online registration system Municipal Directory
online registration system Municipal Directory
NORA online registration system Municipal Directory Information activities for all ages I arts & c ulture I arenas aquatics I child & youth I c ommunity groups I facilities fitness I libraries I parks I senior s I walking clubs www.hald-nr'r rj1 HALD-NOR I1!JCREDIT UNION CLOSER TO HOME ... CLOSER TO YOU CALEDONIA HAGERSVILLE CAYUGA SIMCOE HAMILTON 905.765.4071 905.768.3347 905.772.3376 519.426.5930 289.674.0016 3710 Hwy 59 Langton, Ontario I NOE 1GO Tel: 519-875-2631 . OWNERS· Michele & Dale Docker LOCATED NORTH OF LANGTON AT ANDY'S CORNER Norfolk County has so muc h to offer! This guide will inform you of the many choices of events and activities available for you and your family's enjoyment On behalf of Council , many thanks to all staff members for your hard work and commitment. We especially want to recognize and thank all of our volunteers, coaches and sponsors for their generous contributions to our County. VVhether you are a resident or a visitor to Norfolk, I know you will find this guide very useful. Charlie Luke Mayor, Norfolk County The Corporation of Norfolk County Council consists of 9 elected officials. The term of Council is December 1, 2014 to November 30 , 2018. County Council is the governing and legislative body for the municipality. Council approves policies and authorizes the raising of revenue and expenditures for the provision of services. Mayor . Charlie Luke 50 Colborne Street Simcoe ON N3Y 4H1 519-426-5870 Ext. 1220 Ward 1 • Noel Haydt 139 Highway 24 Walsingham ON NOE 1XO 519-900-5060 noel Ward 2 - Roger Geysens 1473 Highway 3 RR#3 Delhi ON N4B 2W6 519-582-2439 Ward 3 - Michael J. Columbus 577 Larch Street. Delhi ON N4B 3A7 519-582-2327 Ward 4 - Jim Oliver 1567 East 1/4 Line Road, Charlotteville RR#6, Simcoe ON N3Y 4K5 519-428-1297 Ward 5 - Peter Black 124 Robinson Street, Simcoe ON N3Y 11N9 519-426-5036,ca Ward 5 - Doug Brunton P.O. Box 43. Simcoe ON N3Y 4K1 519-428-7277 Ward 6 - John Wells P.O. Box 348 Port Dover ON NOA 1NO 519-583-2205 Ward 7 - Harold Sonnenberg RR#4, Waterford ON NOE 1Y0 519-443-5616 50 Colborne St S , Simcoe ON N3Y 4H3 519-426-5870 I Fax: 519-426-7633 Norfolk County Mayor - Charlie Luke charl Senior Administrative Assistant Maureen Chunick Ext. 1248 N9J&!k J Regular Meetings of Council & Council-in-Committee Occur on the first four Tuesdays of the every month , except for summer and winter breaks. Meetings are scheduled to begin at 5:00 p.m. unless an early start is listed on the agenda. All agendas for meetings will be posted online at before 4:30 p.m. on the f riday preceding the meeting . Location Council Chambers, 50 Colbome Street South, Simcoe ON (unless otherwise noted on agenda ). Deputations to Council Deputations are heard at Council-tn-Committee on the first and third Tuesday of each month. Deputation Request forms are available on the County web page and are required to be submitted before noon Thursday prior to the meeting. Counc il - in - Committee Council Chambers 5PM March 3 Publ ic MtgfCouncil Council Chambers 5PM March 10 The Mayor is the head of Council and the Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation of Norfolk County. The Mayor presides over Council meetings and is a member of Council-in-Committee . The Mayor interacts on a continual basis with Councillors, the municipal admin istration , community agencies and citizens. As head of Council , the Mayor is also the chief spokesperson on intergovern mental discussions w ith other municipalities, provincial and federal governments. Deputations are heard at the beginning of each meeting and each deputation is limited to a ten minute presentation . Letters or Information to Council All written letters submitted to Clerks and addressed to Mayor and Council Members will be presented to Council for consideration as an agenda item pending that the content is appropriate and they are not anonymous. Any personal information included in these letters will be released publicly. For Further Information: Contact the Clerks Department at 519-426- 5870 Deputy Clerk l Licensing Coordinator Stephanie Godby Ext. 1237 stephanie Council - in - Committee Counc il Chambers SP M Publ ic Mtg/Council Council Chambers 5PM March 17 March 24 14 Apri l 21 April 28 May S May 12 May 19 May 26 June 2 June 9 June 16 June 23 HOW TO CONTACT NORFOLK COUNTY EMAIL: askus@norfolkcoun ty.caW EB SI TE: wWoN.norfol kcoun Use any number, Dial any ex tension Simcoe 5 19-4 26-5870 I Deihl 5 19-58 2-21 00 I Lang ton 5 19-8 75-4485 Health and Social Services 5 19-426-6 170 I Websi te: A Access to Records ....... ..............................x 1261 Advertising & Sponsorship Opportunities ... x 2215 Advertising in County Publi ca tions .............. x 1300 After Hours; ................. ................ 1-877-298-5888 Forestry Emergencies Parks & Facilities Emergencies Publi c Health Emergencies Roads , Sewer, Drainage , Water, Garbage & Recycling After Hours By-law Enforcement. 1-888-3 10- 11 22 Agricultural Advi sory Board .........................x 1264 Agriculture Information ..................... 519-426-9497 Alligator Tug .................................................x 1347 Ambulance ........................................................911 Animal Control ................................. 519-586-8008 Animal Control (toll free) ............... 1-866-913-8oo8 Arenas .........................................................x 6038 Arts Centre ....................................... 519-428-0540 B Babies (Infant Care) .......... .........................x 3250 B.I.A Representative ...... ...........................x 1239 Birth Certifica tes .......................... 1-800-461-2156 Birth Control ................. ............................... x 3225 Blue/Black Boxes (Recycling ) ..................... x 6027 Breastfeeding .............. .............................. x 3250 Bridges .. ...................... ............................... x 6027 Building Code .............. ............................... x 6016 Building Permits & Inspections (Simcoe) .. .......... .. ........ ............................... x 6016 Building Permits & Inspections (Langton) .................... ..............................x 6030 Burn Permits ............................................... .x 2412 Business Development .................... 519-426-9497 Business Information ....................... 519-426-9497 By-law Enforcement After Hours .. 1-888-310-1122 By-law Enforcement ................................... x 6015 C Careers Carillon Tower ...................... ........................x 1340 Catch Basins ..............................................x 6027 Cemeteries ....................... ......................... .x 2214 Child Care Fee Assistance ........................ x 3745 Clerk ...... ...................... .............................. x 1228 Committee of Adjustment ....... .................... x 1835 Committees and Boards ...... ....................... x 1221 Community Centres ........... ......................... x 2226 Community Profile Publica tion ........ 519-426-9497 Composting ....................... ......................... x 6027 Connection Permits ........... ......................... x 6027 Council Information ........... ......... x 1228 or x 1237 Courts (Provincial Offences Act) ..... 519-428-2494 Customer Service .............. ......................... x 1070 CuUDestroy Trees Permits .......................... x 2224 .. ........................ x 1225 County Manager ..... D Death Regi strations ............................... ......x 1246 Deputations to Committee/Council ........................ . ......................................................x1228 or 1237 Delhi Tobacco Museum & Heritage Centre ........................................................ 519-582-0278 Demolition Permits ( Simcoe) .......................x 6016 Demolition Permits ( Langton) ......................x 6030 Dental Health ............................. ................. x 3229 Development Program s (Business) ............ x 1264 Dog Tags ................................................... x 1070 Drainage - Roadside ........... ....................... x 6027 E Economic Development ...... ............ 519-426-9497 Elections - Municipal ........ ............ x 1228 or 1237 Emergencies -After Hours ......... 1-877-298-5888 Forestry Emergencies Parks & Facilities Emergencies Public Health Emergencies Roads, Sewer, Drainage, Garbage & Recycling Em plo yment .........................WWN. norto Ikcounty. ca EMS - Emergency Medical Services Admini stration ......................................... x 2407 Entrance Permits .........................................x 6027 Environmental Assessment Grant Program ....x 1264 Events Calendar .............................. 519-426-9497 Experience Guide (Tourism) ............ 519-426-9497 F Facade Improvement Program .. ................. x 1264 Facility Rental ............................................. x 2226 Farmers Markets - (All ) ....... ........... 519-426-9497 Farmers Market (Simcoe) .. ......................... x 2215 Fences ........ ...................... ........................ x 1237 Festival & Events Calendar ............. 51 9-426-9497 Festival & Events (SpEri:IE~) ... .x 1331 Filming Guidelines .............. ........................ x 1264 Finance ............................................. .......... x 1242 Financial Assistance ................................... x 3132 FireAdministration ......... ............................ x 2412 Fire Permils & In spections ......................... x 2402 Flags ........................... ............................... x 1226 Facilities- Rental ...................... ................... x 2226 Food Handlers Course ................................ x 3245 Food POisoning ............... x 323 1 or x 3245 Food Safety ............................................... .x 3245 Fore st Conservation Services .....................x 2224 Freedom of Information ...............................x 1261 G Garbage COliection ......................................x 6027 Genealogy Archive & Record .....................x 2214 H Health & Social Services Deparbnent ........x 3121 Health Unit... .............................. .................x 3200 Health Communities Initiative .................... .x 3208 Healthy Smiles Ontario ............................... x 3229 Heritage and Culture .................................. x 1347 Home forAged (Norview Lodge) ..... 519-426-0902 Home Ownership (Affordable) .................... x 3121 Housing (Social) ............ ............. x 3122 or x 3234 Human Resources ..................... ................. x 6006 Hunting li cences ........................................ x 2224 Hydrant Maintenance ................................. x 6027 Immunization ...............................................x 3472 Incentives for Business ...............................x 1264 Infectious Di seases .....................................x 3232 Industrial Par1c:s and Development ..............x 1264 Information (Agriculture) .................. 519-426-9497 Information (Busi ness) ..................... 519-426-9497 Information (Tourism) .................... 1-800-699-9038 Information Systems .................................... x 2611 Inspections - Building (Simcoe) .................. x 6016 Inspections- Building (Langton) ................. x 6030 Inspections - Fire ....................... ................ x 2402 Inspections - Health ............... ... x 3231 or x 3245 Inspections- Pl umbing (Simcoe) ............... x 6016 Inspections- Plumbing (Langton) .............. x 6030 Inspections- Water and Sewer .................. x 6027 J Job Opportunities L Land Use .......................... .......................... x1B49 Leisure Services ......................................... x 2233 libraries (Delhi ) ............................... ........... x 6035 libraries (Port Dover) .................... ............. x 6036 Libraries (Port Rowan) ................. ............... x 6037 Libraries (Simcoe ) .. ..........................x 60 10 Libraries (Waterford) ......................... .x 6034 Livestock Evaluator ....................................x 6015 Local Food Guide ............................ 519-426-9497 Long Term Care( Norview Lodge) .... 519-426-0902 Licences .................................... x 1223 or x 1241 M Map and Local Food Guide ............. 519-426-9497 Marketing Partner Program .........................x 1300 Marriage Ceremonies ..................x 1228 or x 1237 Marriage Licences ......................x 1223 or x 1241 Mayor's Office .............................................x 1220 Minor Variances ........................... ............... x 1835 Movi ng Oversize Loads Permits ................. x 6027 Municipal Drains ...................... ................... x 6027 Municipal Elections ....................... x 1228 or 1237 Museums .......... ......................................... x 1347 N Needle Exchange ........................ ............... x 3225 Norfo lk Arts Centre. .............. 519-426-0540 Norfo lk County Record s ..............................x 126 1 Norview Lodge ................................. 519-426-0902 Nutrition .......................................................x 3247 o OPP - Non Emergency ................. 1-888-3 10-1122 Occupancy Permits (Simcoe) ......................x 6016 Occupancy Permits (Langton ) .....................x 6030 Ontario Renovates ......................................x 3234 On-Site Sewage Disposal Permits (Simcoe)x 6013 On-Site Sewage Disposal Permits(Langton)x 6030 Ontario Works & Social Assistance ............. x 3132 Oversize Load Moving Permit ..................... x 6027 HOW TO CONTACT NORFOLK COUNTY EMAIL: askus@norfolkcoun ty.caW EB SI TE: wWoN.norfol kcoun Use any number, Dial any ex tension Simcoe 5 19-4 26-5870 I Deihl 5 19-58 2-21 00 I Lang ton 5 19-8 75-4485 Health and Social Services 5 19-4 26-6 170 I Websi te: p Parenting ................................ ................... x 3250 Parking- incl udes ti ckets ... .......................... x 6015 Parks, Faciliti es & R ecrea tion ..................... x 2200 Personal Servi ce Settings .......................... x 3232 Planning & Development Division ............... x 1340 Pk.miling Pemils and Inspections (Simcoe) ...... x 6016 Plunbing Pemils and Inspections (Langton) .... x 6030 Police - Norfolk Detachment ........... 519-426-3434 Police Services Board ................................ x 1248 . ...............................x 2233 Pools ....... ........ Port Dover Harbour Marina ............. .519-583-1581 Port Dover Harbour Museum ........... 519-583-2660 Port Rowan Harbour Marina ........................x 2208 Prenatal Classes .........................................x 3200 Presenool Speeen and Loog.Jage Progam ...x 3243 Programs - Instructional .............................x 2233 Programs - March Break .............................x 2233 Programs - Recreational .............................x 2233 Programs - Seniors .....................................x 2233 Programs - Summer ................ .................. .x 2233 Promotion of Local Business ... ................... .x 1300 Property - Available Industrial ................... .x 1264 Property Line Fen ces Dispute .................... x 1237 Provincial Offences Act Administration ...................................... .................. 519-428-2494 Public Health ............... .............................. x 3200 Public Libraries ............ ............................... x 6009 Public Works ................ ............................... x 6027 R Rabies ..... ......... ...............................x Rain Barrel s ................ ..............................x Recreation ...................................................x Recycling .....................................................x Rent Geared-to-Income Housing x 3122 or x Road Excavation/Occupancy Permit ...........x Roads - Development .................................x Roads - Maintenance and Ditching ............x Roads - Signage ......................................... x Road Cut Permit ......................................... x Road Damage Deposits ............................. x 3231 6027 2233 6027 3234 6027 6027 6027 6027 6027 6027 S Safe Drinkin g Water (Priva te Wells) ........... x 3245 Seasonal Housing ........... ........................... x 3245 Senior Program s ......................................... x 2233 Seniors (Norview Lodge) .......... ....... 519-426-0902 Septic System Inspecti ons (Simcoe) .......... x 6016 Septic System Inspecti ons(Langton ) .......... x 6030 Severances ......................... ......................... x1835 Sewer Connection Permits ......................... x 6027 Sewer Rodding .................. ......................... x 6027 Sexual Health .................... ........................ x 3225 Sexually Transmitted Infections ................. x 3225 Sidewalk Maintenance ..... .......................... x 6027 Signage (Directional for Business) .............x 1264 .. ........................x 3265 Smoking Ce ssation Snow Removal ............................................x 6027 Social Housing ........................... x 3122 or x 3234 Social Housing Waiting Li st .........................x 3234 Speech and Language Program .................x 3243 Street Lights ................................. 1-855-647-6589 Substance Abuse ........................................x 3265 Swimming ....................................................x 2233 T Tax Collection .............................. ............... x 1666 Taxi Licences .............................. .x 1242 or x 1223 Teeterville Pioneer Museum (May - September) .. .............................................. .......... 519-443-44oo Tile Drainage ...................... ........................ x 6027 Tile Drainage Loans .......... ......................... x 6027 Tourism and Economi c Development Division .. ........................................... ............. 519-426-9497 Tourism Marketing & Development ............. x 1300 Traffic Signals ......... .......... ......................... x 6027 Traffic Tickets (not parking) ............. 519-428-2494 Trails ............ ................... ..........................x 2215 Transfer Station (Waste) ..............................x 6027 Tree Control By-Iaw .....................................x 2224 Trees .........................................................x 2224 V Vaccines ....................................................x 3472 Visitors Information ....................... 1-800-699-9038 Volunteer Firefighters ..................................x 2412 Volunteer Placements ................................ x 3739 Waste Management ..... .............................. x 6027 Waterford Heritage andAg. Museum .519-443-4211 Water Connection Permits .......................... x 6027 Watering Restrictions ... .............................. x 6027 Water Testing (Private Wells) ...................... x 3245 Welfare Fraud Hotline .......... ........ 1-800-394-7867 Water Meters ..................... ......................... x 6027 Workplace Health ....................................... x 3265 Z Zoning Amendments or Variances .............. x 1849 • TO PURCHASE A FLAG CONTACT COLLEEN COONS Phone 519-426-5870 Ext. 1226 E-mail: Or by visiting a Customer Service Centre: 50 Colborne St. S., Simcoe 183 Main Street, Delhi; 22 Albert Street Larvon Not lk COUNTY· Or local Museums: Delhi Tobacco Museum & HIIrIlIIII' Waterford Heritage and ~~::~ Port Dover Harbour WHO TO CALL IN COMMUNITY SERVICES Community Services Department, 95 Culver Street, Simcoe. Ontario. N3Y 2V5 Call us at: 519-426-5999 OR Fax us at 519-426-0059 General Manager: Ext. 2206 .... ...... .................. ... ........... ......................... Kevin Lichach Manager of Business Systems: Ext. 220B.............. ... ........................... Nicole Slate AlP AIR, Budgets, Communication , Custo mer Service , Training Manager of Parks, Facilities & Recreation: Ext. 2202 ......................... Frank Sams Scheduling/Arenas, Ball Diamonds, ParKs, Halls, Trails, Program Development, Registrations, Aquatics, Parks & Facilities Maintenance and Devel opment, Forestry, Cemeteries Superintendent of Parks & Recreation Operations, (East): ................. ... .519-426-5999 Superintendent of Parks & Recreation Operations, (West): Ext. 22 73 .... Todd Knechtel Superintendent of Forestry & Cemeteries: Ext. 22 17 ....... ............ ..... ....... Steve Scheers Ce metery Ad mini strati on & Operati on Assistant: Ext. 2214 ......... ...... ...... Jennifer Matheusik Trail s Deve lopmenUBusin ess Marketing Coordin ator: Ext. 2215 ............. Mark Boerkamp Manager of Port Dover Harbour Marina: Marina Manage r, Ext. 2225 ...................................................................... Janet Blackburn (April 1- October 31) contact numbe r: 519-583-1 581 Port Rowan Harbour Marina: Manage r, CSD Business Systems Div. Ext. 2208 .... ...................... Nicole Siote Fire and Rescue Services Division: 519-426-4115 Fire Chief: Ext. 2400 ...................... .................. .... .......... ......................... Terry Dicks Deputy Fire Chief/Chief Training Officer: Ext. 2403 .. ...... ......................... Jason Whiteley Assistan t Deputy Chief: Ext. 2404 ........ ...................... .............................. Dennis Friesen Co mmunity Safety Officer: Ext. 2423 ....................................................... John Verboom Fire Prevention Officer: Ext. 24 02 ............................................................ Scott Pipe E.M.S. Manager I Land Ambulance Director: Ext. 2407 ...................... Russ Power Ride Norfolk, Public Transportation Coordinator: 51 9-428-3178 .. .... Brad Smith RECREATION SERVICES DIVISION Simcoe Recrea tion Centre including the Annaleise Carr Aquatics Cen tre 182 South Dr. Simcoe, ON N3Y 4V5 (Norfolk Coun ty Fairground) Mailing Address: 95 Culver S1., Simcoe, O N N3Y 2V5 Ca ll us at: 519-426-8866 OR Fax us at: 519- 426 -0300 Customer Service Desk: Ext. 2233 Facilities Allocation Bookings Clerk : Ext. 2226 .................. ...................... Sandy W hitelock Supervisor of Aquatics : Ext. 2231 ........ ......... . ........... ...... ....................... Lisa OeSerra no Supervisor of Commu nity Programs: Ext. 2213 ...... ............. ................... Susie Wray Recreation Coordinator - Fitness and Active Living: Ext. 2227 ............... Lisa Girard Recreation Coord inator - AdulUSenior: Ext. 2303 .......... .. ....................... Ingrid Zyma-Irvin Recreation Coordinator - ChildlYouthlSpecial Events: Ext. 2302 ............ Oonna Jones Recreation Programmer: Ext. 2222 .... ........................ ............................. Oarcy Mt. Pleasan t Recreation Progra mmer: Ext. 2234 ........................................................ Katelyn Bowen Recreation Com munica ti ons Coordina tor: Ext. 22 12 ....... ..................... .. Blaire Sylvester SIMCOE RECREATION CENTRE ROOM RENTALS The hall is available for rentals as one large space for recreation programs, seminars, weddings and formal functions , with a capacity of 200 people. This space can also be divided into two small rooms. Available Ammenities Commercial kitchen, audio/visual equipment (projector upon request), space may be licensed, portable bar available, round and/or rectangular tables , podium, stage and fully accessible. Hourly, 112 day and full day rates. Note: Hall hours of ope ration: 8am - midnight. This facility is not available for Buck & Does. HALL ADDRESS BOOKING NUMBER Charlotteville Centre 1262 Turkey Point Road, Walsh Linda: 519-875-3246 Courtland Lions i Centre 272 Main Street , Courtland Contact the Hall: 519-688-9258 Linda: 519-688-2202 Langton Community Centre 28 Albert Street, Langton Contact the Hall: 519-875-2657 Port Dover Lions i Centre Ernie & Marion 519·586~8962 801 S1. George Street, Port Dover Office: 519-583-1380 Port Dover Kinsmen Scout Hall 95 Hamilton Plank Road, Port Sandy: 519-426-8866 Ext. 2226 Port Rowan Community Centre 14 College Avenue, Port Rowan Contact the Hall: 519-586-2531 Sara : 519 -586-3256 182 South Drive Sandy: 519-426-8866 Ext. 2226 2070 Main St., Walsingham Diane: 519·586~7775 or Jan: 519-586-3019 St. William s Community Centre 80 Queen Street, St. Williams Contact the Hall: 519·586·7911 Bob or Wendy 519-586-7124 Vittoria & District i Centre 17 Oakes Blvd. , Vittoria Contact the Hall: 519·426·0465 Rose: 519-426-4870 Vittoria Town Hall 1538 Old Brock Street, Vittoria Sandy: 519-426-8866 Ext. 2226 53 West Church Street Waterford: 519-443-4953 Bob & Mary 519-443-7164 194 Teeter Street, Teeterville Bill or Nancy 519443·7416 Simcoe Recreation Centre South Walsingham Hall Waterford & District Lions i Centre Teeterville Women's HOW TO REGISTER FOR RECREATION PROGRAMS & AQUATICS CLASSES/COURSES Registration for Recreation Programs & Aquatics Programs begins : PROGRAMS : March 2, 2015 AQUATICS : Spring & Pre-Summer March 6 at 6pm Summer June 5 at 6pm at Delhi Kinsmen Pool and Annaleise Carr Aquatic Centre Registration deadline for most programs is one week before start date. • Please note that registration is on a first come, first served basis • One person may register a maximum of 2 families • Early registration is not available Registration Options 1. ONLINE at N~. 2. Call HOME REG at (519) 426-2213 (automated phone registration system) 3. By PHONE with credit card at (519) 426-8866 Ext 2233 Monday - Friday 7:30 am - 6:00 pm To register ONLINE or using HOME REG, you will require : • Family account I PIN number • Client barcode for each participant · Course barcode • VISAIMasterCard number and expiry date If you don't have a family account PIN or barcode contact Customer Service (519) 426-8866 Ext 2233 4. In PERSON at the Simcoe Recreation Centre, Customer Service Desk. Monday-Friday 7:30 am - 6:00 pm Payment Options Post-dated payments are permitted for Recreation Programs only AND registration must be for greater than two (2) FULL weeksl session of program. Post-dated payments must be scheduled for one week prior to the start date of courses. (Aquatic programs are excluded). Payment Policies • Prices may be subject to change • Full payment must be made at the time of registration • Refunds are available only with a medical certificate • If programs are cancelled by Norfolk County, a credit will be applied to your account, unless a refund is requested . • Pro-rated credits are available if a withdrawal request is submitted by the 3rd week of a 10 week session; 2nd week of an 8 or 9 week session or after the first class of a 6 weeks session. Program & Class Cancellations • Cancellations may be made due to unforeseen circumstances including but not limited to ; insufficient registrations , weather, equipment malfunctions etc. • In the event of a pool fouling resulting in a class cancellation, a make-up class will be offered . Refunds/cred its will not be available if you are unable to attend the make-up class. • Full refund s will be issued due to cancellations made by Norfolk County. • Please register early to avoid the disappointment of cancelled courses. Why Are Courses Cancelled? You may notice that most courses have a deadline date attached to the registration information . That is the date staff will use to determine whether the minimum number of registrations has been met to run it. Please register early to avoid disappointment! But I called and left my namel Although we appreciate knowing that you are interested, we make decisions based on the number of people who have paid the registration fee by the deadline. CUSTOMER SERVICE Please call (519) 426-8866 ext. 2233 for information about recreational opportunities or visit the Customer Service Desk at the Simcoe Recreation Centre located at 182 South Drive, Simcoe, home of the Annaleise Carr Aquatic Centre. Hours of Operation : MONDAY - FRIDAY: 7:30am - 6:00pm • Weekend Customer Service is available • Hours are subject to change. Please call in advance ... Marlene Downing -~ Erie's Edge K<.JII.::!:'~< IIJ '''I'' E,,~.,.lJ~< wm Norfolk County : 519-426-5870 www.noriolkcounty.c a 13 Idimand-Norfolk ,., Wl'R( ALWAYS (lOS( BY. 77 Queensway E., Simcoe, ON 519·426·8084 ~. .... L:lI norfolk Going your way Reliable, Affordable Public Transit Visit us Online for Schedules, Maps and Details leI: 519.428.3178 Email: li C THE AUD, 172 SOuth Dr., Simcoe · fairgrounds. ridenorfolk. ca Norfolk County- 519-426-5870 baseball I softball I kidsport I jumpstart I golf I minor hockey figure skating I martial arts I nominate an ath lete or coach parade of champions Delhi Minor Ball Sieve Scheers 519-582-4934 Delhi Mixed Sio Pitch Jason Vandommele 519-688-0271 Port Dover Ladies 3 Pitch Sherry Mott Port Dover Men's SID Pitch Scott Cunningham 905-549-8144 Port Dover Minor Baseba ll Glenn Tweedie 519-428-6027 Port Dover Minor Softball Peter Timpf 519-583-0820 Mike Ernest 519-443-6935 Simcoe Minor Ba seba ll Cory Moulton 519-429-9459 Simcoe Mixed SID Pitch Pat Moore 519-428-1340 St Williams Minor Softball Association Bill Dewdney 519-586-2907 Vittoria & District Minor Sports Assoc. Beth Ellwood 519-426-2685 Beth Ellwood 519-426-2685 Pilch Mixed Pitch GENERAL INTEREST Lynn Kennedy 519-428-0685 MaryAnn Townsend 519-443-5232 Morgan O'Dwyer 519-583-1931 Amanda Antal 519-875-4404 Rebecca Malo 519-427-7276 Bobi lambert-Kwarciany 519-426-7779 Claire Senko 519-443-0113 claire@oldtownhalLorg Lisa Gilbert 519-443-7128 Lisa Girard 519-426-8866 Ext. 2227 Port Dover Power Bill Jerry 1-866-597-BOAT (2628) Pori Dover Sailing Club lisa Marr 519-443-7847 Port Dover Tennis Jason Dale 519-583-1277 Runner's Den Port Dover Scott Brockbank 519-583-3100 Senior Games, Ingrid Zyma-Irvin 519-426-8866 Ext. 2303 Simcoe Curling Club Doug Payne 519-426-2312 Geff Waite 519-428-1586 Ron Vandenberghe 519-582-0280 Tom Brightman 519-428-0357 Grant Reavely 519-443-6693 Bernie Solymar 519-410·7376 Dennis 519-426-1733 Idea Theatre Mommies in Motion Volleyball District Simcoe Radio-Control Club Silver Spokes Cycling Club Club Simcoe Stamp Club Dance rs Luanne Fakelman 519-443-5734 Paula DeDecker 519-582-3744 Jeff Donohue 519-446-3339 Figure Skating Club, Langton Chris Denn 519-586-2564 Figure Skating Club, Port Dover Tracy Haskett Figure Skating Club, Waterford Arden Smelser 519-426-4723 Langton Minor Hockey Michel Vandendriessche 519-875-5666 Norfolk HERica nes, Girls Hockey Brenda Colibaba 519-426-7095 Moms Club, Delhi John Cooper A full day extended day kindergarten end a fabulous before and alter 8ChooI program. REGISTER NOW: 1 844574-9344 Karate. Helen Cerna 519-874-1195 Norfolk County Recreation Tai Chi Arnold & Dorothy Shaw 519-426-9411 Norfolk laido & Kendo Club Dr. David Brunarski 519-426-8656 Shobukan Judo Inslilute 410-1733 Natalya McCourt Simcoe Martial Arts: Taekwondo & Karate Dennis 226-440-3334 Taoist Tai Chi Office 519-428-0313 - Delhi Jim Atkinson 519-446-3555 - Port Dover Tim McCullough 519-583-0163 - Simcoe North Rod Philip 519-426-1986 - Simcoe South Tom Foster 519-426-0532 - SI. Williams larry Smith 519-586-3455 - Waterford lawrence Blakemore 519-428-3605 YOUTH Delhi Kinsmen Melinda Howard 519-426-6168 Susan Chambers 519-583-1780 Girl Guides of Canada, Simcoe liz Russell 519-426-7952 Girl Guides of Canada, Waterford Julie Rose 1-877-323-4545 Jarvis Wado Kai Karate Marco Reyes 519-909-9438 Jo-Ann Adams School of Dance Jo-Ann Adams 519-426-6336 Carrie 226-777-7638 lisa Naves 519-426-9300 Office 226-400-2446 Norfolk Soccer Club, Delhi Wendy Marques 519-582-4719 Norfolk Youth Basketball Association Jean Montgomery 519-426-5433 Port Dover Dance Academy Office 519-583-3969 Port Dover Skateboard Park Norfolk County 426-8866 x 2226 Alex Zurhy 519-583-2617 Brian Elder 226-426-0478 Be, 519-420-9674 Simcoe Glider Gymnastics Club louise lovell 519-428-5119 Simcoe Kinsmen Splash Pad Norfolk County 519-426-8866 Ext. 2226 Simcoe Minor La crosse Terry McKnight Norfolk 426-8866 x 2226 Bruce Perkins 519-582-3737 Stan Goch Port Dover Usa Naves Dance Company Norfolk Club 7- Port Dover Steel heads Football Park Wado Kai Simcoe Xtreme Volleyball Club Kids NORFOLK COUNTY RECREATION AFFILIATE ORGANIZATIONS If your group is a non-profit recreational organization based in Norfolk County, you might want to consider becoming a Norfolk County Affiliated Group. Doing so can help with some of your costs for school rentals. Pick up an application at Simcoe Recreation Centre or call Sandy Whitelock at 519-426-8866 Ext. 2226. Once you are accepted as an affiliate, you may register with the school board as a non-profit affiliate and book your program. School Rentals are no w booked o nlinel For Public Schools go to the Grand Erie District School Board web site at For Cath olic Schools Go to the Brant-Haldimand-Norfolk Catholic District School Board site at . All schools are now booked online. First register your name or group on the web site. Once you have been registered you may submit your application for a rental permit. This is an application only, and the permit is not confirmed until you receive a copy of the actual permit bye-mail . If you are a Norfolk County Recreation Affiliated Organization, you will fill out your permits accordingly. Rental fees will apply, but are currently subsidized based on the type of rental. If you have any questions, call Sandy Whitelock at 519-426-8866 Ext. 2226. FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FOR SPORT, ART AND DANCE Participating in sport is a part of a healthy lifestyle. Having fun through recreation can help kids make new friends, develop leadership skills, deal with stress, increase their physical activity levels and improve their overall health. When families face financial difficulties, registration fees are often the first to be cut from their budgets. Norfolk County Recreation Division has partnered with two organizations Ihat can assist families who are experienCing financial shortfalls. Funds are available for children ages 4 to 18 years. Ca nadia n n re Ju mp Start and Norlolk KidSport are local funding organizalions Ihat can help your child be part of Ihe fun and learning. Money is available for registration fees or equipment • Funding available for incomes lower $40,000 • An application form must be filled out for each child • Please allow 3 weeks waiting period for approval • All applications need supporting documentation before funding can be approved. Applications can be picked up at the Simcoe Recreation Centre or by contacting lisa GiJumpstart rard ,Recreation Coordinator Fitness and Active living at 519-426-8866 ext. 2227 or 4- SPORT NORFOLK The purpose of SPORT NORFOLK is to be the ~o ne coordinated voice" for recreational and competitive spo rts and physical activity in Norfolk County on behalf of the member organizations. Ally interested sport group representative, official or individual is welcome to attend meetings. The group is still in its planning stage, working on a mission statement and core values. This group will focusing on policy development, education, training, facilities and sports development. Meetings are held monthly for anyone interested in becoming involved in this new organization. For more information, please conta ct Ingrid Zyma-Irvin Recreation Coordinator - Adults/Seniors 519-426-8866 ext. 2303 OR HOW TO NOMINATE A GREAT ATHLETE, COACH OR BUILDER OF SPORT The Sports Hall of Recognition committee does not nominate potential inductees. Instead, nomination packages must come from individuals or organizations in the community. Nominations are scored by a subcommittee. If applicants rece ive 80 points or greater, they are recommended to the full committee or induction. Up to fo ur individuals may be chosen for induction each year. Provincial winning teams from 1900 to 2000 are being recognized at ceremonies planned in the com munities of Lang ton, Delhi, Waterford and Simcoe. Since 2001, provincial winning tea ms are recognized at Councilor at the Parade of Champions, held during the Norfolk County Fair. It is very important for a nomination to include the following information : • Personal contact information about the applicant • Years of Service or involvement in Sport • Level of Service or competiti on (community, district, provincial , nati onal, internati onal) • Other Awards Won • Docume ntation to support the nomination (newspaper articles, magazines, Professional Trade Magazines, Sport Newsletters) • Photos of the individual in action • Minimum of 2 references • How has the applicant given back to the community Nominees must meet the following criteria: tndividual Athletes : • Born , raised or lived at least 5 years in Norfolk • Achieved outstanding accomplishments in athletics at the local, provincial and or national level • Has brought positive recognition to ou r County • Has given back to the community Builders: • Contributed to sport in Norfolk as a coach, manager, organizer, administrator, Offi cial or builder OR contributed financiall y for man y years as a sponsor • Served at the loca l, provincial or national le vel for more than 10 yea rs • Has give n back to th e community DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS EACH YEAR IS DECEMBER 1ST Forward all completed applications to : Susie Wray, Community Programs Supervisor c/o 95 Culver Street, Simcoe, Ontario N3Y 2V5 Or deliver in person to : Simcoe Recreation Centre, 519-426-8866 Ext. 2213 Each year Norfolk County produces some exceptional athletes and teams. Norfolk County Council and the Norfolk County Sports Hall of Recognition , partner to recognize champions who have medal led at the Provincial, National and International level of sporting competition . Girls Volleyball Champs Division 2 Tier 2 Provincial Chanpions If you are a champion at this level or know of a Norfolk resident, please contact Susie Wray, Community Programs Supervisor at 519426-8866 Ext. 2213 to be included in our next Parade of Champions. Serving Norfolk Coun ty for Over 30 Years! UNUMITED COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL High Speed Internet Solutions Packages starting , t just $39.951month 22 Peel Street. Simcoe N3Y 1 R9 519·428·4650 acer Highly s~ ure Unlimited usage • Viru s filtering for email • Affordable Ultra fast service Consistent and reliable Ask ab out our domain hosting and com put er sa les! .:' Gateway. e machines RECREATION EXPO Saturday February 28, 2015 10am - 2pm Simcoe Recreation Centre Norfolk Dogwood Room Norfolk County will be hosting a sports and activity information day, w here you can register for your favorite sports activity or see w hat activities are available in Norfolk County. For more information please call Lisa Girard, Recreation Coordinator: Fitness and Active i Ext. 2227 DELHI MINOR BASEBALL PORT DOVER MINOR BASEBALL SIMCOE MINOR BASEBALL Contact: Christine Yeoman Contact: Glenn Tweedie Contact: Cory Moulton 519-428-6027 519-429-9459 delhiminorball .com Dortdoverminorbaseball. Finding • just got ••sier..• !h~~!.!~~~!~e'chl~dcare ~.I.. ry. n. Cound•• of Heldl• •nd end Norfolk .r. pl••" " to offe, , en online centrellzed chlldc.... ,.._stry end Information Hrvlce that slnlpllft•• the proc... of applvlng for child car•• Applying for child c.,. or ••ttlng on a wa.llna lI.t i • ...1., than eve" • provld•• you with: • • • • • • the ablity to . different child care providers and the type of care offered; • of locations of child care programs close to your home or work; the option to apply Imultaneously to any number of licenced child care programs for multiple children; information about the child care fee • • program; access to , • . your application anYWh.e;r~e~,ii .ii nyti ~ · me; and, a highly secure wobsite that ensures your,. G.ton ~.~~~ tod.y! Fo, "'pport: gil: 1.....722.1140 or .mall: I m a r c h b r ea k publi c s kat e sc h edul e sc h ed ul e I f un fo r t h e w ho l e famil y m a r c h br e ak ad ve ntures m a r c h br e ak sw im AWESOME MARCH BREAK ADVENTURES MARCH BREAK BLAST Ages JK to Grade 6 March 16·20 7:30am· 5:30pm Simcoe Recreation Centre Fees: $36/1ull day $18/hall day $148/1ull week Barcode 28778 You must register in person at Simcoe Recreation Centre Day Camp Descriptions • Footwear: Proper footwea r allows children to play fu lly and safely. Running shoes are required . • Daily Swimm ing: Swimsuits , towels required • Daily Skating: Helmets are mandatory while skating (T here will not be skating Thursday or Friday) • Daily Outside Activities: Dress for the weather, we will be outside for a minimum of 45 mins per day. • Snacks and lunches : camps are PEANUT FREE. We will be making edible snacks daily. • Leave va luables at home. Do not bring cell phones , ipads , computer games or money to camp . DAILY THEMES MONDAY· Hawaiian Adventure TUESDAY· Irish Treasure WEDNESDAY· Arctic Escapade THURSDAY · Mexican Fiesta FRIDAY · Around the World GIRLS JUSTWANNA HAVE FUN! HOME ALONE Ages 10 - 14 Tuesday, March 17 9am - 4pm at Sim coe Recreation Centre , Arena Lounge Cost is $36 Barcode: 28766 Join thi s fun fill ed day of dancing, swimming , craft s, make-up and fashio n tips and much more! Please bring bathing suit, w ater & running shoes . Ages9 -12 Wednesday, March 18 9a m - 4pm Cost : $36 Barcode : 28596 Delhi Arena- Multi Purpose Room Contact lisa Girard for more information at 51 9-426-8866 Ext. 2227. Does your child think they can sta y home alone ? Thi s program gives them w ith information to build confid ence and handle situations. Brin g a swimsuit , towel , and snacks. We w ill make a healthy lunch. Regi stration is limited. For more information call Donna Jones aI5 19-426-8866 Ext. 230 2 BASIC BABYSITTING Must be 12 yea rs old by December 31, 2015 Tuesday, March 17 & Thursday, March 19 9am - 4pm at Simcoe Library Cost : $6 1 Barcode: 28595 Are you interested in information that will provide you with the skill to babysit your siblings or other children? This 10 week course will answer your questions and provide you with the skill to handle emergencies, understand ages and stages and basic first aid solutions . Successful parti cipants will have ach ieved 75% on the required exam . Norfolk County - 519-426-5870 www.norfolkcounty. MARCH BREAK PUBLIC SKATE SCHEDULE SATURDAY 1~ MONDAY 16 Langton 7 - 8pm Delhi 1:30 - 2:30pm Port Dover 3:30 - 4 :30pm Delhi, Langton , Port Dover, 3 - 4pm SRC, SRC, SRC, Waterford 1:30 - 3:00pm Waterford 1:30 - 3:00pm Waterford 1:30 - 3:00pm SRC SRC Waterford 2 - 3pm 1 - 2pm SATUROAY21 SUNDAY 22 Langton 7 - 8pm Delhi 1 :30 - 2:30pm Port Dover 3:30 - 4 :30pm 3 - 4pm SRC Waterford 1 - 2pm TUESDAY 17 WEDNESDAY t, THURSDAY 19 SUNDAY 15 Delhi , Langton, Port Dover, Delhi, Langton , Port Dover, FRIDAY 20 Delhi , Delhi, Langton , Langton , Port Dover, Port Dover, Waterford Waterford 1 :30 - 3:00pm 1 :30 - 3:00pm ALL PUBLIC SKATING IS FREEl!' All Afterschool skates are cancelled during March Break Please refer to the Skate Guide for Adult Skates & Parent & Tot Skates Simcoe Recreation and Talbot Gardens are hosting the Comfort Inn Tournament, March 20 - 22, 2015. Public Skating at the Simcoe Recreation Centre Arena is cancelled Please check with the Arena or the Facilities Allocation Bookings Clerk at 519-426-5999 Ext. 2226 regarding possible changes in the schedu le. MARCH BREAK SWIM SCHEDULE SWIM SCHEDULE FOR MARCH 16 - 22 Fees: Child/Senior $2.50 (Children under 2 FREE), Adult $4.50, Family $9.00, AquafiUMobilityfTherapy $6.00 ~ td/= . :-1 All swim times are subject to change_ Please call to confirm schedule_ r""1. ",---->'8\(P ( I __' 0_............ ·'" J ) Swim Admission Standard is in effect, see page 68 PUBLIC SWIMS FAMIL SWIMS ~ONDAY TUESDAY March 16 March 17 1 - 3pm 6 -8pm 1 - 3pm 7 - 8pm 7:30 - 9am 12-1pm 3 -4pm LENGTHS SWIMS 8 - 9pm 8:50 - 9:45pm ACUAFIT CLASSES 9 - 9:45am SHALLOW SWI'IIS 1 - 3pm 6:30 - 7:30pm 1 - 3pm 7:30 - 9am 3 - 4pm SATURDAY SUNDAY March 21 March 22 1 - 3pm 6- 8pm 1:30 - 3pm 1:30-3pm 7:30 - 9am 12 -1pm 3 - 4pm 9 - 9:45am DEEP 8 - 8:45pm 9 - 9:45am SHALLOW COMBO 12 - 1pm MOBILITY CLASSES 11 :10 -11 :55atl • 9 - 9:45am DEEP : ! 6:15 - 8pm 7:30 - 9am 12 -1 pm 3-4pm 12:30 - 1:30pm 12:30 -1 :30pm 8:45 - 9:45pm THERAPY SWIM ,- FRIDAY March 20 lOam -12 Noon lOam - 12 Noon lOam -12 Noon lOam - 12 Noon 10:00-11 :OOam 5:30 - 6:30pm 7:30 - 9am 12 - 1pm 3 - 4pm LENGTHS & LEISURE WEONt SOAY THURSDAY March 18 March 19 9 - 9:45am SHALLOW ~ ~~ i ~ ~ ~ ;~ • 2015 OUTOOOR 42 nd SOCCER MINOR LACR,O",SE Lacrosse is not only a fun and exciting 15um,ne, sports activity but also a healthy and positive alternative for fitness and personal development for the youth of Norfolk County. Visit our website for current 1o,,00l'an15 and registration information. Come check out the fastest game on two feet. Run with the Pack! Co-ed Box Lacrosse lor ages 3 to 21 2015 Registration Dates Register on Jan 24th to be entered in a prize draw! January 24th February 28th March 28th See website for times and locations th Late fees apply after March 28 th No registrations accepted after April 15 1"'"------------------, r----------, PROFESSIONAL TRAINING fj DENNIS GRAY'S - -SIM COE - - MARTIAL ARTS CLASSES ; TAE KWONDO LITTLE DRAGONS SPORT KARATE COMPETITION TEAM TRA IN ING KICKBOXIN G! IN A FAMI LY FRI EN DLY ATM OS PH ERE (AGES 12AN D UP) moking in gouth-rated movies is scar Get out of the dark at Hooked by Hollywood , rJ __ #smokefreemovies Recreation Services SEPARATE CLASSES FOR KIDS ANn ADULTS IH. \UJ"Ir;SIIH( IOf{UEV\IS(.f{\\: 216·...... (]·333 ... \\\\\\.SI\I( OF\I \RII .\I , \RIS.( 0\1 star party I earth day I fam ily fun at backus I wa ter safety JUNE IS RECREATION LIVE rf EVERY DAY! Norfolk County will be celebrating Recreation ~~~~t Advance registration is required by calling 51 g~ FREE FITNESS CLASSES Cardia Blast and Tone .m Fitseekers Aerobics & Strength Training Fitseekers Aerobics & Strength Training Fitseekers Zumba Yoga NORDIC POLE WALKING A great new way to walk. We will be teaching you how to use urban poles to increase your level of exercise while walking , improve your posture and balance. Poles are available for your use. DISCOVER NORFOLK HIKE Meet at Simcoe Lions Park on Davis Street. Norfolk has an abundance of wonderful places to explore. Join us for a walk to celebrate being active! Wednesday, June 3 10 - llam Simcoe Recreation Centre Tuesday June 9 6:30 - 7:30pm Delhi Rail Trail GRANDMA'S PICNIC Saturday June 20 Come out and enjoy an old fashion picnic! Games and kite flying are some of the activities that will be offered. Please provide your own picnic, blanket and kites. Please register by June 15, 2015 1 - 3pm COMMUNITY WATER SAFETY DAY A great day at the beach learning about water safety. Meet our Norfolk County aquatic staff, police and rescue personnel and members of the Port Dover Sailing School. Fun for the entire family! Refreshments will be available. Waterford North Saturday, June 20 llam - 3pm Port Dover MAIN BEACH AREA Norfolk County : 519426·5870 FAJLY ADVENTURES FOR~'~"" "FREe" FAMILY EVENTS HOSTED BY NORFOLK CO SPRING FLING MAKEOVER Ages 4 -13 Saturday, April 18, 2014 at Delhi District Secondary School 12:30 - 1:30 1:30 - 2:30 2:30 - 3:30 Barcode: 29254 Barcode: 29255 Barcode: 29256 Donation: $5 .00 per participant Glitter, curls, polished nails and glamour. What a combination! The winter is over and it is time to celebrate Spring. Cookies, drinks and colouring sheets top off this awesome adventure. A donation of $5.00 per princess will be collected at the event to be given to the school to offset the materials required to facilitate this event.Register by April 10th- spaces are limited to 12 participants per time slot . STAR PARTY Barcode: 29253 Saturday, April 25 8pm -10pm Don Shay Park, Simcoe Drop in and bring your lawn chairs and get ready to view the star lit sky. This family event is in partnership with the North Shore Erie Amateur Astronomers. Along with their high powered telescopes the team is eager to answer all of your questions. Bonfire, snacks , and smore's. This event is weather permitting Please register by April 17, 2015. EARTH DAY " Wings and Things" Barcode: 29257 Saturday, April 26 Noon until 3 pm (Rain or Shi ne) Backus Heritage Conservation Area, Port Rowan $2.00 Donation Get ready for an awesome day outdoors! We have tons planned for you . Learn about starting your own butterfly garden, enjoy a special demonstration by the Simcoe Radio-Controlled Flying Club and lots more. Please register by April 17, 2015 . Beat the Silent Killer Make sure YOUR household is safe from carbon monaxide poisoning. Ens ure all fuel-burning appliances and vents Symptoms of corbon monoxide poisoning are similar 10 the flu in your home are without the fever inspected onnuolly, Find a registered contractor ot COsafel,.ca Install and regularly lest corbon monoxide alarms ~ TIIA .~ of 011 corbon monoxide deaths and injuries in Ontario occur in homes <$) ~ ... ,, @TSSAOntario ~ @ontfiremarshal As of January 1, 2015 there will be amendments to the Smoke Free Ontario Act. There are three main amendments. 1. Restaurants and Bars - patios will now be smoke free. 2. Sports fields, spectator areas and a 20 meter area around these will now be smoke free. Sports fields include soccer, baseball, basketball, tennis, football, etc. 3. Playground equipment and the 20 meter area around playground equipment will now be smoke free. Slides, swings, climbing apparatuses, splash pads, wading pools, and sand boxes are considered playground equipment. If you have any questions or concerns please contact the . Tobacco Control Officer at the Haldlmand-Norfolk Health Unit. Simcoe: 519-426-6170 or 905.]18.6623 Caledonia: 905.318.5367 30 .,.J lealthUnit Hal d Imand -No riot k Norfolk County : 519·426·5870 after school activity program I babysitting course I duke of edinburgh I leadership connection high five certification I on the move WO RKS RESUME BUILDING COURSES DUKE OF EDINBURGH Ages 15+ Cost: $30 $30 registration fee is paid directly to Duke of Edinburgh Award Program Expedition Date - Friday May 29th and Satuday May 30th Additional Costs: Expedition @ $50.00 (This cost is determined by the location and expectation requirements) The 6 month commitment includes : • 1 overnight campout. (additional cost of $50.00 for food) Location : Norfolk County. • Physical activity - 30 hours over 15 weeks • Volunteer experience • Ski ll development-over 6 months Completion of this program will qualify participants to receive the Bronze Level Award. This program is highly recognized as a valuable addition to your resume w hen applying to colleges and universities. The service component will be considered for High School Volunteer hours. For more information go to Only 10 positions available 32 Norfolk County: 519-426-5870 LEADERSHIP CONNECTION For Teens Looking for a Challenge Barcode: 28609 Participants will be entering Grade 9·11 in the Fall of 2015 Monday July 6 - Thursday, August 13, 9am - 3:30pm Talbot Gardens - Multi Purpose Room Fee : $301 .00 (includes: First Aid/C PR certification, High Five (PH CD» Leadership Connection provides teens the opportun ity to challenge themselves in developi ng leadership skills, exploring their self esteem, participating in active outdoor adventures and completing the volunteer hou rs as required by the Gra nd Erie District School Board. Participants also gain valu able experien ce working with children in Grades JK to Grade 6. Parent and participant meeting is required on June 25, 6-7 pm at the Simcoe Recreation Centre, Dogwood Room. The High Five trai ning wi ll be on Jul y 4th from 8:30am-4pm at the Simcoe Recreation Centre. For more information call Donna Jones at 426-8866 Ext. 2302 HIGH FIVE TRAINING (PHCD) HIGH FIVE Parks and Recreation Certification and Training Principles of Healthy Child Development (PHCD) Cost: $61 .00 Simcoe Recreation Centre, Arena Lounge Saturday, May 9th, 8:30am - 4:00 pm Barcode: 29257 Saturday, July 4th, 8:30am - 4:00 pm Barcode: 29583 _. • Are you interested in working with children in the future ? • Are you working on building your resume? The best way to play '" • Do you ha ve 8 hours to dedicate to this Parks and Recrea ti on Certification? Parks and Recreation Ontario-PHCD Training session provides skills, nurtures your confidence, and gives you the tools to be come an influence in a child's life. As the caring adult you will learn new idea s that will provide a safe environment for the child to play, learn , master new skills and meet new friend s. PRINCIPLES IN PRACTISE Cost: $61.00 Simcoe Recreation Centre, Arena Lounge Wednesday, June 3rd, 3:30pm - 7:30 pm Barcode: 29582 HIGH FIVE - . Certificate program for people who have previously taken PHCD and are looking to enchance their knowledge Principles In Pra cti ce include new modules and further development of the Five Principles, as well as exploration on integral topics The best way to play'" as Physical Activity, Health y Eating, Communicating with Parents. Participants receive the Ph ysical Activity Toolkit, Healthy Eating Toolkit, Health Minds for Healthy Children resource as well as a certificate of completion . Recreation Services: 519-426-8866 Ext. 2233 Online Registration: 33 F.EE: $61.00 MARCH BREAK SPRING SUMMER Simcoe Public Library Tu esday, March 17 and Thursday, March 19 9:00 am - 4 :00 Port Dover Public Library Friday April 24 & Saturday April 25 9:00 am - 4 :00 pm 2877 2 7877 3 Waterford Arena Monday, June 29 and Tu esday, June 30 9:00 am - 4 :00 pm HOME ALONE PROGRAM CANADIAN SAFETY COUNCIL FEE: $36.00 Does your child think they are old enough to stay home alon e? Th is program provides your ch ild w ith a ll the in format ion to be successful. Home A lone topics include how to hand le emergencies, microwave cooking . first a id, respons ibilities o f the parent and ch ild and crea ti ng a parent contract. For this exciting opportun ity please bring snacks a nd pens . Lu nch w ill be created by the partic ipan ts. For information call Donna Jones at 426~8866 Ext. 2302 SESSION LOCATION BARCODE Delhi Arena· Multi Purpose Room 28767 Mond ay, March 16 9:00 am - 4 :00 pm Participants must be 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - + 10 years within 3 Port Dover Arena. Multi Purpose Room months of th e Frid ay, April 24 28768 course. 9:00 am - 4 :00 pm Talbot Gardens Arena - Multi Purpose Room Mond ay, June 29 34 28769 Norfolk County : 519-426-5870 www.norfolkcounty.c a After School Activity Program (ASAP) Children in grades JK to 6 September to June School dismissal until 6 pm $9.00 per day per child Program Locati on is : Delhi Aren a, Multi Purpose Supervised , organized activities include outdoor recreational games,crafts. physical literacy games, board games and homework assistance. • Busing to all locations provided • Staff ralfo: 1-10 • Drinks are provided - please pack extra snacks • Secured sites - Photo ID requ ired at Sign Oul Procedure • Pre -paid program • Income Tax receipts issued • Qualified Staff: Childhood Educators. First Aid and CPR certified and High Five Parks and Recreation Certificate Eliminate the concern allhe end of the workday. This safe and exciting program will provide children positive opportunities to make friends, play and create while you're al spaces available, register now ! Registration packages are available • Children in grades 4 to 6 (6 Week Pf(,gram,)1 Cost: $40 per child End the school day with creating yummy and healthy snacks in the kitchen then off to the gym for activities. PUBLIC SCHOOL Langton (Tuesdays) Courtland (Thursdays) Port Rowan DATE BARCODE 24· Apil 28 29616 28 · ApiI30 29613 29617 27-May 1 (Fridays) Houghton (Tuesdays) 29612 29614 29618 24 · ApiI28 29611 29615 The Child Care Fee Subsidy program helps families pay for licensed child care and approved recreation programs so that paren ts/caregivers can work or attend school. Families who qualify will have some or all of their child care costs covered. You may be eligible for help with child care costs: If you live in Haldimand or Norfolk Counties and have a child (or children) age 12 years or younger (or age 17 years or younger if special needs exist), and at least one of the following applies: • you are employed full or part time • you are attending school full or part time • you are retraining full or part time • you are a parent w ith special needs, or have a child with special needs, and have been referred by a professional • you are a parent w ith therapeutic needs , or have a child w ith therapeutic needs and have been referred by a professional For more information, please call Children 's Services Team of Haldimand & Norfolk Social Services II C HILDREN ·S . SERVICES I ..."" 519-426-6170 x 3745 905-318-6623 x 3745 Visit us at: WVt' 519-582-3579 x 3745 Recreation Services: 519-426-8866 Ext. 2233 Online Registration: 35 ADVENTURE CAMPS FEE: $148 per week WATERFORD OUTDOOR ADVENTURE CAMP Ages 7 -14 Waterford North Conservation Area This is a Tuesday to Thursday camp . Two overnight camp outs are scheduled for Tuesday and Wednesday night. Program begins Tuesday at gam and ends Thursday at 4pm. Staff and campers will prepare campsites: set-up tents, prepare campfire meals, star-gaze and enjoy nature crafts and hiking. A lifeguard is on duty to supervise water activities including canoeing , paddle-boating, fishing and swimming. Tents, meals and snacks as well as program supplies are included . You must register one week before program starts. Space is limited. Great Outdoors (co--ed) Tuesday, July 7 to Thursday July 9 Barcode : 29443 Tuesday, July 28 to Thursday July 30 Barcode: 29446 Girts Rule! (Girls only) Tuesday, July 14 to Thursday July 16 Barcode : 29444 Tom Sawyer (Boys on ly) Tu esday, July 21 to Thursday July 23 Barcode: 29445 Tuesday, August 4 to Thursday August 6 Barcode: 29447 How to Register: Online at starting March 2 OR In person or by phone at the Simcoe Recreation Centre Customer Service Desk, Monday - Friday, 8:30am - 6pm 519-426-8866 x 2233 @BACKUS ordlab!lc Portables H ... ritagt' Comt'rvation An'a, Port Rowan Regular • Handicapped FlUSh Units · Sinks · Wedding Units Single or Double Heated Units "Think G,...n .. C/eon" 519-58(>31 02 • 1-188-68l>31 02 -me BrownleeS St Williams, ON NOE lPO EVA BROOK DONLY MUSEUM &. ARCHI 1.1OrtSk<! in F...oily History.Dd GueaiOlil' V,oitlhe Eva Brook Arclt;~ ... and di""""ef your Norfolk mots. We offer: • bqj.inning and advance family history worbItoJos • over 200 yean ofbiororical documents relatinJ!; 10 Norfolk heritage - experien<:od researd>ers to assist you ;n yrwr ~ _ Norfolklore Family History Fair 3rd w«k of Mu ... um Houn lu ... · Sal \0 · 4 :30 Archive. Hou .. Tun · Frl l 0 . • :30 36 "'-"" Th~ hom .. of Norfo lk County'. h lstoryl 109 JIkIrfolk St. 5., Sim(oe, ON 519-426-1583 www.norfolklore.wm 0.._ and apo'''od by , .. Na,101k Ifl<lorla l Sa<lot1, or.. af Ont.,Io', oklo" nIo'a,ica l ,..,n p,oIi' ,~ . , ~~. Norfolk County: 519-426-5870 Thursdays July 9,16,23,30 and Aug. 6th 9 am-noon Talbot Gardens Simcoe Multi Purpose Room Fridays July 10,17,24, 31 and Aug. 7 9 am-noon Simcoe Recreation Centre SHUTTERBUGS Grab your digital camera (sorry - no camera phones or tablets) and join one of Simcoe's finest photographers and participate in Norfolk County's Photography Challenge. learn how to use your camera in different settings taking amazing photos. Instructor, Darryl Granger will meet with you on July 9th and set challenges for you to accomplish by August 6th. TECH SQUAD $14 8 29580 Bring your laptop or tablet and master the art of social netwo rking and tips on creating cool awesome school projects. Be prepared to have fun with web deSign , learning social etiquette, gaining knowledge about different social media platforms in a safe and motivating environment $148 29581 July 13-17 9 am - noon Waterford Arena Floor During this beginner's class, students will learn the basics of the sport of fencing : basic stances, thrust , defences & strategies. They will also compete in a sparring match competition and a brief history of different types of fencing . All fencing equipment provided by the instructor (mask, jacket, glove & foil). Dress in comfortable long pants, t-shirt and running shoes. $14 8 29561 July 20 - 24 9 am - noon Meet at the Delhi Arena Lobby Delhi Belgian Hall Archery volunteers will teach you the basic skills. By the end of the week you will be an experienced archer and able to shoot at targets 63 ft. away. Participants will walk from the Delhi Arena to the Delhi Belgian Hall. $148 29562 This program of golf includes supervised instruction , lessons on rules of the game and daily tee off times. Please bring your own clubs, snacks and water. lunch is provided on the last day of camp. Instructor: Steve Koncz $148 29442 July 27 - 31 9 am - noon Lynn Meadows Golf Course August 4 - 7 9 am - noon Port Dove r Arena Aug. 10 - 14 9 am - noon Waterford North Conservation Park ARCHERY 101 "Try It" Sports Camp This week will be filled wiith a variety of sports including: Pickle ball, biking , Ultimate frisbee, Paddle Boarding , skate boarding park and much more. $119 29564 YOUTH TRIATHLON Thi s is an active program of running , cycling and swimming for future triathletes. Participants will Ie am about proper training techniques and nutrition. A fun race and snacks will be provided on the last day. Please bring : Bike , Helmet, bathing suit, running shoes and snack/d rink. Recreation Services: 519-426-8866 Ext. 2233 Online Registration: www.nora .norfolkcounty.c a $148 29563 37 SUMMER DAY CAMP REGISTRATION July 6 - August 28 (Monday - Friday) 7:30 am to 5:30 pm FEES: $36IFULL DAY; $148 FULL WEEK; $118.40 for Aug. 4-7 All children are encouraged to play and experience day camp! The goal of our recreation programs is to fully integrate all children into programs , while respecting each child's unique gifts in a supportive and encouraging environment. Camp days are planned around a weekly theme lead by energetic staff. Bring a lunch , snack and water bottle each day. Camps are ~Peanul Free " Sun safety is important. Children are encouraged to apply/bring sunscreen and wear a hal Running shoes or sport sandals with a back strap are required. No flip-flops or shoes with heels. All camps will swim daily or engage in water activities. Let's get to know each otherl To ensure successful bus trips, children mu st attend camp, any two days prior to registering for programs listed in the special bus trip and camp-outs section. leave valuables at home. Do not bring cell phones , electronic devices or money to camp. Children with special needs are encouraged to experience camp. Exceptional Trekkers programs are designed for children with special needs and/or who require exceptional support at school. Parents of campers wishing to participate in our Exceptional Trekkers programs are required to contact us by June 12 to set up an appointment for you and your child to meet with our staff to deter mine strategies for success at camp and discuss a schedule for participation (up to 3 days per week). This meeting is required, prior to registering. *Campers who register as Exceptional Trekkers, age 4-12 will be part of the Junior, Youth or Deihl Day camp programs. **Campers who register as Exceptional Trekkers: Movers and Shakers, age 13-17 will integrate with the leadership Connection program. This new program includes cooking, games, special events and opportunities to practice personal leadership styles. EXCEPTIONAL TREKKERS EXCEPTlONAL TREKKERS (age 4 -12) M>.<Js & 91a<Ets (!'g3s 13-17) Talbot Gardens Simcoe Recreation Centre July6 -10 July 13-17 July 20 - 24 July 27 - 31 August 4 - 7 August 10-14 August 17 - 21 August 24 -28 29448 29449 29450 29451 29452 29453 29454 29565 DELHI DAY CAMP (age 4 - 13) Delhi Arena July6-8 July 13 - 15 July 20 - 22 July 27 - 29 August 4 - 6 August 10 - 12 August 17 - 19 Auguest 24 - 28 29455 29456 29457 29458 29459 29460 29461 29566 WEEKLY THEMES W eek 1 - K ids in the Kitchen t-,J"u"I,"'6'"-" '''0''''== '''2''94'''7'' 6,--! Week 2 - Hunger Games July 13 _ 17 July 20 _ 24 July 27 _ 31 August 4 _ 7 August 10 - 14 August 17 - 21 Au ust 24 - 28 29477 29478 29479 29480 29481 29482 29569 Week Week Week Week Week Week 3 4 5 6 7 8 JUNKJR EXPlORERS YOUTH CHAlLENGE (age 4 - 9) (age 10-13) Simcoe Recreation Centre Simcoe Recreation Centre July6-10 July 13 - 17 July 20 - 24 July 27 - 31 August 4 - 7 August 10 - 14 August 17 - 21 August 24 - 28 29462 29463 29464 29465 29466 29467 29468 29567 July 6 - 10 July 13 - 17 July 20 - 24 July 27 - 31 August 4 - 7 August 10- 14 August 17 - 21 August 24 - 28 29469 29470 29471 29472 29473 29474 29475 29568 An extra $15 w ill be charged f or Special Trips & Camp Outs on t he fo llowing dat es : TRIPS Delhi Splash Day: July 10 Yogi Bears Park: July 17 Bingeman's Park: July 24 - Christmas in July - Adventure Challenge - Summer Vacation Bon Voyage - All about Town CAMPOUTS - Where the Wild Things Are Youth/ET Movers & Shakers: Aug. 13 & 14 - last Summer Hurrah Junior & ET: Aug. 20 & 21 38 Recreation Services: 519-426-88 66 E xt. 2233 Onli ne Registrat ion: www.n or rfol kcou WORKSHOPS SUPER SATURDAY: CRAFT DAY Barcode: 29588 Ages 8 - 14 Saturday, Apri118, 2015 at Simcoe Recreation Centre Arena Lounge 2:00 pm - 4:30pm Cost: $22.00 per participant A fun afternoon creating a stained glass and mosaic project. Learn a new craft and have a fun afternoon with friends. All supplies included. Instructor: Ingrid Zyma-Irvin SAFEGUARD April18 May 23 June 13 July 11 Simcoe Recreation Centre Waterford Arena Port Dover, Multi Purpose Room Delhi Arena 29605 29606 29607 29608 Safeguard ~fESAVING SOCIETY Time: 9:00 am - 12:30pm Fee: $35.30 (includes certificaton fee) rlJelJfopmu'rt:q.m The Safeguard program is a safety supervision training for guardians (e.g , day camp counsellors, counsellors-in-training and others) who accompany groups of young people to pools or waterfronts. The course stresses the responsibility undertaken by these group leaders for safeguarding the young people in their even when under lifeguard supervision .Safeguard focuses on water safety awareness, accident prevention and the principles of aquatic safety supervision. Safeguard teaches participants how to identify hazards and at-risk behaviours, how to recognize potential victims, and how to respond safely in an aquatic emergency. Safeguard training is designed for swimmers and non-swimmers alike. Prerequisite: None. Ideally, guardians are at least 12 years of age , able to swim, and have some lifesaving experience. Upon successful completion of this program will receive a certification card. AGES 10 -13 YEARS February 19 - April 2 Barcode: 28763 Challenge your Body! Challenge your mind! Poke people with Metal Sticks! It's all Good! During this beginner's class, students w ill learn the basics of the sport of fencing: • basic stances, thrusts, defenses and strategies • sparring matches mock competitions • a brief history of different types of fencing • all fencing equipment provided by the instructor (mask , jacket, glove , foil) • dress in comfortable long pants, t-shirt and running shoes April 9 - May 14 Barcode: 29618 .0 'YOU Like 'to .'ne? Botzang FACT 226-231-0702 botzangll.lctOhotmll!\ CII The Carillon Belles, a female Barbershop Chorus, extends an invitation to all ladies to join us on Monday Nights at Real Life Church 251 Head Street North, Simcoe at 7:15 p.m. Performance and Vocal Coaching provided For more information call 519-420-7422 or visit our website SQrvlng Norfolk Oxford Brant &. Surrounding Areas Norfolk County: 519-426-5870 39 . . dolk County Trails ~. , • adult workshops I seniors fitness workshops I fitness centres & programs I fall s prevention program sen iors centres I 50+ groups I ind oor wa lking clubs I - April 30 pm -9:00 pm Simcoe Recreation Centre, Arena lounge • • Saturday March 28 9:00 am-4 :00 pm Simcoe Recreation Centre, Arena lounge Jewellery Making This jewellery making course is 6 weeks long , focusing on a new skill and medium each week. Students will work with timo clay to create glass look beads , pillow beads, rings and bracelets. Students w ill learn the art of w ire bead w rapping, crocheting silver to create necklaces and making 2 different styles of earrings. Course Conductor: Suzanne Andrews Soap Making This course w ill teach the basics of cold process soap making. Using vegetable oils, participants w ill create and take home finished bars of soap. Safety, materials, proper procedures and ingredients w ill be taught. Please bring your lunch. Course Conductor: Suzanne Andrews $46 All supplies included 29571 Creative Cooking March April 20 5:30pm - 7:00pm Simcoe Recreation Centre, Kitchen Participants will be cooking and eating a variety of tasty items. Learn how to use vegetables, substitute ingredients, create broth and cream soups, flavourful stew and create a dinner for one. Course Conductor: Suzanne Andrews April 11 9:00 am - 4:00 pm Simcoe Recreation Centre, Arena lounge Students w itllearn the art of basket weaving. Create your ow n multi purpose carry basket. Please bring your lunch . Course Conductor: Suzanne Andrews Saturday April 18 9:00am - noon Simcoe Recreation Centre, Kitchen 29574 Basket Making All supplies included 29584 $46 All supplies included 29570 Bread Making Workshop - "The Basics" learn the techniques needed to achieve a delicious "bakery" style artisan bread. Students w ill create basic white bread , work w ith whole grain flours, add seeds and nuts and learn how to shape bread. Course Conductor: Suzanne Andrews $36 All supplies included 29577 Bread Making Workshop - "Fancy Loaves" April 25 9:00am - noon Simcoe Recreation Centre, Kitchen learn to create Challah , egg bread , Brioche and a light flakey French bread. Students w ill learn shaping techniques and the uses for these flavourful style breads. Course Conductor: Suzanne Andrews May 2 9:00am - noon Simcoe Recreation Centre. Kitchen Students w ill be learning to create delicious cinnamon buns. Both yeast and non yeast styles w ill be made. We w ill also be making sticky buns and other variations. Course Conductor: Suzanne Andrews All supplies included 29578 $36 All supplies included 29579 BARCODE FEE + HST Tai Chi Genlle exercise, great for balance , co-ordination and general health. Slow, flowing, movements performed in sequence. Instructors: Dorothy & Arnold Shaw Note: Beginners classes start in October or January only. I • Join this energizing fitness class! This is a combination class that includes , Barre fitness and muscle conditioning exercises. Participants must supply their own hand weights and mat. (6 weeks) Fitseekers SUMMER Cardio Blast and Tone Join this energizing fitness class! This combination class includes cardia and strength training. Participants must supply their own exercise mat/hand weights. (Aerobics & Zumba) Instructor: lisa Girard Beginnerl Gentle Yoga This class will focus relaxation, balance , strength and flexibility to promote a feeling of well-being for all abilities. Suitable for beginners or those with Special Needs. Bring you r own blanket/mat. Instructor: Daneen Oegrieck Intermediate Yoga This class will focus on relaxation , balance , strength and flexibility, to promote a feeling of well being for all physical abilities. Bring your own blanket/matt. Instructor: Dar1een Degrieck Mondays & Thursdays 29233 7:30pm - 8:30pm Talbot Gardens Arena , Multi-purpose room April 20 - June 1 Mondays 7:00 - 8:00pm Langton Sacred Heart School Available 6 card - $48 12 card - $96 March 30 - June 22 Tuesdays Passcard Available July & August 6:45 - 9:00pm Delhi United Church 11am - noon Simcoe Recreation Centre, Norfolk Room 9:30 Simcoe Recreation Centre, Norfolk Room March 31 - May 5 29265 29266 Tuesdays Pickleball is played on a badminton court, using a net April 7 - May 12 similar to tennis , with oversized ping-pong rackets and 7:00pm -9:00pm a wiffle ball. The game is enjoyed by all ages, and is very popular among the 50 plus crowd. $48 6 weeks Location to be determined STAINED GLASS March 25 - April 15 17:00 - 8:30pm Simcoe Recreation Centre Lounge This 3 week course is open to all levels - beginner to advanced. Learn the basics of glass cutting , grinding and copper foiling . If you own a glass cutter or tools , please bring them. Participants will make two sun-catchers and a small panels $66.00 (All supplies included) Barcode:29262 BIKE RIGHT: Spring Seminar April 18 11 :00 - 2:30pm Simcoe Recreation Centre Lounge • Are you ready for spring trail riding? Get your bike ready by reviewing bike components and functions , bike set up, shifting and braking systems, maintenance, emergency repairs, proper bike fit and handling. A short trail ride will follow. Instructor: John Fulton, Onta rio South Coast Bicyles and Tours Inc. "Bike rentals will be available for a nominal fee. $22 + HST Taking Charge of Your Osteoarthritis March 30 110:30am - 12:00 noon Gardening and Osteoarthritis June 1 110:30am - 12:00 noon Simcoe Recreation Centre Dogwood Room Simcoe Recreation Centre Dogwood Room Learn more about your arthritis and tips to manage it. Seminar taught by a registered physiotherapist. FREE Barcode: 29261 Learn tips to manage your arthritis and keep gardening! Seminar taugh by a registered physiotherapist. FREE Barcode:29267 Please pre-register by calling the Arthritis Society at 1-800-321-1433 ext. 1301 Nature Conservancy Trails in Norfolk County April 22 17:00pm -8:30 pm Simcoe Recreation Centre Norfolk Room The Nature Conservancy has been acquiring land to enlarge and connect existing natural areas in Norfolk County. These natural building blocks provide a rare opportunity to conserve some amazing Ca rolinian species and habitats and an opportunity for the public to enjoy these lands. Nature Conservancy staff w ill talk about these lands and trails available to the public. FREE Barcode: 29609 Norfolk County: 519-426-5870 DATE & DESCRIPTION LANGTON BARCODE Let 's take it outside! Come and join Session #1 this outdoor bootcamp program once a Thursdays week. Outdoor bootcamp is a chalJune 4 to July 9, 2015 lenging workout for all fitness levels. 7:30 to 8:30pm Langton Athletic Please bring: Yoga Mat, 3lbs-5lbs Pa'" weights and water. $48+HST 29585 Session #2 Thursdays July 16 to August 20 7:30 to 8:30pm $48+HST Let 's take it outside! Come and join this outdoor bootcamp program once week. Outdoor bootcamp is a challenging workout for all fitness levels. Session #1 Wednesdays June 10 to July 22 7:30 to 8:30pm $48+HST Please bring: Yoga Mat, 3lbs-5lbs weights and water. No class Wednesday July 29586 ~ DELHI • Behind Oelhi Arena 29587 1,2015 PORT DOVER WALKING CLUB Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays January 7 • March 31 10:00am· Noon $2 per day at "The AUD" (in Norfotk County Fairgrounds) HALL WALKERS PROGRAMS Senior Support Services Delhi District Secondary Schoot & Waterford District High Schoot Weekdays 9:15am· 11am $ 5.00 Registration Fee Calt 519·426·6060 Mondays & Wednesdays January 5 • March 30 10:00 am • Noon $2 per day at the Port Dover Community Centre ACORUS RESTORATION ECO·TRAILS Free self-guided trail through native gardens, tall-grass prairie, Carolinian woodland, wet meadow, and wetland. 722 Conc. 6, RR1 Watsingham, 2km West of Hwy 59 519·586·2603 email: SIMCOE TOWN CENTRE MALL WALKERS Walk around the mall. Shopping & Coffee option at! Monday· Friday 6am·9pm Saturday 6am • 6pm Sunday 7am ·4pm This is a friendly, informal recreational group of walkers of all levels. Walks are held th roughout Norfolk County rain or shine. We meet weekly on T hursday evenings from May to October and walk from 6:30 to 7:30pm. Please wear appropriate footwear, bring water and insect repelian!. Begins T hursday May 7, 2015 BEGINS THURSDAY, MAY 1 • May? Lynn Valley Trail meet at paoong 00 Bue Une Rd. and traJ May 14 Waterford Herlage Trail May 21 Turkey Pt. MT Bike Trail May 28 Community Demo Forest C4 June 4 Southern Sand Plans June 11 Wilson Tract June 18 Turkey pt. MT Bike Trail meet at College St'Robinsoo and trail meet at Tul1<ey PT. Rd and Fish Hatchery entrance(Saudwinder) meet at West ~ line Rd and Charlotteville Rd. 8 meet at East ~ line Rd and parking, south of #24 meet at Cty Rd 1IfjIJ, 4 kms past 11$ and LPRCA sign meet 00 Coo Rd #2 8/10 kin from Tul1<ey PI Rd. June 25 St. Wiliams Conservatbn meet 00 CharbttevJIe Rd. 1 and paoong offafTul1<ey PT. Rd. Ju~2 PortRyerse meet at beach parking area Ju~9 Hay Creek Conservation meet at pa~lion par1<i1g 00 PI. Ryerse Rd. 1RadK:a1 Rd. Ju~ St. Wiliams Conservation meet at paoong 00 Coo # 1 9110 kin from Tul1<ey PT. Rd. meet on #24 between East X line and #59 (south side) 16 J~23 Ncrfolk Sand Pleins J~30 Venneulen Rd Sept 3 Sept 10 Sept 1? Sept 24 I\brrnandale n tolM'l meet 00 Venneu"," Rd. and Challottevil" Rd # 1 meet on Turkey Pt. Rd. and wekDrne sign, south of Front Rd. meet beIlnd DehArena (WestemAve.) meet at paoong at Tul1<ey PT. Provincial Pal1< meet at East X line Rd, south of #24 (4 Oaks Trail) meet at man entrance off Lake Shore Rd. meet 00 Cooc# 6 (dirt rd.).5 kin from Forestry FanTl Rd. meet at Causeway Reslaurantll-iastings Dr. meet at General Store, Front Rd. Normandale Oct. 1 Waterford Heritage Trail meet at Thompsoo Rd. and trail Oct. 8 Oct. 15 Fishers Glen Tract meet at paoong 00 Fishers GOm Rd. north af Front Rd. TBD Location to be announced! Oct. 22 Lynn ValklyTrail meet at Memorial Park, Simcoe Oct. 29 SpooI<y Halow meet at SpooI<y Halow Rd. and trail August 6 St. Wiliams Conservation August 13 Quance Dam, Delhi August 20 Loci< out Bluff trail Algust 27 Backus WoocIs Backus Wcxx:ls Trails St. Williams Forestry Loog Point If you require more specific location directions, please contact Ingrid at 426· 8866 ext 2303 DELHI FITSEEKERS Programs ~ Runs January· June Cardio Blast Tuesdays, Thursdays, Delhi United Church gam - 1Dam Cardio Blast Tuesdays & Thursdays, St. Francis School 6:45pm - 7:45pm Zumba Tuesdays & Thursdays, St. Francis School 8pm - 9pm Fees Pay as you go: $12 • 6 classes: $48 plus HST 12 classes: $96 plus HST Passcards available Please note that passcards may be purchased for any Norfolk County operated fitness class , (except Tai Chi). No expiry date! It's a great way to try something new! Register at Simcoe Recreation Centre , 519-426-8866 Ext. 2233 Simcoe Recreation Centre, Arena Lounge Delhi Senior Friendship Centre Mondays & Wednesdays April 8 - June 29 9am - 10:30am Tuesdays & Thursdays April 7 - June 25 11am - 12:30pm HAVE YOU EVER FALLEN? Would you like your balance to improve? This FREE program is designed to make your legs stronger and keep your bones healthy, as well as teach you how to prevent falls. "Standup!" is a group exercise program run by certified trainers , 2 days/week for 12 weeks. You will receive advice on how to avoid falls through a series of easy exercises you can do at home. Instructor: Judy Vanhooren , Certified Fitness Instructor. To register call Judy at 226-440-2467 <=:::::::=J DELHI SENIOR FRIENDSHIP CENTRE 418 Queen SI. Delhi Co-ordinator: Rosemarie Aelterman Office: 519-582-3881 Membership: $15.001 year For Seniors 50+ ... Mondays 12 noon ....................... Cards & Darts Tuesdays 9:00am. ............. Floor Shuffleboard 1:00pm ........................ Men's Billiards 3:30pm ........................ Walk/Slrelch Wednesdays 11:00am ......................... Ladies Billiards 3:30pm ....................... Fitness • Thursdays 3:30pm ........... Fitness Fridays 3:30pm ........... Fitness Saturdays 7:00pm. ............. Euchre (Public Welcome) Special Events: Coffee Club with Guest Speakers, Valentines Luncheon, 8t. Patty's, Easter, Strawberry Social, Thanksgiving Festivities, Christmas Dinner & Monthly Birthday Cake Hal RentaI-Reas~ Rales! Call 582-3881 and leave a message. Suitable for small family gatherings, birthday parties and club or business meetings. • , BRANT-HALDIMAND-NORFOLK DISTRICT SENIOR GAMES Ages 55+ Registration and events schedule will be available at the end of February. at Simcoe Recreation Centre, Simcoe Seniors' Centre, Delhi Friendship Club, Port Dover Legion , Libraries and other pOints throughout Norfolk. Brant-Haldimand-Norfolk District Senior Games provides older adults in the Brant-Haldimand-Norfolk area with the opportunity to enjoy social interaction for fun and fellowship, and increased physical and mental well being, through participation in recreational activities and sports. Note: These competitions are for the enjoyment of all seniors age 55 and over, and are NOT geared toward professional players and athletes. Seniors do NOT have to belong to a seniors' club in order to participate. For information on events call Ingrid Zyma-Irvin, Norfolk County Liaison: 519-426-8866 x 2303 SIMCOE SENIORS ' CENTRE The 50+ Club! 89 Pond St. , Simcoe, ON N3Y 2T5 Office: 519-428-0888 Membership: $25/year Regular Hours: Monday - Friday, 9:00 - 4:00pm Mo nday 9:00 am ...................... Walk-About 9:30 am ...................... SOWling 10:00 am ...................... Sit & Fit exercise 11:00 am ...................... Reading Circle 1:00 pm ...................... Bingo, Dart s & Cards 7:00 pm ...................... Chess, Euchre & Crafts • Friday 9:00 am 9:30 am 10:00 am 1:00 pm 1:00 pm 7:00 pm ...................... Walk·About ................... Bowling ...................... Beginners Tai Chi , & "Sit & Fit" ...................... Card s (Hand & Foot) ...................... Darts, Scrapbooking ...................... Ballroom Dancing Saturday Tu esday 1:00 pm ....... ............ Duplicate Bridge 9:00 am ...........Tai-Chi & Table Tennis 7:00 pm ..................... Euchre IHoss (Alt. wks) 9:30 am ........... Bowling 10:00 am .................... Beginners Line Dancing 12 noon .................... Scrabble 1:00 pm .................... Bridge Special Events : Wednesday A small fee is usually charged. 9:00 am ................Walk-About 9:30 am ................ Bowling - Spring and fall dinners 10:00 am ................Golden Oldies Singers 1:00 pm ................ Floor Shuffleboard & Cards - Special event in September - Organized day bus trips to casinos, shopping centres (Black Widowl Sequence) Thursday theatre productions, and scenic tours. Please call for 9:00 am ...................... Tai-Chi & Table Tennis more infonnations 9:30 am ...................... Bowling - Christmas Bazaar held in November 10:00 am ...................... Line Dancing - Christma s Entertainment 10:00 am ...................... Gard en & Nature Club - New Years Eve Get Together 1:00 pm ...................... Line Danci ng , Ca rd s, Showtime & Table Shuffleboard 7:00 pm ...................... Hoss ane mtd Gq;e'liR/t,ce Ci 8ade r1 c3~ Fresh Natural Local Products Gourmet Pizzas Homemade Traditional Italian Dishes 131 Queensway West, Simcoe 519-426-0068 Pick-up, Dine In or Delivery 11 ~~ebook ~ barrelrestilurantsimcoe • Online Registration : www.nora • VITTORIA SENIORS' LAMPORT CLUB LANGTON MERRY MAKERS Fee: $5 per year Meet 4th Thursday at 6pm at Vittoria Town Hall. Wednesday afternoons. Cards and Bingo. Fee: $3 per year Langton Community Centre John Donaldson 519-426-8583 Freda Loncke 519-875-2102 ST_ WILLIAMS JAMBOREE WATERFORD SENIOR ACTIVITY GROUP • 1pm every 4th Sunday St. Williams Community Centre • Euchre Fee: $3 per year at Waterford Old Town Hall Wednesday afternoons. Frances Pye 519-586-3654 Andy Van Dongen 519-443-5880 THE PROBUS CLUB OF NORFOLK #181 Social club for retirees with interest groups for euchre , bridge , walking , travel , cooking , gardening and more. Main meeting is 2nd Thursday, 1Dam at Port Dover Community Centre, . KOMMUNITY KEENAGERS Fellowship Hall - Port Rowan Third Tuesday - September through June Food, Fun and Fellowship Joyce Doerksen 519-586-3557 PROBUS CLUB OF SIMCOE Social club for retired men 2nd Tuesday, 1Dam , at 81. James United Church in Simcoe Montross 519-429-6939 9 Lynne Hagen 519-583-0778 SOUTH COAST PROBUS CLUB Social club for retirees with interest groups for euchre, bridge, travel, golf and more. The club formed this past year and is eager for new members. The main meeting will be held at the Port Dover Community Centre at 1Dam on the 4th Thursday of every month. Brian Carmichael 519-429-6939 NEW SIMCOE PROBUS CLUB This fall look for a new social club for retired men and women with interest groups for euchre, bridge, travel , golf and more. U ? Pat Meiklejohn 519-428-1861 1:">1 NORFOLK HISTORICAL SOCIETY AND GENEALOGY GROUP (GenCIG) This is a computer genealogy interest group of the Norfolk Historical Society, and is an official Personal Ancestral File (PAF) computer program Users Group. We meet in the Simcoe Ontario Family History Centre for instruction and discussion on computer programs, Internet websites , research methods, and to do worldwide research . Call Jim Nicholls at 519-428-3643 • • -. I ceme t eries I communi t y parks I picnic I t ennis cour ts I baseba ll diamonds I dog pa r ks forest health pavillions Nlestled in the heart of Canada's Carolinian Forest, Norfolk County boasts some of the highest ecological diversity in Canada. Norfolk's forests have played an integral role in the evolution of the County from pioneer status to a moclern and vibrant agricultural centre . The natural resource sector, such as timber operations, is second in economic importance to agriculture. Norfolk County's Forest Conservation By-law is in place to help protect one of our most valuable natural resources. If you would lik,s to: • Harvest trees from your woodlot • Report potential violations of the Forest Conservation By-law • Seek advice and guidance towards proper stewardship of your woodlot Please contact Norfolk County's Forest Conservation Services at 519-426-5999 Ext. 2224 Forestry staff is available to assist you with your forest management objectives and to respond to calls of illegal harvesting activities. For additional information and opportunities to market your forest products, woodlot owners are encouraged to join the Norfolk Woodlot Owners Association . For more information please visit W'NW. norfol Norfolk County is committed to the protection and improvement of our urban forest. Trees are a significant part of a healthy and liveable community. Our community trees are an important source of shade, they reduce air pollution, increase property values , provide pOllinator habitat, bird habitat, and improve our quality of life. Community trel3s are all trees located within Norfolk County road allowance, parks, urban ravines, cemetl3ries, or trails . If you have any questions or concerns about the following: • Request a new commun ity tree be planted at your home (Trees for Roads Program) • Request an inspection of the health or structural condition of a commun ity tree • Removal or destruction of a commun ity tree Please contact the Norfolk County Arborist at 519-426-5999 Ext. 2245 If there is an emergency involving a fallen tree or broken branches impacting a roadway please contact: Public Works & Environmental Services 519-582-2100. FOREST HEALTH: EMERALD ASH BORER Ridged Bark: On mature trees (left), ban.; is tight and displays patterns of diamood shaped lidges. On young trees (right), bark is relatively smooth. Compo und 'Opposite' Leaves : Leaves have 5 to 11 leaflets w ith smooth or toothed margins (tips). Leaflets are positioned opposite with one at the top. WHAT IS THE EMERALD ASH BORER? The Emerald Ash Borer is a metallic green wood -boring beetle of about 1 to 1.5 em in length that attacks all nalive species of ash trees, typically killing them in 2 to 3 years. Its larva bore 'Oppos ite' Branches : Branches and buds are direclly across from each other rather than staggered. tunnels Inside the tree, feeding to the inner bark untillhe tree dies. Native to north-eastem Asia. the pest was first discovered in Ontario in the Windsor area in 2002 . RECOGNIZING INFESTED ASH TREES INFESTED A S H TREE S OFTEN E X H I BIT THE FO LLOW I NG SY M PT OM S Crown Dieback: Bark Cracks : Severely attacked trees may exhibit crown die back as the canopy dies from the top down. Leaves may wilt or tum yellow during the growing season. Verlicat splits of 7 - 10 em are often present larval galleries. over Exit Holes: Winding S-shaped larval tunnels snake under the bark where larvae bore channels. Removing the bark exposes larvae and sawdust-filled galleries. " ".I,\ ' "\: "i L . ,if '~ " :1; "\\ .. ' ,. 'l11/ Fully mature beetles emerge through exit holes they chew thro ugh the baric These holes are distinctly D shaped and are 3.5 0 4 mm across. Woodpeckers: Woodpeckers feed on the larvee under Ihe bark. Look for increased Woodpecker feedings or signs of their probing in the bark. Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) is a very destructive insect and potentially poses a safety risk to persons and property once the affected ASH trees succumb to this insect. ® To report a finding of EAB or for more information please do not hesitate to contact the Norfolk County Forest Conservation Service at 519-426-5999 ext. 2224. Individuals interested in leaming more about forestry are encouraged to join the Norfolk Woodlot Owners Association. For more information please visit Photos al'ld Information courtesy of Michigan State University. Forestry Images ( DON SHAY MEMORIAL DOG PARK WATERFORD AUDREY S. HELLYER FENCED DOG PARK The Don Shay Memorial Dog Park opened late June of 2014 for your use and enjoyment this is a non-fenced leash -free dog park. Opened for your use and enjoyment, this is a fenced dog park. LOCATION : LOCATION : 30 Hunt Street North , Simcoe 519-426-5999 Ext. 2216 32 East Church Street, Waterford 519-426-5999 Ext. 0 WHO TO CALL... Have you found a wild animal that is injured or dead in one of Norfolk County's parks? Please call Ministry of Natural Resources: 1-800-667-1940 (injured) Have you found an injured or stray dog in one of Norfolk County's parks? Discover Long Point Region Conservation Areas. Please call or page Hill Side Kennels 1-888-469-3247 or page 519-536-4131 Backus Heritage Port Rowan 519.586.2201 Langton 519.875.2874 Se!ki1I. 905.7762700 PortRyefse 519.428.1460 Waterford North Wat!J1on:l 519.443.0571 Deer Cteek' If you find a dead animal domestic or wild on a Norfolk County road please call Norfolk County Public Works: 519-582-2100 Open May to October r.... .. 1m. ~ C8JTll1lg ReseMltioos A W ~ 54~. __ - ---. - - ~ ...~ "_ . l.Ol'(I ~t RoQoon Con""",atlOl' Aut~!\t 51 9-842-4242 or for park details and events. .:.r. -._~~~ Y'~ NorfolkC9antY: 519-426-587'0 - ww~olkc~ ·" . - ~. $ . " :--.;. # .• ~ . • t. . NORFOLK CEMETERIES Steve Scheers - Superintendent (Forestry and Cemetery Division) 519-426-5999 ext 2217 - or General Inquiries Jennifer Matheusik - Cemetery Administration & Operations Assistant 519-426-5999 Ext. 2214 or Norfolk County manages, directly and through the dedicated resources of various community Cemetery Boards, a diverse range of active public urban and rural cemeteries, as well as a multitude of abandoned cemeteries. What option s exist to memorialize a grave s ite? Individual Cemetery Bylaws will address if you can or can 't, please be sure to contact your cemetery for clarification before undertaking any work on a grave. For more information regarding the Commemerative Bench and Tree Program contact Mark Boerkamp at (519) 426-5999 x 2215 or Can I inte r more than one pers on in a single grave? Each Cemetery Bylaw wi ll specify if multiple interments can occur. Where a full interment meaning the burial of a person in a casket - has been planned this interment must occur first - additional interments than would have to be remains that have been cremated. Most cemeteries limit the number of cremations per grave. Norfolk County, Cemeteries Division in partnership with the Norfolk Genealogical Society have prepared a Cemetery Directory for Norfolk County. Maps and contacts for all cemeteries within Norfolk County are included. Copies are available for reference at all Norfolk County Offices and Libraries. Cemetery Roads are not routinely maintained during winter months please visit at own risk. Decoration Day Available: Contact Community Services Department for full listing of dates at ext. 2214 Mct.aughlin Sports Park SPORTSPARK 510 Main St. Delhi Soccer Fields West Street, Simcoe 7 Soccer Fields Bev Suggett 519-420-9674 320 St. Patrick St. Soccer Field Dennis Pascoe (519) 583-0610 114 Queen Street E Baseball Diamonds and Picnic Pavilion Bill Dewdney 519-586-2907 THOMPSON MEMORIAL PARK 17 Oakes Vittoria Baseball Diamonds & Picnic Pavilion Beth Ellwood 519-426-2685 T URKEY POINT PICNIC PAVILION Park 6 Meadowbrook Ave. Picnic Pavilion Facilities Booking Clerk 519-426-8866 ext. 2226 NORFOLK YOUTH SOCCER PARK PORT DOVER LIONS SILVER LAKE ST. WILLIAMS LIONS PARK AS OF JANUARY 1, 2015, THESE ARE ALL SMOKE FREE BUILDINGS To book the Pavilions and for Rates and Fees please call the Facilities Allocations Booking Clerk at 519-426-8866 Ext. 2226 or email NORFOLK COUNTY PARKS, FACILITIES AND RECREATION We are the stewards of your parkland and sports facilities. We are always looking for ways to improve service delivery and are open to new ideas and partnerships to increase the opportunities for our patrons to experience an enjoyable recreational experience. Please assist us in keeping our playgrounds and facilities safe and clean by reporting any broken or warn equipment you may find. Please refer to Community Service Directory (p. 10) for staff contact information. NORFOLK COUNTY PARKS, FACILITIES AND RECREATION Do you have an idea to improve service or an idea for a new structure or facility improvement? Norfolk County Community Services Parks, Facilities, and Recreation Division welcomes your project and enhancement ideas that will benefit all the families and individuals of Norfolk County. If you have a project idea please let us know by emailing Frank Sams, Manager of Parks, Facilities and Recreation, Norfolk County Community Services Department, at All submissions are to be received on or before June 1, each year to be considered for the Capital Budget for the following year. WOULD YOU STAND BY IF YOU SAW.... SOMEONE STEALING YOUR CHRISTMAS LIGHTS? SPRAY PAINTING YOUR CAR? Senseless acts of vandalism and criminal activities in your Parks & Facilities, within your county forests, at your Cemeteries - cost the taxpayers thousands of dollars each year and can create unattractive and unsafe conditions for residents and visitors to our community. Help your county staff and community volunteers keep your parks, facilities, forests and cemeteries in safe and attractive condition. When senseless vandalism or criminal acts occur on county property it impacts YOU! These costs are the taxpayers' , so when you see activities occurring on county property or property owned and maintained by volunteers for the good of the community, it is YOUR PROPERTY· PROTECT IT BY REPORTING IT' to the Community Services Department a (519) 426-5999. By taking ownership and pride in our community we need to take a 0% TOLERANCE APPROACH so we have $0 spent on vandalism and criminal acts. Simcoe TENNIS COURTS Waterford Audrey Hellyer Park, 32 Church SI. E. 2 Port Rowan 8 College Ave. 2 Pinegrove 15 Lyndhurst Ave . 1 Park Courtland 1 Basketball Pad, 1 Ball Hockey Pad & 1 Tennis Court 329 Hwy 3 (Queensway) Langton 1 Ball Hockey Pad & Tennis Courts, 30 Albert SI. Vittoria 1 Skateboard Park with Ramps & 1 Tennis Court Port Dover 4 Tennis Courts , 1 Ball Hockey Arena & MULTI· PURPOSE Skate Board Park Simcoe Park 390 Athletic Park Langton Athletic Park 329 Highway a;;;Q;id---t--s 75 Davis Kinsmen Park 100 Windham Port Rowan Optimist Park Waterford 30 Albert Lions Park Thompson Memorial Park I 3 17 Oakes Blvd, Vitioria 34 Price 32 East Church Street lk COUNTY'" HOW TO BE A RESPECTFUL TRAIL USER Trail Users Code > Walk with a friend. > Hike only along marked routes. Do not Cake short cuts. > Do not climb fences or open gates. > Respect the privacy of _ I e living along the trail. """y; > Leave _1Iowers and plants for othets to > Protect _ _ and shrubs. Do not strip off baric. > Do not disturb wfld life or farm animals. > KBep dogs on leash, especially near fat'mIand & homes > Leaw the trail cleaner than )'011 found it. Carry out all litter. > Let family and friends know your hlldng plans. > Remember, uset'S assume all risks. > Leave only your footprints and take only photographs.. Rules of the Trail when Riding your Bike > Share multHlse paths with consideration for pedestrians and other cycliSts. > RIde on open trails only. Do not trespass on private property. > Leave no trace. Stay on marlced trails and don't cut new ones. When conditions are wet, soft or mu~ choose oilier trails or routes to avoid damaging the trail base. > Control your bicycle. Pay attention and control your speed. > Yield to others. Ring your bell or call out to let others know)'OW" passing from behind, around that tum, or up!down that hilL Yield to pedestrians. Downhill riders should yield. to uphill riders, unless the trail Is clearly signed as one-way 01' downhIH only pass other riders .-y and courteously; > Never scare animals. DefN and horses, when spooI<ed, may bolt and cause a collision with )'011 or ofIHHs around you. And don't surprise a skunk..,ever. PlaY Celebrate the 2015 m S.......... Raadi>10ub theme ...details will be announced on www.ncpLca Patrons can visit our branches and play with: Wii Computers Kobo eReaders iPads & Chromebooks (Port Dover) Interactive Children's Computers ...and from anywhere with an Internet connection, patrons can play with : Zinio Digital Magazines Freegal Music Visual Thesaurus + so much more! And it's ali free with a valid NCPL card! I , da Des "I.,ble at - FREj AT All NCPLBRANCHES 'j'DFI 519-426·3506 • • : . • • I www.norfolkcounty. o Q - Wi ::. I J • • • • • public skates I arenas I learn to skate I power skate summer ice hockey programs & rentals I 4 on 4 ~ ' '''''' Changes to School Immunization Requirements are Coming Do you have a child under18? )\~ @';@G;@;;j O With "" 'Your O t f'''' '0 , ~~ ii ~ What YOU need to do )1' LOCATE your child's )'=-.=0) immunization reco rd. If it is missing, contact your family doctor or any hea lth care provider that has immunized your c hild . If you do, please read this important information. Changes have been made 10 better protect school-aged children. More mandatory immunizations have been added to the schedule. Dose requirements and the lime between shots have also been updated . Have your doctor To attend school, your child Is ,",,",ked 10 be immunized for: CHECK yourchlld's immunization record and give any immuniZi:ltions tha t are missing or visit the Haldimand Norfolk Health Unit's Monthly Clinic. Chicken Pox Pertussis Meningococcal Do."., -~ Tetanus ----.~ UII to mali:<! an appoimmeu: S I~ 26-() 170Q' 9(15.318-(,623 Diphtheria Polio Mumps - - REPORT ,ny Measles immunizations t hat your child receives t o the Haldima nd Norfolk Healt h Unit. Rubella TIle ,.quiremem~ Iormon/e' MId ~. hs"" noI ~ The Immunization of SdlooI Pupils Act is a law to protect the entire community. Immunizations help Report online at www.hnhu .o rg or call uS aI 519-426-6170 or 905 ·318.(,623 to keep us all healthy by preventing the spread of many diseases. For more information contact your child's health care provider or the Haldimand Norfolk Health Unit .. ....... --HealthUnii ,., ,'.,. . . ; ARENA BOOKINGS DELHI COMMUNITY CENTRE ARENA 144 Western Avenue , Delhi 30 Albert Sireel, Langlon Telephone: 519-875-2709 809 SI. George Sireet, Port Dover Telephone : 519-583-1700 TALBOT GARDENS ARENA WATERFORD TRICENTURENA Telephone: 519-582-2500 SIMCOE RECREATION CENTRE ARENA 182 South Drive , Simcoe oTalbol Streel North, Simcoe Telephone: 519-426-8866 Telephone: 519-426-4695 32 Church Sireel E, Walerford Telephone: 519-443-8256 Recreation Services: 519-426-8866 Ext. 2233 Online Registration: COMMUNITY SERVICES SPRING & SUMMER ICE Norfolk County Community Services Department wi ll be offering Summer Ice at the Simcoe Recreation Centre June 22 - August 3,2015 RENTAL RATES 00- rime Monday - Friday from 6:30am - 4 :00pm $129.95 per hour includes HST rime Monday - Friday from 4:00-11 :OOpm All day Saturday/Sunday $181.93 r hour includes HST CHECK ARENA ICE AVAILABILITY ONLINE: Select View Facilities Availability Select the date and time frame you are looking for Then enter Function Ice Hockey Non Primel or Ice Hockey Prime, At Type enter: Arena Select Search (blue button)and a list of all available ice time for each facility will come up. Send an email through to requesting the ice time and the Facilities Allocation Bookings Clerk will get back to you with rates and fee s INDEPENDENT ICE HOCKEY PROGRAMS Register for these programs, please use the contact information provided below. COURSE 4 on 4 Summer Hockey DESCRIPTION 6 weeks of hockey for Novice, Atom , Bantam, Pee Wee, & Midget players. Offered by "THE Youth Centre spor DATES FEES Registration begins Feb 3 Call Dan Avey 6 games for Novice, Atom & Pee Wee Players $80 12 games for Bantam & Midget Players $160 226-401·1528 Starts June 22 www. info@ Scott Howes Around the Net-Summer Hockey Skills Program The hockey program w ill be let by a professional hockey player and will consist of two hours of ice daily from Monday Friday. The hockey program w ill work on stick handling , shooting, passing and protecting the puck. July 13-17 9am-11am Ages: 7 -9yrs (20 players max plus 3 goalies). 11:15am-1:1Spm Ages: 10-14yrs (20 players max plus 3 goalies). Fee: $275 Fee/Goalie: $200 Registration deposit must be made 2 months before program To register contact: scotthowesaroundthenet 1 :30pm-3:30pm Ages 13 and older (20 players max plus 3 goalies). 64 Norfolk County: 519-426-5870 SKATING GUIDE JANUARY 5 TO MARCH 31 Reminders: Occasionally Skating may be cance lled due to special events After School Skates are cancelled on PA Days and during March Break. Please call 519-426-8866 Ext. 2226 or Ihe arena to confirm skate times ARENA DELHI ARENA 144 Western Ave. 519-582-2500 LANGTON ARENA 30 Albert Street 519-875-2709 PORT DOVERARENA 809 St. George Street 519-583-1700 SIMCOE RECREATION CENTRE ARENA 182 South Drive 519-426-8866 Ext. 2256 WATERFORD ARENA 32 Church Street E. 519-443-8256 AFTER SCHOOL ADULT SKATE $2.00 Tuesdays 4 - 5pm Sundays Wednesdays Wednesdays 12 noon · 1:30pm 1:30pm - 2:30pm 10:30 am - 12 noon Wednesdays Tuesdays 12 pm -1:30 pm 3:30pm - 4:30pm Fridays 3:30pm - 4:45pm Mond~S& Thurs ays Saturdays wednesda~s PARENT AND TOT 7pm - 8pm Wednesdays m3Jffi1 -12 noon Saturdays 3:30pm - 4:30pm Fridays 10:00am - 12 noon 10:30am -12 noon 10:30am -1 noon Saturdays 2pm - 3pm Sundays 3pm - 4pm Fridays Sundays Mondays 1pm - 2pm 10:30am -12 noon Wednesdays 12noon - 1:3 pm 3:30pm - 4:30pm Thursd ~s Fridays 3:30pm - 4:30pm PUBLIC SKATE 9:30am -11am Wednesdays 10:30am -12 noon SKATING GUIDE - SUMMER JUNE 22 TO SEPTEMBER 7 Reminders: Occasionally Skating may be cancelled due to special events. Please caIlS19-4268866 Ext. 2226 or the arena to confirm skate times . Shinny ice is $7.00 per person on the ice there needs to be a minimum of 6 people on the ice. ARENA SIMCOE RECREATION CENTRE ARENA 182 South Drive 519-426-8866 Ext. 2256 FAMILY SKATE (FREE) Saturdays 11:30am -1pm ADULT SKATE ($2.00) PUBLIC SKATE (FREE) PLASE CALL FOR DATES & TIMES PARENT AND TOT (FREE) Saturdays 10am -1pm Recreation Services: 519-426-8866 Ext. 2233 Online Registration : 65 PORT DOVER SKATING CLUB CanS kate A and S, Can Power To register f or these programs be low: go online to W'MV.portdoverskatingclub. ca or contact us at portdoverskatingclub@gmail. com. Reg istration deadlin e for all courses is one week before cla ss starts. No refunds excepted with a medical certificate , or if cancelled by Port Dover Skating Club. eSA approved helmets are required on the ICE COURSE DESCRIPTION This program will teach your child basic skating techniques. LEARN T O 6 half hour sessions per SKATE age group (S'kate Canada Pnl9"am)1 Certified Coach: I DATES ~ SKATECANADA FEES Saturdays June 27 - August 1 Session 1: 8:30 - 9:00am IS;,me<>E! Recreation Centre Ages 3 & up $75 Session 2: 9:15 - 9:45am Amanda Boyd Can Power Skating Your child must be able to skate the length of the ice forward and backwards, and be able August 18 - 21 to stop or have passed 5 - 7:30pm IS;,me<>E! Recreation Centre August 10 - 11 30 minutes - $80 45-60 min of $150 a pre-leve l 1 test . The level is dependent upon skill not age. Certified Coac h : Amanda Boyd . ~ YOU1H UNLIMIlEO , { I ,r Non-Contact Summer Ice Hockey for Boys and Girts Starts June 22rd 2015 for 6 weeks NovicefTyke: Wednesdays at 5 or 6 PM- $00 Atom: Mondays at 5 or 6 PM- $00 Peewee: Thursdays at 5 or 6 PM-$ 80 Bantam: Mondays & Wednesdays at 7 or 8 PM- $160 Midget: Tuesdays & Thursdays at 7 or 8 PM- $160 66 Norfolk County : 51 9-426-5870 NORFOLK COUNTY ICE HOCKEY PROGRAMS Simcoe Recreation Centre , 182 South Drive, Simcoe To register for these programs, please contact Lisa Girard at 519-426-8866 ext. 2233 COURSE DESCRIPTION Tri-county Pros Hockey School for Boys & Girls "The coolest hockey school" offers on-ice training and off-ice conditioning taught by local NHL players , professional Session 1 Session 2 and fitness experts. We specialize in August 17 - August many unique drills 21 (including NHL style small ice drills) and scrimmages designed for the purpose of making sure players "play hard , have fun and learn to be good teammates!" Kowalsky Elite Ice Conditioning NORFOLK Ii .... Z '" '" ii' A conditioning program for Bantam , Midget and Junior players will be offered for weeks July to August Rick Kowalsky Jr. , Coach of the AHL Albany Devils will provide on-ice instruction . BARCODE Fee: $265.00 July 6 - July 10 coaches Tri-county Pros Hockey School for Boys & Girls FEES DATES July 2 to August 11 Tuesdays 9pm-1 1 pm Thursdays 10 pm - 12am (midnight) 29224 - 7-10yrs Please note: Fees include a personalized hockey jersey, daily snacks, many prizes to be won and the Stanley Pylon Ch ampionship. my.kwic.comI""9 eorkinrVs "-.h1n"I 29225 - Goalies (2 spots) 29226 - 11-13yrs 29227 - Goalies (2 spots) 29228 - 7-1Oyrs 29229 - Goalies (2 spots) 29230 - 11-13yrs 29231 - Goalies (2 spots) Passcard for 6 sessions: $168 12 sessions: $327 29232 Pay as you go: $46/visit • Indoor Pool , Sauna, Steam Room & Hot Tub • 35+ Cardio Machines • Over 9000 Square Feet of Weight Training and Cardio Space • Spin , Yoga, Core, Zumba and Aqua Zumba Classes • Personal & Group Training Available • 2 Racquetball Courts 385 Queensway W., Sim coe (in the Travelodge Building) Nice rooms . Great people. Recreation Services: 519-426-8866 Ext. 2233 Online Registration: 67 FAMILY A family includes any two adults and children that are SIBLINGS (brothers and sisters) to a maximum of 6 family members. BIRTHDAY PARTIES If you are planning a birthday party you are welcome to attend any public swim or open swims or privately rent the pool for a party. Birthday Party groups are NOT allowed during family swims. PHOTOGRAPHY POLICY Patrons wishing to use video cameras or other photographic devices, including camera phones and personal digital assistants (PDAs), in any registered or supervised program must receive permission from staff before filming. The use of cell phones , PDAs , or any other devices designed to take photographs , is prohibited in all change room and washroom areas in the recreational facilities in Norfolk County. CHANGE ROOM AGE REQUIREMENTS Children 7 years of age or older are required to use the same gender change room. Our family change room is also available. PERSONAL BELONGINGS We are not responsible for lost or stolen items. Please leave valuable items at home or use the coin operated lockers. • . . , o \ t ~J Anna/eise Carr Aquatic Centre LENGTHS & LEISURE 7:30 - 9am 3 - 4pm 8:50 - 9:45pm e=eOMBO 9 - 9:45am (S I 7-8pm Buddy SWim 2 - 3pm Public SWim (0 ) 9 - 9:45am 8 - 8:45pm (e ) 9 _ 9:45am (S) THERAPY 1:30 - 3pm IE;;f1~~!1 7:45 '9 - 9:45am (S) ' cancelled June " 12-1pm MOBI LITY 11:10 ADMISSIONS (TAXES INCLUDED) GENERAL ADMISSION PASS CARDS 10 SWIMS 3 MONTH PASS $2.50 $21.47 $74.58 $127 .69 ADULT $4.50 $38.42 $134.37 $229.39 FAMILY $9.00 $76 .84 $6.00 $51.00 CHILD/SENIOR ' Children under 2 free ".. $90 .00 • :!i'~" 6 MONTH PASS $210.00 7:30 - 9am 2:30 - 3:30pm 7:30 - 9am 7:30 - 9am 7:30 - 9am 2:30 - 3:30pm 2:30 - 3:30pm 11:30am - LENGTHS PUBLIC SWIMS OPEN SWIMS 1 - 2:30 pm 1 - 2:30 pm 6 -7 pm :30 - 2:30 pm Buddy SWim 6 - 7pm 1 - 2:30 pm Free Tim Horton's Swim 11:30am - 1 - 2:30 pm 6-7pm 9 - 9:45am '9 - 9:45am (S) 9 - 9:45am (S) 7 - 7:45pm 9-9:45am (0 1 7 - 7:45 pm (C) (C) THERAPY :30 pm MOBILITY :40-12:25pm 10 SWIMS $2.50 $21.47 $74.58 ADULT $4.50 $38.42 $134.47 FAMILY $9.00 $76.84 $6.00 $51.00 $90.00 9-9:45am (SI C L 0 C L 0 5 5 E D E D • DUCK An introductory class for babies and their parent or caregiver. To enter this level, babies must be able to hold their head up. The goal of this orientation to water class is to experience buoyancy, movement, entries, songs and play in the water. SEA TURTLE 24 - 36 MONTHS ~ For toddlers with a parent or caregiver. Toddlers will learn ,,, through games & songs the basics of front swim, kicking, breath control and jumping into chest deep water. Caregiver learns age specific water safety. J • ~ 12 - 24 MONTHS Orientation to water for toddlers & caregivers. Learn how to use floating objects for support through games, songs and active play. Caregiver learns age specific water safety. SQUIRTS & SQUIRTS 2 Squirts: Transitional program that includes parent in the water with the ,. child for the first 5 lessons. Parent observes lessons from viewing area for lessons 6 -10. Program prepares child to enter the unparented Sea Otter program when 3 years of age. ® _ ... 1fI!I!' .. ~.+ AedCr~ss _ =--0 SWim Presd\ool SEA OTTER - this is a new program to make the transition from Sea Turtle to Salamander a little easier. See program description below for more information. SEA OTTER 3 - 6 YEARS This is a new program from the Red Cross. Skills learned are rhythmic breathing .- 3 times, floats and recovery 3 sec (assisted), front glide 3 sec, back glide 3 sec . , (assisted) front swim 1m (assisted) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ SALAMANDER 3 - 6 YEARS Rhythmic breathing 5 times , fronUback float & recovery, front/back glide with kick ") ~ 2m, rollover glides 2m, front swim 2m (all unassisted), PFD & Me and HELP, ,:~ •. • ,~ - " weight transfer, jump in chest deep water, surface support 5 sec (assisted) SUN FISH 3 - 6 YEARS Rhythmic breathing 5 times 2 ways, front/back glide with kick 5m , side glide with . kick 2 m (assisted), front swim 5m (unassisted), PFD & Me and Swim 5m, jump in chest deep water surface support 5 sec, fronUback float & recovery in deep water CROCODILE 3 - 6 YEARS Rhythmic breathing 10 times 2 ways, fronUback glide with kick 7m, side glide w ith kick 5m, fronUback swim 5m, PFD & Me in deep water, jump in chest deep water surface support 10 sec, Stop! Call for Help! • . WHALE 3 - 6 YEARS ~ Rhythmic breathing front to side glide with kick 10 times , fronUback glide with kick ~ 10m, side glide w ith kick 10m, fronUback sWim 10m, Jump In chest deep water swim 5m stationary surface support 20 sec, Stop! Ca ll for Help! Throw ing assist -, 29273 29274 BARCODE 29279 29277 29280 29275 BARCODE 7:00 9:30 @ SQUIRTS Ages 2 Yea rs & up ~ Parents In water with child for first 4 OR 5 lessons 29485 29486 SQUIRTS 2 Completed SqUirts , but not 3 years old SPRING 2015 8 orl0 LESSONS) Mondays March 23 - May 11 Wednesdays March 25 - May 27 Wednesdays March 25 - May 27 Thursdays March 26 - May 28 Fridays March 27 - June 5 (OTL'«3) Saturdays April 4 - June 6 TIME BARCODE 11:00 5:00 6:00 6:00 5:00 11 :00 29281 29282 29284 29285 29283 29379 SUMMER 2015 (8 LESSONS) Wednesdays July 8 - August 26 TIME BARCODE 6:00 29512 -~ -:---..... - .'--- ~ '. ~~ -,. ~'r-.- ' MONDAYS Mar 23 -May 11 April 4· June 6 Mar 27-June 5 "8 lessons TIME SEA OTTER 11 :00 5:00 5: 15 5:45 29378 29298 29299 29300 4 :30 29301 5:00 29302 5: 15 29303 11 :00 4 :45 5: 15 5:45 29378 293 10 29311 293 12 4:30 5:00 5:30 293 13 293 14 293 15 SUNFISH 5:45 6:00 2932 1 29322 5:30 29323 5:30 6:00 29324 29325 5:30 29326 6:00 29327 12:00 CROCODILE 5:30 29330 5:00 29331 4 :30 5:30 29332 29329 6:00 29333 11 :30 29390 WHALE 5:30 29330 5:00 2933 1 4 :30 29332 6:00 29333 11 :30 29390 SALAMANDER TIME nME 4 :00 4 :30 TIME 29304 29305 4 :15 29306 5:00 29307 29308 29305 Jun e 1 - June 24 LEVEL TIME nME LEVEL 4:30 5:00 4:30 29320 5:00 29328 "8 lessons BARCODE ~------~-C~--+-~ SEA OTTER 293 16 293 17 10:30 11 :00 2938 1 11 :30 12:00 11 :00 11 :30 12:00 2:30 June 2 - June 25 nME 5:00 SALAMANDER 4 :30 29428 CROCODILE 4 :00 29429 WHALE 4 :00 29429 SUNFISH 5:30 2941 0 July 8 - Aug. 26 LEVEL TIME SEA OTTER TIME 3:45 4:45 5:30 29501 3:45 4:45 5:30 29501 4:00 4:30 5:00 29488 29489 29490 29487 29488 29489 SUNFISH 5:30 29491 5:15 CROCODILE 5:00 29492 4:15 WHALE 5:00 29492 4:15 4:30 5:00 SALAMANDER 29503 TWO WEEK SESSIONS, MONDAY - FRIDAY 9 LESSIONS - $59.50, 10 LESSONS - $66.00 SESSION 1 June 29 - July 10 Omit July 1 "'9 lessons LEVEL TIME BARcooe SESSION 2 July 13 - 24 10 lessons SESSION 3 July 27 - August 7 Omit Aug. 3 SESSION 4 August 10 - 21 10 Lessons "'9 lessons TIME BARCODE TIME BARCODE TIME BARCODE SEA OTTER 10:00 29517 11:00 29527 11:00 29538 11 :00 29549 SALAMANDER 10:00 29517 11:00 29527 11:00 29538 11 :00 29549 SUNFISH 11:00 29518 11:00 29527 11:00 29538 11 :00 28549 CROCODILE 10:30 29519 11:00 29528 11:00 29539 WHALE 10:30 29519 11:00 29528 11:00 29539 Entries & exits, submerge head, rhythmic breathing 5 times, Swim Kids 1 front/back floats with recovery, front/back glides, roll-over glides and 30 minutes front swim 5m EMSl911, PFDs, weight transfer, deep water activities, Swim Kids 2 rhythmic breathing 10 times, front 10m/back 5m glide with kick, side 30 minutes Ii with kick 5m, with kick 5m, front swim 5m PFD & Me, deep water float 5 sec, surface support deep water 20 Swim Kids 3 sec, sitting dive, rhythmic breathing 15 times, front 15m/back 10m 30 minutes glide with kick, side Ii with kick 10m, front swim 10m How to contact EMSl911, safe diving, intro to sculling, kneeling dive, Swim Kids4 surface support 45 sec, rtlythmic breathing 15 times, front/side glide 30 minutes 15m, back swim 15m, front crawl 10m Instructor to Swim Kids 5 Participant Ratios 45 minutes Levels 1 • 4 1:6 Swim Kids 6 Levels 5 & 6 1:8 Levels 7· 10 1:10 45 minutes Safe boating, stay warm, HELP, tread water 1 min., stride dive, rhythmic breathing 20 times, front crawl 15 m, back crawl 15 m, 10m Boating incidents, ice safety, throwing assist, sculling, tread water 1 'h min., front dive, frontlback crawl 25m, elementary backstroke 15m Airway obstructions, throwing assist, reaching assist, stride entry, Swim Kids 7 front/back crawl 50m, elementary 25m, front scull 15m, whip kick on 45 minutes front 15m Hypothermia, rescue breathing adult & child, feet first surface dive, Swim Kids 8 standing shallow dive, front/back crawl 75m, elementary 25m, 45 minutes breast stroke 15m Wise choices, boating regulations, head first surface dive, front/back Swim Kids 9 crawl 100m, elementary SOm, breast stroke 25m, side stroke kick 45 minutes 15m "'I !lwim K"d " ~~==~ . . 45 10 Sun smart, ice rescue, next steps, head/feet first surface dives with underwater swim 2m, front/back crawl 100m, elementary SOm, minutes breast stroke 50m, sidestroke 25m . I S Mondays March 23May 11 (8 lessons) Tuesdays March 24May 26 Wednesdays March 25May27 5:00 4:30 29336 THURSDAY June 4 - June 25 "block of 4 29355 12:00 29391 4:30 29355 10:00 11 :30 10:30 4:30 11 :00 4:30 29412 4:30 29351 9:30 4:30 29414 5:15 5:15 29351 9:30 4:30 29414 5:15 4:45 29353 10:15 4:45 29353 10:15 5:30 29342 5:00 29343 4:30 5:00 29346 4:30 29347 4:30 5:30 29350 5:15 4:30 5:30 29350 TUESDAY June 2 - June 23 "block of 4 4:00 29412 29341 29354 29411 29413 4:30 5:30 5:45 4:30 Tues.& Thurs. June 2June 25 (8 lessons) 29413 5:00 29354 Man & Wed June 1 June 24 (8 lessons) 4:30 6:00 29338 5:45 Saturdays April 4 June 6 4:30 4:30 FRIDAY Mar. 27 - June 5 {omit April 3) "block of 1{) MONDAY June 1 - 22 "blockof4 Thursdays March 26May28 10:00 5:30 29431 29433 29401 29401 29362 29363 29364 29373 29374 4:00 4:00 4:00 4:00' 29359 29360 29361 29372 4:00 4:00 4:00 4:00" 6:30' 4:00 4:00 4:00 4:30 29368 29369 29370 29377 9:00' 29400 9:30" 1:30 2:00 29402 29403 29404 29405 4:00 5:30 29435 29434 9:30' WEDNESDAY June 3- June 24 "block of 4 June 29 - July 10 "'Omit July1 SESSION 2 July 13 - 24 SESSION 3 July 27 - Aug. 7 SESSION 4 Aug 10 - 21 10 lessons *OmitAug 3 10 Lessons 10:30 29520 10:30 29529 10:00 29540 10:00 29558 10:30 29520 10:30 29529 10:00 29540 10:00 29558 11 :00 29521 10:00 29530 10:30 2954 1 10:30 29559 11 :00 29521 10:00 29530 10:30 29541 10:30 29559 Swim Kids 5 10:30 29522 9:45 29542 Swim Kids 6 10:30 29522 9:45 29542 Swim Kids 7 10:30 29522 9:45 29542 Swim Kids 8 9:45 29531 Swim Kids 9 9: 45 29531 Swim Kids 10 9:45 29531 PRIVATE & SEMI-PRIVATE LESSONS - Book in blocks of 4 lessons FEES 1:1 $1800/30 minutes + HST, 2-1 $23.00/30 mInutes + HST, 3-1 $31 00/30 minutes + HST SESSION 1 SESSION 2 SESSION 3 SESSION 4 Jun e 29 - July 3 10:00 29532 · Omit Jul y 1 10:00 29523 July 13 - 17 10:30 29533 10:00 29524 4 lessons 10:30 29534 July 27July 31 10:00 29535 10:30 29536 10:30 29537 Aug 4-7 10:00 29543 10:30 29544 10:30 29545 Aug 10- 14 only July6- 11 10:00 29525 10:00 29526 July 20 - 24 4 lessons only 10:00 29546 10:30 29547 10:30 29548 Aug 17 -21 10:00 10:00 10:30 10:30 29550 10:00 10:00 10:30 10:30 29554 29555 29556 29557 29551 29552 29553 June 29 - Aug. 24 *omitAug. 3 29493 4:15 4:30 29504 29505 29493 29504 29494 4:15 4:30 5:00 29494 5:00 29506 SWIM KIDS 5 5:15 29507 SWIM KIDS 6 5:15 29507 SWIM KIDS 7 5:15 29507 SWIM KIDS 8 5:45 29508 SWIM KIDS 9 5:45 29508 SWIM KIDS 10 5:45 29508 SWIM KIDS 1 SWIM KIDS 2 5:00 SWIM KIDS 3 4:30 SWIMKIDS4 4:30 3:30 3:30 4 :00 4:30 29495 29496 29497 29498 3:30 3:30 4:00 29509 29510 29511 3:30 3:30 4:00 4:00 29506 29513 29514 29515 29516 ., JOIN OUR TEAMII Employment Opportunities with Norfolk County Aquatics Looking ahead for a Fall 2015 job? If interested in employment with Norfolk County Aquatics for Fall 2015 you need to register to attend a wet & dry interview on the date below. Date: Tuesday, July 7, 2015 Time: 3:00 - 5:00 pm Barcode: 29597 *** Applicants will need to apply for aquatics positions on Norfolk County's Student Employment website and register and attend the wet and dry interview. If you have any questions regarding summer employment please contact Lisa DeSerrano at 519-426-8866, ext. 2231 Volunteer Opportunities with Norfolk County Aquatics - Volunteer Orientation Looking for a fun way to complete community service hours for your OSSD? Do you have your Bronze Medallion and are you 13 years old? If so, volunteering may be for you. To volunteer or for more information phone 519-426-8866 Ext. 2233. Bronze Star & Basic First Aid Cost: $85.00 Bronze Medallion & Emergency First Aid Cost: $125.43 Materials: $46.33 Bronze Cross & Standard First Aid Cost: $151.68 Materials: $15.82 SPRING: Sat April 4 - June 6 1:30 - 3pm Barcode: 29598 SPRING: Sat April 4 - June 6 12:30 - 3pm 'Exam June 6' Barcode: 29599 If you are interested in this course please contact customer service at 519-426-8866, ext 2233 Mon - Fri (omit July 1) June 29 - July 10 4:30 - 6:00pm Barcode: 29146 SUMMER: Mon - Fri July 13 - 17 Men - Thurs gam - 4pm Fri gam - 12noon 'exam day~ Barcode: 29163 SUMMER: Mon - Fri July 27 - 31 Mon - Thurs 8:30 - 5:00pm Fri gam - 12 noon ~Exam daY" Barcode: 29189 Red Cross Assistant Water Safety Instructor Course Red Cross/LSS Instructor Course Cost: $266.68 Materials: $103.96 Red Cross Instructor Recer! SPRING: Wednesdays March 25 - May 27 4:45 - 9:30pm Barcode: 29602 SPRING: Wed May 13 5 - 10 pm Barcode: 29087 Cost: $87.01 SUMMER:Mon - Fri Aug 10 - 14, 2015 9am-6pm Barcode: 29223 National Lifeguard Service (NLS) Cost: $257.64 Materials: $70 .0 6 (Alert Manual, Whistle, and Pocket , . AUTOMATED EXTERNAL ". DEFIBRILLATION ADMINISTRATION BOARDING Come Celebrate Your Birthdav Us! Have your Birthday Party at the Annaleise Carr Aquatic Centre in Simcoe and book the Arena Lounge at the same time l Call us to book your party well in advance so you 're .....",~~~isii.a~p~POi nted. RENTAL FEES 1 - 30 people ......... .$88 .00/hr + HST 31 - 75 people ........ $120.00/hr + 76 - 135 people ...... $148.00/hr + YOUTH GROUPS· SCHOOL PARTIES BAPTISMS. FAMILY GET TOGETHERS SCOUTS & CUBS· BROWNIES & GUIDES CHURCH SOCIALS· BIRTHDAY PARTIES """For Package B, you may have up to 30 people for the swimming portion of the party ·"Extra pizza can also be ordered for an additional fee for either package . • LENGTHS & LEISURE PUBLIC/BUDDY MONDAY 12 -1 :30pm 1:30 - 4:00pm TUESDAY 12 -1 :30pm WEDNESDAY 12 -1 :30pm 1:30 - 4:00pm THURSDAY 12 - 1:30pm 1:30 - 4:00pm FRIDAY 12 -1 :30pm OPEN SWIM OPEN SWIM 7:00 - 8:00pm 7:00 - 8:00pm 7:00 - 8:00pm SATURDAY 12 - 3pm SUNDAY 12 - 3pm ADMISSIONS (TAXES INCLUDED) GENERAL ADMISSION PASS CARD 10 SWIMS $2.50 $21.47 ADULT $4.50 $38.42 FAMILY $9.00 $76.84 CHILD/SENIOR ' Children under 2 free DESCRIPTIONS: OPEN SWIM: Open to families, the general public and length swimmers. One or two lane ropes will be put in this swim for lengths swimmers. July 10 Sports Day July 24 Christmas In July August 7. Zoo Dey August 21 : Lifesaving Day LENGTHS & LEISURE: This swim is for teens, adults, and seniors who like to swim lengths and/or exercise at a leisurely pace . BUDDY SWIM: Bring a buddy and your buddy gets in FREE! Special family price $4.50 .. .... TWO WEEK SESSION MONDAY - FRIDAY SESSION 1 June 29 - July 10 (9 Lessons) ·omit Jul 1 LEVEL SEA OTTER SALAMANDER SUNFISH TIME 10:30 5:15 10:30 5:15 11 :00 4:30 BARCODE 29115 29139 29115 29139 29268 29140 CROCODILE 12:00 29117 WHALE 12:00 29117 SESSION 2 July 13 - 24 SESSION 3 July 27 - August 7 (9 Lessons) Omit Aug. 3 TIME BARCODE TIME 11 :00 4:30 11 :00 4:30 11 :30 5:00 12:00 5:00 29149 29170 29149 29170 12:00 29155 10:30 5:30 10:30 5:30 10:30 4:30 11 :00 5:00 11 :00 5:00 29171 29155 29171 BARCODE 29184 29201 29184 29201 SESSION 4 August 10 • 21 TIME BARCODE 10:30 5:00 10:30 5:00 29209 29245 29209 29245 29203 29202 29183 29202 29246 12:00 5:00 12:00 5:00 29212 29247 29247 RED clfs SWIM KID~SUM.01" DEL~!LKINSMEN .RQQ~. -- . *FOR CHILDREN 6 YEARS OLD A,ND UP Fees 9 lessons: Swim Kids Levels 1 - 4: ' $52.25, Swim Kids Levels 5 - 10: $55.00 ~ Fees 10 lessons: Swim Kids Levels 1-4: · $58.00, SWimK!9SLeVels5-10~.~ - ... ~ .: ~ . . ~" ..~ L..J .::- ,~ ~ • , ' . r:: - ~ - '" ., . =..-~ . TWO WEEK SESSION MONDAY - FRIDAY 7 SES SIO N 2 July 13 - 24 TIME LEVEL Swim Kids 3 5:00 Swim Kids 4 5:00 Swim Kids 5/617 4:30 11 :00 5:00 . . 29 143 TIME 5: 15 BARCODE SESSION 4 August 10 - 21 TIME BARCODE 29186 29206 4:30 4:30 29 144 BARCODE 29 152 29 174 29 164 29 175 29165 29176 - 4 :30 -0 - ~ , __~ - .. -. ' _. 29 186 29206 29251 4:30 29252 Ql ~ (II WEEKLY SESSIONS 14 OR 5 LESSONS) MONDAY - FRIDAY June 29July4 (4 Lessons) TIME I 6- BARCODE 10:30 29122 29123 11 :30 29125 29126 July 13 -17 J"~ 20 - 24 August 27- (4 LHsons) BARCODE BARCODE 29147 29148 12:30 29157 29159 1:00 29161 4:00 4-7 29177 29178 29179 29180 29190 29192 29194 29196 29197 29199 29191 29193 29195 29200 August 10 -14 August 17 - 21 BARCODE 29215 29217 29213 29238 29236 29240 29241 29243 29216 29218 29214 29235 29239 29237 29244 Have you ever wondered what it wou ld be like to spend a day in the life of a lifeguard? Sign up for this club to find out! Candidate must be able to swim 25m (1 length) and tread water for up to 2 minutes Campers will/earn and participate in the following activities: • Lifesaving & Lifeguarding skills, First Aid & Resuscitation skills, Fitness & Endurance (pool & dry land), Public Education Initiatives, Crafts & Games, and Sports. They will also... • Take part in friendly competitions, special events, challenge themselves to aim for persona l bests, get fit! • Make friends and have a great time! What to Bring: • Bathing suit, 2 or 3 towels, sunscreen SPF 30 or more , hat, sunglasses , fitness attire (running shoes, shorts & w ater bottle), lunch daily (except Friday) We'll Supply: • Whistle & lanyard, pizza lunch on Friday, enthusiastic & caring staff DATES TIME FEE BARCODE Mon. June 29 - Fri. July 3 (omit July 1) 9am - 5pm $132.80 29134 Mon. Aug . 17 - Fri. Aug . 21 9am - 5pm $166.00 29269 30in lJj O\ltAUNITY t 8a/etg JUNE 20, 2015 11 AM - 3PM PORT DOVER BEACH CALL 519-426-BB66 x2233 DAY FUN GAMES AND PRIZES INTERACTIVE DISPLAYS HAVE YOUR PICTURE TAKEN WITH BUCKLES - RACE STARTS AT 10:45 AM. FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL ARON SUPRUN AT THE PORT OOVER HEALTH AND FITNESS CENTRE 120 MARKET STREET, PORT OOVER, ONI519-583-3113 OR AMY MARTIN 519-410-2104 ~ Annaleise Carr ~ lommum t\' Pollcmg " Aquatic Centre _. Opens Saturday, May 16 - Monday, September 7 What's a Splash Pad? A splash pad is a water play area that has no standing water. Water is pumped through decorative structures that the children can run or stand under. It's perfect for families with very young children. The little ones have lots of fun creating their .,. own games and letting their imagination run wild. At the same time they are close to their parent(s) who can enjoy all the fun with a lot less worry. Best of all , the Simcoe Kinsmen Splash Park is completely wheelchair accessible, so all children can participate. For more information, or to book the nearby picnic pavilion , Contact Facilities Allocation Bookings Clerk at 519-426-5999 x 2226 ... SPECIAL EVENTS - SUMMER 2015 RED CROSS WATER SAFETY WEEK June 6 -13 Join us during water safety week for our "Get Wet Day'. Watch for details! DROWNING PREVENTION WEEK July 17 - 25 Watch for special events being held at the Annaleise Carr Aquatic Centre and the Delhi Kinsmen Pool during this week. SPLISH SPLASH DOGGY BASH! CALLING ALL DOGS! That's right, a swim for Dogs. Bring your dog to the Delhi Kinsmen Pool to cool off. Sunday, Aug. 23,2015 3:00 - 4:30pm $5.00/dog This is the LAST swim of the summer! This swim was a great success last year. This event provides the dogs the opportunity to socialize and run unleashed within the confines of the fenced in pool area. PLEASE NOTE: You must provide written proof of current dog license. You are responsible for the clean up of your dog.Bags will be available. , , , , .- great food, wineries, breweries, beaches, trails, heritage & culture NORFOLK COUNTY Ontario's Garden Pick-up a guide/map and start your next adventure. • • Healthy Communities Partnership HALDIMAND and NORFOLK Let's make Haldimand and Norfolk County a healthy community! The Healthy Communities Partnership is working to make HaJdimand and Norfolk County as safe, vibrant, strong, and connected as possible. If you're interested in achieving this objective, and you have a special set of skills or resources to contribute, then we need YOU! How will the Healthy Communities Partnership achieve it's goal? • • • • Building local capacity Effective communication and advocacy work Knowiedge development and sharing Promoting healthy public policies My individual or organization can join, and the Healthy Communities Partnership will help you too. Members are promoted through the partnership, connected with other groups, provided with training opportunities, have access to shared resources, and potentially receive funding for healthy eating and physical activity projects that lead to new policies. If you're interested in this rewarding opportunity, visit hcphn,com for more information 0' call 519-426-6 170 X 3208 oc 905-3 18-6623 X 3208 r undcd by the Ministry of Health "nd Long Term Care and supported by the Haldrmilnd-Norfolk Health Unit .- . , , New at CANADIAN TIRE Simcoe Sani Sport Sanitizes Disinfects Protects Canadian Tire Simcoe believes that all kids should have the opportunity to play sports. For that reason we are fully behind the Canadian Tire JUMPSTART PROGRAM in Norfolk County. We also believe that all athletes, larg e and small, could benefit from the excellent cleansing and sanitizing process that the Sani Sport unit can provide for ilil types of protective sports gear - ali tho M> items which can't be tossed into the family washing machine. Sani Sport is also instrumental in killing harmful bacteria which can grow on untreilted equipment. Since its debut in 2001, Sani Sport has become internationally known for its ability to significantly reduce bacteria in sports equipment and other protective gear. MRSA is 11 good example ofdangerou5 bacteria which has recently become an issue in the sports world. Many NHUNFUCFL players have been hospitalized due to bacteria from their equipment entering their Ixxlies through a cut or abrasion. So don't let that "ripe" bag full of wel l used equipment drive your family awa~! Bring it in right away to pile into our sanitizer and give your whole filmily a breilth of fresh ilir and good health! .. FANSHAWE James N. Allan Campus SUCCESS IS .JUST AFEW STEPS AWAY <) CHOOSE FROM FULL TIME PROGRAMS & FAST TRACK CERTIFICATES ADVENTURE EXPEDITIONS & INTERPRETIVE LEADERSHIP Diploma Program HEALTH CARE OFFICE ASSISTANT Fast Track 14-Week Certificate Program BOOKKEEPING CERTIFICATE Fast Track la-Week Certificate Program PERSONAL SUPPORT WORKER l-Year Certificate Program DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES WORKER Accelerated Diploma Program Continuous Intake PRE-HEALTH SCIENCE l-Year Certificate Program EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION Accelerated Diploma Program Continuous Intake SOCIAL SERVICE WORKER 2-Year Diploma Program FOOD SERVICE WORKER Fast Track l1-Week Certificate Program l-Year Certificate Program WELDING TECHNIQUES AESTHETICS Fast Track 15-Week Certificate Program CONTACT US TODAY! .. / simcoe Follow us on: 0 IlIII fanshawesimcoe D \. 519-426-8260 @fanshawecsimcoe