14-05-21 Consent Agenda
14-05-21 Consent Agenda
TOWNSHIP OF ESSA CONSENT AGENDA WEDNESDAY, MAY 21,2014 A -ITEMS RECEIVED AS INFORMATION p. 1 1. Correspondence from the 2016 Laestadian Lutheran Congregation (LLC) Summer Services Executive Planning Committee, re : Essa Agriplex Facility Use Request (July 1-4, 2016). p. 5 2. Correspondence from Nottawasaga Futures dated April 2014, re: Certificate of Appreciation for Support of South Simcoe Streams Network (SSSN). p. 7 3. Correspondence from the Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration dated April 2014, re: Nominations for Ontario Medal for Good Citizenship. p. 8 4. Correspondence from the Town of Wasaga Beach dated April 12, 2014, re: Sponsorship Request for "Mayors Challenge Golf Tournament" (June 6, 2014). p. 10 5. Correspondence from the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario dated April 22, 2014, re: Nominations - Outstanding Ontario Physicians. p. 15 6. p.17 p. 18 p. 19 Correspondence from the Cement Association of Canada dated April 26, 2014, re: Concern Over Proposed Changes to the Ontario Building Code - Construction of Six-Storey Wood Frame Buildings. 7. Media Releases from the County of Simcoe: a) May 7,2014 - 9-1-1 Texting for the Deaf, Deafened, Hard of Hearing and SpeechImpaired Community Not Currently Available in Simcoe County b) May 8, 2014 - County Presents Night at the Museum c) May 9,2014 - County of Simcoe Paramedics Celebrate Inaugural Paramedic Services Week p. 20 8. Correspondence from the Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration dated May 2014, re: Nominations for Senior Achievement Award. p. 21 9. Correspondence from the Gibson Cultural Centre, re: Request for Financial Support. p. 26 10. Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority (NVCA) Conservation Update - May 2014. p. 30 11. Correspondence from the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit (SMDHU) dated April 30, 2014, re: West Nile Virus Program Planning 2014. B - ITEMS RECEIVED AND REFERRED TO SERVICE AREA FOR ACTION None to be presented . C - ITEMS RECEIVED AND REFERRED TO SERVICE AREA FOR REVIEW AND REPORT TO COUNCIL None to be presented. A' .J -t\ R~:'Rlex Facility Use Request ~ July 1-4, 2016 _,~_- ) ----- - --- Dear Mayor Dowdall and Council Members: On behalf of the Laestadian Lutheran Congregation of Toronto, located in Cookstown, we write to you to ask for your consideration of our request to use the Essa Agriplex facility for an international event from July 1-4, 2016. To help your review, below we have provided background information about this event, about our organization, and about our North American central organization. Our Organization The Laestadian Lutheran Congregation of Toronto was officiaUy registered as a congregation in 1957 and moved into its current church facility in Cookstown in 2003. The church's members include many young families and children who attend the congregation's worship services and related activities. Most members reside in Cookstown and its surrounding communities. Our local church is a member congregation of the Laestadian Lutheran Church (LLC), which is the central organization of 31 Laestadian Lutheran congregations across Canada and the United States. The central offices are located in Loretto, Minnesota. Information about the LLC - its organization, history, beliefs, members, and activities - may be found on the LLCs website, wvvw.llchurch,org. Summer Worship Services and Meetings Each summer the LLC sponsors an event we refer to as "LLC Summer Services," a tradition that has been in place since the mid seventies. The Summer Services consist of worship services, congregation and youth presentations, and the organization's annual meeting, generally spanning a period of four days. \ The location rotates among different parts of North America, and member congregations take turns hosting this annual event. For example, this same event was held in Deer Park, Washington, in 2013 and will be held this year in Rogers} Minnesota. Plans are underway for 2015 in Outlook, Saskatchewan, and then to the Toronto area in 2016. This is a festive gathering of members from across Canada and the United States}as well as from Finland and Sweden. 2016 LLC Summer Services Planning is already underway for the 2016 LLC Summer Services, to be hosted by the Toronto and LLC Eastern Area congregations. Our current phase of planning is the site selection process} securing a suitable site for an estimated 2}000 guests from July 1-4. The year 2007 was the last time the Summer Services event was held in our area; at that time we were able to use the Orangeville Agricultural Society Event Centre. We would have happily used that facility again, but it is not available. We have been interested in the Essa Agriplex facility for several reasons. Its location is convenient and accessible to both our local members as well as to guests traveling from long distances. It is set off away from noise and traffic, providing a comfortable setting, considering the nature of our event. The structures and grounds provide the framework necessary for us to set up our main assembly area, meeting locations, and food service. The surrounding community provides lodging, restaurants, and stores to accommodate our guests. The site provides ample parking and grounds for youth recreational activities, and so on. With the Summer Services and meetings occurring each year, the LLC has developed planning guidelines that are llsed to prepare for each year's event. Committees are formed and task descriptions are followed to address needs in all functions: parking, safety and first aid} food service, lodging, youth activities} public relations, ushering, cleaning} and arrangements for seating and audiovisual, etc. AI Our food service is planned in accordance with local health department regulations, and we draw upon local vendors to support us. We have had good reports from facilities we have used in the past, and can provide references if needed. We have received many compliments on our cleanliness and the quality and detail of our organization. Our Request Just over a year ago, we had received preliminary approval for the use of the Essa Agriplex facility for our event in 2016. Later this approval was rescinded on the grounds that the facility is currently zoned for agricultural events only. Therefore, our proposed use requires special permission from the Township of Essa. We respectfully ask for your special permission to use the Essa Agriplex for the use as herein described. We have many members living and working in the Essa area} including those who have local businesses or are self-employed. The guests coming to our event will be frequenting business establishments in our community, and our event will be open and advertised to members of our community. All are welcome! We sincerely appreciate your consideration of our request and will be pleased to provide references and additional information as needed. We look forward to working with you. Our next meeting with the LLC board is on May 16th, 2014; where we will be required to give an update on our planning for services. If at all possible, we would appreciate having feedback before then, as to if this is possible or not. (we know it may take longer to make a decision, however, even knowing it might be a possibility would help!) A\ Sincerely, On behalf of the 2016 LLC Summer Services Executive Planning Committee, Matt Koski (koskimatt@hotlnail.conl) 70S-434-8260} 416-427-S560(c) Olli Vanska (ovanska@hotmail.com)70S-715-7965(c) Auli Niemi (auliniemi30@hotmail.conl) 90S-729-4227(h)} 90S-724-0749(c) Al N o ttawasaga Futures April 2014 Mayor Dowdall Township of Essa 5786 Simcoe County Road 21, Utopia, ON, LOM lTO Dear Mayor Terry Dowdall, RE: Appreciation Certificate to the Township of Essa with Thanks The South Simcoe Streams Network (SSSN) recently held its 2014 Aqua Boost Partner and Community Stream Champs Celebration at which the support of your organization was acknowledged during our awards presentation. The event hosted at Nantyr Shores Secondary School in Innisfil was well received with over 70 participants including varied government, industry, school, community & youth club partners. Please find enclosed your organization's certificate of appreciation in recognition of their investment in the program from 2011 to 2013. Continued partnership support for future projects is very important to us. The South Simcoe Streams Network has a number of opportunities for the public, private and government sectors to "invest in streams together for community and waterway health". The enclosed brochure was unveiled at our 'Aqua Boosf event. It provides updated information on the SSSN as well as a broad list of ways to become engaged. Funding through the Ontario Trillium Foundation since 2008 has ensured a good foundation for the SSSN program. This support has come to an end, but has allowed us to prepare and build for future sustainability. Please check out our new sponsorship system featuring awareness of local 'Ontario Species at Risk'. Partnerships come in many forms, but all are important! On behalf of the South Simcoe Streams Network and Nottawasaga Futures, thank you for your contribution to the future of community and environmental stewardship in South Simcoe! Sincerely, //) /~~/~~ Silvia Pedrazzi Environment Liaison for the South Simcoe Streams Network Nottawasaga Futures 39 Victoria Street East T: 705- 540 • F: 705-435-6907 PO Box 184 T: 905-775·91 19 Alliston ON L9R 1V5 T: 800-509-7554 ced@nottowosoga.com www.nollowasoga.com www.noHowasagocfdc.com Recog nizing Your Contribution to the E· ~ nVlrOnw. ~ If ~ 'V Lent ~ o ~ --o 0~ t :0 t 0' .k·' ,.,~CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF , "Investing in Streams Together for Community and Waterway Health" Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration Minister 6 th Floor 400 University Avenue T Ofonto ON M7A 2R9 Tel.: (416) 325-6200 Fax: (416) 325-6195 Ministere des Affalres civiques et de Plmmlgratlon ~tj Ministre 0 6 etage 400, avenue University 'Toronto ON M7A 2R9 TeL (416) 325·6200 Telec.: (416) 325-6195 ~ OntarIo 1 TOWNSHIP OF ESSA April, 2014 MAY 0 5 2014 1 Re : Ontario Medal For Good Citizenship j' Ij Dear Friends: ' .. - nEC';-J\/c 'r\ .... ell "---- .. "' ........---...----~ .... I :;' .......,~ I am pleased to invite you to participate in the Ontario Medal for Good Citizenship by nominating a deserving citizen. Established in 1973 1 the Ontario Medal for Good Citizenship honours Ontarians who, through e'x ceptional, long-term efforts l have made outstanding contributions to community life. Recipients will be presented with their medal by the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario at a special ceremony at Queen's Park in the Fall of 2014. Nominations can be made by visiting the Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration's website at: www.ontario.ca/honoursandawards. You may submit your nomination on-line by choosing the ((Nominate Online" option, or download the PDF format from the website to submit by mall. For any further information, please contact the Ontario Honours and Awards Secretariat at 416 314-7526, 1 877 832-8622 or (TTY) 416 327-2391: Nominations must be received by July 17, 2014. I encourage you to take the time to nominate a deserving citizen in your community for an Ontario Medal for Good Citizenship. The men and women we honour stand as shining examples to us all. Minister A'l 30 LEWIS STREET WASAGA BEAC H , ONTARIO CANADA L9Z 1A1 www.wasagabeach.com I 1 I Dear Sir/Madam: TCVvf'JSH!P OF ESSA APR 2 5 2014 April 12, 2014 riECEIVED ., - ,----......-,..,..1 _ -_.v~ >_ ........ . .,._,~_~.,..,,_ 1 RE: SPONSORSHIP REQUEST FOR THE "MAYORS CHALLENGE GOLF TOURNAMENT" FRIDAY, JUNE 6, 2014 AT MARLWOOD GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB PROCEEDS TO BENEFIT ACCESSIBLE SWING SEATS, SPORTS PARK OFF - LEASH DOG PARK & SKATE PARK ACTIVITY FEATURES Following a long winter and having such a late spring in 2014, it's time to think about the upcoming summer events. Junefest events in the Town of Wasaga Beach are being planned and the Mayor's Challenge four person Scramble Golf Tournament will help kick-off the activities. Once again the Co- sponsor for this event will be our local radio station "97.7 The Beach." This tournament has gained in popularity over the years and is always a fun day out for the participants. Major prize donators and hole sponsors will have their companies name announced regularly on 97.7 leading up to the event. Individual prizes will be given to all participants and we'll also require items for a draw table and the always popular auction. Prize Donator lists and Hole Sponsor signs will be on display throughout the day. Proceeds for this fundraising tournament will go towards supporting Accessible Swing Seats, an OffLeash Dog Park and Skate Park Activity Features. We thank you in advance for your generosity. Enclosed is a tournament registration form for your convenience, should you wish to join us for the event. Should you require any further information, please feel free to contact our office at 705-429-3321, fax 705-429-3327 or email Darlene Poole, our Administrative Assistant, at facilitybookings@wasagabeach.com. If you wish to donate a prize for the live auction, draw table or individual golfer, please contact us at (705) 429-3321 or fax to (lOS) 429-3327 Sincerely, ,~~ ./ Gerry Reinders Manager of Parks, Facilities and Recreation GR:dap Administration: (705) 429-3844 Fax: 429-6732 Pl anning: 429-3847 429-1120 Building: By- Law: 429-2511 Parks & Rec: 429-3321 Arena : 429 -041 2 Public Works: 429-2540 Fire Departm ent: 429-5281 ~1iIj\1Il~1;~ ~Illfl~ WQjgH1HlQl~lr OOIQ\W0H1I111lL :~Aifljm~Om 1.~RlDAY, JUNE 6 TH AT MARLWOOD GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB 1'0 :00 A M REGISTRATION 11:00 AM SHOT GUN START FOUR PERSON SCRAMBLE PROCEEDS SUP PORT THE: A CCESSIBLE SWING SEA TS SPORTS PARK OFF-LEA SH o DOGPfu~r ~-ATE PARK EQUIPMENT PRIZES FOR Ladies and Men's Longest Drive Ladies and Men's Closest to the Pin Lowest score for Men's team Lowest score for Ladies team Lowest score fOT 50/50 Mixed team Most Honest team SPONSORED BY: 977the Beach - THE VOICE OF SOUTH GEORGIAN BAY Booked on a FIRST PAID basis - SPACE IS LIMITED SO REGISTER EARLY - payment receipt is your confirmation Individual registrations will be put on a waitbst until a team can be formed ('lV' ?lUI j ~ 'It+--Z,r,, ,~[., !iIA t) '5''1; ~i i DAYS ACTIVITIZS: 18 HOLE GOLF & MEAL, TEAM PRIZES, LIVE AUCTION, PRIZE TABLE DRAWS, PUTTING CONTEST, 4-PERSON GOLF CART RAFFLE AND LOTS OF FUN!!! Please (~I x) boxes below TEAM NAME: FOURSOME: o 1. _ _ _ __ 2. _________ _ _ _ ____ 3. o o $125.00 (HST Incl) per golfer 0 Prize Sponsor $500.00 (HST Incl)) per foursome o o Gift bag item (144) Sponsor a Hole $125.00 OLive Auction/ Major Sponsorship Donation 4. CO NTACT P HONE # __________ _ __ Meal only $35 .00 EMAIL ADDRESS: _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ ~ OF JPJillW§ITCITAN§ AND §1UI~GIhON§ OF April 22, 2014 ONIAIR1[0 ~. _w../_ l ~ ~ .. "'~ ~ ...... TI!""I r , Dear Sir/Madam: The Council Award of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario is presented at each Council meeting to honour outstanding Ontario physicians who have demonstrated excellence and embody society's vision of an \\ideal physician". The criteria for selecting a physician for the Council Award is based on the eight \\physician roles identified by Educating Future Physicians of Ontario. The eight point selection criteria are outlined in the attached Coundl Award brochure. ll The College is seeking to recognize physicians whose performance in each of these roles is outstanding, recognizing that individual physicians will demonstrate more extensive expertise in some roles than in others. The four categories from which physicians are selected are: Academic Specialty, Community Specialty, Academic Family Practice and Community Family Practice. We receive a val-iety of nomination packages, some of which are focused around a comprehensive CV, while others consist of personal letters which demonstrate the physician's commitment to the practise of medicine. We understand that given the diverse array of selection criteria, the nominator may wish to use any number of creative ways to highlight the particular attributes of their nominee. If you know of a physician who meets the selection criteria, please nominate him/her for the Council Award. The deadline for receipt of nominations is August 22, 2014. If you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact my Administr"ative Assistant Sharon Thompson at 416-967-2600 or 1-800-2687096 ext 256 or sthompson@cgso.on.ca Sincerely, Prithi S. Yelaja Communications Specialist QUALITY PROrE5SJONAL5\~LTHY SYSTEM I PUBLIC TRUST 80 College Street, Toronto, Ontario M5G 2£2 Tel: (416) 967-2600 Toll Free: (800) 268-7096 Fax: (416) 961-3330 1. Medical Expert/Clinical Decision Maker 5. Health Advocate The physician is well-informed abollt the science and With an understanding of the many determinants of technology of medicine and health care. The physician's health) the physician advocates for more effective public knowledge and skill is used to collect and interpret data, health interventions and policies. make appropriate clinical decisions and carry out diag- 6. learner nostic and therapeutic procedures. ~lbe physician recognizes that the abilities to change and 2. Communicator to lhe physician has effective, humane relationships with medicine. The physician is a self-directed learner and patients and colleagues. The physician understands and keeps abreast of current treatments and philosophies. responds to patients' needs, fears, beliefs and expecta- continue to Jearn are essential (0 the practice of good 7. Scientist/Scholar tions and effectively counsels and educates on health The physician understands the scientHic method and care needs and public healrh care issues. applies it to patient encounters, community health issues 3. Collaborator and to rhe critical assessment of literature related 1he physician works in partnership with Q(her health biological, psychological and sociological basis of illness. care professionals and sees the patient and family mem- ~lhe bers as partners in health care decision-making. 1he physician appropriately LLses CODllTIUnjty to the physician may be engaged in scientific research. 8. Person & Professional and health care 1he physician has developed strategies for coping with reso 11 rces . professional demands to provide maximum opportunity 4. Gatekeeper/Resource Manager for effecrivc relationships with patieL1 ts and colleagues The physician recognizes the many determinants of while at the same time providing excellent medical care. health and the implications of those detenninants for 111e physician is committed to the highest standards of [he practice of medicine. The physician participates at a excellence in clinical care and ethical conducr. number of organizational levels to address issues such as qU<llity of care and quality assurance mechanisms. (2... Assessing the Criteria The College wanes to honour physicians whose performance in these roles is ourstdnding, recognizing that individual physicians will demonstrate more extensive experti~e jn SOfne roles than in others. Council Awards are presented at Council meetings, which are held quarterly. Eligibility for Nomination Anyone may nominate an eligible physician for (he Council Award. To be eligible for nomination, a physician must be licensed in Oncario and be in good standing with (he College. Former recipients of the Council Award or [he Excellence in Quality Management of Ivfedical Care Avvard are not eligible for nomination. 1he completed nomination forIn (on back) and required documentation must be submitted by August 22, 2014, for consideration by the COLlncil Award Selection Committee. • Con1plete the enclosed nomination form, providing as much information as possible abollt the physician nominee. Type or print clearly in the space provided. If additional space is required, attach additional pages. • Provide a detailed nominator's statement. 1n (his statement, describe how the physician nominee has demonstrated overall excellence using the eight physician roles oudined on previous page. It is recognized chat individual physicians will demonstrate more excensive expertise in some roles than in others. 'The nominamf may include concisely presented pertinent supporring materials Oeaers, reports, testimonials, press clippings, etc.). Please do not bind or staple pages . • Find a seconder for the nomination. The seconder should provide a seconder's st<ltemenr, their 0\\'£1 written testimonial abom the nominee and his or her accomplishments, again Llsing the eight physician roles. CHECKLIST: • Obtain and submit a copy of the nominee's curriculum vitae, if possible. Nomination form complete .............................. 0 • Ivfembers of the Council and staff of the College and members of their immediate families are not eligible for nomination for [he Council Award. • rn1e completed Council Award nomination form (including nominator's statement, supporting rnateriat seconder's statement and nominee's curriculum vitae) can be emailed, mailed or faxed m: including: Nominator's statement .................................... 0 Seconder's statement.. .... ................. ........ ........ O Nominee's CV .................................... .............. 0 The Council Award, c/o J\I1s. Sharon Thompson, Physician Advisory Service, College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, 80 College Streec Toronto, On[ario, M5G 2E2 Tel: (416) 967-2600 or 1-800-268-7096, extension 257 Supporting documents (optional} ..................... O Submitted papers are NOT bound ............... .. ... 0 t;\~/~~< .~::!.~\ ~~~·~,,~C~ ;., ~" ~ ;~~ !:~~f~ fl':~~:..~~~~~:. :~~~,~. t,~~Frj~~~ Aug~st' 22,::~Q1:4'a(5pm :" ~:~i;.~/t'<> Fax: (416) 967-2666 Email: s[hompson@cpso.on .ca -t ~NQte(:.Jh~·deadiirie for'rioniin~·tions~' .;Y>:":;"·: .:c~: .. '; ',;C ':'.::.<~:/, ;.: ; Any qLLestion~ concerning the nornination instruccion.s should be directed ro Sharon lllOmpson, and additional nomination forms can be obl'lined by conraccing her. Nomination [OnTIS are also available at: w'vVw.cpso.on.cd. ,~ Couneidward u:'_-,r;. NOMINEE Name of nominee: Address: Telephone number: work fax home E-mail address: , Date an d Place of birth: Degrees earned (Degree, Sco, h 0 1 Year): Specialty, if a,ny:, T e of practice, YP , tments, if any: Faculty appoln Previous honours and awards: NOMINATOR Name: Address: Telephone number: Fax number: E-mail address: SECONDER (must be provided) Name: Address: Telephone number: Fax number: E-mail address: Cement Association of Canada Association Canadienne du Clment Ottawa, April 26,2014 His Worship Mayor Terry Dowdall cc: Bonnie Sander, Clerk Township of Essa 5786 County Road 21 Utopia, ON LOM 1TO 1 TOWNSHIP OF ESSA ! I~ MAY 0 1 2014 l~_ HE_·qE_IVED_. Dear Mayor Dowdall, On behalf of the Cement Association of Canada (CAC), I would like to draw your attention to an urgent issue that could negatively impact the integrity of the Ontario Building Code and jeopardize the safety of the people in your municipality. On March 20, 2014, the Ontario government announced proposed changes to the Ontario Building Code to permit the construction of six-storey wood frame buildings. The province is holding a public consultation on the proposed changes until May 4, 2014. The provincial government's announcement reflects the interests of the wood products industry and its recent lobbying efforts. Those who promote taller wood frame construction believe that a four storey limit on residential and commercial wood buildings is no longer necessary, and have been actively pressing provincial governments to politically amend building codes to permit six- storey wood frame structures outside the tried and true longstanding building code review process. Federally, the wood products industry is also pushing for changes to allow for the construction of sixstorey wood buildings in the 2015 edition of the National Building Code of Canada. As an elected representative of your municipality, I know that you want to protect and strengthen your municipality, as well as ensure that your housing market meets or exceeds the codes and standards that the residents of your community deserve. Unfortunately, the proposal put forth by the Ontario government, as currently drafted, could place Ontarians' lives at risk. Currently, there are no provisions in place to protect those who are engaged in the construction of these buildings or the fire fighters who respond to emergencies or potentially fatal fires in these buildings. It is considered outside the mandate of the building code to include safety clauses for people who work on the site and those who respond to emergencies at the site. We believe that the lives of fire fighters should be protected in the Ontario Building Code. An interesting point to note is that Ontario has 19,000 voluntary fire fighters and only 11,000 professional fire fighters. Further, if the regulation is approved, taller wood frame buildings may be constructed in areas of your municipality that may not have adequate firefighting coverage, including those currently being protected by voluntary firefighters. Many local fire departments across the province do not have the equipment to fight a massive blaze in a six storey building. To adequately fight such a fire, fire fighters need 100-foot ladder trucks that cost as much as one million dollars each and require specially trained crews. This is very costly, particularly at a time when municipal tax dollars are being stretched to the limit and when we see some Ontario municipalities, including the city of Toronto, cutting their budgets for fire services. Owners of residential and commercial buildings constructed with wood may also face higher insurance premiums. I know that your government wants to ensure that housing remains affordable in your municipality. The proposed changes to the Ontario Building Code will undoubtedly increase ,~ 350 Sparks, #502, Ottawa ON K1R 7S8 Telephone 613-236-9471 Fax 613-563-4498 Cement Association of Canada du Clment Association canadienne building and insurance costs - and, most importantly, compromise the safety of the people in your community. Those who are often the most vulnerable - the very young, seniors and physically disabled citizens are those who would be at greatest risk in the unfortunate scenario where a fire breaks out. The massive fires that have recently destroyed multi-storey wood buildings in Kingston, Ontario, Richmond, British Columbia, Edmonton, Alberta, and Houston, Texas, demonstrate how dangerous these buildings can be, and how many lives will be put at risk as a result. We do appreciate that the Ontario government has included some fire safety provisions in the draft proposal, such as the inclusion of non-combustible stairwells. However, the omission of important fire safety features - such as non-combustible elevator shafts and firewalls - demonstrate that this proposal does not go far enough to protect the people and communities of Ontario. Recently we saw how a concrete masonry firewall prevented a raging fire in L'lsle-Verte, Quebec from destroying an entire retirement complex. This tragedy should serve as a reminder that we need more fire safety features implemented in our building codes to fully protect the safety of Ontario communities. The minimum standard of a building code is just not enough to protect the residents of your community. The proposal that has been put forward by the Ontario government, which boosts an industry at the expense of citizens' safety, is a cause of great concern. We are currently urging each and every politician in Ontario to calion the provincial government to defer any proposed mid-rise wood frame changes to the Ontario Building Code until after the 2015 National Building Code of Canada is debated and the fire safety issues are adequately addressed. This will allow time for proper assessment and coordination with the National Building Code of Canada, which is the standard code development process traditionally used in Ontario . It is crucial that any building code changes go through proper channels and ensure that all fire safety implications are addressed . We need a full public policy debate about what risks Ontarians are willing to take when it comes to the construction standards set for the buildings that we live and work in. Please write to your MPP and to the Honourable Bill Mauro, Minister of Municipal Affairs to raise your concern that the Province of Ontario shouldn't be moving so quickly and out of step with the National Building Code Process. Feel free to contact me directly if you have any questions about the CAC's position on mid-rise wood frame construction and fire safety. We know you understand that the health and safety of Ontario communities must come first. Finally, I hope you will share this letter with your city councillors so they can also take action. Yours sincerely, Michael B McSweeney President and CEO \- 350 Sparks, #502, Ottawa ON K1R 758 Telephone 613-236-9471 Fax 613-563-4498 • IrJq ~ COVNTYOF ; SIMCOE ,. : ~.~ , ,.-~ for (lie GJca!a G(lOtl"-,._.~fl .. "" ..~~ Release County of Simcoe, Office of the Warden and CAO I I '0 Highway 26, Midhurst, Ontario LO L I XO simcoe.ca FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 9-1-1 texting for the deaf, deafened, hard of hearing and speech-impaired community not currently available in Simcoe County MidhurstlMay 7,2014 - Under new regulations enforced by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecomniunications Commission (CRTC) it is now required that all wireless service providers in Canada provide a text to 9-1-1 (T9-1-1) registration option for members of the deaf, deafened, hard of hearing and speech-impaired community. The County of Simcoe commends these new regulations. However, T9-1-1 is not currently available in Simcoe County. Required network upgrades currently in progress must be completed before this service can be offered in Simcoe County. An announcement will be made once T9-1-1 is available to our residents. Voice calling remains the only way to communicate with 9-1-1 services for a person who is not deaf, deafened, hard of hearing or with speech impairment in the County of Simcoe. TTY services continue to be available for those members of the deaf, deafened, hard of hearing and speech-impaired community who use this service. For more information on texting with 9-1-1 for the deaf, deafened, hard of hearing and speech-impaired community, please go to textwith911.ca. The County of Simcoe is composed of sixteen member municipalities and provides crucial public services to County residents in addition to providing paramedic and social services to the separated cities of Barrie and Orillia. Visit our website at simcoe.ca . Allan Greenwood Director, Corporate Communications 705-726-9300 ext. 1230 Allan.G reenwood@simcoe.ca Collin Matanowitsch Communications Co-ordinator 705-726-9300 ext. 1430 Collin.Matanowitsch@simcoe.ca + A1b 1 Advisory SlMCOEAb .~~ For the Grco(cr Good • County of Simcoe, Office of the Warden and CAO I I 10 Highway 26, Midhut"St, Ontario LOL I XO simcoe.ca -- FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE County presents Night at the Museum MidhurstlMay 8, 2014 - Join local celebrity Guest Curators at the Simcoe County Museum for a night of mystery and intrigue. Guests will be treated to stories of mysterious artifacts from the Museum's collection with a game of Truth or Fiction. Eight feature artifacts from the Museum's extensive collection have been selected and guests will hear two plausible descriptions for each artifact. Participants will have the opportunity to question the Guest Curators in an effort to decide which of the descriptions is true and which is false . Guests then choose the answer they think is right. Guests who correctly identify all eight artifacts will be entered into the grand prize draw. EVENT: What Night at the Museum Where Simcoe County Museum 1151 Highway 26, Minesing, Ontario When May 29,2014 7:00·10:30 p.m. Tickets $75 each A tax receipt will be issued for a portion of the ticket price Funds raised will support the Georgian Village Fundraising Campaign, and will be used to help complete major projects including the Village Woodworking area, Fitness Room and Therapeutic Pool, and Georgian Blooms Greenhouse. Georgian Village is the County's new seniors' lifestyle community situated in the Town of Penetanguishene. With a focus on aging-in-place, Georgian Village campus offers a continuum of housing options that will help seniors find the kind of care they need for whatever stage of life they are in. For more information about the Night at the Museum, contact 705-726-9300 ext. 1257, marga retthibideau@simcoe.ca or visit simcoe.ca/d ptlltc/fu ndrais i n9. The County of Simcoe is composed of sixteen member municipalities and provides crucial public services to County residents in addition to providing paramedic and social services to the separated cities of Barrie and Orillia. Visit our website at simcoe.ca. - 30 Allan Greenwood Director, Corporate Communications 705-726-9300 ext. 1230 Allan.Greenwood@simcoe.ca Jennifer Straw Communications Co-ordinator 705-726·9300 ext. 1036 Jennifer.Straw@simcoe.ca me Advisory County of Simcoe, Office of the Warden and CAO II 10 Highway 26, Midhurst, Ontario LOL I XO simcoe.ca FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE County of Simcoe Paramedics celebrate inaugural Paramedic Services Week MidhurstiMay 9,2014 - May 25 to 31, 2014 is the inaugural Paramedic Services Week across Canada. Activities are scheduled in Simcoe County in order to recognize and celebrate the dedication of our front line paramedic personnel. To help kickoff this special week, County of Simcoe Paramedic Services will be swearing in the Paramedic for a Day contest winner Megan Wales, a Grade 5 student from Goodfellow Public School in Innisfil. Megan's essay entitled "Paramedic for a Day" was chosen from hundreds of local school children who entered the annual writing contest. Megan will receive a certificate, badge, and stethoscope at a ceremony during the May 13th County Council meeting. She will then spend the day with a County of Simcoe paramedic crew learning about the job. This will include touring a paramedic station and Georgian Central Ambulance Communications Centre, meeting with police and fire personnel to learn how emergency services work together, and assisting paramedics as they perform a mock exercise. "Paramedics provide life-saving support to our residents and visitors every day," said Warden Cal Patterson. "Paramedic Services Week is an incredible chance to recognize these dedicated individuals for the vital service that they provide, and to say thank you." EVENT: What Where Paramedic for a Day Swearing-In Ceremony and Photo Opportunity County of Simcoe Administration Centre 1110 Highway 26, Midhurst, Ontario When May 13,2014 9A.M. The County of Simcoe is composed of 16 member municipalities and provides crucial public services to County residents in addition to providing paramedic and social services to the separated cities of Barrie and Orillia. Visit our website at simcoe.ca. - 30Allan Greenwood Director, Corporate Communications 705-726-9300 ext. 1230 705-794-9301 (mobile) Allan.Greenwood@simcoe.ca Jennifer Straw Communications Co-ordinator 705-726-9300 ext. 1036 705-790-5979 (mobile) Jennifer.Straw@slmcoe.ca r'~ Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration Ministere des Affaires civiques et de !'Immigration Deputy Minister Sous-m inistre th 6 Floor 400 University Avenue Toronto ON M7 A 2R9 Tel.: 416 325~6210 Fax: 416325-6196 May 2014 trOntario e 6 etage 400, avenue University . Toronto ON M7 A 2R9 Tel. : 416325-6210 Telec . : 416325-6196 MAY 0 ~ , _ , Dear Friends: Each year, the Government of Ontario celebrates the accolnplislm1ents and contributions Inany of our wonderful seniors make to cOlulnunities across Ontario. This year, the Senior Achievement Award will once again highlight the significant voluntary and professional achieveluents made by individuals after they have reached the age of 65. I encourage you to participate in the 2014 Senior Achievement Award Program by nOlninating a deserving senior. Online nomination fonus and infonnation outlining details of the progrmn, the selection criteria and the procedures followed are available at: www.ontario.ca/honoursandawards . The deadline date for nomination is June 15. If you require further information, please contact the Ontario Honours and Awards Secretariat in Toronto at 416-314-7526, toll-free at 1-877-832-8622 or TTY at 416-327-2391. Thank you in advance for taking the time to consider putting forward the name of a special senior in your conununity for a Senior Achievement Award. Sincerely, ;:~ - , ,j 1\; ,I" ;\: Ii " .\$ Chisanga Puta-Chekwe Deputy Minister 11-244 Aq Centre for Community, Arts & Culture The Gibson Cultural Centre 63 Tupper Street West Alliston, ON L9R lE4 Phone: 705-435-2828 gibsoncentre.com info@gibsoncentre.com Building the Future Together 2014 Campaign Mayor Dowdall, Deputy Mayor MacDonald and Members of Council Township of Essa 5786 County Road 21 Utopia, ON, LOM 1 TO Dear Mayor Dowdall, Deputy Mayor MacDonald and Members of Council, As you are aware The Gibson Cultural Centre is the main arts and cultural centre of South Simcoe. Its mission is to host cultural activities, to showcase art, and to provide an environment which promotes and encourages knowledge and skills in artistic pursuits. To date, financial support and infinite hours of volunteer work have created a wonderful facility dedicated to the support and growth of arts and culture in our community. As Chair of the "Friends of The Gibson" campaign committee, my mission is to solicit financial support to establish stable and sustainable funding for the operations and growth of the Centre. Enclosed you will find information pertaining to this campaign, a pledge form and benefits for donors at various levels of recognition on the Donor Wall. I hope that you find the enclosed information of interest and will support this great community facility and its many programs. A brochure is enclosed for your perusal. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact The Gibson Centre at 705-435-2828 or contact me at 705-435-4844. I thank you in advance for your consideration and congratulate all who are continuing to support The Gibson Centre. Very sincerely, Bob J ck n Chair "Friends of The Gibson" ~\ Charitable Registration 89847 2519 RROOl Centre for Community. Arts & Culture The Gibson Centre for Community, Arts and Culture "The Friends of The Gibson" Campaign Pledge Form Gift Amount: In support of "The Friends of The Gibson" Campaign I/we hereby pledge: o A total gift of $ _ _ __ o A monthly gift of $ _ _ __ Method of Payment: 1. 0 Cash or Cheque payable to "The Friends of The Gibson" enclosed. 2. 0 A post-dated cheque payable to "The Friends of The Gibson" enclosed. 3. 0 VISA 0 MasterCard: ____________ Card Number ExpiryOate_l_ o One time charge of $ _ __ or o Charge me $_ __ o Monthly 0 Quarterly Starting on _1_1__ o M Ending D Semi-annually _1_1__ D YEAR M YEAR 4. 0 Bill me $ _ _ _ _ _ on (date) _1_1__ D M YEAR Gift Acknowledgement: o I/we understand that we will receive a charitable tax receipt and that my/our gift will be recognized and wish that it be recognized with the following name(s). (E.g. John & Sally Smith, IndustryBusiness-Organization name or you may request to remain anonymous). For tax receipt and record keeping purposes, correspondence should be addressed to: Name for Tax Receipt: Name(S) for Correspondence: Address Town: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Postal Code Telephone: Residence _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Business Fax Signature _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Email -------------- Date - - 0- /- - M -/"""'y""""EAR""-- 63 Tupper Street West, Alliston, Ontario, L9R 1 E4 (705) 435-2828 KDWRAY ACCOUNTING FIRM PRESENTLY AUDITS THE GIBSON CENTRE EACH YEAR, WITH RESULTS PUBLISHED IN ITS ANNUAL REPORT. DEDICATED BUSINESS AND COMMUNITY LEADERS SIT ON ITS BOARD OF DIRECTORS, ENSURING ACCOUNTABILITY AND INTEGRITY. THE GIBSON CENTRE IS A RECOGNIZED CHARITY AND RESPECTS THE PRIVACY OF ITS DONORS. INFORMATION COLLECTED WILL BE USED TO KEEP YOU UP TO DATE ON THE GIBSON CENTRE AS X T H E R OPPORTUNITIES TO LEND YOUR SUPPORT TO THE ORGANIZATION. CHARITABLE REGI N 898472519 RR001 CHARITABLE RECEIPTS ISSUED FOR DONATION OF $25 OR MORE Centre for Community. Arts & Culture The Gibson Centre for Community, Arts and Culture "The Friends of The Gibson" "'On behalf of the Board of the Gibson Cultural Centre, I would like to express my appreciation to the many people in our community who support Arts and Culture and recognize the great benefit of having The Gibson Centre as the place where culture is preserved, performed and encouraged. As a relative newcomer to the board, I recognize that I "stand on the shoulders of those who have come before me", whose hard work and determination transformed a farm implement factory into a fabulous piece of architecture that will be preserved for generations to come. The Gibson Centre is alive with Arts; including the Gibson Theatre Schooll the Open Art Studio, Artists at the Gibson, upcoming live performances and a weekly Open Mic Night. It is home to local radio station MYFM as well as the South Simcoe Arts CounCil, the Alliston Rotary Club and many others who appreciate the creative community provided within the walls of the Centre. With your support, we will continue to build on the solid foundation that has been established, and arts and culture will thrive in our community. II Janette Vander 2aag "Small communities that thrive are often made that way by a superb volunteer base Culture & the Arts help to form the very fabric of a community, almost everything we see or touch has been designed by someone creative. Volunteering in a cultural centre is very rewarding. You work alongside people who care about enriching their community. Those rewards come not from what people do for you but from what you can do for others." Sue Menzies Artist in Residence Left to right - Sue Menzies, Artist in Residence, Jennifer Fortin, General Manager Janette Vander Zaag, President "Donors to the Gibson Centre are investing in the ideas and people committed to the growth of Arts and Culture in New Tecumseth. With support from corporations, businesses, residents and patrons, our goal is to see arts and culture, in every form, flourish. Driven by passion for the Centre, we are on our way!" Jennifer Fortin, General Manager The Gibson Cultural Centre 63 Tupper Street West Alliston, ON L9R lE4 Centre for Commu nity, AI ts & Culture Phone: 705-435-2828 9 i bsoncentre. com i nfo@gibsoncentre.com Building the Future Together 2014 Campaign It's All Here At The Gibson! • • • • • • • • • The Honda Performance Hall - alSO-seat performance venue Cafe and Gift Shop Gallery and Exhibition Hall Studio and Workshop Spaces Children's Theatre Programs Home of Alliston Rotary Home of various Community and Arts related organizations Weddings, Special Occasion Banquets, Conferences and Meetings Programs for all ages The Gibson Centre is centrally located... The perfect place to meet with friends or clients, hold a conference or host a celebration. The Gibson Centre offers: Lower Level: Large multi-use space with in-floor heating Two Green Rooms that can be used for entertainers or spaces for the Bride and Groom's use Main Floor: Cafe, Gift Shop, Gallery, Bar Honda Performance Hall Reception area for smaller venues "Friends of the Gibson" Donor Wall Floor: Large commercial kitchen Two large conference/dining areas Bar 2nd 3rd Floor: .:. .:. .:. Boardroom for meetings/events / marriage ceremonies Fully Accessible Facility On All Levels - WashroomsfElevator Parking 'l,\.i The Gibson Cultural Centre 63 Tupper Street West Alliston, ON L9R lE4 Phone: 705-435-2828 gibsoncentre.com info@gibsoncentre.com Cenrre for Community, Arts & Culture Building the Future Together 2014 Campaign OF INTEREST: • The Gibson Centre for Community, Arts and Culture is operated by The Gibson Centre Corporation, a registered not-for-profit charitable organization administered by a volunteer board, including a member of New Tecumseth Council. • The Centre's facilities and programming are administered by a management team under a General Manager. • Valuable contributors - Volunteers Gibson Board Honourary Founding Director: Marilyn Holmstrom Chair: Janette Vander Zaag Directors: Brian Depoe Peter Gordon Hart Holmstrom Ken Lawrence Rick Milne Campaign Team Chair: Bob Jackson Kathleen Heslip Marilyn Holmstrom Patricia MacLeod Carolyn Maxwell Joan Warren General Manager: Jennifer Fortin Operating revenues are generated mainly through theatre audiences, cafe, gift shop and bar revenues, tenants, user groups/ organizations, special functions/ events, grants, fundraising events, sponsors and donations. By June 30th of each year the accumulated donations by donors will be used to update the categories on the Donor Wall. Become Part of The Gibson Centre and Make OUf Charita ble Registration 89847 2519 RROl Donors will be issued charitable tax r~~s for $25 or more History JLive' ~ n-J JVCA conservationUPDATE Subscribe Share'" Page 1 of 4 Past Issues I _ _1__ _ Translate.... i RS~ _ A monthly ne'll\'sletter brought to you by the Nottawasaga Vallev Conservation Authority MAY 2014 Restoration of Bell's Gristmill gets a $10,000 Boost The Willowool Foundation has generously donated $10,000 to the Friends of Utopia Gristmill & Park. Mark Cullen, well-known gardening expert and president of the Willowool Foundation, made the donation April 24. Mark was in Utopia speaking at a Friends of Utopia Gristmill & Park fundraising event. The Willowool funds will support the restoration of the historic Bell's Gristmill at the Utopia Conservation Area. The Friends host a number of fundraising events throughout the year, including their annual compost sale this weekend, May 10, from 9 a.m. to 12 noon. Visit utopiahall.ca/events.htm for more information. 25th Annual NVCA Tree Sale runs May 10 Come out this Saturday for the NVCA's 25th Annual Arbour Day Tree Sale. This year's sale will include a variety of trees and shrubs, such as white spruce, white cedar, white and red pine, balsam fir, red osier dogwood, Norway spruce, hybrid poplar, stag horn sumac, red oak, and black walnut. Locations: http://us4 .campaign-archive2.comJ?u=a304c73 8aa5429af296d08a5b&id=fdef51 aaea&e=3 7513 702ae 08/05/2014 Page 2 of 4 NVCA conservationUPDATE A\o • 8 a.m. to 12 noon at the Tiffin Centre for Conservation, Utopia (map). Trees are sold in bundles of 10 for $20. Cash or credit card payments only. • 9 a.m. to 12 noon at Blueberry Trail at the Nordic Centre Parking Lot, Wasaga Beach (map). Trees are sold individually. Cash only please. Thanks to the Ganaraska Hiking Club of Wasaga Beach for hosting this event. Volunteers Needed! With spring finally upon us, our tree planting and stewardship programs are in full swing. We are looking for volunteers to help us with a number of projects across the watershed: • May 10, Shelburne - Besley Creek Community Tree Plant Contact Shannon Stephens, NVCA, sstephens@nvca.on .ca or 705-424-1479 x 239 • May 24, Essa - Trees for Streams Tree Planting Work Party Contact Silvia Pedrazzi, South Simcoe Streams Network (SSSN), silvia@nottawasaqa.com or 705-435-1540 • May 31, The Blue Mountains - Petun Conservation Area Garlic Mustard Pull Garlic mustard is an invasive species native to Europe. It is one of the most aggressive invaders in Ontario's forests. Contact Jim Richardson, Nature League, 705-465-2613 • June 14, Bradford West-Gwillimbury - Trees for Streams Tree Planting Work Party Contact Silvia Pedrazzi, SSSN, silvia@nottawasaga.com or 705-435-1540 Volunteer individually or as part of a community group. The events can count toward the high school community hours requirements. For more information, visit nvca.on.ca. If hiking is more your thing, the Friends of Fort Willow are helping to establish a committee to promote the use of the historic and recreational Nine Mile Portage Trail. If you are a hiker and interested in encouraging the use of this trail, contact the Friends through the lIcontact us" page of their website, fortwillow.com. 2' http://us4.campaign-archive2.coml?u=a304c738aa5429af296dO8a5b&id=fdef51aaea&e=37513702ae 08/05/2014 NVCA conservation UPDATE Page 3 of 4 New look for NVCA Website •... . ., :, ~:.. In mid-April, we unveiled a new look and AfO improved navigation for the NVCA's . website. The updated site scales to any screen size for visitors using smart phones and ta blets. Ou r web-based interactive mapping, introduced last fall, is front and centre. Watershed residents can use this program to see if their property is in an area regulated by the NVCA. Check-out the new site at nvca.on.ca, Summer fun at Camp Tiffin! Registration continues for NVCA's Camp Tiffin Summer Day Camp for children ages 5 to 12. Our week-long summer camps offer outdoor fun and learning about our amazing natural world. Activities include canoeing, wilderness skills, scientific investigations, crafts, drama and interactive games with a focus on the environment and learning about nature. Registration information and forms are available on the NVCA's website at nvca.on.ca. Take the Healthy Hikes Challenge Conservation Ontario's 2014 Healthy Hike Challenge kicked off May 1. Spend time hiking in Ontario's more than 270 conservation areas and track your progress for a chance to win great prizes! Register at healthyhikes.cal Upcoming Events May 10 - 25th Annual Arbor Day Tree Sale Tiffin Centre, Utopia, 8 a. m. to~oon http://us4.campaign-archive2.comJ?u=a304c73 8aa5429af296d08a5b&id=fdef51aaea&e=37513702ae 08/05/2014 leA conservationUPDATE Page 4 of 4 Blueberry Trail, Wasaga Beach, 9 a.m. to 12 noon May 10 - Besley Creek Community Tree Planting Shelburne, 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. May 24 - Trees for Streams Tree Planting Work Party Essa, 9 a.m. to 12 noon May 31 - Petun Conservation Area Garlic Mustard Pull The Blue Mountains, 10: 30 a. m. to 3: 30 p. m. May 31 - Caring for your Horse, Land and Water: Environmental Stewardship Workshop for Horse and Farm Owners Nobleton, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., hosted by TRCA For information on any of these events, visit nvca.on.ca or call 705-424-1479. follow on Twitter I friend on Facebook I forward to a friend Copyright © 2014 Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority, All rights reserved. unsubscribe from this list I update subscription preferences http://us4.campaign-archive2.comJ?u=a304c73 8aa5429af296d08a5b&id=fdef51 aaea&e=3 7513 702ae 08/05/2014 simcoe muskoka DISTR ICT HEALTH UNIT !TO~IN;~IP o~ ES~~ April 30, 2014 t MAY 1 4 20H 1 t . : '.1 1 c', ) ; • • . .. • ~ I Mr. Greg Murphy Chief Administrative Officer Township of Essa 5786 County Road 21 Utopia, ON LOM 1TO Dear Mr. Murphy: Re: West Nile Virus Program Planning - 2014 Planning is well underway for the 2014 West Nile virus season. The health unit program, as in previous years, will include public education, surveillance and mosquito control coordination. The need for larviciding programs in your municipality in the upcoming season was assessed according to a local risk assessment and decision-making framework which was developed in 2006 and updated in 2008. The framework considers the presence and abundance of critical amplification vector, Culex pipienslrestuans, populations in previous surveillance seasons, and the presence of WNv positive indicators, excluding avian specimens, within the vicinity in the previous season. As a result of this evaluation, municipalities were assigned to one of three tiers for control actions. The three tiers are: I. Larviciding Actions: This tier consists of those municipalities which have received direction to larvicide from the Medical Officer of Health in previous seasons and have evidence of sustained Culex pipienslrestuans populations throughout the season and multiple positive WNv indicators in previous seasons. Notice to larvicide catch basins will be issued by the Medical Officer of Health to these municipalities II. Heightened Surveillance - Larviciding Standby: This tier consists of those municipalities which have received direction to larvicide from the Medical Officer of Health in previous seasons but do not have sustained Culex pipienslrestuans populations throughout the season and/or do not have multiple positive WNv indicators in previous seasons. Notices to larvicide will not be issued by the Medical Officer of Health at this time. Heightened surveillance activities will be implemented in these municipalities to monitor the presence and abundance of mosquito populations of concern, primarily Culex pipienslrestuans. As a component of WNv contingency planning, these municipalities shall complete the Ministry of Environment permit application process and be on standby to larvicide catch basins on short notice should the current season surveillance data indicate the need for control measures. o Barrie: o Collingwood: o Cookstown: o Gravenhurst: o Huntsville: o Midland: 15 Sperling Drive Barrie, ON L4M 6K9 705-721-7520 FAX: 705-721-1495 280 Pretty River Pkwy. Collingwood. ON L9Y 4J5 705-445-0804 FAX: 705-445-6498 2-25 King Street S Cookstown. ON LOL lLO 705-458·1103 FAX: 705-458-0105 2-5 Pineridge Gate Gravenhurst, ON P1P lZ3 705-684-9090 05-684 -9887 F 34 ChaffeySt. Huntsville. ON P1H 1K1 705-789-8813 FAX: 705-789-7245 B-865 Hugel Ave. Midland. ON L4R 1X8 705-526-9324 FAX: 705-526-1513 "z..:. Your Health Connection o Orillia: 120-1 69 Front St. S. Orillia, ON L3V 4S8 705-325-9565 FAX: 705-325-2091 ~\, III. Ongoing Monitoring: This tier consists of those municipalities which have not received direction from the Medical Officer of Health to larvicide in previous seasons. Surveillance strategies will continue in these areas. It is recommended that these municipalities, as a component of their WNv contingency planning, review the MOE permit application guide and gather the necessary information to complete the permit application process on short notice. The Township of Essa has been assessed as Tier III: Ongoing Monitoring. Based on this assessment, the Township of Essa is directed to review the MOE permit applicant guide and gather the necessary information to complete the permit application process on short notice should it be necessary. A template will be forwarded for your use in tracking municipal WNv expenditures for the 2014 season. Submission of WNv expenditures will be requested in October, 2014. A template for completion will be forwarded at that time. We appreciate your continued participation in the WNv program. For further information, please contact Ryan MacDougall, Program Manager, at 705-721-7330, ext. 7772, ryan .macdougall@smdhu .org or Lori Holmes, Vector Borne Disease Program Coordinator, ext. 7266, lori.holmes@smdhu.org, Sincerely, !~ ~~~. Charles Gardner, MD, CCFP, MHSc, FRCPC Medical Officer of Health c. Sheila Perry, Engineering/Development Review Technician 31