Compendium of all conference presentations
Compendium of all conference presentations
Twinning project "Chemical Safety 3" SI 06 IB EC 02 REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA MINISTRY OF HEALTH CHEMICALS OFFICE OF REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA OPCW CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS CONFERENCE ON NANO-SAFETY April 22 – 24, 2009 Ljubljana, Slovenia Twinning Project Chemical Safety 3, SI 06 IB EC 02 !"#$ ## %%%%%%% & '( ( ! ) $ ( *(+, *(+, - " ." / ) ! ! "#$ # %& ! ' !! '( # ( + 0 ' # 01 ' '2! 3 !! ' (0 ' )0 # 2! ' )& * '+ ("! )$#$ "* + ,,- 2*+ +0 ( '+0, z z z z z ' *( * * * Î. % z (04 + z * ! Î # / 0! +0. 4*! , *! , z 45.6,789:;<<=!> 0(.? ¾ 2 (78@A(!"(+2 ¾ 6==;B==C(0 (5.C ¾ D!B==E z !!(*( '+012 3 z * + ! ! 4! ¾ 4 /56 7 ! 8#9 ! *! F!**, z 0+/'0,*( + ¾ 8 / # (5( /9 4# ,: z G# (0 + 0> )&? ¾ ! /56 ¾ 8/! /9 ; ,: z * ! 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( + +( 6%( D &M F+ &M + ( &D2F+ + & F+ &D2F+ 4 % F D F+ # 6 4 @! % F+ @! 4 % F+ 4 % & (< 6 & @! & @! G % 6 + D &M 6 & ///+@@ (0@ " ! " #$% & &&'''" + ( & . 0 ('/('2)&, I 0! 0 I % F ! I 6 + I ? % )!(& , I 0 6! I A ' D+0 + ( $ # , E / ! #! E $ E 7 # #$% $ ( !) #"'( ) *+$ ,)*+$- ) *$,)*$- ( (0 , E 0 D 1?3 E D! N ) E < @GG E ( . E 4 /G %" !OA ."/",'!,@@///+@ (0@ Responsible Production and Utilization of Nanomaterials in the Chemical Industry – Applications, Voluntary Measures and Regulatory Context – CONFERENCE ON NANO-SAFETY 22 – 24 April 2009, Ljubljana Dr. Hans-Jürgen Klockner VCI (German Chemical Industry Association) 1. Applications of Nanomaterials The value chain starts with the chemical industry Materials Anti-reflecting treatment of glass Components Surface treatments Products Improvement of fuel cells (ceramic membranes) Paint applications OLED Techniques CONFERENCE ON NANO-SAFETY, 22-24 April 2009, Ljubljana, Dr. Hans-Jürgen Klockner / VCI 3 Further nanotechnology/nanomaterial applications Environmental Technology Surface enhancement / Coatings • • • • • • • • • • • • Solar cells Thermal insulation of houses Fuel cells Hydrogen storage LEDs, i.e. “cold light” Flexible und low energy displays Lower weight cars Wind mill rotors… (polymer-NM-composites) Self cleaning surfaces Scratch resistant surfaces Technical textiles Water purification CONFERENCE ON NANO-SAFETY, 22-24 April 2009, Ljubljana, Dr. Hans-Jürgen Klockner / VCI 4 What are nanomaterials chemically? Oxides • of silicon, titanium, aluminum, zinc, iron, cerium… Elements • carbon allotropes (carbon black, carbon nanotubes, fullerenes), silver, iron… Organic compounds • vitamines… Polymer-nanomaterial composites These are all chemical substances: Just as fine powders or dispersions. CONFERENCE ON NANO-SAFETY, 22-24 April 2009, Ljubljana, Dr. Hans-Jürgen Klockner / VCI 5 2. Voluntary Measures of the German Chemical Industry Implementing Responsible Care® on Nanomaterials Responsible Care ® is the chemical industry’s Code of Conduct Responsible Care® applies to all products of the chemical industry • i.e. also to nanomaterials The Global Responsible Care® Principles require to: • continuously improve HSE-knowledge and performance of technologies, processes and products over their life cycles • report openly on performance, achievements and shortcomings • listen, engage and work with people to understand and address their concerns and expectations • cooperate with governments and organisations for effective regulations and standards, and meet or go beyond them • provide help and advice to foster the responsible management of chemicals along product chain CONFERENCE ON NANO-SAFETY, 22-24 April 2009, Ljubljana, Dr. Hans-Jürgen Klockner / VCI 7 General statements in laws vs. Codes of Conduct REACH: “Manufacturers, importers, downstream users must ensure that substances do not adversely affect human health or the environment.” [German] Dangerous Substances Ordinance: “Manufacturers / importers must classify substances / preparations according to their dangerous properties (with obligation to take efforts to gather information).” [German] Worker Protection Law: “Employer must take the necessary measures for occupational health and safety (with obligation to verify the efficiency of the measures and, if needed, to adapt the measures).” [German] Product Safety Law: “No marketing of products if there are risks for users at typical uses. Users must be provided with the necessary HSE information.” Language of laws is similar to that in Codes of Conduct. Industry associations often write guidelines how to implement laws. CONFERENCE ON NANO-SAFETY, 22-24 April 2009, Ljubljana, Dr. Hans-Jürgen Klockner / VCI 8 8 VCI documents for a comprehensive but modular approach Principles document • Implementing Responsible Care® on Nanomaterials Regulatory documents • Nanomaterials and REACH • Data Gathering for Risk Assessment • Occupational Safety and Health • Communication in the Supply Chain • Standardization Documents on Safety Research • Human Health • Environment This approach for responsible nanotech use is reflecting the European legal environment and REACH CONFERENCE ON NANO-SAFETY, 22-24 April 2009, Ljubljana, Dr. Hans-Jürgen Klockner / VCI 9 Voluntary measures in the VCI guidance documents above legal requirements For Risk Assessment quite a number of additional physicochemical information on top of REACH requirements In special cases (specific toxicity and/or widespread use and repeated exposure) gathering of HSE information beyond REACH Annex VII (i.e. from Annex VIII, IX und X) Minimise exposure at the workplace, until specific limit values are laid down for nanoparticles or certain nanomaterials Safety Data Sheets for all substances/preparations (i.a. also for those not classified as dangerous) Intensifying safety research with specific projects Stakeholder dialogues CONFERENCE ON NANO-SAFETY, 22-24 April 2009, Ljubljana, Dr. Hans-Jürgen Klockner / VCI 10 VCI Stakeholder activities The German chemical industry strives for an open dialogue with society to address societal expectations and concerns VCI Stakeholder Workshops on nanomaterials (moderated by the Stiftung Risiko-Dialog, St. Gallen) occupational safety aspects (2005 – 2007) information flow in the supply chain (2008) environmental aspects of nanomaterials (end of 2009) Public Fora on nanomaterials in major cities VCI is an active partner in the “Nano-Dialog” of the German Environment Ministry CONFERENCE ON NANO-SAFETY, 22-24 April 2009, Ljubljana, Dr. Hans-Jürgen Klockner / VCI 3. Regulatory Context 11 Occupational Safety and Health D Nanospecific VCI / BAuA [German CA] guidance for the workplace • Especially targeted to SMEs • Explanation of legal requirements for workplace safety • Checklist and recommendations: Information of workers, technical safety measures, personal safety equipment, substitution Overview on exposure measurement techniques Recommendation to minimise exposure at the workplace, until specific limit values are laid down for nanoparticles or certain nanomaterials • And: The German chemical industry is very active in SG 8 of the OECD WPMN (exposure measurement / mitigation) CONFERENCE ON NANO-SAFETY, 22-24 April 2009, Ljubljana, Dr. Hans-Jürgen Klockner / VCI 13 CASG Nano to implement REACH on Nanomaterials (DG ENT, DG ENV, CAs, ECHA, Industry, NGOs, Akademia…) CASG Nano Advices Deadline 0. Nanomaterials in REACH Jan 2009 1. Carbon and graphite in Annex IV and V Jan 2009 2. Substance Identification Jan 2009 3. Registration of Nanomaterials (NM) Spring 09 4. Advice on Classification and Labelling of NM Spring 09 5. Communication in the supply chain Dec 2010 6. Testing – Physico-chemical properties 7. Chemical Safety Assessment of NM Dec 2010 8. Testing – Human health toxicity 9. ?Annex XIV - Authorisation of NM as SHVC 10. Testing – Ecotoxicity Environment Dec 2010 11. Testing – Fate, Degradation, Aqueous Environment 12. Risk management measures Dec 2010 13. Alternative testing methods for NM 14. Finalisation of REACH guidance REACH rev. 15. Finalisation of testing strategies for NM June 2012 16.CONFERENCE Recommendations for further research ON NANO-SAFETY, 22-24 April 2009, Ljubljana, Dr. Hans-Jürgen Klockner / VCI 14 Nanomaterials and REACH (1) REACH • regulates chemical substances, in whatever size, shape and form, • therefore also regulates nanomaterials, • and provides the necessary legal instruments for their regulation. • REACH is underpinned by the Precautionary Principle (Art. 1) D This is meanwhile common understanding CONFERENCE ON NANO-SAFETY, 22-24 April 2009, Ljubljana, Dr. Hans-Jürgen Klockner / VCI 15 Nanomaterials and REACH (2) REACH Registration: • Mandatory for all substances >1 t/a per registrant • “Substances”, not uses or forms, must be registered • All uses / forms of the substance must be identified in the registration dossier also uses / forms of the substance at nanoscale even if they are < 1 t/a! • Obligation for update, if a registered non-nanoscale substance is to be manufactured also at nanoscale D VCI guidance on the requirements of REACH for nanomaterials CONFERENCE ON NANO-SAFETY, 22-24 April 2009, Ljubljana, Dr. Hans-Jürgen Klockner / VCI 16 Nanomaterials and REACH (3) Legal requirements within REACH without volume thresholds and independent of registration timelines: • Classification and labelling DDifferent products with the same chemical identity can have different classification / labelling • Information in the supply chain according to Title IV of REACH D Nanospecific VCI guidance for the Safety Data Sheet CONFERENCE ON NANO-SAFETY, 22-24 April 2009, Ljubljana, Dr. Hans-Jürgen Klockner / VCI 17 Data Gathering for Risk Assessment D Nanospecific VCI guidance for gathering of hazard information • Aligned with OECD programme • Tiered gathering of HSE information acc. to REACH Annexes VI – X • Recommendation for additional physicochemical information on top of REACH requirements: surface chemistry/coating, morphology, crystalline phase, shape, surface structure, specific surface area, particle size/size distribution, agglomeration/aggregation in native material or in preparation, known catalytic activity in special cases: dustiness, porosity, dispersion stability in water (or in other media), zeta potential (surface charge), photocatalytic activity, radical formation potential CONFERENCE ON NANO-SAFETY, 22-24 April 2009, Ljubljana, Dr. Hans-Jürgen Klockner / VCI 18 Communication in the Supply Chain Legal requirement to submit information to downstream users D Nanospecific VCI guidance for the information flow in the supply chain by means of the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) Common practice in the German chemical industry: • Safety Data Sheets for all substances/preparations i.e. also for those not classified as dangerous CONFERENCE ON NANO-SAFETY, 22-24 April 2009, Ljubljana, Dr. Hans-Jürgen Klockner / VCI 19 Industry contributes to CASG Nano Industry works closely with COM, ECHA and CAs on a sound implementation of REACH on nanomaterials Contents of industry guidance documents – like VCI‘s ones – may find the way into ECHA guidance CONFERENCE ON NANO-SAFETY, 22-24 April 2009, Ljubljana, Dr. Hans-Jürgen Klockner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' ' ' .+ / # % > 6(( * ($ , !(! % % .1(! , % 7&!% %! - "+ ++ ' " ! :' +' + , )( ( 0 "! " # ( !( !!" ( G + ' ' (0 O / 0 B=8B (! # $% ! 823349 % .& 8 / +' " , 2 5O 0 ( / / B' !' !! ' >/ ( + + ? AP #Q!! 9 ' ( ( 2 + , " $,8== " " ' + !! " " " < ! 0 "0 ( '+' "+ 0 0 !" +0 ( ! : ' # 0 # ! # V"0( '0 ' ++! ((+ (("0 0 !" ! S'0 '0! +! /'/ (' W - Orthopaedic implant components as a source of nanoparticles Ingrid Milošev Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, and Valdoltra Orthopaedic Hospital, Ankaran, Slovenia Conference on NanoNano-Safety, Safety, Ljubljana, 2222-24 April 2009 Number of implants and devices for USA (global numbers 2-3 times higher) Type of implant Number Intraocular implants Intraocular lenses 2.500.000 Contact lenses 30.000.000 Cardiovascular implants Pace makers 400.000 Vascular grafts 300.000 Stents Heart valves 1.500.000 100.000 Orthopaedic implants Total hip replacements 250.000 Total knee replacements 250.000 Dental implants 910.000 Biomaterial Science, Science, B.D. Ratner, Ratner, A.S. Hoffman, Hoffman, F.J. Schoen, Schoen, J.E. Lemons, Lemons, 2004 IM1 Indications for total hip replacement: - osteoarthritis - osteoarthritis secondary to dysplasia - aseptic femoral head necrosis - rheumatoid arthritis - post-traumatic arthritis Radigraph image of THR: (A) Post implantation (B) Prior revision surgery – aseptic loosening with osteolytic zones along the stem and changed cup position Animation: Survivorship curve is a long-term indicator of the successfulness of a particular prosthesis. Cum Survival Cumulative survivorship 1,00 0,95 Data are created based in the Valdoltra Register of hip and knee prostheses. 0,90 0,85 0,80 0,00 2,50 5,00 7,50 f 10,00 Time in situ / years 12,50 At 12 years postpost-op, 90% of prostheses still implanted 826 hip revision operations in the period from 2002 to 2007 700 Number of revisions 600 585 500 71% 400 300 258 183 200 144 100 67 48 30 26 23 8 19 20 Pain Fracture of the prosthesis Other 0 Loosening Loosening Loosening Loosening of acetab. of femoral of both part part parts Deep infection Fracture of Dislocation Two-stage Osteolysis the femur revision of femoral part Reason for revision Aseptic loosening related to the formation of wear debris and consequent osteolysis is reason for revision in >70%. Origin of wear Surface wear damage Wear particles Polyethylene particles Metal particles Cement particles Novel bearing combinations Metal-on-metal Ceramic-on-ceramic Biological consideration of particulate debris Introduction Wear debris Polyethylene particles origin: acetabular cup, acetabular inlay a e c d e f f Mode 1: two primary bearing surfaces (a,b) Mode 2: primary surface moving against a secondary surface (c, d) Mode 3: primary surfaces including third particles interposed (e, f) b Isolation procedure by NaOH digestion Polyethylene particles • For SEM analysis - filtrate the top layer through 0.2 um polycarbonate filter paper and coat with gold Metal particles For SEM analysis – filtrate the bottom layer through 0.2 um polycarbonate filter paper and coat with gold fibrilfibril-like round (submicron) submicron) elongated fibrilfibril-like Wear debris % 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0,1 0,5 1 5 More Length of particles (micrometers) Length of polyethylene particles isolated from implants with different material of the femoral head Wear debris Metal particles origin: femoral head femoral stem, acetabular inlay acetabular cup www.endoplus SEM images of retrieved metal components abrasion wear change in geometry, fretting 30 um third body wear 5 um I. Milošev, R. Trebše, et al., JBJS.Am, 88 (2006) 1173-1182 Back-scattered SEM and EDS analysis of metal particles Wear debris Wear debris Agglomerated and individual wear particles of Ti6Al4V isolated from periprosthetic tissue Bone cement particles (polymethylmethacrylate) Wear debris Cortical bone Cancellous bone Bone cement Polyethylene Metal ZrO2 or BaSO4 particles added to bone cement as radioopaque agents. agents. Novel bearing combinations Size, composition and volume of wear debris particles are dependent on the type of bearing combination. Wear of metal-on-metal bearings is lower but particles are nanosized and their number is up to 500 times the number of polyethylene particles in conventional bearings/per year ! 1012 to x 1014 metal particles/ year Wear debris papain digestion Metal wear debris isolated from periprosthetic tissue of metal-on-metal prosthesis by enzyme digestion procedure I. Milošev, M. Remškar, J. Biomed. Mater. Res, in press High-resolution TEM I. Milošev, M. Remškar, J. Biomed. Mater. Res., in press CoCr-O-particle Biological response Consequences of particles formation Increase in total surface area Local tissue response and release of cytokines involved in bone resorption Local tissue response Biological response B.F. Morrey, Morrey, Biological, Biological, Material, and Mechanical Considerations of Joint Replacement, Replacement, 1993 Biological response Consequences of particles formation Increase in total surface area Local tissue response and release of cytokines involved in bone resorption Systemic effects Biological response Systemic effect of metal particles– blood and urine 0,6 3 2,8 0,5 2 0,4 0,5 2,4 0,3 1 Serum Cr (ug/L) Serum Co (ug/L) 0,2 0,1 0,4 0 200 400 600 0,3 2,0 0 0 200 400 600 1,6 1,2 0,8 0,2 control group 0,1 0,4 control group 0,0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 0 100 200 days post-op Hip prosthesis implanted 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 days post-op 2-year postpostop I. Milošev, P. Campbell, V. Pišot, J.Orhop. Res., 23 (2005) 526-535 Biological response Consequences of particles formation Increase in total surface area Local tissue response and release of cytokines involved in bone resorption Systemic effects Transport of particles to distant organs Potential for carcinogenesis and hypersensitivity Metal sensitivity Skin test for metal sensitivity are not correlative and are unable to predict delayed metal hypersensitivity ! Willert HG et al., Osteologie (2000), World Tribology Forum in Artroplasty (2001) Delayed Type Hypersensitivity (DTH) related to the use of metal-on-metal prostheses: Diffuse and perivascularly oriented lymphocyte infiltration Macrophages (sometimes with drop-like inclusions) Plasma cells* Infiltrates of B-lymphocytes* Massive fibrin exudations* Clinical status: pain Concluding remarks Benefits of total joint replacements are most important fot the patient. We should be aware, however, that loosened implant components are a source of various types of nanoparticles – metal, polyethylene, PMMA and ceramic. Knowledge on their morphology and composition contributes to the understanding of failure mechanism. Efforts are directed to the prolongation of lifetime of implants by increasing their wear resistance. Joint collaboration studies between medical and research community are necessary. Acknowledgments Orhopaedic surgeons at the Valdoltra Orthopaedic Hospital (V. Pišot, R. Trebše, S. Kova) Vesna Levaši, MD, Arthroplasty register Prof. Andrej Coer, University of Primorska, pathology specialist Dr. Maja Remškar, Jožef Stefan Institute Thank you + /+7.(+) +00/.+? 7. (7%/+7.( F%7%%( (+(.+)% .F;%7 +(6 )R(@ ./@+(< Q7 " " P 0A D 6 F( # A#A + %( (4 /%7 4 F %&H 40 = 40> ?%+ 0/7)* %0+ ?% % 22A#A F( ! < ',-#- -#'.-, I 7 ! ! 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"8 " ! 8 " 6` [( ' &&( ! ! /[. / 8&6 // 8& %&L& 8 8 & [5 ( 9 '%8 : : - J!] ! ,J# * 1'3 ! 1X3 13 1*3 13 , : = 1J3 * , ,A , ,, ,,, ,,,, G 1A3 # S J .,J# : , 1'3 13 13 1'3 1*3 1J3 ?F < ,B ! 1X3 J 1*3 , 13 13 1J3 J , ,A , ,, ,,, ,,,, G 1A3 @ , J# ") W +X,3-F ')# J#^ ! & ', University of Modena and Reggio Emilia Laboratory of Biomaterials Italy Clinical evidence of exposure to environmental nanopollution Antonietta M. Gatti Nanosafety - Llubljana 2009 PM10 Nanoparticles Red cells Scale of dimensions of biological and synthetic materials 1 Nanosilver Technology in washing machines, air conditioners, refrigerators 2 Nanotechnological T-Shirt 2Pm MIPAN Nano Magic Silver is an anti-microbial that contains nanosized silver ions kill various harmful germs The affair Magic-Nano 3 Chewing gum : Happydent defensive Chewing gum: Daygum Herbs White 4 Toothpaste Nano-Up Japan Toothbrush Nano-Up Japan 5 Toothbrush Nano-Up Japan BRITA : water filter device 6 BRITA water filter Sn Ca Ag BRITA water filter system 7 Coordinator: Dr. Antonietta M. Gatti Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario Sviluppo Materiali -CNISM University of Modena & ReggioEmilia Lab of Biomaterials, Dept.Neurosciences, Via Campi 213 A- 41100 Modena- I Development of an Integrated Platform for Nanoparticle Analysis to verify their possible toxicity and the eco-toxicity Partners 1. University of Salzburg, A 2. Fraunhofer Institute of Biomedical Engineering, D 3. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, I 4. Università della Magna Graecia, I 5. Grimm Aerosol, D 6. VITO n.v. B 7. CSEM SA, CH 8. Institut Català de Nanotecnologia, S 9. Joint Research Centre Ispra -EVCAM University of Modena & Reggio Emilia 8 is the branch of learning that deals with how the organism reacts to the presence of micro- and nano-particles •ESEM FEG-ESEM 9 Lung Nemmar et al.: Circulation 2002, 105:411 Passage of 100nm sized particles in the blood and in the liver Pulmonary Mesothelioma Asbestos fiber 10 228 BR LUNG Pulmonary Mesothelioma LUNG Adenocarcinoma 11 129 AP LUNG Pluri-visceral Granulomatosis SPLEEN 129 AP Pluri-visceral Granulomatosis LUNG 112K_011 12 RF 4 Nanoparticles of Gold in a liver granuloma. The patient was treated with colloidal gold particles for knee arthrosis. 10 Pm 112L_003 LIVER 13 Colon cancer with clusters of Silver nanoparticles Blood clot in vivo Ag 14 Gulf-War syndrome kidney Hg 20 Pm Cluster of nano Hg-Se KIDNEY 112K_006 15 Barium-sulphate nanoparticles found inside a thrombus 10 Pm 10 Pm BLOOD Soldier’s wife affected by Burning Semen disease Red cells 292 16 Glioblastoma BRAIN 224A_006 Hodgkin’s Disease SPERM GW335C_002 17 Section of a lymph node in a civilian of Sarajevo affected by Hodgkin Disease (FEG-ESEM) 5 Pm Simulation of a “war” pollution exposure 18 Bladder Carcinoma in a mine-sweeper BLADDER CANCER W 19 Liver cancer Fe Si ESEM image of sperm with a foreign body spermatozoon Lead nanoparticle 20 Pm 20 Impact of the environmental nanopollution Disease 21 Polveri sottili Neu-Laxova syndrome Neu-Laxova syndrome is a rare congenital abnormality characterised by intrauterine growth restriction, microcephaly, facial dysmorphy, short neck, edema, scaly skin and perinatal death. Additional features such as spina bifida, cryptorchidism and shallow orbital cavities have been reported. Chromosomal analysis in reported cases has revealed a normal karyotype and an autosomal recessive inheritance has been postulated. 22 Liver Kidney of a malformed foetus 111 MA Zn Zn _____20μ_____ 23 Kidney of a malformed foetus Pb Cl Pb ____20μ______ AUT 77/06 - MANTOVA Leucemia Mieloide Acuta (n. int. 478 MN - 481 MN) 24 Kidney Cuore 25 Debris found in the urban pollution 5 micron Foraminifero normale foraminifero malformato 26 Malformed lamb from Sardinia Kidney MA 27 Liver Brain Gonads Nano contamination in food 28 Bread Tierra del Fuego South America Contamination in bread from Sicily W Co Cd W W 29 Industrial Hamburger Hay 30 Gas emission of a diesel car CrFeNi Ag S. Domingo Chocolate 31 From the fork to the farm Bread from Modena Cookie From the fork to the farm Al Si Cl Os W W 32 Italian bread 1 Italian bread 2 From the fork to the farm Homogenized baby food 33 Peach skin Clam 34 W W Cauliflower soup 35 Cauliflower soup 1000 Km Anchovy’s liver from the Adriatic sea Co Cr W Nb Nd Cl Sb 36 Environment is polluted by airborne nanoparticles, unintentionally released by high temperature combustive processes. Results of the research 37 FP5- European Project NANOPATHOLOGY Ni Group : nodules observed on both sides (particles + bulk material) in all animals 6 months after implantation Co Group : Nodules observed on the left side (nanoparticles IM) in all cases 8 months after implantation – nothing on the right side (bulk material implanted SC) Co NPs Nickel and Cobalt nanoparticles induced rabdomiosarcoma after 6-month implantation in rats, the bulk samples only fibrotic capsules or granulomas. 38 3T3 fibroblasts with Fe3O4 dry nanoparticles “free” in the nuclear area of a mitotic cell 0.1 Pm FP6- European Project-DIPNA Factors influencing the pathogenicity of microand nanoparticles PHYSICAL Foreign body Size Shape Surface area state Concentration Intake velocity CHEMICAL Composition Corrodibility Speciation BIOLOGICAL Organ (cell) involved Health condition Individual variability Radioactivity 39 Thank you Nanopathology: the health impact of nanoparticles Pan Stanford Publishing We cannot hide the problems 40 The ability to think differently today from yesterday distinguishes the wise man from the stubborn. J.Steinbeck (Nober Prize 1962) 41 CONFERENCE ON NANO-SAFETY 22.-24. April 2009, Ljubljana, Slovenia Nanosized ZnO and nano TiO2: bioavailability and bioaccumulation Damjana Drobne University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty Department of Biology, SLOVENIA E-mail: Research group for nanobiology and nanotoxicology Dept. Biology, Biotechnical faculty, Uni Ljubljana Damjana Drobne; Vladka Lešer; Janez Valant; Živa Tkalec Pipan; Marjetka Kralj Kuni; Sara Novak, student; Tea Romih; student ______________________________________________ National Institute of chemstry Anita Jemec ______________________________________________ Faculty for computer and information science, Uni Ljubljana Jernej Zupanc J1-9475 (C) Elaboration and evealution of a single species toxicity test for nanoparticles with a terrestrial isopod evaluation and Izdelava in vrednotenje testa strupenosti (basic research project), Slovenian Research Agency 2006-2009 Aim of work …. to study interactions between nanoparticles and biological systes In vivo and in vitro biological system A terrestrial isopod, a model invertebrate organism Lipid vesicles Our past experiences ... studding toxicity of metal pollutants and pesticides present in the environment. Present challanges Interactions between nanoparticles and biological systems. + Photo: M. Bele, Institute of chemistry, Ljubljana .. .biological potential of nanosized metal oxides Chemicals affect target molecules or interfere with different intracellular compartments. The effect is propagated upwards to higher levels of biological complexity (cells, tissue, organs, organism) and it is manifested as toxic response. What about nanoparticles? 1) One hypothesis is that nanoparticles interact firstwith cell membrane! A consequesnce is…. Photo: J. Valant … cells are affected, but nanoparticles were not detected inside the cells (nanoTiO2). 2) The other opened question is: are nanoparticle bioavailable; do they bioaccumulate? ? By L.Ziccardi, M. McArdle, Y. Lowney, J. Tsuji Do ZnO nanoparticles accumulate? Our work - model organism, terrestrial isopod P. scaber - food exposure to nanoparticles for 4 weeks - comparison among bioaccumulation of - nano ZnO, - macropowder ZnO - ZnCl2 Background • terrestrial isopods accumulate high amounts of meals (Zn, Pb, Cu, Fe etc). in their tissue • a lot of knowledge already exist on the accumulation pattern and accumulation strategy of metals if offered as soluble salts - Experimental set up + Four weeks feeding on Nanoparticel, macropowsder or ZnCl dosed food metal analyses in whole organism by AAS concentrations of Zn in the body Background knowledge: FIB/SEM, Photo: F.Tatti, FEI Scanning electron micrograph of macropowder of ZnO. Scanning electron micrograph of nanosized ZnO Results no diffrences in amount of accumulated Zn among groups TOTAL BODY 1200 5000 μg/g Amount of Zn (Pg/g dry weight) • 1000 # glede Zn 2000 n * glede na kontrolo & glede Zn 2000 M $ glede ZnCl 2000 $ & 2000 μg/g 800 # * * * 600 400 200 0 control Zn2000n zn2000M znCl2000 Zn5000n zn5000M ZnCl5000 Exposure concentration (Pg/g food) By Ž. Pipan Tkavec, D. Drobne, A.Jemec ,T.Romih, P.Zidar, M.Bele Discussion • we are not able to answere the question about nanoaprticle bioavailability or bioaccumauation pottential • the fact is that when nanosized or macrosized ZnO is ingetsed an equal prtion of Zn is accumulated as when ZnCl2 is inegested Present/Future direction of research • investigation of accumulation of other nanparticles with lower dissolution rates; for example Cu and Ag nanoparticles • Investigation of interaction between membranes and nanoparticles Photo by J.Zupanc Computer aided analysis of lipid vesicles shape transformations after incubation with nanoparticles. Publications: - DROBNE, Damjana, JEMEC, Anita, PIPAN, Živa. In vivo screening to determine hazards of nanoparticles: nanosized TiO2. Environ. pollut. ,2009, issue 4, vol. 157, str. 1157-1164 - JEMEC, Anita, DROBNE, Damjana, REMŠKAR, Maja, SEPI, Kristina, TIŠLER, Tatjana. Effects of ingested nano-sized titanium dioxide on terrestrial isopods Porcellio scaber. Environ. toxicol. chem., 2008, vol. 27, no. 9, str. 1904-1914, - JEMEC, Anita, DROBNE, Damjana, TIŠLER, Tatjana, SEPI, Kristina. Biochemical biomarkers in environmental studies-lessons learnt from enzymes catalase, glutathione S-transferase and cholinesterase in two crustacean species. Environ. sci. pollut. res. int., 2009, 11 str., Thank you for your attention! TP SusChem Safety aspects of the nano TiO2 production and application Presentation at the Nano Safety Conference Ljubljana 22nd- 24th of April 2009 Antonín Mloch Content ) Preface ) Risk assessment framework of nano TiO2 ) Common activities of TDMA ) Ongoing iniciatives ) Relative risk assessment for the several industrial fabrications of nano TiO2 ) Conclusions 1 : World consumption of TiO2 : ~ 5 mil t/year : World consumption of UF and nano TiO2 : 40 kt/ year (including 25 kt /year DeNOx catalysts) UF TiO2 has a long history of safe use in cosmetics products spanning many decades (UV Attenuator ) Nano TiO2 are also used in catalysts,coatings for self-cleaning windows,electronics,fotovoltaics and medicine N Czech Republic – Precheza producer of the pigmentary TiO2 and development of production and application of the precursors for catalysts , photocatalysts and UV absorbers 3 MARKETS REPRESENT 80% OF MARKET SHARE 5% 3% 8% Catalyst 10% Electroceramic Color Pigment UV blockers 54% Photocatalyst Misellaneous 20% 40 000 Mt / Year estimated 2006 Spring 2008 2 The industry is responsible for the evaluation of any such risks in production and application Attention focuses upon the questions of risk assessment and risk management within the first phase of application research Definition and structure of nanomaterials, toxicological and ecotoxicological behaviour of nanomaterials , exposure and need for specific ”nanoregulation NI Is the whole life cycle (workers – consumers – disposal to the environment) under the control by the industry ? N Is there information enough and has the relevant information distributed adequately? Potential for exposure to nano TiO2 Risk = Hazard x Exposure Adapted from Tsuji J.S. § all : Toxicological Sciences;2006 89, No.1 ,42-50 3 Routes of exposure, distribution and degradation of NSP Adapted from Oberdörster G.: Inhalation Toxicology 2004 Adapted from Oberdörster G.: Inhalation Toxicology 16,2004,23-45 4 Common activities of TDMA TDMA Ultrafine TiO2 Working Group : TDMA members + Ishihara,Tayca, Merck N Assessment of substance risk is time consuming and costly procedure,multidisciplinary approach. N Developing of an extensive dossier of safety data and other evidence which examine the various aspects of the consumer safety of UF TiO2 EC Directive : TiO2 is safe for use in cosmetic products at maximum concentration of 25 % in order to protect the skin N Standartization of respirable dust measurement N Review of Toxicology and Epidemiology of TiO2 literature TDMA = Titanium Dioxide Manufacturers Association A Sector Group of Cefic Several basic studies sponsored by TDMA Historical Cohort Study of Workers Employed in the Titanium Dioxide Production Industry in Europe, Results of Mortality Followup; Boffetta, et al; Department of Medical Epidemiology; Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, January 2003 : Subchronic Inhalation Toxicity Study on Pigmentary Titanium Dioxide in Mice,Rats ,and Golden Hamsters, Chemical Industry Institute of Toxicology (CIIT),2002 : : Subchronic Inhalation Toxicity Study of Ultrafine Titanium Dioxide with Mice,Rats,and Golden Hamsters ,CIIT USA 2003 5 Inhalation Toxicology and Epidemiology Subchronic, Subchronic, inhalation study CIIT Centres for Health Research USA Rats, mice and hamsters Photocatalytic TiO2 (Degussa P 25), 25), Aerosol concentrations of 0,5 , 2 or 10 mg/m3;6 hours/ hours/day,13 day,13 weeks Main findings of inhalation study: There is no evidence that titanium dioxide itself has toxic properties,that would lead to cancer. This recent study leads us to believe that titanium dioxide does not present a carcinogenic risk to man at exposures experienced in the workplace. The results of our two mortality studies are most powerful evidence that UF TiO2 does not have a significant carnigonic effect on the human lung. The studies do not suggest an association between occupational exposure to TiO2 and risk for cancer. Studies on application of sunsreens containing UF TiO2 to healthy skin revealed that TiO2 particles only penetrate into the outermost layers of the stratum cornum,suggesting that healthy skin is an effective barrier to TiO2 Oral,subcutaneous and intraperitoneal administration did not produce a significant increase in frequency of any type of tumor in mice and rats. 6 Occupational Exposure Limits NIOSH,USA recommend new exposure limits of 1.5 mg/m3 for fine and 0.1 mg/m3 ultrafine TiO2 as time weighted average concentrations for up to 10 hr/day during a 40-hours work week.. These levels will serve to minimize any risks that might be associated with the development of pulmonary inflammation and cancer. TDMA opinion : the lower limit for the critical dose of UF TiO2 may be as high as 2 mg/m3.Hence ,REL of 1,5 mg/m3 would be protective for ultrafine exposures. exposures. Ongoing iniciatives ) In April, 2008 the European Commission requested additional information for nanoscaled material in cosmetics especially for TiO2 .The final dossier was submitted to EC 23.2.2009 . ) At the moment WG 4 of ISO Committee is preparing ISO/AWI 11937 Nanotechnologies - Nano-titanium dioxide as a technical specification, consisting of two parts: characterization and determination and material specifications of certain applications (e.g. coatings, cosmetics, plastics, ceramics). Under WPMN there have been selected 14 nanomaterials for which data should be gathered. If no data exists, it should be conducted by testing. Titanium dioxide is one of those substances selected. TDMA participation and data gathering WPMN= OECD Working Party on manufactured nanomaterials 7 UF TiO2 Manufacture and Processing ) The main difference between ultrafine and pigmentary titanium dioxide is primary particle size.Primary particles form aggregates and agglomerates.The primary particle is not normally present as discrete particles ) The processes for manufacturing UF TiO2 are usually similar to that of pigmentary titanium dioxide ,having adopted many of the standard unit operations and process equipment from pigment technology . The UF and nano product can be sourced from the sulphate ,the chloride,hydrothermal process ,flame pyrolization or sol-gel method Process Flow Diagram of manufacture UF TiO2 Crystal formation Titanium Dioxide: How it is made – UV attenuation grade zTypical Precipitation zProcesses Titanium Tetrachloride/ titanyl sulphate Filtration Purification Milling Coating Milling Thermal Hydrolysis Water Cosmetic Oils Dispersion UV Attenuation Dispersion Grades UV Attenuation Powder Grades 8 Relative risk assessment for the several industrial fabrications of nano TiO2 ) representative synthesis method was selected based on its potential for scale up and near-term potential for large-scale production and commercialization . ) A list of input and output materials,and waste streams for each step of fabrication was developed and entered into a database that included key process characteristics such as temperarature and pressure.The physical/chemical properties and quantities of the inventoried materials were used to assess relative risk based on factors such as volatibility,carcinogenity,flammability,toxicity,and persistence The protocol ranks three categories of risk relative to a 100 point scale (where 100 represents maximum risk) : incident risk,normal operation risk and latent contamination risk Product ,manufacturing method Risk score for production process Nano TiO2 through hydrolysis and calcination from TiCl4 Nano TiO2 by hydrothermal process 62 Nano TiO2 through hydrolysis and calcination from titanylsulfat Refinered petroleum 56 aspirin 58 64 76 9 Conclusions from risk assessment ) The manufacture of nano TiO2 may present lower risks than of those of current activities such as petroleum refining, polyolefin production, and synthetic pharmaceutical production ) Almost as much as constituent substances in a process, differences in handling operations could have a marked effect on the final risk N scores Recycling and successful recapture of materials play a key role in lowering normal operations risk score. Risk Assessment of exposure to TiO2 nanoparticles location hazard exposure risk black session Minimal of the TiO2 is present as free particles zero zero up calcination as above zero zero calcination The presence of nanoparticles is higly unlikely micronisation minimal because all the UF particles are in aqueous suspension final powder product The hazard is potentially there but indications are that the dust is essentially aggregated Minimum exposure minimalize during normal duties zero exposure Exposure levels need to be established by the manufacturers zero possible 10 Results for safe procedures for handling nano TiO2 The main hazards of the production and application of nano TiO2 are physiological hazards, i.e. by inhalation Potential dust exposure occurs only in specific areas of the plant Safe procedure for manufactiring and handling nano TiO2 have defined for each phases of activity Wastes of nano TiO2 are not considered hazardous for disposal into sanitary landfill or industrial waste disposal landfill. Conclusions The safety of nano TiO2 has been the subject of numerous experimental and clinical studies and has been fully demostrated. These studies show no adverse systemic effects with nanoscale titanium dioxide; no skin penetration detected, no skin irritant or sensitising potential, no genotoxic potential, no toxic potential by the oral route, no ecotoxicological potential. Low potential to produce tissue inflammation by inhalation. Limited human data are limited, quantitative data are available from rodent studies.To use these data in risk assessment ,a reasonable approach for extrapolating the rodent data to humans is required. Use the best information available to make interim recommendations on occupational safety and health practises in the production and use of nano TiO2 11 These interim recommendations will be updated as appropriate to reflect new information They will address key components of occupational safety and health, including monitoring, engineering controls, personal protective equipment, occupational exposure limits, and administrative controls . Additional are required to make a better assessment (for example NIOSH plans to study airborne exposures to fine and ultra-fine TiO2 along with workplace procedures and end useres in comparison with unexposed workers ;last year European Commission requested of additional information for nano TiO2 in cosmetics.) TDMA members take all possible precautions against all potential work place exposures and support the continuous improvement of procedures and processes to minimalize any potential exposure NIOSH= National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health,USA Thank you for your attention Author acknowledge partial support for this work from Ministry of Industry of the Czech republic within the framework of state programme TANDEM 12 Detection of nanoparticles Maja Remškar1, Ivan Iskra1, Janja Vaupoti1, Griša Monik2 1Jozef Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, Ljubljana, Slovenia d.o.o., Kamniska 41, Ljubljana, Slovenia 2Aerosol 1. Special properties of nanoparticles 2. Direct observation of nanoparticles (microscopy) 3. Indirect observation (scattering) 4. Detection of nanoparticles 5. Demonstration of nanoparticle detectors (Ivan Iskra, Grisa Mocnik) Number of NPs in cm3: Eye: resolution - 0.1 mm -Office: 1.104- 4.104 Optical microscope: 300 nm (3000 x) -Welding (varjenje) : 4.106 Unvisible -Grinding (brušenje): 2.105 Transmission electron microscope: 0.12 nm – 1.5.106 x -Smoking >1.108 exahalation Airborn Fast NANOPARTICLE Brownian motion velocity v m-1/2 v r – 3/2 Reactive mCarbon (10 nm) = 3.10-22 kg v (RT) = 11 m/s - Large surface area/mass ratio - Quantum effects Agglomeration of nanoparticles - Self-assembly of MoxSyIz nanotubes - Agglomeration of TiO2 during the production process 50 Pm Agglomeration of WOx nanowires during evaporation of solvent 2 nm NO data on agglomeration and recrystallization in: • bio-compatible solvents • during the transition through the cell membrane • inside the cell and its nucleus Chemical activity of nanoparticles Strongly depends on the ration of surface atoms to volume atoms Diameter NS / NV atoms 8 nm 7% 1 nm 58 % Physical and Chemical properties of nanoparticles could influence their potential risk. • Composition • Size • Shape • Surface properties (possibility of adsorbed spieces) • Bulk properties- chemistry Origin of nanoparticles and where we meet them: • intentionally produced - engineered: cosmetics, food, detergents, textile, water protective films • non intentionally produced: - a side product in industrial production (grinding, soldering, milling) - combustion of bio-mass - emission from diesel engines • natural: erosion, desert powder, viruses FROM EVER Nanoparticles have always been present in the environment Combustion processes in the last 200 years have added to the amount of manmade nanoparticles entering the environment • How can we determine and measure this? • Is the overall amount of nanoparticles in the environment set to increase? Workplace exposure Large concentrations of nanoparticles may be present in occupational environments, which deserve particular attention from the standpoint of exposure. Limited data and guidelines are available for handling nanoparticles in occupational settings as well as research laboratories. For example, guidelines for the selection of respiratory protection for specific types of nanoparticles are lacking. A number of organisations including CEN, ISO or OECD are working to develop and standardize instruments and test methods for the support of appropriate health, safety and environment legislation and regulations of nanomaterials. It includes work on the development and standardisation of: · Instruments and test methods for measurement and identification of airborne nanoparticle in the workplace and the environment; · Test methods to characterize nanomaterials; Powered blouse respirator · Protocols for toxicity and eco toxicity testing; · Protocols for whole life cycle assessment of nanomaterials, devices and products; · Risk assessment tools relevant to the field of nanotechnologies; · Test methods to assess the performance efficiency of engineered and personal control measures; · Occupational health protocols relevant to nanotechnologies. STM-Scanning tunneling microscope -for studying surfaces at atomic level. -for good resolution is considered to be 0.1 nm lateral resolution and 0.01 nm depth resolution 10 Atomic Force Microscopy Carbon nanotubesnon-contact AFM 15 nm TiO2 Sigma-Aldrich Interdepartmental Center for Electron Microscopy, IJS: JEM-2010F, 200 keV Light scattering Large particles: small angle of scattering Small particles: large angle of scattering Dynamic light scattering By knowing the incident light frequency and measuring the scattered light frequency to determine the shift, we can calculate particle size Detection principles Detection Condensation Electrometers Number concentration Number of particles Net charge Corona discharge Tailpipe Current carried away by particles Exhaust flow Electrometer 15-500 nm Max 105 NPs/cm3 Prize: 7.000 Eur High voltage source Virtual ground Dekati ETaPS sensor for diesel exhaust Current Monitoring Method Condensation Particle Counter (CPC) • Old technology--based on cloud chamber effect • Grow nm particles in saturated alcohol or water atmosphere • Then use optical counter to determine number concentration • First widespread application was in clean rooms • Needed to count very low levels • CPCs are now common in air pollution research studies and to monitor industrial processes • CPCs in routine air monitoring are novel-currently no widespread use in routine monitoring • Results are model specific! • No explicit upper size cut • Performance in smallest sizes is model specific Size distribution Impactors Air inlet Cascade impactors are designed for a particle size related sampling of ambient and industrial aerosols. Weight or mass size distributions of nanoparticles are obtained. 16 Size distribution of nanoparticles TSI model Particle Size Range: 10 to 487nm Concentrations: up to 1.107 NPs / cm3 Price: cca. 50.000 Eur Differential mobility analyzer Condensation particle chamber Electrostatic Low Pressure Impactor 6 nm – 10.000 nm Max: 10 8 NPs / cm3 Prize: 75.000 Eur GRIMM SMPS (dr. Janja Vaupoti, JSI) Measurements of aerosol concentration and their size distribution in the range 10 – 1100 nm were carried out at different locations. Scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS+C; GRIMM Aerosol Technik) was used. The system consisted of the condensation particle counter (CPC) and electrostatic classifier (L-DMA), without the neutraliser. Laboratory 1 cleaning open window Laboratory 2/Office – next to workroom open window Workshop (metallurgy) end of working hours start of working hours Parking place end of working day evening morning Monitoring results in IonBond, UK Background sample before vacuum system opened Vacuum chamber door opened – first 6 minutes Vacuum chamber door opened – after 9 minutes Vacuum chamber door opened – after 30 minutes Monitoring at workplace 1. Personal sampling: Exposure integration or alarm for personal use. Daily to monthy analysis. 2. Mobile device: New operations, maintenance. Response time: 5 min. 3. Work places: Monitoring tool for data collection and alarm. Response time: 530 min. 4. Efficiency of collective protective equipments. Qualification after new filter installation. 5-6: Drain: Environmental protection in the liquid drain. 7-8: Extraction: Environmental protection in the air. 9: External: 2 different needs: • Monthly survey of the impact of the factory on the environment (routine and accidental situations) • Real time determination of the fluctuation of the external background noise in order to correct inside measurements Conference on nano-safety 17:00, 23.04.09 Guidance on handling and use of nanomaterials 23.04.2009 Miriam Baron Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Germany Overview • Questionaire • Guidance for Handling and Use of Nanomaterials at the Workplace • Threshold limit values 23.04.2009 • Nanodialog Miriam Baron, Gr. 4.6, BAuA, Germany 1 Conference on nano-safety 17:00, 23.04.09 BAuA-questionaire 2006 • Initiated by the stakeholder dialog event on engineered nanoparticles (october 2005) • Cooperation with: • German Chemical Industry Association (VCI) • Federation of German Industries (BDI) • 217 companies participated: • Industry 23.04.2009 • Small and medium enterprises 3 • Research companies 4.6/Baron BAuA-questionaire 2006: Situation in Germany • Participation according to the criterion: use of nanomaterials above 10 kg/yr • 45 companies participated: • 51 % use above 100 kg/yr • Thereof 11 % above 100 t/yr • Thereof 7 % above 1000 t/yr (e.g. carbon black, silicic acid) 23.04.2009 • 56 % produce/use more than one nanomaterial 4 • 71 % less than 10 exposed employees • Reported products: 70 4.6/Baron Miriam Baron, Gr. 4.6, BAuA, Germany 2 Conference on nano-safety 17:00, 23.04.09 Questionary: Activities (out of 70 products) 96 working situations: • 37 mixing and dispersing • 31 filling and baging • 17 loading and decanting • 7 drying 23.04.2009 • 4 milling Multiple responses possible 5 4.6/Baron Questionary: Knowledge gaps (out of 70 products) • No knowledge on particle size and number 59 • No measurement (unknown exposure) 31 • No knowledge about potential health effects 28 23.04.2009 No particle-specific health complaints among the workers were reported Multiple responses possible 6 4.6/Baron Miriam Baron, Gr. 4.6, BAuA, Germany 3 Conference on nano-safety 17:00, 23.04.09 Questionary: Protection measures (out of 70 products) Protection Measures 54 • Ventilation 63 • Personal protective equipment (respiratory protection) 55 23.04.2009 • Engineering controls Multiple responses possible 7 4.6/Baron Questionary: Protection measures – Engineering Controls 23.04.2009 Engineering controls (54 cases) 8 • Wet processing 37 • Closed system 27 • Automatic processing 13 Multiple responses possible 4.6/Baron Miriam Baron, Gr. 4.6, BAuA, Germany 4 Conference on nano-safety 17:00, 23.04.09 Questionary: Protection measures ventilation 23.04.2009 Ventilation (63 cases) 9 • Open ventilation 29 • Semi-open ventilation 21 • Automatic ventilation 18 • Closed ventilation 13 • Natural ventilation 9 Multiple responses possible 4.6/Baron Questionary: Protection measures – personal protective equipment • For 80 % of the activities: usage of respiratory protection (additionally to engineering controls and ventilation) • Wide spectrum, ranging from general masks to 23.04.2009 specific respirators (FFP1 to FFP3) 10 Multiple responses possible 4.6/Baron Miriam Baron, Gr. 4.6, BAuA, Germany 5 Conference on nano-safety 17:00, 23.04.09 Guidance for Handling and Use of Nanomaterials at the Workplace • Cooperation with the German Chemical Industry Association (VCI) • Published 2007 • To be updated this year 23.04.2009 • To be amended by industry sector specific Guidance (under progress: for laboratories) 11 4.6/Baron Contents 1 Introduction 2 General occupational health and safety rules 3 Recommendations for workers' protection in the handling and use of nanomaterials 4 Current situation and development of measuring methods for nanoparticles 23.04.2009 Annex 12 Flowchart on Hazard Assessment for Nanomaterials at the Workplace 4.6/Baron Miriam Baron, Gr. 4.6, BAuA, Germany 6 Conference on nano-safety 17:00, 23.04.09 General occupational health and safety rules Duties according to the Hazardous Substances Ordinance: Information gathering 2. Hazard assessment 3. Determination of protection measures 4. Review of effectiveness of measures 5. Documentation 23.04.2009 1. 13 4.6/Baron Information gathering • Used product (properties, volume, type and form of use). 23.04.2009 • Activity (possible intake: by inhalation, dermal or oral). For oxidizable materials, also fire and explosion risks must be included 14 • Substitution options (including any use of processes or preparations of the substance that result in lower hazard) 4.6/Baron Miriam Baron, Gr. 4.6, BAuA, Germany 7 Conference on nano-safety 17:00, 23.04.09 Information gathering • Effectiveness of protection measures already in place • Implemented activities in preventive occupational medicine 23.04.2009 • In case of data gaps, this lack of information must be adequately taken into account when determining protection measures. 15 4.6/Baron Determination of protection measures STOP-Principle 1. Substitution options 2. Technical measures 3. Organizational measures 23.04.2009 4. Personal protection measures 16 4.6/Baron Miriam Baron, Gr. 4.6, BAuA, Germany 8 Conference on nano-safety 17:00, 23.04.09 Determination of protection measures • Review of measure effectiveness in place • Comparative inspection with measurement • Documentation • Firstly hazard assessment including: • Substances used • Working conditions • Protection measures taken 23.04.2009 • Available measurement data 17 • To be used for assessment at a later stage 4.6/Baron Substitution options • Replacing health-endangering substances or technical processes by less ones • Binding powder nanomaterials in liquid or solid media 23.04.2009 • Using dispersions, pastes or compounds instead of powder substances wherever technically feasible and economically acceptable 18 4.6/Baron Miriam Baron, Gr. 4.6, BAuA, Germany 9 Conference on nano-safety 17:00, 23.04.09 Technical protection measures Contained installations, wherever possible • Otherwise avoid the formation of dusts or aerosols • Extract possibly forming dusts or aerosols directly at their source (e.g. in filling and emptying processes) 23.04.2009 • Ensure regular maintenance and function testing of extraction facilities 19 • No recirculation without exhaust air purification 4.6/Baron Organizational protection measures I • Instructions to the workers, including • Specific physical properties of free nanoparticles • Need for special measures • Potential long-term effects of dusts • Relevant information in the operating instructions • Limitation of exposed persons 23.04.2009 • Keep the number of potentially exposed workers as small as possible (e.g. by time arrangements) 20 • Deny unauthorized persons access to the relevant work areas 4.6/Baron Miriam Baron, Gr. 4.6, BAuA, Germany 10 Conference on nano-safety 17:00, 23.04.09 Organizational protection measures II • Ensure clean work wear • Work wear must be cleaned by the employer • Work wear and private clothing must be stored separately • Ensure the regular cleaning of workplaces • Removing of deposits or spilled substances by • Suction device 23.04.2009 • Wiping up with a moist cloth 21 • No blowing for removal 4.6/Baron Personal protection measures • Only where technical protection measures are not sufficient or cannot be put into place • Depending on substance properties • Protective gloves • Protection goggles with side protection • Protective clothing 23.04.2009 • Respiratory protection equipment 22 4.6/Baron Miriam Baron, Gr. 4.6, BAuA, Germany 11 Conference on nano-safety 17:00, 23.04.09 Personal protection measures (respiratory protection) • Efficacy of filters increases with decreasing particle size in the size range between 2-200 nm • Measuring data from BGIA (on sodium chloride particles from 14 to 100 nm) 23.04.2009 • “Total number penetration efficiency" P3 filters penetration less than 0.026% (particle count) P2 filters penetration of 0.2% (particle count) 23 • Effectiveness must be reviewed 4.6/Baron Personal protection measures (dermal protection) • Selection of gloves: • Material must be suitable • Material must fulfill requirements for maximum wearing time under practical conditions • Permeation time is important relevant criterion 23.04.2009 • Additional protection of other areas of skin by 24 • Protective suits • Aprons • Boots 4.6/Baron Miriam Baron, Gr. 4.6, BAuA, Germany 12 Conference on nano-safety 17:00, 23.04.09 Further protection measures • Depending on the properties of specific nanomaterials • Anti-explosion measures in the handling of oxidizable nanomaterials • Specific protection measures in the handling of reactive or catalytic nanomaterials 23.04.2009 • Conventional measures resulting from the hazard assessment 25 4.6/Baron Flowchart: Hazard assessment for Nanoparticles at the Workplace (respiratory route) Specific hazard assessment No Yes Risks due to explosions, reactive or catalytically active nanoparticles? Work in extractor, requirements according to TRGS 526 General occupational Hygiene measures No Hazard Yes Does the activity involve dust formation? No Yes Activities in laboratories or small volumes? Is there a low hazard? Yes No No Open systems? No 23.04.2009 Yes 26 Organizational measures Personal protective equipment Sucking up with integrated or highly efficient equipment? Yes Efficiency testing in regular intervals, instruction, demarcation of work area Process avoids dust and aerosol formation because of closed system? No Yes Efficiency testing in regular intervals, instruction No Can dispersion, solid granules, compounds be used? Yes Examine substitutions options 4.6/Baron Miriam Baron, Gr. 4.6, BAuA, Germany 13 Conference on nano-safety 17:00, 23.04.09 Hazard assessment With respect to: • Substance related hazards including • Properties • Physical state • Processing options 23.04.2009 • Further hazards (e.g. electrical or mechanical) 27 4.6/Baron Hazardous Substances Ordinance - Principles Risk assessment by the employer before starting activities • Eliminating Risks • Minimize Risks In case of uncertainty: 23.04.2009 • 28 Precautionary principle „The need for control measures increases with both the level of possible harm and the degree of uncertainty.“ 4.6/Baron Miriam Baron, Gr. 4.6, BAuA, Germany 14 Conference on nano-safety 17:00, 23.04.09 European Community/German Legislation Placing on the market: REACH (European regulation 2006/1907/EC) • Applicable for nanomaterials • With reference to the substance • (optionally) consideration of the nanoform in the Chemical Safety Report (CSR) • if necessary additional proofs concerning the special nanoform 23.04.2009 Handling: 29 Hazardous Substances Ordinance (based on European directive 98/24/EC) 4.6/Baron Data gaps (TRGS 400/TRGS 526) Minimal hazard properties in case of uncertainties: R20/21/22 R38 R43 R68 Harmful by inhalation, in contact with skin and if swallowed. Irritating to skin May cause sensitization by skin contact Possible risk of irreversible effects 23.04.2009 Unknown new substances in research: Toxic by inhalation, in contact with skin and if swallowed 30 Additionally: corrosive, (spontaneous) flammable, explosive 4.6/Baron Miriam Baron, Gr. 4.6, BAuA, Germany 15 Conference on nano-safety 17:00, 23.04.09 Information down the supply chain Technical Data Sheet for Application Material Safety Data Sheet 23.04.2009 Accompanying Letter 31 4.6/Baron Material safety data sheet (MSDS) • Information about substance properties and occupational safety measures. • Problem: Handling of nano properties is not regulated • Usual MSDS states: “This substance has no dangerous properties” 23.04.2009 • Standard test methods are used to derive risks 32 • Measures are not justified with risks 4.6/Baron Miriam Baron, Gr. 4.6, BAuA, Germany 16 Conference on nano-safety 17:00, 23.04.09 Existing threshold limit values (TLV’s) TLVs for poorly soluble dusts/fibers with specific toxicity •Quartz: •Silver (metal): •Asbestos: 0.075 0.01 0.01 – 0.3 – 0.1 –2 mg/m³ mg/m³ fibres/cm³ Generic TLVs: dusts with no specific toxicity • Inhalable dust/total dust :4 - 15 mg/m³ • Respirable fraction (fine dust, lung) : 1.5 - 10 mg/m3 23.04.2009 e. g. for titanium dioxide, graphite, iron oxide Covering also the nano sized fraction • Legally binding TLVs specifically for nanomaterials are very rare (Amorphous silica: 2 to 6 mg/m³) 33 4.6/Baron Approaches for setting a TLV for nanomaterials (1) Draft exposure limits from NIOSH (USA, 2005) for titanium dioxide: 23.04.2009 • • • 34 • • Nanoscale titanium dioxide: 0.1 mg/m3 Microscale titanium dioxide: 1.5 mg/m3 Potency factor 15 between nanoparticles and microparticles based on long-term in vivo studies Reduction of risk of lung cancer below 1 in 1000 Surface determines toxicity potential 4.6/Baron Miriam Baron, Gr. 4.6, BAuA, Germany 17 Conference on nano-safety 17:00, 23.04.09 Approaches for setting a TLV for nanomaterials (2) Benchmark levels (BL) from BSI (UK, 2007) for four classes of nanomaterials Nano-BL • Fibrous nanomaterials (high aspect ratio): 0.01 fibres/cm3 Nano-BL in relation to established TLVs Insoluble nanomaterials: CMAR nanomaterials: Soluble nanomaterials: 0.066 of TLV (NIOSH relation of 15) 0.1 of TLV 0.5 of TLV 23.04.2009 • • • 35 4.6/Baron Nano dialog • Stakeholder dialog: NGO, Researcher, Industry, Other involved persons • Leaded by the Nano commission (temporary project group) • Three Working parties on • Chances for environment and health • Risks and safety research • Principles for a responsible use of nanomaterials 23.04.2009 • First period 2006 – 2008, will be elongated to 2010 36 • First Report just released 4.6/Baron Miriam Baron, Gr. 4.6, BAuA, Germany 18 Conference on nano-safety 17:00, 23.04.09 Nano commission: Five basic Principles for a Responsible Use of Nanomaterials 1. Defined Responsibility and management disclosed (Good Governance) 2. Transparency regarding nanotechnology relevant Information, Data and Processes 3. Willingness to the dialogue with Interest groups 23.04.2009 4. Established Risk management 37 5. Responsibility down the supply chain 4.6/Baron Thanks to My co-workers at BAuA • Dr Torsten Wolf (Hazardous substances management) • Dr Rolf Packroff (Hazardous and biological substances) • Dr Bruno Orthen (Toxicology) • Judith kleine Balderhaar (Database research) • Sabine Plitzko (Measurement) 23.04.2009 • Dr. Eva Lechtenberg-Auffahrt (Occupational safety) 38 4.6/Baron Miriam Baron, Gr. 4.6, BAuA, Germany 19 Conference on nano-safety 17:00, 23.04.09 Further questions: Miriam Baron Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA) Unit 4.6 “Hazardous Substances Management” Friedrich-Henkel-Weg 1-25 D-44149 Dortmund Germany 23.04.2009 mail-to: 39 www: 4.6/Baron Useful links/sources Questionaire: Guidance: Nano-Dialog: Other: 23.04.2009 _06%20March%202008~DokNr~122301~p~101.pdf 40 4.6/Baron Miriam Baron, Gr. 4.6, BAuA, Germany 20 '( +0 (0 D D$ . / # <$ /`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ano-Safety: Some Future Perspectives Conference on NanoNano-Safety 2222-24 April, Slovenia, Ljubljana Bjorn G. Hansen dHoU Chemicals, DG ENV, European Commission Chair, OECD Working Party on Manufactured Nanomaterials Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Introduction Problems are not new – the solutions are OECD WPMN – what’s next EU Legislation – what’s next Conclusions 1 1. Introduction If given the choice, everyone would chose to live in a pristine environment Our standard of living is dependent on our human activities, but all human activity results in some level of pollution So environment and health policy is all about finding the balance between these two factors 2. Problems are not new – the solutions are Environment and Health policies are (generally) based on science, but science and policy do not (generally) develop in perfect co-ordination 2 example from the “chemicals area” where policy needs outran scientific knowledge: endocrine disruptors and REACH Many more: C&L (Dir 67/548), RA (Reg 793/93) 2 2. Problems are not new – the solutions are The case of endocrine disruptors: Policy concern for the long term effects of exposures to endocrine disruptors triggered significant research activities and a re-assessment of current chemicals policies Results: Validated OECD Test Methods Re-assurance that (generally) current regulatory systems can identify endocrine disruptors Further research 2. Problems are not new – the solutions are So, up to recently, policy drove (regulatory) scientific research and awaited the outcome. However, Commission given 4 years to develop legislative criteria for identifying PPPs as EDs and so the pressure is on (again)! 3 2. Problems are not new – the solutions are The case of REACH: Policy concern (among others) for un-tested substances triggered a system for generating sufficient information to assess all chemicals manufactured or imported into the EU Results: Legislative Legislative frame developed, but science needs to fill (part of) this frame, e.g., category approaches (including QSAR), exposure scenrios, DNELs, ….. 2. Problems are not new – the solutions are So (chemicals) policy drives (regulatory) scientific research to enable implementation. However, To utilise fully the potential of “alternative” information, much more research is needed For many substances (petroleum substances, metals, waste streams, ….), details need to be sorted out (what should be tested, how to test, how to measure, what to measure, …….) and so the pressure is (still) on! 4 2. Problems are not new – the solutions are Lessons learned: Problems are not new The solutions are new The way to get solutions is not new Questions are: If and when policy will require action (regulatory or voluntary) How far have we reached in finding scientific solutions 3. OECD WPMN – what’s next Thanks to Jim Willis (U.S. E.P.A. and first WPMN Chair) and the OECD Secretariat Nanosafety Team for getting us as far as we are today!!!! OECD WPMN is about co-operating on the (regulatory) science, developing common (regulatory) scientific understanding, using the well established “learning by doing” approach 5 3. OECD WPMN – what’s next SG 5: Co-operation on Voluntary Schemes and Regulatory Programmes SG 6: Co-operation on Risk Assessment SG 3: Testing a Representative Set of Manufactured Nanomaterials SG 8: Exposure Measurement and Exposure Mitigation SG 4: Manufactured Nanomaterials and Test Guidelines SG 7: The Role of Alternative Methods in Nanotoxicology SG 1/2: Database and Research Strategy(ies) on Human Health and Environmental Safety Research 3. OECD WPMN – what’s next SG 5: Co-operation on Voluntary Schemes and Regulatory Programmes SG 6: Co-operation on Risk Assessment Sub-groups who’s work provides a platform for coordinated (or not conflicting) authority action (regulatory or voluntary), but where different approaches are currently applied for chemicals in general in OECD countries 6 3. OECD WPMN – what’s next Sub-groups who’s work provides the fundament for coordinated (or not conflicting) authority/industry action (regulatory or voluntary) SG 3: Testing a Representative Set of Manufactured Nanomaterials SG 8: Exposure Measurement and Exposure Mitigation SG 4: Manufactured Nanomaterials and Test Guidelines 3. OECD WPMN – what’s next Will finish Stage 1 exploratory testing between 2010 and 2011 SG 3: Testing a Representative Set of Manufactured Nanomaterials Will finish phase 1 (occupational) in the medium term SG 8: Exposure Measurement and Exposure Mitigation SG 4: Manufactured Nanomaterials and Test Guidelines Will finish evaluation of changes needed between 2010 and 2011 7 4. EU Legislation – what’s next Current legislation covers in principle the relevant risks relating to nanomaterials. In action, European Parliament have followed this line in the recent co-decision process for Novel Foods and Cosmetics legislation, but nano-safety specific requirements have been introduced 4. EU Legislation – REACH REACH is based on the principle that M/I and DUs have to ensure that they manufacture, place on the market or use such substances that do not adversely affect human health or the environment. REACH requirements apply to nanomaterials, even though there are no specific provisions for nanomaterials. 8 4. EU Legislation – REACH Definitions: Nanomaterial Substance at the nanoscale Nano form vs. bulk form Scope includes also e.g. agglomerates and aggregates below/at micro size 4. EU Legislation – REACH Registration of substances manufactured/ imported in volumes of 1 tonne or more per year Chemicals Safety Report required at volumes of 10 tonne or more per year Tonnage triggers apply to the total volume Safety has to be ensured for the substance in whatever size or form and for manufacturing and all identified uses. A registration has to include all relevant information on the nanomaterial. 9 4. EU Legislation – CLaP Nanomaterials having specific properties may require a different classification and labelling compared to the bulk material, also when the nanoform is derived from a bulk substance Following CLP: the information shall relate to forms or physical states in which which the substance is placed on market / used; tests shall be carried out on the substance in the form(s) form(s) or physical state(s) state(s) in which it is placed on the market and used. 4. EU Legislation – what’s next? We need to work on Substance Identification Substance identification of nanomaterials takes place on the basis of: - - ‘traditional’ traditional’ parameters, parameters, i.e. name of the substance, information re molecular and structural formula, composition of the subst refinement based on specific parameters characterizing the nanomaterial properties of the substance allowing for meaningful sharing of data Build on OECD WPMN work! 10 4. EU Legislation – what’s next? We need to work on Chemical Safety Assessment Guidance on Information requirements and Chemical Safety Assessment (IR(IR-CSA TGD) is available from ECHA; The guidance does not yet address specific characteristics of nanomaterials; The same assessment principles apply, but guidance needs further work for use on nanomaterials. SCENIHR opinion provides critical analysis Build on OECD WPMN work! 4. EU Legislation – what’s next? We need to work on Test Guidelines In order to address the specific properties, hazards and risks associated with nanomaterials, additional testing or information may be required. To determine specific hazards associated with nanomaterials, current test guidelines may need to be modified. Until specific test guidelines for nanomaterials exist, testing will have to be carried out according to already existing guidelines. Build on OECD WPMN work! 11 4. EU Legislation – what’s next? EP Resolution (up for adoption/rejection today): 3. Does not agree, before an appropriate evaluation of current Community legislation, and in the absence of any nano-specific provisions therein, with the Commission's conclusions that a) current legislation covers in principle the relevant risks relating to nanomaterials, and b) that the protection of health, safety and the environment needs mostly be enhanced by improving implementation of current legislation, when due to the lack of appropriate data and methods to assess the risks relating to nanomaterials it is effectively unable to address their risks; 4. EU Legislation – what’s next? EP Resolution (up for adoption/rejection today): 3. Does not agree, before an appropriate evaluation of current Community legislation, and in the absence of any nano-specific provisions therein, with the Commission's conclusions that a) current legislation covers in principle the relevant risks relating to nanomaterials, and b) that the protection of health, safety and the environment needs mostly be enhanced by improving implementation of current legislation, when due to the lack of appropriate data and methods to assess the risks relating to nanomaterials it is effectively unable to address their risks; 12 5. Conclusions The European Parliament is of the view that the time for policy action (regulatory) has come The Commission will carefully examine the suggestions made by the European Parliament The OECD WPMN is central to inform this discussion in a (internationally) coherent way Many scientific gaps still exist and need to be addressed, but this will take time The situation of having policy needs which can not (yet) be answered by science is not new If the policy needs increase, then further stepping up of efforts on the (regulatory) science basis will prove the more essential 13