MSO GA NEWS - Missoula International Airport


MSO GA NEWS - Missoula International Airport
Fall 2015
Missoula’s iconic DC-3TP is being
retired from its firefighting role.
Read more.
Missoula County Airport Authority Board
Commissioner Steve Powell retires.
Read more.
Neptune Aviation awarded 5 year USFS
contract to prepare Sherpa aircraft for
FAA certification. Read more.
Is a Light Sport Aircraft flying club in
Missoula’s future? Read more.
Light Sport Aircraft offer more flying
opportunities. Read more.
MSO Business Development
Manager Dan Neuman has
three good suggestions for
GA pilots for those times
when they fly commercial.
Read more.
The Missoula International Airport hosted the
annual GA BBQ. Read more.
Short topics: Missoula has a
new flight instructor; disposing
of sumped fuel; taxiway deicers
not for aviation use.
Read more.
Page 2
Last Fire Season for One of the Most Classic Aircraft Used in Smokejumper Delivery
N115Z, BT-67 (DC-3TP)
By Joe Sannella, U S Forest Service Pilot
The “Doug” as we refer to N115Z, the DC-3TP (BT-67) will be known as one of the most iconic aircraft used by the USDA
Forest Service for Smokejumper aerial delivery. Its speed, range and payload will be missed by all who have flown and jumped out
of her. N115Z has accumulated 18,700 original total flight hours and since its conversion in 1991 to a BT-67, has accumulated
almost 5800 hours. In late 1991 the aircraft was converted from a C-47 to DC-3C (BT-67) by Basler Turbo Conversions, located in
Oshkosh WI. The aircraft went through numerous modifications that included replacement of the round reciprocating engines with
highly reliable turbine engines, the PT6-67, and 100s of wing modifications that increased overall strength and the aircraft gross
weight. Other wing design modifications improved its slow speed handling and stall characteristics. To date, Basler has converted
over seventy DC-3s into BT-67s. They are literally flying from pole to pole. Its ruggedness and versatility is unmatched. The DC-3
was designed in 1930s by the Douglas Aircraft Company and first flew December 17 th, 1935; 32 years after the Wright Brothers
successfully flew their airplane. The Doug is a classic design that still optimizes aerodynamic performance. Many of the DC-3’s
classic design features are still used in modern aircraft design today. Stan McGrew, a retired Forest Service Supervisory Pilot, details
a short history of the use of the DC-3/C-47, DC-3TP/BT-67 in aerial firefighting.
A Short History
The principal use of DC-3/C-47 airplanes by the Forest Service, dating from the inception of their use, has been the support of
firefighting operations, and more specifically, as aerial delivery vehicles for smokejumpers and paracargo, and for the point-to-point
transportation of firefighting crews and fire related cargo. This remains the principal mission role for the DC3-TP67 today. The first
performance of the airplane in this service occurred in the Pacific Northwest in 1944, and involved a single Marine Corps C-47. But
the program really got rolling when, in 1946, Johnson Flying Service of Missoula Montana, a pioneer in "back-country" operations
and a provider of aerial services to the US Forest Service since 1931, acquired its first DC-3. From that time forward, a seasonally
varying but steadily increasing number of both contractor provided and Force Account DC-3s continued performing in this role
through the mid '70s, when, for various reasons, the numbers began to decrease. By 1990, only two Force Account DC-3s remained
in service, both based in the Intermountain Region. Then, in early 1991, both these airplanes were converted to DC3-TP67s,
effectively ending a 44-year era of conventional, reciprocating engined DC-3 operations by and for the Forest Service. During this
entire 44-year period, a single DC-3/C-47 was involved in an accident with fatalities, and that event was caused by multiple enginerelated problems. It was, in fact, the steadily decreasing reliability of the reciprocating engines themselves, coupled with the continual
deterioration of the industrial "overhaul and maintenance support base" for those engines that finally drove the conventional DC-3
out of Service. It is of note that throughout this period of service, the structural integrity of the airplane itself was never in question,
nor was it ever a problem.
Use of N115Z
Our airplane (N115Z) started its last year in service by flying 15 Missoula Technology and Development Center (MTDC)
personnel from Missoula, MT to San Dimas, CA in late winter of 2015. Then the airplane was used for pilot proficiency training to
prepare crews for the upcoming fire season. In March 2015 we used the Doug for the annual Smokejumper refresher training, hauling
up to 22 Jumpers at a time. The Doug accomplished hundreds of jumps during the cycles of refresher training. Then the plane was
used for the Rookie Smokejumper training for its payload and its ease of exiting for the Rookies. The Doug has very predictable exit
characteristics for the Rookie Smokejumpers who were training on the ram-air parachute system for the first time. Previous Forest
Service Rookie classes were all trained on the traditional round parachute system. The Forest Service is in transition to the new ramair or square parachute system. The Doug also spent a week in McCall, ID supporting the Region 4 Smokejumpers with their large
door exit procedures while their Twin Otter came to Missoula to provide our refreshers with small door exit training.
Mid May 2015, the Doug made its way south to Silver City, NM to begin service as a Smokejumper platform. The Doug has
traditionally performed this reposition for over 20 years, and again, because of its speed, range, payload and its capability to safely
operate out of high altitude airports with high temperatures along with the ability to operate from the backcountry airstrips located in
and around the Gila National Forest. The first week in July the Doug came back to Missoula to support the fire activity in Region 1.
The Doug flew 36 Smokejumper fire missions and 4 Para Cargo resupply missions in Region 1. The Doug also flew resupply
missions into Spotted Bear, Schafer Meadows and Benchmark. The Doug also flew a training mission into Meadow Creek. With the
exception of Benchmark, all of these airstrips are turf backcountry airstrips located in and around the Bob Marshall Wilderness, north
east of Missoula. Toward the end of the fire season the Doug flew its last fire mission near Cody, WY. The fire was over 270 nautical
miles away from Missoula and delivered, at the time, the last eight available Smokejumpers and para cargo to the Crooked Creek Fire
and returned without refueling. The airplane is still being used for MTDC Smokejumper parachute testing.
Page 3
Left: Schafer Meadows Airstrip, Bob Marshall
Wilderness, Montana.
Photo courtesy of Joe Sannella
Above: Benchmark Airstrip near Augusta, Montana.
Photo courtesy of Joe Sannella
Left: Gila National Forest, New Mexico.
Photo courtesy of Joe Sannella
Right: Redding, California.
Photo courtesy of Joe Sannella
Fly the Big Sky license plates are now available through regular county motor vehicle licensing
departments. For each license purchased, EAA Chapter 517 receives $20 to further its activities
promoting aviation. The additional cost for the specialty plate with standard numbers is about $30,
and for the personalized plate about $60. Plates can be ordered at any time without affecting the
renewal cycle. Standard renewal rates apply, with the specialty plate cost being added.
Page 4
Dr. Stephen Powell Retires from Airport Board of Commissioners
From an interview with Gary Matson
After 37 years of practice as an orthopedic surgeon in Missoula,
Missoula County Airport Authority Board Commissioner Steve Powell is
retiring and moving to Burnt Store Marina, Florida, near Fort Myers. He
and his wife, Kim, will spend most of their time there but return to
Montana in summer.
His service on the Board began when his friend and Board member Cliff
Larsen suggested he apply for a vacancy. Cliff knew that he was an active
private pilot with high interest in aviation and would be a good advocate
for general aviation (GA). Fellow pilots welcomed the appointment.
Board Commissioner Steve Powell.
Gary Matson photo
Among the things Steve enjoyed about his Board service was the
opportunity to support general aviation. He thoroughly enjoyed his
association with the people on the Board, who were so highly capable and
brought such a wealth of experience different and complementary fields.
He described his fellow Board members as persons of “Remarkable quality
and experience.” The Commissioners’ meetings are admirably among the
smoothest and most efficient.
Steve found Cris Jenson and the entire Airport staff “wonderful to deal with.” Cris brings a high level of knowledge about
airports and their administration and is an exceptional collaborator with both staff and Board in making creative and long-lasting
progress in Airport facilities and operations. He is a “perfect mix” of talents and abilities for our Airport Director.
Looking to the future Steve sees continued growth and more GA space with the new activity on the east Airport an example.
Neptune, Northstar, FedEx, and Homestead are among those proposing developments there. EAA hopes to give more visibility to
its local chapter and aviation in general with a new Chapter 517 hangar proposed just west of Minuteman FBO.
Growth in commercial aviation will continue as well. The current terminal suffers some awkwardness as changing demand and
security requirements created add-ons. Future terminal expansion will enable more and better airline passenger experiences by
incorporating all associated services in a most convenient and coordinated layout.
What about Steve’s personal flying? His Cessna 172 will be with him in Florida where the more closely spaced attractions are
more suitable to the slower but capable 172. Going back in time he flew a little faster in his Cirrus. Going even further back finds
him in fighter aircraft and the fastest flying on (above) earth. He served 2 years in the early 70’s as a USAF Flight Surgeon with
some stints in Southeast Asia. As Flight Surgeon, he was required to log flight hours in military aircraft as a crew member. He flew
in the KC-135, F-111, F-4, T-38. C-130, OV-10, and others. His biggest thrills came during his service in the 429 th Tactical Fighter
Squadron F-11 with “Terrain Following Radar.” The technology allowed a very low flying aircraft to maneuver over terrain features
on an exceptionally dramatic flight path.
Other exciting military flying came in T-38 aircraft with the USAF Aggressor Squadron at Nellis AFB. The Squadron’s T-38’s
simulated Russian MIG fighter aircraft air to air combat tactics in training flights for USAF pilots. The MIG maneuvers flown by the
T-38’s were developed from records of actual encounters with MIGS. Our Air Force compiled the data and used it to reconstruct the
tactics used to train our pilots.
Another “best” flight experience came during active duty at Nellis AFB. He was on board a Huey helicopter that descended
through the Canyon’s walls to its very floor for radio equipment maintenance.
Following his active duty and during his Orthopedice Surgery residency in Indiana he flew with the National Guard in the A-37,
a combat jet manufactured in the late 1960’s by Cessna and used for training in its later years of service.
Steve’s liking for mission-oriented flying attracted him to MSO’s Civil Air Patrol (CAP). During a mere two month period he
went through the intense course of CAP training to become a certified pilot in the Squadron’s Cessna 182. He is considering an
assignment to the CAP squadron near his new residence in Florida.
Steve will continue to share his medical skills. Together with his Nurse Practitioner wife, Kim, he will provide medical care in a
free clinic in Florida and also plans to continue volunteering as a teacher of orthopedic residents in Central America. Steve and Kim
will blend their stays in Florida and Montana and share time with their 6 sons & daughters and 5 grandchildren, soon to be 7. Thanks
for your service to MSO, Steve, and best wishes for much enjoyment ahead.
Page 5
Neptune Aviation Awarded Contract for the Conversion & Maintenance of C-23B Aircraft by
the U.S. Forest Service
Contributed to the News by Kevin Condit, Neptune Aviation
Missoula, Montana, October 19, 2015 – Neptune Aviation has been awarded a 5 year contract to provide maintenance services in
support of up to 15 Shorts C-23B+ Sherpa cargo aircraft by the U.S. Forest Service. Neptune Aviation will prepare the aircraft to
receive a FAA Civil Airworthiness Certificate along with modifications necessary for the aircraft to be used as a Smoke Jumper
“Neptune Aviation is proud to partner with the Forest
Service to prepare the Sherpa aircraft for their FAA
certificates,” said Ron Hooper, CEO of Neptune Aviation. “The
versatility of the Sherpa aircraft will allow the Forest Service to
conduct a variety of aerial firefighting missions.”
Sherpa aircraft, before maintenance and after, at Neptune
Photo courtesy Cliff Lynn
The National Defense Authorization Act of 2014 (NDAA)
authorized the Department of Defense to transfer a total of up to
15 C-23B+s to the Forest Service primarily for use as
smokejumper aircraft. The Forest Service is pursuing Federal
Aviation Administration civil certification of the noncertificated C-23B+ aircraft as Short Brothers SD3-60 Sherpa
aircraft. This will enable the agency to use these aircraft to
perform several aerial firefighting missions in addition to
delivering smokejumpers and cargo.
The medium utility turbine powered aircraft are capable of carrying up to 10 smokejumpers or 20 passengers and up to 5,000
pounds of cargo. The aircraft will be equipped for smokejumper, cargo, and other wildfire suppression missions. These missions
include transporting fire crews, incident management teams, and other overhead and support personnel to airfields and airports that
larger transport planes could not use; transporting cargo and communications equipment; and supporting all-hazards incidents. The
Forest Service expects to begin bringing the aircraft into service incrementally (two to four aircraft per year) beginning in 2016.
Neptune Aviation will perform the inspection work scope of the first two aircraft at the Forest Service facilities in Ogden, Utah.
The third Sherpa Aircraft just arrived in Missoula to begin the inspection process. Neptune plans to complete all future inspections of
the Sherpa aircraft at their Missoula facilities.
“Our partnership with the Forest Service continues to expand and we are excited to partner with them on the Sherpa program,”
Hooper said. “It will be exciting to see the Sherpa aircraft deployed by the Forest Service.”
About Neptune Aviation
Missoula, Montana based Neptune Aviation’s core services are airtanker fire suppression, aircraft maintenance, non-destructive
testing, metal fabrication, charter air service and flight service between Missoula & Billings. Neptune Aviation employs a team of
185 dedicated, hard working, and talented individuals. For more information, contact Ron Hooper or Dan Snyder at (406) 542-0606
or visit:
A Sherpa aircraft in Neptune Aviation’s hangar.
Photo courtesy of Cliff Lynn
Page 6
Light Sport Operations
By Steve Rossiter
Here we are today, about a decade into the operation of Light Sport
Aircraft without the need of an FAA approved Medical Certificate. What
a concept, and it works! With only a driver’s license from the state you
live in you can legally fly a “qualified” aircraft with one other person
during the day under VFR conditions. Why aren’t more of us doing
exactly that in Missoula?
“Sport Aircraft,” what does that exactly mean? To me, it means
flying for sport (aka fun) rather than flying for some other purpose.
When you originally started flying, a major element was the fun factor.
When you soloed the first time, did an ear to ear smile show up on your
face? I bet it did. Even if your personal goals were to be a professional
pilot of some sort or use aircraft to help your business, you were, more
often or not, smiling because you were having fun.
What happened to the fun factor? If you were like me, the fun factor became secondary to other purposes for your flying
activities. A shame, but a reality. There was a period in my life when I got so much flying in my job I had no interest in flying for
fun. I was doing a lot of flying, but I was marching to someone else’s tune so it wasn’t necessarily fun. Those of you reading this
who are flying professionally understand this perfectly.
There is another group of you reading this who have chosen or have been forced into restricting your flying activities due to the
simple fact that flying has become too expensive. Keeping a medical current, keeping an airplane current (insurance, annual
inspection, hangar or tie down costs) is incredibly expensive, then you have to buy gas. Wow! Of course there is the rental option,
but goodness, even that often costs around $100 or more for an hour of flying.
One of the goals of the Light Sport movement was to bring the cost of flying, for fun, down to a realistic level. This effort has
been somewhat successful, if you confine yourself to a few certificated aircraft developed back in the 1930s and 1940s and you keep
your tail dragger skills up, these aircraft will work. Examples are the Piper J-3, Aeronca Champ, Ercoupe, and Taylorcraft. The
disappointing area of the LSA movement has been how the majority of new LSA aircraft have prices from $125,000 to nearly
$300,000. These manufactures, missed the mark and the low cost philosophy envisioned by many of us, when the concept was
Light Sport Aircraft Flying Club
By Steve Rossiter
The cost to fly an aircraft is directly proportional to the size of the
aircraft and the number of people involved with the ownership of the
aircraft. The Direct Operating Cost (fuel, oil, engine reserve, etc., equal
cost per hour) is a function of the type aircraft and how many horses
you are feeding gasoline to. The Indirect Operating Cost (insurance,
hangar, inspections, etc. equal fixed annual costs) is a function of how
many people are splitting these costs. Pretty simple isn’t it? Those of
you reading this who own aircraft, individually or multiple owners can
explain to anyone how these relationships function.
Joint ownership, whether partnerships or flying club, maximizes the
way to share costs over a broader base of owners. Just for a clear
understanding; for insurance purposes, if you get past five or six owners
the insurance companies consider the ownership a flying club.
The above has laid the groundwork for why a flying club makes financial sense. There are some other considerations that need to be
addressed as well. What kinds of “flying clubs” are there? There are primarily two types of the club most people have seen in the
The first kind of “flying club” is where the “members” join for a modest amount of money and pay a modest monthly amount in
dues and they rent aircraft at a rate, usually under retail rental rates. The aircraft involved are owned by the club founders, often a
local FBO, and the “members” have no say whatsoever in the procurement, maintenance, or equipping, of the aircraft. In addition,
(Continued on page 7)
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(Continued from page 6)
scheduling restrictions are controlled by the owner/founder not the members. The costs to the member include the owner’s overhead
costs and a profit cost factor.
The second kind of “flying club” is where members purchase a share in one or more aircraft and then pay a monthly membership
fee reflecting the actual Indirect Operating Cost of the aircraft. These fees are determined and set by the members of the Flying Club,
not a profit making entity. The members make the decisions on aircraft type, insurance company selection, equipping the aircraft and
most important, change things when the members want to make changes. Scheduling policy is determined by the members, not by
someone trying to maximize profits.
Now that you, hopefully, have an understanding of the flying club concept, there are a couple of
other realities that need to be addressed. Most of us as pilots have severe control issues. We
wouldn’t be good pilots if we didn’t. However, to have the opportunity to maximize the low cost
of flying, we must let go of some of these control issues. If you have ever, individually owned an
aircraft, you probably got way too emotionally attached. In reality, it is just a machine! Many of
your friends and family can operate that machine as good as you, no matter where your ego has
taken you. If you own or have owned an aircraft as a sole owner you know deep down in your
heart it made absolutely no financial sense whatsoever to own the thing. If you are like most
owners, and you probably are, you could have rented aircraft and been far better off from a dollars and cents standpoint. Right? Be
honest with yourself! Am I right?
If you have developed the maturity to see what I have said above makes sense, I think the time is right to develop a flying club in
Missoula, just for fun flying. Get a fun machine that doesn’t cost too much to operate and join like minded people to have an LSA
flying club based in Missoula (probably). The whole point is flying for fun again. To fly for fun you don’t need to go fast and usually
not very far. Perfect for a LSA type aircraft, cheap to buy, cheap to own, and cheap to fly. Flying and cheap equals a lot of fun! Who
can be against low cost flying fun?
Whether you have not been flying for a while, been waiting for the FAA rules to change, you own other aircraft, you don’t have a
medical, then joint venturing with like minded people can put fun flying back in your life. In any case, why not at least take a look
and see if something can finally be put together in Missoula.
Interested, contact me at or call 406 529-1601. We can pull together some folks and talk about it. With
luck we will put something together and get back to basic fun flying.
3 photos courtesy of Steve Rossiter
Missoula GA Organizations
EAA Chapter 517 meetings are held on the 3rd Monday of each month, January through November,
scheduled at the hanger at Stevensville Airport (32S) odd-numbered months and at the conference room in
the Missoula airport terminal (MSO) even-numbered months. For information, contact Steve
Rossiter, President, or visit the Chapter web site
Montana Pilots Association (MPA), Five Valleys Hangar meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of
each month. For information, contact Jim Younkin, President,
Page 8
From Dan’s Desk…
by Dan Neuman, MSO Business Development Manager
Now… I know that most of you are General Aviation fans… otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this article… right? But as much
as you love to fly yourself, sooner or later you are going to have to take a commercial flight like the rest of the traveling public.
When that day comes, here are a few tips for you that I have learned from being in the business the last 15 years.
Bring an empty water bottle: Most airports now feature water bottle filling stations which not
only save you money but significantly reduce the amount of plastic bottle waste that ends up in
landfills across the country. According to the Container Recycling Institute, 86% of plastic water
bottles used in the US become garbage that ends up in landfills throughout the country. Considering
that approximately 60 million plastic water bottles are used every day in the US, that’s nearly
18,834,000,000 ending up in the landfill each year. Each bottle can take up to 700 years to
Screenshot your boarding pass: The travel industry is rapidly trending towards mobile boarding
devices (your boarding pass on your hand held device like an IPad or
Cellular Phone). But mobile boarding passes are not infallible. Many times
the lack of sufficient wi-fi leads to the inability to either produce or find your boarding pass on your phone.
The simple solution is to snap a quick picture of it as soon as you check in. How? On an Apple device (IPhone, I-Pad, I-Pod, I-Etcetera) simply press and hold the Sleep/Wake button on the top or side of
your device then immediately press and release the Home button. On an android device (phone or tablet)
press the Power button and Volume down key at the same time. Remember to hold them until you hear a
click or a screenshot sound. Remember, the image is stored in your photo gallery.
Identification inside and out of your checked bag: I can’t begin to tell you the number of times that a
checked bag shows up on a flight with no bag tag, no identification on the exterior or interior. Always have
identification on the exterior of your bag, even if it is simply a phone number and initials. I also recommend
that people include their full identification and a copy of their itinerary inside of their checked luggage.
Searching a piece of luggage for ID is the last step before simply bundling up a mystery bag and shipping it
back to the Airlines Corporate Baggage Service Office, which sometimes has been compared to a black hole
for luggage. It is much easier and quicker to have your errant bag rerouted to you by the local station that has it in their possession…
they just need to know who you are and where to ship it.
I could go on and on but Gary tells me that I am out of space… dang editors…
Photos courtesy of Dan Neuman
Missoula has a new Certified Flight Instructor
Missoula pilot Trevor Stene has achieved the rating of Certified Flight Instructor.
He will be instructing part time at Northstar Jet. Contact Trevor at (406) 824-5525 or
Disposal of sumped aviation fuel
The News has it on good authority that your snowblower or lawnmower will run
just fine on 100LL. Save your sumped fuel and mix it with the regular fuel used for
these machines. Your car’s catalytic converter can potentially be damaged by the lead
so don’t put it in that tank!
Trevor Stene, MSO’s newest Certified Flight
Photo courtesy Trevor Stene
Aviation deicer
The News has learned that the deicers some of us may use on our taxiways and
sold in hardware stores contain salt and are harmful to the metals in our aircraft.
Airports use aircraft-safe deicers sold only in large quantities. To protect your aircraft, find ways of coping with ice that don’t involve
using a sidewalk deicer.
Page 9
General Aviation Barbecue at Missoula International Airport
The “GA BBQ” has been an annual tradition at our Airport and was enjoyed once again this September 20 th. The event is
sponsored by the Airport and serves as an occasion to gather the Airport community for an afternoon of friends sharing their interest
in aviation. Leading the assault on empty stomachs were chefs extraordinaire Cris Jensen and Brian Ellestad. Their unsurpassed
burgers and brats could be topped off with ice cream served up from the Big Dipper mobile unit to those with bold appetites.
Doors were open at the Runway 25 Hangars and beautiful aircraft built by their pilots could be admired along with production
aircraft of several makes. The Museum of Mountain Flying’s Dick Komberec brought over his historic 1929 Travelair 6000, once
owned by Missoula’s Johnson Flying Service and based at McCall, Idaho. Enhancing these viewing opportunities were many cars
that had been either nicely restored or were modified attention-getters that ran with throaty roars. They were brought to the event by
the Garden City Rods and Customs Car Club.
A Billings-based Chinook firefighting helicopter crew on a fueling stop at MSO was told about the BBQ and made it part of their
day. Upon departure, they entertained everyone with a low pass on their way east.
A most enjoyable sight was watching friends and families share this nice weather day with good conversation and fellowship.
Although an event report almost always says something like “It was a great success and enjoyed by all,” this one was truly no
exception to the cliché.
Right: Steve and
Joe Degan in Joe’s
remodeled car.
Below: Chefs Cris
Jensen and Brian
Ellestad serve up
excellent burgers.
Above: Dick Kombereck’s Travelair and
Bruce Doering’s Cessna 170 were key
GA BBQ attractions.
Above and right:
Friends and
abounded at the GA
All photos by Gary
Above: Chinook Helicopter
entertained BBQ participants with a
low flyby.
MSO GA News thanks Kevin Condit, Neptune Aviation; Dan Neuman, MSO Business Development Manager; Steve
Rossiter; Steve Powell; and Joe Sannella, USFS Pilot for contributing to this newsletter! If you have something interesting to
write about we'd like to put it in the newsletter and share it with the Missoula aviation community! Long (about 500
words), short, funny, serious, whatever. The News is published intermittently. Interested in contributing? Contact the
editor (see below).
MSO GA NEWS is published in Missoula Montana by Missoula International Airport and The Experimental Aircraft
Association (EAA) Chapter 517.
Editor and reporter: Gary Matson, Box 308, Milltown MT 59851 • 370-6584(c) •
Missoula International Airport: 5225 Highway 10 West, Missoula MT 59808 • 728-4381 •
EAA Chapter 517: •
Missoula International Airport:
Homestead Helicopters:
Minuteman Aviation:
Neptune Aviation:
Northstar Jet:
Museum of Mountain Flying:
Nat’l Museum of Forest Service History:
Metro Aviation:
Flying drones safely: