHS OKEECHOBEE MAIN STREET ITEM q Ms. Burroughsis requestingthe BOCC waive the rental fee for use of the Agri-Civic with Centerfor the HalloweenFestivalthis yeardue to weatherrelatedissuesassociated using the downtownpark. RECOMMENDATION Thatthe BOCC considerthe requestfor rentalfeewaiverfor useof the Agri-Civic Center for theHalloweenFestival. Item q rU8l07 PageI of2 g ( ol a)A - | ll; plqffRD of gggry coMMISSIoNERS 071{0y It' 304Nw 2^o STREET OKEECHOBEE,FLORIDA 863-163-6441 863-763-9529 Fax REOUESTTO BE ON BOCCAGENDA BOARD POLICY: Any person,group or organizationwishing to personallyaddressthe OkeechobeeCounty Board of County Commissionersin sessionshall file with the County Administration Office, eight (8) days before the meetingat which an audienceis desired,a written request,as follows: 1tpZ2"z( tr(. Ctczq NAME OF PERSON(S), GROUPOR ORGANIZATIONREPRESENTING: SUBJECTMATTER TO BE DISCUSSED: u l n \ \ o ( r r e . o . , ^ zt F . t ,uoI HAS THE SI]BJECTBEENDISCUSSEDAND/OR REVIEWEDBY COTINTYDEPARTMENTS ( )YES (/YfrO oRoFFrcrALS? // IF ANSWER TO ABOVE IS YES, PLEASE LIST THOSE WHOM HAVE ALREADY REVIEWED SUBJECT: SPECIFICQUESTION AND/OR ACTION DESIRED FROM THE BOARD OF COI.INTY ,-) S/a . COMMISSIONERS:\J At.ri.-\ F* crG f,--< q CewJ*^- Q,.r tt* JSr 6-s. d,+\('n,rlo-*, F.=.'., ''ur.( d.r-=_ I <ln\<9 t.) To\t h) frK-(_ The person(s),group or organ-ization making the requestto be on agendawill be contactedby the County AdministrationOffice, informing themof the dateof the meetingandthe placeandtime on thenext availableagendaassignedto them. In theeventthat the nextscheduledmeetingagendais crowded,your requestmay be placedfor hearingat the following meeting. In everyinstance,effort will be madeto scheduleyour requestat the earliestmeetingdate. Signatureof personmaking Subject: MELISSA ELLIS - DRAINAGE EASEMENT IN HI.LO ACRES ITEM IO Ms. Ellis hasrequestedto appearbeforethe BOCC to discusspayrngtaxeson property that shecannotuse. RECOMMENDATION That the BOCC receivecommentsfrom Ms. Ellis concerningpaylng taxeson property shecannotuse. Approvedfor Agenda Item lO tU8/07 PageI of2 ccTfl5-200i I | : I 8AM FRCIII-BREN||AiI EYECARE 9 6 3 - 4 6 76-8l 6 T-545 P 00t/00i F-546 COMMISSIONERS BOARDOFCOUNTY 304NWzNDSTREET FLORIDA OKEECHOBEE, 863.763-644t Fax 863-753-9529 REOUFSTTO RF ON ROCCACENDA ihcOkccchobec grcupor orgsnlretlon €ounty Anypersen, wlrhlngto pcnoruHysddrcsc BOARDPOLTCY: Oflice,cight(8) deyl in rooionrhelltilc withtheCountyAdminirtrrtiou Boudof CountyCommirrionrrr tr dorited,r writtcnrtqusst,Gsfollows: beforctheInooting utwhiohanaudienco nnr',te; l-IlrjrlsSa g-l 1l'{ - TELEPHoNE; AttS - 1"34-o?S$ ADDRESs,-&.aK--SF & S +!14r+-- O?+ethahn,?,, ',3+q-l+ OROUPOR OROANIZATIONREPRESENTTNO:. 5e lF NAME OF PERSON(S), I SUBJECTMATTERTO BE DISCUSSED 14l- lo aaJes BY COUNTYDEPARTMENT'S REVTEWED HASTHESUBJECT PEENDISCUSSEDANDTOR (vJY O R OF F i C T A LS ? E S( )NO II' ANSWERTO ABOVE IS REVIEWED SUBJEETI PLEASELIST THOSEWHOMTIAVEALREADY )N AND/ORACTIONDESIREPFROMTHE BOARDOF CorrNry S,ECIFICQUESTION COMMISSIONERST Ii..hr/ hrtW +o_-@ <-to Z rY *ho I Prc-P<{4 l-1^& q'r,rJ 94!--a99 a,n, ar huw _ nalcingtherequerlo beonagendo wilt becontrctcd Tl€ p*son(u).groupor orggnization by theCountyAdminlftr$lon Ofltca, andlheplecetndrimeonrhenortavailrble agenda asignedtothem,ln ilrecvefitfiot thc ln 'umlagthonof tftedawof therneeting yourrsquert mrybcplarrdforhauingrt thafotiowing meeting. In rveryrnqt$cc, next Kkdulpdnsctingqcndoieorcwded, sffon will bcrnadsto rchrduleyourrsqusst attlrr rrrlicstmcdirgdrta. ts+tu'r- puLt Y\r-L Ol^-- +^/* ff,O,tr- 8$ AXla-J .:t fmdt'a.aa- €tfu= Subject: COLIN BAENZIGER COI]NTY ADMIMSTRATOR SEARCH ITEM | | Mr. Baenzigerwill provideanupdateon the CountyAdministratorsearch. RECOMMENDATION That the BOCC receive the update from Mr. Baerziger concerning the County Administratorsearch. Approvedfor Agenda Itemll tU8107 PageI of Interim CountyAdministrator Subject: ACCOUNTINGCONSULTANT frEM: I I for the FY06/07audit,staffwas informedof someauditing Duringthe Auditorentranceinterview standardchangesthat wouldaffectthe FY06/07audit. Of primaryconcernis pronouncement InternalControlRelatedMattersldentifiedin an Audit. The most SAS 112 - Communicating significantchange is some commonlyencounteredsituationswhich will constitute,at a deficiency thatmustbe reportedby the auditors. minimum,a significant to relyupon County,a smallgovernment, Forexample,lt has beenthe practiceof Okeechobee as well as the the auditorsto take the trail balance,preparethe annualfinancialstatements, a significant notesto the financialstatements.UnderSAS 112,this practicewouldconstitute the county.In rather than convenience to if the auditorsare doingit out of necessity deficiency therefore,the FinanceDirector Okeechobee County'ssituation,it has beenout of necessity; haverequested with the Clerkof Courtand DeputyCountyAdministrator-Finance, consulting services(proposalto consultant Val Lewisof McAlpin,Cavalcanti and Lewisprovideaccounting be provideunderseparatecover). Accountingservicesare exemptfrom competitivebiddingunder the county'sprocurement policy.Mrs.Lewiswill provideaccounting withdevelopment as neededto assistance consulting of the FinancialStatements and notesto the financialstatements.Clerkof Courtstaffwill provideclericalstaffto preparethe Financial in orderto keepcoststo a minimum. Statements, RECOMMENDATION: Thatthe BOCCcontractwithMcAlpin,Calvalcanti andLewisto provideaccounting consulting to be providedunderseparatecover.) servicesas needed(costproposal Thatthe BOCCapprovetransferfromGeneralFundReservefor Contingencies to Accounting Expense lineitem. Approvedfor Agenda Item /,?- 11t08t07 Page 1 of 6 InterimCountyAdministrator McAlpin Cavalcanti& Lewis CPA Proposalfor ProfessionalServices November2.2007 Robbie Chartier AssistantCounty Administrator OkeechobeeCounty Board of County Commissioners 304 NorthwestSecondStreet,Room 106 Okeechobee,Florida 34972 Dear Robbie: We appreciate the opportunity to provide you with an outline of our hourly rates for professionalservices. Generally,the engagementthat I have discussedwith you is that of an audit facilitator, a consultingengagement.Use of an audit facilitator is (and will be) more common due to changesin auditing literature regarding auditor independenceand intemal controls. You have expresseda particular interest in the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants Statementon Auditing Standards,("SAS") no. I 12, CommunicatingInternal Control Related Matters ldentified in an Audit. I have attached a copy of an article regarding this SAS. If you need any additional information regarding the auditing standards,pleasedo not hesitateto contactme. We will not issue the County's financial statementsbut will be available to assistthe County with the preparation of their financial statements. Attached is a copy of our standardprofessionalhourly rates. In addition, we reservethe right to contractand./or consult with other CPA firms for any situation that we believe warrants professional consultation. As I indicatedto you, we are availablefor the month of December,excluding holidays and scheduledvacations,through January 15, 2008. Our ability to provide iignificant consultingservicesbetweenJanuary 15,2008 and April 15,2008 is limited due to providing tax services. Our fees will be billed on a weekly basisat our standardbilling ratesplus out-of-pocketcosts,if any. 315 AvenueA ! 40t N'Jf 4thAve. ! PO. Box 3688 I PO. Box 578 ! Fort Pierce,Florida34948-3688 ! (772)595-0500 ! Florida34973-0r7 8 tr (863)7 63-0500 ! Okeechobee. Fax(772) 59t-0r02 Fax(863)467-3050 Proposalfor ProfessionalServices November2,2007 Page2 We appreoiateyour considerationof our firm for this service. If you haveany questions pleasedo not hesitateto contactme. Sincerely, 0"^0,*7 L Valeric H. Lewis McAlpin Cavalcanti& Lewis CPAs McAlpinCavalcanti&LewisCPAs OkeechobeeCounty ProfessionalHourlyRates November2,2007 $ 150.00 Partner $ 100.00 Professional or equivalant with> 3 yearsexperience $ 85.00 Staffaccountant $ 50.00 Administrative PageI of2 Understanding SAS No. 112 I M,elbechjp_lofouatjoliIAICPAStore L-oginI Jolq althelrcPA I Eec_o_me_aVsLqnteel November5,2007 Search Auditing > Audit and Attest Home > Professional Resources> Aqcent!_n-g_a-nd Sta4dllgl5> PracticeAids and Tools > UnderstandingSAS No. 112 D Aboutthe AICPA U n d e r s t a n d i n gS A S N o . 1 1 2 ProfessionalResources By Charles E. Landes, CPA CPE Conferences,Publications, & the AICPA Library Magazinesand Newsletters Becominga CPA./Academic Resources CareerDevelopmentand Workplacelssues ConsumerInformation M:diic"ll"_lL-11 yl9::":ib:1 LegislativeActivitiesand State Licensinglssues "l I I In an effort to help practitionersbetter understandand implementthe requirementsof Statementon AuditingStandards(SAS)No. 112, Communicating Internal Control Related Matters ldentified in an Audit, the AICPAstaff has developedan Audit RiskAlert entitled UnderstandingSAS No. 112 and Evaluating Control Deficiencies:A Companionto SAS No. 712, InternalControlRelatedMattersIdentifiedin an Audit.This Communicating Audit RiskAlert summarizesthe importantaspectsof the new standardand presentsa numberof short casestudiesdesignedto guidethe auditor t h o u g ht h e p r o c e s so f e v a l u a t i n gi d e n t i f i e dc o n t r o ld e f i c i e n c i eT s .o o b t a i n this new risk alert go to: https://www.cpa2biz.com/stores/sas112. Duringthis summerand fall, the Audit & AttestTeam has becomeaware that some practitionersmay be misunderstanding certainconceptsthat are importantto SASNo. 112. The most commonmisunderstanding is the beliefthat the auditor'sdraftingof the client'sfinancialstatements automaticallyresultsin a materialweakness.Askingthe auditorto draft the financialstatementsdoes not causea controldeficiency;however,it may be the resultof a controldeficiency.A controldeficiencyexistsif the clientdoes not have controlsover the preparationof the financial s t a t e m e n t si,n c l u d i n gt h e f o o t n o t ed i s c l o s u r e sw, h i c hw o u l dp r e v e n to r detecta misstatementin the financialstatements.This misunderstanding and othersare debunkedin the Audit RiskAlert. The followingare some key underlyingconceptsthat will help in successfully implementingSASNo. 112: . . . . The auditorcannotbe part of a client'sinternalcontrol. Becoming part of a client'sinternalcontrolimpairsthe auditor'sindependence. What the auditordoes is independentof the client'sinternalcontrol over financialreporting.Therefore,the auditorcannotbe a compensating controlfor the client. The client'sdesignationof an individualwho possesses suitable skill, knowledge,and/orexperienceto overseea serviceperformed by the CPA(EthicsInterpretailpn_LO1-3 Performanceof No Serviceg)is not a control.Therefore,havingsuch a designated persondoes not mean that the clientdoes not have a control deficiency. does not requirethe auditor to searchfor control SAS No-1__1_2 deficiencies, but ratherto evaluatethem if they have been identified. irttp:iiwww.aicpa.org/l'rol'essional+.i{esources/Accounting+and+ALlditing/Audit+and+Attest+Standards/p... I l/512001 ..\ Understanding SAS No. I 12 Page2ofZ o . A system of Internal control over financlal reporting does not stop at the general ledger; rather lt Includescontrols over the preparatlon of the flnanclal statements. To properlyapPlySAS No. 112 the auditor has to have a working knowledge of the COSOframework. COSO'sInternal ControlIntegrated Framewo* describes the elements of internal control over financial reportlng. SAS No. 112 directs the auditor to evaluate control deflclencieswhen ldentlfied, and communicatecertain deficienciesto management and those charged with governance. Keepingthese slmple but important underlying concepts in mind wlll help audltors successfullyimplement the new Standard. Th€Arsfcerhdurb o{certtcdpuucA@ud.ns. tso qnr cerrifi.d (-LV(}VOZ. o2oo€-2007 ffis lEIHsl#] rttp://www.aicpa.orglProfessional*Resources/Accounting+and+Auditing/Audit+and+Attest+Standards/P... ll/5D0A7 n December2005,theAuditing StandardsBoard (ASB) of f II the American lnstitute of Certified Public Accountants L issued Statementon Auditing Standards(SAS) No. 103, Audit Documentation.Twomonths later,in February2006,the ASB releaseda set of eight pronouncements(SASNos. 104111) dealing with variousaspectsof the assessment of risk in a financial statementaudit that are commonly referredto as the "risk-assessment suitei' May of that same year saw the releaseof SASNo. ll2,Communicating Internal ControlRelated Matters ldentified in an Audit. Normally the issuance of new auditing standardsis largelyif not exclusivelyof concern to audit professionals.These 10 pronouncements, however, should be of interestto a much broaderaudiencebecauseof their potentialimpacton thosebeingaudited.Thisarticlewill exploreSASNos.1031l2 uniquely from this latterperspective. A NEW DATE FORTHEAUDITOR'S REPORT AND ITS PRACTICAL IHPLICATIONS (sAs No. r03) From the vantage point of those being audited, the most relevant feature of SAS No. 103 is undoubtedlythe changein the that managementhas assertedthat it has taken responsibility for them.Thiswill ordinarily result in a report date that is close to the date the auditor grantsthe entity permissionto use the auditor'sreport in connectionwith the financial statements(report releasedate). Simply put, the independent auditor's report henceforth normallywill bear the date it is deliveredto the entityunder audit.Since auditors are responsiblefor activelyseekingout new audit evidence that may become availableprior to that time,delaysin completingthe final stagesof the audit will increasethe likelihood that the auditor will need to perform additional proceduresto stay current,which could increase audit fees.Therefore,it is more important than ever for governmentsto do everythingin their power to facilitatethe timelycompletionof the audit.' The clear trend in rccenl yearshasbeenfor independent auditorsto take a more "risk-oriented" approach to pedormingthe flnancial statement audft,. date of the independentauditor'sreport. The date of the auditor's report is important becauseit can affect the amount of audit work that must be performed.Prior to the report date, the auditor is responsiblefor activelyseekingout all information relevant to the fair presentationof the financial statements.Afterthat date,theauditor need only be alert to newly availableinformation. Prior to SASNo. 103,the independentauditor'sreport was dated as of the completion of field work, which, in practice, might precede the actual release of the report by several weeks (if not months).In contrast,the new standarddirects the auditor to refrain from dating the report until the audit is substantially complete: The auditor'sreport should not be dated earlierthan the date on which the auditor has obtained sufficient appropriate audit evidence to support the opinion. Among other things, sufficient appropriate audit evF dence includesevidencethat the audit documentation has been reviewed and that the entity's financial state. ments, including disclosures,have been prepared and SAS 103took effect startingwith fiscal yearsthat ended December31,2006. A NEWI\PPROACHTO RISK ASSESSMENTAND ITS PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS (sAs Nos. r04-il t) The clear trend in recent years has been for independent auditors to take a more"riskoriented"approachto perform- ing the financialstatementaudit.SASNos.104-l1l now mandate that approach.To understand the implications of the new standards,some brief backgroundinformationon audit theory may be helpful. Financial statements are essentially representationsby managementconcerningan entitys finances(e.g.,the entity had $X cashas of the close of the period;revenueof the period amountedto $Y debt serviceprincipalpaymentsin each of the next five years will be $Z). Each such representation involvesa number of implied ossertions. For example,if government reports$X dollars oI equipmenton its statementof net assets, it effectivelyis assertingthat l) the equipment really is there (i.e.,existence),2)the governmentactuallyowns it (i.e., rightsand obligations),3)the amount reported includes all of the government's equipment(i.e.,completeness),and 4) the dollar amount reported for the equipment is correct (i.e., uoluation and allocation).Similar implied assertionshave been identified for transactionsand eventsreDortedin a state- June 2007 | Govemment Finmce Rwiry 4l Statements on Auditing Standards Nos. 103-l l2 Pronouncement SASNo, 103 "Audit Documentation" SASNos. 104-| | | "Risk-Assessment Suite" S A SN o . I 1 2 "ReportingDeficiencies" Efiect on Alditors Chansesthe date of independent auditorsreport Efrecton Entrff Any delaysin completing the auditcouldresultin higher auditfees Additionalauditwork needed to complywill likelyincrease auditcostsl0 to 15percent Requiresauditorsto implementanddocument an auditapproachbased on the riskof material misstatement ldentifies a numberof Will likelyincrease the number commonlyencountered of dellciencies reported, in the caseof many situations asbeingdeficiencies especially that must be reoorted smallergovernments ment of changesand for data disclosedin the notesto the financialstatements. The role of the independentauditor is to providepotential users of the financial statementswilh reasonableassurance that those statementscan be relied upon as a basisfor decision making.Note that the auditor'sgoal is not to ensurethat each individual item reported is 100 percent accurate,but rather that that financial statementsare free from misstatements that are so material (i.e.,significant) that they could lead a financialstatementreaderto makea differentdecision or reacha differentconclusionthan if the misstatement had not been present.The financialstatementaudit is the process wherebythe independentauditor obtainsthe evidencenecessaryto support an opinion whetherthe financialstatements are,in fact,free of such materialmisstatements EntiE Respons-e Takeoositivesteosto ensurethe timelycompletion of the audit Expecthigherauditfees,but questionproposedincreases signilicantly in excessof the | 0- | 5 percentrange Ensurethat the gcnrernment's fiameworkof intemalcontrol is comprehensive andwell documented Auditingstandardshavelong requiredauditorsto obtainan understandingof an entity'sinternalcontrol as part of the audit planningprocess. Until now,this requirementcommonly hasbeen understoodas being primarilyaimedat justifying an eventualdecisionby the auditorto rely upon testsof controls to limit the extent of substantive procedures. Consequently auditorswho did nol intend,for one reasonor another,torelyupon teslsof controlsto limit the extentof substantivetesting(e.g.,anticipatedunreliabilityof those controls, expedience) considered themselves free to reduce effortsat gainingan understandingof internalcontrol to a bare minimum. The new risk-assessment suite of auditing standardsfundamentally alters how auditors henceforth are to view the requirementthat they gain an understandingof an entilys internalcontrol.First,the new standardssubstantially broadSome audit proceduresare designedto provide direct evien the requirementfrom "gaining an understandingof,interdence for financial statementassertions(i.e.,sLtbstantiue pronal conffof'to "gaining an understandingof the entityand its cedures).For example,an auditor will contact the bank to enuironment,including its internol controllSecond,the riskcon6rm the balancein an entity'sbank accountat the end of assessment suitestandardstake the positionthat it simply is the fiscalperiod.Otherauditwork is designedto produceevipossiblefor an auditor meaningfullyto assessthe risk of not dence that is more indirect,focusingon the reliabilityof the sysmaterial misstatementfor a given set of financial statements tems ond proceduresused to produce dotq rather than on the refiabilityof specificdata elements(i.e.,/es/sof controls).For without the benefit of this broader,environmentalperspective.Thatis,gainingan understandingof the entity'senvironinstance, auditorsordinarilywill testcompliancewith the varment,includingits internalcontrol,is no longerseenprimariious procedures used to process purchases.There is, of ly as a matterof efficiency(i.e.,a practicalway to potentially course,no completely adequatesubstitutefor direct evilimit the extentof substantiveprocedures)but as one of effecdence;therefore,while testsof controlscan limit the extentof tiveness. Indeed,the new standardsgo a stepfurtherand actusubstantiveprocedures,they can never replacethem. ally classifythe processof gainingan understandingof the ,l? GovernmentFinmce ReviewI June 2007 entity and its environment,including its internal control,as a substantiveprocedurein its own right for which there is never an adequate substitute.The key practical effects of this All auditors,including those who have already adopted a more riskoriented approach,are likely to incur substantial additional coststo comply with the new requirements,espe change are as follows: ciallyregardingdocumentation.An informalpoll of a number of firms that perform auditsof governmentsthat participatein GFOAbCertificateof Achievementfor Excellencein Financial Reporting Program found general agreementthat costs for r Auditors will now have to document not just an entity's internalcontrol,but the broaderenvironmentin which the entity operates; r The intent nof to rely upon testsof controls to limit the extent of substantivetestswill nol eliminate the need to gain a solid understandingof the entityand its environment,includinginternalcontrol;and I Becauseevery entity'senvironmentwill be different,it is unlikely that auditors would be able to justify relying exclusivelyon standardizedaudit programs. The new risk-assessment auditing standardsalso impose substantial new procedural and documentation require. ments.Asexplained earlier,the independent auditor'sobjective is to provide reasonableassurancethat the financialstatements are free of materiql misstatements.In the past,auditors enioyed considerable flexibility in how they arrived at this conclusion and documented it in their working papers.From now on, the auditor will need to explicitly assessand document the risk of material misstatementboth l) from the perspectiveof the financial statementsas a whole and 2) from the perspectiveof each of the assertionsapplicableto various fi nancial statementitems. auditorsare normallylikely to increaseby l0 to l5 percent. Thereforegovernmentsshould be preparedto face increased audit costsin the near future.Atthe same time,they should exerciseprofessionalskepticismat proposed increasessubstantiallyin excessof the rangejust mentioned. SAS Nos. 104-ll1 will take effect startingwith fiscal years that end December31,2007. A NE\^/ APPROACH TO REPORTING D E F I C I E N C I E SA N D I T S P R A C T I C A L T H P L | C A T T O N S( S A S I t 2 ) At first glance,SASNo. I 12,CommunicatingInternal Control RelatedMattersldentifredin an Audit,appearsto do little more than changesome of the languageused to describedeficiencies uncoveredin the courseof an audit to conform to the terminology set for privatesector companies by the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board establishedby the SarbanesOxleyAct. However,from the point of view of entities being audited,the most significantchange is the specific identification of some commonly encounteredsituationsas constituting,at a minimum, significantdeficienciesthat must be reported.Examplesinclude the following: r Ineffectiveoversightof internal control r An ineffectivecontrol environment I Restatementof a previouslyissuedfinancial statementto correct an error r Discoveryby the auditor of a material misstatementnot identifiedby internalcontrol Especiallyof concern is one particularsituation described as likely constitutinga deficiencythat needsto be reportedin an appendixto SASNo.I l2: Employeesor managementwho lack the qualifications and training to fulfill their assignedfunctions.For example, in an entity that prepares financiql statements in occordance w ith generally accepted accounting princip les, June 2007 | Goremmem FinanceRwiw 43 the person responsible for the occounting and reporting function lachs the skills and knowledge to apply generally accepted accounting principles in recording the entityb financiol transactionsor preparing its frnanciqlstatements. Iemphasisadded] ing financial statementsin conformity with generallyaccepted accountingprinciples,evenif they do not actuallydo so? SAS l12 is effective for audits of financial statementsfor periodsendingon or afterDecember15,2006. * Notes It is quite common, of course,for smaller governmentsto rely upon their independent auditors to take the amounts reported in the trial balance and format them into formal financial statements,as well as to prepare the notes to the Fnancialstatements. Under SASNo. ll2, this practicewould constitute a deficiency that needsto be reported if the auditor performsthose actionsout of necessity(i.e.,management is incapable of preparing financial statements,including notes,in accordancewith generallyaccepted accounting principles) rather than as a matter of convenience to the client.2 In preparing for the impact of SAS No. ll2, governments should consider two things.First,is the government'sframe work of internal control adequate and appropriatelydocumented?Second,is the government'sstaff capable of prepar- I Although management'sdiscussionand analysis(MD&A) is not auditcd, the independentauditor is still required to perform certain limited proce dures in regardto MD&A Since the wording of the independentauditor's report dependsupon the resultsof those procedures,adelay in compleF ing MD&A could delay the issuance of that report Auditors have complained that MD&A often is one of the last thingsthey receivefrom their clients 2 The problem,technicallyspeaking,is that the independentauditorscannot be part of the audited entitys s)stem of internal control (or they would ceaseto be independent).Thisproblem could be averted,of course,by hiring a second accounting firm to preparethe financial state ments (since internal control procedurescan be oulsourced) Still,there is no guaranteethat deficienciesmight not occur all the same,nor is there any assurancethat the benefitsof hiring a second firm might not outweigh the costs.The GFOA has taken no position on the matter. STEPHEN is directorof the GFOA'sTechnical Services J.GAUTHIER Center: Unrivaledexpertise. \When the United Nations Procurement Serviceneededto assqss the resultsof a five-yearplan to implement Proorement reform, it turned to NIGP'S Professional Consulting Services for rhe insight and guidanceit neededto properlymeasureim achievements and idendfy areasrequiring frcshor continuedatrenrion. NIGP is the National Institute of GovernmentalPurchasing. For over 60 years,NIGP has dedicatedits resourcesto the developmentand suppon of public procurementagenciesand the professionals who servethem. \Whetheryour agencyseelaaccreditarion,processimprovement, benchmarking services,or managemenrassessmenr, NIGP provides rhe public secror with unrivaledprofessionalrcsourcesfor procurement-relatedbusinessissues. For more details about NIGP'S Professional Consulting Services and how to achieve your procurement agency'sdevelopment goals, contact us ar 800-367-6447 x246. 44 Goremment Finmce Reviry lJune 2007 SUBJECT: LAMAROUTDOORADVERTISING IrEM: / 3 The County has been in litigation with Lamar Advertising of Lakeland concerninghurricanedamagedor destroyedbillboardsat six (6) locationsin the County. All locationsare now non-conformingasresultof the County's adoptionof its Land DevelopmentRegulations. The matter hasbeencomplicatedby issuesof Federal,Stateand local jurisdiction and debateregardingthe cost ofrepair given industry-wide changesin constructiontechniquesandmethodsofdisplay. Additionally, the OkeechobeeCounty Code indicatesa preferencefor conversionto monopoleswhich aremore hurricane resistantwhen repairs of this nature are necessary. The County and Lamar have reached a tentative settlement stipulation which would permit three (3) locationsto be repaired. Two (2) of theselocationswould be convertedto monopole structures,one (1) locationwould allow inclusion of a secondface. 'I'he attached Stipulation is subject to Board review and approval and will require Lamar to submit engineeringplans and apply for constructionpermits as any other contractor. RECOMMENDATION: To review the proposedsettlementstipulationand approvethe Stipulationas presented. Approved for Agenda: Item / t1/08t01 County Administrator wPDl 114s6-74690 IN THE CIRCUITCOURTOF TI{E NINETEENTHJUDICIALCIRCUITIN AND FOROKEECHOBEECOTINTY FLORIDA CASE,NO: 2007-CA-2 JUDGE: F. SHIE,LDS McMANUS LAMAR ADVERTISINGOF LAKELAND, a divisionof THE LAMAR COMPANY,L.L.C.,A Louisiana limitedliabilitycompany, Plaintiff, VS. OKEECHOBEECOIINTY, A politicalsubdivision of theStateof Florida. Defendant STIPULATION COMES NOW, LAMAR ADVBRTISING OF LAKELAND, a division of TI-IE LAMAR COMPANY, LLC, a Louisiana limited liabitity company ("LAMAR") Plaintiff/Counter-Defendant, and OKEECIIOBEE COUNTY, a political subdivisionof the Stateof Florida ("COUNTY"), Defendant/Counter-Plaintiff, who stipulateandagree as follows: 1. THAT as a result of stotm damage,six (6) LAMAR billboard structures ("Billboard or Billboards")wereeitherdamagedor destroyed.The partieshavereachedan WPD] [7456-74625 agreementas to which Billboardsare eligiblefor repairpursuantto the provisionsof the Okeechobee CountyCode. 2' THAT the Billboard describedin Paragraph10b of the Complaintbearing lrloridaDepartmentof fransportation("FI)OT'")permitnumbersAY322andAy32l, may be rehabilitated andrepairedwith a monopolestructurein accordance with the provisions of Section9 -07-03.E., Okeechobee CountyCocle.TheBillboardmaybe double-faced with eachfacenot to exceedten foot six inches( I 0'6")in heightby thirly-sixfeet (36')in width with a minimumheightabovegrounrllevelof ten feet(10')anda maximumtotalheishtof twenty-eightfeet(28'). 'IFIAT 3. theBillboarddescribed in Paragraph 10aof theComplaintbearingFDOT permit number CD3ll , may be rehabilitatedand repairedwith a monopolestructurein accordance with theprovisionsof Section9.01.03.E.,Okeechobee CountyCode.The sign may be double-faced with eachfacenot to exceedten foot six inches(10'6")in heightby thirty-sixfeet(36')in width with a minimumheightabovegroundlevelof tenfeet(10')and a maximumtotalheightof twenty-eightfeet(28'). 4. THAT theBillboarddescribed in Paragraph l0f of theComplaintbearingFDOT nutnbetA2268 may be repairedby replacingthe brokensupportpole, straightening the rcmainingpolesandreattaching a singlefacevinyl with no increasein the sizeor shapeof the facing and no increase in total height. 5- THAT the Billboardas described in Paragraph 10dshallbe removedwithin 30 daysfi-omissuanceof the first buildingpermitfor anyof therepairsdescribedin paragraphs 2.3 and4 above. 6' TIIAT LAMAR is abandoningany claim to repair, consrructor replace Billboardsas describedin Paragraphs l0c, l0d and l0e of the complaint. [ 7 4 5 6 - ? 4 6 2W 5 PD] 1. 'I'FIAT this Stipulationis subjectto approvalby the Board of Counry Commissioners of Okeechobee County,Florida ("BOCC"). Shouldthe BOCC fail to approvethe termsof the Stipulation,it shallbe considered void and of no fur1herforceor effect. 8. TFIAT this Stipulatior-r constitutes planningandlanduseapprovalfor repairand rehabilitation of the structures described herein. this Stipulationshallnot be construed to grant constructionpermits without submissionof all necessaryplans, engineering cerlificationsand applicationfees requiredof all such projects. The COUNTY shall commit to expeditewith the review and permittingprocessupon receiptof a completed applicationfor eachBillboardto be repairedor rehabilitated. 9. THAT exceptas to receiptof customarypermit applicationfees,the COUNTy waivesany and all finesor penaltieswhich haveor may havebeenassessed as a resultof any code violation existingdue to of the conditionof the Billboardsdescribedin this Stipulation. 10. TI{AT LAMAR shall diligently prepareand submit applicationsfor rhe repair/refurbishment of theBillboardsdescribed in this Stipulationwithin 45 daysfromthe dateof County Commissionapproval. Furlher,it shall completethe repair/refurbishment within 120daysfrom the dateof permit issuance. I 1. THAT upon issuanceof the requiredbuilding permits,the Complaintand Counter-Claimshall be dismissedwith prejudicewith each party to bear their own attorney'sfeesand costsincurred. w5P D ] [74s6-7462 STIPULATEDAND AGREEDthis day of November,2007. LAW OFFICEOF CASSELS& McCALL PENNINGTON, MOORE, WILKINSON, BELL & DUNBAR. P.A. JOHN D. CASSELS,JR. CountyAttorneyfor Okeechobee County FBN:261521 400NW 2nd Street P.O.Box 968 Okeechobee, Florida34973 SUS$[ K. SPURGEON Attorneyfor LamarAdvertisingof Lakeland FBN: 478229 2701N. RockyPointDrive,Ste.900 Tampa,Florida33607 By: OKEECHOBEECOUNTY LAMAR ADVERTISINGOF LAKELAND By: By: County Administrator l't4s6-7462s.wPDl Authorized Representative SUBJECT: EMERGENCYOPERATIONCENTER RELOCATION rrEMl+ On September 26, 2007, staff attended a meeting with Architects Design Group, Incorporated (ADG) and their consultants to share current design issues and to receive questions and answers related to information technology, water and wastewater, generator, fuel systems and fire suppression. The EOC is designedto be self sufficient during disastersand has redundanciesbuilt in to provide the necessary amenities needed during activation of the facility. In addition to the building the facility will require spacefor the generatorfuel supply sufficient to operatethe EOC for a period of 72 hours, a well and water treatment system will be provided including wastewater holding tankswith the capacityto hold 35 - 40,000gallons. In addition,the finish floor elevationfor the proposedbuilding is elevation 28.33. The surrounding buildings that will be affected by the higher elevation are Fire Station Number 1 with a finish floor elevationof 24.67 and the Annex with a finish floor elevationof 26.33' With the additional spacerequired by the redundanciesand the proposed finish floor elevation staff requestedthat ADG prepare a preliminary drawing to show the facility in an area that will provide additional spaceand will not impact surroundingbuildings. Staff has requestedthat ADG review the new proposed location and provide recommendationsregarding the changes. Attached for your review is a proposalfrom ADG to relocatethe facility. Also, during our meeting it was determinedby each Information Technology Department (Sheriff s Department and County) that it would be necessaryto expandthe UPS room an additional ten feet to have adequatespaceto house equipment. The additional spacewas requestedafter staff recognized that a percentageof the areawas occupied by air handlers, and the number of racks required for the 911 Communicationsand EOC rooms. RECOMMENDATION Recommendthat the BOCC review the new proposedlocation for the EmergencyOperationCenter and provide staff with further direction. Recommendthat the BOCC approve the amount of $32,885.00for additional Architectural and Engineering Servicesfor the relocation of the EmergencyOperation Center. Approved for Agenda Iteml+ tU8t07 Page1 of + Robbie Chartier Interim County Administrator o F d N o I I a a) a F q (J r cq 2, = a '7+ trt -o r). a,\ B\ t'j -{ *10 rg' = 1 b. e; ua v "4 -ao'o ,t \4 % -oooo t Y!, \) = a2 nL d "t .. ? .r -oi n, O *F ltt'fi /nt ! € o r G! g o a o .d? ta oc) E.q oo N e{ J o D & EE c)cl a = o E .E 6 u) o 4m zo F tt E o t r t € E 0) L (|) L o o0 €) I tr E atz tr o (| tr c) g ot) E g L. o 3t, o c) O tr(l) -v H o .rt a E (l tr o o ot o a t t) e sl o GI o F c) t\ P c) tr FrL o0 I 'tr 3 o cl o € o FI o0 € u, q) € (l) (t) tr ob tr gl 14 cl 14 c tr A = rd o o () (, GI U) u) D q o o o tri o{ = a Er ot) E c.i c.; + r.i \o ) i@ s t s SUBJECT: APPROVEPAYMENT TO CRAIG A. SMITH AND ASSOCIATES,INC. FOR WORK UNDER NRCS GRANT AGREEMENT FOR HURRICANE JEANNE. rrEM# l5 The County, through the efforts of Craig A. Smith and Associates,Inc. (CAS), was awardeda NRCS grant inFY 200412005to clear debris from waterwaysasa result ofhurricane Jeanne.Ultimately, this was the first of two (2) NRCS grantsthat the County received for this tlpe of project... the secondgrant was for humcane Wilma inFY 200512006. Theseinvoices are aportion ofthe hurricaneJeanneNRCS grant,AgreementNo. 69-4209-5-1711 which was in the amountof 52,174,000.Initially, the County was given 180 daysto completeall the proposedwork. Amendment #1, dated September8, 2005, extendedour completion date to November 30, 2005. Cost associatedwith grant administration and contract management(Technical Assistance,TA) was awardedby the board to CAS... these cost are 100%oreimbursable through the gtant, but can not exceeda set amount. It was realizedasthe November30, 2005 deadlinewas approaching,the project would not be completedand CAS would expendall of their approvedfunding. On December1, 2005, there was an emergencyboard meeting to addressNRCS issues. The board approved amendment#2, which extended our agreementto December 31, 2005. Additionally, the board discussedcost relating to CAS's work on this project. Commissioner Betts asked if there was a dollar amount, above the previously approved amount, that the board could approve. Staff advised that at this time the exact amount was still unknown. The board approved CAS invoices through December 2005 that were in accordance with our agreement. CAS preformed the final closeout of this projects grant paperwork which resulted in someof the work continuing through January2006. The County received an invoice in the amount of $20,526.03from CAS in February 2006 for related work preformed in January2006. This invoice was beyond what the board approved and exceededwhat was approvedby NRCS at that time. CAS was told that we would not cover cost that CASworkedwithNRCSandtheCounty exceededNRCstechnicalassistance(TA)fundingforthisproject. for January 2006 CAS invoice. the received formal approval, dated March 28,2007 , Staff has worked with our county finance departmentto ensure that we have invoiced and received full paymentfrom NRCS for the entirereimbursableamount...$1,604,268.36. In December2005,the purchaseorder issuedto CAS was increasedby $43,500. This was an estimateasto the remainingcost associatedwith this project. The Decemberinvoice exceededthis amount;resultingin a partial outstandingamount. Prior to this point, CAS was able to receive NRCS approval for other related expensesthat were originally considerednot eligible for reimbursement. Staff would recommendthe board The approvetheamountfundedbyNRCSfortechnicalassistance(TA)...thetotalamountis$231,952.99. County has invoices from CAS (technical assistance,TA) in support of this amount and we have received reimbursement for this amount from NRCS. If the board was to deny payment for any or all of these invoices. we would have to revise and resubmit to NRCS our reimbursement forms and include a check refunding someof thesegrant funds alreadyreceived. At this point, CAS has a total of 534,794.28worth of outstandinginvoices on this project. RBCOMMENDATTON(S): That the BOCC approveadditionalinvoicesto Craig A. Smith and Associates,Inc. for technicalassistance (TA) on the NRCS AgreementNo. 69-4209-5-I711for hurricaneJeanne,in the amountof 534,794.28in accordancewith our (County and CAS) agreement. Approved for Agenda Item# l5 rU8l07 Page I of Interim County Adminishator ( SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF CONTRACT WITH TARIIEEL SPECIALTIES,INC. (T.S.I.)FOR THE TAYLOR CREEK CANAL CLEANING PROJECT. IrEM # I (" For possibly decadesthe privately owned canalsthat connectto Taylor Creek have beenin needof major maintenance.Over the years,therehavebeennumerousefforts proposedto addressthis issue, but none of them hasbeenacceptableto all parties involved. Approximately two yearsago limited funding, through a SFWMD grant,was securedto perform debris removal from Taylor Creek and the adjacentprivate canals. SFWMD and OkeechobeeCounty enteredinto an agreementmaking thesefunds availableto the County on a reimbursementbasis. The County receivedthree(3) bids and awardedphaseI work to Devland Construction,Inc. within the last year. DevlandConstruction,Inc.beganworkingandastimewenton,itbecameincreasinglymoredifficult to make sufficient progresswithin the fiscal and time line constraints. We are now processing Devland's frnalpay requestfor the work they completed. Staff, consultantand SFWMD havebeenattemptingto identify anothervendor andmethodto begin phaseII work. This would entail removal of debris,vegetationand soils that weren't able to be removed during phaseI. Tarheel Specialities,Inc.(T.S.I.) was identified as a contractor that could meet our phase II requirements. They were one of the contractorsthat did work on the Lake Okeechobeesediment removalproject for SFWMD. They also did somecanalwork for the City of Okeechobee.T.S.I. is able to mobilize within aboutrwo (2) weeksfrom notice to proceed. T.S.L has made site visits to seethe scopeof our project and they have offeredto perform the work at the rate of $19.50per cubic yard; plus disposalfees,if any, and $4.00per cubic yard if materialhas to be truckedover 1 mile to the disposalsite. They currentlyhaveseveralawardedbids...from SWFWMD, andvarious City's and County's. When reviewing someof thesebids, one of two things were noted:eitherthe bid is different in its scopeof work; or the cubic yard price is much higher than the $19.50. T.S.I. also submitteda bid for our phaseI work and their cubic yard price then was $115.00. On one of the SWFMD bids, their cubic yard price is $44.00. We are still attemptingto finalize multiple disposalsites(four (4) at this time) in the areain an effort to lessenour overall cost...thus allowing more canalsto be cleaned. Our consultant,staff and SFWMD arein agreementthat T.S.I. Inc. can accomplishthis project and theprice quotedis betterthanotherawardedbids andmost likely betterthanwe would receiveifwe were to let anotherbid. Also, we are facing a deadlineof February 28,2008 on our SFWMD agteement.T.S.L has indicated,as the water getslower, it will becomeeasieror lessproblematic for them to perform this work. As we enter our normal dryer season,we would expect our water levels will begin to decreaseagain. Staff would recommend due to the amount of effort and time involved with preparing bid specifications,advertising,awarding the bid, executionof contract, limited capablevendorsto perform this project, the necessity/urgencyto complete this project, our water level and the time remaining on the SFWMD agreement,that the board declare this project an emergencyunder our purchasingpolicy andauthorizecontractingwith T.S.I.Inc. to performphaseII work at the rates listedabove. If theboardapprovesthe recommendation, the CountyAttorneywill needto preparean agreement for this project. RECOMMEITTDATION(S): That the BOCC declarethe Taylor Creek and Canal project PhaseII work an emergencyand authorizetheChairmanto executea confractwith TarheelSpecialities,Inc. at the abovestatedrates. ApprovedforAgenda ttem#l6 tU8/07 PageI of2 Interim CountyAdministrator SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF CONTRACT WITH ADVANCED DATA PROCESSING, INC. FOR FIRE RESCUE EMS BILLING AND RELATED SERVICES. rrEM # | 'l Within our Fire Rescuedepartmentwe handle all of our EMS billing needs. We bill Medicaid, Medicare, private insurancecompaniesand individuals that are non-insured for servicesprovided through our EMS division. We have really only have one person who is responsiblefor understanding,keeping up to date on changesand ensuring our bills are prepared and mailed out correctly. Should this employeeleave or be off for any extendedperiod, we would have to take drasticactionsimmediatelyto ensureour billings continuedto be sentout on a timely basis.As you know, over the yearsthis effort hasincreasedin volume and complexity. The Federaland Statelaws and regulations changevirtually from year to year. Each type of insurance carrier has different regulations and guidelinesto adhereto. Medicaid and Medicare will changetheir regulationsand provide us with no notice or poor announcementsat best. Trying to solve a discrepancywith our billing continues to consumemore time from our only staff person. We have attemptedto computerizedour systemas much as possible in order to limit the amount of our effort. It seems sometimeswe have to updatesomeportion of our systemthat we just updated,due to continued regulationchanges.A coupleof yearsago,our auditorsrecommendedwe separatethe billing and accountsreceivabledutieswithin this area. We have donethis, but doing so brought to our attention anotherissue for us... now we really have no back up personfor billing or accountsreceivable. When the employeeis out for any reason,it can createsa back log until they return. The County has a firm under contractto handle collectionson an as neededbasis. We changed firms a few yearsago and have beenwell pleasedwith their results. Over the last severalyears,the EMS call volumehasincreasedresultingin morebillings... thusmore billing and accountsreceivableissues. Additionally, staff has been consideringother optionsto addressour needs. We believeit is time to contractout our EMS billing and relatedservices.Due to the complexities,continualregulationchanges,the cost for additionalemployee(s),lack of space for an additionalemployee(s)andthe increasingnumberof EMS billings, we would be betterserved to contractout this portion of our businessat this time. They will afford us numerousbenefits: numerousemployeesto handleour volume...eliminatingour issueof no back up personnelfor an employeethat is off; no need to hire additional personnel;better equipt to keep up to date on regulation changes;better equipt to deal with MedicaidAvledicareaudits... compliancy issues; greaterinformationback up protection;this firm hasbeenin business improvedquality assurance; for over 15 yearsin Florida and they are one of the largestEMS billing firms in the State. lnc. to find thebestscopeofwork andrates. Staffhasbeenworking with AdvancedDataProcessing, Included with this agendaitem is a draft copy of the agreement.This agreementis basedon a City of Miramar, FL bid that Advanced Data Processing,Inc. was awarded on June 8, 2007. kI accordancewith the County's purchasingpolicy, an awardcanbe madeon an item that was publicly bid and awarded by another agency. The County Attorney is currently reviewing the proposed agreement. RECOMMENDATTON(S): That the BOCC authorizethe Chairman to executethe agreementwith Advanced Data Processing, Inc. for Fire RescueEMS billing and relatedservices,subjectto the County Attorney's approval. Approved for Agenda Item# I J tU8l07 P a g e1 o f 1 5 lnterim CountvAdministrator A G R E E M E N TB E T W E E N COUNry OKEECHOBEE AND , C. A D V A N C E DD A T A P R O C E S S I N GI N F O R R E S C U EA M B U L A N C EB I L L I N G& R E L A T E DP R O F E S S I O N ASL E R V I C E S . made and enteredinto this 8th day of THIS AGREEMENT,hereinafler"AGREEMENT", November, 2007 by and between OKEECHOBEE COUNTY, a Florida political with principalofficeslocatedat 304 N.W. 2noStreet,Okeechobee,Florida subdivision, referredto as the "COUNTY",and AdvancedData Processing,Inc.,a 34972hereinafter DelawareCorporationwith principalofficeslocatedat 6451 N. FederalHighway,Suite referredto as the "CONTRACTOR". Florida33308,hereinafter 1002,Fort Lauderdale, WITNESSETH: of BrowardCounty,a politicalsubdivision WHEREAS,the City of Miramar,a municipality of the Stateof FloridawhereinCITY resides,enteredintoan agreement("Miramar CONTRACTORdatedJune8th,2OO7andas amended;and Agreement")with WHEREAS,the City of Miramarutilizedthe due diligenceestablishedby the City and seekingresponsesfrom qualifiedfirmsto providemedicalbillings,collections, servicesfor the City of Miramar'sFire RescueDivision; accountsreceivableprofessional and the City of Miramarprocessand obtain WHEREAS,the COUNTYdesiresto "Piggyback" certaintermsand conditionsof the MiramarAgreement,and WHEREAS,the partiesheretonow wish to enterintoan agreement,pursuantto which servicesin connectionwith said the CONTRACTORwill renderthose professional provided; projectas definedin CONTRACTOR'S Agreementand hereinafter NOW THEREFORE,the partiesheretoagreeas follows: 1. DEFINITIONOF THE PROJECT.The objectiveof the projectis to utilizethe services of the CONTRACTORto provide the COUNTY with ambulancebilling and related servrces. 2. SCOPE OF SERVIGES.The CONTRACTORshallperformand carryout the work as defined in the Miramar Agreement heretoforereferenced and attached hereto. All paymentsshallbe paid directlyto OKEECHOBEECOUNTYor via Locked-Box facilityas COUNTY. directedby the 3. TIME OF PERFORMANCE.This Agreemenlshall be effectivefor a two-yearperiod from November 1, 2007 through October 31, 2009 under the terms and conditions contained herein unless otherwise terminated.This AGREEMENT shall renew automaticallyfor a periodof three (3) additionalyearsat the end of the initialterm and any subsequentrenewal term unless the AGREEMENT is terminatedin accordancewith hereofshallremaininfullforceand section'12.TERMINATION".All termsand conditions effectduringany renewalterm. Page 1 of 14 NN D M E T H O DO F P A Y M E N T 4 . C O M P E N S A T I OA 4.01 The COUNTY reservesthe right to requestchangesin the serviceswithin the general scope of the Agreementto be performedupon mutual agreementby the COUNTYand CONTRACTORthat shallspecifythe changeorderedand the adjustment requiredtherefore of time and compensation 4.O2 Any servicesadded to the scope of this Agreementby a change order shall be executedin compliancewith all other applicableconditionsof this Agreement.No claim for additionalcompensation or extensionof time shallbe recognizedunlesscontainedin the duly executedchangeorder. 4.03 The CONTRACTORshallbe paid by the COUNTYa monthlyamountrepresenting feesfor the servicesprovidedcomputedas. 4.03(a) Six and one-half percenl (6.50%) of all monies collected by CONTRACTOR,excludingamountscollectedfrom FloridaMedicaid,plus 4.03(b) Ten dollars and fifty-sixcents ($10.56)per Florida Medicaidaccount, whetheror not such accountis ultimatelypaidby FloridaMedicaid,and 4.03(c) an amountof seventy-five cents($0.75)per accountfor providingbilled patientrequiredHIPAA-compliant PrivacyNoticeper Scopeof Services(ExhibitA). Contractorreservesthe rightto increasethesefees if postageis increasedby the United postagecosts. StatesPostalService,but onlyto coveradditional 4.04 The COUNTY shall issue a check for the amountinvoiced,within forty-five(45) days of receipt and acceptanceof an accurate invoice. COUNTY's obligations hereunderare absoluteand unconditional and not subjectto set-off,delay,counterclaim, terminationor performance. Contractorwill resolveany disputedamountswithin 60 days from the date COUNTYgivesnotification. 4.05 The COUNTY electsto open and mainlaina lockbox,it shall bear all the cost associatedwith such Lock-boxservices.COUNTY,shouldthey elect to participatein for all costs any creditcard acceptanceprogram,agreesto assumeand be responsible associatedwith such program. All other costs incurred by CONTRACTORin the performanceof services as specifiedherein (including,but not limited to postage, materials,communicationsand phone costs and other operating costs) shall be assumedby the CONTRACTOR. 5. REPORTS.The CONTRACTORshallprovidethe COUNTYwith statusreportsas set forth in the Miramar Agreement and other reports as mutually agreed. The CONTRACTORshall also providechangesto such reportsand ad hoc reportrequests on a reasonablebasis and as mutuallyagreed. CONTRACTORreservesthe right to charge an additionalfee for any programmingcost associatedwith ad hoc reportsthat would requiremorethan a reasonableamountof time to accomplish. 6. DATA TO BE FURNISHEDBY COUNTY.The COUNTYwill make availableto the CONTRACTOR,for use in performanceof servicesunderthis Agreement,all available Page2 of 14 reports,studies or any other materialsin its possessionthat may be useful to the CONTRACTOR.All materialfurnishedby the COUNTY will not be disclosedto any party,otherthan as requiredunderthe scopeof the Agreement,withoutthe COUNTY's priorwrittenapproval. i s a n i n d e p e n d e ncto n t r a c t o r 7 . T N D E P E N D E NCTO N T R A C T O R ST.h e C O N T R A C T O R the following exception: with and not an employeeor agentof the COUNTY To the extent necessaryto fulfillits billingand collectionefforts under the Agreement,the CONTRACTORis authorizedto sign in an administrativecapacilyfor the COUNTYthe followingtypes of standard only: probatefilings;lettersto patientsor forms and correspondences verifyingthat an account is paid in full; forms their representatives verifyingthe tax-exemptstatus of the COUNTY;and insurancefilings and relatedforms. The CONTRACTORhas no authorityto sign any liabilityon the COUNTY. documentthat imposesany additional The CONTRACTOR shall retain full control over the employment, direction, compensationand dischargeof all personsassistingin the performanceof serviceby for all mattersrelatingto CONTRACTOR.The CONTRACTORshallbe fullyresponsible tax and all with SocialSecurity,withholding paymentof employees,includingcompliance governing The shall be CONTRACTOR such matters. regulations laws and other during term of and employees the its agents responsiblefor its own acts and those of this Agreement. 8 . I N D E M N I F I C A T I O NT. h e C O N T R A C T O Rs h a l l i n d e m n i f ya n d h o l d t h e C O U N T Y harmlessfrom any and all claims,lossesand causesof actionwhich may arise out of the performanceof this Agreement as a result of an act of negligence,of the CONTRACTOR, its employees, agenls, representatives,consultants, or its SUBCONTRACTORS. 9.INSURANCE. 9.01 CONTRACTORshall procureand maintainfor the durationof the Agreement,the followinginsurancecoverage: 9.01(a) Workers' Compensationlnsurancein compliancewith the applicable stateand federallaws per 9 . 0 1 ( b ) G e n e r a lL i a b i l i t yi n s u r a n c ei n a n a m o u n tn o l e s s t h a n $ 1 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 occurrence. 9.01(c) Coverage for business interruption,destructionof data processing equipmentand media, liabilitiesaffectingaccountsreceivable,contractsand independentcontractorsand, valuabledocumentsin an amount no less than $ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0a g g r e g a t e ; 9.01(d) Liabilitycoveragefor all vehicleswhetherowned, hired or used in the a m o u n to f $ 5 0 0 , 0 0 0a; n d 9.02 The policiesare to contain,or be endorsedto contain,the followingprovisions. Page3 of 14 9.02(a) GeneralLiabilityand AutomobileLiabilityCoverage(COUNTYis to be named as Additionallnsured). 1. The COUNTY,its officers,officials,employeesand volunteersare to be covered as additionalinsureds; liability arising out of activities includingthe insuredgeneral performedby or on behalfof the Contractor, supervisionof the Contractor;productsand completedoperationsof the Conlractor;premisesowned, occupiedor used by the Contractor;or automobilesowned, leased,hired or borrowedby the Contractor.The coverageshall containno speciallimitationson the scope of protections employeesor volunteers. affordedthe COUNTY,its officers,officials, 2. The Contractor'sinsurancecoverageshall be primaryinsuranceas respectsthe COUNTY,it officers,officials,employeesand volunteers. maintainedby the COUNTY,its officers, Any insuranceof self-insurance officials,employeesor volunteersshall be in excessof the Contractor's insuranceand shall not contributewith it. Contractorhereby waives rightsfor lossor damageagainstthe COUNTY. subrogation 3. Any failureto complywith reportingprovisionsof the policiesshall not affecl coverageprovidedto the COUNTY,its officers,officials,employees or volunteers. 4. The Contractor'sinsuranceshall apply separatelyto each insured againstwhom a claim is made or suit is brought,exceptwith respectto the limitsof the insurer'sliability. 5. Companiesissuingthe insurancepolicy,or policies,shall have no recourseagainstthe COUNTYfor paymentof premiumsor assessments and risk of for any deductibleswith are all at the sole responsibility Contractor. 9.02(b) All Coverage 1. Each insurancepolicyrequiredby this clause shall be endorsedto stale that coverageshall not be suspended,voided,canceledby either party, reduced in coverageor in limits except after thirty (30) days prior written notice by certifiedmail, return receipt requested,has been given to the COUNTY. Contractorshall furnish the COUNTY with certificatesof insuranceand with original endorsements effecting coverage required by this clause. The certificates and for each insurancepolicyare to be signedby a personauthorizedby that endorsements insurer to bind coverageon its behalf.All certificatesand endorsementsare to be received and approved by the COUNTY before work commences.The COUNTY reservesthe rightto requirecomplete,certifiedcopiesof all requiredinsurancepolicies at any time. . O N T R A C T O Rs h a l l b e r e q u i r e dt o w o r k i n 1 0 . O W N E R S H I PO F D O C U M E N T S C harmonywith other consultantsrelativeto providinginformationrequestedin a timely manner and in the specifiedform. The CONTRACTORagrees that any and all Page4 of 14 documents,records,disks, and electronicdata producedin the performanceof this Agreementshall be the sole propertyof the COUNTY,includingall rights therein of whateverkind exceptas may otherwisebe providedhereinafler. are made an integralpartof this The followingnamedattachments 11. ATTACHMENTS. Agreement: A. Scopeof Services(ExhibitA attachedheretoand madea part hereof) B. BusinessAssociateAgreement(Exhibit B attachedherelo and made a part hereof) C. MiramarAgreement,dated June 8th, 2007 (Exhibit C attachedhereto and made a part hereof) 12. TERMINATION.Duringthe time of this agreementthe COUNTYmay terminaiethis or for defaultafterfirstgivingto CONTRACTORthirty Agreementeitherfor convenience (30)dayswrittennotice. For cases of default,the CONTRACTORshall be given opportunityto cure the default within the thirty (30) day period followingsuch written notice. In the event the acts defaultare a violationof law, CONTRACTORshallbe subjectto immediate constituting of termination Agreement. Upon terminationfor any cause,the CONTRACTORshall submit an invoice(s)to the COUNTY in an amount(s) representingfees for services aclually performed or for whichthe CONTRACTORhas obligationsincurredto the date of effectivetermination payment all sums found due, the COUNTY of not been previouslycompensated.Upon financialor othenryise. shallbe underno furtherobligationto the CONTRACTOR, For purposesof this section,the noticeperiodbeginswhen the CONTRACTORreceives writtennoticefrom the COUNTY. S h A IbI E F O R C E S .N e i t h e trh e C O U N T YN O rC O N T R A C T O R 13. UNCONTROLLABLE performance shall of in failure if or delays Agreement of this in default to be considered of reasonable exercise by the of which, effect the Forces, be due to Uncontrollable Forces" party could not avoid.The term "Uncontrollable diligence,the non-performing a party performance by or delayof shallmean any eventwhich resultsin the prevention of its obligationsunder this Agreementand which is beyondthe reasonablecontrolof storms, party.lt includes,but is not limitedto fire,flood,earthquakes, the non-performing governmental and terrorism sabotage, disturbance, war, riot, civil lightning,epidemic, actions. is due to if non-performance Neitherpartyshall,however,be excusedfrom performance non-performing which the nor preventable, remediable or removable, forces that are party could have, with the exerciseof reasonablediligence,prevented,removed,or partyshall,withina reasonable remediedwith reasonabledispatch.The non-performing force, give performance an uncontrollable by prevented from or delayed of being time forces uncontrollable and party the circumstances describing written noticeto the other of thisAgreement. of the obligations preventingcontinuedperformance Page5 of 14 to the 1 4 . J U R I S D I C T | O NV, E N U E a n d C H O I C EO F L A W . A l l q u e s t i o n sp e r t a i n i n g with the of this Agreementshallbe determinedin accordance validityand interpretations tawsof the Stateof Florida.Any legalactionby eitherpartyagainstthe otherconcerning this agreementshallbe filedin BrowardCounty,Florida,which shall be deemedproper jurisdiction and venuefor the action. 1 5 . A S S I G N M E N TO F A G R E E M E N T .E x c e p tt o a p a r e n t ,s u b s i d i a r Yo,r a f f i l i a t et,h e disposeof this Agreementor CONTMCTOR shallnot sell,transfer,assignor othenryise any part thereofor work providedtherein,or of its right,title or interesttherein,unless otherwiseprovidedin the Agreement,withoutexpresspriorconsentby the COUNTY. any other provisionset forth in this 16. SOVEREIGNIMMUNITY. Notwithstanding Agreement,nothingcontainedin this Agreementshall be construedas a waiverof the CbUrufy's rightto sovereignimmunityunderSection768.28,FloridaStatutes,or other limitationsimposedon the COUNTY'spotentialliabilityunder state or federallaw. As such, the COUNTY shall not be liableunderthis Agreementfor punitivedamagesor interestfor the periodbeforejudgment. Further,the COUNTYshallnot be liablefor any claim or judgment,or portionthereof,to any one personfor more than one hundred thousanddollars($100,00000),or any claim or judgment,or portionthereof,which, when totaledwith all other claimsor judgmentspaid by the State or its agenciesand subdivisionsarisingout of the same incidentor occurrence,exceedsthe sum of two hundredthousanddollars($200,000.00).This paragraphshall surviveterminationof this Agreement. 17. NOTIGES.All noticespertainingto this Agreementshall be deliveredor mailedto such partyat theirrespectiveaddressas follows: To the COUNTY: CountyAdministrator OkeechobeeCountY Street 304 N.W.2no Okeechobee,FL 34972 (Phone) (863)763-6441 To the CONTRACTOR. B r a dW i l l i a m s Vice President,Finance Inc. AdvancedData Processing, S u l i g h w a y , i t e1 0 0 2 , 6 4 5 1N . F e d e r aH Florida33008 Ft. Lauderdale, 18. PIGGYBACK.CONTRACTORherebyextendsto COUNTYthe termsand conditions of the MiramarAgreementwith the exceptionof Compensationand Paymentswhich shallbe governedby this Agreement.Whereany conflictexistsbetweenthis Agreement and the MiramarAgreement,this Agreementshallprevail. Paoe6 of 14 that they have represents CONTRACTOR AND WARRANTY. 19. REPESENTATTON but not including, experienceand agreesto followall Federal,Stateand LocalLaws to discriminalion. limitedto, PublicRecordsLawsandthoselawsandstatutesapplicable 20. SEVERABILIW.Shouldany part,term or provisionof this Agreementbe by the courtsdecidedto be illegalor in conflictwithany law of the Stateof Florida,the validity portionsor provisions shallnotbe affectedthereby. of the remaining betweenthe theentireagreement contains ThisAgreement 21. ENTIREAGREEMENT. that in enteringinto this Agreementit has not represents parties.The CONTRACTOR inducementsor relied on any previous oral andlor implied representations, or nature. kind of any understandings [signature pages to follow] Page7 of 14 the COUNTYhas causedthis Agreementto be lN WITNESSOF THE FOREGOING, signedby its CountyManager,attestedby the CountyClerkwith the corporateseal of the OkeechobeeCounty,and the CONTRACTORhas executedthis Agreementeffective as of the date set forth above. OKEECHOBEECOUNTY,FLORIDA By: COUNTYMANAGER ATTEST: (sEAL) BY: COUNTYCLERK GONTRAGTOR: Advanced Data Processing, Inc. A DelawareCorporation DOUGSHAMON PRESIDENT (coRPoRATE SEAL) STATE OF FLORIDA MIAMI-DADEGOUNTY BEFORE ME, an officer duly authorizedby law to administeroaths and take acknowledgments,personallyappeared Doug Shamon, as President of Advanced Data Processing, Inc., a Delaware corporation,and acknowledgedexecutionof the foregoingAgreement for the use and purposesmentionedin it and that the instrument is the act and deed of the Contractor. lN WITNESSOF THE FOREGOING,I have set my hand and officialseal at in 2007. the State and Countyaforesaidon NotaryPublic,Stateof Floridaat Large My Commission expires: Page8 of 14 At scope of services Exhibit Contractor shall provide complete medical billing and accounts receivable management services for COUNTY's fire rescue services in accordance with the responsibilities outli ned below. C o ntra ctor's ResPon si b i I iti es : Contraclor will provide timely and accurate billing services for emergency medical treatment and transport services utilizing information provided by COUNTY and informationobtainedfrom other reliablesources including: All serviceswill be providedas stated in the Proposalfor Billingand CollectionServicesfor AmbulanceServices submittedto the COUNTY on February 23, 2007 The following is a summaryof theseresPonsibilities: l. provide billing and accounts receivablemanagement services to COUNTY as basis' requiredon a case-bY-case 2. with payors(e g. Medicare, and agreements Ensurethat all requireddocumentation that the COUNTYis kept and maintained and filed are etc.) Champus, Medicaid, apprisedof importantchangesto industryregulations' 3. Ensureknowledgeof differentindustryinsuranceplans and will ensurethat every billableclaimis Pursued. 4. provide reasonablynecessarytraining periodically,as requestedby COUNTY, to COUNTy's EmergencyMedicalpersonnelregardingthe gatheringof the necessary informationand propercompletionof run tickets 5. provide prompt submissionof Medicare,Medicaid and insuranceclaims after receivingcompletedrun ticket and correspondinginsuranceclaim information Secondiry insuranceproviderclaimsshall be submittedafter the primaryinsurance providerhas Paid. 6. Providefollow-upon rejectedand inactiveclaims' 1. Utilize most up-to-date knowledge and information with regard to coding requrrementsand standards,to ensure compliancewith applicableFederal,State and localregulations. g. Reconcilethe numberof transportsprocessedwith those received g. concerns liaisonfor patienUpayor Providea designated 10. claims inquiryservicesand prepareadditionalthird-party Provideallcustomer-related exchange. information on this based payment patient arrangements or provide a toll free telephonenumberfor patientsto be answeredas designatedby the COUNTY. ll. 12. Facilitateproper security of confidentialinformationand proper shreddingof all disposedmaterialscontainingsuch information. t3. Establisharrangementswith hospitalsto obtain/verifypatientinsuranceand contact information. 14. Respondto any COUNTYor patientinquiryor questionspromptly 15. Maintainappropriateaccountingproceduresfor reconcilingall deposits,receivables' and refunds patientaccounts,adjustments billings, 16. provide access to COUNTY for all requestedinformationin order for COUNTY to perform appropriateand periodic audits. Reasonable notice will be given to bOUfnnCfOR for any plannedauditand will be conductedduringnormalbusiness hoursof CONTRACTOR t1 providetimely comprehensivereportsfacilitatingall requiredaspects of monitoring, auOitingand managingthe servicesprovided.Processrefundrequests evaluating, each refundrequested. substantiating and provilethe COUNTYwith documentation 18. provide COUNTY all unpaid invoicesalong with the complete processinghistory once collectioneffortsare exhausted. SpecificScopeComPliance The CONTRACTORwill providethe specificservlces: to the COUNTY'Sassigned 1. Assign billingpatientnumbersprovidingcross-reference numbers. transport for obtainingmissingor incompleteinsuranceinformation. 2. Maintainresponsibility 3. Provideaccuratecodingof medicalclaims for fee schedulechangesand regularlyadviseon changesin 4. Make recommendations regulations statutesand industry eitherwrittenor verbal 5. Respondto all patients'requestsand inquiries, pay full 6. Negotiateand arrangemodifiedpaymentschedulesfor individualsunableto amountwhen billed. 7. Retain all accounts for a minimum of six (6) months (unless othenryisespecifiedby mutual agreement)and after six (6) months (but in no case more than twelve (12) months)iurn over accountsfor which no collectionhas been made (unlessinsurance paymentis Pending). 8 providefor facilitiesto permitreal{ime read only electroniclook-upaccess by COUNTY to CONTRACTOR'Ssystemto obtainpatientdata and billinginformation g. Maintain records in an electronicformat that is readily accessible by the COUNTY personneland that meets all federal and state requirementsfor maintainingpatient medicalrecords. and originaldocumentation 10 Maintaindailydepositcontrolsheets 11. Create,implementand complywith a CompliancePlan consistentwith the intentand activitiesincluded in the U S Office of lnspectorGeneral (OlG) ComplianceProgram Guidancefor ThirdPartyMedicalBillingCompanies63 FR 70138;(December18, 1998). Page2 ot 14 COU NTY's Responsrbi I ities : 1. COUNTYwill provideContractorwith patientencounterinformationon a timely basis and in sufficientdetailto supportdiagnosisand procedure coding. COUNTY will also providepatient demographicinformation necessary for accuratepatientidentification includingname,address,social securitynumber,date of birth,and telephonenumber. Where possible, COUNTYwill obtainand providecontractorwith patienthealthinsurance, information. autoinsurance. or otherinsurance 2. COUNTYwill provideContractor withnecessary documentsrequiredby third partiesto allowfor the electronic filingof claimsby Contractor on COUNTY's behalf. 3. COUNTYwill provideContractorwith its approvedbilling policiesand procedures includingfee schedulesand collectionprotocols.COUNTYwill be responsible for engaginganythirdpartycollection servicefor uncollectible its collection accountsaflerContracthasexhausted efforts. 4. COUNTYwill timely processrefundsidentifiedby Contractorfor account overpayments. andwill instructLock 5. COUNTYwill providea LockBoxaddressto Contractor Boxto fonryard all LockBoxdocuments to Contractor for processing. with DailyBank BalanceReporting 6. COUNTYwill provideCONTRACTOR viathe bank'sdesignated website. capabilities 7. COUNTYwill cooperatewith Contractorin all mattersto ensureproper withlawsand regulations. compliance Page3 of 14 E x h i b i tB Business Associate Addendum CONTRACTORthe "BusinessAssociate"and COUNTYherebyadd the following additionallanguageto the Agreement. 1. CONTRACTORshallcarryout its obligations underthis Addendumin pursuantto PublicLaw 104-191of compliance with the privacyregulations August21, 1996,knownas the HealthInsurancePortability and Accountability Act of 1996,SubtitleF - Administrative Simplification, Sections261,et seq.,as amended("HlPA4";,to protectthe privacyof any personallyidentifiable protectedhealthinformation("PHl")that is collected,processedor learnedas a resultof the BillingServicesprovidedhereunder.In conformitytherewith, CONTRACTORagreesthat it will. a. Not use or furtherdisclosePHI exceptas permittedunderthis Addendumor requiredby law; safeguardsto preventuse or disclosureof PHI exceptas b. Use appropriate permittedby this Addendum; c. To mitigate,to the extentpracticable,any harmfuleffectthat is knownto CONTRACTORof a use or disclosureof PHI by CONTRACTORin violationof thisAddendum. d. Reportto COUNTYany use or disclosureof PHI not providedfor by this Addendumof whichCONTRACTORbecomesaware; e. Ensurethat any agentsor subcontractors to whom CONTRACTORprovidesPHl, who have or accessto PHl, agreeto the same restrictions and conditions that applyto CONTRACTORwith respectto such PHI; f. Make PHI availableto COUNTYand to the individual who has a rightof access as requiredunderHIPAAwithin30 daysof the requestby COUNTYregarding the individual; g Incorporate any amendmentsto PHI when notifiedto do so by COUNTY; h. Providean accountingof all usesor disclosures of PHI made by CONTRACTOR as requiredunderthe HIPAAprivacyrulewithinsixty(60)days; i. Maketheirinternalpractices,booksand recordsrelatingto the use and disclosureof PHI availableto the Secretaryof the Departmentof Healthand HumanServicesfor purposesof determining CONTRACTOR's and COUNTY's compliancewith HIPAA;and j At the terminationof the Agreement,returnor destroyall PHI receivedfrom, or createdor receivedby CONTRACTORon behalfof COUNTY,and if returnis infeasible, the protections of thisAddendumwill extendto such pHl. Page4 ot 14 2. of PHIthatmaybe madeby CONTRACTOR Thespecificusesanddisclosures on behalfof COUNTYinclude: carriers,insurersandothersresponsible of invoicesto patients, a. The preparation of theservicesprovidedby COUNTYto its for paymentor reimbursement patients; pertaining of to collections of remindernoticesanddocuments b. Preparation overdueaccounts; to carriers,insurersand other documentation of supporting c. The submission payersto substantiate the healthcareservicesprovidedby COUNTYto its patientsor to appealdenialsof paymentfor same. of CONTMCTORas business d. Usesrequiredfor the propermanagement associate. by the HIPAAprivacyrule. of PHIas permitted e. Otherusesor disclosures 3. maybe theAgreement of thisAddendum, anyotherprovisions Notwithstanding provision of this violated a term or has by COUNTYif CONTRACTOR terminated underthe HIPM materialobligations to CONTRACTOR's Addendumpertaining privacyrule,or if CONTRACTOR engagesin conductwhichwould,if committed by COUNTY,resultin a violationof the HIPAAprivacyruleby COUNTY. Page5 of 14 E x h i bci tr M i r a m a r A g r e e m e n t Page6 of 14 Subject: Capnography rrEMlg The Statehasa new requirementfor Fire Rescue'sLifepack 12's. It is capnography, which is a devicethat measuresthe build-up of COZin an intubatedpatient. The new requirementis effective l/1108. We knew that the hequirementwas going to be initiated and budgetedfor it. We requirefive of the devicesat$4,274.50eachfor a total of $21,372.50installed. We wish to purchasethe devicesfrom Medtonic EmergencyResponseSystemswho are devices. the solesourcefor the Lifepack l2's we useandthe capnography RECOMMEI{DATION: That the BOCC approvethe purchaseof five capnography devicesfrom Medtonic EmergencyResponseSystemsat$4,274.50eachfor a total of installed. $21,372.50 Approvedfor Agenda Item /8 rU08/07 Pagelof I CountyAdministator MSN Hotrnail - Messase Page1 ofl MsNHomeIMyMSN lHobnait lshopping I MoneyI People&chat lrl5-l Hotmail websearch: l-Sgl r,r d a vIl M a i l l|C a l e n d a |r l .on,"*| Options I Help I FreeNewsletters bigugmug@hotmail com nepV | & & GI ReplyAllI Lil ForwardI X oetete I H:unk I Eb putinFolder- ; S erintview I IGsaveAddress fne senderof this me$age, susan.cote@medtronic.com, couldnot be verifiedby SenderID. Learnmore abor.rtSenderID. From: cote,susan<susan.cote@medtronic.com> Sent: Thursday,October18,20O7l2:l6PM To : "Arthur Borgstrom"<bigugmug@hotmail.com> RE:Pricequote Subject: +lqlX I EtnUox Hi Lt. Borgstrom Westartedshippingvariousproducts TheunitupgradepricingforCO2ie942T4.50perLPl2/forTunitsitwouldbe$29,921.50. abouttwo monthsago andcan installsomeupgrades.We expeclto begininstallingCO2UPGsaboutJanuary.We do haveword who havethe upgradeson orderas of Jan08 will be el[ible br an extensionto the fromthe state/Chief Bixler,thatour customers rule. I hop6this helps! Callme on the cellwithfurtherquestions. SusanCote AccountConsultant MedtronicEmergencyResponseSystems 800442-1142.x72485 407497-2636cf,ll www.medtroni@rs.c,om TO RECEIVE PRODUCT VIAEMAILONTHEAHASOFTWARE CHANGESwww.aedhelp.com/AHA REGISTER UPDATES From:ArthurBorgstrom Imailto:bigugmug@hotmail.com] Sene Wednesday, OctoberL7,20071:43PM To: @te, Susan Subject Pricequote HeySusan, I rEed up to date pricirq for end tidal CO2and the approximatetime of delia/ery. This will be fEb installation for 7 units. Th€ r€ason I 6k about the delie\rery Ume is that I have been hearing that Physohas been closed down for the last year and there have been delays in deliwery of accessories.As you know, we are to have end tidal CO2 by I Jan. 08 Thanksfor your help. Lt. Borgstrom PSHereis my Emailfor the department, rborgstrom@co.okeechobee.fl.us Makeevery IM counl DownloadMessengerand join the i'm Initiative now. Itt free. AND PRIVACYNOTICE CONFIDETITIALITY Informationtransmiftedby this emailis proprietaryto Medtronicand is intendedfor use only by the individualor entity to which it is addressed,and may contain information that b private, privileged, confidential or exempt from disclosureunder applicablelaw. If you are not the intended recipientor it appears that this mail has been fonvarded to you withorrt proper authority, you are notified that arry use or disseminationof this information in any manner is strictv prohibited. In srch cases,pleasedelete this mail from your records. To view this noticein other langu.rgesyou can either selectthe followinglink or manuallycopy and pastethe link into the addressbar of a web browser: httr ://emaildisclaimer. medtronic.com &r&rl3 4l?lXlbtnuox Get the lat€st updates from MSN MSNHome IMyMSN I Hotmail lSearch lShopping I Money I People&Chat Feedback I Help OF USE AdvertiseTRUSTeApprovedPrivacyStatement GetNetwiseAnti-SpamPolicy O 2007 MicrosoftTERMS http://blll6fd.blul l6.hotrnail.msn.com/cgi-bin/getrnsg?msg:48901388-5DBC-4305-878... 1012112007 EFFECTTVE 10-16-2007 EmergencyMedicalServices TABLEII GROUNDVEHICLE ALS EQUIPMENT AND MEDICATIONS MEDICATION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. AtropineSulfate. Dextrose,50percent. Epinephrine HCL. Epinephrine HCL. Ventriculardysrhythmic. Benzodiazepine sedative/ anticonvulsant. 7. Naloxone(Narcan). 8. Nitroglycerin. 9. lnhalantbetaadrenergic agentwith nebulizer apparatus,as approvedby the medicaldirector. WTA/OL 1:1,000 1:10,000 0.4 mg. l.V. Solutions 1. LactatedRingersor NormalSaline. EQUIPMENT QTY (a) Laryngoscope handlewith batteries. (b) Laryngoscope blades;adult,childand infantsizes. (c) Pediatricl.V. arm board or splintappropriatefor l.V. stabilization. (d) Disposableendotracheal tubes;adult,child and infantsizes. Thosebelow5.5 shallbe uncuffed. 2.5 mm - 5.0mm uncuffed;5.5mm - 7.0mm;7.5mm 9.0 mm. (e) Endotrachealtube styletspediatricand adult. (D Magillforceps,pediatricand adultsizes. (g) Devicefor intratracheal meconiumsuctioningin newboms. (h) Toumiquets. 0 l.V. cannulae14 thru24 gauge. 0) Microdripsets. (k) Macrodripsets. (l) l.V. pressureinfuser. QTY 10-16-2007 EFFECTIVE MedicalServices (m) Needles18 thru25 gauge. (n) Intraosseousandthreeway stop cocks. (effective01/01/2008). 11-19-01,6-3-02,12-18-06. WA98052 II8Il WillowsRoadNE, P.0. Box97006, Redmond. Tcl 4?5.867.4000 roll-fiec8OO,442,1 142 ysio-control,com {9utr.Fft OkeechobeeCounty Fire & Rescue Lt Borgshom 501 Nw 66 st Okeechobee,FL34972 Octob€r29,2007 To Lt. Borgstrom: In responseto your rec€ntrequest,I am writing to confirm that Physio-Control, division of Medtronic, Inc., is the only souroefrom which to obtain the LIFEPAK@ defibrillator/monitor family of products,including specifically, accessories(including batteriesand electrodes),repair parts & upgrades,and servicesin your marketplace.PhysieControl doesnot utilize the servicesof any authorizeddealersor distibutors in the saleof our productsin your marketplace. Bestregards, t L. Murray Lorance Sr. Pricing and Conhacting Manager Subject: AFFORDABLE HOUSING ADVISORY COMMITTEE APPOINTMENT(S) ITEM I C) Three (3) regular member vacanciesand one (1) alternatemember vacancy exist on the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee; terms to expire September 13,2009. The Advisory Committee shall review the establishedpolicies and procedures,ordinances, land development regulations, and adopted local government comprehensiveplan of the appointing local government and shall recommend specific initiatives to encourageor facilitate affordable housing while protecting the ability of the property to appreciatein value. Such recommendationsmay include the modification or repeal of existing policies, procedures, ordinances, regulations, or plan provisions; the creation of exceptionsapplicableto affordablehousing;or the adoptionof new policies, procedures, regulations,ordinances,or plan provisions. At a minimum, each advisory committee shall make recommendationson affordable housine incentives as outlined in Florida Statute420.9076. To comply with Florida Statute420.9076the governingboard of a county or municipality shall appoint the members of the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee by Resolution. The Committee must be comprised of individuals in connection with affordable housing and include one citizen engaged in the residential home building industry; one citizen who is actively engaged in the banking or mortgage banking industry; one citizen who is a representativeof those areasof labor actively engagedin home building; one citizen actively engagedas an advocatefor low-income persons;one citizen actively engaged as a for-profit provider of affordable housing; one citizen actively engagedas a not-for-profit provider of affordablehousing; one citizen actively engaged as a real estate professional; one citizen who actively serves on the local planning agency pursuant to s.163.3I74; and one citizen who resides within the jurisdiction of the local governingbody making the appointments. To date, one (1) application for appointment has been received: Designation Applicant Real estateprofessional Cindi Fairtrace RECOMMENDATION That the BOCC adopt a Resolution appointing up to one (1) regular member to the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee; term to expire September13,2009. Approved for Agenda ItemI J rU8/07 Page1 of 10 InterimCountyAdministrator RESOLUTION 2007.45 COUNTY THE BOARD OF A RESOLUTION OF COMMISSTONERS OF OKEECHOBEE COUNTY, FLORTDA, APPOINTING MEMBERS TO THE AFFORDABLE HOUSING ADVISORY COMMITTEE: PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE (o'Board")has previously WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners establishedan Okeechobee CountyAffordableHousingAdvisory Committeeto review, concerningpolicies, proceduresand specific monitor and provide recommendations County;and initiativesto encourage or facilitateaffordablehousingwithin Okeechobee WHEREAS, the Board must periodically appoint or reappoint citizens as membersof the AffordableHousingAdvisoryCommittee. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County of Okeechobee County,Florida: Commissioners SECTIONI That the following citizen(s)is herebyappointedto the Affordable Housing Advisory 13,2009. Committeefor a termto expireSeptember SECTIONII Thatthis resolutionshallbecomeeffectiveimmediatelyuponits adoption. RESOLVED this 8thdayof Novembe\ 2007. RayR. Domer, Charrman Board of Countv Commissioners ATTEST: SharonRobertson,Clerk Board of Countv Commissioners llapflliieie__$" OKEECHOBEECOUNTYBOARDSAND COMMITTEES September13,2007 AffordableHousinqAdvisorvCommittee/CDBG CitizensAdvisorvTaskForce- 3:00PM.2nd Tues.Hwv.98 Annex J u l i a nS t i n n e l person) (citizenilay 763-7003 9/13/09 634-1436 9/13/09 467-1171 9/13i09 1873NE3'dSt.,34972 697-2652 9/13/09 200NW ZidSt.,g+gzz 763-4021 9/13/09 6800NE 136nSt.,34972 6 10 - 0 5 6 7 9/13/09 8 1 0 S E 1 3 t hS t . ,3 4 9 7 4 ffi** Joey Hoover(C) 1 9 4 9S W 6 7 t hD r . ,3 4 9 7 4 (localplanningagencymember) S i s t e rE Sister Elinor l i n o rSevigny Sevigny P . O .B o x 1 5 1 5 ,3 4 9 7 3 -for-profitprovider) SylvesterButler (residential home builder) ieew trffifi Rev.Bruce Simpson resident) Iurisdiction JudeFischer erlmortgagelender) Aqri-GivicCenter Advisorv Gommittee- Meets 1st Thurs. 6 pm at Hwv. 98 Annex Mark Brandel(C) Jim Davis MelodyHodges SuzannaRucks J o h nH o l c o m b ReneeBurks FrankCunningham TerryBurroughs Cad Shumate Bill Phares CherylDaniels 2 5 2 5 N E 1 3 1 s tL a n e ,3 4 9 7 2 1 3 1 0N E 1 4 4 t hS t r e e t , 3 4 9 7 2 500 N. Parrott4ve..34972 1 1 5 5N W 1 6 0 t hS t . ,3 4 9 7 2 30395 NW 72noAve.,34972 7254 NW 30'nSt., 34972 8 1 0 S E 8 0 t hA v e . .3 4 9 7 4 2 6 6 1S E 2 4 t hB l v d . ,3 4 9 7 4 9 1 4 N W 5 0 ' nD r . .3 4 9 7 2 P . O .B o x 9 3 8 ,3 4 9 7 3 2975 SW 8'nSt.. 34974 CSBG Advisorv Board - (TripartiteBoard) N o e lC h a n d l e r TheresaBrown TulesSuarez 763-6796 763-6233or 634-7455 462-5330 763-6968or 634-0253 467-6565 634-7385 7 6 3 - 18 7 9 763-5055 763-4494 772-216-4845 467-4787 3/1/08 3/1/08 311111 311111 3/1/08 3t1t11 3/1/09 3t1t10 3/1/09 3t1t10 3t1t10 (TreasureCoast Communitv Services Aqencv Board) 304NW 2ndSt..34972 P.O.Box120 1013SW ParkSt..34974 763-6441 357-331 8 697-6593 3t1t? 311110 311110 Children's ServiceCouncil - Meets 5:00 PM. 1st Thurs.. School Board Office KizzyBoswell DonnaWatson Grace S. Larson 1 7 3 7N E 3 r d S t . ,3 4 9 7 2 2896 NW 36thAve.. 34972 10000 Hwy. 98 North,34972 763-7413 763-8260 763-7947 763-7413 MarvinWherrell (commissioner) 304 NW 2nd Street 763-1141 763-6441 iiiWo_tNiffi*fftrshH4'$, FYH 462-5131 763-7947 8t26t09 8t26t10 8t26t}8 NONE ?"-/ ?a1'" Q -', guEsTro![rdtrRE FOR OKEEC1EOBEECOITNIT BOARD A}ID COMMITTEE A.PPOINTIIEIITS BOARD OF COIIMIT COMIIISSIONERS COIIRTHOUSE' ROOUL06, OKEECEOBEE' FITORIDA 3L-972 * This information for the requested uEe black iak. 1. Board oi Lnceresc: will be puryoee used to provide of d,iscrimiaating statutoqf reporting and iE not Pleaee tlT)e or oD any basis. -, sqrnfteTerJ,Esfa/r current E\nployer and occupYrorrr k;khi Are you applying 4. for reappointmentr Veq * Do you have a d.ieabilitry? YeE @ 1g nyiErr, pleaee deEcribe your diEabilityElFat alryIicable. Dt, if appointment, * Male CFy. you for this rffi'\ Native-American/AlaEkan ;{'dG) Jr D=ne. would guatify Native *-----1 H i i. 6h! nl F- Pacifieie Islander I .America-n Aeian/Pacif Africa.n'American Do you Dow, or lrave you, within the laet three years, been a member of any that, to your knowledge, in practice or policy, ch:b or orga.nizatrion memberehip or reeEricted. memberehip during the time that you restricts aational origin, or gender? belonged oa the baEis of race, religion, tbe name a.nd Bature of the club (e) or Bo, deuail If YeE -luo) policies and practices, and state wb.ether you organ:iE-ation(s) , relevant aE a member if you are appointed to a cou:lty board or intend to continue comnittee by the Board of County Commiesiorers. n' r. Ctrvll [fltftru cornrnoalyused (pleaee ce priat) QITESEIOTUIAIREFOR BOARD OF eOE!f,rY CO!ilIEISSIONAPPOMTIIENIIS Board of countlt wiII be uEed by-the questiorrnaire from thie Tbe information MUST questionoaire Tbe your appointment. on action i" a;r*f ;f#;" rrnot ilDoDett appropriate' wbere appricabre" or F.T]T,!. .a3i1er, ii"-Eor,lpr,erED rN "ooiid.ering: Flease tl?-Gr Priat La black iak' to/rs1p7 Date CoEtPreced Name: ., h' I vriddle/Maid [-] i fd t 1ar.dffi)rrus. t ^=x V{,I(tICtd,rirst BuEinees Address: 34qT! lg(ilgfuivoflave 9Wctfi<e City ef Street *'*.'( relephoae Zip Code =ia 4b2Z 8b$ F1t Resid.ence MdresE: 64q1Ll FL ,J&1hEa{$auq Zip Qit ef?-Ei Code .(gUl)SSl ^ 45? 7 relepho'e Number fuecify tlre preferred A. List Farc # Resideace BUEi-neEs 4. addrese : mailing al'I Your Places laet of From Address .L , t lvl@t4 4ffireattb(w( tffietttb (5) five t"l.t(o 5+. your former -maintained a.sd eurrenL reBidencee outside at aay time during adulthood' |ril-rr L of Fl-orida -/ ./ Placeof Birth:Oat<land CO, Hf Dareof Birrb: llzl nul Driver License. NrrmbertFloy(o-tot-;&5UZ-O 1 (ff -*? vott ever To F'rom Qfa|a tbat lesuing State, uEed or been known by asry other If nYeE tr E:cPJ-ai legal VlOndCl name? qn-pt^i Mfu+Crno/drrt a United you Are I . StateE /vaa catj-zen'? If I rtNoil Explain ,you are a natruralized If date of naturalizatrLon: citizen' resident wh.at year have you been a continuous Since of rloridal [Qg I voter? tg Florid'a A::re you a registered If ilYesr listr -'/ colnty of registf?!1on I O\eeclncDe< Tzmgrlt current taitf af trliation A. B, to reEist-rati'on 4'!E4 -ior appoistseat oheecbobee county voter Autbority' oEvelopment *a ladusrffiI e;;"i-f Touris' DevetopmE't Note: Education l-L. ai1 Poscee List B. 4 tt{L ,Are ]rou Staces? 1) .8. Branch C. Date & tYPe of FaAer='l / Itva'1 \4erB$v less 'n=i- If of the United i l y e SI ' I i E t : se:-rice: Dates oi or a memberof tbe armed forces ev2lqen ( q=-/ bawe You Yes A. Have l-3. or cofiIponentr: discbarge: of any cbarged''- or indictred for violation ordinance? or law' reg:uracion' *t*;tpii cotmEy, titi.iit a fine or Zrv:1 penaity of $i50 o= violatron!-:o= rf trYesrr giive detaiis : -;;' You ever been arrested, state, i=aflic ) waE "iia. :rrie F D'l ane Disposition Natrufe 'in T JIL+ r I' Are you currently r-r,etn*"{i;;;;iJ;--i) ( 6) Realtor ) \\ L4. employed ae (circle al-l that appi'y) BusiaesE PerBon 4) Ensineer liloLe: PersotrE in tb.e abowe d'isciplioes Esforcenes't Board Are you currenily Doc:or 2) uld.ical Notse: em-oloyed aE-(circle 3) Enginee= preferred all for l-) Arebitect 5) sub-contractor appoiatureat to code iha*- aPPIy) for preferred' d'iecipliaes t'ne abowe in Persose goardi be recctsesdEd sust Co:etsrol goviroasresuai-C"tt'oiy pro f es s ioaal orgaai zatios' oheecbobe. 1) nts+^#att 6L9Vrse.l --o appeiatment b'y reePectiwe check Please Acuively a-ii.v"fi' aII trhat engaged enga.ged ii-iE"iEi.nti--ive -o==i-*""=o aPPIY: in in the the reEid'ential ba;nhing or of those areae of advocate lor iow-income of afford'able nous:ng Pi""-ia"t Real estate Professional -\/ the above d.isciplines Notse: pergoas in Cmitstae llouEisg Aflordable L',l. buiJ-d.ing induetry iaduscry mosEgage '1 abor engageC in home 'bu:-rcling hafcanQ pref erred f,or to appoiat'meat C o n e e r n i n g y o u r c a l r r e n t e m p l o y e r a n d f o r a l l - o frr"*=, V o u 5 e 1business 9 1 : n : i : - d t radd'ress, ingthe tlpe of yoTr_ =*pi"ir"tri list five years, last Use emplcr'ment' of period(s) ana oi job tili;,o""'pitl"tr business, sheet :f necessa=1'' add.itional Gr'}<- '|?'u'utf €staLY - lQO! rci"a'a: c4rrnc-f#,);.$f.^ Vu Strezt '0a'*tvu-Iis, \'""- rT? ffi Plcnnn'rnq + pv<-tq>o Aw-rctvrxL tta,-u*f-' Oo,-te Mrltti lltD:i /Lto\l\spzc,f,rj2-tstLAakcr T*tL' I t or iocal gowernmencal d'istrict' 'Cq by anv state' llave you ever been enployed uYes Ehe posltron(s) , tne identify if ' i-." " -it' Florid.E acrencv in employment: of period(s) bgedey, and the iir.--*pr"ying i]i'iiit Position a T1 period of Ernolorrment // -/ -r-o tbe relating -d-o) anY awarrts or recogElitions Eave you received r r Y e s r r , list: If Yes aPPointment? of tnis matter subject rA art i frr a l l a s s o c i a t i o n m e m b e r s h i p s a n d a s s o c i a t i o n o f f i c e s h e l d b y you tshat relate to uhls aPPoiniment: -/ -/ -,a tl^ a,Arl Frr+rentf rr hold -;;?-i'i-f='federal tn ilitt=li t r Y e s r r, I i e t If -e ^v s1e !Jn, t - w . F lJ. :I !€ '1 or civilEqsrice, (L : d - ,isc=ict, s:aigr r,A,t? ser-vice Jvs! -^.'--.i'l uv|4r gg+ (appoinr:.ve, or posicion or anl' fofeigne gowernmenu? Yes Eiave you eve,r-been eleeted y;;-d--*ii;'-y=_=", Erare? Ar *=rrnointrme]:].t, EeIm oI !,rY--! A. 9t an ofiice 1! v c/ l in this anv public office or appoiTsedJo elecr-ion of date Li.-tIe, che of-fice stite (crt1z, and ]-evel of government office, f! aeAsa s r =!] b F l , ,l . board.(s) , was on art acpoinzeo commit*-ee(s) , cr . ' How frequently were meetings scheduJred' / scheduled meetingE, staEe If you missed ar:y of the regrularly Ehe number y9u missed' you attended, meetings lfre'numUer of and the reason(s) for your absence(s) . .a' Attended Meetinqs Reason Meeti-nqs Missed for Absence -/ 22. of Part lff, cause ewer been fouad that you were in violation Has probable asd Employees? tbe Code of Ethics f-or Puirl-ic officers r-l=n--er 11!, F.S., rf t'Yesn, give details: Yes' ,,fD Natu=e of Violation ./ ') ? ![=rre ll$sq n r u' n 2L-. you ever been suspended from aay puJrl-ic a€€i aa? Vac 1 . , iF f . rip9. ll , Trcie of office: Dace of su-BPerrsion: sr:sPension: ReaEon for Reinslated Resu1t: '/ ,/ ./ Ilave you ever been refused a fidel,iEy, rf rtYesrr, e:cPlain: Yee Resigned Remowed surety, performance' or other bond? @ zs. license or Have you held or do you hold an occrrpational or professional Florida? in agency govelrlmental local or Etate isErreC by any certificate issue date, nysgrr, provide ehe titl-e asd number, original q|'"]>--N;-If -iuthority. acri.on (fine, probation, l;f. aay disciplinary issuine Er taken against you by che been ever has di"b.r*ent) =".tro.-tioo, the action takea: of da-'e and type "r.=p=11=ioo," tbe strate autbority, issling License/Certificate 9-ZI5>5ZO e Number Rec; tzq1a.\<- S<"t<s Title Action/Date ^ i oriqinai_ IsFue Date :*lt6le'l Iesuinq AUlhqEitr Disciplina +i[';i t , r, '\6=oc(c,.tsc- s-t.,cr.\* hbai,cu qz1 ehe during 2 6 ' A ' I t a v e y o ' u h i c h y o u h a v e b e e n a n - o w n e r , o f f iual c e = ,or o r ot-rrEr- d.it""t dealings employer :'n agency governmental loca1 or y scate for last been you have wmch ice or a!e9eV--qo rrYesr' ' Florida '€!) rf No poinumenii appoincr exPiain:n,\.\ q is PtCI-nn\nq lX-rv"e-l@tn'a-rrli-- p"*Ti Nameof BuFine.ss zypgltfJl?q-itr.,-t parenfs(s) ' child' or:r immediate famillr or I arry contractual years wich any sEate uaing rh" off_1"_=-.:: seeKulg are C cr nl llave members of your imme6 siblings (s) ' or businessee have been owners, officers otner direct d'eal-ings durir aggr or locar governmeotir you-] wfricl'-to agency ve!'-Co aPficrn-'rnent-r B. any level 2 , T . t i a v e y o u e v e r b e e n a r e g i s t e r e d l o b } y i s t o r h atrhe v e y opast u ] - o bfive b i e d a t(s) t,r*JairGgof qovernrnent at "rry any comPensation other Did you receive A. Lrcp;,sesr '8. Yes Name of agency rePresented: Aqencv +.,1-r !J9s t-a'l Illg*4ev +L*aa etllev rrAa relatrives 2 E No or than tJl * entity you lobbied P=:-neioai Trobbied years? YeE reimbursement ror and trhe principal(s) you R'eo=esen--eo the past five (5) years ' persons who lrave known you well within Exclude your and telephone number' currenE, compJetr.-;adt='; aad emPloYees oi "'he Ccul:Y*' Mailinq Name Address lNM6ibTbv, qvg Nrp 3rddz. Dc.trrdlto3 =. kerulctn {rt tctrcrcr\ rDNG t3,sth.:i-' 1 N a m e a n y b u s i n e s s , p r o f e s s i o s a l ' o c e u P aat i omitber' n a l ' c i v i cor ' o r of f r a twbich e r n a l you have been of which-you orsanizatioo(E) "="-"ow (si, years, the org-anization address(es) ' and -*Lm6.isi1ip(s) lrast five. a riember during the Eheet if necessaaa/) (,";;;,daitionJr . of your .ate(s) Name UAg-IJation i k'soitc.-f-io-n o'fk<c-,tt'r,f'J Mailinq Address Datre(s) of ffiEGi .serd.s tFrm_- .'M)U) lviembessnrP r'1 Ph"r*r \&:a-??(-t"=r I know of a:ty- reason why you w!I!' Dot' be abie oo'you t'o wb'ich you or posiuion of trbe office Etti"= trvesrt, eqllaia: I! Yes -gSlolnued? ry ?n =: =eTi:=ei d.rsciolure :--. bi.' iaw 9=-adrnilist=all-ve sta-Lemer':{}<y '-o trhe to ac,ieod fuiiY be hawe been ar will you wiLl :ruIe' ii''l a fin=nli='1 Nc CERTIFICATION STAEE OF EIJORIDA' coultrrY OF m e , E b e r:ndersigme@ Before aPPeareo wh.o, after being dulY and /she has carefully t swora, says: read the Erlswers Eo t'be prepared'or personally (2) Ehat tb'e information ioregoing- questions; in said answers is cofiqllete and tnre; coutliaed lll ali and (3) suDDort Sworn uo and sr.:bscribed ' 0F before Ersonaiiy d: aE arl aopointee, thaE be/sbe wi}lr of cbe Uai-ted ihe Coastiiucione tbe SEate of Florida. me ,zo-aJ-. State of Florida (priar, rEi, or strarTP -$$w*_,:vffflffslfttft"r NotaF/ PubLic) l'ly ccnunission 6-ts"rr:llyllgf \pe of g--9n.)Produced. ldentification # 0D616797 doimission ,.:TA"ttif, ?hffi;.FJqlffi lL?H,.1'fr?91 e:<pires t- ldentification Produced ( seaL ) Ei1!r \qu!!ei6.!oa ful!'y St'aces Applicant- MarthaSantaGruz Subject: S.H.|.P.Rehabilitation ttem: AO and S.H.l.P.applicant thatthe BOCCtakeactionon the following It is herebyrecommended bid(s)as follows. FL 34974 881SW SthAvenue,Okeechobee, MarthaSantaCruz, S.H.l.P.Applicant(s): in orderto Ms. SantaCruzhas appliedwith the S.H.l.P.Programto receivegrantassistance by the conducted inspection by an were identified that violations code correctseveral Department. CountyCodeCompliance Okeechobee was pre-bidmeetingannouncement to bid,a mandatory To give localvendorsan opportunity LLC. was in pubiisnedin the OkeechobeeNews and one (1) firm Coral Key Construction, attendance. which Department, The bid packagewas reviewedwith the CountyCapitallmprovements prior other for received bids expresseda concernwith the total repaircostsas comparedto plumbing work to and throughthe program(itemssuchas roofreplacement, homescompleted be completed).Therefore,staffrequestthe BOCCrejectthe bid receivedand authorizestaffto rebidthe project. Recommendations: That the BOCC reject bid receivedfrom Coral Key Construction,LLC. and authorizestaff to rebid project. Approvedfor Agenda InterimCountyAdministrator Item AO 11togtl7 Page1 of 1 Subject: Item 2 I Requestfor approval of Letter of Intent to Waste Managementrlnc for discussionof Solid Waste Contract Terms and Renewal. The confiact wittr WasteManagement,lnc. for Solid Waste& RecyclingCollection Serviceswill be up for renewalon September30, 2008.The first renewaloption shall commerpeon October l, 2008 and shall be for a two (2) year period as statedin SectionI A. & B. of the First Amendmentto the Solid Waste& RecyclingCollection Contact. Attachedfor the Board's review and approvalis a copy of the Letter of lntent to be forwardedto the Representativeof WasteManagement,Inc to begin renewaldiscussionsas soon as possibleand to finalizethe termsof the conhactrenewalon or beforeJanuary15,2008. RECOMMEITTDATION: That the BOCC approveand authorizeStaff to submitthe Letter of Intent to WasteManagement,Inc to begin the contractdiscussionprocessfor the ContractRenewalfor Solid Waste& Recycling CollectionServices. Approvedfor Agenda Item & I 1l-08-2007 PageI of8 Interim CountyAdministrator Boardof CountyCommissioners OkeechobeeCounty 304N.W.2ndSfteet Okeechobee, Florida34972 863-763-6441 Fax863-763-9529 October29,2007 Mr. Jeff Sabin,PublicSectorServicesDirector WasteManagement, Inc. 7700SEBridgeRoad HobeSound.FL 33455 Re: Notice of Intent to Renew Solid Waste and Recycling Collection ServiceContract Dear Mr. Sabin, This letter shall constitute notice of OkeechobeeCounty's intent to renew the Solid Waste and Recycling Collection ServicesContract ("Contract") for a two (2) year term pursuant to Section 18 thereof, as amended.Such renewal shall be subject to reaching agreement on modification(s) of certain terms affecting the following contract service components: Section 2 Definitions: Subsectionm: Constructionand Demolition Debris Subsectionn: Contractor GeneratedWaste Section 15 (A) Quality of Performanceof Contractor: Contractor Failwe Penalty Section4 C (l) (c) First Amendment: Bulk Item Collection In view of the time that will be required to addresstheseitems to our mutual satisfaction, I am agreeing to suspend the 20-day deadline established by Section 1 B for your RayR.Domer District I Noel Chandler Distict 2 Clif Betts,Jr. District3 MarvinWhenell District 4 Elvie Posey Distict 5 GeorgeA. Long CountyAdministator respolur to this notice. Eowever, it is the countyts intcnt to terminate such renewal discussionsend issue an Invitation to Bid for th" colcction serric* if an agreement on the referenced ServicesComponents ".q"i."a hes not been reached on or before Jenuary 15,2008. In the event you intend to requesta rate adju,shent, you may do so concurrently with discussionsinvolving the aw'-ve-refe,rence mattem, however, any such request will be addressed baseduponthe criteria set fonf, in section 7B of the contract -senaratelv as it is not properly within the scopeof the renewalprocess. Pleasecontact me at you earliest convenienceto schedule a meeting to discuss this matterfirrther. Sincerely, Cc: BOCC CountyAttomey Solid tfr/asteContact Manager FiRSTAMENDMENT TO THE SOLIDWASTEAND NECYCI-IIVC COLLECNON SERVICES COTVTNACT )k WITNESSETH WHEREAS' two separatecontractsgovern the coilectionand okeechobeecountyandthe truttiu. oateror rat-e'Inung., disposarof soridwaste in is differentin eachcontract; WHEREAS'the collection contract providesfor the abirity of the company to seek 3Hff ':1Tr?#H'ili1:,.t1'.trit1;ffi Ir:Xil;.'*reoisposai."-,.i,J..utiriz WHEREAS' a changein the collection.contract to utirize.the to modifythe effectiveoates price consumer -coincide Indexand ior-.0;rrtruni ,oJffi simprify both contrace the ratecarcuration to iro'.".10 confusion wirl to thepubric; and WHEREAS, there has beenconfusion in the pubricwith regard yardwaste whichmayberut ouiunJ'removed to the quantityof on-unv pu,ticurar weekly pickup; and H'ii:'3"'#ff i;l';il,"Jr:1'JX',,;.r,.?Ji",:iT*ji:rilT"Tf#lr.n 1. That Section1 shallbe amended as follows: SECTION1. TERM A' InitiarTer:r. The term of this contractsharfbe for si:)ffi: [7000-39s93.WPD] p.'ioE one (1) ten b-esi"i'g ;;ilou,i, in!;';;"lerminatins seprember B. Optionto Renew. This Contract may be renewed, at the optionsof the couNTyfor up to three aoJiiiona'i perioos. csl Thefirst renewaloptionshallcommence on.october L,2oog, and shailbe for a two (2) year period. The second renewat-optiln-rhuil commenceon octoberr, 2oro, and shailbe for a three (3) yearperiod. The third and finalrenewaroptionshailcommence_9n octoberL, zoL3,andshailbe for a three(3) year period.The couNTY shailnotirylr-.,u-dorrrrnncroR of its intent to exerciseeach renewar option or to irt* tnu contract to terminate. such noticeshat be in writing,ahd J"riu"ruonot ressthan onehund*dunq-y.1y^(110r daysprior[o oaobei 1, of the appricabre renewal optionyear,2008,2oLo,'unJ ioii, r"rpciGrv. In the event the coUNTy notifiesthe coNTh;ffoR of its'ini.nt to exercisethe appropriate renewar option,thecoNTMcroR,r,uii the coUNTyof its intentto acceptor decrine ""iirv the renewar option isuch noticeshail be madein writingandderivereo "n to tnecourvrv*itni" tuenty (20)days of receiptby the coNTMcron or tne courvrvt noticeof intentto exercise the renewar option. contract renewars ,r.iii nu addedto the endof the termof then-existing contractro u, to ,thg the termof the contractandsha, beeffective-on "*tuno therenewaL oite. suchadditional not d;#t5,."!35;i;." 2. extend anvexrension orthisContra.t o"yonJ ThatSection2 (uu) shallbe amended to readasfollows: (uu) specialrtems shailmeanrand crearing debrisor contractor_ Generated wastenot disposed of throughtn". of Roil_off collectionseruicesor any otherunusuar ,tir-irution materiar for which the CONTRACTOR coilecta separate coilectionuno oirposarfee. ru.y In the eventthat the customer unott,. corvinnCon are unabre to agreeupon the crassification of speciarIi;;r, the contract Administrator shallmakesuchdeterrinitiln.' 3. ThatSection 2 (ww)beamended to readaSfollows: (ww) yard Trash shailmeanvegetative matterresurtingfrom routine andperiodic yardandrandscaping maintenance whichis no longerthanfour reet in rength in its rongest dimension !4) andno thanfive (5) inchesin diameter ano-weigh,no morethan rgru forty (40) poundsper item. Ail g;ti .rip'pin'gr, and smarl vegetative cuttingsandcrippings mustde naggei-or'Zont.inerized. 4. Thatsection4 c(l)(c) beamended to readasfollows: [7000-39593.WPD1 itafuQft 3t 5rt+rv'Lz g'23-o-) (c ) cofrection of residentiaf yardsshafroccur_within BuJkItemsressthanten (10) cubic seventy-tw o 1zi1;;;,of notification rhe coNTRATgT ',r,I"-.r;torur. to il # d"-,iornty, excfudinq Sundays andhoridayi, .r'r.t r",t1 nereinror-a;fk Itemsequafo7 sreaterthanten(10)tunic til: tnecorvriliro* 'r",*iulshaflutilizeits reasonabfe best. effortsto .irrll sa.ms *iini, notification, daysof such u1:trginss;n;;;ano hotilavr.rilnuruver the Contractor,s possibre, Oriu."lnrjl'i"po,t to the Corpuny requires bufkhandting debristhat wn;nit'il our.rd.ih;';',isromer intentionarfy commin"gre i.rlo.rti.f aurklte,is"with shaffnot Garbage, rubbish ot viro i;;:' 'rr,i'time corvrirn'#oR residentiar a fogof thecustomel sharfmaintain .rne o.t oitnl'rl#.x,ion thisSection required aswetfui in" Oui;.Ir!. timeof pi.trp. Thistog by beavaitabte forinrp*iion-oi,ir."cour", shaif ;pff ,#ona btenotice. 5. That Section22 Bshall be deletedin its entirety. 6. ThatSection78 shalfbe amended to readas folfows: 5;n ,,,nSH*TF*]l_", coNrRAc_rolmavperition thecoUNry at :::'il?lii:Js';;'fr:ii,t+lli'ml"# ,+g:1,iffi feast the p"Jt-r expectations, wi1c The coNTf 9ly.:, iustification to supl mayrequest rromi ;1 nd whichhave beenrncurred for at by all r"""on-"6il i^::d__*ltch,. 'ronalonehundred eigr,ivd;0; "no containsubstanti"rirooi ,shall te rate_ adjustment. "-n"j TheeouNliv sonabrvn u..aryinmakins,," o "" m ;*;=,:; ",lli?":1ffi1llT,T; 1. Audit_e!,flnancial statement, limited to uthorizedov tn]=-,c the onii" ;;,?",b "t,,, ""rr" r ;l:,rr",:?:.".a ;:"""::ili",T,ri[il:il+-oRu,.ation"J'"''i'ns"if i::* inclUde E balance cho. ntmum income, ret; Income statements for Resic collectionas required ov tn" ccji rnts of 'parate nerciaf rrrytionmeth ods(ro g.1 i gff r ,"qrrvE rJrumer costs. fl?ffi:':?:1li:; i": ".,= which are allocated the direct ;; in and maintainr accountingprit [7000-39s93.WPD] ,l!-:":f:,, T"'ri3lX'.i?; : //ltn generallyaccepted The coUNTy shat approve deny the request,in whore or in part, .or within sixty (60) days of receipt of the request and ail other additionar information required by the courviv. in tne eveni tn" ,"qrest is approved the adjustment wiil be effective as of tne nisi day of the next billingcycle afterthe date ot approu"iby tne COUNTY. 7. That Section6 I shall be amendedto read as follows: I' Collection rates,ur Orou,Ou Arl follows: priceIndex(CpI). Beginning Consumer on January 1 , 2001 then on the rFday of daouei loot, and annuallythereafter,the CONTMCTOR ,f..,u'',*Uiect to compriance with ail provisions of this s.ai;;; iJ..iuu un annualadjustmentincreaseor decreas., ' ii;'p;1,;able,in the cotection and other non-disposur portilii of the ResidentialSolid Waste CollectionServte rates, the curbsideResidentiarRecycring cotections"ri.. Lte, the commerciar sorid waste Lotection rates and the compactorand Roil-offcoilectionrates as set forth in the appropriate Exhibits. 1. The portionof the ratesset forth on Exhibits 2 throughg, whichdo not representcostsof disposar, rhuir;" ;;reased or decreas"d^?y. the percentage changein the Consumer priceIndex (cpl) from the bas6month,whichsha, be the April index of the prior year, as compared to the April index of the_current year as reported by the U.S. Departmentof Labor,Bureauof Labor statisticsfor Ail Items (1992-g4=100)in the wage earners and crerical workerscategoryfor the SouthRegion. As of January1, 2001and Octobe r I, ZIOL,and annualfy thereafter,the coUNTyshat noticethe coNTMcroR of thg CpI adjustm,ent the appropriate rate and cost _t9 schedules set forth in Exhibits Z ihrougne. shourdthe cpl be discontinued or no rongerpubrished, - the partiesshallmutuallyagreeon a replacement,in;;;. 2. Interim Adiustment. C_ommencing January L, 200L, basedon the RefuseRateIndex fnnfl, ifru po.tion of the ratesset forthon Exhibits 2 througi a,'which?o -uv- not representcos* of disposar shail be iicreas.i s.:g percent. Commencing OctoberI, ZOOI*V udirltrunt [7000-39s93.WPD] previousry basedon the RefuseRateIndex ( RRI)shail be basedupon the consumerpriceIndex iattl as described hereinabove and the Refusenate tnuex (RRI) shat no longerbe usedfor rateadjustment prrpor"r. 8' That section24 Notice If to the coNTMcroR: waste Management Inc. of Frorida 10800N.E.128rh Ave. okeechobee, Froridi- iiglz (863)357_0111 9. Exhibit10 is deletedin its entirety. IN WITNESS WHEREoF, the Boardof CountyCommissioners of okeechobee county, Florida,has causedthis FirstAmendment to the solid waste and Rerycling collectionservicescontract to be executedand deliveredas of the date first above written. BOARD OFCOUNry COMMISSIONERS oF oKEECHOBEE COUNry FLORIDA Clerk,Boardof County Commissioners IN wITNEssWHEREOF, waste Management, Inc. of Frorida,has causedthis First Amendmentto the FirstAmendmentto the soiid waste and Reryclingcollection servicescontract to be executedand delivered ur or tn. datefirst abovewritten. PrintNameof Witness CorporateSeal [700c39se3.wPD] SUBJECT: APPROVAL TO REMODEL HRS FACILITY IN ORDER TO PROVIDE OFFICE SPACETHAT THE COUNTY ITEM# 23 CAN LEASE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE CONSUMER SERVICES (DACS) The Department of Agriculture Consumer Services(DACS) has been leasing office spacein the Regions Bank building for severalyears and they need to relocatetheir offices to anotherfacility. ThIy have askedthe County if we have enoughoffice spacefor their needs. The only unusedoffice ,pu.. we have is a portion in the south end of the HRS building. This is located in the areathe Depanment of Children and Family Services(DCF) currently leasesfrom the County. After severalsite visits and discussionwith Departmentof Children and Family Services(DCF), it was felt that changescould be made to meet all parties needs. Initially, the layout of DCF made providing separationbetween them really complicated and drastically increasedthe remodel cost' bCn aia ugrie to relinquish the west wing oftheir areaand relocatetheir staffto the entire southand eastwings. By doing this, the building modificationswere simplified and the cost reduced. Originally, DACS was able to fully fund any cost associatedwith the remodeling of our facility and enter into a leaseagreementwith the County. With all of the budget reductionsthat have occurred this fiscal year, now they do not have the necessaryfunding to fully afford thesecost at one time. They have askedif the County would perform and fund the required modifications to the building and invoice them for the remodeling cost over the next two (2) yeat period'.. this would be in addition to their monthly lease. Staff hasestimatedthe costsfor remodelingto be approximately$20,000. We have not determined exactly who will perform all facets of the remodeling. Due to changesto office spacewithin the DCF area,*. *o.rld have to amendour leasewith DCF... they have indicated a willingness on this matter. If the boardis in agreementwith thesearrangements,we would ask for authorizationto proceedwith amending our current lease with DCF; remodel HRS as necessaryto accomplish what has been proposed;and enterinto a leaseagreementwith DACS that addressesa five (5) leasefor office space anda two (2) year repaymentplan for the total cost associatedwith remodelingHRS. RECOMMENDATTON(S): That the BOCC authorize staff to proceedas necessaryto amendour leasewith the Departmentof Children and Famity Services;remodel the HRS facility to provide sufficient office spacefor the Departmentof Agriculture Consumer Services;and establisha lease,five (5) year minimum, with theDepartmentof AgricultureConsumerServices. Approved for Agenda r/) , --a {(/'ttl.'ltu,t-,' InterimCountyAdministrator Item#Q-3 rU8l07 PageI of I Subjecfi APPROVAL OF WARRANTS rrEM 2+ Recommendthat the BOCC approvethe following warants: #rt0432- #l 10635 #3319-#3323 #2t08- #2113 #276 #3rr-#3r4 $2,650,632.57 9,148.07 $ 1,101.19 $ 9,959.08 $ 20,996.94 $ TOTAL $2,691,837.85 NOTE: The masterwarrantslist is on file in the FinanceOffice for your review. (copy availablein DeputyClerk's office). RECOMMEITDATION That the BOCC approvethe warrantslist. Approvedfor Agenda Item?4 rU8t07 PageI ofl SHERIFF'S OFFICE . FINAI\CIAL REPORT' EXCESSTEES AI\[D II\MATE TRUST FUI\D FEES FOR EYaOOG2OOT ITEM A5 Report,ExcessFees Recommendthat the BOCC receivethe sheriffs office Financial andInmateTrust Fund Feesfor FY2006'2007' RECOMMENDATION Feesand Inmate That the BOCC receivethe Sheriffs Office FinancialReport,Excess TrustFundFeesfor FY2006-2007. Approvedfor Agenda *,',' ,M Interim CountYAdministrator Item&5 lu8107 PageI of25 OKEECHOBEE COANTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE PAULC. MAY SHERIFF P.O.Drawer1397 397 Florida34973-1 Okeechobee, or 1-800-357-9868 863-763-3117 Fax:863-763-7157 o .J October29,2007 RayDomer Honorable Chairmanof the Board Boardof CountyCommissioners CountY Okeechobee 302 NorthWest2nd Street Florida34972 Okeechobee, (= (-) ---t l\) \.o r -a e (Jt gr RePorts RE: Endof YearFinancial FloridaStatutes) 116.03,218-32,218.36, (Sections DearMr.Chairman: 2006-2007 fortheFiscalYear Reports AnnualFinancial is my LocalGovernment Enclosed of Sections116.03,218.32and218.36,Florida to the provisions as requiredpursuant and Changes, Expenditures of Revenues, Statutes.Thesereportsconsistof Statement General andActual,BalanceSheetfor GeneralOperatingAccount, FundBalance/Budget in Assets Changes of Statement and FixedAssets,Longlerm DebtGroup,BalanceSheet Account,specialsuspense Depositors for cash BondAccount,Individual & Liabilities Account,Inmate Restraint Child Account, Account,SpecialSuspenseAgency Forfeiture Trust Fund,InmateWelfareFund,COPSAccount,D.A.R.E.Account,FlowerFund of General Schedule for PersonalServices, Account,Scheduleof Objectsof Expenditure withOtherCountyAgencies' FixedAssets,and Scheduleof Transactions I do certifythat the enclosedannualfinancialreportsare true,accurate,and complete 30, of my officefor the yearendingSeptember recordsof all revenuesandexpenditures 2007. CountySheriffsOffice Okeechobee PCM/jw Pase 1oF3 & CHANGESlN STATEMENTOF REVENUES,EXPENDITURES & ACTUAL FUNDBALANCE.BUDGET : FUND: Okeechobee Sheriff - Paul C. May General OPeratingAccount COPY BUDGET YEAR:2006-2007 ACTUAL VARIANCE. FAVORABLE (UNFAVORABLE) REVENUES Intergovernmental Revenues: Board of Gounty Commissioners 53-338-8000 School Board SRO GranUlocal: SRO Salaries& Expenses 61-337-2100 Gommunities In Schools/Local: GIS Salaries & Expenses 62-337-2200 DOT GranUFederal/Bicycle/Pedestrian: ExPenses 58-331-2250 DOT GranUFederalffeen Safety Outreach ExPenses 64-331-2250 TOTAL REVENUES 15.395.091 16,395,091 435,070 435,070 54.160 54,160 20,000 20,000 10,000 14,397 4,397 16,914,321 16,918,71E 4,397 6.492,O21 1.508.805 6,239,934 252,087 11 8 , 5 1 8 EXPENDITURES Public Safety 521.00 Law Enforcement Personal Services Operating Expenses (Except Investigations) lnvestigations GapitalOutlay Debt Services 523.00 Corrections and/or Detention Personal Services Operating Expenses GapitalOutlay 12.000 752.000 34,895 4.617.060 1.763.000 127,000 15.306.781 Sub-Total Public Safety (Continuedon Page2) 1.390.287 12.000 750,065 34,891 1,935 4 4,331,266 1,621,570 120,177 285,794 141.430 6,823 14,500,191 806,590 STATEMENT oF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES & CH FUNDBALANCE.BUDGET & ACTUAL rs COUNTY: Okeechobee OFFICER: Sheriff- Paul C. May FUND: General Operating Account yEAR: 2006-2007 BUDGET ACTUAL VARIANCE. FAVORABLE (UNFAVORABLE) EXPENDITURES CONTINUED: Public Safety 711.00 Court Security Personal Services Operating Expenses GapitalOutlay otal Public Safety 1.003.823 E83.E01 57,487 29.213 27.000 28,274 21,214 16.395.091 15,433.479 961.612 396,645 27,501 69,785 19.799 120.022 5.786 Other Public Safety s29.00 Grants PersonalServices OperatingExpenses CapitalOutlay 466.430 47.300 5.500 Total Other Public Safety 519.230 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 16,914,321 EXCESSOF REVENUESOVER(UNDER) EXPENDTTURES 5,500 429.647 15.863,126 89.583 1.051.195 1,051,195 oTHER F|NANC|NGSOURCESAND (USES) Operating Transfers Out - Board of County Commissioners 1,051,195 TOTALOTHERF|NANC|NGSOURCESAND (USES) 1,051,195 EXCESSOF REVENUESAND OTHERSOURCES oVER(UNDER)EXPENDTTURES & OTHERUSES FUNDBALANCES. BEGINNINGOF YEAR Adjustments to Fund Balance FUNDBALANCES.END OF YEAR ATEMENTOF REVENUES, E)(F FUNDBALANCE-BUDGET & ACTUAL e3oF3 AiIENDED : Sherlff - Paul G. May General Operatlng Account yEAR: 2006-2007 I do solemnlyswearthat the foregoingls a true , comectand complete office for the yearendingthe 30th day of September,2007. , of all rcvenuesand expendlturesof my Office (X: Sheriff Okeechobee Gounty Swomto qndsubscribed beforemethis J0* 0", Page1 OF 1 Y: R: ND: Okeechobee Sheriff - Paul C. May 001/Operating Account TS & OTHERDEBITS 101.0000 Gash 102.0000 PettyCash 115.0000 AccountsReceivable 131.0000 DueFromOtherFunds 133.0000 DueFromOtherGovernments 135.0000 Interest& DividendsReceivable on Investments 151.0000 lnvestments 155.0000 PrepaidExpenses 164.0000 lmprovements OtherThanBuildings 166.0000 Equipment 189.0000 Amountto be Providedfor paymentof OtherLong-TermLiabilities AL ASSETS& OTHERDEBITS LIABILITIES & OTHERCREDITS 201.0000 VouchersPayabte 202.0000 AccountsPayable 207.0000 Dueto OtherFunds 208.0000 Dueto OtherGovernmental Units 216.0000 AccruedWagespayable 217.0000 AccruedTaxespayable payable 218.0000 AccruedRetirement 218.3200 GroupLife Insurance 218.4000 GroupDental/pre-Tax 218.4100 GroupDental 220.0000 Deposits portion 225.9000 GapitalLeases-Long-Term 229.0000 OtherCurrentLiabilities 239.0000 OtherLong-TermLiabilities: AL LIABILITIES FUNDEQUITY 247.0000 271.0000 280.0000 AllOther Reserves Fund Balance Investment in General Fixed Assets TOTAL FUND EQUIry AL LIABILITIES& OTHERCREDITS yEAR: 2006-200I BALANCESHEET : FIGER: FUND: Okeechobee Page 1 OF 1 Sheriff - Paul C. May GeneralFixedAsset ETS& OTHERDEBITS 101.000 Cash 102.000 PettyGash 115.000 AccountsReceivable 131.000 DueFromOtherFunds 133.000 Due From OtherGovernments 135.000 Interest& DividendsReceivable on Investments 151.000 Investments 155.000 PrepaidExpenses 164.000 lmprovementsOtherThan Buildings 166.000 Equipment TOTAL,ASSETS & OTHERDEBITS LITIES& OTHERCREDITS 202.000 Accountspayabte 207.000 Dueto Other Funds 208.000 Dueto Other Governmental Units 216.000 AccruedWagespayable 218.000 Accruedpayroil Deductions& Matching 220.000 Deposits 229.000 OtherCurrentLiabitities 239.000 OtherLong-TermLiabilities OTALL]ABILITIES EQUITY 247.000 271.000 280.000 AllOther Reserves Fund Balance Investmentin GeneralFixedAssets TOTALFUNDEQUIW AL LIAB]LITIES & OTHERCREDITS YEAR:2006-2007 BALANCESHEET ER: FUND: Page 1 OF 1 Sheriff - Paul G. May 950/ Long-TermDebtGroup ASSETS& OTHERDEBITS 101.0000 Cash 102.0000 Petty Cash 115.0000 Accounts Receivable 131.0000 Due From Other Funds 133.0000 Due From Other Governments 135.0000 Interest& Dividends Receivableon Investments 151.0000 Investments 155.0000 Prepaid Expenses 164.0000 lmprovementsOther Than Buildings 166.0000 Equipment 181.0000 Amount to be Provided AL ASSETS& OTHERDEBITS LIABILITIES& OTHERCREDITS 202.0000 Accounts Payable 207.0000 Due to Other Funds 210.9000 CompensatedAbsences-Long-Termportion 208.0000 Due to Other GovernmentalUnits 216.0000 Accrued Wages Payable 218.0000 Accrued Payroll Deductions & Matching 220.0000 Deposits 225.9000 Gapital Leases-Long-Term portion 229.0000 Other Current Liabilities 239.0000 Other Long-TermLiabilities: TOTAL L]ABILITIES ND EQUITY 247.0000 271.0000 280.0000 All Other Reserves Fund Balance Investmentin GeneralFixed Assets TOTAL FUND EQUITY TOTAL LIABILITIES& OTHERCREDITS YEAR:2006-2007 Sherlff - Paul C. May 002 / Gash Bond Account (BALAIIICE SHEET) REPORTIN WHOLE DOLLARSONLY BALAI{CE October 1.2006 Gash BALAI{CE ADDITIONS DEDUCTIONSSeotember 30-2007 14,120 405,800 413.970 5,950 14.120 t105.800 413.970 5.950 14.120 /t05.800 413.970 5,950 14.120 405.800 413-970 5.950 Equlty in Pooled Cash Investments LIABILITIES 208.0000 Dueto Other Governments 220.1000 Dueto Others TOTALLIABILTTIES r 003/ IndlvldualDeposltorsAccount (BALAttlCE SHEET) REPORTIN WHOLE DOLLARSONLY BALAilCE October 1.2006 Cash BALAT{CE ADDITIONS DEDUCTIONSSeptember30.2007 8,399 49.147 50.103 7.43 E.399 49.147 50.103 7.43 8.399 49,147 50,103 7.U3 8.399 49.117 50.t03 7.43 Equity in Pooled Cash lnvestments Dueto OtherGovemments Dueto Others TOTALLIABILITIES BALANCESHEET& STATE OFFIGER: Sheriff- PautC. May FUND: 004/ SpecialSuspenseForfeitureAccount yEAR: 2006_2007 (BALANCESHEET) REPORTIN WHOLEDOLLARSONLY BALANCE October1,2006 Cash BALANCE ADDITIONS DEDUCTIONS September30.2007 1,556 509,655 483,897 27.314 1.556 509.655 483.897 27,314 1,5s6 24,530 Equity in PooledCash Due from Other GovernmentUnits Investments lLrABlLtTrES I 207.0000 Dueto OtherFunds 1.556 24,530 208.0000 Due to Other Governments 1.266 2,784 220.1000 Due to Others TOTALLIABILITIES 15 2.837 1.266 2.784 15 27.314 2.837 27,314 E SHEET & STATEMENTOF CHANGESII.I Okeechobee Sheriff- Paul G. May 007 / Speclal Suspense Agency Account (BALANCESHEET) REPORTIN WHOLEDOLLARSONLY BALANCE October 1.2006 Gash BALANCE ADDITIONS DEDUCTIONS Seotember30-2ooz 17.871 8,062 19.353 6,580 17,871 8,062 19,3s3 6,580 Equity In PooledGash Due from Other Govemment Units lnvestsnents 207.0000 Due to Other Funds 208.0000 Due to Other Govemments 220.1000 Due to Others TOTAL LIABTLITIES 6.062 518 518 6.062 518 6,062 6,580 SHEET&STATEMENTM : 100/ChildResFalntAccount (BALANCESHEET) REPORTIN WHOLEDOLLARSONLY BALANCE October 1.2006 101.0000 Gash 104.0000 Equity in PooledGash 133.0000 Due from Other Govemment Unlts 151.0000 Investnents AL ASSETS LIABILlTIES 207.0000 Due to Other Funds 208.0000 Due to Other Governments 220.1000 Due to Others TOTAL LIABILITIES BALANCE ADDlT!ONS DEDUCTIONS September30.2007 515 255 257 513 515 255 257 513 Sheriff - Paul G. May lnmate Trust Fund (BALANCESHEET) REPORTIN WHOLEDOLLARSONLY BALANCE October 1.2006 Cash BALANCE ADDITIONS DEDUGTIONS Seotember3n ?nn7 23,707 288,849 294,065 18,'l9l 23.707 288.849 294.005 18.491 23.707 288.849 294.065 18,491 23.707 288.8de 294.06s 18.49t Equityin PooledGash Investments TOTALASSETS LIABILITIES 208.0000 Due to Other Governments 220.1000 Due to Others rOTAL LIABILITIES | 120 llnmate WelfareFund YEAR: 2006-2007 (BALANCESHEET) REPORTIN WHOLEDOLLARSONLY BAL.ANCE October 1.2000 Cash BALANCE ADDITIONS DEDUCTIONS Seolember3o-2oo7 139.84it 106.662 114.426 132.078 130-841 108.662 114.426 132.078 139.84:l 100.662 114.426 132,078 139.843 t06-682 111-428 132.O78 Equity in PooledCash Investments AL ASSETS LIABILITIES 208.0000 Due to Other Governments 220.1000 Due to Others rOTAL LIABILITIES BALANCESHEET& STATEMENTOF CHANGESIN ASSETS& LIABILITIES : : : Page I OF 1 Okeechobee Sheriff - Paul C. May YEAR: 2006-2007 600/COPSAccount (BALANCESHEET) REPORTIN WHOLEDOLLARSONLY BALANCE BALANCE October1.2006 ADDITIONS DEDUCTIONS Seotember30.2007 ASSETS 101.0000 Cash 104.0000 Equity in Pooled Cash 151.0000 lnvestments TOTALASSETS 3,032 2,660 390 5,302 3,032 2,660 390 5,302 3.032 2.660 390 s.302 3,032 2,660 390 5,302 LIABILITIES 208.0000 Dueto OtherGovernments 220.1000 Dueto Others TOTAL LIABILITIES SHEET& STATEMENTOF CHANGESIN ASSETS& Page I OF I Okeechobee Sherlff - Paul C. May 610/ D.A.R.E.Account YEAR: 2006-2007 (BALANCESHEET) REPORTIN WHOLEDOLLARSONLY BALANCE BAI-ANCE October 1.2006 ADDITIONS DEDUCTIONS Seolember30-2007 ASSETS 101.0000 Cash 104.0000 Equityin PooledGash 151.0000 lnvestments TOTALASSETS 2.715 1.183 977 2,921 2.715 1.183 977 2.921 2,715 1,183 977 2,921 2,715 1,183 977 2,52'l LIABILITIES 208.0000 Due to Other Governments 220.1000 Due to Otherg TOTAL LIABILITIES ENT OF CHANGESIN ASSETS& : Page'l OF 1 Okeechobee Sherlff- PaulG. May Flower Fund Account YEAR: 2006-2007 (BALANCESHEET) REPORTIN WHOLEDOLLARSONLY BALANCE BALANCE October 1.2006 ADDITIONS DEDUCTIONS Seotamber30-2007 ASSETS 101.0000 Gash 104.0000 Equityin PooledGash 1s1.0000 lnvestments TOTALASSETS 806 2,094 2,280 620 806 2,094 2,280 620 806 2.094 2,280 620 806 2.094 2,280 020 LIABILITIES 208.0000 Due to Other Governments 220.1000 Due to Others TOTALLIABILITIES OUNTY: Okeechobee OFFIGER: Sheriff- PaulC.MaY 001/ Personalservices FUND: RSONALSERVIGES ExecutiveSalaries .11 RegularSalaries& Wages .12 ComPPaYOtherSalaries .13 Overtime .14 SPecialPaY .15 F.|.C'A.Taxes .2'l RetirementContributions'Official .2251 RetirementGontributions'Employees .2252 Life & HealthInsurance .23 Worker'sComPensation .24 GomPensation UnemPloYment .25 TOTALPERSONALSERVIGES YEAR:2006'2007 109,631.04 7,345,939.53 174,247.64 463,297.68 65,035.00 610.267.64 18.799.56 1,366,273.95 1,192,462.72 503,739.00 1,952.00 11.851.645.76 OPERATINGEXPENSES N/A TOTALOPERATINGEXPENSES N/A CAP]TALOUTLAY N/A TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY N/A DEBTSERVICE N/A TOTALDEBTSERVICE N/A ITOTALEXPENDITURES 11.851.645.76 AMENDED Page 1 of 1 YEAR 2006-2007 IGER: Sheriff- PaulG' MaY FUNCTION& ACTIVITY EOUIPMENT TOTAL PUBLICSAFETY Law EnforcemenuCorrections 4.103.95s.634.103.955.63 TOTALPUBLICSAFETY 4.103.955.63 4.103,955.63 II & ACTIVITY FUNCTION PUBLICSAFETY Law EnforcemenuCorrections GENERAL FIXEDASSETS October1.2006 3.645,508.52 ADDITIONS 906,208.68 GENERAL FIXEDASSETS DEDUCTIONS Seotember30.2007 447.76'1.57 4.103.955.63 lx+ffi TOTALPUBLICSAFETY I 645-508.52 906.208.68 447-761.57 4.103,955.63 IGER: ND: Sheriff - Paul G. MaY --r h..^ T^ rrrriaa FundBalanceand DueTo Monies YEAR: 2006'2007 Revenues,Expendituresand List on this scheduleany materialamountsreportedon the statementof or paidto other county from Ghangesin Fund Balance- Budgetand Actualwhichwere received Glerkof circuit Gourt,sheriff, PropertyAppraiser'Tax Agencies(Boardof GountyGommissioners, the Glerkof circuit court or the collector,county Gomptroller,or supervisorof Elections).Gontact statementsregardingamounts Gountyofficial responsiblefor preparationof "GountyEntity"financial reported' which should be consideredmaterial. Insignificantamountsshould not be - Balancesof 2006-2007 BudgetAppropriations - Returnedto BOCC Unexpended 5 1,051,195.1 Out - DueOtherGovernmentUnits 342.9002 Meals Services-Senior SSAPrisonerIncentivePYmts FloridaDOC- InvestigationFee's 342.9003 Glerk of Gourt' InvestigationFee's 342.9004 Witness Fee's 342.9005 lnmate Work Release 342.9006 c.o.R.E. 359.0000 OtherFinesand/orForfeits OperatingAccountInterest 340.0000 342.9001 361.1000 104,649.50 5,800.00 596.51 12,508.39 48.32 2,459.50 25.00 12,940.00 149,501.92 6,123.00 369.0000 PropertyGontributions/Donations Revenue OtherMiscellaneous 331.2250 SafetYOutreach DOT/Fedrl/Teen 4,397.00 366.0000 otal TurnedOverto Boardof CountyCommissioners 3,063.55 1,353,307.84 OKEECHOBEE COANTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE P.O.Drawer1397 397 Florida34973-1 Okeechobee, 17 or 1-800-357-9868 863-763-31 Fax:863-763-7157 PAULC. MAY SHERIFF October29,2007 Q O RayDomer Honorable of the Board Chairman Boardof CountyCommissioners 302 NorthWest2nd Street 34972 Okeechobee,Florida RE: n A r\) r.O u a Balanceof Appropriations Unexpended at the end of fiscalyear2006-2007and Dueto OtherGovt.UnitMonies, UI (tl DearMr.Chairman: isofficecheck#3431inthe attached of FloridaStatuesSection30.50(6), Pursuant to theprovisions theendof thefiscalyear of appropriations at The balance .84. unexpended amountof $1,353,307 reasons received the for the following andmyoffice 2006-2007 wasintheamountof $1,051,195.15 balanceof $302,112.69: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Account: InteresUOperating Pymts: SSAPrisonerIncentive Fees: FL D.O.C./|nvestigation C.O.R.E. Fees: Clerkof CourUlnv. WitnessFees: InmateWorkRelease: DOT/FED/Teen SafetyOutreach SeniorMeals OtherFinesiForfeiture PropertyContributions/Donations Refunds: PriorYearExpenditure portion A. GRITSettlement HRHClaimSettlement B. $ 149,501.92 $ 5,800.00 596.51 $ 25.00 $ $ 12,508.39 48.32 $ $ 2,459.50 $ 4,397.00 $ 104,649.50 $ 12,940.00 $ 6,123.00 $ 3,063.55 $3,000.23 $ 63.32 this matter,pleasedo not hesitateto contactm yselfor lf you haveany questionsconcerning nt, JuanitaWhite at the addressor phonenumberlistedabove. PCM/jw Vendor No: 158 INVOICE 271.0000 33r.2250 340.0000 342 .9001 342.9002 342.9003 342.9004 342.9005 342.9006 359.0000 351.1000 366.1000 359.0000 BOARD OF COUNTY COMM]SSIONERS DATE 1 i / ) < /- 6 1 L v t J / v t 1 a / -) J /c , / ^v ' 7 r L v / L v / 1a / 1- JEt /n1 a / ^ r / ^ a ^ w t tv / z> / v t iL nv / / 1 t -rJ t / .v' ' j' 1c]/2C/O'7 1 ^ / ^ - l ^ - l ^ r l ^ - Lv / zJ / v t 1a/)q/n'1 . ^ LV/ Za/ V r 1n/)tr,/.''j 1 n / ) c4 .J // d 1 v t L v / 1 n / ) -cJ ,t / n 1v L v t ' 1o/)tr,/.t'7 OKEECHOBEE C O S H E R I F F ' S Account No:80140 DESCRIFTION FAY.ABLE 05-07 UNAPPROPRIATED FUND BAL DOT /FED/TEEN SAFETY OUTREACH SEN]OR MEALS SSA INCENTIVE FLORIDA DOC INVESTIGATION FEE CLERK OF COURT INVESTIGATION WITNESS FEES INMATE WORK RELEASE CORE OTHER FINES/FORFEITS OPERATING ACCT INTEREST PROPERTY CONTRTBUTIONS/DONATT OTHER MISC REVENUE OFFICE Check# 4 ,397 ro4 ,649 5,800 596 12,508 48 2 ,459 25 1 , 2, 9 4 0 149,501 6,L23 3, 063 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 5> 32 50 00 00 92 00 55 TOTAL o K E E C H O B E EF L 34974 Cheik''Eetel Ched'kNo. r0125t07 343r X,N**61IJPtr41A1ONTHREEHUNDRED FIFTY-THREE TH\USAND HUNDKEDSEWN AND 84/1OO DOLLARS TO TIIE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ORDER 312N.W. 3RD STREET,SUITE 165 OF OKEECHOBEE.FL 34972 ilr:llr:llilr r:OE ?0I t It Zrl IO00I 1 nql 1qq 1q 4 ,397 .00 104,649.50 5, 800.00 596.51 1? qna ?a 48.32 ? 4qq qn 25.00 72,940 .00 1 , 4 9, 5 0 r . 9 2 6 , 1 - 2 3. 0 0 3, 053.55 $1, 3s3, 307 84 - ti r ai .:,. RIVERS I DE B:AI.IK::OF rlOniOr: 'souig NAT.JOITAL ' 'B7ja pennorr. evrl.rup rsoe . OKEECHOBEEI.CO: SfmRrFFtS,oFFrc[ PAY 15 00 50 00 51 3 4 3l_ PAUL C. MAY, SHERIFF 504 NW 4TH ST OKEECHOBEE.FL 34912 OPERATINGACCOUNT AM.OUNT,PAID ,DlS'gCI,UNT ilEO[[Orr. 10001360000 Arnount $1,353,307.94 OKEECHOBEE COUNTYSHERIFF'S OFFICE P.O.Drawer1397 Florida34973-1 397 Okeechobee, 17 or 1-800-357-9868 863-763-31 Fax:863-763-7157 PAULC. MAY SHERIFF October11,2007 Mr. GeorgeLong CountyAdministrator Boardof CountyCommissioners 304 NorthWest2noStreet Florida34972 Okeechobee, Re: lnmateTrustFundCollectedFees FY 2006-2007 o o(-t f\t r, > = a (rl (tl DearGeorge: Attachedare officechecksrepresenting moniesreceivedfrom inmatesfor the followingreasons: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Disbursement fromNurseFund Disbursement fromDoctorClinic Disbursement fromDentalClinicFund Disbursement fromPrescription Fund Disbursement from"OTC"MedicalFund Other Disbursement fromMentalHealthCounselor BookingFee Subsistence Fee Thetotalamountlistedaboveequal: 34.75 1,890.46 10.00 809.40 108.32 20.00 155.82 18,596.29 15,387.80 $37,012.84 lf you haveany questionsregarding thismatter,pleasedo not hesitateto contact JuanitaWhiteor myselfat 763-3117 ext.2226. Okeechobee Co. Sheriff'sOffice PCM/jw PAULC. MAY,SHERIFF OKEI COSHERIFFS INMATE TRUST 5O4NW4THSTREET oKEECHOBE E, FL 34972_2502 RIVERSIDENATIONALBANK POST OFFICE BOX 2O2O 63-1 11'11670 000000835 FORT PTERCE,FL 34954-2020 September28,2007 PAY Thirty Seyen Thousand Twelveand gd/lilO dollars AMOUNT *******$37r012.84 TO THE oRDER BOARDOF COUNTYCOMMTSSTONERS OF COLLECTON FEES FrY 200612007 GENERAL i l . o o o o o o g i l 5 r r ' r : OE ? O I I t r . ? r l looo t t 5 q 5l? 5rr. PAULC. MAY,SHERIFF 000000835 O K E EC O S H E R I F F SI N M A T ET R U S T DATE: September28,200714:ZS A M O U N T$: 3 7 , 0 1 2 . 8 4 PAYEE : BOARDOF COUNTYCOMMTSSTONERS MEMo: COLLECTON FEES FAl 2006]2007 TYPE: GENERAL CHEGKBOOK:2 STATfON: 1 OPERATOR: CEA PAUL C. MAY, SHERIFF 000000835 OKEECOSHERIFFS INMATE TRUST DATE: September28,2007 14:25 AMOUNT: $37,012.A4 PAYEE: BOARDoF coUNTY COMMISSIONERS MEMo: COLLECTONFEES F/y 2006]2007 TYPE: GENERAL GHECKBOOK:2 STATION: 1 OPERATOR: CEA a:-"a i.$+ @ Subject: SHERIFF'S OFFICE - LAW ENFORCEMENT TRUST FUND ITEM EG The Sheriff s Office is presentingtwo (2) checksthat needto be depositedinto the Law EnforcementTrust Fund. One checkin the amountof $27,313.94is from the Special ForfeifureAccount and representsunspentmatch moniesand earnedinterest Suspense for FY 2006-2007on the Okeechobee CountyNarcoticsTaskForceGrant. AgencyAccountand Thecheckin the amountof $6,061.62 is from the SpecialSuspense representsthe following items, minus expenses,for FY 2006-2007: Unclaimed Evidence,Interest,VehicleAdmin. FeeandDME Fee. RECOMMENDATION Thatthe BOCC receivea checkin the amountof $27,313.94 from the SpecialSuspense ForfeitureAccountto be depositedinto the Law EnforcementTrustFund. That the BOCC receivea checkin the amountof $6,061.62from the SpecialSuspense AgencyAccountto be depositedinto the Law EnforcementTrustFund. Approved for Agenda m CountvAdministrator Item &6 rU8107 Page1 of4 OKEECHOBEE COANTYSHERIFF'S OFFICE P.O.Drawer1397 Okeechobee, Florida34973-1 397 863-763-31 17 or 1-800-357-9868 Fax:863-763-7157 PAULC. MAY SHERIFF October30,2007 Q Honorable RayDomer Chairman of the Board Boardof CountyCommissioners 302 NorthWest2nd Street Okeechobee,Florida34972 c) < I I\' > ct UT ,\t RE: LawEnforcement TrustFund DearMr.Chairman: Enclosedis a check#1175fromthe SpecialSuspenseForfeiture Account#10001359959 in the amountof $27,313.94, whichrepresents allmatchmoniesnotspentforfiscalyear2006-2007 inthe amount$24,529.79 on the Okeechobee CountyNarcotics TaskForceGraniandin theamountof gO,2OO7 whichrepresents, $2,784.15 fromOctober1,2006throughSeptember allinterest earned on moniesreceived for the okeechobee countyNarcotics TaskForce. Also enclosedis check#1002in the amountof $6,061.62 fromthe SpecialSuspense Agency Account# 10001359967 is checkrepresents, fromOctober1, 2006throughSeptember SO,ZOOi minusexpenseson thefollowing items: A. B. C. D. Unclaimed Evidence Interest VehicleAdminFee DMEFee $ 355.50 $ 206.12 $5,000.00 $ 500.00 These funds are to be depositedinto the Law Enforcement Trust Fund,accountnumber 4421163443. lf youhaveanyquestions regarding thismatter,do nothesitate to contactJuanitaWhite,Executive Assistant, or myselfat theaddressor phonenumberlistedabove. PCM/jw Vendor.No: 406 L A W ENFORCEMENTTRUST FUND INVOICE 208-000 Account No:L0125 DESCRIPTION tt /nt /at OKEECHOBEE CO S H E R I F F , S DISCOUNT DUE OTHER GOVT UNITS OFFICE Check# 2 7 , 3 1 _ 3. 9 4 Lt1 5 TOTAL z I t J!5 . >.L $ 2 ' 7, 3 r 3 . 9 4 i;r*1,;;':;*,u; OKEE ct{OFnE,-0o.,snnnrrf.,i S;orFlcn PAUL C. MAY, SHERIFF'' 504 NW 4TH ST OKEECHOBEE,FL 34972 SPECIAL SUSPENSEFORFEITURE EA}IK 1 sro6rsoUT:I1.. FARRofr AVENUE E E C H O B E EF L Check,Date rIt0Lt07 PAY .00 A M O U N TP A I D >K**4< TWENTY-SEWNTHOUSANDTHREEHUNDRED THIRTEEN,q DOLL4RS TO THE LAW ENFORCEMENTTRUSTFUND ORDER ACCOUNT#4421163443 OF r r rI I | l r r r r : 0 8 ? o I t t r . t r ! 1 0 0 0 l t t t t tt,,. 34974 ruo, 'CneCr, Lt75 10001359959 Amouht $2 7,3t3.94 Vendor No: 406 L A W ENFOBCEMENTTRUST Fr.rND Account No:L0125 DESCRIPTION 208-0000 r7/or/oj OKEECHOBEE CO S H E R I F F ' S -i :.. A M O U N TP A I D DUE OTHER GOVT I'NITS OFFICE ..: :::: Check# .' 6 , 0 6 ] .. 6 2 1002 ''.... TOTAL : , gSPECHOBEECO-SIIERTFFT S:OFFTCE PAUL C. MAY, SHERIFF'' 504NW4THST OKEECHOBEE,FL34972 SPECIALSUSPENSE AGENCY : : ' . 1 : 1 : . : l Ehe: e^riTt $ 5, 0 6 ! . 6 2 *nrin^rrti,i*n* PARROST.AV€NUE 34974 OKEECHOBEE F L Check Date *{C*r'S1XTHOUSANDSIXTY-ONE AND 62/100DOLLARS TO TIIE LAW ENFORCEMENTTRUSTFUND ORDER ACCOUNT #4421163443 OF i l rl Q I l r r r r : 0 8 ? o I I l r . |? r l I O 0 0 I t r r r * 5, O6r.62 ' RIVERSIEE 11t01t07 PAY .00 r,,. Check No r002 10001359957 Amount $6,061,62 SUBJECT: Paymentto JusticeBenefits,Inc. IrEM: a'l The Board of County Commissionersreceived$ 139,682.00for the Sheriff through the Federal Bureau of Justice Assistance via the State Criminal Alien Assistance program (SCAAP). We have an ongoing contract with Justice Benefits, Inc. to pay that company 22% of the award which amounts to$ 30,730.04 for services rendered-to receive the SCAAP funds. In order to pay an amount this large we must have Board authorization. Overview of SCAAP: Bureau of JusticeAssistanceadministersSCAAP, in conjunction with the Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement and Citizenship and Immigration Services, Department of Homeland Security. SCAAP provides federal payments to states and localities that incurred correctional officer salary costs for incarcerating undocumentedcriminal aliens with at least one felony or two rnisdemeanor convictions for violations of state or local law, and incarceratedfor at least 4 consecutive days during the reporting period which is usually July 1 through June 30. RECOMMENDATION: That the BOCC atthoize disbursementof StateCriminal Alien Assistanceprogram funds in the amountof $ 30,730.04to JusticeBenefits,Inc. Approved for Agenda Item Q f rr/8t07 Page1 of4 ountyAdministrator 972 405 3790 'JusticeBeaefits, Inc. 2010Valhy View Lene Suite300 Datlas,TX 75234 P.ooz fnvoir DICC InroioeNumb umber: 2 0 0L4 0 3 1 t92 Invoioe c Date; Da JuL 20, 2 0 2001 972-406-3100 912-406-3156 Voioq Fax: Page: I SoldTo: OKEEESOEEE CO['NTY, ET, Attn: ACCO(INTS RECEfVABIJE 304 }Iw AID STREET OKEECIIOBEE, FL 349'12 CustomerID CustomorPO PaymerrtTorms A5U.f9AQ000A3 Net Due Doscription Extcnsion 30f?30. 04 Thankyoufor your busines. It is a pleanre to seryeyow Cotttty. Subtotal 30,730.Q4 SalesTax Tdd cAmOUnt 30,730.04 rtApplied TOTAL 30, ? 30. 04 MarciaMcGowan From: Sent: To: Subject: G.aryMoorman[gmoo-rman@clerk.co.okeechobee.fl. us] Thursday, June28,20078:34AM MarciaMcGowan FW: US DOJSCAAPAWARDpaymentinformation --*--OrlginaI Message----From: sPEcrAL PRoJEcrs [mailto:ocsosheriffl@okeechobee.com] Sent: Tuesday,. June 26, 2001- 1-I:43 AI'I T o : g m o o r m a n Gc l _ e r k . c o . o k e e c h o b e e . f l . u s Subject: U S D O J S C A A P A W A R Dp a y m e n t i n f o r m a t i o n Gary, This is the B O C Ca c c o u n t a t SCAAP award palment Seacoast. from the Department of Justice. It V/R Marshal-l Muros Detective Lieutenant M.Vl. Muros Okeechobee County Sheriff's Office Attention: Marine Officer/ Special projects 504 NW 4th Street Okeechobee, FL 349't2 863-357-1600 - Office 863-634-7038 - Ce]] 863-357-2852 - FAX 1 5 8 * 1 7 r . 8 7 9 1 - N E X T E LD i r e c t C o n n e c t 863-763-3117 - Sheriff,s O f f i c e C o m m sC e n t e r Original Message Frorn: "Jim Warrenr' (warrenjGojp.usdoj.gov> T o : < O C S O S H E RFIF 1 S O K E E C H O B E EO M > .C Sent: Tuesday, 25 June, 20Oj 12:31 pM Subject: Payment reguests > Your palrment request has been processed for grant,/invoice number(s): > 2007AP8X0335. > The total > You should nours - amount is expect to 139,'692.00. receive palment in your bank account > If you have any guestions concerning this message, please > C u s t o m e r S e r v i c e C e n t e r a t 1 - 9 0 0 - 4 5 9 - 0 ? g 6 or by e-mail_ at ' a s k . ) ocGusdoj . govt . within contact 4g our will show up in the AccountDetailReport Reportcreated: 612712007 at 9:41AM EDT Account: 0670051 58-0000256528-GENERAL OPERATING ACCOUNT BOCC--CHECKING Daterange: 612612007 to 6127t2007 Transaction types: Directdeposit Accountsort: Accountnumber Detailoption: Includes transaction detail (Alltimesarestaledin EasternTime.) (DateswithtimesindicateIntradayinformation.) (rransactions arenotdisplayed in orderof posting, therefore, thecalculatedBalance maynotbe accurately associaled withthe individual transactions.) . 0000256528 . GENERALOPERATING 067005158 ACGOUNTBOCC. CHECKING BOFAMS 1924ME Detail:BOFAMS 1924MERCHSETL0706234gO,tggOO2g4O727 $139,6E2.00 Detail:OJPTREAS310MtSCPAy RMR1N*2OO7APBX033 5-139682.00 Detaif: St BoardOf AdmiGASTAX070627E0%AND20%38 qcnv? Subject: TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT TTEM A 8 Staff is requesting the BOCC approve travel for the month of November 2007 for the following Commissioner appointeesand their respectiveboard/committee: Central Florida Regional Planning Council - Noel Chandler Florida's HeartlandREDI - Elvie Posey Heartland Coast to coast TransportationProject Group - Noel chandler Heartland Library CooperativeBoard - Elvie Posey Jobs, Education and PartnershipBoard - Clif Betts, Jr. TransportationDisadvantagedBoard - Noel Chandler Treasurecoast community ServicesAgency Board - Noel chandler Treasurecoast council of Local Governments- Marvin wherrell Water ResourceAdvisory Commission - Noel Chandler RECOMMENDATION That the BOCC approve commissioner travel for the month of November 2007 for monthly meetings of boards/committeesto which they are assigned. Approved for Agenda It/8/07 Page1 of1 l/? W tnterim@ Subject: APPROVAL OF TRAVEL rrEM ag Recommend that the BOCC determine whether travel will be authorized for Commissioners Domer and Posey to attend the Advanced County Commissioner ProgramJanuary10 & 11, 2008 in Gainesville. If the BOCC meetingdatesfor 2008remainthe 2ndand4thThursdayof eachmonth,the January10, 2008 BOCC meetingmay needto be rescheduledor cancelled. A January calendaris attachedfor your convenience. RECOMMENDATION That the BOCC determine whether travel will be authorized for CommissionersDomer and Posey to attend the Advanced County CommissionerProgram January 10 & 1l, ZOeg in Gainesville. That the BOCC determine if the January 10, 2008 BOCC meeting needs to be rescheduledor cancelled. Approved for Agenda rv8t07 Page I of 7 Interim County Administrator n qhlt January 2oo 6 o7 s I I It zl n MONDAY Imporant dris mdr oyt{t N* y@t bv , --:;;a'f-- - * 0t l+91'-L tl It t6 w*i7 orns I 8 rol , _ _ l6 D I r0! s a It tt o 11 rrrrrri 14 o,+,r,15 o'r'r M.(in Lutur Xiqril ft'A&n ___ _t$!e!il I __j_ )0t s t u It l6 tn Lv ;11 ffitt$, LL ,06 orrut Mr(rn L|ftr(r4rr.r s 22 @4u btr.hor l IO u tl !l r0l s 7 ta 2l D l 1. LI I 16 ozlttter LB -----;e0l 5 It It 26 --- 8."-" Tlre|rdhir Hc nch ttmd FmutncrFE ds@ u,[EirE du mlThcqlc nutcrl - hrd iqhm TTJESDAJ I r _ _ ! pnru 5 US:r4i!34, h. @ rcbEfflh. crarr a rh. uint.fhot orw" 29 orrrrr .txt t4 pLg Rzruxt ctl€*16 vtcQl smttJ,btl tob *s*p vta*vou. REQUEST FOR PAYIVTENT AIVIOUNTOF PAYTVIENT:tr/ d 7, t' u ro'.f4tryoxtilttvrxsrry MAKEpAyMENT /7/4 ADDRESS(ifapproprix"l, SN arftogD{ 34v Sr' srerE:fL aw 9ftrNa-slru-r 1a,uepa,'/cr(r''rt'e zw: ,12['07 R.EASONFORPAYMENT: | {<ro,n I Pi e - Cc*tFrzt1tfr'rtci# 3 e87g 96a?a- ACCOTINTPAIIyIENT TO BE CI{ARGEDTO: oo/*D/-5/l-Da'#ooo PAYMENT Ai.IHORIZED BY: DATE: APPROVEDBY: DATE: RECIEVED bI FINA}ICE BY: DATE: PAYMENT APPROVEDbI FINANCE BY: " Please submit this form with appropriateapproval signatnreto finance when requestinga paymentto be made when you have no otherdocumentationsuchas invoicesetc;" REQUEST TO ATTEND SEMINAR OR CONVENTION 'IutrQ r) NAHE, K/,'t DEPARTMsfrtr* DArE=lo-3t-tl h n C-f' VftNC,F NAHE OF HEETING: SPONSORED BY: wHEN, d4nl /n*'',,?na? wHERE, GntntEsvtufrFt I would, llke ro r Al to be absent from duty Fromt@d-/-A-r"rlhrrl n ( A P P R oxT MA T E co ) sr , 4 ) gt 'BREAKDOI.IN OF COSTS: TODGING: No. REGISTRATION: M EALS ,g70 TRAVEL: S , I OF NIGHTS: nr =sI ),9 S RATE: OTHER: S ( specltt I BELIEVE ATTENDING THIS rs CREDIT IF YES. IS LITERATURE / f ) BECAUSE: MEETING IS BENEFICIAL YES G r V E N B y P R O F E S S T O N A LA S S O C T A T T O N ? t l ilNo NAME ASSOCIATION: PERTAINING To MEETING ATTACHED? VQ''' I I unde,rstand that I wlll to subm1-t a wrltten be required my department this concerning head and Administratlon relmbursement of exDenses mav be denled. EMPLOYEE SIGNATURE: DATE: APPROVED BY: DATE: lhrn-rrn--r I--il APPROVED BY: I S B o c C A P P R O V A LR E Q U I R E D : t l DATE: YES tl NO t] NO report meetlng to or --------\ "REG4 / ' { PROGRAM APPLICATION + \ .D- FLORIDA =+-1 = COLhITIES FOUNID^T]ON THE FLORIDA FORUM FOR COUNTY LEADERS Abowt flondo lll Advanced Counlv Commissioner Proqram l h e r e b y s u b m i l m y a p p l t c a l t o nl o r l h e F l o r i d a f o I U m l o r C o u n l y L e a d e r s d e s r g n e d a s " p o s / I , o r a d u a l es l u d i e s " l o r C e r l i l t e c iC o u n l ) zC o m m i - s s i o n e r s u n d e r s l a n d l h a t l h r s a p p l i c a t i o n i s m y c o r n m i l m e n tl o c o m p l e t e t h e 3 - p a r 1s e l e s o l s e m i n a r s A d v a n c e d C e r l r l t c a l t o nw t l l b e c o n l e r r e d t o Commtssronetw s h o c o m p l e l e a l l l h r e e e v e n l s w h t c h l o l a l 2 7 h o u r s o l c l a s sl t m e M a k e - u p c o u f s e - s v , , t lnl o t b e o t l e r e d T h e l e e l o r l h e e n l t r e s e r / e sr s $ 4 5 0 . d o e s n o l r n c l u d eh o l e l o r l r a v e l e l p e n s e s , a n d m u s l b e p a i d i n a d v a n c e T h t s l o r m s h o u l d b e l a x e d l o F C F ( 8 5 0 - 4 B B7 7 5 2 ) s l a r l i n g M o n d a y , J u t y 9 , 2 0 0 7 O n l y 3 0 a p p l t c a n l sw i l l b e a d m i t l e d t o l h e p r o y a m S e i e c l i o nv ' , r lbl e o n a l l r s l c o m e , l u s l l o l l o u i, o r r e c e i p tb y F C F n o l a i e r t h a n A u g u s l 1 7 , 2 A 0 7 / r r s /s e r v e d b a s i s T u i t t o np a S , m e nm counry Ct([trcl]QB€f . A d d re s s p h o n eE r " 3 - ' 7 Cb3q + | -i ^t\ I S .J >--f, ;-;--. | /<(:r J t.l'i ( 1- OKttrcr{i,o :L ( ' e. r ' , 1 , , ' 1 ",< ' r n x , 8 0 J 1 U 3 - ' t 5 s . Q E m a i t l | - ' , r r t , 1 - tG ( ' r r , D " Tf t I rr€ tA- P A Y M E N TO P T I O N S l C h e c k a p p l i c a b l eb o x ) D l M yc o u n l yv v i l rl e m i l a c h e c k r n l h e l u l l a m o u n ln o l a l e rl h a n A u g u s l 1 l , 2 O O 1 D , I w r l lm a k e o n - l i n ep a y m e n tw i t h c r e d i lc a r d n o l a l e rl h a n A u g u s l 1 l , Z O O 1 [ ( - S C f n S C o u n l y ( u n d e r7 5 , 0 0 0 p o p ; s e e * t 4 b e l o w ) ,S C I A S l o c o v e r B s c h o l a r s h i plso r l u i l i o n / only D l h e r e b y s u b m i l a s c h o l a r s h i pr e q u e s t( F o r c o u n l r e so v e r 7 5 , 0 0 0p o p ; p / e a s e a l l a c hb r i e l s l a l e m e n la s l o n e e d ) INSI RUCTIONS: t , e c l a s sw i l l b e l i m r l e dl o 3 0 p a r l i c i p a n t s l h e l o e n s u r el h e b e s l e d u c a l i o n ael x p e r i e n c p e o s s r b l el h f r r s t3 0 a p p l i c a n l sw i l l b e a p p r o v e da n d w i l l b e n o l i l i e db y e m a i l , s o b e s u t e t h e a p p l i c a l i o ni n c l u d e s y o u r e m a i l a d d r e s s l l y o u d o n o l h a v e e m a i l .p r o v i d ea d a y l i m e p h o n e n u m b e r 2 O n c e y o u a r e n o l i f r e dv i a e m a i l o r l e l e p h o n el h a l y o u h a v e b e e n a c c e p t e d .p a y m e n l m u s l b e r e c e i v e d n o l a t e l l h a n A u g u s l 1 7 o r l h e s l o t w i l l b e g i v e n l o a n o l h e r a p p l i c a n l T h e r e l o r e ,p l e a s eb e s u r e l o p r e a r r a n g es p e e d y p a y m e n l b y y o u r c o u n l y l o r l h e r e g i s l r a l i o nl e e . T h i s i s n e c e s s a r yl o a v o i d a n y v a c a n l s l o l si n l h e c l a s s 3 Y o u m a y r e g i s l e ra n d r n a k ep a y m e nol n - l i n eu s i n ga c r e d i lc ard (See wv"r," 4 U p t o B a p p l i c a n l s l r o m c o u n t i e su n d e r 7 5 , 0 0 0 p o p u l a t i o nm a y r e c e i v ea $ 4 5 0 S C T A S s c h o l a r s h i pl o r l u i l i o n . A g a r n , l h i s r " , i l bl e o n a f r r s l - c o m ef,r r s t - s e r v ebda s i s a s d o c u m e n t e db y l h e l a x d a l e l i n e 5 T h e A p p l i c a t i o nF o r m s h o u l d b e l a x e d l o l h e F C F o t l r c e a l ( 8 5 0 ) 4 B B l 1 5 2 T h e l a x d a t e l i n e r ^ r i l l s e r v e a s l h e m e a n s o l d o c u m e n l i n g w h e n a p p l i c a l i o n sa r e r e c e i v e d s o y o u m u s l f a r i n t h e a p p l i c a l i o nf o r m l o b e c o n s i d e r e dl o r l h e p r o g r a m . o H o l e l i n l o r m a l i o nw i l l b e s e n l l o a p p l i c a n t sa c c e p l e di n t h e p r o g r a m T h e r o o m r a l e l o r l h e f r r s le v e n l a l t h e H i l l o nU n i v e r s i l vo l F l o r i d aC o n f e r e n c eC e n l e rw i l l b e $ 1 3 9 + l a xo e r n i o h l REQUEST TO ATTEND SEMINAR OR CONVENTION F- /) NAMET kLf/g or"n* DArE' /0-31-D7 fnsu-ut NAME OF HEETING: BY, sPoNSoRED f/+(-. WHEN , Jntt, lyn/ l; ,arn? I would llke to be absent ' ' =t i u {, FL WHERE , c*' from duty Fromt f*nl r", Jhrrt /l /O r o r A r . ( A P P R o x T M A TcEo)s r , , # 1 t l n ' ' B R E A K D O W NO F C O S T S : LODGING: NoREGISTRATION: TRAVEL: S , OF NIGHTS: I MEALS:S 7 T) AT S RATE: OTHER: S ( sPccL lr ) I BELIEVE ATTENDING THIS MEETING I S BECAUSE: BENEFICIAL IS CREDIT GIVEN BY PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION? IF YES. rs LTTERATURE PERTATNTNG TO HEETTNG ATTACHED? yi t] YES NAME ASSOCIATION: I understand my department relmbursement Uts to submlt a written that I wlII be required thls concerning head and Administratlon of expenses mav be denled. EMPLOYEE SIGNATURE: DArE: /0-3/-Of APPROVED BY: DATE: APPROVED BY: DATE: IS ilNo BOCC APPROVAL REQUIRED: tl YES tl NO tI No report meetlng to or t- I PROGRAM APPLICATION I '".:,. \ / FLOR]D^'E COLII\TTIESFOUID^TION ,/ ,":-: t - \ ,-. THE FLORIDA FORUM FOR COUNTY LEADERS Advanced Counly Commissioner Ptogtam A Il About Flondo "pos/ t h e r e b y s u b m i l m y a p p l t c a t i o nl o r l h e F l o r i d a F o r u m l o r C o u n l y L e a d e r s d e s r g n e d a s g r a d u a l es l u d r e - sl"o r C e r l i l i e d C o u n l y C o m r n i s s r o n e r s I u n d e r s l a n d l h a l l h t s a p p l t c a l i o n t s m y c o m m 1 m e n ll o c o m p l e t e l h e 3 - p a r l s e n e s o l s e m t n a r s A d v a n c e d C e f l i l r c a l r c nw r l l b e c o n l e r r e d l o C o m n i s s i o n e r sw h o c o m p l e t ea l l l h r e e e v e n l s w h t c h l o t a l 2 7 h o u r s o l c l a s s l i m e M a h e -u p c o u l s e s will not be ollered The tee lor lhe enlre sef,es ,s $450, does nol include holel or lravel expenses, a n d m u s t b e p a i d r n a d v a n c e T h r sl o r m s h o u l d b e l a x e d l o F C F ( 8 5 0 ' 4 B B7 7 5 2 ) s l a r l t n g M o n d a y July g, 2007 Onry 30 appltcanls u,tllbe admifled lo lhe plogram Seieclion w,tllbe on a ltrsl'come, lcr receipi b',,FCF no iater !h.anAtgusi 17, ?CC7 Tuiitor:Flj,rnent nls! ic!!c',". lrrsi-rcs,,n.eCNasis Signed Counly o /<-... Ao6 --- P r i n lN a m e Address /f'lDz P h o n eX L 3# 1 5R 70 E. 1311 o k e c A o l t e - p - tf r FAXg AJ!?::e1 ?Ylz2- Email p(Z ) s+rrrnt ?cs.corv\ V 3-nrl-{-,G'cc ckcccl-'clr.c,fi,u: P A Y M E N TO P T I O N S l C h e c k a p p l t c a b l eb o x ) D D. C_ ' ! M y c o u n l yw r l lr e m i ta c h e c k i n t h e l u l l a m o u n ln o l a l e rl h a n A u g u s l 1 1, 2 0 0 1 I w i l l r n a k eo n - l r n ep a y m e n lw i l h c r e d i tc a r d n o l a l e rl h a n A u g u s l 1 1, 2 O O 1 S C _ 1 n SC o u n l y ( u n d e r 7 5 , 0 0 0 p o p , s e e # 4 b e l o w ) ,S C T A S l o c o v e r B s c h o l a r s h i p sl o r l u i l r o n only l h e r e b y s u b m r la s c h o l a r s h i pr e q u e s t( F o r c o u n l i e so v e r 7 5 , 0 0 0p o p , p / e a s ea l l a c hb r i e l s l a t e m e n ta s l o n e e d ) INSTRUCTIONS: . 1 l o e n s u r et h e b e s l e d u c a l i o n ael x p e r i e n c pe o s s i b l et.h e c l a s sw i l l b e l i m i l e dl o 3 0 p a r l i c i p a n l sT h e d y e m a i l ,s o b e s u r e t h e a p p h c a t i oinn c l u d e s f i r s l3 0 a p o l i c a n l w s i l l b e a p p r o v e da n d w i l l b e n o t i f r e b p r o v i d e a d a y t i m ep h o n en u m b e r n o l h a v e e m a i l , l l y o u d o a d d r e s s y o u re r n a i l 2 t uslbe received O n c ey o u a r e n o t i t i e dv i a e m a i lo r l e l e p h o n teh a ty o u h a v eb e e na c c e p t e dp, a y m e nm p l e a s eb e s u t el o p r e T h e r e l o r e , g i v e n w i l l l o a p p l i c a n l anolher be n o l a l e rl h a n A u g u s l1 7 o r t h e s l o t l o a v o i da n yv a c a n l i s n e c e s s a r y T h i s r e g i s t r a t i o l e n e t h e a r r a n g es p e e d yp a y m e n lb y y o u rc o u n l yl o r s l o t si n l h e c l a s s 3 co sm). y o u m a y r e g i s t ea r n d m a k ep a y m e nol n - l i n eu s i n ga c r e d i cl a r d( s e er w w v1 l - c o u n l t e 4 or n a y r e c e i v ea $ 4 5 0 S C T A Ss c h o l a r s h il p U p t o B a p p l i c a n t sf r o m c o u n t i e su n d e r7 5 , 0 0 0p o p u l a l i om l a x d a l e l i n e l h e b y f r r s t s e r v e d d o c u m e n t e d b a s i s a s f r r s l c o m e , t u i l i o n A g a i n ,t h i sw i l l b e o n a 5 T h e A p p l r c a t i oFno r m s h o u l db e t a x e dl o l h e F C F o f l i c ea l ( 8 5 0 )4 B B7 7 5 2 T h e l a x d a l e l i n ew i l l s e r y e a s l h e m e a n s o l d o c u m e n t i n gw h e n a p p l i c a l i o n sa r e r e c e i v e ds o y o u m u s l l a x i n l h e a p p l i c a t i o lno r m l o b e c o n s i d e r e ldo r l h e p r o g r a m . s i n t h e p r o g r a m T h e r o o mr a l el o r l h e i i r s le v e n at t H o l e li n f o r m a l i o rnn r ibl le s e n l l o a p p l i c a n tasc c e p t e d w i l lb e $ 1 3 9 + t a px e r n r g h t C e n t e t Conlerence t h eH i l t o nU n i v e r s i loyf F l o r i d a Subject: 4:00 P.M. DEBI LEWIS RETIREMENT RECEPTION ITEM 3D Lewis in the The Clerk of Circuit Court will be hosting a Retire,lnentReceptionfor Debi first floor conferenceroom in the Judicial Ce'lrter' tLl8l07 PageI of 2 LwvLtedto a Y on ArecoYdLaLLg LwFloworof t<ttLrevwlwtReceptLow DSBIR,+ LEWI.S Datl: Novew-berB, 2007 Awt4tvnte Betwltw: 2:3CVn*awd 5s o prw PLace:cLer@of curcu"Lt Covtrt R-oovw FLrst FLoorCowferewce LocatLow: olz0echobeeCovtwtfi vtdLcLaL ce wter ANNI'AL Minimum: 0 FOR BANK ACCOT/M|: I DS PAYMI]NT'Ii TYP i104.]2 C 28942 11 7 0 .0 0 D E P A R T M E N TO F H E A L T H I 1 0 4- r 4 C MAIJRO DOMINGUEZ DIST: C YOUTH SOCCEROFFICIAL DIST; C GIOVANY JIMENEZ YOUTH SOCCER OFFICIAL DIST: 2 4. 0 0 .00 2 4. 0 0 2 4. 0 0 .00 2 4. 0 0 5 0 3. 7 5 .00 603.7s 6 0 3. ? 5 .00 503.7s A 1 CI,EMEMTS TARIN WEIMTRAUB YOUTH SOCCER OFFICIAI A1 14.00 .00 14.00 1015200? 14.00 .00 14.00 AFLAC/A|VIERICAN FAMILY CANCER, ACCIDENI, HOSPITAL L0/19/o7 205r'7 LOIL9/07 2057-7 L0/re/07 205r'7 ro/t9/0'l 2Q5r'7 1 4. 0 0 .00 14.00 14.00 .00 14.00 L0/L9/07 20577 A1 30.00 .00 30.00 10152007 30.00 .00 30.00 L0/re/0? 205r7 L 3, 3 0 2. 6 7 .00 t 3 , 3 Q 2. 6 7 13,358.97 .00 9,575.72 L 0 / 2 2 /0 7 20522 1 4. 0 0 A1 1 0 1 6 20 0 7 14.00 30.00 0o1-21-572-00-5210 1 0087 BATCH 603.75 001-21-572-00-5210 230174 DIST: AI 0 0 1 - 2 1 - 5 7 2- 0 0 - 5 2 1 0 230173 HPIVOID 70.00 10152007 001-22 s37-00-4000 180735 REMICIO RODRIGUEZ 70.00 CHECK DT 24.00 OMNI HOTEL AT CNN CENTER HOTEL RESERVATION .00 NET PAY 70.00 001-21-572-00-5210 150126 DISCPUNTS 70.00 JR4058900 RENEWAL YOUTH SOCCER OFFICIAL DIST: OPERATING ACCOI'NT GROSS AIT1T #INV 103-51-513-00-3100 40532 11043i SRC 1 kconrad PAYUENT REGISTER SEACOAST NATIONAL BANK NAIVIE LlCENSE DIST: Page BOARD OF COUMTY COMMISSIONERS 0 8 : - 1 1 : 1 4 ).o/19/0'? Lo LL/01 /07 "1,/A8/07 .,p550 I s A5 rN ocr/200? 491.05 DIST: 001-01-511-00-230O DIST: 001-08-513-00-2300 89.83 DISTr 001-10'512-00-2300 251.38 DISTr 119-01-554-00-2300 55.30 DIST: 001 11-553-00-2300 329.81 DiSTr 001-r4-525-00-230O 12.00 DIST: 001-25-559-00-2300 DIST; 001-25-559-02-2300 16.41 L26.48 DIST: 00). 25-569-22-23OO DISI: 001-2s-559-31-2300 55.61 DISTr O0I-25-569'42-230O 154.90 DIST: 001-25-569 52-23O0 16.41 DISTr 001-25 569-52-230O 47.79 DISTr 001 25-559-71-2300 4. L0 DIST: 0 0 1- 2 5 - 5 6 9 ' 9 1 - 2 3 0 0 20.5L DIST: 001-31-571-00-2300 284.99 D I S Tr 0 0 1 ' 6 6 ' 5 1 9 - 0 0- 2 30 0 o oL . z z DISTr 001-56 519-05-2300 47.4! DIST: 1 23 ' 5 6 - 5 1 9 - 0 0 - 2 3 0 0 151.19 DIST: 001-57-559-00-2300 45.LL DIST: !17 - 12- 515- 00- 2300 300.91 DIST: 117-17-562-00-2300 DISTr 001-24-542-00-2300 r22.r'l r.91. 14 il/431O7 08:31:14 r0/19/07 dp550 js Eo Lr/O7/07 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Minimum:0 FOR BANK ACCOLJIJTT PAYI'4EM|1 TYt) ID# ANNUAL PAYMENT REGISTER 11 SEACOAST NATIONAL BANK NAME SRC OPERATING ACCOI'NT GROSS AMT *INv DIST: 117.35 524-00_2300 DIST: 101 50-541-00-2300 985.88 DIST: 40I-21 200.24 572-O0-230O DlST, 118-40-522-00-2300 26L.5I DIST: 118-40-526-00-2300 23r.96 DlST: t78- 46-522-00,2300 DIST: 001-218300 DrsT: DIST; 001-08-513-00-2300 D1ST, 001 10-512-00-2300 DISTr 119 01-554-00-2300 DIST: 001 11-553-00-2300 215.84 rJ, 56.30 1 . 5. 4 1 DIST: 001-25-559-02-2300 L26 .48 12.00 DIST; OOL-25 569-22-2300 DTST: 001 25-569-31-2300 DisT: aat DlsT: 001 25-569 52-230A 15.41 Drs,1.: 001.25 569-62 2300 41 1a 55.51 25-569-42-2300 154.90 DIST: 001 25 569-71-2300 DIST: 001 25 569-91-2300 DIST" 001 31,-571-00-2300 zd6. DIS'I'r 001 66-519-00-2300 00L.zz 4.10 zu.>L tt DrsT: 0 0 1- 6 6 - 5 1 9 - 0 5 - 2 3 0 0 4 7. 4 r DIST: 1 2 3 -6 6 - 5 1 9 - 0 0 - 2 3 0 0 1 . 5 1. 1 9 DIST: 001-67-569-00-2300 DIST: 1r7-12-5I5-00-2300 to, f r 300.91 DIST: 1 ] r ' 7- 1 7 - 5 5 2 - 0 0 - 2 3 0 0 L Z Z . DISTr 001,-24-542-O0-2300 191.14 DtsT: 117-35 524-00-2300 r, L62.29 DIST; I01-50-541-00-2300 985.88 DIST: 407 2I-572-O0-2300 200,24 L DIST: 118 40-s22-00-2300 zoL.)t DrsT: 118,40 526-00-2300 aJL.>6 DIST: ].I8 - 46-522-00-2300 DrsT: 001,218300 I 94.90 6 ,2L3 . 04 401 56-519-00-2300 2L5 .84 C A N C E R ,A C C I D E N T , H O S P I T A L r N o c T / 2 0 0 ? DIST: 001'08-513-00-2300 001-10-512-00-2300 1.3,368.9? 491.05 89.83 z>!.5E DIST: 119 01 554-00-2300 66.30 DISTr 001-11-553-00-2300 329.81 DIST: 001 l4 525-00-2300 DiS"Il: 001 25.569-00-2300 DIST: 001-25 569-02-2300 416.08 JZt.6L 001-25-569-00-2300 DIS : .00 89.83 001-14-525-00-2300 001-01-511-00-2300 / z>L,38 DIST: DIST: JOO. t 491.05 DIST: DIsT: NET PAY 94.90 401-66-519-00-2300 00I 01-511-00-2300 DISCOUNIS 6,2r3.04 C A N C E R ,A C C ] D E N T , H O S P I T A I , I N O C T / 2 O O ? DIST: kconrad 12.00 to.tr L26 .48 98s.88 CHECK DT HPIVOID BATCH 1I/a8/07 08:31:14 ia/19/0j ap550 ]s Lo lr/07/07 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS M i n i m u m :O FOR BANK ACCOUNT PA\'!II,JN]'H IDfl TYP ANNUAT PAYMENT REGISTER 11 SEACOAST NATIONAL BANK NAME OPER,ATING ACCOUNT SRC fINV GROSS A}IT DIST; 001-25-569-22-2300 DIST: 00r-25-569-31.-2300 DrsT: 00r-25-569-42-2J00 DrsT: 001-25-569-52-2300 r6.41 DIST: A0I 25-569-62-2300 47.79 DIST, O O t- 2 5 5 6 9 - 7 7 - 2 3 Q 0 4.I0 DISTr 001 25,569-9f-2300 20.51 DIST: 00r 31-571 00-2300 288.99 DlsT; 001 66-51.9-00-2300 001 66-519-05-2300 I23-66-5I9-00-2300 DrsT: 0 0 1- 6 7 5 6 9 - 0 0 _ 2 3 0 0 45.r1 DIST: 117-12-515-00-2300 300.91 DIST: 11?-17-562-00-2300 L22 . L7 DIST: 0 0 1 , - 2 4- 5 4 2 - 0 0 - 2 3 0 0 191.14 47.4L 1ql 1a DIST: 117 35-524 00-2300 l)IST: 101 50 541-00-2300 985.88 DIST, 40I-21 F'72-00-23O0 200.24 118 40-522-00-2300 118 40'526-00-2300 DIS'I: 118'46 522-00-2300 DIST' 001-218300 DIST: a5L.to 94.90 6, 2 r 3 . 0 4 401-66.s19-00-2300 2L5.84 C A N C E R ,A C C I D E N T , H O S P I T A L I N O C T / 2 0 0 7 DIST: 001-01-511-00-2300 DlST: 001-08-513-00-2300 DIST: 001-10-512-00-2300 DI ST': 001 11-553-00-2300 DTSTI 001,14525-00-2300 !IST; 001 25 569-002300 DTST: 0 0 1 - 2 55 5 9 , 0 2 - 2 3 0 0 119 01-554-00-2300 D]ST: aoI 25 569-22-2300 DIST: 0 0 1 - 2 55 5 9 3 1 - 2 3 0 0 13,368.9? 491.05 8 9 .8 3 z)f.J6 oo.lu JZ>. E L 12.00 76.4L L26 48 DIST: aal 25 569-42-2300 DIST: 001 25,569-52-2300 16.41 DIST: 001-25-s69-62-2300 47.79 DIST: 001 25,569-71-2300 DIST: DIST: 001-25-559-91-2300 00 1 . 3 1 - 57 I - 00 - 2 30 0 DIST: c01-66-519-00-2300 DTST: 001-55-s19-05-2300 D]ST: 1 2 3 - 5 55 1 9 - 0 0 - 2 3 0 0 DIST: 001-67-569-00-2300 154.90 4.10 20,51 288 .99 47,4L 1q1 1q DIST: 1 1 7 -1 2 - 5 1 5 - 0 0 - 2 3 0 0 DIST: 77't t'7-562 00-2300 r22 . 17 :]I ST: 001 24-542-00-2300 1.91.14 DlST: 117-35-524-00-2300 DIST: 101-50-541-00-2300 NET PAY 55.5t DISl': DIST: DISCOUNTS 154.90 DrsT: DIST: kconrad 3 0 0 .9 t 985.88 .00 1 qPq ?7 CHECK DT HPIVOID BATCH ',r/0a/a'7 08:i1:14 . r p r r : ' : ,i Js 70/19/07 Eo 7I/07/07 BOARD OF CPT'NTY COMMISSIONERS Minlmum:O FOlt BANK ACCOUNTT ANNUAL PAYMENT REGISTER 1t SEACOAST NATIONAL BANK IAY14EN'Ili'IYP SRC OPERATING ACCOUNT SINV GROSS AMT DIST: 4Al 2I-572-00-2300 200.24 DISTr 118-40 522-00-2300 2 5 L. 5 7 DIST: 118-40-526-00-2300 DiST, 118 46-522-00-2300 DISTr 001-218300 DrsT: 13,368.97 001-01-511-00-2300 491.05 DIST: 001 08-513-00-2300 0 0 1, 1 0 5 1 2- 0 0 - 2 3 0 0 251.38 119 01 5s4 00-2300 DIST: 0 0 1 , 1 1 - s s 3 - 0 02 3 0 0 DlST: 001 14-s2s-00-2300 12.00 DIST: 001-25-559-00-2300 16.41 DISTI 001 2s-569-02-2300 L26.48 DIST: 0Qr,25-569-22-2300 q11 DIST: OO.JU JZ>.EL C? DISTI 001 25-s69-31-2300 0 0 r - 2 5- 5 6 9- 4 2 - 2 3 0 0 DIST: 001.25-s69-52-2300 15.41 DIST: 00r-25-569-62-2300 47.79 DIST: 00L-25-569-?1-2300 4.10 DISTI 001-25-569-91-2300 zv.>L 288.99 00r.-31-s71-00-2300 DISTI 0 0 1 6 6 -5 1 9 - 0 5 - 2 3 0 0 DIST: i2t-56-s19-00-2300 55.61 154.90 47.4t DIST' 001 67 569-00-2300 DIST: 1 1 7 - 1 25 1 5 - 0 0 - 2 3 0 0 t)isT: rr7 -r'7 562-00-2300 r22.L7 DIST: 001,24-542-00-2300 191.14 DIST: r17-35-524-00-2300 DiST: 1 0 1 s 0 - s 4 t- 0 0 - 2 3 0 0 98s.88 DISTI 401,21-572-00-2300 200.24 DIST: 118-40-522-00-2300 10L.tt DI ST: DIST: 118 40-526-00-2300 1 18 - 4 6 - 52 2 - 0 0 - 2 3 0 0 DIST: 001 218300 DIS'lr 401 66-519-00_2300 300.91 2 3 L. 9 6 94.90 6 ,2r3 . 04 z ta .61 C A N C E R ,A C C I D E N T , H O S P I T A L I N O C T / 2 0 0 7 LrIST: 001-01 511-oO-2300 l-rIS'l': 001 08 511-00-2300 D19l'r 001 10 512-OO-2300 DISl': 119 01-554-00-2300 13,368.97 4q1 nR 89.83 za!, J6 65.30 DIST: 001.11-553-OO-2lOO DISTr 001 14-525-OO-2300 L2.00 DIST: 001-2s 559-00-2300 16.41 L26.48 DIST: 00r 2s-569-02-2300 irrsT. 00I-25.569_22_2300 DIST; 001-25-569-31-2300 588.43 89.83 DIST: 001 66-519-00-2300 00 2 L 5. 8 4 DIST: L ) ]S T : NET PAY 9 4 .9 0 401-65-519-00_2300 IrIST: DISCOUNTS 6,2I3 .04 C A N C E R ,A C C I D E N T , H O S P I T A L I N O C T / 2 O O ? DIST: kconrad JZ>.EL )), br .00 CHECK DT HPIVOID BATCH rr/aB/o7 0 8 : 3 1 : r 4 r Q / 1 9 / Q - tL o L r / 0 7 / 0 . 1 ap550 ls BOARD OF G1CUNTYCOMMISSIONERS M r n l m u mO: FOR BANK ACCOUNT: PAYI\4F]NT#TYP IDS ANNUAI 11 SEACOAST NATIONAL NAME BAI,IK #INV GROSS AIVT DIST: 001-25-569-42-2300 DIST: 001-25_569_52_2300 15.41 DIST: A0I-25-569-62-2300 47.79 DIST; 001-25-559-21-2300 4.10 DIST: 001,25-569-91-2300 20.51 DIST: 00i-31-571-00-2300 288.99 001 65-519_00-2300 oo! , zz DIST: 001-65-519-05-2300 DrsT: 123-66_s19_00_2300 DrsT 001-57-569_00-2300 1 1 ? -L 2 - 5 1 5 0 0 - 2 3 0 0 1 1 7 -1 7 - 5 6 2 - 0 02 3 0 0 DIST: 001-24-542-00-2300 DIST: 117-35-524-00-2300 191.14 L , L 5 2. 2 9 985.88 200.24 DrsT: 118_40-522_00_2300 26L.57 DIST: 118-40-526-00-2300 231.95 DIST; 118-45-522-OO-2300 DIST: 00r-218300 94.90 6,213.04 DISTr 401-66-519-00-2300 -.]C095 COLONIAL LIFE 2L5.84 INS CO CANCER & ACCIDENT INS PREM AL ocll /2007 001 218400 C CONSECO HEALTH INSURANCE CO A 1 001-219400 DI STr I70442 .00 90.50 .00 qd qn I O / 2 2 /0 7 24522 81.00 .00 81.00 81.00 .00 81.00 l0/22/ 07 20522 r0/22/01 20522 81.00 I2OO42 LItsERTY NATIONAL CANCER & LIFE 90.50 90.50 C A N C E R ,A C C I D E N T , H O S P I T A L I N O g T / 2 O O ? "r104..l1 BATCH 300.91 101-s0-s41_00-2300 DIST: HPIVOID 1A 40L-2r-572-O0_2300 ]0113 CHECK DT {O.II DrsT: r 1 0 4 . :0l NET PAY 47.4L 1ql Drsl': DIST; DISCOI'NTS 154 . 90 Drsl, DIST: 5 kconrad OPER.ATING ACCOUNT SRC DIST: Page PAYI"IENT REGISTER INS PREM A 0 0 1 - 2 1 9 1 . 00 A 8 OCT/2007 DISI: o0l DISl: 001 08_513_00_2300 28.08 DIST: 001 10-512-OO-2300 L72.29 01-511-00-2300 183.17 DIST; 119-01-554-OO-2300 DIST: 001-11-553-OO-2300 '12.97 DI ST: 0 0 1 - 1 4 - 5 2 5 - O O- 2 3 0 0 28.08 DTST: 001-21-572-OO-Z3OO f /.5u DIST: 001 22-537-OO-2!OO 24.01 DISTr 001-23-537-OO-2300 DISl': 001-23-53?-19-2300 DIST: 001-25_s59_OO_2300 DISl'r 001 25-559-02-2300 DIST; AA1'25-569-22-2300 .00 732.29 .00 732.29 10,589.38 .00 10,589.38 10,510.44 .00 732.29 732.29 ].61091 PUBLIC RISK MANAGEMENO TF F DENTAI INSURANCE PREMIT'MS ,132.29 1 ocT/200? 10 nt 2 4. 0 9 o,6f az.)v 2 L 2. 3 4 84,24 r 0 / 2 2/ 0 7 11/08/C7 08:31:14 tA/1.9/Oj Eo II/07/07 ap5!.0 ls BOAND OF qAUNTY C1)MMISSIONERS MinimumtO FOR BANK ACCOUNT: 11 PAYMENTH 'TYP ID# NAME ANNUAI SEACOAST NATIONAL BA},IK GROSSAIIT #INV DrST: 00I-25_569-31_2300 23.08 00L-25-569-42-Z3OO 54.30 DIST: 001-25-569-52-2300 DrsT: 001-25_559_62_2300 001-25-559-?1-2300 1 0 0 1 - 2 5 - 5 6 9 _9 1 _2 3 o O 8.51 tn DIST, 001-31-5?1-OO-2300 305.24 DIST: 001-66-519-OO-2300 285.35 DISTr 001 66-519-05-2300 2 8. 0 8 DIST: 123-66 519-00-2300 101.05 DrsT: 0 0 1 - 6 7 _5 6 9 _0 0 _2 3 o O 72.97 DIST: 117-12-5L5-00-2300 159.38 DIST: r17-17_552_OO_2300 DIST; A0I-24-542-OO-2300 72.97 DIST: 117-35 s24_00_2300 5 0 5 .0 1 DIST, 1 0 1 . 5 0 5 4 1- O O - 2 3 0 0 501.58 DrsT: 102-01_5s2_00_2300 2L.?5 DISTr 401-21 572-OO-2300 5 5 .1 5 DlST: 4 0 1 - 6 6 _ 5 1 9 _0 o _ 2 3 0 0 28.08 DlST; 403-69-5?2-00-2300 DISTr 118 40-522-00-2300 118-40-525-OO-2300 DIST; 73.58 6.07 331.48 293.95 6, 42i .05 001-219710 DENTAL INSURANCE PREMIUMS 001-01,511-00-2300 at5. J t ogr/2007 10,610.44 183.17 DISTI 001-08-513-00-2300 28.08 DIST: 001-10-512-00-2300 t72.29 DI ST: 119-01-554-00_2300 ztruo DIST: 0 0 1 -1 1 - 5 5 3 - 0 0 - 2 3 0 0 72.97 DIST: 001-14-s25-00_2300 28.08 DISTI 0 0 1 - 2 1 - 5 72 - 0 0 _2 3 o o :r.5u DIST. 001-22-s37-00-2300 24.0L 0 0 1 - 2 35 3 7 - 0 0 _ 2 3 0 0 '53719-2300 21,09 DIST: DIST: oor 23 DIST' 001 25.569-00-2300 DI S.T: 001-2s-5.59-02_2300 NET PAY o.6r DIST: 001-219700 DISCPUMTS 19.84 DrsT: DIST: 6 kconrad OPERATINGACCOUMT SRC DIS?: DrsT: Page PAYIIENT REGISTER L9.07 6.81 )2.>v DI ST: 00r-25-569-22-2300 DIST: 001 25-s69,31-2300 zJ.vo DISTI oor-25-569-42-230O 5 4 1. 3 0 DIST I 001-25569-52-2300 DIST: 0 0 1- i 5 - 5 6 9 -5 2- 2 3o 0 2r2.34 o. dr 19.84 DIST: 001-25-569-71-2300 DIST: 001-25-s69-91-2300 001-11-571-00_2300 30s.24 DIST: 001-66-519-00_2300 286.35 1.70 8.51 DISTI 001 66 519_05-2300 I]IST: 123-66-519-00-2300 101.05 DIST: 001-57-s59-00-230O 72.97 28.08 6.07 CHECK DT HPIVOID BATCTI 19/07 Lo 7r/a7/o.l BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 'irlLli:C tl ;^EACOAST NATIONAL I]ANK SRC i ' r: . I .-' r t t' '-i:r'l: \62 AO 2lAA a : t12 00 2300 1,,, l5 titt "tst l--ril': j': : .:-, ) i 552 0o 23OO 2t.75 5't2 OO 23OO 56 1,6 r.1,t5 519 00 2300 28 08 tjit i0 lt3 1!r 525 00 2300 . 5 2 20 0 2 3 o o (t'.,.:.\970A i--ll: :j : ir, 5tl [r]rl i:r _!3 it- l-/rt '.. . 293 95 2r3 37 ] . : J ; . J 1 ' A ]I,N S U R A N C E P R E M I U M S ifl 607 331 48 6,42"/ 06 : t ) , : ,\ ' ) ' l I A ' 00-2300 acT/2AA7 10,610 44 183 17 0O 23OO 28.08 512 00 2300 r72.29 t::.' 119 rt 554 00 23oo :i :lri l1 551 0C 2300 2r .06 't2 97 ,::' ; 1I 28 0B i: ti 525 00 2300 t.t 2i ,-t2 00 2100 57 50 .t:'.) ,t!'i O! 2l0O 24 0I :: l|l l'r 5t7 0C 2l0O 19 A'7 ' ril ;rt 5i7 24 09 -I 19 2l0O ,,ft :t ) 5,i9 00-2300 I 1 r , . . . \ \ G 9 A 2_ 2 3 O O . i:)! ?\ 569 22 23AA 'r)' .)" '69 l. 23OO r-r .1 i, ....aa9 42 2.3AA l:.. : i , I : )): a 6 9 5 2 2 3 A A -,,t ?5 569 62 23AO ' t:; 25 't1 569 23OA I , tI I 2t 569 9l rlL lL 5?t 0C-2300 : ' i ; :. 6 81 52 50 272 34 23.08 64 3A 6 81 19 84 1,'/0 23AA u 5f 345 24 |'t r,519 00 23OO ! t t rt ri6 5i9 05 2300 28 08 )23 act5'!9 00 2300 101 05 L ' l ) 16 7 5 6 9 0 0 2 1 0 0 rt7 l2 515 00 2300 .',''r1 ' | . ; ,i . i 532 00-2300 5!i2 00 2t00 ),,524 285 35 72 97 r59 38 73 58 '72 9'l 0C 2100 505 01 t,i1 00 2100 601 68 rrr tr t|t: lt 552 00 2100 1:1\ 2t 5'/2 00 2300 56 16 i.r 519 00 2100 'j,, t 72 00 23C0 28 08 t . , , PAY 505 01 102 0i . l,:r": NET 601 68 !tA! 2: a..,5 r -t2 c0 23oo DISCOUNTS 73 58 '72 9.1 524 0C_2300 ii:. ,t: GROSS A}4T 159 38 5d 541.00-2300 : :r'l'l Kcorrr.ld OPERATING ACCOL]NT fl INl/ 1:/ f,t5 00 2300 )i Pa.rc ANNUAL PAYMENT REC]STER z t I a 601 . l . - t i i ! - - 2 20 0 2 _ i 0 0 331 48 ir!r ,i I 52c 00 2300 293 95 625.43 CHECK DT HPlV{)iL) ,/l/ f_!)7t/A1 /A1 BOARD lllillt: l ,il\l 11 I I IJ COLN{TY SRC GROSS AJV" 10,610.44 01 511 00 2300 t,t it 5L3 00 2100 28 08 r,.t tt i:12 0c 2300 712 29 .r | !:1 . ii tr_il0! t 0t 23AA 21 06 2300 12 97 AA 2)AA 28 08 57 50 ,,,. \)'7 00 2lc0 24 0I a , i:t t3l 2) 0C 2100 24 A9 i_0125 569 00 2300 6.81 52.50 2I2 34 t , t ] ) 2 ' - a5 6 9 3 1 2 3 0 0 23 08 i )1 2 ,-569 42,23AA 64 30 :' t 25 569 52 23AA [ ] r f rl 6 81 25 569 62 23A0 .lr 569 '/I 2300 /5 19 84 1 70 559 91 2300 8.51 ,,,r .it 571 00 2100 ; I 3A5,24 ,,5 519 0c 2300 286 35 r.ri ,,6 519 05 2100 t 2 . \ a i . ,\ i 9 28 08 00 2100 101.05 ir0t iil 559 00.2300 72.97 I ' z - t > t - 50 0 2 1 0 0 159 3B ,':1 101 05 19 07 5)'7 19 2t00 L i ( ) 12 5 5 6 9 . 0 2 - 2 3 A A ',,'11 ?.1 569 22 2300 I : NET PAY 183 17 /.. l./2 ac 2iac tN) DISCOUNTS 273.31 OCT/2OO'7 .c1 \2) kc.rrtrati 6,42'7 06 DI]NTAL INSURANCE PREMIUMS )': : i :r:iaia REGISTER OPERATING ACCOUNT #INV aar 2I9'7rA : " COMMISSIONERS PAYMENT SEACOAST NATIONAL BANK NA},IE 001 219700 s'i OF ANNUAL 73 58 r.l ll ir+2 00 2l0O '. i :'.?4 00 2t0C I ,.. ',1 :rli 00 2300 ): 0C 2t0r,j \\2 72 97 505 01 601 58 2r'75 rr, 56 16 r, t 5; 519 00 23OO 28 0B |rt 'il 5/2 00 2100 607 . :t 1) \22 0C 2300 ir8 /i! 526 00 2300 aLl 219700 6,42'/ A6 ,,.1 2t9710 t , t r \ : ' t ' A t ,l N S U R A N C E p R E M I U M S ,rt itL 511 00 2300 r:l jil ,:: t, .i I ,,1 I , rI Ot 2j0O 10,610.44 183 1? 28 08 , - ' 2t A C 2 3 a A Ii2 29 554 00 2300 2r a6 iL 553 00 2j00 ii OCl'/2007 525 00 2loo /2.g.7 28 08 -r,2-,5-72 0O 2300 57 50 ),2 tf'/ 00 23C0 24.Q! \, 8,411 19 CHECK DT HP/VOrD : t . - , 1. i ir,/'rl ;o I7/A7/07 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS i l i l L ll l : 0 l\,'- irliNTi - : . NAME , t: SEACOAST NATIONAL BANK 11 f rll : SRC ).) :t? 0c 2300 79 07 79 23AA 24,49 6 81 :t: t)69 02 2-t0O 52 50 L -llr 569 22 23OA | | ' :), ,t,9 fI rrijr 2.569 ' )t1, 2i . ,'": 0r- It1, GROSS AMT 'L,t :?t 5l? ilrr 2I2 34 23AA 23 08 42 23AA 64 30 569 52 2300 6 81 25 s59 62 23oO 19 84 J01 25 569 7I-2300 1.70 8.51 '::r'^: C0l 25 569-91 23OO (;r)l ':l 5'/7 00 2300 305 24 ; " ;ir 286 35 .i:.': ai ,,.: -' ,r I I j,519 i', .t .:,tr15 ,-/ .:62 00 2iOO I 2., t 12 AA 23CA j.52,1 lli 505 01 601 68 .r ' ;1,\ 21 5.7200,2100 ii I rt : iii I 552 00 23OO \i). ..9 5-t2 00_2300 6.07 311 48 r5ld 00 2300 '.:,2:t-liA 21,3 37 : ': i l| 0t 511 o0 23OO i l _1 , ) a 5 1 3 0 0 2 3 0 0 t : -: t 293 95 6,42't 06 ]-Ii.]NTAL INSURANCE PREMIUMS 'r 1b 28.08 1 . . ' . ). ' ) a 2 2 O 0 _ 2 3 0 0 rli-l :Sj 27'15 )o !;, 519 00-230C i,tt2t97C0 r 73 58 -72 97 00 2lOO l0lr !1 ,: 12 97 159 38 t r r i , , ( r5 4 1 0 0 2 3 0 0 : : I 28,08 101 05 CC 2300 ". , . : C5 2100 .;69 Oil 23OO i I : rr 519,00 2300 ;)a \1c) oit 2l0O .2 ir!1 t0 5 1 2_ 0 0 _ 2 3 0 0 lt9 !54.00 0t 2300 acT/2aO'7 70,570.44 183.17 28 08 1 , ' 7 22 9 21 06 l:: i r f r : Lt 1 5 5 1 0 0 - 2 3 o 0 72 9'7 ) : llr)t tt 28 08 ,,) 125 00 2300 :).)-)/2 a0 2jao 'tt .:'!l-t r I I ,. , ,t? ;2i :il r 0c 230c ct 2lcc 19 23LtO 57 50 24 0I 19 a7 24.A9 t.i9 00 2i00 ."t i.i,..a9 02 2lCO 'i. 2! 569 22 2JAA 6,81 s2 5A 2I2 34 :. I i rI ).t, 569 31 23AA 23 08 [ ] .15 559 12 23AO ..,f-i2 15 5d9 52 23AA 64 3A i r' :. N C ) l2 \ - 5 6 9 6 2 2 J A A 19 84 t: : a'Cl 2t 569 7I r, lii 559 91 2300 : t! 23AA kconi:ad OPERATING ACCOIAIT #INV i,(.1:t5_56900 2300 i lJ.ttr ANNUAL PAYMENT REGISTER 6 81 7 70 I 51 DISCOUNTS NET PAY CHECK DT HPIVOID r)i"t/07 , Lo rr/a]/a7 :l I luill 11 SEACOASTNATIONAL BANK '.:/.v: l. i SRC .lr: ,,4 519 0! I : :r ii' 28 08 117l2 159 38 :).: i.' ' r ' :. ; i : ,-: : 72 97 i i7 l ! : : 1 2 40 c - 2 3 0 0 505 01 ilrl ';', r't. 00 2lOO 601 68 i - r . r0 1 5 5 2 0 0 2 l O O 21 75 -)t-: .!I aj2 00 2l0O 56 16 , . ' ) t : , 65 i 9 0C 2300 28 08 ' lL tI ;:r 5 /2 0A 23AA tt.i it 522 00_2300 lt8 t. 526 0O 2300 !ri 219700 Jitl 219?tO .f i ,.lJ')tl 'r _1 t1r :2 I l! ,r tt : : : . ::' 'r,l i 0O 2300 0t 2300 !1,4 Ci 2i00 ::3 293 95 273 I ' r ! 1 1 r - j 1 10 0 - 2 3 0 0 : 6 A'7 331 48 6,427 06 l r t t N T A i , T N S U R A N C EP R E M I U M S : 73 58 00 2300 I Il. : '. 515 00 23OO t7 562 00 2300 \42 3'7 ocT/2OO? 10, 610 44 183 17 28 08 712 29 21 06 0C 2300 72 97 ( 1, '.4 \',2500 2_lcc 28 08 .t. rr: .)1 572 OO2l0o 5 - 7. 5 0 : l:l ti:'- ?): at'7 0C 2l0O 24 AI I: ,|L.2i 517 0C 2300 'i1 2:.:37 19 2300 24 09 ::l :lj:_ll' I: Ir-i r.rirl:i 569 0O 23OO 6 81 52 50 ,:i^, 2.t;569 22-23OA 2r2 34 . . i l-. - rts; ir,St, 19 A-7 2,. 5o9 A2 23OO II i,36c) 11 2300 23 0B : . ,).\ .,59 12 23AA 64 30 i, : L ': ;9 !-2, 23aA 6 81 l,l tr tri,962 2tAO 19 84 LI 1 t ' ,j 6 9 iI 23aO , - 1t- r : t : : 8 9 9 1 2 3 A A ..: Ji !i71 00 2300 ' . t " t1 6 , : I 9 00 23OO 1 70 8,51 30s 24 zoo Jl :i)t i6 519 o5 23oO 28 08 t2t 66 519_00 2300 101.05 i:': Ll0i 67 559 00 23OO r:,: tt/ 12 5I5 r "t 159 38 r \ . 6 20 0 2 3 o O 73 58 .12 9.1 rri2 0ll :100 i i.l1 f;C :1100 i. 72.97 0o 2300 "t ,t r ,tl NET PAY 345 24 101 05 '/2 9.1 ,;..24 DISCOUNTS 296 35 2to0 tt , GROSS AMT I lr: a,o bt9 00 2300 'it 6"1559 00 2300 .ii. kconr;, OPERATING ACCOUNT # I NV lt 5r1 c0 2l0c ',,, ,.,9 00 2loo |'. i)a iJ c ANNUAL PAYMENT REGISTER r il.j':: . BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS : l) 505 01 !_r 2100 5C1 68 ,:r:2ria 2iCC 21,75 27.75 CHECK DT H?/\,] ri i1/td/'07 C3:r'r;14 rr/19/O'7 Eo tt/07/07 ap,,S(.lls BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS r , l i n i m u m :o FClt aANfi i\CCOU],]T: r A\'t"JFtNl,ll'yi, I DS DIST: 11 SEACOAST NATIONAL BANK NAIIE 4AI-2r-572-00-2300 GROSS AT4T lo. 403-69 572_00_23Q0 o,u, 118-40-522-00-2300 331.48 DIST'; 118-40-526-00-2300 DISTi 001 219700 DIST: 0 0 1 0 8 - 5 1 3 - 0 02 3 0 0 i-i]Sl r 001 t0 s12-00-2300 DI S'f : i]IST: 119-01-554-00 2300 0 0 1- 1 1 5 5 3 0 0 - 2 3 0 0 DISl': 001-14-525-00-2300 10, 510.44 28.08 Z I . UO tz.>l 28.08 D ] S 1 ': 0 0 1 - 2 35 3 7 - 0 0 - 2 3 0 0 19.0? l_-) Ts1" 001-23,537-19-2300 2 4. 0 9 2 4. 0 L 5.81 52.50 T)iST'. oor 25-569-22 2300 DJSTI 0 0 1 - 2 5s 6 9 - 3 1 - 2 3 0 0 25.u6 !I S'r': 001 25-559-42-2300 64.30 LI]ST: 001 2s.569-52-2300 DIST: 00I 25-569-52-2300 2I2 .34 5.81 19.84 D]ST: 00r-25 s69-7L-2300 1.70 DIST: 001 2s-569-91-2300 o.lr DIST: 001 31-571-00-2300 305.24 r,risT: 0 0 1 - 6 65 r 9 - 0 0 - 2 3 0 0 zdo. L)ISi r 0 0 1 - 6 6s 1 9 0 5 - 2 3 0 0 J> 28.08 D]S]': 123-66,519-00-2300 LISII 001 67 569-00-2300 D I : - ' T. i17 12 5I5 00-2300 DIS't': 1I'/ I'7 562 00-2300 73.58 LrtsI: o a r 2 4 5 4 2 - O O2 3 0 0 72 .9'7 101.05 7 2. 9 ' t 1qo 1a i,rTS'1': r17 35-524-00-2300 505.01 DIST: 101 50-541--00-2300 601.68 DIST: 102-01-ss2-00-2300 zL. r5 DIST. 40r-2t-572-O0-2300 DISTI DIST: 401-66-519-00-2300 4 A 3, 6 9 . 5 1 2- 0 0- 2 3 0 0 Dis'r-: i18.40,522-00-2300 LII S''I : 1 r 8 4 0 . 5 2 6 - 0 02 3 0 0 56.15 28.08 6.07 331.48 4t5.t> 001 219700 t)IS:i I 2 1 3. 3 7 PUBLIC RISK MANAGEMENO TF F HEALTH INSURANCE PREMIUMS DIS'i': 0,1zt.vb 001 219710 Jb]091 001 01-511-00-2300 737.97 172.29 001 21-5?2-00-2300 001-25-s69-00-2300 .00 183.17 001 22-537,00-2300 001 2s-559-02-2300 BATC}] 213.3? QCT/2007 IlIS'I r DIS'J': HPIVOID z>5.r) 'JiST: l--r I ST' CHECK DT 6t427.06 001-219710 001-01-s11-00-2300 NET PAY ro rrsT: L]J S'J'; DISCOI'NTS 2 8. 0 8 DIST: DENTAL INSURANCE PREMILMS kconrad OPERATING ACCOUNT sRc frNv Lr1ST, 401 66-519-00-2300 DIST: i1 ANNUAL PAYMENT REGISTER A 10 OCT\2007 a,L55.tL r/u,))I.15 .00 171, 007.88 .00 1?n qEl 1< 14,034.60 r 0/ 2 2/ 0 7 24522 t!/t1 aa II/A1/Cl BOARD OF COTAJTYCOMMISSIONERS ilr:rr': rl 1l SEACOAST NATIONAL BANK ii \i'1it rii.5tt 0c-2300 GROSS AMT #INv 456 73 2,259 B0 2. 2,1,56 1A Q5 230A 1tQ 45 '7I8 9A ,)2 53'/ 0A.23AA :ri 517 00 2300 718 90 2) \3'7 79 2300 718 90 2! '1690C 2t0o .r'r559 02 2t00 '2t 5a9 22 230C NET PAY 5,6"7619 t.r 5:t5 00 2300 s12 AA 23AA DISCOUNTS 2 ,446 '78 554 00 2300 )'- \12 kc()n r.t d OPERATING ACCOUNT SRC r0 5r2 00 2t00 ,r pcrg. ANNUAL PAYMENT REGTSTER 119 00 9I1 ,4I 3,7IO 46 .r5 569 31-2300 2t 569 42 23AA ? , : , , a 6 9\ 2 1, 123 58 2300 119.00 2t' ')69 62 23AA ?-\ ,)69 '/), 2300 346 62 29 75 . l) r59 91 2300 ll , - i ? 1! : r 2 3 0 0 5,496 7A 56 519 00 2300 7,080 09 :6 1,48 75 !19 05 23C0 ab 519 0C 2t00 608 98 1,988 41 r::/rr69 0O 2100 3,594 50 )" \21 6,852 42 l! 511 0C 2300 718 90 r0 !:i1 0c 2100 19,77I 83 ,.)ti!2 AA 23C0 3, 587 68 00 2100 718 90 5r9 00 2300 1,489 35 ) t- 5 12 AA 23AA 1,988 41 56 519 00 2300 r ,2r'1 96 .r3 -r5 534 00 2300 778 90 ;)9 512 AA,230A 1,489.35 ia 522 00 23AA 13,291 10 . ii 525 CC 2300 ll. )22 C0 2300 a t .e 2 - . 0 II ,786 45 r ,327 88 5 8 , 1 5 3, 6 1 t,a2l0 4,339 69 ],^I, : :J i I.]Si,'RANCEPREN1IUMS . 608 98 : . r i , : 1 t .C 0 2 3 0 C ' 1 ')e2 CD 23AA ocT\200? 171,OO788 l'. rtl 30 2300 2,I35 't,i !il J0 2l0C 2,046 78 ' ;r : :. l: ):2 00 2j00 'r54 00 2100 ),ola 91 l9 456.13 ,.1'. r1 525 00 2100 2 ,2s9 80 ! : t . ) I2 1 5 7 2 0 0 2 3 0 c 2,156.1O a)ii 2', 512 05-2300 ,ir1 22 5l?.00 2loo 770 45 larr .r1 5_l?00 23OO 718 90 718 90 2 6 , 4 A 5. 4 3 CHECK DT HPlVOiD | .c 11/ aj / a'l BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS N ANN'IJAL PAYMENT REGISTER iliLll: SEACOASTNATIONAL BANK 11 i _rli N,\I{E '\rr SRC OPERATING ACCOUNT #INV GROSS AMT 21 537 19 2300 718 90 i t 1 . 2 , . : ,a 5 9 0 0 2 3 0 0 119 00 i:.', 2t: 569 A2 23AA 't :... i69 22 23AA 3 , ' 77 0 4 6 )69 jL ) . .) 2)AA :ir9 .12 2iC0 ',i! , L , :, ' t 'i I .i, tl .,49a2 2)AA 346 62 ?iaa z> /5 r48 15 571 00 2300 5,096 1A t,3 \) 9 AA 23oO 7,080 09 'r', r)6 519 05 2300 r; I :,a 519 00 2100 ,art 57 569 00 2300 :.,/ 1.2,5r5 00 2300 608 98 1,988 41 608 98 3,594 50 .)t t) 562 00 2300 3,587 68 :',' \-) a24 00 23C0 6,852 42 t' tr t.rl ,,r ;'il il., rt !41 00 2lc0 O0 2300 718 90 r9,77I.83 512 00 2300 718 90 |'r 68 519 00_2100 -,Lj 1'.i 5'12 00 2300 -),, .i r !19 0C 2300 1,489 35 I.l t. in !:4 :1 | .'. tl C0 2l0O \-t2 00 2t00 \22 AA 23OA tr5 4c 526 00 2l0o t,8 !.6 522 00 2300 ,t ' : . tI 3 2 0 0 1,988.41 I ,2I7 96 7I8 90 r , 4 8 9. 3 5 13,291.10 7 7 , ' 78 6 4 5 r,327 88 58,153.61 2132I.-) .].,'.I ili l: 4,339 69 ;IJ:JURAN'E PREMIU]V1S o c T \ 2 0 0 ? 1 7 1 ,O O 7 8 8 \)I Ct)2fAA ,f ')tl 00 2t0c 2,046 18 ' ,, 0 L )2 1 0 0 5,616'19 , tt- 3:1 C0 2lOO 'i 5:)5 00 2loo 2,259 80 ,ai2 0c 2100 2,156 70 :,. .).)\12 C5 2300 ta '! 22 531 00 2300 718 90 r ' ): f il 456 73 7 , 70 4 5 i;rl:\ ?,3 537 0O 2300 718 90 t.i.:\ 2 \ t3'J 19 23oO 718 90 "1, 25 569 00 2100 119 00 t)11 .)\ 569 O2 23AA 977 4r , r /i PAY 58 . , NET 403 36 1, 12t 119 00 1,, 5ii9 91 23AA DISCOIJNTS 97-t 4I 52 2lCC :1, 569 tt kcortrlrl 2t, !69 22 23AA -,rrr.15 lo9 i1 2100 ?') 569 42 2irlo . ) ::t) \t9 52 23AC '. ., ,.a9 62 23'iA 3,770 46 403 36 t , rz ) )a 119 00 718 90 CHECK DT HPIVO]D ) , : 1' t a t / 1 ' ) i c 1 L o I 7 / 0 ' 7 / 0 7 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ii!tltrirLn:0 L n(r;i ir/\Nl( /raCoUNT. j . ' a ' . 1 r l il'r r ) . IDf 11 SEACOAST NATIONAL BANK NAI1E SRC 001 2s 569-71-2300 29.75 001 25 569 91-2300 148.75 :rls'f rr01 l1 571.00-2300 s,096 70 i,rsf i)01 56 519-00-2300 7,080.09 rrl:li' t01 r rs r- 12-166 5r9 56 519-05-2300 00-2300 608 98 1,988 41 t ) ts T 001 57 569-00-2300 508 98 ,riii'l: 117 12 51.5-002300 3,594.50 D l i i ' T: 117 I'1 562-00-2300 3, 587 58 !rST: rrl 6,852 .42 ilIS!': 101 38 541 00-2300 nrii'i -i:. icl 35-524-O0-2300 50 541 00-2300 718.90 !9,77r.83 102 01 552 00 2300 718 90 '_l:,,t': i,rl 69 519 00 2300 1,489.35 I '1i): 2t 512 00.2300 1,988.41 l .l : , " : lirl 65 519 00 2300 ! ,21'7. 96 itt,:-'t: itl l6 i:iS'i 1r)) 69 572 00 2300 ,rriSi l18 40 522'00-2300 13,291.10 l-lS : ll8 4C 525-00-2300 Lr,786 .45 Dri'r: I iB 16 522-00,2300 I , 3 2 7. 8 8 :)i:r'l' 001 218200 irISi': 534 00 2300 CC1 218210 ?18.90 1 4Aq ?q 4,339.59 HEALTH INSURANCE PREMIL']VIS uL^\zuut r/t,uu/.88 DISTr C01 01 511-00-2300 iliSi: 001 08 513-00-2300 2,135.91 '78 2 ,046 ir19':: 001-10.512 00-2300 5,6'76.79 r):si rr9 554 00-2300 456.73 : 1:-"', : ) 4 1 1 4 - 5 2 5 -0 0 - 2 3 0 0 2 ,259.80 rllSi raAI2L 572 00-2300 2,Ls6.'70 l ) l : ri : IAI 21 512 05 2300 770.45 I i:-:' C01 22-537-00-2300 718 90 718 90 0l r_r:s, 0 i - r 12 t I lS'i': 10i 19-2300 718 90 irl.j'i': 001 25 569 00 2300 119.00 L'r:i'l': 00r 25 559 A2-2300 537 00 2300 23 5j7 DrS',r': 001 25 569 22-2300 r l l S ' r: 0Cl 25 569 31-2300 - j: s ' t ' , )cr 25 569-42 23AA 9t7 .4r 3,'7t0.46 403.36 1 1?? qR l r l : r ' l: O A ' L2 5 5 6 9 5 2 - 2 3 O A 119 00 t.l st t\41 25 559- 62 230A 345.62 irls'i: t0t 25 559 77-230a 29 .'15 ir,is,': i,|1 25 569 91 2300 L48,'75 ,rt:i a ) 0 1t 1 : ..rI L _ r L l516 5 1 9 0 0 - 2 3 0 0 -:r:'i: 001 66 519-05-2300 .ili:I i23 5?1.00,2300 66 519-00-2300 l-ri!i'r: DAI 6'7 569-AA-2300 i,rsl, il't 12 5L5 00 2300 kconrad OPERATING ACCOTINT GROSS AMT fiINV l , ' I S ' ,1 ')is'r': :r'1 Page ANNUAL PAYIV1ENTREGISTER 5, 095.70 7,080 09 608 98 1,988 41 608 98 3,594.50 DISCOUNTS NET PAY CHECK DT HPIVOID ts/\Tall tl t7 r1/o'//a'1 to BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ia SEACOASTNATIONAL BANK SRC .: ii l,l:'l': GROSS AMT ai;2 c0 2300 3,587 68 t') \t).1 00 2300 6,852 42 rit i9 5.i1 00 2300 718 90 ti )0 .;41 00 2300 .ifi2 0t 552 0O 2300 19,71r 83 I t:i. il'r i( i 68 519 00 23OO 1,:! 21 5'i2-00 2300 1,988 41 i t,t ,56 519 00 23oO '.t .,a t)4 0o 23oO r ,2r7 .96 i 1,489 35 . L! rt2 L, t:r I 1 AA 23AA 13,291 10 iil 526 oo 23oo 1 , I, 7 8 6 4 5 I ,I i\ iI :tiit20o I i :1.:(l2tc r,: \22 00 2300 i I i ] A ] , ' Ii J I N S U R A N C E P R E M I U M S ,i.,j 0t t)i:r't ':ll: 'rf<j', xl 511 oO 2300 5,6'76,.79 :.. | ct 554 0o 23oO 456 73 trr 525 00 2300 2,259 8A . ,1 \ - t 2 - 0 0 2 3 0 0 ,.t2 l,a 23AA ) 2,156.-tA .7'7 A 45 .t ,ri'l 0!t 2100 t I r i i \ j'/ r)0 2JCO 718 90 ,t ..)/ 19 23AA 718 90 ).. ,59 9I7 4I i r ' 'r ) ) 5 6 9 2 2 2 3 O O 3,7I0 46 | ;r,1;tt !i69 31 2300 ct- 2\ 569 12_2300 ,lrr ritt 'lil 25 569 52_2300 I 119 00 A2 23AO : : i ls 718 90 2, , r ;I t ; t . : € , 9 O 0 2 3 0 0 .. i 171,00? 88 2 , 1 3 5. 9 7 2 ,446.'18 tl-r I 4,339 69 ocT\2007 t - r ( _ rct8 5 1 3 _ O O _ 2 3 0 0 I l: r ,32-7 88 .r0l r0 512 0O 23OO tt9 r' 718 90 ;i) J:t2 00 2100 l: t,', 25 569 52 23OO -.)5 5e9 1I 23oA | 2, 403 36 t t rz5 )6 119 00 29 75 \ 6 9 9 _ L2 3 0 0 148 75 i.,'f ,i( 5,,9 AA 23AC 7,080 09 5,496.70 ' iIt . 66 ti19 05 2lO0 608 98 -: i L)a5 r 19 00 2lCO 1,988 41 , Lrl ;r 569 00 2300 : i t.) 515 00 23OO ', I .1 5a2 00 2loo I r : / . . , I t':) \24 tf 0C 2t00 5 . 11 0 o 2 3 o o tIL ! , r r5 4 1 C 0 2 3 O O . C 2100 ::: ':) t,:.:?0 ' NET pAy 718 90 : . DISCOUNTS 1,489 35 ,llr. 'r..1, kccn ri,.l OPERATING ACCOIINT #INV I I t . Pacc ANNUAL PAYMENT REG]STER 508 98 3,594 50 3,587 68 6,852 42 718 90 19,')tI 83 7r8 90 i r. )r f,,)j CJ 2t00 1,489 35 , I ri 5l:t c3 2300 1,988 41 , I )_ 519 00 2300 I ,2It 96 1,988 41 CHECK DT IJplVt)Iil ).i i/',e/c'7 L a 1 . I / a 1/ 0 7 BOARD OF COUNTY COMM]SSIONERS 'lrnttrLtm:0 i a-lll 11,',\ri A.'.jOUNT: I l lr I ,,'i, I Dll SEACOAST NATIONAL BANK 11 NAME SRC OPERATING ACCOUNT DISCOUNTS NET PAY 1 7 1 ,0 0 ? . 8 8 .00 718.90 133 36 534 00-2300 irIS'l': 403 69-572-00-2300 irlSTr 118 40 522-00-2300 13,291.10 lrls'-, 118 4C-526 00-2300 Lr,786.45 lrtiri: 1r8 rl6 522-00-2300 I , 3 2 7. 8 8 .S.: t01 :118200 :'i.,, 't,1 21rl2l0 7r8.90 1 4Cq 16 4 ,339 69 I { L . J I I L I ] HI N S U R A N C E P R E M I W S OCT\2 O07 lf i 0t 511 00 2300 2 , L 3 5. 9 r lr'i 08 513 00 2300 2,046 78 rrt r0 512 00-2300 ),ot6. t> l r; i-i. 119 a1 554 00-2300 llrl S1' 001 14 525,00-2300 2,259 80 aa! 2\ 2 , L56 .',|O 572-00 2100 4 5 6. 7 3 DIST 001-21 572-05-2300 770 45 t) i s-l 001 22 537-00-2300 718.90 l-rl !l i r 001 23 537-00 2300 718 90 : t i _ : t; 001 23 s37 19-2300 718.90 lIr'l : :] i r . ) 12 5 - 5 6 9 0 0 2 3 0 0 119 00 a)("- 25 569 02-230A 9T7 4I 4,1 :)5 569 22-2300 3,7I0 46 t.\.125 569 31 2100 403.36 aat 25 559 42-23AA 1, 123 58 001 25 569 52-2300 119.00 iris'l : c01.25 Jto. DI S'J': 001 25-569 71-2300 ir t: : 569,62-2300 oz i) I s'l': 001 25 569-91-2300 I48,'75 l)iSi i 0c1-31 571-00-2300 5, 096 70 i)l!r"; t01-55 519 00-2300 7, 080.09 liI:ll'r .;al 66 519 05-2300 608.98 ll I S'l' : i?.t €,6 519 00 2300 1,988.41 :.ri ij0l b7 569 00 2300 .itrl: : I r:'t': i I lrI : ir? 2 s15 00-2300 ) 1 1-1 562 00 2300 :t / 508.98 3,594.50 3,587.68 3\ 524 00 2300 101 l3 541 00 2300 718 90 5C 541 00 2300 19,77!.83 l.ri r02 ci.552 6,852.42 00-2300 7 7 8. 9 0 .r0r 68 519 00-2300 1 4Ar 21 572 00-2300 1, 988 41 401 66 519 00-2300 ! ,2r7 .96 rr3 36 534 00 2300 4Aq 7I8 ?q 90 ,ta3 69 5't2 00-2300 1,489 35 t18 40 522 00 2300 13,291 10 rtE 40 526-00 2300 L L, 7 8 6 . 4 5 il8 kcanrad GROSS AMT #INV DrsT': i'::l' page ANNUAL PAYMENT REGISTER 46 522 00-2300 ! , J Z | 6 d .r01 218200 0c1 218210 TIEALTH INSURANCE PREMIUMS OCT\2007 171,007.88 00 100,009.L1 CHECK DT HPIVOID BAlari r7/41/07 BOARD OF COIJ'ITTYCOMMISSIONERS :,tLl;ilt : ii . l_rl\JT: ,"i .i it .. , t.. I SRC 00 2l0c ? 5 5il c0 2300 2,046 78 C0 2300 5,616'79 L2 5\4 0C 2t00 456 73 I tt !,25 00 2300 2,259 8A . ) : ' , 1 - 20 C 2 3 0 0 l:: .s/2 05 2300 M': 00 2300 718 90 718 90 2t 569 00-2300 a01 25 569 A2 23AA 'l.c' a.') 2,:,569 22-2300 '. 718 90 C.)1 23 537 19 23AA l|7 rrr'L :25 !,;9 I l1 119 00 97t 47 3,7r0 46 2300 .li 5,r9 12 23AA NET PAY 2,156 70 '7'7 0 15 i,\t723 5]"7 00 2300 ):sti DISCOUNTS qT rl ,a_1:t:517 lr:j I - i :r 11q .'r ,i' kcorrr. I OPERATING ACCOUNT GROSS AMT f]NV ,, ,,:l \^1 l, ., SEACOASTNATIONAL BANK I l iiAt\4E , : I i)aq. ANNUAL PAYMENT REGISTER 403 36 1 t?1 (C , ',, 4..) \2 2,3eA ', tl: :r:t) 62 23AA 346 62 I 14A'75 119 00 29'/5 ;l ii ";'9 9i 2iAA ,!ll 00 2J00 s, 096 70 -l L,,l 6i,,ii9 : !r,1 iia, ,rl9 05 2300 608 98 -1, :21 65 519 00 2300 1,988 41 : ) a , ' t5 - t 5 6 9 0 0 - 2 3 0 0 lr,l-. .t/ ,-.:. : 7,080 09 608.98 515 00 2300 3, 594 50 .,',';"t,,162 00-2300 3,587 68 . i2 0C 2300 ji t7 524 00 2300 6,852 42 i,- lE 5rt1 00 2300 : : \ I t:0 511 C0 2300 Irr: I .I )' 5E2 aa 27co : L r t ,! 1 9 r ,. .2 718 90 19,1'/I 83 0C 2300 ',12 aa 2300 i a l r , , , - r5 I 9 00 2300 718 90 1,489 35 1,988 41 7,2I'7 96 :, ttl la 514 00 2300 718 90 ':'l , l t .r. a 9 5 f 2 0 0 2 3 0 0 1/489.35 , i:l: i . . . a. \ A 5 2 2 0 0 2 3 0 0 13,291 10 Iti Ir,786.45 , l:: t' 4c 525 00 2300 't6 t,-',).2 .i\ 00 2300 ,l ,1:i.:.til I r11:i0 4,339 69 i . , i , 1 ' i l l N , s l _ I i i A N a Ep R E M I U M S i 'i , r: ', i1 5tL 00 2100 ocT\2007 171,007 88 2,I35 9I 456 '7 3 .,r !i13 00 2100 l'-: r:r r , 3 2 ' . 78 8 58,153 61 :,2 00 2300 I !r::q 00 2300 il 525 00 2300 2 ,259 80 21 \,a2 00 2300 2,756.7A "'! 2. 512 05 2300 1 ? . 1 .5 J ' t 0 0 2 t 0 0 770 45 718 90 20,490 73 CHECK DT HPIVC]! ')/l'1 cc 7I/A'7/07 BOARD OF COI,'I.ITYCOMMISSIONERS , lrt"I i r) SEACOASTNATIONAL BANK SRC )) til Aa 23AA 119.00 9I'7 4r ziuv 403 36 I,723 ::': 569 52 230A ir ,L: !r19 00 2l0C 6, I4B 75 5,496.'74 7,080 09 ;19 05 2100 ,:; 519 0! 2300 608 98 1,988 41 ii7 559 00 2300 608 98 L2 515 C0 2300 3,594 50 [t I 29 75 91 2300 .r7i 00 2100 58 119,00 ll:"'.i9 62 23AA ').., ',-49 1r 230A li'ra-9 562 AA 230A )5 524 00 23AA 3,587 68 6,852 42 J3 5,1100 2300 718 90 50 541 00 2300 19,77L 83 !1 5ti2 00 2300 718 90 ;3 tir9 00 2300 1,489 35 : r r 5 , ? 2! C - 2 3 0 0 1,988 41 ,,' :19 I ,271 96 00 2lC0 l. . t1 00 2100 ') i 12 AA 2iAA 7i8 90 ,t) )22 tA 2JAA I3,29I IO ll 4 2 5 0 C r2 1 0 0 II ,'786 45 .6 )22 AA 23AA 2,8200 I ,321 88 58,153 61 ./18210 ;LI 4,339 69 I NSURANCIiPREMIUMS ",],'i'] ri I [ 5]1 00 2100 ', - 'rr irll C0 2J00 ocr\2007 171,007.88 2,135 9r 2,446.1A fr ,iiil12 r i-. t;1,400 2300 4 5 5 . ' 73 ai r1 525 C0.2300 ',17 2', >-t2 00 2100 : 1 r| ' . ' ' ' t 2 A 5 2 3 A A 2,259 80 :'L.?. rril i37 00 230C 00 2100 2-1537 00 2300 r Lrt 2l 537 79 23AA a( t r 2 E \ 6 9 t)1 2t 00 2300 569 02 2300 at 25 559 22 23AA 'r: .r, ,ra9 l1 23C0 ' .. PAY 3,1I0.46 ?5 569 3I-230A 25 569 42 230A NET ?18 90 ?,t \69 A2.23AA zz DISCOUNTS 718 90 .t5 !i59 00 2300 )aJ kcorrr.,i j OPERATING ACCOI]5IT GROSS AIVIT #INV 2 ) 431 19 2300 z) ParrI ANNUAL PAYMENT REGISTER 5,676 79 2,156 7A 770 45 1I8 9A 718 90 7r8 90 119 00 91,'7 4I 3,7I0 46 403 36 'r69 12 2300 1,123 58 . , a . 9) 2 2 t n a 119 00 00 3,206 37 CHECK DT HPIV'I: t() Ir/A1 /A-/ :/:'t BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS I1 OPERATING ACCOUNT SEACOASTNATIONAL BANK SRC GROSS AMT #INV 346.62 '75 29 25 569 62 23AA 'Jr 23AA 25 569 2 . : =5 6 9 9 1 2 3 A A r48 75 i'. 5'l1 00 2300 5,096 70 , ,i 7,080.09 5t9 00 2300 ;0i .:6 519 05 2300 608 98 l:'l 6i,519 00 2300 1,988 41 'aI : l 569 00 2100 t, 515 0c 2lco :.t , 608 98 3,594 50 562 C0 23C0 3,587 68 ,..| .') 521 00 2300 6 ,852 42 tirl ji 541 00 2300 718 90 lir, rl 511 AA 23AA 19,'77L83 rr2 .r 552 00 2300 ,, i, 718 90 j i r : L , [ i5 1 9 0 0 2 ] c 0 1,489,35 1,988 41 ,rl ill l,i 'r'r :r9 Iii i,a:114 0! . i ,i12 00 2300 00 2100 I 7,2I'7 96 2300 718 90 t)t 5 i2 00 2300 1,489 3s . t ) ' , t ) a , 2 20 0 2 1 0 0 :)ii i.t'.;25 00 2300 a t', 522 Aa)2.3C0 i )lE2(r0 13,29I IO 11,786 45 r ,327 88 58,153 61 i.. ,.'!a274 4,339 69 iI-,A],fI] :NSURANCE PREIV]IUMS 171,007 88 ocr\200? i,iL aL 511 00 2300 ? 11q 91 r 2,046 78 L J3 513 00 2300 tir ,,0 512 00 2300 ),oto t> i , ,j il 55,1 00 2300 456 73 : r r r 1- i - F 2 50 0 2 3 0 0 2,259 80 00 2300 2,156 70 5 t2 At 23AA ':,:t ':,').':i? 00 2300 i ', 2. \11 00 2100 114 45 ., t '," , .).t i't2 .I .lr'ijl i9 23AA i . i : . : t 1 j\ t 9 0 0 2 1 0 0 :) .t: ':69 A2 23AA 718 90 718 90 718 90 119 00 9T7 4I a ') 2 ,1 t , a , 9 2 2 2 3 D O I :r'i 559 31 2100 403 36 . i.: 2':' 5o9 12 2340 1,123 58 :. ". 3,7I0 46 169 52 23tA ").t.. i I r 'ro9 62 2300 't , L'. r .,9 r 23AC 119 00 ' 148 75 .'t ::.9 91 23C0 . ' I r. 3 4 6, 6 2 29.75 00 2100 5, A96 70 -r: l,l9 00 2100 7,080,09 !ll i , r _ : , 5! i 9 :.: 05 2300 608.98 iLr 519 00 2300 1,988-41 : t'I 3f KCOrir t:) ANNUAL PAYMENT REGISTER l l L L l rI r I \69 00 2300 608 98 DISCOTI}JTS NET PAY CHECK DT HPIVOI) '/'.9/At L. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS II/07/A'l 11 _\'t.if, -rr SEACOASTNATIONAL BANK lir\ME ' I SRC 3, 594 50 3,587,68 . - 421 DA 2.)CA 6,852.42 r , a i i - l1 0 0 2 3 J 0 , ; ), tt2 1q 7?1 I 4RC 00 2300 1,988 41 lb-514-0C 2300 718 90 jt , 6) a'7200 2300 ','.4 rD t22 00 2100 13,291 10 t 525 00 2300 11,786,45 )13 ta 522 00 2300 r ,327 88 qA rc1 6l i(lr 218200 . L :1t210 ] : ' ] I N S T J R A N C EP R E M I U M S rr, 511 00 2300 3't 0'7 55,93 00 2l0c ',t2 at 23ac 465 1B 50 12 40 ) : . ), ;\ i al 23ao 62A 1i Dil 2100 624 ;17 02 2300 ir'1 25 569 22 2304 I L,'724 O'7 '72 L,'724 lll :12 00 2100 I i '!r!4 00 2l0C i 1 ?,1 \69 '1 r 1 624 ,'- :), aa9 00 2300 . A A C T/ 2 O A 1 jE 5I3 00 2100 :. 2,569 11 2100 ;t,) 559 42 23AA 7 r'7 942 36.46 396 11 04 r,rt 25 !i59 52 23AA L I'] .rirl .r!,569 62 23AA 34r ,l 2r, si59 fr .,) ),., \69 l), i 230ct 91 2r00 29 146 5'l1 00 2300 43 38 I . i . - ,, r t 9 0 i - . 2 3 0 0 50 10 r ;', 1,1905 2300 '' .: -J i5 t,- t) 12 4A a15 00 23CC 37 09 5o2 C0 2i0C 12 40 l/ :'t , ) \t2 0c 2-100 ir 0! )i4 2100 II i j : l 1 - 11 D 0 2 1 0 0 lr I 'rir !r41 00 2l0C ,.)) ?,I t'l2 itrt rr "6 I 624 :ti9 00 2300 .l l/ rA/22/a'7 4 ,339.69 ) l i : r B i : j N E F I T S / 1 , / I S I O NC A R E , I ,;rl L,724 A'7 ?q I ,2I',1 96 tl CHECK DT 718 90 ),1 )12 00 2300 ! NET PAY R? ]li1 66 519 00 2300 rll D] SCOL'}JTS 718 90 i ' 1 . i 1i l o 2 3 0 0 ri,l i,cl1,t9 00 2300 ..rI CROSS A}{T t : . 1 50 0 2 l C 0 1,, kconra i OPERATING ACCOUNT fl TNV | / ''t.2 ilC 2lC0 7') , Pdq. ANNUAL PAYMENT REGISTER IntfLun:0 0C 2300 12 39 r09 39 I 9'7 t4L 72 12 40 f-it900 2300 12 40 f,r4 00 2li0 1B 50 00 00 L2.44 I]PIVOI]-] ':9 t.'t / it'/ 77 / A1 / 0'/ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 11 ,iu OPERATING ACCOUNT SEACOASTNATIONAL BANK .JAi\E '?. SRC HINv )22 00 2300 41 00 10 526 00 2300 36 35 t) '"'IS1OI'I INSURANCE PREMIWS ',rl Lll 5l-1 00 23C0 0i rrt 511 00 2300 ii , i OCT/2AA'1 ', ).t f't2 00 2100 12 40 , .).2':j"/00 2100 620 r . 21 5 3 7 C C 2 3 0 0 620 ,i 1 ,:\ \.9 00 2300 'i r ,t5 569 02 2300 I .I'7 942 36 46 :!; 569 22 23AA 31 2300 3 96 569 42 2304 11.04 '.:', 2.t "t69 52 23AA 1 17 2t . ri 5 6 9 6 2 2 3 A A I t:', ';a. r1:.9 1I 2]AA 34r 91 2300 t46 I n] I i ilr'r69 29 , i,1 li 5l1 00-2300 43,38 ''i',jr !19 00 2300 60 10 i r t )l : r] L; 624 519 05 2300 L2.40 i6 519 00 2100 515 00-2300 37.09 ')1-/t'l 562 00 2100 12 40 tr 24 512 00 2300 -,t. t- :': ':21 00 2300 109,39 r11 1i i I 1: rll \2 : :. L,: .;2 39 B 9'7 C0 2100 \4I'12 .,' :,.i1 0ar 2lrlC I 12 40 O i J2 1 0 0 :.1'r :ri 2-r00 12 4a :r ri :i-l 0C 2J00 18.50 '' r 'ir ;" " ' 1 2 20 0 2 3 0 0 41 00 il 526 00 2100 16,35 , .i r . , ' 1 , . 5 2 2 A A 2 3 0 4 12 40 932 5A r - :,r..3250 ,.] Si.]N I ] ' I S U R A N C EP R E M I U M S ,0i it1 5t1 titr 00 2300 J8 513 00 2300 r'ti'' '-a 5I2 00-2100 tt!r :iL 55,100 2100 |,'724 OCT/2007 37.07 620 55 93 465 i,r t, | .. .) !rl 00 2100 18 50 \:2 AA 2304 12.40 ,'t /2 \''l 00 2-100 624 i,r :tr 517 ac 2100 624 t" I .. !69 C0 2300 '15 4 ,65 18 50 . , t .I 89 624 4 00 230C t:.tl 2': \69 00 55 93 . - 5 : r lC C 2 1 0 0 ' .I t L,724.72 NET PAY 37 . 0'7 , r .2t a a 2 3 A A r] DISCOTINTS 932 50 001 218250 I I GROSS AMT 12 40 )18 46 522 00 2.300 l': -l KC()lLf:'iI ANNUAL PAYMENT REGISTER rtrrrf il I'7 '72 158.88 CHECK DT HPIVOID t.i II/A1 .'7 fj,l'1,' BOARD OF COLINTY COMMISSIONERS /A'1 kcanr.l ANNUAL PAYMENT REGISTER SRC NAME GROSS AMT #INV |l 2b 559 22-2344 36 46 ial ; l ! - :5 6 9 3 1 2 3 0 0 3.96 t' :- . aI ,:':569 42 23AA '.tt \59 52 23AA |.r7 .r lrl 25 569 62 2304 3 41' I : , : :-l : '11 l1 571 00 2lC0 43.38 ll ,rr 519 00 2100 60 10 ral 't21 66 519 05 2300 I .: ll l:.' 66 5I9 624 12 4A 00 2300 ')11 12 5!5' 00-2300 '.-l '-'i ::t:2 00 231J0 -i,), CC 2300 ",,')12 i -l : . : : i : PAY 1,46 i':2'5599723AA l': NET 29 ..:' \(:9 71 2300 i'. I ' DISCOUNTS 902 02 23AA i:.)I ?.569 : :r OPERATING ACCOUNT SEACOASTNATTONAL BANK lL i\l 3'7 09 \2 .40 72 39 109 39 ld -'Ii i i I I :rit:r' : .: 00 2300 lr1 tr:514 00 2300 18.50 "'r It) \22 03 2300 41 00 '.-,8 rrl 526 00 2300 36 35 :1.8 16 \22 q1? I, ] STOIJ INSURANCE PREMIUMS irr iiLl 00 2100 r:i 5Ll j -l 0C 2300 465 rr 1B 50 , . : 1 -a , 7 2 -0 0 2 3 0 0 L2 40 2:r 517 00 2300 620 2r 537 00 2300 624 s69-00 2300 tr7 l.,t: (r(rl 2': \69 r lsl: .:1 2; 22 2304 569 ]r 23A0 902 36 46 396 2a \69 42 23AA a') .: i '- i )- zs v )3':' €.2- 23AA :,-l 71 2J00 rr9 9l 2l!i.i rr11 Ori 2i00 I ,,,, !t-. 00 2100 , a6 5r9 05 2300 ti 55 93 553 00 2300 21 569 02 23AA ' 624 5 ' r ' 10 0 2 1 0 0 2r ,':I 0'.7 31 !i lt01 rl': t,724 72 r.i2 00 2f00 i.':r l 'I qn acr / 2aa't i'r ;r: - I rl 12.40 00 2300 "41 2r8250 l.- 12.40 rir,!i9 il I 9't I4r'12 00 2300 ;|:-,12 , I 00 2100 rr4l trO2300 ,i I,T7 746 4l 3B 60,10 624 rL:519 0D 230C 12 40 ltr 515 0C 2300 31 09 AA 2300 12 40 t t62 r , 2 6 5. 0 5 CHECK DT HPIVOJLT l ,/19/Dt Lo 17/A't/01 BOARD OF COI'NTY COMMISSIONERS 1 tr : i t f l t n i 0 r rlil: SEACOAST NATIONAL BANK 11 f- | t\t,',i\lli SRC GROSS A1'1T :' . :'.!, 542 0C 23 00 12.39 1 . : , 1 t 2 , 04 0 2 1 0 0 109 39 1 1 lI l., ,i) 5i1 ', ). r , r + t0 C 2 t 0 0 I CC 2100 12 4A 72 40 :,1 1i 5i,1 00 2300 18 50 ,'B !t: \22 00 2300 41 00 rr6 iit 526 00 2100 ' r , , i[ , . , 2 2 00 2300 12 1A 932 50 ,I JI ]J] ]'IJSURANCE PREMIUMS acT/2oa7 rt 511 00 2300 I,'724'12 lg 511 00 2300 620 51,200 2300 "t,) li'. Dr 554 00 2300 55 93 fat rr 553 00 2100 18 50 't-: 2t 5'7200 2300 72 4A 620 rtrl ,tl 517 00 2300 620 t)t't 2!: 569 00 2300 1 7'7 '. _ q ' i 90 2 2 3 a a '1,\39 'i : ,)49 3i ra,9 12 23Ar1 1 i69 i 9.42 22 23CC ' \2 36 46 2i00 396 11 04 23CC II7 . I .r'r :'tc: €:2 23AA 3 41 ,'t i) \..9 ?1 2100 ''. ',).,) 569 9t 2300 1 46 ]r l: 29 5/1 00-2300 :;ir1Lr65i9 43 38 00 2300 60 10 i|1 55 519.05 2300 6 .24 l2l rr5 519 00 2300 12 40 : r 12 515 00 2300 3-t a9 ,/ :i 562 00 2100 12 4A t :, '>4200 2300 12 39 : iJ 5:l{ 00 2lC0 109 39 :r 5it rL ) r I ct 23lto 491 i:41 00 2lc0 :at tt2 I47'12 00 2300 T2 4Q :,i ,:j 519 00 2100 12 4a rL' 514 00 2100 18 50 :'.8 1i) 522 00 2300 41 00 t18 tC \26 00 2t00 36,35 , tIE 46 522 0C 2300 12 40 li.rl 118250 932 5A I!I/]I] INSURANCE PREMIUMS ji 511 00 2lc0 tt :rl il3 1s0 69 465 illrl 22 537 00 2300 . tr 00 3'l a'7 Ia r ,t PAY 36 35 , 1 .2' 2 ; A r.1 NET 9'7 \12 00 2J00 '41 DISCOUNTS r4r.72 ,ri .. ),: tri9 00 2300 , : ' .: kconLrti OPERATING ACCOT]NT HINV :''; | P a:l ANNUAL PAYMENT REGISTER 00 2fC0 ocT/2o07 I,-t24 3'/ A7 620 '72 00 18.50 CHECK DT HPIVOID ,'.,)/t, t lti t... II/Ai /Aj B O A R D O F C O L I N T YC O M M I S S I O N E R S tt:rllit:ll ANNUAL PAYMENT REGISTER ):ril SEACOAST NATIONAL BANK 11 : r llAir'lE -ill SRC OPERATING ACCOTJNT #INV GROSS AMT lu 512 00 2100 I l.r lll 55q 00 2300 465 1r.rl i1 551 0C 2300 18 50 ..i:,I ?,'^ 572 00 2300 ) , 2. 4 0 t',:.2 t)1 .r Ll l rrrl.l! '.i t 00 2300 620 5.1700 2100 620 5,i9 00 2100 7 I'7 ::, 169 li L 2_?00 3 96 )at )l 11,04 zJtJU r 569 62 23AA 7'7 3 41 trrl 25 5o9 ?1 2300 . . 4I ?q ) _- c 5 6 9 9 1 2 3 0 0 I46 / rrl i', !r71 00 2100 43 38 It Lr6!19 00 2100 60 10 ) \t9 I .,', tt 23A() 620 9 00 2l0C 12.4A ii li: :15 C0 2100 37 09 i I,r :t2 t2 ti., 2]iO .'. .tt \1t2 0C 2300 ,-i .. l3 .rl: )ir 5rt1 00 2300 4A 12 39 524 AA 23A0 ,,1 109 39 5,i1 00 2300 897 74r.72 t,t'I 2: 5-1200 2300 icl i6 s19 00,2300 12 40 lli 3 5 5 3 , 1, 0 0 2 3 0 0 18 50 1rB 4C 522 00-2300 41 00 r3 ,10 526 00 2300 36 35 ' 12 4A .ia,2.il 932 50 t r r t i t r t . l S r , r i t A N C EP R E M I U M S I l,lt ' . 'rIJ 0c 2100 ' 1r ) i2 -r 'r i:) 12 4A ti, \22 00 2300 ,r : .t tar 2310 D t . ,2 3 a c )i,4 !0 2100 acT/2aa1 r,-t24 72 31 01 620 s5 93 455 55J 00 2100 18 50 .i12 00 2300 12 4A lt)1 22 537 00 2300 620 Ia7 ?,) 53'100 2300 i01 '.rl 25 559 00.2300 II7 ,l:569-02 902 ' , , t ' : a > ( 2) 2 2 3 A A rl.),, ' _ia9l1 2300 2l0c : . :r !,r9 12 2]AA I i r PAY 902 .., ,tt:9 12 23AA r rr : : r :':: : NET . . l r r5 6 9 2 2 2 3 0 C t''. :i DISCOUNTS s5 93 ,ri .:r,559 A2 23AQ I kccrfr,r:l 620 396 t1 04 -/' 5!q 52 2300 II7 lrr !59 62 2300 3 41 ,t, 5b9 il 23AA 29 24 80 CHECK DT HP/VO] , '.1-/i)9/(:',1 .r Pr: ' 1C/r9/A7 Co II/07/07 03:,1, BOARD OF GOI'NIY iqrnlmumr0 :i l'a\l( t.,iNi{ Aa'COLTNT: 'r",iljtj lYt) IDH COMMISSIONERS 25 ANNUAL PAYMENT REGISTER 11 SEACOAST NATIONAL BANK NAN1E Kconrad OPERATING ACCOUNT SRC #INV GROSS AMT DISCOI'NTS NET PAY CHECK DT HPIVOID FA iail a c i 2 s - 5 6 9 9 1- 2 3 0 0 001 l1 571 00-2300 43.38 Q 0 16 6 5 1 9 - 0 02 3 0 0 50 10 0 0 1 6 6 5 1 9 -0 5 - 2 3 0 0 r2l 66 519-00-2300 !2 .40 117 12 515-00-2300 37.09 1-r7 I7-562-00 2300 L 2. 4 0 001 24-542-00-2300 12.39 117 l5 524-00-2300 109.39 1 0 1 3 8 - 5 4 1 - 0 02 3 0 0 8.9't 1 0 1 - 5 0 - 5 4 10 0 - 2 3 0 0 401-21 572-00-2300 4 0 1 - 6 6 - 5 1 9 - 0 02 3 0 0 1 2. 4 0 1 - l r _ 1 55 3 4 - 0 0 - 2 3 0 0 18.50 r 1 8 4 0 . 5 2 2 - 0 02 3 0 0 41.00 r18 40 526-00-2300 1 1 8 4 6 5 2 2 - 0 02 3 0 0 L 2. 4 0 001 2l8250 932.50 .1012 AAA RADIATOR & A/C, DISTi INC. A R E P A T RA / C O N 2 0 O O F O R D F - 1 12055 40I 21 572-0O-4600 R E P L A C E E V A P O R A T O RC O I L / F - 7 DIST, 2 4Ar-2I 20022 12065 543.00 572-00-4500 40\ 2l 7 Lrs'r' ri8.40 493168* PAINT L, 5Z). ZV t0 /23 / 0'1 2 4 53 2 L) .00 M-40 DIST: 303-65-519-O?-6300 522-00-5209 BROWN&CIVIC 200.00 ruz. ou .00 102.60 13.00 .00 13.00 45.40 .00 45.40 90.80 .00 90.80 980.15 .00 9 8 0 .1 5 52.53 .00 52 63 45.40 49346L CAI-21-572 OO-6300 90.80 ;lLllti8 BOBCAT OF THE TREASURE COAS !A^1^lUUL> .00 13.00 PRIMER & PAINT/S DRIVER SIG 493460 PRIMER,PAINT/D 200.00 1 0 2. 5 0 493431 DTST: A 2 00016163 50 541 00_462I 101 50 541 0A 4621 28295 BONNIE BURCH REFUND FACILITY RENTAL 20: i2 52 63 I{C'SF ] R A K E C L E A N E RO ,B , IL, SPRI OOO],5161 :ls'r' .00 200.00 123,56 519-00-4610 I0t L , 3 2 5. 2 0 LZA. 493L68 PAINT i i ! : ' ir 543.00 749.25 351073 12t 56 519_00 4610 l)ISi': 00 522-00 5209 IAINT :rs'i 746.O0 tlt.z) 5'12 0e-4604 & CAULK GUN 1,289.00 543.00 BURGESS SUPPLY PA]NT .00 .00 7 4 5 .0 0 IYETAI, TRAYS, WOODPOLE, PA]NT 493159 iriST, L , 2 8 9. 0 0 '146.00 .00 927.52 50.00 .00 60.00 60.00 00 60.00 LO/23/07 2 A ' :) 2 08:j:, i4 tI/1r/A'l r0/79/07 .rp550 i $ E o L L / 0 7/ 0 7 BOARD OF 6OT'NTY COUMISSIONERS [1rni-mum:0 FOII I]ANK ACCOUNT: F A ' / M I ] N ' I ' I JT Y P ID# DIST: 110449 C 11 SEACOAST NATIONAL BANK NAME SRC AI REFUND SOCCER FEE 2L45L 0O7-2L-3472L0-0 SPECIAL DrsT: I,AWN & LANDSCAPE EVENT CLEAN.UP 3544 401-59 572_00_3401 A 1 T N S T A L L R E C E P T A C L E / A W O Sp A N 1 0 7 6 0 00I-24-542-00-4606 DIST: r 104:;l CPMTRAqT CITY DrsT. 001,66-s19_00-4504 DIS'l': 001--2I-5't2-00-46L2 DrsT: 407-2I-5'12_00_4504 (30) REPI,ACEMENT BULBS BREAKER 001-65-5t9-00-4806 DIST: 001 56-519-05-4610 FAST.ACTING GIASS FUSE RECEPTACLE DrsTr c,J,s WHoLESALE oKE/095610 24532 r 0 / 2 3/ 0 7 2A532 .00 950.00 .00 480,00 480.00 .00 480.00 202.67 .00 2 0 2. 5 7 2 0 2. 6 7 .00 202.67 9 , 9 4 L. 4 2 .00 9 , 9 4 L. 4 2 9 , 9 4 L. 1 2 .00 9 , 9 4 1. 4 2 183,50 .00 1 8 3. 5 0 26.00 .00 2 5 .0 0 45.00 4 5 .0 0 77.95 .00 t t . >) lt.z! .00 II.Z) 23.30 .00 aJ.5V 23.30 A 1 615l5 0 58.99 .00 58.99 58.99 .00 5 8 .9 9 L 0/ 2 3 / 0 7 58. 99 A 6 L,t7O.44 .00 L, r70.44 5 9 9 .0 s .00 5 9 9 .0 5 2 4 2. 0 9 .00 2 4 2. 0 9 34.25 .00 34.25 3 3. 5 5 .00 33.65 1 2 4. 5 5 .00 1 2 4. 5 5 6 9 9 .0 5 37227 2 4 2. 0 9 37386 34.25 37 459 00L-2L-5'72-0O-4512 33.55 37 696 001-21-5?2-OO-4GtO FLOOR STRIPPER L 0 / 2 3/ 0 7 9 5 0 .0 0 480.00 11.25 007-2f-572-OO-46f2 MIST DISPENSERS, CLEANER DIST: 20532 30.00 77.95 403 69 572-00,5203 MOP & DEODORIZER DIST: L o/ 2 3 / 0 7 30.00 .00 45.00 403-69-572_60_4602 TOILET TISSUE DIST: oKE/095098 TI SSUE, BUCKET BI,EACH. SOAP, HOSE HANGER D{ST: 24532 .00 30.00 /5 oKE/095?63 MAIN:|ENANCE ItloP ;'fOILET L 0/ 2 3 / 0 7 30.00 L4.25 117 - 17 - 562 - 00-4601 i02t4 5 ll. TOSHIBA BUSINESS SOLLTTIONS COPIER llc.l55 A 9 6 0 80 001-66-519-00-4003 30135 DIST: 1 o K E /0 9 5 5 ? 0 DIST: i.t0|5,i 20532 BATCH 9 , 9 1 L. 4 2 E L E C T R I C S U P P L Y c1l. PHOTOCONTROL DIST: ,A ocT 200? 001-03-514-00-4501 30130 L0/23/07 HPIVOID 202.67 3OO4O CASSELS & MCCALL COUNTY ATTORNEY CHECK DT 480.00 JOO29 CURREN ELECTRIC COMPANY ii0.1!.2 NET PAY 480.00 3564 DIST,10l69-572_OO_3401 DjST; DISCIT'NTS 30.00 SPECIAL EVENT CLEAN-UP i104s1 GROSS AI,IT 60.00 26948 MIKE BROWN 2A998 CHARLIE'S kconrad OPER,ATING ACCOUNT #INV 001-21-362001-O DIST: 26 ANNUAL PAYMEMT REGISTER 1 2 4. 6 5 37775 36.7s .00 JO, /l L 0/ 2 3 / 0 7 2 AEr1,2 t)/43/()1 CsrlL:14 iA/19/0j ap!'50 Js to 1,I/07/07 BOARD OF 66TfiTTY COMMISSIONERS Iljnintum'0 AINUAL trcrli IIANK ACCOUNT: 11 PAYNiDN'I'f:'fYP ID# NAIUE DIST: SEACOAST NATIONAL BANK lllrlr.l CARDINAL DISTRIBIIIION A 1 118-40-522-00-3104 ]0288 !IS'l': r10,156 DIST: 8 O O S C O N C R E T ES A W C O M M E R C I A LB I L L I N G SERVICE I r [] ir:!r C "0162 DisT: 1ir1,: DLST: .00 40.00 78s.85 .00 785.85 785.85 .00 785.86 A I 10032007 A1 I BCC- 2 Drs'I': L A 1 2OO7/08 001-08-513-00-5400 FL MEDICAID/COUNTY BIIJIJING A 2 001-34 s60-00-3101 001-34-560-00-3101 FAC MEMBERSHIP DUES D1S1', 001 01 511-00-5400 10.00 L0/23/07 2 0 53 2 1?5.00 175.00 .00 .00 175.00 495.00 .00 49s.00 495.00 .00 495.00 175.00 L 0 / 2 3/ 0 7 2 4 53 2 L0/23/07 24532 r , 5 4 5. 9 2 .00 r , 6 4 5. 9 2 r , 6 4 5. 9 2 .00 L,0t),>a r 0/ 2 3/ 0 7 206j-2 5,565.39 .00 f,oo>.Jy 5,060.39 .00 5,060.39 L 0/ 2 3 / 0 7 20532 505.00 .00 605.00 L0/23/07 20532 L 0/ 2 3 / 0 7 24512 605.00 A 1 118-40-522-00-5203 6 0T2 61 FLORIDA ASSOCIATION OF 10.00 .00 5,050.39 RB O7O8 {7)HYDRO TEST ON SCBA TANKS 119?35 I1046r; .00 10.00 r , 5 4 5. 9 2 5 C 1 ] S F I R E E Q U I P M E N TS E R V I C E S , I N DIST: 10.00 49s.00 FLORIDA STATE ASSOCIATION O couNTy MEDTCAID/AUGUST 2007 24532 !.75.00 couNTy MEDICATD/AUGUST 2007 CB O7O8 Drs'i: L 0 / 2 3/ 0 7 10.00 UNIFORM SHIRTS CHANDLER r0/23/07 785.86 rr8 -40-522-00-52L2 60068 L,074.37 40.00 EAST COAST SCREEN PRINTING ANNUAL DUES/G BATCH 40.00 0Ol-24-542-00-6200 60039 HP/VOID 48.00 EVERGLADESPAINTING & (55) 1,0?4.37 .00 88.00 11? L? 562-00-4100 50255 .00 L,074.37 48.00 10012007 PRESSURE CLEANING DIST: L,074.3',1 .00 t,a2 AL 552-00 4800 50211 2 . 4 5 3? . 1 , 3 8 9 .1 3 .00 R E I N E D C O WH O R S EASSO PAGER SERVICE DTS'i: L o/ 2 3 / 0 7 1.389.13 .00 88.00 5OOO5 DAVE'S PAGEREXPRESS 1 LC.l6aj 205_r2 .00 1,389.13 48.00 78 4 4 6 ADVERTISING REIMBURSEMENT DIST': L 0 / 2 3/ 0 7 1, 389.13 A 519-00-4521 40155 DIXIE SHECK DT 7 8297 123 66-519.O0-4621 I23-66 NET PAY L,Q74.37 BEARINGS DIST: oK239!37 118 40-522-00-5400 40038 DISCI]UNrS 1,389.13 CHANDLER RENTAL CENTER STIHL GROSS Al'tT 36.75 DISPOSABLE MEDICAL SUPPLIES 705L234 DIS'ir kconrad OPERATING ACCOUNT sRc #rlw 00!-2I-572-00-46L2 ]0250 2'1 PAYMENT REGISTER LZa . )V .00 L22.50 LZZ . >g .00 Laz , )9 L22.SO A1 2 0 0 7/ 0 8 4,550.00 4,650.00 .00 4,550.00 4 , 6 5 0 .0 0 .00 4 , 5 5 0 .0 0 tJ'l fli:3l :14 IA/19/07 ls Lo Lt/07/07 BOARD OF COUMTY COMMISSIONERS [4fntmum : 0 FOrl [3ANK ACCOUNT: 1l- SEACOAST NATIONAL BANK iAr'l,lliilIll i,tr) 4|]OL CILBERT OIL CO #INV A 1 301 65 519 00 4541 . , I ] I 1 4 F L O R I D A P O W E R& L I G H T 5 L ] E A P A S SI S T A N C E / B O S W E L L irT.cl': GROSS AMT DrsT; NET PAY CHECK DT r0/23/07 .00 2 L. 3 4 2]-34 .00 2 L. 3 4 1 , 5 8 2. 4 1 .00 L,582.41 400.00 .00 400.00 zoo, .00 285.81 .00 95.60 400.00 .00 400 00 400.00 .00 400.00 HP/VOID BAI'CH I0/23/07 400.00 ooovooJtz df 285.81 7753I84L3 001-25 569-91-4102 Ei.rEAp ASSTSTANCE/GRIFFIN ..;T: A5 6599528442 001-25-569-91-4102 EHEAP ASS I STANCE/ CARROI,L IrIST: DISCOT'NTS 21 34 C01 25-569-91-41.02 EHEAP ASS I STANCE/TRUCKS kconrad OPERATING ACCOUNT SRC L)FF ROADD]ESEL FILLER PIPE 118959 l u .si f 2B ANNUAIJ PAYMENT REGISTER 001 25 569 91-4102 ).647628708 400.00 E J ' i E A PA S S I S T A N C E / S T E P H E N S O N3 O 20 4 6 2 0 7 7 400.00 7 t I O O 9G & K S E R V I C E S IN..] I FORM CLEANING 1080559858 DrsI: 001 56 519-00-5212 DIS:'; 001-65-519-05-5212 7 .92 LiST: 123 66.519-00-5212 L5.24 LrIS'r': 401 66-519-00-5212 UNIFORMS CLEANING DIST: C01 65 519-05-5212 7.92 irlSl'l'; 401 66 519-0O-5212 14.59 1-2366 5),9 00-5212 i - lr: . i l '. I:. onI rrsi': 4c1 66 519.00-521-2 lrsi': 401 66 519-0A 52f2 i23 66 5I9-00-5272 i)1s':l 001 65-519 A0-5212 L - isi ' 1 ' . c01-65 - 519- 05- 5212 DI-s'1':401 66-519-00-5212 D T S ' 1 ' ; 1 , 2 3 - 6 65 1 9 - O O - 5 2 1 2 LINI FORM CLEANING r_rrST: 001 66-519-00-5212 i-,iSI': 001 66-519-05-5212 DIST: rrlSi': I23 66-5I9 0A-52L2 401 66-519 00-5212 L[{IFORM CLEANING 2 ' , J 5t 2 . 104.78 ' t4 . 9 5 r04.78 L5.24 104.78 14.59 L5.24 1080551078 67.03 | - tz 14.59 L5.24 1080551078 67.03 .7.92 14.59 L5.24 1080s59858 99.54 61 aa 7 .92 L5.24 14 59 1080559868 99.54 i.iS't'; 001 66 519.00-5212 trs'l' 001 56 s19 A5-52L2 i ls'1': r.23 66 5r9 00-52L2 L5.24 i -I S ' l ' : 401 66 519 00-52t2 14 59 70016 GRAYBAR ELECTRIC CO INC t 0 / 2 3/ 0 7 14.59 57.03 6 5 5 19 0 5 . 5 2 1 2 IJI,IIFORMS CLEANING .00 14.59 1080551078 001'66 519-00-5212 LN.JIFORMS CLEAN]NG .00 99.54 A1 aq ;-iST: i-ISi: 204.32 oL. 15.24 tt 781.45 78t.45 L 0/ 2 3 / 0 7 2t\ )2: '-1,'Ir / t) i lr:14 ra/i9/A1 Lo rr/0j/07 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Nllnrmum:0 ,:il,fr:rl-, , s 1) IlAi{i{ i\CCCUNT: IDH 11 SEACOASTNATIONAL BANK NAME SRC i 6 ) BALLAST Drsl'. 001-66-519-00-4610 LrsT: 0 0 1 . 5 6 - 5 1 9- 0 0 - 4 6 1 0 (6) 70052 J i01 A 1 A LriS'r: ri8 118-40-525-00_4601 A 4 10-03_07 I47 .03 .00 147.03 L 4 7. 0 3 .00 I47 .03 606.25 .00 605.25 00 606.25 .00 1,820.00 L0/23/07 2 05l.2 \18 40-526 00-4601 204.45 PET NUTRIT]ON SALES, A 3 It'/ 21,2344583 2 I5252A4 O0r 27 5'/2-05-52LI l!,r122 2l 5i2-00-5211 HARRIS BROTHERS FENCING A 303-24 542-20-6300 2L2.50 .00 2 L 2. 5 0 .00 62.50 r 0 / 2 3/ 0 7 20532 75.00 .00 75.00 75.00 .00 ?5.00 '18 .04 78.04 32.g0 .00 32.80 45.24 .00 45.24 2A\'\?. 1 11,900.00 .00 1r,900.00 1 1 ,9 0 0 . 0 0 .00 1 1 , 9 0 0 .0 0 Lo/23/0't r1,900.00 ] I . I 2 ] 0 5 A D V A N C E DA L A R M S O L U T I O N S Li.lS'l: 001 21 572-05-6400 43s.00 45.24 RELOCATION OF SECURITY FENC OO55 RIIPLACE PULL STATIONS .00 32.80 S}JACKS FOR RESAITE irlb-:"': 4oI 435.00 75,00 & J SNACKS, DRINKS AND SNACI(S FOR RESALE 480.00 75. OO 1 , " 75 6 2 - 0 0 - 5 2 0 3 1 O O O 3 OJ .00 62,5O 21232042L r7 562-00-5203 cAT & DOG FOOD 2 O a\ 2 )za . vv 48O.OO 212375182 1 , I 7 1 - 1- 5 6 2 - 0 0 - 5 2 0 3 ri7 L0/23/0'7 380 00 225 60 10032007 r , rS ' j , : CAT & DOG FOOD .00 254.40 230.55 & DOc FOOD t 0 / 2 3/ a ' 7 246.75 100307 i18 40 526-00-4601 cAT 1,820.00 525.00 40 522-00-4601 DIST: 744.00 279.25 I 18 40 522-00-4601 BO29i HILL'S i .00 BATi'iJ 178.60 LO/03/2007 t . tI DJST, 744.00 38O.OO it:s'f ijsTr 37.45 HP/VOID 201.40 118-40-526-00-4601 i , E s T C O N T R O LS V C / S T A T T O N 1 ; , , si T : .00 CHECK DT 506.25 118-40-522-00-4601 pEsT CoNTROLSVC/STA?rON 2 l)IS1'r 37,45 ovo.zf, 40 522-00-4601 pEsT CoNTROL SVC/STATTON 4 1 5042 50 541-00 4300 risr. :rjs'r' NET PAY . { l LI9674 |IEARTLAND SpRINc WATER, INC P E S T C O N T R O LS V C / S T A T T O N 3 DIS'i': ACCOUNT DISCOUNIS 14 4 . 0 0 ' J 1 ] 1 J ' 1' f H E H E A R T L A N DB U G D R , DISTr / kconrad 101 50-541-01-6300 5 GALLON BOTTLES DELIVERED DIST: GROSS AMT 928761223 * G L A S G O WE Q U I P M E N T S E R V I C E , 3r)1i5 lrJ:r'a OPERATING SINV BALLAST UNLEADED NOZZLE,HOSE CLAMP rrIST, Page ANNUAL PAYMENT REGISTER 1 6344 3 3 0 .? 5 .00 .00 70/23/0'7 2 ( ) t1 2 ,i.ti:14 , . t /: 1) 9 / 0 ' 7 E o t I / 0 7 / 0 7 s BOARD OF COUNTY COWISSIONERS ly'tnimum:0 l(rii j,r\\\rl]l]ti IiANI( At,-COrltiT: 'fY[) i 1c,r 78 I DH c 11 SEACOAST NATIONAL BANK NAJ.4E 120021 SRC LAWN-TAMEREQUIPMENT, I N C . TUBE tISf: A 1 5.50 ilB J 210s 40-522-00-4600 118 40 522-00-4600 001 66 519-00-4600 6" LOW LEVEL STRAINER 001 2I ,00 84.95 JZ . UU ,00 32.00 150.00 ,00 150.00 t0 /23 / 0'7 20\ i?, 7 , 4 5 0 .0 0 .00 7 , 4 5 0. 0 0 7,450.00 .00 7 , 4 5 0 .0 0 L0/23/07 2 C 53 2 s01.00 .00 501.00 r o / 2 3/ 0 7 345.00 155.00 .00 155.00 182.58 .00 L6Z .46 84.00 .00 156.00 3 A 010598/1 572-00-5300 L o/ 2 3 / 0 7 2r532 84.00 84.00 SIG 010598/1i 34.59 34.59 3 4. 5 9 L0'724 I Y E D C Y LS E R V I C E S , L T D . I18 OXYGEN CYLINDERS 0709848 4A-522 00-3104 .00 63.99 151.70 .00 151.70 r0/23/ 07 245\2 47.85 .00 L0/23/07 20512 47.85 OXYGEN CYLINDERS 0708998 i18 -40 522-00-3104 1 . 1 0 0 1 6 N E W M A NA I R 402-36-554 I 4002i A 00-6250 A 1t I Lrlii'i, II8 DtST: 118 40-522-OO-52L2 .00 350.00 ,00 350.00 z,)vo-zu I3O32? 1rB 4A 522 00-5212 WOI4EN'S BLUE EMT PANTS 350.00 350.00 350 00 OF UNIFORM PA.IVTS irrsl': I UNITS 52929 NAFECOINC i2])PAIR 103.85 r03.85 CONDITIONING INC REPAIR VANDALIZED A/C ilrs) .00 84.95 001 66-519-00-6205 REFILL DIST: ZOO. y5 345.00 2'15485 103 65-519-07-6300 REFILL Drs'i: 2 7:8 4Q 522 00-5209 ,:32d2 DlST: L0/23/07 5.50 345,00 CEILING TILE L.lS'f: A r18 40 522 00-5209 S T U C C OF O R S C O T T D R M R DISTr 1 275459 S T U C C O / D B R O W N & C T V I CC T R S I c LL L]8205 N1]DFLORIDA }TARDWARE DisT: 5.50 .00 BA1.(ii ?, 450. 00 L.]ASY BREATH XCAPER FILTER .J A 3515?1 001-24-542-00-6400 1 3 0 0 2 5 M U N I C I P A L E O U I P M E N TC O . , : .00 HP/VOID 150.00 F E A T H E R W E I G H TS Y S T E M ,T R A I N I Diiir': CHECK DT 32.00 12C099 PCB PIEZOTRONICS, ]NC. !'isT NET PAY 84 95 2IL2 SEAT COVER DISTr DISCOUNTS n01 66-519 00.4621 HJCH SPEED BALANCE DISI': GROSS AMT 145863 IRUCK ALIGNMENT i\iSl-, kconrad OPERATING ACCOI'NT fiINV ..2']C51 LEHMAN AUTO BODY, INC DLS"', Page ANNUAL PAYMENT REGISTER 4'19.25 .00 .00 479.25 520687 .00 40 522 A0,5212 11 ) U N I F O R M J A C K E T , / F I R E P A N E 5 2 2 ? ? 9 99.75 00 40-522-00-52L2 ( 1 ) L T N I F O R MJ A C K E T / F I R E PANE 522?82 qQ 99.75 ?q .00 L0/23/07 479.25 7I/04/07 08:31:15 arplS(l is I0/19/07 Eo LI/07/07 BOARD OF COIJNTy CICIIOIISSIoNERS Minimum:O FoR BANK ACCOUNT: I'/rYl'.,i-iNIfl TYP ID# AI'INUAI, 11 SEACOAST NATIONAL BAI.IK NAME SRC (1) UNIFORM JACKET/FIRE DIST: 778 40 522-00-52L2 DIST: rt8-40-522-00-52L2 DIST: I18 40-522-00-5212 DIST: II8-40-522-00-52L2 DIST; II8-40-522-00-52L2 DIS'f, 118-40-522-00-5212 DIST: 118-40-522-00-5212 DIST: ll,8-40-522-00-5212 DIST: 118-40'522-00-5212 DIST: L78-40-522-00-52r2 DrsT: !78,40-522-O0_52L2 DIST: II8-40-522-0O-52L2 Dl ST: rr8- 4O-922-00-52L2 DrS't', rtg DIST'; II8-40 DISTr r18 40-522-00-5412 Drsr. 118-40-s22_00_5212 PANE 522811 PANE 522815 PANE 522815 FrRE pAN 522807 PANE 522808 PANE 522785 PAI\IE 522788 PANE 522790 PANE 522?94 40-522_00_52L2 99.75 99.75 .00 oo 99.75 .00 99.75 99.75 .00 99.75 99,75 .00 oo 99.75 .00 99.75 9 9 .? 5 .00 99.75 99.75 .00 99.75 99.75 .00 99.75 9 9 ,? 5 .00 99.7s 99.75 .00 99.75 99.75 .00 99.75 9 9 .7 5 .00 99.75 99.75 .00 9 9 .7 5 99.75 .00 99.75 5 7 9 .9 5 .00 579.95 579.95 .00 5 7 9 .9 5 5,070.86 .00 5,070.85 tq PANE 522800 99,25 (1 )UNIFORM,JACKET/FIRE ( 1) [tNIFORM ,JACKET/FIRE PANE 52280t 99.75 pAr.IE 522906 99.75 NORTH STAR POOL TECH STRANTROL A1 24552 00I-2I-512-05-462I PRO HEAVY DI.TTY TRIMMERS L0/23/O7 5 7 9 .9 5 1 5 0 0 2 3 O K E E C H O B E EO F F I C E S U P P L Y , I ULTIMA LAMINATOR & FILM 7< 99.75 522-00-52L2 A 2'I 08885? 592.24 .00 592,24 226.95 .00 226.85 395.78 .00 396.78 524,25 67.9g 088858 102-01_552-00_5100 226.85 P R I N T E R I N K , I / A R K E R S , F I J A G S ,E 0 8 8 9 ? 3 102 01_552_00-5100 .00 gg.?5 {1 ) UNIFORM JACKET/FIRE DISr; 99.75 gg.?5 (1) UNIFORM JACKET/FIRE Drsr: 99.75 99.75 (1) UNIFORM JACKET/FIRE 102-01-552-00-5tOO .00 99.75 (1) t]NIFORM .JACKET/FIRE 102-0I-552_00_5100 99.75 99.75 ( 1)UNIFORM \IACKET/FrRE PANE 522?8? DIST; 99.75 99.75 (1) UNIFORM JACKET/FIRE DrsT: .00 99.i5 ( 1 ) UNTFORM,JACKET/FIRE pAItE 522809 C 99.75 99.75 (l ) uNrFoRM,IACKET/FrRE ir04B? 99.75 BATCH 99.75 ( 1 ) TINIFORM JACKET/FIRE DIST; .00 HPIVOID gg.?s (1) UNIFORM JACKET/FIRE SERVICE/REPAIR 99.75 CHECK DT 99.75 ( 1 ) UNrFORt"t,JACKET/FrRE PANE s22814 14013? NET PAY 99.?s (1)LTNIFORMJACKET/FIRE tt04€6 DISCII'MTS gg.75 (1)UNTFORM,IACKET/FIRE PANE 522820 (1)UNTFORM JACKET/ GROSSAI{T gg.75 (1)UNTFORM,IACKET/FrRE PANE 522818 DIST: kconrad OPENATINGACC1)UMr #INV PANE 522784 M-4Q-522-00-52L2 31 PAIN,IEIIT REG'ISTER 396.78 L 0 / 2 3/ 0 7 2 0532, 1A/19/01 Eo II/0.7/0.7 BoARD oF coUNTY coMMIssIoNERS i',ir n rrrunr : 0 i a)it trANt( A(T]DL[IIT: i,\Y14titlili'iYi) IDH 11 SEACOAST NATIONAL BANK NAME NAME PLATES,INK STAMPS SRC 089082 1 17 - 3 5 5 2 0 0 0 - 5 1 0 0 DISl'r 117 3s 520 00-5100 DISI': 117,35 520-00-5100 Q DIST: 117 35-s20-00-5100 8.50 J U M B O C L I P , P A P E R ,P O S T -I T PEN,1 HOLE PUNCH D ' IS T : 3.34 089388 089468 088764 .00 r27 .94 9 4. 9 L .00 94.91 79.9Q .00 79.90 197.83 .00 197.83 alq .00 197.83 aJv. eE d5 088782 718.85 .00 20.99 .00 ?9.98 .00 't9 82.55 .00 82.55 718.85 088787 20.99 088856 1C2 01 552-00 5100 O8g!77 82.55 i N K C A R T R I D G E S ,M A R K E R S ,P E N S 0 8 9 1 8 7 001-25-569-41-5100 539.89 089232 .00 s > > .z > .00 rL.24 r.05.78 .00 105.78 28.56 .00 8.19 .00 8.19 I27 .80 .00 L27.80 109.54 .00 109.54 9.52 .00 9.52 J>). Z) 395.25 089246 553 00-5100 IL.24 89708 00r 10 512 00-5100 DESr{ PAD,DESK CALENDER, 539.89 539.89 001-25,569-41-5100 P F I N T E R C A R T R I D G E S ,F O L D E R S .98 79.98 403-69 5'72 00-5100 cal L 2 7. 9 4 79.90 101 50 541-00-5100 001 1r 7t.99 94.97 101-50-541-00-5100 FILES ?4 L27.94 101-50 541 00-5100 PEN, INK CARTRIDGES,TONER 1 7L.99 L!]GAL PAD,MEMOBOOK,NOTE PA 088?81 P E N , I N K C A R T R I D G E S ,F O L D E R .00 .00 vd>26) 101 50-541-00 5100 PAPER 137.05 3.34 001 10 5I2 00-5100 iNK CARTRIDGES 195.50 137.05 CCPY PAPER rI LES .00 0 8 9 2 10 4AI 2r.572-00 5100 ] N K C A R T R I D G E S ,P E N S 195.50 137 05 001 21 572-00-5100 PAPER & ENVEIOPES NET PAY qn 089158 118 40 522-00-5100 SHRFJDDER,FLAGS , CLOCK DISCOUNTS 7.00 1 18 4 0 - 5 2 2 - 0 0 - 5 1 . 0 0 ]NI( CARTRIDGES ll i s'r. GROSS AMT 170.50 001-21-572-00-5100 105.78 089553 26.50 21 572 00 5100 LABF]LS 88554 102 01 552-00-5100 COPY PAPER 8.19 89582 118 40-522-00-5100 r27 .80 F O S T A G E S C A L E , A D A P T E R ,C A L E N 8 9 6 8 7 0 0 . 10 1 - 5 1 1 - 0 0 - 5 1 0 0 STAT FORMS I09.54 089439 118 40 522-00-5100 PAPER & EWELOPES 9.52 089458* -t2 kconrad OPERATING ACCOUNT #INV Lri9'i; D]S'i: Page ANNUAL PAYMENT REGI STER .00 CHECK DT HPIVOID BAT(II 'tI/ni/t)-/ 08: 3t: I5 1,0/19/O.t Eo Il../O.r/O.t ap! jl-r is BOARD OF COSNTY COMMISSIONERS Minj.ntum:0 FOR BANK ACCOUNT: I)A'/I4NNTfl TYP I Dfl ANNUAI 11 SEACOAST NATIONAL r104a6 I I l4ii!l r2?-01-554-01-4601 127-01-554-01_4601 150076 AUTHORIT I i r ) 49 l !'-()-itl. 375.00 .00 3 7 5 .0 0 .00 375.00 18?.80 .00 187.80 187.80 .00 187,80 77892275Lt A1 07-11403 13.00 PYPER ENGINEERING, INC. A 001-0r_511_00-3100 1 DIST: 110,? 1? C 103-53-581-OO-9105 180060 SHARON ROBERTSON RECORD CEMETERY DEED DIST: A I L/2007-08 20532 r0/23/07 20532 L0/23/07 148.00 .00 r48.00 148.00 .00 148.00 1,312.50 .00 1 , 3 1 2. 5 0 1 , 3 1 2. 5 0 .00 1,312.s0 r 0/ 2 3/ o 7 20s32 Lo/23/07 24532 5,973.70 .00 5 , 9 7 3. 7 0 5,973.7O ,00 5 , 9 ? 3, 7 0 r o / 2 3 /0 7 20532 1 5 1 1 ,8 6 2 , 9 2 .00 1511,852 .92 rsLL,862.92 .00 1 5 1 1 ,8 6 2. 9 2 L 0/ 2 3 / o 7 24532 r o/ 2 3/ 0 7 2A532 LstL , 862.92 A4 61.60 .00 5 1. 6 0 BARTOLONE 15.40 .00 15.40 1 5 .{ 0 .00 15.40 t 5.40 .00 15.40 15.40 .00 15.40 15.40 CARROLL 15.40 TEA.}TY 123 56-519-00-4900 RECORD CEMETERY DEED L 0 / 2 3/ 0 1 s , 9 7 3. 7 0 123 66.519-00-4900 RIiCORD CEMETERY DEED Dl9Tr 1 123 66-519-00-4900 RECORD CEMETERY DEED DIST: A 6A2 O1f 27-572-0O-S2LO MAY, SHERIFF 20532 1,312.50 170009 QUALITY TEES BUDGET REQUISITION L 0 / 2 3/ 0 7 187.80 1.35.00 1B0016 PAUL C. 20532 375.00 001-31 571-00-5213 DJST: 8, 000.00 8 , 0 0 0 .0 0 3 7 5 .0 0 001 31-571-00-4200 2OO? YOUTH SOCCER UNIFORMS .00 .00 A1 DIS'f: Drsr: 8 , 0 0 0 .0 0 8,000.00 6879159SP7 REPORT ON ARC CODE UPGRADES L1477 1 1 0 49 6 255,558.28 DIS'r; ]501?6 1104?5 2 5 5 , 5 5 8. 2 8 ,00 L 0 / 2 3/ 0 7 8,OOO.OO FOLARIS LIBRARY SYS?EMS (3OOO) ITEM LABELS L 1 0 . 19 4 .00 2 5 5, 5 5 8 . 2 8 1 401-21-5?2-00-5211 160166 255,558.28 BOTTL]NG CO. O F A l DRINKS FOR RESALE DIST; A PITNEY BOWES CREDIT CORP PEPSI-COIA 8 , 4 7 0 .0 0 09242007 001-08-513-00-4200 150083 8,470.00 ,00 BATCH 9,154.l8 OKEECHOBEE COUNTY SCHOOL BO RENTAL POSTAGE METER rra492 .00 8,470.00 HPIVOID 246,404.L0 001-01 511-00_8101 160034 DISTr 1 A OOOO944 200? -08 SIIARED SERVTCES DrsT: 8,{70.00 CHECK DT 8,470.00 WASTEI4ATER TREATMENT PLANT DIST: 149.99 09262007 102-01-552_00_4800 DrST: NET PAY .00 A1 REIMBI'RSEMENT i 5 O O ? 4 O K E E C H O B E EU T I L I T Y i 1 -4 1 ; t 0 149.99 DISCOI'NTS 149.99 15OO7O OKEECHOBEE CATTLET,IENIS Drsl': GROSS AMT 089542 001-10-512-00-5100 ADVERTISING kconrad OPBRATING ACCIT'NI sRc #Iw INK CARTRIDGES DIST: BANK NAI{E 33 PAYME}IT REGISTER 15.40 C. WHITE I l, i\jilr)-i .r..,I i8 r -Ji:15 1A/I9/O1 iI] Eo fL/07/O? B O A R D O F C O U N T YC O M M I S S I O N E R S MINIMUM:O I.'CIi i]NNi( ACCOUNT; I'Ai'MI'Ifi'1] IYI' ID# Page A N N U A L P A Y M E N TR E G I S T E R 11 SEACOAST NATIONAL BANK NA}IE _1.4 kconra d OPERATING ACCOT'NT SRC #]NV GROSS AMT DISCOI'NTS NET PAY CHECK DT t0/23/07 245:,2 7 0/ 2 3 / 0 7 2 A : s3 2 r0/23/07 2q5]'2 L0/23/07 2 4512 r0/23/07 2ol-)2 L0/23/A7 2)';.t2 L0/23/07 20!;i2 HPIVOID BA'I''H 15.40 . I 3 ' I C 5 3 R E D D YI C E ICE FOR RESALE DiSl: 807349 4Ar 27-572-00-5ZIl A 1 REPAIR PARTS/METAL DETECTOR 103264 001 66 519-00-4G41 I63904 DISi': IIST: ( Dis't': C 103 06-602-00-3100 1 2,95!.84 123.00 3 4Ar 21 5'12-00 S22B FOR RESALE 298.00 44.00 4 4. 0 0 10.00 .00 10 00 2 2. 0 0 .00 22.O0 10.00 12487 4aI 2r-512_00_5228 FOR RESAIE .00 123.00 FOR RESALE 22.00 12492 AaI 21 572-00-5228 12.00 L2.OO 12.00 0207905308 145.06 .00 145.06 135.07 .00 135.07 9.99 .00 9. 99 1a1 27-572 0o-521r 10I 2I 949 5t2_00_5211 !tB M O N O G R A M M EC DA P S 9.99 3 L2925 4A 522-00-5212 .}O , UNI FORM HATS 1,!B4O 522-00-52L2 LUCIE BATTERY & TIRE II4PLEMENT TUBE 101 50 541 00-4605 .00 480.00 .00 480.00 480.00 .00 480.00 590.00 .00 590.00 43.96 .00 L0/23/07 480.00 40I 2!-572-O0-5212 i9u.199 ST 1 ,s 5 0 . 0 0 480.00 I3017 U N I F O R M L O N G / S H O R TS H I R T S , C 1 3 0 2 4 iISir 2 , 96L.84 .00 175.00 71373 001.66 519_00-4604 r30) DIST; .00 123.00 AA7-2I-572-00-4526 'ITEPLACE BROKEN WINDOW I ! t 1 4! i S T I T C H I N P O S T llSlr 2,96L84 2,96r.84 175.00 SNACKS FOR RESALE li:^'f: 33.00 175.00 FOOD FOR RESALE : j : a r ':t 33.00 2 , 9 6 L. 8 4 190135 SCHWAN,S DISi' .00 .00 298.00 BAIT DIST: 200.00 A BA]T DISi: 200.00 .00 R E P L A C E W I N D O WA T C H A N D L E R 7 1 3 5 3 BA]T c A 9/76,9/L4 I 90078 STAR BAIT DISTRIBUTORS DIS'r'r .00 200.00 33.00 I9OO33 SMITTY'S GI,ASS & MIRROR INC DIST; 200.00 A1 STATE ATTORNEY COLN{TY OBLIGATION 240.00 15532 A 1,iB 46.522-00 5203 t90C23 2 4 0. 0 0 .00 2OO.0O SAFETY & BOOT CENTER SAF'ETY VEST .00 240.00 181C29 RAPISCAN SYSTEMS illS'f': 240.00 2 4 0. 0 0 590.00 A 50050613 3 .00 L 0/ 2 3 / 0 7 4 3. 9 6 2 0 5] 2 1,1/08iA7 06,t1 rt 5 epL50 ls ro/19/07 Eo It/o?/07 BOARD OF COUNTY q}{MIS6IONERS tllnimum:0 F"OR I3AJ{K ACCOLJI.IT: t)A lMtritl.lfi lY P IDII ANNUAI 1l SEACOAST NATIONAL NAME BANK frINV 60050734 118-40-522-OO-4605 l10ii07 118-40-522-OO-4505 190246 DrsT: 105i8 1 147 102.01_552_OO_4400 DrsT: i r 0509 P L U G ,F I T T I N G S , W I R E BARRICADES DIST: A1 35s698 118-46-522_00-5203 190317 SAFETY ZONE SPECIALISTS, IN 4 A 101 50-541-OO-5209 REPLACEMENT CONES 110510 c 1i0511 C FIRE EOUIPMEMT INC EX}TAUST FAN GUARD DisT: DrsT: lrIS'l'r DIST: 118-40-s22-OO-4500 DIST: 118-40 522-OO-5203 FIRE C CHOKE CIASS A FOAM A5 I N 5 9 7 3 40 DIST: I)lST: INs99852 r N 59 9 8 6 0 2 2 6, 9 7 .00 226.97 2 2 5. 9 7 .00 226.97 L 0/ 2 3 / 0 7 2 0 53 2 2,360.90 .t24.20 .00 724.20 .00 724.20 730.00 .00 730.00 182.50 .00 182.50 2,360.90 L 0 / 2 3 /0 7 2Q532 724.20 700.00 .00 7 0 0 .0 0 700.00 .00 7 0 0 .0 0 2,L48.19 .00 2,L48.L9 .00 2 L. 6 2 r0/23/07 20532 L 0 / 2 3 /0 7 20532 4 9 6. 6 0 4 9 6. 6 0 354.94 354.94 625.00 .00 525.00 25.03 .00 2 5 .0 3 525.00 62s.00 52s.00 5 102600 574.57 .00 574.57 L 7. 7 4 .00 L 7. 1 4 11.50 .00 t 1 L7.74 LVZdZ6 <d 11.50 3 4. 5 0 40 522_OO_5203 T I S S U E , T O W E L S ,C L E A N E R 2O':32 2 5 .0 3 118 40 522-OO-5203 i18 L 0/ 2 3 / 0 ' l 525.00 I4AX O.WASH/VEHICLE WASH DlST: 405.00 2I .62 I N 5 9 9 8 5I 121 56-519-00-5203 l4AX O_WASH/VEHTCLE WASH 405.00 .00 3 5 4. 9 4 2 O O O 5 OT R I - C O S U P P L Y , I N C . BROOM/WARE HOUSE BROOM .00 !t05.00 7 0 0 .0 0 118-40_522_OO_5?03 VALVE PIJATE & HANDLE ti05t2 1 070 9230 118-40-522-OO-5209 CHOKE CLASS A FOAM 405.00 182.50 118_40_522_00-4500 2L.62 BRACKETTRUCKMOUNT,RUNBOA IN598476 118-40_522_00_5209 4g5.50 HORIZONTAL B R A C K E T& V A R I A B I N 5 9 9 8 5 0 F]RE Drs?: 10058 001-24-542-OO-G200 2OOO22 TEN-8 38.00 730.00 INC. LANDSCAPING SERVICES DIST: 10057 I01 50 541-00-5209 i 9 t 004 soD CITY, 38.00 BATCH 724.20 101 50 541-00-5209 REPLACEMENT CONES DiST: 30.00 HP/VOID 721.20 10055 DIS'1': 101-50-541-00-5209 DISl: 30.00 CHECK DT 2 2 6. 9 7 10055 EARRICADES NET PAY 405.00 190270 KIMBALL MIDWEST DR DISCOT'NTS 38.00 7O WEST SELF STOR,AGE STALL RENTAL/I,JNIT 452 GROSS N{T 30.00 COMPUTER BAI.ANCE & TRUCK VA 50050879 DIST: 35 kconrad OPERATING ACCOUNT SRC DISMOUNT, REMOIJNT,& BALANCE DIST: Page PAYMENT REGISTER 34.50 34.50 102773 3 5 2 .1 s .00 352.1s L 0 / 2 3/ o 7 20s32 '!11ti\/c-t .ilii-lrl 09:tlrt5 ro/Lg/07 is to tL/07/07 BOARD OF COUNTY CPMMISSIONERS Nt-inj-ntum:O i.'CR B,\NK ACCOL'NT: i,AYt4i'|Jl''1 TYP IDS DIST: 11 SEACOAST NATIONAL BANK NAME fINV 001-66-519-05-4d10 GROSS AMT 158.58 118 40 522-00-5203 8 4 .r 0 DIST: 118-40-52G-OO-5203 74.58 WALPOLE FEED & SUPPLY A5 HAY & GRAIN FOR GOATS DIST: 353677 117 1?-552-00-5203 353589 401-21-572-OO-5203 HAY & GRAIN FOR GOATS 413600 II7-!7-562-OO-5203 irrsT: 001 66_519_OO_5203 I NSECTICI DE l1,i5t!i a, 1 2. 6 4 98.10 .00 98.10 45.30 .00 45.30 91.00 .00 91.00 P 2,526.59 .00 2,526.59 267.29 .00 267.29 5 8 4. 3 0 .00 g4O_82 1 , 5 7 5 .0 0 .00 NATIONWIDE RETiREMENT SOLUT P 940_83 ALBERT A 1 O9302OO? ARNOLD 1,4{0.40 .00 1,440.40 1,440.40 .00 1,440.40 528.37 .00 528.37 528.37 .00 5 2 8. 3 7 5.00 .00 5.00 5.00 .00 5.00 20550 L0/24/07 20550 Lo/26/07 CHARLIE'S 1 10192007 1 4 3. 3 5 .00 1{3.35 1r13.36 .00 143.36 r0/26/ 07 2057 3 143.35 LAI.{N & I,ANDSCAPE 1 A 403-69- 572-OO-4601 3 , 3 7 5 .0 0 .00 3,375.00 3,375.00 .00 3,37s.00 r0/26/ 07 3,375.00 KELLY LYNN CLEMONS VOLUNTEER PAY L0/26/07 5.00 L A W N S E R V T C E / S E P T E M B E R2 O O 7 3 5 3 5 AI 16.68 .00 15.68 10192007 15.58 .00 r9. od 118-40-522-OO-1203 30129 CRAIG A. r 0/ 2 4/ 0 7 584.30 A1 118-40-522-OO-1203 29004 20532 1 , 6 7 5. 0 0 10192007 JOSH BORGSTROM VOLUNTEER PAY 28998 L0/23/07 528,3'l 118 40-522-OO-1203 28266 SMITH & ASSOC. INC r0/26/07 15.68 A 5 TAYLOR CREEK CANAL DREDGING ?02101 DIST: .00 940_81 VOLUNTEER PAY DIST; t2 .64 rcMA-RETr940t788ttO/23/07 111104 DANIELLE C. DISl : 51.45 9 1. 0 0 L,rTST; 001 219500 C 2 9 8. 4 9 .00 401 Repay: 940r427 tLO/23/07 A F L A C U N R E I M B U R S E DM E D I C A L DIST: .00 51.45 45.30 PLAN 109475 10122 ELIZABETH A, LiSl-: 2 9 8. 4 9 940-gO 160073 BATCH 158.68 l C I ' 4 A - R E T9:4 e t 7 B 7 : r O / 2 3 / 0 7 D e f . C o m p .; 9 4 0 : 2 O 1 . L O / 2 3 / O ? I i l;l 352442 353s00 ?0037 ICMA-RC HP/VOID 98.10 HAY & GRA]N FOR GOATS DIST; CHECK DT L 2. 6 4 r17-L7-562-OO-5203 DISTr NET PAY 51.45 CLAW IIAMMER,SCRE!{DRIVER DIST: DISCPI'UrS 3 5 2 .l 5 DIS!': 230026 36 kconrad OPERATING ACCOUNT SRC CLEANER, CAR WASH,MOP HEADS, C Page ANNUAL PAYMENT REGISTER 124-01-539-00-3100 NUBBIN SLOUGH EAST ENGINEER 705126 r . 9 , 2 9 0 .0 0 .00 19,290.00 1,150.00 .00 1,1s0.00 2 , 7 6 0. 0 0 .00 2,760,0o I,15O.OO L0/26/07 2A5i3 'ti ))/c'i 08:.tt:15 IC/),g/o7 Eo tr/07/07 . L f r : , . )l $ BOARD OF COUMIY CI]MIIISSIONERS Mintmum:O FQI? BANK ACCOUN?: I , A Y M E N T I IT Y P IDfl DIST: lt SEACOAST NATIONAL NAME BANK DIST: 1 0 1- 3 8 _5 4 1_O O _ 3 1 0 0 101-38-541-OO-3i.OO A1 10192007 I I 8 . 4 0 - 5 2 2 - O O -1 2 0 3 .i0532 MAURO DOMINGUEZ ii052i YOUTH SOCCEROFFICIAL DIST; l t 0:i2.i L- BRANDON GAABARD YQUTH SOCCER OFFICIAL DISTr I I052!r C ADRIAN LEON i:'r5:6 PATRICK !'MES POIAND VOLUNTEER PAY lIsT: C." PERVISS VOLUNTEER PAY 110528 c P A R R I S H .. r R . VOLUNTEERPAY DIST, c VOLUNTEER PAY ll0!il(, YOUTH SOCCER OFFICIAL DIST: ii0!rl VOLUNTEER PAY DIST: li05l2 A1 118-40-522-OO-1203 190388 SAI4IJEL GARCIA 5,480.00 .00 5 , 4 8 0 .0 0 s 3. 3 5 .00 s3.35 5 3. 3 5 .00 53.36 L0/26/07 2 0 5 73 8.00 .00 8.00 8.00 .00 8.00 L0/25/o7 20571 48.00 .00 48.00 48.00 .00 48.00 2 4. 0 0 .00 24.00 24.00 .00 24.00 L 0 / 2 6 /0 7 L0/26/07 2U5/l 60.03 .00 5 0 .0 3 .00 5 0 .0 3 ro/26/07 20513 t0/26/07 zv> tJ r o/ 2 6/ o 7 20513 r0/26/ 07 20513 t0/25/ 07 20513 L0/26/ 07 205'7 3 60.03 A1 20.00 .00 20.00 10192007 20.00 .00 20.00 20.00 AI r . 0 19 20 0 7 40.00 .00 40,00 40.00 .00 40.00 40,00 AI tor92007 161.73 .00 161 . 73 161.73 .00 161.73 24.00 .00 24.00 24.00 .00 2 4. 0 0 161.73 A1 10232007 001-21,572-OO-52L0 190381 FOY M. SIMS, JR. 2,480.00 10192007 i18 40_522_OO_1203 i 80735 REMIGIO RODRIGUEZ .00 24.00 118 4O-522-OO-1203 1e0195 LrSA D. SHIRES DrsT: 10232007 r18-40-522-00-1203 1 6 1 0 9 2 T E R R Yc . 2,480.00 4 8. 0 0 r18-40-s22-OO-1203 i 6C201 .IAI.IESV. DIST: AI !0232007 001-21.572-OO-5210 160097 6 , 4 2 0. 0 0 BATCH 8.00 AI YOUTH SOCCER OFFICIAL DIg?: AI r021200? 001-21-572-OO-5210 72A226 .00 HP/VOID 53.35 001'21 572-OO-5210 77809 6 , 4 2 0. 0 0 CI{ECK DT 6,480.00 3?021 MIKE CORWIN DIST: NET PAY 2 , 4 8 0 .0 0 NUBBIN SI.OUGH EAST ENGINEER 709103 VOLUNTEER PAY DISCPI'NTS 6,42O,O0 NUBBIN SLOUGH EAST ENGINEER 7O?111 DJST: GROSSATII? 2,760.o0 SLOUGH EAST ENGINEER 705106 101.38-541-OO-3100 DrsT: kconrad OPERATINGACCOUNT sRc fiIryV 101-38-541-OO_3100 MJBBIN Page ANNUAL PAYMEMT REGISTER 2 4. 0 0 A1 5.00 .00 s.00 10192007 5.00 .00 q 15.00 .00 nn s .0 0 15.00 L 0/ 2 6 / 0 7 )1/'Aa/a7 ttBrlt:15 tO/Ig/07 <rp550 1s Eo rt/O.t/07 AOARD OF COI'NTY C1]MMISSIONER6 FtjnimumrO F'OR []ANK ACCOUNT: ir,jir'MllN'i'll TYP IDS ANNUAI t1 SEACOAST NATIONAL BA]!K NAME L0232007 A1 VOLUNTEER PAY L0L92007 rr8-40_522_OO_1203 200678 it 05t5 C JOSHUA THOMAS BOYER A1 1 0 19 20 0 7 1r8-40-522-00-1203 A1 VOLUNTEERPAY 11...)5r6 C r . 0 1 9 20 0 ? 118-40-522-00-1203 228863 1105t? PAUL DI'NGEE A1 1 0 1 9 20 0 7 I18.40.522-00-1203 2 2 E 8 6 6 R O D N E YO . KEMPLE A1 JANET E. t t ot;u9 TARIN RUSCHELL ti0340 $IEINTRAI'B (l I,ARRY STEVE WEEKS, SR 001-2I-5?2-05-4601 DIST. 001 21_572_05_4601 SODILIM HYPOCHLORITE 5.00 .00 .00 s .0 0 5.00 L 0/ 2 6 / 0 7 5.00 t 0 / 2 6/ 0 7 2451 3 r0/26/o? 205?l r 0/ 2 6/ 0 7 .00 s .0 0 s.00 .00 5.00 30.00 .00 30.00 30.00 .00 30.00 3 5 .0 0 .00 3 5 .0 0 3s.00 .00 3s.00 A1 L A/ 2 6 / 0 7 L o/ 2 6 / 0 7 2057 3 r 0 / 2 9/ 0 7 205e2 35.00 A 1 t7 643 5 5 8. 3 0 .00 5s8.30 6s8.30 .00 658.30 5s8. 30 A 5 404995 , r ,0 9 9 . 5 5 .00 4,099.55 201.88 .00 201.88 1,108.94 .00 20I.88 AC 404996 1 , 1 0 8. 9 4 1 . 1 0 8. 9 4 404997 931.00 001 21 572-05-4601 SODIL'M HYPOCHLORITE SOLUTIO 404994 931.00 931.00 SODIL'M HYPOCHLORITE/POOLAC 404998 IIIS'|: s.00 5.00 001-21.-572-05-4801 DIST; .00 .00 A1 4O2-35-534-OO-5453 soDILrM HypocHLoRITE/pOOL 20513 5.00 10192007 1 0 19 2 0 0 7 1 0 0 3 9 A & D W A T E R S Y S T E M SI N C . DIST: r0/26/07 5.00 20.00 118 40 522-OO_1203 AQUA GUARD POOL ACID 2057 3 30.00 (s00) RECYCLED YO_YOS r l c 5 . l2 5.00 2 0 .0 0 A1 9401 AMERIMARK DIREqT DIST; s.00 .00 .00 r0232007 VOLUNTEER PAY DrsT, .00 .00 001 21-5?2-OO-5210 240084 5.00 5.00 lo/25/07 5.00 YOUTH SOCCER OFFICIAL DIST: 2s.00 20.00 118,40-522_00_1203 2 30174 25.00 .00 20.00 VOLUNTEER PAY DIST: .00 1 6 .0 0 20.00 1 0 1 9 20 0 7 118-40 522-00-1203 :28868 2 s .0 0 25.00 BATCH s.00 VOLUNTEER PAY DIST: .00 HPIVOID 5.00 VOLUNTEER PAY DTST: 16.00 CHECK DT 5.00 228862 CAROLYNruBBARD DIST: NET PAY 25.00 VOLLINTEER PAY DIST: DISCOI'MTS 1 5 .0 0 2OO150 TIELA TORRES Ii0:;i.,1 GROSSAMT SINV 001-21_5?2_00_5210 DisT: lg kconrad OPERATINGAcq)r,}rr SRC YOUTH SOCCER OFFICIAL DrsT; Page PAYMENT REGISTER 807.03 .00 1,050.70 .00 807.03 807.03 1 , 0 5 0 .7 0 Lo/2e/07 1I1r:i1r1'' 03:31:15 rA/19/07 Eo !!/07/07 a l p f) a isr BOARD OF COUNTY CI)MMISSIONERS Minimum:0 FoR UANK ACCOUNT: I AYI4}II.J'I'HTYP ID# DrsT: ANNUAI 11 SEACOAST NATIONAL BANK 001-21572-05-4601 001-01-511-00-3100 I0215 DIS'l': ItST: UNITS OM3-B HMK UNITS CSBG PC S UNITS CSBG RESP]TE 00125-569-31-4103 DIST: 001-25-559-31-4103 i3 LNJ]TS CSBG.HMK 1L UNITS CSBG-PC DIST: 128t '129r 8 UNITS CSBG-RC 001-25-559-31-4103 DIST: 001-25-569-31-4103 13 UNITS CSBG HMK 743t DIST: (l 7 44* 733* 734 7 35' 7 421 A 1 52074 A 3 238360 238604 117-17-562-00-3100 A 19 3645 120.00 .00 120.00 4?8.50 .00 4 7 8. 5 0 116.00 .00 116 L o/ 2 e / 0 7 20582 15 9 . 5 0 .00 159.50 116.00 .00 115.00 188.50 .00 1 8 8 .s 0 159.50 .00 t>v.)u 115.00 .00 1.16.00 188.50 .00 l aa 130.00 .00 130.00 130.00 .00 130.00 t0/29/ 07 20582 /oo.5l L0/29/07 20582 L 0/ 2 9 / 0 7 20382 nn <n .00 755.53 498.87 .00 499.97 86.60 .00 85.50 181.05 .00 181.06 5 5 5 .0 0 .00 556.00 9 4. 0 0 .00 9 4 .0 0 20.00 .00 20.00 .00 1q .00 1.5.00 94.00 3649 20.00 3558 11? 17-562-00-3100 SOLER RABIES VACCINE DrsT: 1 5 9 .5 0 181.06 117-17-562-00-3100 GONZALEZ-RABIES VACCINE 1 , 8 0 2. 0 0 .00 86.60 DIS-1': !7'l 11'562-00-3100 DJST; .00 159.50 49g.87 40),-2I-5'12-OO-52LL HARDY_HEARTWORT ME S T L . 8 0 2. 0 0 130.00 ] . 5 1 0 0 O K E E C H O B E EV E T E R I N A R Y H O S P I DTST, 20532 188.50 401,.2).572-00-5211 IYCDANIEL DOG SPAY,VACC]NE L0/29/07 )z r.15.00 4 1 1 72 1 5 ' t 2 - O 0 - 5 2 7 L NOVELIES FOR RESALE DISTr t6v. 159.50 BICYCLE & EYEGI,ASS REPAIR K 238350r DIST; 980.52 .00 188.50 12100 MASS SAI,ES CO. D I S 1: .00 >6V . )Z 116.00 001 21-572-00-5210 I ] I G H T E R S ,B A T T E R I E S , 980.52 159.50 10221 ATL CI,EAN SERVICES OF FIJORI P O R T A B L E R E S T R O O MF A C I L I T I E BATCH 116.00 00r-25 559-31-4103 DrsT: HP/VOID 478.50 C01 25-569-31-4103 DIST CHECK DT 120.00 0OI 25 569-22-4102 1i l.51 : NET PAY 159.50 727 o0r-25-569-22-4102 8 UNITS OAA3_E RESPITE DIS'I, 10 00r.25-559-52-4105 3] DrsT, RESPITE L 723t 001 25-569-31-4103 8 TINITS ADI DISCOUNTS 980.52 ALL ABOUT YOU CAREGIVERS, I A 11 UNITS CSBG-HMK GROSS AMT 1,050.70 1 O O 9 ?A L L E N , N O R T O N & BLUE, P.A. A p R o r - ' E s s I o N A Ls v c / 2 5 1 0 l l R A 67579 DrsT; 39 kconrad OPER,ATING ACCOUNT sRc #rr.ru NAIVIE Page PAYMENT REGISTER nn 15.00 3559 1.5.00 15.00 '1.\'t i,i:tt:15 ,c/19/07 i:i Eo 11/o7/o7 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS lYrnlmum:o I.'OR IIANK ACCOUNT: 11 -tYt l,A t4r,lJ':11 ID# NAME SEACOAST NATIONAL BANK SRC h]OFFORD- HEARTWORMTEST lllr.rT: HARRIS RABIES VACCINE 1:7 r isi' I:,-t I7 DrsT: li7 l7 1!'7 I1 3569 36'72 3 5 74 3675 03 412 TEST 3483 3553 lAI 3644 3 666 2 15.00 .00 15.00 15.00 .00 15.00 15.00 .00 15.00 15.00 .00 15.00 15.00 .00 15.00 17.50 .00 17 50 17.50 .00 17.50 45.00 .00 45.00 2 4. 0 0 .00 2 4. 0 0 15.00 .00 15.00 25.00 .00 25.O0 503.L5 .00 503.15 207.95 .00 207.95 L 0/ 2 9 / 0 7 207.95 17859 295.20 zt>. zv 295.20 BELTRAM FOOD SERVICE SUPPLY A 1 li-qr: 001-2s 569 22-5209 DrSl-: 001 25 569 22-5209 15.00 DIST; 001-25 569-22-5209 133.00 D I s ^ ',f 001'25-569-22-5209 ?1.00 DrST: X1I 25 569-22-5209 30.00 795.00 .00 795.00 79s.00 .00 79s 00 26.85 .00 zo.6t zo.6f .00 r0/29/07 545.00 ].,]014CHANDLER EQUIPMENT CO,, INC A 0928Q? 3 2 2- 0 0 - 4 6 0 0 74.00 25 00 F O O D C A R R I E R , G A S K E T , H I N G EP 5 1 7 1 4 !l S:' 00 15.00 21 5'72-00-5211 rloulJ'fs 'rI8 10 ?4,00 24.00 AA1 21 572 00-5211 20093 89 00 45.00 I"7 562 00 3100 TOBACCO FOR RESALE .00 17.50 CO] BIG LAKE SNACK SALES, INC./ A 'LOBACCO FOR RESALE 17867 l-i;. 89.00 I7.50 117 17 552-00-3100 r!1 15.00 15.00 117-17-562-00-3100 BRYANT FELV/FIV )1S', .00 15.00 11? 17 562-00-3100 M C D A N I E L - H E A R T W O R MT E S T D r s ' Ir 15.00 1s.00 A T H E R T O N .P A R V O / R A B I E S V A C C i 3 5 9 5 DiST: 15.00 BATCH 15.00 171 I'7 562 00-3100 ALICEA VACCINATIONS DIS'l': .00 HP/VOID 15.00 562- 00-3100 B R E W E RC A T N E U T E R tiS'j'r 3667 562-00-3100 VAVRA CAT NEUTER ; - , t . iq: 15.00 CHECK DT ?4.00 117 17 562-00-3100 i { O P K I N S- R A B I E S V A C C I N E liiST: 355s 117-1?-562-00-3100 CONTi HEARTWORMTEST D I S ' l: NET PAY 89.00 117-17 562-00-3100 MI CHAEIJ-RABIES VACCINE DIST: 3664 7r't 17 562 00-3100 SALLETTE - HEARTWORMTEST DISCOUNTS 15.00 1t'7 11 562 00-3100 D I I i l A I N A H E A R T W O R MT E S T DlS'r'; 3663 562 00-3100 I{ANSON DOG NEUTER, VACCINE iiSi'r GROSS AMT 1 5. 0 0 1,1 562-00 3100 POST DOC NEUTER,VACCINE kconrad OPERATING ACCOT'NT SINV 3661 7I'7 17 562-00-3100 !j:.r'l 1C ANNUAL PAYMENT REGISTER 1 L o/ 2 9 / 0 7 2r5t2 '\iee/0 7 08: li:15 -:r. ,r'e BOARD OF COUNTY CIMMISSIONERS 7a/19/o7 Lo L7/07/07 1l FoR BANK ACCOUNT: PAIMI]NT'S TYF IDS C 30043 11!ir5l OPERATII.IS SEACOAST NATIONAL BANK NAME SRC SINV A 2 CENTF,AL FLORIDA REGIONAL G E N E R A T O RS I T E V E R I F I C A T I O N GROSS AT/TT 0607'164 TRANSPORTATION DISADVANTAGE O607- 184 1i.05qrl TOSHIBA BUSINESS SOLT.ITIONS ]0135 i !u5:r t J I)J 1 .1 0 5 5 5 4 7. 2 5 .00 1, 138.98 677.13 .00 677.L3 rJo. o) .00 11< L24.95 .00 L24.95 1s0.00 ,00 1 5 0 .0 0 50.25 .00 )v.22 o 50.25 5'72-00-5203 .00 10,031.00 1 0 , 0 3 1. 0 0 .00 10,031.00 7 5 0 .0 0 .00 ?50.00 750.00 .00 7 5 0 .0 0 243.04 .00 243.04 243.O4 .00 243.04 6 5 , 1' 3 8 .00 654.38 .00 121.10 10,031.00 1 A CBIZ VALUATION GROUP, LLC PROG 20581 i105:i6 CHILDREN'S HOME SOCIETY OF 1. A DTST: Liirqi--7 A 4 97T9 DIST; DIST, li055g DAY DREAMS 1JNIFORI4S INC. FIRE DlST; .00 2 0 7. 9 5 200.83 .00 200.83 158.3s .00 158.3s .00 1 s B. 3 5 158.35 200.83 1 ACADEMY I'NIFORMS FOR B 1OO4 118-40-522-00-5212 207.98 207.98 9662 101-50-541-00-5300 40098 rO/29/01 L34.47 9'115 101-50-541-00-5300 SHE],L ROCK 205e2 1 3 4. 4 7 L34.47 101 50-541-00-5300 SHELL ROCX r o/ 2 e/ 0 7 121.10 101-50-541-00-5300 SHELL ROCK DIS'!: 20582 243.04 DICKERSON AGGREGATES, INC. SHELL ROCK DISTr 09262007 001-01-511-00-4000 40065 1 A NOEL CHANDLER TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT r 0/ 2 9/ 0 7 750'00 Oo1-28-560-OO-3100 ]2050 r o/ 2 9/ 0 7 l0'031'00 I'IEDICAL EVALUATTONS/SEPT 20 OKo7-209 DIST: Kq 150.00 OO1-01-511-OO-4601 ]0360 .00 37652 CLOROX ULTRA BI,EACH DIST: 47.25 L24.95 J /bf 11?-17-552-00-5203 PRM PROPERTY APPRAISA], 10.53 10.53 37540r AC:r-21 5't2 00-5203 30287 s?.88 .00 135.55 GERMICIDE & SAUSAGE BOX i105i4 .00 37540 BOWL CLEANER,ROLL TOWELS 4QI 2f 57.88 677.13 4OI -2L'5')2-00-5203 DIST: 20582 3,250.00 I 4O7-2I-512-00-5203 DISr; L 0 / 2 9 /0 7 .00 1,138.98 A5 C,J'S WHOLESALE CI,OROX BLEACH,BOWL CLEANER DiS'l: 205S2 3,250.00 4 7. 2 5 LOTION, PAPER TOWELS, I,INERS DIS'f: 70/29/o7 3 , 8 3 2. 5 0 3 , 8 3 2. 5 0 5 1 9 53 9 001-31-571-00-4601 DIST: 2Q582 ?,082.s0 .00 A 001-14-525-00-5203 30234 t0/29/01 .00 10.53 COPIER MAINTENANCE DIST: BATC]H CHECK DT 7 , 0 8 2. 5 0 6 0 9 9 15 COPY CHARGES Drsr. HP/VOID NET PAV 3,250'00 101 59-549-00-310? Disl: ACCII.'NT DISCOT'NTS 3'832'50 402-36-534-00-4501 DISl'r kconrad ANNUAL PAYMENT REGISTER Minrmum:0 158.35 r o / 2 9 /0 7 2058?. 08:,rl;15 to/19/01 ti/ca/ai BOARD OF CIUNTY Eo 71/07/01 AI{NUAT PAY}ENT l\4rnimum:o aD'r5:) is 11 I"OR BANK ACCOUM| I I'AYMEN'i'I] TYP IDS C 40109 l i 05t:]9 P A P E R B A G S , B A T H R O O MT I S S U E , 40131 PATRICIA !T C C ? 0 1 .{ 9 .00 7 0 1. 4 9 10L.49 .00 70r.49 76.99 .00 76.99 .00 47,875.90 .00 4 7 , 8 ? 8. 8 o t 0 / 2 9/ 0 7 20532 4 7, 8 7 8 . 8 0 .00 4?,978.90 1,018.00 .00 1,018.00 L o/ 2 9 / 0 7 20582 259.00 .00 259.00 ?49.00 .00 149.00 735.80 .00 73s.80 L0/29/Q? 20t82 198.10 .00 1 9 8. 1 0 28.30 .00 26. 4 2. 4 5 .00 4 2. 4 5 L 2 7. 3 5 .00 1 2 ' t. 3 5 47, 878.80 2 A 25535 269.00 4O1'-2I'572-OO-4604 S-O?'042 ?49.00 303 56-519-00-5215 CAREGMRS, A7 INC 14 UNITS OA3B HHK 68719 198 . 10 AOI-25 569-22-4L02 DISTr 2 UNITS OA3B PECA 68720 3 UN1TS OSS CCE RESPITE DIST: DIST: 68124 42.45 001-25-559-02-4101 9 LINITS OSS CCE HMKR o6 ta) l2?.35 001-25-569-02-4101 19 UNITS OSS CCE PECA DIST, DIST, UNITS CCE RESPITE OIL 687'l3 A1 04 4 3 1 1 5 2 1 FHONE SERVICE 102-01-552-00-4100 PHONE SERVICE DIST: 109-01-529-00-4100 PHONE SERVICE DIST: 103-51-513-00-4100 PHONE SERVICE DIST: 103 sI-513-00-4100 PHONE SERVICE DIST: 103 53-525-00-4100 28.30 42.45 .00 4 2. 4 5 203.85 .00 203.8s 203.85 .00 203.85 5 , 5 1 7. 5 0 .00 s,s17.50 L 3 6. 4 2 .00 1 3 6. 4 2 LO/29/07 203.85 401-2I-572-00-4500 i-'o1 95 EMBARQ COMMUNICATIONS, I N C . DI6T: .00 42.45 EVERGI,ADES FARM EQUIPMENT FILTER, BUI,B,TORQ-GARD 28.30 28.30 001-25 569-02-4105 50098 DIST, 265.55 6g't34 00L 25-569-22-4L02 ] 268.85 258.85 6g't26 'JIS'l': 001-25 569-02-4101 2 UNITS OA3B HMK JU 28.30 O0r-25-569-22-4L02 DIST; L"L0!6! 20582 76.99 CAPPED OFF WATER LINES '"05b.1 L0/29/07 09282007 ECHOLS ENTERPRISES, INC. r)c047 ELITE BATCH 76.99 AI 124-01-539-00-4601 DIST: HPIVOID 20582 591108 DEVLAND SITE DEVELOPMENT, I A 1 TAYI,OR CREEK SEDIMENT REMOV 5 FINAL 50014 CHECK DT L o/ 2 9 / o 7 40i42 DIST: C 1 DILES EMERG REPAIR TO WATER LINE t 1 0 5 r ,I A 0012s-569-22-4000 DIST: NET PAY GROSS AI.IT 701.'19 TRAVEI, REIMBURSEMENT Disr DISCOUMTS SINV sor-2r-572-O}-5203 DIST, i 10i60 OPENATING ACCOI'NT SRC DADE PAPER COMPANY 42 kconrad REGISTER BANK SEACOAST NATIONAL NAI'TE Page COMMISSIONERS 6 A 0 9 1 90 7 1 47 4 1 3 5. 4 2 1 0 0 1- 3 3 0 0 .00 4,531.35 54.50 ,00 54.50 130.07 .00 130.07 335,50 .00 3 3 6 .5 0 4,531.36 4,531.36 1004r0434 5 4. 5 0 1007r0340 130.07 1007t0548 335.50 LO/29/07 20582 'ti BOARD OF C9UNTY COINISSIONERS II/07/07 cs:-rt t15 7A/19/O'l lo / t \ i , , t / a/ ii[)!ii.O ]s C EMBARQ COMMI'NICATTONS, I N C . 50202 AT DB ELECTRICAL SERVICE I23-66-5L9 00-4300 ELECTRICAL SERVICE t0L2-213r6 c I TKJA VERWEY 2 0 0 ?/ 0 8 A F],ORIDA FISHING WEEKLY GLADES GAS COMPANY 1 3520 A 2 (5) WATER COOLERS DIST: 303'66-519-14-5200 8.73 E, .00 6, t5 t5 2 1. 6 r t5 .00 6. t5 .00 21.18 L0/29/07 20582 LO/29/ 07 20 -c82 21.18 1'10.00 .00 140. OO 140.00 .00 140.00 140.00 .00 140.00 1{0.00 .00 140.00 6 0 0 .0 0 .00 5 O OO . O 500.00 .00 5 0 0 .0 0 616.00 .00 20.00 .00 20.00 s 9 5 .0 0 .00 596.00 L0/29/o7 L o / 2 9 /o 7 2Q582 lo/2e/07 20552 L0/29/07 2 A- q 8 2 596 00 118-40 522-00-5209 BOO15 HD SUPPLY, INC. .00 2A582 20'00 401-21-572-00-4504 EMERGENCY PURCHASE OF R,ANGE 82526 DiS'l'; 8 .? 3 ro/29/0't 500'00 INSTALL SAFETY DRAIN SWITCH 82455 DIST: 26.83 26.83 140.00 102-01-552-00-4907 70014 ?5,63 .00 140.00 ADVERTISING/SEPTEMBER 2OO7 DISTr .00 21.18 1o012oo? 117 35-520-00-5400 60337 75.63 21.18 A MEMBERSHIP DUES M E I V B E R S H I PD U E S / A ' DIST: Lo/29/07 450.00 21.18 117-35-520-00-5400 bL]125 4 5 0 .O O 6. 728077707 CHARGES 1 1 ?- 1 2 - 5 1 5 - 0 0 - 4 2 0 0 (5) .00 2A582 ?1 1 A 60047 F A.C.E DISIr 450.00 ro/29/07 23.51 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP' I N C . SHIPPING 43.24 .00 1012-98318 403'59-572-00-4300 DIST: 43.24 .00 8'?3 ELECTRICAL SERVICE 60045 .00 43.24 1012-76381 403-69'572-00-4300 DiST: 43.24 BATTJH 8.73 10r.2-59120 001 21 572-00-4300 DISTr 328.5s HPIVOID 25.83 ELECTRICAL SERVICE l1Q57l A5 1010-30509 ELECTRICAL SERVICE DISTr .00 CHECK DT 450.00 403-69-5?2-00-4300 IIIST: 11057C BCC- 4 POVIER AND LIGHT FIORIDA 60013 328.55 450.00 OO1-65-519-00-5205 DIST: l.i(1569 AI EVERGLADESPAINTING & PRESSURE CLEANING DIST: PAY 43,24 OO1-24-542-00-4100 5C21i 10568 1 A 12002314 PHONE SERVICE f,lSTr NET DrscluMrs 328.55 403-69 572-00-4100 DISTr GROSS AlfT 100711555 PHONE SERVICE I r,L]:rr;6 f Ilw sRc NAME IDH I . A Y I Y T ] N ' | ] If Y P OPER.ATING ACCOIJr,|]T BANK SEACOAST NATIONAL 11 I''OR BANK ACCOUNI: kconrad AI,TNUAL PAYMENT REGISTER Minimum:0 A I s130?65198 2,195.00 2,195'00 .00 2,L95.OO 2,195.00 .00 2,195.00 dp55c ANNUAL Minimum:o .i.s 11 FO]i BANK ACCOUNT: fhYl"iili{'ll1 TYP IDS (l 80115 i L0'175 I{INV A t REFIIND FACILITY 20546 22856 I ' r0 5 / 9 C 2 A 54093 64283 1 A 1OOO85J&JPRODUCTSUNLIMITED 90739 1 A iO23O5 ADVANCED AI,ARM SOLUTIONS REPAIR POOL FIRE AI.ARM SYST 05339 DIST, 001-21-572-05-6200 1,594.52 DIST: 001-21-5?2-00-4150 39.43 1O99OO KIMLEY-HORN & ASSOCIATES, I 3 A ONGOING CONSULTING SERVICES 3063165 DIST: 3099980 i iaib62 117-12-515-00-4601 EARLY MODE], GUIDE il05i: A2 PAI,MDALEOIL 6)ZZ6V A .00 1s0.00 1 5 0 .0 0 .00 150.00 254.92 .00 264.92 L24.L6 .00 r24.16 L40.76 .00 L40.76 250.00 .00 2s0.00 250.00 .00 250.00 1 , 6 3 3. 9 5 .00 1,533.95 1 , 6 3 3. 9 5 .00 1 , 6 3 3. 9 5 5 , ? 5 5. 0 0 .00 5 , ? s 5 .o o 101-50-541-00-5207 900.00 .00 900.00 3,080.00 .00 3,080.00 ].,7?5.00 .00 1,7?5.00 120.00 .00 1 2o . O O 60.00 .00 50.00 50.00 .00 60.00 62,570.69 .00 62,570.69 20,6L7.52 .00 2 0, 6 L 7 . 5 2 2 L, 5 1 0. 7 8 .00 2r,530.78 2 0 , 4 2 2. 3 9 .00 2 0 , 4 2 2. 3 9 20 ,6L7 .52 3674r 21,530.78 101-50-541-00-5207 UAb 3 35895 101 s0 541-00-520? GAS D1ST, 150.00 20582 ro/29/07 20582 L0/29101 20582 r0 /29 / 0't 24582 lO/29/07 20582 ro/29/ 07 2A5F,2 7 0/ 2 9 / 0 7 20582 t0/29/07 20582 5 0. 0 0 COMPANY, I N C . DI ESEL DIST': .00 ro/29/o'l 5 0 .0 0 001 31'571-00-5502 120012 DIST: 6)ZZ6L 001-31 5?1-00-6602 USED CAR GUIDE DIST: 45.00 45.00 l'775'oo 1]OO2O KELLEY BLUE BOOK DtsT: 45.00 3,080.00 117 12 515-00-4601 REVIEW TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALY 3141030 DTST: .00 24582 9 0 0 .0 0 117 12-515-00-4601 REVIEW COMPREHENSIVE PI,AN DIST, 45.00 ro/29/07 250'00 DIS'1': 117-12-515-OO-4501 i1058i 40.00 40.00 140'75 515-00-490? 1MONTHRENTAL HD sOODESIGN L1C5BO 40.00 .00 BATC}I 124' 16 403 59' 572-00-4907 1l?'12 .00 HP/VOID 150.00 001-01-51r-00-3201 ADVERTTSING/ACCTS 754989 DIS'I': 1 A C O M P U T E R S I, N C . ADVERTISING/ACCT# 15488 i)lSi': 1 A 9OO3O INDEPENDENTNEWSPAPERS, INC i105 rB 40.00 CHECK DT {5.00 RELOCATE 5 PHONES & FAXLINE D1ST, NET PAY 40.00 001-21-352000-0 90024 I.C.S. t1c5 /? RENTA], ACCOU} T DISC1CUNTS GROSS AMT 5043 401-21-5?2-00-5211 ts0275 SYBLE HAZELLIEF DIST: OPERATING SRC H E A R T I . A N D S P R I N G W A T E R , INC kconrad PAYMENT REGISTER BANK SEACOAST NATIONAL NAME (4) ,5 ],ITER SPRING WATER DIST: 44 BOARD OF qCT'NTY CO!44ISSIONERS 08:31 :15 7A/19/07 t-o IL/07/07 1) iaB/o7 55taJ 20,422.39 11i:13/(.)7 ro/D/O'7 Eo rL/o7/07 .rp!' r I S 1 4 i n i m u m0; r,105:rrl #INV A 1 9 A .]AMES LETCHER DVM ABBI TT- DOG SPAY, VACCINE 35 0 9 DOONE-cAT NEUTER,VACCTNE DIS'I': DISTr 3589 3595 r,10:;aii ' JOOO MTNICIPAL 1 1285 i i 0 ').'3 EOUIPMEN! CO" L]' 1 A MARPAN SUPPLY COMPANY I N C . 980213 LIGHT BULBS .t1c!ih'., OOr 2L-572-00-46L2 2r4 .32 DIST: OO166-519-00-4611 3 2 5. 4 0 DlST: 101-s0-541-00-4504 BULBS DIST: OO]-'2L-5'12-00-46L2 2I4.32 DIST: 001 66-519-00-4611 3 2 5 .{ 0 DIS'l', 101-50-541-00-4604 L32.96 130091 JANET I,. DIST: MCKENNA MUNIFTNANCIAL, INC' FIRE UIST: o9262007 RESCUE REVENUE ANALYSI 118 40-522-00-4501 6 ? .s 0 97.50 .00 9 7. 5 0 22.50 .00 50.00 .00 5 0. 0 0 60.00 .00 6 0 .0 0 60.00 .00 60.00 57.50 .00 Et 72.50 .00 72.50 450.00 .00 450.00 450.00 .00 450.00 r 9 2. 0 0 192.00 .00 1 9 2. 0 0 .00 192.00 673.68 .00 673.68 573.58 .00 L32.96 673.68 00 <n L o/ 2 9 / o 7 Lo/29/07 Lo/29/07 540.72 6 8. 0 9 .00 5 8 .O 9 5 8. 0 9 .00 58.09 Lo/29/07 58.09 001-25's69-22-4000 1r0189 .00 r32.96 980213 TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT 11Ll59f 2 A DISTr LlGHT 67.50 LO/29/07 1 9 2. 0 0 118-40-522-00-5209 130036 12.50 4 5 0 .0 0 (3) PAIRS/BUNKER GEAR GLOVES 275814 DISTr 5 ? 0 .O O .00 72.50 r18-40 522-00-5400 1]0025 ,00 72.50 5 7. 5 0 I.AKE TECHNICAI. CENTER COURSE REGISTRATION/SULLIVA ll05r:7 570.00 50.00 JOO 11?-1?-562-00-3100 i20225 IIISTT 3 6 75 11?-1?-552-00-3100 BEDNARZ-DOGSPAY,VACCINE DrgT: 150.00 5 0 .0 0 117-1?-552-00-3100 P R I E W E -C A T S P A Y , V A C C I N E DIST: !6'17 117-1?-562-00-3100 CONE-DOG NEUTER, VACCINE DIST: .00 20582 50.00 1?-562-00-3100 DIMAIN-DOG NEUTER,VACCINE DISl': 150.00 L0/29/0'.1 22.50 117-17 562-00-3100 1l? 1s0.00 BATC'}I 9 7. 5 0 S A L L E T T E - D O G N E U T E R ,V A C C I N E 3 6 7 0 DIST, .00 HP/VOID 5 7. 5 0 117-1?-562-00-3100 CASTANEDA.VACCINATIONS DISTr 364'l 117-17-562-00-3100 H E R B E R G E R - D O GS P A Y , V A C C I N E 150.00 CHECK DT 72.50 117-1?-562-00-3100 DIST: NET PAY DISCPUNTS 1 s 0. 0 0 118-40-522-00-4500 120068 GROSS AIIT 2127 SEATCOVER 1105i5 SRC 12i)051 LEHMAN AUTO BODY, INC. DIST: OPERATING ACCOUNT BANK SEACOAST NATIONAI, IDfi i'/r'/MflN'i'fl'tYP kconrad ANNUAL PAYIIIENT REGISTER 11 I]OR L]ANI( AC.-O'JNT: 45 BOARD OF COT'NTY C1CMMISSIONERS A1 42578 8.?60.00 I,760.00 8, ?50.00 8,?50,00 8 , 7 5 0 .0 0 .00 L0/29/07 205s2 ll:1!. 11 llAl.trf: A('COl-IlrlT: (l sRc REFLIND VENDOR DEPOSIT DTST: GROSS AMT fiIlw A1 .]ERRY MONROE 1]7101 OPERATING ACCOUNT SEACOAST NATIONAL BANK NAlvlE I Dti li :Yi) c 2 0 0 6 01 1 8 DISPOSABLE MEDICAL SUPPI.IES 9489T325 ,] ^1 NjID FLORIDA HARDWARE 1 II8 40 522 00-4600 (4 ) ECONO LAlvlPS 40I-21 L0/29/0'7 2 A ' , ?2 L7.42 L 0/ 2 9 / 0 ' 7 J,J/f.VV 3,3?5.00 .00 a .00 9 , t66 .37 L 0/ 2 9 / 0 7 1 L0/29/47 ?76 nn .00 45.38 49.50 .00 49.50 to .00 ul .00 152,01 489.60 .00 489.60 11.99 .00 11.99 19.80 .00 19.80 r ! , >> 19.80 ^1 zd L. aa z6L.)a 95419-057 z6 L. )Z .00 z6L L0/29/07 2A':?.2 r 0/ 2 9/ 0 ? 2t)tL2 )Z z6l,)z A 11 1,056.15 .00 1, 056 15 409.00 .00 409.00 154.00 .00 154.00 67.37 .00 409.00 303 68 519-00-5100 CA 088805 154'00 303 68-519-00-5203 oo1 og 513 oo-5100 a4 45.38 489 50 059020 , E 088735 C A R T R I D G E SP, A P E R ,F O L D E R S P STORAGE ??< .00 .00 >oz O K E E C H O B E EO F F I C E S U P P L Y , I B I N D E R ,F I L E .00 . qv 059019 NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS D]VIDER RAILS FOR FILING Q4 1 5 2. 0 1 0o7-22'537-00-4100 ,i5iO2] 2?6 1tz. 059208 NEXTEL PHONE SERVICE DIS'I'I 20582 .00 059018 101 21 512 00-5211 1 ' 1C O 8i iiiSI': .00 ro/29/o'7 b, ro ' 1t l 1 2 1 5 ? 2 - 0 0 5 2 1 1 HOSE CLA]VIP !]S.i: L7.42 b. 058996 401 21 572-00 52lI WHITE MARINE ADH SEAL DIST: 5 2 1 .s 0 bzt. rv 49.50 058062 4Q1 21 5'12-00-5211 I I L I L B .G E A R O I L , D E T E R G E N T DIS'r: 057912 512-00-520'l O]L, BREAK FLUID, LUBRICANT illSiTr ozr,ru .00 2 0 5 P2 45.38 118-40 522-00-4600 C R E A S E, A N T I F R E E Z E l:iSi: .00 L0/29/07 3,375.00 1 056586 :rI1 40 522 00-4600 LOOM.SPLIT POLY i/ls'r, 62L.50 y,too.Jt A8 NAPA AUTO SUPPLY SUPPORT lIST; 250.00 BATCII OO1 16 563-00-8100 ]10058 DISi'r .00 1 A C O U N T Y M A T C H / S E P T E M B E R2 O 0 7 O K E E 1 2 5iS'1': 250.00 HP/VOID 3,3?5.00 118-40 522-00-4601 ] . 1O O 2 ? N E W H O R I Z O N S O F T H E DIS'l; 250.00 CI{ECK DT L | .92 4A7'2L 572-0A-4604 LECAI. SERVICES FOR REV ANAL 0705019140 rllST: .00 .00 i 4 O O O 9 N A B O R S , G I B L I N& N I C K E R S O N , P A DIS'I: 250.00 010s87/1 ANT KILLER l - ) I S ' :l NET PAY 521'50 118 40 522-00-3104 I8205 DISCOUNTS 250.00 117-203300 1 3 8 1 1 1 M O O R EM E D I C A L , L L C i)isr kconrad ANNUAL PAYP1ENT REGISTER Nlininlum:0 f()it 16 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ra/L9/0'7 co II/A'7/O7 89501 67'3'1 11/AS/A't 08:ii:15 ra/rs/o't Eo rL/0'7/07 . r p ! i 5 C1 s Flrnrnlum:0 !,Ojil itANi{ OPER.ATING ACCOUMT SEACOAST NATIONAL BANK SRC NNVIE ID# I-.AYIYENiir'tYt, GROSS AMT fINV A D D I N G M A C H I N E R O I , L S ,R I B B O N 8 9 5 0 5 DIST: I9514 895s1 LAMINATION AND COI,ORCOPIES 89183 89185 6> 412 89302 PEST CONTROL SERVICES 50' DIST; DIST: C 32759639 CORD & CAPS 2 A & FITTINGS L5) t4t r35722 WATER SERVTCE AUTHORIT 29 A 1008133425 )ISTI 102-01-552-00-4300 7'18 DIS'|: IO3-58-519-OO-4300 7 '4O DIST: 402-36-534-00-4300 W A T E R / S E W E RS E R V I C E oo1-2s-559-Oo-4300 W A T E RS E R V I C E DIST: Oo1-21-572-OO-4300 W A T E R / S E W E RS E R V T C E DIST: oo1 08'513-00-4300 W A T E R / S E W E RS E R V I C E DIST: 001 56 519-03-4300 W A T E R / S E W E RS E R V I C E DIST: 1.95 .00 1.95 15.95 .00 115.85 .00 11( 110.53 .00 110.53 46.20 .00 46.20 46.20 .00 46.20 226.85 .00 226 .85 ?5.85 .00 75.85 1,50.00 .00 150. 00 1R O< A( OO1-21-572-05-4300 W A T E R / S E W E RS E R V T C E .00 6,702.96 2r.'t6 .00 ?.1.8 40.98 ,00 40.98 1{8,41 .00 1{8.41 3 3. 8 2 .00 33.82 5 , 7 0 2. 9 5 148'41 1008T5941 33'82 108.00 108.00 1008r86s4 108'00 1008*8555 40.97 .00 40.97 L 0 2. 4 5 .00 102.45 335.55 .00 335.55 1 0 9 .5 7 00 10 9 . 5 7 460.45 .00 4 5 0. 4 5 40'97 OO1-08-513-OO-4300 !{ATER/SEWER SERVICE DIST: 4 .80 40'98 1008T5467 118-46-522-00-4300 W A T E R / S E W E RS E R V I C E DIST: .00 7'18 ].008'5466 25-569-00-4300 W A T E R / S E W E RS E R V I C E DIS'I , 1. 8 0 L o/ 2 e / 0 ' t 2A582 L O/ 2 9 / 0 ' . 1 2C5e2 r o / 2 9/ o ' t zv)dz 1s0.00 4oI 2l'572-00-4604 ool 78.95 75.85 118 40-522-00-4500 1 5 O O ? 4 O K E E C H O B E EU T I I , I T Y DIST: .00 46.20 PAINT Ltc6ll A1 001 2s-569-00-4504 1 5 O O ] 1 O K E E C H O B E EP I P E ll06c0 78.95 110.53 oO1-08-513-00-5100 150026 ORKIN PEST CONTROL DlST: 27.e6 115.85 oo1-08-513-00-5100 DI VIDERS, RUBBERBANDS,BINDER 893 7 O ii(1599 .00 15.95 Oo1'08-513-00-5100 COPY PAPER.IABEI,S,ER'ASERS DIST: 27.86 1.95 001-08-513-00-5100 LAMINATION DiST: 59 .88 BATCH 4.80 001-08-513-00-5100 I,AMINATION DIS'f: .00 HPIVO]D 78.96 DIST; Oo1-08-513-00-5100 nlST: 59.88 CHECK DT 2 7, 9 6 OO1-08-513-00-5100 BINDERS DIST: NET PAY DISCOI'NTS 69.88 001'08-513-00-5100 R I BBON DIST: 4'7 kconrad ANNUAL PAYMENI REGISTER 11 ACCOLINTT Page BOARD OF COT'NTY COMMISSIONERS 1009r8555 102'45 1O08*9255 335'65 1008r10172 109.57 100812?648 ),ti.j,t1D't 08:31r15 rA/19/0'l Lo LL/07/07 crp!,-.t ls DIST: 11 OPERATING SEACOAST NATIONAL BANK SRC 001-66-519-07-4301 WATER SERVICE GROSS AMT ffINV DIST: ?.19 DIST: 303-68-519-00-4300 7.40 DIST: 402-36-534-00-4300 DIST: 0 0 1 -2 2 - 5 3 ? - 0 0 - 4 3 0 0 WATER SERVICE irISi': oQ! 21'512 05-4300 W A T E R / S E I , I E RS E R V I C E DiST: 001 21-5?2-00-4300 W A T E R / S E W E RS E R V I C E Drs1., 001 14-525-00-4300 W A T E R / S E W E RS E R V I C E DISTr 001-65-519-04-4300 DIST: 001-66-519-05-4300 WATER SERVICE DiSTr 001 21 572-00-4300 I,.]ATER/SEWERSERVICE ?.18 1008*10135 1 0 0 8r 1 0 1 5 4 1008110165 1008*8566 1008*8575 100818579 001 66-519-02-4300 ZL. L> DIST: 101-38-541-00-4300 42.37 DIST: 117-12 515-00-4300 105.93 DIS'l': 117 3s-520-00-4300 6 3. 5 6 DlST: 2L.L9 DrsT 101-38-541-00-4300 DISl': 117-12 515-00-4300 IU'. 117-35-520-00-4300 159.46 DIST, 001-66-519-00-4300 53:56 DIST: 001 56-519-02-4300 27.r9 DIST; 101-38-541-00-4300 42.37 IIIST: 117'12 515-00-4300 105.93 001-0r 511-00-4300 W A T E R / S E W E RS E R V I C E DlST: 101-50-541-00-4300 25.09 .00 23.09 423.70 .00 1 0 5. 9 4 32.64 .00 32.64 L , 9 8 2. 6 6 .00 4 2. 3 7 2 7 5. 3 9 423."10 100818579 DISi': UTATER/SEWER SERVTCE 307.71. >J ZL.L> DIS'r: .00 4 2. 3 7 001-14-525-00-4300 1l-8 40'522 00-4300 307.7L 423.70 100818579 0 0 1- 5 5 5 1 9 - 0 2 - 4 3 0 0 DIST: 120.85 1,982.56 C01 66 519-00-4300 1 . 1 73 5 5 2 0 0 0 - 4 3 0 0 .00 r,982.66 1008r101?l 001 14 525-00-4300 ! . ] A T E R / S E W E RS E R V I C E 120.85 !2.64 DIST; DlST: 144.04 169.46 1008r10170 D1S'!; W A T E R / S E W E RS E R V I C E .00 L> 2L.L9 DIST: 144.04 25.09 DI.ST: 001 21-572-05-4300 41.79 153.85 1008*8575 63 .55 W A T E R / S E I 4 E RS E R V I C E .00 153.86 001-14-525-00-4300 DIST: 41.79 120.85 00166-519-00-4300 001-21-572-05-4300 119.35 144.04 DlST W A T E R / S E W E RS E R V I C E ,00 4L.79 DIST: DIST: 119.35 I I Y . J ' ZL. WATER/SE!{ER SERVICE NET PAY 2L.76 102-01-552-00-4300 W A T E R / S E W E RS E R V I C E ACCOIJNT DISCOI.INTS 4 6 0. 4 5 1008133425 159.45 1008*8581 374.23 .00 803.65 .00 803.5s 264.05 .00 2 5 4. 0 5 3'14.23 1008*8544 8 0 3. 6 5 1009*5942 264.05 48 kconrad ANNUAL PAYMENT REGISTER lYrnimum:0 iroil BANK ACCOUNTT 'iYP r , A Y l 4 r ' ] IJl l Page BOARD OF COUNTY CIMMISSIONERS CHECK DT HPIVOID BATCH ANNUA! I'lrninturn:0 11 /rCCO!JNT; OPEFATING SINV GROSS AMT 1008*6089 2 0. 8 9 SRC WATER SERVICE ACCOUNT DISCOUNTS zL. rls't DIST, lO3 63 519-00-4300 7 .40 DISi, 402 35 534-00-4300 7.18 1 SCOTT'S QUALITY CLEANING JANITORIAL SERVICES 1845 1 5 8 9 9 6 P R O G R E S S I V EM E D I C A L 2 A DISPOSABLEMEDICAL SUPPLIES 0113740 D T S P O S A B L EM E D I C A I , S U P P I ' I E S 0 1 1 4 0 4 2 PETTY CASH RECREATION DT ^1 0928200'l ilST: PEI'TY CASH REIMBURSEMENT t A O : -2 1 5 7 2 - O O - 4 2 0 0 DIS'l'; 001 21 572-00-4510 Dl ST: AAI 21 572 00-5203 3.18 DIST; CO121-572-00 5210 12 5't !is'i, oc\ irist': aar 2r 5-/2 07-8900 3.94 l)1ST: AAI 21 572'AA-46\2 6.74 . 2! COUNTY OBLIGATION 1/2 PAGE AD IN 702-0I-552 .00 455.00 6Jv. Or ,00 5 39 . 6 1 bu, oo .00 609.65 29.95 .00 z>,t> 2A5ia?, r o/ 2 9 / o 7 2 A5 r : 2 64.54 00 64.54 64.54 .00 64.54 L O/ 2 9 / 0 1 14.46 ^1 S E P T2 0 0 7 A1 SEPTEMBER r s o D 1 7 9 7 3 SEMINAR/DI FFICULT PEOPLE A3 8 0 5 41 OO11C 512 00-5400 1,000 00 ti sl' r r7 35 520-00-5400 ,]01 lB 541 00 5400 1 ,0 0 0 . 0 0 1, 115.64 285.00 .00 28s.00 285.00 .00 2S5.00 2,800.00 .00 2 , 8 0 0 .O 0 2 , 8 0 0 .0 0 .00 r . ,0 0 0 , 0 0 2,800.00 .00 800.00 2,800.00 .00 r, 000.00 800.00 8 0 5 41 ili:i], Ctri i0 512 00 5400 1,000 00 i ) l S ' l: i1? l5 520-00 5400 1,000.00 Dls'f 101 l8 541-00 5400 SEMINAR/DI FFI CULT PEOPLE r,tro,or .00 Lo/29/a7 20'r32 L0/29/O7 2C532 L0/29/0',7 2A\82 28s.00 i:iSl: S E I ' 4 ] N A RD / ] FFI CULT PEOPLE L, LI6 .64 .00 l,rro.o{ 00-490? i 6 i,l123 FRED PRYOR SEMINARS i;iS:' 455.00 r0/29/o't r7.82 103 07 603-00-3100 ] 5 0 0 6 5 O U T D O O RF ] , O R I D A DIST: 455.00 5'72'05-5203 .'OC5 PUBL]C DEFENDER, llsi: .00 29 '95 i-'iS'l', 118 40 522-00-3104 ]6001? 455.00 509'65 1 1 8 4 O - 5 2 2 - O O3 1 0 4 IIIST: to 455.00 lO3 68-519-00-3401 llSl': 1-06 l-r 423.05 102 01 552-00-4300 ]50099 4 2 3. 0 5 4 2 3. 0 s 1008*33425 WATER SERVICE BA1'CT] 2 L 7. 2 0 1008*7805 CO1 31-571-00-4300 !1S'r, HP/VOID ztt.zv 571 00-4300 OO1l1 W A T E R / S E W E RS E R V I C E CHECK DT 2 0. 8 9 | , I A T E R /S E i 4 E R /F I R E L I N E S E R V I C1 0 0 8 * ? 8 0 4 IIIST: NET PAY 2 0. 8 9 COi 21 572-00-4300 ilISl"r kconrad PAYTV'IENTREGISTER SEACOAST NATIONAL BANK NAME JD# Page BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS .,r/19/01Lo rr/07/07 ) 800.00 8 0 5 41 I l ar(ril8 C SRC NAME IiJ}l I'ir)'llr:l){'i ll i YP DISTr OO1-10512-00-5400 DISTr 117-35-520-00-5400 DISTr 101 38 541-00-5400 "i6015? ELVIE O' 1 A 09262007 TOO22OO7 f 01 25 569-00- 5250 I A MAY, SHERIFF 8312OO? SENIOR MEALS DIS'l': AaI'25'569-42-4L02 1,240.00 D I S ' f: Cal-25'559-22-4102 ?,851.50 180172 SHERRI S. Dl:rT: }JUTRITION SERVICES r0/2e/0'7 2i':i)2 r0/29/01 2A582 .00 4 4 8 .O O 448.00 .00 448.00 9 , 0 9 1. 5 0 .00 9,091.50 9, 091. 50 .00 9 , 0 9 1 .s 0 .00 1 s .s 8 t0/29/07 20582 LO/29/o'l 2A532 L 0/ 2 e / 0 ' 7 20ae2 ro/29/0'7 20382 r0/29/07 2A a a 2 L0/29/01 2Cc,2 ? .00 A T T O R N E YF E E / 2 O O 1 . D P - 0 3 7 bI. 94.s0 .00 11 53.00 .00 709-082 7 5 0' 0 0 .00 750.00 750.00 .00 ?50.00 .00 562.34 .00 562.34 750.00 7Og-OB2r ?50.00 9/2r&28/07 5bz. S ' i L U C I E C O L I N T YC L E R K O F C O 2a.)'//08 TEEN COURT FUNDS A POR RESALE 2l--572-00-5228 .00 1 qq 1 "<1 .00 1 7<1 qq 1,?61.95 1 ].900?8 STAR BAIT DTSTRIBUTORS 40I Jt 2007-L4 ' . . ,1 5 1 5 8 9 0 0 - 5 2 2 4 BAIT qn 1,500.00 1,500.00 STATE ATTORNEY COUNTY OBLIGATION '.Ol 06 602 00-3100 ]q.]O]q .00 11 qn UU 2 A 1ol-51-681-00-3108 l9,J02l 94.50 31. 50 i,IS'1': 103 51 681'00-3108 DIST; 2 A a8 2 , 448.00 o 9 0 70 ' l SNEIDER, L'L'C A ' I ' T O R N E YF E E / 2 0 0 3 - D P - 0 8 0 fl-:T 198.00 198.00 083007 o O 1 ' 2 5 - 5 6 9- 2 2 - 4 1 0 2 :.':Bq9 CLENNJ lris'l , r0/29/07 228.24 1 9 8. 0 0 A' nor 25 569-22-41Q2 Dt5ir. 24582 .00 0925200'7 SMALI' I.IUTRITION SERVICES DIS:', .00 L 0/ 2 9 / 0 ' l 001 25 559 22-4OOO I8C6B9 PATR]CIA F )is'r 228.24 ^1 RITTER TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT .00 448.00 118 40 522-00-3104 PAUL C BAICH 198.00 i ) ] S P O S A B L EM E D l C A L S U P P L I E S 2 6 1 0 0 iS0016 228.24 198.00 1 A ] ? 1 . ] O O OQ U A D M E D DI3'I: HPIVOID 228.24 PROFESSIONAL RESPIRATORY BATTERIES FOR SCOOTER rl..'l: CHECK DT NET PAY 800.00 OO101-511-00-4000 lLl8952 DISCOUNTS GROSS AMT flINV 1,000.00 POSEY TRAVEL RElMBURSEME}JT DISTr OPERATING ACCOUNT SEACOAST NATIONAL BANK 11 IJANI': ACCOr-INT: 50 kconrad ANNUAL PAYMENT REGISTER Mlninum:0 ic;ii Page BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Eo Ir/01 /O7 r-?:tr:1rr rt/19/A't i0902 34.00 34.00 .00 34.00 34.00 .00 34.00 | 1 / C ' 3/ O - / 1]06I3 GROSSAI{T A EMERGENCY 190117 SOUTHEASTERN C OPERATING ACC9I'NT BA}'IK sRc srw NAME IDII L]AYVlEN'I11TYP SEACOAST NATIONAL 11 FOR LIANK ACCOUNTT DISPOSABLE MEDICAL SUPPLIES 215110 DISPQSABLE MEDICAL SUPPLIES 215672 19021? I A EMBARQ YELIOW PAGES YELLOW PAGES AD 0919200? 1 9 0 3 4 1 S H I R L E Y ' S P E R S O N A LC A R E 11 IJNITS CSBG HMK DIST; DIST: CSBG HMK DIST: OA3B HMK DIST: Disl': DISTr DIST: OoI-25-s69 ].3 UNITS DlST: DIST: C CSBG HMK csBG 1563 irc623 r- 2r422 DIST, C A1 r006-11?7 A1 0005564819 S & W HdALTHCARE CIRPORATIO DrsT: .00 148.80 178.56 .00 1 7 8. 5 5 148.80 .00 148.80 193.44 .00 1 9 3, 4 4 59.52 .00 5 9 .5 2 153.58 .00 1 5 3. 5 8 193.44 .00 1 9 3. 4 4 5',)a .00 59.52 193.44 .00 1 9 3. 4 4 1 4 8. 8 0 .00 148.80 ,00 30.00 30.00 .00 30. 00 11.83 .00 11.83 11.83 .00 11.83 2 5 .0 8 .00 25.08 25.08 .00 25.08 415.00 .00 415.00 415.00 .00 415.00 L O/ 2 9 / 0 1 ro/29/01 20582 L O / 2 9/ 0 7 20582 L0/29/0't 20';32 25.05 A 1 DISPOSABIJE MEDICAL SUPPLIES 077019 118-40-522-00-3104 20582 11.83 11?-17-562-00-4501 191190 r0/29/07 153.58 30.00 STERICYCLE, INC. REMOVE MEDICAL WASTE I,551.58 148.80 30.00 A1 117'17-552-00-4100 ','LII-72 .00 1 4 8. 8 0 191125 SPRINT DISTr 1 , 5 s 1. 5 8 ro/2e/07 1 9 3. 4 ' 1 csBG 1554 DISl'r 001-21-347210-0 PHONE SERVICE 261.O0 2 6 7. 0 0 59.52 OO1-25-559-31-4103 1 9 0 3 8 2 A N G E LS A N C H E Z REFUNDSOCCERFEE 2 5 7. 0 0 .00 L93' 44 oA3E1553 OO1-25-559-31-4103 10 UNITS .00 163.68 oA381552 22-4102 CSBG PC 267.00 59.52 o A 3 B 15 5 1 OOI-25-569-22-4L02 4 UNITS OA3E RESPITE 530.00 1 9 3. 4 ' l oA3B 1562 aar 25 569-22-4102 13 UNITS OA3B HMK .00 2A\e2 148.80 oA3B 1561 OOl'25-569-22-4102 11 UNITS OA3B PC 530.00 L o / 2 e/ 0 7 178.56 oA3B 1550 OO7-25-569-22-4L02 4 UNITS OA3E RESPITE 148.00 148.00 BATC]H 148.80 csBG1555 OOI-25-559-22-4L02 13 UNITS DISTr CSBG155,l Oo1-25-569-31-4103 10 UNITS OA3B PC 578.00 .00 HP/VOID 1 . 5 3. 6 8 OO1-25-569-31-4103 12 UNITS DIST: CSBG HMK .00 163.68 csBGl 54 5 001-25-559-31-4103 10 I}TITS 678.00 CHECK DT 267.00 4OI-2I-572-O0-490'l DIST; NET PAY s30.00 118 40-522-00-3104 DIST: DISCII'NTS 148.00 118-40-522-00-3104 DIST: kconrad AT.INUAI, PAYMENT REGISTER Minimum:0 .rp!,5C ls Page BOARD OF C1OUNSYC1]MMISSIONERS ro/19/07 Eo rL/07/07 0,1 415.00 ',It . , 1 ) ' r5 C 11 IIOR BANK ACCOTNT: i . A Y M E I J 'i fi 1 ' Y P I DS C 230014 110525 SEACOAST NATIONAL OPERATING ACCPT'NT BANI( SRC NAT'IE COMET SPRAY,TIRE GAUGE, nqaqE V8 JUICE, CHARCOAL, LIGHTERFL 05996 TIDE 08284 DETERGENT 08471 COOI.ERS FOR HDM 5OFT HOSE,NOZZLES DIST: 02500 7879 TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT DIST; 1ia62-7 WILCOR INTERNATIONAI' NOVELTIES DIST: i i06:?8 FOR RESALE FOR RESAI,E FOR RESAI,E EE! W A S T E M A N A G E M E N TI N C ' 348.81 5t.)1 .00 39.52 78.15 .00 ?8.15 34.15 .00 34.15 34.15 . .00 34.15 859.8? .00 8s9.8? 474.55 .00 474.55 223.L2 .00 223.1? t62.20 .00 t52.20 L79,75 .00 L79.75 A2 2'.t6550 TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT A1 09262007 20582 2 L0/29/07 20582 qa 3.54 .00 1 0 7. 7 3 .00 10?.73 58.48 .00 68.48 666.2t .00 666.2L 60.29 .00 60.29 605.92 .00 605.92 225.24 .00 229.24 225.24 .00 228.24 226.24 .00 226.24 226.24 .00 L o / 2 9 /0 7 L0/2e/07 20582 Lo/29/07 2Q5e2 228.24 1 A SERVICE to/29/ 07 505.92 OOl-01-511-00-4000 260015 ZEPHYRHILLS 2A582 60.29 40609 I4ARVIN W, WHERRELL, 'JR. Lo/2e/07 68 48 402'35-534-00-8001 WATER DELIVERY .00 LO'l'73 94633280r4 401-21 572-00-4300 TRASH SERVICE DIST: 348.81 3.54 oO1-66-519-00-4641 2]2328 71.88 162.20 9463328006 TP}SH SERVICE/OKEE-TANTIE DlSl: .00 223.L2 408441t 101-50-541-00-4604 230078 D!S'I': 4 0 8 4 41 001-24-542-00-4504 SURCE ARRESTOR 2 POLE DIST: 71.88 414.55 9463r82429 I EXHAUST FAN DlST: 408235 A3 230056 GRAINGER DiSTr A3 4OI-2I-5'12-0O-52Lf V L72.78 34.15 4QI-2r'572-00-521r NOVELTIES DIST: 09252007 4OI-2L-572-00'52LL NOVELTIES DlsT: A1 OO1-25-559-22-4000 2 30051 .00 t5.79 00-s213 PATRICIA WILLIAMS 2]0034 L72.78 2Q582 51.3? t-)ISf'r 001'31-571 00-5213 ool-31'571 .00 ro/2e/o7 39.52 118-40-522-00-5203 CURTAIN RODS, PAPER TOWELS Drsr: 87.15 ? 9 8 .e 0 8 7. 7 5 BATCH 348.81 QOI-25-569-22-5209 DIST: .00 HPIVOID 71.88 118-40-522-00-5203 DIST: 798.90 CHECK DT L72.79 401-21-572-00-5211 DIST: NET PAY DISC9UrirTS 8 7. 7 5 401-21-572-00-4604 DISTr GROSS A!/!T *INV A5 W A L M A R TC O M M U N I T YB R C 52 kconrad AI{NUAI, PAYTIENT REGISTER M i n r m u m0: 1s Fage BOARD OF COI.'NTY CPMMISSIONERS to/rs/07 Eo rL/07/o7 AR/A1 07I5420013 DIST: 117-35-520-00-4300 158.37 DIST: 1!?-12-515-00-4300 67.87 r1,/a8/o-1 08:31:15 ..hLqn lq r10632 C FL. 601002 ]' 5 , 2 4 0. 4 9 5,240.49 02022007 CONSTRUCTION 3 2 4 , L 7 5. 5 0 OO8 2 , 4 5 5. l o P .00 1,820.00 723.50 .00 723.50 .00 7 2 3. 5 0 P 723.50 942-68 SMITH & ASSOC. I N C A 5 707109 E D E N S C O N S T R U C T I O NC O . , INC 110640 DIST: 1 4 , 9 6 8. 7 7 18,521.25 ts,521.25 L6,645.24 L 6, 6 4 5. 2 4 L52,s45.65 13,958.32 .00 1 3 ,9 5 8 . 3 2 13'362'50 .00 L5 | 5O1. CONCRET 1 AUTHORIT A OOOO947 LO/3r/0't 20602 L0/3r/07 24642 Lt/02/07 206r5 )V .00 L25,624 .83 7 2 7, 2 9 4 . 9 r '727 ,294.9r .00 7 2 ' t, 2 9 4 . 9 ! .00 72't,294.9r 6,237 50 .00 6,237.50 6,237.5O .00 6 , 2 3 7. 5 0 ALL ABOUT YOU CAREGIVERS, 2,53?.50 .00 2,537.50 .00 159.50 116.00 .00 116.00 60.00 .00 50.00 1 A oKEE2OO? 6 , 2 3 ' 1. 5 0 118 40 526-00-4601 csBG Pc t 2 5 , 6 2 4. 8 3 7 2 7, 2 9 4 . 9 L TRANS'IORLD SYSTEMS, ]NC A I '747* 9 001-25-569-31-4103 748* 116.00 Oo1 25-569-31-4103 RESPITE 20642 L 2 5, 6 2 4 . 8 3 127-01 554-01-4601 4 T'NITS ADI ro/3r/0't L3'362'5O 8 TINITS CSBG RESPITE DIST: 14 , 968 .7'l .00 1-FINAL 101-50-541-14-4501 11 uNrrs 1,815.00 13'958'32 101-50-541-14-4501 10215 2 4, 3 8 9 . ' 1 4 152,945.65 I* DEBT COI,LECTION SERVICES DIST, r A 101-50-541-14-4501 200111 .00 20642 lo,09f.z1 101-50-541-14-4601 VTASTE!'ATER TREATMENT PLANT 110639 2 4, 3 8 9 . 74 L0/3r/o't r8,52L '25 1 5 O O ? 4 O K E E C H O B E EU T I L I T Y DIST, ?5,340.00 ro/3r/07 L4,968 .7'7 705101 ENTRANCE ROAD/CHANGE ORDER r,10638 .00 1,8L5.00 705111 RETAINAGE DISTr 76,340.00 703112 101 50 541-14-4601 ENTRANCE ROAD/ROYAL rv 1,815.00 ROYAL CONCRETE CONCEPTS 140144 oJo. 2 4, 3 8 9 . 74 101-50-541-14-4601 DISTr 20s96 2,456.LO .00 101-50-541-14-4501 DIST: r o / 3 L /o 7 .00 536.10 ROYAL CONCRETE CONCEPTS r10617 20590 3 2 4, L 7 5 . 5 0 1,820.00 ROYAL CONCRETE CONCEPTS DIST: Lo/3r/07 324,L75.50 .00 942 - 67 101-50541-14-4601 DIST' 20582 942 - 66 ROYAL CONCRETE CONCEPTS DIST; L0/29/07 5 , 2 4 0. 4 9 4 0 1 R e p a y : 9 4 2 t 4 2 7 | r 0 / 3 0/ 0 7 ROYAL CONCRETE CONCEPTS DIST: 5,240.49 .00 324,L75.50 16OO?3 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUT DISTr .00 I C M A - R E T: 9 4 2 : 7 8 8 t L 0 / 3 A / 0 7 30129 CRAIC A. BATCH CHECK DT 324,775.50 1 A PLAN 109475 9oo3? ICMA-RC HPIVOID NET PAY DISCOUNIS 5'240'49 D e f C o m P .: 9 4 2 t 2 Q I : I Q / 3 0 / 0 7 I10616 A 1L8-40-522-04-6250 DIST: 110635 GROSS AMT 15O1OOOCEANGATE BUILDERS, INC. STATION f4 ii0534 SINV 118-40-522-00-3400 DIST: C SRC DEPARTMENT OF AGRICUI'TU 2006/O'7 FIRE ASSESSMENT 110631 OPSR,ATING ACCOT'NT SEACOAST NATIONAL BANK 11 NA},IE IDS PAYMENTff TYP kconrad ANNUAL PAYMENT REGISTER Minimum:0 FoR BANK ACCOUNT: 53 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS L:-/07/0'l to IO/L9/07 736* \r/o8/o7 08:31:15 L0/19/07Lo rL/07/07 :ncso lc Minimum:0 FOR BANK ACCOUNT: 11 522. O0 .00 203.00 .00 203.00 585.00 .00 585.00 480.00 .00 480.00 180.00 .00 180.00 2 3 2. 0 0 .00 232.O0 28.00 .00 28.00 28.00 .00 28.00 L45.70 .00 145.70 L45.7O .00 145.70 84.10 .00 84.10 84.10 .00 84.10 A ?8.00 .00 ?8.00 30?8 39.00 .00 39.00 39.00 .00 39.00 '7 ,779.25 .00 7,?79.2s 4,281.05 .00 4,281..05 3 , 4 9 8. 2 0 .00 3 , 4 9 8. 2 0 325.00 .00 32s.00 5 5 .0 0 .00 65.00 130.00 .00 130.00 130.00 .00 130.00 ?38* 14 UNITS OAA3-E RESPITE 739* 39 UNITS CCE-HMK 740* 32 UNITS CCE PC 480.00 OOr-25-559-02-4105 '74L* 12 UNITS CCE RESPITE r80.00 001 25-559-02-4105 DIST: 746* 16 L]NITS CSBG }IMK 2 3 2. 0 0 OO1-25569-31-4103 DIST: 1 10064 ACE PEST CONTROL PEST CONTROL SERVICE tro642 C 140516 BOOTS & PANTS 110613 C ^1 10095 ADRON FENCE COMPANYlNC DTS'r: 2007 -798 5 GAL POUR ROCK/I,OCK ? HCFA FORMS 3095 A2 I RUNI.IAY RET{ABILITATION/RSA DISTr I10646 1 00 1 9 4 UPD 1 0 0 1 7 3 303-24-542-18-3100 PORTABI,E RESTROOM RENTAL A 3 50851 123-66-519-00-4400 1C251 ACTONMOBILE INDUSTRIES DIST: 52025 001 14-525-00-8003 20624 rL/02/o't 20624 LL/02/07 20620 130.00 001-21-572-00-5210 LEASE/DOUBLE W]DE rL/02/0"7 130.00 102-01-552-00-4800 P O R T A B L E R E S T R O O MF A C I L I T I E DIST: 20620 65'00 P O R T A B L E R E S T R O O MR E N T A L S , S 5 0 9 2 8 DIST: tL/02/07 3 , 4 9 8. 2 0 10221 ALL CLEAN SERVICES OF FLORI DIST: 20620 4 , 2 8 L. 0 5 303 24-542-20-3I0O AIRPORT MASTER PLAN/ALP Lr/02/07 39.00 118-40-522-00-5203 10210 AVCON, INC. DIST: 20620 39.00 I18-40-522-00-5203 HCFA FORMS DIST, LL/ 02/ o'7 84.10 OO121-572-00-4610 1 0 1 3 6 M E D I C A L S O F T W A R EA S S O C I A T E S DIST: 20620 145.70 rl'1 -I7 -562-00-5212 (2) r10644 1 A 10066 ARMY SURPLUS STORE DIST: Lr/02/07 28.00 OO1-24-542-00-4601 DIST: BATCH 585.00 Oo1-25-559-02-4105 DIST: HPIVOID 203.00 OoL-25-569-22-4!O2 DIST: CHECK DT NET PAY 5 2 2. O O OjL-25-569-22-4L02 DIST: DISCOUNTS 60.00 '737* 36 UNITS OA3B HMK DIST: GROSS AMT #INV OOI 25 569-52-4L04 DISTr C OPERATING ACCOUNT SEACOAST NATIONAL BANK SRC 54 kconrad ANNUAL PAYMENT REGISTER NNV1E IDfl PAYMTiNTfi TYP Page BOARD OF COUM|Y COMMISSIONERS 1,883'50 .00 1 PRIO355o8? 1,068.50 .00 1, 068 .50 1, 068.50 eel qn 2 A r]-/08/01 SRC NA}IE ID# 10259 J. C NOV 2 O O 7 VIORMER, TICK REMOVER ANIMAL CRUELTY CASE 1 , 5 0 0 .0 0 Lt/02/07 20620 rr/02/07 20624 L49.54 120.00 .00 r 2 0 .0 0 150.78 .00 150.78 r,0'10.2L .00 r,070.2L .00 252.24 :.07 .67 .00 LO1.67 NOV- 2 0 0? tb5.tr .00 165.41 NOV*2007 z+!. .00 245 .63 .00 34.'15 L49.84 2A9639 8 A NOVi*2007 Lr/02/01 303-58-519-00-4400 NOV 2007 70'1.6? 112 51-712-00-4400 DIS'f: COPIER I.EASE 33.9 OO1-22-537-00-4400 DISTr COPIER LEASE 33.10 t04.26 NOV- r2 007 COPIER LEASE 33-12 DIST: 303-58-519-00-4400 34 -75 DIST: 133 35-534-00-4400 34.76 DIST: 102-01 552-00-4400 34.75 NOV-* 2 007 COPIER LEASE 33-12 303-68-519-00-4400 34.'75 DISTr 133 36-534-00-4400 34.75 DIST: 552'00-4400 COPIER I,EASE 33 12 34.75 34.75 NOV-*2007 DIST: 303 58 519-00-4400 34.75 DISTr 133-35 534-00-4400 34.76 DIST: 102 01 552-00-4400 COPIER LEASE 184-1 DIST: 34 -75 NOV* - 2 007 1 A AG CTR HURR]CANE WILMA REPA *3 CURREN ELECTRIC COMPANY TRAFFIC DtsTr SIGNAL MAINTENANCE 101.50-541-01-4601 AIRPORT LIGHTING DIST: 2 A NOV 2OO? .00 11, 08?. 00 1 1 , 0 8 7. 0 0 .00 11 , 0 8 7 . 0 0 1 6 ,0 0 1. 0 0 .00 1 5 , O O 1. O O 13.831.00 .00 1 3 , 8 3 1. 0 0 13,831'00 MAINTENANC NOV- 2OO7 OOL24 542-OL-4601 11,087.00 Lr/02/07 20620 l r / 0 2 /0 7 20624 11,087.00 OOL-14525 00-8002 ]0029 165.00 165.00 165.00 OO1-08-513-00-4400 29OOO DAVID BROOKS ENTERPRISES, I DIST: 34.'16 L04.26 DIST: rA2 0l oJ 245.63 001-10-512-00-4400 DIST; C .00 BATCH 150.78 COPIER LEASE 33-8 110552 1,500.00 .00 1 - 1 ' 71 r ' 75 6 2 - 0 0 - 3 1 0 0 DIST: C 1,500.00 HPlVOID 120.00 COPIER LEASE 33-13 l-1C651 .00 149.84 252496 1 9 0 0 4 R I V E R S I D E L E A S I N G COMPANY C 1 ,5 0 0 . 0 0 420.62 293105 M E D IC A T I O N DIST: 815.00 .00 117-17 552-00-3100 DISTr .00 4 2 0. 6 2 3 A 11?-1?-562-00-3100 DISTr 81'5.00 CHECK DT 1,500.00 118-40-522-00-3100 1 5 1 0 0 O K E E C H O B E EV E T E R I N A R Y H O S P I 110549 1 A MICHAEL ADELBERG, M.D. MEDICAL DIRECTOR SERVICE DIST: NET PAY 815.00 OO1 14 525-00-8003 DIST: DISCOUNTS GROSS AMT #I}W PRr035so88 LEASE/SINGI,E WIDE 110648 OPERATING ACCOT'NT BANK SEACOAST NATIONAL 11 FOR BANK ACCOUNT: PAYMENTI TYP kconrad ANNUAL PAYMENT REGISTER Minimum:0 .rp!50 ls 55 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 08:11r15 1O/19/07 Eo LL/O',|/0't 2' 1?0'00 2,]-70.oo ..,nr,,3 lq 110651 I1 SRC COUNTYATTORNEYCONTRACT BURGLAR AI.ARM MONITORING 30129 CRAIG A. DIST: 001-21-572-05-3100 DIST: 303-68-519-00-3100 DIST: 101-38-541-00-3100 GENERAI, ENGINEERING DIST: OO1-2L-572-05-31'00 DIST: 303-58-519-00-3100 DIST: 101-38-541-00-3100 GENERAL ENGINEERING 53,793.75 53,793.75 .00 6 , 6 7 2. 0 0 708115 6,672.00 L 2, 9 7 9. 2 5 3 4 , L 4 2. 5 0 6,672.OO L 2, 9 ' t 9. 2 5 3 4 , L 4 2. 5 0 70 8 1 1 5 3 0 2 1 8 C R E D I T M A N A G E M E N TS E R V I C E S 34,142.50 3 7 2. 4 2 .00 3 7 2. 4 2 3 7 2. 4 2 .00 3 7 2. 4 2 .00 s1?.20 26L.20 .00 26t.20 2 5 6. 0 0 .00 2 5 6. 0 0 9 9 .1 8 .00 99.18 .oo 5 0 .0 0 .00 50.00 .00 1 6 .0 0 .00 15.00 .00 15.00 2 4. 0 0 .00 24.00 24,00 .00 24.00 A2 255.00 101-50-541-00-5203 A 1 RAY R. 11065C C C MAURO DOMINGUEZ Y O U T H ' S O C C E RO F F I C I A L DIST, A 0 0 1 - 2 1 -5 ' 7 2 - 0 O - 5 2 1 0 1 ].X-1035 s o .o o 5 0. 0 0 Lr/02/07 7r/02/o'l 20620 r L / 0 2/ 0 ' 1 2062Q 15.00 001 25 559-00-4100 40532 20620 s0.00 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT SR SRV TELEPHONE CHARGES 1t0661 NOV 2007 001-01-511-00-4000 40083 DIST: A1 DOMER MONTHLY TRAVEL AL],OWANCE DIST: rL/02/07 99.18 401-21572-00-4400 40058 rL/02/07 2L.20 FRT5915 c o P r E R L E A S E9 o O - 0 0 6 3 0 7 5 - 0 0N o v 2 0 0 7 110559 20620 240.00 FINANCING 3Q244 CIT TECHNOLOGY DIST: Lt/02/07 372.42 FRQ7132 SCANNER C .00 32'I'160 CDW GOVERNMENT,INC. 101-50-541-00-4150 DIST: 53,793.75 1 A 118-40-522-00-4601 DIST: 12,979.25 5 3 , 7 9 3. 7 5 708 1 1 6 PR]NTER 110558 .00 34,L42.50 DIST: 20620 5 3 , 7 9 3. 7 5 105'00 101-38-541-00-3100 101 50-541-00-4522 rL/02/o7 1 0 5 .0 0 TO/7'L2/3I 303-68-519-00-3100 ]0232 20620 105.00 DIST: 11 0 6 5 ? Lt/02/0't 9,947.42 105.00 DIST: DIST: 20620 9 , 94L.42 .00 5 , 6 7 2. 0 0 COLI,ECTIONS FOR EMS BILLNG tt/02/0? 9,94L.42 .00 .00 1 2, 9 7 9. 2 5 r1c6n6 BATCH CHECK DT 105.00 OO1-21-572-05-3100 DIST: HPIVOID NET PAY .00 1 A SMITH & ASSOC. I N C A 3 GENERAL ENGINEERING DISCI)UNTS 9 , 9 4 L. 4 2 OO1-31-571-OO-4501 DIST: ACCOUNT 9,94L.42 N O V2 o o ? CML COMMUNICATIONS, INC. 30046 Iio6---.a l. OOl-03-514-00-4601 DIST: GROSS AI{T SINV A 3oo4o cAssELs & MCCALL c OPERATING SEACOAST NATIONAL BANK IDfl P A Y M F ] N T ST Y P kconrad ANNUAL PAYMENT REGISTER Minimum:o FOR RANK ACCOUNT: Page BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ir/aB/a'7 o8:31:15 ro/19/07 La l.L/07/07 A 1 10302007 24.00 rIiCE/A'7 -rn,qo le 11 ] 10662 C CSBG PC #INV 6 L'NITS CSBG PC 5 LNITS CSBG PC 2 , 6 4 0. 9 0 .00 2 , 6 4 0. 9 0 LL/02/o'l 112 80 .00 84.50 .00 8 4. 5 0 70.50 .00 70.50 2 2 6. 4 0 .00 .00 155.10 68846 8 l,')trITS CSBG RESPITE 58848 3 UNITS CCE RESPITE 58830 1? UNITS CSBG HMK b6652 1] UNITS CCE HMK 15 UNITS OA3B HMK 16 UNITS CSBG HMK 14 UN]TS OA3B HMK ool DIST: 68',l67 587 59 20 LIN]TS CCE PC DIST: DIST, DISTr DISTr 68829 1908 ^1 EVERGLADESPAINTING & PAINTING DIST: I1064.6 2L2.25 .00 zL4,Z) 2 2 5. 6 0 .00 198.10 .00 198.10 4 2. 4 5 .00 42 .45 283.00 00 112.80 .00 rrz. 141.00 .00 141.00 3,600.00 .00 3,5OO.Oo 3,600.00 .00 3,500.00 30.00 .00 30.00 .00 30.00 .00 5 , 9 6 2. 6 0 .00 5 , 9 6 2. 6 0 30.00 10302007 283.00 oq rr/02/0't 20624 rL/02/o'l 2A620 30.00 001-21-572-00-5210 50211 rdJ, vf 3,500.00 50176 MARIN ESCOBEDO DIS'l': I A 303-69-537-03-6300 YOUTH SOCCER OFFICIAL .00 q< 14r.00 ECOLOGICAL CONSULTING OF FI' AG CTR PERMIT MODIFICATION 2 3 9. 7 0 112.80 OO125 559-31-4103 50153 .00 283.00 68828 OO125 569'31-4103 10 LINITS CSBG PC 239.70 42.45 6877 r 001 25 569-01-4105 8 UNITS CSBG RESPITE 4 2. 4 5 198.10 657'7 0 aAr 25-569-22-4].02 DIST: .00 zz>. ov 25 569-22-4102 3 UNITS OA3B PC 4 2. 4 5 z!2.22 OOI 25 569-31-4103 DIST: 112.80 183.95 68834 AAI 25 569-22-4]-02 DTST: .00 1aa 68833 OO125-569-01-4105 DIS'fr 1 1 . 2. 8 0 239.70 OO125-569-31-4103 DIST, r97.40 42.45 OO1-25-559-01-4105 DIST: .00 1 1 2. 8 0 001-25-569-31-4103 DISTr 19?.40 19?.40 OO125 569-31-4103 DIST: 2A620 2 2 6. 4 0 OO1-25-559-31-4103 14 UNITS CSBG HMK BATCH 70.50 68758 11 UNITS CSBG HM DIST; HP/VOID 84.50 o6 /oo 001 25 569-01-4105 DIS?: CHECK DT 112.80 L-rIST: 001 25 569-31-4103 16 UNITS CCE HMK NET PAY b6tz5 OO125-559-31--4103 DIST: DISCOUNTS 68851 OO1-25-559-31-4103 DIST: GROSS AMT A17 50047 ELITE CAREGIVERS, INC' 8 UNITS OPERATING ACCOUNT BANK SRC NAIV1E IDS PAYMIiNTH TYP SEACOAST NATIONAL 51 kconrad ANNUAL PAYMENT REGISTER Min.Lmum:0 FOR BANK ACCOUNT: Page BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 0B:11:15 :ra/19/01 Lo II/01/07 A 1 5, yoz , ou OF DOUG].AS BROWN B BCC-3 001-66-519-00-5205 bOO45 FEDERAI, EXPRESS CORP. INC. rr/02/0'7 5'962'60 40.31 40.31 rr/02/07 20620 lriae/oi 08,31:15 r0/19/07 Eo Ll/07 /o7 ap55t ls Mlnimum:0 FOR BANK ACCOUNT: 11 OPERATING ACCOI'NT BANK SEACOAST NATIONAT SRC 22934250L SHIPPING SERVICE 601OO FLORIDA DETROIT DIESEL'ALI'I 1 A MAINT INSPECTION/AIRPORT GE 842599SA 110668 A1 ELISEO FONSECA 10302007 YOUTH SOCCER OFFICIAL DIST: 110669 FIORIDA POWER& IJIGHT EHEAP ASSISTANCE/A. DIST: lLt)670 2 A BEVERLY 0369542079 n6779r437 SECURITY LIGHTING 4 15556 DISTr 001-01-511-00-4300 111'13 DISTI 118-40-s22-OO-4300 119'25 DIST: L18-40-526-00-4300 DIST: OO1-21-572-OO-4300 DISTr 001-65-519-00-4300 DIST: 133-35-534-00-4300 19'35 101-50-s41-OO-4300 1S6'59 SECURITY LIGHTING .00 15.50 .00 501.00 .00 501.00 6 0 1 .0 0 .00 501.00 26.00 .00 26.OO 25.00 .00 2 5 .0 0 423.75 .00 423.75 2I9.72 .00 2r9.72 204.03 .00 2 0 4. 0 3 720'24 ,I2O'24 .00 72O.24 .00 19.36 105'75 1 3 1' 5 7 46'59 720'24 15565 DIST: 001-01'511-00-4300 11L'13 DISTr 118-40 522-00-4300 119'25 DISTI 118-40-526-00-4300 105'75 DIST: OO1-21-572-00-4300 131'57 DI ST: O O 1- 5 6 - 5 1 9 - O O- 4 3 O O 46 '59 DIST: 133-35-534-00-4300 19'36 101-50 541-00-4300 186'59 DIST; 23.?r 23.7L rL/02/07 20620 r1/02/07 20620 rL/02/07 20620 rL/02/07 20620 204'03 OO125 569-91-4102 ?C013 GLADES EI,ECTRIC COOPERATIVE A DIST: BATCH 219'12 OOf'25 559-91-4102 EHEAPASSISTANCE/FISHER DIST: HP/VOID 25.00 OO1-21-572-00-5210 60314 CHECK DT 601'00 oO1 24-542-00-4601 50298 NET PAY 16.60 102 01-552-00-4200 DIST: DISCPI'NTS 23.7L 118-40-522-00-4200 DIST, GROSS AMT flINV 222891955 SHI PPING DIST: kconrad ANNUAL PAYI/IENT REGISTER NAME ID# PAYMENl'II TYP Page BOARD OF CPT'NTY COWISSIONERS SECURITY LIGHTING 15566 DIST: OO1-01-511-OO-4300 Lll'13 DISTr 118-40,522-00-4300 LL9'25 DrsTr 118-40-526-00-4300 105.75 DIST: OOr-2r 512-00-4300 131' 5? DIST: OO1-66-519-00-4300 DTST: 113-36-534-00-4300 19'35 DIST: 101-50-541-00-4300 185'59 SECURITY LIGHTING 259.29 72O '24 185.59 720'24 225.O0 46'59 15555 DrsT: oo1 01-s11-OO-4300 1'11'13 tfrsTr 118,40-522-00-4300 11.9.25 DrST: 118-40-526-00-4300 105'75 DIST: Ool-21-572-00-4300 131"5? 'ii08,/A7 03;3i:15 11 F O R B A N K ACCOUNT: OPEF,ATING ACCOUNT SEACOAST NATIONA]' BANK GROSS AMT #INV NAME ID# PAYMEN'ffi TYP DIST, 00I-66-519-00-4300 irlSTi i33 DIS'I': 101 50-541-00-4300 RENTAL OF HAZORDOUS CYLINDE 1 3 8. 0 0 .00 1 3 8. O O 138.00 .00 138.00 A1 14.00 .00 14.00 10302007 14.00 .00 14.00 .00 2 , 0 0 7. 5 6 .00 2 9 7. 0 0 PJo11?2374 2 , 007.56 297 .OO LAPTOP MOUNTS & COMPONENTS 1 1 1 3 2 2 PATRICK HOGUE A TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT 06192007 TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT DIST: 001 22 537-00-4000 DIST; AA!'22 60241 C B0 2 9 ] AI (2) HI l,L' S PET NUTRITION SALES, LO242 199.98 DIS'1: 118-40 522-00-4200 15.90 DIST; DIST; ADVOCATE 40 522 00-5400 I A NOV 2OO? 1 L,632.90 .00 r,632.90 L L /0 2 / 0 7 20624 3 4 5' 0 0 .00 345.00 1,28't.90 .00 t,287.90 300.00 .00 300.00 300.00 .00 300.00 LL/02/07 2462C 1?5.00 .00 175.00 175.00 .00 t ?5.00 rt/02/0't 2462C 215.88 ,00 zL>.op 215,88 .00 rr/02/07 20620 I,270.75 .00 I , 2 ' 1 0. 7 5 Lr/02/07 2A624 a,270'75 .00 8,270.75 1,591.00 .00 1,591.00 rL/02/07 20624 1,591.00 .00 L , 5 9 1. 0 0 393.40 .00 393.40 393.40 .00 3 9 3. 4 0 rL/02/0'7 2A624 1 , 5 9 1. 0 0 JONES & BARTLETT PUBLISHERS i 3 ) F U N D A ] V I E N T A L SO F F I R E II8 .00 L270.75 103 48-512-00-8100 ]00066 DIS'I'r NOV 2007 INDIAN RIVER COMIIuNITY COL], VICTIM'S 1 A IRCC MEDICAL EXAMINER OO1 13-527-00-3100 90065 C 1 A r18 40-522-00-5209 I',IEDICAL EXA}4INER SERVICE Aln q< L,7L0.56 175.00 DIST: 90021 11067e 1 A Z LZ> LJUA L HAIVIMERSOURCE ST,EDGE HAMMERS 246? A 300.00 I1'7 L'l - 562 - 00 - 5203 80344 rL/02/0'7 253.00 I'7 562-00-3401- DOG AND CAT FOOD DI ST : 2 4 5 ?O r.,034.90 53'7 00-520? JOHNNY HENRY IIt rr/02/o'7 345.00 01212007 CLISTODIAL SERVICE/ANIMAL CN NOV 2007 DIS'l': 2 0 6 2Q 1,710.56 001-22-537-00-4000 DIST: C 10832 117 35 520-00-6400 80168 r L / 0 2/ 0 7 2 9 7. 0 0 117'35-520-00-6400 LAPTOP MOLINTS & COMPONENTS L1C5?4 BATCH 1 4. 0 0 18922 GPS ZONE/AUTO ELECTRIC Drsr. HPIVOID 138 00 oO7'2L 5'72-00-5210 DiS'l'r CHECK DT r60. f > BRANDON GABBARD YOUTH SOCCEROFFICIAL DIST: NET PAY 46.59 101 50'541-00-4400 ?7809 DISCOUMTS 36-534-00-4300 ?OO7O PRAXAIR DISTRIBLITION SE, DIST: 59 kconrad ANNUAL PAYMENT REGISTER Flinimum: 0 .ipiri,i i;: Page BOARD OF COI'NTY COMMISSIONERS Lo rL/o7/o'l ra/19/a1 A 1 1494380 3 9 3. 4 0 08: ll: l.Li l!,/0-l crplf,J l5 F ' O R R A N K ACCoLI'IT : ri06rl a SRC IOOO8l .]ASON P. 1 S 4 3 HARRIS BROTHERSFENCING REPI.ACE GATE POLES/HARDWARE 0 0 5 4 INSTALL DIST; (4) 0065 BOLI,ARDS DIST: 1 A ADVANCEDCOMMUN]CATION INSTALL 4 NEW DIGITAL .00 1 , 0 0 0 .0 0 Lr/02/o7 20620 1,000.00 .00 1,550.00 .00 1 ,s 5 0 . 0 0 Lr/02/07 24624 450.00 .00 450.00 5s0.00 .00 550.00 450.00 .00 450.00 255 00 .00 206?C z>5. uu 2 5 s .o o 255.00 r r / 0 2/ 0 ' 7 .00 rL/02/07 2462C LL/02/07 24620 Lr/02/0'7 24620 lr/02/07 20624 450.00 303 24 542 20- 6300 iO2]01 1,000.00 650.00 3O3 24-542-20-6300 ADJUST GATES,REPLACE DROP R L r TS T r CHECK DT 450.00 303 24-542-20-6300 DISr: PHONE SERVl1136 303 01 511-13-5400 .00 2 2, 0 r 2 . 6 0 5,517.50 .00 5,5t7 .60 4,900.00 .00 4,900.00 '7 , 7 2 5. O O .00 1O99OO KIMLEY-HORN& ASSOCIATES, I A 4 ENCINEERING SERVICES/AG CTR 3 0 8 7 0 5 9 DIS'I': 5 , 5 1 7. 5 0 103 59-53?-03-5300 TRANSPORTATION CONSULTING DIST: 5!+LLZJ 4,900.00 101 38-541-01 3112 REVIEW TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALY 3 t 4 1 5 1 2 DIST: 1\'7 12 5I5 -r I0615 ' ,1 0 6 6 6 23489113 A1 10302007 LLA5 W I I I F F S B R U S H M A S K S & F I I , T E R 2 ' 75 1 7 0 DISI': !lS'I': 275230 J4JBUNKER GEAR COATS & PANT 118 40-522-00-6400 i 10582 IIB-4A L]0109 .00 7 , 3 9 8. 3 2 .00 697.00 .00 597.00 155.00 .00 165.00 6,258.32 .00 6,258.32 150.00 ,00 150.00 128.00 .00 128.00 950.00 .00 960.00 960.00 .00 960.00 r.28.00 522-0A-5209 M A X D A V I S A S S O C I A T E S , INC COP]ER MAINTENANCE 2 4. 0 0 2 4. 0 0 1s0.00 118 40-522-00-5203 ,5) PATRS/BUNKER GEAR GLOVES 2'15030 DIS'f: 24.00 3,773.60 I4ASH/REPA]R BUNKER GEAR PAN DIS'I': .00 2,484 .72 40'522 00-5209 \18 DISTr 24.00 155.00 118 40-522-00-5209 DIS'l', .00 697.00 118 40 522 00-5209 ' y ^ I H I F F SC A R R Y B A G & F I L T E R 36.00 35.00 2 4. 0 0 O0I-2]. 572-00-52IO 1 ] C 0 2 5 I 4 U N I C I P A L E Q U I P M E N TC O . , 36.00 35.00 120226 ADRIAN LEON DIST: .00 36.00 001-01511-00-4501 YOUTH SOCCEROFFICIAL 3,870.00 3,8?0.00 1 2 O 0 2 O L A B O R A T O R Y C O R P O R A T I O NO F A l DIST ,725. 00 .00 I!II'IJ 11?'l'2 515-00-4501 PRE EMPLOYMENT DRUG TEST 't '7 ,725. 00 00-4601 COMP PLAN A}{ENDMENT SERVICE D.lS'lr BA'ICH NET PAY 1 , 0 0 0. 0 0 303 58-519-00-3100 100122 HPIVOID DISCOUNTS GROSS AMT #INV A TRAMONTE, PROJECT ARCHITECT/STATION DIST: OPERATING ACCOUNT BANK SEACOAST NATIONAL NA},IE ] D# t'A aMlilNl'il TYP 11 6c kconrad ANMJAL PAYMENT REGISTER lvltIt tmum i 0 i s Page BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Ia/19/o'7 Lo II/07/07 A 213559 rr/02/07 2062-O rTiaE/ai 08:31:15 BOARD OF CAUNIY Io/.r9/01 Lo Lr/0'7/07 11 FoR BANK ACCOUNT: I D$ PAYN4F]N'ISTYP DISTr I 106i]:r c SEACOAST NATIONAL 1104,90 DIS'f: SERVICE MEDCYLSERVICES, LTD. REFILL OXYGEN CYLINDERS UN]FORM PANTS r10692 1,843'55 .00 1,843.55 Lr/02/07 1 , 8 4 3. 6 5 .00 1, 843.55 ,u. J) .00 70.35 ?0.35 .00 70.35 223.65 .00 zzJ.o) 223.65 .00 zzJ . o) 582.00 .00 o6z. vv .00 4,333'70 .00 4,333,70 4,333.70 .00 4 , 3 3 3 .? 0 r0,2r5.25 .00 to,2L6.25 1,014.58 .00 792.92 1,233.00 .00 1 , 2 3 3. 0 0 820.83 .00 800.16 805.00 .00 805.00 6 , 3 5 3. s 1 .00 6,363.51 1 , 0 1 4. 5 8 .00 154.16 2068200 A1 07 09949 1 A L3762't If9-40-522-00-52L2 1 A A 141001 NET CONNECTION,INC. DISTr 1 L987 A r 5 0 0 9 9 S C O T T ' S Q U A L I T Y CLEANING C U S T O D I A L S E R V I C E S FOR ANNE 1917 DIS'i': 1r? 12-515-00-3401 158.75 DIST: 117 35-524-00-3401 624. L7 DIST: OOL-14-525-00-3401 o/.lv DIST: 001-55-519-02-3401 85.55 DIST: 101-38-541-00-3401 D19T: SERVTCES/LIBRARY 1.233.00 001-31-571-00-3401 20.6't DIST; 119'01-554-00-3401 DiST: 001 66-519-00-3401 DIST: 001 67-559-00-3401 DIST: 001-11-553-00-3401 zu. oo DISTr 001-22-537-00-3401 LZZ.55 DIST: 001-65-519-0I-3401 615.83 DIST: DIST: 2 0. 6 1 SERVrCES/COURTHOU 1915 80s.00 001-66-519-03-3401 CUSTODIAL SERVICES/.JC 2A620 LL/02/o7 2A620 LL/02/07 20620 LL/02/0't 2062.4 682.00 57.50 1919 CUSTODIAL SERVICES/ADMIN AN 1914 cusroDrAl Lr/02/07 4 , 3 3 3. 7 0 001-21 5?2-05-6300 cusroDrA]- 20624 5 8 2. 0 0 001 01-511-00-5400 SPECTATOR SAFETY NETTING rL/02/07 2 2 3. 6 5 2OO8 COUNTY MEMBERSHIP DUES 5 - 1 4 1 9 6 110691 BATCH ?0.3s 140055 NACO DIST: HPIVOID 1.,843.55 118-40-522-00-3104 14002L NAFECOrNC. DIST: CHECK DT 1 A 001-14 525-00-4621 :3?282 NET PAY 9 6 0 .0 0 |VIETEORLOGIX VTXSENTRYSATELLITE DISCOUNTS GROSS AMT #INV 001-22-537-00-4601 73825't LIIS'I: OPER'ATING ACCOUNT BANK SRC NAME 51 kconrad ANNUAL PAYMENT REGISTER Minimum:o ap550 ls Page COWISSIONERS ].915 001-66-519-06-3401 5 , 3 5 3. 5 1 CUSTODIAL SERVICES FOR ANNE 191.7 DIST: 11? 12-515-00-3401 168.75 DrsT: i17 3s-524-00-3401 624.17 DIS'l: 001 14 525-00-3401 57.50 DIST: 001 66-519-02-3401 85.66 DISTr 101 38 541-00-3401 6 ' t. 5 0 CUSTODIAL SERVICES FOR ANNE 19]'7 1, 014. 58 <1 <i ',1i08/o'7 08:31:15 iIC,]Ii BANK ACCOUNTT fYP ]D# irAYMiiNTll SRC GROSS AMT #I}W i1?' r2-515-00-3401 DIS-lr 117 35-524-00-3401 DIST, 001 14 525-00-3401 DiST: 001-66-519-02-3401 do. oo D i SI r 1 0 1 -3 8- 5 4 1 -0 0 - 3 4 0 1 67.50 REVIEW OF DRl APPLICATION DIS'I': DIS'l': 2608'7 1 A oD18108 1 A 80272675 E,IST: 118 40 522-00-5209 1,009.29 DIS'i: 118-40 522-00-5209 1 , 1 2 3. 8 0 DIST: A1 POSEY TRAVEL RE]MBURSEMENT 10032007 001 01-511-00-4000 1 A CUSTODIAL SVC./DOUGLAS BROWN N O V2 0 0 ? 1 A O K E E C H O B E EH O S P I T A L L,OCAL HOSPITAL SERVICE rL/02/07 2C620 Lr/02/07 2 0 6 2A 132.00 1 - ,0 8 0. 0 0 1 ,0 8 0 . 0 0 .00 285.00 .00 285.00 285.00 .00 285 00 2,133.09 .00 2 , 1 3 3. 0 9 2,L33.O9 .00 2,133.09 43.04 .00 43.04 43.04 .00 43.04 583.33 .00 583.33 5 8 3. 3 3 .00 5 8 3. 3 3 9, 583.33 .00 Lr/02/0'7 tt/02/07 2 A 6 tA LL/02/0'7 2A6:.4 LL/02/07 20624 Lr/a2/07 20620 rr/02/07 2A624 rL/02/07 2 0 6 2o rr/02/07 24620 583.33 001-21-572-00-3401 .I8OO1? .00 4 3. 0 4 168893 JOE LEACH DIST: BATCH 285.00 I{50101 PRIDE ENTERPRISES 150157 ELVIE O, HP/VOID 1,080.00 102 01 552 00-490? (15)!,]ILDLAND COATS & PANTS CHECK DT 132'00 ] 6 C 0 6 6 O I J T D O O RF L O R I D A P A G E A D - O C T O B E R2 O O 7 NET PAY .00 26053 11.1t2-515-02-4501 i/2 1, 2 L 2 . 0 0 2 A 11?-12 515-02-4601 REVIEW OF DRI APPLICATION DIS'i.: 168 ENG]NEERS AND SCIENTIST DISCOI'NTS 75 r)IS'f, 168000 BCI I i0699 OPERATING ACCOUNT BANK S E A C O A S T NATIONAL 11 NAME 62 kconrad ANNI.'AL PAYMENT REGISTER Mrnlmum:0 ;r[i5riC ] s Page BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 70/19/0'7 Eo Lr/07/07 q qal 1? 9,583.33 NOV 2 0 0 ' t I-rIST: 001 28 550-00 3701 180056 IV1ONTHLYBUDGET REOUISITION Dl S'lr BATTING CAGE NETS & SNAPS RIVERSIDE NATIONAL BANK COPIERLEASE 33-11 ilis'I: .00 107,907.08 107, 907.08 .00 1 0 7 ,9 0 7 . 0 8 .00 7,473.O0 .00 7,473.OO .00 227.7L .00 227.7L .00 2 6 , O 3 0. 6 7 .00 2 6 , 0 3 0. 6 7 1 0 7 ,9 0 7 . 0 8 1 A 7,473.O0 227.7r A1 NOV**2007 227.-l! 001 25'559-00-4400 2 5 , 0 3 0. 5 7 ] A 0 1 4 4 R O W EA R C H I T E C T S , I N C . HISTORIC DIST: COURTHOUSE REHAB 303-01'511-16-3100 7,473.00 7,4't3.00 S131572 001 21 '572 - 05- 6300 iEOI36 107,907.08 NOV 2007 001 02 581- 00- 9I05 i 8 O O 8 3 R E D D E NM A R I N E S U P P L Y , I N C . r - rS l T: 1 A SHARON ROBERTSON 0710.03 2 5 , 0 3 0. 5 7 2 6 , O 3 0. 6 ' , 1 L1/'r.r8l07i!:l::i5 11 lr(lft 3AIJK AL'i'Otil\lT : 'lY ! NAIUE I Dfl t'/r lMlil.l'1'rt '10?:,i c C PEWS DiST; C 2 4. 0 0 .00 2 4. 0 0 2 4. 0 0 .00 24.OO 11,578.40 .00 1 1 ,s 7 8 . 4 0 1 1 ,5 ? 8 . 4 0 .00 11,57840 1,850.00 .00 1.,850.00 1 ,8 6 0 . 0 0 .00 1 , 8 6 0 .0 0 oo544o4 2 0 0 ' 7- 7 4 * A5 104.16 c s B G l5 7 8 00 983.53 .00 104.16 rr/02/07 2A624 1 0 4. 1 6 c s B G l579 )t.az .00 )t.az aAr 25-569 31-4103 Ji IINITS CCE PC ccEl 557 csBG 1566 rbl, 001 25-569-31-4103 13 UNITS CSBG PC .00 4 6 2. 8 3 1 6 3. 5 8 .00 rbJ 1 9 3. 4 4 .00 7 9 3. 4 4 L 9 3. 4 4 1 ,5 0 0 . 0 0 A3 LLC NW 5TH ST OFFICE SPACE LEAS NOV 2OO7 LrlSl': 303 68-519-00-4400 900.00 DTSl', 133 36-534-00-4400 300.00 DISTI ro2-or 552-00 4400 300.00 DISTr NW 6TH ST OFFICE SPACE LEAS NOV 2007 9 0 0 .o 0 103'68-519-00-4400 DIS'I: i33 36 534-00-4400 300.00 DiST: 102 01-552-00-4400 300.00 DIS'i'; 303 68-519-00-4400 900.00 DiST: 131'36-534-00-4400 300.00 DIS'l': 102 01-552-00-4400 300.00 19C387 SOUTH FLORIDA I,AWN SERVICE SCBA BREATHING APPARATUS 118-40 522-00-5400 1,500.00 .00 300.00 rr/02/07 2 A 6 20 1 , 5 0 0 .0 0 300.00 350.00 3s0.00 350.00 10029 .00 LL/02/0'1 20624 LL/02/07 205?,4 350.00 350 00 i,rLST, 102 36 514-00-4601 2 O O O 2 2 T E N 8 F I R E E Q U ] P M E N TI N C 1 A .00 1 , 5 0 0. 0 0 Nh] 6TH ST OFFICE SPACE I,EASNOV 2OO7 ].AWN SERVTCE/CDBGHOUSES , o6 b6 csBG 1557 001-25 559-31-4103 1903?5 SEB 500, 462.83 4 6 2. 8 3 001-25 569-01 4105 11 UNITS CSBG HMK DIS'j: 2Q624 1,850.00 113 02-642-00-9913 4 LINITS CSBG HMK llST: LL/02/07 1 1 ,5 7 8 . 4 0 l)1>-'T',C01 25 569 31-4103 D!S'l; 2A62.Q 50,520.00 1 A 7 UNITS CSBG PC DiST, L L/ 0 2/ 0 ' t .00 2 4. 0 0 1 9 0 3 4 1 S H I R L E Y ' S P E R S O N A LC A R E '-rISi', 2062C 5 0 , 5 2 0 .0 0 i9OO39 ST LUCIE COUNTY CLERK OF c o A l 2 A O 7/ O B M E D I A T I O N B I J D G E T rt/02/07 50,520.00 10302007 5\'772-0O-5209 i12 BATCI.{ CHECK DT .00 A1 AOI 2r-572 00-5210 PADDING FOR (58) HP/VOID NET PAY s 0 ,5 2 0 . 0 0 1 B 3 9 O O S A U D E R M A N U F A C T U R I N GC O LIS'I', DISCOIJNTS 50,520.00 5* 180735 REMIGIO RODRIGUEZ DiST: 1 A 12?'01-554-01-3400 YOUTH SOCCER OFPICIAL GROSS AMT #INV SRC ADM]NI STRATION SERVICES IIIST: OPERATTNG ACCOUNT SEACOAST NATIONAL BANK ROUMELIS PI,ANN]NG AND ]806?1 63 kconrad ANNUAI. PAYMENT REGISTER !lrnrnrum;0 :lP!,:a lS Page BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 1C/19/07 Lo 77/a7/07 2 A r N - T 31 6 5 15,780.00 L5,568.64 15,780.00 .00 16,558.64 15,780.00 04:31:15 iliata/a'l FOR BANK ACCOUNT: sRc #rNv POWER PACKS WATER COOLER LEASE/OCT-DEC DIST: 11r)?i1 t: i I il'7 . : A I 25294 1 A V I K T O R C O N S T R U C T I O NC O R P . 110'i16 C ZAI'IBELI,I 110717 9 0 0 3 7 I C M A - R C P I " A N1 0 9 4 7 5 - R E T: 9 4 4 : 7 8 8 | L r / 0 6/ 0 7 I Cl4A A I 11102007 P 944-80 944-8I P D e f . C o r n p .: 9 4 4 t 2 0 L : L L / A 6 / O 7 944-82 PHONE SERVICE 1015r0340 1l0'I 9 PHONE SERVICE I107:0 11?-12-515-00-4100 DIST' 1,I7 35 524 00-4100 1C215 AL], ABOUT YOU CAREGIVERS, 37 TNITS CCE HMK DISTr 3? IINITS OAA3B HOMEMAKING o0I DIST, ojL-25-569-22-4L02 38 UNITS OAA3-B HMK DIST: 135.00 .00 135.00 6,800.00 .00 6,800.00 5,800.00 .00 6 , 8 0 0. 0 0 880.00 .00 8 8 0 .0 0 880.00 .00 880.00 2,250.00 .00 2,250.00 2,250.O0 .00 2,250.00 3,510.0r, . 1 1 ,7 9 0 0 1 ,8 2 0 0 . 0 .00 3,510.01 .00 1 ,7 9 0 . 0 1 1,450.40 .00 1,450.40 1,450.40 .00 1 ,4 5 0 . 4 0 114.05 .00 1 , 1 4. 0 5 8 3. 5 5 .00 8 3 .s 5 30.49 .00 30.49 4,558.50 .00 4,658.50 LL/02/O'7 20620 rL/02/0't 20620 L r / 0 2/ 0 7 20620 LL/02/07 2 0 6 20 rr/0't/07 20657 Lr/07/07 20651 Lt/o7/07 24655 rL/07/0'l 20655 1,820.00 13 <<< nd .00 > > ) .u u 5 5 5 .0 0 203.00 203.00 2 0 3. 0 0 300.00 732+ .00 300.00 300.00 745 535.50 535.50 203.00 203.00 551.00 <tt DJO, DU 749 203.00 753* <<1 dn nn 756 405.00 .00 405.00 2 4 0. 0 0 .00 2 4 0. O O 405.00 001-25559-01-4101 16 UNI?S CCE RESPITE A 754' Ool-25 569'2r-4L02 27 LTNITS CCE PC DIST: I 755 25'569-22-4102 14 UNITS OAA3E RESPITE 135.00 22.87 001-25-559-01-4101 DIST: .00 7.62 O0I-25-559-2L-4!02 20 UNITS CCE RESPITE DIST: 13s.00 qK 1015r55{8 001-25-569-01-4101 14 UNITS OAA3-E RESPITE DTST: el 103-51-513-00-4100 DIST: BATCH 2,250.00 160073 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENI SOLUT DiSTr HPIVOID 880.00 001-01-511-00-4800 4 O 1 R e p a y :9 4 4 t 4 2 ' l t L L / 0 5 10 7 t L0?18 25408 INTERNATIONATE FI REWORKS D] SPI.AY/ IIgLAS'f I DIST: 1 A 117-12 515-00-4601 260019 CHECK DT 5,800.00 WORI,D SOFTI{ARE CORPORATION MAINTENANCE RENEWAL DIST: PAY 135'00 001-24-542-00-6300 230025 NET 758 .64 758.64 RENOVATION OF ROTATING BEAC 20 DIST: ACCOUMT DISCPUNTS 788.64 aor 25'569-2r-5210 220066 GROSS AMT IN599540 118-40 522-00-4500 2iOO91 ULTIMATE WATER 1 OPERATING BANK SEACOAST NATIONAL 11 (3)STROBE DIST: kconrad ANNUAL PAYMENT REGISTER NAME IDS FAYMIiNTH TYP ! r 0 /l BOARD OF COUNTY CPMMISSIONERS iO/L9/O-t Eo fL/07/07 Nlinimumi0 alr.rqil ls 7574 ',1 /'A8io't 0B:31:15 IA/19/0.7 Eo LL/O.t/07 crpf:5C 1s BOARD OF G€['}ITY Minj.murn:O FOR BANK ACCOUNT: PAYIVEN'|+JTYP ID# ANNUAI 1t SRC DIST, UNITS CCE HMK 1 r. 0 - / 2 1 c 255.00 00 255.00 195.00 .00 19s.00 120.00 .00 120.00 qq< .00 5 5 5 .0 0 .00 540.00 750r 730t 73 I t nn 540.00 001-25-569-01-4101 A1 750.33 101 59-s49-01-3107 12103 AMERICAN EXPRESS L , 5 4 4. 3 7 AZ 357.98 DIST: 001-08-513-00-4000 300.00 DisT: 001-08-s13-00-5200 57.98 001-08-513-00-5200 235.35 DIST: 001-08 513-00-5209 s59.95 DIST: 001-08-513-00-5203 23.98 DIST: 001 08-513-00-3201 407.00 DIST: 001-08 513-00-4100 9s.00 9 5 .0 0 1 oq BURGESS SUPPLY SPRAY PAINT DIST: A 293843 117-17-552-00-3100 ?0022 A3 744.70 359990 001-21-572-05-5203 1i072t DISTr ' -1 4 7 2 6 DISTRIBUTORS A 1 44IL it0;2r THE AI.ARM CO, OF OKEECHOBEE A 001-21- 572-05-462]- 28998 CI{ARLIE'S ,00 9s.00 95.00 rr/07/0'l 20655 Lr/o7/07 20655 LL/07/07 206s5 744.70 .00 17.50 590.00 .00 5 9 0 .0 0 37.20 .00 3 7. 2 0 59.40 .00 69.40 69.40 .00 69.40 I 121.00 .00 121.00 LL/07/0", 12r..00 .00 rL/07/07 121.00 LAWN & I.ANDSCAPE POST EVENT CLEAN-UP .00 59.40 REPLACEMENT OF SECURITY CAJtt 2005453 DISTr 1 , 1 8 5 .3 9 206ss 37.20 401-21-572-00-5211 24320 .00 rr/07/07 qn l>y5f6 DRINKS FOR RESALE 3s7.98 6 9 0 .0 0 001 31 571 00-4604 2OOg7 BERNIE LITTLE t,544.37 .00 20655 .00 I'.JU I ? QoI-27 572-00-52IO YELLOW PAINT DIST: .00 1L/0't/07 an 24)CANS ATHLETIC FIELD PAI 345695 iIIST: 750.33 ?50.33 39.90- 1 5 1 0 0 O K E E C H O B E EV E T E R I N A R Y H O S P I DISTr I I0t24 r,too,Jt DIS'l: BEAUTHANASIA .00 .00 ,5U.JI CREDIT CARD CHARGES/SEPTEMB t 0 r 4 2 0 0 7 t0 72f BATCI] 540.00 CREDIT CARD CHARGES/OCTOBER r 0 / L 4 / 0 7 " HPIVO]D 555.00 TRANSPORTATION/SEPTEMBER 2 O 0 3- 0 9 - 0 7 I Ia /22 CHECK DT 120.00 1c2'7A ATC/VANCOM !IS'f: NET PAY 19s.00 001-25-559-01-41.01 36 UNITS CCE PC DiSTr 759* 001-25-559-31-4103 ]7 DIST: CSBG HMK DISCOUMTS z)>.uu 001-25-569-31-4103 8 UN]TS DIST: GROSS AIT'IT 240.00 7 5 8* 001-25-569-31-4103 13 UNITS CSBG PC Dtsl': kconrad OPERATING ACCOI'NI #Ilw DIS'r-: 001-25-569-01-4101 CSBG HMK 65 REGISTER SEACOAST NATIONAL BANK NAIV1E 17 IINITS COMMISSIONERS PAYMEM 3?53 A 140.00 .00 140.00 140.00 .00 1 4 0 .0 0 1.1/08/O7 08r31,15 Io/.I9/O? Eo tL/07/07 <rp55o ]s 6OARDoF 6oi'||TY coMMIssIoNERs l"linimurn: O AI\IMJAI] t'oR BANI( ACCOUNT: I A\']YF]N'I'IITYP ID# DIST, 110i28 11 SEACOAST NATIONAL BANK NAME SRC 403-59-572-00-3401 3C130 CITY ELECTRIC SUPPLY c o . 118-40-522-00-5209 o K E / 0 9 65 35 oKE/ 09657 5 oKE/ 096676 001-66-519-00-4506 DISTr FIXTURES 95943 40L-21-572-00-4604 DrsT: ,,!4129 RECEPTACLE 96209 9627! !18-46-522-O0-4604 C DIST: C 001-24-542-00-4504 oKE/ 096824 DIST: 1 A1 9't82682 WHOLESALE A 7 JOIUI OOI 2I.572-O0-4512 117-1?-562-00-5203 133-36,534-00-gOOl (24)NIFTY NABBERS C L E A N E RL , I N E R S , M I N T O ,T , DIST: o0I-21-572-00-4612 DISTr 0OI-27-512-OO-4626 L7.50 .00 4L.25 4t.25 3 5 4. 0 0 .00 354.00 19.95 .00 19.95 9 2. 5 0 .00 9 2. 5 0 258.75 .00 258.75 2.8t .00 2.8r 21.16 .00 2L.L6 21.16 .00 21.15 199.00 .00 199.00 199.00 ,00 1 9 9 .0 0 I,020.73 .00 62.50 .00 62.50 100.00 .00 100.00 58.20 .00 s 8. 2 0 148.55 .00 148.55 34.50 .00 3{.50 s28.00 .00 528.00 88.98 .00 88.98 1,020.73 1{8.55 MULTI-FOLD PAPER TOWELS,GLO 38034 IIISTT 37.50 s8.20 1 1 7 , 1? - 5 6 2 - 0 0 - 5 2 0 3 001 21-572-00-4610 .00 100.00 001-21.-572-05-5203 DISTr 3?.50 52.50 DRY,TARP STRAP,SAUSAGE 38388 BLEACH, GLOVES, BROOM,DETERGE 37925 DIST: 1 0 5 .0 0 rt/o?/07 20655 L L / 0 7/ 0 7 19 9 . 0 0 BLEACH, MINTO, MOP PADS, CLEAN 37793 DISTr .00 2T.L6 001-66-519-0O-5400 OlL DIST; A 5 2 48 0 5 CAREER TRACK GAL FLOOR WAX 1 0 5 .0 0 rt/0't/07 2.8L 00I-14-525-00-5203 {5) 300.00 24L.80 BOX & CIVERS 001 66-519-00-4606 30234 CJ'S L , 2 2 9. 2 6 .00 : . 5 .9 5 SEMINAR REGISTRATION FEEIT, I10711 ,bJJU 00r 66-519-00-451.1 30198 .00 300.00 92.50 MOI'ITHLY COPY CI{ARGES t107lc L,229.25 19.95 30135 TOSHIBA BUSINESS SOLLEIONS DIST: BATCH 3 5 4. 0 0 Ojf-24-542-OO-4604 UTILITY .HPIVOID 4L.25 P V C P I P E , S W ] T C H E S ,S T R A P S Disr. CHECK DT 17.50 BREAKER DIST: NET PAY 3 ? .5 0 00I-24-542-00-4604 CFCI DIST: DISCOUMTS 1 0 5 .0 0 403-69-s'72-00-4604 LIGHT DIST: GROSSAI{T 300.00 BALLAST DIST: t0 o K E / 0 9 5 45 8 PLUG DISTr A 403-69-572-OO-4604 ELECTRIC BOX DIST: OPER,ATII{CACCPUI{T f INV 96495 PLUG & CONNECTOR DIST: kconrad 140.00 BREAKERS DIST: Page PAYUENT REGISTER 34.50 38046 528.00 PAP 38482 5.35 41.58 Lr/07/07 206s5 -'-,., I t,,r lriog/0't 08:31:15 rA/Ig/07 Eo LL/07/07 < i p 5 g ol s BoAnDoF odwrv couurssroNERs I'tinimum:O FOR BANK ACCOUNT: PAYMF]I{TH TYP ID# DIST: L 7 0'732, C SEACOAST NATIONAL DIST: BANDS DIST: C A DrsT, STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT A ECHOLS ENTERPRISES, I N C . A 1107t8 zolz2 & SAFETY A 11.8-40-522-00-4600 A 175,00 .00 rs8.25 158.25 LL/07/07 158.25 2065s rr/07/07 555.51 .00 otf .00 ot>. 6 3 2. s 0 .00 5 3 2, 5 0 88.00 .00 88.00 L 2 7. 0 0 .00 1 2 ? .0 0 4t7.50 .00 417.50 q1 . )l L l / o 7/ o 7 )r LL/07/0? L,264.t4 .00 r,264.L4 1.119.94 .00 1.119.94 20655 ,00 144.20 L L / 0 7/ 0 7 2,0oL.20 .00 2,00L.20 128.10 ,00 128.10 9 4 5 ,0 0 .00 945.00 Lt/o7/0.1 1 2 8 .1 0 945.00 77L758 128.10 128.10 800.00 800.00 128.10 7 73 4 r 9 800,00 5019]. EXPEDITION SURVEYING & A2 06-00r.2I 001 01 511.00-5102 UPDATE ZONING ATIAS 4 768534 l0l.-38-541-00-4G01 6 0 0 .0 0 .00 500.00 300.00 .00 300.00 300.00 .00 300.00 Lr/07/07 300.00 0 5- 0 0 1 2 H 001 01-511_OO-5102 50195 175.00 .00 L44.20 768253 1I8-40-522-OO-4801 UPDATE ZONING ATI,AS 110740 ,00 175.00 L44.20 101 38-541-00_4601 SERVICE CONTRACT CP?23 Drsr: 175.00 LL/07/07 1,119.94 29334 DIS'1': 001-10-512-OO-4400 DIST: 2 LLg-40-522_OO_4200 COPY C}IARGES 1107i9 403.20 403.20 477 50 GEAR SHAFT ASSEMB 29333 ANNUAL COPIER SERVICE DIST: BATCH 1 2 7. 0 0 COPY CHARGES DIST: HPIVOID 88 00 s 26585 500?0 EcP, INC. DisT: 3 00!-2r-572-00-46L2 EIJITE FIRE .00 .00 (qq 26615 EMERGENCY SHIPMENT OF PART DrsT: 1 0Ol-24-542-00-4604 G-SLIDING DIST: A 001-24-542-00-4604 50043 CHECK DT 655.51 REPLACE WATER HE.ATBR it 0?t7 4 0 3. 2 0 403.20 158.25 JUL.SEPTO? PLI]MBING REPAIRS DiST: PAY 158.25 REPAIR TOILET/AIRPORT DIST: 1 L W -5 , 1 30 rL7 203200 50014 NET t?5.00 INSPECTOR'S TRUST FUND DIST: r FEE 1834? 5 O O O 1 D E P A R T M E N TO F B U S I N E S S A N D 110716 1 00I - 25 - 569- 02- 4LOO DIST: DISCOI'NTS 403.20 SUNCOM PHONE SERVICE 1107]5 A 001 23 537-00-5400 40083 GROSS AI,IT 4010003{ DEPARTI"|ENT OF COMMITNITY ANNIJAL SPECIAL DISTRICT 110714 OPBRATING ACC13I'NT fiINV 101-50-541_00_5300 40050 kconrad 40.95 CONTECH CONSTRUCTION PRODUC 24il X 2' 61 REGISTER BANK SRC 001-21-572-00-5203 30253 C tl NAME \6) 110731 AI,INUAI, PAt'IrtENr EMBARo COMMIJNICATIONS, INC 300,00 2 , 7 3 3. 6 1 .00 2 , 7 3 3. 5 1 Lr/07/07 20655 '.''i0a/r-t r F r . ,I 08:3i:15 r0/19/07 Eo LL/07/07 iii BOARD OF @UilTY M i n i m u mi 0 F'OR BANK ACCOUNT: IAYMIJNTii TYP ID# 11 SEACOAST NATIONAL BANK NAME PHONE SERVICE DIST: SRC lulo GROSS A!!T vzuJ L28.54 119-0r-554-00-4100 001 11-553-00-4100 9. 99 001-66-519-00-4100 20.02 DIST: 001-67 569-00-4100 PHONE SERVICE PHONE SERVICE 121-55-519-00-4100 DIST: 4Ql-21 572-00-4100 PHONE SERVICE PHONE SERVICE c !vt>v DIST: PHONE SERVICES 103 52-605-00-4100 DIST: I 1 , 1- 1 1 - 5 6 2 - Q 0 - 4 1 0 0 DISTr 001-31-571-00-4100 DIST: 303-68-519-00-4100 DIST: 402-36-534-00-4100 PHONE SERVICES PHONE SERVICES PHONE SERVICES PHONE SERVICES DIST: 101 51-513 00-4100 PI{ONE SERVICES nIsT, aat -25 569-22_41,00 PHONE SERVICES DISTr 118-40-522-00-4100 PHONE SERVICES DIST; 118-46-522-00-4100 DIST: 303-68,519-00.41.00 DISl': 402-36 534-00-4100 PHONE SERVICES .00 284.85 748.20 .00 L48.20 38.29 .00 5 d .z a .00 5 , 1 7 3. 0 1 .00 o>.zo 34.29 A q 50 1 0 15 0 7 7 0 0 7 1?1 01 69.26 69.26 1015070391 .00 9 .s 0 9.50 10160735r.4 f b .00 66.56 LZZ .6 I .00 L22.87 .00 6.70 oo. 6 6 .5 6 1016075950 L 2 2. 8 7 1016073193 o. ,u LOr6073225 .00 L 7 2. 0 6 1015073535 L94,7r .00 L94.'tL 284.55 .00 L L 5 . 6 Z 36.83 .00 11..35 .00 1.50 .00 L94.7L 1 0 1 50 7 1 8 11 L70,73 LLJ .62 IO76072072 35.83 1015072131 103 51 513-00-4100 PHONE SERVICES DIST: 284.85 1019077809 001-21-572-00-4100 PHONE SERVICES LrIST: 35.34 148.20 001 21-572,00-4100 DIST: .00 r 0 L 9 0 7 16 5 7 101-50-541-00-4100 PHONE SERVICES IrIST: 35.34 284.85 1 0 3- 5 1 - 5 1 3 - 0 0 - 4 1 0 0 PHONE SERVICES DISTr 2, L86.93 raozz 001 66-519-00-4100 PHONE SERVICES .00 35.34 50199 EMBARo DisT: 40.00 2,186.93 1O19072420 001 10-512-00-4100 PHONE SERVICES CHECK DT 2 , r85 .93 001-21-572-05-4100 PHONE SERVICE DIST: .00 NET PAY 9. 99 1019 1200 103-51-513-00-4100 DISTr DISCIUMIS 88.54 DIS?: DIST: page I I . J f 11.35 rvrov 6g kconrad OPER.ATING ACCOUMT *INV DIST. DISl', C9MMISSIONERS ANNUAL PAYMENT REGISTER /2250 1 qn 1.50 10150?1545 13?.95 lJ,, to 137.95 10150?1659 Lat. L Z ' . L J .00 LZt ,15 .00 1 2 0 .l 0 .00 L 70 . 7 3 L) 101.5071?35 1 2 0 .t 0 1016071811. 170.73 LL5.6Z 284.55 rr/o7/07 HPIVOID BATCH t\ii.1ia'7 0B:11,15 ia/re/07 a p a . ' r0 1 s co Lr/o7/o7 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Illinrmum | 0 iroir- ilANi( ACCOUNT: 11 'iYl, I DS NAI']E SEACOAST NATIONAL l , i \ ' ,I { J i N ' i J PHONE SERVICES DIST: BANK SRC P T ] O N ES E R V I C E S 103 53 525-01-41.00 PHONE SERVICES DIST: 118-40-522-00-4100 )IST: 001 01 511-00-4100 PHONE SERVICES PHONE SERVICES DiS'l: 103 51 513-00-4100 PHONE SERVICES -riS'r: 001 67 569-00-4100 PHONE SERVICES DIST: 103 53 525-01-4100 PHONE SERVICES DIST: 103 53 525-01-4L00 PHONE SERVICES DIST; 102-01 552-00-4100 PHONE SERVICES siST: 001 08 513-00-4100 P T T O N ES E R V I C E S D i s ' fi 103 53 525-01-4100 rirs'r c01 01 511 00-8207 PIIONE SERV]CES PHONESERVICES r_jrsT, 101 50 541-00-4100 PHONE SERVICES DISTr 001 01 511-00-4100 PHONE SERV]CES DrS'r', 001-22 537-00-4100 PHONE SERVICES DIS'r: 001-01 511-00-4100 PHONE SERVICES Disl: 103 51 513-00-4100 PHONE SERVICES DIS'l: II8 40-522 00-4100 PHONE SERVICES rirST: .00 40.18 1.50 .00 1.50 9.70 .00 9.70 33 28 .00 33.28 118.00 .00 118.00 33.28 .00 1015071084 1.50 1 0 1 6 0 77 r 2 2 9.?0 1016071250 55.26 101507001.7 118.00 1015070046 33.28 .00 1016070132 35.72 10L607 0629 L6L.77 .00 66.56 .00 1 18 . 0 0 .00 ro .00 L6r.77 L61.77 1016074394 65.56 1016074408 118.00 118.00 1.01.5074501 / , >o r87.56 1015074565 II6. JY .00 118.39 118 40 522-00-4100 PHONE SERVICES DIST: 40 18 40.18 001 66-519-00-4100 PHONE SERVICES DrsT: 3.09 1016070S09 l_.rst': 103 54 605 00-4100 )lS'f: NET PAY 3.09 DLS'1'r 103 51 513-00-4100 P T { O N ES E R V I C E S DISCOUNTS 1016071539 118 40 522-00-4100 PHOI.JESERV] CES 10J-51 513-00-4100 PIIONE SERVICES 69 kconrad OPER,ATING ACCOIJNT GROSS AMT #INV 103 51 513-00-4100 PHONE SERVICES Dl9T: Page ANNUAL PAYMENT REGISTER 1016073959 52 77 .00 454 05 .00 454.05 144.00 .00 144 00 32.31 .00 32.31 .00 14t .55 314.54 .00 314.54 2 2 9. 0 6 .00 52.7'7 1016074014 454.05 1016074149 144.00 L O L 6 0 74 3 4 4 32.3L 1016075907 ItI >f, r.41..55 1016075441 3r4.54 ror607 6469 ))o d< 10160?65s3 r.0.30 .00 10.30 45.1.3 .00 45.L3 3t .97 .00 31.9? 1.50 .00 1 qn 2 3 4. 4 0 .00 234.40 10.30 L01607 6947 45.13 1016077118 31.97 1015078123 1 50 1016075544 CHECK DT HPIVOID BATCH '!/.)i:/iiI .,p! ., i,j:Ii:i6 1A/19/0't ro i:i rr/o'7/07 BOARD OF C9I'NTY M 1n r m u m : 0 : oti il,\N K ACCOUNT: I i ','MijNl'ir TYP J Dfi DIST: 11 SEACOAST NATIONAL NAJ',IE DIST: rbv.6 117-35 520-00-4100 001-11-553-00-4100 DIST: 7 1 2 -0 2 - 7 1 2 - 0 0 - 4 f 0 0 /l5t / 1015078249 1015078755 r0I6079L22 I03 53-525-01-4100 1015079125 1015079335 I0L6079720 FLORIDA POWER AND IJIGHT DIST: rLg A .00 50.08 144.00 .00 144.00 144.00 .00 144.00 55.26 .00 33.28 tu. .00 40.53 .00 10.54 f J 267.84 rL/o7/0'7 2A655 rL/07/0? 206s5 rL/07/07 2065s rL/07/07 20635 10.64 .00 267.84 ,00 231923864 Ir7-35 ot. .00 158.75 13.28 .00 L5 . Z6 1 1 , 0 5 4. 0 4 78.80 524-O0-4200 tt.z6 A 2 2OO7 CBO7O9 2007 RBO7O9 .00 11,054.04 4,510.00 .00 4, 5r.0.00 5 , 5 4 4. 0 4 .00 6 ,544 . 04 4,510.00 001'34-560 00-3101 M E M B E R S H I PD U E S 6,544.04 A r?I7 L)1ST: 001-01 511-00-5400 9,040.50 .00 9,040.60 4,040.50 .00 4,040.60 5 , 0 0 0. 0 0 .00 5 , 0 0 0. 0 0 4,040.60 GRANT MATCHING FUND 1721 117-27-550-00-8200 14.19 tt 2 3 3 2 3 5 16 6 CHARGES 001-34 560-00-3101 2AA1/08 .00 233L4L347 FL MEDICAiD/COUNTY BILLING 2A01/08 14.19 !4.L9 6 1 i ] O 9 OF L O R I D A ' S H E A R T I , A N D R E D I I N DIST: 50.08 2 2 7 9 2 4 6 ' t0 118 40-526-00-4200 cotTNTyMEDICAID/SEp.t C r..50 10.54 40-522-00-4200 COUNTY MEDICAID/SEPI DISTr .00 10.54 11?-35 524-00-4200 60058 DIST, 1.50 303-68-519-00-4200 SHIPPING DIST: 85.95 A1 FEDERAL EXPRESS CORP. I N C . SHIPPING CHARGES DrsT: .00 10.64 SHIPPING CHARGES DrsT: qn 85.95 ro25-74574 O?f-24-542-00-4300 SHIPPlNG SERVICE DrsTr 1 40.53 ELECTRICAL SERVICE 50046 10.00 3 3. 2 8 PHONE SERVICES (J .00 144.00 PHONE SERVICES DIST; 10.00 144.00 103-53 525-01.-4100 60013 6 7 9. 4 6 50.08 PHONE SERVICES rIal 12 .00 1. 5 0 PHONE SERVICES 001-01-511-00-4100 BATCH 85.9s PHONE SERVICES DIST: HPIVOID Ed 1015078124 LrIS'l'r 00r-66 519-00-4100 103 53 525-01-4100 679.46 .00 1 PHONE SERVICES DIS'I': CHECK DT / 1015075831 PHONE SERVICES DIST: NET PAY 10.00 PHONE SERVICES DrsT: DISCOUNTS 5 0 9 .5 9 rutou 103-51-513-00-4L00 103-51-513-00-4100 '7 A 2 3 4. 4 0 1016075548 117-12-515-00-4100 DIST: DiST: Page kconrad OPERATING ACCI)UNT GROSS AT'fl #INV 118-40-522-00-4100 PHONE SERVICES DIST: BANK SRC PHONE SERVICES DlST: CIIT4ISSIONERS ANNUAL PAYITIENT REGISTER 5 , 0 0 0. 0 0 ! 1/ . 3 / 0 - / 0B:.tt:15 la/19/07 a p 5 r i . , 1l s Eo Lr/07/07 BOARD OF CI]I'NTY MinimumrO F'OIi BANK ACCOUNT: r'A\'rut-N f li TYP t:0?45 IDS c AI{NUAI 11 SEACOAST NATIONAL BAIIK NAME FLORIDA'S 2OO1/08 Lt(r743 F R E S H W A T E RF R O N T I & CYNTHIA A. REFUND DEPOSIT DIST; M749 LINIFORM CLEANING DlsT: 001-56-5t9_00_5212 001-56-519-05-5212 DIST: 123-55-519_00_5212 DIST: DISTr Drs'l': 001.66-5r9_05_5212 123-65-519_00_5212 001-66-519-00-5212 DISl', DIST: A 001-14-525-00-4300 118-40-525-00-4300 99. 54 .00 99.54 99.54 .00 1 4. 5 9 99.54 .00 69.7L LL/07/07 Lt/o7/07 20655 99.54 L5.24 247.48 .00 247.48 36.67 .00 36.57 Lzr.29 .00 t2L.29 79 .00 8.79 .00 80.73 111.00 .00 111.00 111.00 .00 111.00 LL/07/07 4 .69 Ir8-4O-526-OO-4622 4.10 82551 001-14-525-00-5203 80.73 80.73 2L86555 401,-21.-5?2-O0-52fL STEM VAI,VES 100.00 56.64 16965 1I8- 40-522-O0-4622 8OOI5 HD SUPPLY, INC. 100.00 .00 54.65 ?00s9 coLD cUP, INC. DISTr ,00 100.00 36.57 15s69 118-40.522-00-43O0 S U G A RC, O F F E ES, T I C K S , 100.00 Lt/07/07 6L.?9 G A L L O N S O F P R O P A N EG A S 1 0 1 6 0 7 PROPANE GAS & GAS SERVICE 5 , 0 0 0 .0 0 14.59 108055{250 14.59 PROPANE GAS s , 0 0 0. 0 0 .00 7.92 401-66-519_00_5212 PROPANE GAS .00 5,000.00 L5.24 DrsT; GIADES GAS COMPANY 5 , 0 0 0. 0 0 6l .'19 ?.92 DIST: 320.00 1 4. 5 9 1080554250 15.24 DIST: .00 20655 7.92 123-66-519-00-5212 DIST: 320.00 LL/07/07 L5.24 0 0 1- 5 6 5 1 9 - 0 5 - 5 2 1 2 DISTr 75.00 BATCH 6L.?9 DISl'; 19.2 \ia'7a2 AJ DISTr 70014 ci 1 1080s542s0 401'65,519-00-5212 UNIFORM CLEANING DIST: .00 HPIVOID 100.00 001-66,519-00-5212 DlsT: DIST, ll075l A 09112007 401-56-519-00-5212 UNIFORM CLEANING i107t;0 FAIRTR 117-12 341001-1 DIST, 395.00 7 5 .0 0 CHECK DT s , 0 0 0. 0 0 7OOO9G&K SERVICES C r, A GR,ANT MATCHING FUND 152 I T O H NS . NET PAY 320.00 117-27-550-00-8200 60323 DISCOUNTS 75.00 CHARTIER 2OO7 -2008 001-10-512_00_5400 60317 DIST: 200?-08 001.01-511-00-5400 ANNUAL DUES/ROBBIE C GROSS AI'{T 395.00 MEMBERSHIP DUES/G. LONG DrsT; kconrad OPER.ATIT,IG ACCOI'NT SRC flINV 60t 47 FCCMA DIST: 'J1 COMMISSIONERS PAYMEIVT REGISTER LL/07/07 4lr.uu A1 105.25 .00 105.25 s130423508 105.25 .00 Igf,zf L r / 0 7/ 0 7 20655 ' , r / c 8 / 0 ' t 0 8 :r 1 : 1 5 r a / 1 9 / 0 7 E o I r / o 7 / o 7 ap550 -ls folt BANK ACCOUNT: I Dfr DrsT: ':.i0'i 5l 11 SEACOAST NATIONAL SRC HEARTI,ANDSPRING WATER, INC Drsr 402-36-534-00-4601 DISi': 102-01-552-00-5100 t.33 7.34 DIST: 303-68-519-00-4501 DIST: 402-36-534-00-4601 DIST: 102'01-552-00-5100 8C291 HILL'S 5041 ? PET NUTRITION SALES, s CoMPUTERS,rNC. A 117-12-515-00-3201 DIST: 117-35-524-OO-320I .00 129.98 117 35 524-00-5209 LZt Ilz .00 1 1 2. 5 0 .lv LLI v t I v t 206t5 .00 2,378.35 .00 14.95 LL/ 07/ 07 20655 rr/07/07 20555 14.95 299.70 .00 299.70 259.95 00 259.95 124.90 .00 L 2 4. 9 0 1,013.95 .00 1,013.95 .00 199.95 . > ' 5 2, 4 5 117 12 515-00-5209 6 2. 4 5 1r7 3s 524-00-5209 GHZ 2 3 0 4 8 1 , 0 1 3. 9 5 001 25-559-00-6400 r . 9 9 .9 5 23055 199.95 4OI-2I-572-0O-320L PROG 2 2 8 0 6 A 9 6 7. 5 4 .00 9 6 7. 5 4 61985 859.62 .00 869.62 97.92 .00 9 7. 9 2 9OO3O INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPERS, INC A D V E R T T S T N G / A C C T #7 5 0 1 5 9 0 0 1- 0 1 - 5 1 1 - 0 0 - 4 9 0 7 450.00 450.00 450.00 118 40-522-00-3201 Ebv. bz ADVERTTSING/ACCT# 751 9r0 7I'7 35-52O-00-490'7 .00 9 9 .9 0 22999 117-12-515-00-5209 CONSU].TATION/WORK FIRE trz.au 112.50 LC. ta 2 23075 r .1 7 3 s 5 2 4 - 0 0 - 3 2 0 1 MS OFFICE 2OO7 DIST, 2 2. 0 0 199.80 C o M P U T E R / C O R E2 D U O 1 . 8 DIST: 20655 14.95 UPS BACK UP,SURGE PROTECTOR 2 3 0 0 4 110?56 LL/0?/o'7 14.95 APC BATTERY BACK-UP DlST: .00 14.95 ZJUOI (4)GB FLASH, (2)PC-CILLIN DIST: 2 2. 0 0 z,5rE.5) A8 117-12-515-00-3201 DIST: 1 23060 SPEAKERS FOR MONITOR DlST: 37.50 112'50 SPEAKERS FOR MONITOR DrsT', .00 ?? 27254L478 117-17-562-00-5203 90024 r,c DIST <o 7.34 DOC & CAT FOOD DJST; qn .00 3 0 3- 6 8 - s 1 9 - 0 0 - 4 6 0 1 402-36-534-00-4501 DIST: BATCH 7.34 5 0 41 r02-01-552-00-5100 DrsT, HP/VOID 7.34 DIS'I': DIST: CHECK DT 7.33 WATER SERVICE I 7 1 " 7\ a NET PAY 37.50 DIST: DIST: ACCOUNT DTSCOITMIS 5041 WATER SERVICE !r41"4 J /.5U 4oI 2I-512-O0-5203 103-58-519 00-4601 DIST, A 5453 WATER SERVICE DISTr GROSS Al4T *INV 105.25 WATER DEI.IVERY SERVICE DISTr OPERATING BANK NAlvlE 001-66-519-00-4604 80115 kconrad ANNUAL PAYMENT REGISTER lvlinimum:o FA'r'MFiN'ill TYP a1 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 9 7. 9 2 1I/1rt1s1 08 rl1: l5 FOR BANK ACCOUNT: IDS I'/".Yl"1flN1'fi1YP ANNUAI 90031 110?57 NAI'IE frINV A 1 INTERNET SERVICES-4-OKEECHO rl'7 -L7 -562-0O-4LOO C 9A049 r10759 C 20078338 RADIO BATTERIES DIST: 118-40-522-00-5203 105.51 DIST: 118-40-526-00-5203 92.43 90055 INDIAN RIVER FALL TUITION DIST: DTSTr C!M!!T'NITY COLL COVERAGE CODE COUNCIL C C 001-2I-572-05-4604 DIST, 1I? A1 A 40.00 130.00 .00 130.00 101.50 .00 101.50 75.00 .00 75.00 LL/07/0'1 206r5 25.50 .00 25.50 3,120.00 .00 3,120.00 120.00 .00 120.00 LL/07/07 20655 LL/01 lO'l 20655 L t / 0 7/ o 7 20555 tL/07/07 20655 LL/07/o? 20655 L t / 0 7/ 0 7 20655 3,000.00 2,25O.OO .00 2,250.OO 2,250.00 .00 2,250.00 5 0 0 .0 0 i00 500.00 500.00 .00 500.00 L52.94 .00 L52.94 r52.94 L52.94 t52.94 1 6965 5 0 .0 0 .00 60.00 60.00 .00 50.00 8,170.00 .00 8,170.00 , r ,3 0 0 . 0 0 .00 4 , 3 0 0 .0 0 60.00 CHRISTOPHER .1. I*IAVROIDES, M A PHYSICALS 1 4836207 SAFETY SYSTEMS, INC. ANNUAI, FIRE/EMS 20655 500.00 001-31-5?1-00-4501 130007 rr/07/07 2r+.29 17 552-00-5203 FIRE SPRINKLER INSPECTION 1107,i6 20655 2,015.7L I,EXTRON ANIMAL HEALTH, INC. 1?0104 LIFE DIST; 1 GATES FOR F - 1 5 0 1 3 5 3 0 8 7 NEED].ES, BETADINE, SYRINGES I 1076'-r A 50327 117-17 552-00-4600 120043 L r / 0 7/ 0 7 3,000.00 1OOO77 .JIMIS AUTO SALVAGE (2)USED TAIL | 1 0 76 1 .00 3,000.00 100098 102 01-552-00-5400 DIST: 20555 120,00 WRAP 1CIO028 JEANETTEIS INTERIORS DIST, 2 403-59 572-OO-4907 REPLACE TI LES/RESTROOMS 110763 A 1000125 001-2r-572-05-4604 i/07/07 26.50 117-12-515-00-5400 DJST: BATCH 7 5 .0 0 ENTRANCE SIGNS 1i ( ) 7 5 ; 2 ACCESSAAILITY CODE 44137I 1 O O O O 3 C U S T O MG R A P H I C S & S I G N S DISTr A 117-35-524-00-5400 VEHICLE L 9 7. 9 4 40.00 25183 RESIDENTIAL INSP GUIDE- 0451015-IN FULL DIGITAL r97 .94 .00 HPIVOID 40.00 50.71' DIST: .00 L97.94 L L, 3 2 4 . 4 6 118 40-526-00-5400 DIST: 197.94 11,494.45 DIST: 2AO4 FL. 240.00 .00 69.29 DIST: 24o.oo .00 .00 I 18-40 522-00-5400 INTERNATIONAL .00 240.00 l r , 3 2 4, 4 6 DlS'f. '06 240.00 CHECK DT r t , 3 2 4. 4 6 118 40-522-00-5400 90088 NET PAY 11,49{.45 2sr23 BOOK CHARGES FALL 2OO8 BOOKS C 3 A 25090 118-40-522-00-5400 FALL I 1 0 76 1 1 INTERSTATE BATTERY (6) ACCOUMT DISCOI'NTS 240.00 ,A 110758 GROSS AMT ?3663 INTERNET SERVICE DIST: OPERATING SRC kconrad PAYMENT REGISTER SEACOAST NATIONAL BANK 11 13 BOARD OF CPUNTY CI]MMISSIONERS IO/19/0'7 Eo LL/0't/07 lllnjmum:o ap550 ls 09-27 - 07 2 l1icB/r,j'/ c8:31:15 , r p i : ' r C1 s r Io/L9/07 Eo LL/07/07 FOli IIANK ACCOUNT: I , A Y M I I N 'IIi T Y P IDS DIST: 1107i.ll C 11 SEACOAST NATIONAL BANK NAME SRC 3,870.00 09272007 I r.:r';68 1084630 001-66-519-07-4601 DrsT: 1ir.769 A1 09272007 GUADALUPEMOJICA REFIIND FACILITY RENTAL 20637 A KASSELLA CONSTRUqIION 1 REPLACEMENT HOUSE/REX ALLEN 3 1_ rq'/'77 CT{AIRMATS A 09 0 1 7 I F O L D E R , B ] N D E R SP , ENS, I)lST: 001 22-537-00-5100 irIST: 001 22-537-00-5100 DIST; LI2-5L-'712-00-5100 FRO.]ECTION LIGHT BULB (4)TRASH RECEPTACLESW/ LID MONITOR STANDS,LOG BOOKS 3 , ? 2 0 .0 0 11.00 .00 11.00 11.00 .00 11.00 95.00 .00 9 5 .0 0 95.00 .00 eq 5,575.00 .00 5,575.00 5 , 5 7 5. 0 0 .00 s , 5 7 5. 0 0 2,086.02 .00 2,0a6.02 L46.25 .00 L46.25 11 n< .00 11.06 LL/o7/07 20655 rL/07/0'7 20555 LL/07/07 24655 L r / 0 7/ 0 7 24655 LL/07/07 20655 588852 AaI-22-532 q9-51t4 DI51; 001-10-512-00-5100 P F : N S ,F O L D E R S . F I L E J A C K E T S CARTR]DGE Disr: 001 55-519-00-5100 DIS?: 001-10-512-00-5100 I N K C A R T R I D G E SD , IV]DERS FAX CARTRIDGE 7L.96 qE 85.11 11 33.99 00 33,Jt s48.60 .00 548.50 92.84 .00 92.84 33.99 089405 548.60 089709 92.84 L2.94 L2.94 98.24 98.24 L 2. 9 4 118-40-522-00-4500 C A R T R I D G E S ,H I L I G H T E R S , P E N S 7L.96 85.11 001-10-512-00-5100 DIST, nn 35.98 090199 SHIPPING (2)NOZZI,ES FOR REP 089755 , 3 , ' t 2 0. 0 0 .00 35.98 1i8 40-526-00-5100 FILE DISTr .00 3,720.00 11.05 Drs'r': 118 40-522-00-51.00 DIST: 3,720.00 146.25 089625 DISTr 118-40-522-00-4500 INK CARTRIDGE 2L 89758 0 0 1- 2 4- 5 4 2- 0 0- 5 1 0 0 UPS SHIPPING D I S ' rj 3,870.00 5,675.00 127-74-554-OO-460! 1 5 0 0 2 3 O K E E C H O B E EO P F I C E S U P P L Y , I D IS T : BATCH 95.00 001-21-352000-0 1]8]08 DIST; HPIVOID 001-22-537-00-4000 1]4302 DIST: CHECK DT 3,720.00 138112 OLIVER P. MILLER TRAVEI, REIMBURSEMENT NET PAY 3,870.00 118-40 522-00-3r00 ELEVATOR MAINTENANCE DISCPUNTS 4,300.,00 118-40-522-00-3L00 PHYSICALS OPERATING ACCOTJNT GROSS AMT *INV L3OO14 THYSSEN KRUPP ELEVATOR DrsT: kconrad ANNUAL PAYMENT REGISTER AN}RIAL FIRE/EMS DISI': 14 BOARD OF COUMTY CIMI*IISSIONERS Mtnimum:0 89854 98.24 89943 r4L.O7 .00 141.0? 69.99 00 69.99 !4L .07 89997 69.99 11( O9OO25 t 1< << .00 1 1< R< Et 5 2. 9 9 090111 DrsT. 118-40-522-00-5100 28.24 DIS'l': 118-40 526-00-5100 24.75 .00 52.99 .i it,':,- .rpi'1r (;:r:l rl5 ',x/19/o7 I:Cit I ' , \ Y t 4 ) l t .l J, t i !IANK 11 ACC'OUNT: .tYl) ID# SRC GROSS AMT #INV CAI,ENDERS,APPOINTMENT BOOK, 090123 DIST: O9OI72 DESK TOP PAD 089995 POCKET, O9OOO3 (] 1107?l C O9O19O 001-10 512-00-5100 BALES SHAVINGS 1 84492 A ocr (] A1 L2246 NOTICE OF VACANCY A4 1 0 1 0 20 07 ADVERTISING L0r22007 101-50-541-00-4907 26.50 DiSTr OOI-22-537-O0-4907 2?.t0 DIST; 118-40-s22-00-490? ].4.23 DIS'1, 001 55 519-00-4907 2 S. 4 7 DIST; .00 99.40 , 6 . .00 98.33 J J 88.50 38.44 .00 38.44 39.95 .00 5t 320.00 ,00 320.00 320.00 .00 320.00 1 8 , 5 9 8. 0 0 .00 18,598.00 18,598.00 .00 1 8 ,5 9 8 . 0 0 1,000.00 .00 1 , 0 0 0 .0 0 1,000.00 .00 1 , 0 0 0 .0 0 118.20 .00 118.20 26.90 .00 91.30 .00 . ta rL/o't/07 2064.5 L!/07/07 20655 Lr/07/07 2C655 LL/07/07 20555 Lr/0't/0? 24655 25.90 101-50 541-00-4907 CLASSIFIED 99.40 1 , 0 0 0. 0 0 102-01,552-00-4800 1 5 0 0 8 1 O K E E C H O B E ET I M E S DISTr 20.54 1 8 ,s 9 8. 0 0 TOURNNV1ENT HOST FEE i 1'1775 r. 2007 i3A 224000 I 5 O O A O O P E R A T I O NB A S S DrsT: .00 320.00 OKEECHOBEE COI'NTY SCHOOL IMPACT FEES COLLECTED DiS'f: 20.54 39.95 4 0 3- 6 9 - 5 1 2 - 0 0 - 5 2 0 3 150076 4.36 38.44 1 5 0 0 2 4 O K E E C H O B E EF E E D DiS'1': .00 88.50 001-21-572-00-5100 i5O) 4.35 88.50 O9OO18 001-01-511-00-5100 COPY PAPER Drsr: 2L4 .9L BATCH 98.33 0c1-22-53?-00-5100 F I I , E / H A N G I N G F O L D E R S ,S T O R A G O 9 O O 2 1 DIST: .00 HPIVOID 99.40 PAPER DIST: 2r4.9r CHECK DT 20,54 117-1.?-562-00-5100 P L A N N E R ,B I N D E R , F I L E Disr: 089945 118-46-522-00-5100 CORRECTION TAPE, PAPER DIS'l'r NET PAY 4.36 001--56-519-00-5203 4n srENcILs, DIST: DISCOUNTS 2L4.9L 401 21-572-00-5100 MAIL BAGS DISTI 5 OPERATING ACCOUMT SEACOAST NATIONAL BANK NAME '/ kconrad AT.INUAL PAYMENT REGISTER Mrnrmum:0 l:r Page BOARD OF COUMTY C1CMMISSIONERS r.o II/07/01 C I , A S SI F I E D A D V E R T I S I N G L0L22007 DIST: 101 50-541-00-4907 26.50 zz.Lv DIST: OAI 22-537-00-4901 DiST: 118 40-522-00-4907 L4.23 DIST: 001-55-519-00-4907 2 8. 4 7 CLASSI FI ED ADVERTISING r0t22007 DlST: 101-50-541-00-4907 zo.av DIST: 001 22-537-00-4907 za. DIST: lI8-40 LC.Z5 DIST: 001'66 519-00-4907 522-O0-4907 i s 0 0 9 9 s c o T T ' s Q U A L T T YC L E A N T N G 91.30 zo. )v ol L4.23 an Lv 28.47 433.33 {33.33 OPERATING ACCOT'M| SEACOAST NATIONAL BANK 11 i:oR IIANK ACCOIJNT: 'iYP IDS NAME I", illriliT ll SRC #INV GROSS AMT .00 433.33 200.30 .00 200.30 200.30 .00 200.30 2i 70.00 .00 70.00 70.00 .00 70.00 A1 88.08 .00 88 08 10032007 88.08 .00 88.08 20.97 .00 2 0. 9 7 20.9',1 .00 2 0. 9 7 A INC I]AI'I AND TACKLE FOR RESALE !t *<'r', 4ai 725893 AA7'2! DISl': 001-C1 511-00-4000 71.03 i,'lST: 001 01 511-00-5203 17.05 I ].iOO57 PERFECTPOOLS INC (3) DISi: BOTTLES REAGENT r8229 3 0 3- 6 6 ' 5 1 9 - 1 4 - 6 2 0 0 .00 4a! 2I LETTERS IV ( PI47 8349L4 CATHETERS A1 A 1 09212007 A2 102OO7O1 r - - ' l S T ' ,0 0 1 0 1 5 1 1 - 0 0 - 5 1 0 2 1B1]060 SIIARON ROBERTSON A 2 001 01-511-00-5102 195.00 .00 195 00 1.95.00 .00 195.00 r]./07/07 2Qa'.,5 540.20 .00 5 4 0 . 20 540.20 .00 540.20 L r / 0 7/ 0 ' 7 2A(':': '7 , 5 2 4. 0 0 .00 7,524.00 7,524.00 .00 7 , 5 2 4. 0 0 rL/07/07 2Aer\ 585.75 .00 585.75 525.?5 .00 525.75 rr/0'7/07 2 0 5 1 -5 60.00 .00 60.00 645.50 .00 545.50 362.50 .00 502 11/na/6a 2 C 6 15 283.00 .00 283 00 283.00 001 01 511-00-5102 ].iI]C72 GENCO ELECTRONICS'RADIO S}IA . av 362.50 RECORDING,SEARCHES,COPIES 7O2OO702 DrsT: 246\,5 60.00 R!]CORDING,SEARCHES,COPIES 1O2OO?04 fIS'l': r\/07/07 2,150.00 525'75 0C1-01 511-00-5102 COUNTY ORDINANCE VIOLATIONS 102O07O3 ll7:ir 206r:5 7 , 5 2 4. 0 0 S H A R O NR O B E R T S O N S F , A R C H E SA N D D M V R E P O R T S Lr/07/0'7 540.20 aAI 25 569-22-4102 i3IO53 IrTSi: 26397 MAY, SHERI FF SENIOR MEALS 20655 195.00 L1B 40-525-00-3104 i :JI,]C 15 PAUL C DISI: 1 572 00- 4604 ].,'!OOO QUADMED IIST: rr/07/07 2,150.0o P E A C H T R E EB U S I N E S S P R O D U C T S A SIGNS & EXTM f ) rs - i 2 , 1 5 0 .0 0 2,150.00 A1 REPLACE SIDEWALKS/HEALTH DE 1OO92OO7 ']63954 BATC}i 20.97 AQl-21 572-05-5203 1 6 T , J I 2 OP A R K S C O N S T R U C T ] O N DiS'ir HP/VOID 70.00 J6CO14 PETTY CASH BCC GENERAL C 1 A 47 -5700165 512- 00 4626 PIITTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT CHECK DT 200.30 I ' i i J 8 9 ] , O K E E C H O B E EC O U N T Y H E A L T H D E D I S ' r :' 1 5-12 00 5228 DRINKING I,IATER PERMIT NET PAY 433 33 AaI 25 569 00-3401 S,C F S , DISCOUNTS 433.33 CT,EANINGSVC/SENIOR SERVICE 1918 I'I8I;] kconrad ANNUA], PAYMENT REGISTER lvlrnf mumi 0 DIS'l': t6 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Lo Ir/A7/0'1 ia/Ie/o't A 139.98 139.98 rr/0'7/07 11/t)8/A1 08:31:16 70/L9/07 Eo rI/07/07 ap550 lvllninrum:o i9 ANNUAI FOR tsANK ACCIOIJNT: 11 'iYF IDfl NAME (2) L 5HE!! ILEEI 139.98 210.00 .00 210.00 210.00 .00 210.00 A2 306.0s .00 305.05 8 79 70 9 305.05 .00 1 6 4. 8 5 YIUS 00I-22-537-00-5207 DIST: 7 7 8 -4 Q 5 2 2 - 0 0 - 5 2 Q ' l A I 154.85 Drs'1' 118 40-522-00-5207 1 4I . 2 0 A1 SVI SYSTEMS, INC. 1r.2815 AIARM MONITORING SUPERIOR WATER WORKS,INC A 1 INSTALL NEW WELL&TANK/ROAD 289313 DIST: 101 s0-541-00-4504 190237 SIMPLEX GRINNELL, r10793 C LP 1 A WIRELESS AIRCARD SERVICE S H ] R L E Y ' S P E R S O N A LC A R E 10 TINITS OA3B PC L r IS ' i ' , t 0 0 32 0 0 7 UNITS OA3B HMK DIST: 001-25 569-2I-4fO2 DISl', 001-25 569-21.-4102 DIST: 0 0 1 - - 2 5 -5 6 9 - 2 L - 4 1 0 2 9 UNITS OA3B RESPITE 4 UNITS OA3E RESPITE 32 UNITS CCE HOMEIT,IAKING DIST: 001-25-569-01-4101 DrsT: 00L-25-559-01-4101 DISTr 001-25-569-01-4101 34 UNITS CCE HOMEMAKING 14 TINITS CCE PERSONAL CARE 20 UN]TS CCE HMK A 14 oA3B1583 .00 390.00 390.00 .00 390.00 1,300.00 .00 1,300.00 1 ,3 0 0 . 0 0 .00 1 . 3 0 0 .0 0 1, 595.75 .00 I, 595.75 1, 695.75 .00 I, 695.75 643.62 .00 643.62 643.62 .00 643.62 2 , 9 7 5. 2 6 2 , 9 7 5, 2 6 1 4 8. 8 0 148.80 193.44 193.44 133.92 r . 3 3. 9 2 148.80 oA381584 193.44 oA381585 133.92 oA381586 59.52 59.52 477.76 4 7 7. 7 6 5 0 7. 6 2 5 0 7. 6 2 2 0 9. 0 2 209.02 298.50 298.50 59.72 59.72 59.52 ccE 1540 477.76 ccE 1558 507.62 c c E l 5 80 2 0 9. 0 2 ccE158I 298.60 001 25 569-01-4101 4 IJNITS CCE RESPITE 390.00 rr/0't/0'l 2Q6'.:5 Lr/o7/07 20655 L L / 0 7/ 0 7 20655 Ll/07/07 20655 Lr/07/07 206:.5 643.62 0 0 1 -2 5 ' s 6 9 - 2 1 - 4 1 0 2 1] DIST: A1 117-35-520-00-4100 190]41 20655 l. 695.75 001-65-519-07-4601 190]35 SPRINT DIST: L L / 0 7/ 0 7 1,300.00 MONITOR FIRE ALARM/SPRINKLE 71801420 DIST: 20655 390.00 403 69-572-00-45O! 190091 LL/07/07 t4I .20 305.05 A9L-22 537-00-520'7 DIST: BATCH 141.20 8 7 9 70 9 DISTr FIRE HPIVOID 164.85 C A S O L ]N E 'I9OO5O CHECK DT 210.00 G A S O L IN E C .00 118028 DIS'I': NET PAY 139.98 303-68-519-00-3100 16Z5UU DISCII'NTS 139.98 P!,ANS COPIES 110'/89 GROSS AMT 10074300 403-59-s72-00-4100 1 8 0 1 3 3 R E P R O G R A P H I CS O L U T I O N S DIST: OPER.ATING ACCOUNT SRC #INV TELEPHONES '7 7 kconrad PAYI4ENT REGISTER SEACOAST NATIONAL BANK i)A lMT]N'I'H DrsT, Page BOARD OF COT'NTY COMMISSIONERS ccE1s82 '.'!/.1tr')'7 (a::l:I6 lA/19/O7 FOIt ;BANi( ACCOUNT: IDH P/i'iN1!,lN'i!iYF DIST: 11 SRC GROSS A!/IT SINV CSBG PERSONAL CARE CSBG1587 csBG1588 DISTr DIS'I'; ',i(.j795 UNITS OA3B HOMEMAKING OA3B 1559 DIST: DIS'I': ':10796 3091986588 3091985590 ii0798 3091985585 .00 .00 IL/O7/0'l 20655 15.90 1 5 .9 0 .00 82.30- tz.)o 136.31 135.31 459.94 459.94 239.97 .00 239.97 9.98 .00 9.98 96.20 .00 96.20 4.05 .00 4.05 545.11 .00 545.11 6.55 .00 65.00 .00 55.00 5 5 .0 0 .00 6s.00 438.50 .00 438.50 438.50 .00 438.50 foJ, .00 I O J . .00 153.95 545.11 117-35-524-00-5100 3091985586 5. 55 117-35-524-00-5100 747 636 L1./07/07 20655 Lr/o7/07 206._5 LL/07/07 2Q655 65.00 007-2!-512-00-4400 A 1 LABOR STANDARDS HANDBO 1221949OCT 438.50 001 10 512 00-5400 A 1 v) 1 5 3. 9 5 H R Q U E S T I O N A N D A N S W E RB O O K 6 4 3 9 7 0 1 001 10'512-00-5400 59.52 4.05 11?-35 524-00-5100 2 O O O 7 4 T H O M P S O NP U B L I S H I N G G R O U P I DIST: .00 96.20 117-35-524-00-5100 FA]R )>.)z 9.98 2 O C O 7 4 T H O M P S O NP U B ] , I S H I N G G R O U P I L)IST, 2L5.75 2 3 9. 9 7 3091985589 RENIAL .00 459.94 II-7-35-524'00-5100 HATIMER DRIVER to 135.31 2OOOO2 TAYIOR RENTAL i-rIST: zLa. 72.56 309283?813 11?-35-524-00-5100 COPYHO],DER DIST: 1 6 3. 5 8 72.56 C A L E N D E R ,G L U E S T I C K , P E N S , T O N 3 0 9 1 9 8 6 5 8 4 DIST: ,00 82.30- 3091985587 PAPER DIST: 163.58 JV- 309283?812 117-35'524-00-5100 LAB ELWRI TER DIST; 6Z, 35-524-00-5100 CORDS DIST: 2 0 9. 0 2 15.90 117 35-524-00-5100 TONERS DIST: .00 15.90 3092837811 TONERS DIST: 209.02 15.90 117 35-524-00-5100 1i7 238.88 15.90 3092558759 117-15-524-00-5100 C O R D L E S S M O U S E ,L E T T E R T R A Y .00 t , 6 2 0. 1 1 12 3092558?60 I . ' ] L E F O L D E R SP , OST-ITS,TAPE DIST: A 117-35-524-00-5100 RETURNED ITEM zJE.AO >>.>a STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANIAGE RED INK REFILL DIST, oA3E 15?0 0AI 25-569-22-4L02 GREEN INK REFILL DIST: BA']'CH 2r5.75 OAI-25-569-22-4f02 1911?? HP/VOID 1 6 3. 6 8 O0I-25-569-22-4L02 4 L N , J I T SO A 3 E R E S P I T E CHECK DT 2 0 9. 0 2 001-25-559-31-4103 14.5 NET PAY 238.88 001-25-559-31-4103 11 LINITS OA3B PERSONAL CARE OA3B 1568 DIST: DISCOUNTS 59.72 OO125-569-01-4101 14 L'NITS CSBG HMK DrsT: OPER,ATING ACCOUNT SEACOAST NATIONAL BANK NAME 16 UNITS DIST: kconrad ANNUAL PAYMENT REGISTER t4inrmum:0 ap!,rrrr ls '/8 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Il/O7/01 lo rbJ. tl ' ' liit.tia,/c1 0B:li:15 ra/19/07 Lo rl/07/o7 .1p!:,,r i s Minimurn:0 ID# C 228894 1107?9 SEACOAST NATIONAL VINYL 1 SIGNS AND IMAGES 5795 A WALMART COMIIUNITY BRC 6 C O F F E E ,C U P S , C O O K I E S , N A P K I N S 0 9 5 8 8 L a I S I: 7 602 DIST: 7503 DIS?: DIST: DIST: 4479 '1604 2 A SUBSCIPTION 814424384 SUBSCRIPTION 814610739 2 WHEEI, HAND TRUCK M-46-522 001 66'519-00-4541 'IlME CLOCK DIS1': 001-66 - 519 -05 -4604 INFRARED THERMOMETER DIST: 9476411831 84.33 .00 84.33 11.04 .00 11.04 26.26 .00 zo.zo 547.00 .00 5 4 7. 0 0 415.00 .00 415.00 LL/07/07 206s5 232.00 .00 2 3 2. 0 0 475.29 .00 475.29 .00 79.50 LL/07/07 20655 .00 L22.55 59.96 .00 69.96 203.18 .00 203.18 LL/07/07 20555 r t / 0 7/ o 7 20655 203.18 A5 zvz. 27877L 001 24'542-00-4300 'IRASH SERVICE/AIRPORT 278712 CENTER 133-35'534-00-8001 260015 ZEPHYRHILLS .00 ! , 2 3 4. 4 L 202.2r .00 202.2! 59.42 .00 5 9. 4 2 209.29 .00 209.29 176.02 .00 t76.02 L53.22 .00 L53.22 434.25 .00 434.25 aL 209.29 2790r7 {03-69-572-00-4300 4OI-2r-572-0Q-4300 I,234 .4L a>.az 001 24-542-00-4300 DISPOSAL COST FOR TRASH DIST: 5.00 69.96 TRASH SERVICE/AIRPORT TRASH SERVICE/OKEE-TANTIE DIST: .00 uv LZZ , >) 9475578548 403-59-572-00-4300 TRASH SERVICE/AG UISTr .00 20655 . )) 2 76 6 13 TRASH SERVICE DIST, LZZ 001-66 519-00-5209 2 3 O O ? 8 W A S T E M A N A G E M E N TI N C . DTST: 9 0 .? 5 L L / 0 ' t/ 0 7 79.50 9474505232 ENTRANCE MATS C .00 7 9. 6 0 9 4 7 2 8 2 73 L L 00-5209 DIST: DIST, 3 5 .9 9 35.99 2 3 2. 0 0 11I-02-?14-00-5600 230056 GRAINGER DIST: 255.37 415.00 111-02-714-00-5600 LAW LIBRARY I r 08r--)2 .00 24655 401-21-572-00-5100 LAW LIBRARY DISTr 255.37 Lr/07/07 11.04 001 65 519-00-5100 230048 WEST GROUP DIST: 30.00 30.00 BATCH 8{.33 401 2r-572-00-5203 B I NDERS 30.00 .00 HP/VOID 5.00 & SPRAYER PENS .00 o. 40r-21'572-00-52LL PEST KILLER 30.00 CHECK DT 90.75 401-21 572-00-5203 MARSHMAI,LOWS NET PAY 50,>> 001-01-511-00-5203 C A T F O O D ,L I G H T B I I L B S , T I D E Disr DISCOUT'BS 30.00 001-21-572-00-4510 2]0014 110400 GROSS AMT #INV PARKING SIGNAGE DIST: OPER,ATING ACCOUNT BAI,IK NAME '/9 kconrad ANNUAL PATUENT REGISTER 11 F'OR BANK ACCOUNT: I)/',i'r4titfril TYP Page BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Lto.vz z r>L5> LJ5 . ZZ 4087000451 434.25 81.37 81.37 'i,:r BOARD OF COLN.ITYCOMMISSIONERS i-o 17/A'7/O1 kcottr.r.) ANNUAL PAYMENT REG]STER / i]I]}Ji: I :ii Ll SEACOAST SRC I . J I ! I1, 1 r J , ' ' ,r } i ) E ] - ] V E R Y S E R V T C E , I rt OPERATING BANK NATIONAL ' 1 , 1 10 l i-.]I jI].I] S . i . F : A , If O N lt7- ,2 IiI.i .rrs 515 1 HANCOCK FEE IjLECTRONIC 10 A INC ZONING ATLAS )16 CHECK DT HP/V.i D . i 81 37 2'25A 00 oo 2,25A AA 2 '25A 0A .00 2,250 00 10 rr/a'1/a'1 t VOIDS: OO .oo 10 O0 r0.00 .00 10.00 r1/a'7/a1 2 44,?50 OO oo 44,750.00 44,750 ao 00 44,?5000 00 4239,294 74 00 1 105 4 4 , ' 75 0 . 0 0 L.' a15 00 4601 L'Ti\r: 1 A AND OO 54CO I]],OBAL MAPPING, PAY 2,250 00 00 4800 IJI,O]iIDA PLANNING 00 NET 81 3? i,i1 OC 5203 5i1 81 37 o'7J54r9957 A t r. ) r - , 1 : r , A M I J L L L I I N T E R N A T I O N A L E ! I F T f . I H O R KDSI S P L A Y / I ' B L A S T T ' 1 1 1 0 0 7 i.-r GROSS A]VIT #INV ACCOTINT DISCOLINTS 0 935 4239'294 74 Lr/a7/a1 ', 71/08/07 08:31:29 rA/19/07 33 FOR BANK ACCOUNT: IDfl PAYMENT# TYP r319 sRc #Iw NA}!E 493462 3320 4 9 3 40 9 3321 S E P T2 0 0 7 AI,A 5282 AI,A 531? 06254 OKEECHOBEE COUN?Y HEALTH D E A l 15889i c- 0708 - 03 SALARY REIMAURSEMENT 3323 3?Oi8 C C O O L I N G R E F R I G E R A T I O N SERVI SERVICE CALL-REPAIR A/C A C I2OI27 3325 C C 15 5 9 0 A LIFE A SAFETY SYSTEMS, INC' REPI,ACEMENT ESCI'TCI{EON RING DiST; f321 C 6964 1328 E A SUPPLY 1 CI,EANUP 1 2 2- 0 9 - 5 19 - 0 0 - 4 5 0 1 DIST: 1'22-09'519-00-4501 REGISTER TOTALS CHECKS: 1O .00 .00 4 s s .o o 455.00 r0/21/07 455.00 1 5 3. 5 0 .00 1 5 3 .s o Lo/23/07 20532 6 3. 5 0 .00 5 3. 5 0 35.00 .00 35.00 6 5 .0 0 .00 65.00 7 , 7 9 7. 9 4 .00 7 , 1 9 7. 9 4 L o/ 2 3 / o 7 20532 7 , 7 9 7. 9 4 .00 ? , 7 9 7. 9 4 7 8. 0 0 .00 78.00 Lo/29/o'l 20582 7 8. 0 0 .00 7 8. 0 0 125.00 .00 125.00 L L / 0 2/ 0 7 2Q620 125.00 .00 12s.00 38.00 .00 38.00 L L l 0 7/ 0 7 ZUODD 38.00 .00 3 8 .0 0 1 5 6 .0 0 .00 1s6.00 95.00 .00 9 6 .0 0 60.00 .00 60.00 480.70 .00 4 8 0 .? 0 480.?0 .00 480.70 1, 600.00 .00 1,500.00 9s0.00 .00 9 5 0 .0 0 650 00 .00 5 5 0 .0 0 L L, 5 4 7 . 7 7 .00 L L , 5 4 ?. 7 7 950.00 514 I,AWN SERVICE - 2 WILLIAMS LAWN CARE IN]TIAL DIST: 455'00 L L / O 7/ 0 7 VOIDS: Lr/07/07 20655 L L l 0 7/ 0 7 20655 480.70 122:09-519-00-4604 240133 5 9 3. s 0 6 0 .0 0 T O W E L S ,C L E A N E R ,T I S S U E , L I N E R 4 3 0 9 7 DrsT: .00 95.00 SPRINKLER INSPECTIONS SOUTHERN JANITOR 2 5963 122-09-519-00-4601 19004? 5 9 3. 5 0 38.00 DISTr -122-09-519-00-4604 FIRE 1 9501'{ 122-09-519-00-4504 120104 50.13 50.13 125.00 122'09 - 519- 00- 4501 Exrr LIGHT 1326 A1 LLOYD'S PEST CONTROL 3 0 1 3 0 C I T Y E I . E C T R I CS U P P L YC O . DIST: 5 5 3. 5 3 .00 78.00 PEST C€MTROL SERVICES DIST: 1 4224 - DISTr '' r22-Og-5L9-00-4621 3324 .00 7,797.94 122-09-5i9-00-1300 bIsT: 20532 6 5 3, 5 3 65.00 DISTr'122-09-519-00-4504 C BATCH 3 5 .0 0 1 2 2- 0 9 - 5 1 9 - 0 0 - 4 5 0 1 SERVTCE CALL 73 2 2 L o l 2 3/ o 7 HPIVOID 5 3. 5 0 122-09-519-00-4501 MONITOR BTJRGLARY & FIRE DI ST: 3 A ADVANCED ALARM SOLUTIONS MONITOR BURGLARY & FIRE DIST: CTIECK DT 455.00 122-09-519-00-4601 102305 C 1 A LAWN MAINTENANCE DIST; NET PAY 5 9 3. 5 0 122-09-519-00-4504 8 o o o 2 H & H S E R V T C E S ,r N c ' c DISCPI'NTS 60.13 122-09-519-00-4504 PAINT DIST: GROSS AITT A2 PAINT DIST: HRS ACCII'NT BN'IK NATIONAL SEACIAST 20022 BT'RGESSSUPPLY C kconrad ANNUAT PA}MENT REGISTER Minlmum:o ap55o ls Page BoAFD OF COUNTYCOMMISSIONERS Lo LI/0'l/0'7 650 00 ir/o8/07 44 FoR BANK ACCOUNT: 21 0 8 SEACOAST NATIONAL 1OO8? AFLAC/AMERICAN 65.30 1 13,358.97 IN OqTl2 OO7 DIST: 001-01-511-00-2300 491.05 DiST: D IS T : 001-08-513-00-2300 0 0 1- 1 0- 5 1 2- 0 0 -2 3 0 0 2s1.38 DIST: 119-01-554-00-2300 DIST: 001-11-553-00-2300 DIST: 001 14-525-00-2300 DIST: 001-25-569-00-2300 15.41 DIST: 001-25-569-02-2300 r25.48 DIST: 00I-25-569-22-2300 511.53 ' 66.30 L 0/ 2 2 / 0 7 5f .or 154.90 001-25-559-52-2300 16.41 DIST: 001-25-569-62-2300 47.79 DIST: 001-25-569-71-2300 4.10 DIST: 001-25-569-91-2300 20.5r DIST: 001-31-571-00-2300 288.99 DISTT 001-65-519-00-2300 65L.22 47.4L DIST: 001-55-519-05-2300 DIST: 123-56-519-00-2300 DIST: 001-57-559-00-2300 45.11 DIST: 117-12-515-00-2300 300.91 DISTr 117-17-552-00-2300 t22.L7 r>r, tv 191.14 001-24-542-00-2300 L , L 6 2. 2 9 DTST: 117 35-524-00-2300 DIST: 101-50541-00-2300 985.88 DIST; 401-21572-00-2300 200.24 DIST; 118-40-522-00-2300 25L.57 DIST: 118-40-526-00-2300 231.96 DlST, 118'46-522-00-2300 DIST: 001-218300 94.90 6 , 2 L 3. 0 4 215.84 DISTr 401 55-519-00-2300 DENTAL 65.30 .00 1 2. 0 0 DIST: PUBLIC RISK .00 CHECK DT 55.30 001-25-569-42-2300 15].091 NET PAY 329.8r DIST: DIST: ACClltNl DISCOUMTS 89.83 DIST: 001-25-559-31-2300 C GROSS A}'tT fiINV FA}'IILY CANC|9R,ACCIDENT, HOSPITAL 2),09 SHIP BANK SRC NAME IDf PAYMENTff TYP kconrad REGISTER ANNUA! PAYII,IENT Minimum:0 ap55o-ls Page BOARDOF COttNsv cl)lolrssroNERs 08:31:42 rO/19/07Eo LL/07/O7 MANAGEMENT OF F jNSURANCE PREMTITMS A L 1 0 ,6 1 0 . 4 4 ocr/20o7 183.17 DIST: 001-01-511-00-2300 DISTr 001-08-513-0O-2300 28.08 DIST: 001-10-512-00-2300 t72.29 DIST: 119-01-554-00-230O 2 1. 0 6 DIST: 001-11-553-00-2300 72,9'l DIST: 001-14-525-00-2300 28.08 DIST: 001-21-572-00-2300 57.50 DIST: 00I-22-537-00-2300 24.0L DIST: 001-23-537-00-2300 19.07 DISTr 001-23 53?-19-2300 24.09 DIST: 001-25-569-00-2300 5.81 DIST: 001-25-569-02-2300 5 2. 5 0 DIST: 00I-25 569-22-23OO 2r.06 2L2.34 .00 2L.06 .00 21.05 rO/22/O7 HPIVOID BATCH 20522 !1,/08/O'1 08:31:42 FOR BANK ACCOUNT: IDS PAYMENTflTYP 44 SHIP ACCOUIiIT saAcoAsT NATIONAL BAIiIK NAME GROSSAI,TT SRC #II{V DIST: 001-25-569-31-2300 23.08 DIST: 001-25-569-42-2300 54.30 DIST: 001-25-559:52-2300 6.81 DIST: 001-25-559-52-2300 19.84 DIST, 001-25-569-71-2300 1 .? 0 DIST: 001-25569-91-2300 o, tt DIST: 001-31-571-00-2300 305.24 001-66-519-00-2300 286.15 DIST: DISTr OOl-66-519-05-2300 28.08 DIST: 123-56-519-00-2300 101.05 DIST: 001-67-569-00-2300 1 1 ? -l - 2- 5 1 5- 0 0 - 2 3 0 0 159.38 DIST: L1?-17-552-00-2300 73.58 DIST: 001-24-542-00-2300 72.97 DIST: 117-3s-524-00-2300 505.01 DIST: 101-50-541-00-2300 501.68 DIST: 102-01-552-00-2300 DIST: 4L. DIST: 401-66-519-00-2300 28.08 DIST: 118'40-522-00-2300 DIST: 118-40-526-00-2300 2r3 .37 P U B L I C R I S K M A N A G E M E N TO F F 456'73 I A OqT\2007 171,007'88 DISTr 001-01-511-00'2300 2,135.91 DIST: 001-08-513-00-2300 2,046,78 DIST: 001-1o-512-00-2300 s , 6 7 5. 7 9 DIST: D IS T : 119-01-554-00-2300 - 1 4- 5 2 5- 0 0- 2 3 0 0 OO1 2,259.A0 DIST: 4 5 6. 7 3 001-21-572-00-2300 2,L56.70 DIST, 0O1-21-572-05-2300 770.45 001-22-537-00-2300 718.90 DIST; 001-23-537-00-2300 718.90 DIST: DIST: 001-23537-19-2300 DISTr 001-25-559-00-2300 DIST, 001'25 569-02-2300 DIST: 001 2s-569-22-2300 DIST: 001 25-569-31-2300 718.90 119.00 91?.41 3,710.46 403.36 1,r.23.58 DIST: 00I-25-569-42-2300 DIST: 001-25-569-52-2300 119.00 DIST: 001-25-559-52-2300 346.62 DIST: 001-25-569-71-2300 0 0 1- 2 5 - 5 6 9 -9 1- 2 3 0 0 1 4 8 ,7 5 D IS T : 29.75 5 , 0 9 6. ? 0 DIST: 001-31-571-00-2300 0 0 1- 6 5- 5 1 9- 0 0- 2 3 0 0 DIST: 001-55-519-05-2300 5 0 8. 9 8 DIST: BATCH 293.95 00L-2197rO HEALTH INSI'RANCE PREMII,'MS HPIVOID 6.07 6 , 4 2 7. 0 6 161091 CHECK DT 331.48 DIST: 001-219700 DIST: NET PAY t2 5 5 .l 6 403-59-572-00-2300 DISCPUNTS 72.97 DISTr 401-21-5?2-00-2300 DIST: 2 kconrad ANNUAT PAYMENT REGISTER Minimumr 0 ap55o- ls Page BOARD OF COUNTY COWISSIONERS )'O/19/o7 Uo ll/0'l/07 7,080.09 .00 456.73 .00 456.73 ro/22/07 20522 rI/A8/01 A8:31:42 IO/19/07 44 FOR BANK ACCOUNT: SIIIP SEACOAST NATIONAIJ BAI'IK NAME ID# P A Y M E N T HT Y P SRC GROSS AMT fiINV 001 57-559-00-2300 DIST; 11?-12-515-00-2300 3,594.50 DIST: 1t7-17-562-00-2300 !,597 .68 DIST: 11?-35-524-00-2300 6 , 8 5 2. 4 2 DIST: 101-38-541-00-2300 718.90 DIST: 101-s0-541-00-2300 19,77L.53 DIST: 102-01-552-00-2300 718.90 DIST: 303-68-519-00-2300 1,489.35 DIST: 401-21-5?2-00-2300 1,988.41 133-36-534-00-2300 ?18.90 DIST: 403-69-572-00-2300 1,489.3s DIST: 118-40-s22-00-2300 13,291.10 DIST: 118-40-525-00-2300 1 1 ,7 8 6 . 4 5 DIST, 118-46-522-00-2300 DIST; 001-218200 DIST: 001-218210 HP/VOID BATCH L,327.84 5 8 . 1 5 3. 5 1 4,339,69 COMPBENEFITS/VrSrON CARE, r INSURANCE PREMIL'MS CHECK DT L , 2 r ' t. 9 6 DIST: 401-66-519-00-2300 VISION NET PAY 5 0 8r 9 8 DIST: 228885 ACCOUNT DISCOUNTS 1,988.41 DIST: 123'66-519-00-2300 DIST: kconrad AT.INUA! PAYMENT REGISTER Mlnimum:o ap55o Is Page BOARD OF CPUNTY C1CMMISSIONERS Eo LL/07/07 A I ACT/2007 37.O7 DIST: 001 01-511-00-2300 DIST: 00I-08-513-00-2300 6.20 DIST, 001-10-512-00-2300 55.93 DIST: 119 01-554-00-2300 4.65 DIST: 001-11-5s3-00-2300 18.50 DIST: 001-21-572-00-2300 L2.40 DIST: 001-22-53?-00-2300 6.20 DIST: 001 23-537-00-2300 6.20 DIST: 001-25-569-00-2300 I.r7 DIST: 001-25-559-02-2300 9.02 DISTr }OL-25-569-22-2300 36.45 DlST: 001-25'559-31-2300 DISTr }Of-25-569-42-2300 DIST: 001-25-569-52-2300 1.17 DISTr 001-25-559-52-2300 3.41 DIST: 001-25-559-71'-230o DIST, 001-25-559-91-2300 L.46 DIST: 0 0 1- 3 1 - 5 7 1 - 0 0 - 2 3 0 0 43.38 DI ST: 001- 66- 519- 00-2300 60.10 DIST: 0 0 1- 6 6 - 5 1 9 - 0 5 - 2 3 0 0 J.to 11.04 ,z> 6.20 DIST: 123-56-519-00-2300 L 2. 4 0 DIST: 11? 12-515-00-2300 37.09 DIST: 11? i7'552-00-2300 t2.40 DIST: 001-24-542-00-2300 DtsT: 7].'7-i5 524 00-2300 DIST: 101 38-541-00'2300 DISTr 101-50-541 00-2300 DIST; 4OI 21 572-00-2300 r09.39 8.97 r4r.72 L 2. 4 0 4.65 .00 L,724.72 .00 4.5s 4.55 r0/22/07 2Q522 44 FOR BANK ACCOUNT: IDS PAYMENT# TYP GROSS AJTIT sRc *rNv NAME 12.40 DIST: 133-36-534-00-2300 18.50 DIST: 118-40-522-00-2300 4!..00 DIST: 118-40-526-00-2300 36.35 DIST: 118-45-522-00-2300 THOMAS , R. DiST; 1 1 9 -0 1 5 5 4 - 0 0 - 4 5 0 1 DIST: I25 01 554-00-4501 4 5 3. 7 0 DIST: 119 01-554 00-4501 2.45 OKEECHOBEE COUNTY PI.ANNING 1 A HOME INSPBCTION OF SANTA CR 1OO1O7 DrsT: 2rr4 c AN 191'4 DIST; 119-01-554-00-340I 20,5? DIST: 001-66-519-00-3401 20.67 DIST: 001-57-559-00-3401 2 0. 6 7 DIST: 001-11-553-00-3401 zu. oo DIST: 001-22-537-00-3401 L22.33 DISTI 001-66-519-01-3401 515.83 50195 EMBARO COMMTJNICATIONS, INC. C DIST; 119 01-554-00-4100 001-11-553-00-4100 9.99 DiST: 001 65-519-00-4100 2 0. 0 2 DIST, 001-57-569-00-4100 9. 9 9 C 1 T2OO94 LYONS PRINTING & OFFICE DIST; 3184 I - A K E O K E E C H O B E ET I T L E , SHIP TITI,E DIST: SEARCH 302.45 766.15 .00 3 0 2. 4 5 250.00 .00 2 s 0. o o 250.00 .00 250.00 20.67 20.57 820.83 .00 20.67 88.54 .00 8 8. 5 4 128.54 .00 88.54 100.00 .00 100.00 100.00 .00 100.00 INC, A 78.00 .00 78.00 ?8.00 .00 78.00 ERVIN 1,388.40 .00 119'01-554-00-4501 iiEGiSTER TOTALS CHECKS BATCH 10 VOIDS r L0/23/0'7 20532 L 0/ 2 9 / o 7 20582 tL/02/07 20624 r r / 0 7/ 0 7 20655 rL/o't/07 zub)3 Lr/o7/o'l 20655 100.00 119-01-554-00-5100 120149 HP/VOID 8 8. 5 4 DTSTr BUSINESS CARDS 2l17 1 A 1015 9203 PHONE SERVICE 2 .1 1 6 | A SCOTT'S OUALTTY CLEANTNG CUSTODIAI, SERVICES/ADMIN 21,t5 CHECK DT 250.00 119-01-554-OO-4601 150099 .00 302.45 A1 MAXWELL & MAXIIEI,L, P.A. 300.00 150064 NET PAY 12.40 RECORDING/DOC STAMPS C ACCOUNT DISCOT,NTS 932.50 001-218250 130006 C 2i1l SHIP BAT'IK SEACOAST NATIONAL DISTr 401-65-519-00-2300 DIST; kconrad N,INUAL PAYMEMT REGISTER Minj'mum:o ap55o ls Page BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS L r / a 8 / o ' t 0 8 : 1 1 : 4 2 7 0 / 1 9 / O 7L o L r / 0 1 / 0 7 1,388.40 '' :','')it.1 I I BOARD OF COUNTY COMM]SSIONERS ' . . , c )I 7 / A " 7 / A 1 kc.)nr,t l ANNUAL PAYMENT REGISTER : l t l l t L t r : !l : LAW ENFORCEMENT TRUST tr L L : i:.i i- il SRC N/\l'ii :, !,1,iJI-{,', MAY, :iI!]i.]I]TICS lri ,li,:l:(lils: 5.1 591 I 1 A SHERTFF acr 2aa'7 GRANT 00 #INV DISCOUNTS NET PAY CHECK DT ro/23/01 oo 9,959,O8 9, 959 08 00 9,959 A8 9'959 0B 00 9,959 08 9,959 0B 9,959 08 9105 VOIDS: GROSS A}1'1' 0 1 T]P/VO]' i'' ] :hr(r, BOARD OF COUMTY CI]MMISSIONERS 08:32;05ro/19/07 tr/oB/01 FOR BANK ACCOUNT: 101 HHRP Hurricane BANK SEACOAST NATIONAL ' sRc NAME ]Df I]AYIVEN'IH TYP GROSS Ar|lT srNv A 9C019 INTEGRITY BUILDING CONTRACT REPLACEMENT HOUSE/L ']OHNSON 4 J 1 J C DIST: 119-01-554-00-4601 DIST: 125-01-554-00-4601 DlST: 119-01-554-00-4501 138301 DISTr 125-01-554-00-4501 REGISTER TOTALS CHECKSI 5 VOIDS: r o / 2 3/ o ' t 9,500.00 .00 463.'tO 766.L5 .00 4 6 3 .? 0 907.49 .00 907.49 9 0 7. 4 9 .00 9 0 7. 4 9 625.75 .00 625.75 625.75 .00 525.'75 15,000'00 .00 ls,oo0.o0 1 5 ,0 0 0. 0 0 .00 1 5 , 0 0 0 .0 o 1 A 70/23/01 ro/23/07 9 0 ' l' 4 9 A L 267 6Z). INC A 1 r0126/07 t) REPLACEMENT HOUSE/ SAIITIBAT'IE 4 DIST: BATCH 2.45 O K E E C H O B E EN O N P R O F I T I { O U S I C O N S T R U C T I O NB Y D E S I G N , HPIVOID 463.70 125 O1 554-00-4601 28997 .00 4 6 3. ? 0 DIRT/ROCK PURCH O92O2O07 BALANCE DUE ON CLOSING-LOT DIST: 9,500.00 CHECK DT 3 0 0 .0 0 125-01 554-00-4601 158890 9,s00.00 THOMAS, R . ETHEI, MAHONEY REFLI'ID FILL 1 9 ,0 0 0 . 0 0 A1 MAXWE],L& MA;KIIELL, P.A' RECORDING/DOC STAIqPS Recover NET PAY 9'500'00 125-01-554-OO-4501 130006 Housing 1 9 ,0 0 0 . 0 0 9,500.00 R E P ! , A C E M E N ?H O U S E / S ' S T A L L W O 0 8 2 4 0 7 DIST; DISCOUNTS 9 , 5 0 0 .0 0 12s o1 554-00-4501 DIST: kconrad ANNUAL PAYMENT REGISTER Minimum:0 ls 1s.000.00 3 5, 9 9 6. 9 4 35 t995.94 lL/02/07 2 0 5 ' /3