Emmaus high school - East Penn School District
Emmaus high school - East Penn School District
Emmaus high school Volume 11, Issue 2 November 2011 A message from Mr. Piperato Dear Parents, Inside this issue: HAC Updates & Mark Your Calendar 2 EHS Alumni & Update to School Calendar 3 Congratulations! 4-5 From The Office Of: Counseling/Nurse Attendance Main Office SAP 6 7 7-8 8 Music, Drama & Art News 9-10 Class News 11 Club News 11-19 S.T.E.P. News 20-21 Freshman Lunch 22 Giant A+ Rewards 23 Parent/Teacher Conference Info 24 Hallowed Hornet 24 Mid-Term / Final Exam Schedule 25 Alert Now 26 Inclement Weather 27 sistance and cooperation as we move forward with our “Go Green” initiative instituted by our Superintendent, Dr. Thomas Seidenberger. Our combined efforts to go paperless will allow us to reduce our printing, copying, and mailing budgets, and focus more of your dollars on education. We understand the inconvenience these changes have placed on some of your households, but in the long run, reducing our operating costs allows us to maintain our current faculty and staff. Our district remains committed to providing high quality education for all of our students. Fortunately, we have been one of the few districts in the state able to maintain our current staffing levels even though the state reduced the education budget. We are proud of our efforts and will continue to look for ways to reduce spending throughout the coming year. Believe it or not, it is that time of year when we must begin planning for graduation. As many of you recall, after last year’s graduation, I sent a letter home to parents via ENews indicating my desire to form a committee to discuss improvements to the ceremony. I received many communications from parents interested in serving on the committee, and I will include as many as possible as we begin our discussions. Within the next month, a committee of parents, teachers, students, and administrators will meet to focus on creating a graduation ceremony that is dignified and appropriate. I will communicate through this newsletter and ENews Alerts our progress as decisions are made. Currently, the tentative date for graduation is listed on the school calendar as June 9, 2012. The actual date of For those who have HAC access but graduation will depend on weatherrelated closings and the availability of require a hard copy of IPRs/report cards, you can either print out your Stabler Arena. Please stay tuned. own copy or students can go to the Please see the information contained counseling office, where they have a sign-up sheet for these requests. Alin this newsletter regarding ParentTeacher Conferences on December 8 low 24-48 hours for requests to be processed. Students will have to stop (see page 24). Scheduling a conferback the next day to pick up their paence with your child’s teacher is a great way to stay informed, while dem- perwork. Please do not call the counseling office to request these reports. onstrating your support for your child Students are the only persons who and your interest in his/her progress. We look forward to seeing you can make these requests. on the 8th. Sincerely, Another great way to stay informed is David F. Piperato (Mr. Pip) through our Home Access Center available to parents of EHS students. Principal We would like to thank the parents/ guardians of our students for your asPage Home Access Center (HAC) Home Access Center (HAC) applications are now being processed by the main office at each school in the district. Parents/guardians of students attending EHS may stop by the main office to complete an application and verify their identification. You will then be provided a sign-on and password information. Note: In order to access HAC, a user needs a working computer, Internet access and a web browser. If you lose or misplace your sign-on and password information, you can stop by the main office to complete a new application. The information will be printed out and sent home in a sealed envelope with your son/daughter. Phone requests for this information cannot be processed because photo identification must be verified. Thank you to all of the parents who have signed up for Home Access Center (HAC). You now have access to your child’s school information such as demographics, medical, transportation, contacts, schedule, attendance, discipline, Interim Progress Reports, report cards and live grade book. Mark Your Calendars Nov 21-Dec 5 Online sign-up for Parent/Teacher Conferences ~ See EHS Website for link Nov 24-25 Thanksgiving Holiday—School Closed Nov 28 School Open—Regular day of school Dec 3 PMEA District Band & Orchestra Auditions at Parkland High School Dec 3 SAT & Subject Tests, 8:00 a.m. Dec 6 EHS Winter Choral Concert, 7:30 p.m. Dec 8 EHS Parent-Teacher Conferences, 6:00 p.m. ~ 8:00 p.m. Dec 9 EHS Band Concert, 7:00 p.m. Dec 16 EHS 11 a.m. Dismissal Dec 16 EHS Winter Orchestra Concert, 7:00 p.m. Dec 22 EHS Improv Night, 6:30 p.m. Dec 23 EHS 11 a.m. Dismissal Dec 24-Jan 1 Winter Break—School Closed Jan 11 EHS Guidance Information Night for Incoming Freshman, 6:30 p.m. Jan 12 EHS Financial Aid Night, 6:30 p.m. Jan 12-14 PMEA District Band Jan 16 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day—School Closed (Possible Snow Make-up Day) Jan 20, 23-24 Mid-Term Exams Jan 25 End of 2nd Marking Period Jan 26-28 PMEA District Chorus Feb 9-11 PMEA District Orchestra Page 2 AWESOME EHS ALUMNI YOU WERE HERE ! You walked the halls of Emmaus High School. You lugged books around in a “book bag”. You carried your girlfriend’s books to class. You hated gym class, especially when they taught ballroom dancing. Lunch was at the same time everyday for everyone & you anxiously waited for it when you could cross the street & eat at Kaldy’s Luncheonette or go uptown to Dundore’s to grab a hot dog. You went to the noontime dances in the gym. You wondered if your science project would embarrass you. You wanted to get at least get a passing grade at the science fair. You sang songs on the band bus & wore your majorette boots to school on game days. You listened to “John Phillip Sousa” march music at the football games instead of Broadway music. You communicated with each other by meeting in the hall after class & not with a cell phone. from the experience of being a Green Hornet. You were here…..now you are there….with a bucketful of treasures, ambitions, trials, errors, falls, trips, successes and achievements. This column seeks to find you! We will be focusing on the achievements of the Awesome EHS Green Hornet Alumni. The concept is that we want to boast of the significant life experiences and goals achieved by alumni to share with current students, showing them that they too can soar if they just stick with it, listen to the guidance from their teachers, work hard, and follow their dreams. If you have anything you would like to include in this column, please contact us. Info is also sought on contact numbers, email addresses, etc. Photos to scan are helpful as well. Go back as far as you like….EHS grads from the 30’s, 40’s, 50’s, 60’s, when the school was housed in the old Jefferson building (Allen Heller, Principal) as well as recent grads would be treat for us to share. Items such as who became a doctor, Mother of the Year, is in the movies, sings with a band, dances on Broadway, is a successful artist, playwright, wrote a book, ran for PresiYou went to a school assembly and the dent, or became a shoe designer (this kid was probably entire high school population drawing in class instead of focusing on classwork). All could fit in the auditorium at the same time. accomplishments are great, not only those that garnered You had one principal, one assistant principal, one guid- national recognition. Alumni may be living or not. ance counselor, Let’s get this started, folks. We look forward to hearing & one home/school visitor who would keep you on track. from all of you. Some of you liked school…..some of you didn’t Contact: Joann Litzenberger at and could not wait to get out. jlitzenberger@eastpennsd.org or In spite of everything, you took something positive call 610-965-1650 Ext 21506 School Board Approves Change to the 2011-12 School Calendar At the October 10, 2011 Board of School Directors Meeting, the East Penn Board of School Directors approved the following change to the 2011-12 school calendar: From: Monday, November 28th Schools Closed To: Monday, November 28th Schools Open - Regular School Day Thomas L. Seidenberger, Ed. D. Superintendent of East Penn School District Page 3 Congratulations Andrew Licini, EHS Student, earns 2011 NCTE Achievement Award in Writing We are pleased to announce that Andrew Licini, 12th grade student at EHS, has been selected as one of the recipients of the 2011 NCTE (National Council of Teachers of English) Achievement Award in Writing. A total of 1,649 juniors were nominated by their schools to participate in the 2011 program with 520 chosen as outstanding writers. All students and the EHS English department receive a certificate of commendation. Marissa Laliberte Honored The Education Committee of the General Federation of Women's Clubs PA of Emmaus honored senior Marissa Laliberte last month for her outstanding work in student journalism. Laliberte, the daughter of Richard and Rachelle Laliberte of Lower Macungie Township, was chosen based on her strong talents as a writer and editor. Each year, the club honors a student journalist who demonstrates exceptional journalistic skills, responsibility, and initiative. Club members recognized Laliberte during an Oct. 24 meeting at St. John's Lutheran Church on Chestnut Street in Emmaus. Laliberte serves as editor-in-chief of The Stinger, the student-run newspaper. Previously, she served as managing editor of the paper's features section. She is in her fourth year of journalism at Emmaus High School. September 2011 “Students of the Month” Art Department – Brianna Basile – 11th Grade Computer & Business Applications Department – Zachary Klan – 12th Grade English Department – Leah Nosek – 9th Grade ESL – Richa Ardeshna – 10th Grade Family & Consumer Science Department – Cassandra Gaumer – 12th Grade Mathematics Department – Violet Jones – 12th Grade Computer Science – Nathaniel Benjamin – 12th Grade Music Department – Jessica Zelenak – 12th Grade Science Department – Olivia Chehouri – 10th Grade Social Studies Department – Sasha Fadler – 12th Grade Tech Education Department – Damon Barreca – 12th Grade Wellness/Fitness/Driver Ed. Department: Wellness/Fitness – Helena Holmgren – 10th Grade Health – Sarah Kerestes – 10th Grade World Language Department – Carissa Lee – 12th Grade Commitment to Academic Excellence – Victoria Mosher – 11th Grade LTS (Learning to Succeed) – Samantha Weller – 12th Grade Page 4 Congratulations To: World Language Honor Society Induction Ceremony Held on October 6, 2011 at Emmaus High School 2011-2012 New Honor Society Members Congratulations to the following students: FRENCH HONOR SOCIETY Societe Honorarire de Francais Bender, Autumn Berghold, Sarah L. Brown, Dale E. Brusseler, Melanie Bryan, Aislinn G. Capehart, Laura Cilento, Christina DeCresi, Rachel Domyan, Hathryn Dunn, Sadie Edmonds, Parker Fang, Thomas Fletcher, Lydia Freyman, Sarah Fritzinger, Rachel Green, Kassidy Hamati, Jacquelyn Han, Ji Hershman, Nicole Joshi, Asmita Kazmierski, Sarah M. Lievre, Kyle Lin, Jessica McGrath, Jillian Murad, Mitcharde Perkins, Benjamin Reibman, Sarah L. Reverie, Timothy Schaeffer, Alaina M. Schlosser, Kiley Schoenly, Tayllor J. Smolinski, Elizabeth Truong, Thu Minh Tyson, Nicole A. Young, Molly Zhang, Rui LATIN HONOR SOCIETY Association for the preservation of the study of Latin Associationem ad promovendum stadium latinum Dodd-O, Juliet Gehris, Tyler Gilbert, Bittani Neely, Christopher Schanz, Christopher Sommons, Gillian Wait, Evan GERMAN HONOR SOCIETY DELTA EPSILON PHI Deutsche Ehrenverbindung Bean, Sophie Cichocki, Megan Daichendt, Gordon Earnshaw, Katherine Folsom, Jacqueline Frey, Marissa Hegel, Markus Lanshe, Michelle A. Light, Joshua Miller, Joshua Schoener, Zachary Swayser, Brianna Marie Webb, Emily SPANISH HONOR SOCIETY Sociedad Honoraria Hispanica Capiltulo Miro Abidi, Ellya Bacon, Kelsey Bast, Nicholas Berrigan, Aubrey Blest, Savannah Borger, Zachary Brndjar, Daniel Brown, Tyler S. Calissi, Kaetlyn Cawley, Terence Cole, Jessica Cope, Adrea Cronauer, Ryan Dalai, Ruchi DeCrop, Clement Edelman, Charles Erle, Laura Fonseca, Alessandra Fullerton, Andie Gennaro, Gregory D. Gigler, Steven Grabowski, Jansen Groh, Patrick Hanover, Kayla Hobson, Finn Houghton, Allison K. Iobst, Taylor Paige Jaeger, Ryan A. Jaffer, Zahra Johnson, Courtney Joshi, Pooja Kehm, Alyssa N. Kerr, Kendall Krause, Nicholas Larsen, David Leayman, Emily Lebron, Shelby Leitner-Cohen, Alexis E. Li, Harvey Lim, Jeremy Lukoff, Elizabeth Lukoff, Elizabeth Maake, Connor Martignetti, Melinda McConnell, Shannon Muller, Carly Newbegin, Alexander Osterwald, Gwendolyn Parikh, Devon Pavlova, Anastasia Peluso, Haley R. Philips, Shannon Rachman, Michael Reibman, Sarah L. Ross, Robert Schaeffer, Francesca Schwartz, Samantha Shiffert, Jessica Smudde, Brenna Sosnow, Austin Tannous, Derek J. Tatikola, Neeraj K. Tuazon, Karol Urrutia, Christian Villalba, Kaylee Wolf, Angela M. Workman, Seth Zukowski, Isaiah Congratulations! Page 5 Counseling SATs The SAT and SAT Subject Tests will be administered at Emmaus High School on the following dates during the 2011-12 school year: FROM THE OFFICE OF: December 3, 2011 @ 8:00 am March 10, 2012 (No Subject Tests on this date) May 5, 2012 Financial Aid Workshop On Thursday January 12, 2012, the Emmaus High School counseling office will host a financial aid workshop. Stephen Cassel, student financial services director at Cedar Crest College will be speaking to parents, guardians and students about FAFSA, the financial aid and the application process. The program will begin promptly at 6:30 PM in the high school auditorium. Monthly Scholarship Newsletters The EHS monthly scholarship newsletters are posted on the high school website under “Counseling” (see link below). Hard copies are available in counseling for those with limited computer access. http://www.eastpennsd.org/ehs/counseling/_Scholarship%20Newsletters/index.php PSAT/NMSQT The PSAT/NMSQT results will be distributed to students in December. When students receive their scores, they will have the opportunity to view a video explaining how to read the score report and how to log in to My College QuickStart. My College QuickStart is a personalized online college planning kit, which is free of charge to all students who took the PSAT/NMSQT in October. This program offers several online tools that help students improve their skills, prepare for the SAT, and plan for college and careers. Nurse REMINDER FROM THE NURSE’S OFFICE PARENTS OF JUNIORS: All 11th grade students need a physical exam this year. Your child received a form for his/her physician to complete in the spring of 2011. Completed forms were due by the end of September, 2011. If your child has had a working paper physical or a driver's permit physical completed after the first day of their 10th grade year, another physical is not required. However, you must submit a copy of the physical exam to the Office of the School Nurse. Please remind your son or daughter to return completed physical forms to the nurse as soon as possible. Completed forms may also be faxed to 610-966-8449. Page 6 Attendance PHONE CALL-OUT SYSTEM: All students who are late or absent will receive a phone call from the school. A phone call is made whenever a student is not present in school, including college visits, fieldtrips, etc. If you have sent in an excuse and/or the proper forms, please consider it a courtesy call. FROM THE OFFICE OF: EARLY DISMISSAL REQUESTS: Please submit all early dismissal notes prior to homeroom. Be sure there is a reason on all notes. Please include ID #, full name, dismissal time, date, and a guardian’s signature on each note. TRIP REQUESTS: A trip request/college visit form must be submitted five days prior to the trip (except in an emergency). Completed forms must be brought to the student’s assistant principal’s office. ABSENCE/LATE ARRIVAL NOTES: Both must be received in the attendance office within 3 days of a student’s return to school. Notes should include full name, ID #, dates, and the signature, as represented on the signature card. However, in the case of a long term absence (5 days or more), a doctor's note is required within that five day period. If possible, notes may be faxed to the attendance office at 484-519-3932. STUDENTS ARRIVING LATE TO SCHOOL: Please drop your son/daughter off at the auditorium door (#8) if he/she is arriving after 7:20 am. At 9:49 am, the door is locked. Please ring the bell to be admitted; then proceed directly to the attendance office to sign in. If you drop your child at the main office, he/she will not be let in. He/she must sign-in at the attendance office. STUDENTS WITH DRIVER’S TRAINING: If your child has driver’s training, they will be marked “Unexcused” for the period by their classroom teacher. At the end of each day, attendance for driver training classes is sent to the attendance office. The NEXT DAY, the “Unexcused” absence will be updated for that class period with “Present. Driver training”. Please allow 3 days before calling the attendance office if there is still a question. Attendance Office: Telephone Number ~ 610-965-1661 / Fax Number ~ 484-519-3932 Main Office Telephone Number: 610-965-1650 Fax Number: 610-967-2198 Hours during the school-year: Monday thru Friday, 7:00 a.m. ~ 4:00 p.m. Working Paper Hours start at 8:00 a.m. Note: The main office follows the EPSD calendar and will be closed during holidays. The main office is located on Macungie Avenue (the entrance with the flag poles). There is a “1” over the doorway. Visitors: Please be prepared to show photo identification. Working Papers (Hours are from 8:00 am ~ 4:00 pm): Please remember that a parent/guardian must come in person to begin the process. You must bring the original of one of the following: birth certificate, baptismal certificate or passport for the student who is applying for working papers. Vacation Permit for minors up to the age of 15: This permit is good for one employer. The student must re-apply for a new permit each time he/she gets a new job. Note: The parent only has to come in person for the initial/first application. After that, the student may come to the main office and ask for a new application because his/her information is already on file. (Continued on Page 8) Page 7 Main Office (Continued) (Continued from page 7) FROM THE OFFICE OF: Transferable Permit for minors age 16 ~ 18: This permit allows the minor to gain employment multiple times without having to re-apply each time they obtain a new job. The permit is retained by the minor and shown to the employer each time they get a new job. Please see complete details at EHS website at: http://www.eastpennsd.org/ehs/Administration/Working%20Papers.html CONTACTING YOUR CHILD DURING SCHOOL HOURS: If you need to contact your child with important information that cannot wait until after school, please DO NOT TEXT OR CALL YOUR CHILD ON HIS/HER CELL PHONE. Doing so may result in your child receiving discipline for using his/her cell phone during school hours (see our website for complete discipline information). Instead, you may call the main office and the staff will be happy to instruct your child to contact you. There is a phone in the main office available for student use. SAP ~ Student Assistance Program What is SAP? The SAP team is here to help you access school and community services for your child. The program identifies issues that pose a barrier to a student's learning and school success. Student Assistance Programs are state mandated in all secondary schools in Pennsylvania. How does the program work? When someone recognizes any change in behavior that impacts student success, his/her name is referred to the SAP team. A referral may come from any of the following individuals: a counselor, an administrator, a teacher, a parent, or another student. Students may also refer themselves. If deemed necessary, a call is made home so that parents can be invited to a meeting to discuss the concerns. What happens at the meeting? Team members meet and explain the concerns to parents. Parents are presented with a variety of options to help their child. If parents are interested in the program, then a consent form is signed. The team can begin to assist the student to overcome the barriers that he/she is experiencing. What are the benefits of the Student Assistance Program? To help foster a team approach to problem solving To enhance positive school experiences for all students To provide support for parents and students Do you see your child showing any of these behaviors? Withdrawing from family, friends, and/or school Depressed or anxious Defying authority, both at home and at school Acting aggressively Lying Needing money without an explanation Sudden drop in grades Experimenting with drugs or alcohol If you are concerned about your child, please contact the SAP team at 610-965-1650 ext. 21926 to discuss your concerns. You may also contact a counselor for help. Page 8 EHS Winter Choral Concert December 6, 2011 7:30 pm ~ EHS Auditorium Please join us on Tuesday, December 6, 2011, at 7:30 PM in the EHS auditorium for a free evening of music. The evening will include performances by the EHS Concert Choir, Women's Choir, Select Choir, Chorale, AccaBella, the girls a cappella group, and Fermata Nowhere, the boys a cappella group. EHS Chorus Students selected for PMEA District 10 Chorus The following students auditioned on October 17, 2011, at Parkland High School for the Pennsylvania Music Educators Associations (PMEA) District 10 Chorus and were selected to participate: Soprano 1 Kathryn Domyan Breanna Galante Megnot Toggia Gwendolyn Osterwald Amber Coe Althea Khoo Soprano 2 Logan Beck Mary Hovanic Syndie Keddington Effe Draklellis Courtney Johnson Alessandra Fonseca Alto 1 Christina McGee Lauren Teague Sadie Dunn Molly Lichtenwalner Laura Erle Alto 2 Jacqui Hamati Christina Cilento Deanna Grundler Mattea Pechter Jordan Biery Bass 1 Mason Trinkle Wesley Clerge Tyler Brown Christian Urrutia Bryce Haines Tenor 1 Andrew Licini Michael Rachman Marshall Winston Jordan Frank Bass 2 Robert Lamb Theodor Swanson Zachary Petrovich Isaiah Zukowski Anthony Sharp Tenor 2 Kameron Gehman Micah Vinovskis Sawyer Long Dominnic Panunto Students will perform at Bangor Area High School January 26-28, 2012. Page 9 Drama Department News Kid to Kid and the drama department are running a Joe Corbi's pizza fundraiser through January 2nd. Please help support the arts and anti-drug outreach organizations at EHS. See a Kid to Kid or drama department member to order your pizza kit, cookie dough, or specialty items today! EHS Fall Marching Band Wrap-Up The EHS Marching Band concluded its 2011 season on Saturday, November 5th, at the United States Scholastic Band Association Pennsylvania State Championships at West Chester University. The band placed 2nd with a score of 89.15 (this is the highest score for Emmaus in the last seven years). The band was also awarded Best Overall Effect and Best Percussion for their classification. Throughout the season the band has also competed at Central Bucks South High School on Saturday, October 1, at Easton High School on Wednesday, October 5, and at Allen High School on Wednesday, October 26. Mr. Denmead and all 108 band members would like to thank the EHS community for their support throughout the season as they continue to grow and improve. Upcoming dates for the band & orchestra: PMEA District Band & Orchestra Auditions are December 3, 2011 PMEA District Band at Nazareth HS January 12-14, 2012 PMEA District Orchestra at Emmaus & Parkland HS February 9-11, 2012 EHS Art Students Take Manhattan! The Level II & III art students and AP Studio art students have been given the opportunity to participate in a NYC art trip on December 1, 2011. They will enjoy the day sightseeing at the New Museum and the MoMa (Museum of Modern Art), dining in Times Square and ending the day by seeing Voca People (an intergalactic musical theater event). The trip will be led by our incredible faculty from the art department. Page 10 Thank you, Seniors! Thank you to all the seniors who sold Save Around coupon books for the class of 2012 fundraiser. Those who sold one or more books will receive a coupon for a discounted senior ball ticket. The Senior Ball is scheduled for Saturday, April 28, 2012. Attention Juniors The spirit cups and popcorn sold by the class of 2013 are expected to arrive a couple days before Thanksgiving. An announcement will be made as soon as we are given the date. Also, keep listening for more information regarding the junior prom committee. The first meeting will be held Wednesday, November 30, after school in Room 419. The junior prom will take place on May 5, 2012 (1st Saturday of the month) at the Rodeway Inn Conference Center at Routes 22 and 309. Attention Sophomores Thanks to everyone who participated in our holiday fundraiser. Please keep an eye out for class of 2014 t-shirt order forms. They will be distributed during homeroom soon. EHS Interact Club “Thinks Pink” WE THINK PINK! In honor of breast cancer awareness month, the EHS Interact Club donated its time by selling donor cards during all lunches for one week in October. The EHS school store donated 10% of its sales for one week in October. The combined effort raised $233.00, all of which was given to the Susan G. Komen for the Cure foundation. Thank you to the faculty, staff, and students who made this possible through support, purchases, and donations. Page 11 Congratulations to the Astronomy Club Winners of the third annual Club Fair Trophy! Club Fair was held during Meet the Teacher Night on September 29, 2011. Advisor: Andrew McConville, Science Teacher at EHS Club of Emmaus High School We did it again! The American Red Cross Club of Emmaus High School hosted its second annual blood drive on November 9th at the high school. The club’s first blood drive had a tremendous turnout of 100 successful blood donations last year, and this year about 140 donors signed up. The club hopes to continue this activity for next year and many more years to come. All proceeds from this blood drive went to the American Red Cross chapter of the Greater Lehigh Valley and then were given to anyone who needed the gift of life. Many Red Cross Club members donated blood and volunteered at the blood drive for the day; they are what made this activity great! This particular blood drive was also an excellent opportunity for all donors and volunteers to show their gratitude and thankfulness, especially with Thanksgiving right around the corner. Thanks to all who donated and volunteered--you gave the gift of life and the Red Cross Club appreciates your support! If you are interested in joining the Red Cross Club, see American Red Cross Advisor, Diane Sherwood in Room 567 and add the American Red Cross Club Facebook Page at: http:// www.facebook.com/groups/ehsredcrossyo/. Peer Tutor Program The peer tutor program, coordinated by Mr. Grabfelder and led by President Carly Griesel, works in conjunction with the National Honor Society. The tutor program is designed to help students succeed academically by providing study skills, test taking skills, and content centered tutoring by members of the National Honor Society. Students seeking help in any subject area are encouraged to complete a tutor request form. Forms are located in the tutor room (560), library, or on the school web site. Request forms are to be returned to the tutor room. For more information, please contact Mr. Grabfelder at dgrabfelder@eastpennsd.org. Page 12 Key Club News Heemali Kamdar, Key Club Editor As students gear up for the incoming cold weather, Key Club prepared for a busy fall season. The club continued to sell labels for gently used books that they later distribute to various elementary schools through Cops N’ Kids. Club members successfully sold about 200 labels during football games as students, teachers, and parents wrote their names and a kind message for each child who received a book. Emmaus’s Key Club also raised money by organizing a Key Club Yard Sale. The officers and members brought in old items from home to sell to the Emmaus community on a sunny weekend. Along with selling labels, Emmaus Key Club helped Cops N’ Kids during their Iron Pigs Suites and Treats event, where members and officers dressed up for the underprivileged kids. They assisted the kids in picking out books from the large assortment they collected for them, while the children went around to different suites for multiple Halloween activities. The following week, the DaVinci Science Center hosted the same type of event, and our dedicated members helped out there as well. Lehigh Valley Cops N’ Kids president, Beverly Bradley, said that she had never seen a better group from Emmaus’s Key Club in all her years of being involved. Our club also volunteered at the Cedarbrook Nursing Home Walk to help raise awareness for the home in Allentown. Members helped in setting up the walk, preparing water and food, and entertaining the walkers. Also, our Kiwanis Club reached out to our members to help with the Kiwanis Roadside Cleanup. Another event the club enjoyed was Miracle League. Miracle League allowed Key Club members to be paired up with disabled children and run the bases at the Miracle League baseball field. The event lasted through the evening as Key Clubbers and kids mingled with food, activities, music, and baseball. We have also participated in weekly babysitting for the Eyer Middle School child care program, where we watched the kids as the parents attended PTO meetings at the middle school. The month of October has been busy, but an incredibly fun time for Key Club, as the Emmaus members and officers begin to step up their game in serving our community. Emmaus High School students are joining Sue Brown, a former teacher of the gifted in the East Penn School District, in an effort to create a strong support system for the people living in the Pimampiro region of the northern Andes of Ecuador. Mountains of Hope (www.mtnsofhope.org) is an organization that successfully promotes programs to provide educational enrichment, cultural exchange, and sustainable community development for the children and people of Ecuador. This club believes that education is a lifelong gift that empowers people to ultimately break the cycle of poverty and provides sustainable benefits for their families, communities, environment and future generations. Throughout the year, the Mountains of Hope Club will put together various fundraising events to raise money to help support the people of Pimampiro. In addition to fundraising, we hope to establish a pen-pal letter exchange between our students here at EHS and the students in Ecuador. The Mountains of Hope organization serves as a bridge of sharing and creative collaboration between U.S. communities and Pimampiro, Ecuador. The Mountains of Hope Club here at EHS aims to help others less fortunate and ultimately play a role in breaking the cycle of poverty. New members are always welcome! If you are interested in joining or have any questions, visit Ms. Jessica Dischley (Room 331) or Mr. Brian Parish (Room 320). Listen to ETV to find out the date of our next meeting! Page 13 Academic Scrimmage Team for 2011-2012 The Channel 39 Scholastic Scrimmage team composed of Devon Reinert, captain, Caleb Clever, Tim Su, Neeraj Tatikola, and alternates Brit Gilbert and Asim Viqar had their first match with Wilson on October 5, 2011. The team won 145 to 135 in sudden death overtime. The match will air on Saturday, November 12 at 10:00 and Sunday, November 13 at 10:30 and 4:30. Congratulations to the following students who have been selected as the Academic/ Scholastic Scrimmage Team for 2011-12 Caleb Clever Thomas Fang Britttani Gilbert Ryan Jaeger Andrew Licini Devon Reinert Neerja Tatikola Eric Dai Harry Gao Ji Han Neil Khana Harvey Li Timothy Su Asim Viqar EHS Hiking Club 2011-2012 The EHS hiking club went to the Trexler Nature Preserve for its first hike of the season on Saturday, October 1. Despite rainy weather, the club members completed a vigorous hike and saw some elk and bison. The next hike is scheduled for the beginning of November. We meet monthly in Room 237. Watch the morning announcements for information about the next meeting. Madame Fedorov is the advisor for the hiking club and Tierney Noreika is the president. (L-R) Caroline Smith, Mason Trinkle, Taylor Stenroos and Julia Samuels. Page 14 Math Tutoring The math department teachers offer math tutoring for all students during most periods of the school day. Students may check schedules posted in all of the math classrooms to determine room locations for tutoring sessions. The students may obtain pre-signed passes from their math teachers, or they can get a pass to the tutoring locations from their study hall teachers. Each math teacher works with his/her students, but this math tutoring schedule offers an alternative for students when they cannot match their schedules with their classroom teachers. UPDATED Math Help Room Period 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Teacher See Guidance Counselor to sign up for Peer Tutoring Mr. Geist Mrs. Wagner Mrs. Teles-Carl Mrs. Porzuczek-Melin Mr. Geist Mr. Burkhardt Mrs. Harakal Mrs. Stoudt Location Guidance 357 361 365 366 357 358 369 366 (1st Semester Schedule) Updated 10/14/11 EHS Interact Club News From June 17 to June 20, seniors Kevin Black and Allissa Delhagen attended Camp Neidig, a leadership camp designed to bring together talented high school students. It's a weekend packed with new friends, fun, and team-building activities. The campers were also given the opportunity to listen to many inspirational guest speakers throughout the weekend. At the end of camp, a closing ceremony was held. When the weekend began, nobody seemed to know one another; however, by the end, campers formed lifelong friendships. Kevin and Allissa are the president and secretary of the EHS Interact club, respectively. The Emmaus Rotary Club generously sponsored their attendance at the camp. Page 15 2011 National USMC High School Fitness Meet Highlights May 18—22, 2011 @ MCRD, San Diego, California Fitness dynasty continues with more titles By: Lou Rusnock, Sports Editor East Penn Press August 24, 2011 The last time Emmaus’ girls won four straight national titles was from 1991-1995, when the team captured five straight crowns. The field hockey team and its 10 state titles maybe. Or perhaps the swimming team, which has brought several PIAA trophies to the school. Even the boys and girls soccer teams have had their moments of glory, and the lacrosse teams seem to be headed down a similar path. O’Donnell led the team to its ninth national crown and 2373 points, besting Upper Darby and South Bronx. The previous Emmaus high was 2368 in 1996. Sophomore Alex Fruhwirth led the girls, and the competition, taking first place with 408 points. Meghan Melnick, the top senior girl, finished fourth with 368 points. Freshman Carmela Adamo and sophomores Lindsay Bray and Brielle Weida were fifth, sixth and seventh, respectively. Five of the top six scores count and the team’s sixth competitor, another freshman, Emma Shubzda finished 14th overall. “When the whistle went it was like he was shot out of a cannon,” Gibbs said. “He lept up about five feet in the air when he got his time. The more experienced boys team was even more impressive, setting a new records for points that inWhen you think powerhouse athletic programs at Em- cluded a perfect performance by senior Jake O’Donmaus, there are several that come to mind. nell. O’Donnell, a runner-up to Nino Adamo a year ago, was flawless in three other meets this season and delivered again at nationals. He scored 500 points, But on a national level, none of those teams have had getting the maximum of 100 in each event. the success of the fitness team, which raised its national title count to 20 this spring, when the boys and To earn a perfect score, competitors must complete 100 sit-ups in two minutes, 60 pushups in two mingirls each claimed crowns in San Diego in late May. utes, jump nine feet, 10 inches in three attempts, 30 The girls title was their fourth in a row and 11th over- pull-ups in two minutes and complete a 300-yard all. Their score of 1844 was the second highest in shuttle run—five runs of 60 yards—in under 44 secthe history of the National High School Physical Fitonds. ness Championships, held annually at the Marine Corps Recruiting Depot. Only the 1998 Hornet team In the last event, the shuttle run, O’Donnell posted a 49.87 to seal his perfect score. was better. The team was missing Sam Fruhwirth, who opted for the prom over the trip to California for the national meet. With her, head coach George Gibbs believes this year’s team would have been able to set the record for the most points ever. “Even without Meghan Melnick, our senior, we would have beaten the second place team by a few points,” Gibbs said. “Youth is on our side and they all have a few more years. I don’t think I’ve had two freshman on a team and certainly not five freshmen and sophomores. “We’ve had some talent, but not like this. It’s really a great assembly line.” “Last year you could see the dejection, the slumped shoulders, but this year was the opposite. I’d rank him up there with the best that we’ve had.” O’Donnell’s 500 is a mark that won’t ever be broken, topping Elizer Torres’ 499 score from the 2009 meet. O’Donnell talked to Torres on the phone during the awards ceremony. In mid-June, O’Donnell enlisted in the Marine Corps and headed to Parris Island in South Carolina. His younger brother, Sam, was the second highest finisher for the Hornets, scoring 478 points for third place. Adam, last year’s champ, was fourth with 475. Senior Steve McCabe had 461 for eighth place and Kyler McGovern, a junior, scored 459 for 10th. Junior Dante Downey, the sixth member of the team had 443, placing 16th. (Continued on Page 17) Page 16 Fitness Meet Highlights (Continued) (Continued from Page 16) Hotel del Coronado, Old Town and Horton Plaza. Additionally, the boys ‘B’-team, which runs a preliminary meet, scored an unofficially 2175, which would have been good enough for fifth in the “A’ team meet. The team was the best at the preliminary meet. For many of the members of the team, the bonding experience trumps the national accolades. Will Martinez, a freshman, was the top finisher overall scoring 451. The next four Emmaus boys finished third through sixth. They included sophomore Chris Picarello (439), sophomore Cam Krieger (430), junior Nate Tannous (429) and sophomore Devon Parikh (426). The team spent several days in San Diego, exploring famous parts of the city like Coronado Island and the “The actual fitness aspect of it wasn’t as important as people I met,” Meghan Melnick said. “Gibbs is a really good coach, role model and has our best interests at heart.” “He brings all these crazy teens together and I know I won’t lose touch with these people. Sure, its good to stay healthy, but the relationships we form are just as important to me.” Rusnock, Lou. "Fitness Dynasty Continues with More Titles." The East Penn Press [Emmaus] 24 Aug. 2011. Print. EHS Fitness Team in San Diego, California May 2011 EHS LATE BUS Tuesday & Thursday Departs EHS at approximately 3:20 PM Students must sign up in the Main Office by 10:30 AM to use the late bus. Students are participating in after school activities (i.e. detention, school sanctioned clubs or testing) are eligible for this service, and their attendance and/or participation is verified. Students are not permitted to use the bus for any other reason. Once a student leaves school property, he/she is not allowed to return to school to take the bus. Discipline referrals will be given to students who do not adhere to this policy. Page 17 EHS Celebrates 3rd Annual Computer Science Education Emmaus High School, along with the entire East Penn School District, will celebrate Computer Science Education Week from December 5 – 9. The U.S. House of Representatives recognizes this week nationally in order to highlight the importance of this field in the 21st century. The future of our entire society depends on having well-trained people who can develop new technologies, not just people who know how to use them. One statistic shows that 11 percent of all projected job openings today will need to be filled by only 2 percent of all 2010 grads. The US Department of Commerce forecasts that between 2008 and 2018, network systems and data communications analysts positions are projected to grow 53.4%. Jobs for computer software engineers for applications have a projected 34% growth, and systems software developer jobs will see a 30.4% growth. Emmaus High School has always had a strong computer science curriculum, but many students opt to take applications courses instead of programming courses to meet their requirements. Whether students choose to major in the field of computer science or not, students with some computer science background will have more job opportunities than those without. In order to raise greater awareness this year than in the past, we are planning to have a Computer Science Showcase on Thursday, December 8, 2011 from 8:00-9:00 PM, immediately following parent/teacher conferences. There will be 4 areas available for you to interact and observe computer science in action: Room 354 – There will be 25 middle-level and high school students demonstrating the best programs they have written. They will include examples of Visual BASIC, Java, Python, Scratch, Alice, GameMaker, C#, etc. Room 357 - Computer science professionals who live in our community will be available to demonstrate or discuss projects they have worked on, or new technologies they are currently developing, and the educational backgrounds that they have. Please contact Ms. Carlen Blackstone at cblackstone@eastpennsd.org if you are willing to participate. Room 353 – We will celebrate Admiral Grace Murray Hopper’s Birthday, which was December 9, 1906. with birthday cake and beverages. We’ll also remember the incredible legacy that Steve Jobs had. Both of them were true pioneers in the field. Handouts will be available. Students will also be available to assist with the use of cell phones, Ipods, IPads, etc. Semicircle lobby - The Robotics Club will use the lobby area to demonstrate tasks that programmable robots can do. They compete in regional and international tournaments every year and have done quite well in the past. The students in the club are using RobotC which is a GUI version of the C language as well as ProE and Autodesk, which are CAD programs that create virtual environments. We are hoping that every student in the district is given the opportunity sometime during that week to see how computer science is needed for any field of study in which he/she may be interested. (Continued on page 19) Page 18 (Continued from page 18) Younger students will be exposed to this exciting field of study. Many stereotypes exist that deter students instead of encouraging them. Exposure will include classroom activities, videos, classroom discussion, or simply handing out information. Two former EHS grads were recently hired by Google, and many others have made major contributions in this field over the years. Nine current students (Andrew Licini, Nikolaus Salvatore, Taylor Loz, Ben Overholts, John Janny, Nate Benjamin, Chris Hersh, Matt Gutterman, and Derek Weber) recently participated in a regional computer competition at Widener University, and six of them also competed at Harrisburg Area Community College. All computer science students finished Contest 1 of the American Computer Science League’s international problem solving and programming contest. The results were not available yet for inclusion in this newsletter, but last year Emmaus qualified for the All-Star Contest in May and was one interpretation mistake away from finishing 1st place in the world. With this special emphasis each year, we hope that many more students will graduate from Emmaus with some background in how to program a computer and possibly pursue this lucrative, much needed, and ever-changing field of study. Please encourage your sons and daughters who are good at problem solving, mathematics, and/or science to consider taking as many courses as they can before they graduate. EHS Spanish Club Celebrates Day of the Dead On Thursday, October 20, fifteen students from the Emmaus High School Spanish Club visited Mrs. Merrill’s and Mrs. Van Ormer’s third grade classes at Willow Elementary School to do an activity for Día de los Muertos. Día de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead, is a Mexican holiday in which the lives of those who have passed away are celebrated. Before October 20, both teachers had already read a book about Day of the Dead to their classes, so when the Spanish Club arrived, the students were ready to share all that they had learned. Each high school student paired up with several third graders to make pasta skeletons. Both the older and the younger students had a great time. Some of the pasta skeletons were very creative, including dancing skeletons and one doing a cartwheel! October 20 was an afternoon filled with fun and learning about Día de los Muertos for both the third grade classes and the Emmaus High School Spanish Club. Page 19 Emmaus High School Parent Volunteer Group STEP Barnes & Noble Bookfair supporting Emmaus High School After Ball Program Saturday, December 10, 2011 Barnes & Noble 2960 Center Valley Parkway ID Code: 10405744 Please present this voucher prior to making your purchase. A percentage of the net sale will be donated to your school/organization.* *The purchase of gift cards, Barnes & Noble memberships, textbooks, magazine subscriptions, video games, purchase made at Cafes owned and operated by Starbucks, and other items Barnes & Noble may exclude from time to time in its sole discretion are not eligible for bookfair sales. Institutional discounts may not be applied. See BN.COM/bookfairs for more details and to shop online. Support teens of East Penn Please join our EHS parent volunteer group that teams with the EHS Student Government Association, providing alcohol free & drug free activities all school year long. Join us at the Afterball planning meetings. There are several committees available for interested volunteers. MEETINGS: 3rd Monday of the month NEXT MEETING: November 21 @ 6:30 p.m. in Room 353 at EHS AFTERBALL FUNDRAISER: Monday, December 11, Barnes & Noble Booksellers, Promenade Shops, Center Valley. Percentage of EHS sales go to the Afterball. Books, gifts/toys, movies and cafe items Included. Just tell the cashier that you are with Emmaus High School. Can't attend on Dec. 10 at Barnes & Noble? Visit www.BN.com/bookfairs to support us online from 12/10/11 to 12/15/11 by entering Bookfair ID 10405744 at checkout!! Tell you family and friends!! ***GIFT WRAPPING PROVIDED BY STEP MEMBERS*** VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES INCLUDE: Snowball Dance Volunteers: February, 2012 Afterball ticket sales during lunch hours: April, 2012 Afterball volunteers: April 28, 2012 EHS Final Fling: June, 2012 Contact Cherie Burke, STEP President at cheriecrna@aol.com or 484-358-6317 to volunteer. Page 20 Barnes & Noble “Cheesecake Factory” STEP Fundraiser Barnes & Noble is pre-selling Cheesecake Factory cheesecakes for the holidays. 10% of the proceeds will go to STEP (Support Teens of East Penn). Item Godiva Double Chocolate Cheesecake Price $40.00 Original Cheesecake $40.00 Pumpkin Cheesecake $40.00 Ultimate Red Velvet Cheesecake $40.00 Orders must be submitted by November 21, 2011. Cheesecakes will have to be picked up on Saturday, December 10, at Barnes & Noble Booksellers, Promenade Shops, Center Valley. Bring your voucher or code 10405744. Please email your order to: Cherie Burke, STEP President at cheriecrna@aol.com or call 484-358-6317 to place your order. EHS Angel Network The EHS Angel Network provides basic assistance to students in need on an immediate, short-term basis. We believe that ALL high school kids are OUR kids, and we want them to succeed. We are currently collecting food and toiletries for approximately 240 baskets that will be distributed between Thanksgiving and the winter holiday. These baskets are for EHS students whose families are struggling due to extenuating circumstances, such as the loss of a job or a serious illness within the family. The EHS Angel Network committee would like to thank all the generous donors who have given support through food, clothing, and monetary donations. Your generosity and willingness to help the EHS community is greatly appreciated. If you would like to help by making a food or monetary donation, please go to http://www.eastpennsd.org/ehs/, click on Programs, and then click on Angel Network for further information. Students in need of assistance may receive help by contacting their school counselor anytime throughout the school year. The EHS Angel Network is here to assist with school supplies, clothing, personal items, and any other needs that a student may have. All assistance is kept confidential. Page 21 Freshman Lunch ~ A Great Success By: Mr. Fuller, 9th Grade Assistant Principal Fifth period freshman lunch is new to the schedule this year and provides a unique opportunity to connect our freshmen to the community of the school. As a result of careful study of our freshman classes and a commitment to ensuring a smooth transition for them to the high school, all freshmen eat lunch together. A shared freshman lunch period makes an ideal forum to share news with freshmen, get them excited about upcoming events, and help them feel more secure in their first semester here at the high school. One important component of the fifth period lunch is the freshman helpdesk. Staffed by upperclassman, the helpdesk is a place where freshmen can ask other students any questions they wish about life at EHS. The helpdesk is also supplied with bell schedules, special events information, the school announcements for the past five days, school maps, club information, schedules for alternative testing times, peer tutoring information, mid-term information, information on the Student Assistance Program, the EHS Discipline Code, the Program of Studies, the Student Handbook, and the Freshman and Parents Handbook. Over 200 questions have been asked so far this year, and all have been answered. Every student who asks a question at the helpdesk may choose to fill out a raffle ticket. At the beginning of each six-day cycle, a ticket is pulled out of a hat, and that student wins a prize donated by one of EHS’s many student organizations. Freshmen have won the following Q&A Prizes so far: Emmanuel Doelue won a coffee gift card and Emmaus HS mug donated by Interact. Baily Borgois won a Hornet-in-sombrero t-shirt donated by the Spanish club. Jonathan Hammer won a homecoming prize pack donated by The Hornet’s Nest school store. Barry Seng, Marykate Thornton, Lukas Wieder all won Invisible Children t-shirts donated by the Invisible Children Club. “No Place for Hate” T-Shirt donated by No Place for Hate. Once per six-day cycle, freshmen are treated to a special performance. So far, they have listened to a performance of the school alma mater and taken part in a spirit week fashion show. Thanks to the wonderful freshman class for making lunch so successful. Go Hornets! Congratulations to the Latin Club Winners of the first annual Homecoming Parade Spirit Award! Advisor: Tiffany Snyder, Latin Teacher at EHS Page 22 EHS participating in Giant A+ School Rewards Dear Parents: Welcome to the start of a new school year and another year of A+ School Rewards. Starting October 9, 2011 through March 31, 2012, Emmaus High School will have the opportunity to earn cash through Giant A+ School Rewards Program. All you have to do is: Log on to https://www.giantfoodstores.com/aplus/ to “Designate Your School” online OR Dial 1-888-448-4642 to register your card over the phone OR Email cwhite@eastpennsd.org your name, telephone number, email address and card number and we will enter your card for you! After your card is registered, each shopping trip to Giant earns CASH for our school when you use your Bonuscard. Each month, the amount of cash awarded will be updated on Giant’s website. You may track the amount of points you earn for our school by checking your grocery receipt. Our school will receive a check at the end of the program, and the money will be used for the school’s educational needs. Please be sure to register your card to benefit Emmaus High School using ID #03429. Also, don’t forget to encourage your friends and relatives to do the same. UPDATE*** We currently have 126 cards designated to Emmaus High School and have earned $500 for the month of October! Cell Phone Reminder: Students at EHS are not permitted to display or use cell phones from 7:00 am to 2:30 pm (per EHS Discipline Code 234A). The consequence for the first offense is two Saturday morning detentions, and a parent/guardian is required to retrieve the phone from the main office. The policy exists to keep our children safe. We ask for your support in reinforcing this policy. Dave Piperato Principal To view the EHS Discipline Code: http://www.eastpennsd.org/ehs/forms/acadforms/Board%20approved% 20EHS%20Discipline%20Code%202011-12.pdf Page 23 Parent / Teacher Conferences December 8, 2011 6:00—8:00 pm at EHS The parent/teacher conference schedule will again be an online process. The online registration process eliminates unnecessary paper, is in-line with our “Go Green” initiative and gives parents a real-time view of conference availability. In order to sign-up to meet with your child’s teacher(s), you will need your child’s Moodle login information. The moodle website can be accessed under quick links at the East Penn School District or the Emmaus High School web page. After signing on to moodle, you will see a link for the parent/teacher conference schedule. Click this link and follow the directions on this page. Parent/teacher conferences have been changed to a new time. Please note conferences will begin at 6:00 PM and end at 8:00 PM, unless other arrangements have been made with your child’s teacher. The window for signing up for conferences is November 21—December 5, 2011. An Alert Now call and ENews email will be generated by the principal as a reminder prior to this date. If you have any questions or require assistance, please feel free to contact the Emmaus High School main office at 610-965-1650. Please note that the main office will only be able to assist those with NO internet access (verified per your HAC login information on file here at EHS). What is a Hallowed Hornet? Each month faculty and staff members nominate colleagues who they think contribute to a positive and successful school environment. All of the nominees’ names are then placed in a hornet hive designed by Regina Oster, EHS art teacher. At the monthly faculty meeting, Mr. Piperato draws a name from the hive. The winner receives his/ her dream breakfast, delivered personally by Mr. Piperato, and a Hallowed Hornet certificate. September: Jessica Dischley Miss Dischley teaches Spanish II and Spanish III. She also advises the Spanish club and coadvises Mountains of Hope. Miss Dischley earned her BS in Secondary Education from LaSalle University and her MS in Classroom Technology from Wilkes University. In the spring of 2012, she will be awarded her MS in Curriculum and Instruction by Moravian College. If you see or speak to Miss Dischley in the upcoming months, congratulate her on her recent engagement. She is getting married in July of 2012. October: Zachary Fuller Mr. Fuller, this year’s ninth grade assistant principal, is one of the more recent additions to the high school. Before he was hired by the East Penn School District, he was an English teacher in Central Bucks. He taught theater, AP Language and Composition, tenth grade honors, and tenth grade academic classes. He earned his BA in Theater and English Education from the University of Maryland and his MS in Administration and Supervision from Johns Hopkins University. He enjoys running, reading, writing, and spending time with his family, especially his two daughters, who are one and four years old. Page 24 Mid-Term / Final Exam Schedule 2011-2012 Exams will be administered over three days and will follow a period-by-period schedule. Midterm Exams 1/20/12 Day 1 1/23/12 Day 2 1/24/12 Day 3 7:25 – 8:55 Period 1 Period 4 Period 7 9:10 – 10:40 Period 2 Period 5 Period 8 11:30 – 1:00 Period 3 Period 6 Period 9 *Final Exams Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 7:25 – 8:55 Period 9 Period 6 Period 3 9:10 – 10:40 Period 8 Period 5 Period 2 11:30 – 1:00 Period 7 Period 4 Period 1 *Final Exam Dates TBD As always, students are only required to be at school during the times when they have exams and are welcome to arrange their own transportation to and from school. Cafeteria study halls will be provided for students who have free time between exams and/or are unable to arrange alternate transportation. Transportation to school during exam sessions will be provided at normal time. Transportation home will be provided at 1:00 pm. The exception will be when an exam day falls on a Wednesday. On those days, transportation will be provided home at normal time (2:30 PM). Students may find their own transportation home after exams or will be required to attend study hall in the cafeteria between 1:00 PM and the end of the day. Lunch will be available for purchase in the cafeteria each day between 10:40 and 11:30. All day LCTI students will report to LCTI . All other LCTI students will remain at EHS for exams and will not report to LCTI. In the event of a 2 hour delay, exams will be held but on an adjusted schedule. If school is closed, exams will be moved to the following day. Page 25 Emergency Call Out System (AlertNow) East Penn Information Line: 610-966-8480 East Penn School District implemented the Emergency Call Out System (AlertNow) to notify parents and staff of important information relating to East Penn School District and its students. In the event of inclement weather, parents will receive a phone call at approximately 5:30 a.m. regarding the status of the school day. Parents may opt out of the AlertNow System if they send a written note to their child’s school office. Please understand that removal from the systems means you will not receive calls relative to an emergency situation. In the event of inclement weather, the decision to delay openings or close school will be made before 5:30 a.m. by Dr. Seidenberger, Superintendent of Schools. He will then activate the Emergency Call Out System (AlertNow), as well as the website, information line and WFMZ stations. For more information regarding when and how this decision is made, please refer to the district website www.eastpennsd.org. Select the tab “About Us,” and then “Info for Parents” from the drop down menu. On that screen, you will then select “Weather Related Closings.” IS YOUR CHILD GETTING HIS/HER PERMIT? IS HE/SHE 16 OR TURNING 16 SOON? DOES HE/SHE WANT TO TAKE DRIVER TRAINING AT EHS? The time to sign up is now. Go to the EHS webpage, click on the Driver Training link, and then click on the New Registration link. After registering, you will receive an email with the schedules and the details. If you have any questions, see Mr. Seip, Miss Soha, Mr. Breiner, or Mr. Iobst. Page 26 School Closings for Inclement Weather ** Please do not call the district or building administration. ** When extreme weather conditions exist, schools may be closed, or starting times may be delayed. The public is notified through the Emergency Call Out System (AlertNow) and through regular channels by 5:30 AM (radio stations: Soft Rock 100.7; 107.5 Alive; 99.9 The Hawk; Cat Country 96; on television - WFMZ Channel 69; and at www.wfmz.com). The information is also available on the East Penn Information Line at (610) 966-8480. 2-HR DELAYS— 9:23 am homeroom start time We will run a regular scheduled day using shortened periods. DCO Students: Those with Period 4 dismissal do not report to school. All others report and follow delay procedures. LCTI Students: AM LCTI: 11th Grade— Buses depart EHS at 9:35 AM. Buses depart LCTI at normal time (approx 11 AM). Students arrive at EHS at 11:30 and report to the auditorium until the end of period 5. Students will eat lunch period 6. PM LCTI: 9th, 10th & 12th grade — These students are to follow the normal delay schedule. Buses depart EHS at 11:45, and students eat lunch upon arrival to LCTI. Students depart LCTI as normally scheduled. All-Day LCTI: All day LCTI students do not need to report until 9:15 am. At that time, they may take the AM LCTI bus at 9:25 AM. Late Arrival/Early Dismissal Students: Students with late arrival privilege will need to report no later than 10 AM. Students with early dismissal privilege will be excused following period 8. East Penn Board of School Directors: Charles H. Ballard, President Elaine Gannon, Vice President Alan C. Earnshaw Francee Fuller Rebecca Heid Michael Policano Samuel Rhodes, III Terry E. Richwine Julian Stolz Marc S. Fisher, Esq., Solicitor Cecilia R. Birdsell, Board Secretary Lynn Glancy, Treasurer Thomas L. Seidenberger, Ed. D. Superintendent of Schools Page 27 EMMAUS HIGH SCHOOL 500 Macungie Ave. Emmaus, PA 18049-2296 Web Site Address: www.eastpennsd.org/ehs E-mail Addresses: dpiperato@eastpennsd.org Emmaus High School Phone Numbers Main Office Counseling Office – Attendance Office – Athletic Office – Nurse’s Office – 610-965-1650 610-965-1660 610-965-1661 610-965-1670 610-965-1673 Fax Numbers Main Office – Counseling Office – Athletic Office – Nurse’s Office – Attendance Office – 610-967-2198 610-967-5974 610-965-1501 610-966-8449 484-519-3932 Page 28