Universal Design - Polis-ubd
Universal Design - Polis-ubd
Presentation for Bas International Conference, 2006, Brugge: Universal Design of buildings: tools and policy "Belgian Universal Design Education Project (2001-2006)" Universal Design | Design for All Hubert Froyen, Jasmien Herssens, PHL Department of Architecture + University of Gent, Faculteit Engineering Sciences PHL Department of Architecture in association with UHasselt 1. context 1.1. occasion COUNCIL OF EUROPE COMMITTEE OF MINISTERS Resolution ResAP(2001)1 ‘on the introduction of the principles of universal design into the curricula of all occupations working on the built environment…’ (Adopted by the Committee of Minister on 15 February 2001, at the 742nd meeting of the Minister Deputies) 1.2. concept “The aim is to structurally incorporate into design education in Belgium, the theoretical and the practical knowledge of Universal Design.” Hubert Froyen (2005) 1.3. partners & team Ministerie van de Vlaamse Gemeenschap, Gelijke Kansen in Vlaanderen VLAFO: Vlaams Fonds KVAB: Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie voor Wetenschap en Kunsten Hogeschool Antwerpen, Department of Design and Sciences Dean:prof.ir.arch.R.Foqué ud-project: Carl Asaert Hogeschool voor Wetenschap & Kunst, Gent/Brussel Department of Architecture Dean:prof.dr.J.Verbeke ud-project: prof. Dr. Marc Dujardin Provinciale Hogeschool Limburg Department of Architecture Dean:prof.ir.R.Cuyvers ud-project: prof. Hubert Froyen dra. Jasmien Herssens 2. Belgian UD Education project 2.1. phasing of the project ● Phase 1 (2001-2002) Funding? Ministry of Flemish Community, Equal opportunities in Flanders Royal Flemish Belgian Academy for Sciences and Art (KVAB) 3 colleges of higher education, department of architecture (HA, WENK, PHL) What? Scientific contact forum ● Phase 2 (2003-2004) Funding? Ministry of Flemish Community, Equal opportunities in Flanders Flemish Fund, a Flemish government agency for disabled people (VFSIPH) 3 colleges of higher education, department of architecture (HA, WENK, PHL) What? Ud Lab 2004: ud exhibition Universal Design Toolkit: website ● Phase 3 (2005-2006) Funding? Ministry of Flemish Community, Equal opportunities in Flanders 3 colleges of higher education, department of architecture (HA, WENK, PHL) What? updating of text completing contents technical support lay out | graphic design product: Universal Design Toolkit 2.1.1. phase 1: 2001-2002 Poster scientific contact forum UD Education, Scientific Contact Forum photographer: Sarah Asaert 2.1.2. phase 2: 2002-2004 UD Lab 2004 photographer: Ria Ceysens Workshop Universal Design, Heusden-Zolder Designing in the dark, Leuven, 2004 Photographer: Rieke Jacobs 2.1.3. phase 3: 2004-2006 UD Toolkit webaccessibility: BLINDSURFER, Gent Graphic design: LOOKas, Hasselt Webmaster: IANUA, Oostakker 3. Phase 3| ‘the product’: Belgian UD toolkit 3.1.content 3.1.1. website - Homepage - Context - Book - Didactic material - Methodology and strategy - Links 3.1.2. book - principles of UD - UD-tools for everybody - projects on UD Chapter 1: Principles of UD Chapter 2: UD-tools for everybody Chapter 3: Projects on UD 3.1.1. website 3.1.2. book | projects 3.1.2. book | projects 3.1.2. book | projects 4. Future aims “De samenleving laat zich niet per decreet veranderen, wèl kan men de gebruiken en gewoonten veranderen via een proces van wetenschappelijke bemiddeling” Translation: (society cannot be changed by decree, but we can change our uses and habits by means of a process of scientific conciliation) Freire, Margarida (2004) ‘Onderzoek en beleid’ SCIENCE Connection, Magazine van het federaal wetenschapsbeleid, oktober 2004, p.7 Thank You ! Order Belgian UD toolkit? Heidi Vanderpoorten Boudewijnlaan 30 1000 Brussel Cel Gelijke Kansen Vlaanderen tel.: 0032 2 553 57 30 heidi.vanderpoorten@coo.vlaanderen.be Contact: Hubert Froyen Jasmien Herssens Provinciale Hogeschool Limburg Universitaire campus, gebouw E 3590 Diepenbeek Belgium www.phlimburg.be Tel.: 0032 11 24 92 00 Fax: 0032 11 24 92 01 hfroyen@mail.phlimburg.be jherssens@mail.phlimburg.be