december – 2014 - New Lowell Central Public School
december – 2014 - New Lowell Central Public School
NEW LOWELL CENTRAL PUBLIC SCHOOL 5197 County Road 9, New Lowell, Ontario L0M 1N0 Phone 705-424-0991/Fax 424-0012 School Web Site: Cathy Bell, Principal Greg Daniels, Principal’s Assistant DECEMBER 2014 CHARACTER TRAIT: Empathy – We strive to understand and appreciate the feelings and actions of others. BUSING ALERT! CALENDAR OF EVENTS December 1: Character Recognition Assembly Decmeber 1: School Council Meeting 6:30 p.m. December 9 : Poinsettia Orders Due December 10: Good Food Box order in December 17: Poinsettia Order Pick Up December 17: Christmas Performance – 2:00 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. December 17: Good Food Box pick up December 18: Christmas Cheer Pick Up December 19: Christmas Spirit Day PLEASE NOTE: That staff supervision is not available for students until 8:45 a.m. Ensure that all children are sent with clothing suited for the colder temperatures. Listen to the radio (KICX 104.1, CHAY 93.1, ROCK 95 or PEAK 95.1) and/or check the Board website ( for bus cancellations. PRINCIPAL’S DESK School Improvement We continue to focus on the development of students’ skills in numeracy. Research indicates that students’ mindset about math is a critical link to their achievement. Teachers are working on promoting this positive mindset. Beliefs we are encouraging include: Everyone can learn math to the highest levels Mistakes are VALUABLE Questions are really important Math is about learning not preforming Math is about connections and communicating Math is about creativity and making sense Please help us reinforce is positive mindset around math. Visit the math websites posted on our School Website to reinforce skills and concepts while stressing the importance of a positive mindset around this subject area. Just a reminder that EVERYONE entering the parking lot at New Lowell Central Public School: Give RIGHT OF WAY to school buses in the parking lot Do not attempt to drive around the school buses Do not walk your child(ren) around or between the buses Allow buses to depart from our school parking lot before you attempt to enter to pick-up or leave with your child(ren) Allow at least 1 car length on either side of the entrance and exit so that our buses may turn safely into and out of the driveway. CLOSING OF SCHOOL UNDER CONDITIONS BROUGHT ABOUT BY INCLEMENT WEATHER Please listen to the radio, KICX 104.1, CHAY 93.1, ROCK 95, PEAK 95.1 or check the board website to see if busses are cancelled. The Board has a new Bus Icon on the home page of the board website that shows bus information. New Lowell Central is in the West District. Take note that if busses are not running in the morning they will not be transporting students at the end of the day. It will be the parent’s responsibility to pick up any child who has attended school. The school will remain open unless stated otherwise on the radio or website. SAFE ARRIVAL AND INCLEMENT WEATHER The Safe Arrival Program is in place in elementary schools to ensure that children arrive safely at school each day. Please be advised that on days when buses are cancelled due to inclement weather, calls will not be made to families whose children ride school transportation. Families of those children who walk to school are asked to report their child's absence to the school if they will not be in attendance. An effort will be made to call families of walking students who are not present, but, on some days, given the number of absent students, this may be not possible. SIMCOE COUNTY DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD CHRISTMAS PERFORMANCES On Wednesday December 17th students from Kindergarten to Grade 3 will be presenting our annual Christmas performance. We will host performances at 2:00 and 6:30 p.m. There is no charge for this performance but donations to Christmas Cheer or the mitten tree would be appreciated SCHOOL COUNCIL FUNDRAISER Raffle of Preferred Parking and Front Row Seats Get your raffle tickets to be entered in a draw to receive preferred parking and front row seating for our Holiday Performance. Tickets will come home Friday and can be purchased for $2.00 each or 3 for $5.00. Students are asked to return ticket money and/or extra tickets by December 12th. Please indicate when you purchase a ticket, if you would prefer the afternoon or evening performance. Funds raised will support in-school presentations and field trips. CHRISTMAS CHEER CHALLENGE 2014 New Lowell Central Public School is collecting food items and toiletries for the local food bank this holiday season. We are also collecting donations of toys for the Toy Drive and hats and mitts for local shelters. Our school goal is to collect 500 items! Our Christmas Cheer Challenge begins Monday, December 1st and goes until Wednesday, December 17th. Please support our local community by contributing to our Christmas Cheer Challenge. When grocery shopping this month, please keep in mind that food banks are looking for baby food, evaporated milk, canned fruit and vegetables, cereal, soup, and canned fish and meats. The Kindergartens will once again be going around to each class every day to collect, sort and count the items that have been donated. Thank you for your support! MITTEN TREE We will again be collecting mittens, gloves, scarves, hats – adult and children’s sizes – for a mitten tree that we will have set up in our lobby. These items will be donated to a women’s shelter. LIBRARY NEWS: Ms. Hartley wishes to thank all of the staff, parents, and students who supported our second book fair this year. It was huge success once again. Due to everyone’s efforts we were able to raise $972 in resources for our Library/School. Please note that our third and final book fair for the year will be in the spring. The date will be announced later. Just a reminder - primary book lending will be finished on Friday, December 12, for the year. Students are encouraged to return all books to the library. Regular lending will continue in January when we return from Christmas holidays. Regular lending for Junior and Intermediate students will continue over Christmas, however, Ms. Hartley asks that you do not take your library books on vacation with you. SPEECHES Junior and Intermediate students are invited to participate in our Speeches competition that will be held in January/February. Classes will be having students who are interested in participating in the competition complete speeches in early January. They will compete in class first and the winners will be coming to the gym in late January where they will compete to earn the right to move on to the Legion/Lions competition. Best of luck to all the students who wish to participate. STUDENT ELECTRONICS A number of students bring in personal electronic devises to use while on the bus, for classroom activities or during breaks. Students are responsible for theses devises and need to ensure they are stored in a safe location when not in use. LOST AND FOUND Items will be on display in the hallway until Thursday December 18th. After this date they will be bagged and given to a charity. REMINDER TO PARENTS RE: GRADE 7 AND GRADE 8 IMMUNIZATIONS Nurses from the Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit will be in school over the winter providing second doses in series of immunizations to Grade 7 students and Grade 8 girls who provided consent. Consent forms and fact sheets for the Hepatitis B and Meningococcal Conjugate ACWY vaccines for Grade 7’s and Human Papillomavirus vaccine for Grade 8 girls were sent home in the fall. The consent forms and fact sheets are available on the immunization page of the health unit’s website at If you have any questions or concerns, please call Your Health Connection at 705-721-7520 or 1-877-721-7520 FRENCH IMMERSION AND EXTENDED FRENCH INFO NIGHTS AND REGISTRATION INFO The Simcoe County District School Board (SCDSB) offers French Immersion (FI) and Extended French as a Second Language (EFSL) at select schools throughout the county. FI begins in Grade 1 and EFSL begins in Grade 5. These programs give students a bilingual education and the opportunity to become fluent in another language. Information sessions will be held in January for parents of Kindergarten and Grade 4 students. A letter will be sent home to those parents with more details. Information session dates are posted online at under Programs, French as a Second Language. To apply for these programs, you must complete the online application form in January at under Programs, French as a Second Language. The FI application form will be available from 9 a.m. on Monday, Jan. 19, until 9 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 20, 2015. The EFSL application form will be available from 9 a.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 21, until 9 p.m. on Thursday, Jan. 22, 2015. While every effort will be made to accommodate all FI applications, available space and staffing will determine how many students can be registered in the program. Applications will be processed in the order they are received electronically. EFSL is an open access program. This means that any student starting Grade 5 in September 2015 will be eligible for the EFSL program, and all online applications will be processed. Parents who do not have Internet access at home, or who require other assistance accessing the online application, should contact the school. EQAO STRATEGIC PLAN SURVEY WELCOMES FEEDBACK FROM EDUCATORS, STUDENTS AND PARENTS The Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) is the organization that measures student achievement in reading, writing and mathematics in relation to Ontario Curriculum expectations. They are developing a new Strategic Plan that will guide the agency’s efforts for the next five years. To help EQAO understand how the agency’s work can be most valuable in the years ahead, the organization is asking parents, students, teachers, administrators, trustees, school board employees, and members of the public to complete the following survey: CIRCLE OF LEARNING PARENT ACADEMY - FREE WORKSHOPS TO HELP YOU BOOST YOUR CHILD’S SUCCESS As a parent/guardian, you were your child’s first teacher and you are still his or her most important teacher. Your involvement in your child’s education has an impact on success. Register to attend workshops throughout the year designed to help you support your child’s learning and development. Sessions include: Successful transitions – how parents can guide their children to achieve their full potential Make the difference in math with a growth mindset Math 101 - all parents can support their children in math Resilience: Nine things kids need from their families, schools, and communities Find workshop dates, times, descriptions and register online at The Circle of Learning Parent Academy is hosted by the Simcoe County District School Board’s Parent Involvement Committee and made possible with the support of the Ministry of Education through a Parents Reaching Out Grant. INFORMATION NIGHTS FOR GRADE 8 STUDENTS Is your child starting Grade 9 next year? High school information nights happen this winter! Information nights give an overview of what’s new and what to expect, and are a chance to ask questions. High school is an exciting time—there are so many programs, clubs and activities for students to try. Attend the information night by checking the schedule on SCDSB’s website here: to find out what’s offered at your local high school. KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION STARTS SOON Do you (or someone you know) have a child who was born in 2011? If so, it’s almost time to register them for Kindergarten in the SCDSB! Beginning on January 26, 2015, Simcoe County’s public schools will be registering children for Kindergarten for the 2015-16 school year. Required registration documents include birthdate documentation, proof of address and record of immunization. For more information, visit THE ONTARIO COLLEGE OF TEACHERS – WHAT DO THEY DO? Visit the Ontario College of Teachers (OCT) website at for tools and resources specifically designed for parents. Search the online registry to learn more about your child's teacher and qualifications, read the enewsletter for parents and much more. PROVIDE INPUT ON PROPOSED 2015-2016 SCHOOL YEAR CALENDAR The Simcoe County District School Board (SCDSB) invites public school communities to submit input regarding the proposed school year calendar for the next school year (Sept. 2015 to June 2016). Input can be provided by visiting, then clicking the link on the `School Year Calendars’ page under the ‘Schools’ Menu. All stakeholders including staff, school council members, parents/guardians, students and members of the school community are invited to provide input. Feedback is invited until January 9, 2015 to ensure that SCDSB meets school year calendar development timelines set by the Ministry of Education. FUNDRAISING YEARBOOKS The yearbook is just $22 this year. There will be a custom cover, 56 full colour pages and a free autograph sheet. There will also be options to upgrade to hard cover, zoom inserts or put your child’s photograph and name on the front cover. The order forms were sent home in November. Get your orders in as soon as possible. The yearbook will be on sale outside the gym before the evening Primary Christmas concert (Tuesday, December 17 th) We accept cash and cheque (written to New Lowell Central Public School). Don’t want to send cash to school, check out and search New Lowell, pay with your credit card online! A receipt will be emailed directly to you. If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Haufe at 705424-0991 or Thank you for your continued support. MABELS LABELS FUNDRAISER Tired of your child loosing things?! Our school has a large lost and found! Help minimize lost belongings with the help of Mabel’s Labels. Mabel’s Labels is a company with all types of labels that are colourful, indestructible, easy-to-use and fun! Iron-Ons, Stickies, Bag Tags, Allergy Alert labels & more! Personalize your labels with names, nicknames, initials - whatever you choose. Cool icons help even little ones identify their own belongings. Dishwasher, microwave, laundry & kid tested! Dispatched within 24 hours! Visit to place your order while helping our fundraiser! All funds raised will be used for to enhance our playground. POINSETTIA SALE The Student Council is organizing the 10th annual poinsettia sale. These beautiful nursery grown plants come in red, white, pink, or burgundy. Decorate this season with one of these beautiful festive plants or give one as a gift! The poinsettias are ordered from Bradford Greenhouse. Order forms will be going home soon and need to be returned by Tuesday, December 9th. Pick up will be on Wednesday, December 17th after 3:00 p.m. Need Last Minute Holiday Gifts? Magazine Subscriptions Make GREAT Christmas & Holiday Gifts! And you can support our school & children at the same time! Simply go on-line to, and go shopping. Use the account finder to find our school account number to ensure we receive the profits from your orders. A gift of a magazine subscription is like giving a gift every month for an entire year! -----------------------------------------------DON’T FORGET THAT OUR REGULAR FAMILY READING MAGAZINE FUNDRAISING CAMPAIGN IS COMING THIS SPRING! Please ignore publisher reminders and wait to renew your subscriptions through the school to support our children’s education. (SAVE those publisher coupons as we accept all price discount coupons.) If you ever have any questions, please contact QSP Customer Service at 1-800-667-2536. December 2014 SCHOOL COUNCIL MEETING: DECEMBER 1st @ 6:30 PM EVERYONE IS WELCOME TO ATTEND! TAKES PLACE IN THE LIBRARY. PRIMARY CHRISTMAS CONCERT This year’s Christmas concert will be on Wednesday December 17th. Don’t forget to buy your raffle tickets, $2 each or 3 for $5 for your chance to win 4 front row seats at the concert and 2 preferred parking spots. We will draw two winners! We will be having a photo booth from local photographer Richard Roinson, owner of Extra Lensory Perception to capture your memories. Cost is $7 for a 4x6 and will be ready while you wait! No cameras needed. SUNNIDALE WINTERAMA JANUARY 29-31, 2015 Plans for this year’s Winterama have been underway for months now thanks to the hard work of the community’s Winterama committee. Once again, New Lowell Public School will be participating in the parade. This year’s theme is ‘Frozen’ Snow Queen Contest will return this year for girl’s ages 8-12. Keep an eye out… more information is on the way… WE NEED YOUR HELP! MILK We are looking for someone to write the White and chocolate council portion of our school newsletter! milk available daily. Please contact: Amanda Duggan, Council Chair If you are interested in volunteering in the school please contact: Jennifer Elliott, Volunteer Coordinator Cost is $1 SUB PROGRAM SUB PROGRAM Order forms are sent home monthly. Lunches are available on Wednesdays. SOME THINGS TO WATCH FOR IN 2015… Zumba FUNdraiser Family entertainment magician performance – Magical Duda More information and dates will be announced shorty! DECEMBER – 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday 1 1 Wednesday 2 2 Thursday Friday 3 3 4 4 Saturday 5 6 12 13 19 20 5 Subs/Wraps Pizza School Council Meeting – 6:30 pm 7 8 9 2 1 10 3 Poinsettia orders in 14 15 5 Pizza Good Food Box Orders Due Jersey Day Subs/Wraps 16 2 1 11 4 17 3 18 4 5 Subs/Wraps Christmas Concert 2:00 + 6:30 Good Food Box Pickup Poinsettia pick up 21 First Day of Winter 22 23 24 Red & Green Day Pizza 25 Christmas Day 26 Boxing Day Have a joyful and healthy holiday season – school begins on January 5th 27
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