7:00 pm DEVOTIONS TO ST. JUDE - St. Stanislaus Kostka Parish
7:00 pm DEVOTIONS TO ST. JUDE - St. Stanislaus Kostka Parish
Page Two TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Saturday, July 16, 2016 2:00 pm Wedding: Ashley Hartman and Matthew Ivill Anticipated Mass 4:00 pm People of St. Patrick and St. Stanislaus Sunday, July 17, 2016 Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary 9:00 am Frank Yukovich by Paul Logan 11:00 am People of St. Patrick and St. Stanislaus OLDE ST. PATRICK 1:30 pm Alan Samulski by Kathy Kozdemba Monday, July 18, 2016 St. Camillus de Lellis 7:15 am Special Intentions by Josie Tuesday, July 19, 2016 Weekday 7:15 am Special Intentions Wednesday, July 20, 2016 St. Apollinaris 7:00 pm DEVOTIONS TO ST. JUDE Helen Bajkowski by Niece Judy Kasperowski Thursday, July 21, 2016 St. Lawrence of Brindisi 7:15 am Joseph N Palumbo by Josie 12:10 pm OLDE ST. PATRICK Poor Souls in Purgatory by Tram Le Friday, July 22, 2016 St. Mary Magdalene 7:15 am Special Intentions 4:00 pm Wedding: Lauren Jakubovic and Alan Mathieu Saturday, July 23, 2016 2:00 pm Wedding: Erika Frantz and David Swank Anticipated Mass 4:00 pm People of St. Patrick and St. Stanislaus Sunday, July 24, 2016 Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 9:00 am Charie Logan by Husband Paul 11:00 am Ralph Carrabba (Anniversary) and Sue Santapietro (Anniversary) by Josie and Lucy Candles: $540.07 Envelopes: 158 Collection: $5470.41 Maintenance: $1738.07 Parish Share: $240.00 Please Make St. Patrick-St. Stanislaus Your Favorite Charity Second Collections for July July 31 Parish Share Please keep St. Patrick-St. Stanislaus in your will! The French Revolution is hardly a “treasure” in our story, yet in 1789 it began to dismantle the way the world was organized: feudalism. The collapsed society had three basic divisions: those who work, those who fight, and those who pray. There wasn’t a great deal of movement among the ranks, yet one way to move out of the workers and the fighters was in the direction of the folks who prayed. These were the First Estate, the clergy. One of the key persons in any manor or village was the priest. He could read, at least a bit, and so was the source for pronouncements and news from government and Church. He was assigned to celebrate the sacraments frequently and in conformance with certain rules. Seminaries did not exist before the Reformation. Astute Protestant reformers then forced the Catholic world toward a more educated and able clergy. Before that, young men apprenticed with a priest to learn the essentials, and would be presented to the bishop for ordination. Other priests emerged from the university system, where students were required to be invested as clerics. Still others were monks, ordained not so much for ministry outside the monastic walls, but to offer Mass only for the intentions of the community’s benefactors. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. MERCY Among the attributes of God, although they are all equal, mercy shines with even more brilliance than justice. —Miguel de Cervantes OUR MISSION STATEMENT It is the mission of the people of Saint Patrick-Saint Stanislaus Kostka Parish to be ambassadors for Christ. All are welcome in our diverse and historic faith community in the Strip District. We strive to nurture and to grow in the sacramental life and tradition of the Roman Catholic Church. Everything we do is for the greater glory of God. Page Three NOT “EITHER OR” but “BOTH” FREE MINISTRY TO TRAVELLING In today’s gospel passage CATHOLICS (Luke, chapter 10, verses 38-42) we hear the story of the two sisters Martha and Mary - both very good friends of Jesus. Jesus goes to visit them. We can imagine this was a home where Jesus enjoyed visiting and where, in probable good Jewish hospitality, he may have often stayed. Mary is deep in conversation with Jesus, I’m sure enjoying that opportunity. Martha (who apparently is cleaning and cooking, etc.), gets a bit “perturbed” at her sister, and in no uncertain terms, lets Jesus know. In a way, neither sister is “right” or “wrong”. Mary’s part in spending quality time with Jesus is absolutely essential. But Martha’s necessary activity also has a very complimentary aspect. Both activity and prayer are necessary. Quiet individual time with Jesus is essential for the Christian. And the fulfillment of our duties and responsibilities are also needed. For Nationwide Mass times and locations call: 1-800-MASSTIMES (1-800-627-7846) Or online at www.Masstimes.org. BISHOP ZUBIK’S PRAYER FOR “ON MISSION FOR THE CHURCH ALIVE” Father of Mercy, as we journey On Mission for The Church Alive!, endow with us with your gifts of collaboration, courage and compassion. Help us to fulfill the mission of Jesus and His Church through vibrant parishes and effective ministries. Raise up selfless, energetic leaders to serve the Church in fidelity and with care. May we, the Church of Pittsburgh in Allegheny, Beaver, Butler, Greene, Lawrence and Washington counties, be sustained and strengthened, by your grace. Help us to learn Jesus, to love Jesus and to live Jesus. Hear this prayer and grant it through Jesus Christ our Lord, with the help of TODAY...at 1:30p.m. we will have an outdoor our dear Blessed Mother, under the mantle of Mass in the garden at St. Patrick Church, with her love, Amen. refreshments to follow. RECONCILIATION RAFFLE TICKETS If you are a registered parishioner, and you haven’t picked up your book of raffle tickets, you may still do so this week. They are in the back of the church in alphabetical order. Please take a book so that we do not have to pay for postage to mail them. Please support our only major fundraiser. On most weekends, you may also purchase a raffle ticket(s) at the doors of the church following most of the Masses. … a reminder that confessions are heard every Saturday from 3:15p.m. to 3:50p.m.. Please know how welcome you will be at this great Sacrament of the Lord’s loving mercy. St Stanislaus Kostka and St. Patrick pray for us. Father Nichols YES...we/I want to become a member of St. Patrick/St. Stanislaus Parish: NAME CITY ADDRESS ZIP OCCUPATION Please drop in offertory basket or mail to rectory PHONE NUMBER DATE OF BIRTH Interested in: Diocesan Priesthood? Call Fr. Joe Freedy Vocation Office Diocese of Pittsburgh (412) 456-3000 Ext. 3612 Scott & McCune Company ISRAEL KAZEW, D.M.D. 445 FORT PITT BLVD., PITTSBURGH, PA 15219 2109 Mount Troy Rd., Pittsburgh, PA 15212 COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE LEASING • SALES • MANAGEMENT 412-281-6444 Tel: (412) 321-2777 KATHLEEN A. SMITH – PARISHIONER EMAIL: Kathleen@scott-mccune.com SACCOCIONE CONCRETE CONTRACTOR RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL CONCRETE & EXCAVATION Phone - 412-687-0235 Fax - 412-687-0210 860.399.1785 Homeless Children’s Education Fund an Official Travel Agency of Apostleship of the Sea-USA www.CatholicCruisesAndTours.com Gino Scatena Sr., Parishioner JOHN P. DONOVAN The Most Complete Online National Directory of Catholic Parishes Brian or Sally, coordinators CST 2117990-70 Email: concreteatsaccocione@gmail.com We Cater To Cowards Evening & Saturday Appointments Saint Margaret Sunday Missal An ideal companion for personal prayer. Check It Out Today! 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