May 2015 Newsletter - Minesing Central Public School
May 2015 Newsletter - Minesing Central Public School
Minesing Central Public School 7 Huron St. Minesing, ON L0L 1Y0 705-728-1944 Administrative Team: Sonia Kadela, Principal Christopher Kemp, Vice Principal Office Team: Joanne Noble & Shannon Priest ———————————————————————————————— Newsletter #10 May 2015 Commit to Character Trait for May—RESPECT Never look down on anybody unless you are helping them up—Jesse Jackson ___________________________________________________________________________________ PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE Spring has sprung here at Minesing and regardless of the slightly cold weather outside we have been actively pursuing our eco-school, inclusivity, wellness, and athletic, artistic and academic goals! We had a great turn-out for our Health & Wellness evening with Dr. Marcia Benjamin. The children had a wonderful time in their wellness activities while parents benefitted from Dr. Benjamin’s words of wisdom. Earth Day was marked with a school-wide assembly and clean-up. Thanks to our Mustangs who participated in scouring the fields to pick up litter and beautify our school yard! All of our students are excited by our implementation of the ‘Golden Broom Award’ which is awarded weekly to the homeroom who keeps their classroom tidy and clean as well as separating recyclables and composting into the appropriate bins. We are seeing a real change in the pride that students are taking in keeping their classrooms neat and clean. Anti-bullying was recognized by all of our students during the recent ‘Day of Pink’ when many of our students wore pink to stand up against bullying of any kind. Our student athletes have been busy training and competing in the sports of basketball and rugby, while our artists prepare for our Arts Showcase which will be an all-day event on May 7th. In the classrooms, we remain focussed on Math and Literacy through the use of technology. Teachers are working to connect our students to their learning through a ‘Growth Mind Set’. Thanks to all of our staff for their hard work and extra hours that they put into enriching student life here at Minesing as well as to our School Council for their ongoing support and volunteerism. We are gearing up for an energetic month of May including our Arts Showcase and Book Fair on May 7th. We wish our grade 8 students ‘Bon Voyage’ as they will be travelling to Quebec City from May 26 th to May 29th. Good luck to our grade 4 students who spend time at Camp Geneva from May 27th to May 29th. Finally, our grade 3 and 6 students will be writing EQAO tests scheduled between the dates of May 25th and June 4th. We ask that grade 3 and 6 parents and guardians not schedule appointments or remove your children from school during this time. Regular attendance at school is important for all children and we would like to make the most of our two remaining months at Minesing! Thanks to all of our parents and guardians for your support in our ongoing efforts with your children. Class Placements We will shortly begin the process of class placements for the fall of 2015. Please be aware that a great deal of time and effort is spent in organizing classes for the following year. There are many variables that are considered in the process. It is important to recognize that we aim to place each child in the optimal learning environment, while balancing classes appropriately. If you have information about your child that you feel is pertinent in the placement process (student conflicts, learning styles, etc.) please inform Ms. Kadela in writing by Monday May 4 th. Please refrain from making specific teacher requests as this leads to unbalanced classes in terms of behaviour and student performance. Class organizations will be finalized in late August, yet enrollment changes may result in a re-organization by the third week in September. SCHOOL COUNCIL MESSAGE Thank you to all the families who came out to our night with Dr. Marcia Benjamin. It was a well attended night and we received so much positive feedback. Ultimately, we hope you went home with a wealth of information. We would also like to thank Mr. Frankcom for taking the time to find cost effective ways of fixing our basketball nets for the outside playground. We appreciate his time as well as the school community who continuously support our fundraising efforts. We are gathering data to review our lunch programs offered here at Minesing. We encourage you to take the time to complete the lunch survey by going to this link: One survey per family please. We hope you can make our next council meeting on Wednesday, May 13th at 6:30pm. Please note the change. Hope to see you there. Tara Marshall-Sutton and Lori Closs-Phillips M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M LUNCH PROGRAM You can pre-arrange directly with a sibling or someone else, to pick up your absent child’s lunch at 1:10 in the main hallway. The office cannot make these arrangements for you. Child Care Options in Ontario The Ontario government recently launched an advertising campaign to raise public awareness about child care options in this province. The campaign’s objective is to support and empower parents, so they can choose child care that suits their family’s needs. It provides information about different types of care, and indicators of quality in child care settings. For more information and resources about child care options in our province, visit For more information about child care in our schools, including before and after-school care Options, visit SCDSB’s public website at And then click on ‘Schools’-Before and After School Care. MINESING SCHOOL IS GOING PAPERLESS! Beginning in September 2015, Minesing School will be implementing a paperless system for our lunch and milk programs wherein ordering for these programs is done through the School Cash Online system. The use of School Cash Online alleviates the problem of lost orders and missed deadlines and will also ensure that cash and cheques will no longer need to be sent to the school for these orders. In preparation to move towards the online payment system, your child’s registration form which includes their student number, has been sent home with today’s newsletter. If you have already registered and have been using School Cash Online, no further action is required. Check out for more information. SUMMER SCHOOL REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN! This year, the eLearning summer options have been expanded to include Grade 10 Civics and Careers, Grade 12 English, Grade 12 Chemistry and Families in Canada. Also offered is the opportunity for students to travel and earn credits with the summer EduTravel program or to experience camp at the YMCA’s Geneva Park location while earning leadership credits. Summer school program details and locations can be found at The Learning Centre’s website: Online registration for current SCDSB students is available through the student portal. SIGNING YOUR CHILD IN/OUT OF SCHOOL When a student arrives late to school, they should be directed to the office for an admit to class slip. It is not necessary to accompany your child to the classroom at this time. When signing your child OUT, please come in to the office and sign the clipboard so that we are aware that your child has left the building and with whom. Parents should not be going directly to the classroom areas. A note is always required by the teacher if your child will be LATE or EXCUSED EARLY from school and students must always check IN and OUT at the office. Bradford Green House Fundraiser We are fortunate that Bradford Greenhouse has again allowed us to participate in their school fundraiser. You just have to tell the cashier, Prior to inputting the sale, that you want your sale to benefit Minesing School. Sales from April 15—October 15 will benefit by way of a gift card for the purchase of Bradford Greenhouse products for school improvements and special events. Thank you for your support. EDUCATION WEEK—CELEBRATING PUBLIC EDUCATION BOOK FAIR Spring Scholastic Book Fair Students who normally ride the bus must also have a note for “alternate” end of day arrangements/pick-up. Any arrangement that is different from your child’s normal routine must always have a note sent to the teacher. Students without a note will be dismissed to go home as per their usual routine/bus. We cannot accept a student’s word that there is an alternate arrangement. End of day dismissal can be quite hectic and your co-operation in this matter will ensure that all students arrive at the proper destination and do not miss the bus. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. is coming! Wednesday, May 6 from 9am-5pm Thursday, May 7, during our Arts Showcase from 9am-8pm and finishes on Friday, May 8 from 9am-12. Education Week, May 4 to 8, is a province-wide celebration of student achievement and excellence in education. It is an opportunity to recognize the work and accomplishments of Ontario’s publicly funded schools. Our school will be celebrating this week by opening our doors all day on Thursday May 7th from 9am-8pm to view our Art Showcase and visit our Book Fair. TRANSPORTATION ITEMS TO NOTE ALTERNATIVE TRANSPORTATION ARRANGEMENTS Simcoe County District School Board Policy states that students who travel on the bus are permitted to travel on an alternate bus or to an alternate stop in emergency situations only. After school visits, after school jobs, birthday parties and sleepovers are not acceptable reasons for riding to another stop. Parents are responsible to transport their child(ren) in these cases. Parents must supply a written request to the office in advance stating the date, bus route # and reason for the request before permission may be granted. For insurance reasons, ONLY bus students may ride the buses. Bus Route Changes Please be advised that students may not switch bus routes or stops without consent. Parents need to submit a letter to the office, outlining the requested change and reasons for the change. A decision will then be made by the transportation consortium after evaluating your request. The transportation department assigns students to bus stops according to the home or permanent daycare address. PARENT REMINDERS Parents are responsible for: 1. Ensuring the safety and conduct of your children while waiting at and while travelling to and from the designated bus stop. 2. Ensuring that your children are at the bus stop prior to the scheduled arrival time of the bus – five minutes is recommended. 3. You or your designate must be available to get your primary aged child off the bus after school. Drivers are not permitted to linger at bus stops, make unscheduled stops along their routes or return back to your stop. If there is no parent or designate to get your child off the bus at your stop when the bus arrives, the bus driver must continue on and will return to the school where you will have to pick up your child at the end of the route. This not only results in upset to your child and inconvenience to the bus driver, but may also necessitate a staff member staying beyond regular school hours to supervise your child until you are able to be contacted and your child has been picked up. If you have an emergency and are unable to pick up your child from the bus, please remember to call a designate and inform the school. Thank you for ensuring your child’s bus experience remains a safe and pleasant one. Late bus information is relayed via the local radio stations. Please listen for this information. A bus that is 5 to 15 minutes late is not necessarily a concern. Factors such as weather, train crossings, construction, etc. can sometimes affect these schedules. MINESING CENTRAL HAS TALENT! Come one, come all to witness the amazing talent right here at Minesing Central School. We will be holding two DAYTIME performances this year on: MONDAY JUNE 15TH @ 11:30—1:10 & 1:50—3:00 There will be no evening performance this year HELP PREPARE YOUR CHILD TO WRITE THE EQAO TESTS Students in elementary and secondary schools across Ontario write provincial assessments in reading, writing and mathematics each year. The assessments are developed and scored by the Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO). Each student that completes a provincial assessment receives an Individual Student Report (ISR) which describes the student’s achievement. School and board achievement data is used to improve teaching practices and to support student learning. Further information about the provincial assessments, including resources to help prepare your child for the test, can be found at Grade 6 students on May 25—May 29th Grade 3 students May 29—June 4th. All students need to be in attendance. Please avoid booking medical appointments, etc. at this time. Proposed 2015/2016 School Year Calendars On the SCDSB website ( under ‘Schools’ - ‘School Year Calendar’, you will find the proposed 2015-16 Calendar, pending Ministry approval. These calendars were approved by the Board in February for submission to the Ministry of Education. They are awaiting final approval by the Ministry, which usually occurs in early May. The finalized calendars will be posted on the webpage above once they are approved. Circle of Learning Parent Academy Free workshop on May 13 on RESILIENCE Eye See.. Eye Learn Offers Eye Exams and Free Glasses to JK Students. The Eye See..Eye Learn program provides comprehensive eye exams by local optometrists to Junior Kindergarten (JK) students. The eye exams are covered by Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) when parents show their child’s health card. There is no out-of-pocket cost for the eye exam and if the child requires a pair of glasses, they will receive them free of charge. The Eye See...Eye Learn program was developed to raise awareness among parents about the importance of having their children’s eyes checked upon starting school. The Ontario Association of Optometrists recognizes the important link between eye health and learning, and recommends comprehensive eye examinations for all children entering kindergarten. All children can receive an annual comprehensive eye exam covered by OHIP until their twentieth birthday. The new program for children born in 2011 will begin on July 1, 2015. For further information and a list of participating optometrists in your area, visit: PRESENTATION: Working Together to Make our Kids Successful - May 7th Dr. Bruce Ferguson will focus on how the community, school and family can work together to support children as they develop and grow into healthy citizens at this free event for all parents on May 7. Dr. Ferguson is a Senior Consultant and the founding Director of the Community Health Systems Resource Group at The Hospital for Sick Children (Sick Kids). This event is free to all parents in Simcoe County. It takes place May 7 from 6:30-8PM at Liberty North in Barrie (100 Caplan Ave.). Simultaneous language interpretation services will be available for those who request. Register at: As a parent/guardian, you were your child’s first teacher and you are still his or her most important teacher. Your involvement in your child’s education has an impact on success. The final Circle of Learning Parent Academy event for this school year, Resilience: Nine things kids need from their families, schools and communities, takes place on May 13th. Find the workshop locations, times and descriptions on the SCDSB website: of learning. You can also register at this link. The Circle of Learning Parent Academy is hosted by the Simcoe County District School Board’s Parent Involvement Committee and made possible with the support of the Ministry of Education through a Parents Reaching Out Grant. POPCORN IN MAY Please be advised that our popcorn Thursday’s will now be continued for the first 2 weeks of May. Remember your toonie on Thursdays and thank you for supporting our Grade 8 fundraiser. FROZEN YOGURT UPDATE: Due to circumstances out of our control, frozen yogurt will not be distributed on May 1st. Yogurt will resume on May 8th and if you ordered yogurt for May 1st, you will now receive that yogurt on May 15th. Thank you for your patience & support. Springwater Public Library Minesing Branch 705-722-6440 Hours: Tues: 1-7 Thurs: 1-5 Fri: 9-5 Story time: will be held at the Minesing Library on Fri. May 1 & 15th at 10:30 for children 21/2 to 5 yrs. of age. Ontario Early Years: will visit the Minesing Library on Fri. May 8 & 22 from 10:30-11:30 for children 0-6 yrs of age. This program is free. Summer Reading Program: The theme for the summer reading program for summer of 2015 is “PLAY”. Registration will begin Tues. Jun. 2. The program will run in Minesing July 21-24 from 9:00-12:00. This is a free program and numbers are limited, please register early. After School Craft: for the month of May will be held on Thurs. May 21 from 3:45-4:45 for students 5 years and up. The theme for this month is “Corking”. Cost is $3 and numbers are limited. Family Movie Night: Fri. May 22 @ 6:30. The Library will feature the movie Paddington. Cost is $3 for Movie, popcorn and water. Please call Library to pre-register. St. John’s Ambulance Home Alone Course: will be held on Fri. June 5 from 9:00-12:00 for ages 7-12. Cost is $39. Participants will learn to deal with phone calls, recognize hazards and follow home safety procedures. They will learn first aid basics, healthy eating, fire safety & how & when to use 911. MATH CORNER Growth Mindset in Math In general, a growth mindset is the belief that intelligence and ‘smartness’ can also be learned and that the brain grows from experience and effort. The opposite, a fixed mindset, is the idea that you are smart, or you are not. In math, that translates into “some people are good at math, and some are not.” Did you know that praising efforts rather than intelligence or results can impact your child’s ability to persevere in challenges?! The goal is to have children thrive on challenges and see failures, not as a sign of low intelligence, but as a learning opportunity. Brain research tells us that making mistakes actually wires more connections into the brain! When a person has a growth mindset, they accept challenges, see their efforts as worthwhile, and are open to learning from mistakes. Students with a growth mindset achieve at higher levels than those with fixed mindsets. How can you help? Some simple ways: Adding “yet” when they claim they are “not good at this” (Respond: “You are not good at this yet.”) Ask questions that focus on their effort and choices and get them to reflect on satisfaction of that effort (e.g. What did you learn today? What mistake did you make that taught you something? What did you try hard at today?) Model this yourself as you share about your day GRADE 8 GRADUATION The date for graduation has been set to Wednesday June 24, 2015 at 6:30 PM Stay tuned for more details on ticket distribution HEALTH UNIT MESSAGE: Prevent the bite from Mosquitos & Ticks West Nile virus is spread to humans by the bite of an infected mosquito. Lyme disease is an infection caused by a bacteria spread by the bite of an infected blacklegged tick. It’s important you and your family take precautions to reduce the chances of being bitten by a mosquito or a tick. Steps to protect yourself include: Wear long pants and a long sleeved t-shirt Wear closed footwear and socks. Tuck your pants into your socks If hiking or spending time outdoors, check for ticks on exposed areas of your skin or clothing Use a personal insect repellant that has deet (following manufacturer’s directions for use) Apply to skin and outer clothing. Avoid your eyes and mouth, as well as cuts and scrapes. Put a tick and flea collar on your pet and check them for ticks periodically When choosing a repellant, consider a product that meets your needs, and only use personal repellents that are registered in Canada. Never use a product labeled as an insecticide on your body. For more information about West Nile or Lyme Disease, visit the Simcoe County District Health Unit’s website at: or call Health Connection at 705-721-7520 or 1-877-721-7520. YMCA CHILD CARE Minesing Central Public School YMCA Child Care gives your child the opportunity to learn, grow, make new friends, try new Activities, and have fun! The YMCA at Minesing Central School currently has spaces available in: -Toddler room -Preschool room -Before & after school rooms Hours: 7am to 6pm Meals & Snacks provided. For more info contact: 705-725-5453 JUST A REMINDER If you are moving away over the summer holidays, please advise the school of your move as we are starting to plan class placements. Thank you. ART SHOWCASE To celebrate Education week, our school is having an "Arts Showcase" on May 7th, 9am. until 8 pm. During this time, parents are welcome to visit our school (signing into the office if it is during school hours) to see the art that will be in the hallways. A book fair will also be open in the library during this time. Several classes will be putting on presentations, and if your child's class is doing this, you will receive further information from their teacher. Come out and enjoy our "Arts Showcase"! IT’S A BIKE RODEO!!! ATTENTION Students and Parents… Please SAVE THE DATE for Minesing Central School’s first Bike Rodeo! The event, sponsored by the Huronia West OPP will take place the evening of June 10, 2015 from 5-7pm. We are making plans for a fun and exciting event! Be sure to mark your calendars and watch for details and forms to follow. Volunteers are needed, so please contact the office if you are interested in helping. May 2015 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 Gr. 3 Swim to Survive 4 5 6 Int. Slam Poetry 11 12 13 Gr. 4’s to Wye Marsh Gr. 6 K.I.D.S. Final @ Elmvale (a.m.) New JK Orientation 5:45-7:00 p.m. Minesing hosting County Slam Poetry 18 7 8 ARTS SHOWCASE & BOOK FAIR 9:30 a.m. 8:00 pm. Gr. 5’s to Ste. Marie Among the Hurons 14 15 Gr. 1’s to Duntroon County Rugby School Council Mtg. 6:30 p.m. 19 VICTORIA DAY HOLIDAY 20 21 22 JK/SK to Big Curve Acres a.m. Gr. 2’s to Tiffin Centre Character Assembly 2 p.m. 25 26 27 28 29 EQAO begins today until June 8th Gr. 8’s to Quebec Gr. 8’s @ Quebec Gr. 8’s @ Quebec Gr. 8’s return from Quebec Gr.4’s to Geneva Park Gr. 4’s @ Geneva Park Gr. 4’s return from Geneva Park
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