St. Patrick RC Church - Saint Patrick`s Roman Catholic Church


St. Patrick RC Church - Saint Patrick`s Roman Catholic Church
St. Patrick R.C. Church
280 East Main Street, Smithtown, New York 11787
“Christ with us. Christ before us. Christ behind us.”
March 29, 2015 - Palm Sunday
our Saints
and Giving
the Gift of Life
Pictured are: (1-3) Fr. Shibi Aloysius blesses the St. Joseph Day breads and parishioners enjoy some breads,
pastries, coffee and tea on St. Joseph’s Day. Donations were given to Parish Outreach. (4-7) St. Patrick School
students celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with music, readings and Irish step dancing, and (8-11) the St. Patrick Blood
Drive. Thank you to all who donated!
Welcome! What a wonderful word to hear from
family, friends, and even strangers. That simple word
fills us with joy, takes away anxiety, and makes us feel
accepted. Today we celebrate Palm Sunday and see
the welcome Jesus received when He came into
Jerusalem. He was welcomed by the crowds as they
paved the way not with a red carpet but with palm
branches. His reputation as a preacher, teacher, and
healer had obviously preceded Him. But as we saw in
last Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus knew what was going to
happen. He prayed that the Father’s name would be
glorified. Human glory was seen in the lifetime of some
of us when we saw our nation send people to land on
the moon and return to earth. Human glory is seen in
the wonder of technology that we have with computers
and all that they do in so many ways. When a team
wins the World Series or the Super Bowl there is
usually a parade in their hometown to proclaim the
glory of victory. We see the glory of patriotism in those
who give their lives in service to our nation without
counting the cost. The road to glory is not easy; it
takes commitment, dedication, hard work, and
passion. The road to glory for Jesus was coming to its
completion as He entered Jerusalem on that first Palm
Sunday. He had preached with clarity about God’s
desire to love us and invite us into His life now and for
all eternity. Many people were miraculously cured by
His healing touch and presence. Sinners were
forgiven, even in the face of skepticism and
objection. And in all that we see Jesus do as we read
the Scriptures, we cannot help to be inspired by how
time and time again He got up early or went to a quiet
place to pray to the Father. How life giving were those
moments for Him.
Knowing that this welcome would not bring Him
acceptance and would ultimately lead to betrayal,
denial, rejection, and an unjust sentence of death, He
willingly rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. By the next
Sunday many significant events in His life and, just as
importantly in our lives as believers, would take place.
The ritual of the Passover Meal on Holy Thursday was
transformed into the institution of the Eucharist and
Priesthood. Jesus assured His disciples and all who
believe in Him that His approaching death would not
end His love for us or our relationship with Him. Try to
find some time this week and read chapters 13-17 in
St. John’s Gospel where we see Jesus speaking to His
disciples at the Last Supper and giving them the
example of service by washing their feet. On Good
Friday we are invited to focus on the ultimate act of
sacrificial love as Jesus undergoes His arrest, passion,
and death. How soon the welcome and acceptance of
condemnation. Yet in a little more than a day, we
celebrate His Resurrection from the dead as we gather
for the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday evening and
continue our celebration with our Masses on Easter
Sunday. The unwelcome and rejected one rose and
appeared to His disciples, assuring them that they are
still loved by Him and welcomed into His life.
There is no doubt about Jesus’ desire to welcome us
into His presence. Accepting the invitation to be with
Him enables us to see that He is the presence of our
Risen God, He is God Himself welcoming us into His
very mind and heart. We always look forward to being
with the people we know and love and the people who
know and love us. Jesus knows us better than we know
ourselves and passionately desires to welcome us and
envelope us with His life-giving love. To truly be
embraced and given life by His presence, we need to
look at how welcome He is to our presence, how
welcome He is in our minds and hearts. When we truly
love someone and welcome their presence in our lives,
we rise above doubts, fear, regret, guilt, and the
busyness of our fast-paced society. None of us is
perfect, but knowing we are loved and welcomed into
the lives of others puts light, hope, peace, and meaning
into our lives. This Holy Week is a time out from the
ordinary routine of our lives as people of faith. It is a
wonderful to welcome the opportunity to be with Jesus
in the liturgies on Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy
Saturday and Easter Sunday. We are also invited to
experience the refreshing mercy of God in the
Sacrament of Penance this coming Monday from 3:00
to 9:00 PM as well as on Good Friday after the 3:00 PM
Stations and the Liturgy at 7:30 PM. Confessions will
also be offered on Holy Saturday from 3:45 to 4:45
PM. God is inviting us to know the power of His
welcoming presence.
To accept the warm, loving welcome of those who
know and love us is to take them seriously. Their love
takes away any uneasiness or feelings of unworthiness
in ourselves. Each time we welcome them with open
minds and hearts, humble, joyful gratitude fills our very
being. All that is good, all that is positive, all that unites
us in the best sense possible is founded on recognizing
how welcome we are and the welcome we extend in
return. St. Irenaeus had a powerful, simple saying that
said, “The glory of God is man fully alive.” When we
realize how welcome and loved we are by God that
welcome and love inspires, invigorates, and impels us
to welcome Him and to welcome all those He entrusts
to our presence. Fully alive we radiate the power of
God’s presence and are the living, life giving Church in
our families, communities, work places, schools,
gatherings, and world.
May the blessed Palms we take home today remind
us of how welcoming Jesus is to us and how good life is
when we welcome Him in return.
Masses for the Week
Saturday, March 28th:
5:00 PM
8:00 PM
Marie Burns
Zofia Rogala
Sunday, March 29th:
7:30 AM
9:00 AM
10:30 AM
12:00 PM
5:00 PM
Joan Stead
Mary Botto
James Rulli
Constancia Hermano
People of the Parish
Monday, March 30th:
6:45 AM
9:00 AM
12:10 PM
7:30 PM
Peter Perez
James O’Dea
William Hackett
No Mass—Confessions from 3 to 9 PM
Tuesday, March 31st:
6:45 AM
9:00 AM
12:10 PM
Charles DePoala
Br. Jack Moylan, O.S.F.
Sylvia & Joseph Iacovino
Wednesday, April 1st:
6:45 AM
9:00 AM
12:10 PM
Fr. Eymard McKinnon (Fr. Mac)
Alan MacDonough
Michael McAuliffe
Thursday, April 2nd (Holy Thursday):
9:00 AM
8:00 PM
Morning Prayer
No Mass Intention
Friday, April 3rd (Good Friday):
9:00 AM
12:00 PM
3:00 PM
7:30 PM
Morning Prayer
Stations of the Cross
Stations of the Cross (Youth Presentation)
Celebration of the Lord’s Passion
Saturday, April 4th (Holy Saturday):
9:00 AM
8:00 PM
Morning Prayer
The Delaney & Harquail Families
Sunday, April 5th (Easter Sunday):
7:30 AM
9:00 AM
9:00 AM*
10:30 AM
10:30 AM*
12:00 PM
5:00 PM
Josephine & Philip Hampton
Maureen Newman
Vincent Mogavero
John Reeber
Bill Wenzel
Anconia, Pierre & Agnes Cherubin
People of the Parish
* Mass in Canning Hall
There will be no 7:30 PM Mass
on Monday, March 30th
as Confessions will be heard
from 3:00 to 9:00 PM
Our Pastoral Team
Rev. Msgr. Ellsworth R. Walden, Pastor
Rev. David Regan, Associate Pastor
Rev. Harold Noviello, Associate Pastor
Rev. Shibi Pappan, Associate Pastor
Rev. Fred Hill, In Residence
Rev. Xavier Lakra, In Residence
Rev. Cornelius Dery, In Residence
Deacon Richard Janiec
Mr. Joseph Menge, Business Manager
Mrs. Linda Pymm, School Principal
Mrs. Elaina Kedjierski, Dir. of Religious Ed., Levels 1-4
Mrs. Peggy Soviero, Dir. of Religious Ed., Levels 5-8
Ms. Dianne Williams, Parish Social Minister
Ms. Cindy Marsh, Youth Administrator
Mr. Tony Bellizzi, Youth Minister
Contact Us
Rectory - 265-2271
Rectory Fax - 863-1586
Parish Website:
Outreach - 265-2668
Religious Forma on - 724-7454
St. Patrick School - 724-0285
School Website -
Youth Community - 360-0185
Fr. Walden’s Email -
Fr. Regan’s Email -
Parish Email -
Parish Website:
Office Hours: Rectory 9 AM to 7 PM, Mon. - Fri.
9 AM to 5 PM Sat., 10 AM to 1 PM Sun.
Parish Outreach:9:15 AM to 3:00 PM, Mon.—Fri.
Youth Community: 9 AM to 3 PM, Mon. - Fri.
Religious Forma on: 9 AM to 3:30 PM, Mon. - Thurs.
St. Patrick’s Pastoral Council Email:
Parish Organiza ons
Bereavement Support: Mon., 7 PM Outreach Ctr.
Blue Lancers Drum, Bell & Bugle Corps., 979-8578
Catholic Daughters: 3rd Mon., 8 PM
Choir: Thurs. evening, 8 PM
Columbie es: 2nd Mon., 8 PM
Jus ce & Peace: Once a month, 7:00 PM Outreach Ctr.
Knights of Columbus: 2nd & 4th Tues., 8 PM
Legion of Mary: Tues. mornings at 9:30 AM
Nocturnal Adora on Society: 3rd Sat. from 9 PM-7AM
Pro Life Family: Last Tues., 7:30 PM in school
R.C.I.A. (Rite of Chris an Ini a on for Adults); 265-2271
Sacred Heart Prayer Group: Tues., 7:30 PM, Emmaus Room
Something for Seniors; 2nd & 4th Wed., 1 PM, 265-0034
Happiness can only be achieved by looking
inward and learning to enjoy whatever life
has, and this requires transforming greed
into gratitude.
- St. John Chrysostom
Wedding Banns
Second Time:
Sylvia Hernandez, St. Patrick, Smithtown
Christian Arenas, Selden, N.Y.
Jennie Gallo, St. Patrick, Smithtown
Joshua Montezuma, St. Joseph, Ronkonkoma
Third Time:
Lisa DiTalia, St. Patrick, Smithtown
Phillip Cuiffo, St. Philip Neri, Northport
Religious Formation
Registration for our
2015-16 session has now begun
If you would like to re-register online please go to our
website , click onto the
registration link and follow the prompts. Please note the
changes in our procedures. We will not accept
registrations after June 30th. Children who will be
attending first grade in September or families who are
new to our program will need to call our office to set up
an appointment to register for classes (724-7454).
Easter Collection
Our Easter Collection is the
second largest of the year.
It goes a long way in
helping to cover the many
expenses involved with our
parish programs and the
maintenance of our parish
facilities. Please be as
generous as your means
will allow.
Something for Seniors
Are you a senior citizen looking for some interesting
activities and perhaps making a few new friends? Our
Something for Seniors group meets on the second and
fourth Wednesdays of the month at 1 PM in the old
convent. located behind St. Patrick School. Parking is
available directly in front of the convent, on the east side
of the property near the sports court. Please come and
bring a friend! Meetings take place on the second and
fourth Wednesdays of the month. For information, call
Pam at 979-4563 or Barbara at 265-0034. (If weather is
inclement, please call to verify that the meeting will be
Wedding Liturgy
This spring, couples that have been married fifty years
or more will be honored at liturgies on Sunday, April
19th at the Church of St. Lawrence the Martyr in
Sayville and on Sunday, April 26th at the Church of
Maria Regina in Seaford. Both liturgies will begin at
2:30 PM Couples may register for ONE liturgy.
Registration forms and complete instructions can be
obtained at the rectory. Registration must be returned
to the rectory by March 30th. There will be additional
celebrations in the fall for those who find that more
convenient. If you have any question, call 516-6785800, ext. 207.
Pro-Life Rose
St. Patrick’s Pro-Life Family invites
you to dedicate a Pro-Life Rose for
any intention by contacting Lisa by
email at or
call 656-6343.
Your participation helps bring a greater awareness of
the sacredness of all human life, especially the
unborn. The cost is $10.
Bread & Wine
The Pro-Life Rose has been
dedicated for the week
in loving memory of
Charles McLoughlin.
To arrange a memorial for
Altar Bread and Wine,
please call Diane Sperzel at
265-3307. Donation for the
week is $50. Cards will be
sent to the family.
Don’t Forget Our Parish Lenten Project!
If you ever want to feel appreciated, go to Dobro, Ghana and mention that you are from St. Patrick Parish in
Smithtown, N.Y. Thanks to the generous contributions of St. Patrick parishioners, the people of Holy Family
Parish in Dobro are realizing a dream that most thought they would never see in their lifetimes—a church
building. Holy Family Parish has never had a church building. All Masses and Liturgies have been celebrated
outside at the mercy of the elements.
Fr. George Akyeampong (our connection to the Ghana parish) recently sent us video of work being done on
the church. It concludes with Mass being celebrated on the church site. We added a few captions and
have uploading the video to our website— Please take a few minutes to see
beautiful work made possible by the people of our parish. And please donate to this very wonderful project
this Lent!!
St. Patrick Church
280 East Main Street, Smithtown, NY 11787
Mass Times
Weekdays: 6:45 A.M., 9:00 A.M., 12:10 PM
Saturday: 9:00 AM, 5 and 8 PM
Novena Mass (Miraculous Medal): Monday, 7:30 PM
Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 AM, 12 Noon, 5 PM
Saturday: from 3:45 to 4:45 PM
Sunday: from 8:15 to 8:45 AM
Monday: 6:45 to 7:15 P.M. before the Novena Mass
Anytime by appointment in the Rectory
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
Couples should make arrangements at the Rectory at least six
months before the desired wedding date.
Sundays at 1:30 P.M. Parents must make
arrangements at the Rectory.
Thursdays for one hour following 12:10 PM Mass
First Fridays after 12:10 Mass until 3:00 PM*
Nocturnal Adoration, third Saturday of the month
from 9 PM to 7 AM Sunday
Pro-Life Holy Hour, third Tuesday of the month, 7:30 PM
(*Watch bulletin for possible changes in concluding time)
When you contribute to the Catholic Ministries Appeal your support helps form our priests, deacons and lay
leaders; train our religious education catechists and adult faith formation leaders; help our young people grow
in faith and prepare for reception of the Sacraments. You also help support the programs and services that
provide care and comfort to so many through Catholic Charities and Parish Outreach programs.
As Catholics, we are called to share our faith, love and gratitude for all we have been given. Through the
Catholic Ministries Appeal we can accomplish this together as a diocesan family, touching lives, uplifting the
human spirit and delivering vital ministries where they are most needed.
Please join with thousands of your neighbors who Serve God by Serving Others and support the Catholic
Ministries Appeal.
To contribute to the appeal, visit
or use the envelopes found in the back of the church
Your are invited to Catholic Daughters of the Americas
Court Queen of the Universe # 1702
2nd Annual CDA Country Western Night
Dinner Buffet, Soda, Water, Desserts, Coffee and Tea
$20.00 per adult $10.00 per child 14 and under
Raffles Prizes and Lucky Bucks. Face Painting and Crafts for kids, small fee
Please contact Loretta Kelly at or Tricia Ahrens-Belger at for info. Tickets will be sold Saturday April 18th and Sunday April 19th following
all Masses in the lobby of St. Patrick’s Church. We will not be selling tickets at the door.
. . . or return form below with check made payable to CDA # 1702 before April 20th to Tricia Ahrens-Belger,
377 Twilight Lane, Smithtown, NY 11787.
CDA Country Western Night
Name _________________________________________________________________________________
Address ______________________________________________________________________________
$20.00 per adult ___________________________ $10.00 per child ______________________________
As we prepare for Easter, St. Patrick’s will offer extra confession time on Monday, March 30th
from 3 to 9 PM and following the 3 PM Stations of the Cross and the 7:30 PM Celebration of
the Lord’s Passion on Good Friday. Whether it has been a few weeks since you went to
confession or many years, we encourage you to come and celebrate this beautiful sacrament
of healing. Below are brief instructions on how to celebrate this sacrament followed by an
Examination of Conscience for Children and for Adults.
How to Celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation
Prepare. Prayerfully recall your sins. Some will be specific actions. Some represent a more general
pattern of behavior.
Go to the priest. Be welcome. You may either kneel anonymously behind a screen or sit in a chair where
you speak face to face. Make the Sign of the Cross and indicate the interval since your last confession. If you are
unsure of how to proceed, ask the priest for assistance. He will be happy to help you.
Confess your sins. Some penitents begin with a formula like, “ Bless me, Father, for I have sinned.” But
you don’t have to. Let the priest know your sins. You may discuss the sins you confess so the priest can give you
the best counsel.
Receive a penance. The priest will recommend some action after you leave to indicate to God the
sincerity in your heart. Sometimes he suggests prayer, sometimes an act of kindness.
Pray for forgiveness. The priest will invite you to say an Act of Contrition aloud. If you do not remember
the Act of Contrition, two versions are listed below. A card containing the Act of Contrition is also available in the
One form of the Act of Contrition is: My God, I am sorry for my sins with all my heart. In choosing to do wrong
and failing to do good, I have sinned against you whom I should love above all things. I firmly intend, with your
help, to do penance, to sin no more, and to avoid whatever leads me to sin. Our Savior Jesus Christ suffered and
died for us. In his name, my God have mercy. Or , Lord Jesus, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.
Examination of Conscience for Children
using The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed by Thy name.
Do I think about God every day?
· Do I say my prayers?
· Do I pay attention and participate at Mass?
Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
· Am I kind to others?
· Do I do what Jesus wants me to do?
· Do I share with others?
· Am I helpful to my family?
· Do I show respect to my teachers and classmates?
Give us this day our daily bread
· Do I remember to say thank you?
· Am I sometimes greedy?
· Do I appreciate the good things I have in my life?
· Do I think of ways to help those who have no food?
· Do I take things that don’t belong to me?
Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.
· Do I say I’m sorry when I have been wrong?
· Do I forgive and forget when someone does something
bad to me?
· Do I help solve problems between my friends or do I cause
more trouble?
· Do I say bad things about people who have hurt me?
Lead us not into tempta on, but deliver us from evil
· Do I play fairly in sports and games?
· Do I cheat in school?
· Do I tell the truth?
· Do I set a good example by my kindness?
· Do I let other kids tempt me to do things I know I shouldn’t do?
Some thoughts on examination of conscience for adults:
An examination of conscience is more than an effort to come up with
a grocery list of sins. Rather, it should be part of the rhythm of our
daily lives on our way toward maturity. It is not so much looking at the
things we do, but rather, at the person who does them. Each of us is
a relational and responsible person, and it is within this context that
we grow further toward or away from our goal -- Christ.
Do you accept yourself with your good and bad points? Do you share yourself with others?
Do you realize you have been called by, loved by God in a unique way?
Do you treat others with dignity and respect? Do you use your sexuality irresponsibly or selfishly?
Do you exploit others for your own pleasure?
Do you strive for understanding and communication with your spouse in order to be one spirit as planned by
Do you give your children yourself, your time, your abilities?
Do you correct them when they are wrong, praise them when you should, instruct them with gentleness and
Are you aware of your responsibility to guide them in the faith by your words and actions?
Do you apologize and admit when you’re wrong and they’ve been right?
Do you realize that the command to “honor your father and mother” applies to you (as it does to your children) if
you are blessed to still have your parents?
Do you realize that your neighbor is your brother and sister?
Do you try to be helpful when you know there is a need?
Do you respect your neighbor’s rights and allow them to be persons?
Do you make judgments about people based on their appearance or color?
Do you harbor prejudice in your heart?
Do you give your employer all of your time during the hours he is paying you, realizing that “stealing time” is the
same as stealing?
Do you give your employer your full efforts and concentration during working hours?
Do I pay a just wage? Do I provide adequate working conditions?
Do you sufficiently reflect on the responsibility you have to be concerned about the other members of this family
who are suffering from poverty, prejudice, unfair labor practices, unjust housing laws, and other various causes?
Do you take it as a responsibility to consider the morality involved in issues like abortion, euthanasia, denial of
rights to migrant workers, corruption in political or economic structures?
Do you take it as your responsibility to be informed about current events and to listen with open minds and
hearts to those holding different positions?
Do you make the effort to spend some time with Him each day, even if it’s just to say “good morning” or
Do you seek to know Him better in whatever way suits you best?
Do you allow Him to give Himself often to you in the gifts of His sacraments of Eucharist and Penance?
Schedule of Liturgical Services
For Holy Week and Easter
9:00 A.M. Morning Prayer
8:00 P.M. Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper
(Altar of Repose will be open after Mass until midnight.)
9:00 A.M. Morning Prayer
12 Noon Stations of the Cross
3 P.M. Stations of the Cross (Youth Presentation)
7:30 P.M. Celebration of the Lord’s Passion
9 A.M. Morning Prayer
8 P.M. Easter Vigil
(Only Mass of the Day)
7:30, 9:00* and 10:30 A.M.*, 12 Noon*
(No 5 PM Mass on Easter Sunday)
*Masses Celebrated in Church and in the gym
Monday, March 30th – 3:00 to 9:00 P.M.
Good Friday, April 3rd- Following the 3:00 P.M.
Stations and the 7:30 P.M. Liturgy
Holy Saturday, April 4th – 3:45 to 4:45 PM
St. Patrick Youth
Easter Flower Sale!
Get your Easter flowers here!
A wide variety to Easter flowers will
be on sale after our Easter Masses.
All at reasonable prices!
Stop by after Mass!
Join us for
Divine Mercy Celebration
April 12th from 2:30 to 4:00 PM
in the church
Holy Hour and Confessions
"The paschal mystery is the culmination of this revealing and effecting of mercy, which is able to justify
man, to restore justice in the sense of that salvific order which God willed from the beginning in man,
and through man, in the world" (Encyclical Letter Dives in misericordia, n. 7).
"And so with provident pastoral sensitivity and in order to impress deeply on the souls of the faithful
these precepts and teachings of the Christian faith, the Supreme Pontiff, John Paul II, moved by the
consideration of the Father of Mercy, has willed that the Second Sunday of Easter be dedicated to
recalling with special devotion these gifts of grace and gave this Sunday the name, "Divine Mercy
Sunday" (Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, Decree Misericors et
miserator, 5 May 2000).
Plenary Indulgence
(1) Sacramental confession,
(2) (2) Eucharistic reception,
(3) Pray for the intentions of Supreme Pontiff
Specific conditions for this Indulgence on Divine Mercy Sunday
• in any church or chapel, in a spirit that is completely detached from the affection for a sin, even a
venial sin, take part in the prayers and devotions held in honor of Divine Mercy
or, in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament exposed or reserved in the tabernacle, recite the
Our Father and the Creed, adding a devout prayer to the merciful Lord Jesus (e.g. Merciful Jesus, I
trust in you!")
"It is important then that we accept the whole message that comes to us from the word of God on this Second
Sunday of Easter, which from now on throughout the Church, will be called ‘Divine Mercy Sunday.' "
- Pope St. John Paul II April 30, 2000.
Holy Land Collection
On Good Friday, our parish will take up the annual Good Friday Collection
for the Holy Land. Each day, the news reminds us of the violence and
instability plaguing the Middle East, but we rarely hear of the shrinking
Christian community there, a community that struggles to remain in the
land of Christ’s birth, death and resurrection. Please help support our
brothers and sisters in the Holy Land by giving to the Good Friday
Collection. This Pontifical Collection allows the Franciscans and others to
continue caring for Christianity’s holiest sites and for God’s people in the
Holy Land. Please be generous.
Please continue to say the following prayers each day
as we seek God’s guidance, strength and courage
Gracious God, we are your people embraced by your love. We thank you for your presence with us throughout all time.
Create us anew. Liberate us from that which keeps us from you. Enable us to recreate our world and restore justice.
Heal us from every form of sin and violence. Transform us to live your Word more profoundly. Reconcile us so enemies
become friends. Awaken us to the sacred; nurture our relationships; enliven our parishes; reunite our families. Fill us with
joy to celebrate the fullness of life. Empower us to be a community of love growing in your likeness. Amen.
Thank you Father for the gift of life. Thank you for the gift of your Son, Jesus. May my gratitude inspire and sustain me in
doing everything I can to respect the lives of all people and to do all in my power to end abortion and everything else that
harms, abuses, or threatens human life. Give me the courage and strength to live in your image each day. Amen.
Please pray the following prayer for our brothers and sisters in the
Middle East who are suffering terrible persecution for their faith:
Lord, the plight of our brothers and sisters is deep and the suffering of Christians is severe and frightening. Therefore, we
ask you Lord to spare their lives to grant them patience and courage to continue their witness of Christian values with
trust and hope. Lord, peace is the foundation of life; Grant us the peace and stability that will enable us to live with each
other without fear and anxiety, and with dignity and joy. Glory be to you forever.
The symbol to the right (the Arabic letter “N” for Nazarene) is being used to mark
Christians in Iraq for persecution.
The Legion of Mary invites you to the
5th Annual Women’s Silent Retreat
“Behold Thy Son”
Friday, May 8th to Saturday May 9th
at the Seminary of the Immaculate Conception in Huntington
Cost $110 per person
includes dinner Friday, three meals Saturday, private room with shower
For more information, contact Corinne Addiss at 631-804-7222 or
To register, send form below with check made payable to St. Patrick Parish
to the St. Patrick’s Rectory, Attn. Legion of Mary
Name ______________________________________ Parish _______________________
Address ____________________________________Town/Zip _____________________
Phone # _____________________Email ______________________________________
Any special dietary needs? ____________________________ Approx. arrival time______
It’s our
10th Annual
Car Show!
Be sure to join us on Sunday,
April 26th. The Car Show runs
from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
See a large section of movie replica cars, monster trucks, etc.
Huge variety of cars, trucks, motorcycles.
Food and entertainment for the whole family
Admission: $5 for adults, Children free. Show cars: $15, Motorcycles: $5.
For information call 631-588-2696.
This year’s show will feature the actual US National Broadway Chitty Chitty Bang Bang touring Car from the
stage production of the Chitty Chitty Bang Bang musical, the 9-11 Veterans Car, the Mach5 Speed Racer, the
Christine 1958 Plymouth Fury (with the original screen used engine, interior and body parts), and the Suffolk
Sheriff’s Department. In keeping with its tradition of being “a day of fun for the whole family,” the show will also
offer a rock climbing wall and a video game truck from Jump Around Entertainment for children and young people.
A variety of vendors offer shopping opportunities for the shoppers in the family. DJ Night Train will provide music,
“blowing the dust of your most fondest memories.” Raffles, giveaways and food will be available and, as the show
takes place on the grounds of a church, a special blessing will be offered for all vehicles present.
Join us on Sunday nights at 6:30 PM
in the new Youth Center (old convent) for
Youth Group
with our Youth Minister, Tony Bellizzi
Youth Group will resume on Sunday evening, April 12th
at 6:30 PM in the Youth Center. It’s never too late to
join! Come and bring a friend!
In the Neighborhood . . . .
Bereavement Groups: (1) At St. Anthony of Padua Parish
Outreach, Blue Liturgy Room in the basement of Trinity
School, 1025 Fifth Avenue, East Northport. Program runs
from Tuesday, April 7th to May 12th from 2:30 to 3:30 PM. For
registration, call Gertrude Frein at 631-757-2103. (2) At St.
Mary’s Parish, 20 Harrison Avenue, East Islip. An eight-week
support group for adults struggling to cope with the death of a
loved one, beginning on Wednesday, April 8th from 7 to 9 PM.
Registration required. Loved one’s death must have occurred
prior to January 8th, 2015 to participate. For information and
registration, call 631-581-4266, ext. 100.
Free Infant Care Classes are being offered by the St.
Catherine of Siena Maternity Department for expectant and
new moms and dads, and family members on Tuesday, April
21st from 7:30 to 9:00 PM at medical center located at 50
Route 25A in Smithtown. Learn everything you need to know
about caring for your newborn including feeding, burping,
sleeping patterns, calming a baby and bathing. Additional
dates are 6/16, 8/18, 10/20 and 12/15. Please call 631-8703444 to register and for meeting location.
Golf Classic—held by St. Catherine of Siena Medical Center
on Monday, May 18th at Huntington Country Club.
Registration and breakfast begins at 9:00 Am. Please call
Public Affairs at 631-862-3780 for more information.
Spirituality for Singles Presents the 2015 Spring Singles
Dance, Saturday, April 11th at St. Aidan Parish, Msgr Kirwin
Hall, 525 Willis Avenue, Williston Park. Doors open at 8:30
PM (after Mass). $25 admission at the door. Hot buffet,
beverages, dessert and dancing. Dress to impress. All singles
ages 30 and up are invited. For information, call 516-5616994 or email
Taste of Smithtown Chinese Auction—Thursday, April 30th
from 6 to 9 PM at the Smithtown Landing Country Club. Enjoy
tastings from local area restaurants and numerous raffle
prizes. Proceeds to benefit the Dynamics, a local baton
twirling team that is traveling to compete in International Cup
Championships. Pre-ordered tickets: $30, $35 at the door. For
tickets and information, call 631-346-2900 or 631-743-1722.
Youth Night of Prayer, Reflection and Song—with Steve
Angrisano Live at St. John the Baptist High School, 1170
Montauk Hwy., West Islip, Tuesday, March 31st at 7:30 PM.
For more information, call Richard Costa at 631-587-8000,
ext. 116 or email
Catholic Daughter
Once again, the Catholic Daughters Court #1702 is
offering a partial scholarship to all 8th grade students of
our parish. Those who are planning to enter
Catholic High School in September of 2015 are
distributed to St. Patrick School
students.) For applications or further
information, call Marge at 686-6532.
The application deadline is March 30th.
Parish Social Ministry
Special Enrollment Period
for NY State of Health
Even though the deadline for individuals and families to
enroll in a qualified health plan through NY State of
Health ended on February 28, 2015, you may still be
able to enroll and get financial assistance. This year,
there is a one-time Special Enrollment Period for people
who learn that they have a federal tax penalty for 2014.
This Special Enrollment Period is only available from
March 1 through April 30, 2015. You may also be able
to enroll if you have had an Eligible Qualifying Life
Event. The list of Eligible Qualifying Life Events for a
Special Enrollment Period are:
• Loss of minimum essential coverage for reasons
other than non-payment of premium
• Marriage or domestic partnership, birth, adoption, or
placement in foster care
• Becoming a citizen, national, or lawfully present
• For those already enrolled in a qualified health plan,
becoming newly eligible or ineligible for tax credits; or
eligible for a different amount of cost sharing reductions.
• A new qualified health plan becomes available to
you as a result of a permanent move into or within NY
Marketplace error
Assistor Misconduct
Qualified Health Plan violated a provision of its
Other exceptional circumstances, as defined by the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
These are NOT Considered a Qualifying Life Event:
Voluntarily dropping other health insurance
Begin terminated for not paying your premiums
Losing coverage that is not minimum essential
coverage, in accordance with HHS guidelines
Nassau –Suffolk Hospital Council’s Navigators offer
assistance in applying to a qualified health plan in the
NY State of Health Insurance Marketplace. To meet
with a Navigator during the month of April, call 656-9783
to find a convenient site, date and time. These sites
operate on a first come, first serve basis. The following
agencies have appointments available to meet with a
Navigator: Community Service Society of NY at 1-888614-5400 or Public Health Solutions at 1-646-632-5986.
People can also enroll by phone by calling NY State of
Health Customer Support at 1-855-355-5777. If you
don’t qualify for a Special Enrollment Period, the next
time you can enroll in a health plan is November 1, 2015
for coverage that will begin January 1, 2016.
Reflections on the Sunday Scriptures
April 5, 2015
Easter Sunday
Readings: Acts 10: 34A, 37-43;
Colossians 3: 1-4 or 1 Corinthians 5: 6B-8;
John 20: 1-9
On the first day of the week, Mary of Magdala came
to the tomb early in the morning, while it was still
dark, and saw the stone removed from the tomb. So
she ran and went to Simon Peter and to the other
disciple whom Jesus loved, and told them, “They
have taken the Lord from the tomb, and we don’t
know where they put him.” So Peter and the other
disciple went out and came to the tomb. They both
ran, but the other disciple ran faster than Peter and
arrived at the tomb first; he bent down and saw the
burial cloths there, but did not go in. When Simon
Peter arrived after him, he went into the tomb and
saw the burial cloths there, and the cloth that had
covered his head, not with the burial cloths but rolled
up in a separate place. Then the other disciple also
went in, the one who had arrived at the tomb first,
and he saw and believed. For they did not yet
understand the Scripture that he had to rise from the
convenience, copies of the cards on which you write
your gospel reflections will be included in the bulletin
most Sundays. Feel free to use the form below and to
make copies. Your reflection may be dropped into the
collection basket as your gift to our parish. (Please
provide your first and last name. Only first names will
be used in the bulletin.)
---------------------------------- -----
Focus Questions:
1. The last line in the gospel states that the apostles
did not understand that Jesus had to rise from the
dead. How do you understand what happened to
Jesus on Easter?
2. Relate a time when you saw a sign of Resurrection
in your life.
3. Jesus died on Good Friday. On Easter, his
apostles found his tomb empty. Describe a time
when good came out of a seemingly hopeless
Children and Family Reflections:
Where do you see new life in your yard or in your
Please remember to keep our priests in your prayers. This week we ask
that you pray especially for the following priests from our diocese:
Pray for
March 29th—Bishop Emil A. Wcela
March 30th—Rev. Stephen Morris & Rev. Francis Vattakudiyil
March 31st—Rev. Marian Biez & Rev. Nicholas Lombardi S.J.
April 1st—Msgr. Ronald Richardson & Msgr. John Nosser
April 2nd—All Priests
April 3rd—Rev. Belevendiram Rathinam & Rev. Frank Zero
April 4th—Rev. James Donovan S.J. & Msgr. John McCann
Words of Wisdom from our Level 2 Students
Second grade students from our Religious Formation Program and our school are asked to read the “Children and
Family Reflection” column in the bulletin and write down their thoughts on cards provided for them. They then drop
the cards in the collection basket on Sunday as their contribution to our parish. Below are a few reflections on our
gospel reading by our second graders.
Gospel Reading: John 3: 14-21
Children and Family Reflection: Jesus loves our world enough to die for it.
What do you love about our world?
I love the beach, the flowers and the warm sunshine.—Preston
I like the flowers. The most special part are the trees because they take away the polluted air.—Sofia
I love the warm, sunny days and the beauty of the things God created for us to enjoy.—Stephanie
I love our world because people are kind and they help each other. When people are poor, people donate money and
clothes to them.—Christian
It has my family on it.—John
I love our world because of the great food we have. I’m also grateful that we have doctors and nurses that help us get
better when we are sick.– Briana
I love the world because people are different. There are also so many different animals.—Elyse
I love the ocean and nature.—Joey
What is darkness and light? Darkness is a road that leads to death. The light brings us to a happy life with God. The
world is good.—Kevin
I love to be alive and spend my time with my friends and family. The world is a wonderful gift from God.—Izzie
I love people, animals, plants, flowers and the beach.—Nicole
I love the flowers and beautiful rivers.—Katelyn
I love my family. I love my home. I love my friends.—Chloe
I love the world because we have so many things to do. The world is a beautiful place.—Brendan
I love my family and my friends and my dog. I love playing outside and having lots of fun things to do.—James
About our world, I love the sun, the flowers, the smell of fresh roses, I also love good people like my family who lives in
the world and animals like my dog, Daisy.—Ryan
I love the food I eat and nature.—Rose
I love the world so much. I love that in the world there are my friends and family.—Sierra
He helps me clean up my backyard when it’s snowing and helps whoever needs help. When my grandma was in the
hospital, she felt better when she got home. She likes that she can breathe and have fresh air.—Aud
I love the world because God created it. God created all the animals to make the world a better place.—Tim
I love the animals in the world, and my friends and family.—Caroline
I love the world because we have church, trees, food, drinks, school, God and Jesus. Also all the other things.—Rosa
I love plants and animals. I also love the sun and the planets.—Rocco
That we get to live on it and God gave me a family. I love God and Jesus.—Emma
I love a lot of things about our world. I love my family. I love where I live, the trees, flowers and that I can go to the
beach anytime.—Emma
I love our world because God made it. There are many beautiful people and places in our world.—Nicholas
I have a shelter and a loving and caring family.—Kayla
Families help each other all the time. That is something I love in this world.—Sebastian
I love nature. I love the flowers in the spring and summer.—Shannon
What I love about the world is that there are so many creatures.—Ava
I love our world because it is clean and beautiful.—Emilio
St. Patrick Youth
CPR Training Course for coaches will be
offered throughout the year, call the Youth
Office if interested.
Exercise Classes on going. $5 fee. All
welcome. Call Cindy at 360-0185 for class
times. We will resume after holidays.
Body, Mind & Soul, a program to promote a
healthy lifestyle of nutrition & exercise. Call
Cindy at 360-0185 for information.
Regarding Sports Parking—Please park only
on the east side at of the property. Enter sports
court at east gate entrance.
Enrichment/Extended Day Program– Monday
through Friday, 2:30 to 6 PM. Homework help,
arts/crafts, indoor/outdoor gym activities,
snacks, games and more for 3 to 13 year-olds.
Three year-old, Pre K extended hours, 8 AM to
2:30 PM.
Before/Aftercare also offered.
Children must be pre-registered to attend. Call
863-2029. Limited space available.
Music Ministry – Folk Group (grades 6-12),
and Children’s Choir (grades 1-5). Children’s
Choir practices from 6:15 to 7 PM and Folk
Group from 7:15 to 8:30 PM, both in Keegan
Hall. New members welcome! Call 360-0185
for information.
Youth Ministry – Attention high school
students. Please join us for Youth Ministry on
Sunday nights at 6:30 PM in the Emmaus
Room. Call the Youth Office for details.
Junior Catholic Daughters- JCDA is a young
woman’s service organization. Young women
grades 6th -11th are welcome. Call the youth
office for details. JCDA meets every 3rd
Tuesday of the month in our Modular
Classroom from 6:30 to 8 PM.
Playtime with Mommy/Caregiver – Children
ages 18 months through 2 ½ yrs old. Call Miss
Patty for details 863-2029.
St. Patrick Learning Center – Tutors for all
areas of study, Pre-K–HS, SAT Prep, etc. NY
certified teachers available Monday throuth
Friday. Call 724-1261 for information. Catholic
Entrance Exam Prep is available. Contact the
Youth Office.
Winter Intramural Basketball: Season is in
Spring Deck Hockey –Registration has ended.
Season begins Monday, March 23rd. All
players should have been contacted by their
coach by now. Late registrations will be placed
on a wait list.
Spring/Summer Basketball League – We are
now taking registrations for our spring/summer
hoops program. This league is for team
registration only. We do not take individual
player registrations. The league is for boys 5th
to 12th grade and girls 4th to 12th grade.
September 2015 grade determines the division.
Registration flyer and team roster form may be found on our website. Boys teams are due by April 1st, Girls teams are due by May
1st. See flyer for details.
Camp St. Patrick We are now taking registrations for our upcoming Summer Camp. Camp runs June 29th through August 14th.
The camp offers Kiddie Camp for 3 to 5 year-olds, Main Camp for
6 to 12 year-olds, and Teen Travel Camp for 13 to 15 year-olds.
Our Camp Calendar as well as all camp forms may be found on
our website. Call the Youth Office with any questions.
VIRTUS– All volunteers/coaches are required to attend a VIRTUS
class if they have not done so. On-line registration must be completed before you attend. See for information and
VOB/St. Pat’s Soccer - Visit for information.
Email inquiries for 4 to 5 year-olds to or for 6 to 9 year-olds.
St. Pat’s Youth web address is
All program information & registration forms
may be found on the website.
The Youth Office can be reached by email at
Pray for the Sick
Helen Ackerman
Maureen Alagna
Bonnie Allen
Rita Apollaro
Tom Beirne
Betty Cappa-Clemenz
Mary Beth Condon
Frank Cone
Stephen Costello
Alex Cozzo
Lois Crowley
Jimmy Demato
Joseph DeMott
John Michael Dellova
Jean Doski
Shirley Dunn
Joan Every
Fred Facompre
Raymond Facompre
Brooke Failla
Grace Fragala
Claudio Ghattas
Mario Gesimondo
Ruth Gipp
Barbara J. Hansen
Michael Kelly
Joseph Lantini
Br. John Lawrence, OSF
Matthew Lowney
Megan Madden
Terrance Martin
William McGowan
Eric Mendola
Ron Moran
Anna Morreale
Jean Noschese
Melissa Ording
Joanna Scheidel
Suzanne Schmidt
Teresa Smith
Thomas Smith
Maryanne Sparque
Alejandro V.
Eva Zalak
Angelo Zeoli
Billy Ziegler, Jr.
Prayer intentions for “Pray for the Sick” are left in the bulletin for a
limited period of time. If you would like to add or return a name to
the list please call Parish Outreach at 265-2668.
Pray for the Dead
Mable Loughlin
Evelyn (Lyn) Martin
Joseph Mannara
James Peeling
A Great Place to Advertise
Did you know that the St. Patrick’s bulletin is printed at no cost to our
parish each week? Not only that, our parish receives a part of the advertising
commission. So please frequent the fine establishments that advertise in our
If your business could use a shot in the arm, consider advertising in the
bulletin. Each weekend, approximately 3,800 people attend Mass at St.
Patrick’s, most of whom live and shop in the Smithtown area. It’s an easy way
to reach thousands of area families with information about your business. For
more information on how to advertise in our bulletin, call Frank Capanzano at
Podiatrist / Foot Specialist
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Why do so many expectant mothers choose St. Catherine?
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thoughtful innovations like our new, private postpartum unit. In
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delivery in a warm, pampered and homelike atmosphere. After
all, as a new mom, you need a little babying, too.
To tour St. Catherine’s newly renovated Maternity
Department, register for You and Your Baby Classes or a
physician referral, please call (631) 870-3444.
50 Route 25A, Smithtown, NY 11787
(631) 870-3444
Mullen & Iannarone, PC
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St. Catherine of Siena
Now Booking Communions, Confirmations,
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Packages Start at $30.00 pp + tax & gratuity
Private Rooms Available
for 20 to 75 People
175 West Main Street, Smithtown
(631) 265-9265
732 Smithtown Bypass, (Rte. 347) Smithtown
45 Route 111, Smithtown 979-2000
Hosts ~ Nick & Linda Fax 979-7444
Casa Rustica
Residential Brokerage
Attorneys At Law
28 E. Main St., Smithtown
(Sleepys Shopping Center)
300 E. Main St., Smithtown, NY 11787
631 361 7050
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Prime Meats - Poultry
Vivian & Tony
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Picnic's - Bar B-Q's
Corp. Parties
Fresh Pasta & Ravioli's
Auto, Home, Life & Business
186 Terry Road
61 West Main Street
265-5076 Smithtown
Healing Hands
Massage Therapy, PC
For Relief Call:
(631) 361-5111
59 Landing Ave., Smithtown
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Facsimile: (631) 656-6505
*First Three Months
Stony Brook Internist’s
All Inclusive Primary Care
“Young Adults to Geriatric Care”
Alexea Gaffney-Adams, M.D.
Lily Limsuvanrot, D.O.
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Phone: (631) 257-5290
(631) 257-5295
Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting
as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered.
Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin.
Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless,
an Official
Travel Agency
Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785
Buying or Selling A Home?
Proud Member St. Patricks Choir
Coach Realtors
Daniel J. Cronin, Esq.
1353 Stony Brook Road
Stony Brook, NY 11790 (631) 374-8419
Auto Damage Experts ~ Insurance Claims Specialists
24 Hour Towing
Jon Pedone
931 Middle Country Rd., St. James 724-7000 • 724-2720
Robert A. Fives Shawn B. Fives
Craig Aliperti Wood Floors
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Initial Free Consultation
Joseph P. Militello, Esq. - Parishioner 631.524.5565
For further information,
please call the Parish Office.
Licensed Master Plumber
Parishioner/St. Pat’s Head Usher
John A. Baldi CPA, PFS, MBA 631.487.0003
Smithtown Prescription
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All Plumbing Repairs
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including Tile Repairs
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260 Middle Country Rd., Smithtown
Thomas R. Scott, B.S., R.Ph. ~ President
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(631) 588-1515
840 Wheeler Road (Rte. 111)
(631) 361-7500
825 Main Street
(631) 981-7500
130 Carleton Avenue
(631) 234-6000
1320 Lakeland Avenue
(631) 589-1500
523 Route 112
(631) 473-3800 SCAN THIS
Michael McAuley, D.P.M., P.C. HARRY GANG PLUMBING Branch Auto Care, Inc.
Podiatric Medicine & Surgery
Andrew Monteleone ~ Parishioner
4th Generation Plumbers
418 N. Country Rd., Unit 6, St. James • 584-6969
Simple Repairs to Total Renovations 383 Jericho Tpke., Smithtown
Hours: Mon-Wed-Fri 10-6, Tues 10-7, Sat 10-2
By Appointment Only • House Calls Available Licensed & Insured 631-742-7442 Mike Dray
North Chapel
"Personal Attention & Dignified Service ~ Our Continuing Tradition"
A Home for Funerals & Cremations
South Chapel
551 North Country Road, Route 25A
829 Middle Country Rd. (Jericho Tpke.), Route 25
St. James (631) 584-7200
St. James (631) 584-5200
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For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263