St. Patrick RC Church - Saint Patrick`s Roman Catholic Church


St. Patrick RC Church - Saint Patrick`s Roman Catholic Church
St. Patrick R.C. Church
280 East Main Street, Smithtown, New York 11787
“Christ with us. Christ before us. Christ behind us.”
October 18, 2015—The Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
October: Month of the Rosary—October is the month of the Rosary and this
very special prayer has been much in use in our parish. On the evening of
Tuesday, October 7th, the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, parishioners
gathered in the church to pray the Rosary and on Saturday, October 10th, a
Public Rosary gathering was held in front of our church. It was one of
numerous gatherings held nationwide that day by members of America Needs
Altar Server Training—Soon
there will be some new young
faces in our liturgies as a new
batch of altar servers are in
training. (More photos inside.)
St. Patrick Church
280 East Main Street, Smithtown, NY 11787
Mass Times
Weekdays: 6:45 A.M., 9:00 A.M., 12:10 PM
Saturday: 9:00 AM, 5 and 8 PM
Novena Mass (Miraculous Medal): Monday, 7:30 PM
Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 AM, 12 Noon, 5 PM
Saturday: from 3:45 to 4:45 PM
Sunday: from 8:15 to 8:45 AM
Monday: 6:45 to 7:15 P.M. before the Novena Mass
Anytime by appointment in the Rectory
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
Couples should make arrangements at the Rectory
at least six months before the desired wedding date.
Thursdays for one hour following 12:10 PM Mass
First Fridays after 12:10 Mass until 3:00 PM*
Nocturnal Adoration, third Saturday of the month
from 9 PM to 7 AM Sunday
Pro-Life Holy Hour, third Tuesday of the month, 7:30 PM
Sundays at 1:30 P.M. Parents must make
arrangements at the Rectory.
(*Watch bulletin for possible changes in concluding time)
There are things we look forward to doing, things we
are capable of doing, things we wish we could do, and
things we have no desire or intention of doing. In
today’s Gospel we see two brothers, James and John,
ask Jesus for something they would like to do: “Grant in
your glory we may sit one at your right and the other at
your left.” They see how Jesus brings joy and hope to
the crowds who come to listen to His words. They have
seen miracles that bring healing and hope. They have
come to understand how loving God is. But their vision
and understanding are still limited. Using a familiar and
earthly model of a kingdom, they seek places of honor
and prestige in the Kingdom of God. As Jesus will
explain and show by His very life, the Kingdom of God
is not about privilege, power, prestige, and honor, but
about being the servant and slave of all. Jesus does
not dismiss them or express disappointment at their
request, but asks them if they can do what He does:
“Can you drink the cup that I drink or be baptized with
the baptism with which I am baptized?” In replying, “We
can,” they have no understanding of what lies ahead.
Jesus assures them: “The cup that I drink, you will
drink, and with the baptism with which I am baptized,
you will be baptized; but to sit at my right or at my left is
not mine to give but is for those for whom it has been
prepared.” They will see Jesus arrested and
crucified. Their hearts will be broken and their hopes
disappointed. But Jesus rose and appeared to them
and the others, assuring them of His continued love for
them. That love exuded complete trust that they could
continue what He started: proclaiming in thought, word,
and deed the Kingdom of God.
James drank the cup of suffering during the reign of
Herod who had put John the Baptist to death. Herod
had James put to death by the sword. While asking
Jesus for a place of honor in a seemingly vain way in
today’s Gospel, James literally put his life on the line
and was martyred for doing what Jesus entrusted him
to do—proclaim by word and action what it meant to be
a follower of Jesus and inviting those witnessing him to
be part of the Church. What James said in reply to
Jesus along with his brother, “We can,” he did. John
on the other hand had the blessing of many more years
than his brother and has left us his Gospel and letters
as part of the Bible. He too lived up to his reply to
Jesus, “We can!”
You and I have been baptized. Once we received
Jesus in the Eucharist and were anointed with the
Chrism as we received a fuller outpouring of the Holy
Spirit in the Sacrament of Confirmation, we became
fully a part of the Church, the Kingdom of God in this
world. We were not asked if we were capable of
drinking from the cup Jesus drank from or if we could
live up to His baptism. But the very fact that we became
fully a part of the Church means that we are capable of
doing what Jesus did and what James, John, and
countless others have done for more than 2,000 years.
We have the tools and we are capable, but are we open
and willing to follow Jesus and drink from His cup
with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength? We can,
but do we want to. Responding to Jesus’ love and trust
in us brings much joy and surely many challenges. We
do not face the threat of martyrdom by the sword as
James did, we do not have to fear physical death by
crucifixion, but we are certainly challenged in our hearts
and the world we live in to be who we have been
anointed to be. Some of our challenges are subtle and
some very imposing.
The key is to be humble and trust that Jesus would
never ask us to be and do what we do have not ability,
courage, or strength to do. That is why it is crucial to
reflect on the end of today’s Gospel. Jesus concludes
His words to the request of James and John by saying:
“Whoever wishes to be great among you will be your
servant; whoever wishes to be first among you will be
the slave of all. For the Son of Man did not come to be
served but to serve and to give His life as a ransom for
many.” The words servant and slave do not always
encourage or inspire a vocation or position that is
desirable or distinguished. But as long as we look at
these two words as below us, we will never drink Jesus’
cup or live His baptism. Being a servant or slave does
not mean to grovel or to have no self esteem. In Jesus
we see how greatness is achieved. He is the servant of
all of us, the slave who laid down His life on the cross in
unconditional love for us. That is why we are who we
are and what we are truly capable of. How many times
have parents been the servants of their children without
even thinking about how they will look? I have been
blessed to see so many spouses caring for their partners
who are afflicted with life-changing diseases. You who
are veterans are wonderful examples of the service
Jesus speaks about. Parents, spouses or veterans do
not see themselves as slaves or servants, but surely are
in the sense Jesus is talking about in today’s
Gospel. They are nourished and blessed to drink from
Jesus’ cup and to live His baptism.
“We can!” Not only do we have the ability we can all
say, “We did!” That becomes clear when our hearts are
filled with the joy that comes from giving ourselves totally
and completely to those God has entrusted to us. The
biggest challenge we face is to be lights in our nation
when life is denied, truth is twisted in the name of
freedom, and apathy is a very tempting response to the
work of the people we have put in public office. We all
know the joy of giving of ourselves to others. Their
gratitude and the very fact that we have made their lives
better not only inspires us to serve more and more, but
fill us with joy and gratitude for the privilege of being a
servant and slave in the image and likeness of Jesus.
Masses for the Week
Saturday, October 17th:
5:00 PM
8:00 PM
Josephine & Vincent LaCorte
People of the Parish
Sunday, October 18th:
7:30 AM
9:00 AM
10:30 AM
12:00 PM
5:00 PM
Dennis Carpin
Florence Parker
Curt Hennig
Paul Reyes
Marita Girhiny
Monday, October 19th:
6:45 AM
9:00 AM
12:10 PM
7:30 PM
John J. Rieger
Alfredo Pulito
John Heslin
Catholic Daughters
Tuesday, October 20th:
6:45 AM
9:00 AM
12:10 PM
Legion of Mary, Refuge of Sinners
Theresa Guntach
Vincent Mogavero
Wednesday, October 21st:
6:45 AM
9:00 AM
12:10 PM
Theresa Millo
Wilfred Riopel
Carol LaRocco
Thursday, October 22nd:
6:45 AM
9:00 AM
12:10 PM
Stephen Preble
James Rienzo & Family
Manuel DaCosta
Friday, October 23rd:
6:45 AM
9:00 AM
12:10 PM
Lynn Smith
James & Robert Stravino
Theresa Guntach
Saturday, October 24th
9:00 AM
5:00 PM
8:00 PM
*Multiple Intentions
John Reeber
People of the Parish
Sunday, October 25th:
7:30 AM
9:00 AM
10:30 AM
12:00 PM
5:00 PM
People of the Parish
Vernier & Jennie Monzillo
James K Giargiana
The Moniz Family
Michael Aliberto
*Dorothy Catherine Witzke, Corrine Elizabeth Maloney,
Vito J. Razza, Lisa Durenburger, John Rizzo
Communal Offering for October 11, 2015: $24,471.50.
Offering for Corresponding Sunday, 2014: $23,882.29.
Thank you for your generosity.
Our Pastoral Team
Rev. Msgr. Ellsworth R. Walden, Pastor
Rev. Sean Magaldi, Associate Pastor
Rev. Shibi Pappan, Associate Pastor
Rev. Fred Hill, In Residence
Rev. Xavier Lakra, In Residence
Rev. Cornelius Dery, In Residence
Deacon Richard Janiec
Deacon Bernard Sherlock
Mr. Joseph Menge, Business Manager
Mrs. Linda Pymm, School Principal
Mrs. Elaina Kedjierski, Dir. of Religious Ed., Levels 1-4
Mrs. Peggy Soviero, Dir. of Religious Ed., Levels 5-8
Ms. Dianne Williams, Parish Social Minister
Ms. Cindy Marsh, Youth Administrator
Mr. Tony Bellizzi, Youth Minister
Contact Us
Rectory - 265-2271
Rectory Fax - 863-1586
Parish Website:
Outreach - 265-2668
Religious Forma on - 724-7454
St. Patrick School - 724-0285
School Website -
Youth Community - 360-0185
Fr. Walden’s Email -
Parish Email -
Parish Website:
Office Hours: Rectory 9 AM to 7 PM, Mon. - Fri.
9 AM to 5 PM Sat., 10 AM to 1 PM Sun.
Parish Outreach:9:15 AM to 3:00 PM, Mon.—Fri.
Youth Community: 9 AM to 3 PM, Mon. - Fri.
Religious Forma on: 9 AM to 3:30 PM, Mon. - Thurs.
St. Patrick’s Pastoral Council Email:
Parish Organiza ons
Bereavement Support: Mon., 7 PM Outreach Ctr.
Blue Lancers Drum, Bell & Bugle Corps., 979-8578
Catholic Daughters: 3rd Mon., 8 PM
Choir: Thurs. evening, 8 PM
Columbie es: 2nd Mon., 8 PM
Jus ce & Peace: Once a month, 7:00 PM Outreach Ctr.
Knights of Columbus: 2nd & 4th Tues., 8 PM
Legion of Mary: Tues. mornings at 9:30 AM
Nocturnal Adora on Society: 3rd Sat. from 9 PM-7AM
Pro Life Family: Last Tues., 7:30 PM in school
R.C.I.A. (Rite of Chris an Ini a on for Adults); 265-2271
Sacred Heart Prayer Group: Tues., 7:30 PM, Emmaus Room
Something for Seniors; 2nd & 4th Wed., 1 PM, 265-0034
A proud man is always looking down on
things and people; and, of course, as long
as you are looking down, you cannot see
something that is above you.
- C.S. Lewis
Wedding Banns
First Time:
Suzanne Vermilyea, St. Patrick, Smithtown
Nicholas Luckner, St. Patrick, Smithtown
Second Time:
Danamarie LaRosa, St. Patrick, Smithtown
Matthew Hunsucker, St. Patrick, Smithtown
Dominic Gangemella, St. Patrick, Smithtown
Nicole Nuccio, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton,
Lake Ronkonkoma
All Souls
But the souls of the just are in the hands of God,
and no torment shall touch them. - Wisdom 3:1
The All Souls’ Novena of Masses will begin on Monday,
November 2nd. If you wish to have your loved ones
remembered in the Novena, please list their name on
the appropriate envelope and place it in the regular
collection during the weekend Masses. Additional
envelopes are available in the lobby.
All Souls’ Day Masses
Monday, November 2nd
6:45 AM
9:00 AM
*11:00 AM
12:10 PM
**7:30 PM
*at St. Patrick Cemetery,
weather permitting
**The 7:30 PM Mass on All Souls’ Day will be a special
Mass for deceased members of the parish whose
funerals were held at St. Patrick’s over the past year.
We extend a special invitation to the loved ones of
those parishioners. Hospitality, provided by Parish
Outreach, will follow in Canning Hall.
The Altar Bread and Wine
were donated for the week
in loving memory of
John N. Reeber
We are a People of Prayer
Please continue to say the following
prayers each day as we seek God’s
guidance, strength and courage
Gracious God, we are your people embraced by your
love. We thank you for your presence with us throughout all time. Create us anew. Liberate us from that
which keeps us from you. Enable us to recreate our
world and restore justice. Heal us from every form of
sin and violence. Transform us to live your Word more
profoundly. Reconcile us so enemies become friends.
Awaken us to the sacred; nurture our relationships;
enliven our parishes; reunite our families. Fill us with
joy to celebrate the fullness of life. Empower us to be a
community of love growing in your likeness. Amen.
Thank you Father for the gift of life. Thank you for the
gift of your Son, Jesus. May my gratitude inspire and
sustain me in doing everything I can to respect the
lives of all people and to do all in my power to end
abortion and everything else that harms, abuses, or
threatens human life. Give me the courage and
strength to live in your image each day. Amen.
Lord, the plight of our brothers and sisters is deep
and the suffering of Christians is severe and
frightening. Therefore, we ask you Lord to spare their
lives to grant them patience and courage to continue
their witness of Christian values with trust and hope.
Lord, peace is the foundation of life; Grant us the
peace and stability that will enable us to live with
each other without fear and anxiety, and with dignity
and joy. Glory be to you forever.
Pro-Life Rose
St. Patrick’s Pro-Life Family invites
you to dedicate a Pro-Life Rose for
any intention by contacting Lisa by
email at
or call 656-6343.
Your participation helps bring a greater awareness of
the sacredness of all human life, especially the unborn. The cost is $10.
Bread & Wine
To arrange a memorial for Altar
Bread and Wine, please call
Diane Sperzel at 265-3307.
Donation for the week is $50.
Cards will be sent to the family.
Do you think much of the talk and behavior
around you makes no sense?
Do you wonder what happened to respect for the
freedoms and even the civility of our
American society?
Come and hear Rabbi Aryeh Spero (America’s Rabbi) speak about the importance of our JudeoChristian culture and how it is reflected in our freedoms and our national character. He will detail the
degradation of our long revered traditions and the effects on our freedoms. He will discuss the denial
of our religious liberty and answer questions from attendees.
on Thursday, October 29th
at 7:30 PM in our church
Rabbi Spero is a well-known speaker, columnist, activist and president of Caucus for America. He is
also the author of the book “Push Back: Reclaiming the Judeo-Christian Spirit.” As a columnist, his
articles have appeared in a number of publications including The Washington Times, National Review, and The Wall Street Journal. He has appeared on CBS, Fox News, MSNBC, and has been interviewed by numerous radio and TV hosts including Neil Cavuto, Megyn Kelly, Laura Ingraham,
Tom Marr, and Stuart Varney. He has spoken at a meeting of the National Press Club and has
served congregations in New York City, Long Island and Ohio. He currently resides in Pennsylvania.
Attention young people ages 5 to 18!
Sign up now to be part of our annual
Youth Christmas Show
Five-year-olds may sign up to be Kiddie Dancers and children and
young people ages 6 to 18 are needed for singing, dancing and
speaking roles. Practices will be on Tuesday nights. Just fill out the
form below and return it to the St. Patrick Youth Office, 284 East
Main Street, Smithtown, NY 11787. Our Show Date is Friday,
December 11th!
---------------------------------------------------------------------Christmas Show Response
Name________________________________________________________ Age ________ Grade _______
Address ___________________________________________ Town ____________________ Zip _______
Phone #__________________ Emergency # ________________ Allergy ___________________________
I would like to have a: _____ Singing Role and/or _____ Dancing Role and/or _____ Speaking Role
No Envelopes,
No Checks,
No Hassles
of the Sick
Our electronic giving company, Faith
Direct, makes giving to our parish
easy. Be sure to download the new
Faith Direct App!
We will celebrate
this sacrament
at the 10:30 AM Mass
on Sunday, October 25th
We invite all our faithful whose health is seriously
impaired by sickness or old age; those who are to
undergo surgery; elderly people whose health has
become weakened even though no serious illness is
present, and sick children if they have sufficient reason
to experience this beautiful sacrament of healing. We
also invite those who take care of them to participate.
We extend this invitation to all members of the St.
Patrick community: “For if one member suffers the Body
of Christ, all the members suffer with the member.” Our
Baptism calls us into a caring family. Let us pray for one
When signing up for Faith Direct,
use our church number: NY51
You are invited to the Catholic Daughters . . .
Chinese Auction
Wednesday, November 4th
at 7 PM in Canning Hall
Admission cost of $7.00 includes Coffee, Tea and Dessert
Many new items and gift certificates featured.
Catholic Daughter members will be selling tickets
after all Masses October 24th & 25th and October 31st & November 1st.
Welcome to the newest members of our St. Patrick
parish family, our newly baptized children:
In the month of January
Robert Michael Ruiz
Richard Gene Ruiz
Chris an Dominic Ciaccio
Tyler Sco Maryea
In the month of February
Lyla Rae Jansen
Nico Anthony Ferruzzi
Antonio James Larsen
Ruby Noelle La Magna
Annabel McCloskey
Madeline Claire Fitzgerald
Max Robert Maisano
Isabella Maria Babino
In the month of March
Kinsley Reese Fazio
Noah Jonathan Sudentas
James Nicholas Wojnarowski
Ivory Skye Cantanzaro
Gianluca Frank Ciofrone
Jaxson Christopher Dorsey
Ryan James Lozada
Giuliana Teresa Tromblee
Hunter James Wor
Michael Joseph Deo
Emma Penelope Derkacz
Harper Tess Gillen
Zoe Belle Imundo
Penelope Dade Mazella
Cody M. Petrillo
Bryn Ankhan Pham
Molly Catherine James
In the month of April
Julie Lynn Alexander
Madison Joelle Cuccinello
Alexa Josephine Kurtz
Lorenzo Anthony Esposito
Lia Rose Hayes
Chase Jordan Joubert
Emilia Costa Macedo
Erin Grace Van Slyck
Miles John McKenna
Joseph Daniel Heaney
Alexandra Noelle Agliato
John Michael De Biasio
Aubrey Noella Lichtman
Chris an Anthony Pe y
Gabriella Rose Sco
In the month of May
Sebas an Huy Cesar
Vito Luca Giovanniello
Hailey Ann Hughes
Delaney Morgan
Payton Morgan
Luciana Fiorella Hallahan
Jaxon Ma hew Brodmerkel
Jacob Tyler Brutus
Kayla Marie Cacioppo
Olivia Madison Ferruzzi
Carter Kelly Goetz
Hunter Michael Langenhahn
Julia Rose Perrichon
Nicholas Alexander McAuley
Hunter Patrick Bello
Chloe Renee Esperto
Gabriel Ronald Ramos
Keith Albert Bellois
Jaxon Reed Harvey
In the month of June
Jayden Michael Pope
Giada Lucia Cascione
Hunter Ma hew Filaski
Anthony Michael Leogrande
Tyler Cole Pernice
Eva Marie Pinelli
Ethan Benit Vandeplank
Tycen Mark Walther
Savannah Serenity Bono
Mila Rose Gorski
Casey Jane Fezza
William Austen Maso o
Jake Miguel Pala
Madelyn Grace Rooney
Kayla Elizabeth Scheriff
Samantha Brille Catalano
Ramon Jeremiah Deleon
Emma Nicole Pinelli
Nicholas Jack Torres
Taylor Ruth Anderson
Daniel Michael Cancellieri
Kyla Charlize Gouch
Lillian Grace Menzies
Anthony Jack Scavuzzo
Lucas Tate Smith
In the month of July
Addison Grace Higgins
Gianmarco Caravello
Juliana Rose Passarello
Sebas an Daniel Bua
Chris an James Cornicelli
Joseph James Galofaro
Vivian Elaine Kelly
Sarah Ann Majuk
Brandon Massimo Pawluk
Emily Dinsdale
Joseph Vincent Maida
Brendan Robert McNamara
Emme Mia Ocasio
Jake Ryan Reilly
Colin James Hirsch
Blake Sterling Kern
Max Slupski
In the month of August
Lucas Thomas Trecar s
Gavin Lucas Tu le
Charles Joaquim Almedia-Mar ns
Michael Nicholas Bilo
Giavanna Marie Berto
Kamilah Marie Carreon
Jake James Nola
Benjamin Michael Cillis
Olivia Rose Cillis
Ma hew Keith Cuomo
Giovanni Nicholas DePasquale
Joseph John Franco, Jr.
Tyler Angelo Evan Ruggieri
Giada Marie Tartaglia
Alexa Faith Raguso
Jaret John Carbone
Alex Danielle Ciurleo
David Ma Ciurleo
Rhees Sylvia Dezenzo
Hailey Rose Lewandowski
Brady Camden Newton
Danella Rose Staria
Ma hew Arnold Campo
Mason Andrew Campo
Max Thomas Markiewicz
Lucas David Delorenzo
Alexa Rae Haslun
Karina Brianne Cunningham
Bryce Daniel Hanson
Owen Henry Pober
Liam Richard Bennis
John Trung Le
St. Patrick’s
Pro-Life Holy Hour
Tuesday, October 20th
at 7:30 PM in the church
Pro-Life Prayers
(For the month of September)
Sunday & Holyday Collections
Interest Income
Religious Ceremonies (Baptisms)
Votive Candles (Poor Box Collections)
Wedding & Funeral Music Fees
Building Use Assessment Fees
Religious & Clergy in Residence
Room Rental
Fringe Benefits (Medical, Pension, Soc. Sec., etc.)
Office Expenses (Postage, printing,computer fees,
telephone, supplies,offertory envelopes, copier leases, etc.)
Join us in praying
for the most vulnerable
among us.
For more information on
St. Patrick’s Pro-Life Family,
call Johanna Cervellino at 979-7017.
St. Ann’s Women’s Group
Every Tuesday from 1 to 2 PM
in the Parish Center (Old Convent)
The Legion of Mary is excited to announce
its new Women’s Prayer Group. Come for
prayer, coffee and conversation. For more
information, call Ann at 631-672-4929 or
Joan at 631-379-7438. (Little ones welcome.)
As mothers we look
to Mother Mary
as our example.
Liturgical Items
Utilities (Heat, water, electric)
Diocesan Quarterly Assessment
Building Maintenance, supplies & general repair
Contracted Services (cleaning, waste services,
(grounds maintenance, snow removal, etc.)
Liability & Property Insurance Premiums
Major Repairs & Renovations
School Subsidy
Rectory Household
Net Deficit
Fiscal Year-To-Date (Sept. 1, 2015 to August 31, 2016)
Total Income
Total Expenses
Net Deficit
Learn About Coming
Changes in Medicare
Sunday, October 18th
& Sunday, November 15th
from 11 AM to 12:30 PM
in the Modular Units behind the school
All are invited to come and learn about the changes in
Medicare coming in 2016. Nancy Gaska, an insurance
representative, will discuss changes and alterations to
the old plans and new plans that will be implemented.
Sponsored by Parish Outreach, the meeting is free of
charge. For more information, call Nancy Gaska at 631678-1992 or Edna at 631-724-8913.
Altar Server Training
Our altar servers are a very special group of young people. In the coming weeks, several new servers will be
assisting our priests for the first time. Congratulations to our new altar servers!
Deck Hockey for a Cause!
All are invited to a Coaches vs. Coaches game on our Deck Hockey courts on Sunday,
October 25th at 2:00 PM. Small entry fee donation. The afternoon will include raffles
and food available for purchase. Proceeds will go to a parish family battling cancer and job
losses. Raffle donations are welcome! Donations may be dropped off at the Deck Hockey
courts during the games on weeknights between 5 and 9 PM or Saturdays between 10 AM
and 4 PM. For more information, call 707-4355. Please come and support a family in need!
From our Youth Administrator,
Cindy Marsh
More than just a game…..
This past weekend, I attended the wake and
funeral of a friend. He was 68 years old. I only
point that out, because as I waited on the line,
to greet his wife, I was struck by the various ages of those in
attendance. Larry was a beloved husband, father, grandfather and
community leader. As Fr. Jeff spoke of him at the funeral Mass, he
pointed out the dedication and support he contributed, with his sonin-law, to the community, via their involvement as coaches. Aside
from his job and dedication to family, he supported his community
in this role
Larry was more than a coach. He was a mentor. The priest went
on to say that in this day and age, especially in the sports arena,
we are hard pressed to find role models who embody the important
characteristics that Larry did. Integrity, compassion, dedication,
teamwork and sportsmanship were a few mentioned.
I am proud to be involved in a program, such at St Patrick
Youth, not only in the area of sports, but in all facets. We are
blessed with many volunteers, some of whom happen to be
involved as coaches for our various programs. I like to think we
are different from some of the other programs out there, because
we are thoughtful of the process. Taking the time to teach the
youth, invaluable lessons, both on and off the court, (or playing
field) can make better leaders. As a community led by faith, we can
incorporate the tenants of our faith to become better Christians,
members and leaders of our family and the community as well.
My staff and I appreciate all the time, talent and commitment of
all our volunteers. We know that you give up your free time, often
on weekends, to contribute to the benefit of the children you have
in your charge. We also appreciate your continued example as role
models. Losing someone like Larry, makes us all realize that it is
never too late to help others, no matter what the task may be.
VçÇà{|t `tÜá{
The Life Center of Long Island is in
desperate need of the following items:
• Clothes for girls and boys (Sizes 0-6
and 18-24 months especially needed,
baby boys' desperately needed).
• Toiletries (i.e. wipes, baby soaps,
shampoos, diaper rash creams,
powders, etc.)
• Crib sheets
• Bottles
• Hooded
towels, Wash
• Diaper bags
• Non Drop Side
Cribs /
Pack n Plays
• Car seats (both infant and toddler,
must be manufactured less than 6years old
• Strollers
Thank you for any help that you can
provide to help us support these women,
especially those who are in crisis.
Donations can be dropped off at the Life
Center’s Deer Park Location, 1767 Deer
Park Avenue, Deer Park (across the
street from Sts. Cyril & Methodius Church
and next door to Boyd-Carratozollo
Funeral Home) - 631-243-2373.
Riverhead Location: 631-591-9017
Massapequa Location: 516-798-9100
Hempstead Location: 516-408-6300
St. Patrick’s Singles
Fellowship invites
all 45-60+ Singles
Notes to Consider
from Catholics for
Freedom of Religion
(widowed, separated, divorced,
never married) to
Coffee, Conversation
& Event Planning
Sunday, October 18th
at 10:00 AM
(after the 9:00 AM Mass)
in the Modulars
(located behind the school, between
the east and west wing)
$5 Donation at entrance
For information, call 631-265-2668
weekdays between 10 AM & 2 PM
"We in the Church have a great struggle to defend
life ... life is a gift not a threat." — Pope Benedict XVI
Catholic Hospitals Sued:
* The ACLU is launching a crusade to force Catholic
hospitals to act against Catholic moral teachings and
the natural law.
In August, the ACLU threatened to sue a CA Catholic
hospital operated by the Sisters of Mercy, if it would not
allow a woman to be sterilized after giving birth there.
(, 8/26/15)
* On Oct. 1, the ACLU filed suit against Trinity Health
Corp., a Catholic health system operating over 80
hospitals nationwide, because they refused to perform
abortions on women experiencing a miscarriage.
"This case has no merit," said Trinity Health. "'The
Ethical and Religious Directives' are entirely consistent
with high-quality health care, and our clinicians continue
to provide superb care throughout the communities we
serve." (, 10/2/15;, 10/1/15)
Christians Most Persecuted:
Carnegie Hall Trip
Our Something for Seniors group is planning a trip to
Carnegie Hall to see the New York Tenors in “The
Magic of Christmas” on Thursday, December 10th. A
bus would leave St. Patrick’s at approximately 5 PM that
day and return by 11:45 PM. The approximate cost is
$125. If you are interested in going, please contact
JoAnna by email at
or 439-0551, or call Jerry at 981-9716 or Barbara at 265
-0034. There is still room on the bus!
World Mission This Sunday
This Sunday, World Mission Sunday, our Holy Father,
Pope Francis, calls every Catholic to celebrate at the
Eucharist, our vocation to be missionary and to help the
Missions. As Catholics around the world, here at home
and in the Missions, gather at
the Eucharistic table, let us pray
for the Church’s worldwide
mission and offer financial help
through the Propagation of the
Faith for more than 1,150
dioceses in Asia, Africa, Latin
America and the Pacific Islands.
Thank you for your generosity.
* A recent PEW study confirms that Christians are the
most persecuted religion in the world today. Northern
Iraq and Syria, once a stronghold of the Christian faith,
have witnessed an exodus of over 13.6 million believers
- most fleeing the unspeakable brutality and certain
death from ISIS.
"We left in our pajamas. My son walked barefoot ...,"
said an Assyrian mom. (
"I must renew my repeated appeals regarding the
painful situation of the entire Middle East...where
Christians ...have been forced to witness the destruction
of their places of worship, their cultural and religious
heritage, their houses and property, and face either
fleeing, paying...or enslavement." Pope Francis
Mark Your Calendar:
* Thursday, Oct. 29, @ 7:30PM, St. Patrick's,
Smithtown, will host Rabbi Aryeh Spero, well known
speaker and author, Push Back - Reclaiming the
American Judeo-Christian Spirit, 280 E Main St.,
Smithtown, NY 11787
Be not anxious about what you have, but about
what you are.
- Pope Gregory the Great
Parish Social
Religious Formation
Level 2—Parents of Level 2 children must attend a Parent
Meeting with Msgr. Walden. Meetings are being held on
several dates in the church. Remaining meetings are
scheduled for: October 22nd at 7 PM and October 27th at 7
PM. Parents must attend one of these meetings.
Level 4—Level 4 parents whose children attend class on
Mondays will attend orientation on Monday, October 19th.
Level 5 - The Level 5 Family Liturgy and Pizza Dinner will
take place on Saturday, October 24th at the 5 PM Mass with
the Pizza Dinner following the Mass. It is not too late to
purchase tickets for the Pizza Dinner. The cost is $25 per
family. For information call the Religious Formation Office at
724-7454 or pay online at
Level 7— The Level 7 Parent/Student Orientation will be
held on Monday, October 19th at 7:30 PM in Canning Hall.
Level 7 Orientation for St. Patrick School will be held on
Wednesday, October 28th at 7:00 PM in Canning Hall. Level
7 classes start on Sunday, October 25th.
Level 8—Level 8 classes start on Monday, October 26th.
Level 8 School and Religious Formation Parent Orientation is
on Wednesday, October 21st at 7:30 PM in Canning Hall
Our Religious Formation Office may be reached at 631724-7454. Monday through Thursday from 9 AM to 3:30
PM or visit
Mark Your Calendar!
Most St. Patrick’s parishioners remember
Joseph Attard (now Deacon Joseph) from
Gozo, Malta, as he spent his pastoral year
with us as part of his seminary studies.
Deacon Joseph’s ordination date is set for:
Friday, May 20th, 2016 at 6 PM
at the Gozo Cathedral
His first Mass (and a big feast) will take place on
Saturday, August 13, 2016
in his hometown of Zebbug.
Please keep Deacon Joseph in your prayers and those who
can travel to Malta are welcome to attend!
Don’t Forget Your
Bottle Money!
Next weekend, October 24th & 25th, Kids for
Life will be having their monthly “Bottles for
Babies” collection to help mothers and babies
in need in our area. Please recycle your bottles
and cans and donate the money you receive to
this worthy cause. Just look for the Baby Bottle
Banks at the church exits.
Bread for the World Sunday
Today we celebrate Bread for the World Sunday as
an opportunity to renew our commitment to pray, act,
and give for an end to hunger in God’s world.
Empowered by Jesus’ presence in our lives, we seek
not to be served, but to serve. Drawn into the gravity
of God’s love, we reach out to our sisters and
brothers who struggle to get enough to eat. Our
efforts to help those in need are strengthened by
Bread for the World as it brings together people from
many faith traditions – to be a collective Christian
voice, urging our nation’s decision makers to change
the policies and conditions that allow hunger to
persist. We also give thanks for churches and other
organizations that provide emergency relief and longterm assistance to overcome hunger, poverty, and
disease. Today, religious and political leaders from
around the world are forging an international
commitment to end widespread hunger by 2030. To
support this ambitious goal, Bread for the World is
enlisting 100,000 people to engage in ongoing prayer
for an end to hunger. In these prayers, we are
encouraged by Jesus who teaches us to pray, “Our
Father in heaven…your will be done, on earth as it is
in heaven” (Matthew 6:9-10).
Throughout the
Scriptures, we see that God’s will is that the hungry
are fed, widows are cared for, and the sick are
healed. Drawing strength from our prayers, we renew
our determination to see that all people receive God’s
gift of daily bread.
O God, our creator, we give thanks for the abundance
of your creation and the daily bread we receive from
you. Grant strength and courage to those who
struggle to get enough to eat for themselves and their
families. May our nation’s leaders be moved by
compassion and wisdom to seek an end to hunger.
And may Jesus’ presence in our lives empower us to
take action that will create hope and opportunity for
hungry people. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
The love of Christ, which has blessed and
sanctified the union of husband and wife, is
able to sustain their love and to renew it when,
humanly speaking, it becomes lost, wounded
or worn out. The love of Christ can restore to
spouses the joy of journeying together. This is
what marriage is all about: man and woman
walking together . . .
- Pope Francis
Pray for our Priests
Please remember to keep our priests in your prayers. This week we ask that you
pray especially for the following priests from our diocese:
October 18th—Bishop Nelson Perez
October 19th—Rev. Richard Donovan & Rev. Ronald Henery OP
October 20th—Msgr. Edward Wawerski & Rev. William Slater
October 21st—Rev. Lennard Sablo & Rev. Donald Baier
October 22nd—Rev. Jose Quilcate & Rev. Brian McQuade
October 23rd—Rev. Christopher Aridas & Rev. Gerard Gordon
October 24th—Msgr. Vincent Rush & Rev. Emmanuel Debrah
“To become a priest or a religious is not primarily our choice; it is our answer to a calling, a calling of love.”
- Pope Francis
Reflections on the Sunday Scriptures
October 25, 2015
Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Readings: Jeremiah 31: 7-9; Hebrews 5: 1-6;
Mark 10: 46-52
Attention Level 2 Students—For your
convenience, copies of the cards on which you
write your gospel reflections will be included in the
Sunday bulletin. Feel free to use the form below
and to make copies. Your reflection may be
dropped into the collection basket as your gift to
our parish. (Please provide your first and last
name. Only first names will be used in the bulletin.)
As Jesus was leaving Jericho with his disciples and a
sizable crowd, Bartimaeus, a blind man, the son of
Timaeus, sat by the roadside begging. On hearing that
it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out and say,
"Jesus, son of David, have pity on me." And many
rebuked him, telling him to be silent. But he kept calling
out all the more, "Son of David, have pity on me." Jesus
stopped and said, "Call him." So they called the blind
man, saying to him, "Take courage; get up, Jesus is
calling you." He threw aside his cloak, sprang up, and
came to Jesus. Jesus said to him in reply, "What do you
want me to do for you?" The blind man replied to him,
"Master, I want to see." Jesus told him, "Go your way;
your faith has saved you." Immediately he received his
sight and followed him on the way.
Focus Questions:
1. Describe a time when you were afraid. How did you
hear the voice of Jesus calling you to rise up and not
be afraid?
2. The blind Bartimaeus was the one to recognize
Jesus as the Son of David. Relate an experience when
you could recognize the reality of a situation that
others could not see.
Children and Family Reflections:
Jesus granted the blind man’s request to give him his
sight. If you could ask Jesus for something important,
what would it be?
Sacred Heart
Prayer Group
The Sacred Heart Prayer group is a charismatic prayer
group that meets every Tuesday evening at 7:15 PM in
the Small Meeting Room of the Parish Center (old
convent). We are looking for new members, young and
old……All would be welcomed. We would especially like
to reach out to anyone who might like to join our music
ministry. If you play the guitar or sing, we would love for
you to join us! Please call Barbara Hall at 631-366-0252
with any questions.
Pilgrim Virgin Statue Visits
You are invited to arrange a visit of the
Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Our Lady of
Fatima in your home through our
Legion of Mary. Visits are for one
week, beginning on a Monday. The
purpose of the visitation is to aid
families in responding to the requests
made by the Blessed Mary during her
apparitions at Fatima. The essence of
her requests is threefold: Return to
God; Make reparation for sins; Pray
the Rosary for Peace. For information,
please call 631-234-2858.
Words of Wisdom from our Level 2 Students
Second grade students from our Religious Formation Program and our school are asked to read the “Children and
Family Reflection” column in the bulletin and write down their thoughts on cards provided for them. They then drop
the cards in the collection basket on Sunday as their contribution to our parish. Below are a few reflections on our
gospel reading by our second graders.
I feel happy when I give people that are less fortunate my clothing and toys because it’s nice to give people
what they don’t have.—Olivia
I feel happy to give to others so they can have stuff they need. I don’t want anyone to feel sad that they don’t
have something.—Noah
It’s important to give to those in need because it makes me feel good and shows that I believe in them.—Justin
It is important to give to those who are less fortunate because they can die in two days if they don’t have food
and money. When I give to someone else I feel good and happy inside because I helped someone in need.—
I send my clothes to Haiti for the poor kids. I feel blessed when I share with the less fortunate because they are
also children of God and God asked us to share.—Remeely
My mom and I give my clothes that don’t fit me anymore to charities who give them to families who need them.
It makes me happy to help others.—Paul
It is important because the people do not have a house or food and they can not snuggle up in a big bed. I feel
happy when I give something to someone.—Rose
It is important to take care of all God’s people. I help a lot in Boy Scouts. It makes me feel good.—Blake
It is important to give to those less fortunate because God wants us to help others. I feel very happy when I
It is important to give to those who are less fortunate because you can make someone happy and it makes me
feel happy too.—Meghan
I gave some of my dolls to poor children that do not have dolls or many toys. This made me feel happy because I see that it makes them happy and puts a smile on their face.—Gabriela
It is important to give to others so they could be like you.—Zach
When I give I feel happy. My heart is smiling because I know that I brightened up someone’s day. Giving is
another way of showing that you care.—Regina
Youth Ministry
Thank you for your prayers. Our
Youth Ministry retreat last weekend
was a wonderful spiritual blessing.
This Sunday October 18th is our
first LaserTag trip of the season. All
teens of the parish are welcome to
join us at Laserland from 7 to 9 PM.
Cost: $20. For information call the
Youth Office at 360-0185.
In the Neighborhood . . . .
A Celebration of Life: Interfaith Memorial Services—Good
Shepherd Hospice invites all members of the community to
join in an evening of celebrating and remembering your loved
one who has died on Wednesday, October 21st from 7 to 8:30
PM at the Infant Jesus Chapel, St. Charles Hospital in Port
Jefferson. You will be invited to place a butterfly on our Tree
of Remembrance and your loved one’s name will be called
from our “We Remember Them” list. This is a beautiful
evening of reflection, music, sharing, meaning and comfort.
Registration is required. Call 631-465-6262.
Christmas Craft Fair at St. Anthony’s High School, 275
Wolf Hill Road in South Huntington, Saturday, November 7th
from 10 AM to 4 PM. Featuring more than 100 unique
vendors. Something for everyone! For directions call 631-2712020, #7.
Diabetes Health Fair—November is Diabetes Awareness
Month. St. Catherine of Siena Medical Center will hold a
Diabetes Health Fair on Saturday, November 14 from 9:30
am – 12:00 pm in the St. Catherine Nursing and
Rehabilitation Care Center, Father Fred Hill Room, 52 Route
25A, Smithtown. Free screenings available including
glucose, cholesterol, BMI, blood pressure, and foot checks
from 9:30 to 10:30 AM and lectures on the best ways to
manage diabetes will begin at 10:30 AM. Free giveaways,
health information and light refreshments. Please call 631870-3444 for more information and to register.
Fr. Charles and Laurie Mangano will offer a night of
song, inspiration and reflection on Wednesday, October 28th
from 7:30 to 9:30 PM at Our Lady of Mercy Church, 500
South Oyster Bay Road in Hicksville. The topic will be God’s
Mercy. Free will offering will be taken.
Liturgy & Lunch for Adults with Special Needs and their
Caretakers—Saturday, October 24th at St. Thomas More
Church, 115 Kings Highway in Hauppauge. Liturgy starts
promptly at 11 AM followed by lunch. Cost $12 per person.
Preregistration and prepayment required. Call Kathy RussellSica at 513-474-2064 for information.
Men’s Forum—a brotherhood of men dedicated to growing in
their faith and discipleship in the Lord Jesus at Sts. Philip and
James Church, 1 Carow Place in St. James. The next meeting
is Monday, October 19th. 6:30 PM Adoration, 7:30 PM
Speaker, 8:30 PM Cake and Coffee. Come for all or part of
the evening.
Movie Night—Friday, October 23rd at 7:30 PM at Christ
the King Church, 2 Indian Head Road in Commack,
Bishop McGann Room in the Family Center. Featured
movie will be “The Drop Box” - the true story of a South
Korean pastor who finds an abandoned infant on his
church steps and then builds a heated hatch to rescue
others. Free-will offering. Refreshments will be served.
Door open at 7:00 PM. For more information, call Ann
Cook at 631-754-9141 or Marion Mlodynia at 631-4862658.
Pilgrimage to the Holy Land—January 7th to 16th.
Travel with St. Joseph’s College faculty members: Sr.
Grace Rowland, CSJ and Fr. Francis Pizzarelli, SMM.
For more information email or call
You Can Help Heal Your Marriage—Do you feel alone?
Are you frustrated or angry with each other? Does talking
about it only make it worse? Retrouvaille helps couples
through difficult times in their marriages. This program
has helped thousands of couples worldwide experiencing
ALL TYPES of marital difficulties. For confidential
information about the Retrouvaille program, or to register
for the upcoming weekend that begins on Friday,
November 13th at the Immaculate Conception Seminary
in Huntington, please call 1-800-470-2230 and you will be
connected directly and confidentially to a couple from
Long Island / Metro Retrovaille who can help.
Love is the most necessary of all virtues.
Love in the person who preaches the word
of God is like fire in a musket. If a person
were to throw a bullet with his hands, he
would hardly make a dent in anything; but
if the person takes the same bullet and
ignites some gunpowder behind it, it can
kill. It is much the same with the word of
God. If it is spoken by someone who is
filled with the fire of charity- the fire of love
of God and neighbor- it will work wonders.
-St. Anthony Mary Claret
Support Our Community Hospital!
St. Catherine of Siena Medical Center will hold a Roaring Twenties Fall Gala on
Thursday, November 5th at the Stonebridge Country Club in Smithtown.
Honorees of the gala will include our own Fr. Fred Hill and St. Patrick’s
parishioner Gary Carpenter. The event will benefit the enhancements to the
Department of Neurosurgery, the Nursing and Rehabilitation Care Center and
Serenity Plaza. Cocktails at 6:00 PM, Dinner at 7 PM. Come enjoy a great
evening and help bring superior healthcare to our community. Individual tickets
are $300, table of ten $2,500. Sponsorship opportunities and journal ads
available. Raffle donations also accepted. For more information, call 631-8623780 or email
St. Patrick Youth
CPR Training Course for coaches will be
offered throughout the year, call the Youth
office if interested.
Exercise Classes on-going. $5 fee. All
welcome. Call Cindy at 360-0185 for class
Regarding Sports Parking—Please park
only on east side of the property. Enter
Sports Court at east gate entrance.
Monday through Friday, 2:30 to 6 PM.
Homework help, arts/crafts, indoor/outdoor
gym activities, snacks, games and more for 3
to 13 year-olds
Three-year-old, Pre K
extended hours, 8 AM to 2:30 PM. Before/
Aftercare also offered. Children must be preregistered to attend. Call 707-4355. Limited
space available.
Music Ministry – Folk Group (grades 6-12),
and Children’s Choir (grades 1-5). Children’s
Choir practice runs from 6:15 to 7 PM in
Keegan Hall and Folk group from 7:15 to 8:30
PM in the church. New members welcome!
Call 360-0185 for information.
Youth Ministry – Attention High School
students. Please join us for Youth Ministry on
Sunday nights at 6:30 PM in the new parish
center. Call the Youth Office for details.
Junior Catholic Daughters - JCDA is a
young woman’s service organization. Young
women grades 6th -11th are welcome. Call the
Youth Office for details.
JCDA will meet every 3rd Tuesday of the
month in our Modular Classroom from
6:00 to 7:00 PM.
Playtime with Mommy/Caregiver – Children
ages 17 months through 2-years-old.
Mondays & Wednesdays 9:30 to 10:30 AM
starting September 21st.
Separation Class– Two-year-olds, Tuesday
& Thursdays 10 AM to 12 PM. Currently
taking registrations for Fall 2015. Call Miss
Patty for details 707-4355.
St. Patrick Learning Center – Tutors for all
areas of study, Pre-K through high school.
SAT Prep, etc. New York certified teachers
available Monday through Friday. Call 7241261 for information. Catholic Entrance Exam
Prep is available. Contact the Youth Office.
Fall Deck Hockey – Season is underway.
Winter Intramural Basketball – For girls and
boys grades Kindergarten – 12th. Season
begins in January. Clinic program for grades
K-3 and league program for 4th-12th grade.
Deadline to register for K-8th grade is October
30th OR until rosters are full. Deadline for
high school grades 9-12th is December 4th OR
until rosters are full. Coaches are always
needed. Go online to view flyer for more information and to register.
VIRTUS– All volunteers/coaches are required to attend a VIRTUS
class if they have not done so. On-line registration must be completed
before you attend. See for information and registration.
St. Pat’s Youth web address is:
All program information & registration forms
may be found on the website.
The Youth Office can be reached by email at
Let’s get very, very basic and very, very practical
about prayer. The single most important piece of
advice I know about prayer is also the simplest: Just
do it! How to do it is less important than just doing it.
Less-than-perfect prayer is infinitely better than no
prayer; more perfect prayer is only finitely better than
less perfect prayer.
Dr. Peter Kreeft
Pray for the Sick
Maureen Alagna
Michael Antonucci
Rita Apollaro
Joseph Barone
Judith Bartley
Darlene Bass
Richard Belardo
Tony Bonura
Tom Beirne
Mary Lynn Brassil
Michael Carbuccia
Moses Carbuccia
Sam Cioffi
Mary Beth Condon
Frank Cone
John Coonan
Stephen Costello
Alex Cozzo
Lois Crowley
Matthew DeGraw
Jimmy Demato
Joseph DeMott
John Michael Dellova
Joseph DiDonato
Jean Doski
Shirley Dunn
Joseph Dwyer
Danny Meyer
Eric Mendola
Sheryl Minter
Theresa O. Moebes
Alice Moore
Thomas Mooney
Ron Moran
Thomas Goldrick & Family Anna Morreale
Francine Goldman
Jean Noschese
Claudio Ghattas
Melissa Ording
Alan Guidice
Rose Pastore
Ralph Gunderson, Sr.
Maria Rametta
Loretta Harrigan
Connie Rinaldi
Bob Heilig
Michael Romano
Carole Hennessy
Zena Romanzi
Joanna Scheidel
Cynthia Kambos
Suzanne Schmidt
Michael Kelly
Randy Schnittger
Elizabeth Knowd
Teresa Smith
Joseph Lantini
Maryanne Spargue
Br. John Lawrence, OSF Lauren Spencer
Josephine Licata
Jeane Stiles
Matthew Lowney
Catherine Tamburino
Emmi (Emerita) Tiedemann
Megan Madden
Alejandro V.
Michael C. Maloney
Jeffrey Vollmer
Terrance Martin
Eva Zalak
Helen McDowell
Joan Every
Fred Facompre
Raymond Facompre
Brooke Failla
Patricia Foley
Grace Fragala
Dennis Gartland
Pray for the Dead
James M. Burns
Frank T. Cone
Charles Pomilla
Ronald Tavis, Jr.
A Great Place to Advertise
Did you know that the St. Patrick’s bulletin is printed at no cost to our
parish each week? Not only that, our parish receives a part of the advertising
commission. So please frequent the fine establishments that advertise in our
If your business could use a shot in the arm, consider advertising in the
bulletin. Approximately 3,700 people attend Mass at St. Patrick’s each
weekend, most of whom live and shop in the Smithtown area. It’s an easy
way to reach thousands of area families with information about your
business. For information on how to advertise in our bulletin, call Frank
Capanzano at 631-987-0064.
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(631) 588-1515
840 Wheeler Road (Rte. 111)
(631) 361-7500
825 Main Street
(631) 981-7500
130 Carleton Avenue
(631) 234-6000
1320 Lakeland Avenue
(631) 589-1500
523 Route 112
(631) 473-3800 SCAN THIS
Michael McAuley, D.P.M., P.C. HARRY GANG PLUMBING Branch Auto Care, Inc. C.J. Allen OTR/L, CHT
Podiatric Medicine & Surgery
Andrew Monteleone ~ Parishioner
Upper Extremity & Hand Therapy
4th Generation Plumbers
Rehabilitation & Custom Orthotics
418 N. Country Rd., Unit 6, St. James • 584-6969
Parishioner & Alumni
Simple Repairs to Total Renovations 383 Jericho Tpke., Smithtown
Hours: Mon-Wed-Fri 10-6, Tues 10-7, Sat 10-2
2108 Joshuas Path, Hauppauge, NY
360-9826 631-761-6996
By Appointment Only • House Calls Available Licensed & Insured 631-742-7442 Mike Dray
North Chapel
"Personal Attention & Dignified Service ~ Our Continuing Tradition"
A Home for Funerals & Cremations
South Chapel
551 North Country Road, Route 25A
829 Middle Country Rd. (Jericho Tpke.), Route 25
St. James (631) 584-7200
St. James (631) 584-5200
Kenneth J. Maher, Owner, Lic. Manager & Director
Kerry J. Maher, Lic. Director
Kenneth J. Maher, Jr., Lic. Director
All Phases of Tree Work
Safe & Dependable Service
Highly Skilled Professional Staff
25 Years of Experience
Expert Pruning • Expert Removal
Diagnostics • Fertilization • Spray
Applications By Certified Arborist
Free Woodchips Delivered
Lic/Ins 26784 HI
Rose Elefante, Esq.
Alan E. Fricke Memorials Inc.
Monument Service Since 1946
Expert Lettering • All Cemeteries
Alan E. Fricke Thomas Fricke
544 Rosevale Ave., Ronkonkoma
280 Granny Road, Medford
Commercial & Residential
Complete Masonry & Landscaping
Visit Our Nursery Located At 1984 Rte. 112, Coram • 631.451.1491
Nancy DeMartinis
Lic. Sales Associate
24/7 HELP
$19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH
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➢ Price Guarantee ➢ American Made
TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608
*First Three Months
17 Manor Rd., Smithtown
Family Owned
752250 St Patrick Church (A)
Consider Remembering
Your Parish in Your Will.
For further information,
please call the Parish Office.
For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263