From the Principals Desk: Chris Harding


From the Principals Desk: Chris Harding
March 2015
Wyevale Central Public School
20 Concession 5 East,
Wyevale Ontario, L0L 2T0
(P) 705-322-2734 (Fax) 705-322-2039
Principal: Mr. Chris Harding
Twitter: @WyevaleP
Web Page:
Upcoming events:
March 4:
Colts Tickets sales end.
$50.00 Kitchi payment
March 6:
Pizza kits delivered
(3-5:30 pm)
March 12:
Cardboard boat races (int)
$50.00 Ottawa payment
March 14:
Colts game
March 16-20
March Break
March 27:
Jump Rope Kick off
March’s Character Trait
Honesty –
“We behave in a sincere,
trustworthy and truthful
Wyevale Central
School Hours
8:50 - 10:30
10:30 - 10:50
10:50 - 11:10
11:10 - 12:50
12:50 - 1:10
1:10 - 1:30
1:30 - 3:10
Period 1 & 2
Nutrition Break
Fitness Break
Period 3 & 4
Nutrition Break
Fitness Break
Period 5 & 6
From the Principals Desk:
First term is complete and, hopefully, we are moving
towards warmer weather and sunshine!
The Intermediate Girls’ Volleyball and Boys’ Basketball
teams have completed their seasons with great success!
Many thanks to our coaches who volunteer their time at
lunch and before and after school to offer our students
the opportunity to develop their skills and have fun.
The “Snuggle up and Read” event was a great success
and it was wonderful to see so many of you that night.
We have had a number of occasions recently when we
have tried to get in touch with parents or emergency
contacts due to injuries, illness or other issues.
Unfortunately, we are finding that a number of phone
numbers are out of service. If your numbers have
changed, please let us know at the school office. In an
emergency, we need to be able to get in touch with you.
March Break begins on March 16th. We hope everyone
enjoys the holiday and returns with renewed energy for
an exciting 2nd term with all it has to offer!
Have a happy, safe and restful March Break!
Chris Harding
Page 2
Information from the Simcoe Muskoka District Health
Unit regarding measles
With the recent cases of measles in Ontario, the local public health unit is encouraging parents to ensure their
child’s immunizations are up to date. According to the Ontario Ministry of Health, children who are in school
should have received two doses of the MMR (Measles, Mumps & Rubella) vaccine; the first dose after their
first birthday and the second dose at 4 to 6 years of age. Anyone born in 1970 or after should also ensure that
they have received two doses of the MMR vaccine. Those born before 1970 are assumed to be immune as
they were likely exposed to measles as a child.
According to the immunization records that the health unit currently has on file for all school age children in
Simcoe and Muskoka, about 85% of children have received two doses of MMR vaccine. It is important to
notify the health unit if your child receives immunizations at your health care provider so that their
immunization record can be updated at the health unit.
Measles is a contagious virus that spreads very easily from person to person through coughing, sneezing and
even talking. Symptoms begin with fever, runny nose, cough and red eyes followed a few days later by a red
rash around the face which spreads to the chest, arms and legs. Approximately 10% of people with measles
will develop complications such as ear infections, pneumonia or encephalitis, which can lead to seizures,
deafness, mental disabilities or death.
For more information, please visit the health unit’s website at or call Health
Connection at 705-721-7520 or toll free at 1-877-721-7520.
Take action and make room for play!
In today’s culture of busyness, the claim of “no time” for physical activity is often heard, yet, kids
aged 5 to 11 are spending 7.6 hours a day being sedentary and 73% of 5 to 10 year olds watch TV,
play video games or read books in the after-school period. Moderating kids’ screen time (which
includes TV, videos, DVDs, computers, video games, and handheld devices) is KEY for healthy
development and staying active. Play allows children of all ages to learn new skills, get creative and
test boundaries. Aside from the many physical health benefits, active play also helps improve social,
emotional and mental well-being. To learn more about the Make Room for Play campaign, visit
Page 3
Notice to Students and Legal Custodians
of Students Regarding out of area requests
Under the Simcoe County District School Board procedures (APM A7000), it is possible for students to apply
for and receive permission to attend an out-of-attendance-area school.
Students will be permitted to continue in attendance as long as there are pupil places available. They may be
required to return to their home school or transfer to another school when capacity of the school they are
attending has been reached and pupil places are required for students residing within the attendance areas.
An approval may also be revoked by the Superintendent of Education after consultation with the receiving
Principal for reasons related to the student’s behaviour, attendance, actions or inactions at a future date.
Even with this permission, however, the responsibility for transportation to and from school home by the outof-attendance area student and/or parent/guardian.
Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) for Grade 10 students on March 26
Grade 10 students will be writing the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) on the morning of
Thursday, March 26. A change in transportation will allow students who are not writing the test to arrive 3 ½
hours later to enable all students to attend afternoon classes. Students and parents can learn about the test and
look at sample questions by following the links at the Education Quality and Accountability Office website:
Child and Youth Services in Simcoe County
Kinark Child and Family Services is a local children’s mental health organization providing individual, family and
group counselling services for children and youth with mental health issues. Kinark also supports children with Autism
Spectrum Disorder and their families. In terms of community mental health services, Kinark offers specialized
treatment including Multi-Systemic Therapy, Crisis Services, Residential Treatment, Day Treatment, Respite Programs,
SNAP (Stop Now and Plan), and Triple P (Positive Parenting Program). The Kinark Intake number is 1-888-454-6275.
The Barrie office number is 705-726-8861 and the Midland office number is 705-526-3708.
New Path Youth and Family Services is an accredited children’s mental health agency funded through the Ministry of
Child and Youth Services. Their head office is in Barrie with other offices in Collingwood, Orillia, Bradford,
Cookstown and Alliston. New Path offers a full range of community-based programs for clients aged 7 to 18 and their
families. These programs include office-based counselling and long term youth and family counselling. They also have
school-based mental health workers in elementary schools in Innisfil, Alliston, Bradford, Collingwood and Orillia.
Their Early Years program services clients aged 0 to 6 and is based out of the Barrie location. New Path also has a
Multi-Disciplinary Consultation Clinic for children up to 18 years of age with complex needs who require a psychiatric
and/or psychological consultation. More information about the above mentioned programs can be found by contacting
New Path’s central intake department at 705-725-7656.
Page 4
Library News
Technology is wonderful and the many devices that students have access to at home and
school are great educational tools. However, technology should be used along with, not instead of, reading books!
Encourage Your Child to Read
 Reading develops a child’s imagination.
 Reading teaches children about people, places, and events in the world outside of their
own experience. It helps to build valuable background knowledge.
 As they read, children learn new words to develop their vocabulary and learn how to use
words and language effectively.
 Reading helps to develop empathy. By identifying with characters in a story, readers
feel what the character feels.
Reading develops the brain more effectively than watching T.V. or playing video games.
Reading is entertaining and informative! Encourage your child to visit the library and take
out a book!
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Circle of Learning Parent Academy - Free workshops to help you
boost your child’s success
As a parent/guardian, you were your child’s first teacher and you are still his or her most important teacher. Your involvement in your child’s education has an impact on success. Register to attend workshops
throughout the year designed to help you support your child’s learning and development.
Upcoming workshops include:
March: Make the difference in math with a growth mindset
April: Math 101 - all parents can support their children in math
May: Resilience: Nine things kids need from their families, schools, and communities
Find workshop dates, times, descriptions and register online at
The Circle of Learning Parent Academy is hosted by the Simcoe County District School Board’s Parent
Involvement Committee and made possible with the support of the Ministry of Education through a Parents Reaching Out Grant.
Technology in SCDSB classrooms
Today’s students have grown up with technology—it’s a regular part of their daily lives. By bringing
educational technology into the classroom, we can tap into our students’ interests and build on their
developing skills to create vibrant learning environments that are innovative, creative and engaging.
Read more about how the SCDSB is supporting technology-enabled learning environments while at the
same time protecting student privacy and personal information. Visit, click on
‘Programs’ and then ‘Learning & Technology.’
Do you want to recognize a STAR at your child’s school?
Our employee recognition program, SCDSB STARS, provides the opportunity for members of the school
community to nominate an outstanding teacher, custodian, educational assistant, early childhood educator,
administrator, office staff, etc. who has done something wonderful to support students in our system. We
have recognized over 100 SCDSB STARS so far!
Nominees will be informed of the nomination and the staff person will receive a personalized thank you
card and commemorative lapel pin from our Director of Education. It’s just one way to recognize the shining stars in our education system who make a difference every day in our schools, facilities and classrooms. Nominate an outstanding staff person by visiting and clicking on ‘Staff’, then
‘SCDSB Stars.’
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School Council Information
We’ve got that spirit…come on let’s hear it! We look forward to sharing our cheer at the Barrie Colt’s game on
Saturday, March 14th at 7:30 p.m. Thank you to Mr. Boettger’s class for their awesome questions of Colts
defencemen, Brandon Prophet, and Josh Carrick. A special thank you to our gr. 8 “Charlie Horse” Cole L. who
entertained the students and gave high-fives all around. Many thanks to Mrs. Foster for getting the choir ready to
sing, and to Ms. Caston for fielding questions and collecting ticket orders. Wyevale has a strong team of volunteers, which makes this school amazing! Ticket sales will end on Wed.
March 4. Tickets will be sent home the week before March Break.
Contact the office or email for more information.
Little Caesars Pizza Kit orders are available for pickup on Friday
March 6th 3:00 – 5:30 p.m. in the office.
Please pick up your kits as soon as possible. We
will not be responsible for kits remaining after
5:30 p.m. as the school does not have enough
storage space. If the product thaws it can be
refrozen once. Many thanks to Angela Johnston for organizing this very profitable fundraiser. Approximately $800 was raised for the Camp Kitchi and Ottawa trips. Thank you for
your support!
Next School Council Meeting: Monday March 3rd – 6:30 p.m. - Library
We will be discussing spring fundraisers, EQAO snack program, PRO Grant ideas, and celebrating our successful
application to the National Bank One for Youth grant for technology funding.
Advanced Placement courses – enhance your learning and prepare for post-secondary education
Grade 11 and 12 students at Simcoe County District School Board (SCDSB) high schools have the option
of taking Advanced Placement (AP) courses. There are now 12 high schools offering more courses for the
2015-16 school year. The courses are designed to cover the Ontario Curriculum, while providing accelerated and advanced level programming to prepare students to write American College Board examinations.
The goal of the AP Program is to provide students with the opportunity to enhance their learning beyond
the secondary school curriculum and enable advanced standing when applying to post-secondary institutions. For more information and a list of courses offered, visit:
Grade 8 Transitions
As students progress from elementary school to secondary school, important personal student information
is shared which eases each student’s transition to secondary school. Sharing this information also improves
our ability to program effectively to benefit all students. Select student information will be shared at different times as appropriate. The collection and use of personal student information for such purposes is
authorized under sections 170, 171, 190 Part X and Part XIII of the Education Act. Please note that all information used for the transition process is limited, secure and protected at all times. Please contact
Superintendent Finlayson, Superintendent of Education for this area, if you would like more information
about the transition process at Wyevale Central.
Page 7
Bus cancellation information in case of inclement weather
Winter won’t go away in Simcoe County! With it comes the possibility of severe weather, challenging winter
driving conditions and, as a result, possible bus and school event cancellations.
All information regarding cancelled buses in Simcoe County is posted on the Simcoe County Student
Transportation Consortium’s bus information website at Our school is in
the NORTH zone. When buses are cancelled, please remember that schools are still open (unless otherwise
noted) for student learning.
The Consortium, in conjunction with bus operators, will make the decision to cancel school buses before 6
a.m. and as such, will make every effort to post announcements between 6 and 7 a.m. Parents should also note
that inclement weather cancellations are effective for the whole day and buses cancelled in the morning will
not run at the end of the day.
You can also subscribe to receive bus delay notifications here:
Subscriptions and you can follow the Consortium on Twitter @SCSTC_SchoolBus.
Girls’ Intermediate Volleyball
Wow! What a fantastic season. Our girls’ volleyball team did an amazing job of representing Wyevale with
such positive enthusiasm and encouragement of one another; that’s second to none. Many of the players
were new to volleyball this year, and our focus was on having fun while improving their game. I can
honestly say, we had a blast! If you managed to catch one of our games, you'd understand that super-fun
was to be had by all. There’s dance music, amazing cheers, positive encouragement and even BOOMBAS!
What’s a BOOMBA? A Boomba is a new Wyevale term for when the ball is served over the net by our team,
and it hits the floor to score a point. Make a sweeping motion on the floor and yell “BOOMBA!”
Caitlin W.T., Kaitlyn L., Alex R.,
Jenna B., Emily L., Delaney C.,
Cadence P., Olivia R., Lauren P.,
Kinsey M. Alyssa S., Ilysha L., Haili M.,
Thanks for a great season Wildcats!
Mrs. Pagliaro

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