Nov 14 - Caulfield Junior College
Nov 14 - Caulfield Junior College
CALENDAR 2014 CAULFIELD JUNIOR COLLEGE Nov 23rd—Working Bee. Nov 28th—Whole School Assembly Nov—30th—CJC 100 Year Fete 10—4pm!! Dec 5—Open day for ex students 1.30— 3.30pm Dec 9—Year 6 Gradua0on Dec 19th End of year. 1.30pm Finish Term 1 2015—Grade 1—6 start 29th January Preps start 30th January (Friday) Internationally Accredited School NEWSLETTER INTEGRITY RESPONSIBILITY HARMONY November 14th 2014 RESPECT LOVE OF LEARNING 186 Balaclava Road, Caulfield North Website: Email: Acting Principal: Stan Szuty Assistant Principal: Vicki Phyland Telephone 9509 6872 Fax 9576 1623 Statement of International Mindedness At Caulfield Junior College it is an understanding that students will develop the knowledge and skills to appreciate our own and other people’s cultures; exploring differences and embracing them in order to become responsible citizens of our world. 2014—TERM DATES Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 29th Jan—4th Apr 22nd Apr—27th Jun 14th July—19th Sept 6th Oct—19th Dec Notices sent home this week Nil ACTING PRINCIPAL’S REPORT 100 YEAR CELEBRATIONS A substan0al amount of planning has been completed in prepara0on for CJC celebra0ng its 100th birthday on Sunday 30 November. The 0me is fast approaching and we look forward to seeing you all at this momentous occasion. • An opening speech by His Excellency Alex Chernov AC QC (Governor of Victoria and past CJC student). • There will be performances by Slava & Leonard Grigoryan, also Soli Tesema an ex student of CJC, who was on The Voice 2014. • The opening of the Time Capsule from the 80th celebra0on of CJC. • The unveiling of the InsideOut Project. • A 100 year book launch. Stan Szuty FRENCH SECTION ELECTIVE Table of contents. Ac0ng Principal’s Report French Sec0on Elec0ve HIP Sports News Parents Commi8ee Community No0ces School Council Meeng Dates Dec 2, Dec 11, Feb 23. Page 1 Page 1 Page 3 Page4 Page 5 Page 8 Chers Parents Ac0vités et événements prévus pour les mois d’octobre et novembre -Le lundi 24 novembre les élèves de la Grande sec0on au CE1 par0ciperont à une ma0née spor0ve de 9h à 13h. -Le mardi 25 novembre les élèves de Grande sec0on se rendront à l’aquarium. -Pour fêter le 100ème anniversaire de CJC nous vous invitons tous à venir à la Fête de l’école le dimanche 30 novembre. Vous pourrez aussi y visiter l’exposi0on commémora0ve des travaux d’élèves réalisés sur le thème de la 1ere guerre mondiale si vous n’avez pu le faire le 10 novembre. 1 Assemblées des Juniors Si vous désirez assister à l’une des assemblées juniors qui se déroulent tous les mercredis dans la salle polyvalente de 15h à 15h30, voici les dates pour ce trimestre où sont présents des élèves de la FSE. 19/11 : LA11 avec Maurene 26/11 : LA4 avec Cat 3/12 : LA 10 avec Angélique 17/12 : LA 1, 2, 3 et 4. Les sites du mois Nous vous recommandons vivement ces sites : h8p:// h8p:// Ces sites vous proposent des liens vers des sites français, des exercices en ligne et des jeux éduca0fs gratuits pour les élèves du préscolaire à la 6éme. Séminaire bilinguisme Comme l’an dernier, le Département de recherche de l’université de Melbourne sur le plurilinguisme et la communica0on interculturelle propose un séminaire gratuit sur l’éduca0on des enfants plurilingues. Ce séminaire aura lieu le dimanche 7 décembre de 12h30 à 17h au Carrillo Gantner Theatre du Sidney Myer Asia Centre de l’Université de Melbourne. Pour plus d’informa0on et vous préinscrire (obligatoire) : h8p:// Exposi0on à l’école sur la 1e Guerre Mondiale Merci à tous les parents qui sont venus voir l’exposi0on commémora0ve préparée par les élèves et les enseignants. Vous pouvez consulter sur le site de la radio SBS les interviews réalisée ce jour-là : http:// Si vous n’avez pas pu venir, il n’est pas trop tard ! L’exposi0on reste toujours visible dans la par0e nord du bâ0ment des années 5 et 6 jusqu’au 30 novembre, jour de la fête et du centenaire de l’école. Appel aux traducteurs volontaires ! Vous avez des talents de traducteur et souhaitez donner un peu de temps à l’école ? La FSE a en ce moment plusieurs documents à traduire du français vers l’anglais : si vous pensez pouvoir nous aider, merci de prendre contact avec Sébas0en ( Fête de l’école Appel à tous les membres de la communauté de CJC ainsi qu’à tous les chefs d’entreprises. Ce8e année, la fête de l’école va proposer une vente aux enchères sous pli cacheté dont les lots, plus étonnants les uns que les autres, commencent déjà à affluer. Nous sommes à la recherche d’un maximum de lots. Que vous proposiez des services (jardinage, coiffure, conseil juridique...) ou de la marchandise (bijoux, gâteaux, mobilier...), votre contribu0on, quelle qu’elle soit est la bienvenue. Pour faire un don, merci de contacter Fundraising Apres le succès du 1er livre de rece8es, nous avons décidé de réaliser une seconde édi0on. Celui-ci aura une connota0on mul0culturelle, nous espérons que toutes les na0onalités présentes à l’école y seront représentées. Nous avons besoin de vos rece8es originaires de votre région natale ou qui représentent: votre enfance, votre famille, entrées, plats principaux, desserts, 1 ou plusieurs... Votre choix... Vous pouvez nous les envoyer à, ou n’hésitez pas à venir nous en parler. Fabienne et Isabelle. Fes0val Paris to Provence Le fes0val Paris to Provence qui réunit près de 70 stands français, se déroulera au Como House and Garden du 21 au 23 novembre. Les organisateurs ont créé un documentaire sur les écoles françaises de Melbourne, parmi lesquelles la maternelle EFM est représentée. Les 6 épisodes du documentaire sont consultables sur la chaine youtube Paris To Provence ( watch?v=VUko6OaNDvA). Etude sur la FSE En 2010, une étude menée par l’Université de Melbourne s’est penchée sur certains de nos élèves de CM2 d’alors pour observer et analyser leur bilinguisme et les représenta0ons qu’ils avaient de leur iden0té culturelle et linguis0que. Un extrait des conclusions de ce travail figurera dans le projet d’école de la FSE. La thèse est téléchargeable gratuitement : handle/11343/38458 handle/11343/38458/303666_MARCHESSOU% 20file%20properties.pdf?sequence=1 Dear Parents Important events and ac&vi&es for October -Monday the 24/11 students from PREP to Y2 will enjoy some sport ac&vi&es from 9.00 to 1.00. -Tuesday the 25/11 the PREP students will visit the Aquarium. -Sunday the 30/11 we will celebrate the 100th anniversary of the school with a fantas&c School Fete. You will be able to visit the exhibi&on about WWI if you could not visit it on the 10th of November. Assemblies Every Wednesday from 3.00 to 3.30 if you would like to a:end the junior’s assemblies in the mul&purpose room, here are the dates for term 4 where there will be some LA with FSE students. 19/11: LA11 with Maurene 26/11: LA4 with Cat 3/12: LA10 with Angeliqure. 17/12: LA1, 2, 3 and 4. The websites of the month We recommend the following sites: 2 h8p:// h8p:// These sites contain a lot of links to French sites, free online exercises and educa&ve games for students from PREP to Y6. Free seminar : Raising children in more than one language This year again the Research Unit on Mul&lingualism and Cross-cultural communica&on offers this free seminar “for parents, early childhood and pre-school workers, grandparents, teachers and others interested in bilingualism and mul&lingualism for children at home and elsewhere.” It will take place on Sunday 7 December from 12.30pm to 5pm in the Carrillo Gantner Theatre, Sidney Myer Asia Centre, University of Melbourn. For more informa&on and registra&on, visit : h:p:// raising-children-more-one-language Volunteer translators needed! You are a talented translator and wish to give a bit of your &me and exper&se back to the school? We need help to translate a few documents from French into English! If you think you can help us, please contact Sébas0en ( World War 1 Exhibi&on Thank you to all the parents who came to visit the commemora&ve exhibi&on on World War 1 put together by the students and their teachers. You can visit the SBS radio website to hear the interviews that were made that day : If you could not a:end the event, it’s not too late. The exhibi&on will be s&ll visible in the northern part of the Year 5 and 6 building un&l the day of the school fete and centenary on 30th November Study on the FSE In 2010 a study was conducted by a researcher from Melbourne University. It aimed at observing and analysing bilingualism and cultural and linguis&c iden&ty selfrepresenta&ons of some of the then FSE Year 5 students. An extract of the conclusion of the research paper will be included in the FSE strategic plan. The paper can be downloaded for free: handle/11343/38458 handle/11343/38458/303666_MARCHESSOU% 20file%20properties.pdf?sequence=1 School Fete!!!! ‘Calling all CJC community members and business owners! This year’s Fete will include a silent auc&on full of exci&ng prizes that are already pouring in. We are looking for as many prizes as we can gather. Do you provide a professional service such as accoun&ng, a legal service, hairdresser, gardening, handyman service and can donate your &me or service as a prize? Does your business offer goods (e.g. jewellery, cakes, furniture) that you can donate as a prize? No prize is too large or too small! Please contact Natalie@finersolu& if you have something you could donate. Fundraising Following the success of the 1st cookbook, we have decided to work on a second edi&on. It will have a mul&cultural note; hopefully all na&onali&es within the school will be represented. We need all sorts of recipes, savoury and sweet, close to your heart or from your area, 1 or a few... You can send them to or come and see us around the playground. Fabienne and Isabelle. Paris to Provence fes&val The French Fes&val Paris to Provence who will feature more than 70 French-themed stalls will be held from the 21st to the 23rd of November at Como House and Garden. The fes&val has developed a “Paris to Provence FRENCH (https:// SCHOOLS in Melbourne webisode” The en&re 6 episodes can be found on the Paris to Provence you tube channel. Gilles and Sébas&en HEBREW IMMERSION PROGRAM This week at junior assembly our HIP students Jesse and Tal taught everyone how to say "100 years to CJC " Save the date Thursday 18th December 5pm. HIP end of year Chanukah party. Shabbat shalom Lilach 3 LIBRARY NEWS As we are nearing the end of the year, there will be no borrowing books from FRIDAY 21ST NOVEMBER Please remind your children to return books. Could you please look in your bookshelves, under beds etc. There will be overdue notices sent home soon. B ING K R WO EE of 23rd ar y a d e n 00 y s r Su d fo r CJC 1 shment e e l u d e u e r e s f o h e is sc tion for Light r me and e e . a o g B prepar —4pm ease c orkin pl m A W mber, in ete. 2p stions e f ina. e u d v s q i y No ary an Kr t n r A o d. lle en cent provide Danye e b will Thanking You. 2014 Junior Sports Day Where: CJC Sports Field at school. When: Monday 24th November 9.00am – 1.00pm What to wear: Runners, Shorts and Hats. Please note: Girls MUST wear shorts under dresses. What to bring: Water bo8le, snack and lunch. DRESS IN HOUSE COLOURS WE REALLY NEED PARENT HELPERS ON THIS DAY. IF YOU CAN HELP PLEASE CONTACT THE SCHOOL VIA EMAIL or BY PHONE SUSHI ORDERS Date for sushi delivery Sushi orders must be placed before 12.30 on the Monday Don’t forget to Swipe Right when you have placed your Sushi order. You must go into your cart and make the payment. Passworded credit card payment. Qkr will say “comple:ng purchase” then “purchase completed”. Go into receipts and your receipt will be there. If there is no receipt the order has not been placed. The date the sushi has been ordered for, is displayed on the receipt. Nov 19 as in the picture. Slide to pay 4 FETE NEWS The CJC fete is quickly approaching. Have you been onto the fete website Are you following the fete Facebook event CJC Interna:onal Fete Please do, and you will see the amazing talent that will be performing, including Soli from the VOICE. (ex CJC student). The fete will also incorporate celebra0ons for the schools centenary. Be involved any way you can. Its all for the school. ALL CLASSES School Fete: 30th November. Every class will be in charge of a stall. Please keep in mind that the help of everyone is needed. Contact your class convener to learn how you can contribute to the prepara0on of your child’s classroom stall. AUDIO ENGINEER/MIXER WANTED! We are looking for someone who is familiar with audio to mix the performances at the CJC Interna0onal Fete. If you know your way around a mixing desk (digital or analogue) and are interested in helping out, please call Janey on 0407 102 441 or email Rock n roll! CALLING ALL CJC COMMUNITY MEMBERS AND BUSINESS OWNERS! This year’s Fete will include a silent auc0on full of exci0ng prizes that are already pouring in. We are looking for as many prizes as we can gather. Do you provide a professional service such as accoun0ng, a legal service, hair-dresser, gardening, handyman service and can donate your 0me or service as a prize? Does your business offer goods (e.g. jewellery, cakes, furniture) that you can donate as a prize? No prize is too large or too small! Please contact if you have something you could donate. Thanks FETE WRISTBANDS Please note there is no entry fee for the fete. Wristbands can be purchased for unlimited rides on : Bubble Soccer, Cha-Cha, Tea Cups and Giant Slide. Pre sales prices: $30.00 Unlimited rides ($15.00 Unlimited rides—preschool only). On the day of the fete: $35.00 Unlimited rides ($15.00 Unlimited rides—preschool only). Wristbands are on sale now on QKR. They will also be on sale in the schoolyard 24-28 November from 3.30pm. Pre-purchased wristbands will be available for collec&on during this week from the lovely ladies of the parents commi:ee. 5 FETE NEWS We are extremely grateful for the generous support of our major sponsors: SILENT AUCTION DONORS For the “not-to-be-missed” and envied worldwide silent auc0on we already received fantas0c prizes from our generous donors: 4BB2, Academy of Dance, AlmazeC, Arbonne, Art Encounters, Aunt Maggie's, Australian Girls Choir, Australian Sports Camps, Australian Unique 3D Art Plaster on Canvas, Bayarde Australie, BeCy McDowell, Braeside mount macedon, Bright Weekend : La Pe:te Barn guesthouse, BuCerfly Adventures, Cambridge Cellars, Carnegie Swim Centre, Chalk n Cheese, Chef Momo's, Chesterfield Farm, Chez Bob, Chris:ne Chan Den:stry, CJC teacher car park space for 12 months, Classic Cinema, Cosme:ques de France, Crea:ve Music for Schools, Cruiseabout, Curious Poser Yoga, Drama Time, Drums:ck & Co, Du Jour, Ella Bache Elsternwick, Emma Levy Design (jewellery), Essendon Football Club, Eynesbury, FGB Natural Products (Felton Grimwade & Bosisto's ), Floren:ne, Forever Clover, Fredric March Jewellers, The French Organic Company, From Basque with Love, Fun Fields, Geelong Football Club, Glenhuntly Rd Vet, Go Get Around Tours, Healthy Balance Fitness, Heritage Sheepskin Australia, Il Migliore, In2greaKitness, Jeffreys Books, KaisercraN, Kenna Law: Barristers & Solicitors, Kennards, Kidspace, Kimochis, Le Forum, LiCle Lady Bags, Luna Park, Madame Flavour, Malvern Hotel, Melbourne Racing Club, Michelin, Motherslove Baby and Child Bou:que, Myuna farm, Na:o, Netalie, Nicole Salinger, Novotel St Kilda, Odeya, Palace Cinemas, Palais Theatre, Petstock (Ormond), Phamish, Phillip Island Nature Parks, Prahran Market, Puffing Billy, Quest East St Kilda, Recrea:on Carnegie, Ripponlea Nail Shop, Roule GaleCe, Sakura Flowers, Slava's mobile massage, Soccerwise, Sports Op:mum pilates, Step Into Life Caulfield, Swimwear Galore, Techno Tennis, The Athlete's Foot Malvern, The Baker's Drawer, The Enchanted Maze Garden, The Space Dance and Arts Centre, Theatre De La Danse, Through claire, Triwa, Uffizzi, Verve Photography, Viola! Hair and Beauty, Yo Chi, Yoga Tree, Y-Yo Fragrances Australia. We have a staff car park to auc:on off (winner gets to park in the staff parking area!) 6 ACen:on LA20 families!!! We’re finally having a CLASS BREAKFAST!!! Friday 21st November 2014, 8.15am in Sue’s classroom. Please bring a nut free plate of breakfast food to share. Coffee and tea will be provided but BYO mugs. ICY-POLES ON FRIDAYS Icypoles are available for students on Fridays for 50c. Helpers are needed to pack and distribute icypoles for the classes. If you can spare 30 minutes from 10.45 on a Friday, please contact Debbie at / 0409 527 869, or just come to the junior hall to lend a much – appreciated hand. BIRTHDAY BOOK CLUB Another great way to support the school is by purchasing a book for the school library in honour of your child's birthday. Informa0on and an order form will be sent home with those students whose birthdays are approaching. Our library's book wishlists are available to view on the Skoolbag app under "fundraising" or as a hardcopy at the school office. Please email any enquiries to the Birthday Bookclub coordinator Belinda Minc: AUSSIE FARMERS DIRECT SUPPORTS CJC On behalf of Caulfield Junior College, I would like to thank Aussie Farmers Direct for their recent contribu:on of $1,436 to our school for 2014. Thanks to Anna, our local milko, for suppor:ng CJC. Thanks to all 57 families and staff who support our school through this fundraiser. Apparently CJC has more fundraising AFD customers than any other school in Victoria. So well done and thank you!!! As my child will be gradua:ng from CJC at the end of this year, the Parents’ CommiCee is looking for a new Aussie Farmers CJC Liaison. The role is very straighKorward and requires a minimal amount of :me throughout the year. Please contact me on 0409 301 441 or email if you are interested. Look out for Anna and the Aussie Farmers Direct stall at the CJC Fete on 30 November. Sign up to benefit from farm fresh produce delivered to your door and the school receives 2% of each spend. Go to hCps:// for informa:on and to sign up. Thanks for your support, Ruth Gordon. 7 CJC FETE SPONSOR COMMUNITY NOTICES Public no0ces or adver0sements in the newsle8er are accepted in good faith but the school does not necessarily endorse the content. A charge is made for commercial adver0sement. PIANO notes Piano lessons at school and in privacy of your own home . Work with qualified and experienced teacher and tailor music lessons to your own goals in prepara&on for AMEB, ANZCA exams or simply learning your favourite songs. Email ishiferson @ hotmail .com 0412218264 Irene . 8 9