inside this issue - Clearwater Regional Chamber of Commerce
inside this issue - Clearwater Regional Chamber of Commerce
GOVERNMENT & MILITARY NEWS MEMBERS IN THE NEWS Hidden Treasures of Clearwater TOURISM Winter’s Dolphin Tale Adventure HISPANIC BUSINESS COUNCIL INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Clearwater - a “Coast Guard City” Featured on the champagne bottle is the original Chamber offfice, 1922 411 Cleveland St. President’s Message 16 01 tow e r r es i d e n c e 2 bedroom / 2 bath $404,900 ($242 sq./ft.) L U X U R Y WAT E R F R O N T L I V I N G C L E A R WAT E R , F LO R I D A appointments encouraged Call Now 727.290.4646 331 Cleveland St. Clearwater, FL 33755 310 p o o l s i d e r es i d e n c e 2 bedroom / 2.5 bath $279,900 ($187 sq./ft.) 2012 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Executive Committee Mike Bell, Board Chair Nick DiCeglie, Chair Elect Jim Watrous, Immediate Past Chair l ast se aso n’s su rprise... t h is s e a s o n ’s m us t h aV e! Kristina Helferty, Treasurer James Nichols, Vice Chair Membership Development Jack Guy, Vice Chair Tourism Steven Rodriguez, Vice Chair Events & Marketing Stan Vittetoe, Vice Chair Business Development Chuck Warrington, Vice Chair Economic Development Carlen Petersen, Vice Chair Government Affairs Bob Clifford, President/CEO Brian Aungst, Jr., Legal Counsel Board of Directors oVer 75% sold. Frenchy’s Rockaway Grill Sandpearl Resort ALT 19 Gulf of Mexico N Gul ar wa 60 te rM em Drew St. or S. S. Gulfv iew Blvd. ial Cleveland St Osceola Clearwater Harbor Coun t y Rd . 183 Sheraton Sand Key N Myrtle Ave. Ca us ew ay Marina Boat Slips Clearwater Pass ALT 19 State Hwy 590 Coachman Park Mytle Ave. Cl e MMyrtle Ave. Bayside Dr. N Myrtle Ave. 60 Brightwater Dr. Clearwater 60 Sand Key Best regards, Bob Clifford President/CEO Clearwater Regional Chamber of Commerce DIVISION PARTNERS Division Partners have made the decision to financially support the Clearwater Regional Chamber of Commerce by not only being our largest contributors, but also by offering their time and talent to our many committees and sponsorships. Their value is immeasurable as they continue to support our community. Their support enables the Chamber to continually bring quality events, educational opportunities and leadership. Graphic Solutions Recreate LOGO 19 R Druid Rd. President’s Council Dru id R d. S . Druid Rd. W. As one of the largest chambers in the Tampa Bay area, we provide services and benefits to our members that help them prosper. Whether you are looking to relocate to this area, open or expand a business or come for a visit, we are ready to assist you. As we enter our 90th year, we take great pride in presenting our new website, logo, branding and Voice of Business publication. Our “Passion for Progress” is reflected in these initiatives. The CRCC is here to support you and grow your business. “No one cares about your business until they care about you”. Join us as we create and build opportunities. Chestnut St. ALT S. Myrtle Ave. ial Ca us ew ay Ave. or d. Blv rce Pie f OVER 75% SOLD. f BESt SELLiNg CONDOmiNium iN PiNELLaS COuNty.* f financing aVail aBle! f fannie m ae and fha approVed! f COmPEtitiVE RatES ON 30-yEaR LOaNS. em N. Ft. Harison Dr. w fvie d. Blv Beachwalk Coron dado Drive Clearwater Hyatt Clearw ate rM S. Ft. Harison Ave. 60 Clearwater Municipal Marina N. Ft . Haris Island Estate Pier 60 Clearwater Beach Devon Don’t miss your chance to take advantage of this incredible opportunity. on Av e. Sea Island S. Ft. Harison Ave. Brand new luxury waterfront and poolside condominiums from the $200s Mandalay Ave. the marina is at your feet. the Beach is in your front yard. the opportunity is at hand. Ed Armstrong Brian Aungst, Sr. Don Cayo Alex Chamberlain Bob Childress Frank Chivas Donald Ewing Chip Falk Scott Goyer Carol Hague Kris Hoce Nancy Longstreth Jay Madhu Chris Maggi Michael Matthews Barbara McCarthy Bobby Mitchell Thomas C. Nash, II Katy Planamenta Bob Roperti Melissa Seixas Chuck Sullivan Tina Tenret Doug Williams Steven Williamson The Clearwater area is a wonderful community to live, work and play. The Clearwater Regional Chamber has been a strong voice - representing businesses, welcoming visitors and supporting leisure pastimes for 90 years. I take great pride in being part of our wonderful team which is made up of our membership, volunteers and staff. They generously give of their time, energy and resources to contribute to the betterment of Clearwater and the Tampa Bay region. ORAL REPRESENTATIONS CANNOT BE RELIED UPON AS CORRECTLY STATING REPRESENTATIONS OF THE SELLER. FOR CORRECT REPRESENTATIONS, MAKE REFERENCE TO THIS AD AND TO THE DOCUMENTS REQUIRED BY SECTION 718.503, FLORIDA STATUTES,TO BE FURNISHED BY A SELLER TO A BUYER OR LESSEE. Prices and availability are subject to change at any time without notice. This project has only been filed in the state of Florida and no other state. This is not an offer to sell, or solicitation of offers to buy, the condominium units in states where such offer or solicitation cannot be made. Prices and availability are subject to change at any time without notice. Actual views may vary. Views shown cannot be relied upon as the actual view from any particular unit within the condominium. Views will differ depending on conditions such as location, skyline and weather. Prospective purchasers should be aware that any view from the condominium property may in the future be limited or eliminated. * This project has been the fastest selling condominium project in Pinellas County since July 2010 when compared to similar condominium projects built after the year 2000 with unit sale prices in excess of $250,000 according to the National Association of Realtors Multiple Listing Service data. join us on: Broker Participation Welcome and Encouraged - Register your buyer and let us do the rest. Holly Duncan Doreen DiPolito Ray Ferrara Bud Elias Bob Passwaters Jim Marshall The Clearwater Regional Chamber of Commerce | VOICE OF BUSINESS 3 90 Years And Growing Hispanic Business Council Contents JANUARY | 2012 By Bob Clifford, President/CEO CRCC 5 90 Years And Growing 05 Hispanic Business Council By Cathy Germer, VP of Business Assistance By Bob Clifford, President/CEO CRCC 07 Government & Military News Congressman Bilirakis meets with local business leaders... By Kathleen Peters, VP of Public Affairs 08 Tourism Winter’s Dolphin Tale Adventure Grand Opening By Loretta Mitchell, Information Specialist Members in the News 08 Hidden Treasures of 6 Clearwater a “Coast Guard City” By Kathleen Peters, VP of Public Affairs Clearwater By Karen Christensen, VP of Membership Relations 09 Trustee Level Members 09 Renewing Members 10 New Trustee Members 10 Ribbon Cuttings Executive Chamber Management/Staff Bob Clifford President/CEO, Ext. 239 Tourism / Business Assistance Cathy Germer VP Business Assistance, Ext. 233 GENERAL INFORMATION For Advertising, General Inquires or Article Submission, please contact Loretta Mitchell at 727-461-0011 • Email: Copyright © 2012 • Clearwater Regional Chamber of Commerce located at 401 Cleveland Street, Clearwater, Florida 33755 • Phone 727-461-0011 • Fax 727-449-2889 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any retrieval system, without the express written permission of the Clearwater Regional Chamber. The CRCC Voice of Business Magazine is published monthly by the Clearwater Regional Chamber of Commerce. The magazine is distributed to member companies and other business entities. The magazine is not available as a subscription to non-members. All information in this publication is believed to be correct at the time of publication. The CRCC does not guarantee that all of the information contained herein is correct nor the absence of errors or omissions. The VOB Magazine is designed and produced by Direct Mail Systems, Inc., 12450 Automobile Blvd., Clearwater, FL 33762 • Phone 727-573-1985. 4 VOICE OF BUSINESS | | JANUARY 2012 Membership Karen G. Christensen Vice President of Membership Relations, Ext 229 Mimi Farley, Member Concierge, Ext 227 Public Affairs Kathleen Peters Vice President Public Affairs, Ext 222 Loretta Mitchell Information Specialist, Ext 223 This year the Clearwater Regional Chamber will be celebrating its 90th Anniversary. Not too many organizations have the honor to serve their membership for that many years. We have certainly had our challenges over the past 90 years, but we continue to support the business community in the Tampa Bay Region at a very high level. As we reflect on our volunteer leadership, you can understand why we have been successful. The walls in our community room display the images of community leaders that have guided us with strength and integrity. This month our Annual Dinner will reflect on our past accomplishments, but more importantly we will be focused on the future, and how to provide greater benefits to our members, partners and community. Alliances and collaboration will help lead the CRCC to play a regional role in business growth, education, transportation and economic development. Our core missions of tourism, community affairs and connectivity are our priorities. The chamber will continue to provide a wide range of service and opportunity from our smallest stake holders to our largest investors. The chamber world continues to evolve. Our goal is to blend the new technologies with proven business practices that have been part of us for the past 90 years. Technology will be the tool to create a Original Chamber office, 1922 sustainable model and relationships will be the connector between our members and partners. The opportunity to lead our superior staff and extremely strong volunteer leadership is a true honor as we celebrate this milestone. Anyone who is a member, has been a member, or filled a leadership role over the past 90 years should feel proud of this milestone. Recently, as I was researching chamber publications to understand what was going to be needed to produce an effective printed publication, I came across the following statement, “NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOUR BUSINESS UNTIL THEY CARE ABOUT YOU.” It has been your chamber’s mission of the past 90 years - and in the next 90 years - to provide you with the opportunities needed to accomplish that. By Cathy Germer, VP of Business Assistance As we head into the New Year it is a good time to recall some events of past years. Many of you may not know that the Chamber’s Hispanic Business Council was established in 2009 as the Clearwater Regional Chamber of Commerce realized the importance of reaching out to the Hispanic businesses as a valuable and important force of the business community. Did you know…..the number of Hispanic-owned businesses in the US is expected to grow 41.8% in the next six years to 4.3 million with total revenues surging 39% to more than $539 billion. Spurred by growing entrepreneurial trends and affluence among the nation’s largest minority population the increase is expected to come at a rate of 8.5 and 8.7% respectfully over the next couple of years. Without the tremendous efforts of the Hispanic Business Council we would not have been able to provide the networking, educational and community events and activities we have sponsored of the past three years. The Hispanic Business Council members are Lourdes Mayorga, Chairperson – Florida Bank; Pilar Ortiz – TV Media Group; Robin Gomez & Katerini Gerakios – City of Clearwater; Michelle Velez – Velez Consulting; Andrea Trendy – Best Buy; Edith Yizcarra – Sagicor Life Insurance and Sandra Lyth – Hispanic Outreach Center. Quarterly we sponsor community events and monthly we hold the Hispanic Business Connection networking event on the second Wednesday of each month from 5:30pm to 8pm. This event is held at a different Chamber member restaurant to promote that business. Last year we held two large community events to celebrate Hispanic Heritage. One in May supported by the City of Clearwater and one in September sponsored by the Best Buy store on US 19 & Drew, both great partners in our Hispanic outreach efforts. ALL OF THESE EVENTS ARE OPEN TO EVERYONE - SO IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN EXPANDING YOUR BUSINESS CONNECTIONS AND REFERRAL BASE – WE WELCOME YOU TO PARTICIPATE IN THESE EVENTS. If you would like any additional information or want to know how you can become involved please contact me: cgermer@ or at 727-461-0011 ext. 233. The Clearwater Regional Chamber of Commerce | VOICE OF BUSINESS 5 The Coast Guard City Program recognizes the communities that support Team Coast Guard across the nation. A city earns the distinction by making special efforts to acknowledge the professional work of the Coast Guard men and women assigned to its area. Coast Guard Cities regularly reach out to Coast Guard personnel and their families and make them feel welcome to their “home away from home.” With more than 700 active duty Coast Guard personnel located throughout Clearwater and neighboring communities, the City recognizes the important symbiotic relationship between the Coast Guard and the Community. The Coast Guard plays a critical role in the safety and well-being of Clearwater’s residents and is a vital element of the City’s citizenry and culture. Clearwater is the First Florida City to be Designated a “Coast Guard City” By Kathleen Peters, VP of Public Affairs The New Year brings Florida’s first Coast Guard City. The City of Clearwater will be bestowed the honor to be designated a Coast Guard City with a formal presentation from Admiral Papp, the Commandant of the US Coast Guard at a community event on January 27. Clearwater will be the thirteenth city in the United States to have this distinction. On November 13, 1998, Congress enacted a law that allowed cities and counties to be designated “Coast Guard City” at the discretion of the Coast Guard Commandant. The law requires a 90-day notice of intent from the Commandant to the two authorizing congressional committees whenever a new Coast Guard City is named. 6 VOICE OF BUSINESS | | JANUARY 2012 It is through the efforts of the local business community that Clearwater has been able to reach out to Team Coast Guard in a meaningful way. The CRCC is proud to welcome every new transferee with a welcome packet inclusive of a visitor’s and relocation guide, a recreation guide, information to access local schools and coupons and gift certificates to local businesses. We also take great pride in hosting several events in August to recognize the birthday of the Coast Guard. Events such as the Annual Birthday Bash and the Softball Challenge give us the opportunity to collaborate with many corporate partners to honor and thank our Coast Guard service men and women for their commitment to the safety and wellbeing of our community, residents, and visitors. Government & Military News Congressman Bilirakis meets with local business leaders to better understand the plight of small business By Kathleen Peters, VP of Public Affairs The Clearwater Regional Chamber of Commerce hosted a small business round table discussion with Congressman Gus Bilirakis on Monday, November 7, 2011 at the Phillies conference room located at Bright House Field. Business executives and owners were on hand to discuss federal legislation that prohibits small business development. The purpose of the round table discussion was to bring federal issues to the forefront that prohibit, restrict or provide barriers to the advancement and establishment of small business. Participants discussed issues relating to federal law that are costly, cumbersome or prohibitive to growing or expanding business. “It is critical for Congress to truly understand what is happening at the front lines of small business” said Bob Clifford, President/CEO of the Chamber. “Small business establishment and growth have traditionally been the strategy to balance unemployment and spur economic recovery. We must ensure that unnecessary regulations and legislation do not prohibit small business development.” Participating businesses represented at the round table discussion included: Connelly, Carlisle, Fields & Nichols Insurance; Gulf Coast Consulting; Clearwater Gas System; D-Mar General Contracting; Haruspex; Sun Country Cleaners; Solar Sanitation, Handyman Matters; Johnson, Pope, Bokor, Ruppel & Burns; and the Clearwater Regional Chamber of Commerce. For 75 years Clearwater residents have relied on the guardianship of Coast Guard Air Station Clearwater and Coast Guard Station Sand Key to ensure public safety. We Connect Business with Consumers CRCC salutes our US Coast Guard and congratulates the City of Clearwater. For over three decades, DMS has been a proud and productive partner of the Greater Clearwater community by helping countless area businesses – large and small – achieve measurable results from their marketing initiatives. Other cities designated a Coast Guard City include: Grand Haven, MI Eureka , CA Mobile , AL Wilmington , NC Newport , OR Alameda, CA Kodiak, AK Rockland, ME Portsmouth, VA Traverse City, MI Astoria, OR Sitka, AK November 13, 1998 June 3, 2000 July 4, 2002 July 25, 2003 March 28, 2005 April 14, 2006 September 15, 2007 June 16, 2008 November 17, 2009 April 7, 2010 May 1, 2010 February 14, 2011 With all of our operations under one roof we have developed a reputation for delivering highly effective direct mail campaigns that are consistently on time, on target, and on budget. Our time-tested and proven services are a great way to help your business: Generate Leads Grow Your Customer Base Boost Sales Contact us today for a “No Hassle” evaluation of your marketing needs. Phone: 727.573.1985, ext. 155 Email: Web: 12450 Automobile Blvd. Clearwater, FL 33762 The Clearwater Regional Chamber of Commerce | VOICE OF BUSINESS 7 Tourism Thank you to all of our Trustee and Renewing Members! Winter’s Dolphin Tale Adventure Grand Opening Trustee Level Members By Loretta Mitchell, Information Specialist Following the success of the film Dolphin Tale, the 3-D major motion picture about Clearwater Marine Aquarium’s famous tail-less dolphin resident, Winter, Clearwater Marine Aquarium has expanded into the Cleveland Street District of Historic Downtown Clearwater’s Harborview Center with an authentic behind the scenes experience of the #1 box office hit. What was just months ago a shell of a former department store has been transformed into “Winter’s Dolphin Tale Adventure.” This is a fun and educational attraction that will include re-built scenes, movie images, and a variety of actual props used and filmed in Dolphin Tale, all donated by Alcon Entertainment. Your adventure will also include an interactive kid’s area, Winter’s true tail history, a new and expanded retail store and more. You may purchase your Dolphin Tale Adventure tickets on location or at CMA where combo packages to both attractions will be sold that also include dedicated Jolley Trolley transportation from one location to the other. Visit: adventure to find out all about this new attraction in the Cleveland Street District. Located at The Harborview Center - 300 Cleveland St. Clearwater, FL 33755 Members in the News Hidden Treasures of Clearwater By Karen Christensen, VP of Membership Relations There are so many hidden treasures in Clearwater and in Pinellas County, but the one that jumps out at me is our very own Francis Wilson Playhouse at 302 Seminole Street on Clearwater Bay. As a little girl of 5 yrs. old outside Philadelphia I remember seeing my first play, “The King and I” at the Valley Forge Playhouse. Strangely enough, Francis Wilson was born in Philadelphia in 1854, 99 years before me! When you walk into Francis Wilson Playhouse 8 you are immediately transported back in time to a lovely community playhouse. The architecture is fabulous and it has been recently redecorated in a grand style. During renovations there were hidden windows found, hidden treasures and just a really cool history discovered throughout the building and the stage. Who was Francis Wilson you ask? He was an entertainer, actor and someone with a great sense of humor. He traveled the country and starred on Broadway. At a recent Flag Pole ceremony I heard that when he opened the playhouse, VOICE OF BUSINESS | | JANUARY 2012 the Clearwater Chamber sold their tickets! The Chamber is 90 years old in 2012 and Francis Wilson Playhouse is 82 years old. Wouldn’t Francis be proud that the Chamber and his Playhouse are still going strong and continue to have a great partnership! Check out this incredible hidden treasure in Clearwater for yourself. Visit their website at Better yet, go there in person and drink in the history! Hooters Management Corp. Hyatt Regency Clearwater Beach Resort & Spa Imperial Palms Apartments Jiffy Reprographics JK Flowers JoTo Extreme PR Kathryn Welsh Kathy L. Anderson, DO, PA Kinnear K. Smith, P. A. Kwall, Showers & Barack, PA Learning Center Lokey Infiniti/Mercedes/SmartCar Marriott Suites Clearwater Beach on Sand Key McFarland, Gould, Lyons, Sullivan & Hogan, P. A. Mease Countryside Hospital Mease Dunedin Hospital Morgan Tire & Auto/Tires Plus Morton Plant Hospital No Burn Sport Screen Palms of Largo Pete & Shorty’s Pinellas Management Consultants Prestige Leader Development Provident Advertising Regal Palms Royal Palms Ruth Eckerd Hall A-1 Contract Staffing & A-1 Temps Able Palms Home & Health Care Services Action Coach Pinellas Anti-Pesto Bugkillers Bargain Signs & Wraps BB&T BNI and the Referral Institute Bonsai Holistic Spa Bovo-Tighe, LLC Carrabba’s Italian Grill CBS Outdoor Advertising Chart House Suites Clearwater Jazz Holiday, Inc. Costco Wholesale Creative Contractors, Inc. Creative Design Team Cypress Palms Data America DEX Imaging Inc. EasyLiving, Inc. Fifth Third Bank Find and Convert Haruspex Hilton Clearwater Beach Resort Holiday Inn & Suites Clearwater Beach Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites Harbourside Homeowners Choice, Inc. Sabal Palms Health Care Center Sandpearl Resort Sheraton Sand Key Resort Silver Palms Solace Insurance Sun Country Cleaners Suncoast Hospice SunTrust Bank of Tampa Bay Tampa Bay Lightning Tampa Bay Multimedia Tampa Bay Rays Tampa Bay Times The Capitol Theatre The Sports Facilities Advisory Think Direct Marketing Group Transamerica Financial Advisors, INC. TV Net Media Group, LLC UV Time Out, LLC Villas of Belleair Visionary Studio, Inc. Wallace Financial Westfield Countryside WorkNet Pinellas Zeno Office Solutions, Inc. ZENZEN WINES USA Current Renewing Members 2-1-1 Tampa Bay Cares Ameri-Tech Community Management, Inc. Apartment Finder Magazine Around the Clock Fitness Arrow Environmental Services Bestway Lawn Care Bobby’s Bistro & Wine Bar Bovo-Tighe, LLC Cardno TBE Carr, Riggs & Ingram, LLC Cash America Chiropractic Health Center, Inc./Dr. Albert Gadomski Clear Financial Company Clearwater Arts Alliance, Inc. Clearwater Plumbing Inc. Clearwater Residence Inn Colliers Arnold Commons, Richard C, PA, CPA Curves - Clearwater DEX Imaging Inc. Donovan Marine Inc. Everest University Fibrenew-Clearwater Grow Financial Federal Credit Union Instrument Transformers, Inc. Jack Joyner Heating & Air Conditioning John’s Pass Village and Boardwalk Jos. A. Bank Clothiers Maggi Tax Advisory & Insurance Services Mainstreet Apartments Metal Industries, Inc. Morgan Tire & Auto/Tires Plus Moss Feaster Funeral Homes National Aviation Academy Orthopaedic Associates of West Florida Palm Pavilion Panera Bread - Countryside Pinellas County Economic Development Pinellas Management Consultants PostcardMania Pure Air Control Services Regions Bank Reliable Movers & Storage Ruth Eckerd Hall Salvador Dali Museum Sandpearl Resort Sea Captain Resort on the Bay Select Financial Services Signature Flight Support Tampa Bay Business Journal Tampa Bay Times Tampa Bay Veterans Alliance TRI-GLO, Inc. Wallace Financial West Coast Copiers Yacht Starship Yellow Cab / Metro Cars The Clearwater Regional Chamber of Commerce | VOICE OF BUSINESS 9 Ribbon Cuttings WHY BE A CHAMBER MEMBER? Contact us if you are celebrating a grand opening, anniversary or relocation at 727.461.0011. • We offer fantastic and cost effective advertising opportunities . - Member to Member page that reaches over 2,100 people every other week . - Advertise in the Voice of Business Magazine Clearwater Gas System 711 Maple St. , Clearwater, FL 33755 GattiTown 1560 N. McMullen Booth Rd. Clearwater, FL 33759 Humane Society of Pinellas, Inc. 3040 State Rd 590, Clearwater, Fl. 33759 - Advertise at the Clearwater Beach Welcome Center - Advertise in our Community and Visitor Guides - Advertise on our map • Our Ambassador Bag program has been a smashing success! Include something of value from your company; maybe a coupon or promotional item highlighting your business or service. They are delivered to our new and renewing members. Katherine Jones State Farm 575 S. Hercules Ave., Clearwater, FL 33764 Lokey Infiniti/Mercedes/SmartCar 19820 US Hwy 19 N, Clearwater, FL 33764 • For Silver Memberships and above - recieve your choice of either the Chamber’s current Membership list in an excel format once a year; or receive the weekly relocation and/or visitor requests in an excel format (does not include email addresses or fax numbers). Lists may also be purchased. • Assistance with grants and business plans. SCORE representative from USF offers help with grants, business plans and answering your questions to take your business to the next level. • Provide an office for a meeting, depending on our schedule we can make a room available for you to meet your client here. Pinellas Federal Credit Union 4770 140th Ave North Suite 401 Clearwater, Fl. 33762 Pine Berry Senior Apartments 1225 S. Highland Ave. Clearwater, FL 33756 The Clearwater Regional Chamber of Commerce is changing the way we do business in Tampa Bay, one introduction at a time. Let us help you make the right connections, connect those dots and help save you time and money while introducing you to potential business partners. We are here to help you and it is our pleasure to have you as part of our family. We offer many networking events, ribbon cuttings, multi-chamber meetings and the list goes on and on. Check out the website for upcoming special events, or call for help with navigating what events would be good choices for your business needs. Postal Annex 2520 N McMullen Booth Rd. Clearwater, Fl. 33761 Visionary Studio, Inc. 6315 Anderson Rd, Tampa, FL 33634 We would like to welcome our Newest Trustee Members To advertise call 727-461-0011 10 VOICE OF BUSINESS | | JANUARY 2012 Bovo-Tighe, LLC Kwall, Showers & Barack, PA Pinellas Management Consultants Think Direct Marketing Group Villas of Belleair and Wallace Financial If you have any questions please feel free to contact your membership consultant today! Call (727) 461-0011 401 Cleveland St • Clearwater FL 33755 · P (727) 461-0011· F (727) 449-2889 PRESORT STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT #894 ST. PETERSBURG, FL 401 Cleveland Street Clearwater, FL 33755 When it comes time to build or remodel, Think green, think Natural Gas Natural is one of Design andgas Production When it comes time to build or remodel, the cleanest and most Think green, think Natural Gas efficientClearwater, formsFL of energy available today. Its Natural gas is one of quality, level of comfort the cleanest and most and convenience make efficient forms of energy naturaltoday. gas highly available Its recommended by quality, level of comfort builders, andarchitects, convenience make natural gas highly restaurant owners and recommended bychefs. professional When it comes time to build or remodel, Think green, think Natural Gas architects, builders, Natural gas is one of the cleanest and most efficient forms of energy available today. Its quality, levelrestaurant of comfortowners and and professional convenience make natural gas highly recommended bychefs. architects, builders, restaurant owners and professional chefs. For more information on Natural Gas and its commercial and residential applications, visit For more information on Natural Gas and its commercial and residential applications, visit For more information about Natural Gas for residential and commercial applications, visit Natural and Propane gas (727) 562-4980 Natural and Propane gas 711562-4980 Maple Street, Clearwater, FL 33755 (727) 711 Maple Street, Clearwater, FL 33755
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