Cellular Networks - UTC


Cellular Networks - UTC
Cellular Networks
Cellular networks - history
 Radio communication was invented by Nikola Tesla and
Guglielmo Marconi: in 1893, Nikola Tesla made the first
public demonstration of wireless (radio) telegraphy;
Guglielmo Marconi conducted long distance (oversea)
telegraphy 1897
In 1940 the first walkie-talkie was used by the US military
In 1947, John Bardeen and Walter Brattain from AT&T’s Bell
Labs invented the transistor (semiconductor device used to
amplify and switch electronic signals)
AT&T introduced commercial radio comm.: car phone – two
way radio link to the local phone network
In 1979 the first commercial cellular phone service was
launched by the Nordic Mobile Telephone (in Finland,
Sweden, Norway, Denmark).
Cellular systems generations
 1G (first generation) – voice-oriented systems
based on analog technology; ex.: Advanced
Mobile Phone Systems (AMPS) and cordless
 2G (second generation) – voice-oriented systems
based on digital technology; more efficient and
used less spectrum than 1G; ex.: Global System
for Mobile (GSM) and US Time Division Multiple
Access (US-TDMA)
 3G (third generation) – high-speed voice-oriented
systems integrated with data services; ex.:
General Packet Radio Service (GPRS), Code
Division Multiple Access (CDMA)
 4G (fourth generation) – based on Internet
protocol networks, provides voice, data and
multimedia service to subscribers
Frequency reuse
 is a method used by service providers to improve
the efficiency of a cellular network and to serve
millions of subscribers using a limited radio
 is based on the fact that after a distance a radio
wave gets attenuated and the signal falls bellow a
point where it can no longer be used or cause any
 a transmitter transmitting in a specific frequency
range will have only a limited coverage area
 beyond this coverage area, that frequency can be
reused by another transmitter
Network Cells
 the entire network coverage area is divided into cells
based on the principle of frequency reuse
a cell = basic geographical unit of a cellular network;
is the area around an antenna where a specific
frequency range is used; is represented graphically
as a hexagonal shape, but in reality it is irregular in
when a subscriber moves to another cell, the antenna
of the new cell takes over the signal transmission
a cluster is a group of adjacent cells, usually 7 cells;
no frequency reuse is done within a cluster
the frequency spectrum is divided into sub-bands and
each sub-band is used within one cell of the cluster
in heavy traffic zones cells are smaller, while in
isolated zones cells are larger
Network cells (2)
Types of cells
 macrocell – their coverage is large (aprox. 6 miles
in diameter); used in remote areas, high-power
transmitters and receivers are used
 microcell – their coverage is small (half a mile in
diameter) and are used in urban zones; lowpowered transmitters and receivers are used to
avoid interference with cells in another clusters
 picocell – covers areas such as building or a tunnel
Other cellular concepts
 handover = moving a call from one zone (from
the transmitter-receiver from one zone) to
another zone due to subscriber’s mobility
 roaming = allowing the subscriber to
send/receive calls outside the service
provider’s coverage area
Multiple access schemes
Frequency Division Multiple Access
Time Division Multiple Access
Code Division Multiple Access
- when the subscriber enters another
cell a unique frequency is assigned to
him; used in analog systems
- each subscriber is assigned a time slot
to send/receive a data burst; is used in
digital systems
- each subscriber is assigned a code
which is used to multiply the signal sent
or received by the subscriber
The control channel
 this channel is used by a cellular phone to indicate
its presence before a frequency/time slot/code is
allocated to him
Cellular services
 voice communication
 Short Messaging Service (SMS)
 Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS)
 Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) – to access
the Internet
Cellular network components
Cellular network components (2)
 BTS (Base Transceiver Station) – main component of
a cell and it connects the subscribers to the cellular
network; for transmission/reception of information it
uses several antennas spread across the cell
 BSC (Base Station Controller) – it is an interface
between BTSs and it is linked to BTSs by cable or
microwave links; it routes calls between BTSs; it is
also connected to the MSC
 MSC (Mobile Switching Center) – the coordinator of a
cellular network, it is connected to several BSCs, it
routes calls between BSCs; links the cellular network
with other networks like PSTN through fiber optics,
microwave or copper cable
Components of a cellular phone
(MSU – Mobile Subscriber Unit)
 radio transceiver – low power radio transmitter and
 antenna, usually located inside the phone
 control circuitry – formats the data sent to and from
the BTS; controls signal transmission and reception
 man-machine interface – consists from a keypad
and a display; is managed by the control circuitry
 Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) – integrated
circuit card that stores the identity information of
 battery, usually Li-ion, the power unit of the phone
Global System for Mobile
Communication (GSM)
GSM characteristics
 previous standard in cellular communication were
GSM – global digital standard for cellular phones
that offered roaming facility
first named Groupe Special Mobile and used in
Europe; then usage extended to other continents
GSM operate in frequency bands: 900MHz, 1800
MHz, 1900 MHz
GSM provides voice and data services
Subscriber Identity Module (SIM)
 SIM – a memory card (integrated circuit) holding
identity information, phone book etc.
 GSM system support SIM cards
 other systems, like CDMA do not support SIM cards,
but have something similar called Re-Usable
Identification Module (RUIM)
International Mobile Equipment Identity
 IMEI – a unique 15 digit number identifying each
phone, is incorporated in the cellular phone by the
 IMEI ex.: 994456245689001
 when a phone tries to access a network, the service
provider verifies its IMEI with a database of stolen
phone numbers; if it is found in the database, the
service provider denies the connection
 the IMEI is located on a white sticker/label under the
battery, but it can also be displayed by typing *#06#
on the phone
International Mobile Subscriber Identity
 IMSI – a 15-digit unique number provided by the
service provider and incorporated in the SIM card
which identifies the subscriber
 IMSI enables a service provider to link a phone
number with a subscriber
 first 3 digits of the IMSI are the country code
Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity
 TMSI – is a temporary number, shorter than the
IMSI, assigned by the service provider to the phone
on a temporary basis
 TMSI key identifies the phone and its owner in the
cell it is located; when the phone moves to a
different cell it gets a new TMSI key
 as TMSI keys are shorter than IMSI keys they are
more efficient to send
 TMSI key are used for securing GSM networks
GSM Architecture
Base Station Subsystem (BSS)
GSM Architecture
HLR, VLR and EIR registers
 Home Location Register (HLR) - is a database
maintained by the service provider containing
permanent data about each subscriber (i.e. location,
activity status, account status, call forwarding
preference, caller identification preference)
 Visitor Location Register (VLR) – database that stores
temporary data about a subscriber; it is kept in the
MSC of the of the area the subscriber is located in;
when the subscriber moves to a new area the new
MSC requests this VLR from the HLR of the old MSC
 Equipment Identity Register (EIR) – database located
near the MSC and containing information identifying
cell phones
GSM Architecture
Authentication Center (AuC)
 1st level security mechanism for a GSM cellular
 is a database that stores the list of authorized
subscribers of a GSM network
 it is linked to the MSC and checks the identity of each
user trying to connect
 also provides encryption parameters to secure a call
made in the network
GSM Architecture
Mobile Switching Center (MSC)
 is a switching center of the GSM network;
coordinates BSCs linked to it
GSM Channels
GSM Access Scheme and Channel Structure
 GSM uses FDMA and TDMA to transmit voice and data
 the uplink channel between the cell phone and the
BTS uses FDMA and a specific frequency band
 the downlink channel between the BTS and the cell
phone uses a different frequency band and the TDMA
 there is sufficient frequency separation between the
uplink freq. band and the downlink freq. band to
avoid interference
 each uplink and downlink frequency bands is further
split up as Control Channel (used to set up and
manage calls) and Traffic Channel (used to carry
GSM Channels
GSM uplink/downlink frequency bands used
GSM Frequency
Uplink/BTS Transmit Downlink/BTS Receive
900 MHz
935-960 MHz
890-915 MHz
1800 MHz
1805-1880 MHz
1710-1785 MHz
1900 MHz
1930-1990 MHz
1850-1910 MHz
GSM Channels
GSM uplink/downlink frequency bands
 uplink and downlink take place in different time
slots using TDMA
 uplink and downlink channels have a bandwidth of
25 MHz
 these channels are further split up in a 124 carrier
frequencies (1 control channels and the rest as
traffic channels); each carrier frequency is spaced
200 KHz apart to avoid interference
 these carrier frequencies are further divided by time
using TDMA and each time slot lasts for 0.577 ms
GSM Channels
GSM Control Channel
 is used to communicate management data (setting
up calls, location) between BTS and the cell phone
within a GSM cell
 only data is exchanged through the control channel
(no voice)
 a specific frequency from the frequency band
allocated to a cell and a specific time slot are
allocated for the control channel (beacon frequency);
a single control channel for a cell
 GSM control channels can have the following types:
 broadcast channel
 common control channel
 dedicated control channel
GSM Channels
Broadcast Channel
 type of control channel used for the initial
synchronization between the cell phone and the BTS
 includes:
 Frequency Correction Channel (FCCH) – is composed
from a sequence of 148 zeros transmitted by the
 Synchronization Channel (SCH) – follows the FCCH
and contains BTS identification and location
 Broadcast Control Channel (BCCH) – contains the
frequency allocation information used by cell phones
to adjust their frequency to that of the network; is
continuously broadcasted by the BTS
GSM Channels
Common Control Channels
 type of control chan. used for call initiation
 is composed of:
Paging Channel (PCH) – the BTS uses this channel to
inform the cell phone about an incoming call; the cell
phone periodically monitors this channel
 Random Access Channel (RACH) – is an uplink channel
used by the cell phone to initiate a call; the cell phone
uses this channel only when required; if 2 phones try
to access the RACH at the same time, they cause
interference and will wait a random time before they
try again; once a cell phone correctly accesses the
RACH, BTS send an acknowledgement
 Access Grant Channel (AGCH) – channel used to set up
a call; once the cell phone has used PCH or RACH to
receive or initiate a call, it uses AGCH to communicate
to the BTS
GSM Channels
Dedicated Control Channels
 control channel used to manage calls
 is comprised from:
Standalone Dedicated Control Channel (SDCCH) – used
along with SACCH to send and receive messages; relays
signalling information
 Slow Associated Control Channel (SACCH) – on the
downlink BTS broadcasts messages of the beacon
frequency of neighboring cells to the cell phones; on the
uplink BTS receives acknowledgement messages from
the cell phone
 Fast Associated Control Channel (FACCH) – used to
transmit unscheduled urgent messages; FACCH is faster
than SACCH as it can carry 50 messages per second,
while SACCH can carry only 4.
GSM Channels
Traffic Channel
 is used to carry voice data
 based on the TDMA the traffic (voice channel) is
divided in 8 different time slots numbered from 0 to 7
 the BTS sends signals to a particular cell phone in a
specific time slot (from those 8 time slots) and the
cell phone replies in a different time slot
GSM Operations
GSM Call Processing: initializing a call
1. when the cell phone is turned on it scans all the available frequencies
for the control channel
2. all the BTS in the area transmit the FCCH, SCH and BCCH that
contain the BTS identification and location
3. out of available beacon frequencies from the neighboring BTSs, the
cell phone chooses the strongest signal
4. based on the FCCH of the strongest signal, the cell phone tunes itself
to the frequency of the network
5. the phone sends a registration request to the BTS
6. the BTS sends this registration request to the MSC via the BSC
7. the MSC queries the AUC and EIR databases and based on the reply
it authenticates the cell phone
8. the MSC also queries the HLR and VLR databases to check whether
the cell is in its home area or outside
9. if the cell phone is in its home area the MSC gets all the necessary
information from the HLR if it is not in its home area, the VLR gets
the information from the corresponding HLR via MSCs
10. then the cell phone is ready to receive or make calls.
GSM Operations
GSM Call Processing: making a call
1. when the phone needs to make a call it sends an access request
(containing phone identification, number) using RACH to the BTS;
if another cell phone tries to send an access request at the same
time the messages might get corrupted, in this case both cell
phones wait a random time interval before trying to send again
2. then the BTS authenticates the cell phone and sends an
acknowledgement to the cell phone
3. the BTS assigns a specific voice channel and time slot to the cell
phone and transmits the cell phone request to the MSC via BSC
4. the MSC queries HLR and VLR and based on the information
obtained it routes the call to the receiver’s BSC and BTS
5. the cell phone uses the voice channel and time slot assigned to it
by the BTS to communicate with the receiver
Making a call (2)
GSM Operations
GSM Call Processing: receiving a call
1. when a request to deliver a call is made in the network, the MSC
or the receiver’s home area queries the HLR; if the cell phone is
located in its home area the call is transferred to the receiver; if
the cell phone is located outside its home area, the HLR maintains
a record of the VLR attached to the cell phone
2. based on this record, the MSC notes the location of the VLR and
indicated the corresponding BSC about the incoming call
3. the BSC routes the call to the particular BTS which uses the
paging channel to alert the phone
4. the receiver cell phone monitors the paging channel periodically
and once it receives the call alert from the BTS it responds to the
5. the BTS communicates a channel and a time slot for the cell
phone to communicate
6. now the call is established
GSM Security
 Personal Identification Number (PIN)
 User Authentication
 TMSI-based Security
GSM Security
Personal Identification Number (PIN)
 the PIN is stored on the SIM card of the cell phone
 when the cell phone is turned on, the SIM checks the PIN;
in case of 3 consecutive faulty PIN inputs a PUK (Personal
Unblocking Key) is asked for
 in case of 10 faulty PUK inputs, the SIM is locked and the
subscriber must ask a new SIM
 this security measure is within the cell phone and the
service provider is not involved
GSM Security
User Authentication
a mechanism for encrypting messages in a GSM network
the network sends random data to the cell phone (RAND)
each cell phone is allocated a secret key (KI)
using RAND and KI and the A3 encryption algorithm the
cell phone generates a signed result (SRES) which is then
sent to the network
 a similar process takes place in the network which
generates a signed result specific to the cell phone
 the network compares its SRES with the SRES generated
by the phone and in case of a match the cell phone is
connected to the network
GSM Security
TMSI-Key Based Security
 is most used in a GSM cellular network
 a TMSI key provides a temporary identification to a cell
phone and is provided by the network upon authentication
 a TMSI key keeps changing according to the location of the
cell phone this way preventing unauthorized access to a
channel and preventing intruder from tracing location
 the mapping between IMSI and TMSI keys is handled by
the VLR
 IMSI are used only when the SIM is used for the first time
Evolution: From 2G to 3G
Evolution : From 2G to 3G
Primary Requirements of a 3G Network
 Fully specified and world-widely valid,
Major interfaces should be standardized and open.
 Supports multimedia and all of its components.
 Wideband radio access.
 Services must be independent from radio access
technology and is not limited by the network
Standardization of
WCDMA Air Interface, Main Parameters
Multiple Access Method
Duplexing Method
Base Station Synchronization
Asychronous Operation
Channel Separation
Chip Rate
3.84 Mcps
Frame Length
10 ms
Service Multiplexing
Multiple Services with different QoS
Requirements Multiplexed on one
Multirate Concept
Variable Spreading Factor and
Coherent, using Pilot Symbols or
Common Pilot
Multiuser Detection, Smart
Supported by Standard, Optional in
UMTS System Architecture
Node B
Node B
External Networks
Node B
Node B
UMTS Bearer Services
End-to-End Service
TE/MT Local
Bearer Sevice
UMTS Bearer Service
External Bearer
Radio Access Bearer
CN Bearer
Radio Bearer
Iu Bearer
Network Service
Physical Bearer
UMTS QoS Classes
Traffic class
Preserve time
relation between
entities of the
Preserve time
entities of the
Destination is
not expecting
the data within
a certain time
Web browsing,
network games
Preserve data
pattern (stringent
and low delay)
Example of the Voice,
video games
Preserve data
download of
Code division
Courtesy of Suresh Goyal & Rich Howard
Code division
Courtesy of Suresh Goyal & Rich Howard
Code division
Courtesy of Suresh Goyal & Rich Howard
Code division
Courtesy of Suresh Goyal & Rich Howard
WCDMA Air Interface
Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum
User 1
User N
Multipath Delay Profile
 Frequency Reuse Factor = 1
Variable Spreading Factor (VSF)
Spreading : 256
User 1
Spreading : 16
 5 MHz Wideband Signal allows
Multipath Diversity with Rake
User 2
 VSF Allows Bandwidth on Demand.
Lower Spreading Factor requires Higher
SNR, causing Higher Interference in
WCDMA Air Interface
Mapping of Transport Channels and Physical Channels
Broadcast Channel (BCH)
Forward Access Channel (FACH)
Primary Common Control Physical Channel (PCCPCH)
Secondary Common Control Physical Channel (SCCPCH)
Paging Channel (PCH)
Random Access Channel (RACH)
Physical Random Access Channel (PRACH)
Dedicated Channel (DCH)
Dedicated Physical Data Channel (DPDCH)
Dedicated Physical Control Channel (DPCCH)
Downlink Shared Channel (DSCH)
Physical Downlink Shared Channel (PDSCH)
Common Packet Channel (CPCH)
Physical Common Packet Channel (PCPCH)
Synchronization Channel (SCH)
Highly Differentiated Types of Channels
enable best combination of Interference
Reduction, QoS and Energy Efficiency,
Common Pilot Channel (CPICH)
Acquisition Indication Channel (AICH)
Paging Indication Channel (PICH)
CPCH Status Indication Channel (CSICH)
Collision Detection/Channel Assignment Indicator Channel
Codes in WCDMA
 Channelization Codes (=short code)
 Used for
channel separation from the single source in downlink
separation of data and control channels from each other in the uplink
Same channelization codes in every cell / mobiles and therefore
the additional scrambling code is needed
 Scrambling codes (=long code)
 Very long (38400 chips = 10 ms =1 radio frame), many codes
 Does not spread the signal
 Uplink: to separate different mobiles
 Downlink: to separate different cells
 The correlation between two codes (two mobiles/Node Bs) is low
Not fully orthogonal
UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access Network, Overview
Two Distinct Elements:
Base Stations (Node B)
Radio Network Controllers (RNC)
1 RNC and 1+ Node Bs are group together
to form a Radio Network Sub-system (RNS)
Handles all Radio-Related Functionality
Node B
Node B
Soft Handover
Radio Resources Management Algorithms
Maximization of the commonalities of the
PS and CS data handling
Node B
Node B
Logical Roles of the RNC
Controlling RNC (CRNC)
Responsible for the load and
congestion control of its own cells
Serving RNC (SRNC)
Terminates : Iu link of user data,
Radio Resource Control Signalling
Performs : L2 processing of data
to/from the radio interface, RRM
operations (Handover, Outer Loop
Power Control)
Node B
Node B
Node B
Node B
Node B
Node B
Node B
Drift RNC (DRNC)
Performs : Macrodiversity
Combining and splitting
Node B
C Iur
Node B
Node B
Core Network
Core Network, Release ‘99
Mobile Switching Centre (MSC)
Switching CS transactions
Holds a copy of the visiting user’s
service profile, and the precise info
of the UE’s location
The switch that connects to
external networks
PS Domain:
Serving GPRS Support Node (SGSN)
Gateway MSC (GMSC)
Visitor Location Register (VLR)
CS Domain:
Similar function as MSC/VLR
Gateway GPRS Support Node (GGSN)
Similar function as GMSC
External Networks
Register :
Home Location Register (HLR)
Stores master copies of
users service profiles
Stores UE location on the
level of MSC/VLR/SGSN
Radio Resources Management
 Network Based Functions
 Admission Control (AC)
Load Control (LC)
Handles all new incoming traffic. Check whether new connection can be admitted to
the system and generates parameters for it.
Manages situation when system load exceeds the threshold and some counter
measures have to be taken to get system back to a feasible load.
Packet Scheduler (PS)
Handles all non real time traffic, (packet data users). It decides when a packet
transmission is initiated and the bit rate to be used.
 Connection Based Functions
Handover Control (HC)
Handles and makes the handover decisions.
Controls the active set of Base Stations of MS.
Power Control (PC)
Maintains radio link quality.
Minimize and control the power used in radio interface, thus maximizing the call
Source : Lecture Notes of S-72.238 Wideband CDMA systems, Communications Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology
Connection Based Function
Power Control
Prevent Excessive Interference and
Near-far Effect
Open-Loop Power Control
Rough estimation of path loss from
receiving signal
Initial power setting, or when no
feedback channel is exist
Fast Close-Loop Power Control
Outer Loop Power Control
If quality < target, increases
Feedback loop with 1.5kHz cycle to
adjust uplink / downlink power to its
Even faster than the speed of
Rayleigh fading for moderate mobile
Outer Loop Power Control
Adjust the target SIR setpoint in base
station according to the target BER
Commanded by RNC
Fast Power Control
send “power up”
command to MS
Connection Based Function
Softer Handover
Soft Handover
A MS is in the overlapping coverage of
2 sectors of a base station
Concurrent communication via 2 air
interface channels
2 channels are maximally combined
with rake receiver
A MS is in the overlapping coverage of
2 different base stations
Concurrent communication via 2 air
interface channels
Downlink: Maximal combining with
rake receiver
Uplink: Routed to RNC for selection
combining, according to a frame
reliability indicator by the base station
A Kind of Macrodiversity
High Speed Downlink Packet Access
Standardized in 3GPP Release 5
Improves System Capacity and User Data Rates in the Downlink
Direction to 10Mbps in a 5MHz Channel
Adaptive Modulation and Coding (AMC)
HARQ provides Fast Retransmission with Soft Combining and
Incremental Redundancy
Replaces Fast Power Control :
User farer from Base Station utilizes a coding and modulation that requires
lower Bit Energy to Interference Ratio, leading to a lower throughput
Replaces Variable Spreading Factor :
Use of more robust coding and fast Hybrid Automatic Repeat Request
(HARQ, retransmit occurs only between MS and BS)
Soft Combining : Identical Retransmissions
Incremental Redundancy : Retransmits Parity Bits only
Fast Scheduling Function
which is Controlled in the Base Station rather than by the RNC
Questions ?