. IB MAY08 *LIVE* - Timmins Chamber of Commerce
. IB MAY08 *LIVE* - Timmins Chamber of Commerce
G’s Carpet Cleaning & Services • Carpet Cleaning • Upholstery Cleaning inside business CAROL SWEEZEY (LAFRANCE) Agente D’imm / Sales Rep 360-8123 BI-MONTHLY MAY 2008 • Strip & Wax Floors • Spring Clean-Up “We don’t cut corners. We clean them” 107 Fifth Ave. Timmins Tel: 360-2027 • Page: 360-6710 Pager 264-5364 REALTY LTD. Brokerage www.crworks.com/carolsweezey A TIMMINS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE PUBLICATION Chamber celebrates excellence in our community The Timmins Chamber of Commerce presented its 2008 NOVA Business Excellence Awards to recipients at a gala evening awards ceremony on Thursday April 17th. This year, the theme for the event was “fire and ice”. The stellar event lived up to its reputation as the premier business event for the Chamber of Commerce. This year, NOVA judges had a difficult time whittling down over 90 nomination forms to just three finalists for each category. Even more difficult was the task of selecting just one recipient for each of the 13 awards. The “Fire and Ice” event was complete with ice sculptures, fire twirlers, professional sound and lighting and fire and ice-themed appetizers. With a sold-out crowd, the McIntyre arena came alive with theatrics during the event. According to NOVA organizers Gary Marriott and Joel Bergeron, planning the event required a lot of time and effort, which all paid off in the end. “To be able to plan and execute such a high calibre event for our region is a great accomplishment,” stated Marriott. “Based on the attendance of over 450 people and response from people who attended the event, it was a true success for nominees, finalists, recipients and all who attended the gala,” he added. “As a group, the 2008 finalists & recipients exemplify business excellence in Timmins”, stated Joel Bergeron. “To see such a great turnout for the event – a sold-out success – it is a wonderful reward for all of the efforts that have been put forth by the committee members, event judges, Chamber staff, and our event sponsors, without which an evening like this would simply not be possible.” Chamber President Marilyn Wood stated that “Holding an event of this quality really makes businesses proud to be part of the Timmins business community. The Chamber of Commerce feels it is a tangible way to celebrate the successes of businesses in a proper manner. From what I’ve seen tonight during the awards gala, finalist videos and recipients, I am impressed at the quality of businesses that Timmins has to offer and proud to be part of an organization that recognizes and values the importance of celebrating our collective success.” Award recipients gathered for a photo after the 2008 NOVAs wrapped up at the McIntyre arena. For more on the awards please see Page 7. Study reveals hidden benefits of Chamber membership that is inherent in a traditional opinion poll. The objective of the research study was to quantify the impacts of belonging to a chamber, to identify whether chamber membership evoked increased support from consumers and what maintaining an active chamber membership tells consumers about your organization. The study revealed that among participants, an active chamber membership is highly effective in conveying to consumers that a business uses good business practices, is a reputable establishment, cares about customers and is involved within the community. Compared to other strategies employed by some businesses, such as sponsoring non-chamber community events, encouraging volunteer work among employees, offering scholarships to local students and encouraging charity donations by employees, a chamber membership was revealed to be the most effective strategy to communicate the aforementioned business traits. Approximately, 7 out of 10 respondents indicated that chamber membership is the most effective way that a business can communicate to consumers that it implements good practices and maintains a good reputation within the community. Additionally, approximately 6 out of 10 respondents indicated that a chamber membership demonstrates community involvement and care for customers. Regarding a company’s goods and services, the research study provided some interesting results. Specifically, the survey indicates that when consumers are aware that a business is a member of the local chamber of commerce, they are 19% more likely to think favourably of that company. Moreover, when a business is known to be highly active within the local chamber, the average consumer is 12% more likely to think that its products and services are better than the competition. Further research into potential causes of these phenomena revealed that consumers infer from chamber membership that a company is trustworthy, involved within the ▲ Earlier this year, The Shapiro Group and Market Street Services released the results of a detailed study outlining what a Chamber membership means to consumers. While benefits of membership, such as financial benefits, access to networking opportunities and informational and educational sessions, are often apparent to business owners and managers, the impact of a Chamber membership – and how it affects how your business is perceived by prospective consumers and existing clients – is one benefit that is definitely worth exploring. Study data was obtained through a web-based survey of 2000 American adults and was designed to bypass the subjectivity Story continued on Page 2 ROSS, POPE & COMPANY Chartered Accountants 101 C i “Helping You Achieve Your Goals In Your Business Is Our Goal In Our Business” 101 Cedar St. South Timmins Ont. P4N 2G7 Tel: (705) 264-9484 Fax: (705) 264-0788 E-mail: inform@rosspope.com www.rosspope.com inside business 2 -MAY 2008 ▲ Continued From Page 1 community and is an industry leader. The Impact of Chamber Membership on Large and Small Businesses The study also differentiated between member benefits according to the size of the organization. The study found that when consumers are aware that a large business is a member of the local chamber of commerce, they are likely to patronize the company more often, express favourable opinions about the company, to know more about the company and to buy the company’s products. For large restaurant chains and insurance companies, membership results in increases in patronage, likelihood of purchase, consumer knowledge and a more favourable opinion of the company, compared to when a consumer is unaware that a business is a member of the local chamber of commerce. For a small business, a chamber membership instills similar perceptions and impacts. Specifically, chamber membership confers considerable increases in customer favourability ratings, increased customer awareness, increases in local reputation and an increased likelihood that consumers will patronize the company in the future. According to Chamber President Marilyn Wood, “This study is welcome news and it reinforces the belief by being involved in the Chamber, a business is not only the recipient of direct benefits obtained through members programs and events, but also, this study clearly illustrates the indirect benefits to which businesses are exposed by being members of their local Chamber of Commerce”. Overall, the study indicates that when customers are aware that a business is a member of the local chamber of commerce, customers are more inclined to patronize, support and provide referrals to these businesses. In order to ensure that members realize these indirect benefits, it is important that businesses let their current and future customers know that they are members. Businesses can show their involvement in the Timmins Chamber of Commerce in a number of ways, including active involvement in Chamber committees, proudly displaying Chamber window decals, Chamber publications such as Inside Business and Chamber Inside, and by encouraging customers to patronize fellow Chamber members. To view this study and a detailed description of results and methodology, visit www. timminschamber.on.ca / researchstudy. “The Real Value of Joining a Local Chamber of Commerce” is a research study conducted by The Shapiro Group and Market Street Services. The study was commissioned by the American Chamber of Commerce Executives with support from Small Business Network, Inc. The Timmins Chamber of Commerce presents ASK THE EXPERT How To Perform Employee Reference Checks with Guest Speaker Rachel Pineault of the Timmins & District Chapter of the HRPAO (Human Resources Professional Association of Ontario) Join us on Thursday, May 8th, 2008 at the Timmins Police Service Community Boardroom from 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. (Muffins and Coffee will be served) No charge for Chamber members $5 for future members At this session, you’ll learn: i Why you should complete reference checks i What questions to ask to get the best information about perspective employees i What questions you can and CANNOT ask R.S.V.P. your attendance to the Chamber Phone 360-1900, Fax 360-1193 or e-mail: info@timminschamber.on.ca This event is brought to you by: Building Bridges and Opportunities Conference 2008 “Growing our Region” You are cordially invited to attend the second Building Bridges and Opportunities Conference that will be held at the Days Inn in the City of Timmins on June 18, 2008, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Mushkegowuk and Wabun Tribal Councils along with the City of Timmins and community partners have joined together to host this innovative session with a focus on youth – Growing Our Region. O N TA R I O ’ S F I R S T D I A M O N D M I N E The purpose of the “Building Bridges and Opportunities Conference” will be to provide a learning experience for individuals of Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal descent. There will be presentations from Chiefs of the Mushkegowuk and Wabun Communities regarding “what is happening” in their respective communities. As well, Jason Smallboy will present findings from the Fifth Annual Youth Symposium on the Environment that was held in Timmins in February 2008. BUSINESS D I R E C T O RY There will be plenty of opportunity to network, discuss and interact with speakers and participants. We encourage you to join us, and attend, this very meaningful event. It will result in lasting partnerships, which will help create opportunities and enhance the lives of the citizens of our collective communities. TOLL FREE RECRUITMENT LINES i : i CREE: 1-888-795-6469 a : a ENGLISH: 1-888-MINE JOB (646-3562) Mark June 18, 2008 on your calendar now and make plans to attend! Meegwetch, Mayor Tom Laughren City of Timmins Grand Chief Stan Louttit Mushkegowuk Council Shawn Batise, Executive Director Wabun Tribal Council - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - PLEASE PRINT Last: First: Title: Address: City: Postal Code: Organization: Phone: Fax: Email: Please fax completed registration form to Kerry Canie, City of Timmins, 705-360-2674 or via email to kerry.canie@timmins.ca by Friday, May 30, 2008. Visit the City’s website at www.timmins.ca for more details. Published by the Timmins Chamber of Commerce P.O. Box 985 Timmins, Ontario P4N 7H6 (705) 360-1900 Fax: (705) 360-1193 E-mail: krobson@timminschamber.on.ca Website: www.timminschamber.on.ca For Editorial Managing Editor: Information Keitha Robson Call: (705) Keitha Robson 360-1900 (705) 360-1900 E-mail: krobson@timminschamber.on.ca E-mail: krobson@timminschamber.on.ca Editor: Chertow Information For Advertising andHeather Membership Call: Rae (705)James 360-1900 (705) 360-1900 E-mail: hchertow@timminschamber.on.ca E-mail: jrae@timminschamber.on.ca “Inside Business” is an information package provided to members of the Timmins Chamber of Commerce and businesses at large. The positions expressed in by-lined columns are the opinion of the subject editor and do not reflect the position of the Timmins Chamber of Commerce unless specifically stated. The Timmins Chamber of Commerce assumes no responsibility for statements or claims made by advertisers. “Inside Business” is published 6 times per year by the Timmins Chamber of Commerce. Issue dates are January, March, May, July, September and November. Closing date is the second Friday of the previous month. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the publisher’s written permission. V I CT O R V I CT O R MINE MINE Heading into full operations in Q2 - 2008 We’re looking for skilled people like you to for help turncareer youropportunities. diamond dreams into reality. Visit www.debeerscanada.com current Visit www.debeerscanada.com for current career opportunities. inside business MAY 2008 - 3 Chamber launches valuable new club THE LEADS GENERATION CLUB IS MADE UP OF BUSINESS REPRESENTATIVES WHO MEET ON A MONTHLY BASIS TO EXCHANGE VALUABLE, QUALIFIED SALES LEADS AND REFERRALS. Growing your business can be a difficult process and leads are often hard to come by. Last month, the Timmins Chamber of Commerce held the first meeting of its Leads Generation Club, a new resource group for members. The intent of Leads Generation is to enable our members to leverage the potential to grow their businesses by maximizing Chamber networking opportunities. The group encourages lead identification and information-sharing for all business people involved - with the ultimate goal of generating more business leads and opportunities for members. The LGC resource group facilitates the opportunity for our members to share leads with one another, while also providing qualified referrals to other business contacts. During a meeting, LGC-members inform fellow group members of potential business opportunities within our city. Regular attendance and active participation is essential to the success of the club. Group members are assigned points depending on the level of detail included in each lead. In particular, one point is given to member who provides a non-specific lead. Two points are assigned to a group member who provides a lead that includes a name, address and contact information. Finally, any lead that is shared within the group that turns into a connection between an LGC member and the lead itself results in three points for the individual who originally shared the lead with the group. Each month, group members are expected to provide a total of 10 points each to the group; implementing this standard ensures that all group members do their individual parts to contribute lead information to the group. It is our hope that LGC enables our members to strategically leverage networking opportunities to grow their business, while also promoting business among and within the Chamber membership. The first LGC meeting took place on Tuesday, April 8th. While all leads shared within the group are highly confidential, according to Steven Vachon, Member Development & Events Specialist at the Chamber, and administrator of the LGC Group, the first meeting went extremely well. “Club members are highly energized and very much looking forward to acting upon the leads that were shared at the first meeting. This is an exciting opportunity for our members because it provides a solid forum for members to grow their businesses. Furthermore, this group really encourages the Chamber’s “Buy Local, Buy Chamber” initiative, which encourages our members to conduct business with other Chamber members”. According to Club participant Julie Belanger-Racette, Account Manager with Grand & Toy, the club was well presented to Chamber members and the first meeting was very well received. “I am very enthusiastic about the LGC club. It is a significant asset of our Chamber membership and a great value for all LGC participants. Ultimately, it’s a great way for me to network with other Chamber members, build and strengthen networking relationships, develop more business leads – and more business. ” While membership in the LGC group is limited to 25 participants, the Chamber will facilitate additional LGC groups as demand dictates the need for such. Within each LGC group, only one representative from each business sector is permitted to join; individuals are selected on a first-come, first-served basis. This restriction ensures that there are no conflicts among group members with respect to sharing and pursuing leads. LGC membership requires a small annual fee of $31.50. The initial cost will be more than recouped through the leads and additional business generated via group meetings. All discussions, leads, and information sharing that takes place at the meetings is considered private and will be strictly confidential. Members wishing to join LGC are required to complete an application form and forward it to the Chamber. For more information, or to join the Leads Generation Club, please visit the Chamber of Commerce website at http://www.timminschamber.on.ca/LeadsG enerationClub.htm or call (705) 360-1900. 4 -MAY 2008 inside business Shopping locally benefits our community As the “Voice of Business” in Timmins, the Chamber of Commerce promotes local shopping, buying and selling to show support for businesses in the community. Supporting local businesses is integral to a community’s overall development. By supporting local businesses, businesses are in a position in which they are able to give back to the community through various channels of support. Local business owners continually invest in our community, and have a vested interest in its continued prosperity. Likewise, by supporting businesses that belong to the Chamber of Commerce, you are re-investing in your Chamber network. The Chamber is committed to the community and encourages its growth by promoting business opportunities to help members learn more about their immediate business environment and create more awareness for the availability of local goods and services. As such, the Timmins Chamber of Commerce strongly encourages members to “Buy Local, Buy Chamber” whenever possible. Chamber members employ local workers, pay local taxes and are able to re-invest within the community by supporting numerous community organizations and causes. By choosing to “Buy Chamber” first, you are making a conscientious decision to invest in your Chamber and in your community. They are more likely than not to support many community organizations and causes. One of the primary ways in which the Chamber encourages local shopping is through the promotion of our members. This is done through a number of communication channels, including: on the Chamber website, in the membership directory, via our weekly e-letter, Chamber Inside and the Chamber newspaper – all prime examples of how the Chamber promotes Members and the importance of shopping locally. One of the initiatives started by the Chamber to promote local shopping among members is our popular Member-to-Member Discount program. Essentially, this program provides our members with a vehicle whereby they may offer preferred rates to other Chamber members. This mutually beneficial arrangement has seen fantastic uptake by our membership at large. The Member-to-Member Discount program is successful in part because of the members who fully support and promote the “buy local” concept and have become involved in the program by offering – and utilizing - discounts through the memberprogram. Encouraging customers and residents to “Buy Local, Buy Chamber” contributes positively to the city’s economy, promotes community development and supports your fellow Timmins Chamber of Commerce members. Local businesses create jobs, help to keep the downtown core healthy and alive, and build a community that is appreciated by all who live in it. Businesses within the community help sustain the economy and our community’s culture by contributing to local events, sponsoring sports teams, festivals, clubs and schools. Every time a customer makes a local purchase, he or she is directly and indirectly contributing – and giving back - to the community. By failing to shop locally, consumers support businesses that do not pay local taxes, nor employ local residents, nor provide local referrals to shoppers, nor contribute directly to our community. If local businesses are poorly supported within the community, they may not be as capable of giving back through sponsorship and support of community initiatives. A number of businesses within our community do their part to promote the importance of shopping locally. When it comes to local shopping initiatives, Q92 is one company that is leading the way. Q92 and EZ Rock have run a Shop Local initiative since August 2007. Each weekend, Q92.1 FM and EZ Rock 99.3 FM broadcast 36 Shop Local messages that air throughout each day following weather updates: “Weather is a presentation of the local businesses in your community, Shop Locally and support your local businesses.“ All of this promotional air time for local businesses is provided at no extra charge. To date, Q92.1 FM and EZ Rock 99.3 FM have aired approximately 600 of these Shop Local “liners”. This translates to a total amount of air time valued at over $7,000. We all have to do our part to support the community. The next time you’re looking for any product or service, be sure to first look within the Timmins Chamber network. Chamber memberships are a solid indicator of community support. With more than 700 businesses and organizations now registered as local Chamber members, finding a member is easier than ever! To access the Timmins Chamber of Commerce Buyer’s Guide, visit the online Chamber Directory at www.timminschamber.on.ca/directory.php . What you should know about the provincial budget On March 26th, the provincial government released their 2008 budget in which they announced the planned spending and investment for the year. In January of this year, Timmins Chamber of Commerce President Marilyn Wood presented the Chamber’s recommendations to the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs, a body which reports to the Legislative Assembly its observations, opinions and recommendations on the fiscal and economic policies of the Province of Ontario. In her presentation, Ms. Wood outlined a number of recommendations that, if met, would serve to better the business climate in northern Ontario and improve the ability of our members and other northern Ontario businesses to conduct business in our region and beyond. The 2008 provincial budget speaks to certain Chamber policies and suggestions, including increasing the capacity for a skilled workforce, planned investment in northern roads, highways and other infrastructure, and some tax relief for northern businesses. FASTER BUSINESS EDUCATION TAX REDUCTION FOR NORTHERN BUSINESSES One way in which northern Ontario businesses will realize some tax relief is via reductions to the business education tax. In Timmins, the BET for commercial and industrial properties is 2.3% and 2.97% respectively. This translates to commercial and industrial tax classes that are 7.65 and 9.89 times higher than residential tax rates. Previously, plans were announced to reduce the BET tax for all businesses in Ontario to a uniform 1.6%. However, the new budget announced that northern Ontario businesses will see their BET rates reduced faster than their southern Ontario counterparts. For businesses in Timmins and elsewhere within the Cochrane District, this translates to reaching an annual ceiling rate of 1.6% by 2010 as opposed to 2014 as originally announced. According to the provincial government, this action will result in total savings of more than $70M for northern businesses over the next three years. ADDITIONAL MEASURES FOR BUSINESS Another tax relief program was announced that eliminates capital tax retroactive to January 1st 2007 for forestry, logging and mining industries, as well as manufacturers who produce primary metal and fabricated metal products, wood and paper products and transportation equipment. There was also an extension of the Capital Cost Allowance, which provides some tax relief for machinery and equipment investments made prior to 2012. As well, the province has made a commitment to modernizing regulatory procedures in order to reduce the paper burden facing Ontario businesses. INCREASED FUNDING FOR NOHFC The total GDP for northern Ontario in 2006 was $27.8B, more than PEI, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and the Territories combined. Greater revenue sharing with the north, as advocated by the Timmins Chamber of Commerce, is necessary to maintain sustainable economic growth in our region. Currently, the primary channel through which the provincial government reinvests in northern Ontario is the northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation. NOFHC works with northern entrepreneurs, communities and business organizations to support vital community infrastructure and economic development projects that create jobs and enhance the quality of life in the north. To that end, the Timmins Chamber of Commerce is pleased to see that the province plans to increase NOHFC funding by $10M per year - from $60M in 2007 to $100M in 2011. INFRASTRUCTURE AND SKILLS DEVELOPMENT We applaud the province’s plan to invest $400M for road and bridge maintenance for municipalities outside of the GTA, $557M for the Northern Ontario Highways Program and $16M to fund 35 projects for “Connecting Link” highways, including Algonquin Blvd in Timmins, which serves as a vital link for our businesses. Investing in training programs, post-secondary education and increasing the provincial apprenticeship capacity will provide future benefits to our businesses, which are often faced with many challenges in recruiting and retaining a skilled workforce. The Chamber of Commerce commends the government’s investment in Skills to Jobs Action Plan, including investment in developing new skills for new careers through its Second Career Strategy program, as well as muchneeded investment in apprenticeship training, which includes $75M over the next 3 years to reach a goal of 32,500 apprentices by 2011. UNADDRESSED IN 2008 BUDGET The Chamber continues to urge Finance Minister Dwight Duncan to honour the commitment made by his predecessor, Greg Sorbara, to keep the diamond tax in the range of 3-7% for the DeBeers Victor Project, which had received shareholder approval on a $1B investment at a fixed 5% tax rate prior to an increase being announced that could potentially more than double the taxes they would pay. It is feared that this will undermine the confidence in mining investment, and may be a forerunner to similar unexpected changes in the tax regime for all mining projects. With respect to energy rates, the Chamber continues to lobby the Ontario Government to use energy as an economic driver by setting rates that are in line with competitive jurisdictions including Quebec (now 40% lower) and Manitoba (60% lower). Ontario has the second highest energy rates in North America, and Timmins is home to the one of the largest energy users in Ontario (Xstrata Copper). Lower energy rates are crucial to the ability of our region and our province to retain companiesthat face exorbitant operational costs due to high energy rates. “Businesses are facing increased challenges in addition to workforce development issues, such as the struggling US economy, a weak US dollar and an increasing price of energy and oil,” stated Chamber President Marilyn Wood. “We will continue to lobby for strategies to maintain and stimulate economic development in northern Ontario.” To view the Chamber’s presentation to the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs, please visit www.timminschamber.on.ca/documents/provincialbudgetpresentation.pdf. To find out more information about the 2008 Budget Ontario, visit www.ontariobudget.ca. inside business MAY 2008 - 5 INSIDE THEIR BUSINESS Lake Shore Gold poised to become local precious-metals giant The Timmins Chamber of Commerce hosted another edition of its popular Inside Their Business Luncheon Series on March 6 with guest speaker, Anthony (Tony) Makuch, President and CEO of Lake Shore Gold Corp. Lake Shore Gold owns a number of properties in the Timmins region. At the wellattended luncheon, Tony Makuch shared with Chamber Members some of the company’s future plans for its operations in Timmins and beyond. Lake Shore Gold Corp. is a mineral exploration company focused on the acquisition, exploration and development of mineral properties in Ontario and Québec. Held at Cedar Meadows, the highest attended Inside Their Business luncheon to date, gave Chamber Members an “inside” look at Lake Shore’s future plans for our region. Guest speaker Tony Makuch was recently appointed President and CEO of Lake Shore Gold Corp; Tony hails from Timmins and has over 25 years of management, operations and technical experience in the mining industry. Currently, Lake Shore owns a number of properties in and around the Timmins area. The presentation, “New Beginnings in a Hundred Year Old Mining Camp”, showed luncheon attendees the properties currently owned by Lake Shore Gold in Ontario and Quebec. In the Timmins region, these properties include the Bell Creek Complex (made up of the Bell Creek Mill and the Vogel/Schumacher property) found northeast of South Porcupine and the Timmins West and Thunder Creek projects, which are both located near the junction of Highway 101 and Highway 144. Lake Shore plans to re-commission the Bell Creek Mill and continue the exploration programs at Bell Creek and at the Vogel and Schumacher properties. In addition, Lake Shore has commenced sinking a shaft on its 100%-owned Timmins West gold deposit. Makuch stated that the Timmins West mine will be in full production by the end of 2009. Based on current conservative estimates, Timmins West has 1.2M ounces of gold and according to Makuch, it has “the potential to be the next big gold mine coming out of Timmins.” In his presentation to the crowd of 130 Chamber members, Makuch made it clear that safety and responsibility are of the utmost importance at Lake Shore. It is through consistent safety records and corporate social responsibility that organizations may bring true value to shareholders and to the communities in which they operate. He closed his presentation by stating that “Timmins is a mining town – a gold mining town. It is times like these, when metal prices are high, that mining companies must invest in exploration and capital so that when metal prices decrease in the future, the mines remain economically viable and can help sustain the community.” Chamber President Marilyn Wood thanked Makuch after the Cedar Meadows presentation, “On behalf of all our members, I would like to thank Tony for making this informative presentation to the Timmins Chamber of Commerce. We are very excited about the exploration and development that Lake Shore is currently undertaking in our area; it is certainly good news for businesses when development in our region is steady Pictured above, Chamber President Marilyn Wood thanks Lake Shore Gold President and CEO Tony Makuch for his presenation at the Chamber’s Inside Their Business luncheon. and continues to grow.” As part of its ongoing effort to provide informative opportunities for its members, the Timmins Chamber of Commerce is committed to offering both members and future members the opportunity to learn about businesses that operate in our region. “We truly value the willingness for industries in our region to share with our members future plans for their organizations in Timmins and beyond”, stated Chamber President Marilyn Wood. “It is these partnerships that enable the Chamber of Commerce to continue to offer value-added programming to our members”. SUPER CITYYou CLEANING SERVICES can see the professional difference AUTO DETAILING SPECIALISTS BEFORE AFTER AUTOMOTIVE HIGH PRESSURE HOT EXTRACTION CLEANING AND DETAILING SERVICES 267-1831 8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. 7 days a week NEW LOCATION: 433 OAK AVENUE John Laporte • service bilingue • 20 years with a clean reputation inside business 6 - MAY 2008 Leadership for the 21st century! “The rules for work are changing. We’re being judged by a new yard-stick: not just by how smart we are, or by our training and expertise, but also by how well we handle ourselves and each other.” Daniel Golman A strong culture begins with strong leadership. Leadership demands have changed greatly over the last 10 to 15 years leaving many stunned and confused. What on earth is needed now that is different from what worked so well not very long ago? In the past, a good leader and/or manager was a great boss when he or she excelled at their craft and were able to direct others on the proper way to a job well done. They would tell people what to do and how to do it right, directing and controlling the highest standards for the business or organization. They were the gate-keepers, the truthknowers, the conflict-resolvers, the sole decision makers. They commanded respect through their role or title and had the sole burden of responsibility in the end. The 21st century is calling on a different type of leader and a new set of skills for success. Leaders and managers now need to have exceptional people and communication skills. They need to be able to coach people, facilitate processes, be visionaries and role models for the standards of behavior they expect from all staff. They need to bring out the best in the people who work for them by building a culture of motivation and trust. They need to inspire a sense of ownership that filters through the entire organization. They need to be able to collaborate, partner and empower. They need to have a strong ability to adapt to change and embrace new directions with enthusiasm and ease. In their book, “Corporate Culture and Performance”, John Kotter and James L. Heskett state that leaders are the key ingredients to creating a culture that is conducive to performance and revenue growth. Leaders that are able to create organizations with what they call “Performance Enhancing Cultures” (PEC) have astounding performance records. In their research, Kotter and Heskett found that organizations with PEC had revenue growth of 682% over a 10 year period as opposed to 166% for organizations who didn’t possess such a culture. In the areas of employment growth and net income growth, the numbers were just as astonishing. Employment Growth for PEC companies was 282% as opposed to 36% for all other cultures and the Net Income Growth for PEC was 756% as compared to 1% for non-PEC companies. So what kind of leader heads this type of performance enhancing culture? According to Kotter and Heskett’s research, they are leaders who are committed to winning the hearts, as well as the minds of people. They give balanced attention to serving the customers, the employees and the stakeholders (or board members) when applicable. They are highly energized and able to align people on common vision and goals. They are receptive to change, responsive to opportunities and dedicated to creative risk taking. They provide an encouraging and empowering environment that builds confidence and morale. They provide a high-trust environment that identifies and confronts problems with solution focus and personal accountability. They are clear on their expectations. They emphasize fairness, and integrity, and have the “courage” to “do what is right!” This thorough list tells us “what” is needed. The question now is “how” to create this type of leadership? The good news is that this leadership style can be learned. Although many leaders already possess some of these skills naturally, all of them can be learned. And the results of this type of leadership can be remarkable. Key Questions to Ask: What key leadership skills do you already possess? What key leadership skills could use some help? What support and resources would open you up for learning some of these new skills? What goals and/or success could be reached if you did so? What are you waiting for? Sylvie Gervais-Leduc is the owner of The Art of Excellence, offering Executive Coaching, Leadership and Management Training, Workshops and Workplace Enrichment Consultation Services. Sylvie has worked successfully with thousands of people helping them to achieve their goals, become inspiring and effective leaders and reach their highest aspirations for personal and organizational success! 2008 WORKSHOP SERIES THE LEADER’S CODE OF EXCELLENCE Developing the leader from within D on’t you wish all staff would have initiative, and watch them maximize their potential and bring huge follow up, be true to their word, commit to your benefits to your bottom line! vision and bring it forward? Come spend the day with Sylvie and see what the This workshop is designed to bring out the leader “Leader’s Code of Excellence” entails, have the potential in anyone who takes it. People will discover opportunity to evaluate where you are currently vis a what it takes to be a great leader. There are huge benefits vis those skills and how to develop Leadership to having leadership strengths at all levels in a business Excellence at all levels within your business or and organization. Help people develop those strengths organization! Join Executive Coach Sylvie Gervais-Leduc from The Art of Excellence on: MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 22ND, 2008, 9:00 A.M. TO 4:00 P.M. CEDAR MEADOWS RESORT TIMMINS, ONTARIO FULL DAY SEMINAR 9:00 am to 4:00 pm $ 265.00 +GST per person Ask about our group rates (10% off for more than 2) HOW TO REGISTER: Online: www.taoe.ca By Phone: 1-866-827-8448 By Email: info@taoe.ca Business of the Year Business of the Year Business of the Year (1-5 Employees) (6-49 Employees) (50+ Employees) Sponsored by Sponsored by Awarded to a business with up to five employees that has demonstrated excellence in sales, growth, product development, job creation and quality. The Fitness Zone Runners up: Northern Swing Golf Centre, Dr. Donald Francis Dentistry Sponsored by Awarded to a business with between 6 and 49 employees that has demonstrated excellence in sales, growth, product development, job creation and quality. N. Lacroix Plumbing & Heating (Timmins) Limited Runners up: Northern Mechanical Services Inc., ANO Architects/Architectes Inc. Awarded to a business with more than 50 employees that has demonstrated excellence in sales, growth, product development, job creation and quality. The Home Depot Runners up: TeleTech Timmins, Xstrata Copper Construction Trades Apprenticeship Award Sponsored by Timmins Construction Association Awarded to a business that sponsors skilled trade apprenticeships. Northern Mechanical Services Runners up: Toromont CAT, On the Level Construction AN NU AL 6aÉät TãtÜwá TH 2 0 0 8 R E C I P I E N T S Aboriginal Partnership Award Business Contribution to Community Sponsored by Sponsored by Awarded to a business that chooses to make Timmins a better place by demonstrating a commitment of financial and human resources to support community goals. This award recognizes a business, not individuals. Awarded to an aboriginal or non-aboriginal business that has demonstrated a commitment to developing partnerships within the community to forward aboriginal culture, acceptance and/or employment. Xstrata Copper Wawatay Native Communications Society Runners up: Perfect Settings, Canadian Tire Non-Profit Organization Award New Business (less than 2 years) Service Excellence Sponsored by Environmental Award Sponsored by Sponsored by Sponsored by Awarded to a non-profit organization that exemplifies entrepreneurial spirit. Schumacher Lions Club Runners up: Alzheimer Society of Timmins, Barrier Elimination Action Corp., KidSport Timmins Marketing Innovation Achievement Sponsored by Runners up: Liberty Mines Inc., Wasaya Airways LP TIMMINS SQUARE Awarded to a business that has launched an outstanding and unique marketing ad, event or promotional campaign for its own product or service. Three Small Rooms Boutique Runners up: JackpineJunction.com, CHYK FM (HBG Radio) Awarded to a business that has been in operation for up to two years and has demonstrated outstanding growth and success. Christopher’s Coffee House Runners up: Dubé Designs, Liberty Mines Inc. Media Person Of The Year Awarded to a business that has demonstrated a commitment to providing top quality customer service. Uptown Auto Parts Timmins Inc. Runners up: Three Small Rooms Boutique, TeleTech Timmins Awarded to a business that has demonstrated a commitment to preserving or enhancing our natural environment. Goldcorp Canada Ltd. Thank you to our event sponsors: COMMERCIAL BANKING Young Entrepreneur (Under 30) Sponsored by: Sponsored by Awarded to a local media person who has contributed to the promotion of the Timmins business community. Lydia Chubak-Kapel Channel 3 News Awarded to an entrepreneur 30 years of age or younger who has demonstrated leadership and ability in operating his or her business. Brisco Media Runners up: Praztek Construction, First Class Limo Insurance & Financial Services LA CAISSE POPULAIRE DE TIMMINS LIMITÉE inside business 8 - MAY 2008 New member profiles Esthetics works with nothing but high quality products, such as: France Laure Paris, Gehwol and O.P.I.. Gift certificates and wedding party discounts are available. Cancellation policy is in effect. For more information, please call 267-7117 or visit them on location at 258 Kimberly Avenue, Timmins. DeBastos & Sons Ltd. FORESTRY SERVICES Debastos & Sons Ltd. is a logging company with 20 years of forestry experience. Their harvesting services consist of Feller Bunchers (cut), Grapple Skidders (skid) and Delimbers (delimb). During the past few years they have expanded their services to include road construction. Their road construction equipment consists of dozers, excavators, graders, articulate trucks, dump trucks, as well as floating services. For more information, please call Dino DeBastos at 268-6479. Servunet Computer and Network Services COMPUTER SALES AND SERVICES Servunet offers computer & network support, consulting, maintenance and installation. The company values quality, fairness, and consistency. That’s what they believe when working with each and every client –every time. From initial assessment to on-going support, they help small to mid-size businesses stay connected so they can focus on what’s important for them - - And all with a smile. Some of their services include network analysis & support, network & computer backups, remote network support & monitoring, consultation services, and computer repair & support. For more information, please call Gus Minor at 222-8721. Strongco Equipment RENTAL SALES AND SERVICES Strongco Equipment is a Volvo Construction Equipment dealer, featuring a full product line - from compact equipment to large articulated haulers. Strongco also caters to parts and services for all makes and models. Strongco Equipment is committed to their work and their customers. That’s why they carry industry-leading brands that offer you the diverse options you need to get the job done. Strongco’s mission is to promote an optimistic and enthusiastic organizational culture, succeed through teamwork and be a premiere customer-care company. For more information please call 267-1012 or visit www.strongco.com. TD Waterhouse Financial Planning FINANCIAL SERVICES TD Waterhouse Financial Planning provides custom-tailored investment advice and management. It is an in-depth and ongoing process that results in solutions that reflect clients’ objectives at every stage of their life. Through comprehensive information gathering, analysis, decision-making and evaluation, an accredited TD Waterhouse Financial Ambiance Esthetics ESTHETICIANS Ambiance Esthetics team of bilingual professionals offers various esthetic services including body and facial waxing, services, acrylic nails, manicures, pedicures facials and hot stone massage. Rest assured, Ambiance National Car Rental National Car Rental congratulates the Chamber of Commerce for providing excellent service to the business community. p A lot of choices... p Timmins 470 Algonquin blvd E. 268-3456 • Competitive daily, weekly and monthly rates • Special weekend packages • Minibuses • Insurance replacement vehicle program • Customer pick-up and return in service area Airport 264-2237 For reservations 1-800-CAR-RENT (1-800-227-7368) www.national car.com M.O.E. COMMERCIAL ACCOUNTING Professional Bookkeeping • Personal & Business Tax Returns Planner can provide clients with a truly individualized plan. For more information, please call 264-1608. Timmins Northland Monuments Inc. RETAIL In 1977, E. John Stephens started Timmins Northland Monuments at its present location. He believed that there was a need for this type of business in Northern Ontario. The company evolved from doing all work manually to a system that utilizes mostly computerized equipment. Although this equipment produces a much higher level of quality and productivity, Timmins Northland Monuments still employs four full-time employees during the summer months, including an artist on staff to create personalized etchings. Altogether, Timmins Northland Monuments has a combined 50 years of experience in the monument building business. For more information, please call Francine Lessard at 268-0600 or visit http://www.timminsnorthlandmonuments.c om. The Art of Excellence BUSINESS COMMUNICATION AND SERVICES Sylvie Gervais-Leduc has extensive experience and qualifications in Psychology, Business, Social Work and Executive Coaching and has been helping people bring forward their very best for over 20 years. She is the owner of The Art of Excellence, which offers Executive Coaching, Leadership Training, Workshops and a Workplace Enrichment Consultation Program. Sylvie has worked successfully with thousands of people interna- tionally, helping them to achieve their goals, become inspiring and effective leaders and reach their highest aspirations for personal and organizational success! Sylvie has an “Inspiration” Deck of Cards being sold at Chapters and anticipates her book on “The Art of Setting and Achieving Goals for Success” to be on the shelves by late spring. Listen for Sylvie’s monthly guest appearances on CBC radio’s (Radio-Canada) “The Heart of Work” series. As well, look for Sylvie’s column, “Workplace Enrichment”, in the Northern Business Journal. For more information, call Sylvie Gervais-Leduc at 866-827-8448 or visit: http://www.taoe.ca. Dental Hygiene Care Clinic DENTAL SERVICES Owner and operator Julie Bolduc celebrated the official grand opening of the Dental Hygiene Care Clinic on Tuesday, March 25th. The Dental Hygiene Care Clinic offers teeth cleaning, zoom laser whitening and bleaching for teeth, custom-made sport mouth guards, and preventative pit and fissure sealants. When the opportunity to be an independent practitioner was made possible in September 2007, Julie jumped at the chance to start her own business. Julie has worked long hours, but believes her hard work pays off in the valuable service that she brings to the City of Timmins. To date, Julie is only one of 18 (out of more than 10,000 Dental Hygienists in the province) to be practicing independently. The Dental Hygiene Care Clinic now offers extended evening and weekend hours and also does house calls for the homebound. For more information, or to book your appointment, call 264-6677. Timmins Chamber of Commerce NorthernTel Mobility Cellular Corporate Rate Plan Exclusive to Timmins Chamber of Commerce voting members Save Big with our mobility partner rate plan • 1,000 incoming local minutes • 250 anytime minutes • 30 long-distance minutes • Unlimited evenings and weekends • Unlimited incoming mobile to mobile • And much more .... for as low as $22.50 per month ALSO AVAILABLE M.O.E. = Profits 204-670 Airport Road, Timmins Phone: 268-4474 • Fax: 264-0011 Maurice E. Proulx email: taxman@onlink.net Immediate First Aid can make the difference between complete recovery and permanent disability. More than 90% of all injuries are predictable, understandable, and preventable. Special rate plan for employees of Chamber Members $ Only /mnth 24 The Canadian Red Cross is WS&IB recognized and offers public and workplace training. Canadian Red Cross Croix-Rouge canadienne For more information contact: The Canadian Red Cross, 60 Wilson Ave., Ste. 201 • Timmins Phone 267-4900 • Fax 268-6388 *Se in-store for Details. inside business 2007-08 Chamber President Marilyn Wood (center) and Marketing Committee Chair Art Pultz (right) present Adrienne Hart of Adrienne Hart Esthetics with the Chamber Member of the Month Award for March. MAY 2008 - 9 2007-08 Chamber President Marilyn Wood (left) and Marketing Committee Chair Art Pultz (right) present Lisa Roy of Lisa’s Fancy Paws with the Chamber Member of the Month Award for April. Congratulations to Lisa’s Fancy Paws: Congratulations to Adrienne Hart Esthetics: March’s Member of the Month! April’s Member of the Month! Adrienne Hart Esthetics, “Your Friendly Esthetic & Cosmetic Boutique,” is located at 70 Second Avenue in Downtown Timmins. Adrienne’s esthetic services include facials, manicures, pedicures, and other beauty treatments, day spa packages and a unique gift boutique. Adrienne Hart Esthetics prides itself in offering superior customer service. Adrienne works to ensure that the needs of her clients are met by undertaking extensive research and training courses about her services, responding to client requests for new services, offering services in both French and English and accommodating her clients’ busy schedules by offering services at special times. Adrienne strives to offer relaxing beauty and esthetic treatments to help her clients destress, rejuvenate and maintain a healthy work-life balance. Adrienne’s future goals are to continue to offer quality services to her customers while continually expanding her selection of services. Adrienne knows that to continue to see the success she has to date, she must keep up with the ever-growing list of services offered through the field of esthetics. A significant factor in creating awareness for her business has been is word of mouth, according to Adrienne. “It’s very important in this type of industry because our services are very personalized. By continually improving customer service, we are able to guarantee that each customer has an individualized, positive experience. By doing so, I am confident that our customers are willing to share their positive experiences with others – this word of mouth has really helped to expand my clientele”, stated Hart. Owner and operator Hart has been in business for herself for two and a half years now. Some of the main challenges in operating her business have been capacity and ability. All challenges aside, the one thing that Adrienne stresses most is balance. “You have to be able to keep a balance between your professional life and family life. Sometimes that can be quite a challenge”. One of Adrienne’s proudest accomplishments has been the growth of her own personal ideas. Seeing her creative ideas flourish into tangible results that have helped her to expand her business has contributed to Adrienne’s success on both personal and professional levels. Joining the Chamber of Commerce was “a given” for Adrienne. Her main reasons for becoming a member were the member-only benefits and the numerous networking opportunities available through Chamber membership. Adrienne Hart Esthetics is open Tuesday to Friday from 8:30 am - 6:00 pm and on Saturdays from 8:00 am - 2 pm. For more information or to book an appointment please contact Adrienne at 264-4278. To join the Timmins Chamber of Commerce please call 360-1900 Lisa’s Fancy Paws is a pet grooming business, owned and operated by certified pet groomer Lisa Roy. Lisa attended the Pets Beautiful Inc. School of Pet Styling in Ottawa, Ontario where she trained using the latest grooming and styling techniques for all canine breeds. Lisa’s Fancy Paws offers full grooming services. All dogs get shampoo and conditioner treatments, nail and ear grooming and a breed-appropriate (or customer specified) trim and fluff. “I specialize in show cuts and trims for clients who want their pets to appear the way they were bred to look. I stay current on what’s in style and can advise you on what’s best for your pet.” In addition to providing ‘show-dog’ looks, Lisa will also happily groom a pet according to its owner’s specifications; she listens to her customers and will work to maintain their satisfaction. Lisa emphasizes the importance of patience and care when dealing with both pets and people. Customers are eased through the experience and receive knowledgeable advice as to what is best for their pet. What drives Lisa is having the skill and ability to provide the best-quality grooming service possible. “I take great pride in my work and love that I have the chance to work with animals on a daily basis. This type of work is truly rewarding, especially when you continually see happy human and canine customers.” For Lisa’s Fancy Paws, word of mouth is very important. “When customers are happy with the job I do, they are sure to spread the word.” To that end, it is no surprise that Lisa is very outgoing and great at interacting with clients, potential clients and their pets. One of Lisa’s biggest challenges with pet Annual Evening In Italy shines as prestige event On Saturday March 29th, the Timmins Chamber of Commerce hosted the 17th Annual Evening in Italy to a full house of Chamber members. This year’s event was sold out within three days of its announcement. Over 180 Chamber supporters were in attendance! Mark your calendars for Saturday, February 28th, 2009 – the next Annual Evening in Italy! grooming was penetrating the market. There were already a number of certified and experienced pet groomers in the Timmins area. However, that did not prevent her from following her dream of owning her own salon. Another challenge that Lisa must frequently deal with is pets (and sometimes pet owners) who, at times, are frightened by the initial experience. Lisa’s Fancy Paws allows potential clients to tour her facility and get a step-by-step walk through of the grooming process to provide some peace-ofmind. According to Lisa, a first-time groom can be a very stressing experience if not handled properly. A negative grooming experience could create difficulties in grooming for years to come. To prevent this and to provide for a pleasant experience, Lisa will offer her services at a pet’s home, when necessary. As well, relief breaks are provided to prevent pets from becoming stressed during the experience. “Sometimes it’s hard to get a pet to stay calm to provide the service they require and deserve. Often it may take two to three trips before pets are fully accustomed to being groomed,” Lisa says. However, until her canine customers are familiar with the grooming process, Lisa has a special technique she uses to relax a nervous client. So what exactly does she do to calm down anxious pets? “I sing to them,” Lisa laughed, “I’ll do whatever it takes to ease the pet into the experience.” For more information on Lisa’s Fancy Paws, visit them on location at 110 Fourth Avenue in Schumacher, or call Lisa at 705-267-0482 to make an appointment. Your pet will thank you for it! 10 - MAY 2008 inside business Dental Hygiene Care Clinic celebrates grand opening Jim’s Welding and Ironworks celebrates grand re-opening On Tuesday, March 25th, Registered Dental Hygienist Julie Bolduc celebrated the Grand Opening of her Dental Hygiene Care Clinic – the first of its kind in Timmins. The Dental Hygiene Care Clinic is found on the main floor at 66 Balsam Street South and can be contacted by calling 705-264-6677. In attendance to celebrate the Grand Opening of the Dental Hygiene Health Clinic with owner Julie Bolduc were (L-R): Anita Damini of Downtown Timmins BIA, Rob Galloway, 1st Vice-President of the Timmins Chamber of Commerce, Julie Bolduc, Charlie Angus MP, Jack Slattery and Michael Doody, Members of City Council, and City of Timmins Mayor Tom Laughren. Pictured above, Jim Nawroski demonstrates his new precision plasma torch to Mayor Tom Laughren. On Wednesday, March 12th, 2008, The Timmins Chamber of Commerce presented another installment of its popular Business After Five series, featuring the Grand Opening of Jim’s Welding and Ironworks. Their new location is at 440 Algonquin Blvd E. Unit 8 - behind National Car Rental, facing the Gillies Lake Conservation Area. Chamber cited for friendly welcome *The following is an open letter to all Timmins Chamber of Commerce Members from Mary-Lee Boissoneau, writing on behalf of the students of the NOSM Charter Class who completed their clerkships in Timmins during the 2007-2008 academic year. Dear Members of the Timmins Chamber of Commerce: On behalf of the Timmins group of Northern Ontario School of Medicine (NOSM) students, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for generosity and support as we carry out our first clerkship year as medical students here in Timmins. The past two and a half years of attending medical school have seen us all face challenging – and rewarding - experiences. The time spent away from our families, the countless hours invested in becoming skilled physicians, and the costs associated with medical school can be quite daunting to the average student. However, the support and generosity demonstrated by the Members of the Timmins Chamber of Commerce has certainly helped to ease some of this burden. Furthermore, support from member businesses has helped NOSM students’ transition into the community. We feel very fortunate to be a part of your community and look forward to one day returning to provide the much needed healthcare services to residents of Timmins and area. Once again, thank you for supporting the Timmins NOSM students. Your generosity truly makes a difference. Sincerely, Mary-Lee Boissoneau, Ella Goodman, Teresa Furtak, Jennifier Hammell, Nicole Beauvais, Megan Messenger, Danielle Hamilton, Zhiish McKenzie. OFFICE SOLUTIONS, WELL-EMPLOYED PUT OUR PRODUCTS & SERVICES TO WORK FOR YOU! For a full list of office solutions check out 425 Algonquin Blvd. East 268-3000 inside business MARCH 2008 - 11 Get in the Know at TREO 2008 May 28, 2008 Northern College (Porcupine Campus) WHO SHOULD ATTEND: - Community and business leaders - Managers, owners and key personnel of small and mediumsized businesses in the region - Public sector business advisors and resource persons - Business consultants and professionals - Members of economic and community development corporations - Educators and trainers - Anyone interested in business Event sponsors: (to date) The Timmins Chamber of Commerce is pleased to host the Tenth Timmins Regional Economic Outlook, a one-day conference and networking opportunity. This event is planned and designed by business people. Its objective is to help you identify opportunities and access the information you need for growth, expansion and continued success in northeastern Ontario. Join your fellow community and business leaders at TREO and get the inside edge on developments in our region’s business environment. Get the Inside Track: What does the future look like? For more information and/or to view the confirmed list of speakers, please visit www.timminschamber.on.ca Register by May 12th and be entered in our Early Bird draw Registration Information Cost to members (of a Board of Trade or Chamber of Commerce in the region) is $99.00 including GST (Prospective member is $129.00 incl gst). Student rate is $50 incl. gst. Fax the completed form to the Timmins Chamber of Commerce at 705-360-1193, or call 705-360-1900. You may also e-mail the information to info@timminschamber.on.ca Name of Delegate _____________________________________________________________________ Business Name _______________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address ______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Phone Number ____________________E-mail ______________________________________________ Payment Options: Please Invoice Me ____ Cheque Enclosed ____ Visa/MasterCard/AMEX _____________________________________ Exp ____/____ Signature _________________________________ Annual Chamber Sponsors: Northerntel Business Your communications provider Stay ahead with our business Curve. Do business with our all-in-one fixed price E-mail, Internet and Voice rate plan. Do business with the new BlackBerry CurveTM 8330. t28&35:LFZCPBSE t#MVFUPPUIDPNQBUJCMF t(14BOE8JOEPXT-JWF.FTTFOHFS To do business. Better. Visit an authorized NorthernTel Mobility dealer.