Intervention - Jill McCorkle
Intervention - Jill McCorkle
Emerson College Intervention Author(s): Jill McCorkle Reviewed work(s): Source: Ploughshares, Vol. 29, No. 2/3 (Fall, 2003), pp. 128-144 Published by: Ploughshares Stable URL: . Accessed: 04/02/2013 13:09 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact . Ploughshares and Emerson College are collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Ploughshares. This content downloaded on Mon, 4 Feb 2013 13:09:42 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions JILL MCCORKLE Intervention is notMarilyn's intervention idea,butitmightas wellbe. She is theone whohas talkedtoo much.Andshehas agreed an all rightintothe to go alongwithit,noddingand murmuring receiver whileSid dozes in frontoftheeveningnews.Theylove thenews.Thingsareso horribleall overtheworldthat watching He is it makesthemfeelluckyjust to be alive.Sid is sixty-five. He is her retired. before veryeyes. disappearing voice,onceagain "Okay,Mom?"Shejumpswithherdaughter's filledwiththenoiseat theotherend ofthephone- a housefull - all of children,a televisionblasting,whinesabouthomework thosenoisesyoucomplainaboutforyearsonlyto wakeone day and realizeyou would sell yoursoul to go back foranother chanceto do itright. "Yes,yes,"shesays. "Is he drinking rightnow?" beforeher Marilynhas neverheardthe term"intervention" introduces it showers her with a and pileofliteradaughter, Sally, ture.Sally'shusbandhas a master'sin socialworkand considers himselfan experton thistopic,as wellas manyothers.Mostof Sally'ssentencesbeginwith"Rustysays,"to the pointthatSid itinto longago madeup a littlespoofabout"Rustysays,"turning a game like Simon Says."Rustysaysput yourhands on your head,"Sid saidthefirst time,oncethenewlymarriedcouplewas out ofearshot."Rustysaysputyourhead up yourass."Marilyn howledwithlaughter, justas she alwaysdid and alwayshas. Sid can alwaysmakeherlaugh.Usuallyshelaughslongerand harder. A stranger would have assumedthatshe was the one slinging backthevodka.Twenty wouldhave and thestranger yearsearlier, beenright. Sallyand Rustyhavenow been marriedfora dozen years threekidsand twoVolvosand severalmajorvacations(thatwere 128 This content downloaded on Mon, 4 Feb 2013 13:09:42 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions JILL MCCORKLE so educationaltheycouldn'thavebeen anyfun)behindthemand still,Marilynand Sid cannotlookeachotherin theeyewhile Rustyis talkingwithoutbreakinginto giggleslike a couple of junior high school students.And Marilynknowsjunior high behavior;she taughtlanguageartsformanyyears.She is not shockedwhena boywearsthecrotchofhispantsdownaround his knees,and she knowsthatSean Combshas gone fromthat Combsto PuffDaddyto P. normalnameto Sean Puffy perfectly Diddy.Sheknowsthatthekidsmakea bigcircleat dancesso that withoutgettingin theones in thecentercan do theirgrinding there are learned that she has and trouble, manyperfectly good wordsthatyou cannotuse in frontof humanswho are being poweredbyhormonalsurges.She once askedherclass:How will youevergetahead?onlyto havethemall- eventhemostpristine - collapsein hysterics. honorrollgirls Justlastyear- herfinal one shehadlearnedneverto askiftheyhad hookedup withsoand-so,learning quicklythatthisno longermeantlocatinga person but havingsex. She could not hearthe termnow without laughing.She toldSid it remindedherofthetimetwodogsgot stuckin theactjustoutsideherclassroomwindow.The children were out of control,especiallywhen the assistantprincipal steppedouttherearmedwitha gardenhose,whichdidn'tfazethe - a scrawny Whenthe female lust-crazeddogs in the slightest. shepherdmix finallytook offrunning,the male- who was - was stuckand forcedto hop alongbehind quitea bit smaller "His thangis stuck,"one ofthegirlsyelled herlikea jackrabbit. othersto do thesame. andbrokeoutin a dance,prompting "Soundslike me,"Sid said thatnightwhentheywerelying thereinthedark."I'll followyouanywhere." Now,as Sid dozes,shegoesand pullsouttheenvelopeofinforShe nevershouldhavetold intervention." mationabout"family should havementionedthat never had she that concerns, Sally thereweretimeswhenshewatchedSid pull out ofthedriveway thatthiscouldbe thelasttimeshe imagining onlyto catchherself eversawhim. and "Whydo youthinkthat?"Sallyasked,suddenlyattentive in until her chair. that forward minute,Marilynhad Up leaning on and on aboutdrapesand chairs feltinvisible whileSallyrattled 129 This content downloaded on Mon, 4 Feb 2013 13:09:42 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions PLOUGHSHARES and her book group and Rusty'saccolades. "Was he visibly drunk? Whydo youlethimdrivewhenhe'sthatway?" "He'snevervisiblydrunk," Marilynsaidthen,knowingthatshe had madea terrible mistake.Theywereat themall,one ofthose forcedoutingsthatSallyhad readwas important. Probablyan like:"Spendtimewith articleRustyreadfirstcalledsomething when won't feel so guilty you slap themin a yourparents you old-folks' home." Rusty'sparentsare alreadyin urine-smelling sucha place;theysharea roomand eatthreemealson roomtrays whiletheywatchtelevisionall day.Rustysaysthey'reecstatic. Theyhaveso muchto tellthattheyare livingforthenexttime Rustyand Sallyand thekidscometovisit. "I prayto God I neverhaveto relyon such,"Sid saidwhenshe Shedidn'ttellhimtheotherparts thisbitofconversation. relayed at themall,howevenwhenshetriedto turn oftheconversation thetopicto shoesand howitseemedto herthateithershoeshad gottensmalleror girlshad gottenbigger(ninewas theaverage sizeformostofherwillowyeighth-grade girls),Sallybitintothe like a bull. pit subject "How muchdoes he drinkin a day?"Sallyasked."You must know.I mean,you are the one who takesout the garbageand doestheshopping." "He helpsme." "Afifth?" "Sid lovesto go to theSuperStop & Shop.Theyhavea book sectionand everything." "Rustyhas seen thiscomingforyears."Sallyleanedforward and grippedMarilyn'sarm.Sally'shandswereperfectly manicuredwithpalepinknailsand a greatbigdiamond."He askedme ifDad had a problembeforewe evergotmarried."She gripped "Do youknowthat?That'sa dozenyears." tighter. "I wonderiftheOrientalfolkshavecausedthischangein the shoesizes?"Marilynpulledawayand glancedoverat Lady'sFoot Lockeras ifto makea point.Sheknowsthat"Oriental"is notthe thingto say.She knowsto say"Asian,"and thoughSallythinks thatsheand Rustyaretheoneswhoteachherall ofthesethings, thetruthis thatshelearneditall fromherstudents. Sheknewto and then before Latino, sayHispanic probably Rustydid,because shesometimes watchestheMTV channelso thatshe'sup on what 130 This content downloaded on Mon, 4 Feb 2013 13:09:42 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions JILL MCCORKLE is happeningin theworldand thusin thelivesofchildrenat the juniorhigh.Shockingthings,yes,but also important.Sid has alwaysbelievedthatitis betterto be educatedevenifwhatis true or depressed. Truthis,shecan undermakesyouuncomfortable wantto say motherfucker standwhysome of theseyoungsters thisand thatall thetime.Wherearetheirmommas,afterall; and wherearetheirdaddies?Rustyneedsto watchMTV.He needsto and all theotherrealityshows.He's got watchthatand Survivor rubsoffon themtheywillbe and unlesshe completely children, normalenoughto wantto knowwhat'shappeningout therein theworld. "Youreallyneedtojustthrowoutthat "Asian," Sallywhispered. wordOrientalunlessyou'retalkingabout lampsand carpets.I knowwhatyou'redoing,too." "Whataboutqueer?I hearthatwordis okayagain." "Youhaveto dealwithDad's problem," Sallysaid. "I hearthateventheHomo sapiensuse thatword,butitmight be thekindofthingthatonlyone whois a membercan use,kind oflike- " and bangedherhand on "Willyou stopit?"Sallyinterrupted thetable. "Likethe V word,"Marilynsaid. "The blackchildrenin my forsomebodyelseto." classusedit,butitwouldhavebeenterrible AmericanthewaysheusuSallydidn'tevenenunciateAfrican her "This doesn't work does. Sally'sfacereddened, anymore!" ally "So cuttheGracieAllenroutine." voicea harshwhisper. "I lovedGracie.So didSid.Whata woman."Marilyn rummaged so as notto have herpursefora tissueor a stickofgum,anything to lookat Sally.Sallylooksso muchlikeSid theycouldbe in a gethosepoutylipsand hardblue eyes,prominent neticstextbook: dark and cheekbones curlyhair.Sid alwaystoldpeoplehismother was a Cherokeeand his fathera Jew,thatifhe was a dog,likea cockapoo,he'dbe a Cherojew,whichMarilynsaid soundedlike TheraFlu,whichtheybothlikeevenwhentheydon'thavecolds, wereallIrish, ancestors instead.Marilyn's so hewentwithJewokee theJewokirish. Sidsaidthatthe so sheandSidcalledtheirchildren when was save the world would be could that everybody onlything so mixedup withthisbloodandthatthatnobodycouldpronounce - likethe tribename.It wouldhaveto be a symbol theresulting 131 This content downloaded on Mon, 4 Feb 2013 13:09:42 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions PLOUGHSHARES whichwassomething knownas Prince, nameoftheartistformerly shehadjustlearnedandhadtoexplainto Sid.ShedoubtsthatSallyand Rustyevenknowwho Princeis,or Nelly,forthatmatter. Band-Aidson theirfaces, Nellyisthereasonallthekidsarewearing to shave. whichis greatforthosejustlearning "Rememberthatwhole routineDad and I made up about Marilynasked.She was able to look up now,Sally's ancestry?" handssqueezingherown,Rusty'shandson hershoulders.Ifshe had had an ounceofenergyleftin herbody,shewouldhaverun cosmetics intoLord & Taylor'sand gottenlost in themirrored section. "The factthatyoubroughtall thisup is a cryforhelpwhether youadmititor not,"Sallysaid."Andwe arehere,Mother.We are hereforyou." - whathappenedto Mom and She wantedto askwhyMother she couldn't but Mamaand Mommy? saya word. Thereare some nightswhenSid is dozingtherethatshe feels She putsherhandon his chestto feelhisheart.She frightened. putshercheekcloseto hismouthto feelthebreath.She did the with sameto Sallyand Tomwhentheywerechildren, especially Shewasup and downall nightlonginthose Tom,whocamefirst. stillamazedthat first weeks,makingsurethathe was breathing, them. SometimesSid this perfectlittlecreaturebelongedto wouldwakeand do itforher,eventhoughhisworkas a grocery in thosedayscausedhimto getup at fivea.m. The distributor timeshe wentto check,he wouldreturnto theirtinybedroom imitation: Dr. Frankenstein and lungetowardherwitha perfect "He's alive!"followedby maniacallaughter.In thosedaysshe joined him fora drinkjust as thesun was setting.It was their theneedto flip favorite timeofday,and theybothalwaysresisted on a lightand returnto life.The ritualcontinuedforyearsand wereoldertheywouldmake does to thisday.Whenthechildren who were about their always"in thedark,"and yet jokes parents, thosepauses,the punctuationmarksof a marriage,could tell theirwholehistory spokenand unspoken. is themostlovingand The literature saysthatan intervention members can do. That some a loved one mightbe powerful thing 132 This content downloaded on Mon, 4 Feb 2013 13:09:42 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions JILL MCCORKLE Tom was apprehensive at first, but he alwayshas apprehensive. child.He's an orthopedist been;Tomis thenoncombative living in Denver.Skiingis greatforhishealthand hisbusiness.Andhis herankle.Her lovelife.He metthenewwifewhenshefractured his broken,muchto thedisapmarriagewas alreadyfractured, who of and foundthefirst wifeto be the Sid, Marilyn pointment ofthewholebunch.The newwife, mostlovingandopen-minded Sid says,is too youngto have any opinionsyou givea damn about.In privatetheycallherSnowBunny. untilthenighthe calledafterthehour Tomwas apprehensive wasacceptable. "Don'tcallafternineunless shehadtoldeveryone shehadtoldthem."Weliketowatchourshows it'san emergency," But thatnight,whileSid dozed and the withoutinterruption." to endedup (as her movieshehad lookedforward made-for-TV shewentto runa deephotbath,and wouldsay)sucking, students tothephonefastenough. that'swhereshewas,incapableofgetting "Letthemachinegetit,honey,"she calledas she dashedwith body,butshewasn'tfast justa towelwrappedaroundherdripping in Sid's hear the slur She could speech.He couldnotsay enough. themomentpass,he slalomto savehissoul,and insteadofletting shit is withmytongue, What the and wrong kepttrying trying - sla,sla. Sllllmmmm Tom?Did I havea goddamnstroke? Marilynranand pickedup theextension."Honey,Daddyhas cold. blesshisheart,fullofa terrible takensomedecongestants, Go on backto sleepnow,Sid,I'vegotit." "I haven'tgota goddamnedcold. Yourmother'sa kook!"He a puddleof laughedandwavedto whereshestoodin thekitchen, sudsand waterat herfeet."She'sa good-lookingnakedkook.I seeherbonyass rightnow." shesaid."I'll callyourightbackfromthe "Hangup,Tommy," otherphone.Daddyis rightinthemiddleofhisprogram." Tomsaid. "Yeah,right," she the time off,and put gotSid settleddown,driedherself By on herrobe,Tom'slinewasbusy,and sheknewbeforeevendialingSallythatherswouldbe busy,too.It was a fullhourlater,Sid fastasleepin thebed theyhad ownedforthirty-five years,when and then it was to a more serious Tom she finally gotthrough, in Not since he the she had heard left first wife and than years. in a waythatpreventsignedoffon thelivesofhergrandchildren 133 This content downloaded on Mon, 4 Feb 2013 13:09:42 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions PLOUGHSHARES ed Marilynfromseeingthemmorethanonce a yearifshe was lucky.Shecouldgetmadat himforthatSo couldSid. "We'renottalkingaboutmyliferightnow,"he said."I'vegiven Dad thebenefitof thedoubtforyears,but Sallyand Rustyare right." You'retheone whosaidhe wasfullofit,"shescreamed. "Rusty! "Andnowyou'reon hisside?" "I'm on yourside,Mom,yourside." on Sid'sbreath.He's Sheletherendfallsilentand concentrated voice on Tom's a alive,onlyto be interrupted squeaky girly by end- SnowBunny. Sid likesto drive,and Marilynhas alwaysfeltsecurewithhim therebehindthe wheel.Everyfamilyvacation,everyweekend He wasalwaysvotedthebestdriverofthebunch,even gathering. downat thebeachfora sumwhena wholegrouphad gathered mercookoutwherebothmenand womendranktoo much.Sid mostlydrankbeerin thosedays;he keptan old Pepsi-Colacooler baseballsattincansatthecountyfair,iced he oncewonthrowing with Falstaff and Schlitz.Theystillhavethatcooler.It'sout down in thegarageon thetop shelf,longago replacedwithlittlered whichhas TomgaveSid hisfirstPlaymate, and whitePlaymates. then. drank And until this remaineda family Marilyn day. joke to water the She loved but not bloat. She likedthetasteofbeer ski,and theytookturnsbehinda friend'spowerboat.The men madejokeswhenthewomendove in to cool off.Theyclaimed thewomenhadbeenandthat wherever thatwarmspotsemerged iftheycouldn'tholdtheirbeeranybetterthanthat,theyshould switchto girldrinks.And so theydid.A littlewineor a mai tai, vodkamartinis. Sid had a bookthattoldhimhowto makeeveryand and thing, Marilynenjoyedbuyinglittlecoloredtoothpicks umbrellasto dressthingsup whenitwas theirturnto host.She the lovedrubbingherbodywithbabyoil and iodineand letting ofthesunand saltyairsoakinwhiletheradioplayedand warmth then.Theyall theotherwomentalked.Theyall smokedcigarettes hadlittleleathercaseswithfancylighters tuckedinside. WheneverMarilynsees the Pepsi coolershe is remindedof thosedays.Justmarried.No worriesabout skincanceror lung cancer.No one had varicoseveins.No one talkedaboutcholes134 This content downloaded on Mon, 4 Feb 2013 13:09:42 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions JILL MCCORKLE wereaddictedto anything otherthan terol.None oftheirfriends thesunand thedesireto getup on one ski- to slalom.The sumofa fewtoo many withTom(compliments mershewaspregnant mai tais,Sid toldthegroup),shesaton thedockand sippedher gingerale. The motionoftheboat madeherqueasy,as did anyIt ain'tthesizeoftheshipbut thingthathad to do withpoultry. themotionoftheocean,Sidwasfondofsayinginthosedays,and shelaughedeverytime.Everytimehe said it,shecomplimented his linerand the powerof his steam.Theybattedwordslike at the and wakebackand forthlikea birdieuntilfinally, throttle to dock?" she'dgo overandwhisper, endoftheafternoon, "Ready His hairwas thick, Her love forSid thenwas overwhelming. and he tanneda deepsmootholivewithoutanycoaxing.He was shehad everwanted,and shetoldhimthisthosesumeverything thetwilight time.Shedidn'ttellhim merdaysas theysatthrough shecravedthevodkatonicsshehad missed.Even howsometimes her friendscontinueddrinkingand smoking of many though shewouldallowherself their onlyone glass pregnancies, through this about she When with dinner. wine of duringSally's bragged on her modest insteadof beingcongratulated firstpregnancy, she said. "Tomis intake,Sallywas horrified. "MyGod, Mother," him!" with not there's lucky something wrong As hard as it was for Tom set the date forthe intervention. it madeperfect a even for his to minute, Rusty relinquish power off from his take time had to that Tom sense,given practiceand was The Snow Denver. Bunny coming,too, flyall thewayfrom overthe eventhoughshereallydidn'tknowSid at all. Sometimes hear her wife to the first had called five just up past years,Marilyn thevoiceofone or moreofhergrandchilvoiceor,evenbetter, drenon the answeringmachine.Now therewas a man'sname includedin thelistofwhowasn'thome.She and Sid wouldhold betweenthem,bothwithwateringeyes,whenthey thereceiver heardthevoicestheybarelyrecognized. Theydidn'tknowabout *69untila fewmonthsagowhenMargot,theoldestchild,named calledback."Who is this?"she asked.She was forSid's mother, alienatedby an in Minnesota and now was further growingup accentMarilynonlyknewfromBettyWhite'scharacteron The GoldenGirls. 135 This content downloaded on Mon, 4 Feb 2013 13:09:42 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions PLOUGHSHARES "Yourgrandmother, honey.GrandmaMarilynin SouthCarolina." Therewas a long silence,and thenthe childbeganto speak themin on all thatwas goingon in herlife."Mom rapidly, filling saysyouusedto teachjuniorhigh,"Margotsaid,and sheand Sid bothgrinned, somehowhavingalwaystrustedthattheirdaughter-in-law wouldnothaveturnedon themas Tomhad led them tobelieve. ThenSusangoton thephone,and as soon as shedid,Marilyn burstintotears."Oh,Susie,forgive me,"shesaid."Youknowhow muchwe loveyouandthekids." "I know,"shesaid."AndifTomdoesn'tbringthekidsto you,I will.I promise."Marilynand Sid stillbelieveher.Theyfantasize hourthatshewilldriveup one dayand there duringthetwilight all be. Then,lo and behold,herewillcomeTom."He'llsee they'll whata goddamnedfoolhe'sbeen,"Sid says."They'llhugandkiss and sendSnowBunnypacking." "Andwe'llalllivehappilyeverafter," Marilynsays. "Youcantakethatto thebank,baby,"he says,and shehugshim close,whispersthathe has to eat dinnerbeforetheycan go anywhere. "YouknowI'm a verygooddriver," shesays,and he justshakes and fender-bender hisheadbackand forth; he canlisteveryticket shehashad in herlife. The intervention dayis nextweek.Tomand Bunnyplanto stay withSallyand Rustyan hourawayso thatSid won'tgetsuspicious.Alreadyitis unbearableto her- thissecret.Therehas only whenshehad a secret, and beenone timein theirwholemarriage itwasa disaster. "What'swrongwithyou?"Sid keepsasking."So quiet."His eyeshavethatsomberlookshecatchesoncein a while;it'sa look ofhurt,a lookofdisillusionment. It is thelookthatnearlykilled themthirty-odd yearsago. Therehavebeen manyphonecallslateat night.Rustyknows how to setup conference calls,and theretheyall are,Tom and and we do this.Ifhe gets Sally Rusty, nonstop.Ifhe resists, talking we do that. All the dozes. Sometimes thecaris Sid while, angry, 136 This content downloaded on Mon, 4 Feb 2013 13:09:42 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions JILL MCCORKLE parkedcrookedin the drive,a way thathe neverwould have parkedeventwoyearsago,and shegoesoutin herhousecoatand itup so theneighbors bedroomslippersto straighten won'tthink is She has the mailbox repositioned manytimes, anything wrong. touchedup painton thecar and thegaragethatSid didn'teven notice.Sometimeshe is too tiredto moveor undress,and she spreadsa blanketoverhim in the chair.Recentlyshe founda stashofemptybottlesin thebottomofhisgolfbag. EmptybottlesinthePepsicooler,thetrunkofhiscar. "I suspecthe liesto you abouthow muchhe has,"Rustysays. but "Wearetaughtnotto askan alcoholichowmuchhe drinks, to phraseit in a waythatacceptsa lot of intake,such as 'How " in a weekend?' do yougo through manyfifths "Siddoesn'tlieto me." "This is as muchforyou,"Rustysays,and she can hearthe inhisvoice."Youarewhatwe callan enabler." impatience She doesn'trespond.She reachesand takesSid's warmlimp handinherown. volumeand force "Ifyoureallylovehim,"he pauses,gathering this." with inhiswords,"youhaveto go through "It was reallyyouridea,Mom,"Sallysays."Weall suspectedas much,butyou'retheone who reallyblewthewhistle." Marilyn likesomekindofNazi woman remainsquiet,a pictureofherself blowinga shrillwhistle,dogs barking,fleshtearing.She can't "Admitit. He almostkilledyou answer;herhead is swimming. whenhe wentofftheroad.It'syoursidethatwouldhavesmashed intothepole.Youwerelucky." so as not to wake she saysnow,whispering "I was driving," him."I almostkilledhim!" Rustysays,and sheis remind"Nobodybelievedyou,Marilyn," ed of the one and onlystudentshe has hatedin her career,a smart-assed boywhospoketo heras ifhe weretheadultand she knewthathe was a werethechild.Eventhoughsheknewbetter, her. littlejerk,ithad stillbothered on duty,Mom," "You'reluckyMr. Randolphwas the officer Tom says."He's not goingto look theotherwaynexttime.He toldmeas much." "Andwhatabouthowyou toldme you haveto hidehis keys sometimes?" Sallyasks."Whataboutthat?" 137 This content downloaded on Mon, 4 Feb 2013 13:09:42 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions PLOUGHSHARES "Wherearethechildren?" Marilynasks."Aretheyhearingall of this?" "No,"Rustysays."Wewon'ttellthissortofthinguntilthey're olderand can learnfromit." "We didn't,"she whispersand thenignorestheirquestions. Didn'twhat?Didn'twhat? "The literaturesays that there should be a professional their relishes shesaysand,fora briefanxiousmoment, involved," silence. "Rustyis a professional," Sallysays."Thisis whathe does fora living." Sid livesfora living,shewantsto say,butsheletsitall go.They arecoming,comehellor highwater.She can'tstopwhatshehas and shamepushingherback putintomotion,a rushofbetrayal to a darkplaceshehas notseenin years.Sid stirsand bringsher handup to hischeek. He neverbrought Sid nevertoldthechildren up anyanything. sometimes who it once had unlike gets Marilyn, passed, thing stuckin a groove,spinningand spinning,deeperand deeper. in life- theapproachofspring,thesmellof Whenever anything gin,pine sap thawingand comingback to life- promptsher shecringesand feelstheurgeto crawlintoa darkhole. memory, thatwoman.Thatwomanwas sick.A sick, She doesn'trecognize foolishwoman,a womanwhohadno ideathatthebestoflifewas in herhand.It waslatespring, and theywentwitha groupto the lake.Theyhiredbabysitters roundtheclockso themencouldfish and thewomencouldsun and shopand nobodyhad to be concernedforall theneedsoftheyoungsters. The daysbeganwith coffeeand bloodymarysand endedwithsloppykisseson the sleepingbrowsof theirbabies. Sid was worriedthen.He was buckingforpromotionsrightand left,takingextrashifts.He wantedto runthewholedelivery servicein theirpartofthestate and knewthathe could do it ifhe evergotthechanceto prove himself. Thenhe wouldhavenormalhours,goodbenefits. Marilynhad nevereven noticedPaula Edwards'shusband beforethatweek.Shespoketo him,yes;shethought itwasPaula's fortune to have had been married someone who so successgood fulso young.("Easywhenit'sa familybusinessand handedto 138 This content downloaded on Mon, 4 Feb 2013 13:09:42 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions JILL MCCORKLE you,"Sid said, the onlynegativethingshe everheardhim say attractive butvery abouttheman.)Buttherehe was,notterribly attentive. Paula was pregnantwithtwinsand forcedto a lot of bed rest.Evennow,thewordsofthesituation,playingthrough mind,shockher. Marilyn's Sid said whenit all explodedin her "You neededattention," face."I'm sorryI wasn'tthere." "Whoareyou- JesusChrist?"she screamed."Don'tyou hate me?Paulahatesme!" He wentto thecabinetand "I'm notPaula.AndI'm notJesus." mixeda bigbourbonand water.He had neverhad a drinkthat earlyintheday."I'm a manwhois veryupset." "Atme!" "Atbothofus." She wantedhim to hate her rightthen.She wantedhim to makeherpay.She had wantedhimevenat the makehersuffer, in herin theweeksfollowing timeitwasPaula'shusbandmeeting the interrest areas out on lots dark,out-of-the-way parking wouldventure state,rundownmotelsno onewithanyself-esteem the underwear new into.Andyetthereshehad been.Shebought thewaywomenso oftendo, as ifthatthinbitofsilkcouldprolongthemasquerade.Thenlater,shehad burnedall thenewgarmentsin a huge puddle of gasoline,a flameso highthe fire out on thegrassof came,onlyto findherstretched department herfrontyard,sobbing.Her children,ages fourand two,were therebesideher,wide-eyedand frightened. "Mommy?Areyou sick?"She feltthosetinyhandspullingand pulling."Mommy? Areyou sad?"Paula'shusbandwantedsex.She couldhavebeen anyonethosetimeshe twistedhis handsin herthicklonghair, grownthewaySid likedit,and pulledherheaddown.He wanted herto screamout and tearat him.He likedit thatway.Paula wasn'tthatkindofgirl,buthe knewthatshewas. "Butyou'renot,"Sid toldherin themanyyearsto follow,the overtookherbodyand reducedherto timeswhenself-loathing on the floor."You'renotthatkind." an anguished heap Peopleknew.Theyhad to know,butoutofrespectforSid,they neversaid a word.Paulahad twingirls,and theymovedto Calicardwitha bragletandto thisday,theysenda Christmas fornia, 139 This content downloaded on Mon, 4 Feb 2013 13:09:42 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions PLOUGHSHARES termuchliketheone thatSallyand Rustyhavebegunsending. and we are rich.Our livesare Somethinglike:We are brilliant, don't wish was as perfect, you yours good?IfSid getsthemail,he tearsitup and neversaysa word.He did thesamewiththeletter thatPaulawroteto himwhenshefigured outwhatwasgoingon. Marilynneversawwhatthelettersaid. She onlyheardSid sobvigilantas bingfromtheothersideofa closeddoor,thechildren ended of silence him When his waited for to come out. days they and shetriedto talk,he simplyputa finger up to herlips,hiseyes her.He mixedhimdarkand shadowedin a waythatfrightened withrelief selfa drinkand offered herone as theysatand listened to thegigglesofthechildrenplayingoutside.Sid had boughta sandboxand putit overtheburnedspotrighttherein thefront yard.He saidthatin thefallwhenitwas cooler,he'dcoveritwith sod. He gaveup on advancingto thetop,and settledin instead he could maketo ensure witha budgetand all theinvestments collegeeducationsand decentretirement. Her feelings each and everyyearwhenspringcamehad nothshemighthavehadaboutthe to do with ing anylingering feelings - shehad none.Rather, affair herfeelings wereaboutthedisgust shefelt,themoreshe shefeltforherself, and themoredisgusted For her,alcoholwas the neededsome formof self-medication. ofthegreater symptom problem,and sheshudderswithrecallof allthenightsSidhadto scoopherup fromthefloorand carryher tobed.Thetimessheleftpotsburningon thestove,thetimeTom as a five-year-old soppedtowelswhereshelaysickon thebathroom floor."Mommyis sick,"he told Sid, who strippedand bathedher,cool sheetsaroundherbody,cool clothto herhead.It was thevisionofherchildrenstandingthereand staringat her, theireyesas somberandvacuousas Sid'shadbeenthatdayhe got Paula'sletter, thatwokeherup. "I'm through," shesaid."I needhelp." Sid backedherjustas he alwayshad. Rustywouldhavecalled himherenabler.He nursedherandlovedher.He forgave herand I'm her. a bad she told Sid. Withforgave experiment, chemistry outhimshewouldnothavesurvived. On thedayofintervention, thekidscomein meaningbusiness, but thencan'thelp but lapse into discussionabout theirown 140 This content downloaded on Mon, 4 Feb 2013 13:09:42 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions JILL MCCORKLE familiesand how greattheyall are. Snow Bunnywantsa baby, whichmakesSid laugh,eventhoughMarilyncan tellhe suspects somethingis amiss.Rustyhas been promoted.He is thinking aboutgoingbackto schoolto gethisdegreein psychology. They gatherin thelivingroom,Sid in his chair,a coffeecup on the tablebeside him. She knowsthereis bourbonin his cup but would neversay a word.She doesn'thave to. Sallysweepsby, its content. grabsthe cup, and thenis in the kitchensniffing ather,allthe Rustygivesthenod ofa manin charge.Sid is staring here? Did know are read: they you theywere Why questionseasily me? And to look this from she has did you keep coming?Why have She should have let this should She never happen. away. founda wayto bringSid aroundto hisowndecision,thewayhe hadledher. Now she wantsto screamat thechildrenthatshe did thisto Sid.Shewantsto pulloutthepictureboxand say:Thisis meback husbandwhileyouwereasleepin whenI wasfucking myfriend's I drankmyself sickso thatI could me when is And this beds. your I was.Hereis mother and wife and woman whata horrible forget whereI passedout on thefloorwitha pan ofhotgreaseon the in thefrontyard stove,and hereis whereI becameso hysterical thatI almostburnedthe house down. I ruinedthe lawn your I did this, fatherworkedso hardto grow.I ruinedyourfather. I was.He protected me. andhe nevertoldyouabouthowhorrible He savedme. to be with "Well,Sid,"Rustybegins,"we havecome together about concerned we're because you." you "Weloveyou,Daddy,andwe'reworried." Tomsays,and as Sid turnsto her,Marilyn "Mom is worried," has to look down. "Yourdrinkinghas becomea problem,and we'vecometo gethelpforyou." I'm thedrunk,shewantsto say.I washerefirst. "You'reworried, honey?"Sid asks."Whyhaven'tyoutoldme?" at Sid and thenat Sallyand Tom.Ifyou Shelooksup now,first learnto loveyoufromafar,their livelongenough,yourchildren Yourlifeis onlywhat livesare frontand centerand elsewhere. 141 This content downloaded on Mon, 4 Feb 2013 13:09:42 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions PLOUGHSHARES theycan conjurefrombitsand pieces.Theydon'tknowhowitall fitstogether. thathavebeen Theydon'tknowall the sacrifices made. "We'rehereas whatis calledan intervention," Rustysays. "Marilyn?"He is grippingthe armsof his chair."You knew this?" to do withthis." "No" shesays."No,I didn't.I havenothing his from rises chair,Sallyrightbesidehim.It's Rusty "Marilyn." liketheroomhas splitin twoand sheis givena clearchoice- the choiceshewishesshehad madeyearsago,and thenmaybenone ofthiswouldhaveeverhappened. "We can takecareofthison our own,"she says."We'vetaken careoffarworse." "Suchas?"Tomasks.Shehasalwayswantedto askhimwhathe remembers fromthosehorribledays.Does he remember finding herwishingtobe dead? herthereon thefloor?Does he remember "Waterunderthebridge,"Sid says."Waterunderthebridge." Sid stands,shouldersthrownback.He is stillthetallestman in he man."Youkidsaregreat," theroom.He is themostpowerful and kitchen into the He "You're and says. great, you'reright." goes ofbourbondownthe pourswhat'sleftofa fifth ceremoniously stillwrappedwitha Christmas sink.He breaksout anotherfifth ribbonandpoursitdownthesink."Yourmothertendsto overreact and exaggeratefromtimeto time,but I do love her."He doesn'tlook at her,justkeepspouring."She doesn'tdrink,so I won'tdrink." "She has neverhad a problem," Sallysays,and fora briefsecond MarilynfeelsTom'seyeson her. "I usedto,"Marilynsays. "Yeah,she'dsip a littlewineon holidays.Made herfeelsick, didn'tit,honey?"Sid is openingand closingcabinets.He putson the teakettle."Motherlikestea in the late afternoonlike the stillnotlookingat her, British. As a matteroffact," he continues, we pretend we areBritish." "sometimes She nods and watcheshim pour out some cheap Scotchhe alwaysoffersto cheap friends.He keepsthegood stuffwayup silverservice."Andwe'vebeenwriting highbehindhermother's ourownlittleholidayletter, Motherand I, and we'regoingto tell that has everysinglething gone on thispastyearlikeSallyand 142 This content downloaded on Mon, 4 Feb 2013 13:09:42 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions JILL MCCORKLE Rustydo. LikeI'm goingto tellthatMotherhas a spasticcolon as theBritish and oftenfeels'sqwitty,' mightsay,and thatI had an abscessedtooththatkeptdrainingintomythroat, leavingme no theday.Butall thataside, choicebutto hockand spitthroughout to dryoutfor kids,therealreasonI can'tformally go somewhere yourightnowis,one,I havealreadybookeda hoteloverin Myraboutme tleBeachforouranniversary, and,two,thereis nothing to dry." Bytheend of the nighteveryoneis talkingabout "one more toRustyandwhere chance."Sidhaseasilyturnedtheconversation he plansto applyto schooland to SnowBunnyand herhopesof havinga "littleTommy"a yearfromnow.Theysaythingslikethat if butnottobe hardon himself theyareproudofSid forhiseffort he can'tdo it on his own. He needsto realizehe mighthavea problem.He needstobe ableto say:I havea problem. allthatup?"he asksas theywatchthe "So.Wonderwhatstirred driveaway.She has yetto makeeyecontactwith childrenfinally him."I haveto sayI'm gladto see themleave."He turnsnowand waitsforherto saysomething. She cocksherhandsthiswayand "I sayadios,motherfuckers." thatliketherappersdo, whichmakeshimlaugh.She noticeshis handshakingand reachesto hold it in herown. She waits,and to fixhima smalldrinkto calmhisnerves. thensheoffers "I don'thaveto haveit,youknow,"he says. "Oh, I knowthat,"she says."I also knowyou savedthegood stuff." She mixesa weakone and goesintothelivingroom,wherehe candleon thepiano. hasturnedoffallbutthesmallelectric he saysas shesitsdownbesidehim. "Here'sto thelastdrink," a deepsighthatfillstheroom.He doesn'taskagainif He breathes to do withwhathappened.He neverquestions shehad anything hera secondtime;he neverhas. And in themiddleofthenight whenshereachesherhandoverthecool sheets,shewillfindhim there,and whenspringcomesand the stickyheat disgustsher in herlife,he willbe there,andwhen withpangsofall thefailures itis timeto getin thecarand driveto MyrtleBeachor to see the kids,perhapsevento driveall thewayto Minnesotato see their 143 This content downloaded on Mon, 4 Feb 2013 13:09:42 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions PLOUGHSHARES shewillgetin and closethedoorto thepassenger grandchildren, sidewithouta word.She willturnand lookat thehousethatthe and shewillnoteas she twoofthemworkedso hardto maintain, the of the front does always perfect yardand howSid greengrass fixeditso thatthereis nota traceofthemessshemade.It is their house.It is theirlife.She willfastenherseatbeltand not saya word. 144 This content downloaded on Mon, 4 Feb 2013 13:09:42 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions