St. Patrick RC Church - Saint Patrick`s Roman Catholic Church


St. Patrick RC Church - Saint Patrick`s Roman Catholic Church
St. Patrick R.C. Church
280 East Main Street, Smithtown, New York 11787
“Christ with us. Christ before us. Christ behind us.”
April 19, 2015 - The Third Sunday of Easter
Youth Group / Intramural Basketball
Among the many activities offered by our Youth Community are Youth Group for high school age young people
(pictured at the top during their “Saturday Night Live” event), and Intramural Basketball, for children and young
people in Kindergarten through 12th grade. (More photos inside.)
Mission Appeal
This Weekend
Msgr. John Cervini from our diocese has been serving the people of the Dominican Republic in our diocesan
mission for many years. He will make an appeal for our support this weekend at all Masses.
At all of our Masses during these fifty days of
celebrating Easter, the first reading is from the Acts of
the Apostles. In this first book after the Gospels, we
see the emergence of the first generation of the
Church after the death of Jesus. It begins with the
account of the Ascension of Jesus followed by
replacing Judas with Matthias as the twelfth Apostle. In
chapter two we have the account of Pentecost where
the Holy Spirit descends upon the followers of Jesus
and they begin their public ministry of proclaiming the
Good News of Jesus who is with them always and at
the same time building up the Church. We see how the
Apostles went from being filled with fear,
disappointment, and discouragement to people of
conviction and joy in Jesus. The pariah to the religious
leaders who crucified Him really is the Son of God, the
Son of God who loves us and radically changes the
lives of those who allow Him into their hearts.
Who or what has radically changed our lives? As
we get older we look back and see that we have done
things and been involved in situations we would never
have thought possible or ever imagined. You who are
parents look at the difference your children have made
in your lives. Without them you would probably never
know, understand, or experience the joy of giving
yourselves so completely to another human being. The
children you have given life now live in you and you
live in them. In the Acts of the Apostles we see how
the Risen Jesus lived in His disciples and how they
lived in Him. Can we say Jesus lives in us as deeply or
even more deeply than any person we have ever
experienced or let into our lives?
In Psalm 42 which was part of morning prayer this
past week in the breviary we prayed:
Like the deer that yearns
for running streams,
so my soul is yearning
for you, my God.
My soul is thirsting for God,
the God of my life;
when can I enter and see
the face of God?
As I reflect on these verses I think about how I
should and need to long for God in the depths of my
heart. Each one of us is created in the very image and
likeness of God and have an inner longing that only He
can satisfy. To substitute anything or anyone for the
thirst that only God can and will satisfy is to continually
look for fulfillment in money, material things, power, or
changes in people that we think will make us happier
but in the end do not. Prayer is essential and key to
satisfying our thirst for God. As long as prayer is
just one more thing I have to do each day we will
miss the nourishment only the presence of God can
bring. Prayer is the blessing of being in the
presence of God, opening our minds and hearts to
Him. Is that not what we do with those who are an
intimate and central part of our lives? Relationships
take time, energy, commitment, and love. How fully
alive we feel and grateful we are for the people who
know and love us for who we are and appreciate
our presence in their lives. The disillusioned
Apostles came to understand and believe that
Jesus knew them and loved them with all His
heart. They went from locking doors when they
gathered to going out and publicly living and sharing
who they were as followers of Jesus.
In the book I am currently reading for spiritual
nourishment, Eager to Love by Richard Rohr, a
Franciscan priest, he says that unless prayer is
sincere, open to God, and from a heart longing for
God, we will be narcissistic and negative rather than
filled with love and joy. We certainly live in a society
that focuses on individualism where what “I” want,
need, and think should be done is very important.
Faith, which prayer nurtures, reminds us that all that
I am and all that I have are gifts from God and those
who are part of my life. Our society is very critical of
those who have done wrong and those who the
media judge as being out of step with currently
accepted norms, which are not based on eternal,
God given truths, but on a distorting and alienating
idea of freedom. Jesus and His Apostles after Him
did not fit in with the norms and ideals of their
contemporary world. But as Jesus lived in the
Father and the Father lived in Him, so they lived in
Jesus and He lived in them. As Jesus knew love
and joy in His life through the Father, so the
Apostles and all the disciples of Jesus knew love
and joy in Him. Love brings joy and makes us fully
alive. The love of God satisfies our ultimate thirst
for life, hope, and peace and fills us with true joy. In
the Gospel of St. John (15:11-12) Jesus says, “I
have told you this so that my joy may be in you and
that your joy may be complete. This is my
commandment, that you love one another as I have
loved you.” Love and joy are inseparable. To be
loved by God is to be a source of joy for us and to
love God and one another as He has loved us is a
source of joy to Him and all whose lives we touch.
Masses for the Week
Saturday, April 18th:
5:00 PM
8:00 PM
People of the Parish
Dominador & Francisco Velasco
Sunday, April 19th:
7:30 AM
9:00 AM
10:30 AM
12:00 PM
5:00 PM
Fred Schramm, Jr.
Francis Murray
Anthony Quatrini
Sam Cirigliano
Linda Marino
Monday, April 20th:
6:45 AM
9:00 AM
12:10 PM
7:30 PM
Lynne Crouchley
John Young
Jose Antonio Anazagasti
Angeline Bradley
Tuesday, April 21st:
6:45 AM
9:00 AM
12:10 PM
Fr. Patrick Riegger
Nicholas Isolano
John Chodkowski
Wednesday, April 22nd:
6:45 AM
9:00 AM
12:10 PM
Helen Trinker
Francis Murray
Rose Terraglio
Thursday, April 23rd:
6:45 AM
9:00 AM
12:10 PM
Lynne Crouchley
John Turano
Dominick Passalacqua
Friday, April 24th:
6:45 AM
9:00 AM
12:10 PM
Lynne Crouchley
Steven Long
Francis Murray
Saturday, April 25th:
9:00 AM
5:00 PM
8:00 PM
*Multiple Intentions
Marie Burns
People of the Parish
Sunday, April 26th:
7:30 AM
9:00 AM
10:30 AM
12:00 PM
5:00 PM
Lucille Stiles
Giustano Mazzella
Stephen Lynch
Francis Murray
John McArthur
*Helen Savino, Dorothy Biedenback, Richard O’Hare,
Gene Cecil, Laryon Onwu
Our Pastoral Team
Rev. Msgr. Ellsworth R. Walden, Pastor
Rev. David Regan, Associate Pastor
Rev. Harold Noviello, Associate Pastor
Rev. Shibi Pappan, Associate Pastor
Rev. Fred Hill, In Residence
Rev. Xavier Lakra, In Residence
Rev. Cornelius Dery, In Residence
Deacon Richard Janiec
Mr. Joseph Menge, Business Manager
Mrs. Linda Pymm, School Principal
Mrs. Elaina Kedjierski, Dir. of Religious Ed., Levels 1-4
Mrs. Peggy Soviero, Dir. of Religious Ed., Levels 5-8
Ms. Dianne Williams, Parish Social Minister
Ms. Cindy Marsh, Youth Administrator
Mr. Tony Bellizzi, Youth Minister
Contact Us
Rectory - 265-2271
Rectory Fax - 863-1586
Parish Website:
Outreach - 265-2668
Religious Forma on - 724-7454
St. Patrick School - 724-0285
School Website -
Youth Community - 360-0185
Fr. Walden’s Email -
Fr. Regan’s Email -
Parish Email -
Parish Website:
Office Hours: Rectory 9 AM to 7 PM, Mon. - Fri.
9 AM to 5 PM Sat., 10 AM to 1 PM Sun.
Parish Outreach:9:15 AM to 3:00 PM, Mon.—Fri.
Youth Community: 9 AM to 3 PM, Mon. - Fri.
Religious Forma on: 9 AM to 3:30 PM, Mon. - Thurs.
St. Patrick’s Pastoral Council Email:
Parish Organiza ons
Bereavement Support: Mon., 7 PM Outreach Ctr.
Blue Lancers Drum, Bell & Bugle Corps., 979-8578
Catholic Daughters: 3rd Mon., 8 PM
Choir: Thurs. evening, 8 PM
Columbie es: 2nd Mon., 8 PM
Jus ce & Peace: Once a month, 7:00 PM Outreach Ctr.
Knights of Columbus: 2nd & 4th Tues., 8 PM
Legion of Mary: Tues. mornings at 9:30 AM
Nocturnal Adora on Society: 3rd Sat. from 9 PM-7AM
Pro Life Family: Last Tues., 7:30 PM in school
R.C.I.A. (Rite of Chris an Ini a on for Adults); 265-2271
Sacred Heart Prayer Group: Tues., 7:30 PM, Emmaus Room
Something for Seniors; 2nd & 4th Wed., 1 PM, 265-0034
An Easy Way to Donate—Forget
Communal Offering for April 12, 2015: $26,648.87.
Offering for Corresponding Sunday, 2014: $26,069.10.
Thank you for your generosity.
your envelopes? Not carrying cash or
checks? If you are a smartphone
user, there is quick and easy way to
donate to our parish. Simply scan our
QR code at right and you will go
directly to a St. Patrick donation page.
Wedding Banns
Social Ministry
Second Time:
Nicole Valerio, St. Patrick, Smithtown
Travis Mucaria, St. Patrick, Smithtown
Religious Formation
Registration for our
2015-16 session has begun
If you would like to re-register online please go to our
website, click onto the
registration link and follow the prompts. Please note the
changes in our procedures. We will not accept
registrations after June 30th. Children who will be
attending first grade in September or families who are
new to our program will need to call our office to set up
an appointment to register for classes (724-7454).
St. Patrick’s
Singles Fellowship
invites all 45-60+ Singles
(widowed, separated, divorced,
never married) to
Coffee, Conversation
& Event Planning
Sunday, April 19th at 10:00 AM
(after the 9:00 AM Mass)
in the Youth Enrichment Center
Are you or someone you know having family
or interpersonal problems due to drinking
ALCOHOL and/or using DRUGS?
CATHOLIC CHARITIES/Talbot House, a Chemical
Dependence Crisis Center, located in Bohemia, provides
withdrawal and stabilization services on a voluntary basis
to males and females over the age of 18, who are seeking
to stop and/or withdraw from alcohol and/or other drug
use. The medical and clinical staff at Talbot House will
assess the kind of care the person needs, to begin his/her
journey in recovery. For more information, please call:
631--589-4144. Talbot House staff is available 24/7. Each
call is confidential. Talbot House is a NO fee for service
Don’t Forget Your
Bottle Money!
Next weekend, April 25th & 26th, Kids for
Life will be having their monthly “Bottles for
Babies” collection in the lobby for mothers
and babies in need in our area. Please
recycle your bottles and cans and donate
the money to this worthy cause. Look for
the Pink Bottle Banks at the church exits.
Lord, help me to make time today to serve you in
those who are most in need of encouragement or
- St. Vincent de Paul
(located behind the school,
between the east and west wing)
$5 Donation at entrance
For information, call 631-265-2668
weekdays between 10 AM & 2 PM
Let nothing disturb you, let nothing frighten you.
All things pass. God does not change. Patience
achieves everything. Whoever has God lacks
nothing; God alone suffices.
- St. Teresa of Avila
The Pro-Life Rose has been
dedicated for the week
in loving memory of
Marie Garcia.
Pro-Life Rose
St. Patrick’s Pro-Life Family invites
you to dedicate a Pro-Life Rose for
any intention by contacting Lisa by
email at or
call 656-6343.
Your participation helps bring a greater awareness of
the sacredness of all human life, especially the
unborn. The cost is $10.
Bread & Wine
To arrange a memorial for
Altar Bread and Wine, please
call Diane Sperzel at 2653307. Donation for the week
is $50. Cards will be sent to
the family.
It’s our
10th Annual
Car Show!
Be sure to join us on Sunday,
April 26th. The Car Show runs
from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
See a large section of movie replica cars, monster trucks, etc.
Huge variety of cars, trucks, motorcycles.
Food and entertainment for the whole family
Admission: $5 for adults, Children free. Show cars: $15, Motorcycles: $5.
For information call 631-588-2696.
This year’s show will feature the actual US National Broadway Chitty Chitty Bang Bang touring Car from the
stage production of the Chitty Chitty Bang Bang musical, the 9-11 Veterans Car, the Mach5 Speed Racer, the
Christine 1958 Plymouth Fury (with the original screen used engine, interior and body parts), and the Suffolk
Sheriff’s Department. In keeping with its tradition of being “a day of fun for the whole family,” the show will also
offer a rock climbing wall and a video game truck from Jump Around Entertainment for children and young people.
A variety of vendors offer shopping opportunities for the shoppers in the family. DJ Night Train will provide music,
“blowing the dust of your most fondest memories.” Raffles, giveaways and food will be available and, as the show
takes place on the grounds of a church, a special blessing will be offered for all vehicles present.
St. Patrick Church
280 East Main Street, Smithtown, NY 11787
Mass Times
Weekdays: 6:45 A.M., 9:00 A.M., 12:10 PM
Saturday: 9:00 AM, 5 and 8 PM
Novena Mass (Miraculous Medal): Monday, 7:30 PM
Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 AM, 12 Noon, 5 PM
Saturday: from 3:45 to 4:45 PM
Sunday: from 8:15 to 8:45 AM
Monday: 6:45 to 7:15 P.M. before the Novena Mass
Anytime by appointment in the Rectory
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
Couples should make arrangements at the Rectory
at least six months before the desired wedding date.
Thursdays for one hour following 12:10 PM Mass
First Fridays after 12:10 Mass until 3:00 PM*
Nocturnal Adoration, third Saturday of the month
from 9 PM to 7 AM Sunday
Pro-Life Holy Hour, third Tuesday of the month, 7:30 PM
Sundays at 1:30 P.M. Parents must make
arrangements at the Rectory.
(*Watch bulletin for possible changes in concluding time)
St. Patrick’s
Pro-Life Holy Hour
Tuesday, April 21st
from 7:30 to 8:30 PM in the church
Exposition - Pro-Life Prayers - Rosary
Meditation - Benediction
Join us in praying for
the most vulnerable among us.
For more information
on St. Patrick’s Pro-Life
Family, call Johanna
Cervellino at 979-7017.
For the month March
Sunday & Holyday Collections
Easter Flower Donations
Interest Income
Religious Ceremonies (Baptisms)
Votive Candles (Poor Box Collections)
Wedding & Funeral Music Fees
Building Use Assessment Fees
Organization Subsidies of Diocesan
Quarterly Assessment
Religious & Clergy in Residence
Room Rental
Fringe Benefits (Medical, Pension, Soc. Sec., etc.)
School Subsidy
Office Expenses (Postage, printing,computer fees,
Building Maintenance, supplies & general repair
5th Annual
Women’s Silent Retreat
“Behold Thy Son”
Friday, May 8th to Saturday May 9th
at the Seminary of the
Immaculate Conception
in Huntington
Cost $110 per person
Includes dinner Friday, three meals
Saturday, private room with shower
For more information, contact
To register, send form below with check
made payable to St. Patrick Parish
to the St. Patrick’s Rectory, Attn. Legion of Mary
Name ____________________________________
Parish ___________________________________
Address __________________________________
Town/Zip _______________ Phone # __________
Email ____________________________________
Any special dietary needs? ___________________
Approx. arrival time____________
telephone, supplies,offertory envelopes, copier leases, etc.)
Liturgical Items
Diocesan Quarterly Assessment
Liability Insurance Premium
Utilities (Heat, water, electric)
The Legion of Mary invites you to the
Contracted Services (cleaning, waste services,
(grounds maintenance, snow removal, etc.)
Rectory Household
Miscellaneous (Hospitality)
Net Deficit
Fiscal Year-To-Date (Sept. 1, 2014 to August 31, 2015)
Total Income
Total Expenses
Net Deficit
Attention All Parishioners
Beginning next weekend, our First Holy Communions
will begin, taking place during many of our regular
weekend Masses. Our First Communion Masses are
as follows:
Sunday, April 26th—12:00 PM
Saturday, May 2nd—5:00 PM
Sunday, May 3rd—9:00 & 10:30 AM
Saturday, May 9th—5:00 PM
Saturday, May16th—5:00 PM
Sunday, May 17th—10:30 AM & 12:00 PM
Saturday, May 23rd—5:00 PM
Sunday, May 24th—12:00 PM
Saturday, May 30th—9:00 AM & 5:00 PM
Sunday, May 31st—10:30 AM & 12:00 PM
Summer Sign Ups!
The summer months can be challenging when you have children.
If you are looking for a great place for your child/children to spend
time this summer, consider Camp St. Patrick! The camp offers
three divisions: Kiddie Camp (ages 3 to 5), Main Camp (ages 6
to 12), and Teen Travel Camp (ages 13 to 15).
Camp St. Patrick features a mix of on-site activities and trips to
local attractions. The camp is New York State certified. Each
group is assigned a counselor who is RTE (Responding to
Emergencies) and CPR certified. Counselors who are certified
lifeguards are used on all water trips.
The camp also offers flexible scheduling. Kiddie Campers are
offered half-day and full-day options and campers of all ages may
choose which days they attend camp, with a minimum of two per
weekly session. For our older “Teen Travel” campers, trips
include further destinations, including occasional overnight trips.
Vacation Bible School
For boys and girls ages 3 to 8. VBS will run
from August 3rd to 7th from 10 AM to 12:30 PM
Please register by June 30th.
Summer Basketball League
Team registrations are now being taken for our
21st annual Summer Basketball League, Girls’ Division
4th grade through 9th grade, season begins end of June.
Registrations due by May 1st. Fee is $1,200 per team.
(Boys’ Division is full. Season begins
May 1st with more than 90 teams.)
Summer Baseball
For ages 5 to 17.
Summer Softball
For girls entering grades 2 to 12 .
Summer Deck Hockey
Registration begins in May for Summer Deck Hockey
for boys and girls ages 4 to 16.
Camps and Clinics
Our camps and clinics will include:
Basketball, Dance and Lacrosse.
For more information on summer programs,
visit or call 360-0185.
Join us on Sunday nights at 6:30 PM
in the new Youth Center (old convent) for
Youth Group
with our Youth Minister, Tony Bellizzi
Next at Youth Group …..
8th Grade Student Night—Headed for high school next year? Thinking about joining Youth
Group? Come and try it out on Sunday, April 19th at 6:30 PM in the Youth Center.
2015 Catholic Ministries Appeal
Serving God by Serving Others
A Place to Call Home
Charles spent 17 years deployed at military bases throughout the world. Returning home after an incident
involving nerve gas, he began struggling with debilitating bouts of anxiety and depression.
His circumstances worsened and he couldn’t maintain a steady job. Charles moved in with his mother, but within
a year she died and his childhood home went into foreclosure.
Catholic Charities’ Project Veterans’ Independence, which guides homeless veterans into permanent housing so
they can live independently and have access to support networks that get them back on their feet, reached out
and helped Charles.
“I was out of the service, out of a family, out of a job and out of a home. Catholic Charities found me and
helped me to not only find a place to live - but they helped me to turn my life around.”
- Charles, honorably discharged US Veteran
Make checks payable to: Catholic Ministries Appeal
Parish _____________________________________________________________ Pledge:$_______
Name ______________________________________________________Down payment: $_______
City, State, Zip: ____________________________________________________________________
Phone: _______________________ Signature: ____________________________Date:__________
Please continue to say the following prayers each day
as we seek God’s guidance, strength and courage
Gracious God, we are your people embraced by your love. We thank you for your presence with us throughout all time.
Create us anew. Liberate us from that which keeps us from you. Enable us to recreate our world and restore justice.
Heal us from every form of sin and violence. Transform us to live your Word more profoundly. Reconcile us so enemies
become friends. Awaken us to the sacred; nurture our relationships; enliven our parishes; reunite our families. Fill us with
joy to celebrate the fullness of life. Empower us to be a community of love growing in your likeness. Amen.
Thank you Father for the gift of life. Thank you for the gift of your Son, Jesus. May my gratitude inspire and sustain me in
doing everything I can to respect the lives of all people and to do all in my power to end abortion and everything else that
harms, abuses, or threatens human life. Give me the courage and strength to live in your image each day. Amen.
Please pray the following prayer for our brothers and sisters in the
Middle East who are suffering terrible persecution for their faith:
Lord, the plight of our brothers and sisters is deep and the suffering of Christians is severe and frightening. Therefore,
we ask you Lord to spare their lives to grant them patience and courage to continue their witness of Christian values
with trust and hope. Lord, peace is the foundation of life; Grant us the peace and stability that will enable us to live with
each other without fear and anxiety, and with dignity and joy. Glory be to you forever.
The symbol to the right (the Arabic letter “N” for Nazarene) is being used
to mark Christians in Iraq for persecution.
Youth Group’s
Night Live
St. Patrick’s Youth Group, along
with three other area Youth
Saturday Night Live event on
Saturday, March 28th. The night
basketball, snacks, inspiration,
adoration and prayer, from 5 PM
to 10 PM.
A total of 1,454 young people in grades K through 12 participated in Winter Intramural Basketball this year. The
season will end with championship games this week.
Pictured are two St. Patrick CYO Basketball teams who were honored by Nassau Suffolk CYO. Pictured are (1)
members of the 7th grade team coached by Bill Behrens, winners of their division and (2) the 8th grade team
coached by John Reardon, winners of the sportsmanship award. Congratulations!
Pray for our Priests
Please remember to keep our priests in your prayers. This week we
ask that you pray especially for the following priests from our diocese:
April 19th—Bishop John C. Dunne
April 20th—Rev. Benjamin Uzegbunam & Rev. Aloysius Pakianathar
April 21st—Rev. William Walsh SJ & Rev. P. Chiney Okafor
April 22nd—Rev. Raphael Soadwah & Rev. Gregory Yacyshyn
April 23rd—V. Rev Dom Gabriel Rach CanReg & Rev. Geroge Werner SMM
April 24th—Rev. Robert Hewes & Rev. Claude D’Souza
April 25th—Rev. Theodore Murphy SMM & Rev. Kevin Thompson
“To become a priest or a religious is not primarily our choice; it is our answer to a calling, a calling of love.”
- Pope Francis
Mark your calendar for the Knights of Columbus
Golf Outing
Monday, September 14th
at Smithtown Landing Country Club
“Shot Gun” 10:00 AM - $150 per person
18 Hole Green with Cart, Full Breakfast,
Buffet Dinner & Open Bar
Secure your spot now by sending a check for $150 made payable to
Holy Mother Mary Knights of Columbus #3958,
P.O. Box 241, Smithtown, NY 11787
(Give the names for your foursome or
individual golfers will be placed on a foursome.)
For information, call Frank Nealon PGK at 631-863-1805 or 631-807-3603
In the Neighborhood . . . .
Carnevale (Italian Mardi Gras) postponed from
February has been rescheduled for Saturday, April 25 at
6:30 PM. Cost of $35 per person includes catered food,
music, dancing, masks, door prize, raffles, mask
decorating contest. Sponsored by the Dr. Vincenzo
Sellaro Lodge #2319. Reservations required. Call Bob
(631) 265-0205. Deadline for reservations is April 20th.
Catholics for Freedom of Religion will host a special
presentation by Bishop Andrzej Zgejszewski on
Saturday, May 9th at 3 PM at Sts. Cyril & Methodius
Church, 125 Half Hollow Road in Deer Park. A 5 PM
Mass will follow the presentation. Bishop Zglejszewski
will speak about the hope and gratitude that existed in
Communist Poland during the 1970s and 80s, in spite of
the oppression and denial of religious freedom. Under
these bleak circumstances, he found the courage and
strength through God’s grace to follow his calling.
Do You Know Someone Hurting From Abortion? The Life Center of Long Island invites you to attend our
next Rachel;s vineyard Healing Retreat on the weekend
of June 12th to 14th, Friday evening through Sunday
afternoon. For more information, contact Deacon Joe
McNicholas at or 516-445-3927.
Communication is strictly confidential. To learn more
about Rachel’s Vineyard, visit
or call 1-877-HOPE-4-ME.
Faith on Tap—Monday, April 20th at 7:30 PM at the
Wantagh Inn, across from the Wantagh RR Station.
Speaker Anthony Gentile’s topic will be “The Road Goes
Ever On . . . Christian Symbolism in the Lord of the
Rings.” Doors open at 7:00 PM. Come early, have
something to eat, meet new friends and catch up with old
friends. Faith on Tap is a forum engaging young adults in
straight talk and honest answers to questions of faith. For
more information
Gala Spring Chinese Auction—Sunday, May 3rd in the
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish Hall, 800 Portion Road,
Lake Ronkonkoma. More than 100 new prizes, 50 /50,
lottery tree. Admission cost of $10 includes 25 tickets
and coffee and cake. Doors open at 1:45 PM. Auction
begins at 3:00 PM. For information, call 631-585-9291.
Look Upon the Face of Jesus—The last miracle done
by Jesus the Christ on earth was for us today with our
technology. That last miracle was Jesus’ full body image
on His burial cloth, known at the Shroud of Turin. The
miracle was His resurrection. What do 35 years of
scientific reports and studies actually say about the
Shroud? This timely presentation will take place on
Monday, April 20th at 7:30 PM in the Our Lady of Mercy
Lower Church, 500 South Oyster Bay Road in Hicksville.
Presenter: Bill Lauto.
Men’s Forum—Monday, May 4th at Sts. Philip & James
Church, 1 Carow Place, St. James. 6:30 PM Holy Hour,
7:30 PM Mass, 8:30 PM social with cake and coffee.
Guest speaker will be Fr. Frank DiLernia who will speak
about the Shroud of Turin. Come and experience new
opportunities to be open to the inspiration of the Holy
Spirit in how the Lord is calling us to grow as Catholic
men of faith. For more information, contact
Part-time Custodian / Maintenance Position—A
custodial position is available at Holy Cross Parish in
Nesconset. Primary responsibility is cleaning and upkeep
of building and grounds. Knowledge of building systems,
ability to interact with volunteers, organization and
planning, and upkeep of machinery are also necessary.
Experience desirable. To apply, please email resume to
Loretta at or mail c/o Loretta to Holy Cross
Parish, 95 Old Nichols Road, Nesconset, NY 11767.
Praise and Worship with Eucharistic Adoration on
Thursday, April 30th from 7 to 9 PM at The Shrine of Our
Lady of the Island. Fr Hugh Gillespie will preach on "Mary
and the Holy Spirit.” This evening for men and women is
sponsored by Suffolk County Magnificat Group in
Formation (formerly Heart and Hands women's prayer
group). For more information contact Eileen Benthal at or 631-833-1897.
Taste of Smithtown Chinese Auction—Thursday April
30, 2015 6:00PM - 9:00 PM at Smithtown Landing Country
Club 20 restaurants will be featured as well as a Chinese
Auction. The Dynamics Twirling Organization is a nonprofit, competitive baton twirling organization that services
athletes from Long Island and Queens and is based in
Smithtown. (Advance ticket is $30 and $35 at the door.) To
Kahler,, (631) 346-2990 or Annmarie
Friedman, (631) 745-1772,
Winners of the 2015 L.I. Coalition for Life Pro-Life
Oratory Contest for high school age students will be
first on the agenda to present their 5-7 minute speeches on
Monday, April 27th, at 7:45 PM at the L.I. Coalition for Life
meeting to be held at Joseph Barry K of C Council Hall, 45
Heitz Place, Hicksville. All are welcome. For information
call 631-243-1435.
Women’s Health Awareness, Osteoporosis Lecture—
Tuesday, April 28th at 5 PM at St. Catherine of Siena
Medical Center, 52 Route 25A in Smithtown in the lower
level Fr. Fred Hill Room in the Nursing and Rehabilitation
Center. The free lecture will cover Osteoporosis
Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment. Presented by Dr.
Frank Bonura, MD. To register or for information, call 631870-3444.
Something for Seniors
Are you a senior citizen looking for some interesting
activities and perhaps making a few new friends? Our
Something for Seniors group meets on the second
and fourth Wednesdays of the month at 1 PM in the
old convent. located behind St. Patrick School.
Parking is available directly in front of the convent, on
the east side of the property near the sports court.
Please come and bring a friend! Meetings take place
on the second and fourth
Wednesdays of the month. For
information, call Pam at 9794563 or Barbara at 265-0034.
News & Notes from Catholics
for Freedom of Religion
"We ask peace and freedom for the many men and women
subject to old and new forms of enslavement on the part of
criminal individuals and groups."
- Pope Francis' Easter message, 2015
Christian Students Killed & Kidnapped:
* Kenyan university students, mostly Christian, were
massacred on April 2, 2015. "The attackers asked people
whether they were Christian or Muslim, then I heard
gunshots and screams", said student Susan Kitoko, as
Christian students were killed by Somali militant group alShabaab. "The mistake they made was to say 'Jesus,
please save us', because that is when they were
immediately shot," said student Reuben Mwavita, when he
saw female students begging for mercy. A total of 147
students were slain. 80% of Kenya's population is
Christian. (www.the, 4/4/15)
* Nigerian girls, mainly Christian, were kidnapped while
taking exams at boarding school in April, 2014. "The over
200 Chibok girls have converted to Islam, which they
confess is the best religion. Either their parents accept this
and convert too or they can die," said a Boko Haram leader.
Boko Haram means "Western education is forbidden." A
report by Human Rights Watch reported these 200+ girls
were among over 500 Christian girls and women who have
been abducted since 2013. They are forced to marry,
convert, are repeatedly raped and become slaves.
(, 10/27/14;, 11/1/14)
"Brethren, we came to this country
(America) to practice our religious
liberties, and if we don't get involved,
we're going to lose them." Rev. John Peter
Muhlenberg, 1777, The Black Robe
Regiment (
13th Annual
Donald J. Burns
Assistant Fire Chief Donald J. Burns was among the
fallen heroes of the F.D.N.Y. who were lost at the
World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. In honor
of Chief Donald J. Burns, Past Grand Knight of Holy
Mother Mary Knights of Columbus Council, the Burns
family has generously granted our council permission
to award four $500 academic scholarships in his
honor. This scholarship competition is open to the
children and grandchildren of members of Holy Mother
Mary Council Knights and Columbiettes. Four
scholarships will be awarded; two to students
attending Catholic high school this fall and two to
students attending Catholic or public university.
Applicants are required to submit an essay
of 400 words on the following topic:
The Challenges of Being a Young
Catholic in Today’s Culture
All applications and essays must be received by June
1st. The essay competition winners will be
selected by the scholarship committee. Please attach
the application form below along with your essay and
mail it to:
Tom Keane
19 Estate Road
Smithtown, NY 11787
For information, call Tom at 631-882-7755
or Dan Burns at 631-291-5648
--------------------------------------Knights of Columbus Essay Application
Student Name ______________________________
Address ___________________________________
Phone ____________________________________
HMMC Member Name _______________________
Relationship _______________________________
Academic Year _____________________________
College/High School _________________________
College Major ______________________________
Reflections on the Sunday Scriptures
April 26, 2015
The Fourth Sunday of Easter
Readings: Acts 4: 8-12; 1 John 3: 1-2;
John 10: 11-18
Jesus said: “I am the good shepherd. A good
shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. A hired
man, who is not a shepherd and whose sheep are not
his own, sees a wolf coming and leaves the sheep
and runs away, and the wolf catches and scatters
them. This is because he works for pay and has no
concern for the sheep. I am the good shepherd, and I
know mine and mine know me, just as the Father
knows me and I know the Father; and I will lay down
my life for the sheep. I have other sheep that do not
belong to this fold. These also I must lead, and they
will hear my voice, and there will be one flock, one
shepherd. This is why the Father loves me, because I
lay down my life in order to take it up again. No one
takes it from me, but I lay it down on my own. I have
power to lay it down, and power to take it up again.
This command I have received from my Father.”
convenience, copies of the cards on which you write
your gospel reflections will be included in the bulletin
most Sundays. Feel free to use the form below and to
make copies. Your reflection may be dropped into the
collection basket as your gift to our parish. (Please
provide your first and last name. Only first names will
be used in the bulletin.)
---------------------------------- -----
Focus Questions:
1. What are the voices that try to drown out the
Good Shepherd’s voice in your life?
2. Describe how you got your name.
3. Name some of the good shepherds who have
helped guide you in your life.
Children and Family Reflections:
Who are some of the people who guide you
(parents, teachers, coaches, etc.)? How has that
helped you?
Ministers Needed
The Catholic Chaplain’s Office at Stony Brook
University Hospital is seeking Eucharistic Ministers to
bring Communion to patients at the hospital.
Eucharistic Ministers are scheduled to serve one day a
month (Sunday or Wednesday) and spend 1-3 hours at
the hospital per assignment. Training will be provided.
If interested in learning more about this special
ministry, please contact Greg Shemitz at (631) 7512446, email:, or Ueli Laeng at
(631) 737-4164, email:
Creating a Culture of Protection
Child Abuse Prevention Month, April 2015
The best way to protect our children and our church is
for adults to learn red flag behaviors and to report
concerns to supervisors. This creates a culture of
protection. Sign up for a safe
environment training even if you are not
required. To find out more about the
Virtus Program and schedule of classes
go to and click on the
Virtus box in the middle of the right
Words of Wisdom from our Level 2 Students
Second grade students from our Religious Formation Program and our school are asked to read the “Children and
Family Reflection” column in the bulletin and write down their thoughts on cards provided for them. They then drop
the cards in the collection basket on Sunday as their contribution to our parish. Below are a few reflections on our
gospel reading by our second graders.
Gospel Reading: John 20: 1-9
Children and Family Reflection: Where do you see new life in your yard or in your family?
I see new life in my family by the babies in the family like my cousin and sister. In my yard I find new life in
the grass, trees, flowers, and bushes growing.—Michael
I see new flowers blooming and the trees waking up with leaves. I see signs of spring and hear birds
chirping. This is all new life.—Ashley
The birds in the nests and the bunnies.—Sofia
My new baby cousin Sullivan is the newest person in my family.—Elyse
I see new life like my new cousin Andrew, and in my yard I see flowers blooming.—Ryan
In our yard we see new life in our grass and flowers.—Emilio
I see green grass growing in my yard and vegetables in my garden, and the sun shining.—Kayla
The buds from the flowers are coming up. It’s a sign of life for spring.—Aidan
I saw new life when my baby cousin was born. I also saw a baby praying mantis in my yard last summer.—
I see flowers in my yard growing.—Sophie
I had a new baby born in my family and his name is Christian.—Rose
I see new life when the flowers bloom and the trees begin to bud.—Joey
I see new life with my new cousin. Her name is Hannah.—Jenna
My cousin was born in North Carolina.—Kayla
I see new life in my family. I have three new cousins. Jake, Thomas, and Kathleen were all born last July. I
love my three baby cousins so much.—Brendan
You see new life when flowers bloom and when babies are born.—Samantha
I see the grass and flowers growing outside. I like seeing daisies.—Jake
The Vision Statement of St. Patrick Parish Family
The Roman Catholic Community of St. Patrick, Smithtown, sees itself as:
The People of God, The Body of Christ
Enlightened by the Word of God
Nourished by the Life of Christ in the Sacraments
Supported by our love for and our forgiveness of each other.
Empowered to bring the love, justice and peace of Christ to our families, our neighbors, our friends, our
enemies, the poor and the powerless.
Called to reach out to the unchurched and the non-practicing members of our community and to assist in
the spiritual, intellectual and social growth of all whose lives we touch.
St. Patrick Youth
CPR Training Course for coaches will be offered
throughout the year, call the Youth Office if
Exercise Classes on-going. $5 fee. All welcome.
Call Cindy at 360-0185 for class times.
Body, Mind & Soul, a program to promote a
healthy lifestyle of nutrition & exercise. Call Cindy
at 360-0185 for information.
Regarding Sports Parking—Please park only on
east side at St. Pat’s. Enter sports court at east
gate entrance.
Enrichment/Extended Day Program– Monday
through Friday, 2:30 to 6 PM Homework help, arts/
crafts, indoor/outdoor gym activities, snacks, games
and more for 3 to 13 Yr olds. Three yr old, Pre K
extended hours, 8am to 2:30 pm. Before/Aftercare
also offered. Children must be pre-registered to
attend. Call 863-2029. Limited space available.
Music Ministry – Folk Group (grades 6-12), and
Children’s Choir (grades 1-5). Children’s choir
practice 6:15 to 7 PM and Folk Group from 7:15 to
8:30 PM, both in Keegan Hall. New members
welcome! Call 360-0185 for information.
Youth Ministry – Attention High School
students. Please join us for Youth Ministry on
Sunday nights at 6:30 PM in the Emmaus Room.
Call the Youth Office for details.
Junior Catholic Daughters- JCDA is a young
woman’s service organization. Young women
grades 6th -11th are welcome. Call the Youth Office
for details. JCDA meets every 3rd Tuesday of the
month in our Modular Classroom from 6:30 to 8
Playtime with Mommy/Caregiver – Children ages
18 months through 2 ½ yrs old. Call Miss Patty for
details 863-2029.
St. Patrick Learning Center – Tutors for all areas
of study, Pre-K–HS, SAT Prep, etc. NY certified
teachers available Monday—Friday. Call 724-1261
for information. Catholic Entrance Exam Prep is
available. Contact the Youth Office.
Winter Intramural Basketball:
Season is in
Spring Deck Hockey–Registration has ended.
Season has begun. All players should have been
contacted by their coach. \
Spring/Summer Basketball League – We are now
taking registrations for our spring/summer hoops
program. This league is for team registration only.
We do not take individual player registrations. Boys
5th - 12th grade and girls 4th – 12th grade.
September 2015 grade determines the division.
Team Registration flyer and team roster form may
be found on our website. Boys teams are due by
April 1st, Girls teams are due by May 1st. see flyer
for details. Registrations received after due date will
be put on waiting list.
Camp St. Patrick We are now taking
registrations for our upcoming Summer Camp.
Camp runs June 29th through August 14th. Kiddie
Camp for 3 to 5 year-olds, Main Camp for 6 to 12
year-olds, and Teen Travel Camp for 13 to 15 year.
olds. Our Camp Calendar as well as all camp forms may be found
on our website. Call the Youth Office with any questions.
Vacation Bible School – We are currently taking registrations for
boys and girls ages 3 to 8 year-old for VBS. Session runs August 3rd
– August 7th from 10 AM to 12:30 PM. $60 per child. Go to flyers and
forms for registration form. Our health form, also found on website,
must be submitted as well.
David Shouler Basketball Camp – We are now taking registrations
for girls and boys ages 5 to 13 year of age, $150 per child. Camp
runs August 3rd – 7th. Session I: 9 AM to 12 PM for 5 to 8 year-olds.
Session II: 12:30 to 3:30 for 9 to 13 year-olds. Go to flyers and forms
for registration form & health form.
VIRTUS– All volunteers/coaches are required to attend a VIRTUS
class if they have not done so. On-line registration must be
completed before you attend. See for information and
VOB/St. Pat’s Soccer - Visit for information.
Email inquiries to for 4 & 5-year-olds or for 6 to 9 year-olds
St. Pat’s Youth web address is
All program information & registration forms
may be found on the website.
The Youth Office can be reached by email at
Pray for the Sick
Helen Ackerman
Maureen Alagna
Bonnie Allen
Rita Apollaro
Mary Behrens
Tom Beirne
Betty Cappa-Clemenz
Michael Carbuccia
Moses Carbuccia
Sam Cioffi
Mary Beth Condon
Frank Cone
Stephen Costello
Alex Cozzo
Lois Crowley
Jimmy Demato
Joseph DeMott
John Michael Dellova
Jean Doski
Shirley Dunn
Joseph Dwyer
Joan Every
Fred Facompre
Raymond Facompre
Brooke Failla
Grace Fragala
Claudio Ghattas
Mario Gesimondo
Ruth Gipp
Michael Kelly
Joseph Lantini
Br. John Lawrence, OSF
Matthew Lowney
Megan Madden
Danny Meyer
Theresa O. Moebes
Terrance Martin
Sheryl Minter
Eric Mendola
Ron Moran
Anna Morreale
Jean Noschese
Melissa Ording
Connie Rinaldi
Michael Romano
Joanna Scheidel
Suzanne Schmidt
Teresa Smith
Thomas Smith
Maryanne Sparque
Catherine Tamburino
Alejandro V.
Eva Zalak
Pray for the Dead
Lucille Cioffi
Patricia Connelly
Peter Gryniewich, Jr.
Philip Miliani
Eileen Perrino
Fred Pulito
A Great Place to Advertise
Did you know that the St. Patrick’s bulletin is printed at no cost to our
parish each week? Not only that, our parish receives a part of the advertising
commission. So please frequent the fine establishments that advertise in our
If your business could use a shot in the arm, consider advertising in the
bulletin. Each weekend, approximately 3,800 people attend Mass at St.
Patrick’s, most of whom live and shop in the Smithtown area. It’s an easy way
to reach thousands of area families with information about your business. For
more information on how to advertise in our bulletin, call Frank Capanzano at
Podiatrist / Foot Specialist
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delivery in a warm, pampered and homelike atmosphere. After
all, as a new mom, you need a little babying, too.
To tour St. Catherine’s newly renovated Maternity
Department, register for You and Your Baby Classes or a
physician referral, please call (631) 870-3444.
50 Route 25A, Smithtown, NY 11787
(631) 870-3444
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175 West Main Street, Smithtown
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45 Route 111, Smithtown 979-2000
Hosts ~ Nick & Linda Fax 979-7444
Casa Rustica
Residential Brokerage
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28 E. Main St., Smithtown
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Picnic's - Bar B-Q's
Corp. Parties
Fresh Pasta & Ravioli's
Auto, Home, Life & Business
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265-5076 Smithtown
Healing Hands
Massage Therapy, PC
For Relief Call:
(631) 361-5111
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Facsimile: (631) 656-6505
*First Three Months
Stony Brook Internist’s
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Phone: (631) 257-5290
(631) 257-5295
Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting
as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered.
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Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless,
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Travel Agency
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Buying or Selling A Home?
Following Jesus Every Day:
Proud Member St. Patricks Choir
Ninety days’ worth of Gospel verses and reflections including
a meditation, a prayer, a simple activity for the day and
a related verse from the Old Testament. Ideal for Lent
and Eastertime, or for any time of year!
Coach Realtors
Daniel J. Cronin, Esq.
1353 Stony Brook Road
Stony Brook, NY 11790 (631) 374-8419
Robert A. Fives Shawn B. Fives
Craig Aliperti Wood Floors
All Work Done By Owner
Installation • Sanding • Refinishing
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Over 25 Yrs. Experience
Time To Sell Your Business?
Call For A Free Consultation
752250 St Patrick Church (B)
Auto Damage Experts ~ Insurance Claims Specialists
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Jon Pedone
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Let us Cater your Funeral Luncheon,
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60 Terry Rd. Smithtown, NY (631) 360-8900
Licensed and Insured
Residential • Commercial
Seniors Discount
631-265-5939 Parishioner
Initial Free Consultation
Joseph P. Militello, Esq. - Parishioner 631.524.5565
All Union Drug Plans Accepted
Sr. Citizen Discounts
Notary Public • Free Delivery
LGA $80 • JFK $80 • EWR $110+ tolls
Licensed Master Plumber
Parishioner/St. Pat’s Head Usher
John A. Baldi CPA, PFS, MBA 631.487.0003
Smithtown Prescription
Center, Inc.
All Plumbing Repairs
All Bathroom Leaks
including Tile Repairs
(631) 581-5821
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260 Middle Country Rd., Smithtown
Thomas R. Scott, B.S., R.Ph. ~ President
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TMJ Treatment
200 E. Main St., Smithtown
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132 Ronkonkoma Avenue
(631) 588-1515
840 Wheeler Road (Rte. 111)
(631) 361-7500
825 Main Street
(631) 981-7500
130 Carleton Avenue
(631) 234-6000
1320 Lakeland Avenue
(631) 589-1500
523 Route 112
(631) 473-3800 SCAN THIS
Michael McAuley, D.P.M., P.C. HARRY GANG PLUMBING Branch Auto Care, Inc.
Andrew Monteleone ~ Parishioner
Podiatric Medicine & Surgery
418 N. Country Rd., Unit 6, St. James • 584-6969
Hours: Mon-Wed-Fri 10-6, Tues 10-7, Sat 10-2
By Appointment Only • House Calls Available
4th Generation Plumbers
Simple Repairs to Total Renovations 383 Jericho Tpke., Smithtown
Licensed & Insured
631-742-7442 Mike Dray
Consider Remembering
Your Parish in Your Will.
For further information,
please call the Parish Office.
North Chapel
"Personal Attention & Dignified Service ~ Our Continuing Tradition"
A Home for Funerals & Cremations
South Chapel
551 North Country Road, Route 25A
829 Middle Country Rd. (Jericho Tpke.), Route 25
St. James (631) 584-7200
St. James (631) 584-5200
Kenneth J. Maher, Owner, Lic. Manager & Director
Kerry J. Maher, Lic. Director
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For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263

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