St. Patrick RC Church - Saint Patrick`s Roman Catholic Church


St. Patrick RC Church - Saint Patrick`s Roman Catholic Church
St. Patrick R.C. Church
280 East Main Street, Smithtown, New York 11787
“Christ with us. Christ before us. Christ behind us.”
April 17, 2016—Fourth Sunday of Easter
Remembering our Past
Our 2016 Cash Raffle
Is Underway!
Take a chance on winning the $10,000 grand
prize (or one of five $1,000 prizes) in our
second annual All Cash Raffle! Only 500
tickets will be sold at $100 each. Last year
we sold out early, so don’t hesitate. This is
our major parish fundraiser for the year, so
please take a chance and support our parish!
Use the form inside this bulletin, purchase a
ticket through our website, or use the QR
code below to purchase a raffle ticket online!
If you participate in parish life at St.
Patrick’s, then you are familiar with
Canning Hall. Newer members of our
parish, however, may not be aware
where this multi-purpose room (gym,
lunch room, meeting room, etc.) got its
name. Thanks to parishioner Tom
Muratore, the this is no longer a mystery.
Mr. Muratore (also the creator of the
framed work on our history hanging in
the church lobby) donated another piece
now hanging in Canning Hall which tells a little about the room’s
namesake, Fr. Joseph Canning, our parish’s second pastor.
Many thanks to Tom Muratore for helping us to remember our
past! Read more about Fr. Canning inside.
Intramural Basketball
people in Kindergarten through
high school participated in this
year’s St. Patrick’s Winter
Intramural Basketball program.
See more inside.
St. Patrick Church
280 East Main Street, Smithtown, NY 11787
Mass Times
Weekdays: 6:45 A.M., 9:00 A.M., 12:10 PM
Saturday: 9:00 AM, 5 and 8 PM
Novena Mass (Miraculous Medal): Monday, 7:30 PM
Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 AM, 12 Noon, 5 PM
Saturday: from 3:45 to 4:45 PM
Sunday: from 8:15 to 8:45 AM
Monday: 6:45 to 7:15 P.M. before the Novena Mass
Anytime by appointment in the Rectory
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
Couples should make arrangements at the Rectory
at least six months before the desired wedding date.
Sundays at 1:30 P.M. Parents must make
arrangements at the Rectory.
Thursdays for one hour following 12:10 PM Mass
First Fridays after 12:10 Mass until 3:00 PM*
Nocturnal Adoration, third Saturday of the month
from 9 PM to 7 AM Sunday
Pro-Life Holy Hour, third Tuesday of the month, 7:30 PM
(*Watch bulletin for possible changes in concluding time)
Speaking is one of the gifts and tools we have as
human beings to communicate with one another. We
speak to people, about people, and for people. People
speak to us, about us and for us. Sometimes our words
come from a heart that is loving, joyful, and grateful.
Sometimes they come from a confused, disappointed or
frantic mind. Words come to our ears from the mouths of
those we are with or speaking to on the telephone. At
other times they come from e-mails, text messages, or
even the old fashioned way - in form of written letters or
notes. During these three past weeks of Easter we have
been listening to and reflecting on the words Jesus
spoke to His followers in His post Resurrection
appearances. Two weeks ago His words in the Gospel
reading were: “Peace be with you!” They were followed
by words of trust: “Receive the Holy Spirit. Whose sins
you forgive are forgiven them, and whose sins you retain
are retained.” Last week His words in the Gospel reading
told the disciples who were fishing where to cast their net
for a large catch of fish. Then He invited them to bring
them ashore and said to them, “Come have
breakfast.” Jesus did not wait for them to come looking
for Him, He went to where they were - fishing. After
breakfast He asked Peter three times, “Do you love
me?” Each time Peter responded, “Yes, Lord, you know
that I love you.” Jesus responded to Peter’s positive
responses by saying, “Feed my sheep.” What life-giving
words of faith, hope, and love.
How many words do we hear each day that are
truly life-giving? Every time we hear someone tell us, “I
love you,” we are renewed, enthused, joyful, and
grateful. Those three simple words spoken from the
heart are so life-giving. A cheerful greeting, a
compliment, a thank you are all wonderful sources of life,
encouragement, and inspiration. Will you help me? Will
you listen to me? Will you take time to be with me? A
positive response to these requests is always life
giving. Each of the four Eucharistic Prayers for various
occasions begin with these powerful words: “You are
indeed Holy and to be glorified, O God, who love the
human race and who always walk with us on the journey
of life. Blessed indeed is your Son, present in our midst
when we are gathered by his love, and when, as once for
the disciples, so now for us, he opens the Scriptures and
breaks the bread.” No matter where we are, no matter
what we are doing, we are always in the heart of
Jesus. Just as He sought out the disciples who were
fishing in last week’s Gospel, so He is with us wherever
we are, whoever we are with, and in whatever we are
doing. How well do we recognize His presence? To do
that we must first come to understand what the disciples
did after the Resurrection appearances: He did not rise
to escape the horror of His Passion and death and leave
us in the lurch; He rose to come to us at all times and in
all places. The first part of Mass is called the Liturgy of
the Word. Through the words of Sacred Scripture Jesus
speaks to us. No matter how often we might read a
passage of scripture, the words never become boring or
stale. Just as we never tire of hearing people tell us how
much they love us, how good we are, or how grateful they
are to us, so through the words of Scripture God never
tires of telling us how much He loves us. The more we
take His words to heart, the stronger our faith becomes,
the more pointed our hope, and the more generous our
love. Love begets love or a relationship will fall
apart. God’s love begets God’s love in us. Inspired and
renewed by His life-giving words, we become the
presence and voice of those words in our lives with one
another. In today’s Gospel Jesus tells us, “My sheep hear
my voice; I know them and they follow me. I give them
eternal life, and they shall never perish.” The voice of
Jesus speaks to us not only through the words of the
Bible, they also come to us through our prayers,
consciences, and those we encounter everyday. When
we pray with an open heart, so often our words of prayer
come back in inspiring and encouraging thoughts and
insights. No matter how often we pray the Our Father or
Hail Mary, when we focus on the words and pray them
attentively we are given life not only by the words, but by
the very ones we are praying to. The Our Father is a very
simple, powerful, and beautiful daily reminder of what it
means to follow Jesus. As we see in the above quote
from today’s Gospel, “My sheep hear my voice; I know
them and they follow me.” Jesus knows us better than we
know ourselves. Taking His words to heart in the Our
Father each day gives us a spiritual reminder and uplift of
all we are entrusted to do as the followers of Jesus and all
we are truly capable of. By praying the Hail Mary we
acknowledge Mary’s powerful faith and her love for Jesus
and us. In our imperfection but faith fired hope we say:
“Pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our
death.” Like any mother she sees beyond our faults and
imperfections to someone she loves with all her heart.
We also hear the voice of Jesus speaking to us through
our consciences. At times we ponder what we should say
or do. Openness to the Spirit of God enables us to hear
the voice of Jesus and say or do what He would say or
do. When someone tells us of a good thing that has
happened to another person we know, we increase their
joy with words of congratulations. When we thank people
for what they have done for us, we increase their joy. At
times we are told of those who are sick or mourning the
loss of a loved one. Those words lead us to visit them
and offer them words of comfort and love.
Each day is another opportunity to hear God’s voice in
all the ways we use to communicate with one
another. The more we listen, the more we respond with
our life-giving presence and words. The constant blessing
is not only our life-giving words to others, but the chance
to speak them from our hearts. Life-giving words are
Resurrection words - they lift us both those who hear them
and those speak them.
Masses for the Week
Saturday, April 16th:
5:00 PM
8:00 PM
Mr. & Mrs. Al Placido
James O’Hara
Sunday, April 17th:
7:30 AM
9:00 AM
10:30 AM
12:00 PM
5:00 PM
Leonarda Mazza
Gigi Veccia
Joseph Stile
Sam Cirigliano
People of the Parish
Monday, April 18th:
6:45 AM
9:00 AM
12:10 PM
7:30 PM
Deserie Cavalieri
Shirley Owen
No Mass—Confirmation
No Mass—Confirmation
Tuesday, April 19th:
6:45 AM
9:00 AM
12:10 PM
Yolanda Ramunni
Alexander Panis
Cliff Allen Daus
Wednesday, April 20th:
6:45 AM
9:00 AM
12:10 PM
Yolanda Ramunni
Patricia Grosso
Philip Raeihle
Thursday, April 21st:
6:45 AM
9:00 AM
12:10 PM
Fr. Patrick
Doris Francis
Anthony LaVecchia
Friday, April 22nd:
6:45 AM
9:00 AM
12:10 PM
Yolanda Ramunni
Francis L. Murray
Anthony Lavecchia
Saturday, April 23rd:
9:00 AM
5:00 PM
8:00 PM
*Multiple Intentions
Francisco Prados
Mary Behrens
Sunday, April 24th:
7:30 AM
9:00 AM
10:30 AM
12:00 PM
People of the Parish
Michael Alletto
Julia Aquino-Brennan
Mary Margaret Behrens
*Mary Bukofsky, Dr. Rober Castroll (L), Alice Schimitland,
Lorenzo Jarapa, Jr.
Our Pastoral Team
Rev. Msgr. Ellsworth R. Walden, Pastor
Rev. Sean Magaldi, Associate Pastor
Rev. Shibi Pappan, Associate Pastor
Rev. Fred Hill, In Residence
Rev. Xavier Lakra, In Residence
Rev. Corneille Boyeye, In Residence
Deacon Richard Janiec
Deacon Jerry Reda
Deacon Bernard Sherlock
Mr. Joseph Menge, Business Manager
Mrs. Linda Pymm, School Principal
Mrs. Elaina Kedjierski, Dir. of Religious Ed., Levels 1-4
Mrs. Peggy Soviero, Dir. of Religious Ed., Levels 5-8
Ms. Dianne Williams, Parish Social Minister
Ms. Cindy Marsh, Youth Administrator
Mr. Tony Bellizzi, Youth Minister
Contact Us
Rectory - 265-2271
Rectory Fax - 863-1586
Parish Website:
Outreach - 265-2668
Religious Forma on - 724-7454
St. Patrick School - 724-0285
School Website -
Youth Community - 360-0185
Fr. Walden’s Email -
Parish Email -
Parish Website:
Office Hours: Rectory 9 AM to 7 PM, Mon. - Fri.
9 AM to 5 PM Sat., 10 AM to 1 PM Sun.
Parish Outreach:9:15 AM to 3:00 PM, Mon.—Fri.
Youth Community: 9 AM to 3 PM, Mon. - Fri.
Religious Forma on: 9 AM to 3:30 PM, Mon. - Thurs.
St. Patrick’s Pastoral Council Email:
Parish Organiza ons
Bereavement Support: Mon., 7 PM Outreach Ctr.
Blue Lancers Drum, Bell & Bugle Corps., 979-8578
Catholic Daughters: 3rd Mon., 8 PM
Choir: Thurs. evening, 8 PM
Columbie es: 2nd Mon., 8 PM
Jus ce & Peace: Once a month, 7:00 PM Outreach Ctr.
Knights of Columbus: 2nd & 4th Tues., 8 PM
Legion of Mary: Tues. mornings at 9:30 AM
Nocturnal Adora on Society: 3rd Sat. from 9 PM-7AM
Pro Life Family: Last Thursday, 10:30 AM , Parish Center
R.C.I.A. (Rite of Chris an Ini a on for Adults); 265-2271
Sacred Heart Prayer Group: Tues., 7:30 PM, Parish Center
Something for Seniors; 2nd & 4th Wed., 1 PM, 265-0034
Communal Offering for April 10, 2016: $25,793.00.
Offering for Corresponding Sunday 2015: $26,712.87.
Thank you for your generosity.
There will be no 12:10 PM and 7:30 PM
Mass on Monday, April 18th due to
Parish Social
Bake a Cake?
As an extension of “The Ministry of Consolation”, we are
in need of volunteers to bake a cake and deliver it to the
home of grieving relatives. If you are able to participate,
call Parish Outreach at 265-2668. Thank you.
Parent Bereavement Group
Parish Outreach is starting a monthly bereavement
group for those who have lost an adult child. If you have
lost an adult child within the past two years and are interested in joining the group, please call Parish Outreach at
Don’t Forget Your
Bottle Money!
Next weekend, April 23rd & 24th, Kids for
Life will be having their monthly “Bottles for
Babies” collection to help mothers and
babies in need in our area. Please recycle
your bottles and cans and donate the
money you receive to this worthy cause.
Just look for the Baby Bottle Banks at the
church exits.
St. Patrick’s
Pro-Life Holy Hour
Registration for our
2016-17 session has now begun
If you would like to re-register online please go to our
website, click onto the
registration link and follow the prompts. Please note the
changes in our procedures. We will not accept
registrations after June 30th.
Children who will be attending first grade in September
or families who are new to our program will need to call
our office to set up an appointment to register for
classes (724-7454).
Come Pray With Us!
Do you feel compelled to pray for
your family? Do you have a heart
for all the suffering in our world
today? Do you have a desire to
pray with other women for these
intentions? Then maybe God is
calling you to join our St. Anne
Women's Prayer Group.
When: Every Tuesday Afternoon-from 1:00 to 2:00PM
Where: Parish Center (formerly The Convent)
Contact: Ann (631) 724-4749 or Joan (631) 379-7438
Tuesday, April 19th
at 7:30 PM in the church
Exposition - Pro-Life Prayers - Rosary
Meditation - Benediction
Join us in praying for the
most vulnerable among us.
All life has inestimable value even the weakest and
most vulnerable, the sick, the old, the unborn and the
poor, are masterpieces of God’s creation, made in his
own image, destined to live forever, and deserving of
the utmost reverence and respect.
- Pope Francis
Jesus, help me to simplify my life by learning
what You want me to be — and becoming that
- St. Thérèse of Lisieux
Pro-Life Rose
St. Patrick’s Pro-Life Family invites
you to dedicate a Pro-Life Rose for
any intention by contacting Lisa by
email at
or call 656-6343.
Your participation helps bring a greater awareness of
the sacredness of all human life, especially the
unborn. The cost is $10.
Bread & Wine
To arrange a memorial for
Altar Bread and Wine,
please call Diane Sperzel at
265-3307. Donation for the
week is $50. Cards will be
sent to the family.
Join us for the
11th Annual
St. Patrick’s Car Show
This Sunday, April 17th
from 9 AM to 4 PM
(Raindate April 24th)
Fun for the Whole Family!
Children’s activities, vendors, raffles, food & hundreds of cars/trucks/motorcycles!
Admission: $5 for Adults, Children Free, Show Car $15, Motorcycles $5
This year’s show will feature a wide range of replica cars including:
• The Long Island Ghostbuster’s Supernatural TV Show Replica Car
• Herbie the Love Bug
• Smokey and the Bandit
• Kitty Knight Rider
• The Sheriff Buford T. Justice Car
Also coming:
• The 9-11 American Patriot Tribute Car
• Suffolk Sheriff’s Department with drunk buggies and the BAT DWI Mobile Unit,
• A 1958 Plymouth Tribute to Christine,
• The 1956 Chevy Crankenstein
• The 1957 Dragon Wagon
• Sal’s Monster Truck
• Primetime Trucking’s show truck: “Blueprint”
For information, call 631-588-2696 or email
Students of the Month
St. Patrick School honored its Students of
the Month at the 9:00 AM Mass on Friday,
April 8th. Students receiving the award
have displayed the quality of good citizenship. Congratulations to all!
In the Neighborhood . . .
Assisted Suicide will be the topic on Tuesday, April
26th at 7:30 PM at Christ the King Church, Pastoral
Center (Bishop McGann Room) 2 Indian Head Road in
Commack. Presenter Lisa Honkanen, MD, will discuss
the urgency of opposing assisted suicide, what is
happening where it is already practiced, and what you
can do to oppose it. Come be informed and have your
questions answered. For more information, call Ann at
631-754-9141 or Marion at 631-486-2658.
Gala Spring Chinese Auction—Sunday, May 1st at St.
Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish Hall, 800 Portion Road in
Lake Ronkonkoma. More than 100 new prizes, 50/50,
lottery tree. Admission of $10 includes 25 tickets, coffee
and cake. Doors open at 1:45 PM. Auction begins at
3:00 PM. For information, call 631-585-9291.
Indoor Garage Sale Saturday, May 14th from 10 AM
to 3:00 PM and a Spring Rummage Sale Saturday, May
21st from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM at St. James United
Methodist Church, 532 Moriches Road, St. James. To
reserve a table, call 631-584-5340.
Lay Carmelite Open House—Do you seek a deeper
relationship with Jesus and Mary? The Lay Carmelite
Order is a secular branch of the Order of Carmel which
includes all Catholic lay people throughout the world
who follow the Carmelite Rule. Pre-candidates must be
at least 17 years old and practicing Catholics. If you
would like to find out more, please come to our Open
House on April 17th, 1:30 PM, at St. Francis of Assisi
Church in Greenlawn. Please call Marie Cotter at 631460-5212 for more information.
Men’s Forum—Monday, April 18th at Sts. Philip and
James Church, 1 Carow Place in St. James. 6:30 PM
Adoration, 7:30 PM Speaker, 8:30 PM Coffee and Cake.
Come for all or part of the program. The guest speaker
will be Fr. Jim Torpey of St. Mary and St. Joseph
Churches in Ringtown, PA. He will speak on “The Divine
Praises: Using Them in Man’s Everyday Life.”
Our Lady of Fatima Day—Friday, May 13th at the
Shrine of Our Lady of the Island, 258 Eastport Manor
Road in Manorville. 10 AM Rosary Procession at Rosary
Walk, 11:30 AM Mass at The Rock, 12:30 PM Lunch
Break, 1:30 PM Conference, 3:00 PM Holy Hour.
Pre-Mother’s Day Paint Party, Saturday, April 30th
from 3:00 to 5:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall at
Smithtown United Methodist Church. Cost: $35 for
materials and instruction. Ladies of all ages welcome.
Space is limited so reserve your spot. For information,
please call 631-265-6945.
Prayeranon—A Catholic Prayer Group, Wednesday
evenings at 7:00 PM at Resurrection Byzantine Catholic
Church, Edgewater & Mayflower Avenues, Smithtown.
We pray for loved ones with addictions and other family
problems. Call 631-368-4512 for information.
Third Annual Taste of Smithtown/Raffle and
Auction—Thursday, April 21st from 6 to 9 PM at the
Smithtown Landing Country Club. Enjoy tastings from
more than 20 local restaurants along with fabulous raffle
baskets. Proceeds to benefit the Dynamics Travel Team
who will be representing the U.S. A. at the 2016 World
Championships in Sweden. Pre-ordered tickets are $30 or
$35 at the door. For tickets and donation information,
contact Doris at 631/346-2990, Annmarie 631/745-1772 or
Volunteers Needed. St. Catherine of Siena Nursing and
Rehabilitation Center is looking for two volunteers who can
run a short prayer service and provide communion for
residents on one of our specialized units. Many of the
individuals are memory impaired but still look forward to
and enjoy participating in their Catholic faith.
at or call 631-862-3959.
Walk the Path of Literacy—A Walkathon to benefit the
Opening Word Program a literacy program for adult
immigrant women sponsored by the Sisters of St. Dominic
of Amityville, Saturday, April 23rd from 1:00 to 3:00 PM at
the Queen of the Rosary Motherhouse, 555 Albany
Avenue in Amityville. Fun activities for children.
Women’s Breakfast Retreat, Saturday, April 23rd from
9:30 Am to 12:30 PM at The Birchwood of Polish Town,
512 Pulaski Street in Riverhead. Sponsored by the Mary
Undoer of Knots Magnificat—a Catholic charismatic prayer
group for women. Sign-in at 9:15 AM. $25 per person.
Guest speaker: Enid Ann McElroy-Messina. The title of her
presentation is: ”Who Do You Say That I Am?” Must
register by April 19th. Call 631-399-1949 or email
Are you interested in becoming Catholic?
Do you need to complete the Sacraments of
Initiation (Baptism, Eucharist, Confirmation?)
Do you need to be baptized?
Do you have a child who has passed his/her
seventh birthday without being baptized?
Do you have a child who has passed
confirmation age without being confirmed?
If any of these situations apply to you, give us a call!
Our Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) and our RCIA for Young People programs begin
in the fall. To learn more, call the rectory at 631-265-2271 or email
Pray for our Military
Sgt. Bradley Baran
Capt. Kyle Higgins
Pfc. Jorge Rostra Obando
Lt. Michael R. Beggins, EOD, U.S. Navy
Capt. Michael Huggins
Sgt. August R. Oetting, III, USMC
E6 Christopher Bobrowski
Warrant Officer Christopher Kaminsky
Sgt. 1st Class Thomas O’Carroll
PFC Christopher Bonenfant, USMC
Air Force Staff Sgt. Travis Kendall
Ensign Patrick O’Hea, U.S. Navy
Pvt. 1st Class Michael A. Brescia
Airman 1st Class Jacob Kendall
Capt. Daniel J. O’Sullivan, USAF
Lt. John C. Burk, U.S. Army
Pvt. 2 Ryan Kettell
Stephen Outcault, USMC
Pvt. Douglas Butera
Lance Cpl. Kurt Kusterbeck
Pvt. Vincent Patrizio
Lt. Alex Buschor, USN
Pfc. Connor Russ Lang, US Army
Cpl. Brian Plunkett, USMC
Sgt. John P. Byrne
CAPT Anthony LaVecchia, Jr., USN
Capt. Paul Proios, U.S. Army
Pvt. 1st Class Thomas P. Campbell Spec. Andrew Steven Lawler, US Army
Lance Cpl. Jean Prou
Cpl. Claude Castille
Sgt. Patricia Heikkila
1st Sgt. William Pullar, Jr.
Sgt. Eric J. Coyne, Air Force
Major Timothy MacGinley
Sgt. Andrew Rea
Pvt. Patrick Fagan
Lt. Col. Jill L. Mackin, U.S. Army
Private Eric Roehrig
Lt Col. Andrew Fetherston
Col. Patrick B. Mackin, U.S. Army
Sgt. Michael William Rousseau
Lt. Col. Kristin Fetherston
Lance Cpl. Vincent Martinelli
Cpl. Patrick Sheridan
Lt. John Joseph Foley
Pvt. Kyle T. McCarthy
PFC Richard N. Silecchio
MM1 Stephen P. Foster
Capt. Chris McLoughlin
SF1 Corey Slattery
Sgt. James Fowler
Cmdr. Brian Melvin, Coast Guard
Specialist Edward Stephenson
Capt. David Geller
Lt. Anthony Mercado
Timothy Sweeney, Navy Seals
Capt. Bret Guglielmi
Col. John K. Meehan. U.S. Army
Gen. Kenneth E. Tovo
Major Thomas Hanifen
Specialist Edward Meraglia
Lt. Amanda J. Towey EDO U.S. Navy
Master Sgt. Michele Harris, Air Force
Col. Mark Nordstrom
Sgt. Matthew Vergara
Capt. Erin Hayde
SFC Philip Nordstrom
Gunnery Sgt. Richard Derek Vergara
Major Ryan Hayde
1st Lt. Joel Nordstrom
Gunners/Mate 1st Class Instr. James W. Vigliotti
Senior Master SPvt. Donald Henley
Lance Cpl. Sondra Nowack, USMC
Are you looking to strengthen your faith?
Do you want a deeper relationship with God?
Your Smart Phone Can Help!
Imagine receiving reminders to pray and having easy access to
the daily Mass readings, information on the Saint of the day, and
a place to share your prayer intentions on your smartphone.
Actually, you don’t have to imagine. These are some of the many
features on our new parish app—Oneparish. The app also offers
prayers, tweets from Pope Francis and our parish priests, access
to outstanding Catholic radio programing on Relevant Radio,
video reflections and weekly homilies from Bishop Robert Barron
and more.
How to Download the Oneparish App
1. For iPhones - go to your apps and search for oneparish.
If you have an Android phone through Google Play use
2. Download the app.
3. Select “St. Patrick, Smithtown” as your home parish
4. Build your family and then your individual profile for St.
Patrick’s community.
The Legion of Mary invites you to the
7th Annual Women’s Silent Retreat
“Behold Thy Son”
Friday, May 6th to Saturday May 7th
at the Seminary of the Immaculate Conception in Huntington
Cost of $110 per person includes dinner Friday, three meals
Saturday, private room with shower. For more information,
contact Corinne Addiss at 631-804-7222 or
A Letter from Bishop Murphy on the Catholic Ministries Appeal
“…We are all called to give comfort to every man and every woman of our time…”
-Pope Francis
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:
Every day throughout our Diocese I see the many ways that we are working together to show mercy in this extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy. Through your support of the Catholic Ministries Appeal we continue, as one
faith, family and community, to serve thousands of people on Long Island with compassion, generosity and God’s
We can bring comfort and care to the needy in our community through programs that feed the hunger, minister to
the incarcerated, shelter the disadvantaged and protect the lives of the unborn. The Appeal also supports our
seminarians’ education and faith formation opportunities, along with resources to children and adults, as we help
to promote strong faith-filled families. We continue to be leaders in Faith Formation and Respect Life initiatives.
Please join with me to support the Catholic Ministries Appeal which gives each of us a remarkable opportunity to
show mercy to others and touch the lives of so many of our neighbors. As always, 100% of your gift will be used
to sustain more than 60 essential programs and ministries.
Thank you again for all that you do. I am very grateful for your continued generosity and support of your Parish
and of the Catholic Ministries Appeal. Please know that I keep you and your family in my prayers and thoughts.
With my gratitude and prayers, I am
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Bishop of Rockville Centre
For more information about the Catholic Ministries Appeal,
please visit or call 516-379-5210 ext. 2.
The Next Time Your Step into Canning Hall, Remember Fr. Joseph Canning
For parishioners that knew Fr. Joseph Canning, Canning Hall brings to mind more than
just basketball games and lunch periods. Fr. Canning was St. Patrick’s pastor for 13 very
busy years, beginning on June 26, 1963. At the time St. Patrick’s was located at
Edgewater and Mayflower Avenues in Smithtown, the current location of the Byzantine
Catholic Church of the Resurrection. Our parish was in a period of explosive growth and
one of Fr. Canning’s first decisions was to relieve the overcrowding at Masses by adding
extra Masses in the basement. Less than a year after his arrival a fire seriously damaged
the church and, for a time, Masses were held at
Smithtown General Hospital (which was located on
347), the Smithtown Movie Theater (now the
Smithtown Center for Performing Arts), and in
tents. Even while the church was being repaired, new plans were underway
to build both a new church and a school located on our present property. On
November 12, 1966, the church and school were dedicated by Bishop Walter
P. Kellenberg. (The church was converted to a gym when our present church
was built in 2003.) Fr. Canning invited the Religious Sisters of St. Joseph to
staff the school. In 1976, Fr. Canning moved on to his next assignment at
Immaculate Conception Parish in Westhampton Beach. He died in 1992.
Wedding Banns
First Time:
Courtney Fearon, St. Patrick, Smithtown
Robert Miller, St. Patrick, Smithtown
Notes to Consider
from Catholics for
Freedom of Religion
"It is impossible to rightly govern a nation without God
and the Bible." George Washington
Eucharistic Ministers Needed
St. Catherine of Siena
Medical Center is looking
for Eucharistic Ministers
willing to serve in the
hospital on weekdays or on weekends. We very much
appreciate your considering this way of ministering to
those who are ill. Please call Eileen T. McMahon, one
of the chaplains, from Mondays to Wednesdays at 631862-3104 or email
The Catholic Chaplain’s Office at Stony Brook
University Hospital is seeking Eucharistic Ministers to
bring Communion to patients at the hospital.
Eucharistic Ministers are scheduled to serve one day a
month (Sunday or Wednesday) and spend 1-3 hours at
the hospital per assignment. Training
will be provided. If interested in
learning more about this special
ministry, please contact Greg Shemitz
email:, or Ueli Laeng
Merely having an open mind is nothing. The
object of opening the mind, as of opening the
mouth, is to shut it again on something solid.
- G.K. Chesterton
Military Religious Freedom at Stake:
Marines: When Marine LCpl Sterling noticed other
service members had placed personal items in their
workplaces, she printed her favorite Bible verse, Isaiah
54:17: "No weapons formed against me shall
prosper," and taped it in her workspace. Her supervisor
ordered her to remove it, and Sterling was eventually
court-martialed. Sterling had invoked her First
Amendment and RFRA (Religious Freedom Restoration
Act) protection.
The highest court in the military will soon hear LCpl
Sterling's appeal.
"If a service member has a right to display a secular
poster, put an atheist bumper sticker on their car, or
wear a Star of David, then LCpl Sterling has the right to
display a small Bible verse on her desk," said Senior
Counsel Berry from Liberty Institute. (first,
Navy: The U.S. Navy threatened decorated Chaplain
Wes Modder with detachment for cause, etc., after
Modder answered questions from a junior officer who
had come for private counseling that pertained to
marriage and sexuality. Chaplain Modder answered
according to his religious beliefs but was immediately
removed from his duties and told to clean out his office
when the junior officer filed a complaint against him.
Liberty Institute attorneys asserted that federal law and
military regulations forbid the Navy from punishing
chaplains because they act according to their faith. On
Sept. 3, 2015, Chaplain Wes Modder was exonerated of
all charges.
(charisma, 3/12/15; liberty, 9/3/15)
"Truth will ultimately prevail where there is pains to bring
it to light." George Washington
St. Patrick School
Academic Excellence
Inspired by Faith
Are you considering Catholic
education for your child/children?
Consider St. Patrick School!
For more information, visit
or call 631-724-0185 and schedule a tour.
* April 20th at 7:00 PM, Thomas Renker, Counsel for
Diocese of Rockville Centre, and Barbara Samuells,
President, Catholics For Freedom of Religion at St.
John the Evangelist in the Parish Auditorium, 25 Ocean
Avenue in Center Moriches.
The love of husband and wife is the force that
welds society together.
- St. John Chrysostom
One hundred and ten teams and just
under 1,200 players made up this
year’s Winter Intramural Basketball
program. Thank you to all our
coaches, coordinators, parents and
players for a wonderful season!
We are a People of Prayer
Please continue to say the following prayers each day
as we seek God’s guidance, strength and courage
Gracious God, we are your people embraced by your love. We thank you for your presence with us
throughout all time. Create us anew. Liberate us from that which keeps us from you. Enable us to
recreate our world and restore justice. Heal us from every form of sin and violence. Transform us to live
your Word more profoundly. Reconcile us so enemies become friends. Awaken us to the sacred; nurture
our relationships; enliven our parishes; reunite our families. Fill us with joy to celebrate the fullness of life.
Empower us to be a community of love growing in your likeness. Amen.
Thank you Father for the gift of life. Thank you for the gift of your Son, Jesus. May my gratitude inspire
and sustain me in doing everything I can to respect the lives of all people and to do all in my power to
end abortion and everything else that harms, abuses, or threatens human life. Give me the courage and
strength to live in your image each day. Amen.
Lord, the plight of our brothers and sisters is deep and
the suffering of Christians is severe and frightening.
Therefore, we ask you Lord to spare their lives to grant
them patience and courage to continue their witness of
Christian values with trust and hope. Lord, peace is the
foundation of life; Grant us the peace and stability that
will enable us to live with each other without fear and
anxiety, and with dignity and joy. Glory be to you forever.
The symbol to the right (the Arabic letter “N” for Nazarene) is being used to mark
Christians in Iraq for persecution.
Pray for our Priests
Please remember to keep our priests in your prayers. This week we ask that
you pray especially for the following priests from our diocese:
April 17th—Bishop Robert J. Brennan
April 18th—Rev. James McCabe CSsR & Msgr. Joseph DeGrocco
April 19th—Rev. Lee Descoteaux & Rev. Joh Varkey MST
April 20th—Rev. Joseph Afevalo & Rev. James Bowman
April 21st—Rev. George Punti & Msgr James Boesel
April 22nd—Rev. Eric Fasano & Rev. Ryan Creamer
April 23rd—Rev. John Fitzgerald & Rev. Francisco Garcia
“To become a priest or a religious is not primarily our choice; it is our answer to a calling, a calling of love.”
- Pope Francis
14th Annual
Donald J. Burns
Assistant Fire Chief Donald J. Burns was among the
fallen heroes of the F.D.N.Y. who were lost at the
World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. In honor
of Chief Donald J. Burns, Past Grand Knight of Holy
Mother Mary Knights of Columbus Council, the Burns
family has generously granted our council permission
to award two $500 academic scholarships to students
in Catholic high school in his honor. This scholarship
competition is open to the children and grandchildren
of members of Holy Mother Mary Council Knights and
Columbiettes. Two scholarships will be awarded
students attending Catholic high school this fall.
Applicants are required to submit an essay
of 400 words on the following topic:
Why Sunday Mass is Important to Me
All applications and essays must be received by June
1st. The essay competition winners will be
selected by the scholarship committee. Please attach
the application form below along with your essay and
mail it to:
Knights of Columbus
c/o St. Patrick Church
280 East Main Street
Smithtown, NY 11787
--------------------------------------Knights of Columbus Essay Application
Student Name ______________________________
Address ___________________________________
Phone ____________________________________
HMMC Member Name _______________________
Relationship _______________________________
Academic Year _____________________________
High School ________________________________
He who posses God lacks nothing: God alone
- St. Teresa of Avila
Catholic Daughters
of the Americas Meeting
The next meeting of the Catholic Daughters will take
place on Monday, April 18th. As there will be no 7:30 PM
Mass that night (due to Confirmation), the meeting will
begin at 7:30 PM in the Large Meeting Room in the
Parish Center. If you would like to be part of a vibrant
group of women who serve God, our parish and our
community, please join us!
Ordination Date!
Most St. Patrick’s parishioners remember
Joseph Attard (now Deacon Joseph) from
Gozo, Malta, as he spent his pastoral year
with us as part of his seminary studies.
Deacon Joseph’s ordination date is set for:
Friday, May 20th at 6 PM at the Gozo Cathedral
His first Mass (and a big feast) will take place on
Saturday, August 13th in his hometown of Zebbug.
Deacon Joseph has asked us all to keep him in our
prayers and those who can travel to Malta are welcome
to attend!
Opportunities to Pray Before
the Blessed Sacrament
Our parish offer several opportunities to pray before
the Blessed Sacrament.
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament — is offered
every Thursday for one hour following the 12:10 PM
First Friday Observance — On the first Friday of
each month, the parish has an Exposition of the
Blessed Sacrament after the 12:10 PM Mass which
concludes with Benediction at 3:00 PM. (Concluding
time can vary due to our wedding schedule. Check
the bulletin.)
Holy Hour — On the third Tuesday of each month,
St. Patrick’s Pro-Life Family hosts a Holy Hour which
includes Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament and
Nocturnal Adoration — On the third Saturday of the
month, Nocturnal Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
begins after the 8:00 PM Saturday Mass. Hourly
vigils are held through the night, concluding with a 6
to 7 AM vigil, followed by
Benediction. The Sunday,
7:30 AM Mass follows.
All are welcome at these
opportunities to pray before
the Blessed Sacrament.
Reflections on the Sunday Scriptures
April 24, 2016
Fifth Sunday of Easter
Readings: Acts 14: 21-27; Revelation 21: 1-5a;
John 13: 31-33a, 34-35
When Judas had left them, Jesus said, “Now is the Son
of Man glorified, and God is glorified in him. If God is
glorified in him, God will also glorify him in himself, and
God will glorify him at once. My children, I will be with
you only a little while longer. I give you a new
commandment: love one another. As I have loved you,
so you also should love one another. This is how all will
know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one
Attention Level 2 Students—For your convenience, copies of the cards on which you write your
gospel reflections will be included in the Sunday
bulletin. Feel free to use the form below and to
make copies. Your reflection may be dropped into
the collection basket as your gift to our parish.
(Please provide your first and last name. Only first
names will be used in the bulletin.)
Focus Questions:
1. In what ways are you challenged to love someone
you find difficult to love?
2. How can you simplify your life so God’s love shows
3. How do you live out Jesus’ command to love one
Children and Family Reflections:
Talk about why it is important to love those who are not
easy to love.
It is Jesus that you seek when you dream of
happiness; He is waiting for you when
nothing else you find satisfies you; He is the
beauty to which you are so attracted; it is He
who provoked you with that thirst for fullness
that will not let you settle for compromise; it
is He who urges you to shed the masks of a
false life; it is He who reads in your heart your
most genuine choices, the choices that others
try to stifle. It is Jesus who stirs in you the
desire to do something great with your lives,
the will to follow an ideal, the refusal to allow
yourselves to be ground down by mediocrity,
the courage to commit yourselves humbly
and patiently to improving yourselves and
society, making the world more human and
more fraternal.
- Pope John Paul II
Something for Seniors meets on the 2nd
and 4th Wednesdays of the month in the
Parish Center (old convent) at 1 PM. Join
us for some fun and friendship! For more
information, call Jerry at 981-9716 or
Barbara at 265-0034.
Words of Wisdom from our Level 2 Students
Second grade students from our Religious Formation Program and our school are asked to read the “Children and Family
Reflection” column in the bulletin and write down their thoughts on cards provided for them. They then drop the cards in
the collection basket on Sunday as their contribution to our parish. Below are a few of their reflections:
Gospel Reading: John 20: 1-9
Children and Family Reflection: Talk about how the disciples must have felt after losing Jesus
and then seeing him alive again.
They were probably so happy and excited to see Jesus again.—Andrew
The disciples felt happy to see Jesus again.—Michael
The disciples felt sad and then happy because Jesus was alive.—Julianna
I think the disciples must have been very sad after losing Jesus. When they saw him alive they must have been
amazed and very happy because they loved Jesus so much.—Michela
They must have been very happy to see their friend. – Keira
The disciples must have felt happy, shocked and scared to see Jesus rise from the dead.—Madeline
I understand that Jesus loves us. I think they felt happy.—Juliette
The disciples must have felt sad when Jesus was not in the tomb but they felt happy because Jesus rose from the
The disciples must have felt sad because they lost their master Jesus. Then they were surprised and very happy to
see Jesus alive again.—Regina
I think that they would be shocked at first. After they got over being shocked, I think they would be very happy and
The disciples must have felt sad but when he rose from the dead they felt very happy.—Caroline
I think the disciples felt sad when Jesus died. And when they saw Jesus alive again they felt happy.—Casey
I think they felt sad because he died and felt happy because he was alive again.—Alyssa
The disciples had many feelings during Easter. They were disappointed when Jesus died. When Jesus came alive the
disciples were surprised. These are some of the feelings that they had.—Casey
I think they were very sad then very happy when they knew they would see him again.—Carter
Gospel Reading: John 21: 1-19
Children and Family Reflection: Jesus served his disciples a meal after his resurrection.
Talk about your family meals. What are the things you enjoy the most about them?
My favorite part is when and how we pray.—Remeely
Spending time with my family and talking about our day.—Connor
What I like about my meals is my family talking about what they did at work or school. We get to laugh and tell about
our days.—Emma
My favorite part of dinner is when we tell each other about our day.—Derek
I like pizza. I like to talk to my family about my day at the dinner table.—Logan
We get to say my favorite prayer: “Thank you God for happy hearts, for rain and sunny weather. Thank you for the
food we eat and that we are all together.”—Lila
I eat dinner with my family every night. I love when we have birthdays or holidays with my whole family (including
cousins, aunts, uncles, Nonna and Grandma). It makes it more fun and special.—Michela
I like sitting around with my family and eating a delicious meal.—Casey
I enjoy family meals because we get to eat and talk about our day.—Meghan
I enjoy getting to talk to my family when we eat together.—Julianna
We talk about our day. We listen to each other.—Sean
My family always makes sure that we eat dinner together. And dinner is the time when we talk about our day. We are
all thankful for all our blessings.– Regina
I like to talk about what I did in school that day. My sister and I talk about video games too.—Christopher
The thing I enjoy about family meals is the memories we have.—Alexa
St. Patrick Youth
CPR training course for coaches will be
offered throughout the year, call the Youth
Office if interested.
Exercise classes on going. $5 fee. All
welcome. Call Cindy at 360-0185 for class
Regarding Sports Parking –Please park only
on east side of the property. Enter sports court
at east gate entrance.
Enrichment/Extended Day Program–Monday
through Friday, 2:30 to 6 PM. Homework help,
arts/crafts, indoor/outdoor gym activities,
snacks, games and more for 3 to 13 year-olds
Three yr old, Pre K extended hours, 8 AM to
2:30 PM. Before/Aftercare also offered. Children
must be pre-registered to attend. Call 7074355. Limited space available.
Music Ministry – Folk Group (grades 6-12),
and Children’s Choir (grades 1-5). Children’s
Choir practice runs from 6:15 to 7 PM in Keegan
Hall and Folk Group from 7:15 to 8:30 PM in the
church. New members welcome! Call 360-0185
for information.
Youth Ministry – Attention high school
students. Please join us for Youth Ministry on
Sunday nights at 6:30 PM in the Parish Center.
Call the Youth Office for details.
Junior Catholic Daughters - JCDA is a young
woman’s service organization. Young women in
grades 6th -11th are welcome. Call the Youth
Office for details. JCDA meets every 3rd
Tuesday of the month in our Modular
Classroom from 6:00 to7:00 PM.
Playtime with Mommy/Caregiver – Children
ages 17 months through 2-years-old. Mondays
& Wednesdays from 9:30 to 10:30 AM.
Separation Class– Two-year-olds, Tuesday &
Thursdays 10 AM to 12 PM. Call Miss Patty for
details at 707-4355.
St. Patrick Learning Center – Tutors for all
areas of study, Pre-K–HS, SAT Prep, etc. NY
certified teachers available Monday through
Friday. Call 724-1261 for information. Catholic
Entrance Exam Prep is available. Contact the
Youth Office.
Spring Deck Hockey –Season begins midMarch. Deadline to register has passed.
Waiting list has begun. Coaches are needed in
some divisions. Call the Youth Office for more
Spring/Summer Basketball League – We are
now taking team registrations for our upcoming
spring/summer season.
This is not an
intramural league. Team fee is $950 plus
official’s fee. For boys in grades 5 to 12
registration deadline has passed. For girls in
grades 4 to 12, registration is due by 5/1. Boys
season starts in May, girls in June. See website
for flyer with details.
Summer Camp –St. Patrick’s summer camp is for children ages 3
to 15. Camp begins June 27th. Visit for
more details.
Vacation Bible School – VBS is available for children ages 3 to 8.
This years theme is Cave Quest. VBS will run the week of August
1st to 5th. Registration will begin soon, and will be on our website.
VIRTUS– All volunteers/coaches are required to attend a VIRTUS
class if they have not done so. On-line registration must be
completed before you attend. See for information and
St. Pat’s Youth web address is:
All program information & registration forms
may be found on the website.
The Youth Office can be reached by email at
Pray for the Sick
Maureen Alagna
Felix Antonucci
Rita Apollaro
Joseph Barone
Judith Bartley
Darlene Bass
Richard Belardo
Mary Lynn Brassil
Michael Carbuccia
Moses Carbuccia
Sandra Chiella
Sam Cioffi
Taylor Rose Clarke
Mary Beth Condon
Sal Congliaro
John Coonan
Stephen Costello
Alex Cozzo
Lois Crowley
Matthew DeGraw
John Michael Dellova
Jimmy Damato
Joseph DiDonato
Shirley Dunn
Joan Every
Marie Fabry
Fred Facompre
Raymond Facompre
Brooke Failla
Patricia Foley
Fran Fontane
Joseph Formichelli
Dennis Foley
Mike Foley
Grace Fragala
Ralph Gallo
Dennis Gartland
Elinor Glasser
Thomas Goldrick & Family
Francine Goldman
Claudio Ghattas
Loretta Harrigan
Bob Heilig
Carole Hennessy
Jonathan Iacovino
Cynthia Kambos
Michael Kelly
Elizabeth Knowd
Br. John Lawrence, OSF
Al Levine
Josephine Licata
Parker Lentini
Matthew Lowney
James M.
Chuck Madden
Megan Madden
Michael C. Maloney
Bobby Malwitz
John Mangiamele
Terrance Martin
Tom Matteo
Helen McDowell
Pat McEnroy
Emily McMahon
Eric Mendola
Theresa O. Moebes
Sheryl Minter
Thomas Mooney
Ron Moran
Anna Morreale
Kathryn Murray
Wendelin Nitz
Jean Noschese
Melissa Ording
Rose Pastore
Brandon Raber
Maria Rametta
Connie Rinaldi
Michael Romano
Jessica Russo
Joanna Scheidel
Suzanne Schmidt
Randy Schnittger
Julie McDowell Scott
Antonio Senande
Teresa Smith
Maryanne Spargue
Lauren Spencer
Donald Stanton
Catherine Tamburino
Kathy Taormina
Emmi (Emerita) Tiedemann
Alejandro V.
Jeffrey Vollmer
Linda Walsh
Steve Ward
James Wiemar
Eva Zalak
Baby Joey Ziegler
Pray for the Dead
Theresa Attianese
Alice Budreau
Marie Kazaliski
Peggy Anne McNulty
Joseph Scariza
Gloria Velia
The St. Patrick’s Bulletin:
A Great Place to Advertise
Did you know that the St. Patrick’s bulletin is printed at no cost to
our parish each week? Not only that, our parish receives a part of the
advertising commission. So please frequent the fine establishments that
advertise in our bulletin!
If your business could use a shot in the arm, consider advertising in the
bulletin. Approximately 3,700 people attend Mass at St. Patrick’s each
weekend, most of whom live and shop in the Smithtown area. It’s an
easy way to reach thousands of area families with information about your
business. For information on how to advertise in our bulletin, call Frank
Capanzano at 631-987-0064.
✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad”
220 WEST Main St.
and Present It The Next Time You
Patronize One of Our Advertisers
Downtown Smithtown
Casa Rustica
(631) 780-6200
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Brian or Sally, coordinators
15 East Main Street • Smithtown, NY 11787
Tel. (631) 509-4033
CST 2117990-70
285 Middle Country Road, Smithtown
Come In and Experience Our Caring Environment
For further information,
please call the Parish Office.
Got Pain?
Community Market
Prime Meats - Poultry
Catering For All Occasions
Picnic's - Bar B-Q's
Corp. Parties
Fresh Pasta & Ravioli's
Auto, Home, Life & Business
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265-5076 Smithtown
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For Relief Call:
(631) 361-5111
59 Landing Ave., Smithtown
Advertising Sales
• Excellent Commission Compensation Program
• Medical Benefits, 401K, Life & Disability Insurance Available
If interested, call Kirk Durham 1.800.524.0263 x209
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Michael O’Neill McGrath, OSFS
an Official Travel
Agency of Apostleship
of the Sea-USA
Consider Remembering
Your Parish in Your Will.
A to Z
Mullen & Iannarone, PC
“Sophiscated Catering For All Occasions”
45 Route 111, Smithtown 979-2000
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59 Rte. 111, Smithtown
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631 361 7050
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931 Middle Country Rd., St. James 724-7000 • 724-2720
Craig Aliperti Wood Floors
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Joseph P. Militello, Esq. - Parishioner 631.524.5565
John A. Baldi CPA, PFS, MBA
260 Middle Country Rd., Smithtown
Thomas R. Scott, B.S., R.Ph. ~ President 631.524.5554
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523 Route 112
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Andrew Monteleone ~ Parishioner
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551 North Country Road, Route 25A
829 Middle Country Rd. (Jericho Tpke.), Route 25
St. James (631) 584-5200
St. James (631) 584-7200
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For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-524-0263

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