Q Kat 10zlom.qxd


Q Kat 10zlom.qxd
Little aircraft with a great mission
To the Czech Republic, landlocked far from the seas in the heart of
Europe, the aviation opens the ocean of air and brings closer the
remote horizons. Certainly this fact and the traditional affinity to the
technical and artistic creativity led (since the establishment of the
independent Czechoslovakia in 1918) here in Czechia (and later on
in Slovakia, too) to the development and growth of aviation industry
and of transport, sports and touring aviation in general. Just in the
pre−war period the Czechoslovak aviation industry developed and
produced in series 50 diverse types of touring and sports aircraft.
Over 40 types of these categories and some 20 types of gliders
were developed, produced in substantial numbers and exported by
Czechoslovak factories between 1945 and 1990. The political and
social change following the 1990 brought a major growth in the
recreational flying with ultralight aircraft. Many of these aircraft were
designed and built by amateurs, but a large number is now manu−
factured professionally by small and medium−sized aviation compa−
nies. The administrative and legal work and care of the complete
realm of ultraligth flying was in the Czech Republic entrusted by law
to the Czech Light Aircraft Association (LAA ČR), The LAA, during its
twenty years of operation, has certified and approved manufacture
of nearly 50 types of aircraft. The Registry of the LAA ČR now keeps
records of two and half thousand of mostly private ultralight aircraft.
Besides production for the domestic use the Czech companies
export yearly the world over about 500 light aircraft, especially in the
UL and LSA categories. The Czech Republic belongs to the top pro−
ducers of this kind of aviation equipment. The Czech producers of
parachutes and paragliders are proud of the same success like their
"winged" counterparts. Many sports parachutists and paragliding
pilots now descend and fly on the equipment Made in Czech
Republic. The Czech technical universities support in their syllabi all
categories of General Aviation. A good picture of the standard of the
Czech aviation is provided by the number of medals brought home
by our sport aviators from the World, European and international
contests in the ultralight flying, paragliding, parachuting, soaring,
aerobatics and navigation rallies.
The Czech Republic is a country of recreational and sports flying, a
country of a developed aviation industry. Our task is to uphold the
tradition that machines with the proud Czech "OK" in their registra−
tion or in their birth licence continue to be an example of the creative
technical mastery and aesthetic delight. To care that the light flying
machines would shorten the distances between people and provide
joy and pleasure to their crews and onlookers alike, brought sport−
ing performance and healthy thrill. We believe that fulfilling these
aims is proven and confirmed by the participation of Czech aircraft
at this Europe's largest General Aviation show.
Jan Brskovský, President, LAA ČR
LAA CR is association of pilots, builders, designers, manufacturers and operators of light aircraft with MTOM up to 450 kg. It
has 7 000 members. LAA CR is a competent authority for Certification, Licencing and Operation of microlights in the Czech
Republic. This covers paragliding, powered paragliding, hang gliding, gyroplanes, helicopters, weight shift and aerodynami−
cally controlled microlight.
Jan Fridrich, Vice President LAA CR,
Foreign Affairs, Industry and Internal Audit.
LAA ČR, Ke Kablu 289,
102 00 Praha 10, Czech Republic
fax: +420 271 085 596
e−mail: laacr@laacr.cz
LAA ČR, Ke Kablu 289,
102 00 Praha 10, Czech Republic
tel: +420 777 813 040
fax: +420 271 085 596
e−mail: fridrich@laacr.cz
Atec 321 Faeta
A two−seat side−by−side low−wing ultra
light airplane of mixed (composite and
wood) structure. Fixed tricycle undercar−
riage. Powered by Rotax 912UL or ULS,
with fixed or variabl−pitch propellers. The
Atec 322 Faeta is the LSA version. (So far
70 machines built.)
Span 9,60 m, length 6,20 m,
wing area 10,10 m2,
empty weight 279 kg,
max. level speed Vh 250 km/h.
Atec, v.o.s.,
Opolanská 350,
289 07 Libice nad Cidlinou,
Czech Republic
e−mail: sales@atecaircraft.eu
Atec 212 Solo
A single−seat ultralight airplane of com−
posite structure. Fixed tailwheel undercar−
riage. Stressed for +6/−3 g. Powered by
Rotax 582UL DCDI or 912UL. (So far 7
machines built.)
Span 7,50 m, length 5,26 m,
wing area 7,30 m2,
empty weight 200 kg,
max. level speed (Vh) 245 km/h.
Atec, v.o.s.,
Opolanská 350,
289 07 Libice nad Cidlinou,
Czech Republic
e−mail: sales@atecaircraft.eu
Atec 122 Zephyr
A two−seat side−by−side low−wing ultra
light airplane of mixed (composite and
wood) structure. Fixed tricycle undercar−
riage. Powered by Rotax 912UL or ULS,
with fixed or variable−pitch propellers. (215
units built so far.)
Span 9,40 m, length 6,20 m,
wing area 10,30 m2,
empty weight 275 kg,
max. level speed (Vh) 245 km/h.
Atec, v.o.s.,
Opolanská 350,
289 07 Libice nad Cidlinou,
Czech Republic
e−mail: sales@atecaircraft.eu
MH−46 Eclipse
Ultralight two−seat braced high−wing
monoplane. It is very controllable and
features a spacious cockpit for two side−
by−side pilots. The tricycle undercarriage
is fixed, power is provided by Rotax
912S engine, turning a three−bladed vari−
able−pitch propeller.
Span 9,80 m,
length 6,75 m,
wing area 11,30 m2,
cruise speed 190 − 250 km/h.
AeroSette, spol. s r.o.,
Nádražní 20,
463 31 Chrastava,
Czech Republic
e−mail: info@aerosette.eu
VL−3 Sprint
A two−seat side−by−side low−wing all−com−
posite monoplane approved for both ultra−
light and LSA category. Available with
retractable or fixed landing gear. Powered
with Rotax 912ULS with fixed or variable−
pitch propellers. VL−3 holds 3 world speed
records in RAL2 category. (70 aircraft pro−
duced so far.)
Span 8,44 m, length 6,20 m,
wing area 9,80 m2,
empty weight 280−305 kg,
max.level speed Vh 280 km/h.
Vanessa air, s.r.o., Aveko Aircraft, a.s.,
Toulovcovo nám. 1163,
570 01 Litomyšl,
Czech Republic
www. vanessaair.cz
e− mail: vanessaair@lit.cz
Lipová 22,
602 00 Brno,
Czech Republic
e−mail: VL−3@aveko.com
An all−metal two−seat side−by−side low−
wing LSA airplane. Fixed tricycle under−
carriage. Powered by Rotax 912ULS.
Woodcomp propellers are two−bladed
fixed or three−bladed variable−pitch ones.
(Initial production, 15 machines were built
so far.)
Span 8,20 m, length 6,90 m,
wing area 12,30 m2,
empty weight 340 kg,
cruising speed 200 km/h.
Czech Sport Aircraft, s.r.o. ,
Na Záhonech 212,
686 04 Kunovice,
Czech Republic
e−mail: info@czaw.cz
An all−metal cantilever low−wing ultralight
monoplane, seating two side−by−side.
It can be bought in the Alto TW guise with
a tailwheel and in the Alto TG guise with
a tricycle undercarriage. Powered by
Rotax 912 or Jabiru (60kW/80hp to
90kW/120hp range). Also available as
a homebuilding kit in various states of pre−
assembly. (31 aircraft have been built so
Span 8,20 m, length 6,25 m,
wing area 10,50 m2,
empty weight 285 kg,
cruising speed 195 km/h.
DIRECT FLY, s.r.o.,
Cihelní 573,
687 25 Hluk,
Czech Republic
www.directfly.cz , www.flyshop.cz
e−mail: info@directfly.cz
DV−1 Skylark
A two−seat, side−by−side, all−metal low−
wing ultralight. Fixed tricycle undercar−
riage. Powered by Rotax 912ULS, eventu−
ally BMW or Alpha Prag engines.
Propellers are fixed or variable−pitch.
There is also an LSA version. (150
machines have been built.)
Span 8,13 m, length 6,62 m,
wing area 9,84 m2,
empty weight 285 kg,
cruising speed 215 km/h.
Dova Aircraft, s.r.o.,
Kirilovova 115,
739 21 Paskov,
Czech Republic
e−mail: centrum@dovaas.cz
SR−01 Magic
Tandem two−seat low−wing all−metal
monoplane with tricycle fixed undercar−
riage. Powered by Rotax 912ULS, turning
a Woodcomp three−blade composite pro−
peller. The machine is designed for the UL
and LSA category.
Span 9,44 m,
length 6,96 m,
wing area 11,73 m2,
max. cruising speed 220 km/h.
Eurodisplay, s.r.o.,
Průmyslová zóna Kozomín,
278 01 Kralupy nad Vltavou,
Czech Republic
e−mail: vlasta.kriz@centrum.cz
UFM−13 Lambada
A side−by−side two−seat, mid−wing ultra−
light of composite structure. Fixed tricycle
or tailwheel undercarriage. Powered by
Rotax 912UL, ULS or Jabiru 2200
engines, with fixed or variable−pitch pro−
peller. The wing may be fitted with wingtip
extensions, increasing the span to 15 m.
(So far 132 aircraft in the UFM−11 −13 ver−
sions have been produced.)
Span 13,00 m, length 6,60 m,
wing area 12,60 m2,
empty weight 265 − 280 kg,
cruising speed 150 km/h.
Production division:
Firm domicile:
Distar − Air,
Distar CZ, a.s.,
U Letiště 1381,
562 01 Ústí nad
Czech Republic
1. máje 228,
504 01 Nový Bydžov,
Czech Republic
e−mail: info@distar.cz
e−mail: air@distar.cz
Samba XXL
A low−wing, composite side−by−side two−
seat ultralight monoplane. Fixed tricycle
undercarriage. Powered by Rotax 912UL
or ULS engines, with fixed or variable−
pitch propeller. (83 aircraft have been built
so far).
Span 10,00 m, length 6,00 m,
wing area 8,90 m2,
empty weight 260 kg,
cruising speed 220 km/h.
Production division:
Firm domicile:
Distar − Air,
Distar CZ, a.s.,
U Letiště 1381,
562 01 Ústí nad
Czech Republic
1. máje 228,
504 01 Nový Bydžov,
Czech Republic
e−mail: info@distar.cz
e−mail: air@distar.cz
FM−250 Vampire
FM−250 Vampire is an all composite low
wing ultralight side−by−side two−seater.
It is powered by Rotax 912 and has useful
load of 190 kg. It is capable of towing gli−
ders up to 700 kg MTOM. Used as
a training aircraft in flight schools as well
as a long range UL tourer.
Span 7,80 m, length 6,26 m,
weight 266 kg,
cruising speed 180 − 230 km/h.
Flying Machines, s.r.o.,
Ras ošky 132,
55221 Rasošky,
Czech Republic
e−mail: info@flyingmachines.cz
EuroStar SL / SLW
A side−by−side two−seat cantilever low−
wing advanced ultralight aircraft of all
metal structure. Fixed tricycle undercar−
riage. Powered by Rotax 912UL or ULS
engines, with fixed of variable pitch pro−
peller. EuroStar SLW version uses LSA air−
frame with a wet wing and range 1300
Span 8,10 m, length 5,98 m,
wing area 9,84 m2,
weight 264 kg,
cruising speed 210 − 245 km/h.
Evektor−Aerotechnik, a.s.,
Letecká 1384,
686 04 Kunovice,
Czech Republic
e−mail: marketing@evektor.cz
SportStar MAX
An all metal side−by−side two−seat S−LSA
aircraft − the very first aircraft in the world
approved by the FAA in the US S−LSA cat−
egory. Powered by Rotax 912ULS engine,
with fixed or variable pich propeller. Fixed
tricycle undercarriage. Altogether over
900 machines of the EuroStar/SportStar
line have been built.
Span 8,65 m, length 5,98 m,
wing area 10,47 m2,
weight 307 kg,
cruising speed 205 − 215 km/h.
Evektor−Aerotechnik, a.s.,
Letecká 1384,
686 04 Kunovice,
Czech Republic
e−mail: marketing@evektor.cz
The true motorbike of the sky. ZJ−Viera
is an extremely lightweight single−seater,
designed by Marek Ivanov. Of mainly
composite structure, its wing is partly co−
vered in Ceconite fabric. Powered by
a single−cylinder Flyengine F200 two−
stroke of 19 kW/26 hp.
Span 7,50 m, length 5,00 m,
wing area 9,00 m2,
empty weight 77 kg,
cruising speed (Vh) 103 km/h.
IvanovAero s.r.o.,
Severni 760,
500 03 Hradec Králové,
Czech Republic
e−mail: zjviera@email.cz
Skyleader 200
A side−by−side two−seat cantilever low−
wing all−metal monoplane. Powered by
Rotax 912 family of engines. Efficient
Fowler flaps on straight wing, and
a retractable tricycle landing gear with
steerable nose wheel is a standard fit.
Fixed gear version is also available.
(160 machines have been built.)
Span 9,90 m, length 7,20 m,
wing area 11,85 m2,
empty weight 282 kg,
cruising speed 200 − 220 km/h.
Jihlavan Airplanes, s.r.o. ,
Znojemská 826/64,
586 01 Jihlava,
Czech Republic
Skyleader 500
A two−seat, side−by−side all−metal, low−
wing light sports monoplane, powered by
a Rotax 912 family of engines. To comply
with the LSA regulations the aircraft has
a fixed landing gear; the nose wheel is
steerable. Several versions of avionics fit
are available. (35 machines have been
built to date.)
Span 9,90 m, length 7,20 m,
wing area 11,85 m2,
empty weight 315 kg,
cruising speed 200 − 220 km/h.
Jihlavan Airplanes, s.r.o. ,
Znojemská 826/64,
586 01 Jihlava,
Czech Republic
A composite−structure, braced high−
wing side−by−side two−seat ultralight.
Fixed tricycle undercarriage. Powered
by a choice of engines − Jabiru 2200,
Rotax 912UL or Rotax 582. The propeller
is a two−bladed, ground−adjustable
Wood−comp. (130 aircraft have been
built, including the kits.)
Span 9,80 m, length 6,05 m,
wing area 11,40 m2,
weight 262 − 275 kg,
max. level speed (Vh) 186 km/h.
Jora, spol. s r.o.,
565 42 Vraclav,
Czech Republic,
e−mail: joraul@quick.cz
M−2 Scout
A side−by−side two seater low−wing all−
metal aircraft available in UL and LSA ver−
sions. Tricycle fixed landing gear.
Powered by Rotax 912 engine turning se−
veral types of propellers. First two proto−
types are currently undergoing tests.
Span 9,40 m, length 6,75 m,
wing area 12,90 m2,
empty weight 295 kg,
cruising speed 180 − 220 km/h.
Kubíček Aircraft, s.r.o.,
Jarní 2b,
614 00 Brno,
Czech Republic
e−mail: info@kubicekaircraft.cz
NG 4 − U L
A brand new all−metal cantilever low wing
UL aircraft, designed with superbly spa−
cious, comfortable side−by−side cockpit
and excellent flight characteristics.
Powered by Rotax 912 or 914. Available in
LSA version, too, also with Jabiru,
Lycoming or Continental engines.
Span 8,10 m, length 6,45 m,
wing area 10,00 m2,
empty weight 295 kg,
cruising speed 240 km/h.
Roko Aero, a.s.,
Office: Nad Ovčírnou V/1778,
760 01 Zlín,
Czech Republic
e−mail: info@rokoaero.com
Production: Větrná 1604,
688 01 Uherský Brod
Skylane UL
A two−seat side−by−side braced high−wing
ultralight monoplane of mixed, predomi−
nantly composite structure. Fixed tricycle
undercarriage. Engines of 37 kW/50HP to
75 kW/100 HP. Propeller diameter max.:
1700 mm.
Span 8,95 m, length 6,65 m,
wing area 10,57 m2,
empty weight 248 kg,
cruising speed 140 − 210 km/h.
AirLony ,
Nové Náměstí 702,
411 08 Štětí,
Czech Republic
e−mail: airlony@airlony.cz
TL−2000 Sting
A side−by−side two−seat cantilever low−
wing light sport aircraft of composite con−
struction with fixed or retractable tricycle
undercarriage. Powered by Rotax 912UL
or 912ULS, turning a ground−adjustable or
variable−pitch three−bladed propeller.
(More than 350 Stings have been manu−
Span 8,44 m, length 6,19 m
wing area 9,81 m2,
empty weight 297 kg,
max. speed in horizontal flight 270 km/h.
Letiště−budova č.84,
503 41 Hradec Králové,
Czech Republic
e−mail: sales@tl−ultralight.cz
Skylane UL
A two−seat side−by−side braced high−wing
ultralight monoplane of mixed, predomi−
nantly composite structure. Fixed tricycle
undercarriage. Engines of 37 kW/50HP to
75 kW/100 HP. Propeller diameter max.:
1700 mm.
Span 8,95 m, length 6,65 m,
wing area 10,57 m2,
empty weight 248 kg,
cruising speed 140 − 210 km/h.
AirLony ,
Nové Náměstí 702,
411 08 Štětí,
Czech Republic
e−mail: airlony@airlony.cz
TL−96 Star
A side−by−side two−seat, cantilever low
wing light sport aircraft with fixed tricycle
undercarriage. Powered by the Rotax
912ULS turning an on−ground adjustable
3−blade propeller. (More than 220 Stars
have been manufactured.)
Span 9,20 m, length 6,50 m,
wing surface 12,20 m2,
empty weight 297 kg,
max. speed of horizontal flight 255 km/h.
Letiště−budova č.84,
503 41 Hradec Králové,
Czech Republic
e−mail: sales@tl−ultralight.cz
Tulák Dandy
A two−seat side−by−side high−wing braced
ultralight monoplane of classic design. All−
wood flapped wing is mated to
a welded steel tube truss fuselage and
empennage. Fixed tailwheel undercar−
riage. Powered by Rotax 503 or 912 and
similar powerplants. (So far 68 aircraft
Span 9,80 m, length 5,60 m,
wing area 10,80 m2,
empty weight 255 kg,
cruising speed 100 − 140 km/h.
Tomáš Podešva,
výroba a opravy UL letadel ,
Újezd u Uničova 87,
783 96,
Czech Republic
Piper UL Cubby
A tandem two−seat high−wing braced
ultralight monoplane of classic design.
It features an all−wood wing and welded
steel tube truss fuselage and tail surfaces.
Fixed tailwheel undercarriage. Powered
by Rotax 503, 912 or similar powerplants.
(So far 68 aircraft built and flown.)
Span 8,68 m, length 6,40 m,
wing area 10,80 m2,
empty weight 292 kg,
cruising speed 165 km/h.
Tomáš Podešva,
výroba a opravy UL letadel ,
Újezd u Uničova 87,
783 96,
Czech Republic
Trener UL
A tandem two−seat low−wing ultralight,
inspired by the famous Zlin Trener line.
Of mixed metal/wood structure, with either
wooden or metal wing and welded steel
tube truss, fabric covered fuselage. Fixed
or retractable tailwheel undercarriage.
Powered by Parma Technik (Walter)
Mikron IIIC. (12 aircraft flown.)
Span 8,68 m, length 6,40 m,
wing area 10,80 m2,
empty weight 292 kg,
cruising speed 165 km/h.
Tomáš Podešva,
výroba a opravy UL letadel ,
Újezd u Uničova 87,
783 96,
Czech Republic
A tandem two−seat high performance ultra−
light/LSA/ELA low wing with all−composite,
mostly carbon airframe. Retractable under−
carriage for MTOW 472.5kg UL and 600kg
experimental versions, fixed u/c and
LSA/ELA under development. Powered by
Rotax 912 ULS, variable pitch propeller.
Finished flying UL prototype with retractable
undercarriage, starting of serial production.
Span 7,9 m, length 6,7 m,
wing area 9,5 m2,
empty weight 275 kg (incl. BRS),
max. cruising speed VH 295 kph,
flight range 1600 km
T E S T , C O M P − L E T , s . r . o . , org. složka
Zahradní 995,
594 01 Velké Meziříčí,
Czech Republic
e−mail: info@testandfly.cz
Evolution E80 / E100
A side−by−side two−seat, cantilever shoul−
der−wing monoplane of composite struc−
ture. Wing with slotted flaps, fixed or
Powered by Rotax 912UL (ULS), turning
a ground−adjustable DUC, or variable−
pitch Woodcomp SR 3000/2W propeller.
Span 9,00 m, length 6,65 m,
wing area 10,76 m2,
weight 305 kg,
cruising speed 243 km/h.
UL Jih, s.r.o.,
Omlenická 742,
382 41 Kaplice,
Czech Republic
www.uljih.cz , www.fascination.cz
e−mail: business@uljih.cz
Fascination F80 / F100
A side−by−side two−seat, cantilever low−
wing monoplane of all−composite struc−
ture. Wing with slotted flaps, fixed or
Powered by Rotax 912UL (ULS), turning
a ground−adjustable DUC, or variable−
pitch Woodcomp SR 3000/2W propeller.
Span 9,00 m, length 6,65 m,
wing area 10,76 m2,
weight 294 kg,
cruising speed 247 km/h.
UL Jih, s.r.o.,
Omlenická 742,
382 41 Kaplice,
Czech Republic
www.uljih.cz , www.fascination.cz
e−mail: business@uljih.cz
A braced high−wing composite structure
ultralight side−by−side two−seater. Fixed
tricycle undercarriage. Powered by Rotax
912UL or 912ULS engines with two−bla−
Woodcomp propellers. (13 machines
have been produced so far.)
Span 10,20 m, length 6,29 m,
wing area 12,68 m2,
empty weight 296 kg,
cruising speed 160 km/h.
Vladimír Rajchl,
L. M. Pařízka 495/8,
370 01 České Budějovice,
Czech Republic
e−mail: v.rajchl@volny.cz
The Savage is a tandem two−seat ultra−
light aircraft of classic braced high−wing
design, inspired by the lines and flying
qualities of the Piper Cub family. Rugged
structure of welded steel tube fuselage
and empennage, covered with Dacron,
and flapped all−metal wings ensure
longevity and ease of maintenance.
Several versions and factory options avail−
Span 9,31 m, length 6,39 m,
empty weigh 288 kg,
cruising speed (75%) 170 km/h.
Zlin Aviation, s.r.o. ,
2. května 685,
Czech Republic
FM−301 Stream
FM−301 Stream is a highly streamlined
two−seat ultralight trike of all−composite
semimonocoque load−bearing structure. It
is powered by HKS 700E engine. It fea−
tures a spacious baggage compartment,
integral fuel tank and offers its pilots
pleasant flight characteristics. Uses the
CZ 15.4 wing, produced by Karel Haman.
Wing span 9.70 m,
wing area 15.4 m2,
wing sweep angle at tip 129°,
weight of wing 49 kg.
Flying Machines, s.r.o.,
Ras ošky 132,
55221 Rasošky,
Czech Republic
e−mail: info@flyingmachines.cz
Tomi−Cross 5 Sport
Tandem two−seat powered trike for hang−
glider wing. Independent suspension with
individually sprung wheels. Rear−wheel
spats with directional fins. The frame
of steel and dural tubing. Aluminium fuel
of 38 litre capacity. Designed for
mounting Rotax, Hirth and other engines
and Aeros wings.
Weight (witout engine and instruments)
up to 60 kg,
wheel track 1620 mm,
wheelbase 1750 mm.
Budovatelů 301,
533 13 Řečany nad Labem,
Czech Republik
Side−by−side two−seat all−composite can−
tilever low−wing ultralight. Retractable sin−
gle−wheel undercarriage; Rotax 503
or HKS−700E engine with a two−bladed,
folding composite propeller. (3 aircraft
have been built so far).
Span 17,00 m, length 6,90 m,
wing surface 14,20 m2,
empty weight 292 kg,
max. level speed (Vh) 180 km/h,
glide ratio 1:39,8 at 100 km/h.
Composit Airplanes, s.r.o.,
Peliny 315,
565 01 Choceň,
Czech Republic
e−mail: info@compositairplanes.cz
An all composite, side−by−side two−seat,
cantilever low−wing ultralight. It has excel−
lent performance and a remarkable useful
load with just 45kW/60hp engine. Sonet
uses the same fuselage as Sonata, but
has shorter−span wings and horizontal tail
surfaces. It has tricycle undercarriage with
steerable nosewheel.
Span 11,70 m, length 6,40 m,
wing area 10,50 m2,
empty weight 265 kg,
max. level speed (Vh) 201 km/h,
glide ratio 1:14.
Airsport, s.r.o.,
Zbraslavice 358,
285 21 Zbraslavice,
Czech Republic
e−mail: airsport@volny.cz
A side−by−side two−seat, cantilever low−
winged, T−tailed powered ultralight glider
of composite structure. Comfortable
cockpit under large forward−hinged
canopy. The tandem main landing gear
is retractable and has a steerable tail−
wheel. The aircraft is powered by Rotax
582, special two blade composite pro−
peller retracts into the nose of airplane.
Span 15,05 m, length 6,50 m,
wing area 14,28 m2,
empty weight 157 kg,
max. level speed 185 km/h,
glide ratio 1:29.
Airsport, s.r.o.,
Zbraslavice 358,
285 21 Zbraslavice,
Czech Republic
e−mail: airsport@volny.cz
Banjo MH
A single−seat braced high−wing ultralight
of mixed wood/glassfibre structure, pow−
ered by Rotax 447. Retractable wooden
two−bladed ProFe propeller. Fixed single−
wheel undercarriage. (40 aircraft pro−
duced so far.)
Span 13,30 m, length 6,30 m,
wing area 10,50 m2,
empty weight 157 kg,
cruising speed 110 km/h,
glide ratio 1:28 at 85 km/h.
Leštinská 811,
549 01 Nové Město nad Metují,
Czech Republic
e−mail: info@profe.cz
Duo Banjo
A two−seat braced shoulder−wing ultralight
of mixed wood/glassfibre structure, po−
wered by Rotax 447. Retractable wooden
two−bladed ProFe propeller. Fixed two−
wheel undercarriage. (8 aircraft produced
so far.)
Span 16,00 m, length 7,35 m,
wing area 13,86 m2,
empty weight 240 kg,
max. level speed (Vh) 142 km/h,
glide ratio 1:29 at 103 km/h.
Leštinská 811,
549 01 Nové Město nad Metují,
Czech Republic
e−mail: info@profe.cz
TST−13 Junior 2009
A single−seat mid−wing ultralight/LSA gli−
der of composite structure. Tailwheel
undercarriage. Powered by Rotax 447 or
503 engine and two bladed fixed/variable
pitch propeller. BRS option. (5 aircrafts
have been built so far).
Span 15,00 m, length 7,45 m,
wing area 10,03 m2, empty weight 220 kg,
max. level speed VH 160 kph,
glide ratio 1:30 at 100 kph
T E S T , C O M P − L E T , s . r . o . , org. složka
Zahradní 995,
594 01 Velké Meziříčí,
Czech Republic
e−mail: info@testandfly.cz
TST−10M Atlas
A single−seat ultralight powered glider of
composite structure. The single−wheel
retractable undercarriage and automatic
connection of controls . Powered byre−
tractable Rotax 447 unit and two−bladed
fixed propeller. BRS and optimized wing−
lets option. (34 machines have been
manufactured so far).
Span 15,00 m, length 6,87 m,
wing area 9,85 m2, empty weight 220 kg,
VNE 205 kph, glide ratio 1:40 at 110 kph
T E S T , C O M P − L E T , s . r . o . , org. složka
Zahradní 995,
594 01 Velké Meziříčí,
Czech Republic
e−mail: info@testandfly.cz
TST−14M Bonus
ultralight/LSA powered glider of composi−
te structure. Two−wheel tandem undercar−
riage with tailwheel. Powered by retractab−
le Rotax 503 unit and two−bladed fixed
propeller. BRS and optimized winglets
option. (17 machines have been manufac−
tured so far)
Span 17,00 m, length 8,60 m
wing area 12,60 m2,
empty weight 285 kg,
VNE 180 kph, glide ratio 1:39 at 110 kph
T E S T , C O M P − L E T , s . r . o . , org. složka
Zahradní 995,
594 01 Velké Meziříčí,
Czech Republic
e−mail: info@testandfly.cz
A single−seat mid−wing ultralight/LSA gli−
der of composite structure. Tailwheel
undercarriage. Powered by Rotax 447 or
503 engine and two bladed fixed/variable
pitch propeller. BRS option. (5 aircrafts
have been built so far).
Span 15,00 m, length 7,45 m,
wing area 10,03 m2, empty weight 220 kg,
max. level speed VH 160 kph,
glide ratio 1:30 at 100 kph
T E S T , C O M P − L E T , s . r . o . , org. složka
Zahradní 995
594 01 Velké Meziříčí
Czech Republic
e−mail: info@testandfly.cz
HPH−304S Shark
A single−seat mid−wing, T−tailed all−compos−
ite high−performance sailplane of the FAI
18metre Class. Water ballast tanks in wing
for 195 l. The sprung and braked single
mainwheel is retractable. A HpH−304S with
an experimental turbine engine shown here.
(In series production from 2008, so far 10
machines flown.)
Span 18,00 m, length 6,79 m,
wing surface 11,80 m2,
empty weight 380 kg, max. 600 kg
glide ratio 1:51 at 125 km/h.
HPH, s.r.o. ,
Čáslavská 126,
P.O.Box 112,
284 01 Kutná Hora,
Czech Republic
e−mail: hph@hph.cz
HPH−304MS Shark
A single−seat mid−wing, T−tailed all−compos−
ite high−performance sailplane of the FAI
18metre Class. Water ballast tanks in wing
for 195 l. The sprung and braked single
mainwheel is retractable. A HpH−304MS with
an engine Solo 2625−01; 38 kW/52 HP. (In
series production from 2009, so far 5
machines flown.)
Span 18,00 m, length 6,79 m,
wing surface 11,80 m2,
empty weight 380 kg, max. 600 kg
glide ratio 1:51,2 at 125 km/h.
HPH, s.r.o. ,
Čáslavská 126,
P.O.Box 112,
284 01 Kutná Hora,
Czech Republic
e−mail: hph@hph.cz
A single−seat mid−wing all−composite high−
performance sailplane of the FAI´s Standad
category with a T−tail. Water ballast tanks in
wing for 115 l. Braked single mainwheel 5x5
is retractable. 304C is easy and exellent
glifder for begginer. 2004 winner of Barron
Hilton Cup.
Span 15,00 m, length 6,45 m,
wing surface 9,90 m2,
empty weight 235 kg,
glide ratio 1:42,5 at 116 km/h.
HPH, s.r.o. ,
Čáslavská 126,
P.O.Box 112,
284 01 Kutná Hora,
Czech Republic
e−mail: hph@hph.cz
M1 SpeedCruiser
The M−1 SpeedCruiser is a new all−metal,
low−wing four seater monoplane, available
as a homebuilder’s kit. It is designed for
engines from 185kW / 250HP to 370kW /
500HP. Its tough metal structure is
stressed to +6/−3g. Kit is complete with
preformed aluminium engine cowls and
Span 8,27 m, length 6,60 m,
empty weight 800 kg,
MTOW 1 170 kg,
cruising speed 350 km/h.
High Performance Aircraft
International , s.r.o. ,
Lobeček 732,
278 01 Kralupy nad Vltavou,
Czech Republic
e−mail: hpai@mbox.cz
SM−92T Turbo Finist
Silver Fox
Orbis Avia spol. s r.o.
VUT−100 Cobra
A a four−seat cantilever low−wing touring
monoplane of all−metal structure.
A ”glass” cockpit with the PFD and MFD
displays. Powered by Lycoming IO−580B−
1A of 235 kW/315 hp with a three−bladed
constant−speed propeller. (Two proto−
types are flying.)
Span 10,50 m, length 8,00 m,
wing area 12,20 m2,
empty weight 880 kg,
MTOW 1 450 kg,
cruising speed 310 km/h.
Evektor−Aerotechnik, a.s.,
Letecká 1384,
686 04 Kunovice,
Czech Republic
e−mail: marketing@evektor.cz
EV−55 Outback
The EV−55 Outback is the new generation
twin engine utility turboprop airplane for
transport of 9 to 14 passengers
or corresponding cargo. The airplane has
an all metal structure and is powered
by PT6A−21 engines and 4−blade con−
stant−speed propellers. Retractable land−
ing gear with anti−skid system. (The proto−
type is nearing the final assembly)
Wing span 16.10 m,
length 14.35 m,
max. take−off weight 4 600 kg,
max. cruising speed 408 km/h.
Evektor−Aerotechnik, a.s. ,
Letecká 1384,
686 04 Kunovice,
Czech Republic
e−mail: marketing@evektor.cz
L 410 UVP−E20
Twin−engine turbo−prop aircraft for 19 pas−
sengers, with certifications according to
FAR 23 regulation. Its unique, robust, and
effective design offers remarkable "hot
and high" performance and excellent
STOL capability even on unpaved run−
ways. Powerplant: Walter M−601E and
Avia V−510 propellers.
Span 19,98 m, length 14.42 m,
max. weight 6 600 kg,
max. cruising speed 386 km/h,
max. range 1 400 km.
Aircraft Industries, a.s. ,
Na Záhonech 1177,
686 04 Kunovice,
Czech Republic
email: lel@let.cz
A e r o V o d o c h o d y , a . s . , produces, sells and a services both mi−
litary and civil aircraft and equipment. It proudly bears the tradition
of the Aero Company, founded in 1919, and belongs among the
world's oldest aircraft manufacturers. Aero is currently the largest
manufacturer of the aircraft and aircraft structures in the Czech
Republic and historically the largest manufacturer of the jet trainers
in the world.
Currently the
Aero Vodochody, a.s.,
develops two programmes:
The programme of cooperations entails
● collaboration with major aircraft
● provision of complete deliveries of aircraft
Aero produces e.g. the complete S−76 heli−
copter, ready for installation of dynamic
assemblies, produces the wing centre section
of the Alenia C−27J transport, the hinges and
internal structures of the doors for the
Embraer 170/190 through the Latecoere com−
pany and has shares in other cooperation
The military programme
Aero Vodochody, a.s.,
U Letiště 374, 250 70 Odolena Voda,
Czech Republic
tel: +420 255 761 111, www.aero.cz
● provides the training system using
the Aero L−159 aircraft
● provides the programmes operational
support of the L−39/L−59
Aeroprofil, s.r.o.,
Za Drahouh 1415,
696 62 Strážnice,
Czech Republic
tel.: +420 518 334 291
mob: +420 604 520 056
e−mail: aeroprofil@post.c
is a small private company with 15 years tradition.
The company capabilities:
manufacturing duraluminium ribs, frames,
pressure forming,
riveting aircraft subassemblies
on−demand production of aircraft
Aerospool CZ,
Aerospool CZ spol.s r.o. − manufacturer of welded
(TIG) metal structures, such as engine bearers, under−
carriage legs, fuselage frames.
Producer of wheels and brakes, parts for landing gear
and control systems and of special bolts.
ULL and LSA aircraft for reference: Dynamic, Rider,
Alto TG, Classic.
spol. s r.o.
Hlavní 439, 687 25 Hluk,
Czech Republic
tel.: +420572582287
fax.: +420572582288
mob.: +420602749316
e−mail: info@aerospool.cz
● Production and sales of L−410 aircraft
● Comprehensive after−sales product support
Aircraft Industries, a.s.,
Na Záhonech 1177,
686 04 Kunovice,
Czech Republic
tel: +420−572816002
fax: +420−572816006
e−mail: let@let.cz
AI is a young, dynamic company established in 2004 in order to
acquire the ex−LET Kunovice facility, a world−wide famous
manufacturer of aircraft with a long history of design, production
and servicing of various types and categories of planes, radar
components and certain special technologies.
During its seventy year history it has produced over 8,000
including deliveries of spare parts, aggregates
and components
Aircraft updating/upgrading projects
Training of pilots and ground crews
Comprehensive technological and production
capacities (steel forming, machining, welding,
riveting, surface treatment, heat treatment,
production of special tools and fixtures)
R&D (aerodynamics, static strength, fatigue life,
aero elasticity, mass and centre of gravity, design)
International airport
aircraft. These include the famous L−13 Blanik glider, L−410 com−
muter aircraft, L−29 "Dolphin" jet trainer, Z−37 "Bumble Bee" crop
spraying aircraft, L−200 aero taxi, and many others.
At present, Aircraft Industries belongs to the world leading produ−
cers in the 19 seat commuter aircraft category and also actively
cooperate with a number of aviation and non−aviation companies.
General Aviation activities:
● Service and maintenance under EASA approval of gliders and motorgliders
● Production of the VL−3 all−composite UL / LSA airplane
● Aviation services − Business flights directly from Brno − Tuřany airport
to any airport in the Czech Republic or Europe.
The VL−3 UL a/c in flight ➭
Some vintage gliders restored (far left and above)
AVEKO Aircraft − division of Aveko, s.r.o.
Jeneweinova 37, 617 00 Brno, Czech Republic
www. Aveko. com, www.VL−3.com
BMZ Air Service, s.r.o.,
Beranových 130,
199 05 Praha 9 Letňany,
Czech Republic
tel.: +420 225 115 450
e−mail: bmzservice@atlas.cz
BMZ Air Service, s.r.o., is a proven specialist in the
veteran and vintage as well as in modern aircraft
restoration to both static display and especially to
the fully airworthy state.
For various aviation museums we have restored
e.g. the C−3 (Siebel Si 204), F−86 Sabre, Avia BH−
11, Ilyushin Il−2, Spitfire Mk.IXe, the US WWI LWF
Tractor, Imperial Russian Anatra Anasal
and many other rarities.
Among others we have returned to airworthy sta−
tus (with all the necessary paperwork etc.) dozens
of aircraft, including e.g. − Stampe RSV, Bücker Bü
131/C−104, Yak−11, L−40 Meta Sokol, Piper PA−18
or M−1C Sokol. The BMZ Air Service, s.r.o., has
the machines that passed through their shops fly
around the Europe.
COMLET, s.r.o.,
Zámecká 223, 570 01 Litomyšl,
Czech Republic
tel.: +420 326 966 280
fax: +420 326 996 315
mob.: +420 602 293 309
e−mail: dermisek@comlet.cz
Many years of experience in the manufacture of composite parts
of aircraft primary structure. The main specialty is the produc−
tion of composite landing gear for airplanes of the UL, VLA and
LSA category. In this branch our company is the world's biggest
producer, with regard to the number of undercarriages sold. We
offer all stages of production from model, mould to the final prod−
Applied Technologies: hand laminating (vacuum) tempered and
inject technology (RTM). Materials: Glass, carbon, aramide, sand−
wiches or other hi−tech composite material applications.
is a new company founded with the purpose of the series production
of the Alto, a new Czech ultralight airplane, a successfull design so far
availableas a homebuilt type only.
The company employs a team of highly−skilled professionals with
the background in the Czech aerospace industry.
DIRECTFLY, s.r.o.,
Cihelní 573,
687 25 Hluk,
Czech Republic
tel. 00421 572 582 194
e−mail: tech@directfly.cz
Evektor−Aerotechnik is one of the world´s largest manufacturers of
light sport aircraft and advanced UL airplanes, with certified aircraft
production, over 35 years experience, 400 employees and a sales
network in more than 40 countries worldwide. Uncompromising
quality and reliability of Evektor−Aerotechnik’s airplanes is based
on EASA Part 21G certified aircraft production, ISO 9001:2000
Quality Management System and LAMA certification.
Evektor−Aerotechnik, Inc.,
Letecka 1384,
686 04 Kunovice,
Czech Republic
e−mail: marketing@evektor.cz
World fleet of LSA and UL airplanes manufactured by Evektor−
Aerotechnik is already exceeding 900 units, represented
by popular EuroStar and SportStar aircraft.
Long−time experience of Evektor design team in civil and military
aviation has become a base for the latest company projects − the
single engine four−seater VUT−100 Cobra / SuperCobra and a
new generation twin−engine turboprop airplane for 9 to 14 pas−
sengers or cargo − the EV−55 Outback − currently under prototype
Evektor−Aerotechnik activities include also the production
of aircraft parts and subassemblies including jigs and tools for
the European aerospace industry.
Flying Machines s.r.o. is a producer of modern and high performance ultralight aircraft, utilizing mainly glass− and carbon fibre
sandwich construction. Among the types of aircraft the company designed and produced is the B−612, a single−seat, retractable
landing gear ultralight monoplane, the current world speed record holder in its class.
In addition to the aerodynamically controlled ultralight aircraft, the company also produces the ultralight weight shift trikes of com−
posite structure. Actually the Flying Machines Co. concentrates on the production of classic low−wing FM−250 Vampire ultralights
and also offers the FM− 301 powered hang−gliders (trikes).
B−612 (left)
FM−250 Vampire
FM−301 Stream (down)
Flying Machines, s.r.o.,
Rasošky 132,
552 21 Rasošky
Czech Republic
Ing.Arch. Roman Ivanov
tel: +420 739 292 850
Peter Zeman
tel: +421 903 524 900
Design, development and styling of sport aircraft.
From facelifting of existing aircraft ( Directfly Alto) to arranging of prototyping and type certification ( MD3 Rider)
Aircraft produced :
Gryf ULM−1, Interplane Skyboy, Flyitalia / Gryf aircraft
MD3 Rider ... and Shark of Shark.aero s.r.o.
Actually running development : Shark LSA, Gryf P27
Skyster, projects of MD3 successors ...
after MD3 production was removed to Italy, welcome
interest about its successor development, with pos−
sible using 50−75% of approved MD3 subassemblies
and parts − originally scheduled for Italians.
GRYF design
Jaroslav Dostál
Wilsonova 18,
695 00 Hodonín,
Czech Republic
tel.: +420 518 354 048
mob.: +420 721 459 168
e−mail: info@gryfair.cz
HPH 304TS Twin Shark − maiden flight 2011
HPH 304S Shark with auxiliary turbine
Museum and exhibition quality scale models of aircraft
HPH 304S, 304M, 304C hight−performance sailplanes
Computer−based design work to order (SolidWorks), CAD/CAM
Large−format five−axis CNC machining (9x3x2,5 m)
Moulds and tooling for industry
Cobra trailers for the road transport of gliders
We welcome collaboration with highly−motivated specialists !
HPH Ltd., Kutná Hora, Czech Republic, phone: (+420) 327 512 633,
Scale models
of the L−200,
and Ae−45