november - 2014 - New Lowell Central Public School
november - 2014 - New Lowell Central Public School
NEW LOWELL CENTRAL PUBLIC SCHOOL 5197 County Road 9, New Lowell, Ontario L0M 1N0 Phone 705-424-0991/Fax 424-0012 Cathy Bell, Principal Greg Daniels, Principal’s Assistant November 2014 CHARACTER TRAIT: COURAGE – We do the right thing even when it is difficult CALENDAR OF EVENTS November 3: School Council Meeting November 3: Character Recognition Assembly November 7: Progress Reports Go Home November 11: Remembrance Day Assembly – 10:45 a.m. November 12: Good Food Box orders due November 12 – 14: Book Fair November 13: Spaghetti Dinner and Silent Auction November 13: Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews – p.m. November 14: Parent/Teacher/Student Interviews – a.m. November 14: EP Day Elementary November 19: Good Food Box pick up Principal’s Desk New Lowell School has a new web page. Teacher volunteers are working to keep our page informative and updated. Thanks to Mr. Daniels, Miss Hartley and Mr. Anderson. Our school is now on Twitter. Follow us at NLO_@scdsb. SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT EQAO results have been released and we have a lot to celebrate! Our grade 3 students have seen a steady increase over the last 3 years and are above the Board and Provincial Average in Reading (78 %) and in Math (74%). Writing results were 74% at the Provincial level -2% below the Board average. In grade 6, great gains were made in Reading (87%) and writing (77%) and were above the Board and Provincial Average. Grade 6 Math scores were significantly lower in the Board and Province with our school scoring 32%. Our School Improvement Plan for this school year will focus heavily on Mathematics. This will include students’ mindset around math, improving computational skills and focusing on problem solving steps and strategies in all grade levels. We encourage you to help support your child at home by asking about math, visiting math game sites featured on our School Web Page and/or included in Teacher’s Newsletter or playing card or dice games with your child. Just as we encourage 1520 minutes of reading each night, we would also encourage that the same amount of time be spent consolidating numeracy skills. Please Note: Staff supervision is not available for students until 8:45 a.m. Ensure that all children are sent with clothing suited for the colder temperatures. Listen to the radio (KICX 104.1, ROCK 95, CHAY 93.1 or PEAK 95.1) and/or check the Board website ( for bus cancellations. New Lowell Central P.S. is classified in the Simcoe County West Zone. STAFF CHANGES Welcome to Ms. Stewart who is providing Planning Time in our Kindergarten Classrooms, Mr. Anderson our half time SERT and Day 4 and 5 p.m. in Miss Bumstead’s classroom and Mrs. Halliday (EA) who is working in the afternoons. DROPPING STUDENTS OFF AT SCHOOL Our parking lot is extremely busy in the morning and at 3:30 dismissal. Parents/Guardians who drop off or pick up their child are asked to do so at the east gates of the school. Students should not be let out or picked up in the parking lot. Please remain behind the buses in the parking lot and wait until they have dropped off / picked up students. Do not go around the school bus when it is stopped in our parking lot! Our entrance to the school parking lot is ONE WAY ONLY. An alternative is to drop off students at the road side where they would access the sidewalk and proceed to the pathway on the east side. Your cooperation and understanding with this matter of safety is much appreciated. HAVE YOUR SAY ABOUT THE SIMCOE COUNTY DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD’S MISSION, VISION AND VALUES The Simcoe County District School Board (SCDSB) is renewing its mission, vision and values. Your input is needed. Feedback is being gathered through a short survey. Find more information and the survey here: The deadline to respond to the survey is November 12. We appreciate you taking the time to share your views. Please also share this information with others who may be interested. SIMCOE COUNTY DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD CIRCLE OF LEARNING PARENT ACADEMY - FREE WORKSHOPS TO HELP YOU BOOST YOUR CHILD’S SUCCESS As a parent/guardian, you were your child’s first teacher and you are still his or her most important teacher. Your involvement in your child’s education has an impact on success. Register to attend workshops throughout the year designed to help you support your child’s learning and development. Sessions include: Successful transitions – how parents can guide their children to achieve their full potential Make the difference in math with a growth mindset Math 101 - all parents can support their children in math Resilience: Nine things kids need from their families, schools, and communities Find workshop dates, times, descriptions and register online at The Circle of Learning Parent Academy is hosted by the Simcoe County District School Board’s Parent Involvement Committee and made possible with the support of the Ministry of Education through a Parents Reaching Out Grant. CHANGES TO ELEMENTARY REPORT CARDS The provincial government has updated elementary report cards to align with changes in the curriculum. The changes are minor and reflect changed to the curriculum in the following areas: French as a Second Language (Grades 1 to 8) Changes: the three areas of evaluation (Oral Communication, Reading, and Writing) were changed to four areas: Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing. Report cards will now list these four areas. Social Studies, History and Geography in Elementary (Grades 1 to 6) Changes: two areas of study were renamed: Heritage and Citizenship to Heritage and Identity, and Canada and World Connections to People and Environments. Reporting the Arts in Elementary (Grades 1 to 8) Changes: all four areas of study for the Arts (Dance, Drama, Music, and Visual Arts) now have a box to indicate if the subject was taught in French. For more information, and to see examples of the report cards, visit and search for ‘Report Cards’ in the upper right search box. Bus cancellation information in case of inclement weather Fall weather has certainly arrived, which means winter is just around the corner in Simcoe County. With it comes the possibility of severe inclement weather conditions, challenging winter driving conditions and, as a result, possible bus and school event cancellations. All information regarding cancelled buses in Simcoe County is posted on the Simcoe County Student Transportation Consortium’s bus information website at Our school is in the West zone. When buses are cancelled, please remember that schools are still open (unless otherwise noted) for student learning. The Consortium, in conjunction with bus operators, will make the decision to cancel school buses before 6 a.m. and as such, will make every effort to post announcements between 6 and 7 a.m. Parents should also note that inclement weather cancellations are effective for the whole day and buses cancelled in the morning will not run at the end of the day. SHARE YOUR FEEDBACK ABOUT THE FUTURE OF EDUCATION IN ONTARIO The Ontario Ministry of Education is inviting input on the development of the next phase of Ontario’s education strategy. Individuals can provide feedback through an online submission form here: The deadline to provide feedback is Nov. 15. For more information about the consultation, visit STUDENT IMMUNIZATIONS The Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit is currently reviewing the immunization records of students in our school. If you have received an immunization questionnaire, please be sure to provide the health unit with the requested information. Information can be provided to the health unit in the following ways: Online: Call: 705-721-7520 or 1-877-721-7520 ext 8807 Fax: 705-721-1495 In addition, Nurses from the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit will be in school over the winter providing immunizations to grade 7 students and grade 8 girls who provided consent. Consent forms and fact sheets for the Hepatitis B and Meningococcal Conjugate ACWY vaccines for grade 7’s and Human Papillomavirus vaccine for grade 8 girls were sent home in September. The consent forms and fact sheets are available on the immunization page of the health unit’s website. If you have questions or concerns, please call Your Health Connection. YEARBOOK The yearbook is in full swing again this year. Yearbooks are just $22 and include an original artwork cover designed by one of our very own New Lowell Chargers. (The contest will be held in the new year). It will have 48 full colour pages, including spirit days, teams and clubs, houses, grad 8 grads, kindie grads and so much more! Order forms will be going home this month, please watch for them in your child’s bag. Yearbooks will also be available to purchase at the Parent Teacher interviews on November 13th and 14th. We accept cash and cheques (written to New Lowell Central Public School). You can also pay with your credit card online, checkout and search New Lowell. Receipts will be given out this year, please keep it in a safe place. This year we are also offering business advertising in the yearbook. Your advertising dollars will help offset the rising cost of the publishing a full colour yearbook. For a fee of just $20 we will offer your business a two lined tag line at the bottom of a yearbook page (you can even request which page1!). Receipts will be provided. If you are interested please contact Mrs. Haufe at or 705-4240991. LIBRARY NEWS Start Your Christmas Shopping Early!!! Books Make Great Gifts!!! We are very excited to be hosting our second book fair in November. It will be open on Wednesday, November 12th during nutrition breaks, Thursday, November 13 th during nutrition breaks and for the evening of Parent/Teacher Interviews. We will be open Friday, November 14 th until noon during parent/teacher interviews. Please drop by and see us then. This is a great opportunity to start some early Christmas shopping and to donate a book to your child’s classroom. Check out the Teacher’s Wish Lists while you browse over a wide selection of popular reading materials as well as nifty gift ideas. We look forward to seeing you then. MABEL’S LABELS FUNDRAISER Tired of your child loosing things?! Our school has a large lost and found! Help minimize lost belongings with the help of Mabel’s Labels. Mabel’s Labels is a company with all types of labels that are colourful, indestructible, easy-to-use and fun! Iron-Ons, Stickies, Bag Tags, Allergy Alert labels & more! Personalize your labels with names, nicknames, initials - whatever you choose. Cool icons help even little ones identify their own belongings. Dishwasher, microwave, laundry & kid tested! Dispatched within 24 hours! Visit to place your order while helping our fundraiser! All funds raised will be used for to enhance our playground. FIRST TERM PROGRESS REPORTS First term progress reports will be sent home on Friday, November 7th. Our parent/student/teacher interviews will be held on the evening of Thursday, November 13th, and the morning of Friday, November 14th. Friday, November 14th is an E.P. Day. Forms have been sent home for these interviews and confirmations from the classroom teachers will be sent home. Why are parent/student/teacher interviews important? Conferences give you a chance to get to know your child’s teacher, learn about the program your child will be studying (the curriculum) and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of your child with the person who will be helping him/her to learn this year. During these conferences particular attention will paid to your child’s development of their learning skills. These skills are very important to the life-long success of all students. Please spend time discussing the importance of these with your child(ren). As a parent, what should you do to prepare for a parentteacher conference? Talk to your child beforehand. Have a good understanding of the expectations of the teacher, the curriculum, homework assignments and any issues that you should raise with the teacher. Be prepared to share specific examples if you have concerns about any aspect of the classroom or program If applicable, bring your child’s latest report card with you so that you can discuss it in more detail. Make a list of things that will help the teacher better understand your child, such as any special health or medical needs, outside interests and hobbies that may have an impact on school, and events occurring at home that may affect your child’s learning (such as the sickness or death of someone close, change in your home life or past school experiences.) Share approaches that have worked for you when dealing with your child that the teacher might also find useful. Put together a list of things you would like to find out from the teacher such as services and programs the school offers, discipline policies, how your child will be assessed and graded, homework expectations, or extra curricular activities that your child can take part in. Helpful Hints for Conferences: If possible, both parents should attend the conference. See if you can exchange babysitting with another parent. Be on time. Most conferences will be held on a day when teachers are meeting back to back throughout the day. When one parent is delayed, it backs up the meetings of all other parents and creates more pressure for the teacher. Follow-up with the teacher if there are areas discussed during the conference that require further action. If you feel your child’s progress warrants a discussion with the principal, either call ahead to plan a meeting on parent’s night or schedule a follow up meeting at another time. TERRY FOX FUNDRAISER This September marked our 20th year participating in the Terry Fox Run! We set a goal, if we raised $2000, then Mrs. Wiederer and Ms. Doka would cut off their hair and donate it to make wigs for people with cancer. We didn’t reach our goal this year, but we still raised $1864.50 bringing our grand total of $332,907.27 in 20 years. Mrs. Wiederer and Ms. Doka are good spirited and decided to cut and donate their hair anyways. On Tuesday, October 28th their hair was cut in front of the school and has since been donated. Seven lucky students got to have the honour of cutting a teacher’s hair. Students earned this privilege by fundraising the most money. Congratulations to Madi, Bailey, Kylee, Brittany, Amy, Seth (each raised $85) and Santana raised $110. Thank you for all your donations and for helping to keep Terry’s dream alive! Thank you to Jaime-Lynn from A Small Hair Studio in Stayner for coming in to assist with the hair cutting. PROTECT YOU AND YOUR FAMILY FROM THE FLU Influenza is a potentially serious illness, which is different from the common cold or the stomach flu. The virus spreads easily from person to person – especially children. People who get influenza usually feel quite unwell, and may have a fever, chills, cough, runny eyes, stuffy nose, sore throat, headache, muscle aches, extreme weakness and fatigue. Children can also have earaches, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. The flu shot is recommended for everyone six months of age and over. The flu shot can help to avoid days off sick from school or work. It can also help prevent you taking the flu home to your own family. For the very young and the old, and for those with chronic illnesses, influenza can be life threatening—we can all help to prevent the spread of influenza. The best way to prevent the flu and protect you and your family is by getting your annual flu shot. New this year, the Health Unit’s community flu clinics will be by appointment. For more information about this year’s flu shot and to book your appointment, visit the health unit’s website at and click on “Book Your Flu Shot Online” hot button. LOCAL HEALTH UNIT MONITORING ENTEROVIRUS D68 You may have heard of a nasty cough that has been hospitalizing some children in the United States. It has now been detected in Canada, including communities in Ontario. This particular bug is called the Enterovirus D68, a cousin of the family of common cold viruses. For most people including most children, this virus will cause mild illness similar to the common cold. Symptoms include fever, runny nose, sneezing, cough, and body and muscle aches. Most people don’t need a visit to the clinic or the hospital, and will get better on their own. There is no specific antibiotic or antiviral medication or vaccine for D68. The virus spreads like the common cold, by droplets from sneezing or coughing and from nasal mucus. It can also be picked up by touching surfaces that have been contaminated. This virus behaves much like the cold or influenza, and protecting yourself and your children is much the same as with those diseases. For more information, visit the Health Unit’s website at LOST AND FOUND The school has quite a few items that have been lost and found. Mrs. McQuay has bagged quite a few items and the bag is sitting in the front foyer. If your child has lost something, please come in and see if it’s in the collection. GRADE 8 INFORMATION NIGHTS Is your child starting Grade 9 next year? High school information nights happen this winter! Information nights give an overview of what’s new and what to expect, and are a chance to ask questions. High school is an exciting time—there are so many programs, clubs and activities for students to try. Attend the information night at Stayner Collegiate on November 27th 6:30 p.m. and Nottawasaga Pines on February 11th at 7:00 p.m. PARTICIPATE IN THE 2014 ONTARIO CHILD HEALTH STUDY AND SCHOOL MENTAL HEALTH SURVEYS The 2014 Ontario Child Health Study is underway and will provide vital information about the mental health needs of children and youth living in Ontario today. This study will be the first of its kind in Canada to examine the influence of family, community and school environments on child and youth mental health. The results will be used to develop programs and services to improve the mental health of young people in Ontario. From October 2014 to May 2015, Statistics Canada will be inviting 7,000 families with children aged 4 -17 to complete an interview in their home. At the same time, McMaster researchers will be conducting School Mental Health Surveys in 240 Ontario schools to help us learn new ways of promoting and addressing student mental health needs. Let's make our province a better place for children and youth. If invited to participate, please say ‘yes’ to the 2014 Ontario Child Health Study and School Mental Health Surveys. For more information, visit: SNAC TEAM The SNAC team (School Nutrition and Activity Committee) is meeting again this year. We are a group of staff, parents and community members working towards promoting a healthier lifestyle. Last year we organized a very exciting and successful event, Healthpalooza! We have some new and exciting ideas for this year and we would love for you to join our team. We are looking for more parents and students to be part of the SNAC team. If you are even a little interested in what the SNAC team does, please contact Mrs. Haufe at or 705-424-0991 to get more details. Our next meeting is Wednesday, November 26th in the school library at 3:45 p.m. Come out and be healthy! MAGAZINE CAMPAIGN NOTICE Please remember that if you ever have an inquiry regarding your magazine subscription purchase, you can call QSP/Reader’s Digest’s special school Customer Service number at 1-800-667-2536. Please also remember that the school will again be providing you with the opportunity to purchase and renew your subscriptions this coming spring. We would appreciate it if you could hold onto your renewals, and any special price coupons the publishers may send you, until the school runs the program. If you renew through the publishers, the school does not receive credit for the purchases (that’s why they try to get you to renew early). PRIMARY DIVISION READING HELPERS The Primary Teachers are still looking for volunteers to read with students. Times and days are flexible. Please contact Ms. Bumstead if you are interested. NEW LOWELL BREAKFAST PROGRAM Student nutrition programs are an excellent way to help ensure that all children have the opportunity to attend school well nourished and ready to learn. Child nutrition programs help to: Provide students with healthy meals and snacks that provide the energy they need to stay alert and engaged throughout the school day; foster a happy and healthy school environment; decrease student absenteeism, in-class disruptions and conflict between students; increase students self-esteem, problem-solving skills and creative abilities; develop life-long healthy eating habits; and provide children and youth with the best chance at success possible! Students will be able to come inside from 8:45am - 8:55am. Parent volunteers, teachers and EA's will have nutritional breakfast type foods available (toast, cereal, granola bars, fruit, etc.) Students are asked to enter through the Primary Doors and proceed to Ms. Bumstead's class. We are serving between 25-50 kids each morning. We are in need of parent volunteers that would be able to help out from 8:45am - 9am. Please contact Mrs. Bell if you are able to volunteer. HEALTH UNIT Your Child’s Immunization Record The Simcoe Muskoka District health Unit is required by law to keep complete immunization records on every school-aged child in Simcoe County and the District of Muskoka. Unfortunately the health unit does not receive immunization information directly from doctors’ offices; it is the parent’s responsibility to give all immunization information to the health unit. If your child’s immunization record is not complete, you may receive a notice from the health unit requesting dates for immunization or proof of a valid exemption. You will also be advised that your child may be suspended from school if the health unit does not receive this information. Please check to make sure that your child’s immunization information is up-to-date and that the health unit has record of it. If you have any question or concerns, please call Your Health Connection at (705) 721-7520 or 1-800-721-7520 Nurses from the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit will be in our school over the winter providing immunizations to grade 7 students and grade 8 girls who provided consent. Consent forms and fact sheets for the hepatitis B and meningococcal conjugate ACWY vaccines for grade 7s and Human Papillomavirus vaccine for grade 8 girls were sent home in September. The consent forms and fact sheets are available on the immunization page of the health unit’s website at If you have any questions or concerns, please call Your Health Connection at (705) 721-7520 or 10877-721-7520. THE FACTS OF LICE Working together, we will help keep head lice in check. This means that all families must do regular head checks and treat their child if head lice are found. There is a Head Lice Fact Sheet available on the Simcoe county District Health Unit’s website at, click on Health Topics, then Parenting, then Facts of Lice. For further information, call the Simcoe County District Health Unit’s Health Connection Line at 721-7520 or 1-877-721-7520. NOVEMBER - 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 2 Daylight Saving Time – Clocks go back 1 hour 4 3 Character Recognition Assembly School Council Meeting – 6:30 pm 9 6 5 Subs/Wraps 11 3 12 4 13 Subs/Wraps Good Food Box Orders Interviews 3:30 – 8:00 BOOK FAIR DAY BOOK FAIR Spaghetti Supper/Silent Auction 18 2 19 3 24 1 30 27 4 Subs/Wraps 21 22 28 29 5 Pizza 26 3 Popcorn 20 4 25 2 15 E.P DAY Interviews 9:00 – 12:00 BOOK FAIR 9 12 Good Food Box Pick up Subs/Wraps Popcorn 23 14 5 REMEMBRANCE 17 1 8 Progress Reports go home Pizza Popcorn 16 7 1 Popcorn 10 2 5 4 5 Pizza November 2014 SCHOOL COUNCIL MEETING: MONDAY NOVEMBER 3rd @ 6:30p.m. Everyone is welcome to attend! Takes place in the library at school. School Council Fundraising Initiatives School Council commits to fundraising efforts in order to support the school and student success. The following outlines this year’s plans: Fundraising Activities Milk Sales Steeped Tea Valentine’s Day Dance-A-Thon Mabel’s Labels Christmas Family Photo Booth Bradford Greenhouse Zumba FUNdraiser Vesey’s Spring Bulbs th 5 Annual Metal Recycling Day Family Entertainment Magician Performance – Magical Duda Proceeds Will Go Towards the Following Purchases Updating Technology Throughout The School Subsidizing Class Trips For Each Student Playground Enhancement/Outdoor Classroom Bus Driver/Custodian Recognition Staff Recognition Grade 8 Graduation Cake In-School Presentations We appreciate your support in our fundraising initiatives! STAY INFORMED…Want to receive the monthly meeting minutes? Send your email address to:
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