AGC Releases Truck Weights Report and Survey Results New
AGC Releases Truck Weights Report and Survey Results New
Ay o t t e t o A t t e n d A G C P o l i t i c a l L u n c h e o n - R e g i s t e r N o w P a g e 5 Construction Connections The Newsletter of the Associated General Contractors of New Hampshire February 29, 2016 New Hampshire Gained Construction Jobs in 2015 AGC Releases Truck Weights Report and Survey Results Contents No Job Too Big AGC Flag Training Course Registration AGC Releases Truck Weights Report and Survey Results Page 9 Page 7 Industry News 4 4 State Davis-Bacon Survey Deadline Extended 4 AGC Kicks off 2016 Political Luncheon Series 4 5 5 March Political Luncheon: Kelly Ayotte AGC Forming Subcommittee on Independent Contractors Definition and Workers’ Comp. with Jack Flanagan Registration Open for Construction Overview Seminar ...because we can cover them all. Page 8 NHDOT Electronic Bidding Program iCX New Hampshire Gained Construction Jobs in 2015 Association News 7 AGC Releases Truck Weights Report and Survey Results 11 “Train the Trainer”: AGC of NH Holding 11 Welcome New Member: Myers & Ireland 11 Additional Sponsors Needed for Political Flag-Training Course Enterprises Luncheon Series AGC of America in Brief 11 Fee Alliance INSURANCE • BONDS • BENEFITS Assurex Global Partner 1-800-238-3840 Serving New England Since 1966 AGC of America Joins Mileage-Based User Concord, NH Portland, ME Bennington, VT Construction Connections (USPS 389-890) is published bi-weekly by the Associated General Contractors of New Hamphsire Inc. 48 Grandview Road, Bow, NH 03304. Annual subscription rate is four copies per Active membership, eight copies per Active membership paying the maximum dues amount, and two copies per Associate membership. Annual subscription rate is $200. Members can purchase annual printed subscriptions for $100 each. Unused subscriptions will be distributed at the discretion of the Chapter Office Executive Vice President. Periodical postage paid at Concord, NH 03301. Postmaster: Send address changes to the Associated General Contractors of New Hampshire, 48 Grandview Road, Bow, NH 03304 or contact us at (603) 225-2701 or fax (603) 226-3859. February 29, 2016 p NH Construction Connections p 3 be provided. To register, please fill out the form on page 5. Industr y News State Davis-Bacon Survey Deadline Extended The U.S. Department of Labor has extended the state Davis-Bacon Wage Survey date until March 18, 2016. The department has decided that providing additional time to submit data would promote the overall quality of wage rates. According to Regional Wage Specialist Ellen Hill, the date will not be extended again. Data collection is not limited to federally funded construction projects. The department is collecting information on all heavy and building construction projects within the parameters of the survey. Data must be postmarked or submitted electronically by March 18th, 2016 in order to be included in this survey. All other survey parameters remain the same. Information regarding the Davis-Bacon survey program as well as support for completing the forms is available at the website: htm. Data may also be submitted using the electronic WD-10 form which is available at the website: whd/programs/dbra/wd10/index.htm. If you have any questions or need additional forms, contact Tamara Harris by phone at 267-687-4030, or Donna Collier or Debbie Foster by phone at 865-974-4422. AGC Forming Subcommittee on Independent Contractors Definition and Workers’ Comp. Members of the AGC Board of Directors and Building Committee have agreed to form a subcommittee to review ways of correcting issues surrounding the definition of independent contractor and whether to require workers’ compensation. The subcommittee will examine if independent contractors should be able to exclude themselves from coverage or if it should be made mandatory across the industry. The group may also recommend language for legislation in 2017 if needed. The subcommittee is open to all AGC members. If you are interested in participating, please call (603) 225-2701. 4 p NH Construction Connections p February 29, 2016 AGC Kicks off 2016 Political Luncheon Series with Jack Flanagan On February 18th, Representative Jack Flanagan, who is running for Congress, stopped by the AGC office to speak before members at the first 2016 Political Luncheon Series. Attendees were treated to sandwiches and snacks while Representative Flanagan discussed his campaign and answered questions. In his presentation, Flanagan handed out a list of what he considers his 2015 legislative accomplishments. These include lowering the Business Profits Tax and approving the state budget. About Sen. Ayotte: Kelly Ayotte is a New Hampshire native who has devoted her life to public service - first as a longtime prosecutor and now in the United States Senate. In her first bid for public office, she was elected to the Senate in 2010 with 60 percent of the vote. Kelly currently serves on the Armed Services, Budget, Commerce, Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, and Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committees. She currently chairs the Armed Services Subcommittee on Readiness and the Commerce Subcommittee on Aviation Operations. As a member of the Armed Services Committee, Kelly has quickly established herself as a leading voice in Congress on national security issues. She has written legislation with senior members of both parties to create workable terrorist detention policies that keep Americans safe. And as part of her strong commitment to reducing wasteful spending, Kelly has led efforts in the Senate to save over $1 billion in the Pentagon’s budget - successfully passing legislation to stop the Defense Department from spending money on unnecessary programs. Coming from a small business family, Kelly understands that decisions made in Washington have serious consequences for New Hampshire’s small business economy. Having helped her husband launch a family landscaping and snow removal company, she knows that high taxes and burdensome federal regulations discourage investment and job creation. In the Senate, Kelly is a strong voice for lower taxes and a Flanagan served as the majority leader last year, and 2016 marks his third term as NH representative. He will be running for Annie Kuster’s seat in district 2. For more information on Representative Flanagan’s campaign, visit www.flanagan4nh. com. AGC would like to thank everyone who attended as well as the luncheon sponsors Blaktop, Inc., Gemini Electric, and Hinckley Allen for helping to make this event possible. March Political Luncheon: Kelly Ayotte Join the association on Friday, March 18th at 12 PM for the March installment of the 2016 Political Lunch & Learn Series. This month’s event will feature Senator Kelly Ayotte, who will speak to attendees and answer questions regarding her campaign. This is the ideal opportunity for members to meet Senator Ayotte and learn more about her stance on important issues. Lunch will Registration Form Company: __________________________________ Name: _____________________________________ Tel: ________________________________________ simplified tax code. She also supports legislation to eliminate burdensome federal requirements that tie up small business owners with unnecessary red tape. NHDOT Electronic Bidding Program iCX The NH Department of Transportation’s web-based bidding solution, Integrated Contractor Exchange (iCX), is expected to go live in March. The program offers an easy-to-navigate interface to encourage more competitive bidding, including bid item prices, addenda acknowledgement, certification completion, and financial and other document submission. If required, iCX also features electronic bid bonds and digital certificate validation. Once complete, the contractor may submit or withdraw bids with a click. A guide to electronic bidding can be found here: https:// documents/eBID_FAQ.pdf. To start the registration process, please call the NHDOT Contracts office at (603) 271-3402 or email contracting@dot. AGC of NH Political Luncheon Series Friday, March 18th | 12:00 - 1:00 PM at the AGC Office in Bow U.S. Senator Kelly Ayotte Registration required for attendance, as space is limited. The Associated General Contractors of NH will be hosting the Lunch included! series will feature candidates from the upcoming state elections. Mail to: AGC of NH, 48 Grandview Rd., Bow, NH 03304 Email: Fax: (603) 226-3859 2016 Political Luncheon Series for Association members. The Five installments will be held between February and October. The second installment will feature U.S. Senator Kelly Ayotte. Sponsored by: Free to AGC of NH Members! February 29, 2016 p NH Construction Connections p 5 New Hampshire Gained Construction Jobs in 2015 According to data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, New Hampshire gained construction jobs over the past year. In December 2014, the state employment total for construction was 23,300, while this past December totaled 24,400, a 4.7% increase. While New Hampshire gained over the year, it did loose some 200 jobs between November and December of 2015. Over that 12-month period, New Hampshire placed third in the region for its gains, following Vermont, which saw a 6.3% increase in jobs, and Massachusetts, which at a 10.5%, saw the largest increase. The only New England state to lose jobs was Rhode Island, which is down some 300 jobs since the previous December. Construction Employment in New England States (seasonally adjusted) 1-month gain or loss Dec-14 Oct-15 Nov-15 Dec-15 Number % Connecticut 54,900 57,100 57,400 57,100 -300 -0.53% 5 Maine 26,400 25,400 25,900 26,700 800 3.00% Massachusetts 124,700 132,400 137,000 137,800 800 New Hampshire 23,300 23,800 24,600 24,400 Rhode Island 16,800 15,200 15,500 Vermont 14,400 14,300 14,800 12-month gain or loss % rank Number % % rank 2,200 4.0% 4 3 300 1.1% 5 0.58% 4 13,100 10.5% 1 -200 -0.82% 6 1,100 4.7% 3 16,500 1000 6.06% 1 -300 -1.8% 6 15,300 500 3.27% 2 900 6.3% 2 Note: The data from older months may not reflect recent adjustments Associated General Contractors of NH Political Luncheon Series Sponsorship Opportunities Now Available Series Sponsor | $200 Sponsorship includes recognition in all related materials, including the website, registration form, newsletter, program, etc. Companies will be recognized as a sponsor at each event in the series. To sponsor fill out the information below and email to, mail to 48 Grandview Road, Bow, NH 03304, fax to (603) 226-3859, or contact Bobbie Laflamme at (603) 225-2701: Company: _________________________________________________ Contact: _____________________________ Tel: _________________ Visa Mastercard Discover Am. Express Card #: ______________________________ Exp: ________________ Billing Zip: ___________________________ Amt: $_______________ 6 p NH Construction Connections p February 29, 2016 After months of collecting and studying ByAssociatedGeneralContractorsofNH(AGC) data, the AGC of NH SUMMARY has released its Truck Weight Overview. The report shows results of a survey the association conducted on local AGCNEWSLETTERSTORY/REQUESTFORSURVEYSUBMISSIONS–DEC.2015 construction and trucking companies to determine how many are affected by the removal of a footnote to the state axle spacing chart. The report also examines safety and financial implications, federal and state truck weight laws, and comparisons with other New England states. The association continues to work with the legislature to find a solution. The report is available in full online under “Downloads”, but excerpts have been included below. NEWHAMPSHIRETRUCKWEIGHTOVERVIEW FEBRUARY18,2016 InNovemberof2015,AGCstartedtoreceiveinquiriesregardingwhetheranytruckweightchangeshad passedtheStateorfederalgovernment.AGCwasunawareofanychangestothestateorfederallaws,butthe NewHampshireStatepolicehadbegunhandingoutwarningsandover-weightfinesfortrucksthatwere registeredfor99,000poundsbutdidnotmeetatrailerlengthasspecifiedinanaxledistancetablepassedin 1987. Theassociation’sExecutiveVicePresidentGaryAbbottmetwithNHDepartmentofSafetyCommissionerJohn Barthelmestodiscusstheissue,whoexplainedthatthischangewasmadebasedonaFederalHighwayannual reviewthataskedthatthestatefollowNHstatelawinaccordancewithFederallawchangesdonein2005. AGC’sfirststepwastoseehowlargeaproblemthiswas,sowestartedbysurveyingcontractorsand subcontractorswhomayhavethetruck/trailercombinationsthatwouldbeaffected.Thesecondstepwasto lookatthefederalandstatelaws. Inordertokeepthereportmanageablewehavesummarizedspecificsectionsoflawandsummarizedour commentsineachsection. TruckWeightChanges InthemiddleofNovember,AGCwasmadeawareofenforcementactionbeingtakenonthemaximumweight onvehicleswithparticularaxledistances.AGCarrangedameetingwiththeNHDepartmentofSafety CommissionerJohnBarthelmesandStatePoliceCaptainBillHaynestoreviewthechangesandhistoryofthe pastlaw. Inthelate80’s,theNHlegislatureincreasedthefederaltruckweightguidelinetoaccommodateforthenewer trucksthatweresaferduetoincreasedtireandaxlesize.SincethelawallowedtheCommissionerofSafetyto grantexceptionstotheaxleandmaximumweighttable,itwasalsoupdatedtoexempt28-footdumptrailers, permittingthemtocarryupto99,000pounds.Eventually,theDepartmentofSafetyfeltitwasunfairtogive justthe28footerstheadditionalweight,soitmadetheexemptionforalltrucksbetween28and35feetlong with6axles.Thediagrambelowshowstheexemptedspacingbetweenthefrontandrearmostaxles,not includingthesteeringaxle. 1 Source: Check AGC Releases Tr uck Weights Report and Survey Results The next installment will be held: Friday, March 18, 2016 AGC Office in Bow, NH The Associated General Contractors of NH will be hosting the 2016 Political Luncheon Series. The series will feature candidates from the upcoming state elections. Five installments will be held between February and October of 2016. Registration is now open! In November of 2015, AGC started to receive inquiries regarding whether any truck weight changes had passed the State or federal government. AGC was unaware of any changes to the state or federal laws, but the New Hampshire State police had begun handing out warnings and overweight fines for trucks that were registered for 99,000 pounds but did not meet a trailer length as specified in an axle distance table passed in 1987. The association’s Executive Vice President Gary Abbott met with NH Department of Safety Commissioner John Barthelmes to discuss the issue, who explained that this change was made based on a Federal Highway annual review that asked that the state follow NH state law in accordance with Federal law changes done in 2005. AGC’s first step was to see how large a problem this was, so we started by surveying contractors and subcontractors who may have the truck/trailer combinations that would be affected. The second step was to look at the federal and state laws. AGC SURVEY SUMMARY RESULTS – DEC 2015 The association’s survey gauged how many firms or individuals would be affected by the Department of Safety change. The survey was not an attempt to get an inventory of all truck/trailer combinations used in New Hampshire. chart. We did get a total of 143 trailers submitted for the survey but 5 were not in the 28 to 35 foot range that would be affected. Below is a chart of how the 138 trailers broke down by axle length. Trailer Axle Spacing Number of Trailers 29 3 28 30 30 13 32 40 34 7 31 33 35 Total Trailers 7 32 6 138 AGC believes this survey may only represent about 5% of those that would be affected based on the limited time frame of the survey and number of trailer owners reached. OVERALL RECAP AFTER REVIEWING THE FINDING ABOVE The removal of the footnote to the state axle spacing chart will result in a change to the industry past practice of some 10 to 20 years. Based on the AGC survey, a number of firms that believed they were in compliance will be affected. The federal law changes in 2005 clarify that Federal Highway has jurisdiction over the interstate highways and specifically uses the weights passed by the state in effect on January 1, 1987. Current Options for the State to Consider: • Keep the same laws and exemptions in place prior to 2015 and enforce those regulations (FHWA is looking to the state to be sure it is enforcing NH weight laws). • If state decides to remove the exemption, then it should allow owners to upgrade trailers over a period of time or grandfather existing registered trucks. Thirty-two companies and independent owner operators submitted information. Of these, a 138 trailers would be affected with the footnote removed from the allowable weight February 29, 2016 p NH Construction Connections p 7 AGC of NH and NHDOT Construction Overview Seminar March 24th 7:30 am - 12 pm at the Marriott Grappone Conference Center in Concord Associated General Contractors of NH and The NH Department of Transportation have partnered to bring you this half day seminar. This is a great way for Project Managers, Superintendents, Foreman and other construction personnel to catch up on new regulations and requirements. The agenda includes: Welcome by NHDOT Commissioner Victoria Sheehan, 10-Year Highway Plan Overview, 5-Year Federal Funding Program, Advertising Schedule Outlook for 2016 & 2017, Electronic Bidding Software Update, Overweight Permitting Software Update, Summary of Police Training and Recertification, Major Specification Changes, FHWA Update, and New Rules for Contaminated Soils. AGC of NH Member Price $30 per individual Non-Member Price $55 per individual Associated General Contractors of New Hampshire Flag Training Seminar March 30, 2016 8:30 am - 12:30 pm Location: AGC of NH Office in Bow, NH The AGC of NH “Train the Trainer” Flag Training Course, instructed by Gary Abbott of AGC of NH, will cover NH DOT regulations on flag person training, proper use of equipment, placement of flaggers on the site, etc. Designated trainers are required to complete a flagging course at least every FOUR years! Course materials include a USB flash drive of helpful forms, a video clip titled “Professional Flagging”, a template you may use as a guideline when preparing your own flag training completion cards, and other useful materials to help you conduct your internal trainings. All participants who complete the course and pass a short exam will receive a pocket card signifying course completion. AGC of NH Member Price: $75 per person Non-Member Price: $150 per person (pre-paid only) Breakfast & Break Included Registration Form Company: ________________________________________________________ Name(s): _________________________________________________________ Tel: ______________________________________________________________ Total: $ ________ Check Visa Mastercard Discover Am. Exp. Credit Card #: ____________________________________________________ Exp. Date: _______________________ Billing Zip: ____________________ Name on Card: ___________________________________________________ Mail to: 48 Grandview Rd., Bow, NH 03304, Email:, or fax to: (603) 226-2859 A special thanks to our sponsors: Company: Name: Address: City: State: Zip: Phone (where to reach you in case of inclement weather cancellation): Amount Due: $ Enclosed Invoice - members only Visa Mastercard Discover Am. Express Card #: Exp. Date: Billing Zip: Name on Card: Registration Form Cancellations must be received 72 hours in advance to be eligible for a refund. Please return registration form to: email: fax: (603) 226-3859 mail: AGC of NH, 48 Grandview Rd., Bow, NH 03304 MCfuelpumpad.constconn_Layout 1 7/8/15 1:46 PM Page 1 Association News “Train the Trainer”: AGC of NH Holding Flag-Training Course HINES OVER 100 MAC E E T N A R A U CAT FUEL G rs 5000 hyeoaurs or 3 THIS IS WHY Power-dense engine, automatic-engine idle shutdown, energy recovery system, economy mode, lock-up torque converter…the list goes on and on. BUT SAVING IS BELIEVING We are so confident that you'll lower your fuel consumption, we have guaranteed it. You'll get $1.00 per gallon back from Caterpillar on any amount of fuel that your machine uses above and beyond the specified gallon per hour burn rate. Ask your salesman, call your nearest location, or visit for details. Richmond, VT 802-434-4228 Hopkinton, NH 603-746-4611 On March 30th, the association will be holding its “Train the Trainer” Course at the AGC office in Bow. The course will cover NH DOT regulations on flag person training, proper use of equipment, placement of flaggers on the site, and more. All participants who complete the course and pass an exam will receive a pocket card signifying course completion. To register, submit the form on page 9, or call (603) 227-2701. Welcome New Member: Myers & Ireland Enterprises AGC of NH’s Board of Directors recently approved the membership application for Myers & Ireland Enterprises. The Association encourages members to reach out to the company to learn more about their services. Myers & Ireland Enterprises PO Box 116 Sanbornville, NH 03872 President: Ross Myers (352) 502-2699 Services: Industrial/commercial paint restoration Member News: TFMoran Named “Best of Business” in Engineering Category TFMoran, Inc. has been selected for the fourth straight year as “Best Engineering Firm” in New Hampshire Business Review’s BOB Awards reader’s survey, which honors the best of business in New Hampshire in over 90 categories. TFMoran was established in 1968 and is involved in major engineering projects throughout New Hampshire and the northeast. have earned for first-class engineering, survey, and landscape architectural services.” TFMoran and the other winners will be honored on Thursday, March 3rd at the Grappone Conference Center in Concord. A portion of the proceeds will benefit New Horizons for NH. Additional Sponsors Needed for Political Luncheon Series The association is looking for more sponsors for the 2016 Political Lunch & Learn Series. Sponsorships cover the cost of food and participating firms will have their banner on display during the seminar. Guests at the upcoming, and future, luncheons will be: • U.S. Senator Kelly Ayotte • Speaker of the House Shawn Jasper • Executive Councilor Colin Van Ostern, Gubernatorial Candidate • Deputy Secretary of State Mark Connelly, Gubernatorial Candidate A series sponsorship is $200. If you are interested, please submit the form on page 6. AGC of America in Brief AGC of America Joins MileageBased User Fee Alliance AGC of America has announced that it has joined the Mileage-Based User Fee Alliance (MBUFA). Formed in 2010, the MBUFA is a national non-profit organization that brings together government, business, academic, and transportation policy leaders to conduct education and outreach on the potential for mileage-based user fees, similar to the one proposed in the NH House this year, as an alternative for future funding and improved performance of the U.S. transportation system. The alliance believes that transitioning from the federal motor fuels tax to a system based on miles driven would address the potential drop in revenue resulting from vehicles that are more fuel efficient or that run on alternative fuels that are not currently subject to user fees. For more information on the MBUFA, visit their site: http://www. “We are grateful to the readers of NHBR for this special recognition, now four years in a row,” says Robert Duval, president of TFMoran. “The credit belongs to our staff, who show their commitment to client service every day, ‘going the extra mile’ for our clients. We are proud of the reputation we February 29, 2016 p NH Construction Connections p 11 Associated General Contractors of NH 48 Grandview Road Bow, New Hampshire 03304 Associated General Contractors members save big on select ® FedEx services* Enroll today! Just go to or call 1.888.708.4100. Periodical Postage Paid Concord, NH 03301