December 2015 Newsletter - Alcona Glen Elementary School
Alcona Glen Elementary School 1310 Innisfil Beach Road Innisfil, Ontario L9S 4B7 (705) 431-5918 Fax (705) 431-5921 Senora K. Baldry, Principal Wendy Miller, Vice Principal Visit us At Cynthia Michaud Vice Principal FOLLOW US ON TWITTER AT @AGESGryphons December 2015 NEWSLETTER Thank you to everyone for their ongoing support of fundraisers, volunteer activities, school programs and events. We appreciate all of the support—person power and financial. Christmas for Kids - Toy & Food Drive Please help us support Alcona families—December 1 to 11. Accepting new toys & non-perishable food, money or gift cards. Decorate our tree with hats, mitts & socks. Working together for everyone!!! Seasonal Door Decorating Reindeer Candy Cane Sales Dec 7—11 Dec 7—11 Each class will have a door to decorate in the spirit of the festive &/or winter season. Buy a candy cane for $1 Gingerbread House Lucky Draw Dec 14—20 25 cents/ticket or 5 for a $1 Proceeds go towards Proceeds go towards Christmas for Kids Christmas for Kids Festive Headwear Week Dec 14—18 Wear your favourite festive hat or headband this week. Respect and Empathy Our Character Education traits this month are Respect and Empathy. Please join us for our Assemblies on Friday, December 18th—’Christmas Sweater Day’ or Red & Green Gr 4—8 @ 9:45am & Kdgn-3 @ 11:20am Reminder…..Our yard is not supervised until 8:30 am, please do not drop off your children before this time! Parking is Limited—Walking is Encouraged COUNCIL CORNER Please join us on February 1st @ 6:30 pm—All Welcome! Volunteers – If you have some time to share, please let us know. Volunteers are great!!! Visit our website for more Current School events & info Be On Time—School Schedule Contact Us Entry Bell: 8:50 am Exit Bell: 3:10pm Office: 705-431-5918 10:30-10:50 Fitness Break—K,2,5,6,8 & Nutrition Break—1,3,4,7 10:50-11:10 Fitness Break—1,3,4,7 & Nutrition Break—K,2,5,6,8 12:50-1:10 Fitness Break—K,2,5,6,8 & Nutrition Break—1,3,4,7 1:10-1:30 Fitness Break—1,3,4,7 & Nutrition Break—K,2,5,6,8 Safe Arrival: 705-431-5918 press 1 Email: Volunteer: Parking Lot One Way Traffic Only Safety Reminders All visitors must sign in at the office. Parents are asked to remain at the edge of school grounds and not wander the playground, unless you are walking a child from the back gate, please go directly to your child’s entry/exit area along the path. All phone communication needs to be done through school phones—please do not text your children—call the office if you need to speak with your child or give them a message. Visitors are asked to stay off the yard from 9:00 to 3:00. Move Slowly—No Idling! Do Not Block Fire Routes Closed to Traffic at 8:30 to 8:50 am & 3:00 to 3:25pm GIFT CARD ORDERS THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING OUR SCHOOL TRIPS QSP—MAGAZINE FUNDRAISER Makes a great holiday gift idea— all proceeds to AGES! AMBASSADORS CLUB 100 coats have been collected and will be distributed by Coats for Kids We will now be selling Candy Canes for only $1 starting December 7th to raise money for Christmas for Kids! Thank you for your continued support! Simply go to and start shopping! KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION Thank you for supporting Kindergarten registration begins the week of January 25th. our school poinsettia sale. Please call and make an appointment at 705-431-5918 or drop in to register on January 27, 5:00—8:00 PM. Please bring your child ’ s Birth Certificate, Immunization record and Proof of Address. To be eligible for attendance in Sept. 2016, your child must be 4 years of age by Dec 31st, 2016! For additional information please see the SCDSB website : We raised $400.00 for Spring yard improvements and maintenance. You may use your poinsettia cards at either Bradford Greenhouse location. When you pick up your plants at the store, Alcona Glen will receive 5% back in cash, for any other purchases you make at that time. We have a few extra cards available. If you would like to purchase a card for a 10” poinsettia or mixed planter, please call the office asap. French Immersion and Extended French info nights and registration info The Simcoe County District School Board (SCDSB) offers French Immersion (FI) and Extended French as a Second Language (EFSL) at select schools throughout the county. FI begins in Grade 1 and EFSL begins in Grade 5. These programs give students a bilingual education and the opportunity to become fluent in another language. Information sessions will be held in January for parents of Kindergarten and Grade 4 students. A letter will be sent home to those parents with more details. Information session dates are posted online at under Programs, French as a Second Language. To apply for these programs, you must complete the online application form in January at under Programs, French as a Second Language. The FI application form will be available from 9 a.m. on Monday, Jan. 18, until 9 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 19, 2016. The EFSL application form will be available from 9 a.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 20, until 9 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 22, 2016. While every effort will be made to accommodate all FI applications, available space and staffing will determine how many students can be registered in the program. Applications will be processed in the order they are received electronically. EFSL is an open access program, and all online applications will be processed. This means that any student starting Grade 5 in September 2016 will be eligible for the EFSL program, and all online applications will be processed. It is important to note that January 2016 is the last time students can register for the EFSL program in the SCDSB, as the EFSL program is being phased out. Parents who do not have Internet access at home, or who require other assistance accessing the online application, should contact the school. The information session for Alcona Glen SK and Grade 4 parents is scheduled for January 14, 2016 at 6:00 PM at Goodfellow PS. ALLERGY REMINDER With the holiday season upon us please remember all snacks must be nut free. Although home baked goodies are very nice, we can only accept purchased items that have the ingredients listed. We have more & more food allergies to be aware of, in our attempt to keep everyone safe and healthy. Alternative choices may include: A fruit or vegetable tray, clementines or fruit kabobs Festive pencils or stickers Popcorn Purchased “Celebration” treats that are allergen free REMINDER LOST AND FOUND CHANGE OF CLOTHES Our lost and found is growing quickly. Any lost and found items not picked up by December 18th will be donated to a local charity. The cold, wet weather means cold, wet kids! Please remember to send a change of clothes with your child (ren), that can stay at the school for very wet days! Extra socks and mittens are very helpful. Cold Weather Procedures Our students go outside for 20 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes in the afternoon. In winter, the SCDSB follows guidelines from the Canadian Pediatric society: Students remain inside if the temperature falls below –25˚c (regardless of the wind chill factor). Students will stay indoors, if the wind chill factor is reported to be –28˚ or colder (regardless of the actual temperature). Please make sure your child is dressed for the weather conditions. D u r i n g c o n d i t i o n s outlined above, students remain indoors until the temperature is such that the students can go outside safely. Be sure to dress for the weather conditions. Severe Weather Procedures School Bus Transportation and School Closures Winter driving conditions can be challenging in Simcoe County and severe inclement weather sometimes requires the cancellation of school bus runs. Weather conditions are not always predictable and do not always follow a specific pattern. Decisions to cancel school bus runs are based on information from a number of sources before 6:00 a.m. that morning. Parents are responsible for deciding if it is safe for their children to leave for school during severe weather conditions. Please take note: Cancellation of buses and school closures will be announced on local radio stations: B101, Rock 95, KOOL FM 107.5, The Dock 104.1, KICX 105.9, CTV Barrie, the school website on the SCDSB web site and on the Simcoe County Student Transportation Consortium Website at Please be aware of your child ’s bus number and bus company name. To limit bus cancellations if weather conditions warrant, the Simcoe County Student Transportation Consortium (SCSTC) has developed ‘Inclement Weather Zones’. These four new zone areas have been determined with consideration to weather patterns, school catchment areas, routes that cross over catchment areas and special needs transportation. Alcona Glen’s weather zone is in the Central zone. This means that if weather is severe in our part of the County, the media will announce: “All school buses have been cancelled in central weather zone. If weather is severe throughout the entire County of Simcoe, then the media will announce: All school Buses in Simcoe County are cancelled. Tune in early to radio, the above websites and other media broadcasts. DO NOT CALL THE SCHOOL! The Hot lunch or milk program will not run on bus cancellation days. During very cold temperatures, please take extra measures to ensure children are dressed appropriately and please do not send children to the bus stop too early (to avoid having them standing in cold weather for lengthy periods). If you are signed up for safe arrival, your child is a walking student and your child will not be attending school that day don’t forget to call the safe arrival number at 431 -5918 ext. #1. Safe arrival will not call for bus students when buses are cancelled. Presents 2 Seasonal Concert Spectaculars Grades 2,3,4 & Band on December 15th , 2015 @ 6:30PM in the Gym Dress Rehearsal Performance @ 9:30 AM & Jr. and Sr. Kindergarten Classes December 16th , 2015 @ 6:30PM in the Gym Dress Rehearsal Performance @ 9:30 AM Participants need to arrive at the school by 6:00 We ask that everyone sit back & enjoy the show. Students will only be dismissed at the conclusion of the evening to minimize disruptions during the show. Respect...Pass It On! December 2015 Sun Mon 6 Christmas for 7 Door Decorating Week Kids Drivefood, toys, hats,mitts, socks, gift cards, $$$ Reindeer Candy Cane Sales Christmas for Kids Drive– continues Tue Wed Thu Fri 8 9 10 11 Sat Pizza 12 Progress Reports Home Christmas for Kids Drive– continues Christmas for Kids Christmas for Kids Drive– continues Drive– continues Christmas for Kids Drive– continues 14 Gingerbread House Lucky Colours & Headwear Week Draw 15 Rehearsal 9:30am Concert Gr 2,3,4, Choir & Band @6:30pm 16 Rehearsal 9:30am 17 Concert 18 Snow Date Character Ed. Assembly Jr/Int.@ 9:45 and Pri @ 11:20 20 21 22 23 24 25 H A P P Y 27 28 29 30 31 Jan 1 Jan 2 H O L I D A Y S Jan 3 Jan 4 Jan 5 Jan 6 Jan 7 Jan 8 13 Festive Back to School Concert for JK/SK @ 6:30 pm Wraps 19 26 Pizza Jan 9
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