Shopping with the senses


Shopping with the senses
No 11 | 2011
News and information
Carrefour planet | Superstar Gold award for displays
Marks & Spencer – naturally | Boarding pass control
E-commerce | Lifestyle nhow Berlin
WWW Wanzl Worldwide
sens ppl
ply esh a
Shopping with the senses
WWW Wanzl Worldwide
11 | 2011 No ↑ QR-CODE The free ‘i-nigma Reader’ is compatible with
many current models. Go to using the
browser on your smartphone. If your model is recognised, you
can install the app directly.
04 Access Control
Contents | Legal
4Cover story: Mood management:
shopping with the senses
8Cover story: Mood management –
made by Wanzl
A new experience – Carrefour planet
Beauty creates turnover – proStor
Environment: maximum sustainability
Superstar Gold | POS in practice
03 Shopfitting
uremberg Airport: automated
boarding pass control
05 Logistics + Industry
01 Self-service systems
02 Displays
NETRADA. Fashion. Online.
HELLA: rollers for light work
06 Passenger Handling
34In the middle of the Indian Ocean |
Southend and Bournemouth
07 Hotel Service
nhow Berlin: where the music plays
Preview | Wanzl addresses
The natural look: Marks & Spencer
Pleasure in a new format – REWE
WWW – Wanzl Worldwide
The customer magazine from Wanzl Metallwarenfabrik GmbH
Published by:
Wanzl Metallwarenfabrik GmbH | Bubesheimer Straße 4
89340 Leipheim | Germany
Phone +49 (0) 8221/ 729 - 0 | Fax +49 (0) 8221/ 729 -1000
info @ |
Edited by:
Your very own aroma
Wanzl-Marketing, Friends PR
­e xperience – rub the apples on the
Design and layout
cover of Wanzl Worldwide – and then
LIQUID | Agentur für Gestaltung, Augsburg
give them a sniff!
Matrix Communications AG
Wanzl Metallwarenfabrik GmbH, Flughafen Nürnberg GmbH / Thomas Riese, NETRADA Management
GmbH, Esprit Retail B.V. & Co. KG, Air Mauritius, NH Hoteles Deutschland GmbH, Meyer-Hentschel
Institute, iStockphoto LP, BMW Group, MPREIS Warenvertriebs GmbH / Thomas Jantscher,
echion Corporate Communication AG, Carrefour Group, HELLA KGaA Hueck & Co., Cyril Bruneau.
Editorial Editorial
Dear Reader,
Feel fantastic! With Wanzl as your partner
and the Wanzl Worldwide magazine. Because
shopping appeals to all the senses and influences our mood. Use smell, hearing, sight, touch
and taste to create pure mood management!
For all kinds of industry – from retail dealers and
airports to hotels and industry. As an interna­
tional retail partner, Wanzl will show you how to
get customers in the mood to buy, particularly at
the point of sale, and make them want to return.
Because they experience shopping with their
senses and there is always something new to
discover. Our most recent example: the innovative, large retail concept ‘Carrefour planet’,
in­cluding the plastic ‘Tango’ shopping trolley and
the new shelving system from Wanzl. Carrefour
is planning to open over 100 new-format stores
across France. These will be followed by further
outlets across Europe. Before developing the
new concept, Carrefour surveyed over 50,000
households in France – and now, together with
Wanzl products, perfectly satisfies customer
That’s what it’s all about: at Wanzl the focus is
always on the you, the customer, and your own
individual requirements. In the retail sector
Wanzl works together with strong brands, offer­
ing, for example, Wanzl’s innovative display solutions, which received the 2011 Superstar Gold
award. And for shopfitting: Wanzl has developed
a new concept for Marks & Spencer. Based on a
natural look, this will be presented for the first
time at the Marks & Spencer flagship store in
the 2012 Olympic village in London.
Wanzl is also your partner in the airport, safety,
logistics + industry and hotel sectors. So,
please read on and discover the latest innovations – made by Wanzl. All-inclusive worldwide
service. Also available on location – at the Wanzl
CreativeCenter, the forum for exchanging experiences together, industry get-togethers and
technical discussions. Get in touch – you will
always be warmly welcomed!
Enjoy the read!
Gottfried Wanzl
WWW Wanzl Worldwide
11 | 2011 No cover story
Shopping with the senses
The point of sale is a sensitive location. It is the last stop
along the whole succession of contact between product and
customer. This means that shopping in the classical retail
area must become an experience involving all the senses:
seeing, hearing, smelling, touching and in the food department, even tasting, as a coherent overall concept for mood
management, ties customers in and leads to a higher degree
of brand loyalty.
Marketing ­Director
Get a whiff of Wanzl Worldwide
The best place to start is the cover. Rub the apples!
cover story Mood
Just follow your nose
Olaf Mörk, Marketing Director, is a fragrance expert:
The practical work he has undertaken for many years means
he is very well acquainted with the effects of fragrances.
Olaf Mörk knows how the right fragrance influences and
guides customers’ sense of well-being in retail stores.
Is our sense of smell the secret ruler over our retail trade?
The sense of smell subconsciously plays a large part in many
decisions. In one experiment women were shown photos of
men and had to pick which was the most attractive. Months
later the experiment was repeated with the addition of a specific fragrance, which was diffused in the test room. The
result: Most of the women chose completely different photos
from the first time. However it is not just in experiments that
fragrances can alter behaviour and perception. At the POS,
too, scents can positively influence customers, as a pleasant
smell leaves a pleasant feeling and increases the desire to
purchase goods.
Which fragrances are most effective in which industries and
for which retail concepts?
Fragrances are employed above all in the cosmetics and food
industry. However, they are also becoming ever more important in other areas of life and the consumer market. In hotels,
but also on cruise ships for example, guests
are made to feel at ease from the moment
they step into the lobby – with a pleasant
fragrance. Another classic ploy is to blow the
smell of baking in large bakeries out into
shopping centres. Other examples: The
aroma of fresh coffee attracts customers to
the shop and prompts many an unplanned,
spontaneous purchase. In Las Vegas scented
casinos make for increased revenue. And
everyone knows that distinctive new car
smell that smells unmistakeably of ‘fresh’
plas­tic. By using special sprays, second-hand
cars are given this distinctive new car smell
to increase the likelihood of sale.
How do fragrances release positive
The sense of smell is the most sensual of all
the senses. The human olfactory membranes
are only about five centimetres squared.
They are located high up in the nose and hold
around ten million olfactory cells. There is a
simple experiment to stimulate your olfac-
WWW Wanzl Worldwide
11 | 2011 No ↑ WOMEN LOVE SHOES: The scent of leather in a retail outlet suggests high quality.
tory cells and olfactory memory: close your
eyes, open a bag of lavender and sniff away
to your heart’s content. Immediately
thoughts of your grandmother and a happy
childhood, which have disappeared into the
far corners of your brain, will flood back. Both
then and now, you consciously smelt this
scent, but olfactory memory actually works
subconsciously as well.
The personal memory for fragrances,
which stores positive and negative impres­
sions, has an impact on the acceptance of
product fragrances. It takes considerably
­longer to ‘anchor’ fragrance associations
than visual or acoustic stimuli. This is because
the sense of smell represents a more complex emotional state, which must be processed as sensation. This is why many stores
have long been specifically and successfully
using fragrances to awaken positive associations and tie customers in via scents and
their olfactory memory.
Do fragrances go in and out of fashion?
Just like fashion, fragrance has also undergone continual change. Fragrances may be
more durable than fashion, but here too
­preferences and ‘in vogue fragrances’ still
change in ever more rapid cycles.
↑ NOT JUST FOR CAR ENTHUSIASTS: The specific fragrance of a new car
encourages people to make a purchase.
One final question, Mr Mörk: How did you become an expert
in fragrance at the POS?
For my diploma thesis I wanted to set myself a totally new
challenge. So I focused my full attention on smells and fragrances. This turned out to be an incredibly exciting topic.
One result of my work on the topic of smell: in the middle of
the 1990s I was asked by my employee at the time to re­duce
the error rate in the office. I developed a fragrance concept
especially for this purpose. A fresh lemon fragrance, made
from purely organic ingredients and tuned to the finest
­nuances, actually significantly reduced the error rate. This is
only one example of this phenomenon. Fragrances are indeed
fascinating and we can all benefit from their use.
← Go online and visit the Wanzl website
to see the exclusive special article
‘5,000 years – Fragrance through the ages’
for more comprehensive background information.
cover story
In brief
echion AG, based in Augsburg, specialises in
media brand staging, at POS. Many major
German retailers trust its personalised brand
concepts for in-store music and digital
signage. For this echion AG acts as a full serv­
ice provider, responsible for hardware, software and installation as well as for content
production, program control and day-to-day
support. The echion MonkeyBook – a multi
touch system for retail sales areas, hotels
and trade fairs – won the POPAI Digital
Award 2011.
↑ RENO: The shoe shop maintains an individual in-store radio and
digital signage programme with separate service contents.
↑ MARC DODERER, Member of
the Board / COO of echion AG
Cover story The power of in-store media
Marc Doderer, Board Member at echion AG,
understands the impact of media at the POS.
70 % of customers remember the music played at the
POS. How do sounds trigger emotions?
It is first and foremost important to choose the right music
for the POS. If the format suits the corresponding retail concept it is positively perceived by customers. The music format
becomes an integral part of the store concept – just like wallpaper or a piece of furniture. The art, learned over time, lies in
the installation of in-store music concepts: the creation of a
perfectly suited, understated music format that equally satisfies customers, employees and the retail concept.
wine consultant is doomed to failure. We
start off by giving the website’s visual elements targeted at customers a contemporary look. This first step is enough to set
communication going in one direction. But it
must be done well! This means it is vital that
the retail company’s marketing department
centrally manages the content – for commercial reasons and to ensure a uniform corporate image.
What is the ‘right’ sound?
Individuality is important. Every retail concept and every
brand is different. The sound design, the address and the content are also different, and range from branded full radio programmes, as provided by us for real and- SB-Warenhaus
GmbH, to pure music formats, such as those obtained from
us by Gerry Weber or Mustang Jeans, and even individually
composed sound spaces, as designed for Apollo Optik shops.
Which retail customers make use of
echion’s media services?
echion runs the in-store media programmes
for many large retail companies in Germany,
Austria and Switzerland. Alongside those
named above, RENO, real,-, Takko Fashion,
REWE and Max Bahr are also all echion
customers. Most customers opt for the complete portfolio and their in-store audio and
digital signage is taken care of.
This year, in close coordination with Wanzl
Shopfitting, we developed the digital signage
content concept for the opening of the
REWE Center in the Westkreuz district,
Munich. This successful project demonstrates
how important inter-disciplinary co-operation
is for holistic media brand staging at the POS.
What direction is the media trend at the POS going in?
These days centrally managed music concepts for the POS
are state-of-the-art. The challenge is no longer setting up the
technical equipment for a large network of branches, but
instead finding the right concept. This same goes for digital
signage. There is no point in striving to integrate Facebook,
Twitter, Apps and other hyped-up Internet tools into the website, if at the same time every other well meaning electronic
WWW Wanzl Worldwide
11 | 2011 No ↑ IN ITS SUPERMARKETS, MPREIS works extremely effectively with both natural
light and artificial light. This creates an ambience for ‘shopping with the senses’,
­effectively supported by shopfitting systems from Wanzl.
cover story “The key to customer
Natural light in MPREIS supermarkets.
Flooded with sunlight – that’s the first impression given
by supermarkets that use large areas of glass. But
ap­pearances are deceptive. “We never work with direct sunlight”, reveals Johann Efferl, head of the shopfitting department at the Austrian supermarket chain, MPREIS. The
Tyrolean family-run business manages natural light in exactly
the same way as artificial light. The reasons are twofold:
firstly the goods are perishable, and secondly the company
has a philosophy of creating interesting views into and out of
the store for shoppers. “If I have an exciting panorama in the
store’s field of vision that reflects in the sunlight, then I’ll
include it as indirect lighting”, says Johann Efferl, adding:
“When planning the use of natural light, I aim to incorporate
panoramas from the environment into the store, so that the
customer feels at ease and identifies with the brand.”
In order to achieve this aim, the Innsbruck-born business
man does not use a sunlight diagram at the building site.
The easiest way to determine and plan the path of the natural light in which the new supermarket will be enveloped is
with a black box. Then the views are defined.
Depending on the position, the planners allocate the view for the morning and the afternoon. “It is obviously not good if south-facing
light sometimes penetrates into the store, as
this fades the colour of packaging, subjects
goods to excessively bright light and prod­
uces unwanted light play.” So when planning
the use of natural light it is important to
start from the perspective of the object to
be lit. To do this, the MPREIS team dims the
sunlight using exactly the same technology
used for blinds. “But we use fixed, horizontal
or vertical sun lamellae. And when it comes
to choosing materials, architects are able to
give free rein to their creativity”, explains
Johann Efferl. This has resulted in certain
MPREIS supermarkets where ‘blinds’ have
lent an additional architectural dimension to
the building.
cover story
cover story Mood Management – Made by wanzl ‘eGate Colour’ welcomes customers
with light and colour
‘Railix Colour’
showcases areas
The store entrance is a sensitive area. On the one hand, the
reception should be as ‘open’ and friendly as possible. On the
other, the security aspect with regard to inventory differences
is extremely important. The new, radar-controlled Wanzl
‘eGate Colour’ system generation with LED illuminated swivel
arm achieves both. It wishes visitors a friendly ‘Welcome!’
Now that’s an inviting entrance. But if a customer attempts
to leave the store in the wrong direction without authorisation, the integrated exit alarm is triggered and the lighting
switches from green to red and the word ‘Stop’ is displayed.
All basic functions of the ‘eGate Colour’ system generation
can also be controlled by control panel or remote control. The
integrated PC interface allows data exchange and connection
to the central processing unit, remote maintenance and the
building control system.
The illuminated ‘Railix Colour’ partition from
Wanzl is a perfectly formed way of dividing
the available space. It simultaneously creates atmosphere, instantly catches the eye
in the entrance area and integrates perfectly
into the high value retail ambience. The partition also reduces inventory differences.
Wanzl has equipped ‘Railix Colour‘ with an
energy-saving, long-lasting LED light unit in a
variety of colours. This means the featured
corporate design and an unmistakeable
appearance are guaranteed. The colours and
the different colour gradients can be individually selected by remote control.
‘eGate Colour’
with LED illuminated swivel arm.
↓ TREE TRUNKS integrated into the exterior
façade act as blinds.
↑ CREATING ATMOSPHERE – the new ‘Railix Colour’ partition.
Every MPREIS supermarket has, by definition, its own
visual identity. But as the shopfitting manager knows, “they
are still always recognisable”. “We noticed it when the ‘Tirol
Panorama’ museum was built on the Bergisel.” The children
of Innsbruck could tell by looking at the shell of the glass
palace on the Panorama site that: “an MPREIS is being built”,
reports Johann Efferl. The family-owned MPREIS can be
proud of the fact that the architecture of its supermarkets
has been successfully transformed into an integral part of the
brand. For the company, this is a unique selling point that is
reflected in the customer satisfaction found in the north, east
and south of Tirol, as well as from Salzburg to the state of
Carinthia. For Johann Efferl, who sees the stores as communication areas and – thanks to their catering facilities – as
meet­ing points, this is the most important argument for the
elaborate architecture and natural lighting.
However, in response to the oft stated arguments for and
against natural light, the shopfitting manager takes a cau­
tious view. He explains that when it comes to improving the
energy balance, natural light has only a marginal effect, compared to the total consumption of a store; under no circumstances is visibly gloomy bad weather brought into the build­
ing by large glass fronts; and of course the fresh produce
­sections would need artificial light even on the brightest, sunniest days. During the planning of the two underground
supermarkets in Innsbruck, at the main station and in the
‘Kaufhaus Tyrol‘ shopping centre, the important role played
by light in supermarkets became apparent.
WWW Wanzl Worldwide
11 | 2011 No ↓ THE ‘TANGO’ takes a dance in the new Carrefour Planet
­hypermarket. Practical details: the ‘Promobox plus’ shopping
­trolley handle attractively displays the store’s logo and boasts
an ­integrated scanner holder.
01 Self-Service Systems
FRANCE | SELF-SERVICE SYSTEMS | shopfitting ↑ CARREFOUR PLANET capitalises freshness. And with 200 litres of
basket volume , the ‘Tango’ offers space for everything. Wanzl is set to
deliver over 200,000 shopping trolleys to the 120 new P
­ lanet stores
across France.
SELF-SERVICE SYSTEMS | shopfitting A new experience
Carrefour introduces its innovative Carrefour Planet store
format, encompassing the plastic ‘Tango’ shopping trolley
and specially-developed shelving system from Wanzl.
Carrefour has become a new Wanzl customer following
EuroShop 2011.
Carrefour Planet is the new large-scale format from
Carrefour, incorporating a completely new shopping
­experience and clearly structured department division.
Carrefour began with two pilot projects in Ecully and
Vénissieux in summer 2010. A further store followed in
Les Ulis near Paris in mid-2011. The new ­hypermarket concept will also be introduced in Spain and Belgium from this
autumn with a further two European ­countries to follow
by 2013.
The shopping trolley is a key satisfaction
factor for customers at Carrefour Planet,
and certainly one of the store’s calling
cards. Carrefour, Europe’s largest retail
chain, is relying on the 220-litre plastic
‘Tango’ shopping trolley in its Planet stores.
The ‘Tango’ fits into the new concept perfectly: it makes shopping a more enjoyable,
colourful and altogether more pleasant
WWW Wanzl Worldwide
11 | 2011 No ↑ CUSTOMISED SOLUTION: Wanzl has equipped the organic department at Carrefour Planet with a specially-developed
shelving system in an elegant and classic design. The system
also guarantees simple handling during assembly and
For more news from Wanzl Shopfitting, turn to page 20.
↑ A STYLISH LINE-UP: the ‘Tango’
with its new violet-blue design.
↑ PRACTICAL AND TIME-SAVING: customers can capture
the barcode of the goods they are purchasing using the scanner,
­providing them with price details and speeding things up at the
­ xperience. The ‘Tango’ is characterised by its high-­quality
material and finish as well as its ­contemporary appearance
and long service life. Its low weight is an added advantage
thanks to the basket, basket flap and handle unit being made
entirely from plastic. This also means that the trolley is easy
to push and child’s play to steer, as well as being extremely
quiet – even when full. The original Wanzl castors also ensure
a smooth shopping experience.
significance of the organic departments in
Carrefour Planet stores. As you might
expect, the shelves developed for Carrefour
are produced in Europe to the most stringent
sustainability requirements – requirements
which have been in place within the Wanzl
group in advanced form for decades, and
which go far beyond the legal stipulations.
As part of a further assignment, Wanzl Shopfitting is
­providing Carrefour with the entire shop fittings for the
organic departments in Planet stores. In the tendering
phase, Wanzl Shopfitting specialists in France prevailed
against stiff competition from a number of distinguished providers. For this, French and German experts developed a
distinct shelving system made of wire based on the design
input of the architects commissioned by Carrefour, combining
the simplest handling during assembly and conversion with
an elegant, classic design which helps to accentuate the
FRANCE | SELF-SERVICE SYSTEMS | shopfitting ↑ MORE SPACE, lower racks and a clear colour-coding
­system make shopping easier.
Premiere: the ‘MOBI’ shopping trolley for bags
↑ M ORE SPACE IN YOUR BASKET – the practical swing
rack for PET containers.
Carrefour Planet
The Carrefour Planet hypermarket is a
­completely new store format from
Carrefour, offering an entirely new shopping
experience. The focus is on comfort, amiabil­
ity and fun when shopping. Individual, clearly
separated consumer worlds have been
­created for foodstuffs, organic products,
­frozen goods, beauty products, fashion, baby
goods, leisure and entertainment, as well as
products for the house and home. And alongside the attractive presentation of goods,
departments offer seasonal and festive
­promotions and services to customers. Our
programme also features exhibitions and
workshops for children. Colour codes and
lower racks help ease orientation between
the ­different departments. In addition,
Carrefour Planet stores also boast wider
­aisles and more space for frozen and organic
goods and beauty and fashion ranges. Fancy
a trip to the hairdresser? Carrefour makes
it easy to combine this with a shopping trip.
Customers can also receive information on
the store, current events and a snapshot
of their ­loyalty card on their smartphone
within seconds.
Carrefour surveyed 50,000 households
before starting development of the new
concept. Having listened to what it is that
customers want, the new format in France
now meets their tastes.
A totally new model that can be flexibly
adjusted to the amount of shopping: the
innovative ‘MOBI’ shopping trolley for holding
carrier bags, developed by Carrefour together
with Wanzl. Carrefour is currently testing
over 1,400 of the ‘MOBI’ units in five
European stores. If customers respond positively, the trolley will become a permanent
‘shopping assistant’ at Carrefour from spring
2012. ‘MOBI’ reinvents shopping all over
again by variably adjusting to both larger
family shops as well as small shopping trips.
The trolley can hold up to five re-usable bags,
in which your shopping is pre-sorted as you
shop. A bottom tray offers additional space
for large items such as drinks packs
Combined with self-scanning, this makes
shopping even more convenient for custom­
ers because the products remain in the
­shopping bags at the till – with the exception
of spot checks by staff. Additional benefits
of ‘MOBI’ include its high manoeuvrability
and quiet operation.
WWW Wanzl Worldwide
11 | 2011 No ↑ THE PROSTOR CIRCLE is characteristic of both the logo
and the stores themselves. It symbolises customer communication, from the writing on the façade through to the store
SELF-SERVICE SYSTEMS Beauty creates turnover
Women in the Ukraine really rate proStor.
The health and beauty chain is growing rapidly with a
clear focus on high quality body care. Oleg Smirnov, Head of
Sales at proStor, provides an insight into the successful
market concept.
Head of Sales at
What are the future plans for proStor?
We want to be operating 250 proStor health and beauty
stores in the Ukraine by the end of 2012. Our local focus is
on Kiev, where we already have eleven stores. We aim to add
a further ten stores by December 2011. For us, Kiev is the
strategic metropolis, home to millions, that will enable further
expansion in western Ukraine.
For more than a year, proStor has operated under a completely new image with the colours violet and pink. What
are the aims of this re-branding?
The new proStor colours are part of an integrated store
­con­cept, developed and prepared by proStor in cooperation
with advisers from the Ukraine and also from western countries. The combination of violet and pink addresses our female
­target group and creates associations with beauty, style,
fashion and care. The first presentation of the new proStor
look took place at our store in Dnipropetrovsk in July 2010,
at the same time as our company celebrated
its fifth ­birthday in the Ukraine. The custom­
ers loved it, and we knew we had introduced
just the right colour concept to our stores. At
the same time, we had another message –
quality at the highest European levels regard­
ing the range of goods and overall store
Many women in Ukraine are very fashionand beauty-conscious, and proStor is enormously popular among this target group.
Why exactly?
proStor has very clearly set itself apart from
the competition thanks to its colour scheme
and high-quality store design. When a cus­
tomer enters a proStor branch, she immediately recognises where she is. She will also be
aware of the advantages – a huge range of
high-quality brand products in all areas of
beauty, care and cosmetics, combined with
an appealing ambience and expert advice
that also remains discreet and unobtrusive.
“I really enjoy shopping at proStor. I frequently shop here and I am
always delighted with the prices, the quality and the interesting
­promotions, whether I am just passing through or taking time to find
new products and advice – and the shopping trolleys perfectly ­
match the feel good ambience.”
CHARINA, 32, proStor customer
proStor & Wanzl-MAWY
proStor, founded in 2005, is now one of the leading health
and beauty chains in the Ukraine, with 125 speciality stores
in more than 30 cities. The signs for the future clearly point
towards growth. The outlets, which cover between 200 m²
and 400 m², provide a wide selection of care products and
perfumes of the highest quality and have a store concept. In
strategically important, frequently visited stores, there are
also styling ­lounges and nail studios. This offer is unique in the
Ukraine and represents a clear demarcation from the competition. In the styling lounges, customers can test products prior
to purchase and simultaneously place their trust in the hands
of experienced beauty specialists. In 2010, proStor began to
present itself with a new image, based around the colours of
violet and pink and incorporating new store furnishings. Since
then, Wanzl-MAWY has supplied the following for proStor
– 315 ‘Sinus 65’ shopping trolleys
– 14,500 ‘WA20’ shopping baskets in the CI colour magenta
– 50 ‘OV17’ shopping baskets
– 1,000 bargain baskets with basket seat
↑ ELEGANT – the ‘Sinus 65’ shopping trolley with a basket
volume of 65 litres. The ‘Sinus’ model is the result of a design
study and, thanks to its unusual form, is the ideal solution for
stores with an exclusive range of goods.
WWW Wanzl Worldwide
11 | 2011 No ↑ Keeping the environment clean: the metal
­hydroxide sludge is carefully removed from the chamber filter
press in the electroplating plant and is recycled. The filtered
water flows into the municipal wastewater treatment facility
for biological purification.
↑ STRINGENT QUALITY CONTROLS for the wastewater from the production
­process. After all, Wanzl has been designated an ‘Ökoprofit company’ ­
(Ökoprofit = ecological project for i­ntegrated environmental technology).
self-service systems Maximum sustainability
Wanzl focuses on the environment.
At Wanzl, economy and ecology
c­ omplement one another: not only is the
concept of environmental management
­deeply rooted in the company’s principles,
Wanzl has also taken a pioneering and
­visionary role in continuing to look to the
future in this respect. As early as 2001,
the company established its Environmental
Committee with members from the specialist
divisions of waste management, energy,
occupational health and safety, hazardous
substances and chemicals legislation,
water and wastewater, pollution control as
well as hazardous goods. The Environmental
Committee is tasked with tackling many
issues. Arthur Mitterhuber, Environmental
Protection Officer and head of the
Environmental Committee, sums up some
of its responsibilities: “We advise and
inform, record and evaluate possible environmental impacts and aspects and develop and
test proposals for environmentally-friendly
­production processes and products.”
The success of the work on environmental protection that
Wanzl is actively carrying out can be measured and is clear
for all to see: the total rubbish quota for 2010 compared to
2006 was reduced by 8 %, energy consumption by 10 %
and CO² emissions by 14 %. What’s more, this was achieved
despite a parallel increase in production figures. Today, the
company’s recycling quota is 97 % and the recycling quota for
plastic is 80 %, thereby surpassing the average for German
industry by 16 %. The amount of drinking water used in production has been cut by almost 25 % compared with only five
years ago. In the meantime, Wanzl has converted its entire
electroplating plant to the Trivalent Chrome Plating Process
to protect people and the environment. It does not require
classification according to the German Harmful Substances
Ordinance. Since the commissioning of the Central
Wastewater Treatment Plant (ZARA) in 2003, 3,300 tonnes
of chemical additives have been saved. Two years later,
Wanzl introduced its fluid management system throughout
the entire production process. This has resulted in the consumption of lubricating oils and greases being cut by just
under a third.
A firm grasp on
­environmental friendliness
The ‘GT26 eco’ shopping basket is one of
Wanzl’s eco-friendly shopping concepts –
the basket of the ‘GT26 eco’ is 100 % manu­
factured from recycled plastic. The recycled
material is ­subject to regular inspections to
ensure its high quality. Wanzl manufactures
up to 100,000 of these baskets annually for
the international retail sector.
The ‘GT26 eco’ has a volume of 26 litres
and is ideally suited for small shopping trips
or if you need to make a quick supermarket
visit between errands. The basket’s concave
shape and carry handle with specially
­moulded handle surface make for comfortable shopping. What’s more, the basket’s
­tightly meshed structure makes sure that
even small items are securely transported
and that no products are lost. Wanzl can
also supply the eco-friendly ‘GT26 eco’ with
an individual advertising space if required.
Once customers have finished shopping,
the ­basket can be easily nested to save
space until it is needed again.
↑ Despite rising production figures and higher
capacity utilisation, over the past few years Wanzl has
been able to continuously lower all consumption in the areas
of waste, energy, emissions and water.
↑ ENVIRONMENTALLY-FRIENDLY: the ‘GT26 eco’ shopping
basket manufactured from 100 % recycled plastic. The handle
is available in several attractive colours. If the customer
wishes,­the Anthracite handle can also be manufactured from
recycled plastic.
‘­Pick-up’ is ideal for smaller supermarkets in town centres or as
an ­additional alternative for supermarkets that already use
­large shopping trolleys.
WWW Wanzl Worldwide
11 | 2011 No ↓ A GOLDEN ACHIEVEMENT: At viscom 2011 Wanzl landed
the Superstar award for its ‘POSsibility’ display system.
02 Displays
germany | displays Superstar Gold for Wanzl
At the viscom international trade fair for
visual communication, technology and
design in Düsseldorf, Wanzl won the 2011
Superstar Gold award in the ‘Metal
Systems’ category. The prize winner was the
innovative ‘POSsibility’ modular display
system. Wanzl presented the system using
the product ranges and company branding of
Summer Fun GmbH to demonstrate the
seasonal placement of swimming pool prod­
ucts, and using fischerwerke’s branding and
showing the placement of screws, fixings
and related products. Both companies have
successfully employed the marketing display
at their POS since 2011 in a variety of sales
“The focus is on the goods and POS
PETER HERRMANN, Summer Fun GmbH Marketing Director
“Permanent displays from Wanzl ensure a
durable, attractive and sophisticated market
presence when it comes to marketing and
extend and reinforce brand presence, goods
presence and sales at the POS. It is for
exactly these reasons that we chose the
POSsibility display system from Wanzl.”
MANUEL SCHIEGL, Design & Advertising, Summer Fun GmbH
↑ W ERNER KÖSSLER, Head of the
Wanzl Displays Division
displays POS in practice
Permanent displays generate turnover
For today’s modern sales promotions, permanent displays are essential, and when it comes to attractive POS
presentation, it is crucial to have a competent partner that
can offer innovative solutions. Here some Brand
Manufacturers explain exactly why.
“With Wanzl we have been able to design a
number of individual displays that are tailored
to our own product range. Our cooperation
has been highly successful and our new
‘Moonbag’ POS display has been well received
by retailers.”
“For a number years, we have considered Wanzl a reliable
manufacturer and supplier of displays, whose products have
been a key factor in our sales success. The company’s flexible
displays and positive collaboration continue to inspire us.”
PETER REISENTHEL, Managing Director,
Reisenthel Accessoires
MANUELA STEINER, Managing Director, Rubie’s Deutschland GmbH
“We find Wanzl a competent, reliable and innovative partner.
Our joint development of the ‘Rayher Display System’ has
helped us to stand out from the crowd, clearly and unequivocally, and to support our retailers with durability and effectiveness in their POS activities.”
JESS SWANNER, Purchasing/PoS Material, RAYHER HOBBY GmbH
Background information concerning the
­advantages of permanent displays for
­branded goods and the retail industry can be
found in a presentation by Wanzl, ‘POS
­permanent displays’, available at
You can also order the new displays
­catalogue by selecting the ‘Products’
“There are strong arguments in favour of permanent displays.
They help in product marketing, provide a positive impression
and are ideal when it comes to handling, if they have been
designed cleverly. We are delighted to have found a trusted
partner in Wanzl, a partner that is keen to satisfy our requirements and is happy to implement our own proposals.”
WERNER BRAUN, Trade Marketing Manager,
Alfred Kärcher GmbH & Co. KG
‘POS permanent displays’
WWW Wanzl Worldwide
in the Olympic retail centre in Stratford, East London.
03 Shopfitting
great britain | shopfitting
wooden shelves and woven baskets.
shopfitting A new emphasis on natural
Marks and Spencer debut an all-new Food
Halls experience at London’s Olympic site.
Iconic British retail brand Marks and Spencer has
unveiled an all-new natural look for their Food Halls in an
image-defining new store at the centre of London’s Olympic
retail centre in Stratford, East London. The Food Hall cus­
tom­­­­er experience will be warmer, more inviting to the touch
and will suggest a closer relationship with the environment.
Head of Design for M&S, Teresa Clark, believes that the
look will also subtly associate with M&S’s stated ‘Plan A’
commitment to ethical and sustainable product sourcing –
achieved within ‘an altogether more visually interesting and
engaging’ retail experience. “The use of timber display structures and detailing will accent the quality and natural origins
of both packaged and fresh produce, conveying a sense of
the market fresh, wholesome goodness of foods on offer.
“Working with suppliers Wanzl, we have been
able to continue using their proven wire based
Food Hall display solution, introducing retro-fit
timber elements which lend a far warmer,
more natural appearance to the retail space,”
said Teresa.
Manager of the project for Wanzl UK, Clive
Jury, said that the new ‘Artisan’ suite of solutions created a ‘more irregular and less engineered’ appearance which helped to impart a
rustic authenticity and convey a sense of
wholesome country goodness within the
Food Hall. “This replicates in many ways the
WWW Wanzl Worldwide
11 | 2011 No ↑ SUCCESSFUL CONTRAST: galvanised flower buckets.
↑ EXQUISITE WINE SELECTION, displayed with wooden
­elements with a warm, natural look.
Continental retail experience which places a strong emphasis
on the natural presentation of foods, underlining their freshness and quality.” Clive said that the visual transformation of
the main ambient shelving units had been achieved through
the use of natural timber nosing and back panels throughout
the Food Hall. “In addition we have also demonstrated
Wanzl’s scope and versatility in developing and supplying a
number of entirely new stand-alone bespoke display solutions
which sustain the concept of bringing uniquely outdoor shopping experiences indoors.”
These include:
stepped Flower and Plant display solution which is lower
to the floor, using natural timber planking on a black steel
frame, with galvanised flower buckets.
Growing Herbs display featuring natural wooden ‘apple
box’ produce crates with rustic screen-print wording, on a
stepped black frame – creating a ‘Garden Shop’ experience
akery elements which suggest a Continental ‘boulangerie’
experience, achieved through the use of a variety of natural
wooden trays and woven baskets, presenting artisan
breads on greaseproof paper.
‘Chalkboard’ style pricing and product
­mes­sages were a further visual detail which
­helped convey the sense of ‘market fresh’
Clive said the M&S Stratford store in the
Olympic Village was the first of 16 M&S
stores in the UK currently re-fitting their food
halls for the all-new natural look. “The other
15 stores will use a hybrid which will borrow
from the key visual elements of the ‘Artisan’
specification so that customers can look
­forward to a familiar natural environment
when shopping in any of these stores.”
great britain | shopfitting
warm, ­inviting, long term.
↑ IMAGINATIVE: a stepped flower and plant
­presentation stand with natural wood planking.
WWW Wanzl Worldwide
11 | 2011 No ↑ IMPRESSIVE – the illuminated arch in the REWE colours spans
the entrance and can be seen from far and wide. A
­ successful
­invitation for customers to explore, experience and enjoy.
↑ GOURMET ISLANDS are an essential part of the concept of
REWE Center Munich. They are a communication point b
­ etween
customers and staff and offer the opportunity to functionally
combine product ranges.
SHOPFITTING Pleasure in a new format
REWE Center Westkreuz in Munich.
The REWE Center Westkreuz in Munich
is Bavaria’s first supermarket of the RWER
distribution line to feature a center format
– and it is pointing the way forward with a
range of innovations. The most striking of
these is the gourmet islands that are
scattered throughout the entire supermarket.
Reaching from the floor to the ceiling, they
are real eyecatchers. These gourmet islands
offer the supermarket staff an excellent
stage to present vertical product ranges such
as olives and wine or antipasti and pasta.
Wanzl Ladenbau, which is almost entirely
responsible for the planning and implementation of the supermarket, also planned the
islands as a communication point. Here the
supermarket staff or a supplier can present
products to the customers. There are no
cardboard displays to ruin the appearance or
distance the customers. The contact is made,
one-to-one in a totally relaxed atmosphere.
The gourmet islands are one of the building blocks with
which the 2,600 m² supermarket is realising the motto
‘Explore – Experience – Enjoy’. Of course, the freshness that
earns the REWE Center extra points is another decisive component. It is for this reason that Wanzl Ladenbau planned a
comprehensive design of the fresh produce sections that
visually stands out from the rest of the supermarket: ceiling
elements, large-scale images, bright colours and different
floor coverings entice the customers to buy. The customers’
urge to explore is stimulated at a much earlier stage: the
supermarket is on the first floor. Even the escalator ascent
arouses customers’ curiosity. The entrance construction is
highlighted by an illuminated arch in the REWE design, which
spans the entrance on the first floor. This is the location for
the spacious restaurant area and an additional service, a
­travel agency, both in highly contrasting colours. This is
an­other of the market’s approaches: true to the motto
‘Expect more from REWE’, the business enterprise is creating
customer loyalty by also presenting itself as a travel company. You can book a trip just a few metres away in the
­travel agency.
↑ M ULTIMEDIA ASPECT of the freshness factor in the
fruit & vegetables section.
The holistic approach of Wanzl Ladenbau involved conduct­
ing anyalyses, and obtaining recommendations from potential ­target groups in the area: e.g. commuters, employees
from nearby companies, and, of course, residents of the area.
The focus in the REWE supermarket is placed on a broad
address of all relevant customer groups, such as commuters,
employees from nearby c­ ompanies and local residents. The
nearby Westkreuz urban railway station is used by these
groups, and they naturally take the opportunity to shop in
the new REWE at various times in the day. To make the service as convenient as possible for these target groups, the
REWE Center is offering spacious express cash desks where
the customers can scan their own shopping and pay by cash
or card. This cuts down the constant stress at the cash desk
due to time pressure and demonstrates the clever concept of
the REWE Center in staying true to the ‘Enjoy’ part of its
motto right through to the c­ heckout.
↑ HIGH QUALITY – the new drugstore department.
WWW Wanzl Worldwide
11 | 2011 No ↓ 2000 BUSINESS TRAVELLERS and what is their view?
That Nuremberg is the ‘Best German Airport’. This is why it
won the ‘Business Traveller Award’ again in 2010.
04 Access Control
germany | access control
“The eGate Control System contributes towards a
secure and speedy boarding card check.”
RUPERT SLAVIK, Head of Airport Security & Terminal Management at Nuremberg Airport
Nuremberg Airport
– Awarded four ‘Business Traveller Awards’
(2007 – 2010) for ‘Best German Airport’
– Listed as one of the top 10 largest commercial airports in Germany
– 60 non-stop connections and connecting
flights to over 300 destinations worldwide
– An annual passage of around 4 million
­passengers and air freight turnover of over
100,000 tonnes
– The third largest connecting airport in
– 7,000 parking spaces
↑ PARTNERSHIP: Working in conjunction, Wanzl and
­Nuremberg Airport have together developed the new eGate
Control System. Wanzl has been an expert in security ­
products to protect sensitive access for over 40 years.
↑ ‘PLEASE GO’ is the instruction from the display pictogram.
ACCESS CONTROL Automated boarding
pass control
Nuremberg Airport: eGate Control System.
Working in conjunction with Wanzl, Nuremberg Airport
has developed an innovative eGate Control System. The
system underwent a six-month probationary period for passenger boarding card control in Nuremberg between
December 2010 and June 2011, and it was only then that
the final decision to purchase was made. “We have had a
highly successful test phase with a very low error percentage.
The eGate Control System has helped to relieve our staff at
peak times whilst at the same time allowing passengers
quick and secure passage through boarding card control to
the security check,” explains Rupert Slavik, Head of Airport
Security & Terminal Management. In future, the eGate
Control System will be used alongside a second, staffed
control unit, with the express aim of speedy and accurate
control of boarding passes for business passengers.
How the eGate Control System works: at the automated
boarding pass control system, passengers need to place their
boarding pass in paper form or electronic form (on a smartphone) onto a scanner at the entrance to the eGate Control
System to allow their data to be compared and access
au­thorisation to be checked. At the next stage, a recognition
sensor system ensures that passengers are separated. Those
passengers that will be seated next to one another or directly
behind one another, passengers with children, and passengers with luggage are detected, and the corresponding
results are filtered. As soon as these checks have been
passed, access is granted and passengers
then proceed to the passport and security
control points. Götz Kratzer, Head of
Planning & Construction explains: ­
“In the event that the boarding card is invalid, passenger separation is not confirmed
and the system remains closed. A display
pictogram informs the passenger of this
operation. The eGate Control System, which
is attractive and blends well with modern airport architecture, naturally also protects
against misuse such as individuals climbing
over or crawling under. At Nuremberg
Airport, the system is also connected to the
airport’s building management system to
help ensure seamless security and perfect
functioning at all times.
← video: eGate control system
WWW Wanzl Worldwide
for ­fashion ­clients.
05 Logistics + Industry
germany | logistics + industry Online shopping in Germany
Sales figures in millions of euros
Clothing / textiles / shoes
Media, image and audio facilities
Entertainment electronics
Computers and accessories
Hobbies, collectables and leisure
Furniture and decorating
Household appliances
DIY / gardening / plants
↑ FASHION IS NUMBER 1: Online shopping is booming, with the highest sales
being in clothing, textiles and shoes. Key customers are women who make 58 % ­
of all purchases. (Source: bvh, 2010)
E-commerce business continues to grow, with particular
high demands on each of the areas of storage, picking
and despatch in the fashion industry.
Online shopping continues to enjoy increasing popular­
ity, as confirmed by figures from the German E-commerce
and Distance Selling Trade Association (bvh). With sales in
excess of 18 billion euros, online shopping represents over
60% of mail order sales in Germany, an increase of around
18% when compared to the previous year. Similarly high
growth is also being experienced in other European countries
and in the growth regions of Asia, with fashion the most prof­
itable product group. In conjunction with Europe’s leading fullservice provider for E-commerce solutions in the fashion
industry, NETRADA Management GmbH, Wanzl has successfully completed a joint project for the development of an
order picking trolley.
NETRADA currently employs around 300
employees responsible for the storage and
despatch of goods from ten fashion partners at its logistics centre in Lehrte, Lower
Saxony. End-clients in 21 countries are served
from Lehrte using a variety of carriers.
Seasonal changes in the fashion industry and
different client demands require a high
degree of flexibility when it comes to arrange­
­ing processes and adapting needs, resources
and technology to market trends at short
notice. As an entirely technical solution is not
viable in these circumstances, the core
WWW Wanzl Worldwide
11 | 2011 No ↑ FASHION SHOPPING ONLINE – Esprit fashion.
“As an experienced full-service provider and fashion expert, we are able to provide growth potential in online trade for our business partners thanks to efficient
logistics solutions and client processes as well as the exclusive fashion-specific
set-up of the online shop.”
JOACHIM REINHARDT, Managing Director / CEO NETRADA Management GmbH
goods-handling processes in Lehrte are performed manually. The focus is on the automation of internal transport, first and foremost. Thanks to Wanzl and NETRADA’s longstanding partnership, Wanzl is already
working on the development of an order
picking trolley to accommodate all product
movements. This forms part of the planning
stage for the entire system at the Lehrte
site. In order to keep space requirements for
trolley pools low, and to achieve the maximum usability of all equipment, NETRADA
has elected to use Wanzl’s customised
‘NetCart’ solution. From the arrival of goods
to picking and despatch, this order picking
trolley performs all transport functions. The
‘NetCart’ is capable of being adapted for a
variety of transport requirements such as
hanging textiles, shoes, flat goods, accessories and jewellery, and must be capable of
loading these together. A ladder, installed on
the trolley, allows high picking positions to be reached with
ease. In addition to manual picking, the trolleys have also
been optimised for automated operation. Each of the three
folding levels can be adjusted individually, with no set-up
time. Furthermore, all trolleys have been equipped with RFID
transponders to allow them to move over automated convey­or
lines to their destination after being released by the picker.
The construction of the system in Lehrte has not yet been
fully completed. One aspect that has become clear, however,
is that previous allocation problems caused by using various
types of trolley are now a thing of the past. The smooth
movement of Wanzl trolleys also means that trolleys can
now be moved whilst loaded with sorted goods, without this
having any effect on the sorting. Consequently, co-workers
remain in their picking zones and the need to wait for
­multi-level transport by fork-lift or lift during accumulation is a
thing of the past. Process quality and efficiency have already
seen an improvement and once the transport systems that
are ­currently under construction have been completed, the
system will see further optimisation and growth.
germany | logistics + industry E-commerce
With more than 2,000 co-workers and logistics centres in
Europe and the USA, NETRADA develops and realises fullservice E-commerce solutions in the fields of fashion,
beauty and lifestyle. With 14 years of experience in this field,
NETRADA has established itself as a leading fashion
E-commerce expert and the exclusive partner for a number of
leading brands. The range of services offered by NETRADA
covers the entire process chain, from implementation and
operation of the online shop, to content management, prod­
uct photography, online marketing, logistics and despatch
with returns management, as well as payments, accounting
and customer services. With sites in Europe, North America
and Asia, NETRADA also offers global E-commerce solutions
from a single source, which helps clients to simplify the internationalisation of their E-commerce business significantly.
↑ ↓ NETRADA – E-COMMERCE OPTIMISES: up to 120,000 shipments a day,
around 8 million items in storage, approximately 200,000 square metres of storage
space in Europe and North America, optimised for every logistic demand (hanging
garments, flat goods, shoes, accessories and jewellery), reprocessing of up to
160,000 items a day, customer service in your language, an in-house photo studio
for digital imaging.
folding levels with a central separating wall to perfectly accommodate fashion items including hanging garments and flat goods.
The fifth wheel located below the centre of the trolley allows for
comfortable pushing and manoeuvring.
↑ FLEXIBLE STORAGE: To date, Wanzl has supplied NETRADA
with almost 16,000 stacking baskets for the storage of high-quality
fashion items.
WWW Wanzl Worldwide
11 | 2011 No ↑ M AREK RYŠAVÝ,
Managing Director
of HELLA Czech
logistics + industry Rollers for light
So that internal logistics runs smoothly.
Wanzl has been a logistics partner of the automotive
supplier HELLA for nine years at the company’s sites in the
Czech Republic and Slovakia. The focus of Marek Ryšavý,
Managing Director of HELLA Czech Republic/Slovakia, is
always looking for means to optimise logistics.
Why did HELLA decide to work with Wanzl?
Wanzl submitted proposals for optimised internal logistics
with high-quality products, reasonable schedules and
­transparent costs.
Which Wanzl logistics solutions are in use at HELLA?
And for what purposes?
We use Wanzl mobile containers, order picking trolleys and
pallet trolleys for our internal and external logistics activities.
The mobile containers are mainly used for large-volume components along the entire logistics chain: from procurement
logistics for supplier components and internal production
lo­gistics for transport and storage, through to distribution
logistics to our corporate customers. The order picking trolleys serve as a transport and storage pool: small and
medium-sized components from the high rack warehouse are
positioned on the trolleys flexibly along the production line.
Always tailored to the current batch size and with enough
buffer to ensure smooth production. And the
pallet trolleys take care of the logistically
optimised group transport of boxes, skeleton
containers and customer packaging. The
Wanzl solutions are currently used for transport within the Czech Republic as well as to
Slovakia and Slovenia.
How do the containers and trolleys from
Wanzl support optimised logistics at
Firstly, there is the aspect of safety: in production logistics during the production process, fork-lift trucks are no longer needed to
transport the product components to and
between the production lines. Convenient
handling is also an advantage as every
employee is able to handle the material on
the trolleys or stored in the containers
without the need for additional technical
equipment. In addition, time savings are
important to us: by using the Wanzl solutions, the required product components are
securely stored in the immediate proximity of
Czech Republic | logistics + industry ↓ ORDER PICKING TROLLEYS from
Wanzl take on product components at the
­warehouse elevator and transport them
to the production line.
20 years of Wanzl Czech Republic
In 2011, Wanzl will have been successfully active on the
Eastern European market for two decades with a branch
including its own production facility in the Czech Republic.
In 2007, Wanzl Czech Republic opened one of Europe’s
­largest and most modern electroplating plants. Wanzl Czech
Republic is not only a retail partner with is full Self-Service
programme, but also a ­logistics and industry supplier offering
innovative logistics products.
↑ STACKABLE CONTAINERS; practical for transport. The
­dimensions are based on the precise size of the HGV loading
­surfaces to make optimum use of the available space.
↑ OVER THE PAST NINE YEARS lWanzl has delivered over
13,000 ­mobile storage and transport containers to HELLA in the
Czech Republic and Slovakia.
the production lines and systems, which renders the timeintensive transfer to the central warehouse unnecessary. The
transport of the mobile containers in convoy as a ‘logistics
train’ is also extremely economical and significantly improves
the capacity utilisation and effectiveness of our technical
What does HELLA particularly appreciate about
Wanzl ­products?
The greatest advantage is without question the high quality
of the Wanzl products. We have, of course, tried other lowerpriced solutions but they did not produce a satisfactory result
in the long term.
What are the next logistics projects in the pipeline?
The world of logistics never stands still, continuously striving
for optimisation in the face of changing products and
­production processes. For that reason, we are planning
numerous new projects, one of which is a completely new
internal logistics philosophy. Innovative proposals from
Wanzl are always welcome.
Automotive supplier HELLA
↑ Video:
Logistics at HELLA
With a turnover of 3.6 billion euros, HELLA is one of the top
50 international automotive suppliers. At 70 sites in over
30 countries, the company employs around 23,000 people
worldwide, of which more than 3,500 are employed in
research and development. HELLA divides its portfolio
into the Automotive Original Equipment and Aftermarket segments. The Automotive Original Equipment segment comprises the Lighting and Electronics Business Divisions. The
customer base for this segment is made up of automobile
manufacturers and other automotive ­suppliers. The
Aftermarket segment includes the Independent Aftermarket
(IAM) and the business with Special OE suppliers (SOE) such
as manufacturers of buses, caravans, and agricultural and
construction machinery. In the Czech Republic and Slovakia,
HELLA operates seven wholly owned subsidiaries with four
core activities relating to lights.
WWW Wanzl Worldwide
11 | 2011 No ↓ ON APPROACH TO MAURITIUS: There have been direct
flights between the island state and Europe since the 1980s.
06 Passenger
Handling Services
→ TRAVEL COMFORT for Malé Inter­
national Airport in the Maldives. Wanzl
has so far supplied a total of approx.
1,800 luggage trolleys to the locations
in the Indian Ocean. All the trolleys can
be comfortably manoeuvred, steered as
well as controlled and guarantee firstclass luggage transport.
passenger handling services In the middle of the Indian Ocean
Travel comfort in tropical paradises.
Three of the world’s most exclusive
­ oliday destinations have one thing in
­common – they have chosen to have the
Wanzl luggage trolleys at their airports. The
Seychelles, Maldives and Mauritius have all
chosen luggage trolleys made by the global
market leader Wanzl. This autumn Wanzl
delivered 450 ‘Travel 300 BL’ luggage trolleys to the Seychelles International Airport
on the largest island Mahé. The model offers
carefully considered detail solutions – the
innovative brake mechanism in particular is a
real advantage: the brake releases automatically when the space-saving trolleys are
pushed into each other, with all castors constantly remaining in contact with the ground.
This unique technology means that it is par­
ticularly easy for passengers to remove trolleys from the dispensing area and for service
personnel to move and manoeuvre the trolleys safely when they are linked together.
Southend and
Sales to smaller UK airports have taken off
this year with contracts in place for the
­supply of 150 premium ‘Voyager 3000’ airport trolleys to London Southend Airport
(see picture) and 150 ‘Travel 300’ trolleys to
Bournemouth Airport. At Southend, a newly
opened air traffic control tower, airport terminal building and an extension to the runway
will soon elevate this Thames Gateway airport to an international level, becoming an
important new entry point to the Olympic
Village in Stratford and the centre of London.
Another fast-growing UK south coast airport
is Bournemouth, which has confirmed an
order for 150 ‘Travel 300’ airport trolleys – ­
a decision based on the quality and manoeuvrability of the ‘Travel 300’ when compared
with imported competitors.
Several months earlier, in June 2011, Wanzl delivered
1,000 ‘Voyager 3000’ luggage trolleys for Malé International
Airport in the Maldives. The advantages of this model
include: its elegant appearance combined with first-class comfort when transporting luggage. Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam
International Airport in Mauritius has already had several
years of positive experiences with Wanzl trolleys: here ‘Travel
300’ stainless steel luggage trolleys facilitate the luggage
transport. The decisive factor for the three airports was the
high quality of the materials and workmanship from Wanzl.
All trolleys are produced from aluminium or stainless steel
and are therefore extremely durable with perfect surfaces –
making them ideal for airports located on the coast.
WWW Wanzl Worldwide
11 | 2011 No ↓ THE BRICK FACADE and the crane-like section comprising
floors 8-10, which floats 21 meters over the river, hark back to
the city’s former harbour area on the banks of the Spree.
07 Hotel Service
germany | hotel service ↑ DIGIPOP DESIGN BY KARIM RASHID: In the nhow Berlin,
each room has its own creative force and acts as a source of
→ ROOM SErVICE: You can even order guitars to your room.
hotel service Where the music plays
nhow Berlin, lifestyle hotel on the banks of the Spree.
Berlin has joined Milan as the second location for an
nhow hotel. The creativity, dynamism, and urban way of life
in the city on the Spree are perfectly reflected in the innovative concept of NH Hoteles’ lifestyle brand. Design, art and,
most importantly, music exist in perfect harmony at the nhow
Berlin hotel, which opened its doors in November 2010. The
building was devised by architect Sergei Tchoban, while the
pop-art-like interior was created by star designer Karim Rashid.
The lobby and exterior area take the form of a dynam­ic
space, where Berlin-based or International Artists can exhibit
their work. A unique feature for a European hotel is the
Sound Floor: high above the roofs of the capital, the music­
ally-minded can indulge themselves in two state-of-the-art
recording studios. The musical concept was an obvious
choice, given the hotel’s location between
Universal and MTV, directly at Berlin’s East
Harbour on the banks of the Spree. Countless
clubs are situated nearby, such as O² World,
the largest concert and event location in
Berlin. nhow represents a new generation of
hotels: unconventional, life-affirming, always
on the move, with local roots but at home in
the world.
When you step into the nhow Berlin, you
become part of the poetic, colourful, almost
surreal world of Karim Rashid. The 304
rooms and suites are decorated with
WWW Wanzl Worldwide
11 | 2011 No Wanzl trolleys
The functional, cost-effective and user-friendly Wanzl products
for hotel service ‘behind the scenes’ reduce the effort required
of personnel, ensure effective work processes and, at the
same time, help to fulfil the high demands and expectations
of guests. Wanzl has supplied the following to nhow Berlin:
– 22 chambermaid trolleys, in custom aluminium design
– 15 room service tables, with custom chassis
– Minibar restocking trolleys, in custom aluminium design
– Luggage collection trolleys, handcarts for laundry transport,
transport trolleys, serving trolleys, bottle trolleys, plate
trolleys, clothes stands
↑ HOUSE KEEPING with Wanzl chambermaid trolleys,
in custom designed aluminium.
↑ FABRICS RESTAURANT: Gastronomic needs are well served by
Berlin-born executive chef Patrick Rexhausen, who not only learned
his trade in the city, but also held junior positions at the Hotel Adlon
and Ritz Carlton, followed by stints as head chef at the Aspria
Berlin and Hotel Grand Hyatt Berlin.
custom-made furniture and design objects featuring his typical amorphous shapes and strong colours. Optimum quality,
excellent living and working comfort for guests and the over­
arching design all come together to form an exceptional standard, which never ceases to surprise. The IP televisions, for
example, are integrated in a mirrored wall object and simply
disappear when switched off. This mirrored area also serves
as a shelf and a desk. The bathrooms are separated with
glass walls, which let in daylight but are
tint­ed to provide privacy. Wireless internet is
available in all rooms. With its generous
space, extravagant design and direct digital
networking with the music studios, the ­
260 m² nhow Suite offers an experience
­befitting a Metropolis across its two stories
and a separate roof terrace.
germany | hotel service 39
germany | hotel service 41
“My vision combines technology, visual elements, materials, colours and the inner
need to live in a simpler, less cluttered and more sensual world.”
karim rashid, Designer
nhow Berlin and ­
NH Hoteles
nhow Berlin is part of NH Hoteles, Europe’s
third-largest business hotel group, which is
known for its excellent quality and service
standards as well as its attention to detail
when it comes to hotel facilities, restaurants
and technology. NH Hoteles hotels are tai­
lored to the needs of business travellers. The
company also attributes great importance to
its gastronomy.
↑ UNIQUE – two professional recording studios
WWW Wanzl Worldwide
11 | 2011 No Topics in the next magazine
Wanzl Worldwide No 12
You – the customers and partners of Wanzl – can once
again look forward to interesting facts, news and trivia in the
next Wanzl Worldwide magazine. Topics include:
Welcome to the Creative Center!
Wanzl worlds: At the CreativeCenter Wanzl presents its
business divisions in an entirely new way. We also warmly
welcome you to any ­conferences, seminars and industry
gatherings in 2012.
Know-how in Asia
Wanzl knows the retail market in China inside-out. The
company has had a dedicated branch in China for the past
13 years, which it subsequently complemented with a stateof-the-art production plant in 2007 and an electroplating
plant in 2010. This issue features reports from practice with
the retailers Zhongxing-Shenyang and Tainalong.
On the move with the Age Explorer
Elderly customers with a high purchasing power are an
important source of revenue, but only provided that the right
products and solutions make shopping a pleasant experience
for them. The Age Explorer from the Meyer-Hentschel Institute
allows manufacturers and retailers to experience the consequences that age has on consumer behaviour for themselves.
Wanzl Metallwarenfabrik GmbH
Bubesheimer Strasse 4
P.O. Box 1129 / 89336 Leipheim
Great britain
Wanzl Ltd. | Europa House
Heathcote Lane
Warwick CV34 6SP
Wanzl SAS
21, Rue Westrich | BP 30134
67603 Sélestat Cedex
Phone +49 (0) 82 21 / 7 29-0
Fax +49 (0) 82 21 / 7 29-1000
Phone +44 (0) 1926 / 45 19 51
Fax +44 (0) 1926 / 45 19 52
Phone Fax Paris:
Phone Fax The addresses of all other Wanzl branches and agencies can be found on our website.
+33 (0) 388 57 48 50
+33 (0) 388 92 17 23
+33 (0) 144 75 02 02
+33 (0) 144 75 31 00