The Timmins Daily Press
The Timmins Daily Press
Thursday, October 21, 2010 s s e r p s n timmi Serving Timmins and the James Bay Frontier Vol. 73 No. 184 ANTIQUES: Great Canadian Roadshow in Timmins this week Treasure hunters KATE MCLAREN The Daily Press ONLINE INSIDE Jensen nets four to lead Designer Pools to victory. Page B1 ON THE SCREEN Mr. Canada at work in his homeland once again. Page B5 See SHOW MUSIC: Timmins country music performer joins impressive list of those honoured Nadeau to be inducted into Great Northern Opry KATE MCLAREN The Daily Press NEW RECORD Blasting through the last granite barrier at the Gotthard Base Tunnel has cleared the way for the scheduled 2017 completion of the 57 km-long freight rail connection deep beneath the Swiss Alps. Page B9 INSIDE A2 Terry Koutros, manager of the Great Canadian Roadshow examines a rare silver dollar minted in 1948. The coin, one of the show’s most valuable finds in Timmins so far, fetched almost $2,000 for one lucky local resident. The road show is in town until Sunday at the Timmins Inn and Suites. Come next fall, Timmins resident Yvan Nadeau will be an official hall-of-famer. The country crooner will join other Timmins inductees like Gordon Lapierre, Ernie Moulton and Leslie-Anne Dupuis in the Great Northern Opry. Although Nadeau works underground at Goldcorp full time, he said music has been his passion as he has travelled around the region performing with his band Yvan and the Banditos. The musician entered the local music scene at an early age, playing backup for various bands including that of his nowwife Linda’s father. “Linda’s been a big supporter of my music,” he said. While he will be inducted as a single musician, Nadeau attributes his success to his bandmates Dan Champagne, AUTONET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B6 CLASSIFIEDS . . . . . . . . B7, B8 COMICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B4 COMMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . A4 ENTERTAINMENT . . . . . . . B5 LIFE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B9 Cleo Bellemare and Rob Marin. “As a band, we work really hard together. It’s the band that makes the sound. I’m doing what I do today because of them.” Along with performing at bars and celebrations, Nadeau also plays for the less-fortunate, like shut-ins and chronic-care patients at Timmins and District Hospital. “I think being inducted into the Great Northern Opry has a lot to do with the volunteer work people do,” he said. “I’m very versatile, I can perform in either French or English, and all different types of country music.” He said he plays “everything from Hank Williams and Merle Haggard to Alan Jackson and Dierks Bentley,” and travels to jamborees throughout the North during the summer to perform. One of his biggest fans, he said, is granddaughter Brianna, 5. LOCAL NEWS . . . . . . . . A2-A4 MONEY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A8 NATIONAL NEWS . . . . A5, A6 As a band, we work really hard together. It’s the band that makes the sound. I’m doing what I do today because of them.” Yvan Nadeau KATE MCLAREN The Daily Press Local musician Yvan Nadeau is the Great Northern Opry’s next inductee, set to be inducted in September 2011. In order to raise funds for his trip to the induction ceremony in Sault Ste. Marie, local performers are holding a fundraiser this Saturday at JJ’s Ranch. PAGE 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A2 SPORTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . B1-B3 WORLD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A7 WEATHER voted Come in and see our new location 102 Pine St. South (705) 264-3020 CMYK 1-866-517-0717 A2 $1.00 Few flurries High 1° Low -4° Page A2 (includes HST) (Higher in some areas) S Q U A R E 64448649 64448690 See OPRY T I M M I N S Vodusek Denture Clinic “She just loves Johnny Cash. I have an album and that’s all she wants to listen to when she’s here. She comes with us to the jamborees and she just loves it.” Nadeau said he is honoured to become a member of the Great Northern Opry but at the same time has mixed emotions. “To receive recognition for something I love to do, it’s amazing. I feel there are so many others who deserve it, and I hope they continue to induct musicians on a regular basis.” 64436131 AT THE RINK KATE MCLAREN The Daily Press Although the victims were not seriously injured, one female suffered a fat lip from the paintball hitting her in the face. The other girl was struck on the arm. “Nothing major happened injury-wise, but keep in mind that these paintball guns shoot at high speeds, so it’s very possible someone could lose an eye,” said McColeman. Criminal incidents involving paintball guns are rare, but the public should be aware that implications could be serious, McColeman added. “If someone gets caught shooting off a paintball gun at someone, they could be charged with assault with a weapon. It’s not something that we take lightly.” He said Timmins Police Service officers remain on the lookout for a vehicle matching the description of the car linked to Monday’s shooting. Ad sideways at request of advertiser. Karzai has hopes for peace after word of talks between his government. and the Taliban. Page A7 BRUNCH MIDDLE EAST After a tour stop in Timmins in September, the show decided to return to the city a second time due to the high level of interest. “It’s more coins and gold we’re looking for, but we’ve seen lots of things here in Timmins along the lines of toys, dishes and military gear.” One particular item of interest that came through was a rare 1948 silver dollar which fetched close to $2,000 due to the limited number of these coins ever minted. “That coin is definitely one of the best quality things we’ve seen in Timmins. It was kept in pristine condition and the gentleman who brought it in was quite surprised when he found out the value of the coin.” For war expert Tom King, it is finding rarities like this that make his job worthwhile. “I’ve seen American coins from the 1800s, I’ve seen British cavalry swords and one-of-akind pieces from Tiffany & Co. How cool is that that we get to see stuff people only read about?” With Timmins being a mining town, Roadshow staff expects to see many gold coins and jewelry come through the door. “A lot of people don’t know what they’re holding in their hands, or what they have at home, so it’s up to us to educate them,” said Koutros. Choice Five seek mayor’s seat in Cochrane. Page A3 2010 Reader’s RUNNING ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT SPECIALS New York Striploin Tuesdays & Sundays - 4-8 pm Get the latest news updates all day, every day, Timmins Police are investigating a drive-by shooting involving a paintball gun. One of the victims was struck in the face. Police were searching Timmins streets for suspects following the incident which Monday night. Timmins Police Const. Al McColeman said two females were walking along Algonquin Ave. at Cedar St. when they were struck by cartridges from a paintball gun. “The girls saw a car speeding away following the incident, but they weren’t 100% sure that’s where the shots came from,” said McColeman. Police were unable to locate the vehicle, described as a white Ford Focus with tinted windows. Fish & Chips Tuesdays - All Day BREAKING NEWS KATE MCLAREN The Daily Press with omelette bar and waffle bar Saturdays & Sundays 9am - 2pm “Enjoy the Experience” Toys, trinkets, and treasures taking up space in the closets of Timmins residents may put money in pockets this week. The Great Canadian Roadshow is in town this week and the show’s manager, Terry Koutros, said the expert buyers are keeping an eye out for valuables. “We have war, coin and jewelry experts on hand here as well as other resources, should the need arise.” 2 girls hit in drive-by shooting Harvest Roast Beef Buffet with Crab Leg & Pasta Bar Wednesday to Saturday - 4-8 pm Check out the photos in our online gallery CRIME
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