The Shanty Bay Beacon


The Shanty Bay Beacon
Shanty Bay
Nov. 2015
Simcoe County District School Board
Safe Arrival Number: 705.722.0900 press 1
Follow us on Twitter: @ShantyBayPS
A message from Mr. Crozier...
We have some great things happening in our classrooms and
school. Here are three of the things we are implementing at
SBPS: Zones of Regulation, Growth Mindset and Inquiry Based
Zones of Regulation is a tool to self regulate. You identify what
zone you are in and use strategies to get in to the Green Zone.
Ask you child what zone they are in.
Growth Mindset is a way of thinking. Intelligence can be developed, challenges are embraced and we persevere despite setbacks or failures. It is a valuable way of thinking and
Inquiry Based Learning is learning based on student ideas, questions and observations. It
often involves open ended investigations in these ideas and questions where students engage in reasoning and problem solving.
These are just some of the things happening in the classrooms. If you have any questions,
ideas or concerns, as always please share them.
Mr. Crozier
Stay Informed!
Follow us on Twitter @ShantyBayPS
Get reminder text messages delivered to your phone. Simply text ‘@sbschool’ to
Get on our volunteer email list. Email your name to:
Tired of making lunches??
We have started a new lunch program at Shanty Bay. The program will run
on Mondays. There are many options and benefits to this program. Please
check out ‘’ for all of the information!
Yes, it’s that time of the year again!
Bus cancellation information in case of inclement weather
Winter is just around the corner in Simcoe County, and with it comes the possibility of severe weather, challenging winter driving conditions and, as a result, possible bus and school
event cancellations.
All information regarding cancelled buses in Simcoe County is posted on the Simcoe County
Student Transportation Consortium’s bus information website at Our school is in the Central zone. When buses are cancelled, remember that schools are still open (unless otherwise noted) for
student learning.
The Consortium, in conjunction with bus operators, will make the decision
to cancel school buses before 6 a.m. and as such, will make every effort
to post announcements between 6 and 7 a.m. Parents should also note
that inclement weather cancellations are effective for the whole day and
buses cancelled in the morning will not run at the end of the day.
You can also subscribe to receive bus delay notifications here: and you can follow the Consortium on
Twitter @SCSTC_SchoolBus.
Update on Progress Reports
As you may be aware, the Elementary Teachers Federation of Ontario (ETFO) is currently engaged in
provincial work-to-rule job action. As a result, the Simcoe County District School Board (SCDSB),
along with most other affected school boards in the province, is postponing elementary Progress Reports and Kindergarten Conference Forms. In addition, on the November 13 PA Day, teachers will be
holding interviews with parents of children whose progress they wish to discuss. Teachers will contact
the parents/guardians of those students to arrange the interviews. As always, if you have questions
about your child’s progress, you can contact his or her teacher for information.
Update on Custodial Staff’s Job Action
As you may be aware the custodian(s) in our school are engaged in a work-to-rule. This means that
you may see a difference in the cleanliness and upkeep of our school. We can assure you that we are
monitoring the situation on a daily basis. You child’s safety and security is always our top priority. If
you have specific concerns, don’t hesitate to contact Mr. Crozier.
Congratulations to Mrs. Oliver’s Class who won our token incentive for September!
Ask your Buccaneer about the awesome things students have done to earn a
token for their class!
Ice Cream! Wear your costume to the Carthew Bay General Store on
Halloween from 1-4pm to get your free ice cream!

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