Kramiek2002 Jun - Belgian Club Thailand


Kramiek2002 Jun - Belgian Club Thailand
General information
Kramiek is the newsletter of
the Belgian Club of Thailand
Honorary President
H.E. Ambassador Vaesen
Katrien Allaert
Marie Osterrieth
Isabelle Somerhausen
Johan De Broe
Erwin Hellemans
Sabrina Van Rompay
Chief Editor
Peter Cauwelier
Erwin Hellemans
Event/activity Coordinator
Frank Clovyn
Sophie Godefroid
Andre Lorent
Christine Deltenre
Michel Agramme
Kurt Steyaert
Kramiek – Newsletter of the Belgian Club of Thailand
Note from the Editor
Dear Kramiek readers,
This Kramiek is arriving after a long
and very quiet summer holiday. It
seemed (at least to me) that
everybody had disappeared.
The last months saw our chicon
event, the national day, and we also
report on a bizarre cultural event
surrounding a Manneke Pis in
Thailand …
Your editor goes on a well deserved
(at least, that’s what I think) holiday
without mobile phone or email. The
editor of the BCT has the right to 5
weeks of paid holiday. This is one of
the privileges of being in the
committee of the BCT.
I look forward to the 500 emails
that will be waiting for me when I
return. Can you imagine that we
managed to work quite decently
without this modern wonder up until
about 10 years ago … ?!
Peter Cauwelier
August 2002
Letter of the President
Dear Friends,
While Katrien is still enjoying a well deserved rest I took the opportunity to write
I hope for everybody who had the opportunity to go on a holiday had a good time and
could relax a little. For those who did not go yet or can not go at this moment, we hope
that when the time is there you will enjoy your holiday as well.
We are waking up again from our long holiday break. The last kramiek you received is
already from May. So you can say, it is about time that we are back. I hope we can
arrange some activities to get together and have some fun.
In the nearby future we will be able to drink our own Belgium PINTJE in Thailand. This
thanks to the hard work of Michel Agramme.
At present we are making preparations for our "Annual Dinner" somewhere around
October. We hope to arrange some visits to factories. We are planning to have more
coffee mornings. And we hope to see you more on our monthly Get Together evening in
the Landmark Hotel.
You see we are still planning and organizing. If you feel interested to help or you want to
be involved in the committee please do not hesitate to get in contact with somebody
from our team. We are always open for new ideas.
I hope you will enjoy reading this kramiek.
Phones – faxes - email
Katrien Allaert
Tel. 286 6326
Fax. 285 6179
Erwin Hellemans
Sabrina Van Rompay
Tel. 336 1070
Fax. 336 1070
Marie Osterrieth
Tel. 02 213 1588
Isabelle Somerhausen
Tel. 02 231 5431
Mob. 01 420 2923
Sophie Godefroid
Tel. 02 285 6896
Mob. 01 323 8665
Frank Clovyn
Tel. 254 0404
Fax. 254 0439
Christine Deltenre
Tel. 02 213 1584
Andre Lorent
Tel. 679 5445
Fax. 679 5447
Michel Agramme
Kramiek – Newsletter of the Belgian Club of Thailand
Kurt Steyaert
August 2002
Chicon Night
April and May are the months for
the now legendary Chicon evening
organized since ancient times by
the BCT. We have been
experimenting in the past with 2
formula’s: either a set menu, or a
buffet. There are pro’s and con’s to
each approach, and one cannot
satisfy everyone.
This year, it was back to the buffet
formula. Besides having dozens of
dishes to chose from, it also gives
the opportunity to interact and
meet interesting people while
Delighted faces – why would one ever miss Belgium ?
chosing out the food. Quite useful if you end up
at a table with bores …
The real thing …
And there was of course the usual choice of
Belgian beers. One gets so accustomed to this
that one could forget that it is quite unique to
enjoy a Duvel in Bangkok (M. A.: that is about to
change, folks !).
It is true that the price tag this year was
higher than in the previous editions. And
yes, one can also find chicons in Villa Market
(at least, I assume, because I’ve never put
foot in there …). But then again, are you (or
is your maid) willing to slave a whole day to
come up with chicken liver mousse on Chicon
leave, grilled asparagus and braised Chicon
with balsamic vinegar, chicon Chowder with
Clam, Eggs a la Bruxelloise, Mussels and
Chicon Gratin, Pan-fried red mullet on
Chicon flan, Chicken &Chicon Cooked in beer
sauce, Chicon gratin with bone ham Mornay
sauce or Braised endive with roasted pear
and chicken breast … ?
Kramiek – Newsletter of the Belgian Club of Thailand
Soccer fever all the way to the vast dessert
August 2002
And that is just to name a few. Admit it. Just
coming up with the name is an effort in itself !
I can’t even think of trying to cook all that …
President for one night … or … a sign of
things to come … ?
As our President was not available that
evening, our Dearest Erwin took the honors of
welcoming the guests, in his usual, down-toearth manner. And here many people
discovered for the first time the real reason
as to why the official language of the BCT is
English. Had our Dearest Erwin addressed the
crowd in his ‘home-tongue’ (home being
somewhere close to Antwerp), not even a
quarter of the audience would have
understood him. But thanks to the clever
invention of the English language, even people
from the Belgian coastal province could catch
what he said (well, to be honest, we actually
had a discussion about that for half an hour at
our table, and we did conclude that all he
really wanted to say was ‘welcome’).
The chicons have been consumed and the beers have lessened our thirst. Thanks to the
committee for another succesful activity. Keep up the good work.
Patiently ( … ?) waiting for the go-signal !
Kramiek – Newsletter of the Belgian Club of Thailand
August 2002
Kramiek – Newsletter of the Belgian Club of Thailand
August 2002
The restoration of the MANNEKEN PIS of
A Kramiek project … ?
Those of you who participated to last year’s Klong
trip in Samut Songkhram may remember that in
front of the office of the irrigation department
of Ban Konthi, that controls the sluice separating
the Mae Klong river from the Klong Damnoen
Saduak, was displayed a Manneken Pis concrete
When I went back there earlier this year, it was
gone. As inquired about it, I got the answer that
playing kids made it fall, and it was broken and
not yet repaired.
I returned to Ban Konthi again last month and
asked why apparently the repair had not been
done yet. The guy manning the post finally led me
to where the statue was kept : only the hat was
damaged. It turned out that to them the looks
are more important than the structure : the
broken hat, the shabby paint, meant that it was not considered beautiful anymore and
removed from sight.
I then offered to repair it myself and asked what would make it beautiful enough to be
displayed again, explaining that for us it was a national symbol. Just about anyhow we like it
was the answer.
So as we are attached to our democratic values, I
need as many of your comments as possible to
decide what to do on it :
- Repair this one or simply buy a new one ?
(Manneken Pis replicas are quite common in
garden accessories shops).
- Repair the “hat” or remove it altogether ?
- Paint it in what color ? Bronze as now ? Black
Kramiek – Newsletter of the Belgian Club of Thailand
August 2002
like the original ? (Black is a color that is seldom qualified as beautiful by Thai people)
Black-Yellow-Red ?
Please share your opinion either directly to the Kramiek, or to my mailbox :
(No attached files please. Only e-mails. Please write “Manneken Pis” as subject).
And if you know some craftman whom you think is qualified to handle this repair, don’t
hesitate to tell !
And that’s not all : there are in fact two pedestals in front of the irrigation department
office. So naturally I inquired about the second one : it once served another, larger, statue,
of a Thai female figurine, so long gone that nobody remembers how it looked like.
So one more question : How about buying them a nice Thai female statue, of similar size (70
cm), in honour of all the mixed couples ? Any suggestion about the style or the shop to get
it from ?
Jean-Jacques Braun
Wine tasting
Kalae and Wine Connexion invite the members of the BCT for a free tasting of wines from
France, South-Africa, Australia and Chili.
When ? 31 October at 18:00
Where ? at Kalae Art & Décor (see advertisement further in this Kramiek)
Kramiek – Newsletter of the Belgian Club of Thailand
August 2002
News from the homefront
what you probably haven’t read in the Bangkok Post
A book titled ‘The crash of Sabena’ has just been published. It contains a number of intriguing revelations about
the Sabena bankruptcy. The authors indicate that Swissair never had the intention to pay but a single Euro for
the Belgian national airline. On top of that, the book claims that Swissair has been very inventive in emptying
Sabena’s coffers in the last years. The book was co-written by journalists from the VTM newsstation and the
newspaper ‘De Morgen’.
In 2001, the number of shooting accidents has nearly doubled compared to 2000. That information comes from
the federal police. This has prompted the police force to order an additional 2350 bullet proof vests. These
equipments will be given in priority to the police forces for traffic control, rail and sea police and investigative
Club Brugge won the Belgian Soccer Cup. Genk won the national title.
Two robbers got away with 50,000 Euro from the Zaventem airport. They accessed through the ceiling and
walked this way until they were above the exchange office. When the first employee arrived at work at 6 in the
morning, they descended from the ceiling and forced her to open the safe.
4 out of 5 home burglaries never get solved. This is mainly due to the fact that the burglaries are the work of
well organized gangs, mostly originating from the East-European countries. Most burglars are not violent and run
away if something goes wrong, In 2001, there have been 75,000 burglaries in Belgium.
In the last 5 years, incidents of agression against employees of the railways have nearly tripled. In 1996, there
wer 74 cases, last year 199. De laatste vijf jaar is het aantal gevallen van agressie tegen personeel van de
spoorwegen bijna verdrievoudigd. In 1996 waren er 74 gevallen, vorig jaar 199. The main cause for agression is
arguments about the transport ticket.
Last year, nearly 2000 cars have been found to be using heating oil rather than diesel. These products are
identical, but the taxes on diesel are much higher than on domestic heating oil. In 2001, customs checked
127,000 vehicles.
Kramiek – Newsletter of the Belgian Club of Thailand
August 2002
Publicity in Kramiek
Below is the list of possible advertisements in the Kramiek, newsletter of the BCT.
Circulation: 5-6 issues per year, sent to around 150-170, of which 20 abroad.
For each Kramiek:
One full fixed page, black/white
One ½ fixed page, black/white
One full inserted page (flyer), black/white copied by BCT
One full inserted page (flyer), provided by advertiser
1,000 THB/issue
500 THB/issue
1,000 THB/issue
500 THB/issue
The committee can decide to insert publicities free of charge on a case-by-case basis.
For cover printing (used for approx 3000 covers, +/- 3 years)
One full color page, in external or internal cover
One ½ color page, in external or internal cover
10,000 THB
6,000 THB
Required documents for each type of publicity are
- email for black/white in MS formats (Word, Powerpoint …)
- mail approximately 160 flyers if provided by advertiser
- mail for color artworks (4 colors)
Prior to publication, a print proof will be submitted for color publications only.
Payment can be done by cash to any member of the committee or to An Aspeslagh at the Embassy.
JULY 2002.
Interested ?
Kramiek – Newsletter of the Belgian Club of Thailand
August 2002
Nationale feestdag en vlag
België is tegelijk een zeer oud land en een jonge onafhankelijke staat. Het was Julius Caesar
die zo'n 2.000 jaar geleden voor het eerst sprak over de Belgen, in zijn werk over de oorlog
in Gallië. Gedurende eeuwen maakte België deel uit van verschillende staten. Het werd pas
onafhankelijk in 1830. De nationale feestdag is vastgesteld op 21 juli door een wet van 27
mei 1890. Het was op 21 juli 1831 dat Leopold I, de eerste Koning der Belgen, de
grondwettelijke eed aflegde. Hij zwoer trouw aan de Belgische Grondwet, die door het
Nationaal Congres werd uitgewerkt en op 7 februari 1831 werd erkend, alsook aan de
Belgische wetten.
Nationale feestdag : 21 juli, de dag waarop Leopold I de eed aflegde
Nationale hymne : de Brabançonne / Leus : Eendracht maakt macht
Vlag : drie vertikale strepen in het zwart, geel en rood. De kleuren van de Belgische vlag zijn
die van het wapenschild van het voormalige hertogdom Brabant. Het stelde een leeuw van
goud (geel) voor, op achtergrond van sabel (zwart), geklauwd en getongd van keel (rood).
Wapenschild : de Belgische Leeuw (Leo Belgicus), een gele leeuw met rode klauwen en tong,
op zwarte achtergrond. Deze leeuw staat ook afgebeeld op het kleine staatszegel, dat men
terugvindt op brieven en omslagen van de federale administraties.
F ête nationale, drapeau et devise
La Belgique est à la fois un pays très ancien et indépendant depuis peu. Les Belges ont été
mentionnés pour la première fois, il y a 2.000 ans, par Jules César dans son livre sur la
guerre des Gaules. Toutefois, durant des siècles, la Belgique n'a été qu'une partie d'un
ensemble plus vaste d'Etats. Le pays n'a accédé à l'indépendance qu'en 1830. La fête
nationale est fixée au 21 juillet par une loi du 27 mai 1890. C'est le 21 juillet 1831 que le
premier roi des Belges, Léopold Ier, a prété le serment constitutionnel. Il a prété serment
de fidélité à la Constitution belge, laborée par le Congrès national et reconnue le 7 février
1831, ainsi qu'aux lois belges.
Fête nationale : le 21 juillet, jour où Léopold Ier a prété serment (en 1831)
Hymne national : la Brabançonne / Devise : L'union fait la force
Kramiek – Newsletter of the Belgian Club of Thailand
August 2002
Drapeau : trois bandes verticales; noir, jaune et rouge. Les couleurs du drapeau belge sont
celles de l'écu de l'ancien duché de Brabant. Il représentait un lion d'or (jaune) sur fond de
sable (noir), griffes et dents de gueules (rouge).
Embl ème hiéraldique : le Lion Belgique (Leo Belgicus), lion jaune aux griffes et à la langue
rouges, sur fond noir. Il est notamment représenté sur le petit sceau de l'Etat, qu'on
retrouve sur les lettres et enveloppes de l'administration publique fédérale.
More information on the net:
Kramiek – Newsletter of the Belgian Club of Thailand
August 2002
7th Annual Charity International Soccer Tournament
Since 7 years, the Belgian national day is celebrated in Pattaya not with some sumptuous invitationsonly dinner, but with a charity event that benefits the orphans and handicapped children of Pattaya.
This year, the charity soccer tournament attracted a record number of teams. A charity from the
heart, for and with the orphaned children.
Jaarlijkse Int. Voetbal Tornooi voor het goede doel.
Dit jaar terug in het weeshuis van Vader Brennan. Een nieuw voetbalveld aangelegd
met deze keer een grasmat, wat een luxe!. Dit jaar waren er 10 ploegen, The
Belgian Red Devils, Shenanigans, City Hall, The Bangkok Wanderers, Mass Media,
Orphanage Team, Mermaids USA, Pattaya Info, France and Foster Wheeler.
Met een grote publieke belangstelling werd het tornooi van start gegaan met een dans demonstratie
van een vijftigtal weeskinderen op het voetbalveld, dat met een fantastisch applaus werd afgerond.
Gans het terrein was omringd door banners van sponsors en natuurlijk tenten met de nodige dranken
en BBQ verzorgd door de staff van Patrick’s Belgian Restaurant. Niets was er tekort of misschien
toch de beloofde skydive demonstratie die door vergunning omstandigheden niet kon doorgaan.
Alles verliep vlot met de goede samenwerking en ervaring van onze Belgische Kapitein Fini, die ook het
ganse voetbal programma heeft klaar gestoomd. Ook hadden we enkele voetballers van het Belgisch
team van Bangkok om onze ploeg volledig te maken. Thanks guys!
Na een gespannen sfeer van puntenverschil ging de uiteindelijke zege, na elke ploeg 3 matchen
gespeeld te hebben, naar The Bangkok Wanderers, City hall tweede en onze Belgische Red Devils
goed voor een derde plaats.
Kramiek – Newsletter of the Belgian Club of Thailand
August 2002
Beter dan de WK, wat zijn we goed, Meneer Waseige had beter aan ons gedacht? Pattaya Info kreeg
de FAIR PLAY beker en de Fransen de “Wooden Spoon” voor de laatste plaats (Ter informatie, de
Fransen hadden het tornooi 2000 en 2001 gewonnen)
De dag werd afgerond met de prijzen van de tombola en de trofees. Iedereen blij naar huis (allee
misschien de Fransen zo niet, haha) na een mooie zonnige en plezante Zondag 21 Juli, onze Belgische
Nationale Feestdag.
Na alles de dag nadien te hebben geteld, afgetrokken en vermenigvuldigd hadden we 22.000 Baht
over voor het weeshuis. Een goede inspanning die elk jaar beter wordt. Bedankt aan al de ploegen en
mensen die hebben samengewerkt om deze dag te verwezenlijken. Hopelijk kunnen we volgend jaar
terug op jullie rekenen.
Patrick Van den Berghe
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This year's Belgian National Day, 21st July, was celebrated by young and fit members of the BCT,not
only by consuming vast quantities of beer but in participating in a charity football tournament in aid
of the Pattaya Orphanage,played on the Orphanage grounds and organised by the Belgian community
of Pattaya.
Ten teams took part in the tournament, Belgium and France putting up national teams, the English
hiding behind the name of "Pattaya Wanderers" and the rest being sponsored by local firms and
organisations. The rules were clear, eight players per
team, each team to play three matches of thirteen
minutes each way, each match to finish with three
penalty kicks for each team, three points for a win
and one for a draw, in the even of a tie, result to be
decided by penalties and goal difference. So the
essential elements of skill, strategy and luck of the
draw gave promise of entertaining event and the fact
that no team would be eliminated, guaranteed that
the tension, as well as the flow of beer, hamburgers
hot dogs and donations to the orphanage coffers,
could be maintained throughout the day.
As in all major sporting events, the National Anthem, in this case Thai, was followed by a speech of
welcome by the host and display of formation dancing by orphanage children.
The Belgium "Red Devils"played the first match to kick off the tournament. They got off to a good
start by beating Mass Media 2/1, and finished the first round of five games as one of four teams
with three points. The second game proved more challenging, ending in a three all draw against the
mermaids. Fortunately , other teams suffered a similar setback and so they went into the final round
still as joint leaders with three other teams. In the final game Erwin lads triumphed again, beating
Pattaya Info 7/1. Success did not come without pain though, our own Peter Cawelier sustained
severely bruised ribs from which he still suffers.But this was the first match of the round and how
well the other teams performed would be crucial.At this point in the afternoon the successful teams,
Kramiek – Newsletter of the Belgian Club of Thailand
August 2002
fired up by plentiful supplies of "Heineken", were raring to go, while weaker teams were beginning to
get demoralised. So, when Pattaya Wanderers took to the field, they were confronted with half a
French team ready to throw in the towel. This would have meant a win for the Wanderers but no
point for goal difference.An Argument ensued which was skilfully defused by rhe organiser and a
scratch French team played, and were soundly defeated 11/0. This proved the deciding factor and
the Wanderers took the coveted champion's trophy. Trophies were also presented to the City Hall
team for coming second and the Belgian team third. France took the wooden spoon.No prizes though
for the undisputed "Man of the Tournament", that organiser of the whole event, player, ref,
scorekeeper, trophy presenter and smoother of ruffled feathers, Mr Fini.
A very good day was had by all.
Chinese antique furniture
Asian handicraft
A new container has just arrived!
Welcome back from holidays to all our valuable customers!
During this summer, we spent some time in several
China’s remote areas and selected for you exquisite
antique furniture and collectibles in excellent
We try very hard to diversify our collection and to
find cabinets with a touch of uniqueness……
We have now many pieces that you could not see anywhere before (painted cabinets
form Whenzou and Linhai and Mongolian buffet for example)
Come for a cup of coffee and have a look!
Kramiek – Newsletter of the Belgian Club of Thailand
Kalae Team
1040 Soi Suan Plu
(soi 17 Arkarnsongkro)Sathorn Thai Road
Thung Mahamek 10120 Bangkok
Tel: 022865129
Fax:02 6763981
Mon-Fri 9:00-18:00 Sat-Sun 10:00-18:00
August 2002
Kid’s page
Kramiek – Newsletter of the Belgian Club of Thailand
August 2002
Interesting information
De mooiste weg naar het buitenland: De website van Vlamingen in de Wereld
Vertrek naar het buitenland begint met een klik op de totaal vernieuwde website van
Vlamingen in de Wereld. U vindt er:
•alle antwoorden op uw vragen als toekomstige expat of emigrant.
•dé mogelijkheid voor alle wereldwijd verspreidde Vlamingen om via één kanaal contact met
Vlaanderen te behouden.
•registratiemogelijkheid voor de gratis elektronische nieuwsbrief.
Naast algemene informatie over VIW, biedt de website een overzicht van verschillende binnen- en
buitenlandse economische, culturele en toeristische links aangevuld met een unieke verzameling
landenfiches die frequent aangepast worden. Daarnaast is er een overzicht van de diverse publicaties van
VIW. Deze zijn on line te raadplegen voor betalende leden. Meer informatie over hoe lid worden is er
uiteraard ook te vinden. VIW werkt nog aan een discussieforum. Constructieve ideeën zijn steeds
welkom... of hoe een informatieve gegevensbank de basis vormt voor een interactief netwerk.
Info voor betalende leden: gebruik de eerste acht letters (of minder indien naam minder tekens telt) van
uw familienaam (op lidkaart) als inlognaam en uw lidnummer als paswoord om toegang te verkrijgen. Dit
nummer vindt u op uw lidkaart
Beste heer, mevrouw,
Mijn naam is Steven Van Eetveldt en ik ben een
verwoed euroverzamelaar. Sinds het begin dit
jaar verzamel ik zoals velen de verschillende
euromunten van elk Europees land. Ik heb uit
hobby voor vrienden en kennissen zelf een album
Gezien het feit ik invalide ben (waardoor ik een
zee van tijd heb) en enkel thuis met pc iets kan
doen, vroeg ik mij af of het Belgische mensen in
het buitenland zou interesseren een album samen
te stellen rond de euro. Ik kwam op dit idee
doordat mijn broer die in Los Angeles werkt, mij
verzocht had hem een euroalbum op te sturen. Ik
weet dat andere Belgen dit ook wel zouden
willen. Collega-muntenverzamelaars in de
diverse Europese landen kunnen mij (in beperkte
oplage) de benodigde munten opsturen.
Kunt U mij informeren of adviseren hoe ik dit
initiatief tot bij onze landgenoten kan brengen.
Ik denk bijvoorbeeld aan een publicatie in het
clubhuis, een stukje in het clubblad of een
Kramiek – Newsletter of the Belgian Club of Thailand
vermelding op de website? Dit met vermelding
van mij e-mailadres zodat geïnteresseerden mij
kunnen bereiken.
In bijlage kan U enkele foto's vinden van mijn
1. Een euroalbum met 96 munten van alle EUlanden en deze kost 169 euro;
2. een uniek album met alle oude currency
munten (peseta, lire, frank, mark,...) en kost 299
3. een album met daarin de tot nu toe
verschenen US quarters aan 69 euro.
In de prijs zijn inbegrepen: alle munten
ongecirculeerd, een mooi album en verpakking.
Ook inbegrepen is een kleine vergoeding voor
mijn handelingen, administratie- en
communicatiekosten. Niet inbegrepen zijn de
Ik hoop alvast dat ik U hiermede een plezier kan
doen en hoop op een positieve reactie.
August 2002
Met vriendelijke groeten.
Steven Van Eetveldt
Mesdames et Messieurs,
Je m’appelle Steven Van Eetveldt et je suis un
collecteur enthousiaste de la monnaie euro.
Depuis le début de cette année, je collecte,
comme beaucoup de gens, des euros différents
de chaque pays européen. Moi-même, j’ai
collectionné en passe-temps un album pour mes
amis et des connaissances.
Vu le fait que je suis invalide (ayant donc
beaucoup de temps libre) et que je peux
travailler uniquement a la maison avec
l’ordinateur, je me demande s’il y a des Belges à
l’étranger qui sont intéressés par un album euro ?
J’ai eu l’idée car mon frère qui habite et travaille
à Los Angeles, m’a demandé de lui envoyer un
euroalbum. J’imagine que d’autres Belges
pourraient certainement aussi etre
interesses. Les collègues-collectionneurs de la
monnaie dans les pays européens divers peuvent
m’envoyer (en tirage limité) leurs besoins
publication dans les annonces du club, une petite
place dans le journal local du club ou une mention
dans le website? Ceci avec mention de mon
adresse email pour que des intéressés puissent
me contacter.
En annexe vous trouverez quelques photos de
mes albums:
1. Un euroalbum avec 96 pièces des pays de la
communauté européenne pour 169 euros;
2. un album unique avec tous les vielles pièces
de la communauté européenne (le peseta, le lire,
le franc, le mark, ...) pour 299 euros;
3. un album avec des ‘quarters’ des Etats-Units
mis en circulation jusqu’à ce jour, pour 69 euros.
Dans ce prix sont compris: toutes les pièces noncirculées, un bel album et l’emballage. Aussi
compris est une petite bonification pour mes
travaux, ainsi que l’administration et la
communication. Exclus sont les frais d’envoi.
J’espère certainement vous faire plaisir avec
cette offre et j’anticipe une réaction positive.
Veuillez agréer, Mesdames et Messieurs,
l'expression de mes sentiments distingués.
Steven Van Eetveldt
Pouvez-vous m’informer ou conseiller comment je
peux transmettre cette offre auprès de nos
compatriotes ? Je pense par exemple à une
Kramiek – Newsletter of the Belgian Club of Thailand
August 2002
This page is to report on a number of mysterious events that have taken place in the last months.
First of all, there was the soccer encounter with the French. It is reported that the BCT
won 1-0. This game was played before the world cup, and it clearly sent a bad omen to the
French national team. Your editor (who is a well-known soccer player in the BCT, but who
was not avaible for the event due to other international duties) is somewhat annoyed to
report on this event. The pictures I received about this ‘soccer’ encounter seem hardly
linked to what is normally understood under the term ‘soccer game’. Predominant were
apparently alcoholic beverages, silly songs and even sillier dance routines. Still puzzled by
this strange event, it is clear that one does not need to be able to play soccer to participate
And then there was the Italian cooking class. A lot of enthousiasts for the first class, but
nobody showed up for the second class !! It is still not clear what the reasons were …
participants got sick after consuming their own culinary delicacies
the teacher quit after being bored to death by the question why there were
no Italian dishes with Rodenbach
the male students were disappointed cause they thought the teacher would be
Christina Aguilera (sounds Italian)
the participants concluded that ordering a Pizza on the phone was far less
Whatever the reason may be, it seems this was an initiative that died a premature death …
Kramiek – Newsletter of the Belgian Club of Thailand
August 2002
Upcoming events
A lot of ideas have taken shape just before the summer holiday. As most of the committee
is still in a sound summer sleep, I am not sure if all these will be taken place. However, it
would be a good idea to cross out the following dates in your agenda’s.
Coffee mornings for ladies
Apparently there has even been a second edition, but, again, no
news about it … Rumours abound that the coffee mornings are in
fact a cover-up for more sinister activities, such as … shopping.
9 Nov
25th anniversary dinner
The BCT is 25 years young (or old, depending on the mood) and this
will be celebrated with a charity dinner on 9 November. A good
idea for recent and old-time Thailand hands to catch up old
memories …
19 Nov
Loy Krathong
A family-friendly Loy Krathong could be organized in Lumpini park
to mark this original Thai cultural event.
5 Dec
St Nicolas – St Niklaas
The BCT has invited the Good Man and his Black Helpers since
human memory. Location is apparently to be defined (!?), but if
anybody of you likes to behave like a clown, there is a vacancy to
entertain the children before the Good Man’s arrival. From the
pictures on the previous page, it would seem that there should be
candidates abound.
Kramiek – Newsletter of the Belgian Club of Thailand
August 2002
Family News
New members
Mr. Alain & Mrs. Sudaphan BOTTU VONGNIPON
168/196 Moo 3 Phrayasatja Road-T Samed
Amphur Muang Chonburi 20000
Tel /Fax : 038/715.231 Mobile : 01/835.12.71
Email :
Mr. Olivier & Mrs. Emmanuelle CHAZAREIX
150 Soi Kaeng Chuan, Nang Linchee Road
Bangkok 10120
Tel : 02/286.59.80 Fax : Mobile : 01/ 839.91.03 (O) 01/653.83.08(E)
Email :
Ms. Nathalie SURMONT
Royal Embassy of Belgium 17th Floor, Sathorn City Tower
175 South Sathorn Road, Bangkok 10120
Tel : 02/679.54.44 Fax : 02/679.54.43
Email :
Mr.Johan VROLIX & Ms. Supaporn PHANNA
73/41 Moo 4, Soi Watnim Maan Naladee, Phetkasem
Road, Pasi Charoen, Bangkae, Bangkok 10160
Mobile : 09/982.54.91
Email :
Mr. Pieter GILLEGOT VERGAUWEN & Ms. Katrien
President Park APT 33C
OAK Tower, Sukhumvit Soi 24
Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110
Tel : 02/262.94.16
e-mail :
Mr. Drossin LUC
APP F 4-2, Eastern Star F4-2
241 Mu 3 Tambol Ple, Ban Chang,
Rayong 21130 Tel : 038/602.925 Fax : Email :
Mr. Manu PIETTE & Ms. Frederika DEMORTIER
Floraville Appartment : C11A , 14/287 Srinakarin
Pattanakarn Soi 51, Suanluang, Bangkok 10250
Tel/Fax : 02/722.40.80 Ext 5110(T), 5510 (F)
Mobile : 09/834.72.97
Email :
Changed address
Mr. Marco & Ms. Tiew MEUWIS
73/333 Ake Burapah 6, Moo 5, Project 1
Muang Ake, Luk Hok, Amphur Muang
Pathumtanee 12000
Tel : 02/564.05.71 Fax : 02/564.02.91
Mobile : 01/994.39.66
Email :
Mr. Anne Letheune & Mrs. Mell ROELARIDTS - JOSZ
Baan Suan Maak, Unit 9CD
2/3 Soi Patanasin, Nanglinchi Road
Tungmahamek, Sathorn, Bangkok 10120
Tel : 02/213.15.98 Fax : Email :
If you have any comments, please e-mail to
Kramiek – Newsletter of the Belgian Club of Thailand
August 2002